boba-beom · 9 months
i loved this song
and them
and beomgyu
and soobin
and beomgyu
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joshusten · 29 days
if I don't ask you to doodle president lasko moore a.k.a. imperium lasko a.k.a. the sexiest man in two universes... people will wonder. they'll send out a search party. they'll be all 'frenchie, sten is doing doodle requests and you didn't ask for an imperium lasko, are you sick?' and I'll have to be like 'no' so I better ask.
please can I have an imperious, vain, vile gorgeous academy president? pretty please, with echo on top 👉👈
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"I'm done playing, dear. Last chance to open the fucking door."
AAAAAAAAAAAA LMFAO THIS IS SO LATE but FRENCHIEEEE yes ofc u can have the imperious, vain, vile gorgeous academy president!!!!
idk why i kinda made him look like hes gonna start junko posing (im just chronically online)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 month
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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void-pitcher · 9 months
i LOVE how much you can see edgeworth's influence on klavier. klavier talks about finding the truth the way he does. klavier helps find the truth and doesnt look to win like he does. klavier doesnt treat defense attorneys like the enemy like he does. edgeworth took the long way, learning for himself what being a good prosecutor means and how the court should work then ensured the next generation didnt have to.
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autumnsxxangel · 2 months
Is anyone else here an old Taiwan pop fan? Because as much as I am loving and obsessing over Unknown, I am 100% relating to all the interviewers who are essentially looking at Chris and going "What do you mean you did a BL?" (But like specifically Da Ye getting 'mad' and pretending to puke every time Chris does fanservice 🤣🤣🤣)
Also, when I tell you Chris is relatively tame this time around in promotions...he's taking this older brother persona seriously. I'm hoping as promotions continue he gets a little more unhinged. Like The Iron Four promotion unhinged. Because you can see the suppressed glee in his eyes every time his friends have to be professional and ask him questions about the show and he gets to answer in a way that makes them want to hit him
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blood-choke · 6 months
you know. since learning what butch actually means. im starting to think that maybe. just maybe. im just....butch and not a trans man. just a thought i've been having after learning more about butch from you.
there are lots of experiences that some butches and trans men share (and a lot of other queer people for that matter) and as i've told other people before, there's absolutely nothing wrong with reconsidering your identity and self-reflecting.
if you're looking for more to read i always recommend Stone Butch Blues (though it can be heavy as a first read), and anything by Ivan E. Coyote (Gender Failure w/ Rae Spoon is my biggest recommendation for you). on the other hand there’s Lou Sullivan’s diaries, which i haven’t read myself, but he was a major pioneer & activist as an out gay trans man & i know a lot of people that love his work. more recently i read Chella Man’s little pocket book & he has dozens of articles published in various publications writing about his experiences. Stone Butch Blues is honestly something that i know both butches, transmascs, and trans men have all related to; like i said, a lot of the experiences overlap, and i know people on all sides that believed they were one and came out as the other later.
and there is no one singular way to experience your gender. particularly with SBB & Sullivan’s diaries, they’re dated, the community has changed a lot since they wrote those books, you may relate to some but not all. Ivan E. Coyote is butch and nonbinary, Rae Spoon was a trans man before coming out as nonbinary in 2012, Leslie Feinberg was butch and proudly called hirself a transgender lesbian, Lou Sullivan was a gay trans man, Chella Man is a pansexual, deaf, trans man of color.
no one experience invalidates the other. we do have similar experiences and we share similar language and we should celebrate that. and we should also respect and celebrate our differences, too, and support each other despite these differences. it's worth it to explore these feelings you have, even if they lead you back to where you started, you'll have a better understanding of yourself in the end; it wasn't wasted.
wherever you end up, sending u lots of love!! 💗
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nobleriver · 1 month
Me browsing through the official AMC Walking Dead shop and just typing in Richonne not really expecting much only to see this:
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Official merch with the ship name on it. Consider me sold and take my money because YESS I’m getting it this instant.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#yakuza series#ryu ga gotoku 7#yakuza like a dragon#yakuza 7#masumi arakawa#snap sketches#ive decided captions are for squares and ill just keep the tag rambles LOL#anyway. the tags are just for bitching dont look. i hate being at my moms this sucks its so cold and i always feel powerless here#yk how i said i wanted to work on comm stuff yesterday yeah I Couldnt. not as much as i wanted to anyway#it was too cold to focus and im always apprehensive here god i forgot how much i hate this place#wanted to TRY and force something today so i could pick up from yesterday but even just doing this felt draining#i actually wanted to do a cute arasawa comic but. i repeat moving sucks LOL#anyway. complaining aside let me explain the bling#cause i wear this watch and this bracelet. all the time LOL#unfortunately the watch is from my mom but the bracelet's from my dad. of course#unfortunately i do love watches so ill cope#this is also to continue my Arakawa Should Be Da|go's Fourth Dad propaganda. cross accessories :)#anyways speak of the devil (my mother) my brother just came in to deliver a message from The Devil and put me in a worse mood#everything sucks i cant wait fr tomorrow so i can leave LOL#i was only gone for a month and everything got worse while i was gone because my mom sucks ANYWAY.#sorry i had to use this cute pic of arakawa to vent but god. god i hate it here im miserable LOL#anyway since i cant draw that comic anytime soon i might just try to squeeze a fic out of it#ill have to steal from that alcohol comic i did but it's fine. ok bye. might go get soju later. and chicken...#genuinely the only good place around here since they closed my fave hibachi place#'snap i thought you were trying to stop drinking' so did i then i came back here ☠️☠️not even a restaurant it a gas/liquor station#my dad gave me grocery money i think im allowed a lil treat... ok im goin fr now LMAO BYE
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gael garcia bernal thats it thats the post
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boydykedevo · 6 months
i hate when you finish something you've been hyperfocusing on but the hyperfocus doesn't go away so you just stare at it.
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no fr sometimes i feel like accepting henry in falcone family was a mocking insult from carlo
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brazilnt · 1 year
morocco did it for him🫶🏽🇲🇦✨
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qcellbit · 1 year
mcyt fans when you express that you don’t want to make room for bigotry in the entertainment you consume and wish to hold creators accountable for their actions instead of being unable to face the discomfort of confrontation to selfishly keep consuming the creator’s content without having to acknowledge the hurt of minorities
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bare1ythere · 10 months
Doing some Japanese listening comprehension practice and can someone tell me how to not despair over the fact that very simple listening comprehension is still extremely challenging when I'm able to do listening comprehension in spanish with relative ease*
*ignore the fact that I studied spanish formally for 12 years, including AP, and hear it at home and that I've been only studying japanese for a year. not relevant
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mayplantstarrwaters · 9 months
No thought, just him~~~
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daddy-ul · 1 year
in my head: where the Hell is the word seed on this album [starts checking them off….] not the singles not YMB not Sleepwalk not ….. oh come on [stares at Inamorata] it’s you. isn’t it.
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despair. i’ve actually only listened to it 3 times. because it causes me to physically implode. too much to bare. the thought of it all….
*pat pats*
I mean, i know my head wanted to connected dots just to connect them, bc James uses seed as a metaphor/simile quite enough, it's in his repertoire. He uses it even in interviews.
The funny thing is that the first other song that came to my mind after hearing "seed" was not the obvious one, the one with seed in the title.
No, sir.
It was, of course, Bleeding me.
And how could I not? When Innamorata sounds like that, feels like that, is a song like that--
I don't blame you, brain. I don't.
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