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I CAN'T LOVE HIM Chapter 8: Mrs MacDonald's Fudge
“What—is—your—problem?” She inched forward with every word, stopping a breath away, eyes blazing, watching the cogs in his brain turn. “I don’t…” “Don’t be daft. You hexed Gibson.” His fingertips went to his lip. Good. He understood. “Why did you do that?” “You know why.” His voice was rough and quiet.
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tessfleura · 5 years
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#art #memory #history #kunst #dutch #cobraart museum https://www.instagram.com/p/B0b_Zc-IclH/?igshid=buxgua6ujt27
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linguistlist-blog · 4 years
FYI: Call for Papers for PhD students: ICLHE Spain
There is an extended Call for Papers for PhD students working in the area of English Medium Instruction and Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education in a Spanish higher education context. If you know PhD students in your institution who are working in this field, then please bring this call to their attention. As part of our endeavour to support student participation, ICLHE Spain will award 3 travel/ accommodation grants (of EUR 250 each) to student speakers at the 2020 ICLHE Spai http://dlvr.it/RRRshP
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linguainfo · 5 years
Calls: 6th ICLHE Conference: Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education
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mirravel-blog · 6 years
Wie im Film
Gestern,am 27.1., traf iclh mich gegen Mittag mit Isaac, Josh und Caden. Wir fuhren zu Josh, der direkt neben Isaac lebt. Als ich dieses Haus betrat und vor allem den Garten war ich kurz sprachlos. Wunderschön, mit einem Feuerplatz, einem Stieg direkt zum Wasser. Einfach richtig schön. Wir entschieden uns aber erstmal dazu nach Samford zu fahren zum Cedar Creek. Einige kleinere Wasserfälle sind dort zu finden, Klippen von denen man springen kann, ruhige Landschaft drum herum.
Dort angekommen zeigten die Jungs uns (die Mädels hatten wir noch eingesammelt) den Weg zu den Klippen. Schon bei dem Klettern merkte ich, wie sich meine Angst ausbreitete. Aber zurück ging es irgendwie auch nicht mehr.
Isaac sprang, Caden sprang, Lele sprang, Caro sprang und ich schaute Josh an und wollte echt nicht springen. Er redete ganz ruhig auf mich ein, hielt meine Hand fest, zählte bis drei und wir sprangen. Er sprang, denn mein Körper zuckte zurück, ich drehte mich und landete ganz eigenartig im Wasser und vor allem auf Josh. Aber ich bin gesprungen. Das war schon eine riesige Überwindung für mich, deshalb bin ich fast ein wenig stolz auf meinen blauen Fleck auf dem Oberschenkel. Die Schmerzen sind jetzt nicht so sonderlich gering, aber gibt auch schlimmeres.
Wir lagen noch ein wenig in der Sonne bevor wir zurück fuhren. Es wurden im Radio die 'Hottest 100' gespielt. Alle Australier können abstimmen für ihr Lieblingslied und daraus entstehen dann die Top 100. Und zwar ziemlich gute Top 100. Diese Musik konnte man sich sehr gut anhören, im Gegensatz zu unserem Radio. Wir fuhren zurück zu Josh, aßen Abendbrot und machten das Feuer an. Wir unterhielten uns gut, lachten viel und tranken Bier oder den guten alten Goon.
Als die Hottest 100 bei der Nummer 1 ankamen, welche leider ziemlich enttäuschend war, sprangen wir ins Wasser. Es war richtig schön warm und jeder hatte seinen Spaß mit irgendwelchen Sprüngen oder beim herum albern. Es war wirklich wunderschön in diesem warmen Wasser, mit einem wunderschönen Sternenhimmel und ganz lieben, lustigen Menschen.
Danach setzten wir uns wieder ans Feuer und die Jungs holten die Gitarren raus. Annika, Isaac Schwester und Jas sangen und wir anderen trällerten auch fein und vor allem schief mit. Aber ich fühlte mich absolut wie im Film. Es war richtig, richtig schön. Nach einigen Stunden und vermutlichen 10 Mückenstichen mehr gingen wir rein und schauten noch einen Film an. Anschauen ist aber auch falsch gesagt, da jeder nach ein paar Minuten seine Augen schloss und wir alle quasi aufeinander ein schliefen. Als Isaac und ich aufwachten, waren einige bereits gegangen, einige schliefen und ich entschied mir ein Uber zu bestellen. Das kam 8 Minuten später und so endete ein verdammt schöner Tag!
Heute ist Sonntag. Ich liege im Bett, kühle mein Bein, werde gleich aber ein bisschen mit den Mädels und dem Hund spazieren gehen und eventuell bin ich heute Abend bei Damian zum Essen eingeladen.
Ich bin jetzt noch eine Woche bei Wayne und Pippa und dann geht es zu Anja. Ich bin gespannt. Ich werde die beiden sehr vermissen.
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eventsget-blog · 7 years
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selfcntrl · 8 years
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uncertainwallflower · 9 months
FIND-THE-WORD WIP GAME What @kay-elle-cee wills shall be done. Words: laugh, glance, hand, warm.
Tagging @merlinsbbeard @nodirectionhome-ao3 @joyseuphoria and @itsjamespotter with the words: quiet, reach, light, back.
Laugh (from I Can't Love Him)
James laughed and took a small step closer so as to be heard clearly over the music, asking, “Does this mean you’ll help me out in Potions again?”
Glance (from I Can't Love Him)
Lily and Marlene were hovering by a table near the entrance hole which was positively dripping with mountainous platters of food. Marlene, who was loading up her third plate, didn’t even glance at her friend to reply, “Lily, I’m bloody famished.”
Hand (from Between the Desire and the Spasm)
“It’s absolutely disgusting.” Then he leant down for a kiss—when had he crossed the room?—and she could do nothing but kiss him back. Lashes on cheeks, hands on bent elbows, soft, gentle as was everything else when it came to Timothy McKinnon.
Warm (from I Can't Love Him)
Said 'warm pleasant feelings' were stomped down as James, in the midst of an exchange of cordial greetings, snagged a rasher of bacon from Lily’s plate.
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uncertainwallflower · 9 months
FIND-THE-WORD WIP GAME We go again! Thanks for the tag @annasghosts xx Words: Family, Mistake, Broken, Sigh.
Family (from Expectation's Encumbrance)
Mrs Evans turned then upon her sister-in-law and implored her to make them see reason, sprouting many a complaint about her daughters’ lack of compassion and how they cared not for their family, their father, or the entail which would surely see them destitute if they did not listen to their poor mama. Allowing not a moment for Lady Bauffremont to concede, she turned again to her daughters and said in a waspish tone, “You will go and you will invite the young gentlemen to walk with you and this is the last I will hear on the subject!”
No mistake :(
Broken (from I Can't Love Him)
...Across the table, cinnamon-specked porridge was steadily dripping from the spoon poised halfway between Marlene’s bowl and her slack mouth. Beside her, with an uncomfortable sort of gap separating them, Sirius was staring at James with narrowed eyes and an air of incredulity. Peter, beside the thieving boy, was leant away as if waiting for a Howler to burst into flames. The remaining sixth-year Gryffindors all sat in varying states of caution and dubiety. James looked up. “What?” Trance broken.
Sigh (from Between the Desire and the Spasm)
Dorcas sighed. “You’re the biggest pest, you know that?”
More tags and more words gosh my poor little brain! Okay, tags: @blitheringmcgonagall @liiilyevans @nought-shall-go-ill and @ohmygodshesinsane. Words: eye, truth, breath, down.
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Thanks @charmsandtealeaves for the tag! This took a few days of stewing... and then I forgot about it.
I’m not sure what the original rules were, but I’m going with stuff from this year.
Started writing promoted microfics. Published 15 so far. Mostly Jily, one Wolfstar, and one about Angelina Johnson. It's so much fun; I love the microfic community.
Published chapters for All’s Well That Ends Well, I Can’t Love Him and Expectation’s Encumbrance. Will probably take me a couple months to publish the next ones, but hey, who's counting?
Published Three Is a Lucky Number, You Know, which was the labour of an in-proportionate amount of time. Probably one of my favourite things I've written.
This is not really fandom, but it is Tumblr: I can now leave Asks without switching to anon, which used to be difficult/anxiety-invoking. Yay for me!
Started bouldering again after a long break. Also picked up a few other hobbies again, which is fun.
Have a +30-day streak on Duolingo. Probably my proudest achievement. Edit: it’s now +70. Just saying.
Enrolled in a unit at uni. Pretty happy with myself about this one. I was considering deferring because my mental health was in the dumps last year (not helped by uni), but I'm actually looking forward to this semester.
That's all I can really think of.
Going to tag (obviously, no pressure, sorry if you’ve already done it): @merlinsbbeard @kay-elle-cee @annabtg @practicecourts @quotidian-oblivion @constancezin
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I CAN'T LOVE HIM Chapter 7: The Lonely Broomstick.
"Prongs?" Peter, whose eyebrows were visibly singed, peered over at the figure who has just pushed into the Gryffindor sixth-year boy’s dormitory. His head was ducked, hands shoved in his trouser pockets. "Where've you been, mate?" Sirius asked, tossing the firecracker he'd been examining back into the large pile of Zonko's goods. "McGonagall's office," James muttered, stepping into the stove light. His hair was in its usual state of disarray. His horn-rimmed glasses were absent. His lip was split, scabbing up a little, and blood had been wiped away from his nose by the sleeve of his jumper, as was evident upon a quick glance at the cuff.
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WIP WEDNESDAY EXCEPT IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY Thanks for the tag @itsjamespotter! A little snippet from the next chapter of I Can't Love Him:
It was upon rising, with a tremendous tantrum from the chaise longe, that James registered the burgeoning pain in his upper thigh and upon peering down the left leg of his dust-brushed trousers and sticking a tentative hand down to investigate, did he discover the deep soon-to-be-festering gash caked in a good layer of dry blood and some fresher, stickier blood that had recently resumed flowing.
Not sure of the rules so I shall tag: @merlinsbbeard @charmsandtealeaves and @quotidian-oblivion
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uncertainwallflower · 9 months
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From Chapter 10 of I Can't Love Him, coming—er—at some point.
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ICLH Character Aesthetics
LILY EVANS  Quick-witted and kind-hearted
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JAMES POTTER Ludic lover-boy
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MARLENE McKINNON Fearless feminist
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SIRIUS BLACK Reckless rebel
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JACKIE JOHNSON Courageous blithe
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REMUS LUPIN Sarcastic bookworm
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MARY MacDONALD Orphic quaintrelle
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PETER PETTIGREW Soft and susceptible
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ALICE FORTESCUE Irenic treehugger
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FRANK LONGBOTTOM Pauciloquent humanitarian
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SEVERUS SNAPE Pining and possessive
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I CAN’T LOVE HIM Chapter 5: Bombs Away
James set off at a run once he reached the Entrance Hall. Down past the marble staircase, through a door off the hall and down a stairwell leading to the dungeons. He caught sight of Lily at the base of the stairs as her hair whipped around the corner.
"Evans, wait up!" His voice bounced up and down the stairwell and out along the cold dungeon corridors.
Lily, who was sure she had put enough distance between them to reach Potions without interacting, groaned. She gritted her teeth and turned around, saying in no particularly nice tone, "Hello, Potter."
He skipped the last few steps and landed in front of her, grinning. "Potions?"
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