fried-manto · 2 years
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What's a great way to end your blog in a good note before you AFK out of the internet for 2 weeks?
NEW AU IDEA. YES. This is one is inspired by an omori au fic that was never updated and I got desperate for more content so I decided to do it MYSELF. But since my writing skills went poof, I figure might as well use my other skill to show it.
So BASICALLY, Sunny and his past self switched timeline places, and now we watch as the rest of the gang cope with this new information. *more info on Past!Sunny soon
I'm calling this au "back to the future au" or "bttf au" for tag convenience. (Please note that I've never watched back to the future and I know nothing about it but I just thought the name sound cool.)
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mokadevs · 4 months
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day 15: haunting
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sufroyo · 2 years
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dukeweek2022, day 2 - pranks & daredevil stunts hosted by @duketectivecomics
bro wdym punching the bad guy's generator didn't work 😳
based on panels from batman & the signal #3 under the cut!
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orcelito · 2 months
I've realized that this afghan I'm making is going to be Big. Material costs alone will be A Lot, more than I've ever spent on a blanket before. Factor in the fact that this is a handmade, crochet blanket, and like...
If I were to purchase this online, it would be Hundreds of dollars. *Easily*. The kind of thing I'd never even consider buying, bc it'd be way beyond what I'd wanna spend on a blanket.
But it'll be mine. I just gotta make it.
It's incredibly ambitious for such a new crocheter. It's only my 2nd main project, & the very first thing I'm making from a design, And Yet I'm making something that would cost hundreds. Not only that, but with bulky black yarn (everyone always says how difficult dark yarn is to work with).
Ambitious. Hubris, even.
And Yet!
It's going very well, so far. I've got 4 of 40 rows done, not even to mention the edging rows (of which there are 3). It was challenging starting out, but I've since gotten the hang of it, and it's so EASY... The darkness of the yarn doesn't matter at all bc the holes are so clear! I'm crocheting into V stitches!!! It really won't take me That long, in the grand scheme of things.
And I'm just kinda laughing at myself. Bc it's just like me to do something like this. Considering my first fanfiction I posted on ao3 has ended up being 500k words, most of those written in the first year of writing...
Yeah. Of course I'd start a lofty endeavor with limited experience and only Guts and Gusto to get me through it.
And just like with discacc, I'm going to make this good >:]
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zoediacbeets · 7 months
just finished watching the purgatory finale vods :] the event was so much fun and definitely not traumatizing at all!!!!
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munchboxart · 6 months
Saw a life sized Shadow the Hedgehog plushie at the arcade... but it's in one of those Cut 2 Win rigged machines and of course I tried it, but I either suck or they will not let me win
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wilder-fangirl · 5 hours
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why are these last few days the hardest
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
AND pathfinder is cancelled tmrw. Which makes sense. Presumably other people actually DO want to spend time with their fathers on fathers day. But like. I wanna play game with friends. My weekly social time :(
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isdalinarhot · 11 months
violet wine has no right being as sexy as it is. SANDALWOOD AROMA? SANDALWOOD? YPURE TELLING ME IT SMELLS LIKE THE SEXIEST DRUG **AND** THE SEXIEST MEN’S DEODORANT SMELL???????⁇ AND ITLL GET YOU WASTED????⁇ did Sanderson know he was creating the most fuckable beverage known to man
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lucifer-kane · 11 months
tonight is the Rescue of Jill and Marjolein I'm so excited even tho I'm not going I'm soooo hoping ppl will post about it on here. I'll prob brave the discord and open it to check out what's going on tomorrow sometimes
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vettelcore · 3 months
counting down the seconds my bf's brother finds a fucking place to live because im SICK of this man eating everything i buy
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bangcakes · 3 months
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boygirlctommy · 3 months
omg wait this also means its been about 3 years since i looked into how human decomposition works <33333 love and light
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#i say goodbye to my boss tomorrow#not like officially officially bc im still employed into August so we have meetings#and hopefully we'll collaborate in future on projects and i have papers to write with her still#but like this is the last time ill physically see her bc shes not coming back until August and ill b gone by then#so its like. sad. bc shes my science mum. today she was complaining abt some stupid politics stuff#that went on this week in the department and she was like i kno i should b more professional but i feel like since ur leaving now#were more colleagues and friends. and im like 😭 god dammit ur gonna make me fucking cry#i came this this school to work with u and u were so great. i was so lucky to have ended up in her lab#bc i didnt kno wtf i was doing and shes not perfect but i learned a lot from her and ill b really sad to not b working with her so much#but thats how it goes. ill have to make her something cool as a parting gift#god. thatll b a fucking pain but she deserves something that takes a lot of effort#were meeting tomorrow to go over a protocol but im not sure if that's actually what were doing or if theres a surprise involved#bc she likes to do that and it stresses me the fuck out. she's been wanting to get me ice cream for the last 2 months so that might actually#b what's happening. or both could b happening. ugh. anyway. just me crying abt how im gonna miss my boss who im literally seeing tomorrow#im gonna have to giver her a painfully earnest letter abt how great she is and apologize for kinda having a breakdown#i mean i wasnt totally nonfunctional but like. it was not good and im sure i kinda sucked to b around#but whatever. god. the move it finally on the horizon. it finally feels like its getting real#unrelated
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doodlboy · 5 months
Local man has an 8 hour shift 2morrow gn every1
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smithsparker · 6 months
and i forgot to buy presale tickets for troye sivan. today sucks dude
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