#I... Would have not drawn her on my own accord if she didn't like her a lot
mlarayoukai · 2 years
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Miku for a friend's birthday
382 notes · View notes
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genre: hurt/comfort, teensy angst, fluff
warning(s)!!!: hydro-vision/polearm-user reader (bc i said so), kaeya word vomits all over the place, kaeya also becomes self-aware of feelings and Dislikes that, kaeya also makes some poor choices in leu of those feelings, all is well in the end tho! he learns (and cries) (tayls is pushing the pathetic crybaby kaeya agenda and cannot be stopped)
w.count: 8.7k
synopsis: kaeya is none the wiser to the people around him and what it is they think about him- he didn't get his title of 'top candidate for grandson in law' for nothing. however, he never thought he'd get so swept up in his own feelings that when he does, he decides he has to put a stop to them no matter the cost. but can he really follow through with that?
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a/n: i love when tumblr nerfs my banner quality but it's whatever. have some kaeya nonsense (fr take this away from me)
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“A mosaic.” 
That was your answer to a question Paimon and the Traveler asks while you were meandering around the Favonius Library looking for a book you needed for some personal research. They had run into you there and a conversation about what some citizens of the City of Freedom embody had sprung up somehow. For example, Paimon was very set on saying that Master Diluc was a rock- set in his ways and tough to budge- and so on from there.  The ideas and objects tossed around were anywhere between insightful and downright silly. 
So, it was inevitable that eventually the trio would cycle around to the Knights. Jean was dubbed a Dandelion according to the Traveler and Lisa was crowned as an elegant bookmark that was so sharp it would cause terrible papercuts. Of course, Lisa’s object was picked ever so gracefully by Paimon even if it didn’t make much sense she was set on her answer, and nothing would change her mind. Then, when the personification of one Kaeya Alberich came around, admittingly the two Outlanders were stumped.  
Kaeya would always peruse around with such an air of mystery. Keeping important aspects of himself tucked so far away that very few people knew of his secrets- and they were tight lipped for their own reasons.  His smooth tongue aided him greatly whenever someone would ask about himself personally- spinning tales and weaving verses that got him out of any sort of personal interrogation. 
The trio knew if they asked Diluc, he’d give a short and possibly crude answer.  Jean would probably give him some illusion of not being sorted into such games and Lisa would just think you three were adorable and not give her two cents at all. You, however, thought on it for a bit longer and finally had an answer. 
“A mosaic?” Paimon mimicked, making sure her voice was kept down in the sanctuary of books. “Like the artwork?” 
“He is good looking,” Traveler pitched and it was true. Even people with aged or poor working eyes could see Kaeya was far from being an ugly man. 
“I don't see how him being a little ‘good looking’ is deserving of the title of being a piece art!” You chuckle at Paimon’s small fit of confusion. 
“Well, ignoring his looks, a mosaic is a piece of work that is made of small pieces right? It isn’t whole until it’s all put together. Just like a puzzle.” 
“So, he’s a glorified puzzle?” 
“That isn’t what I meant,” you shake your head in a small chuckle. You take a small trip to another corner of the library and run your fingers along the spines of different books before you grab one and easily slide it out of its spot on the shelf.
It’s a book on different types of art. Flipping the pages you find a page with a drawn on copy of a mosaic from another country. You lay it down on a nearby table and tap the drawing with your fingertip. 
“What I meant was the process of becoming a mosaic- how it’s created.” you trace the empty spaces of white on the page where the piece of the drawn on piece were supposed to connect to create a bigger piece. “Various pieces of work all put together to make one big picture. A series of events leading to a grand conclusion of hardwork and patience. Maybe it took a lot of time and work. Sometimes creating such a piece was so frustrating at times you wanted to give up, or maybe sometimes nothing looked right. But, by the end of it all- it couldn’t be anything but a wonderful representation of all those struggles.” 
Paimon floated in awe at your explanation and the Travelers playfully placed their hands on their hips as they looked at you. 
“You sure think highly of Kaeya, don’t you?” 
“It’s that noticeable, huh?” You chuckle a tad embarrassed. Your long-standing puppy-crush on Kaeya you’ve had since you met him wasn’t always the best hidden secret. In fact, you were almost positive that the Cavalry Captain himself knew you had a thing for him, but you were happy he never cornered you about it. 
“You’re a love-struck citizen alright,” Paimon rushed to the Traveler’s side in making slight jests at you. You shut the book you had used to try and explain your choice of object and rubbed the back of your neck as you ignore the warmth in your face. 
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” You turn on your heel and walk back to the shelf to replace the book. Paimon had cupped a small hand around her chin before she was floating over to your side and asking you another question. 
“So, if Kaeya is a mosaic, then who’s his artist?” You look at her and blink a few times, processing what she was asking. You didn’t expect a question like that.  You cup your own chin in thought and after a moment, you laugh at being caught off guard.  
“I hadn’t thought of that.  I guess maybe Mondstadt itself? It is where all his friends and family are after all. Oh, and his job of course.” 
“That makes sense,” Paimon muses, seemingly satisfied with your answer. The conversation had moved from the shelves to the open space of the library and soon out the doors. As the three of you left, the topic of objects to people shifted to one of getting some food into Paimon’s ever empty stomach. 
The book you had previously replaced back on the shelf was easily slid back out by a hand adorning open finger gloves. Taking a relaxed seat at a nearby table, he flipped to the very page you had been on before and looked at the image himself with a small huff that twisted into a quirk of his lips. 
“How interesting,” he muses before reading the whole installment about that specific piece of art. After all, how could he not? 
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The next morning was quick to roll around. After a hearty meal at the Good Hunter and pleasant good nights exchanged with the Traveler and Paimon, you were more than ready to head back home to rest. After a swift debrief on the commissions set aside for you today, you move out of the way and off to the side so you could flip through the four pages of individual commission information. 
A typical site clearing of hilicurls, a balloon transport, and two other sites said to be infested with abyss mages and mitacurls. Taking a deep breath and letting it out in the form of a heavy sigh, you roll your neck and shoulders. It looked to be a very physical day, considering the commissions alone were already enough, they were hardly close in range to each other.  
“My, what does this sunny morning lack that is making your shoulder’s slack so much,” the familiar voice of the ever lingering person on your mind spoke. Lowering your commissions and offering him a greeting smile, you watch as Kaeya marches his way down the stone steps of Mondstadt to you. 
“The weather has nothing to do with it, I'll have you know.” When he finally gets to your sides, he silently offers his hand out for your daily commission sheets. You hand them over and resume your small effort of stretching. His eyes quickly scan sheet after sheet before he’s clicking his teeth and shaking his head.  
“Having your run all the way to Stormbearer, to Windrise, down to Springvale and then back up to Wolvendom is just cruel.” The way his voice has that familiar lithe to it, you knew he only half meant what he said. 
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and run into the Traveler who can do me a favor by hitching me a ride on a Waypoint.” You quickly take your commissions back and fold them down twice before storing them away in your pack. Watching the sun’s orange morning hue fade into its daylight yellow was tell enough that you had to get moving or else you’d be rushing to get your work done. Kaeya walked you to the city gate and even across the bridge before you were ready to set off.  
This is practically routine. You weren’t sure when it started, but at some point, Kaeya had started meeting you at the Adventurer’s Guild after receiving your daily commissions and would insist on escorting you out of the city. He claimed it was on the way of his morning walk to stretch his legs, but you weren’t sure how much you believed him. You allowed him to do it anyway since it always set up a good start to your day. 
Getting a small amount of Kaeya’s time was something you would relish since you never wanted to impede on his busy schedule with the Knights. It was the small selfish part of you that wanted to capitalize on this so-called ‘alone’ time that lasted only a small piece of the day. 
“Be careful,” Kaeya always tell you and you always nod back to him a simple ‘I will’ before he would watch you disappear down the worn, dirt paths. Your first destination would be Stormbearer Mountain it appears. 
Most of Kaeya’s morning consisted of going over documents shoved on him courtesy of his position as one of the ten Captains within the knight’s ranks.  With sighs echoing in his private workspace every few minutes and multiple tempting ideas of sneaking out without even processing the paperwork, he finally finished and approved the last document before placing it in a file on his desk that Jean would surely come and snag from him later. 
Leaning back in his chair that would soon need the cushions replaced, he craned his neck to gaze out the tall window in his office.  The sun was much higher in the sky than it was when he had arrived earlier that morning.  His thoughts easily drifted to you and a frown found its way onto his lips. 
“Are you doing alright?” Kaeya delicately asked to the air of solitude around him.  You were more than capable to handle yourself.  In truth, if you weren’t already associated with the Guild and kept so busy by them, Jean probably would’ve scouted you for the Knights instead.  ‘Your skills are impressive, and the others could learn a lot from you’, that’s probably what Jean’s pitch would be. All true of course, sometimes the job of trying to train the lower ranking knights was more of a chore than a duty, once Kaeya would often get stuck with.
He'd be more than happy to spar with you instead any day.  
Steering his gaze away from the window and moving it towards the ceiling, he traced the wooden beams above him with his single visible eye. He sighed again- this time not because of his now finished paperwork. 
“Surely, they’d be in Windrise by now… right?” His fingers drummed against the arm of his chair before he was bringing his chin back down to lock onto his office door.  His paperwork was done, so maybe…
Two knocks rapped against the thick door and Kaeya’s posture straightened out of habit. A muffled ‘Captain?’ heard behind it.  He let his head sink as a small, defeated breath left his open mouth before correcting himself again. 
“You can come in,” he answered.  Guess his plans to sneak away were once again foiled. 
By the time Kaeya made it out of HQ it was already late into the afternoon.  Stretching after stepping foot out of the large entrance, he stepped down the short set of stone steps before making his way towards the front of the city.  You must be back now, or close to the city at the very least.  It had been almost the whole day, if you weren’t back yet he’d simply go on an unprompted adventure to ‘bump into you’. Luckily, there you were; standing in front of the Guild and talking to Katheryne once again. Although, the look of you was less than encouraging. 
While you yourself seemed more or less fine, just from the distance between the top set of steps by Good Hunter to you at the Adventurer's Guild Reception, he could tell your commissions had worn you out today. It was no wonder considering the distance between them. Your clothes had clearly been fixed prior to you reentering the city since the dirt and stains on them were a clear indicator that you had your fair share of roughing up. 
Kaeya can, and did mostly, dismiss this all, however.  It was the serious look on Katheryne’s face and the way yours didn't show relief after a hard day's work like it normally would be. He started making his way towards you and started catching bits of the conversion you both were having. 
“I deeply apologize, y/n, but it’s an Emergency Commission we just received.” The way Katheryne’s voice was coated in tension made Kaeya’s pace harden. When he had arrived at your side, his hand came up to rest on your back without his notice as he looked at the way you held your head in your hand like you were preventing an oncoming headache. 
“What’s the problem?” Kaeya made it a point to look at you- directing the question at you and not Katheryne. Your hand dropped and you sighed with a shake of your head before looking at him. 
“It’s nothing, just a last-minute Commission.”
“What? You just got back from your commissions, didn’t you?” 
“It’s an Emergency. I can’t just brush it off.” 
“Make someone else take it then.” 
“No one else is available.” 
The small verbal battle you both engaged in was empty and Kaeya knew he was playing a losing game. He let out a sigh before he finally turned to look at Katheryne who must have all the patience in the world for standing by and letting you both bicker until she was needed for something. 
“What is the commission exactly?” 
“Apparently, a Ruin Guard has been spotted near Springvale after a passing Adventurer accidentally triggered its detection sensors. The nearby residents are frightened it could march into someone’s territory and wreak havoc there.” 
Kaeya pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand- the other still mindlessly resting on your back- as he sighed.  This is indeed something that couldn’t be pushed off for someone else to take. When it comes to those old machines, who knows what could happen if they aren’t swiftly deactivated. The Captain was at an impasse; letting you go after already being exhausted from running around all day or tying you to one of the Guild’s posts and keeping you there until someone else passed by that Katheryne could snag instead. 
“Fine,” Kaeya relented.  His hand finally dropped from your back and crossed with his other arm over his chest. “I shall accompany you then.” He saw you open your mouth- probably to protest- but he didn’t let you. “Ah-ah,” he tutted at you, “no arguments. Let’s get moving.” He uncrosses his arms to grab your shoulders, spin you around and lightly push you to get your legs moving. 
Luckily, Kaeya’s vision was extra compatible with your own. While your fight styles were different, the fact you had a hydro vision was very much a blessing. It was quiet easy work taking down a Ruin Guard that had been drenched in water then subsequently frozen. After picking up a few dropped items from the timeless machine, Kaeya had stood up and placed his hands on his hips as if proud of himself. 
“Aren’t you happy I decided to tag along now? We made quick work of that Ruin Guard.” 
You can only roll your eyes at the smoothtalker.  Still, you quietly laugh at his antics all the same. Finally calling it a day in the middle of the field you had previously battled in with him, you lay down on the grass.  You were already covered in sweat, dirt and other stains from your earlier commissions, so getting a little more on your clothes wasn’t a concern. You shut your eyes and took in the breeze you silently thanked Lord Barbatos for as you took in a deep breath, letting yourself decompress. 
Kaeya stood over you, moving so his boots were on either side of your head and he was looking down at your relaxing face.  With your eyes closed, you didn’t get to see the smile that was only ever present when you weren’t looking.  The moment your eyes would open, you would only see his normal everyday grin. And open your eye did and oh how lovely they were. The evening glow did wonders for their color. 
Evening. Yes, it is getting rather late now. 
“Are you ready to head back now?” He asked and you nod. Sitting up, Kaeya offers to carry you back to the city on his back- which you decline. That didn’t stop the fact that you reentered Mondstadt securely resting on Kaeya’s back as he held you up with a slight bend to his posture and firm grip on your legs. 
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This routine would continue for as long as Kaeya’s luck would allow.  He’d be the first to see you in the mornings before being the one to walk you out of the city and if he was lucky, he’d be the first to greet you back (not including Katheryn). 
If Kaeya was lucky he would greet you back into the city and spend more time at your side.  Reporting in with you to the Guild. Running a few errands like stopping by to purchase things from Blanche or getting your polearm enhanced or repaired at the smith. 
If Kaeya was lucky, he would persuade you into getting dinner with him or dropping by the Cat’s Tail for some casual TCG matches when he was off duty. 
If Kaeya was lucky, the conversation between you both would be flowing well enough that even if there was nothing left to do, he’d be privileged enough to walk you home or come inside to continue occupying your time until you fall asleep or push him out the door saying that he had to get up for work in the morning. 
Today was not Kaeya’s lucky day.  When he got up this morning, his routine to finding you was practically ingrained in his muscles and when he didn’t see you at the stone steps, city gates or the Guild’s reception, confusion crossed his brows.  He casually took a seat on one of the nearby outside stools by the Cat’s Tail and waited until the time to clock in at HQ was growing closer.  With hesitation, he got up and looked around for you once more just to see if maybe he could at least catch a glimpse of you rushing around to get a (rather late) start to the day. 
He was antsy all day and he was astonished to find out that throwing a wrench in his morning threw off his day so much. Kaeya knew that seeing you first thing in the morning was quite a lovely way to start his day, but he didn’t know the extent in which it could affect the rest of it.  Not exchanging a good morning with you or even saying his usual ‘be safe’ message at the edge of Mondstadt nagged at him.  
Currently, he was sitting in a remote corner of the Favonious library, legs crossed as his rear was sat towards the front of the seat to make up for the fact his back was bent over the back of it.  He rests a flimsy, paperback book over his face, the pages scent of old paper and ink invaded his nose and the feeling of them rubbed against his cheeks. One of his hands held it open with his thumb and pinky and the other arm was hanging uselessly at his side, his wrist bouncing against his vision from time to time just for something to interact with. 
Underneath the book, his eye was closed.  He had tried reading the passages in this particular book at least four times now, but the words just weren’t registering in his mind, so he had given up. He was left listless; certain he could easily fall asleep in this very position at any given time. Of course, it wasn’t often that Captain Kaeya would get much quiet time to himself anyways. 
“Uh, what are you doing?” The voice of Paimon made Kaeya’s eye open under the book before he was pulling it down his face enough to only reveal that one eye.  Seeing Paimon floating at the Traveler’s side made him slip the book off his face completely and shut it before setting it on the table in front of him. His posture was corrected as he sat up straighter and rolled his neck. 
“Couldn't you tell? I was reading.” 
“Paimon think’s you were slacking off.” 
“Is that what it looked like?” He jokes as he pushes his chair back and stands up properly before placing one of his hands on his hips. “I would never be caught slacking off, you wound me.” 
“We’ve heard that before,” Paimon sighs with a shake of her head.  In the moment, Kaeya is reminded of the conversation he overheard before between you and the other two. The same time of day, the same location, the same two participants of that conversation. 
“Say,” he says to gain both of their attention, “what do you think it is?” Kaeya’s exceptionally broad and unprecedented question left the two Outlanders confused. The way the Captain could almost see materialized question marks float around their heads was comical before he elaborated. “I’m asking about my artist, of course. Surely you must have your own idea, no?” 
Both Traveler and Paimon’s mouth opened in shock.  
“You were listening?!” Paimon shrieks before she is shushed by other people in the library for her volume. 
“It’s rude to eavesdrop, Kaeya,” Traveler tells him as they cross their arms over their chest.  Kaeya fakes a gasp before shaking his head and shrugging with his arms up. 
“Eavesdropping? Why, I’d never.” He dropped his arms back to his sides. “I was simply in the area and didn’t want to interrupt such a compelling conversation topic. That would’ve been quite rude of me, wouldn’t you agree?” The looks he received were easily brushed off. “Anyway, you didn’t answer my question.” 
“Well,” Paimon started, “didn’t y/n say it would be Mondstadt?” 
“And? Do you agree with them?” 
“Paimon doesn’t see a reason why not,” she shrugs in the air. 
“I see,” Kaeya’s arm crosses over his chest before he’s resting his opposite elbow on it to cup his chin. His gaze shifts downward before he's blinking slowly, meaningfully. “I suppose I could give you half marks.” 
“Half marks?!” Paimon whispers. 
“What about ‘the people of Mondstadt?’” The Traveler interjects.  Kaeya’s eye shoots back to them and his hand drops from his chin to resume a casual stance. 
“That assumption is largely correct as well.” The smile he gives the two gives nothing away. It wasn’t clear if he was sincere about what he said or if he was just saying it to hear himself talk. “A mosaic is usually a large piece, yes? It would make sense for there to be multiple people taking part in such a project at some point I suppose.” 
“You suppose? You’re just running us in circles here!” 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Kaeya deflects with a lighthearted tone and short laugh. 
“Fine! We get it!” Paimon huffs before the conversation devolves into little to nothing until he is parting ways with the two, leaving the library and ready to end the day that seemed to have lasted longer than usual. Despite having a rather lax day, he felt lethargic. 
Yet, despite his lethargy, when he finally made it out of his day clothes and into his bed, all he could do was lay on top of his covers and stare at the ceiling. His eyepatch had been removed- just as always when he was in the confines of his home- and his long bangs covered the eye that was always so accustomed to the darkness.  One of his legs was propped up on the mattress with the other stretched out and his arms were folded behind his head. 
His mind was curious about a number of things all the time- so his racing thoughts weren’t unknown to him. Still, the nagging feeling in the back of his mind didn’t let up. Was not seeing you at all really that much of a clog in his daily life? It made him feel so off-set and that alone was enough to plant a seed of anxiety in his chest. 
Kaeya sighs to himself and his ceiling before rolling to his side and letting his bangs slip across his face and reveal his always concealed eye between the blue strands. He closes his eyes and wills his mind to stop dwelling on menial things. 
Heart and mind are difficult things to cooperate with one another though. 
Kaeya Alberich couldn’t risk getting mixed up in too many personal things- it made his future even more murky and daunting than it already was.  
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After that one day of missing seeing you out before your commission, Kaeya tried to do it less on purpose. Maybe that was a message from the gods themselves that he needed to take a step back. If your very presence could affect his day to day life like it had, he needed to back off for his sake and yours. And while he didn’t see you off, he still would welcome you back any chance he saw you return to the city with a raised hand he would immediately tuck away again. 
“I didn’t do anything to make you upset, did I?” Of course, you had noticed his sudden shift in nature. 
“Of course not,” he tells you as sincerely as he could. His smile was strained on his lips and his nose felt like twitching from the sheer effort it took just to pull them up. From the unamused look you gave him at his answer, he knew you knew he wasn’t being completely truthful. Still, you just looked away from him and sighed. Kaeya was grateful you didn’t push the issue because a part of him was sure if you had, he would’ve spilled his guts about things he wasn’t sure of himself just yet. 
The process of slowly taking steps away from you wasn’t pleasant for either party. Kaeya’s days had devolved into nothing but more boring paperwork and patrols he could do with his eye closed, and that would mean seeing nothing at all. The dull lag of the daytime was boring to him with nothing to do between his job and downtime he suddenly had. The Angels Share's atmosphere was a welcome comfort to his new, unpleasant routine- though, he could do without the looks from Diluc.
Meanwhile, you had felt the sting of dejection in your chest. You had come to the assumption that maybe Kaeya had finally taken action on your unspoken feelings for him and was politely telling you to take a hike. It was logical to you; a common everyday Adventurer probably couldn’t make it work out with one of the Knights’ Captains. His previous time spent with you was probably just a hindrance, a distraction from his real work, so this was good. He could focus on what was important, protecting Mondstadt. 
Though, that mental pep talk didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Just like Kaeya, you decided to bury yourself in your work. Taking commissions on top of any other field requests. Clearing hilicurl camps wasn’t something difficult and while the occasional Abyss Mage was a pain, it was all manageable. So, when your back to back jobs kept you out of the city for days at a time, that slowly became the norm for the citizens of Mondstadt. 
It was only natural for no one to notice. 
“Has it really been that long?!” Kaeya had been passing through the central square of Mondstadt when he heard the familiar shrill of Paimon. His interest took little to be piqued and he easily strut his way over. “And no one has tried looking for them yet?” Paimon and the Traveler were stuck in a conversation with Katheryne as is the norm for them nowadays when their travels bring them back to the City of Freedom. “Oohhh,” Paimon worries, “Paimon’s worried.” 
“What’s the problem,” Kaeya interjects into the conversation. All eyes shift to him, his easy strides coming to a stop when he fully joins the group with his arms crossing over his chest. “My, what’s with all the long faces?” 
“Kaeya!” Paimon screeches. “Oh, maybe you’ll know! Have you seen y/n around?” Kaeya’s chest tightens. 
“Y/n? I’m afraid we’ve both been too wrapped up in our own duties recently. Sorry to disappoint.” The slight light of hope Paimon dawned dimmed and worry once again took over her features. The tension in his chest felt tighter, like a white-hot coil was entangling itself around his insides and replacing his ribcage. “Has something happened?” He asks slowly, making quite sure his voice doesn’t crack or waver. All his hard work to distance himself from you can’t unravel now; not when you aren’t even here. 
“We aren’t sure,” Katheryne fills in.  All eyes look to her as she repeats what she had just told the duo before Kaeya arrived. “Y/n had taken a rather dangerous commission the other day. It was a job that required them to explore and investigate some ruins that had been discovered behind a wall of rocks on Stormbearer. The commission should’ve well run its course by now, but we haven’t heard back from either the client or y/n, so some of us are beginning to worry.” 
Kaeya’s fists clenched, but no one took notice of them under his cross-armed stance. He made sure to keep his face from giving himself away. 
“Have you made the issue known to the Acting Grand Master?” He questions. Katheryne shakes her head. 
“No, we haven’t. We had had planned on bringing it to her attention if y/n still doesn’t get in touch with us by this evening.” 
“We should let Jean know right now!” Paimon insists and the Traveler easily nods in agreement. “What if they’re stuck in the ruins. Or- or hurt or something!” Paimon’s worry bleeds easily into her words like a fresh wound into water. 
“The last thing we should do is panic,” Kaeya said hypocritically. His gut felt like a boiling cauldron with panic as the main ingredient. Still, his many years of being persuasive and aloof didn’t let any of that show. 
Though, the off hand look the Traveler shot him made him doubt himself; they’ve been awfully diligent when it comes to reading him ever since his wild goose chase he sent them on not long after they arrived in Mondstadt. Or maybe it was just because they had more experience than he initially thought. Still, it almost made him squirm. 
“Well, we’re going to go tell Jean!” Paimon declared, her small hands on her hips as she bobbed up and down in the air. Kaeya just shrugs indifferently, surely not making any moves to oppose them. With a small huff, Paimon and the Traveler take off towards the Knights Headquarters. When they were well out of earshot and sight, Kaeya’s cross arms drop and his gaze moves to the ever-open gate that showed the wilds outside of Mondstadt. 
“Katheryne,” he almost whispers. “You said Stormbearer?” 
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Your vision was blurred when you opened your eyes from your, albeit useless, slumber. You had long since tucked yourself between a small alcove of debris and rock in the ruins you had agreed to investigate. Had you known the person who had commissioned this job was some ruin machine-obsessed loon, you wouldn’t had agreed so easily. A couple ruin guards aren’t a big deal, but adding their mechanical brethren- so to speak- on top of a nut job maintaining them the moment you have to step away to recoup, that's when things get tricky. 
Your body had long since grown exhausted from using your Vision by excessively trying not to get killed. Luckily, the mad man only had his madness going for him, so hiding from his view was easy. Staying hidden from the machine’s censors was what worried you, but you had succeeded so far. Because of that very fact, however; you were reluctant to move. Beyond your weary body, hunger and thirst were starting to eat away at you too. 
Having been in hiding with no ample moment to even try fleeing back to the city for additional aid, you had run through what little rations you had. Your gut ached with hunger pains and your throat had never felt dryer, still you weren’t backed up against the preverbal wall so much you threw all caution to the wind. 
Your polearm had remained materialized as you kept it rested against your shoulder for ease of quick use should you require it.  Your vision had never felt heavier from its placement on your person and your hands cramped from how tightly you had gripped your weapon’s staff. You let your head fall back into the rock behind you and let out a silent sigh. 
In truth, you felt more foolish than injured or exhausted. You knew this commission sounded… odd, but you took it anyway. Anything to help distract your mind from the ever cloudy presence of Kaeya- or lack thereof. 
Your small sliver of respite you found in your cove of rock and debris was beginning to quake and crumble… literally. Your eyes you hadn’t realized had dropped back down shoot open and between the crumbling dust that threatened to get into them, you could hear the engines of machines whirring above you. You scramble to get out into the open before your previously, temporary safety could crush you. Though, coming out meant that you would be more vulnerable than you’d prefer. 
The moment your gaze lands on that familiar warm glow of the back of a Ruin Guard, you throw your polearm into its core, coating the blade with water from your Vision without much thought. The guard crackled with electricity as it malfunctioned and was brought to its metallic knees. Sprinting to its back to quickly retrieve your polearm, you made sure to use your Vision to drench its legs and feet just in case it got back up again. Perhaps the moisture would cause it to comically slip and buy you just a bit more time and maybe a chuckle or two. 
It was odd though, aside from the now jagged whirring of the jittering machine in front of you- there was nothing else. No crazed man trying to jump you or sick another random machine of his on you for whatever cause. It was in fact quiet, and that quiet put you on edge. Your brain knew you needed to stay on guard, but the silence was starting to lull your body into a false sense of security you couldn’t trust. 
Still, your mind that had been in fight mode for what should have been days now, had no chance against your weary body. Your grip on your polearm slips and the weapon clatters to the ground just before your knees did and your body slumped rather pathetically afterwards. 
‘If you fall unconscious, you’ll die’,  you mentally scold yourself. Trying to bully yourself into getting back up, keeping your eyes open, keeping your guard up. Still, your mind was beginning to feel as weak as your body. Thoughts swirled together into a mess of intangible words stuck in your mind and your sight was no better.  Perhaps it was your delirium and exhaustion, but your body suddenly grew cold and you vaguely felt goosebumps raise on your skin like winter itself had bloomed in these ruins with you. Among the changes you felt externally, you swore you heard a muffled voice too. 
Perhaps it was the mad man, the one who got you suckered into this stupid job. If it was, he could make quick work of you now since the last of your fight had disappeared taking out that Ruin Ruard core. The warmth you felt on your neck and cheek was the final thing you could mentally register before your body succumbed to its burdens.
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‘Odd’, was the first thing that crossed your mind when you found yourself staring blankly up at a well maintained ceiling. You were sure that if you woke up again, and not gotten yourself killed or crushed, you’d be waking up to jagged rocks and mossy walls. So, the well furnished room you now occupied threw you for a loop- which your pounding head didn’t exactly take well. 
The room you were in was familiar, and you were sure you’ve been here before, but your foggy mind couldn’t process where you were.  The bed you were tucked into was soft and comforting, and with a wince the mattress gave when you push yourself to sit up. You were alone in the room and without much thought, you shuffle your legs out from under the blankets thrown over you to place your feet onto the floor and wobble up to your legs with the help of the bedside table acting as a- albeit less than desirable- crutch. 
The door creaking open was almost mistaken by you for the sound of your sore joints straightening out, as humorous as that was to you since you let a brief, lighthearted laugh escape you in a huff. Then, with your sights on the ground, you noticed a shadow casted by light you don't remember being in the room with you before. 
You follow the shadow along the hard floor covered with a single, purple rug until your eyes found a pair of all too familiar boots.  Your aching body starts to feel anxious- a small wave of gooseflesh running across your exposed skin at the idea of Kaeya being in your proximity for the first time in a while. Still, regardless of how you hadn’t been able to squash your silly crush on him or properly prepare yourself for a possible rejection without even confessing- you were no coward. 
With both hands tense on the bedside table, you raise your head to look at the blue haired man who had removed the fur, half-cape from his shoulder.  It was strange seeing how empty his shoulder was without the extra fluff the fur provided. Still, it was nice to see him in his entirety again since it had been a while. The blacklight of the space behind him made it difficult to see his expression since the lights in the room you had woken up in had been turned off presumably for your ease of comfort. 
“It’s been a while,” was the lamest thing that’s come out of your mouth in a while.
Of course it had been, you were both actively avoiding each other and practically the whole of Mondstadt picked up on it. Looking behind his shoulder you could only barely see corners of art pieces on the walls behind him and another rug that ran down the hall behind his heels.  “Kaeya, am I at your house?” You ask, finally realizing where you recognized your surroundings from.  
You’d been in his living room plenty of times visiting, but you had hardly been back in his room unless you were the one tasked with dragging him home from Angels Share and were generous enough to lug his body weight back to his bed. It was a rare occurrence since you were normally one to just dump him on the couch with a blanket and glass of water for his possible next morning hangover. 
Kaeya never graced you with an answer before he was marching into the room. His bootsteps seem louder than usual on his hardwood floors of his enclosed room, but maybe that was just the headache. His hands shoot out to grab your shoulders and turn you towards him, your hands that had been on the wooden night table were effectively removed from its surface and now Kaeya’s grip was the only crutch you had for balance before your brain could full calibrate standing without swaying again. 
“What on Teyvat were you thinking?!” He raised his voice and even in the dimly lit room with only light from the hall flooding in, you could easily see his expressions now. His brow was turned in a frown and his eye clouded with something you couldn’t pinpoint. It was a far cry from his normally suave and dismissive behavior. “Taking an obviously suspicious commission in ruins that hadn’t been officially investigated by the Knights? Seriously, you thought that was smart?!” 
His temper only made your headache worse and in turn soured your already not-so-great mood.  Reaching up to grab his arms like a hook for support, you verbally push back. 
“I think I'm capable of handling things myself, you know? The Guild doesn’t need the Knights’ to babysit them for every little thing, and as a member of the Guild that applies to me too!” 
“Oh yes, so capable you spontaneously disappear for days? Does that sound capable to you?” 
“It does actually because I was handling things just fine by myself, not that it makes a difference to you.” 
“You collapsed next to a Ruin Guard, y/n! What would you have done if it had restarted or if something else would have happened? Magically wake up and jump into battle again, because I have my doubts about that!” 
“What is your problem, Kayea?!” 
“You! You are my problem!” 
Astonished, you scoff before rolling your eyes.  It had been so long since you hashed it out like this with anyone, let alone Kaeya. It didn’t feel good, it made you feel sick to your stomach. Not hearing any retaliations from you, Kaeya guides you by the shoulders back against the edge of the mattress and pushes you to sit down again. You didn’t let yourself release the sigh of relief that you felt now that the weight of your own limbs was lifted- you wouldn’t give the Captain that satisfaction.
You expected him to let go of you, release your shoulders and march out of the room and maybe slam the door for good measure. Or maybe pace around the room before ordering you good enough to argue, so you would be good enough to get out of his hair. Out of the possibilities, the only thing that you predicted right was him releasing your shoulders. 
Kaeya's hands left your shoulders before sliding down your arms and dropping to the mattress edge on either side of you. You were stunned when he dropped to his knees in front of you and the pressure of his forehead resting on your knee felt heavier than anything. Caging you with his arms and using his head as an anchor on your legs he had effectively trapped you. You kept your hands tucked into each other by your stomach, making sure your knuckles wouldn’t brush even a strand of his hair and you could feel the thin strap of his eyepatch leaving an intent on your skin. 
“Kaeya,” you sighed heavily, his name leaving your lips like a weight. 
“I tried,” his muffled voice sounds weak that your gaze softens at the abrupt tone change. “I did. I tried to fix it, but my problem is still you and I can’t do anything about it.” 
“I have no idea what you’re-” 
“Tell me what to do.” His words that interrupt yours cause you to furrow in confusion. 
“Tell me what to do,” he repeats with a strained voice. “I have so many things I need to do, choices but I- I don't want to. So, do it for me.” 
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about. What does all that even mean?” 
“Make me choose you,” he sighs heavily before the hands of his that were placed on the mattress beside you move to lightly grab at your shirt like he was scared to touch you further. As if you’d push him away, scorn him for his actions and inactions alike. “Because I will. I just- I need someone- you, you need to-” His sentences never finish as his breaths become uneven. The hands that grip your shirt tighten to ball the fabric in his fists now. “I’m sorry.” 
Never had you seen Kaeya, the ever debonair Calvary Captain who kept all his secrets stored into his chest, kneel and subsequently crumble like this to anyone- much less to you. Perhaps in the past he never talks about, Diluc had seen him so weak, but that would be where the witness list ends. You lift your hands from your lap and hover them over his hunched body that clung to you like a child; you were unsure if touching him would set him off or if he would recoil from you. Your silence only made his hands that ensnared your shirt tug on the fabric like an anchor keeping a ship from sailing away. 
One of your hands reach to his head and your fingertips breach the blue tresses of his hair. His shoulders tensed and you almost snatched your hand away. 
“Don’t,” he mumbled into your leg. You weren’t sure if he was saying not to touch him or not to pull away. So, you kept your hand half in his hair and unmoving. 
You yelp when the tugging on your shirt flew into a harsh yank. The back of your knees that had previously been resting snug against the edge of the mattress were now well away with the back of your thighs replacing their spot. Closer to sliding right off the bed than comfortably sitting on it, Kaeya’s arms moved to wind around your waist and his face found a new home in your stomach as your arms hovered in the arm like a puppet's dangling from unused strings. 
You could feel the weight of his words fall onto your legs by way of the tears leaving his eyes. You could feel it in the way his shoulders shake and the uneven breaths that warms your lap through his mouth.
“Kaeya,” you softly start, “what has gotten into you? I've never seen you act like this before.” You slowly lower your arms and place your palms on his shoulders gently so as to not startle him; you weren’t going to keep them in the air forever, they’re sore. 
“I’m from Khaenri’ah, you know?” His voice strains as he lets out a pathetic laugh that’s damp with a web forming in his throat. He feels your hands on his shoulders twitch and his grip around you tightens so you have no chance of running from him. 
“Kaeya, what-” 
“My father abandoned me here with the intention of using me as a spy. I’ve only ever told Diluc, but when I did a lot happened and he left, abandoning me too. I don’t care about Khaenri’ah- not anymore- Mondstadt is my home. It’s where my friends are, my brother- even if he will never accept that role again. I can’t leave Mondstadt behind.” 
“I’m sure Diluc doesn’t hate you, not like you think. He just- he’s set in his stubborn ways and isn’t good at communicating.” You decide to speak only on his mention of Diluc, since the new information of the land in which he supposedly hails was still processing in your mind. 
Your previous comparison of Diluc to a rock briefly comes to mind at the mention of his stubbornnes. You nearly laugh at the thought, but now is definitely not the time.
“Please, please, make me choose you. Tell me to, order it of me, I don’t care. Just- don’t make me live without my artist. I can’t risk that again; I can’t take being abandoned again.” 
“Artist? Kaeya, what are you talking about?” You felt like you didn’t understand the words coming out of his mouth. 
There was a bout of silence after your question and the air felt heavy. You know Kaeya heard you, but he was reluctant to answer. Odd, considering the word vomit he had already coughed up in the last several minutes since he came into the room. Your hands start to move and lightly rub his shoulders over onto his neck, silently trying to coax him into talking more. 
“I heard what you said to the Traveler.” You almost roll your eyes because that could be literally anything. Does he know how often you get the chance to actually run into them and Paimon? He is just trying to dodge the question and by habit you lightly swat at his head. A silent, ‘okay smartass’ to keep him going in the right direction. He almost scoffs into your lap for that one. “You called me a mosaic.” Oh. “You told the Traveler that ‘Mondstadt’ is my artist; they said the ‘People of Mondstadt’, but only I know who my artist truly is.” His arms around you twitch and you could almost feel a stitch of pain in your side from how long he's been effectively squeezing you. “My artist is you. It’s just you.” 
The room is engulfed in a silence that feels heavy, yet... somehow also relieving. So much time recently had been the both of you dancing around the issues neither of you wanted to confront and all it took was you getting yourself into potentially mortal danger for days on end for the truth to come out. Kaeya knew you were someone important, but he didn’t realize just how heavy your permanent absence would be to him. Just the thought of possibly finding you in those ruins dead made his throat burn and ache like swallowing a ball of thorns. 
“I’m not lying,” his voice was strained, filled with fear of being labeled someone worthy of nothing. 
“I wasn’t going to say you are,” the hand that had previously tapped his head now rested on his nest of blue hair. The gentle strokes of your palm against his scalp were soothing as he felt your breath move your stomach against his head. “I don't see why you would lie to me right now.”  There was no doubt in your mind that everything that came out of his mouth was the unadulterated truth. You’ve never seen the suave captain bleed such vulnerability before. 
You didn’t say anything else to him after that. You move your hands to his arms, unwinding yourself from them before pulling him pathetically up onto his own bed. Not even bothering to fix your position, you fall back onto the mattress with your feet hanging off the edge and he easily follows you. From the lighting provided from the hall, you notice his eyepatch string had loosened from all his face hiding and you take it upon yourself to tighten it- securing it back where it belongs. Your fingertips linger around its material for but a moment before sliding down to his cheek.
His eye is brimmed with tears that had stained his skin with tracks and swelling. He also wouldn’t make eye contact with you, and you roll your eyes endearingly at his childish whims. With you both laying sideways on the bed, feet and legs hanging and not even a blanket to cover up with, your thumb run over his skin. Kaeya is quick to reach for and latch his grip delicately onto your wrist to keep it there. 
“‘M sorry,” he mutters again, sounding much more shy than he did before now that his face was in view of your gaze. You smile at him, knowing there was a long and meaningful talk in the near future. 
“I know. Go to sleep.” 
“But I-” 
“Artists' orders,'' you chortle. He just scoffs and offers his own eye roll, but his cheek warms under your palm. His eye closes and he let out a deep breath before taking one back in and repeating. 
“Stay until I open my eyes again.” 
“I will.” 
And you did. 
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earthpleasures · 11 days
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Harry Potter x fem!reader
Summary: Your friends joked about how much of a 'Teacher's Pet' you're. You brushed them off and laughed because it meant nothing. However, when Mr. Potter became your DADA professor in your last year, it meant something.
Warnings: MDNI +18 / swearing, oral (f. and m. receiving), fingering, sir kink (is that even a kink?), impact play, degradation, praise, orgasm denial, unprotected p in v, creampie, age-gap (reader is 20, harry is 28), hair pulling, darkish!harry. 
Word Count: 4k
A/N: to clarify, hogwarts sets in between age of 14-20. I don't wanna throw reader into a full grown man when she's barely an adult. Harry and Ginny are divorced. Because my girl Ginny doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I think no matter how toxic Harry would get, he wouldn't cheat on his partner. AND PLEASE DON'T FLIRT WITH YOUR TEACHERS IN REAL LIFE!
dividers by: @benkeibear
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"darlin', can I be your favorite?
i'll be your girl, let you taste it"
- favorite by isabel larosa.
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Y/n've always been a bit of a little teacher's pet. Never running to classes late, submitting her homework on time, sometimes even before time, helping professors carry their heavy books. It was a demeanor many of the teachers appreciated. And made her friends laugh; they found it hilarious how she was able to keep up with all of the schoolwork and social interactions with teachers.
Through the six years, she didn't care about all the jokes had been made about her behavior or the implications of a special bond with any of her professors by some of the jealous students. It was easier to let them be delusional and run their stupid minds than trying to fix their mistakes.
However, the seventh year was the year she began to hush the accusations. Because the possibility of accusations reflecting reality scared her.
And now, the sole source of her fears and lust was in front of the board, scratching something she didn't pay attention to at all.
Professor Potter was a danger to her reputation and view of classes.
When she heard rumors that Harry Potter, The Chosen One, would be teaching DADA classes after the departure of their former professor, she was enthusiastic. He fought against the dark himself, Lord Voldemort. Who would be better than him to teach about this class?
Mr Potter's first lesson was quite shocking for her. Throughout the photos and conversations of other students, she knew he was handsome. But knowing was a thing; seeing with her own two eyes was another thing.
His green eyes always seemed to be excited, alive, and fresh. His approach to classes could be called effective, according to many of the students. First, they learned the theoretical aspects of a creature or curse, or hex. Then, they practiced in various ways such as breaking a curse on an object and facing the said creature in a safe environment if the creature is found.
He dropped the chalk in his hand to his desk with a soft sound and dusted the powder of his skin. A creature was drawn on the board; it wasn't the most perfect drawing ever, but it was definitely recognizable.
“Okay, class. I don't want to see any books open in front of you. Your homework was to study for the next lesson. Let's see who did their homework properly. What's this creature called?”
Before Y/n could even fathom the answer, a female student jumped to answer his question. “A banshee.” Harry smiled at the girl, nodding his head in agreement. “That's correct, Ms. Brown. This creature is called ‘Banshee’. Banshee is a creature mostly affiliated with dark arts.” He rolled up his cream color shirt's sleeves and crossed his arms over his chest, hips laid against the desk.
“It’s native to Ireland and has a zombie-like appearance. But what makes them lethal?” His green eyes scanned the classroom, waiting for an answer. This time, she managed to act before other students. “Fatal scream. Hearing them might and most likely will kill.”
“Exactly. My advice is that if you don't have anything to defend yourself against a banshee, well, at least make sure to cover your ears firmly and run. Then maybe you can survive.”
His statement caused a peal of light laughter in class, which made him sigh in amusement. Merlin, he missed being a student.
“And lastly, what can you use to defeat a banshee?” Whole classroom fell into silence, everyone, at least the students studied beforehand, researching their memories for the correct response. Harry straightened his back and took the chalk from the wooden desk. “No answer? It's-”
“Laughter potion.”
Y/n's rushed voice interrupted his definement, her face satisfied from remembering the potion. Harry's eyebrow arched involuntarily, signaling the girl to continue. With newfound confidence to speak, she cleared her throat and gave him the answer he wanted.
“For it to be perfectly effective, the person who makes the potion must follow the rules word by word. Ingredients are spring water, alihotsy leaves, billywig wings, knarl quills, puffskein hair, horseradish powder, and laughter. We should consume the liquid if we face a banshee.”
Harry was amazed at her knowledge and strength of memory. “All correct, Ms. S/n. Someone actually studied, huh?” Other students let out grunts and complaints, some of them talking about how she's been like this for years and they're not even surprised.
And the lesson went on. Her eyes had never been focused on what he writes on the blackboard, but on his hands. They moved elegantly, a few scars scratching them. Her mind wandered on dangerous waters. They would gently caress her flesh and leave their prints on her thighs while his nose rubbed against her clit. Teeth almost puncturing her lower lip, she pressed her thighs together. I must stop, he's my teacher.
“In the next lesson, I want you to bring your own laughter potions since we will directly interact with a banshee. I talked to your potions professor, she will be helping you with the materials. And that being said, class, dismissed. With his last words, everyone gathered their books, feathers, and inkwells.
Y/n took a deep breath as she threw everything into her bag in a hurry. Leaving the classroom as soon as possible would be in her favor.
“Y/n.” A sweet, velvety voice caused her to stop her tracks. She gulped the agitation which was coursing through her whole body down. “Yes, Mr. Potter?” His hands were buried in pockets of his dress pants, veins on his forearms discernable. He smiled at her, making her stomach do literal flips.
“I would like to see you in my office after dinner, if the time fits you?” She almost jumped in to answer straight. However, she succeeded in remaining calm. “It does, but why? Did I do something wrong?” She was proud of herself regarding the fact her tone didn't falter.
“No, nothing like that. I wanted to discuss why you are so distracted in my classes.”
Her reason was as obvious as a shining sun but as embarrassing as it was obvious.
“Oh, okay. I will be there, sir.” His sweet smile twitched for a second, turning into something more malicious when the word ‘sir’ left her pretty lips.
“Good, see you later.”
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Dinner went incredibly slow for her, thoughts of being alone with Professor Potter in a secluded room consumed her mind relentlessly. When dinner finally came to an end, her fast moves caught her friends’ attention. “Why are you in such a hurry, Y/n?” One of the girls asked her with a giggle, as her best friend, of course she knew why she was in a hurry.
Girl scoffed at her friend's playful question. “I am not in a hurry, Mindy. I just don't find keeping teachers waiting right.” Mindy rolled her eyes as she stab her fork to a piece of meat. “Right. But well, if I had a chance to be alone with Mr. Potter; girl, I would sprint to his office for more time.”
“Mindy! That's so inappropriate!” Her reproach earned a good laugh from her friends. She sighed as her cheeks flushed with excitement. Try as might, she couldn't help but think the same things as Mindy.
Her steps were quick while walking in the halls of Hogwarts. If goddamn Peeves catches her, it would be known to the whole school by tomorrow that she went to his office.
Standing in front of the wooden, dark brown door, she straightened her back and knocked. The tired voice of Mr. Potter invited her in.
“Ah, Y/n. Just on time, as usual. Come on. Take a seat.” He said, his hand pointing to the soft sofa against the wall. She took slow steps and fixed her skirt while sitting down. His face was drowned in traces of a busy day.
“So, you do your homework perfectly and on time, never late to my class, answering questions asked to you. Although, all answers given are studied beforehand, not learned from me. But, Ms. S/n, your constant act of staring at me blankly while I teach is bugging me greatly. Is there anything you would like to discuss with me? Why are you never paying proper attention to my lessons?”
She wet her dry lips with her tongue, trying to form the right argument against his accusations. Heat was rising in room, at least that was what Y/n felt. Or maybe it was her wild imagination again.
“I… I am not distracted, professor. I love your lessons. I mean, I love defense against dark arts. I give all my attention to what you're teaching and-” His not-convinced face made her cut her ramble before she could execute it properly.
“You don't believe me, do you?” Question was eager, desperate for approval from him. “No, Ms. Y/n. I think I don't.” He pressed his palms against the desk, rising up from his chair and walking towards the nervous girl.
“There’re a lot of things you're not capable of confessing. The things I learned through my efforts. Tell me, darling, is it really appropriate to fantasize about your teacher in his own class? Or to imagine his hands on your thighs?”
The blood froze in her veins. How did he even..?
“Legilimency.” Realization hit her like a slap before light gasp fled from her. “Mr. Potter! Legilimency is forbidden in Hogwarts, excluding the lessons. Why would you-”
A harsh grip on her chin.
“Don't fucking change the subject, Y/n. It's not like I've been famous for following stupid rules of Hogwarts. Also, I think it's also forbidden to feel any romantic or sexual attachment to your professors.” Her lips began to tremble, tears pricking to corners of her eyes like needles.
“I am so sorry, sir. I won't do it again. Please don't report me to the headmaster.” A sadistic smile crept on his beautiful face, strange look of hunger evident in his green eyes. “Have no worries, darling. I have no intention of letting McGonagall know your little ravings. In fact, it makes me quite effusive. Ever since my first night with my ex-wife, I haven't felt such a lust for someone.”
Her breath hitched. This was wrong, so wrong for so many reasons. He was her teacher, he was older than her, they were at a school and on…
Knots of lust began to solve in her belly. “This is so wrong, sir. We shouldn't…”
She couldn't finish it. Temptation of tabus has always been delicious to devour. And she was fucking tired of being the perfect, golden student. If other students were so adamant about making fun of her determination to succeed, maybe she could let a little loss.
So, she bit her lip to surpass the urge to deny his gesture of kneeling in front of her. His hands were cold and strong, just like illusions of her mind. They gripped the supple flesh of her thighs and gently pulled them apart. His eyes looked up to her for consent, satisfied breath falling from his lips when she approved him.
“Fuck, look how wet you're for me.” He licked his lips, almost feeling taste of her on the skin of his lips. “Such a needy whore for her teacher.” His thumb ran over the damp fabric of her blue panties. “And lacy? Bet you planned everything before you came here.” She opened her mouth to protest, only to earn a harsh blow on her inner thigh. Pain and pleasure were delicious enough to make her involuntarily close her thighs.
His hard grip already bruising her flesh, he pushed them apart. “If you're gonna act like a fucking brat, I will leave you like a teacher would.” She shook her head, tears already spilling from her rosy cheeks. “No, no! Please, I will behave!” He smirked with approval. “Sure you will.”
He was tired of teasing her, aching to taste her. She raised her hips off the sofa to allow him to take off her panties. His hand groped her tit over the white student shirt, the other hand climbing up to her mouth. She parted her lips, taking two digits into her mouth. Tongue enveloping the cold fingers, she coated them in her saliva as he ordered without words.
Wet muscle lolled out of his parted lips, trailing through her folds to collect the slick leaking out of her clenching hole. His spit-coated index and middle fingers slowly entered her entrance. “Mmmh, so fucking tasty, darling.”
His thumb circled on her bundle of nerves, long digits pumping in and out. “Clenching fucking tight around my fingers, you're not a virgin, are you? Acting all innocent and sweet in front of your friends, face flushing when someone mentions anything sexual.” His words fired something inside her stomach, coil building to resolve.
“How many boys have you fucked?” He hissed against her skin before his lips captured her clit between them. A yelp broke off from her hoarse throat. “Answer me!” Slap to her pussy caused one more scream to erupt from her.
“Three!” She whined breathlessly, sweat was trickling down from her eyebrow.
“Less than I thought.” He turned back to ravish her. His thumb never gave a break to her pearl, always rubbing and pinching it. His tongue swirled inside her velvety walls. Green eyes looked up to watch his favorite girl falling apart under his tongue. Such an appetizing sight.
“P-professor, too much, too much!” Her feet kicked marble floor, thighs closing around his head. Now that was a reaction pleased him, but, stupid slut didn't have any right to interfere with his dessert. “Shut the fuck up.” His palm collided with her rear, skin already reddening with impact. She nodded. Tears truly blurred her vision, Merlin, all she could feel was burning sensation on her cunt and coil on her stomach ready to snap at any moment.
How was it possible for his tongue to go this deep? She didn't know, feeling it was enough to shut down the thought.
Her hands flew to take hold on his brown strands, tugging at them with want. She had to feel him closer, if it was possible at this position. “G-gonna cum, H-Harry!” He raised his eyebrows, withdrawing from her pulsating core. “I don't remember allowing you to call me ‘Harry'?” She whined when her pussy lost the feeling of his mouth and digits on it. She was fucking close, just a lick away from cumming and he cruelly didn't let her.
“Are we really arguing this?” She propped herself on her elbows, pouty face making Harry more annoyed than before. He didn't think as his hand pulled her shirt, buttons flying around when thin white fabric ripped open. “Keep being a fuckin’ brat, Y/n. Keep being a bitch. And I will fuck you like one.”
His warning made no influence on keeping her tame. “I am not so sure, Harry. Do you even have any strength left to fuck properly, old man?”
His hand was raised to collide with her cheek. Sting was real as it was turning on. A cold smile replaced his angry expression. “Is that so, darling? Then you wouldn't mind getting on your knees?” She swallowed the lump sitting on her throat. He was scarier when he was calm.
“No what?”
“No, sir.”
He sat on the couch as she stood up, her knees almost buckled beneath her. Floor was cold but she didn't mind. If her favorite professor requested something from her, she must oblige.
Her hands were eager to please. She first undid his belt, then button of his pants. Even under the fabric, it was big, the stretch would be painful and ecstatic. She palmed it, veins teased skin inside her hand. Her mouth watered at the sight.
Her fingers hooked around the elastic of his boxers, pulling them down with his help, black pants pooled around his ankles. Not wanting a second, she wrapped her hand to his cock. While stroking him, her tongue lapped at the bead of precum accumulated on the tip. He hissed, his hand fisted strands of her hair. “No teasing, Y/n. You got on my nerves enough.” She swallowed a shameless moan when his fingers tugged at her strands. All she did was to nod and act like the pretty doll he wanted her to be.
“Have you ever given head before?” He asked not out of bitterness, but curiosity. “I haven't, sir.” Face softening as a reaction, he reached down to cup her chin. Bending forward, his lips softly pressed against hers as she steadied herself by resting her hands on the corner of the sofa. His tongue tasted like whiskey and her juices. He must have drank before she came to his office.
Needless to say, he tilted his head to get a better angle. Everything was vivid, even the dust falling on her skin. Kiss was sloppier than most of the kisses she shared with boys, but it felt better, more intimate than all of them. Maybe it was Harry, the way he kissed her. Or, maybe it was thrill of an illicit act. Either way, she didn't care.
“I will teach you, darling.”
Her ragged breath caressed the inside of his thighs. He clenched his jaw to not whimper, not yet at least.
“Start by stroking it. Mmm... Just like that.” Her eyes never left his, checking if she was doing well. His flushed cheeks and parted lips gave her the answer she was looking for. “You can run your tongue on it.” She did as she was told. Taste of his skin made her whimper in delight. Fuck, why wait this long? How hard could it be to suck a cock?
“Uh, uh. No need to rush.” He pulled her away when she attempted to take him directly. “Suck the tip first.” Her tongue ran on the reddish tip as she kept stroking him, lips sealing around him. She bobbed her head so slightly, inside of her mouth was burning to go further.
“Good girl. Now take it slowly.” A low grunt left his throat as she eagerly went down on him. She began to move her head up and down, taking all she could. Her hand never left the parts her mouth couldn't reach unattended.
“Shit. Are you sure it's your first time?” She just batted her eyelashes at him, of course it was. She wouldn't lie to him. “Then you have a very capable mouth, love, I must admit it.” He hardly laughed, working on making the needy whines die down on his throat. Sure she was good, but it wasn't a reason to stroke her ego.
“Shh, relax your throat, I don't want you to have an irritated throat afterward.” Easy for him to say. However, the action itself wasn't that much of an easy task. According to her friends, hollowing her cheeks would've made it possible to take a cock deeper.
His hips jerked when his tip hit the back of her throat. Finally, a pathetic whimper escaped the professor's lips. She was proud of the lascivious scene her mouth created.
Her palms pressed on his knees as he pushed his hips up, cock relentlessly hammering to her mouth, saliva was leaking from the corner of her lips. He tugged at her scalp, forcing her to back off from his cock. When he let her go, she gasped for air. Her lungs were screaming for some oxygen. Mix of spit and precum were dripping down to bare chest.
“I don't want to cum into your throat. It would be such a waste.”
She followed his wordless instructions, laying flat on her back against soft crimson cushions. He towered over her bare body for a few seconds, taking in the beautiful sight. Leaning forward, his lips attached to the crook of her neck, leaving his shades of purple marks. Tip of his dick pressed against her clit. Her act of impatiently bucking her hips was adorable, depravement of youth, he thought.
He rolled his hips. At first it felt impossible to fit in. “It won't fit!” Despite her protests, she didn't resist or shove him away. He closed his eyes as their lips met again. They both tasted like each other, like a forbidden fruit. If Eve and Adam saw them, they would've known what real pleasure is, how it looks.
She could swear a fire was striking on her core. The flames were swallowing her remaining sanity and dragging her into the abyss, this was the only way to describe how he felt inside her.
“Goddamn tight, your cunt is basically suffocating my cock, darling.” He spoke through gritted teeth, her slippy walls enveloping him blissfully. Tears trickled down from her temples as she threw her head back. Their hips collided, he was fully sheathed in. His moves were languid and intimate at first, making sure to give time to her so that she can adjust his size.
“M-move faster. Ple… please, sir.” And so he did, because his pretty girl asked him so nicely. Her world was shaking as his cock practically hammering inside of her. Her knees were pressed against her chest as he mouthed at her tit, pert bud crushed between his teeth. He rolled his hips delightly, stretching her to her limits. It felt just so right and flawless with the way his cock fit in her cunt.
Pulling away until he was fully out of her, he smirked at her needy moans. His hips snapped so sudden that she let out a squeak. He caught her hand and brought it to her belly. “Feels so good, huh? Can't even do anything but moan, just like a cockdrunk whore.” He let go of her legs, letting them go down from her chest. He propped one of them around his waist to reach deeper. And for a few seconds, he didn't move.
“W-what? No, no, no. Don't s-stop!” She cried out when he stayed still. He was so cruel that she wanted to slap him. “How insatiable and discourteous…” He mumbled with a shaming tone. However, it was hard for him to keep this position too. So he moved.
Her hands desperately clung to his back, scratching the pale skin. He has never been a masochist but shit, he would let her scratch his back like this for hours.
Her walls began to tighten around him, he was ripping the orgasm out of her he refused to give then. “So close, so close,, s-sir!” Her words were almost inaudible, his hand wrapped around her neck as he pressed his lips against her harshly. With the final snap, he finally exploded inside of her pussy, ropes of cums filling her to the brim as she came down from her own high.
Pair were sweaty and breathless, she was coming to her senses, brain calculating consequences of their actions after his head fell upon her chest. He still hasn't pulled out, refusing to do so. “Y/n, y/n… I could stay inside you forever… My favorite girl…” He placed a gentle kiss between her breasts before pulling out of her. “But we don't have that much time.”
She was too tired to move or even to speak. However a few words managed to find their destination out of her lips. “What happens now..?” Her sentence made him pause. “What happens now?” He repeated. “This stays between us, Y/n. Only us. And if I ever see you with a boy again, I won't be so nice about it. Got it?”
She nodded.
“Good. I will take care of you, it's not like you can move. Oh well, I guess I was a little bit hard on you.” She furrowed.
“A little bit huh?” He chuckled at her complaint. “Anyways, let's get you clean and fresh, darling. Don't worry, I will report to McGonagall that you had a very bad attack and needed assistance.” She pouted. “But will she believe you?”
He smiled, not a charming or a warm smile.
“She always does, love.”
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©2024 earthpleasures do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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candycandy00 · 2 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 1
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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The sky was red, and you hated it. You hated more the fact that you couldn't remember what it looked like when it was blue. The whole city looked like it was coated in blood. You saw enough blood already.
You walked along the littered, decaying streets of Gallica with a blue duffel bag on your shoulder. You kept the hood of your gray jacket pulled down over your head and your hands buried in your pockets. Standing out was never a good idea, at least not where they could see.
As you rounded a corner, you were suddenly sprayed with red liquid, and you only dared to steal a quick glance down the alley it came from. A body was tumbling to the ground, and you didn't even have time to see who it was or what sort of wound had drawn such a huge amount of blood. Your eyes had been drawn, in that brief moment, to the pair of black-clad figures standing frighteningly still beside the body. Their bi-colored eyes flicked upward, toward you, but you returned your gaze to the street in front of you and walked quickly away.
Your heart pounded and your hands trembled in your pockets until you were far enough down the street to safely assume they would not stop you. You knew what happened to those unlucky enough to somehow provoke the half-breeds, regardless of intention, so you hurried along toward the clinic without looking back once.
When you reached the small, rundown clinic, you were met at the door by a girl in a nurse's uniform who placed her hands on her hips and scowled at you. “You're late!”
You pushed by her and dropped the duffel bag from your shoulder, flopping it onto a nearby cot. You unzipped it and pulled out your own uniform. "My alarm clock didn't go off."
The other girl stood leaning in the door way as you stepped into an empty patient slot and slid the dirty curtain closed. "Terrian is gonna be pissed at you,” she said. 
You emerged from behind the curtain in a white button-up shirt that was a little too tight and a skirt that was way too short. “He'll get over it."
"Yeah, as soon as he see's you."
You laughed. "You're jealous, Anna."
"Because that perverted freak lets you get away with anything?" Anna asked. She was so petite that even the smallest, tightest uniforms Terrian had given them seemed to fit her just right.
"No, because I look better in the uniform."
Both of you laughed as you laid out your supplies on rickety metal tables, organizing them neatly into categories according to how often they were used. The alcohol, thread, and needles were first in line, followed by bandages, then ointments and creams.
The door leading to the main treatment room flung open and a man with shoulder-length, pale blonde hair tied into a short ponytail walked in. He wore wide-rimmed glasses and a lab coat covered in blood stains. He looked angry as he approached, glaring at you, but suddenly froze when he rounded the metal tables and the full length of you came into view.
He smiled brightly, wrapping you into a hug. "You wore it today!"
Anna rolled her eyes and brushed her bangs, the longest part of her auburn hair, away from her face with her hand.
You pulled free from Terrian and adjusted your ill-fitting clothes. "It's the only uniform I had clean."
"And it's my favorite," Terrian said, then glanced toward Anna. "Stingy Anna always wears pants, even though I beg her to wear the skirt with the slit up the side."
Anna gave him a dirty look and he gave her a grin in return. He looked over the supplies then held out a thick stack of papers. "Look at all this. These are all patients who left the clinic in the last month and haven't returned for their checkups. Next week I'll be making a lot of house calls."
Both you and Anna frowned. You hated it when Terrian made house calls. He was the only doctor at the clinic, and you two were the only nurses. Things were hectic enough with the three of you, but when he was gone, the clinic was thrown into absolute chaos.
"Anyway," he spoke up, "we have a lot of patients waiting already. Let's get to work!"
You and Anna had no formal training, had not even finished high school, but you had both been living on the streets three years ago when Terrian approached you about working for him. He taught you two the basics, and the rest you learned over time. In this city, injured people couldn't be picky.
Together, you and Anna wheeled your metal supply tables through the swinging doors into the main treatment area of the clinic. Cots were lined up in two rows, facing each other, for the entire length of the large room. There was only enough room for one person to walk between each cot, and all but a few were occupied. People were moaning, screaming, crying, or unconscious. Anyone not in mortal danger was sent home after being stitched or bandaged up.
Illnesses were not often treated, as serious diseases were most often fatal no matter what the doctor did, but injuries were extremely common. Blood dripped from nearly every cot in the room, and a few patients were bandaged to the point of looking like mummies. You and Anna had both learned quickly to develop strong stomachs.
The two of you were checking on a patient that had been brought in last night with a chopped off leg when Terrian came zooming past you, pushing a stretcher.
"Emergency surgery!" he called, disappearing into the room you had just changed in.
You both dropped what you were doing and ran after him, then stopped dead in your tracks as soon as you were through the doors, staring at the figure on the stretcher.
"Doctor, that's... one of them,” Anna said, her voice almost a whisper. 
The man on the stretcher wore an ornate military uniform - black pants and a long black jacket with golden buttons up the front and matching trim along the cuffs and collar. The uniform was instantly recognizable to every single person in the city, because only they wore them. His skin was ghostly white and his hair a jet-black mess scattered across his face.
Terrian was ripping that glorious black uniform from the man’s motionless body. "I know what he is, Anna, but he's still a patient. And right now, he's dying unless we can stop the bleeding."
You and Anna hesitated just inside the door, looking at each other and then back to the man. Anna shook her head. "I can't... I can't help him. Not after all they've done."
Terrian stopped and looked at her. At first, you were sure he would scold her, but he merely sighed and nodded. "I understand. Go tend to the other patients."
You watched the other girl leave, then turned to Terrian. He looked at you with a pleading expression. "He'll be dead within the hour if we don't do anything."
You took a deep breath, then rushed over to Terrian's side. He held out his hands while you poured alcohol over them, then rinsed your own. Looking down at the young man, he seemed fragile, vulnerable. Almost human. His torso was exposed, revealing a long, deep cut across his abdomen that was gushing out blood. Funny how his body was absolutely impeccable, toned to lean perfection and resembling a stone statue, but marred by that huge red gash.
The cut was so long, and the bleeding so severe, that each of you began stitching on separate ends of the wound so that you would meet in the middle to tie things off. A sloppy job, yes, but the fastest route to closing the wound. He would heal faster than normal people, would probably be fine in a matter of hours, but only if you stopped the bleeding.
Once you and the doctor were finished, you again cleaned the wound and Terrian began bandaging the patient up. "Amazing, isn't it?" he asked when he was done, "It won't even leave a scar. Not on him."
You washed your hands in the nearby sink and thought of Anna. "It's not fair."
"Of course it's not," Terrian told you, wiping the blood from his hands on a stained towel. "Nothing in this world ever is.”
You dried your hands and walked again through the swinging doors. Anna was changing the bandages on a young girl's arm, but looked up when you approached. "How could you stand it? Helping that thing?"
"I didn't enjoy it, okay? But he would've died. This is a clinic, Anna. We're supposed to help dying people."
Anna stood up and stepped away from the young girl's bedside. "Yeah, people. Not them."
"But he's half human, isn't he? Isn't that enough?"
Anna snorted. "Was that enough to stop those creatures from barging into my house and slitting my mom's throat? Was it enough to stop them from crushing my brother's head under their boots? Was it enough to stop them from... from what they did to me?!"
You went silent. You didn't know what to say. You knew the half-breeds had killed most of Anna's family, but you had yet to hear any details before now. Finally, you reached out and took the other girl's hand. "I'm sorry, Anna. I'm really sorry."
Anna pulled you into a hug. "I know. I'm sorry I jumped down your throat. I just don't want to see you be hurt by them too."
"I don't think he's in a position to hurt anyone right now," you told her after you separated. "He's not even conscious."
Anna looked toward the swinging doors. "Be careful. Even when they look harmless, they're still dangerous."
You nodded, and wheeled your cart over to the other side of the room. You stopped at the bed of an elderly man who was missing both his feet. He was sweating and breathing heavily. You took his blood pressure and wrote the results in a tablet. He looked up at you with astonishingly kind eyes.
"If the nurses look like this, I'm gonna have to get my feet cut off more often," he said with a chuckle.
You pulled back the sheet to check his bandages. "You sure are a charmer, Mr. Renaldo," you said as you began unrolling the strips of cloth.
"Don't believe a word he says!" Anna called across the room, "I told him yesterday he could hold my hand while Terrian stitched him up and he said he'd rather hold my ass!"
Rhoswen stopped cleaning the bloody stumps where feet used to be long enough to lightly slap his shoulder. "You shameless flirt!"
He laughed and looked at the man in the bed next to him, who didn't seem to be in such good spirits. "Can't blame me for trying, can you?"
The other man gave a weak smile and looked away.
"Now now, let's not disturb the other patients," you said gently.
"Everybody's so glum. That's what those damn Pagoda want," he said.
You finished his bandages and patted him on the arm. You bent down and whispered to him, "Thanks for cheering us up, Mr. Renaldo."
The next few hours went by steadily but quickly, as you made your way around the room checking on people, giving out soup, changing bandages, and occasionally holding someone's hand while Terrian performed some sort of painful procedure.
Unfortunately, pain relievers were as rare and expensive as genuine jewels were in the olden days, when the sky was still blue. The only way to put a patient to sleep was to quite literally knock them out with a blunt instrument, which was a last resort.
The clinic was dirty and crowded and in shambles. The people were desperate, demanding, and understandably irritable. But you liked being there. You liked being with Anna and even Terrian, who could at least make you smile. You liked helping people who were suffering, because you enjoyed seeing a tiny flicker of hope in their eyes.
Because you could almost grasp a little bit of hope for yourself.
The clinic was all you had after your parents died. And everyday you dreaded returning to your tiny apartment where hope drained from every inch of you like red sun fading into black night. But at least you could always come back the next day, where you could laugh with Anna and everything else would fall away into dust.
It was almost time to go home, and all the patients had been taken care of. Anna left out the front door, not wanting to walk through the back room where she would have to see the lone patient on the stretcher.
You waved to Terrian, who was making one last run around the room to check everyone over, then walked into the back room. The young man was still unconscious and the rest of his clothes had been removed, a sheet draped over his body. You crept up to the stretcher and looked down, watching him breathe. After feeling certain that he was indeed unconscious, you walked into the empty patient slot you had changed in earlier and pulled the curtain closed.
You couldn't walk home in your uniform, as it was dangerous enough for a girl to be alone on the streets in the evenings, but wearing an outfit like that was a definite no. You quickly pulled it off, then reached for your jeans. But before you could even unfold them, you heard the curtain suddenly fly open.
You whirled around in anger, certain that perverted Terrian would be standing there grinning like an idiot. But you were not met with the smiling doctor, but the cold, expressionless face of the now conscious patient. His eyes, one blue and the other lime-green, bore into you, unblinking.
He was completely naked, save for the bandage across his abdomen, and you tried your best to keep your eyes on his face.
You suddenly realized that you were only in your underwear, and backed up until you bumped into a cot, holding your jeans in front of you. The man’s eyes never left you, and your heart was pounding rapidly in your chest. You had never been face-to-face with a half-breed before, not in this close proximity.
There was a pause, where both of you stared at each other for several moments, not moving. Then, in the blink of an eye, the man lunged forward and was inches away from you. You jerked backward, inadvertently ramming yourself into the cot where the metal collided with your bare back. You dropped to your knees, wincing.
When you looked back up, the half-breed was looming over you, and suddenly reached out one hand toward you. You had seen what the hands of half-breeds could do, had treated many a patient who had somehow ran into one of them. In fact, just today you had bandaged up a woman who's left arm had been pulled right off, like the wings off a fly, by a half-breed.
You curled into a defensive ball and screamed, your horrified voice ringing out through the clinic and undoubtedly to the buildings nearby.
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penultimate-step · 1 month
Oshi no Ko 143 Reaction
This was a fun chapter. Ruby getting aggressive finally forcing Aqua to stop ignoring the problems in their relationship that have been simmering for 20 chaps now and actually have a conversation that puts it all out in the open. They're mostly saying stuff I predicted in advance, but some of it took me by surprise.
One bit that made me stand up and !!! was this page:
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I thought I was doing something interesting when I compared Ruby's feelings towards Gorou to Aqua's feelings about Ai in my last two analyses but she just came out and said it directly on page, haha. I feel pretty validated.
I still stand behind most of what I wrote last week after this chapter. Ruby is desperately trying to make this a romance, but her best pitch is "I care about you in the same way we cared about idols in our past lives. Parasocially and without regard for the actual person, because I need to put somebody on an idealized pedestal or else I'll kill myself. This is what romance is, right?" Girl with so so so many issues, I love her.
The one thing that did really take me by surprise was the bit where she listed off Aqua's flaws as a person. In the past I assumed that Ruby was intentionally ignoring these flaws and making up a version of Aqua that didn't exist in her head. The way in her mind he's drawn like a romance hero and how she makes excuses for all the things she took issue with before lead me to believe she was intentionally distancing "Gorou, her idol" from "Aqua, the person, her brother" in her head. I'm not sure how to square this knowledge with the way she is (textually, now!) putting him on a pedestal. If I had to guess, I would think she actually is aware of who Aqua is as a person - she was friends with him as Gorou before and siblings for 18 years, she should know him better than anybody - but is intentionally separating this knowledge from the figure she is idolizing, because she needs to keep ahold of something for her mental stability.
I'm reminded of an analysis post of OnK ep 1 I read on tumblr almost a year ago, I forget who posted it so I can't properly credit it but it's not my own thoughts. (if anybody else remembers it please let me know so I can link it!) They contrasted Gorou's parasocial fan relationship with Ai to Ryosuke, the stalker who killed him: both put were fans of Ai, the Idol, but when confronted with the reality that she was more than an idol, that she had relationships and would have children, Gorou decided that the health and happiness of Ai the person was more important than his image of Ai the Idol, and did his best as a doctor to help her, while Ryosuke's reaction to having his image of the Idol shattered was to try and destroy Ai the person. The analysis put forth the idea that this was contrasting healthy vs unhealthy methods of being a fan - that there's nothing wrong with being a fan of someone, necessarily, but you have to keep in mind that you aren't entitled to anything about them, and there's always a real person underneath the performance.
I didn't fully agree with it - in my post about how the series portrays different kinds of love I talked about how it came down very harshly on dishonest and idolizing love - but I did think it was very interesting (obviously as I still remember it almost a year later). Anyway Ruby's approach to Aqua this chapter made me think of that a lot. She makes a big deal out of how Aqua is her idol, their relationship is idol/fan, and she can ignore all his flaws - but at the same time she points out that she does actually know what those flaws are. It puts her in something of a strange position. What would she do if her image of The Doctor, Her Idol, no longer existed, and she was left with just Aqua? Would she care for the person, or be mad at losing the illusion? According to this chapter she fits into neither of those, she chooses to pretend that the illusion still exists even while staring directly at the reality. Ruby seems aware that she is essentially using the idea of the doctor as a coping mechanism, but doesn't want to admit that this desire is directly in tension with the idea about caring about Aqua as a person, romantically or otherwise.
As for Aqua, it's great that he's finally being a little honest with his emotions and feelings after so long, to the one person who is really able to understand the context.
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However, I think he's still holding a lot back, especially in the latter half of the chapter, because there are things he doesn't feel that he can say to Ruby, specifically about their relationship. He seems hesitant to directly tell Ruby that he can't be her lover or her idol, he can only be himself - even when he tries to tell her that he can't be the person he was she just brushes it off - and I think with how Ruby's mental health is holding on by a thread he is unwilling to do anything to jeopardize it, even if it means accepting the spot on her pedestal.
My read of the relationship between Gorou and Sarina 22 years ago was that they were genuine friends at the time. Regardless of difference in age and position they were both socially isolated people who found one person they felt they could be honest and open with. This makes their current relationship even sadder - Ruby has twisted the memory of their old friendship into dreams of romance and idolatry to fuel the desire to live one more day. Aqua, who in his last life would have been willing to do almost anything to get her to keep living, is forced to cut away his own relationship to her, both last life friend and current life brother, because being dishonest - being an idol - is the only way he can see to keep her alive and healthy. Both have already cut away most of their other bonds for the sake of the revenge plan, and now they can't even be fully honest with each other. Very tragic stuff.
All in all I really really liked this chapter. The interactions between Ruby and Aqua has always been multiple layers of relationships and mindsets existing on top of one another, and that just makes it super interesting for me. I love it whenever that leads to character tension. They've been friends and siblings and idols and all of that has to coexist, its a very unique kind of character writing that Oshi no Ko does well and I don't see very often and makes me care for the series a lot. I think I have a much more positive view of this arc than most of the fandom because the trainwreck of their relationship is one of the series highlights to me, so chapters like this, where exactly how bad their mindsets have gotten are placed as the main focus, are some of my favorite story beats.
I know there's a lot of negativity about this chap but I'm having a good time over here in my corner. Not sure if it's because I've been letting my thoughts about the series out in posts a lot more recently or because I liked this specific chapter a lot but this is definitely most I've been invested in the series for a while now. I think I was letting the Discourse kind of sour things for me and now I have mentally exorcised it from my mind.
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jackietorrance · 1 year
Idiotic Designer
Wednesday Addams x Designer!Reader
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In the middle of the semester, a dead soul girl had arrived, who caught the attention of anyone who was in the same environment and with you could not be different.
It was in another botany class that you saw the girl of so many rumors about attempted murder, this only contributed to getting your attention even more, maybe she could help you?
You were sitting together with Xavier at the same table, just waiting for the beginning of the class, but when the Gothic girl penetrated your field of vision, you knew what Xavier wanted. Another thing you knew was how much Xavier was different and smiling when Addams had enrolled in Nevermore, and you wanted to give a vote of confidence for him to have his initiative, so he soon got up and went to sit down with his ego friend who had his neighboring seat vacant.
But Xavier kind of didn't know how to take advantage of the moment, since your vote was instantly extinguished when Addams kneaded his drawn spider, one of the thousands of stupid tricks he had with him.
During the day of inclusion, you had been given Xavier's task, since he got sick and you were stupid enough to cover up your presence with some of your skills stolen from metamorphosis.
You were walking to Weathervane, since today you should be an employee of the place, it was not so complicated to locate in the environment since you had a strong friendship with Tyler Galpin. Both had more in common than they imagined.
It was on your walk to the cafeteria that you saw Wednesday talking to Enid about something, you resisted the desire to follow her to find out what you would do, since inside the mind of the little gothic, there was something that no one could ever understand, it fascinated you.
When you arrived at the scene, your task was just to serve the clients, as a helper for Tyler. But when the door bell rang again, you hurried to answer and come face to face with the Addams girl whose name you discovered to be Wednesday. Wednesday Addams.
"Good morning dear, is there anything I can be useful to you?" You said with the same cheerful face as always, that to her it sounded like pathetic.
“Tyler.” Wednesday said, dead.
“Unfortunately Tyler can't answer at the moment, can I help with something?" You commented, your smile becoming something mocking and your eyes shining red
"Pilgrim Temple, where is it?" Wednesday said introducing you to a map.
“Uh yes, he stays.." you say trying to find the exact location. "Here" you say and then look both sides trying to find some other presence in the place.
"I can take her," you said looking for some sign of affirmation in Wednesday's expression.
“I can get by on my own”
“Oh come on, I can help you, I also have a powerful little friend with me" you say and then half of your head is wrapped in a black goo, affectionately nicknamed "Zembluz", but you return to normal quickly, since no kind of demonstration of your abilities was allowed on this damn day.
Wednesday just continues with his look without any emotion in him.
“Please, my Hera, your nicknames for Wednesday
Wednesday turns and walks hurriedly to the door and looks at you again.
“We do not have much time”
You just smiled at her, according to the plan
“And here it is, it's like a house for me." You said removing some leaves that covered the passage.
Wednesday walks silently, a small hand being kicked out of his backpack. Then you follow Wednesday and enter the small fence, decreasing to only a small ball of gum that crawls all over the place and stops on top of one of the rotten boards of the place, soon returning to its original shape.
“Don't you have the like, the visions?" You ask
“They don't happen when I want, they are involuntary, and I venture to say that someone, or rather, something told you about it" The Gothic says threatening, giving a quick look at the appendix that followed her, like a pet.
“Me and the little guy have had several conversations, about us and about... you." You murmur and before Wednesday does something, a noise is heard up close. You quickly turn into the small mucus to prepare for what comes, although you know about everything, you would like to keep the fun of the mystery for Wednesday.
But when an old man, who looked like the "resident" of the abandoned cabin, appears, you relax and wait for Wednesday commands.
“Thing" the dark girl orders, and well, the appendix knew how to make the old man not bother for a while.
When Wednesday was about to cross the wooden gate, she slid to the ground quickly, and you were fast enough to hold it. And that's how it happened, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour and Wednesday woke up. You were sitting, leaning on one of the boards with a part of Zembluz transformed into an umbrella that you used to cover Wednesday, which was leaning on the floor, with your legs doing like two walls to protect it from anything.
With Wednesday's abrupt liftings, it ended up waking you and Thing who seemed so relaxed in the middle of all that rain.
“Whoa! Wednesday! Are you okay?" You hurried to get up and help Wednesday, after all, she had fainted at once, and you logically worried.
“Here- I know what happened” Wednesday held the umbrella in his hand and took it. You followed her hastily and well, Wednesday owed you a story after all that.
After that day, your school life has changed, now, you have officially become a kind of partner for Wednesday in your investigations, now you spend more time with Wednesday than with your own best friend. Tyler had mysteriously disappeared and the murders of the monster continued incessantly, his cycle of friendships also changed, Enid and Eugene got closer to you, and Zembluz found a partner besides you to talk to.
“If in Rowan's mother's view it showed Crackstone, it is obvious that he will revive, that's clear, but how is he doing? Each part that the monster took from his victims forms the basics of a body, like Frankestein." You spoke to Wednesday while she read the book that Fester had shown her, and in the end, you served as Ali Nanny who has her queen as Wednesday.
“The monster is controlled by his master, and is faithful to him, I doubt that in Jericho he has some kind of resurrection technology, all this happens here." you just nodded.
In all this time of investigation you had begun to develop feelings for Wednesday's advanced intellect, his talent, his beauty, his murderous aura, but you were afraid that when the monster was captured she would completely forget about you.
You already knew that you had fallen madly in love with her, and the tendency was only to get worse, another thing you knew was that Wednesday would not get involved with absolutely anyone, but despite wanting all this mystery to continue, your desire for Wednesday's satisfaction spoke louder.
So despite being reluctant, you had to talk about everything, absolutely everything.
Hi ladies and gentlemen, English is not my main language, so I apologize if something is wrong. Thank you for everything
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marine-indie-gal · 1 month
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Been awhile since I haven't drawn any Tabaluga lately, not since that I've finally got a chance to watch the Kristin Fairlie version online since I first found the Mackenzie Ziegler version from it's Alternate Stupid Title, "Ice Princess Lilly" only to fool a lot of people into thinking it was a Frozen knock-off from a Regular Old Dollar Store. Though it's still not a big surprise from Me for the US to give out some CGI Movie Adaptations of Kids Shows from an Old Decade under their own Cheap Titles like "Here Comes The Grump" to "A Wizard's Tale" and even "The Magic Roundabout" to "Doogal" (seriously, the last one sucked ass. Even though I haven't had a chance to watch the British version, I heard a lot of good things about the OG version of that Other Adaptation much better than how Weinstein butchered it with their own Pop Culture references).
So I had a small talk with my Friend, @djinarocks of how we loved Tabaluga and how that Arktos is one of our Favorite Villains of Musical Theatres (compare to Von Rothbart from "Swan Lake" and even The Mouse King from "The Nutcracker") after I introduced her to this German Franchise.
While that both Me and My Friend love Obscure Media a whole lot, we both ship Tabaluga/Lilli together as a Romeo and Juliet like pairing (since these Two Elemental Kids did reminded Me a lot of that Other Elemental Romeo and Juliet Movie made by Sanrio (not to be confused with the Pixar one that is)). During in one of our conversations, we talked about on how we wondered if Lilli didn't leave Iceland and started her own New Life up in Space if Arktos did raised her and treated her as his own Actual Heir (something as if his own Mother would've liked to have Grandchildren if the Son were to pass the Whole "Dictator" thing to his own Children like a Family Thing).
If you're one of the Fans who both love the Musical and the Show other than the Movie, you'd probably would know that Arktos created Her, only to lure Tabaluga in for exchange of his Fire (in which the 2018 Adaptation did by its own self, but without the Whole "Give Your Own Fire to Me" thing and replace it into having "One Last Hero to be Killed" scenario that made Arktos into a much more Sinister Creepy Dragon Genocidal Monster as an Akin Contrast to the OG Arktos). But since Me and My Friend had this "Thought" if Lilli didn't leave Iceland, what if Arktos had a different way with her? Something like raising a Heir and make them a Future Dictator for your own Country. If anything, that could've had make Lilli give her so much more character other than just a "Love Interest" (akin to the Movie's Lilli as well).
Basically, Arktos creates Lilli through Sculpture (but it goes different than the last one than in the show through a twist), instead of creating a Trap for Dragon Bait, he actually creates Lilli as a single heir of his own so that way she'd beat Tabaluga to rule all over the lands one day. After trying to wind her up with a Wind-Up Key, Arktos thought of a better solution by breathing her into Life to make her Real. He names his own Daughter, "Lilli" because after researching through a Book about Humans, he mispronounced the name "Lilith" (The First Wife of Adam) into "Lilli" and mistaken Her as Eve (Adam's True Wife) (because that's clearly how he created her according to some of the Musical's lore from what I can remember). Although while Tabaluga was deeply in love with Arktos' Humanoid Daughter, Arktos forbid their own love and didn't want to be a Father-In-Law to his own Arch-Nemesis (whose the Son of his First Enemy).
Teaching his own Child everything about Iceland Life, Lilli was somehow fascinated by the World of Greenland and wanted to explore around Other Countries instead invading to in which, She and Her Father have a Huge Conflict about. Unlike the Movie's Lilli, this AU Lilli has more personality than the one in the show of her single appearance; She is more Meek and Shy with a Quiet Personality but is still Curious about the Entire World that she demands to ask a Whole Lot of Questions (even if her Father dares to answer one of them). Despite their own disagreements, Arktos loved his own Daughter deeply similar to how his own Mother passed on her Son's Spoiled Love to Another (even James would still have to be Lilli's own Manny whenever his Penguin Butler would have to keep an eye on her whenever the Father's not around).
When Tabaluga got over his own crush for her after their first meeting, he basically decided on how to teach Lilli to be more "Independent" whenever she'd come and visit Greenland (either with or without her own Father), even with the help of her own Friends. Although that while most of the Greenlanders didn't like Lilli at first, the Ice Princess then expand more of her Kindness to her Surroundings as throughout her own Arc between Seasons 2-3, She and Tabaluga develop more of their Romance (instead of having a Rushed One). After the Frozen Defeat of Arktos, Lilli then decides for her own life that it is best to join her own Boyfriend and become the Rulers of both their own Lands after a Long Journey ahead of having Each of The Four Seasons be released every year as they start their own New Life together, thus, ending their own Families' hate feud.
I've probably should've had put this in my version of Tabaluga but oh well, at least this is probably from a Simple AU where if Lilli did had more Character than just being the Main Character's Love Interest. 🤷‍♀️
BTW, when I finally got a chance to watch the First English Dub Movie online, I was so Happy that I got a chance to seeing the Scene where Tabaluga and Lilli sing their own Love for Each Other from one of the Musicals and let me tell you it was sooooooo Adorable to see Tabaluga and Lilli's love for each other, which makes my Love for the Both of Them even more 🥰
And while that I still haven't checked out the Rest of the Musicals and their Songs (since I still can't understand German as Someone who wishes to learn more about Any Foreign Language for the Same Person who watches Foreign Cartoons all the time), I did try out the Original versions for "Devil In White" and "I'm Feeling You" as I still need to practice more of my own Tabaluga homework. XP
I was also afraid on how I would deal with my own first time drawing with Canon Arktos after doing my own version of Him (since his Left Arm was a bit hard for Me), but I think I nailed it after trying to draw out their own Canon Designs from the Franchise.
Arktos and Lilli (c) Peter Maffay, Rolf Zuckowski, and Gregor Rottschalk.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
"What if the Cauldron was wrong?"
“Wouldn’t the mating bond have snapped into place for them if it exists?” Rhys’s eyes shuttered. “I think that is a question Azriel has been asking himself every day since he met Mor.”
Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it
“And you were never with anyone after it?” Not the cold, beautiful shadowsinger who tried so hard not to watch her with longing on his face?
Azriel’s head lifted from where he was sprawled in his own blood, eyes full of rage and pain as he snarled at the king, “Don’t you touch her.” Mor looked at Azriel—and there was real fear there. Fear—and something else.
"Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to touch her skin, tainting her with his presence"
“The issue, actually, wouldn’t be me. It’d be him. I could peel off my clothes right in front of him and he wouldn’t move an inch. He might have defied and proved those Illyrian pricks wrong at every turn, but it won’t matter if Rhys makes him Prince of Velaris—he’ll see himself as a bastard-born nobody, and not good enough for anyone. Especially me.”
"He'd beg on his knees for a chance to taste it"
She wore a gown of pure white, little more than a slip of silk that showed off her generous curves. Indeed, a glance over her shoulder revealed Azriel staring blatantly at the back view of it, Cassian and the stranger already too deep in conversation to notice what had drawn the spymaster’s attention. For a moment, the ravenous hunger on Azriel’s face made my stomach tighten.
I had to look away to keep from laughing. Az, to his credit, gave Mor a smile of thanks, a blush creeping over his cheeks, his hazel eyes fixed on her. I looked away at the heat, the yearning that filled them.
"I'll defeat him with little effort"
Despite being an outsider, Azriel had wanted to invoke it when he's found Mor all those years ago. He'd been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris and kill them both.
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
She knew Azriel would say no, would want her safe. As he had always done. Az would have been pissed, and withdrawn even further into himself.
Correct me if I'm wrong but according to some, Azriel is completely over Mor after 500 years simply because a new female he's only known for two(ish) years has entered his life. Despite multiple books of buildup telling us of his love for Mor, despite Elain telling us as recently as ACOFAS that she didn't want a male and instead wanted a human man, despite centuries of love and longing and lust, he's easily moved on.
Moved on with a female that we've not seen he's had any feelings for that are uniquely special to Elain when you consider he's had the exact same thoughts about Mor.
So please do explain why Elain can't also be replaced just as quickly if someone else happens to come along? Someone who possibly turns out to be his Mate? Someone he already shows admiration for?
Love doesn't happen instantly but all he needs is another few months with Gwyn and Elain will simply become the new Mor.
Or.... What's more likely is Elain was never someone he truly loved at all and he instead transferred his unrequited feelings for Mor onto the only available female within his circle while she herself is looking to hook up with Az as a distraction to her own problems and the things she's been trying to avoid.
Rebounds are a thing and it does no good to pretend it's not a very real possibility. To me, Az isn't really over Mor and his focus needs to be on coming to terms with his past with her before getting involved with anyone else.
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thefreakydeaky · 8 months
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part Two
Negan Smith x Reader
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language, I'll add more warnings as I post, so please check the warnings for updates on each chapter.
Three days went by and he was still calling you, texting you, begging you to reconsider. It was hell. You were tempted to give in, but one look at your little ones' happy faces was a good enough motivator to stay strong.
On Friday morning he called incessantly for an entire hour. At the tenth call you picked up.
"Just give me a second, just hear me out-"
"It's over between us."
"Let's talk about this. Meet me at noon. I'll text you the room num-"
"Stop calling me." You interrupted forcefully and blocked his number.
The desire to see him was so strong. To disuade yourself, you spent the day with your mother in law, taking her around town so she could accomplish all her errands.
That night as you lay in bed, you tried not to think about him. Reliving the time you had spent together, some of the hottest sex you had ever had wasn't going to help anything. A particularly sexy memory came to mind and it was hard to push it away. Negan's guttural groans as you had sucked his long cock. His praise -
That's my good girl. You're doing so well. Keep going, Baby. Just like that.
- rang in your ears. Your skin tingled. You shifted onto your side. Your eyes traced the outline of Daryl's face in the dark. He was a handsome man, your husband. There was so much to love about him. He was honest, kind, hard working, responsible. He always treated you with respect. He was a loving and involved father. Only one persistant problem existed in your relationship, his intimacy issues.
You understood that he had a hard childhood. He told you the horror stories about his abusive father and abusive older brother. All the hurt and trauma they had caused him made it hard for him to be emotionally available. This extended even to the physical, in that affectionate touching, from a hug to touching his shoulder made him extremely uncomfortable. He never initiated such contact with you and you felt rejected anytime you had accidentally given into the urge to show a physical sign of affection.
The only time he ever touched you of his own accord it was sexual. You sighed. You weren't unhappy with every aspect of your life together, it was just this one thing. You felt ungrateful for being so upset by it. Despite your attempt to suck it up and ignore the problem, he had noticed a difference in you. You were distant too. Before long you stopped sleeping with him. Things between you became cold and that stole the smile from your face.
Four years ago, you had met Negan and your affair had begun. Then a few months ago, Daryl approached you with the idea that you go to marriage counseling. He warmed your heart speaking passionately about being in love with you and wanting to save your family. You had agreed. It was work and it was slow going, but there was a bit of improvement already.
You hadn't slept with him since your last pregnancy. You didn't think you should start now. It was your fear that he would see you being willing to have sex with him as your relationship being fixed. The last thing you wanted was for him to give up, to stop trying. You didn't know that your marriage would have survived if things continued on the rocky path you had been on. So, you took a deep breath and turned to the opposite side.
You put the protection blanket your mother in law had made you on the shopping cart before seating your baby. Then you grabbed your purse and began putting your keys and phone in it. Just as you managed to close the zipper, your phone rang.
You made a grunt of annoyance. You closed the car door then started digging through your purse. By the time you found it, it had stopped ringing.
You sighed. Then you locked your car
and began pushing the cart to the store. Millie sat quietly playing with her favorite toy, a rag doll that had seen better days. Your mom saved it from your childhood and so you passed it down to Millie.
You made it through the produce section before your phone rang again. It was a call from a phone number you didn't recognize. While you knew it was most likely a telemarketer you answered just in case it was important.
There was no sound. You waited for a second before you spoke again.
"Hello?" You said, pushing your cart down the aisle.
Negan's deep voice said your name.Your breath caught in your throat. It couldn't be. Not again.
"When you stopped answering I couldn't help but think something bad happened to you."
You swallowed nervously.
"I'm fine."
He sighed into the microphone.
"Don't do this to me. Not seeing you is screwing with my head. I don't know about you, but I'm not doing well."
"I told you. I'm fine." You lied.
"We can't not be together. We won't survive it. We can't live without each other."
"Why don't you just focus on other things in your life, like work or I don't know, maybe, your wife? You'll get over it. Just give it time." You patronized coldly. Your hands shook with anxiety.
"I won't get over it. I won't get over you. Why can't you understand that?"
"For fuck's sake, find something else to do with your time. Stop fucking calling me." You snapped and ended the call.
"Fuck!" You're daughter mimicked. "Fuck fuck fuck!"
"Oh, Fuck." You uttered regretfully.
Your phone rang in your hand. Another strange number. You turned your phone off, deciding to go to the phone service store afterwards to change your number.
"She had too many telemarketers calling, Ma."
You lay in the middle of your bed in your purple nightie listening to Daryl's phone call.
"I'll change her number in your phone tomorrow." He promised. "Alright. Good Night, Ma. Bye."
He sighed long and tired.
"Did you have to change your number? I been gettin' calls all day about it."
It was your turn to sigh.
"I texted everyone who needed to know. Who called?"
Daryl took off his jeans and started changing into his pajama pants.
"Your Mother, your Grandmother, your Aunts, my Mother." He tied the drawstring of the grey flannel bottoms. "And every one a them wanted to know if everythin' was okay, was it a scam or did you really change your number and why you changed your number."
He came to the bed and reached for the edge of the blanket. You scooted over onto your side.
"Were you really gettin' that many calls?"
You sat up and started pulling your half of the covers down, so you could get underneath them.
"Yeah. Non stop."
"Hmm." Daryl shifted, trying to get comfortable.
"Haven't heard your phone ring much."
"It got annoying. So, I've been keeping it on silent most of the time." You turned and turned off the lamp.
You lay there quietly for some time. You flinched at being touched all of a sudden. Daryl's hand had found yours under the sheet. He laced his fingers with yours. Understanding that he was making an effort, you didn't reject him. You curled your fingers around his a little to let him know you appreciated the gesture.
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
✿ "He isn't as bad as I thought he would be"- Send me one or 2 prompts from this or this list + a character from my masterlist and I'll make a blurb on it! (limited)
"Take me back to the night we met." From the angst prompt list :))
I'm ready for some angst!
Ahhh may! This prompt will always remain the best prompt ever! Here's your blurb bb! 💕
A Love so Longing (Blurb) (D.m. x reader x Astoria)
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Pairing- Draco x Femreader x Astoria
Summary- The reader wishes she could meet her boyfriend once again. love him once again and make things go back to how they were. But things don't go according to what we want | Angst
A/n- Please read this blurb while listening to the night we met slowed version, I literally cried writing this while listening to it
Warnings- mentions of cheating
Words- 998 words (got a little carried away)
Draco Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Babe, would you like to watch the stars tonight at the astronomy tower?" You wanted to have some fun with your beloved boyfriend, so you asked in a really cheerful and bright manner. You needed a break after your exams, and what could be better than going stargazing with Draco?
He frowned at you and said, "Oh, sorry dear, I have some work to do tonight. But once my work is over, we can," before approaching you and giving you a tender kiss on the forehead.
"Ughhh fineee," you replied as you held him, his hands on your waist and yours over his chest. However, something seemed very off about the hug; you knew he would never lie to you.
Leaving the tingling sensation inside of you, you went to the astronomy tower on your own and as you climbed the stairs, you thought back to the first time you met Draco, and the first time you spoke to him.
You were enjoying the view of Hogwarts from the side of the astronomy tower with your legs dangling down when you heard light footsteps ascending the stairs. At first, you didn't mind the sound, but as you heard someone clearing their throat, you turned to see who it was and were startled to see grey cold eyes.
"Um, Hello Malfoy," you said as you then turned around to face the view in front of you when Draco said, "I would like you to leave" "Who are you trying to threaten Malfoy, I don't see Harry anywhere here," you said as you looked at the forbidden forest, the trees were swaying to the chilly wind
He continued, now more angrily, "Leave Y/l/n, I don't want to repeat myself again," You turned to face him and said, "This isn't your property Malfoy, I don't mind you standing here." you then looked at his eyes which appeared to be in tears, and the moonlight made the irises of his eyes sparkle.
He groaned and turned to face the sight that you had been admiring the entire time. Your attention was drawn to him as he stood next to you, his hands in his pockets and yours behind your back on the floor where you were seated.
When you touched the slightly dusty railing, your memories of Draco were as clear as if you had just met him. His endearing smile, his unruly blonde hair, and a plethora of other qualities made him easy to fall in love with.
But there you were, sitting by yourself in the tower with your legs dangling and your eyes fixed on the stars, missing the company of your boyfriend as the coldness surrounded you.
You were aware that something was terribly wrong, but you refrained from making any assumptions out of caution rather you accuse Draco of something you knew wasn't true.
You proceeded to look at the stars in the sky after hearing footsteps and some giggling noises coming from the tower's staircases. As soon as you located your favorite constellation, Draco, you heard a voice that you will never forget.
"I love you," the voice said, this voice was raspy and deep, the voice belonged to none other than your lover. However, the words he spoke were intended for someone else, not you.
You turned to look at Draco, whose eyes were fixed on a set of dark eyes—Astoria Greengrass's eyes. Then Draco's lips met hers, and her hands cupped his cheeks as his clasped her waist.
Unknown to them was your presence, your eyes widened and you stood up as soon as possible, you were shocked, and your lips were parted as you let out a shaky sigh.
When his icy eyes met yours, Draco gently parted his lips from Astoria's. He pulled his hand away from her waist as panic filled his veins.
When Astoria turned to face you, she had no idea what was going on. As she began to speak to you, Draco interrupted her, saying, "Tori, could you leave for a second, I-I just need to talk to Y/n." Astoria turned back to face him and nodded.
As her footsteps grew fainter and fainter, you couldn't hold yourself any longer, "You haven't told her, have you?" you questioned, attempting to maintain a confident façade in front of your lover or the one you loved as her footsteps grew fainter and fainter.
"Y-Y/n this is not what-" "What it looks like? I've had enough of your games, Draco. Please answer my question," you said, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence, he answered, "Yes" as his gaze fell on his feet.
How could he have treated someone like this? He felt ashamed of himself. He muttered "Y-Y/n" as guilt encircled him and began to devour him whole. You interrupted him and said, "Save it for later," wiping a tear from your eye.
"Y/n, please! I-It was an accident-" "Was I not good enough? What made you do this Draco?" you asked as your eyes glistened, "It's not you Y/n, it's-it's me, I was a fool to do this" Draco said as he ran his fingers through his hair.
His voice broke, "Please Y/n, forgive me for this one time, I-I," and he continued, "I cannot live without you."
You let out a shaky sigh again, trying not to cry in front of him, "No Draco, I can't anymore, I don't see the Draco whom I loved anymore, I don't see the Draco I had met."
After saying this, you passed him and said, "Take me back to the night we met," as you opened the door to the tower. After that, you shut the door and started to descend the stairs.
When you closed the door, Draco's hands were still holding the door as he cried out in defeat. He had been left helpless on the other side of the door. He was aware that he had failed, and that he would never be able to forgive himself.
Astoria approached you as you came down the tower and inquired, "What happened, Y/n?" You simply replied with a smile, "You should go there; your boyfriend is waiting for you," and you walked away silently as you cried your way to your dorm.
Tags- @miss-celestial-being @blackthunder137 @itchywitch33 @siriusblackstwin @pottahishotasf @prttydolls @nicofiliac @roguecheneyswife @steveslittlesunflower @slythermuf @cait2212 @writingwitch007 @crisppudge @draco-spencers-girl @tsukibaby1 @dracoslittleangel @nottluvr @enchantedforever @gachabella23 @raajali3 @lazydreamer19 @e-m-christina @zmxchs
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 15 hours
For @bucktommyweek day 2: Day Two: A figure from their past. Title: When the Sun Goes Down Pairings: Eddie/Buck/Tommy, past Buck/Abby Rating: Teen and Up Notes: Eddie doesn't like Abby but this isn't an Abby bashing fic, at least I don't think it is. Summary:
Buck was happy. Happier than he ever thought to be. He was free and finally felt comfortable in his skin. Chimney liked to tease that Buck was even more like his golden retriever side with all his bouncing and smile that never left his face when they weren't on a call. Bobby and Hen were so happy for him. And he knows that Athena gave both Tommy and Eddie the shovel talk, it was the scariest moment of their lives according to them.
Tommy meets Abby, the woman who broke Buck's heart.
Teaser: Tilting her head Abby studied Buck, he had gotten even more handsome if that was possible and while she loves Sam and the life she made with him and their girls there is a part of her that wondered what would have happened if she stayed and tried to make a life with Buck. He was amazing in bed and treated her like a Goddess. “How are you, Buck? We should get together while I am in town. Catch up, you could finally meet Sam.”
‘Hell no.’ Was the response that flashed into Buck's head there was no way that he would put Eddie in the same area as Abby, the man hated her with a passion. There would be no way of holding his boyfriend back as he let Abby know just what he thought about her treatment towards him.
‘Then there is Tommy.’ Buck wasn't sure what his other partner would think of his ex.
As if summoning a strong arm wrapped around Buck’s waist as a kiss was placed on his cheek, “Evan, sorry I am late Lucy decided she wanted to tell me in great detail about her date last night.” Tommy blinked as he took in the woman staring in confusion at him. “Oh, who is your friend?”
Clearing his throat Buck leaned into Tommy's embrace. “Tommy, this is Abby Clark, an old friend of mine. Abby, this is Tommy, my boyfriend.”
Tommy has heard all about Evan's ex-girlfriends Eddie has been very vocal in his dislike of those who used and then tossed aside their adorable boyfriend. Taylor Kelly and Abby Clark were tied for first place in Eddie’s bad books, those names were banned in their house for how they treated Evan and the last time Taylor's face showed up on the news Eddie had gone on an hour-long rant.
“Oh, it is nice to meet you, Tommy.” There was something in Abby's eyes that said it was anything but nice.
Tommy was instantly on guard. He could see why Evan was drawn to her, she is pretty but she had shattered Evan's heart and that was not something he could forgive. “It's nice to meet you as well. I have heard so much about you.”
Buck wanted to run away and hide. Tommy had heard about her from the presidents of the ‘We hate Abby’ club, Eddie and Maddie. Even Christopher didn't like her and they had never met!
‘She hurt you Buck that is all I need to know.’ Christopher looked so much like his dad with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.'
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I have been drawing some cars stuff again (Mostly oc things tho) so here we go
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I thought of this random scenario in which Rod meets my oc (First time I have ever drawn him btw) because i thought the size difference would look amusing. I don't think they would get along.
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I mean she really is very small according to this pic lol
More oc stuff under the cut because I'm about to post a long ramble.
I also drew a human version of her, even tho she is my carsona, I wanted her to be more of her own character so I didn't make her a mirror image of my irl self and made some features different.
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I also came up with some headcanons/Facts about her, that picture with Rod really gave me some ideas.
- Aleksandra is usually the peacekeeper among the lemons, trying to prevent unnessecary fights and arguments on the rig, and is usually very kind and polite to all. She thinks arguing with other lemons is a waste of time, when they all have the same goal, and they should put their differences aside.
- When Rod came to the rigs under the disguise, she sensed that something was off with him, and didn't act as nice and polite with him, much to everyone's confusion. I mean why would she suddenly act so cold towards a random Gremlin?
- When Rod got caught, Aleksandra was the first to be like "What did I tell you? I knew there was something wrong with him."
- Is a silent observer, looks like she is daydreaming and not paying attention to anything you say, but is actually listening to everything you say, and will remember the most interesting things years later.
- (Human version) Looks younger than she is, I headcanon her to be in her early 30s.
- I've mentioned before that her job is usually to run all kinds of errands and make deliveries (small weapons for example) and she also works as Zundapps eyes at the rig, when he is busy doing his work, reporting any suspicious activity.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Ok I'm supposed to be sleeping... But I had to write what I'm certain is going to be my favorite of all the 'what now' scenarios with the ships. Smarty-Pop.
This was (is?) a rather... Strange hostage situation. For everyone involved.
Poppy had always managed to bring out Smartass' softer side. Sure, he may yell at times, though it was because his buttons got pushed too many times that day, not because he was angry at her. And Poppy was the one who could calm him down while everything was going insane. So seeing him grab her so roughly and sneer in her face that night had been a shock and a half for everyone. And it was even more jarring when he announced that she wasn't allowed to leave the house anymore.
It wasn't like he had her tied up though. He had threatened to do it, but he hadn't. She wasn't even locked up in the basement or anything; Poppy still had free reign around the house, and Smartass made it clear that she was still to be respected as his girl- though nobody was to to follow any orders she tried to give, not that Poppy used that power anyways did she even realize she was given that authority? And aside from the first few days he had been gruff with her, still feeling hurt and angry that she threatened to leave, she wasn't in any real danger... Honestly, if it weren't for reason behind her house arrest, and the fact that she wasn't allowed to be alone anymore, things would have seemed normal.
But it wasn't. Everyone knew that their relationship was never going to be the same again. It was especially obvious whenever Poppy's begging could be heard behind their closed door; pleading her questionable lover to stop this horrible plan of the judge's. Begging him to see that all this was insane... Just wanting him to not be the evil weasel that he was drawn to be.
It wasn't just her that was affected by her imprisonment, too. Stupid had no idea who to listen to now; his boss and brother, or his sad little friend. Psycho, Poppy's best friend, thought it was nice that they didn't have to worry about how they'd get her out of town now. But he didn't like the way Smartass had been making her cry lately. Wheezy knew that this was wrong, but he also knew when the boss' mind was made up, so all he could do at this point was try to offer a comforting ear to Poppy. And Greasy... She wasn't sure how he felt about this, but he and Smartass' had been having a lot more conversations in Spanish lately, and they seem to be talking about her.
As the week went by, it was also clear how much of a toll this was taking on the rabbit. She just looked so war torn, like she was in a terrible battle- which she technically was. But she didn't stop trying to reach through to Smartass. Even on the day they were all packing everything up to move into their new home, Poppy still tried to stop it, claiming that, "Toontown is our home. Everything we love is here. "
Of course, it didn't work. It only made the boss more frustrated that they were, "Fallin' behind schedule. Now get in the car, 'Pops."
There wasn't a big celebration the night they came home. Everything had gone according to plan, and there was nothing but opportunity left for the weasels now... But there was still one problem that Smartass had been dreading preparing to face while the others were distracted with their own activities.
For the first time in what was far too long, Smartass was actually careful with Poppy. Quietly opening the door to the room she had been kept in and sitting down beside her before untying her- the only time he had actually used the rope against her, and it was only to make sure she didn't run while they were all gone. Brushing the stray curls away from her face, trying so hard to be gentle again just like how they were before, "It's done. It's just us now, sweetheart..."
For a few seconds, she doesn't respond. Those few seconds grated on his already uneased nerves, but when she tilted her head to look up towards him, it felt like a punch to the gut. No warmth in her eyes, yet no denial either. She was frowning at him, but not glaring either. There was no anger or disgust for what he had done... Just miserable defeat.
The sight twisted the hardened criminals heart. He didn't delude himself into thinking she'd be happy, but this? Shaking his head, Smartass decided to try to pull her in for a hug. It had been a while since he could hold her like this, and he... They needed it, "Things are gonna be different now, but it'll be good out here. I promise."
She didn't wrap her arms around him, but she didn't try to pull away. She almost felt like a limp doll in all honesty. They were so close now, he could hear her loud and clear despite her whispering voice, "It's heartbreaking, that you thought I was the only thing in town worth saving."
He didn't say anything, but not because he was ignoring her. The way his arms pulled her closer to him, holding her in a way that almost would have been protective, was proof that he was listening. She was still here with him. She was still within his reach, and yet she wasn't.
Things were never going to be the same.
... okay.
... Okay.
I am not alright.
I am so very much not all right!! 😰😱😭😰😱😭😰 SO AT FIRST, I was obsessing over the whole Dragon!Smartass/HostagePrincess!Poppy (Or Erik!Smartass x Christine!Poppy- I'm not sure which comparison I like more) thing at the start and how the other weasels were dealing with this, because all of that was delicious-
"It's heartbreaking, that you thought I was the only thing in town worth saving."
Oh god I remember reading this one for the first time, months ago, vividly XD How I clutched my chest Oh my goodness.
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(i also love how g e n t l e he got with her in the second half)
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows Masterlist
Thank you for the idea @headinthecloudssblog
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy. I do not speak Spanish nor I am going to try too. I have no urge to try and butcher another language
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: Some swearing. Shooting. The Christine Shootout. Blood. Death.
Summary: f/Reader is the girlfriend Ramón & is tired of being locked away for her protection. She sneaks out to join the men for Benjamin's birthday at Christine.
"Ramón isn't going to like this YN." Enedina said from her the bed as she watched me try to pick out an outfit for the club.
"Dina, since when do I listen to what your brother says?" I asked her with one eyebrow raised.
I could see her just shrug her shoulders at me and smile. "How else am I supposed to have any fun? Why can he go out to the Club but I have to stay here with you boring people?" I teased.
A playful gasp left her lips and I felt the pillow hit the back of my head.
"I am not boring."
I turned around to look at her. "I know you aren't and neither is Ruth. I just am sick of being locked away."
Dina gave me a sad smile as she got off the bed and walked towards me. She placed her hands on my shoulders as I looked into her eyes.
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"He is still going to kill you." I playfully shoved her away and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bedroom Ramón and I are staying in.
I can hear her laughter as I closed the door, shaking my head the whole time at the woman.
I wish more people got to see this side of Enedina. Relaxed, in a good mood. Not caring about anything, but I get why she has to show her other side.
If she didn't, she would be walked all over by the men who are not part of her family. Not part of her inner circle.
I knew I had to wait for the right moment to sneak out the back door. I knew Andres would be going around the corner to have a smoke.
Benjamín has a strict policy about the men not leaving their posts but Andres always needs to step away to smoke.
Just like clockwork, he looked around to see if anyone would notice him step away and as he rounded the corner, I sprinted out the backdoor with my heels in my hand, and took a hard left to get to the little gate that is broken, and only opens half way.
I had a very small window before Luis would come around the corner to bitch at Andres about leaving his post.
I was able to just slip through the broken gate as I heard Luis yell at Andres. Yes, everything is coming along according to plan.
I walked down the street and met the taxi that I called from the house. I gave them a fake name as I didn't want to the cab driver to get in trouble, just in case this went south.
"Juanita?" He asked me. "Yes. Thank you." I said as I slipped into the back of the cab. I gave him the address and he knew exactly where he was going.
I knew Ramón will be angry at me for leaving the safety of his family, but he wouldn't be able to stay angry at me for long. He never can.
It was easy to spot him and his men. It was like all the energy in the room was drawn to them. Men and Women alike were looking at the dangerous men, either in fear, envy or both.
Most likely both. They wanted what they had. The money, the houses, the cars, the boats, the women and men. They wanted it but they could not do what they do.
These people didn't have the guts to do it. To risk not only their lives but the people who they love.
I got so lost in my own train of thoughts that I didn't see the man come up behind me, but I sure as hell felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.
I turned to look at the man, ready to punch them in the face for touching me when I saw it was Barron.
If he was standing there, then I knew Ramón must know I am there. I looked to the second floor and I could see him looking at me.
I didn't have to be close to him to know that he was extremely angry with me. I could tell with the way he is looking at me. How he is gripping the railing.
"How mad is he?" I asked Barron as he offered his hand to me, so I could get off of the very high bar stool.
"I can't say but from how hard he is staring you down, I would say a lot."
I cursed under my breath, but I also hid the smile that was threatening to show. When Ramón is this angry, well let me just say I will be walking funny tomorrow.
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Ramón Arellano Félix's POV:
I should of known that YN would of shown up here. When I told her what the plans were for after Benjamín birthday dinner, and that it was only guys going.
She didn't argue. She didn't get upset or pout like she would of usually done. All she told me was to have fun and stay safe with a gentle kiss that had me wanting to deepen the it even more, but she just pulled back.
But as I was looking down at the dance floor, trying to decide if I wanted to head outside for some fresh air, I spotted her.
Walking towards the bar. Hair done, makeup was probably perfect. Wearing a short, purple dress with a pair of heels on.
I could see the men looking her up and down, wondering if they have a shot with her, but she paid them no mind.
She sat on the bar stool, with some difficulty as they were far too high for her and waited to place her drink order
I watched as the man behind the bar came running over to her. He smiled at her and knowing my girl, she smiled back. A few moments later, he walked away to get her drink.
"Barron, go and get her." He looked at me slightly confused and then he looked to where I was looking.
"Yes Boss."
It didn't take him long to get down to her. He pushed his way through the crowd. I could see them talking and she looked right up at me as he offered her his hand to help her down.
My attention was pulled away by Claudio calling my name. I knew YN was in good hands with Barron.
That was until I heard the gun shots and the screams as my family and I ran for our lives. Being hunted down by Chapo and his men.
I kept looking back to see if YN was there by some miracle, but she wasn't. Every time I shot my gun, I was nervous about YN someway, somehow stepping in front of it.
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Barron slowed his walking until he came to a complete stop. He was looking at the cops that have just randomly showed up.
"Take your heels off and get down low." I didn't question why. I kneeled down and undid the little buckles.
I didn't have time to even blink it felt like as I saw Barron start shooting. He gripped my arm and we started to move.
He kept me behind him as we walked up the stairs. My hands gripping the back of his shirt.
We got to the top and he pushed me down as he hid behind a column, all the while still shooting.
"On my call, run YN." A few more shots and he yelled go. I stayed low as I ran. Barron was right behind me, still shooting.
But as we were rounding a corner, I felt a searing pain in my left shoulder. I cried out in pain, as I knew what happened, but I didn't have time to think about the fact that I have just been shot.
I could hear Benjamín voice from above and saw the men come rushing down the stairs. Barron opening the door for them to get through.
I saw Ramón and could of cried at seeing him okay, but he was focusing on all the chaos around us, but he gripped my right hand in his as we ran.
I looked back and saw Barron hiding behind the closed part of the door. Then I felt extreme pain on the right side of my neck.
I let go of Ramón's hand as we ran and placed my hand over the spot that hurt. I looked down and saw my hand covered in my blood.
I didn't have time to say anything, as we had to get to safety. Ramón was doing his best to cover me from the bullets as he was running and shooting.
But then we heard it. One of the men got hit and I heard Ramón calling out Claudio's name. I knew he was dead and my heart broke for Dina.
We got into the kitchen and we all dived to the floor. That is when Ramón noticed me. "YN, my love. You're okay. You're okay. I promise." He said as he cupped my face gently in his hands.
The sound of his voice had me worried. I have never seen him this scared. "Ramón, I'm cold."
"Here you go baby. Take my shirt. Just stay awake. Keep talking for me." He didn't have time to give me his shirt.
The door swung open and in came Barron, who shot out the window. The last thing I remember was Benjamín and Ramón calling my name.
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Ramón Arellano Félix's POV:
I could of thrown up when I saw YN covered in her own blood. She was shaking slightly, from either the blood loss or with everything going on, I have no idea.
"YN, my love. You're okay. You're okay. I promise." I said to her, knowing I sounded scared as I cupped her face in my hands.
"Ramón, I'm cold."
I offered her my shirt but Barron came in and got us out of there by shooting out a window.
I climbed through the window first and Benjamín was helping YN to climb through it from inside.
But I cried out her name as she blacked out, as did my brother. I picked her up in my arms as we got to the cars and drove away.
I had tears in my eyes but they didn't fall as the anger took over. "I need to get her to the hospital." I told Benjamín.
"Yes, I will call Ruth and tell her to pack up and warn the others."
By the time we got to the hospital, the Doctor told me that YN has lost too much blood.
"Either save her life or yours will end." I had my gun against his forehead. He called out to get the Operating Room ready to go.
I kept a few men there as I went with my brother to get our family.
Seeing my sister in pain over the loss of her husband hurt me, but then she asked about YN.
"Where is YN?" She looked around for my love.
"At the hospital, she...she was shot."
"Oh Ramón." Dina went to hug me, but I pulled away.
"I told you to keep her safe. I told you to keep an eye on her." I all but growled at my grieving sister.
"Do not blame me Ramón. Maybe if you didn't keep her locked away."
"For her own protection and look what fucking happened." The two of us were now in one another's faces.
"Enough. This isn't the time." Benjamín cut in.
"Once we are safe, we will send for YN and have her come. We will hire around the clock care for her." I said to them.
"Of course Ramón." My brother said to me. Dina was glaring out the window as we drove.
YN barely pulled though, but she did. When I told the hospital staff she was coming with me, only one brave person said she shouldn't be moved.
"Then no one else gets care. No one is allowed in this hospital until she is awake and better." I said to them in a dangerous voice.
"Now, get her ready to go. Get her in an ambulance and my men will take it from there. We already have a Doctor waiting with a nurse. Now. Get. Fucking. Moving."
No one moved. They just looked at one another. That was until Kitty stepped forward. "He said fucking move. Now." And held up his gun.
We watched as they got YN ready to go and in the ambulance in under half an hour. I stayed in the back the whole ride to our safe house.
Never once letting go of her hand. Randomly kissing her head. Praying and hoping she would wake up.
Enedina took over YN's care when I wasn't there. YN has been drifting in and out of sleep. At first I was scared that she was going to die, but the Doctor said that is her body letting her heal.
Chapo and his men are on the run. We were always so close but yet so far. We burned every single hideout he had.
We killed every man we came across that had helped in hiding him. Every single day that YN wasn't awake, I became more and more thirsty for his blood.
I wanted his head on a spike. I wanted to burn him alive and watch him suffer, but the bastard was always one step ahead of me.
I was just about to head out, trying to find Chapo again when Dina was calling my name.
"Ramón. Ramón come quick." I already knew she was in YN's room. The door was left open and I could see YN sitting up in bed, against the headboard with a shit ton of pillows supporting her.
"Ramón." YN said softly and gave me a small smile. I walked quickly over to her and kissed her, deeply.
I heard Dina leave the room, instructing the others to leave as well. To give us some privacy.
The tears were flowing freely now. "No need to cry my love." YN said as wiped away my tears.
I gave her a watery smile. "I thought I lost you. You lost so much blood."
"Well, I am still here."
"Yes you are." I gave her another kiss.
"You are never leaving this house again." I said to her as she rolled her eyes at me.
"And when you are better, I still have to punish you for sneaking out that night." I smirked to myself as I saw her shiver slightly at the threat.
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berryunho · 3 months
This is is just me going crazy over character dynamics and going onto the hwa stuff I mentioned in a bit more depth.
I really love the moments between him and mc, right now I would say it's my favorite dynamic in the story. On one hand, the tension is funny to witness because, unlike her relationships with san and hj, there is some semblance of hesitation from both parties here instead of just her lmao? But also, there's so much to unpack about them and what they could become? In short, they keep getting entangled with one another, with varying degrees of enthusiasm from each of them, just to pull apart as quickly as they started the whole thing and I think it's funny how that works.
Getting more detailed on my view of it all, on his side it seems to me that she is kind of growing on him a little bit over time, more so because of their proximity and how important she ended up being in his life due to the importance hj himself placed on her in his own life if that makes any sense? What I mean by that is, I guess hwa never really gave himself enough time or space to feel bad about any of the victims of the cult because his sole focus is hj, so he wouldn't allow himself to see what they are doing to others, he wouldn't even have time to get close enough to any of them to do that. However, because of hj's proximity to mc, hwa comes as a package deal and therefore he too is forced to interact closely with her, now he finally gets to confront the damage they do to someone up close and personal, and it doesn't help that he likes her a bit despite himself (just physically? Perhaps a bit emotionally?).
On mc's side, she is already deprived of any real support system, she is already blurring the lines between her and the cult leaders because of how much she craves some semblance of comfort and companionship. For hwa to aid her, as minimally as he does, during these times when hj is clearly extra unstable, it really messes with her already hazy perception of him.
So we get hwa wanting to get closer, despite his dislike towards her for how focused hj is on her, because he is physically attracted to her yes but also seemingly due to him genuinely being concerned for her (I will also point out that while I am theorizing that the concern comes from genuine sympathy and maybe some empathy, I do think that part of it comes from him not wanting hj to get upset in case something happens to mc, even if that something were to be hj himself), and then we have mc, who can't help but be drawn as a moth to the fucking flames of hell when he offers any semblance of support (aka physical comfort and lending an ear when she asks things), because she can't get that from her actual loved ones so any source, as rancid as it is, she will probably take even if begrudgingly, on top of all that, *she* certainly empathizes with him because no one else is close to hj like they are.
That moment with woo really cemented that for her I think, he doesn't know what it feels like to be stuck with hj (as an individual, not the cult leader) be that willingly or not, he doesn't know how confusing and disorienting it is to navigate his mood swings and gaslighting when you are being *personally and closely* targeted by it, no one in the cult does besides her and hwa because for him they are all even lower in the hierarchy than those two, he didn't really need to follow the other cult members as closely that is.
Hwa stuck himself to hj's side by his own accord and from a young age, and now hj is trying to forcefully shackle her down to him as well. That is also another reason why I feel inclined to believe that he is warming up to her? I said he may be starting to empathize with her a little instead of just feeling sympathy, because he is seeing someone else entering the playing field that is his relationship with hj, and he may be starting to see that she could very well be on his team instead of against him (they are the losing team in the game, but at least they are losing together yay!). Like, the hand scene with hj teasing him about it? Mc is probably the only other person that hwa considers as a possible source of comfort (I wouldn't say affection because I don't think they are quite there yet) besides hj at this point, and she would probably treat him a bit better than hj does, she'd treat him as a BAD person sure but a person nonetheless, meanwhile hj steps all over the guy lol.
Its just the three of them in their own little twisted world in a way (Its a very interesting dynamic, I am so invested to see how it develops omg). That's also why I believe he wasn't just trying to keep her from upsetting hj for hj's sake this chapter, nor did it seem to be just to keep her safe from his wrath. Instead, he is almost playing peacemaker between both of them, it's just that hj is less likely to play along than mc so he has to rope her into walking around the eggshells she can't see, but to me it almost looks like he is trying to make a three way relationship work there lmao. Almost. Who knows. I can't wait to find out.
Anyway, despite hwa and mc repeatedly getting closer and closer, they always take a step back right after because 1. She lowkey stole his man without even trying plus he is supposed to stay loyal to said man and 2. He is a cult leader who has threatened her life multiple times and is still holding her hostage and is still a threat to her life. And they keep doing this little song and dance of it all around hj, the clinically unstable psycho. So yeah, fun for everyone, hooraaaay!!
That's all I wanted to add (I kind of wanted to go on to talk about the stuff between her and san but maybe that can wait for another day so I won't kill you with my essay of an ask lmaoo).
Again, thanks for all your hard work lauren, have a good day/night!
- 👁👁
Okay epic here we go
I def think you’re right w the idea that mc is growing on sh as time goes on hehe and yes it def has something to do just w the fact that they spend so much time together!! Like you said sh doesn’t really have a close relationship w the other cult members bc his main focus is just on hj and you could probably argue that he was close-ish to haneul but since she had her thing w jongho she wasnt w hj and sh as much and so yeah sh’s priority is definitely just hj and the fact that he places so much value on mc basically means that hwa has to as well even if it isnt what he would want
Heheheh yes mc is also very conflicted w the relationship obvs we get her pov and her thoughts and feelings and stuff and its clear she has no idea whats happening w hwa and that she doesn’t necessarily want to act on her … feelings ? urges ? LMAO IDK whatever it is that she feels when shes around him but like . you gotta have mental fortitude for that . and the longer they’re together and the closer they get w one another that fortitude can only remain for so long right . 
YES this idea that seonghwa is concerned about mc AND hj simultaneously is so good . like he has to worry that hj will lose interest in him but he also has to worry that something will happen to her and that hj will lose it and he also has to worry what will happen to her AND hj if she keeps things going the way that they are like . seonghwa is really a mediator in this whole situation now whether he wants to be or not but he also has to contend w his own feelings and worries which makes everything more complicated 
mc and hwa are absolutely tied together just on the virtue that they are the closest people to hj and are the only ones that like. Really get to see him or know him beyond a literal religious figure. And yes yes for sure they have to start seeing themselves as … idk like coworkers ? LMAO RATHER THAN ENEMIES I MEAN like not friends but they have to realize how they can interplay with each other to create a “”good”” situation for everyone yk 
BUT YEAH THIS ASK IS ALL REALLY GOOD AND INSIGHTFUL FOR ME like knowing what you’re thinking is sooooo good for knowing what im getting across well and what i want to continue to develop hehe feel free to send me asks WHENEVER about LITERALLY ANYTHING it can be a long long ask or a short short one i will always appreciate it <333 thank you again <333
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letters-from-x · 1 year
watched the movie that happened to be on tv last night with my dad, and the movie was Wind River. I was doubtful at first because I googled it briefly and it's a murder mystery where the victim has been raped, so I was worried about how they would handle it. But I relaxed after a while because the whole thing was set afterwards, so I actually started getting my hopes up that I was watching a movie that portrayed rape as an issue with sensitivity.
No such luck. Towards the end of the movie, once you as the audience have already worked out who did it, there was a long, drawn out flashback of the whole thing. Now I can't say much about the scene itself because I yelled at my dad, who muted it, and then stared down at my phone for a while. I glanced up twice to see if it was over.
But here's what I do have to say about it: it shouldn't have happened. It didn't add anything of value to the movie. I have never seen a rape scene that did.
But it got me thinking about this thing that seems to happen in every rape scene (and I hate that I've seen enough of them to even notice patterns like this). There's this close-up of the woman's face as her dead eyes look into the camera and she flops around, seemingly of her own accord.
They make the rapist disappear.
I guess the audience can't get off on a close-up of his face.
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