#I've got a headache
alcmeneee · 2 months
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memes-saved-me · 1 year
Not the open window at the end
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schizo2709 · 1 year
So, in light of the last JK gifset I reblogged, I recapitulate: Yesterday he was live AGAIN, like, is he that bored or what I thought when I got the notif. Live every other day...huh. I didn’t watch and it’s now deleted. Why? Who knows. For one, he wasn’t entirely sober (again). Not a problem because he’d fun singing Justin Bieber songs? Oof...sorry, I know, one of his idols. And listened to popular Indian songs which got Indian ARMY excited on my timeline.
But then he proceeded talking about stalking, stalker fans, and...oof...I’m human, too. His words! And to please respect his privacy and not follow him when he’s out in private, which happened again very recently when he went home from the gym.
Said he wouldn’t have said any of this while sober...
And then he FELL ASLEEP while the live was still ON! I don’t know how or who ended the live eventually but he just fell asleep and...started snoring...and a candle was still burning which had ARMY freaking out...understandably...
How am I going to tag this so it doesn’t show up in the tags? I’m not sure if this ‘only the first 5 tags count’ still works?
EDIT: He posted this morning! He’s okay...hopefully...
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You know what's one very obvious/simple plot I'd like to see turned into an Obey Me! event? MC getting sick. Like, I know we've seen this exact trope many many times before since the fandom has written about it multiple times but hear me out:
What's the plot of a majority of Obey Me! events? The brothers messed something up/got into a troublesome situation and MC spends the entire event running around trying to help them.
And you know who's never been on the center of an event? MC. Sure, we're literally the main character and we're there 100% of the time, but like I said before, the focus is always on the other characters and us helping THEM with shit.
Also, I think we've just got done with the "x character focused" events with Lucifer being on the spotlights of the last one. So what's a better time for it to happen? Like, we NEED an event centered around MC and the brothers being the ones to reach out/help them through it.
And what exact trope has never been done in Obey Me? MC getting sick. Like, it's the perfect plot: MC comes down with a fever or something, and through the entire event, the brothers are taking care of them and nursing them back to health.
Like, I just wanna see boys taking care of us in canon. I wanna see Lucifer scolding us for being stubborn and not taking care of ourselves while feeding us some soup. I wanna see Mammon being the tsundere idiot he is and doing the tiniest things to help us while simultaneously grumbling about how he isn't worried about us or anything like that. I wanna see Levi bringing our favorite games to our room so we can play together since Lucifer ordered us to not get out of bed. I want Satan to read us a book to help us fall asleep, I want Asmo to come to do our nails, prepare us the best baths, and talk about whatever juicy scandals we've been missing recently by not going to RAD. I want the twins to be so soft and careful with us because they're worried sick and want us to get better as soon as possible. I want all the side characters to visit us and bring us little gifts and sweets to make us feel better.
Please, devs, give us a Sick!MC event! I promise we'll cherish with all our hearts and will go back to it every time we get sick just to feel comforted by our favorite boys. 😭
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lovesickgoose · 6 months
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
could you do reader taking care of sevika when she's on her period? i bet she would try to be so tough about it but i would just wanna baby her ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh <33 thank u
poor baby sevika :(( it's crazy, u guys always send me period asks when i'm on mine!
men and minors dni
when you first get together, sevika never talks about her period.
she just grits her teeth and bears it, ignoring the aching in her abdomen and lower back, the headaches that plague her for a week, her rapidly changing emotions and cravings.
she doesn't even tell you, only letting on when you're trying to get in her pants, pushing you away with a smirk and a "sorry babe, it's my time of the month."
you gawk at her. she blinks. "wh-- sev, you're on your period?" you ask. sevika nods. "but i just made you build a bookshelf!" you say. sevika blinks again.
"...so?" she asks. you huff.
"so! so you should be relaxing! i should be pampering you! what are you doing? go get in bed!" you demand. sevika chuckles and kisses your forehead.
"you're cute." she says.
she doesn't let you pamper her. she doesn't even let you give her a lower back massage. she insists she's fine-- she's had hundreds of periods in her lifetime, and she's survived all of them. she doesn't need to be pampered.
but you don't give up. you put it in your calendar, tracking it to the best of your ability so that when the next month rolls around, you're ready.
you start subtly. you know that it takes time for sevika to warm up to affection and care, and you're willing to give her all the time in the world. that doesn't mean you'll stop trying, though.
the next month, you're sure to keep her properly medicated. in the morning, you hand her two painkillers before she leaves from work. she frowns at them..
"what're these?" she asks. you shrug.
"for your cramps." you say simply. sevika blinks.
"...how'd you know?" she asks. you shrug.
"i didn't... just a lucky guess."
"you've been tracking my cycle?" she asks with a disbeliving look. you giggle and kiss her cheek.
"well, duh. gotta take care of you." you say.
she takes the pills and storms out of the apartment. (she only storms because she's flustered. when the door slams behind her, sevika struggles to keep a smile from growing on her lips at your consideration."
this becomes a habit. you force feed her two painkillers in the morning, two when she gets home, and two before bed. she always rolls her eyes. (but inside, she's squealing like a little girl and jumping up and down.)
she doesn't admit it to you, but her cramps are nearly unnoticeable once you come into her life.
the next month, you kick it up a notch.
as she's laying in bed, waiting for you to join her so you can sleep, you run to the kitchen to throw a heating pad in the microwave. sevika doesn't suspect a thing until you come sauntering into the bedroom with the pad behind your back and a smirk on your face.
"what?" she asks with a glare, knowing you're up to no good. you laugh as you crawl in bed beside her, sneakily sliding the heating pad over her lower stomach beneath the covers. she jumps, then sighs, melting into the sheets below her. you smile and kiss her forehead.
"feel good?" you ask. sevika hums.
"yeah." she admits. you grin, and then kiss her again, before flicking the lamp off and pulling her against you.
you add the nightly heat pad to your little pampering routine.
the next month, you start figuring out sevika's cravings. now that you're living together, you get a good look into her eating habits and routines. you notice a few days before she's due for her first day of her period, that she's been reaching for sour candies and spicy chips more and more frequently.
so, on your walk home the next day, you stop at a convenience store to pick up a family sized bag of hot fries and several sour candies. you don't make a big deal about it, knowing sevika will try to deny the kindness, you just store the snacks in the cupboards and leave them there for her to find.
the next month, she finally asks you for a little back massage, admitting to you that it's been killing her this month.
you agree eagerly, straddling her legs and gently working some lavender oil into her lower back, becoming nearly as relaxed as sevika is beneath you as you watch the tension in her body melt away.
she ends up falling asleep beneath you, so you decide to give her a lower back massage each night before you place her hot pad on her skin. she's always out like a light by the time you're done, snoring and drooling into her pillow. she's adorable.
sevika stops smacking you away when you sneak your hands under her shirt to let the heat of your hands soothe her bloated lower stomach. instead, she starts leaning against your chest, sighing and grabbing your wrist in thanks.
she starts talking to you more, letting her complaints out to you. she'll come home pouting and complaining of a headache, and you'll pout right back at her, before giving her a gentle neck massage and pulling her onto your tits for a nap.
sometimes, she'll break out on her period, and she admits to you that it bothers her. so you gently paint her face with your favorite hormonal acne mud mask and put her in the bath, handing her a tall glass of whiskey and kissing her sweetly before letting her relax in the candle lit bathroom.
eventually, you guys end up syncing your cycles. you take turns taking care of each other, sevika handing you pills while you hand her a bowl of chips, wrestling to be the first to give the other a lower back massage, soaking in the bath together. sevika doesn't hide her pain and discomfort from you anymore, knowing that you won't think she's any weaker for it, knowing that you'll do anything you can to help relieve her of it.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
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bleaksqueak · 14 days
Did you know that Procreate doesn't have a lot of the standard filter/effects tools that Photoshop and Clip Studio have? For the most part I'm A-OK fine living without those, but the one that boggles my mind is that Procreate doesn't have a stroke feature. I bring this up because I use stroke a lot for subtle things, and I use it a lot for graphic things (like comic binding boxes, lettering, etc.)... and, for the current illustration, I used it for almost the entire background. So do you want to know the stupid way to simulate the stroke effect in Procreate? SURE YOU DO. You have to duplicate the item, or lines, you want to have a stroke effect on... You then move it below your object/lines, gausian blur the duplicate beneath to 2 - 3%, then keep duplicating that blurred copy and merging it with itself until the extra selection of pixels created by the blur are, once more, solid. It's a lot of duplicating and merging. PROCREATE, PLEASE, THIS IS YOUR ONLY TRUE FLAW. Please add a stroke tool my family is starving.
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mysteryboy1249 · 7 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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hood-ex · 7 months
The desire to have a No Capes AU where the Titans crew go to a boarding school and sneak out at night to read poetry in a cave...
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Do you have an idea of when you might release the next part of just kiss already? I don't want to rush you or anything, I'm just curious
I was hoping to get it finished and posted this weekend, but it's getting longer than I anticipated, so my new goal is to have it finished and posted by next weekend.
I have been rewriting the first three fics in between writing this one, and I actually just posted the revised version of "De-Lovely" this morning ^.^ (shoutout to halleyshiro! Thanks for beta'ing for me! You're amazing 😍)
The story is ultimately the same, nothing MASSIVE was changed. I just went a little deeper in description and hashed out more of Lucifer's thoughts and feelings. I think it flows a LOT better now and I'm very happy with how it turned out. You don't have to reread it to understand the rest of the series, but there's a few more goodies added to it if you're looking for anything new, so its there if you want it 😊
Crossing my fingers that this next fic won't take much longer LOL I'm very excited to post it. I'm having a lot of fun with Alastor and Lucifer's dynamic.
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girlfriendline · 1 year
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a story in four parts (aka: that one time the smelling salts were a little too powerful)
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capriciouswriter207 · 3 months
Beacon AU: Trail Ruins (Beacon site 1)
The terrain around the ruins was uneven, where the grass and dirt transitioned into stone and cliffs. Remains of ancient buildings poked out from the loose dirt, all arranged around an old pyramid structure. It was the tallest building still standing, not as affected by time as the ruins around it. A strange design that instantly made Wels and Gem realize this must be the beacon they were looking for. At the very least, they saw the base of what was supposed to be a ray of divine light in the distance. They advanced with the utmost caution and respect, for this was still a holy site and nobody else has ever set foot here.
As they approached, they instantly noticed something was off. Strange black moss broke through the ground and climbed the pyramid, reached out with tendrils to pull it into the ground. Atop the pyramid stood a single person, swaying on his feet. As Wels and Gem approached, they could see his sleeves were ripped off of him, his voice growing more and more desperate as he pleaded and begged and prayed for the beacon’s light to come back, lest his sacrifice be for naught.
The shadows themselves seemed to gain corporeal forms and climbed up the pyramid, menacing the pleading man, ready to strike.
They seemed familiar, somehow. To Wels, anyway - while he and Gem rushed up the stairs to come to the pleading man’s aid, these shadows moved and behaved and looked as though Wels had seen them before. As though he’d encountered them before - but that couldn’t be right. Only the undead and aberrations filtered out of the woods; he has never heard or seen shadows tear themselves into the light to attack something or someone. So why did they feel so familiar to him?
But the pleading man did not notice the coming attackers, so Wels and Gem needed to protect him and the beacon site. The question of familiarity could wait until after they were all safe.
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gotchibam · 6 months
Sorry for the slow turn-around of the doodles lately, I was going to finish up some of them today but I'm not feeling too well atm 🥲
For the meantime, ko-fi requests for poke doodles & character comms are still going to be open (gotta save up for my personal budget) so please check it out if you're interested! ;w;
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cellgatinbo · 5 months
pros and cons of becoming a morning crew watcher
pros: fitpac, waking up early, ramon/sunny shenanigans, regulating sleep schedule, not missing lore while i'm asleep
cons: fitpac, waking up early, headache headache ow ow ow
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solradguy · 4 months
This book I got to scan for otherkin talks about quantum physics-based magic. I literally cannot escape quantum physics-based magic systems. Can Guilty Gear just like give me a moment, ok, for getting me consistently into this mess. I need to throttle Dr. Paradigm. My brain is getting so wrinkled from having to learn about quantum theory and particle theory and Planck's Constant and Heisenberg's Principle and Bohr models... At least it's in English this time. I GUESS.
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skeletalcat · 5 months
we put my cat Nux down today :( :( :( Please look that these funny pictures of him from when he was young (but weird)
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