funky-sea-cryptid · 8 months
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im not gonna lie it might just be sketches this week.
anyways yaminacht week day 1 (steampunk)
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x-atlas-x · 1 year
Ok but the logic doesn't exist here fic 👀. I am incredibly curious on that one
(@melffy-puppy since I believe you asked for this as well-) You ask and you shall receive. It was an idea that I had ages ago and I had to rewrite it since I didn't like the original. Safe to say, I got a little carried away. >:)
I'm always self-conscious of my work, but especially smut. I tried my best and that's that. This is a small snippet of what I wrote in total, but if you guys like it, then I'll post the rest on AO3 (it's longer than I intended-and that's what she said...)
For those who didn't see the post that this ask is referring to, here's the prompt I created for myself: Atem gets fucked by Yugi/Yami (who are switching back and forth continuously to overwhelm him).
If that steamy smut doesn't interest you, then don't read! Otherwise, please enjoy! Thanks again for the ask! <3
Atem wasn't entirely sure how he got into this position-literally. Being bent over a bed with hands gripping his hips and his face smushed into the mattress wasn't a familiar experience for him.
The sheets were twisted up between his fingers and he was staring at the wall through a foggy haze of lust. Moans were falling from his mouth as he was getting pounded into, each impale inside him forcing another noise out.
The relentless pace slowed down and he whined, raising his head, "Yugi... Yugi, please, don't tease me-"
HIs begging was cut off by his own gasp when that sadistic pace suddenly returned. He choked on a sob and dropped his head onto the mattress again. He rocked his hips back onto Yugi's dick and ignored the drool that was dripping down his lips.
Much to his dismay, though, he slowed down once more. Atem groaned and propped up on his elbows, peering over his shoulder... Only to realize that Yugi was no longer with him. Instead, it was the other half of Yugi; the side of him that Atem never thought he'd see.
The tight hold on his hips loosened and palms roamed further underneath him. He dragged them down his thighs briefly, then one hand landed protectively on his stomach. Atem extended his arms completely as he stared at the man.
"Yami...?" He breathed out with an unsure tone, still struggling to comprehend what was going on. It didn't help that he was being filled to the brim and on the verge of orgasming right there.
"Yami" said nothing in response to him, simply holding his stare with an intense one of his own. He covered Atem's hand with his, intertwining their fingers as he leaned in closely. Atem's gaze flickered down to his lips, a small whimper coming from his throat.
Hesitantly, the distance between them closed and Atem's lashes fluttered as he melted into it. Where Yugi was rough when things turned sexual, Yami was gentle. Although, both kisses were filled with passion and Atem could feel himself slipping from the grasps of reality.
Never breaking the kiss, Yami guided Atem to move into another position, putting him on his side this time. He pushed one leg to his chest and draped the other over his shoulder. Atem felt extremely exposed, but how could he care? Especially not when Yami was sliding back into him and wrapping a hand around his cock-Gods.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger Days - Chapter seven: "This mess we are in"
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Word count: 12,7K
Summary: Matthew is worried after the incident Joey had with a fan. The drummer gets drunk celebrating Frank's birthday. In fact, everybody but Gerard is drunk, and they end up in a strip club. Joey makes a few bad decisions she regrets in the morning.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, bad decisions. Cursing.
A/N: Missing Gubler? don't worry, he'll be very present in the next chapter. Meanwhile, read how these kids keep making a mess they are gonna regret pretty soon.
Also, all of this is fiction and the gif ain't mine. Love you!
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
- "We are not going out!"- Ray was emphatic and looked like an angry father as he stood in front of Joey, who kept frowning, very upset.
- "But Ray!!"- the drummer whined- "It's gonna be Frank's birthday!! We have to party!!"
- "No!"
Toro was serious. He stood in the middle of Joey's room, arm-crossed on his chest. She was dressed and ready to go, pouting.
- "Joey, there is no way I'm letting you leave the hotel in this country ever again!"
- "The country has nothing to do with what happened!"- there was a knock on the door, and she walked over to answer- "You already posted against the attack, Gerard made a speech, nothing is gonna happen to me!"
- "Hello Bug!!"- Frank walked in with Mikey and Gerard- "I heard you were ready to party!"- Ray sighed and covered his face with both hands.
- "Finally! my people are here!!"- Joey shouted, excited.
- "Yeah!! We brought pizza, beer, and video games. Let's do this!!"- Frank said, and Joey knit her brows immediately.
- "You have to be kidding me!"
- "Nope! It's gonna be my fucking party, and we are doing the fuck I want to do"- Frank said, smiling.
- "Fuck..."- Joey sighed and sat on her bed- "I got all pretty for nothing."
- "Not true. You are gonna look as hot as fuck in all the pictures we are gonna post of this lovely evening"- Iero chuckled at his own words.
- "Don't you fucking dare posting anything!"
Ray started the preach the minute Joey's cell phone rang, and the girl locked herself in the bathroom to have some privacy.
- "Akumu, I miss you"- she whispered and sat in the bathtub and stared at her boyfriend's face on the cell phone screen.
- "How are you? What the fuck happened?"- and he looked honestly worried and upset.
- "What?"
- "What the fuck happened today?? Why didn't you tell me a fan smashed a bottle against your head?!"- the drummer sighed and closed her eyes
- "'Cos I didn't want you to get worried."
- "Well, too bad 'cos I found out on Twitter, and I am fucking worried!"- Joey sighed, staring at him, and pouted- "Don't give me that all innocent look 'cos I am mad! How couldn't you fucking tell me, Joey?! This is serious!"
- "I am ok, Akumu. Nothing bad happened."
- "This is all Frank's fault!!"- Matthew was honestly upset. He kept walking around the set, hitting walls. and making his best not to yell at his girlfriend- "I wanna break that fucker's face!"
- "Please don't say that. He was just trying to help,"- Joey whispered but didn't have another excuse for her friend.
- "Well, he is an asshole..."- Gubler looked at Joey on the screen and sighed- "What if something worse would have happened?"
- "But it didn't"
- "Joey, I mean it, what if something awful happened to you on tour and I am not there with you..."- he paused 'cos a knot in his throat didn't let him say another word.
- "Matthew... I am ok, I am going to be ok. It was just a psycho fan. There are bodyguards around us the whole time. I am not walking around alone. And most important of all, I am not going to hide just 'cos a few teenagers hate me for touring with this band."
- "Joey, please don't be the tough girl I know you are this time. This is serious."
She sighed and stared at Matthew. Sometimes Joey felt he was more sensitive than she was. He wasn't afraid to feel, and she was scared to feel weak.
Joey's cell beeped as she and her boyfriend kept staring at each other in silence, both of them feeling like shit for being apart.
- "What is it?"
- "Mom is calling... I bet she knows too."
- "Call me later?"
- "Ok..."
- "I love you, Yami. I don't want anything bad ever to happen to you."
- "I love you too, Akumu... I'll call you in a few minutes, ok?"
- "Are you ok?"- Gerard asked his brother as he watched him drink a can of beer in less than two minutes.
- "Yeah, why?"
- "'Cos you look sad? Weird? Depressed?"
- "No, I'm ok. Have you talked to Lynz?"
- "Yeah, earlier today"
- "How is she?"
- "Good, she has a lot of work, but that's good 'cos she is busy"- Gerard didn't get why his brother was asking so much about his wife- "Are you sure you..."
- "Yeah, dude! I'm ok! I'm fine"- Mikey looked around and frowned- "Where's Bug?"
- "In the bathroom talking with Gubler"- Frank said as he walked to the door, and James walked in with more booze- "Yeah! Party time! excellent"
Iero was excited. A big part of him wanted to be back home with his wife and kids, but after the shitty day they had had, he felt like he could use a chill party with his friends to ease his mind from the deep guilt he was feeling.
Frank felt like the shit, to be honest. Before and after the show, he locked in his room alone and basically cursed himself for being such an asshole. He stared at the picture he took with Joey for a long time and felt he had been too selfish. He got carried away by the moment and his urges to kiss her, and everything ended up being a fucking disaster. The worst part of the whole mess: he fucking loved the picture. He would frame it if he could.
- "Iceland!"- Iero sort of yelled and hugged Joey as soon as she walked out the bathroom, making her chuckle surprised.
- "Jersey! are you drunk already?"
- "No, I'm just happy to see you! Now let's get drunk!"- the girl smiled and nodded- "Everything ok?"
- "Yeah, I was just talking with Matthew and my mom, and then with Matthew again. They saw the whole deal on the internet and were pretty scared... and Gubler hates you now"- Frank fake smiled at that, praying Joey didn't notice- "I'm just kidding!"- she quickly added and hugged Frank for a second- "He is just worried sick about everything."
- "We are all worried, but nothing bad will happen to you again"- Iero smiled, and Joey nodded, walking away from him.
To be honest, Frank didn't give a shit if Matthew hated him. He wasn't a fan of the actor either at that point. He followed Joey with his eyes across the room until he found Gerard looking at him with a frown. Iero smiled and nodded. Gerard did the same.
It wasn't even midnight yet, and Mikey was drunk. Seriously drunk. He sat next to Joey on the floor and rested his head on her shoulder.
- "Are you ready to sleep?"- she whispered and moved her head on his.
- "Nope."
- "Are you gonna puke?"
- "Not yet."
- "I always forget you are the most functional intoxicated person I have ever met,"- and Mikey chuckled.
- "I love you, Bug,"- the girl smiled and sighed. It made her happy to know she had a friend on him.
- "Thank you, bróðir, I love you too. I'm glad I met you"- she made a pause and turned to him- "But if you puke on me, I'll kill you"- and Mikey burst out laughing.
- "Got it."
- "Joey, you are up!"- Frank said and handed her the joystick- "Dude, come on! You can't be that drunk just yet! I'm still halfway there!"
- "Then you should catch up!"- Mikey answered with barely opened eyes.
- "It's on bitch!"- Frank laughed and walked to grab another beer. Joey chuckled and walked closer to the tv, to bump into her opponent: Gerard.
- "Hey"- she smiled and sat next to him- "What are we playing now?"
- "Mario Kart."
- "Ok, ready to lose?"
- "I don't know, are you?"- Joey turned to him and found his eyes on her, making her heart skip a beat.
- "Eat dirty, Gerard Way"- she answered and pressed start.
Gerard was chuckling nonstop as Joey groaned, frustrated. He was winning, and she hated it. Although, she knew she was having a good time. The rest of the guys were talking and drinking, so no one really paid attention to them.
- "And suck it!!"- he shouted, winning another race.
- "No way, José! You are fucking cheating!"- Joey argued immediately- "I want revenge! I need revenge!!"
- "Fine by me"- the singer smiled and watched how the girl started another race.
- "Hey, Gerard"- she said after a few minutes of playing.
- "Yeah?"
- "This is the first time we do something together in days... actually, this is the first time you talk to me in days... is everything ok?"
- "Yeah, why?"
Gerard pretended to be surprised. He was thankful they had to be looking at the screen, 'cos it kept him from staring at her eyes and melt. Joey was thinking the very same thing.
- "After the day you found me crying, you basically ignored me."
- "I didn't! I've been tired, that's all."
- "Is that it?"
- "Yes, of course. "Liar liar pants on fire."
- "Good,"- Joey made a pause and just spit out- "I thought maybe you were mad or uncomfortable with me after that nap."
- "No! of course not!"
Gerard was blushing and his deepest desire at that moment was to run away from that conversation. He felt like he had to lie about every single thing he had to tell that woman.
- "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
- "You didn't"
- "And if..."- Gerard paused the game and turned to her. He even sighed as his eyes locked in hers.
- "Joey, it's not a problem. I really enjoyed our time together that night, it was very special to me"- and suddenly he realized he wasn't lying, and it was a mistake- "I mean, we didn't start with the right foot and the fact we were able to talk and have a moment together made me very happy 'cos... it meant we were... leaving all that bullshit behind."
Joey nodded and sighed. They kept staring at each other, and Gerard had to literally fight the instinct of leaning over to kiss her. Until it got weird.
- "Can you please unpause the game so I can fucking kick your lousy ass??"- she said, waking from the trance and making her best to look cool after all whole time staring at him.
- "Burn!!"- Mikey yelled and sat next to Joey at the end of the bed.
That party was wild. By two in the morning, everybody was trashed, and Frank was drunk as a skunk. He kept walking around the room, holding a beer, wearing the dragon onesie Joey had gotten him as a birthday present. Why? She didn't have a reason. She just wanted to see if he would wear it. And he loved it.
- "Bug!! My phone!!"- Mikey shouted and looked at the girl, who stood at the other side of the room, laughing with Ray and James.
- "No!"- she replied and frowned as Mikey stumbled over, wasted.
- "I need it!"
- "No, you don't!"
- "I have to call my mom"- he begged with closed eyes in a big pout.
- "No, you can't call you "mom" this drunk"- the girl said with air quotes- "I told you I was gonna stop you."
- "You also said you were gonna get drunk with me."
- "Dude, I am drunk! You are intoxicated. There is a bunch of booze in between, but I'm not sober, and that's the point."
- "Bug, that made no sense"- Ray said, laughing, also pretty drunk.
- "Shit!"- and she giggled.
- "Now, the phone!!"- Mikey demanded, again.
- "No! I'm not gonna give it to you!"- Joey argued and felt Mikey wrapping his arms around her, searching for the phone in her pockets- "Dude! I don't even have it with me!"
- "Where is it?"
- "Why is Mikey not allowed to use his phone?"- Frank asked with glassy drunken eyes.
- "'Cos he is wasted"- Joey simply explained as the youngest Way kept searching around for his phone- "You are not gonna find it bróðir!! gefast upp!! (give up!)."
- "Don't go all drunk and Icelandic at the same time!"- Frank argued and wrapped an arm around Joey's waist, laughing along with her.
- "þú ert sætur! (You are cute!)"- the girl chuckled and kissed Frank's cheek.
Gerard was burning in anger, sipping his diet coke at the other side of the room, staring at the scene, thinking of a way to stop it all. Being jealous of Frank hadn't happened before, and he didn't know how to deal with it 'cos he was his fucking best friend.
- "You are a lovely drunk. Now, what the fuck did you say?"
- "Happy birthday"- she lied and stuck out her tongue- "Mikey!!"- and she turned around and let Frankie go- "You are never gonna find it!"
- "But I wanna call her!!"- he shouted, starting to lose it.
- "Why?"
- "'Cos I love her"- he whispered and felt Joey hugging him.
- "Come on, bróðir. You shouldn't do this... you know what's gonna happen."
Mikey broke into tears, and everybody was lost 'cos none of them knew what had happened.
- "Mikey, are you ok?"- Gerard asked and walked to his brother, honestly worried
- "I'm getting a divorce"- he simply confessed- "And I didn't want you to know."
The whole bunch of friends stayed quiet. Joey hugged Mikey again and felt him sobbing on her shoulder.
- "Dude, I'm so sorry"- Ray walked over and rubbed on his friend's back, as pretty much everybody in the room walked to hug him.
- "And you are not calling her,"- Joey added, and the whole bunch agreed with her- "You and I made an agreement when we were sober, and I am going to respect it."
- "Bug is right, dude"- Ray sat down next to Mikey and wrapped an arm around his shoulder in support- "You are going to regret everything you say to her in the morning."
- "You know what we should do?"- Joey kind of yelled- "We have to go to the Red Light District! Right now! I am gonna buy you a lap dance, my dear brother!!"
The girl's eyes shone as soon as she delivered that line, and no one in the band said a thing until...
- "Fuck yeah!!"- Frank yelled- "It's my birthday, and we are doing this!!"
- "We are not leaving the hotel this drunk"- Ray quickly said, being a bummer.
- "Can you stop being a dad just for tonight?"- Joey asked and pinched his cheeks- "Please! I can buy you a lap dance too."
- "Can you give me a lapdance, Bug?"- Frank asked, and Gerard clenched his fist.
Way had been in silence the whole time, surprised by his brother's news and not getting what was going on with that drunk bunch of people.
- "I'm just asking 'cos you are offering a lot, and I could help you save some money"- Joey hit Frank's arm and didn't even answer. Instead, she looked at Ray again and pouted.
- "Please, dad! Let me get a stripper to my friend"- and Toro chuckled.
- "Fine, let's do this, just 'cos I don't wanna be a bummer."
- "But I don't want a stripper"- Mikey argued- "I just wanna call my wife and tell her I love her!"
- "Mikey, you are getting tits on your face. You are not calling that bitch! Come on!"- Joey grabbed his hand and forced him to stand up- "I know I got this hot for a reason tonight!"
James was the first one to avoid the plan and returned to his room. The same about their tour manager, though he gently got them a van to take them from and to the bar and tickets to get into the best strip club in the Red Light District.
Gerard was only coming along 'cos he was worried about his brother and Joey. And about the fact Frankie sat next to her in the van, wrapping an arm around her waist, again. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder for a part of the trip, and Gerard couldn't do anything to stop it. He only knew he felt he had to rescue Joey from his friend. And make his best not to punch him in the process.
Gerard hadn't felt this jealous in years. Years. He didn't even remember if he had ever felt like that about his wife. Probably he had... but he couldn't recall it, 'cos this blind jealousy had taken over all his brain.
Joey was on fire that night. She was pretty drunk and mostly very worried about Mikey. He was her buddy and best friend in the band, and she wanted him to feel a little bit better. He had always been the nicest with her, aside from Ray. She wondered suddenly what nice thing she could do for Ray, but it was Mikey's moment that day.
They walked into the BonTon Stripclub Club Amsterdam, Joey singing Careless Whisper followed by the band. They were all pretty shy about going to a strip club. None of them would have ever thought about doing such a thing... well, not in a long while at least.
- "Come on, kids!"- she chuckled and thrust Mikey in.- "Let's get more booze and a lap dance for my buddy!"
- "Was she always this..."- but Gerard couldn't finish the sentence.
- "Fun? Drunk? Hot? Yeah, she has always been that"- Frank said, wasted, and followed the girl inside, grabbing her by the waist and walking to the bar.
But that time, Gerard didn't just stare. He quickly moved along and grabbed Joey's hand. Ray frowned and nodded. He totally got what was going on right away, and he knew how childish any dispute between Iero and Way could be. They were both like kids when they wanted the same thing, in this case, Joey's attention.
- "Hey... are you ok?"- Toro asked Mikey as he stood still, looking around in shock.
- "How did we end up here?"
- "Joey is gonna buy you a lap dance."
- "Right..."
- "Come on, buddy."
The band sat at the private VIP area, 'cos Ray (being the dad in every situation, even when drunk) thought it was better to catch the least attention as possible. Joey argued no one was going to pay attention to them in a strip club but gave up arguing when she got a champagne bottle in her hands and got to pick a girl for Mikey.
- "It's my birthday!"- Frank said and smiled in the sexiest way he could, considering how drunk he was.
- "Do you want a girl on your lap, too?"- Joey asked and grabbed another ten euros from her pocket- "Let me get a hot one!"
Frank chuckled, he didn't want one, but it was fun looking at the girl all hyperventilated.
- "Fuck! What if she makes out with a stripper? Shit! she totally should make out with a stripper! I wanna see her doing that!"- and now Frank couldn't get the idea from his head.
- "Ok, can we settle on being here for an hour and then going back to the hotel?"- Gerard tried to convince the bunch, but no one listened. Joey arrived with another girl, placed the money on her bra, and sat with the guys to enjoy the dance.
- "Mikey, Natasha was just telling me she thinks you are hot,"- Joey lied, 'cos the girl's name wasn't even Natasha, and she didn't speak English, but no one cared actually.
- "Really?"- "Natasha" kept dancing on Mikey's leg as he looked at her hypnotized. Joey chuckled, thinking at least for a while her friend wasn't going to think about the shitty wife who dumped him. She knew a stripper wasn't the solution to his problems, but it wasn't going to hurt under the circumstances.
Ray looked at Gerard and chuckled. For being the one who wanted to go home an hour ago, he seemed to be having a good time. Way sipped his diet coke and laughed as Joey and Mikey danced for them to a Loveage song. The girl kept putting bills on the edge of Mikey's pants as Frank spanked him.
- "Best birthday ever!"- he shouted- "Can we do this every year?"
- "You don't get to celebrate your birthday in Amsterdam every year, Jersey!"- Joey laughed and sat next to him to catch her breath- "Fuck, I'm tired"- she closed her eyes for a second, and the room started spinning- "Oh fuck! I'm wasted."
- "We should go back, then"- Gerard quickly said, staring at her with a worried gaze. It was apparent she had drunk way too much, and he still felt the urge to carry her in his arms and put her in a safe place, probably in his bed, to take care of her on his own.
- "Not until Mikey gets one last dance!"- Joey rang a bell, and Ray closed his eyes.
Honestly, Ray never thought Joey could be like that when she got drunk. Then again, you never really know anybody until you are locked with them on tour for weeks, not having many more people to talk with.
A stripper walked into the room, and Joey pointed at Mikey. But the woman walked to her instead and held her hand. Frank clapped like a maniac as Joey and the stripper started dancing together. Gerard wanted to stop the whole thing, and at the same time, he felt like staring at the show, hiding the boner in his pants. It was a hot scene. It was way too hot. He had material to jerk off for an entire month.
The stripper ran her hands over Joey's body as the girl chuckled nervously but actually enjoying her time. She knew it was harmless, and she was with her buddies... and Gerard. She was drunk, and for some weird reason, she wanted him to want her. She wanted him to think she was sexy.
- "I'm not gonna do anything about it, but if I fancy him, it's only fair that he fancies me as well"- she thought, drunk. And so, she slowly moved even closer to the stripper and smiled, staring into her eyes. The woman smiled back and slowly ran her tongue on her lips, landed her hands on Joey's waist, moving her closer to her and kissing her.
- "Holy shit!!"- Frank Iero yelled, jumping on his chair. Mikey widened his eyes, not believing what he was seeing, as Joey and the stripper kissed once more, with more passion, a little dirtier than the first, before giggling and splitting. Frank clapped. It was the only thing he could do with his hands in public at the moment. Ray did his best not to make eye contact with Joey, who blushed and sat down, looking at Gerard. She was a little embarrassed, a little aroused, and mostly wondering if Gerard Way wanted her at the moment. The answer was yes, but she had no idea how badly.
The stripper finished, and the whole gang stayed in silence. Joey chuckled again as Frank burst out laughing.
- "I thought the onesie was the perfect present, but that show was priceless. You, my friend, are the fucking best"- and Joey giggled.
- "Guys are so simple, a girl just gotta kiss a girl to get some attention"- she mumbled and yawned.
- "Bug, are you ok?"- Mikey asked and sat next to her- "Bug?"
- "I think she is falling asleep"- Gerard said and moved his brother away from her- "Let's take her back to the hotel."
- "Ok, I'm gonna pay"- Ray stood up, but Joey raised her arm and chuckled.
- "Dad, it's all covered."
- "What Bug?"- he leaned closer and moved the hair carefully from her face.
- "I owed you"- she smiled, and Ray sighed- "I told you I was gonna get you something with my first paycheck... I got you hoes!! Best drummer ever, right?"- the whole band nodded and smiled.
- "Best drummer ever, Iceland"- Frank stood up with her and kissed her temple- "Now let's get you to bed."
Gerard grabbed her jacket and made sure there was nothing else left when they left the room. They all walked to the door, doing their very best to look sober... of course, except for Gerard, who was, as always, the only one sober.
Raymond Toro carried Joey in his arms, bridal style, when they got off the van. Gerard was helping his brother Mikey walking, along with Frank, who was doing his best to look sober than he was.
- "Best fucking birthday ever!"- he chuckled in the elevator- "Thank you, guys."
- "We love you, Frankie"- Mikey whispered and tapped on his back- "Remember that when I throw up on you in a couple of minutes."
- "No one is going to throw up in the elevator. Come on, let's get Joey in bed,"- Ray argued immediately.
- "I'll puke in her bathroom"- Mikey nodded in agreement with his own words.
Gerard checked on her things until he found the key to her room, and everybody walked in. Mikey rushed into the bathroom and locked himself in there. Ray walked to the bed and carefully dropped Joey on it. Gerard took off her shoes and hesitated for a second if he should take anything else off. But he didn't.
- "Dude, we really trashed her room,"- Ray said and looked around. Frank was drinking a can of beer that was left on a table- "Really?"
- "I'm not even so..."- Frank didn't finish talking and gagged. He had to rush to the bathroom and fight for a place to puke.
- "This got wild"- Ray chuckled and started cleaning. He was wasted, but he still acted like the responsible one. Gerard didn't answer. He sat next to Joey and looked at her in silence.
- "Dude, stop that"- Ray argued right away.
- "What? I'm not doing anything"- Gerard tried to act cool, but it was too late.
- "I'm drunk, but I got it, you have a cr..."
- "Shh!"- Gee commanded his friend to stay quiet, and Toro chuckled.
- "So it's true."
- "I don't! I'm just worried about what happened today with the fan and how bad I acted when we met her... I just feel like I owe her being extra nice."
- "Sure, dude"- Ray laid on a couch and yawned- "Just remember I met you a million years ago, and you can't fool me that easily."
- "I am not fooling you, just... stop talking or even thinking about this."
- "Fine."
Ray yawned again and closed his eyes for a second. Gerard turned to Joey again to make sure she was asleep, suddenly he panicked, thinking she might have heard that conversation. But she didn't.
- "Ok, I feel better"- Mikey said, stumbling over the bed and lying next to Joey.
- "What the fuck are you doing?"- Gerard nearly yelled.
- "I'm crashing with Bug here 'cos I don't wanna sleep alone"- he kicked off his shoes and closed his eyes.
- "Dude, you can't sleep with her!"- Gerard wanted to do that, but he couldn't, so he wasn't going to let anyone sleep with her either.
- "Shut up, you are not mom"- Mikey argued, cuddled with Joey, and fell asleep a second later. Gerard was furious, staring at the scene. His little brother was spooning Joey, and he couldn't do anything about it.
- "Ray, help me take Mikey back to his room"- he said and turned to his friend: he was snoring on the couch- "You have to be fucking kidding me, Ray! Come one! Let's take Mikey to his room"- Gerard shook Toro's arm.
- "He's already asleep there. Let him rest"- he mumbled and took off his shoes.
- "Really? Are you doing this too?"- Ray didn't even answer- "Fucking shit!!"
Gerard was about to yell and force everybody out when he heard Frank retching in the bathroom. Way walked over and opened the door. Iero has kneeled next to the toilet, flushing.
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah! Best birthday ever"- Frank smiled and repeated- "We hadn't had this fun in a long time, everything has been so serious lately... it felt good to just... be stupid for a while"- Gerard knew Frank wasn't just talking about the band- "And that chick, man! She knows how to party"- Way smiled and nodded.
- "Come on, let's get you to your room"- Frank nodded, and both of them walked out of the bathroom.
- "And where's everybody?"
- "Crashing here apparently"- Frank looked at Ray on the couch and at Mikey on the bed.
- "Oh, man! I wanted to crash here!"
- "Well, you are not!"
- "Why not?"- Frank whined, almost pouting.
- "There is no room to crash here!"
- "There is room right there!"- Frank laughed and walked to Joey's bed, but Gerard grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
- "You are not getting there!"
- "Oh, come on! Mikey is there!"
- "Can you shut the fuck up?!"- Joey grunted, her eyes still closed- "If there's room somewhere in this bed, get in there, stay quiet and make sure Mikey won't puke on me."
She moved to a side and hugged her pillow.
Neither Gerard of Frank said a thing. They just kicked off their shoes and crawled into bed. That was the fucking moment the two of them had been waiting for. In a way, at least.
Mikey cursed as soon as he woke up. He felt someone had hit him in the head with a stone. He opened his eyes and stayed still in shock: Joey was sleeping next to him. And so he panicked immediately.
- "What the fuck did I do?! No! no! No! I didn't fuck my best friend! Please! Somebody tell me I didn't fuck my best friend!"
He looked down and noticed he was fully dressed and that his brother was sleeping next to him. He was drunk, but he would never fuck his own brother. So for a second or two, Mikey felt better.
That until he remembered why he had gotten so drunk and his chest ached. He was getting a divorce. His wife had confessed she had been cheating for months now. She said she didn't love him anymore. He felt like he wanted to die. Not in an emotional way, but physically and painfully.
Tears fell from his eyes, but he didn't want to cry in the middle of the room surrounded by his friends. So Mikey slowly stood up and looked for his shoes.
- "Thank you, Bug"- he whispered and looked at the girl snoring before leaving the room quietly.
Gerard opened his eyes and contained his breathing for a second. Joey was sleeping next to him. It took him a minute or two to gather all the pieces of the night before. He stared at her making his best not to move. His heart was racing. He knew none of what he felt was right. He loved his wife very much. He had to stay away from Joey. But at the same time, damn it! He wanted to kiss her.
- "I don't wanna think about this anymore. Just five more days and this leg of the tour will be over, and I won't see her for a month..."- he slowly moved his hand closer to her but didn't dare to touch her. She could wake up, and he would be busted.
Joey started waking up slowly but refused to open her eyes. Her head hurt, and her mouth was dry. Hangover hit her as soon as she stopped dreaming. What happened the night before? It was Frank's birthday, they got wasted in her room... Mikey was in terrible shape... she forced them to go to a strip...
- "Fuck!"- she wide opened her eyes and sat on the bed as soon as she remembered she had taken her friends to a strip club, paid for lap dances to pretty much everybody, and even made out with one of the strippers.
But it didn't get better when she opened her eyes, 'cos first thing she noticed was Gerard and Frank with her on the bed, jumping with her yell, waking up pretty scared.
- "Oh shit! What the fuck are you doing here?"- she wide opened her eyes in shock
- "What? Oh... hey, Bug"- Frank opened his eyes and smiled- "We crashed your room 'cos we were too drunk to move."
Iero simply answered and laid back, to keep on sleeping. Joey looked at him and Ray on the couch, waving and literally falling asleep again a second later.
- "Are you ok?"- Gerard whispered and made her chill immediately. Gerard Way was sleeping with her on her bed. What the fuck?
- "My head is killing me"- the girl laid back and turned to him- "Fjandinn! (Damn!)"- she covered her face with both hands and wished to be sucked by the earth as soon as the memories kept hitting her- "Did I..."
- "Yeah, you kissed a stripper..."- Gerard whispered and smiled. Joey's cheeks were burning as she kept her eyes closed and covered herself with a blanket
- "Fuck, I'm so sorry, I never get so drunk and stupid and... I just..."
- "Nah, it's ok"- he whispered, making sure neither Ray nor Frank would wake up- "I mean, it was a fun night..."- he added, in a hopeless attempt to make the girl feel a little better.
- "Yeah, it was... but shit, I feel I made a fool out of myself"
- "Don't worry... you didn't"- Gerard made a pause and stared at her in deep silence for a moment- "It was... very... "it was so fucking hot! the way kissed that girl, I got a hard-on for so long, I almost locked myself in the bathroom of the bar to jerk off like a manic" very nice of you to try to cheer Mikey up."
- "He was so sad... he has been so fucking sad for so long..."
- "So you knew the whole thing?"- Joey stayed still and looked into the hazel eyes next to her. She could lie... but what for? Mikey had told everybody everything already.
- "Yeah... we've... he trusted me with his problems, and I've been trying to cheer him up ever since"- she made a pause and watched how Gerard's face was calmed and sweet. It was hard to concentrate if he was there staring at her- "Ég elska augun þín (I love your eyes)."
- "What?"- Gerard whispered, confused.
- "I... "Stupid!! It's a good thing you are rambling in Icelandic and not in English!" nothing, I'm just cursing 'cos my head is killing me."
- "Do you want to sleep some more?"- she nodded and took a look at her wristwatch.
- "It's too early to be awake"- he nodded and looked at her smile, scared to ask what he was about to.
- "Do you want me to go?"- he murmured and fought the instinct of moving closer to her.
- "No..."- she whispered immediately, not even thinking- "You can stay."
They looked at each other for a few seconds felt like minutes, though. Until Joey moved slowly on the bed and grabbed a blanket
- "Are you cold?"- Gerard asked and moved the blanket closer to her
- "Thank you"- he covered her with it and automatically wrapped his arms around her protectively, snuggling with her.
- "Goodnight, Gerard."
- "Goodnight, Joey."
When Frank woke up, he had to take a minute to remember where he was and what had happened the night before. He heard Ray's snores from somewhere in the room with him and rolled in the bed to see Joey and Gerard sleeping next to him.
- "What the fuck happened?"
Iero nearly grunted, staring at the scene. He remembered Mikey drunk puking, Joey kissing a girl, and... that was it. But none of that actually mattered that much, considering how pissed he was staring at Joey in Gerard's arms. She looked cozy and calmed, and... she could look even better in his arms. Why was she in Gerard's anyway?
Frank stared at her for a few seconds and then started coughing. Fake cough, noisy cough. Stridently enough to wake everybody up in a minute.
- "Are you dying?"- Joey asked, opening her eyes and staring at him, honestly concerned
- "I hope so, 'cos I feel like dying"- she smiled at him still in Gerard's arms. He was the big spoon in the hug, so Joey never saw his face when he woke up with her in his arms. Only Frank noticed that glance in his eyes. But refused to think his friend had a crush on the girl he was crushed on. They were both married men. They couldn't even think of being crush on her. It was just some silly thing, nothing to worry about.
- "Happy birthday, Jersey"- she whispered and smiled at her friend.
- "Thank you Iceland, I had a lot of fun last night."
- "It's still your birthday"- the girl added- "We can still do fun shit."
- "Stop trying to make fun shit"- Ray argued and walked from the couch to the bed, laying at it, next to Joey and Frank- "You are too young, and we are all old men who need to rest and eat soup."
The girl chuckled at his words and raised her hand, reaching Ray's wavy hair.
- "Move closer, old man, let me pet you"- she argued, and Ray chuckled.
- "We are not old men"- Gerard whispered and refused to take his arms from around Joey's waist, even though Ray and Frank could see him, and everybody knew it was weird.
- "You are the only one who's not hungover, man"- Frank smiled, watching how Joey was now braiding Ray's hair- "And yet last night you were the one who kept repeating we had to go back to the hotel."
- "'Cos you were all too drunk, especially you"- he said and shook Joey's arm sweetly.
- "Sorry, Gerard. I won't get that drunk and irresponsible again."
- "So you won't kiss strippers anymore?"- Frank asked, and Ray burst out laughing. Joey quickly grabbed a pillow and covered her head with it, forcing Gerard to remove his arms from around her.
- "I am never drinking again!"- the girl sentenced and stood up a few minutes later- "Now if you gentlemen excuse me, I am going to take a long shower. Then, I hunt this whole hotel for coffee... dad, when do we leave?"
- "After lunch, my dear, promiscuous, and slightly lesbian daughter"- Ray joked, and Joey grunted, walking to the bathroom and locking the door behind her back.
- "Get out of my room!!"- she yelled before starting the shower. Frank and Gerard sighed as Ray pulled them out of bed.
- "Come on! You heard her! Let's go!"
Joey took the longest shower. Well, Gerard's was longer 'cos he was jerking off. Just as Frank... not in the same shower. But it's not the point. Joey stood under the hot water for a good fifteen minutes 'cos she actually felt bad. She had flirted with Frank and with Gerard. She didn't know if they had noticed it, but she had, in fact, been a flirt with the two of them while being seriously drunk.
Besides, she slept with Mikey, Gerard, and Frank on the same bed. That wasn't better either. They were her friends, but they just met a few weeks before. She couldn't just act like that! They were all married. And besides, they were technically her employers.
Everything about the night before was wrong except for the part where they cheered Mikey up. Mikey worried Joey the most, and he and Ray were the only ones she wanted to talk to that day.
After her shower, Joey got into her sports outfit and hit the gym. She wasn't into it for beauty, but because she had to keep and work on her upper body strength for drumming. Besides, working out kept her mind from rambling into random thoughts, like Gerard's arms around her body. Damn, that felt good, which made it something very, very bad.
Gerard knocked on Mikey's room and waited, looking down at his shoes until his little brother showed up. Neither of them said a thing. Mikey walked back to his bed, and Gerard closed the door behind his back.
- "If you are coming here with the whole "Why didn't you tell me?" speech, I'm not in the mood for giving you stupid explanations."
- "I just wanted to bring you coffee"- Gee whispered and handed Mikey a cup.
- "Thanks."
- "How's the hangover?"
- "It's lovely, I am dying"- Mikey chuckled and closed his eyes for a moment. The tv was on, though neither of them paid any attention to it. Gerard sat next to his brother on the bed, and they stared at the screen for a while.
- "Frank is dying too."
- "The little rat was on fire last night... shit, how's Bug?"- Mikey asked, honestly concerned- "I'm gonna text her, her head gotta hurt like shit, hangover and hit with a bottle..."
- "She was fine. She kicked us out of the room and got into the shower."
- "Did she remember the whole stripper thing?"- Mikey snorted at his own words as she texted Joey.
- "Yeah, she was pretty embarrassed."
- "Dude, your boner was epic!"- Gerard looked at his brother and frowned, disgusted and busted.
- "What the fuck, man?!"
- "You looked so fucking funny trying to be the cool one"- Mikey was now laughing. Making fun of his brother was always something that made him feel better- "And hiding your woody with a jacket, adorable!"
- "Fucker!"- Gerard smacked his brother's head, but Mikey kept laughing.
- "You were at a strip club with two girls making out. You weren't the only one!"
- "Stop!!"
- "It's awkward to think about it because we were all hard at the same time, which is pretty much like watching porn together, and that's disturbing!"
- "Stop it!"
- "Never!! I'm the annoying little brother you had a hard-on with last night!!"- Mikey was laughing, and Gerard was disgusted- "Shit! That didn't come out quite right."
- "You think??!"
Gerard smacked him again, and they stayed quiet for another while. Mikey sighed and looked at the tv for another while. It was some random local show he couldn't even understand. But it was better than thinking.
- "Thanks for the coffee"- he whispered, and Gerard nodded
- "Any time you want..."- the silence continued for a while until Mikey turned to his brother and tried to explain.
- "I didn't want to tell you 'cos I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't even want to think about it, 'cos it made it real, and I kept trying to pretend it was all in my head"- he made a pause and rearranged the words in his head- "I told Bug 'cos I didn't know her, she was there, I was drunk... I trusted her, and she was understanding with the whole "we are not analyzing this shit" deal. We just talked about random shit the whole time, and whenever I felt bad, I'd told her, and she would come up with something to do to ease my mind."
- "She is a good friend"
- "The best..."
- "I'm sorry I was jealous you were spending too much time with her"- Gerard was honest. However, he meant he didn't know his brother needed to hang out with her so badly, and he was just jealous Mikey had her attention the whole time.
- "Anyway... I still don't wanna talk about it."
- "That's cool."
- "So, let's pretend none of that happens or even exists."
- "Deal"- Gerard wrapped an arm around Mikey and rested his head on his shoulder- "Wanna go get something to eat?"
- "Not really"
- "Too bad I'm forcing you 'cos I don't wanna eat alone."
- "Fuck you."
- "I'm your annoying older brother. Deal with it."
Frank wiped off the tears as he stared at his daughters on the screen of his phone. They were so beautiful, sleeping in their little cribs. Jamia smiled and whispered happy birthday for the hundredth time to her husband.
- "I miss you so fucking much"- he said and sighed.
- "Just a few more days and you'll be changing diapers"- she answered with a big smile- "I'm happy you had a big celebration last night."
- "Yeah, it turned into a "let's cheer Mikey up" kind of thing pretty quickly, though."
- "I can't believe she cheated."
- "Me neither... I wanna kill her. He doesn't deserve this."
- "At least he has you there."
- "Yeah, Joey was so drunk she dragged us into a strip club and bought Mikey so many lap dances"- Jamia stayed still thinking what she had just heard- "Sorry, I mean, nothing happened."
- "Frank, calm down. I just never imagined she would be like that."
- "Neither did we... but she... Mikey had only told her about it, and I guess she was desperate to get him happy somehow."
- "That's nice"- and Jamia meant it- "What happened with her head?"
- "She is pretty hungover."
- "I mean, with the hit she got from that fan, Frank."
- "Sorry"- he smiled and watched his wife's face- "She is ok, she was very calmed, Ray was a dad."
- "Shocking!"
- "Yeah"- Frank chuckled- "Her boyfriend hates me, though."
- "Frank, what you did was so fucking stupid, and I feel you still don't get it! I should hate you for making that hot guy mad at you! Now we are never gonna be his friends... and I wanted to spend the holidays with him in California, where it's hot, and he can walk around without a shirt!"
- "Jamia Iero!!"- and she chuckled.
- "Sorry, I got carried away."
- "Yeah, you did."
- "Happy birthday, Frank."
- "Thank you."
- "You are the only hot guy I wanna see without a shirt"- he blushed and smiled.
- "'Cos I've got amazing tattoos?"
- "Yeah, that too."
Ray and Joey were having lunch together in the hotel. The two of them were eating, sunglasses on, and drinking coffee with their food. That's how bad it was.
- "Please stop me next time you see me with a drink."
- "Ditto"- he quickly answered ad smiled- "You seemed to be having a lot of fun, though."
- "I was."
- "I never imagined you were that wild when drunk"- and Joey laughed a little. Her head didn't let her make or listen to loud noises.
- "Well, I'm not wild... I just... sometimes..."- she made a pause and blushed. The truth was simple: he never really partied that much. She didn't have a lot of friends to party like that. Tucker was the only one, actually. And they never saw each other.
- "Is everything ok?"
- "Yeah, just don't tell Matthew about the stripper"- and Ray nodded, laughing.
- "Deal... the whole strip club thing or just the kiss?"
- "The whole deal, especially the kiss, I don't know if he is going to like that."
- "Why not? It was hot"- Joey raised an eyebrow and stared at her friend- "Sorry, it was..."
- "I mean, Matthew has this thing where he keeps trying to treat me like a little porcelain doll or a fragile princess. And that's so not me. If he knows what I did, I just feel that he will think less of me or something."
Ray looked at Joey and noticed how honest and vulnerable she was. For the first time since they met, Ray saw her winding down her shield.
- "Come on, Bug. It's not like you killed someone."
- "I know..."
- "You should tell him because it's a good party story, and he is gonna think it's awesome. Besides, Gubler looks like a nice guy who loves you very much,"- she nodded in silence and sipped her coffee.
- "He is the sweetest guy I've ever been with."
- "See?"
- "I just don't wanna disappoint him"- Toro landed a hand on her, and she smiled- "This is when you say, "If he hurts you, I'm gonna kill him" or something dad like"- he chuckled and nodded
- "You know that's how I feel"- he smiled and stayed in silence for a second- "And you are grounded for being such a party animal"- he added in a very paternal tone of voice.
- "But dad!! All the guys were drinking!"
- "I don't care what the other kids did! You are grounded, and tonight we are staying at the hotel watching horror movies"- she smiled and nodded.
- "Best plan ever, dad."
The ride to Paris was very quiet. Everybody was still tired from the night before, so they all basically just slept the whole trip. Now Joey was avoiding Gerard and also Frank. She decided to keep a safe and professional distance from the two of them. Joey still felt awkward about everything that had happened the night before.
- "I'll see you guys tomorrow"- the drummer smiled as they got the keys to their rooms. Gerard smiled and waved. She cut him the tiniest smile on earth and turned to the rest of the guys.
- "It's still my birthday Iceland, we should eat something and maybe go out and see the city, what do you say?"- he shook her arm with a huge grin- "Where is the party girl from last night?"
- "She stayed in Amsterdam, sorry"- she answered- "Go and have fun, I just need to do nothing for a night"- Joey grabbed her bags and walked to the elevator.
- "Everything ok with her?"- Gerard asked, watching her walk away. He felt her distance, and it bothered him. After waking up with her in his arms, he just wanted to keep her close.
- "Yeah, she is ok"- Ray nodded and grabbed his bag- "Wanna get room service and watch a movie? Halloween special?"- the whole gang stayed in silence- "Fine, I'll be eating and watching some Halloween classics alone."
Joey lied about not wanting to do anything or about being tired. She just didn't want to be with Gerard or Frank. Mostly Gerard. So she locked in her room and talked with Matthew for a long while instead.
- "I can't believe I'm not spending Halloween with you."
Joey pouted as she looked at Matthew, sitting on his couch, wearing the dorky Halloween sweater she had gotten for him, eating candies. She was wearing the dorky Halloween sweater he had gotten for her, eating candies as well.
- "Yami, when we are together, every night is Halloween"- he whispered and smiled.
- "That's the cutest thing ever!"- she blushed, and he giggled- "What are you doing tonight?"
- "The guys are gonna come to watch some terror classics with me."
- "I was going to do the same with Ray"- she smiled, and so did he.
- "So, did Mikey overcome his hungover?"
- "Yeah, he is a champ, we watched a few movies on the bus on our way over, and I'm guessing he is in his room right now."
- "And the rest of the guys?"
- "I think they were all pretty sick today... we kind of went real wild last night."
- "How wild?"- Gubler raised an eyebrow and looked at Joey. The girl sighed and bit his lips.
- "I might have gotten drunk."
- "And?"- Matthew wasn't enjoying the course of the conversation.
- "And I... decided to... cheer Mikey up."
- "How?"
- "I took him and the guys to a strip club and paid lap danced for everybody."
Joey just spit it. She had to say it. She wasn't going to be able to keep it from her boyfriend that much longer anyway.
- "If he is going to be mad at that... then maybe he is not as cool as I thought,"- she said to herself as she stared at his face, as a grin appeared on his lips.
- "What?! a strip club?! I can't believe it"- and Matthew Gray Gubler burst out laughing- "You are so amazing!!"
- "Do you really think so?"- Matthew was still laughing, and Joey was in shock.
- "Yes, Yami! That's pretty cool"- the sigh sighed, relieved, and kept her eyes on Gubler.
- "I also kissed a stripper... a little bit."
- "Wow!"- Matthew almost choke on the candy corn he was eating.
- "She kissed me actually, I didn't do anything or asked for anything.... she kissed me, and I laughed and... that's it..."- Joey closed her eyes and stayed very still.
- "You had a wild night without me, young girl!"- Matthew stared at the screen, trying his best to stay serious- "Is there any chance someone had footage of that moment?"
- "No"- Joey pouted and opened an eye to see how Matthew was taking her confession. He was still smiling- "You are not mad at me?"
- "'Cos you kissed a stripper? No, Joey. It's a bit upsetting I missed it, but I am not mad at you,"- she smiled and blushed.
- "I can kiss a stripper when I come home so you can watch"- Matthew laughed and grabbed his phone, kissing the screen.
- "I just want your kisses, Joey."
- "I'm a good kisser"- the girl joked, chuckling.
- "Yes, you are. That stripper is a fortunate woman"- there was a pause in the call. Matthew had to get something out of his system- "Can you please promise me you will not put yourself at risk again, please?"
- "With my wild party lifestyle? I swear I am not drinking again after last night!"- Joey chuckled, but Matthew Gray was serious.
- "I mean, with the fan and your head."
- "Akumu, you know I can take care of myself."
- "Yes, I do... but..."- and this was something that frustrated him the most- "I want to be there to protect you if you are in danger."
- "I am not in danger."
- "You are away, and I love you. If anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself for being so far."
- "Matthew Gray, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. And if something bad happens to me, it would never be your fault, 'cos your work is not taking care of me like a little princess. Your job as my boyfriend is to love me and support me the way I love you and support you."
That frustrated Matthew, 'cos he loved her and he wanted to protect her. He knew life had been hard on her. He knew why she could be so rational and independent. He just wished she could ever let him take care of her the way he wanted to.
- "Promise you'll come home safe"- he whispered, and she nodded
- "That I can do, 'cos I have too many kisses to give you, Akumu."
Ray walked to his room and laid in bed, talked with his wife, and ordered dinner. He was still pretty tired from the night before.
- "Dad? Movies?"- he read the text and smiled
- "Thought you were tired"
- "You promised"
- "Come over."
- "Everything ok, Bug?"- he asked when the two of them sat on his bed and picked a classic movie for the night: Halloween, the 1978 original.
- "Yeah, why?"
- "I don't know. You look off."
- "I'm hungover dude, this is the best you are getting tonight"- he nodded and grabbed a bunch of the candies Joey had brought. She was loaded with sugar for the night. Tons of Halloween candies, her only way to be close to Matthew that night. That, and the sweater.
The two of them laid down and watched the movie in silence. Ray wrapped an arm around her, and Joey rested her head on his shoulder. Neither of them overanalyzed it. It just felt nice and friendly.
- "Dude, there is something I've been longing to ask you for a long while"- she said, not moving her eyes from the screen.
- "Shoot"
- "How do you keep your hair so good?"- Ray chuckled and messed with her hair- "No! Don't destroy the best I could do with my hair today!"- she giggled and grabbed her phone after feeling the hum of a text- "Mikey wants to hang out, can he come?"
- "Are you asking me for permission to bring a friend over?"- Ray asked and closed his eyes- "Shit, I am your dad."
- "Yes, embrace it"- Joey grinned and cuddled back with him- "And thank you for that, I don't let guys take care of me"
Her conversation earlier with Matthew was still spinning around her head. She let her boyfriend take care of her, but maybe Gubler couldn't see it... she had softened a lot being with him in the last six months. Perhaps it wasn't evident for everybody, but it was for her.
- "Wait! Are you sure you are indeed letting me taking care of you?"- Toro's eyes widened, surprised at that confession.
- "Yeah! Since I signed that contract"- Joey made a pause and made her best to explain- "I kept thinking about what we talked about earlier... you give the protector friend I never had vibe 'cos..." - Ray held her hand and rubbed it with his.
- "'Cos?"
- "'Cos I'm not really good with friends, I usually push people away."
- "You haven't done that with me."
- "I know. That's weird... you give a long-lost best friend feeling like Mikey gives me the older brother sensation."
- "You feel like a little sister- she smiled and stood up to answer the door- "But I don't think you push people away."
- "I do... that's what I've been told at least."
Mikey smiled at the other side of the door and raised his arm, showing a paper bag.
- "I've got candies."
- "Awesome! Come in."
- "You are not pushing me away, Bug!"- Ray finished the conversation and smiled- "Hey dude."
- "What are you talking about?"
- "Joey says she pushes people away"- Toro sum up as Joey laid back next to him, and they cuddled again.
- "You are doomed. You are not pushing me anywhere"- Mikey added, kicked off his shoes and laid next to her, holding her hand- "You are fucking stuck with a Mikey Way now."
Joey chuckled and sighed
- "Guess I'll have to learn how to deal with that."
Gerard was staring at the ceiling, mortified. He had talked with his wife already, he was definitely not hungry, and he just wanted to knock on Joey's door and ask her if everything was ok. She hasn't talked to him since that morning, and it honestly felt she was ignoring him. That wasn't normal. No one ignored him.
- "You are not going!"- he said to himself in his head as soon as he stood up from the bed- "No! No way!"- he grabbed the key to his room and put on his shoes- "Fucking stop!! Aren't you listening to me?!"- his brain kept yelling, but his body was still moving.
- "Hello! This is Gerard Way from room 1305, can you tell me which is Maria Sveinbjörndottir's room, please? Yes, she is part of my crew."
He waited in line for a second, and to his happiness, Joey had a room on his floor, just two doors down. It was heaven to Gerard. He took a deep breath and walked over. He planned to ask if there was something wrong, smile, and go back to his room. That was it. That was everything. He just wanted to make sure everything was ok. Nothing else.
He knocked and waited. Nothing. Again. He waited a little longer, 'cos maybe Joey was asleep. Or in the shower... or something. But nothing. Slightly worried and mostly scared she could be with Frank, Gerard texted Mikey, just in case he was with her, 'cos he knew they were closer.
- "At Ray's, 1002"- Mikey texted back and stared at the screen again.
- "Why is there always a sex scene in every horror movie ever?"- Joey asked and kept chewing fun-sized snickers, or like Mikey kept calling them: Frank-sized.
- "I guess it's the guide of who's dying next"- Ray answered and grabbed some candies, too- "If you think about it, half of the fun in horror movies is figuring out who will die."
- "You are right..."
- "And it also helps to set the mood when you are watching a horror movie with a date"- the girl turned to Mikey, and he smiled guiltily- "If she is scared and she hugs you, you win proximity, but when a couple is banging on the screen, you win the chance to start rubbing her and getting the idea of having sex into her head."
- "You are disgusting"- Joey quickly argued and heard a knock on the door- "Please tell me that's a pizza. I would kill for a pizza right now."
- "Damn it, Bug!"- Ray argued as Mikey stood up to get the door- "Now I want pizza too!"
- "Hey dude"- Gerard stared at his brother and took a peek inside the room- "What are you doing?"
- "Watching movies"- the youngest Way walked around and headed back to the bed. Gerard closed the door and followed him, only to feel his heart aching. Joey was cuddled with Ray. His arm was around her. Her head was on his shoulder. Gerard wanted to hit him.
- "Hey... I didn't know you were busy"- Way whispered and stared at the scene. Joey looked at him, and her eyes just lock into his. Gerard didn't stop looking at her either. He felt betrayed. Or worst, he felt maybe their time together wasn't really that special, 'cos she would cuddle with everybody in the band, 'cos they were her friends and she wasn't making a big deal out of it like he was.
- "We are watching horror movies, wanna join us?"- Ray asked and smiled. He immediately noticed what was going on in Gerard's head and realized he would have to talk with his friend. He felt he was too crushed on Joey for his own good.
- "No... I just wanted to..."- Gerard wouldn't stop staring at Joey in Ray's arms. It just hurt too much.
- "Come on"- she whispered and moved from Toro's side- "There is room for one more. Besides, Ray is failing in his poor attempt to make me feel secure."
- "Dude!!"- Ray argued and softly elbowed her.
- "Auch!! You hurt me!!"- Joey exaggerated and rolled in the bed. Gerard smiled, though he was still feeling pretty jealous.
- "I'm gonna get that pizza"- Ray picked up the phone and dialed. Joey tapped on the bed and invited Gerard.
- "We've got Halloween candies"- she said, smiling. The drummer wanted to keep a distance from him, but watching him was making it too hard. He sat next to her and looked at the bag.
- "We ate most of the Snickers, but there are still some m&m's and Life Savers"- she whispered and felt Mikey's arm coming from behind her trying to reach the candies.
- "Bug ate all the good ones"- he argued.
- "Bróðir þegiðu!! (brother, shut up!)"- the girl quickly answered and slapped Mikey's hand coming out of the bag.
- "How many of these have you ate?"- Gerard asked and frowned- "You seemed to be a little sugar-rushed."
- "Maybe... could be... but it's Halloween, Gerard, it's the day I am allowed to do this, you can't judge me, you can only join me."
Joey raised an eyebrow making her best to look sexy. She shouldn't have, but she meant it as a joke. Not really. She just wanted to lie to herself. Just like the night before in the strip club, she wanted him to want her. Gerard grabbed an m&m and opened it. Joey turned to the screen and laid back in the bed to watch the movie. The oldest Way did the same and sat next to Mikey, 'cos it was wiser to stay away from the girl he wanted to make out with.
- "Where's Frank?"- Joey asked after a while
- "Out with James and Worm"- Mikey answered- "Now shut up and let me watch the movie."
- "Sorry"- the girl chuckled and opened another Snicker's bar. She wanted to be away from Gerard. But his body was a magnet too intense to resist.
After Halloween, they watched Bran Stocker's Dracula. Ate pizza and had a relaxed evening. It was all good until Joey decided it was time to go to bed. She yawned and stood up. She had managed to stay between Ray and Mikey the whole time, successfully avoiding being close to Gerard. She was actually proud of herself.
- "Ok kids, I'm going to bed"- she announced and grabbed her shoes, standing up- "It's not time to make a change, just relax, take it easy"- she sang, and Mikey threw her a pillow
- "I hate that song."
- "Me too! But shit is right there everything time I say goodbye. I don't know why my brain makes that fucking connection every fucking single time"
- "I'm going to bed too"- Gerard said, and Ray raised an eyebrow- "It's late, and we have a busy day tomorrow, full of interviews."
- "Yeah, we have to meet at the lobby tomorrow at nine, ready to leave"- Ray announced- "We start with a radio show at ten-thirty."
- "Oh fuck!"- Mikey whined immediately, and Joey grinned.
- "And while you do that, I'll hit the gym and relax"- she said and stuck out her tongue to her friend.
- "Shut up! No one likes a showoff."
- "No one likes a bad loser"- she added and jumped.
- "Ok, Bug, you really need to calm down. You had too much sugar"- Ray laughed, staring at her.
- "Fuck, you are right, I'm not gonna sleep in a long while... maybe I can make a marathon of scary movies... The Exorcist was in the pay-per-view, I'll watch it all alone and fucking traumatize myself" - the girl jumped on her spot and chuckled.
- "Ok, come on, let's go"- Mikey grabbed her arm and started walking to the door- "Bye, Ray."
- "Bye kids"
- "Thanks for taking care of me, dad!"- Joey smiled at him and waved.
- "Anytime you want, kiddo."
Gerard, Mikey, and Joey walked into the elevator. The girl pressed the 13th button and Mikey the 12th.
- "Which one?"- he asked, looking at his older brother.
- "I'm in the 13th too"- he answered with a short smile and avoided looking at Joey, which was pretty good for her, 'cos her cheeks were burning red.
- "Fuck! Fuck! Just say goodnight and lock yourself in your room, just say goodnight, and that's it!"- the elevator's door opened, and the girl smiled at Mikey.
- "Good night, bróðir"
- "Good night, Bug. I'll text you tomorrow"- Gerard smiled at his brother and tapped on his back- "Good night, dude."
- "See you in the morning"- he walked to the hallway with Joey and heard the door closing behind them.
- "I'm going this way"- the girl whispered and hoped Gerard was going the other way
- "Me too"- they walked in silence for a few seconds, it felt awkward, and the two of them knew it- "Joey, listen, I wanted to talk to you about something"- he just said it.
- "This is my room"- she announced, hoping to manage to get away from him.
- "Do you mind if I come in for a second?"- his words surprised him. He didn't think when he asked that. Joey didn't really have a reason to say no. She didn't want to say no. And so she nodded and opened the door.
- "Come in."
Her body shook at the realization they were alone in her room. Completely alone, just the two of them. That had only happened once before, and this time, somehow, it felt dangerous.
- "What is it?"- Joey asked and walked around the room, taking off her shoes and making her best to avoid eye contact.
- "I just... had the feeling you were mad at me over something."
- "Why would you feel that?"- she asked, pretending to be surprised. She wasn't mad at him. She was mad at herself for being such a flirt.
- "'Cos you avoided me the whole day"- he simply answered.
- "That's not true. I've been hungover most of the day, sleeping on the bus."
That was a lie. She watched tv with Mikey the whole trip, though they slept most of the time.
- "It felt like you were mad at me"- he said and kept looking at her, knowing she was avoiding his eyes.
- "You got it all wrong"- she simply answered and smiled, opening her bag and looking for a pajama- "Why would I be mad at you?"
- "I don't know..."- Gerard stayed quiet and walked around the room- "I know we didn't start with the right foot, and sometimes I feel like I'm still walking on eggshells when it comes to you"- he simply confessed. Joey raised his eyes to meet him.
- "Sometimes I feel the same about you. Until we talked about it, I actually felt you were avoiding me after we fell asleep together."
Joey made a pause and regretted landing her eyes on his. There it was, the magnet pushing her closer to him. He stood in front of her, feeling the same.
- "Maybe we are overthinking everything"- he whispered, and Joey nodded
- "Maybe we are."
- "So... friends?"- he reached out his hands to her and bit his lips- "You don't wanna be her friend, you really want to fuck her brains off, and you know it, don't you, Gerard Way?"
- "Friends"- Joey shook his hands and smiled- "I don't know why I've got the feeling this shit will never work out well."
They kept shaking their hands in silence for a while, longer than it should have been. They just stared and smiled at each other, lost in thoughts.
- "So..."- Joey finally whispered- "How are the crowds here in France?"- she asked the most random question ever, just to talk about something.
- "They are wild. It's fun playing here."
- "Great"
- "Never been to France?"
- "Never been to Europe, except Iceland"- Gee smiled and kept looking at her, still standing right in front of each other. He was fighting the urge to touch her. But it was too dangerous. The attraction he felt for her might actually cause him not to be able to stop once he began.
- "Maybe we can push the schedule to show you around, at least the Eiffel Tower"- the girl smiled and nodded.
- "That would be awesome"- and silence again, staring at each other was probably the only thing they couldn't stop doing when together.
- "And... are you gonna watch The Exorcist?"
- "Yeah, I'm not sleepy. Ray was right, I am in a sugar rush... and the worst part is, I still have some candy left, and I'm considering the idea of finishing them today"- Gerard smiled and watched how Joey took another bag of candies from her backpack.
- "Girl! Where did you get so many sweets?!"
- "Gub and I made matching candy bags for Halloween,"- she answered with a big smile- "And Mikey got me some more. I might have an addiction problem."
- "I bet you do"- Gerard stared at her with a smile and asked without thinking of his words- "Would you like some company to watch the movie?"- the girl wide opened her eyes and took a deep breath- "Don't feel pushed or something like that"- Gerard quickly added when he noticed her reaction- "I just... I'm not sleepy, and the idea of eating more candies was pretty tempting"- she giggled nervously and nodded.
- "Sure, let's watch the movie together, but you better be braver than Ray. He kept jumping with every scene.2
Gerard smiled and agreed. The two of them knew it was a bad, terribly dangerous idea. But still, it was what the two of them wanted.
They sat on the bed staring at the screen in silence for a good twenty minutes. They ate candies, they watched the movie, they were behaving great. But Gerard knew it was all bullshit. He needed to move closer and wrap his arms around her. It was totally harmless, though. Just a hug, not kissing, no nothing. Just holding her close, like the other day at the bus, or just like the night before. That had felt too good. He needed more of that.
- "I'm gonna get under the covers"- the girl announced and shivered- "I'm fucking freezing."
- "Sure"- Gerard stood up and moved the blankets, watching her getting under them.
- "Are you cold?"- she asked, and he nodded- "You can come too"- and so he did.
- "I could come, that's a fact"- he mentally slapped himself for thinking that.
- "What the fuck is your problem?! You got him in your bed! Underneath the fucking blankets! Do you have any kind of idea of the signals you are sending him?"- Joey was freaking out as she felt Gerard's warm body next to her- "I just hope he doesn't think I wanna make out with him or whatever... I mean, no, why should he anyway? I can do this with Mikey or with Ray, and I would never worry they could come with that idea... well, that's 'cos they are my friends, and I don't wanna fuck them the way I wanna fuck Gerard. Oh shit, Joey, you are fucking sick. Did you know that?"
Joey covered her face and jumped when a possessed Linda Blair kept stabbing her vagina with a crucifix. Gerard chuckled and felt how she instinctively moved to him and looked for protection. She did it so normally; she didn't even think about it. That part of the movie had always made her jump.
- "Come on"- Gee wrapped an arm around her and fondled her arm sweetly- "It's just a movie."
- "I know, but that's too upsetting to be true"- she covered her eyes again and hid her face on Gerard's neck.
- "It's ok, sugar"- he whispered and landed a small soft peck on her head.
His heart stopped for a second. He called Joey a pet name and kissed her. He hadn't. He shouldn't. He needed to undo it. Joey stayed still and made what anyone under those circumstances would do: she ignored the kiss and the pet name, sat down, and kept watching the movie.
- "I hate pet names, I hate cute nicknames, and yet, that one was heart-melting. Gerard Way fucking called me sugar..."- Joey sighed and made her best to focus on the exorcism taking place on the screen. It was very hard, though, considering all she could think of was Gerard's arm around her.
The movie ended, and neither of them moved. Joey was hoping Gerard was asleep, so he would stay with her the whole night and cuddle. Gerard felt the same. Exactly the same. The girl slowly moved from his chest and looked at him. His perfect nose, his thin lips. It was too tempting to have him there.
He blinked a few times and cut her a short smile. She rubbed her eyes and sighed.
- "Thank you for watching the movie with me Gerard, it was worse than I remembered"- he kept the smile on his lips as he rubbed his hand against his arm, still hugging her.
- "I'm glad I could help."
- "Best friend ever"- she whispered to remind herself she had to keep that distance.
Gerard fake grinned and stared at her. She was so close, he could simply just lean in a little and kiss her. It was so simple. She was right there. She stayed still, her eyes locked in his. She was never going to be his friend, and she knew it. That was an impossible friendship, no matter how much she'd try.
- "I have to sleep"- she whispered, but neither of them moved.
- "Me too"- they just stared at each other in silence. Neither wanted to move, but both knew it had to happen.
- "Thank you for hanging out with me"- Joey added, and Gerard nodded
- "My pleasure"- and pleasure was in Gerard's mind the whole time.
The girl slowly sat down and yawned. Gerard looked at her and smiled, then put on his shoes and stood up.
- "See you tomorrow, Joey."
- "Bye, Gerard."
taglist @all-tings-diego @worryd0ll
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Under His Wing pt 2
Sunmary. Hawks takes in a teenage runaway
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Hawks got you to his home around 11:15 at night and all he wanted to do was sleep, next time.. listen to the damn sidekick.. He unlocked the door and you rushed in past him heading straight to the restroom slamming the door. He rolled his heavy eyes closing the door and slumping to his kitchen taking out a big bowl and some ingredients.
The shower.Was.Amazing. After running around every night getting dirty and covered in blood it felt so good to just sit in the shower and watch it wash away. You laid your head against the shower wall inhaling deep. Never thought you would be taken in by a Pro Hero. Not to mention Bird Man of all Pros. You exhaled slowly and stood up to wash up , christ it felt good to wash your hair.
After you got out all you could smell was ramen, instantly you rushed out down the hall to see the bowl of chicken ramen with little candies next to it and Hawks waving. You sat down at the table looking at the food then him a few times.
“Its just ramen, and tomorrow im going to show you how to use your quirk, “ he yawned rubbing his head. “do you know how to call your feathers back?” He asked pointing to your back , you looked over your shoulder to see you were missing some.
“No.” You said between bites.
Hawks went to the nearest window and turned to look at you. “Think of them coming back and something you enjoy, ill show you more tomorrow.” Hawks made his way to the hall pointing to a door as he passed. “Guest room”
“Okay grandpa.” You snickered as you watched this Pro Hero try not to fall asleep with every step.
“Haha, good night little crow” He closed the door behind him finally going to bed.
“Pfft..” you looked down at the ramen, it was nearly gone . Think of something you.. enjoy huh? What do you enjoy ? Ramen, for one, you ate the last bits of it and got up dumping the bowl in the sink. A bed.. was one. You thought on it as you made your way down the hall stopping at Hawks door. Someone who .. cared? Was that something?
All your feathers flew through the window returning to you and you scoffed at them shaking your head, that cant be it, its the bed and ramen. Yup.
Once you got into the bed you crashed instantly , it was soft and warm. And better than the dirty floor you were used to.
In the morning Hawks woke up around 8 feeling so much better and well rested, his wings stretched along with him shaking from the middle all the way to the tips. “Mmmm……. what to do today.” He got up opening his door walking out going to the restroom to shower.
You woke up maybe 8:30 with a grumpy look on your face, you were sleepy and groggy. Slowly you pushed yourself up to poke around in the closet for clothes finding some tacky shirts and sweatpants, you grabbed them going to the restroom opening the door, your wings were shaking but you ignored it and opened the curtain to see Hawks.
“AAAAH!!!!!” You covered your eyes and all your feathers fell out
“I FORGOT YOU WERE HERE!!!! “ Hawks said covering himself
“AAAUGHH!!!!” You stumbled over your feathers slamming the door behind you running to the couch panting. “FUCK!!!!!” You fell to your side whining and kicking your feet.
Hawks leaned into the wall rubbing his face. “Fucking hell, thats right, im housing a runaway.. i should have Tokoyami look up her description some time today…”
After Hawks had gotten washed up and sprinted to his room to get dressed he went back to the restroom to gather up your feathers and go to you to see you curled up on the couch arms folded and pouting.
“I might have.. forgot you were-“
“OBVIOUSLY!!!!” You sat up crossing your arms again. “Some Pro you are .”
Hawks let that one go and held his hands out. “These are yours, let me show you how to make a sword”
“A..sword?” You got up taking them back, they flew behind you except for one.
“Yes, you can do more than just fly” he brought a feather to his front and it instantly got sleek and sharp in his grasp.
“Holy fuck” you watched closely , eyes wide.
“So what i do is .. i usually focus my emotions on the feather, i put my strength into it , my will to win, to help”
“So..” you looked down at the feather in your palm thinking, you didn't want to help anyone ,just yourself. You wanted to survive- “OW!!” You dropped the feather sword and Hawks grabbed your wrist looking at the blood rushing out..
“Dont panic, it happens to me sometimes.”
“Fix it..”
He looked up at you to see your face wet and your hair sticking to your cheeks. “I don't like blood old man..”
“Okay okay.” He brought you to the kitchen grabbing the first aid from the cabinet, giving you a cloth for the time being.
It hurt, and the cloth stung, you could feel the blood pooling under it squishing around trying to escape. Your wrist was shaking and Hawks was rushing to get everything out if the kit, he dumped it over and took the bloody cloth away putting it in the sink and pulled you over to it turning on the water.
“I know it hurt.”
He looked at you and your wings shook, his eyes were very serious and not tired. “Calm down . So i can fix this properly.”
“..ok..” you took in a deep breath.
Hawks washed your palm up and dried it once the bleeding stopped, he wrapped it up three times tying it in a bow. “There.” He said letting go of your hand.“That was my fault, I should have warned you. Im sorry y/n”
“Whatever.. what else can i do..” you asked looming at the bow and making grabbing motions with your hand even though it hurt.
“Well…” he pointed to the mess he made and a few feathers cleaned it up, he then pointed to the cabinet and the feathers brought the kit to it closing the cabinet. “That”
You were wide eyed and all Hawks did was chuckle.
Hawks spent some time showing you how to use your quirk for something other than stealing , it turns out it was really useful in other ways. The feather sword was still on the floor and Hawks didn't try to make you pick it up again, when you were ready to pick it up you could. You learned a few things about Hawks too, the Hero Commission , his training. It was rare to find a quirk like his. He had asked you about your parents but you refused to talk about them or your childhood. He dropped the subject right there and told you how relieved he was that you agreed to come with him. “I feel like a babysitter who has no idea what to do but im happy your here, jail is no place for you”
You rolled your eyes going over to the window pointing at the curtain, your feather moved it and you jumped slightly, amazed.
“Ah good job, you catch on fast.” He said walking over to you. “Do i have to give you a curfew?” He teased down at you.
“Oh barf.” You opened the window stepping onto it and Hawks reached over grabbing your wrist.
“Come home whenever, just please stay out of trouble.”
Your heart did a back flip. “.. home?”
“Huh?” He tilted his head.
“Nothing old man!” You shook him off jumping out the window flying off, wiping your eyes.
Hawks sighed heavily as he we t to the couch to relax, the weight on his mind and body being taken over by the relaxation in his muscles. He pulled his phone out dialing his friend.
“Are you calling to tell me you regret staying out.”
“Well actually….”
One long explanation later
“.. really? And she went with you?”
“Yep, can you run a background check, and make sure no one tries to arrest her..”
“Thank you Yami.”
“... shes a actual runaway?”
“Said so herself.”
“Interesting..” he hung up and Hawks leaned back into the couch rubbing his face. Meanwhile you were sitting on a roof looking at the bow on your bandage.
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Valentines day
Shoto x reader imagines
I woke up feeling refreshed from a good night sleep then suddenly I remembered what day it was.
"Fuck it's valentine's day!" I said and fell back on my bed and grabbed the nearest pillow and groaned on it then I suddenly jolted up as I realised something.
THERE'S NO SCHOOL TODAY YES! principal nezu thought it was a good idea to suspend school today.
Suddenly there was a bling sound on my phone, I opened my phone and went to the messages.
From shoto,
Hey (y/n) , are you free today?
To shoto,
Shoto? How'd you get my number?
From shoto,
I have my ways.
To shoto,
Boo and yes I'm free today. Is there anything wrong?
From shoto,
Good, I actually need an excuse to get out so do you mind helping me?
To shoto,
No not at all
From shoto,
Great I'll pick you up in an hour and just wear something simple.
To shoto,
K see ya later then
From shoto,
Yup see ya
After our conversation, I squealed again on my pillow and punched it too. Did shoto just asked me out? OH MY GOD!
I can't believe it! Shoto, my crush-OK fine I have a crush on him!- asked me out? Well not technically asked-asked me out but you know what I mean!
I got up and went to the bathroom to shower after that I grabbed some clothes on and put them on.
I grabbed a small purse pouch for my phone and some money. I put on a watch and my bracelet too, I looked at the time to see it was 11:30 am. Well I took a lot of time preparing for this, damn now I get why girls takes long to get ready.
I go down to the living room to see aizawa on the couch watching TV, he looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Where are you going?" he said and munched on a chip.
"I'm going out, I don't want to be cooped up in my bedroom all day and so I'll be hanging out with a friend today." I said and thankfully he ignored it, there was a knock on the door and I opened it.
I saw shoto in front of me and he look absolutely hot, Ok stop. He doesn't like you that way and he might never will.
"I'll get going now!" I said back at aizawa and I closed the door.
"So where are we headed?" I said and he looked deep in thought for a minute before looking at me.
"Wanna watch the movies with me?" he said and I nod keeping in check that my heart was suddenly beating fast.
I walked in front of him and turned around with my hands on my back as the wind flowed through my hair.
"But I get to choose the movie and the food, k?" I said and walked backwards, he stopped walking for a minute and smiled at me.
"Sure." he said and I grinned widely and that's how our day started.
We watched lego movie 2 and it was awesome! The song was on my mind all day that I couldn't help but hum it.
After the movies we went into a small cafe and we picked the booth with the glass window, I picked up my menu and I was already drooling. All of this food looks so tasty!
I suddenly heard a chuckle from shoto, I looked at him and he smiled.
"Let me guess, you want to eat them all don't you?" he said and I raised my menu up to my face to hide my embarrassment.
"Hello! What can I get you two love birds?" a waiter suddenly asked and I was really flustered by this point.
"Uh n-no actually w-were no-" I was suddenly cut off by shoto saying our order.
"Can we get a strawberry cheesecake, two vanilla milkshake and a small vannila cake, please?" he said and the waiter just nod and took our orders, I looked at shoto and glared. He just shrugged and had a small smirk on his face.
"Why did you sa-" I got cut off again by him.
"I saw on one of the fliers, that if we're a couple they'll give us a discount." he said and I couldn't say anything back so I sink into my seat and crossed my arms.
He chuckled at my actions then the waiter came back with our food, after placing our foods I took out a small piece from my vannila cake and ate it.
I moaned as the flavor melted into my mouth, its really good! Now I know where I have to go to get me some yummy desserts.
After a few minutes we both finished our foods and I ordered another milkshake.
"So why did you want to suddenly hang out today?" I asked and played with the straw of the empty milkshake.
"My father brought in another girl today." he said and my eyes widen.
"Wait you're father haves ehem uh you know with other girls?" I said and gasped.
"No, my father brings in girls my age from a wealthy or popular heroes for me to marry." he said and I see him get angry from it.
"So what did you do?" I said and my order was here, I paid for it and drank some.
"I said no and ran away which is why I'm here today." he said and pushed his hair back a little.
"Why didn't you agree to marry them? I mean they're probably really pretty...." I said and placed my chin on the palm of my hand as I sip my milkshake some more.
"I don't want to marry them.... because I already plan on getting married with someone I love....." he mumbled and my eyes widen as I cough on my drink.
"Wait you like someone!?" I said and coughed a little on my drink. My heart went suddenly heavy from this news, I don't know if its happiness or sorrow that he likes someone.
"Umm yea...." he said and looked away with a small blush on his face.
"Who is it?! Do I know her? Is she pretty? Is she nice?" I bombered him with questions after questions.
"Slow down Kuro. Yes you do know her, very well actually and she's really prett-wait pretty wouldn't even compare to her I'd say beautiful and she's really nice." he said then off he goes into his fantasy world.
"Hey hey! Come on lover boy, tell me who is it!" I said and snapped my fingers in his face.
"Nope that's a secret" he said and just walked away after he saw me finish my drink.
I stood up and ran after him out of the cafe, as I pestered him into telling me his crush.
"Come on! I won't say anything about it!" I said and he just shook his head.
"Nope" he said and shrugged.
"Please shoto I won't tell anyone, I promise!" I pleaded.
"Nope" he said and I groaned.
"please shoto!"
"Pretty please?"
"please please please!"
"At least give me a clue on who she is!" I said and he stopped on his tracks to look at me.
He shook his head and gave me a smile, he grabbed my hand and he dragged towards the beach.
I looked over the horizon to see the sunset, it was beautiful. With the ocean, the sunset is really beautiful.
"Wow.... Its beautiful" I suddenly said as I stare more into the horizon, shoto stared at me and sighed.
"Do you really want to know who my crush is?" he said and looked up while leaning towards the railings on his back and all I do is nod.
"Well let's see, she's really cute, she's funny and sassy. She's always there when I need someone, she's strong, brave and determined. She's also very unique because she's different from other girls. She likes helping other people and sometimes she worry more about her friends more than her own safety. We have lots in common and she's just the sweetest and weirdest girl I've ever met." he said and smiled up into the sky.
"What're you trying to say?" I said and looked at him.
"She's also wearing a gray and black skirt right now along with a long sleeved shirt with a small bow on her chest. She also has long black socks and she's wearing sneakers, she has her hair down too." he said and looked at me.
"S-shoto?" I stuttered as I realize who he has a crush on, my face was red scarlet as he got closer to me.
"(y/n) ... Its you who I got a crush on...." he said and placed his hand on my face, I stood here speechless and flustered.
"I-uh um" I mumbled and I heard him chuckled.
"You don't have to say anything, I know you don't have the same feelings I do but I just want you to know that, I love you (y/n) ." he said and smiled down at me.
I looked at him and my eyes got watery, I buried my face into his chest as I hugged him. I punched his chest with my right hand as tears fell.
"Stupid shoto! Who are you to know who I like? I like you too damn it!" I said and buried my face into his chest.
He stopped moving for a minute then he grabbed me by my shoulders and he smiled.
"Say that again." he said and looked at me.
"I love you" I said and looked down, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
"look shoto if you want me to ju-" I got cut off by him kissing me. He kissed me. He. Kissed. Me. HE KISSED ME FUCK FUCK FUCK!
Shoto Todoroki, my crush is actually kissing me! Once I got my mind cleared up I closed my eyes and kissed back.
His hand went to my waist as i let my arms go around his neck, we pulled out because of air and he pressed both of our foreheads together.
"(y/n) , will you be my girlfriend?" he said and smiled lovingly at me.
"Yes" I said and gave him a peck on the lips.
"I love you (y/n) " he said and intertwined our fingers.
"I love you too shoto" I said and looked into his eyes.
"Now all that's left is to change your surname to Todoroki." he cheekily said and I blushed.
"I would like that, Mr. Shoto Todoroki." I said and placed my head on his shoulder still, hands still intertwined with his as we both faced the sunset.
"Of course you would, Ms. (y/n) Todoroki"
"And that's how your father and I became a couple." I said to my kids and closed the book.
"Wow mom! That was really romantic!" my 8 year old son said.
"Yeah mom!" my 6 year old twin son said.
"Ew mommy and daddy kissed!" my other 6 year old twin said.
"Mwama!" my 3 year old daughter said that was craddled on my arms.
"Awe come here you little munchkins!" I said and they all ran away aside from my daughter, yami.
"Kage! Jomei! Come back here! You too Ryu!" I said and brought down yami as I grabbed each one of my kids and hugged them.
We fell onto the ground and we all laughed then suddenly the door opened.
"I'm back!" a voice said and my kids got off me.
"Dad's back!"
My kids yelled and ran towards the door and to the arms of my husband, shoto.
I got up and took yami into my arms and we walked towards him to see my kids on hanging on his arms and clinging to his legs.
I hugged him and gave him a peck on his lips but he stole a kiss from me. I smiled and looked down at the boys to see them making barfing or throwing up faces.
"Welcome back shoto." I said and closed the door, he took yami in his arms and kissed her cheeks.
"Ok kids time for bed!" I said and all of them groaned while yami yawned.
"Mom! I don't wanna go to sleep!" Ryu, our oldest son said while kage and jomei groaned.
"Nope it's bedtime or do you want to see me and your father kiss eh, do you?" I taunted and gave shoto kissy faces which he laughed at and the kids ran up to their rooms.
We both laughed and we brought yami into her room and tucked her in, we both kissed her forehead as she slept peacefully.
We went into the twins room to see kage and jomei already asleep in each others arms, we tucked them in their blanckets and kissed their cheeks and foreheads.
And lastly we went to our oldest son's room, Ryu to see him solving a rubix cube.
"Ryu, come on its time for bed." I said and he yawned, he placed the cube in his bedside and laid down in his bed.
"Good night sweetie." I said and kissed his forehead, shoto tucked him in and we flushed out the lights as we walked out of his room.
We went back into our bedroom and he quickly changed into his pajamas and we laid in our bed hugging each other.
"I love you" I said and closed my eyes.
"I love you too" he said and pulled me in his chest closer.
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tyrantdk · 6 years
More of the sci-fi/fantasy mobium au
It's offically a mobium fic. Have some of these too. Have I ever mentioned blunt Yugi gives me life? Enjoy!
Atem burst through the doorway, shoving his way through the guards. An empty bed met his sight. His Yugi was gone! Someone had to have taken him! He rushed out to the stables, saddling his trusted unicorn, Jabari. With barely a motion, the powerful stallion was racing out of the building and toward the fortification wall. The gate was thrown open as he approached. He had to find him! Who knew what kind of nasty thing would get him?!
“Yugi! Dearest, where are you?!” He shouted. He heard shuffling from the nearby bushes. He drew on his magic as he urged Jabari closer. Who knew what could be there in these woods. “There you are!” He said as his Yugi jumped out of the bushes. He looked rather angry, until he saw the unicorn.
“Holy shit! Ok. Unicorns are real. Noted. You! Leave me alone!”
“But it’s dangerous out in the woods at night. And I’m not leaving my future husband alone in the dark unarmed! What kind of seer do you take me for!?” He spoke as Jabari walked along beside Yugi.
“You don’t look like a seer. And I am not your future husband!”
“You are! I dreamt about us, Yugi, and my dreams are always right. You have a scar on your left hip from a fight. It’s jagged and you almost died from the infection after.”
“How do you know that?” He turned back to look at him.
“It was in one of my dreams.” Atem held his hand out. “Please, come back with me. I’ll do it right! I’ll court you like I’m supposed to.” Yugi sighed. He took the hand. He had been hearing some rather fierce calls from possibly large animals. He climbed up in front of him.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh! I’m Atem, Seer of the Forest and Sun. This is my loyal friend, Jabari. Jabari, this is my Yugi.”
“I’m not yours.”
“Not yet, but you will be.”
“Cocky asswipe.” Yugi mumbled to himself. The unicorn neighed as if he were laughing. Atem continued to talk, ignoring or oblivious to Yugi’s silence. He fell silent as they approached the gates. A mounted figure waited for them. He looked a lot like Atem, but had pale fair skin. His hair was completely black, and he had heterochromatia. His left eye was violet while the right was bright blood red. “Who’s that?”
“The prince. He wonders the woods like he’s some kind of ranger, but he always comes home to lick his wounds. Exactly when I predicted it too. Yami fancies himself a flirt.”
“Beautiful, you wound me! Don’t listen to everything Atem tells you, Sexy. He’s just mad my father won’t let him marry the man in his dreams.”
“His majesty said if my Yugi turned up before I was forced to marry you, then I could marry him. As you can see, he has turned up.”
“Can I marry you both then? I would come home more often, if I had both of you waiting for me.” Yami winked at them. Atem turned away in disgust. Yugi looked unamused and bored. The ranger prince frowned. “Why you gotta be so hard on me, Beautiful?” Hurt crossed his face, and Yugi caught it.
“So, if he’s not supposed to marry me, who is Atem supposed to marry?”
“He’s my future spouse, Sexy. He’s the seer and I’m the prince. It’s tradition for the seer to rule at the king’s side. Like I said though, I’d come home more often if I had a fair pair of spouses like you.”
“Lame Casanova version of Aragon. Also noted. Can we please get behind the wall. I don’t like the sound of those calls. They sound like they belong to something huge as fuck.”
“They do. That’s the mating call of the Treants. We should really get inside the city. I never want to submit even my most deadly enemy to viewing Treants mating.” Yami shivered as if he was remembering something rather disgusting, at least to him. He herded them into the city, rolling his eyes at Jabari’s snorts of displeasure.
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