#I've been very slow with writing the one for Echo
electrikworm · 3 months
5 times Wrecker protected his siblings and 5 times they protected him: Chapter 4
During the collapse of a building, Wrecker shields Hunter and Omega.
Content warning: Blood
Read on Ao3
The ceiling starts coming down so fast, there isn't time to run when Hunter shouts the warning. Hunter's already pulled a crouching Omega close, ready to absorb the impact in her stead.
Wrecker won't let it come to that, sprinting the short distance between him and his siblings to cover them. Hunter's strong, all clones are. Not strong enough to hold the mass of the collapsing warehouse. But Wrecker is.
Bracing for the debris to hit him seems to last forever. When it does, the air is knocked from Wreckers lungs and they're plunged into darkness immediately. Wrecker doesn't even have the time to register it. When the debris settles, it takes a moment for Wrecker to regain awareness of himself and his surroundings.
For a terrible few seconds, it's silent. He can't hear or see his siblings, all there is is the pressure of the weight against his back and arms, and the persistent throbbing of the impact. For those few seconds, dread grips Wrecker violently. What if he failed? What if he's the only one still alive?
Wrecker almost sags in relief when he hears a shuffle of movement, a cough and then the far too bright light of a flashlight. Almost. He'd die before he'd voluntarily drop any of the weight he's supporting without being certain his siblings are well out of range.
Omega was the one to turn on the light. Dust has settled on her and Hunter, as well as smaller chunks of debris. She looks better off than Hunter does, almost entirely unharmed. Hunter looks like he might have took a hit. Wrecker guessed the loud noise and vibration of the collapse didn't do his brothers enhanced senses any favours either.
The small amount of clear space Wrecker's managed to create is cramped, Omega and Hunter huddled closely together. It's a good thing Tech and Echo weren't in the warehouse. It would have been really cramped if they were her too.
There is just enough place for the two to move, Omega sitting back a little with her knees to her chest to look around, and Hunter adjusting his position to no longer be elbowing Wrecker in the stomach. Wrecker hadn't even noticed the uncomfortable sensation until it was gone.
“Everyone alright?” Hunter is the first to speak. Omega nods. Wrecker doesn't dare to, not wanting to risk shifting any of the debris. He responds with an affirmative hum. “Omega, start trying to contact Tech and Echo.”
Hunter and Omegas comms are met with continuous silence. They try over and over, but none of their messages get through, try holding their comlinks closer to the stone separating them from the outside world, from the rest of the batch. There's the beginnings of panic in Omegas eyes.
“Why isn't it working?” She asks.
“I don't know. Could be something in the stone.” Hunter answers, shaking his head. Wrecker knows they're all thinking of the possibility that something may have happened to their vode, something that's keeping them from answering. They go back to trying.
Despite being the only thing preventing the three of them getting crushed, Wrecker feels quite useless. It feels like he's not doing anything, and it's driving him a bit mad. He's just stuck thinking, and all he has to think about is how much rests on him being able to hold the weight of the fallen building.
He's got a good hold of it, and the crouched way he's standing does distribute the workload across his body rather evenly. But the pressure against his back is bordering on agonizing, and it is a lot of weight. Wreckers not sure just how long he can hold it, how long until his body gives out or he makes a mistake. His left arm already feels weakened, perhaps from pulling something when catching the weight. Wrecker takes a shallow breath, trying to expand his chest in a way that doesn't chance the integrity of the debris above him.
Omega pauses her failed attempts at contacting their siblings. “Won't we run out of air?” Kriff, she's right. They're not going to last long with all three of them breathing the same air.
“Omega, can you reach my pack?” Hunter asks. “There won't be enough space for me to take it off.” Omega nods. “Good. There should be two breath masks in there.” Since Omega joined, every member of clone force 99 has gotten into the habit of carrying spares of important items with them.
Omega quickly fishes the two breath mask out of Hunters pack, putting hers on as Hunter removes his helmet slowly to don his own. The dim light emitted by the masks seems bright in the dark pocket they're trapped in.
“Wrecker, I think I can reach your pack too.” Omega sits up, reaching her hand in Wreckers direction.
“Don't.” Wrecker snaps. It comes out a lot harsher than he intends it to. Omega jerks her hand back fast, eyes wide, making Wrecker feel bad for the tone he used. “It's not worth the risk, there's too much weight on it. You could hurt yourself. Can't take my helmet off well anyway. Thanks for offering.” Wrecker continues with a calmer tone. Wrecker bites back the urge to making a joke about the risk of decapitation taking his helmet off would bring with it. “If it's just me breathing the air, it'll last a lot longer.”
It's silent save for the noise of his siblings breathing and the occasional futile attempt at contacting Tech and Echo. It's unnerving, nothing but the slightly mechanical sound of the breath mask, and “Tech, Echo, are you there? Do you copy?”. Wrecker wishes someone would say anything else.
Omega eventually does. “Could we get out by moving stones?” It's a good question. Maybe they could, if they knew how far they'd have to go.
“Moving anything is risky. Only as a last resort.” Hunter says. What he really means is only when Wrecker starts loosing his strength or hasn't got enough oxygen left. Only when Wrecker starts failing them.
It goes silent again.
One breath in, one out. Omega and Hunter do so almost in sync. “Tech, Echo, are you there?” Breath in, breath out. “Please respond.” Another breath in. Another breath out. “Echo? Tech?”
Wrecker needs someone to talk about something, anything else.
“The mission was going pretty well until the building started falling apart.” Wrecker burst out with a shaky laugh. His vode look at him like he grew a second head.
“You could say that.” Hunter says. It's clear he's considering the possibility that Wrecker hit his head in the collapse.
“Tech said he got the intel we need.” Omega adds, immediately followed by another attempt to contact the others. It's getting harder to ignore how hopeless the situation seems. The burn in Wreckers muscles is increasing steadily, the weight slowly taking its toll.
It's too quiet again, but Wrecker can't think of anything else to say.
After what feels like hours of pointless attempts to contact Tech and Echo, Omega interrupts the usage of her comlink to inspect something on her trousers. “What is that?” She mutters, mostly to herself. Wrecker can just about see what she's looking at from the angle of his head: A dark stain on and above her knee.
“Is that blood?” Wrecker says before he can think about it. Please don't let it be blood. Omega bleeding is the last thing they need added to this situation. That statement immediately draws Hunters attention.
“Are you bleeding Omega?” They're so much worry in his voice. Omega looks a little worried herself.
“I- I don't know... I don't think so.” She sounds uncertain. Hunter pulls a glove off and extends his hand to touch the stain lightly, careful of the possibility that she's baring an injury under the fabric. His hand comes back stained red. Kriff.
“Omega, I'm going to need you to reach the med kit in my pack. Try to move your leg as little as possible.” Hunter's tone is calm, but his expression betrays his fear. It's a lot of blood. She might need stitches. Knees are complicated, there are a lot of bits that could get damaged. The environment they're in is far from sterile.
“But it doesn't even hurt...” She states. Wrecker and his brothers have the habit of playing down serious injury. It's extremely frustrating at times. Wrecker had hoped that Omega would never pick up that habit.
“You don't have to tough it out Omega. It's better if you tell us when you're hurt.” Wrecker says, trying to sound as calm as Hunter does. He doesn't manage so quite as well.
“No, I can't feel any pain at all!” Omega counters. She looks confused.
“Adrenalin can do that. Please Omega, get the med kit.” There's a slight hint of desperation in Hunters voice. Wrecker hopes it's just adrenalin, and that Omega isn't going into shock. Omega complies this time, handing the med kit to Hunter.
“You're going to be okay Omega.” Wrecker tries to reassure her and himself.
“I feel okay.” Omega says as she watches Hunter look through the med kit.
Hunter puts a hand on her lower leg. “You may start to feel less okay once I start treating you.” Hunter says, trying to prepare her. Omega still looks very confused, like her brain hasn't caught up with the situation. It worries Wrecker.
Just as Hunter goes to pull the leg of Omegas trousers up to look at the injury, something hits the back of his hand. A drop of blood.
All three of them stare at it as it sits on the back of Hunters hand, then slowly rolls down the side and drops onto Omegas knee.
“I told you that I'm not hurt! It's not even my blood!” Omega exclaims, breaking the baffled silence. It takes Wrecker far too long to register that if it isn't hers, it must be his own.
It takes Hunter a moment to snap out of his confusion too. When he does, he looks a bit lost. “There isn't enough room for me to reach your right side. Omega, you'll have to locate the injury and stop the bleeding.”
“No.” Wrecker says, almost cutting Hunter off. “Not worth the risk.” If any of the debris slips when Omegas hands are between Wrecker and the rocks, her fingers could be crushed.
“Wrecker.” Hunter says. It sounds like a warning. “You loosing more blood won't help anyone.” The message is clear, his tone leaves no room for protest. Wrecker doesn't object again.
“I'll be careful.” Omega says, like she's trying to reassure Wrecker, like she isn't the one having to put herself in harms way for his sake. She stands up, just about able to do so in the small space if she hunches somewhat. She's true to her word as she reaches around Wreckers arm, slowly feeling for the origin of the blood. When she finds it, they can all immediately tell by Wreckers sharp intake of breath and groan. Omega gasps.
“There's something stuck in your arm. I think it's a piece of metal.” Omega informs them, withdrawing her hands. They're dripping with blood. The pain is in Wreckers upper arm, close to his shoulder. The piece of metal must have just about missed his armor, hitting him in the gaps between the plates.
Hunter passes Omega a roll of Bandages. “There's not much we can do. Wad this up and press it into and around the wound as best possible.” Omega nods seriously.
All the time, the pain in his shoulder had been hard to pick out against the ache of carrying the weight, and the bruises from the impact. It all felt distant as Wrecker forced himself not to focus on it.
It's really hard to ignore an injury when someone's pushing bandage material into it. Wrecker tries hard not to let on to the pain the action is causing, clenching his teeth, breathing through his nose, trying to divert his concentration elsewhere. He's doing a terrible job of it.
Every time he lets a pained noise slip, guilt crosses Omegas expression and she apologizes softly. Like this is her fault. Like she's not risking getting hurt herself to help Wrecker. He wants to tell her that it's okay, that there's absolutely no need to apologize, but Wrecker knows that if he opens his mouth, he might scream. That wouldn't help the situation at all.
When she's done, Omega sits back down, avoiding the drops of blood on the floor that collected there as she worked. No more blood drips from Wreckers shoulder. It is still all over Omegas hands. She tries to get it of by rubbing her hands across the ground, but it's started to dry and continues to cling to her skin and under her fingernails.
“You did good Omega.” Hunter says, putting a hand on her shoulder.
It takes a moment before Wrecker has his breathing under control enough to say anything, almost panting at this point to try and get the pain to quiet back down. “Thank, 'mega.” Wrecker eventually manages to force out. The pain and the strain of the weight make his voice unsteady. Omega smiles, concern in her expression.
���Tech, Echo?” Omega says into her comlink. “We really need your help.”
There's no response.
It's silent again, and Wrecker hates it more than ever. His legs have started to feel shaky. For a good fifteen minutes, nobody says anything. His vode don't even use their comlinks.
“Wrecker, can we help you with supporting the debris?” Omega asks, breaking the silence.
“Nah, no need. I could keep holding this up for days!” Wrecker lies. As good as handing off some of the weight sounds, it's an unsafe idea. Any change in how the debris is held could lead to unwanted movement.
In the next bout of silence, Hunter and Omega try to contact their unaccounted for siblings a few more times. Wrecker can't tell if he's imagining it, or if the air really is starting to get thin.
That's when Wrecker finally makes a mistake.
His left leg gives, and his foot slips, bringing that knee down to slam into the ground with a deafening noise as the stone beneath it cracks, only narrowly missing Hunters leg. The debris shifts, smaller pieces clattering onto his siblings. Through some miracle, Wrecker keeps hold of the large pieces, even as his right foot is pinned, the strain on his back and arms is increased and the piece of metal stuck in his skin shifts forwards, tearing a probably ugly and definitively painful gash into Wreckers arm.
This time, Wrecker screams. Tears blur his vision as he desperately wills his shaking body not to fall any further. He can barely get himself to calm down again, gasping for breath.
They have even less room now, less time until Wrecker runs out of air. He presses his eyes closed, not wanting to see the expression on his siblings faces. He feels Omegas hands on his arm again, trying to push bandages between the rock and Wreckers arm to stem the undoubtedly way worse bleeding.
Hunter is quietly trying to reassure Omega. Wrecker wishes he were strong enough to do the same. He can barely bring a word out any more, all energy diverted to keeping his siblings alive just a little longer.
“Please work.” Omega says, probably using her comlink again. “We need help, Wrecker can't hold the stone much longer.” It's the truth, but it hurts to hear it from Omega, fear in her voice. If they die here, it'll be Wrecker's fault, and all three of them know that.
For a moment, she is met with silence once again. Until she isn't.
“Omega?” Echo's voice makes the tears in Wreckers eyes fall. He sounds just as distraught as everyone under the rubble.
“Are our trackers still working? We need to get out of here now!” Hunter responds.
“Tech says they just came back on. We'll find you.” Echo's voice is gone again, but the knowledge that him and Tech are not only alive but close to getting them out is the best news Wreckers had all day. He just needs to hold on a little longer, he can do that.
The first thing indicating their brothers outside have found them is the sound of rubble being moved. Then, there is a small ray of bright light shining into their pocket of air, bright enough to get Wrecker to open his eyes. It gets bigger with every stone moved, and soon Hunter is making sure Omega gets out through it. Moments later, and following the removal of a few stones more, Hunter follows her. He's alone under the rubble now.
Wrecker can hear them talking about him, about how to get him out. It sounds muffled.
Tech sticks his head in through the opening after a moment. “The debris on top of you is almost entirely in one piece. It could be possible for you to get out by lifting it fast enough and dropping it behind you.” Wrecker doesn't take too long to think about it. He knows he can do it, even if it will lead to him passing out from exhaustion.
“Clear out.” is all Wrecker can force out in response. He waits until he hears his vode move away, then he gathers every last bit of energy has left and pushes against the debris holding him down.
For a few blessed seconds, there's no more weight pressing against his body. Then he blacks out.
Next thing he knows, he's on the Marauder. He panics first, sure there's something he's supposed to be doing, supposed to remember. In his confusion, he almost knocks Tech over by getting up, disturbing his brothers work on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Tech doesn't even tell him off for it.
The memory of the past almost three hours, he's informed, come back fast. Everyone's still on edge. Wrecker chose a bad time to wake up, just in time to experience the gash on his shoulder be thoroughly flushed out multiple times whilst each of his siblings says something about the risk of infection and tetanus at least once. Just in time to experience the stitches too.
Beside the injured shoulder, Wrecker made it out of the ordeal remarkably well. Aside from the tears his muscles sustained from the strain, bruising and exhaustion. He'd argue he could sleep it off in a day. He doubts his vode will agree.
Wreckers left to rest when their done. Despite the exhaustion, Wrecker just sits there. Echo is helping Omega scrub the blood off her hands, he can hear them talking from the tiny bathroom they'd installed on the marauder when they started being sent on longer and longer missions. Wrecker still feels uneasy, despite knowing his vode are safe.
He came so close to losing two of his siblings today. Wrecker takes a shaky breath, rubbing a hand across his face. He doesn't want to think about how things would have ended up without Tech and Echo.
“How are you not already asleep?” Hunter asks, knowing full well why. Wrecker hadn't heard him approach. He sits down on the sleeping rack next to him.
“Too much excitement for one day.” Wrecker says with a wavering laugh. Hunter nods, releasing a tired sigh. They sit in comfortable silence for a while.
“Thank you, Wrecker.” Hunter says.
“It was nothing, no need to mention it.” Wrecker laughs again. It's not like he'd just let his siblings die, and lifting things is what he was bred for.
“I mean it Wrecker.” Hunter's got that warning tone that leaves no room for objection again. “It's not nothing.”
Then Hunter pulls him into a hug, careful of the bruising on his back by keeping the hold light. Wrecker barely has the strength to return it, arms loosely, weakly, wrapped around his brothers shoulders. He's trembling in his brothers warm embrace.
“I'll say it again.” Hunter states. “Thank you Wrecker.”
What ever fight Wrecker would have had against the rising tears is immediately lost against the comfort of the hug. Maybe he should feel stupid or pathetic, but none of his vode have ever truly mad him feel that way. So he lets the tears stream down his face, breathing shaky from crying this time.
“You're welcome.” Wrecker says, sounding more like a sob than anything else.
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theastrical · 2 months
Well hello there, one of my favorite writers. (Ssh don't tell anyone 🙃)
Diluc Kaveh Kaeya Zhongli + An s/o (i prefer fem! reader) who can sing oh so beautifully. More specifically, hum. The way they hum is like no other at all, it's a sad slow and melancholic tune. Like a fallen angel's melody echoing through the human soul.
So they've been distracted doing something else and the men catches them. But their lovely s/o is the shyest sweetheart out there so they just watch quietly in silence. A warmth filling their hearts, despite the coldness of the tune.
I guess you can say I've been caught a few times singing in a uhh depressive way lmao :') sorry this rq is lonngg. Take your own time to write!
melodies and genshin men!
genshin men reaction to their s/o’s lovely melodic humming.
diluc, kaveh, kaeya, zhongli x fem!reader
hurt comfort, fluff
notes: take care of urself and have a time for yourself hihic you deserve it~ <3
diluc’s way of showcasing his endearment:
He caught you off guard when you were planting your favorite flowers at the garden of his house. You loved taking care of the nature that’s for sure, and it seems nature loves you the same, even the birds start to chirp and the flower blooms magnificently with the existence of you in diluc’s eyes.
You were singing a lullaby, a children lullaby. a lullaby that can make you sleep just by hearing it. Diluc thought it was such an opportunity to seek the real you, the you that humms such a melodic tune without caring a single vision scheming into it; surprising you with an embarrassment at this case. Your voice are melancholic, it reminds him of the good old days, making him fell harder, even when some maids gossip around you…telling that your singing voice isn’t exactly like your voice…all shy with a very melancholic sad tune inside the chords of your voice.
So he secretly listens..before holding your shoulder…and hug you behind your waist. “i wonder…what makes my lady so beautiful today..? Her humming or her presence?”. Your blush is obvious and that satisfies diluc who ended up just kissing your cheeks out of adoration. The idea of you being all shy around him makes diluc want to kiss you even further…oh well, maybe soon?
“if you hum that lovely darling…how about you become the bird that wakes me up every morning..?”
kaveh’s way of understanding you:
it was a rough day, perhaps you were just trying way too much to have such an expectancy. The day ended up with failure and loneliness…kaveh isn’t home, he’s still proposing his architecture project to the academia. so you ended up writing down your feelings in your diary while you humm such a tune to closed off those feelings. You were too in depth with the tune and ended up not realising that he had knock on your door…
He had prepared a beautiful bouquet…and after hearing your pleasantly…sad tune, he hides and listen to your tune quietly. Not wanting to be caught; he takes off his shoes and everything just for you not to realise his existence.
Until—he hugged you from the back and it made your whole body tensed up. He whispers near your ear, his chin on your shoulder. “Why the sad tune..? It’s not like your diary is the only one you can make tales to…i’m here waiting for you to talk…”, per-usual, due to how shocked and shy you are from being caught…that one tear fell from your eyes. A giggle escape, although your cheeks are red and your eyes are watery. Yet he even continue to hum alongside you…no need for words, you guys are already in the zone.
Kaeya’s winter season:
You were crocheting kaeya’s pair of socks and his soon-to-be-beanie. He requested it long ago, maybe around 6 weeks before autumn ends, kaeya is a secret fan of your crochets…he loves handcrafts and he adores every creation you make with his whole heart. Today is almost winter, you know that he had ripped off his socks and his beanie was accidentally burn my klee…hence you’re out on your desk for around 9 hours now, just crocheting-crocheting-crocheting.
Out of listening to the music on your earphone, you start to humm a beautiful musical performance, the tune itself is creepy enough as it is, and your voice? It’s exactly like one might call a fallen angel voice. You continued to crochet like you don’t care about anything in this world. Unlike you, getting stuck in your own world is not kaeya’s thing, so he sneak up beside you, sitting down on the bed, while tilting his head, waiting for you to turn your head to him. He giggles. How cute is my little lady..she must be so focused, she forgot her husband has come home…he thought.
Suddenly an ad popped out and you were stressed! Your focus? All gone! Then when you look beside you…”hi” he smiles, like a crazy bastard. You almost scream from the surprise he planned. He helps you stand again even when your face are already so red…you hide your face whilst kaeya giggle, kissing your hand. “weird…everything about you make me all warm and fuzzy…even your lovely little humming are also sweet..”, he kisses your cheeks. “Why hiding it? I thought you wanted me to be happy?”…”then sing further, it’ll made me happier if you do.” He pats your fuming self as He takes your finished crochet.
Zhongli’s favorite orchestra:
zhongli secretly knows that you’ve been humming when he’s “asleep”. Yes, he’s not asleep. And yes he would only expose that he isn’t asleep when he wants to, cause this man doesn’t want you to know that he listens to your humming as if it’s a lullaby that drive him into dream land…it would make you all red and shy for WEEKS, so he refuse to expose it.
You didn’t know about his lies, you didn’t know that he has been pretending for months now. So you kept on humming…while cleaning the box where your used-to-be violin is at. You tried to prepare it all up, you tried to play it away from the bedroom as you hum, not wanting to wake zhongli up. Zhongli tries his best to sleep without your lullaby now…he needs to try it, but it ended up with failure. So when you came back from playing the violin…he was already wide awake, sitting.
you were so embarrassed, has he been hearing you singing and playing..? You never even sing or play your violin in front of your parents so…zhongli seeing it is already a big red “oh no” in her face. Now she’s all shy. Zhongli sighed for a moment before he gently pull you to bed…”sweetheart, sing for me..it’s not like you will die when i hear you…i can’t never let your beautiful “voice all ran out just like that…”, he cups your cheeks. “make me a lullaby that can make me fall harder…also sleep more peacefully my sweet little orchestra.”, he bops your red nose before kissing it sweetly.
Taglist: @esthelily @indarius @n0tamused @sangoqueenkoko @voidlesslove @lyralibra @eroxotckv @rikasurl @dailypenpen @daydreaming-paradies
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
hear me out: ghoap x reader (noncon) in an abandoned factory. Reader only has an unreasonably short amount of time to escape before they get to keep her and do whatever they want to her
1k game here - no more please! im trying to get through these but they're slow going because im incapable of writing anything less than a thousand words apparently
1.8k of ghoap (mostly ghost) x reader chasing very scared reader through a factory :/ this is very similar to everything else i've ever written so nothing new here folks. (aka noncon!!!) btw this one is just pwp, nothin else much here to see
Your breaths heave out of you in pants, almost violent in their intensity. You feel like you can hardly breathe, but it doesn't matter. all that matters is running, getting away from the monsters chasing you.
You can hear them. Or, one of them at least. Johnny - the Scottish one, the one you'd been stupid enough to follow out of the bar in the first place. His partner - either Ghost or Simon, Johnny had called him both - your sure is silent as he moves. He'd blended into the shadows for so long when you first woke up, and you know he's doing it again.
You can't think about them. If you think about them for too long you'll spiral, and that is the last thing you need.
No, you have to run.
The old factory is a creepy place, cobwebs and dust covering everything, random creaking noises from machines, lights flickering on and off with no rhyme or reason. It takes all of your willpower not to scream when you feel a roach crawl across the toe of your heels.
The shoes are something you're still not sure if you made the right choice on - you can't walk silently in them, but you have absolutely no idea what you could possibly step on. The last thing you need is to somehow give yourself tetanus while running from your possible killers.
Still, the way you click-clack along the concrete floors makes you wince with every step.
"Where are you, bonnie?" Johnny echoes nearby. You've been trying to track him by listening to how many times his voice echoes, and he sounds very close now.
You duck into the first room you see, shoving yourself along a dark wall and fumbling around in the pitch black. The room must be windowless because there isn't even a hint of light, nothing that lets you see even vague shapes in the room.
Still, it's silent. You hear loud footsteps approach the door, and breathe out a large sigh of relief when they keep walking. Johnny shouts something indiscernible, and his voice fades into the distance.
You go limp against what you're sure is a wall, letting yourself breathe as heavily as you want now that you're sure there's no chance of being found.
The adrenaline makes your hands shake. Your lungs ache from the strain you've put them under, and you feel a little lightheaded from fear. But you try to shove all of that away - all that matters is that you stay away from your pursuers until morning.
The door opens.
Any peace you'd managed to find disappears in the blink of an eye, and you slap a hand over your mouth to stifle your whimper. The door opens inwards, and whoever steps in can't see from around it. You're safe until he lets it fall closed behind him, plunging the room into darkness.
It's got to be Ghost. Even without knowing them all that well, you know Johnny wouldn't be able to resist taunting you. You hadn't seen much more than a silhouette, but you're sure this is Simon.
You can't try and move. Your shoes are too loud, and trying to kick them off would be just as loud as walking. Your only option is to stand still and pray he doesn't find you.
He's silent as he moves. You can't hear breathing, or footsteps, or even if he brushes over something. The room is as quiet as it was before he found it. But you can't relax. Your legs are tensed in preparation to run, and your heart beats so loudly you're sure he could hear it if he came close enough.
But he doesn't. The room is silent, and he doesn't find you.
There's a point where you're nearly convinced that he never came into the room at all. Is it possible that you hallucinated him? That your exhausted and terrified brain conjured up a threat that isn't real?
It takes a long, long time, but eventually you start to relax against the wall. It must've been nearly ten minutes of dead silence now, surely you've just started seeing things. No man could stand that still, stay so quiet, for so long.
You let your arm fall from your face, puffing breaths into the slightly musty air. Another few minutes, and you'll move again.
"Boo," a voice whispers in your ear, from directly next to you.
You scream, leaping away from the sudden wall of heat at your side. It doesn't let you, a hand snapping out and grabbing you by your upper arm before you can fall. You scream again as he pulls you closer, don't stop screaming as he turns you around and pins you by the chest to the wall.
He's all man and heat as he presses himself to your back, lips hovering by your ear, breaths ghosting over the sensitive shell.
"Got you," he whispers, nipping at your ear. "Stop your wailin', you're alright."
You do not, in fact, stop wailing. It feels impossible to swallow the sobs spilling from your throat, like if you close your mouth they'll choke you. So you stand pinned to the wall, tears already spilling down your cheeks as you blubber mindlessly.
Ghost laughs over your shoulder. "Little crybaby, aren't ya? That's alright, doll, I don't mind a few tears."
You can feel him undoing his belt behind you, and that only makes you more panicked. You throw yourself back against him, desperate to get him off, but you're nowhere near strong enough to do anything.
Ghost grunts over your shoulder, using one hand to force you flush with the wall again.
"Stay," he grunts, naked hips brushing against your ass as he flips your skirt up. "Unless you want me to get a little rougher? That what you want, love? Want me to throw you down and fuck you until you bleed?"
You keen loudly, shaking your head as best you can with your face forced into the wall. "No, no, nonono, please, please, you can't- oh God, please don't-"
He laughs lowly, rocking his hard cock between your thighs. "Just Ghost will do, love. Now, let's stretch you out a bit, hm? No need for blood when you're good for me."
You're bone dry between your thighs, no room for anything but fear in your head. Simon doesn't seem to mind, slowly stroking over your clit until your body betrays you.
"There we go," he murmurs as you first start to leak onto his fingers. "Little more for me, love, c'mon."
You've got no choice but to obey. It's like Ghost has a manual on how to make you feel best, stroking over all the parts that make your cunt drool, using just enough pleasure to keep things feeling horribly good.
You sob against the wall, pressing your forehead so hard into the rough surface that it hurts. All you can do is stand still and take what he gives you, forced to bear witness to your own destruction.
He's silent as he slips one finger, than another, inside of you. You whine against the intrusion, the slight sting a horrible pleasure.
"Hush, love," he soothes, rutting himself against your leg. "You're almost ready, won't be much longer now."
That only makes you more distressed, and you sob into the wall.
He's true to his word and doesn't spend much longer fingering you, his own intent seeming to be to spread you out enough to take him. You hope the fact that he only used two fingers means he isn't too large, but the size of each finger tells you otherwise.
You can't help but cry out when you feel his warm head rest against your entrance. Your hands fist against the wall as you fight back every urge to lash out, knowing that'll only make everything worse.
Ghost laughs over your shoulder, like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
"Still for me now, good girl. Won't make you do any of the work, just gotta stand there and take it for me." He speaks as he pushes slowly into you, raising his voice enough to be heard over your sounds of pain and pleasure.
He's thick, so much thicker than the two fingers he stretched you with, and there's a moment where you think he really has made you bleed. The pain isn't sharp enough for that though, just a never ending push into the clutch of your body.
"There you go," he moans when his hips meet the meat of your ass, as deep inside of you as he can get at this angle. "You feel like heaven, doll, never felt a cunt this tight, fuck."
"Pl-please," you splutter, breath shaky. "Please don't, it hurts..."
"Oh yeah? It hurts?" He coos, hands stroking faux-comfortingly over your hip. "Poor thing, 'm just too big for your little hole, huh? You'll just have to relax, then, I'll make you feel good once I'm finished."
A little heartbroken noise slips from your throat, but you do your best to listen. There isn't much else to do but bear whatever he chooses to give, so you try to relax your muscles, letting the wall take your weight.
"Good girl, good girl for me," he breaths, grinding his hips deep into you.
You feel him inhale deeply against you and try to mimic the pace of his breathing, bracing yourself as he pulls out.
Mercifully, he's silent as he fucks you. He seems to be lost in your body, shoving his face into your neck and running his teeth over the thin skin over your pulse.
It feels almost dream-like, to be taken like this. You can't move with how closely he has you crowded, and the room remains the absolute pitch black - you can't even see the outline of Simon's form over your shoulder. It's like what's happening is stuck in only this room, and you tell yourself that when it's over, when you leave, you'll be able to pretend this never happened.
That illusion is ruined when the door opens, flooding the room with light.
You get another look at Ghost as he pulls his head away from your neck to look over - he's sweat-slicked and flushed, eyes narrowed as he looks to see the intruder.
"Aw, you started without me?" Johnny whines, leaving the door wide-open as he trots over to where you're pinned.
Ghost huffs a laugh over your shoulder, continuing to fuck you at his same pace, leaving you wracked with pleasure. "First come, first serve, Johnny - shoulda been faster if you wanted to play with her first."
Through teary eyes you can see that Johnny doesn't look all that upset as he leans on the wall next to you. He plants a hand in the center of your chest, pushing you back into Ghost to make just enough room for him to squeeze between him and the wall.
You're left using his body to hold yourself up, instinctually gripping his arms to keep from collapsing.
He nudges your chin up with one hand as Ghost starts to really pound into you, leaving you drooling onto his thumb.
"Don't worry, bonnie," he winks. "I don't mind sloppy seconds."
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shadowdaddies · 2 months
Being mated to Azriel/Cassian/Nesta. Az and Cass are away, visiting some Illyrian camps, and whenever they are away, you all have agreed that you’re free use for Nesta?
hii thank you for the request, I've been slow with them lately and hating everything I write but I hope you like this! I got carried away here
Mine All Mine
Nesta x f!Reader smut (ft. Cassian and Azriel)
warnings: pure smut, free use, oral f!receiving, masturbation, gagging/toys, d/s dynamics
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“Be good for us while we’re gone, sweetheart,” Cassian purred, flashing a roguish grin that forced heat to your cheeks under his gaze.
Azriel leaned in, arms wrapping you in a gentle embrace as his lips brushed yours, the tender moment at odds with the words that followed.
“She’ll be good, Cassian. Our girl knows she is solely responsible for Nesta’s pleasure while we’re away.” His voice maintained its smooth calmness, but the shadowsinger’s grin turned vulpine as a scarred finger curled under your chin. “You’ll take care of Nesta while we’re gone, won’t you, angel?”
It was an agreement the four of your had as mates. While Cassian and Azriel were gone, you were responsible for Nesta’s pleasure, and she for yours. She could take you at any time she wanted to get what she needed from you, and you relinquished complete control over your own pleasure to her.
You nodded at Azriel, embarrassed at the rush of heat that built between your thighs at his words. Two sets of hazel eyes simmered with desire at the scent of your arousal drifting through the room. “Yes, sir,” you whispered, lower lip tugged between your teeth.
Cassian was the first to break the tension, clearing his throat before mumbling something about being late to their meeting in Windhaven. Azriel slowly drew his finger from your chin, his intense gaze as he did so sending a shiver down your spine.
“We will see you very soon, angel,” he promised, the side of his lip curving to show a dimple before the two Illyrians disappeared through the door, the sound of their wings beating as they took off echoing through the air.
The house instantly felt empty, a restlessness settling over you at the quiet. Your mind drifted to the things Nesta would do to you when she returned home - the ways she would use you for her pleasure, push you to the limits of your own - and slick dampened your thighs, core clenching around nothing.
Face flushed, you shook the shameful thoughts from your mind in favor of distraction. A book caught your eye, resting on the couch in front of the fireplace in invitation. 
Picking up the novel, you collapsed against the soft cushions before peering at the cover. It must have been one of Nesta’s books, a Sellyn Drake novel like those she’d been trying to get you to read for awhile now. 
Pulling a throw pillow under your head, you flipped open the book, quickly finding yourself lost in the story. You had no idea how long you’d been reading when the two main characters found themselves in an inn with only one bed to share. You read of hands slipping between thighs, light teasing touches, gasps at the exquisite pleasure being exchanged.
You found that heat building between your own thighs once again, desire making it difficult to focus on the book. Tugging your lip between your teeth, you set the novel to the side, freeing your hands to explore.
Brushing your nipples through your shirt, you mewled with need when your hand drifted lower, featherlight touches teasing yourself as you slipped beneath the waistband of your pants. 
“Enjoying the book, pet?” a familiar voice drawled from the doorway, sending a chill down your spine and halting your movements. Your wide eyes flicked to where Nesta leaned by the wall, arms crossed and silver eyes glowing with amusement.
Breathless, you watched her stride toward you on long legs, her leathers hugging her curves. “Which part were you reading?” she murmured, limbs stretching across the couch as her body settled over yours.
Nesta’s hands pulled your own from where it rested on your lower abdomen, her eyes focused keenly on you while you stumbled through the plot of the book. Just as you began to recount the scene at the inn, Nesta popped your fingers in her mouth, licking and sucking fervently while she nodded for you to continue.
Somehow managing to breathe out the steamy details to Nesta - despite her lips around your fingers, hips grinding against yours while she straddled you - you loosed a sigh of relief when she relented her efforts in favor of releasing you. 
Standing for only a moment, Nesta stripped off her pants and turned away from you, showing off her perfect ass as she did. You started to lean forward, eager to meet Nes where she stood, but the female clicked her tongue in disapproval.
“Lay back, love. Stay still for me,” Nesta purred, flashing a grin over her shoulder as she settled above your face. The scent of her arousal was dizzying, the need to please her consuming your thoughts.
As though she could sense your desperation, Nesta hummed a “good girl” before sinking down onto you. Slick core pressed against your nose, her clit perched perfectly atop your mouth for your tongue to flick out against the swollen bud.
Her hips rolled against you on instinct, a soft moan escaping Nesta’s lips at your mouth on her. “Just like that, pet,” she breathed, hands pulling your still-soaked digits towards your heat. “Touch yourself while I read this.”
Picking up your book, Nes began to read the scenes you described, her wetness growing and spreading sloppily across your face as you ate her out. One hand wrapped around her waist, encouraging the rhythm of her hips against your lips, while the other followed her directions to your clit, rubbing tight circles that made your legs jerk against the couch in ecstasy. 
You felt Nesta’s core clench, her hips shaking as she moaned your name, dropping the book when her orgasm rocked through her. The scent of her invaded your senses, weight settling fully over you as you released muffled cries against her warm center, your own high crashing into you. 
Panting for air, you sighed with relief and longing at the loss of her heat on your face. Eyes struggled to focus, finally finding Nesta’s gaze on yours as she lifted your fingers to her mouth once more and licked your release clean.
“I need more,” Nes nearly growled, a wolfish grin formed on her full lips. “I’m not done with you tonight,” she promised, heat dancing in her eyes like flame when her hand wrapped around your wrist. “Come with me.”
You followed dutifully back up to your bedroom, stripping as directed before laying back on the mattress and watching Nesta undress. 
“I got something new for us, love. To use when the boys are gone,” she explained, rifling through her nightstand before pulling out a strap with a dildo attached to the end. But this one was different from Nesta’s strap; it was simple and black with one buckle around the back.
Sensing your confusion, Nesta grinned wickedly. “This one is for you to wear, sweet girl,” she purred, bare hips straddling your own as she lifted the toy to your mouth to demonstrate. “If that’s okay,” she amended, laughing when you eagerly nodded and lifted your head for her to secure the gag.
“So good for me,” Nesta cooed, golden brown hair falling down in a curtain around her as she smiled down at you. “I just need you to lay there and take it for now.”
Hips settled over the toy perched on your mouth, Nesta’s puffy center spreading her slick over the tip before sinking down. You moaned through the gag at the sight, your mate filled up and bending over to hover your core. Gentle hands spread your thighs before Nesta dove in without warning, tongue making wicked movements against your clit as she began bouncing up and down on your face.
Helpless moans and squeals escaped you, sounds drowned out by the toy covering your face. “Just wait and see, love, what I have in store for us this week,” Nesta moaned, perked nipples brushing your stomach. “This is only the beginning.”
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fawnprincessblog · 2 months
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𝒜𝓃𝓰𝓮𝓁'𝓈 𝒹𝓮𝓋𝓮𝓁𝓸𝓅𝓂𝓮𝓃𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎.
(part 1: 'the praise and some coffee') type: slow burn, fluff (tom kaulitz 2015 × fem reader)
includes : teacher × student, childish annoying immature school girl who's name is Angel (you), teacher tom, wannabe teacher's pet, age gap. tom is 25, angel is 17. plot : angel, a young, childish and innocent honour student was shunned by her schoolmates due to her being a teacher's pet, but none of that mattered whenever she ran into her favorite teacher, Tom, that she so deeply admired, who she swears on her life she will serve until the day she dies. despite being favourited by many other teachers, tom does not favour her due to her clingy behaviour. she may be smart but her hormones play a huge part in her schooling life as well.
bambi's note! : hello sweeties :3 i don't really wanna explain much but i think you guys will be sick of hearing the same lame excuse to why i disappear quite frequently. writer block makes me want to suicide sometimes, i've been trying my hardest to write, this took me months to finally put tgt. crazy that it's short too. i have drafts from last year in my docs. im also an art student, so it makes it hard to tackle both things rn. anyway, have fun reading part one of 'Angel's development diary ' :3
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“Everyone now turn to page 74,” Tom instructs, his voice sharp and echoing across the classroom. The whole room was silent, only he could be heard. Nobody would disrespect a man like him, for he was rather strict, and serious, his only intention being to get his point across and educate his students. That’s what the majority saw in him. 
Well, except for one person. That was Angel. The honour student of her class.
Angel saw what other people did not care about. Despite being the very sophisticated and refined teacher everyone knew, to her he was so much more. Tom was a young, 25 year-old Maths teacher. She admired that strong body structure of his, and the way his face features all fit together. The way his hair was always worn in a messy bun, a few strands poking out the front, had just added to his good looks. He wasn’t over-dressed, like those wannabe scientists-looking teachers in her physics classes; he was rather usually seen in t-shirts. On special occasions, she got to see him in a suit. 
He wasn’t the kind to play around. He expected all his students to pass his class with flying colours, not one left behind. In fact, all teachers wished the same. In such a popular and very high-class school, of course every single student had to be well-behaved and supremely knowledgeable.
The school Angel went to was one with a high standard of academic and extracurricular achievements. It has a strong emphasis on academics and often has a highly selective acceptance rate, which makes it difficult to get in. She was quite lucky. The campus has beautiful architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample resources for students' academic and personal development. The faculty members are very well-educated and experienced in their respective fields, and the school often has a high student-teacher ratio. The students are often from wealthy families with a strong academic focus, and the school often boasts a high graduation rate. 
Coming from such a school that was great and had put Angel’s reputation in great hands meant no mistakes were to be made at all. She had to maintain her good grades. And one thing is for sure: she couldn’t possibly keep having dirty thoughts about her teacher. 
“Hey, you,” Tom called out, snapping his fingers twice. “Angel?” 
She snapped out of her trance almost immediately, a little startled by his tone. “Oh—yes?” she responds, heat evidently rising in her cheeks the moment he had called out her name. Oh, when he said her name, it only served to heighten her arousal. His voice was so strong and firm, it made her squirm in her seat like a damn worm. All those dirty thoughts wouldn’t go away. 
“Are you gonna pay attention? Or is daydreaming the only thing you like to do?” Tom asked, folding his muscular arms across his chest, staring right into her soul. He had this scary glare that usually put most students in fear, but to her, it was attractive. His dominant demeanour when teaching a lesson made her imagine all these horrendous things, like how he was in bed. 
“N-No—! Um, I was listening,” Angel responds, clearing her throat. She shifted a little in her seat, tugging at the hem of her red plaid skirt. She was wet. So uncomfortably wet and aroused, she would’ve probably left a stain on the chair if she had gotten up.
“I hope so,” Tom grunted, turning back to the chalkboard to continue writing those endless amounts of Math sums. It was overwhelming to look at; all of the numbers bunched together, the dusty residue of the chalk making it even worse. It was a lot to take in, however that was just how it was. 
His teaching continued, his voice loud and clear. Angel diligently started writing down her notes, trying to keep up with his pace. Being such a good student, she had become fond of his teachings, and she was expected to have one of the highest marks among the rest, even if everyone else was already good. 
An honour student. That’s what she was. Supposedly, she was the teacher’s pet. 
She did well, joined every possible club and involved herself in every school event, making sure she was obtaining high merit points that boosted her reputation in her school. Angel was simply a good little girl that most teachers did like, but the other students, and for some reason, Tom, did not like her. They found her exasperating. 
The bell rings. Class is over, and Tom is preparing a stack of worksheets to hand out to the class on the way out. “Alright class, tomorrow I wanna see all your worksheets full of numbers. All correct and no mistakes. I believe I’ve taught you all enough on this topic, so I expect perfect answers,” he announces. “You can pack up and leave now.” 
“Sir!” Angel calls out, rising from her seat abruptly, making everyone else pause from their packing up. Majority rolled their eyes. “You forgot to take attendance. Usually you take attendance every morning before class but since you forgot the checklist you said you would—”
“Right, right, okay,” Tom interrupts, an exasperated sigh followed right after. Clearly, he was pissed. Angel was quite aware that he disliked her try-hard behaviour, in fact, she was aware everyone did. Of course as an honour student she was made to please the teachers with good grades and behaviour, but the other students knew clearly she acted the most clingy around Tom. She saw past his strict demeanour and she acted like a child around him. Always trying to point out the simplest things, always reminding him about his meetings, always trying to get him his coffee, always trying to help him out at any damn chance she got— Angel was desperate and needy for his love. She was willing to make him love her. She wanted to be his favourite student. 
He notwithstanding, saw her as a confounded girl who was beating a dead horse. A try-hard, annoying, clingy little bitch that stuck to him like a damn tick. It irritated him when she acted like his little servant. 
But Angel liked it. She didn’t care. 
“Since you wanna help so much, get the checklist for me,” Tom tells her rather bluntly, clicking a pen in his hand as he speaks. Angel’s ears perk up at his request. “What? Really?” she asks, eyes full of joy. That annoying excited voice—it made his ears bleed.
“Go get it, it's in my office,” Tom says. “And hurry. Your classmates wanna leave class.” 
“Consider it done, sir!” she enthused, immediately dashing towards the door and running straight to his office. Like a little slave, she did everything for him.
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Recess time. One of the times where Angel would bother her favourite teacher the most. Even if she was trying to be helpful, she usually came off as a nuisance. He was an earnest and disciplined man, always keeping up with his set schedule. During break he’d grab coffee in the teacher’s lounge, discuss some things with his colleagues, or he’d take the coffee straight to his office so he can finish up paperwork. However he wasn’t the only one who kept to his schedule…
“Hi sir,” she greeted excitedly, grinning like an idiot. She blocked him, not allowing him to continue walking through the school hallway, which was empty since everyone else was at the cafeteria. “Where will you be taking yourself to today? Do you need help with anything?
He lets out a breath, trying his hardest to not let her irritate him right now. Angel being around him was something he couldn’t possibly avoid. It was an everyday thing now. “No,” he said simply. He then looked around. “Do I look like I need help?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm. Angel could tell, but she couldn’t be bothered. 
“You may not be holding anything that I could help you carry, but there’s other things I can help with,” Angel says. “Like, your coffee. Do you want me to get your coffee?” She was just so damn innocent  acting like a maid trying to please him with every chance she got. She really acted like life was all unicorns and rainbows, like she had not a single issue in the world.
“For the last time, I can get it myself. You’ve been asking this everyday now,” Tom sighs. “Shouldn’t you be eating? It’s recess. Go eat.”
“I already have,” Angel replies with that annoying giggle right after, making him clench his jaw. She was insufferable. That giggle was ingrained into his mind. He could recognise it from a mile away. 
“Okay, good. Now if you don’t mind, you can just mov—”
“One sachet of the coffee mix, two teaspoons of sugar and some milk to top it off,” she interrupted, making him raise an eyebrow. “You use the blue mug. Always the blue mug,” she added.
“You know my coffee?” he asked, a little disturbed by her knowledge on how he liked his coffee. His eyes narrowed to slits, peering at her.
“Yep,” she replies, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. To him, she was a complete stalker at this point. “You have about 12 minutes to go to the teacher’s lounge and get your coffee, and return back to your office to finish marking off the recent test you gave us before you have to rush to the meeting you have with Mr.Harrison about the new changes we’re making to the school’s mural art.” 
“What?” he said, almost wanting to laugh in disbelief. That was way too many words for him to comprehend. “You know my schedule?” 
“Well I memorised it,” she shrugged. “Tuesday’s and Fridays you stay in your office during break. All the other days you’re eating at the teacher’s lounge.
What the hell, he thought, looking at her with the most perplexed look he’s ever plastered onto his perfect face. “What are you doing, stalking me? My schedule is printed on paper and left in the drawer of my desk—”
“It’s also printed in my mind,” she joked, pointing a finger to her temple. 
He looks at her, bewildered. Completely uneasy. He didn’t like this. He knew she always had this weird thing for him, but he didn’t think she was this peculiar, knowing his schedule and all. Tom was taken aback by her behaviour, but he remained unruffled for now. It wasn’t too surprising, since she had been doing this for a while; asking him if she could get his coffee, but he had always declined. In the past, she had been randomly reminding him about his meetings, or anything he planned to do on that day, which he also found annoying, but today she really surprised him, wording out his entire plan for today.  
He cleared his throat. “Well, I know my own schedule, I don’t need you to tell me,” he says.
“I know. You’re very smart. But, I figured you’d like help,” she says, grinning. 
He had to get rid of her. This damn pest of a student. “I don’t. Not right now. So, If you don’t mind, Angel, please move aside so I can go.” He tries to walk past her, but she stubbornly blocks him again. 
“C’mon, I’m sure you need someone to get your coffee,” Angel insisted, looking at him with those set of pathetic eyes, ones that he insanely hated to look at. She was small, pretty, and sweet, but she was tiring. He didn’t like her. “Angel…” he sighed, wanting to snap at her, but he held back; he may be strict, but there was no reason to be shouting at a student who just wanted to help so badly, right? “...Fine. Get my coffee, bring it to my office. Now.” he finally relented, looking down at her rather annoyed that he had forced himself to give in. Oh, she really had her ways. 
“Yes, sir!” Angel exclaims, smiling widely, and she dashed off, disappearing immediately. Tom folded his arms, watching the pesky little girl run off to get his coffee like a slave. She obeyed him so much, wanting to do anything just for his attention. He chuckled a little, he couldn’t help himself.
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“One coffee,” she says, placing the blue ceramic mug onto his desk slowly, as if she were a waitress. Tom had been busy on his computer, going over some emails while waiting. She had returned rather quickly. Tom flashed her a faint smile, and he took the cup, taking a small sip. She had got it right. It tasted exactly like how he wanted. 
Wait for the praise, wait for the praise, Angel thought in her mind, eagerly looking at him for a positive reaction with big, innocent eyes. 
“It’s exactly how I like it, Angel,” Tom finally says, looking up at her. He noticed her small hands fidgeting with the hem of her school skirt. “Good job,” he finally praised, his voice low and soothing. 
Angel’s cheeks immediately flushed pink. Everytime he gave her praise, her arousal hit her like a brick. She couldn’t contain herself. She could already feel herself soaking her panties. “N-No problem, sir…” Angel says, her lips slowly curling into a nervous grin. She squeezed her thighs together a little, trying to contain herself. 
“You may go now,” he says. 
“Y-Yes,” she nods, bowing a little as a sign of respect. She then left.
Tom did not know the effect he had on this girl. If only he could ease that ache.
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mariclerc · 4 months
Hi sweetie I would like to ask for a second part of a slow pace maybe like the reader first time…would be so cool
If not is also okay 🤍
Oh god, thank you for this request!! Here we have part two 💗💗 Btw, I'm not very good at writing these kinds of topics but I'll make the effort.
A slow pace (pt.2) | cl16
Summary: Where you don't usually have much experience in the romantic aspect, but you have a boyfriend who is willing to go slow if you need to.
Warning: none just fluff. It's a long one, I hope you like it!!
Part 1.
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The apartment is dimly lit, the only light coming from the city lights twinkling outside the window. You and Charles are curled up on the couch, a movie playing silently on the TV in the background. Although neither of you are paying attention to the movie, since your attention is merely on the two of you.
Charles has his arm draped around your shoulders, his fingers gently tracing circles on your arm. You lean into his touch, a shy smile playing on your lips. There's a comfortable silence between you two, but it's filled with unspoken tension.
“Charles, can I ask you something?” You ask him timidly.
“Anything, bellissima.” He smiles.
“It's just... I've never really been in a relationship before, you know that... And I know you have, obviously, I was wondering... what do we do now?” You say a little blushing.
Charles chuckles softly, understanding dawning in his eyes. He reaches up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“There's no rulebook, amore. We just do what feels right... Now, tell me, what do you want to do?” He says gently.
You bite your lip, your cheeks flushing a deeper red. “I don't know. Maybe... get closer?” You whisper.
A playful glint lights up Charles' eyes. He leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “How much closer, principessa?” he teases you.
You shivers at his warm breath tickling your skin. You meets his gaze, a mixture of nervousness and desire swirling in your eyes. “I don't know Charlie, wherever you want it's okay.” You say shyly.
Charles smiles warmly, his heart melting at your vulnerability. He takes your hand in his, his touch sending shivers down your spine. “How about we start slow babe? Small steps, okay?” He says softly.
You nods, a small smile gracing your lips. Charles leans in again, this time placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. The kiss is chaste, but it sends a jolt of electricity through your body.
“Does that feel okay?”
You nod again, a blush creeping up your neck. Charles' smile widens, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Good, because I have a few more ideas of how we can get closer. But only if you're comfortable, cara mia.”
You take another deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest. You look into his warm, inviting eyes and knows that you really trust him completely.
“Lead the way, mon amour.”
Charles' smile turns into a full-blown grin. He takes your hand tenderly, leading you towards the bedroom. The movie is forgotten, the city lights outside fade away. All that matters is the spark between the both of you, the promise of something new and exciting, and the feeling of being safe and loved in Charles' arms.
As you enter the bedroom, the soft light casting playful shadows on the walls. Charles closes the door gently, the click echoing in the quiet room.
He turns towards you, his eyes searching yours. He notices your slightly trembling breath and the way your eyes nervously dart around the room. He takes your hand once again, his touch reassuring.
“There's no pressure, cara mia. We can stop whenever you want, okay? Just say the word and I'll stop, okay?”
You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. “Okay.”
Charles smiles warmly, then reaches out to turn off the bedside lamp. The room plunges into darkness, except for the faint glow of the city lights filtering through the window. For a few moments, you just snuggled together as the tension of the moment slowly faded away, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.
Charles starts gently stroking your hair, his touch sending shivers down your spine. He leans closer to you, whispering to you.
“Can I kiss you again?”
You hesitate for a moment, then you close your eyes and nod. Charles smiles and leans in, his lips meeting yours in a slow, tender kiss.
The kiss is different from the one before... It's deeper, more passionate, but it still feels soft, filled with unspoken emotions. You melt into his touch, your shyness fading away as you lose yourself in the moment.
You both pull away slowly, both breathless. Slowly you open your eyes and stare into his eyes, in which you can see that there is a little desire and at the same time tenderness and respect towards you.
“What now?” You say while your voice shakes a little.
Charles looks at you, his eyes filled with warmth. He gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch lingering on your cheek.
“Whatever you want, amore. We can take it slow, or we can see where the night takes us. The choice is totally yours.”
“Then let's see where the night takes us.” You say with a little confidence.
Charles smiles, his eyes sparkling with joy. He leans in again, and this time, the kiss is filled with a promise of something more, something exciting, and something that you are going to discover together. The kiss lingers, heat building between them. As you both pull away, both are breathless, eyes locked. Charles traces a finger down your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh god, you're so so pretty... My pretty girl.” He said with a husky voice.
He leans in again, but this time, instead of kissing your lips, he kisses the sensitive skin behind your ear. The feeling sends a jolt of electricity through you and you let out a soft gasp.
“Charles...” You said with fluttering eyes.
“I want to feel you closer, amore. Is that okay?” He asked with his voice being barely a whisper.
You nod, your heart pounding against your chest. He gently pulls away the covers, revealing the soft glow of moonlight on your skin. He gently trace the outline of your shoulder with his fingers, sending goosebumps erupting in your wake.
“You're so beautiful, baby. So gorgeous.”
He leans in again, his lips trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He kisses the delicate curve of your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. You close your eyes, surrendering to the feeling of his touch.
“Charles...” You say with a trembling voice.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours.
“Tell me what you want, babe.” He says softly.
You hesitate a little, then you take a deep breath.
“I want to touch you too.” You say shyly.
A smile spreads across Charles' face. He reaches out and takes your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. He guides your hand to his chest, where you can feel the rapid beat of his heart beneath his shirt.
“Can you feel that bella? It's all for you.”
You squeezes his hand, her own heart pounding in response. You slowly unbuttons his shirt, revealing the sculpted muscles of his chest, with your hand you trace the lines with her fingertips, your touch sending shivers down his spine.
“You're incredible.” You say in a whisper.
Charles leans in and kisses you once again, this time with a newfound intensity. His hand trails down your back, and he reaches the hem of your shirt and gently pulls it up, revealing the smooth skin of your stomach.
“You are, bellissima... My own pretty angel.”
He kisses you again, his lips trailing down your neck and chest. You gasp, overwhelmed by the sensations he's giving to you. You reach out and tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.
“More... Please...” You plead.
Charles smiles, his eyes filled with desire. He knows that you're ready, and he wants to take things slow, savoring every moment with you. He continues to explore your body with his touch, his kisses leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
The air crackles with unspoken desire. Charles' lips graze the sensitive skin of your shoulder, eliciting a soft gasp. Your hands clench in his hair, grounding you in the moment.
“Tell me what you like, amore. Where do you want me to touch?” He murmurs.
You hesitate, cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You've never been this close to anyone before, and the vulnerability feels both thrilling and intimidating.
“Everywhere babe... But... maybe my hands are shaking.” You say with your voice barely a whisper.
Charles chuckles softly, he takes your hand in his, his warm touch calming your racing pulse.
“It's okay, bellissima. We're learning together, It doesn't need to be perfect.” He says reassuringly.
His words ease her apprehension. She closes her eyes and focuses on the feeling of his fingers intertwined with hers.
He smiles, his eyes filled with warmth and adoration. He leans in and kisses her forehead, a gesture of pure affection.
“We can stop whenever you want if you need to, okay? This is about you, not me.”
You shake your head, a newfound determination in your eyes. “No babe... Let's keep exploring... Together.”
Charles smiles, his heart swelling with love and respect. He knows this is just the beginning of their journey, and he's excited to discover where it leads them. He leans in again, this time for a kiss filled with both passion and tenderness, a promise of more to come.
The room is a whirlwind of emotions, a tapestry woven with the threads of desire, anticipation, and a touch of nervous excitement. Charles' fingers trace a path across your skin, sending shivers down your spine like whispers in the night. Your breath hitches as his touch lingers on the sensitive curve of your neck, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
His lips, warm and inviting, brush against your earlobe, his voice a low murmur against your skin. “You're so breathtaking, mon bébé,” he whispers, his words laden with unspoken desires.
You lean in closer, your own breath catching in your throat. Your bodies are pressed together, heat radiating from each other like a furnace. The air crackles with unspoken tension, a storm brewing just beneath the surface.
Your lips meet in a heated dance, a tangle of exploration and discovery. His touch ignites a fire within you, sending flames dancing across your soft skin. Your fingers, tentative at first, become bolder, tracing the contours of his muscles, memorizing the landscape of his desire.
You both move in unison, a symphony of unspoken language played out in touches and sighs. Clothes become mere obstacles, discarded like fallen leaves on a path towards intimacy. Your bodies meet, skin against skin, a searing connection that leaves them breathless.
The night unfolds in a blur of whispered promises, soft moans, stolen kisses, and gentle explorations. Together you push boundaries, discovering each other's desires with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration. Each touch, each caress, is a new chapter in your unfolding story, a language you are learning together as a team.
As dawn paints the sky with streaks of gold, you lie entwined, your bodies relaxed, hearts pounding in tandem. The air is thick with unspoken emotions, the echo of your shared passion lingering like a sweet perfume. Of course you haven't reached the end of your journey, but you've taken a significant step, a leap of faith into the unknown together.
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zoeykallus · 6 months
Hello! 👋
I LOVE your work and the way you capture the personalities of the characters. You're incredibly talented.
I'd like to request an 18+ one shot with Crosshair (fem reader) that's a little different than normal...
Cross is always very cold, rough, and distant, so I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he started being gentle with the reader. But still in a Crosshair kinda way.
Here's what I was thinking (TW, i briefly mention the reader having past sexual/relationship traumas): The reader and Crosshair have worked together on and off for years. They never really talk about personal things or get emotional because they're both kinda similar. But they have feelings for each other that are on a deeper level than they've experienced before with others. Something happens where they end up being alone and emotionally vulnerable in front of one another (perhaps Cross saves the reader from something and gets all protective and has to calm the reader down from panicking and it gets steamy 😳🤤) and it basically ends in getting laid. But perhaps the reader is afraid of romance and intimacy from past experiences that Crosshair knows a bit about, and he truly loves her so instead of being quick and rough with her, he starts really slow, gentle, and sensual and it gradually gets more intense 🤭.
Take your time and prioritize your mental health!!
And I know that this could potentially encompass some heavy topics, so don't feel obligated to write this! 🫶❤️
🤔 Okay, I needed a while to read through all this and I did it repeatedly because for some reason nothing of it stuck in my head. That's what sleep deprivation does with you, no focus at all.
Now, I don't think Crosshair is always very cold, rough and distant. First of all, he's mostly playing it. I think it's mostly part of a self-defence act. 'Stay professional and don't let anyone get too close.' That stoic pure soldier behavior is kinda like a shield I think. Well, at least in my HC. Anyway, I know what you meant, so never mind 😅
Let's see if I can do this...
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-Shot - The Unexpected Gentleness
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Warnings: Angst/Tension/Protective Crosshair/ Soft Grumpman Crosshair/Suggestive/Described Sexual Intercourse/Spicy Handsy Stuff/ Implied Past Trauma Of Reader/Soft Smut(?)/18+
AC: A hundred years late, I'm finally done with this request. This may, or may not be, the longest One-Shot I've written so far... I don't know anymore by now, it certanly feels like it. I definitely wrote too much stuff to remember 😅 Didn't proofread this yet, because I'm close to keeling over any minute, sorry.
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You never thought you would end up in this situation. Crosshair and you have been separated from the rest of the group by a storm. Since you were supposed to explore a cave system anyway, and you are protected from the storm inside, you continue to explore and scan the tunnel system. However, you are not the only ones seeking refuge from the storm in the caves. The group of black market smugglers you are looking for are also there. It all happens very quickly, from one moment to the next you are attacked. Blaster shots fly through the tunnel system and echo off the cave walls. Your flashlights only partially illuminate the cave, many dark corners where the enemy could be, remain lightless, and so two of the men are able to sneak up behind you. Someone jumps into your back and rams you hard to the ground, at first you can't breathe, you feel a knee in your back, your attacker holds you on the ground while he takes off everything you could have used as a weapon.
The impact was hard and painful, you gasp for air in panic as it almost feels as if the oxygen will never return to your lungs. The helpless position you find yourself in stirs up panic in your mind. There it is again, air, frantically you breathe in and out far too quickly. Your eyes are burning, fine stone dust and tears. You can't move, you can't defend yourself, you can't breathe properly, you can't even find your voice to scream. Then you hear a thudding sound, a startled gasp and in the same second the weight is gone from your back. You roll around, crawl to the cave wall and crouch down. You nervously scan the surroundings with your flashlight. Crosshair. He is standing over a man, presumably the one who was kneeling on your back earlier. The man on the ground is no longer moving, Crosshair is standing over him with his blaster. The Sniper looks in your direction, shielding his eyes with his hand against the beam of your flashlight. "Stop blinding me," he growls. "Sorry," you stammer, lowering the flashlight beam. You tremble as Crosshair crouches down in front of you and takes a closer look at you. "Breathe evenly, slowly, in and out. You're hyperventilating."
You blink several times, then force yourself to breathe in and out slowly, feeling your pulse finally calm down. "That's it," Crosshair grumbles, "Keep breathing," and helps you to your feet. He shakes his head and growls to himself, "That's what you get for having to take untrained staff with you"
For a second you want to say something defiant, but you see the look on his face and swollow it down. Usually you can handle his sass and grumble, but you are still shaken from what happened.
You bow your head in shame and silently follow him further along the tunnel system to a junction that looks like a small room. Slightly elevated from the rest of the tunnel, a slightly larger alcove. "We'll camp here for now," says Crosshair, and takes off some of his equipment, including his backpack and its contents. You do the same, and you pile up your blankets so that you can sit and lie reasonably softly. He also sets up a camping light, so you can see each other. Crosshair steps to the edge of the alcove, away from the blankets, and silently, impatiently beckons you towards him. You hastily follow his invitation, still with your head bowed. You hear him sigh, then you feel his hand under your chin. He forces you to look at him and scrutinizes your eyes. "You need to rinse your out your eyes, or they'll get infected. They're already red. You have stone dust in your eyes" He hands you his water bottle, which you take with a shaky hand. But when he sees the trembling in your fingers, he takes the bottle from you again.
"Head to the side and open your eyes," he demands curtly. You comply with this request too. You squint as he begins to clean your eyes. "Pull yourself together," he says quietly, almost gently. After a while, he hands you a clean handkerchief with which you dry your face, then he asks, "How are things looking, do you still feel foreign particles in your eyes?" You blink to test, then shake your head. "No, it's all gone." Crosshair nods and hums, "Good" He sits down on the blankets he spread on the floor earlier and beckons you over. "Sit down" You comply and sit down next to him. When he takes off your jacket, you flinch and stiffen. Crosshair pauses and looks at you questioningly, then says calmly, "I want to see if you've been hurt, bruised or anything, things you might not have noticed under adrenaline" You take off your jacket yourself and say, "My chest hurts a bit, but I don't think anything is broken" He carefully touches you over your T-shirt and applies pressure to your ribs. "Does that hurt?" You shake your head. "No, it's more of a constant, slight pain. It'll just be a few bruises" "Can I have a look?"
You blink uncertainly. You actually trust him, but you're still hesitant. "What's wrong?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. You swallow and say quietly, "I had more than my fair share of unpleasant experiences in the past with letting my guard down with people, physically" He growls softly then says, "You can be sure that won't happen to you with me. I don't cross boundaries I'm not supposed to, you're in control. A simple word is enough." Crosshair sounds unusually gentle, and at first you can only look at him in surprise. But he doesn't push you any further, waiting patiently. Finally, you nod and take a deep breath. You take your shirt off over your head and sit next to him in your bra. He wants to stare, to take a close look at you, but he concentrates decently on your rib area. His fingertips glide carefully over one spot. The touch gives you goose bumps. "Here," he says calmly, "A slightly larger bruise, not too bad" You breathe a sigh of relief and smile nervously. "Turn around," he says gently, "Show me your back."
You do as you're told and feel his fingertips on your skin again. "It looks the same here, a bruise, nothing to worry about" His hand moves to the back of your neck, and you feel a gentle shiver run down your spine. He says a little growling, "That asshole got you pretty good, saw him sweep you off your feet. I was attacked by his buddy at the same moment, otherwise I would have reacted faster" "Thanks for saving me, I would have been lost without you" Crosshair snorts softly, and you can hear the smile in his voice as he says, "Indeed" You slowly turn to face him, still half naked, your shirt lying next to you on the blanket. He's not staring at your breasts though, but at your face as you say, "I'm sorry if I'm a liability on this mission" Crosshair rolls his eyes, but his voice sounds soft as he says, "You do your part, I'll take care of the rough stuff, we complement each other well enough" He studies your face in silence for quite a while, and you find it hard to look at him, you're always so nervous around him even though he doesn't really give you a reason to be.
Braver than you feel, you ask him, "What are you thinking about right now?" Crosshair blinks, looks back into your eyes and says, "About how much I'd like to touch you right now. But that's probably not appropriate. Apart from the fact that you probably don't want me to." Your heart starts to race. A mixture of joy, nervousness and a little fear flood your system. Your heart is beating so hard in your chest, you can feel it all the way up into your throat. You fight with yourself while he looks at you calmly, patiently, waiting. You're fascinated by him, you've liked him for a while, maybe you even have a crush on him. But you didn't expect him to say it so directly here and now. "You want to touch me?" you ask, as if you're not quite sure what these words mean. He tilts his head slightly to the side, then nods and says, "I'm thinking about it, yes. But having just seen how nervous my closeness makes you, I'm holding back." You say honestly in a low voice, "I just don't know how to read you. Sometimes you seem so considerate and thoughtful, other times rather harsh and rude" Crosshair raises his eyebrows, then says, "I'm a soldier, I can't always be gentle" You sigh softly and say, "I know that, I meant explicitly when dealing with me"
He frowns critically and asks, "I was rude to you? When?" "Not rude," you say hurriedly, "Just... grumpy" Crosshair rolls his eyes, but a smirk twitches at the corner of his mouth. "I'm a bit impatient sometimes, that may be. I'm not used to working with civilian agents, even though we've known each other for a while now and have worked together from time to time. I'm usually surrounded by other soldiers. There's not much room for subtlety, especially in the field" You nod, you can understand that. Nevertheless, he is very different from his brothers, Wrecker or Tech, for example, are much more relaxed, even Hunter, but you keep this observation to yourself. "Quite understandable," you finally concede. His features relax a little, and he asks you, "Are you afraid of me?" You shake your head and answer without hesitation, "No, not at all" He smirks and says, "I think so too. If you were, you'd probably have put your shirt back on by now. Physical nakedness is also a certain form of showing vulnerability. If you didn't trust me, you would have covered up again long ago"
You blink and realize with surprise that he is right, your shirt is still next to you, you had almost forgotten about it. He slowly reaches out to your face and gently places his hand on your cheek. You hold still and look at him, fascinated, feeling the warmth of his hand on your skin. His face comes closer, closer and closer. You automatically close your eyes a second before his lips touch yours. It starts with a gentle touch, almost chaste. A few breaths pass before you feel gentle pressure on your lips and return it. You let yourself be pushed backwards, slowly, gently, until you are lying on your back and Crosshair is halfway over you. His lips part from yours, and he lifts his head to look at you. "I had to try it now," he says with a smirk, "How do you feel?" For lack of better words, you say simply, "Warm" He chuckles softly. "Warm is good" You smile too, even though your heart is racing, you're not afraid of him or his touch, you know you're in good hands, you know you can trust him. He would never hurt you, never push you. You know that a simple word will be enough to put him at a distance again, that he will always respect your boundaries. You feel safe, and your hands wander over his arms, on his chest, over the cool material of his armor.
"Maybe I should at least take off the hard parts of my gear?" You nod and say, "That would be better" Crosshair straightens up again, and you prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him remove one piece of armor at a time until he's wearing only the Blacks on his body. He lies half over you again, resting his weight on his arms and knees. Crosshair looks you straight in the eye and says, "You're not forced to do anything and I won't be upset if you'd rather have me at a distance, you can always say something and I'll back off" You smile at him and nod. "I know, I really appreciate that" He shakes his head and says, "That should go without saying, for everyone, you don't have to be grateful for that. But I noticed earlier how insecure you are and when you mentioned that you've had bad experiences, I thought I should mention it. I don't want you to feel forced into anything" You nod again. You automatically want to say thank you again, but you swallow it. "I don't feel any pressure at the moment" He kisses you again, this time more urgently, more sensually. Close to your lips, he whispers, "Tell me if that changes" You want to answer him, but then you feel his tongue gliding over your lower lip, testing, questioning, searching for access. Your lips open automatically and let him in. Your tongues meet in a velvety collision that sends a shiver through your whole body and makes the heat move under your skin, between your thighs. A soft, sweet sigh comes from your throat, a sound that triggers an intense feeling of success, satisfaction in Crosshair. His long arms wrap around you, one of his long legs slips between yours. Immediately you feel the pulse between your thighs, in the intimate heat of your womanhood. His tongue flicks playfully against yours again and again, chasing it with velvety strokes. Every touch of his tongue in your mouth makes your clit pulsate as if he were kissing you in a completely different place.
His long, elegant fingers undo your belt and pants, pull your belt out of the loops and put it to one side. Just the idea and anticipation of every touch makes your pulse race, your nerve endings vibrate and your panties get wet. You imagined it differently, you expected more fear, but you feel completely safe, Crosshair is gentle, considerate, something unfamiliar, unexpected, but very welcome. As his lips part from yours, he lets out a somewhat shaky breath. His muscles are tense, he holds back. You both know he wants more, but he's taking it a lot slower than his body wants right now. "Is everything all right?" you ask softly, your mind still foggy from his kisses. "Of course," Crosshair grumbles and kisses your neck. The touch makes your nipples harden and causes you to wriggle out of your pants automatically, almost of your own accord, and slip them off your body. Another shaky gasp from Crosshair. His fingertips glide over your shoulder, your stomach, your thigh and back up again. They barely touch your skin, just very gently, then they grab, your thigh, then past your thigh to your right bun. His grip is firm, but not hard.
"I've been waiting for what feels like an eternity for us to get closer," he says, lost in thought, you're not even sure if the words are really meant for you.
His hand leaves your bun and moves forward, over the fabric of your panties, gliding gently over them, drawing teasing circles. Your thighs open for him, your mouth slightly open, another sigh comes from your throat. His lips brush gently over your chin and when he looks at you again, he grins. "You seem pretty comfortable around me by now" Your cheeks are warm as you answer him with a grin, "You could say that" You feel his hard length against your thigh through the fabric of his blacks. He presses himself closer to you, kissing his way from your chin to your ear. Once there, he whispers to you, "Feeling good so far?" A shiver runs through your body, only a small hoarse sound comes out of your mouth. Then his face is over yours again, he smiles smugly, he knows exactly what his words have just triggered in you. The moment he kisses you again, his nimble fingers slip under the fabric of your panties, slowly moving further down towards your heated, wet center. He is gentle, teasing, gliding and caressing over your soft folds. You feel a pulse very clearly, Crosshair's gentle touch awakens in you the desire for more. You buck up your hips, the motion causing his fingers to slide further down, to your expectant wet opening, and a fingertip slides in ever so slightly.
"I can see," he says contentedly, in a smoky voice, "I've whetted your appetite for more" And he's right, you want more, so much more, more contact, to feel more of him. You tug on his blacks, try to take them off. He is only too happy to help. At last you are both completely undressed. Your bodies press against each other, naked skin against naked skin. You're both giving off so much heat, you've long since stopped feeling the coolness of the cave. Crosshair's fingers are all over your skin, gliding, caressing, groping, one pleasant shiver after another coursing through your body. Everything blurs in your perception, all you feel is the heat of your bodies, the pulse between your thighs, Crosshair's touch. As soon as he's on top of you, you cling to him, pulling him closer to you, not giving him a chance to wander. You are so unexpectedly hungry for him that even the Sniper is surprised when you reach down between you, grab his cock and guide it to your wet entrance. He pauses, however, the tip barely an inch sunk into your pussy. "Are you sure you want this?" You blink, your face heated, looking up into his face. Your legs hook around his thighs and press him closer to you, making him slowly sink into you.
Crosshair is well-hung, you can clearly feel him stretching you, sliding deeper into your pussy. But he's careful, even bracing himself a little against your leg clamps that push him deeper inside you. "Slow down, kitten, I don't want to hurt you" You realize he's right, it doesn't hurt yet, but his massive cock is clearly making itself felt in your wet heat. You loosen your grip and let out a soft, deep sigh. He looks at you scrutinizingly, then smiles and says, "You're doing very well, kitten" Slowly he sinks deeper, as far as he can go, then he pauses, leans his forehead against yours and has to collect himself. The tightness that surrounds him feels incredibly intense. You see him bite his lip before he slowly begins to move inside you. Your legs cling to him again, your hands move to his shoulder blades, your fingers cling to his shoulders. It feels like his whole body is the perfect fit for you. The stimulation is everywhere you need it as your bodies melt together. You feel every taut muscle in his body, hear his soft, raspy gasps. Your bodies move together in perfect unison, your head sinks back, a smile spreads across your face as Crosshair looks at you mesmerized, you close your eyes and take in the feeling of him filling you completely.
It's not invasive like you feared, not at all. It feels tender, just right, the way his body nestles against and into you. The pulse intensifies, your fingernails press into his shoulders automatically. Spurred on by this, Crosshair moves a little faster. A hoarse moan escapes your lips, louder than expected, followed by a quiet, surprised, "Oh fuck..." You weren't expecting this intensity, this feeling. Your hands automatically move to his ass and claw into it as you feel yourself slithering towards a climax. Crosshair lets out a small, surprised grunt as your nails dig into his buns, but then he lets out a satisfied growl and a grin twitches at the corners of his mouth as he intensifies his thrusts. You don't hold back at all, your moans and gasps, hoarse, expectant, about to explode. It's music to his ears, adding more fire to his own arousal. As your thighs twitch around his body, your pussy around his cock and you drop beneath him with a long, husky sigh, the knot in his abdomen loosens, the tension dissolving into a long, intense, slowly ebbing pulse as he cums inside you.
You laugh, quietly, grinning. You feel so good, so relieved, liberated, safe. He looks at you, one eyebrow raised. "Feeling good, I guess?" You giggle. "Good? No, great." Crosshair smirks, kisses your chin, your nose, your lips, and leans his forehead against yours with a sigh. "Mission accomplished," he murmurs softly.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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starrbright · 2 months
𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭| Matsukawa Issei
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As the title says, this is just me writing Issei in a different light from what I've always thought of him. But a study as well of what I do think of him, can be an outside part of my series I've yet to write about him. And lastly, another venting of mine, I think I projected too much on this, really. I had a light situation that happened and bothered me so much earlier that i had to stopped writing my wip for kishibe (it'll come out this may or before, i promise this time), so.....byeeeee, i teared up at writing this. @iwaberry, @seijhoeist 😁
499 words. LMAOKSKSJSKXKSK. fluff. angst. light smut. all my y/n are afab, fat and of color. La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Marc Fishman
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Issei is Issei. Full of wit he effortlessly drives to a cunning state. Persuasive. Simply a snake that slither to anyone for whatever in his gain, the sin that rises from beneath one they didn't even know was there in the beginning, the beautiful murmur that echoes, the one wouldn't dare tempt themselves to be trapped. He's never been a deceiver despite his games, truth always easy to show behind his facade as he intends—he's him.
But, unfortunately—it doesn't work on you. In some very specific cases you most need it, that is.
As his cunningly self is engraved in him, so is a part of yours that keeps you grounded, humbled, mostly too anxious, just straight up so resentful of making a mere mistake that couldn't even count as one in the eyes of many but it is for you. The want to be perfect. Your pride that embarrasses you, one that shames to think it's more about your image than kindness, that strangles you for praise.
It's all unyielding even for a man like him.
He's already found it that part of you is as said; indeed indelible. An endless cycle of episodes.
You're his lover. The most delicate for him. Despite that he tried to ease that away from you, he didn't—never deceived your mind. Then came a simple solution to him after barely thinking about it.
The most normal or rather easy to do that can anyone think of. What he has always done for you to have nothing in your brain.
What he's plainly been doing from the start; loving you.
"My baby." Issei sighs heavily against your mouth that merely kisses him back, as you're already overwhelmed with the scarce time he's began fucking you, keeping his slow thrusts in your cunt above you with his one hand tightly gripped on the headboard of his bed and the other wrapped around your wide and soft back close up against him. Keeping his steady and antagonizing pace amidst the words he praise for you, " I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. My baby. My baby. I love you. My love. My baby. " —relishing your tears, it's liquid gold to him out of what he gives you. "Prettiest thing." Says him as your tears are kissed by his lips.
You're lost in him. Always willingly bending to him until mindlessly as you want it. Moans weakly drowned by your gentle cries, before you can utter anything, he takes your lips again, tears in your mouths. "Y'know, you don't need to say a thing." He mutters between his kisses, still going with the same pace of his pleasure for you both. It's always easy to use his sharp tongue as it is for making you hear how beautiful you are truly.
" Just be good for me, doll. "
" Always good for me. "
" Lovely girl, mine. "
" You're so good to me. "
Loving you is he most loves besides being himself.
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glassartpeasants · 3 months
Run Rabbit Run .08
Yandere!Eustass Kid x F!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, reader having a crisis, pregnancy, angst, probably slight cringe cause i've been sleep deprived and think everything good idea then, and most likely other shit i can't think of atm
A/N: apparently my body can't decide whether to write Kid or Kidd cause i wrote Kidd half way through this after spelling it 'Kid' in the last two fic's. So please bare with my stupidity
music playlist
@rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @menifire1092 @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
Even though you’ve been counting down the months to finally reach Sabaody, a part of you yearned for just a few more weeks with G-5. Now, with only three more days till you dock at the archipelago, the excitement is palpable. Time seemed to have a mind of its own, neither hastening nor slowing. They say time flies when you're having fun, and indeed it did. Four months dwindled to three, then two, and before you knew it, you were down to mere days.
You couldn’t wait to see everyone, to reveal the person you’ve become during the two-year separation. The anticipation to demonstrate your newfound devil fruit powers and everything Smoker and G-5 have instilled in you. To prove that you've earned the title of a Straw Hat.  That even in the face of pregnancy, you stand strong, capable of protecting yourself and your friends. You’ve toiled day and night to hone your abilities and devil fruit powers, all while nurturing the life growing within you.
Tashigi helped you in buying things that’d make your life a bit easier. Pregnancy pillows, maternity clothes, vitamins to keep yourself healthy, and everything in between. She even convinced you to write a journal for every day of your pregnancy. It did help a lot more than you thought it would. You wrote what you wouldn’t tell anyone else and how you truly felt about your situation that day. Some good and some bad.
A wave of emotions would often overwhelm you when something triggered memories of your time with Kidd. The echo of people calling your name, the rumble of thunder, all reminiscent of your time spent in the shadows. While you knew you’d never be the same person you were before Kidd, you have strived to heal from all the things that have transpired.
It wasn’t working very well, though.
Looking at any reflective surface has your heart shattering when your eyes land on the visible scars on your body. Trying to picture yourself without the scars was impossible as you struggled not to imagine Kidd in the image as well. It was almost easier to pretend you were born with your scars rather than think about the one that gave them to you. Even in everyday life, he'd pop into your head when you weren’t thinking about him. Closing your eyes, you still see his amber eyes staring right back at you.
Being alone with your thoughts always makes things difficult. If it were too quiet, you’d hear his voice whispering in your ear. Feeling his fingers touching your skin when you wore short-sleeved shirts was also common. Times when you were so close to slumber, you’d start to smell his presence. The only thing that seems to calm you down now is a tune your mother used to sing to you.
It had been sealed away in your memories for years, and now you managed to remember the words and tune after having a dream about her singing it to you. You watched her rock yourself as she sang the little song before tucking you in. Her face was a blur, but you could still hear her. At least you could still remember her voice. Yet when she stopped singing, you immediately woke up.
Since then, you’ve been subconsciously humming it when working around the ship. You remember getting embarrassed when Tashigi asked you what you were singing. When you told her that it was something your mother sang to you when you were a baby, she got stars in her eyes.
“You should sing to them! I heard it’s extremely beneficial to the baby!” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Your more invested in this pregnancy than I am, and I'm the one carrying the baby.”
“I heard it’s great for bonding and-” She stopped herself before she could finish. You knew what she was trying to say and that there was no ill will behind it.
“It’s okay. I know you meant well. Maybe if the situation were different, I’d be more excited. But I don’t want to get too close to them since I’m putting them up for adoption.”
“I’m sorry. I forgot about that. I guess I just got excited for something other than listening to men yelling and fighting.”
“No, I promise it’s okay! Things happen. You meant well, and that’s all that matters to me.”
Leaning against the railing, you look out at the setting sun. The beautiful colors you memorize as you imagine sailing off with the Straw Hats. Happy laughter as you’d hear them tell their stories of their adventures from the two years you’ve been separated. You couldn’t wait to hear Luffy’s infectious laughter or see Robin's calming smile. Only three more days until you make it to Sabaody then-...
…What then?
You’d still be pregnant, on the run, and scared that any second Kidd’s going to show up and whisk you away. Even after you put up the baby for adoption, your body would still look pregnant for a while before going back to normal. Your body would wonder where the baby had gone and when it’d come back. How were you supposed to live life normally after this? Knowing that you have a baby out there that you’ll never get to see grow up. Always worry if they're safe and scared that Kidd might find them and use them as leverage to make you come back.
But at the same time, you couldn’t take them with you. The sea is no place to raise a child, let alone a baby. They could fall overboard, get kidnapped by Marines or rival pirate groups, hell, they could get ill at sea, and you wouldn’t have the medicine to make them better!
Anyway, you looked at it, it felt like nothing was the right choice. The negatives outweighed the positives in your head. It’s possible that everything you’ve experienced has made you an internal pessimist. That, or maybe you were just thinking logically. Either or, it still sucked.
“What are you thinking about?” Tashigi’s voice pulled you from your negative thoughts as she stood beside you.
“Everything and nothing at all. Three days, and then we’ll be enemies. Feels weird knowing that.”
“Yeah. It’s gonna be weird not having you around. I’m gonna be stuck as the only girl once again.” You laugh a bit at her admission.
“If only we’d be able to call one another. But it’s too much of a risk in case any higher-ups were to find out.” Both of you sigh before turning to each other.
“Why do you have to be a pirate?”
“Why do you have to be a Marine?” The two of you laugh as you see the stars start to appear in the night sky.
“The stars are pretty, huh? Maybe we can find constellations if we look hard enough.” You can see Tashigi thinking out of the corner of your eye before her head perks up.
“What if we take pictures? Like a group picture? We’d be able to remember each other even if we can’t talk.”
“You're right! We can do it tomorrow morning! I heard it’s supposed to be sunny and clear!”
“Perfect! We can go around telling the other Marines about it, and they’ll all agree. Vice Admiral Smoker, we might have to convince or drag.”
“I think it’ll be worth the extra chores.”
As you lay in your bed once more, you look out over the multiple sleeping marines. In a few days' time, you’ll never see them again. If you do, then you’d have to fight them. Once you get back to the Straw Hats, you’ll undoubtedly have a bounty from the government. Then you’ll genuinely be ‘enemies,’ but the thought of hurting any of them made you want to cry. How could you hurt those who took you in, no matter who you were? They risked getting in trouble and put themselves in danger just for you.
Maybe if your forced to fight them, you could just run away? Usopp does it a lot, so why couldn’t you?
You move slightly to get more comfy, only to hear a ‘thud’ come from the side of your bed. Gently moving to the best of your pregnant abilities, you manage to see a particular journal that you haven’t read since the first week you met the G-5.
Heat’s journal.
Biting your lip, you mentally fight to figure out whether you should read it or not. After taking months to try and process Heat’s internal thoughts and the truth about your home, perhaps you were ready to read the rest of it.
Scooting closer to the edge of the bed, you manage to grab the book by the tips of your fingers. You bring it up just enough for your other hand to hold it. A slight pain rummages through your body as you try to bring it up. Thankfully, you manage to pull it up just enough to grab it with your other hand. Snuggling into the bed more, you use the moon as a light source to read the book.
Something happened. I don’t know what it was exactly, but whatever it was, put (Y/N) in the hospital on the island we’re currently docked at. No one but Killer and Kidd himself were allowed to see her. Doctors must have been in and out of that room when (Y/N) first entered.
I can’t see (Y/N) trying to kill herself. Not with the small determination I can still see in her eyes. It had to be something involving Kidd. If Kidd can put a hot metal branding on her, then I don’t think he’d be above doing something to land her in the hospital.
I’ve talked to Wire about his thoughts on what could have happened. He told me that while he saw nothing, he heard multiple thuds and yelling coming from beneath the deck. Immediately upon hearing that, a sour taste filled my mouth. I have to go down and see for myself the room Kidd has been keeping (Y/N) in. There has to be something down there that could tell me something.
Of course, Kidd didn’t want his crew to know he almost killed you. Typical. What did Heat say when he saw you come back from the hospital? When what was the starting time when you forgot your memories. Gently skimming through the pages, you found the entry you were looking for.
I don’t think my eyes have ever widened as much as they did when I saw Kidd and (Y/N) holding hands. There was a bright smile on (Y/N)’s face when she finally came aboard the deck. Her legs are wobbly, and it looks like she’s learning how to walk again. She had bandages covering her head. Behind her and Kid was a doctor along with Killer.
Obviously, somethings not right. (Y/N) or Kidd must have hit her head so hard that a real doctor is needed. While I know it’s a very cliche scenario, I think that she must have hit her head so hard that her memory fogged. And if that’s so, what lies had Kidd told her already? Maybe if I'm able to get the doctor alone, I can get some information.
So Heat saw you the day you returned to the Victoria Punk after the incident? You were shocked that Kidd didn’t bring you back to the ship during the night. But thankfully, he was too stupid, and it allowed Heat to see the first part of the aftermath in real-time.
You don’t remember the first week or two when you got back to the Victoria. Not the doctors or leaving the hospital. It was probably for the best, though. You don’t need any more trauma than you already have.
“What were his thoughts during those five months?” Looking back at the marines to ensure they were sleeping, you flip through the pages again.
Caught (Y/N) staring out to sea earlier before the night entirely took over. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to her, honestly. I felt like I was going insane trying to figure out how or if I should help her now. She looks so happy now, but at the same time, her happiness is based on lies and blood.
Why did this have to happen? What sins did (Y/N) do in a past life that made this her reality? One minute, she was living her life, then the next, she’s stuck in a storage room on a pirate ship. I try not to think how alone she must have felt before this incident. Always being stuck in the dark and only seeing the same people over and over again. Me talking to her can only do so much. It won’t bring back her parents or friends. Nor will it bring back her home.
It still eats me knowing that I’m the reason this woman has no one left. No friends or family. Well, there’s those Straw Hats she’s told me about.
I remember them from Sabaody. Their captain was a strange one, but it did seem like he cared for his crew. If he’s willing to risk his life by storming Impel Down and Navy headquarters just to save his brother, then I think if there is any place or pirate crew for her to be in, it’d be the Straw Hats.
Maybe if I mention Saboady, it’ll spark something and clear the fog that’s invaded her mind.
"If only you knew Heat. It was the thing that made me realize somethings not right.” For a Kidd Pirate, he truly was a fallen angel in disguise. While you’ll never forgive him for what he did to your home, he proved that almost everyone deserves a second chance.
Holy shit. I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I haven’t run as quickly and quietly as I could in forever. Not to mention the underlying threat of getting caught giving (Y/N) a devil fruit.
Finding the damn thing was entirely on accident but a pain in the ass to bring on the ship without anyone noticing. Even stealing the fruit was a feat in itself. I don’t know how that fisherman found it or what he was planning on doing with it, but in the end, it’s going to a better cause. 
I managed to have (Y/N) eat it by luring her outside the dining hall earlier. When I watched her eat it all, it made a slight ease wash over me. At least now, she’d have a bit more of a fighting chance against Kidd if he did anything.
I feel bad that I couldn’t tell her everything right then and there, but I was already pushing it by being so close to everyone, especially with Killer being somewhere on deck. I didn’t want to cause a scene and have Kidd freak out or anything. The longer he’s in the dark, the safer it is for (Y/N) and myself.
Honestly, I thought Killer would have knocked some sense into Kidd when he found out about (Y/N). I was obviously very wrong. 
“If anything, he was just as insane as Kidd. Fueling his crazed thoughts and obsession. I still remember that dumb conversation I heard between him and Kidd about boarding up the storage room.” It pissed you off more that if it weren’t for Killer’s mask, you probably would have put two and two together quicker. Facial expressions are everything. 
I caught (Y/N) staring at the sky again. Thankfully, Killer and Wire were on the opposite side of the ship, so I was finally able to talk to (Y/N) alone. She didn’t know what I made her eat initially, which shocked me. Maybe she hadn’t done anything to trigger it yet.
We both found out pretty quickly what her devil fruit power was, though.
I was trying to tell her that everything she knew about Kidd was a lie. That her life was a lie. I wanted to be more collected and calm about it, but how do you carefully say something like that?  It was hard seeing her eyes flash all her emotions, but it soon turned to pain when a harsh shock hit my hands. It felt like a burning hot pole went straight through my hands. 
It hurt like a bitch, but the pain subsided when I saw her looking at her hands. When I also looked at them, I saw electricity slither across her hands. I watched her put her hands together and was speechless when a ball of pure electricity formed. She started panicking when the ball was getting too big for her to control and starting to hurt her. I told her to throw it out to sea, and when she did, I felt like I was watching the moon shrink. It was so bright and slightly calming. The farther it went, the more at ease I felt. (Y/N) had a chance. She had a chance to defend herself and run away.
And I’ll be there to make sure she’s safe.
Tears fall profusely down your face, reading the last line. How can the world be so cruel? All he wanted to do was help, and yet he lost his life.
You go to read the next page only to see it’s blank. Feeling your throat dry, you start skimming through the rest of the pages, hoping to see more writing, yet there is nothing. It felt like your heart had been ripped directly from your chest. That was the last thing Heat has ever written, and it just had to be the most heartbreaking thing to read.
Curling up as best you can, considering your belly, you hold Heat’s journal close to your chest. You try your best not to sob as you don’t want to wake up the rest of the Marines sleeping next to you. Between sniffles and the slight shaking as you try to control your breathing, you whisper to yourself in hopes that wherever Heat is, he’ll hear you.
“Thank you.”
Another island was reduced to ashes after falling victim to Eustass Kidd’s wraith. A once lush and thriving island is now in flames and crumbling as the ruthless pirate searched tirelessly for a certain someone last seen there.
“God fucking damnit! When I get my hands on whatever Marines are holding her, I’m going to kill every single one of them! They’ll wish they never got involved when I break each of their bones!” Kidd’s voice boomed across the town as his amber eyes scanned everywhere.
Where are you?! Why aren’t you here?!
“Kid.” Killer’s voice breaks through the brute's rage, making him turn his head.
“What Killer?!”
“We’ve searched everywhere, and there's no sign of her. It’s not like we can ask anyone either since everyone has evacuated before we arrived.”
Ever since the incident on Halyard Island, as soon as your location was revealed in the paper, people would evacuate their homes to try to save their families and avoid the unstable tornado of destruction that was Eustass Kidd. 
Some people stayed because it’d been their home since birth, and they’d rather die than leave it defenseless. There have been rebellions to try to stop Kidd, but they were always snuffed out the moment Kidd saw them. The same could be said for any Marines that were sent to stop him. Getting sent on a mission to any island that you had been spotted at was a death wish. Sometimes, the Marines were too late, and Kidd had already destroyed the island. But when Kidd would see them, he wouldn’t let any Marines leave until he talked to each and every single one of them. And since none of them had you, none of them would leave the island alive.
Your name had become a jinx to any Marine that spoke it. Speaking your name would always have the Marine that spoke it sent out on the next mission to stop Kid from destroying yet another island just to find you. And since none of them had you, they’d never come back alive to say what they’ve experienced.
After being the ‘cause’ of death for so many Marines, some rookies have given you the nickname ‘Devil’s Darling.’ It was a joke at first, but as the death toll rose and how Kidd’s name got more infamous, more and more people adopted it. And with a nickname like that, more people have come to hate you.
While you haven’t done anything, the fact is that if it weren’t for you escaping, no one would have gotten hurt. If only you had bit the bullet, no one would have lost their lives. Many victims of Kidd’s rage blame you for it. Anger and fear take over the hearts of many, and to the civilians of the New World, you’ve become as feared and hated as the man hunting you down.
The government had become more conflicted on where to stand with you. While you were technically innocent, the people have been nagging them to put an official bounty on your head. If they did, you’d only be wanted alive. The power they could hold if they managed to capture you. You could be the key to finally catching and imprisoning Eustass Kidd.
And Kidd knew all of this.
He knew the hatred the people had started to hold for you. How they’d give you to him if they managed to recognize and grab you before you left the island. In a way, he had the whole New World in his hand. Their hatred and fear was and will be the town’s own undoing.
The only people stopping him were fucking journalists who don’t say or do a thing when they see you. They are so desperate for a story and to lead him on that they don’t care about how they’ve helped in the destruction.
“Of course, she isn’t here. Fucking hate those journalists and Marines.” Kidd kicked a smoldering piece of wood in anger. Ashes fly to the sky as it did nothing to soothe his rage.
They don’t understand that he needs you. He dreams of you every night. Dreams of you laying next to him and kissing his face. Some where you were holding his child, soothing them to sleep. Humming a small tune before noticing him and smiling. You’d say something to him, but he could never remember what it was when he woke up.
And while there were dreams, nightmares followed suit. Nightmares of you falling into the ocean and sinking to the bottom with your hand outstretched for Kidd to grab and save you. Or the times when you’d be running from Marines to him only for you to get shot as soon as he had you in your arms. The nightmares plagued him much more than he dreamt of you. He’s always had nightmares when you weren’t lying next to him. Ever since the first night you’ve slept with him in his bed, he’s never been able to sleep alone without waking up sometimes during the night. The warmth your body gave him while you slept, go thim addicted.
Those first few months you left and joined those damn Straw Hats, the same nightmare happened every night. It replayed the scene of you sailing away from him over and over again. No matter what, those months without you behind closed doors were pure hell for Kidd. You were just gone from his life after being by his side for a year and a half. He’d never get to kiss you or hold you close again.
But just as Killer tried to get Kidd over you, he saw you.
He was fighting a pacifista next to that dweeb Trafalgar Law when he turned his head, and there you were. You were running as fast as you could, and there he saw you. What you were running from, he didn’t know, but what he did know was that you were alone. No Straw Hats or Marines to take you away now. You were his for the taking once more, and this time, he’d make sure you knew it-
“Earth to Kidd!” Blinking a few times, Kidd’s pulled from his memories by Killer snapping his fingers in his face.
“I was thinking! What is it?”
“Haven’t you noticed a pattern? How each island she’s at, she gets closer and closer to the Navy Headquarters?” A pit filled Kidd’s stomach hearing Killer’s words.
“What are you saying, Killer? Spill it!”
“What if their taking her to the safety of Navy Headquarters? Or worse, Impel Down?” Kidd grits his teeth at the thought. No way in hell was he gonna let those fuckers take you.
“Any Marine ship we see, attack. Don’t care if they're not in our course. No Marine ship will get past the Victoria. Search every part of the Marine ship, and if she isn’t there, sink the ship to the bottom of the sea.”
“And the Marines on it?”
“Kill them all.”
“You wanted to see me, Vice Admiral? If it’s about the pictures we did yesterday, I have some here if you want to choose one.-”
“Sit. We need to talk.” Your heart stopped for a second, but you managed to snap back and sit on the chair in front of his desk. The way he sat in his chair behind the desk made you bite the inside of your cheek. When Tashigi told you that he wanted to see you, you were nervous. She said that while she didn’t know why he wanted to, you had no need to be scared.
Obviously, she was wrong.
“O-Oh? What about?” You can feel your palms sweat as the room seems to heat up.
“The government has finally put up a bounty for you.” Hearing those words come from Smoker's mouth made time stop as thousands of scenarios played through your head. Would he turn you in?
“But I haven’t done anything! Why do I have a bounty?!”
“You haven’t done anything. But Kidd has.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“He’s been destroying islands, villages, and Marine ships nonstop. Anything in his path has become a victim of his rage. According to headquarters, we’ve lost a lot of good men to him. Rookies, Vice Admirals, and Admirals even have been killed. His bounty has tripled in the last six months. Wouldn’t shock me if it raises the next time the new bounty posters come up.” You were speechless. How many people have been hurt or killed because of you? So many deaths for simply living. This has to be a nightmare.
“I don’t understand. Why do I have a bounty for things he’s done? I’m not out here hurting people!” Smoker sighed before running a hand through his hair.
“They want to use you to lure Kidd so they can capture him. That and many people of the New World are treating you as much of a threat as kid himself is.”
“I’ve never hurt anyone! I hate Kidd as much as they do, so why do they hate me?...”
“Fear. Kidd’s insanity has caused fear to cover the entire New World. Seeing your name and last known location in the paper is a death wish for the island you were last seen at. I don’t know how these damn journalists keep spotting you no matter what disguise we put you in.”
“It’s like they’re actively looking for me. Why are they so determined to find me? People have been hurt, yet they don’t care!” Guilt starts to eat at you as the thought of countless people getting hurt because of your problems eats at your heart.
“First Heat…now this? Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?” You whisper to yourself as you lay your hands on your thighs before gripping your pants tightly. Tears start to whelm in your eyes as you bite your lip. The images of people's faces you’ve never seen before start to pop up in your mind as if to make you suffer more. The survivor's guilt already consumed you after Heat’s death, but now, with having so much more ‘blood’ on your hands, the pain was unbearable.
“Heat? Where have I heard that name before?”
“He was a crewmate on Kidd’s ship. He’s…no longer with us.”
“A Marine kill him? I don’t think I’ve heard of any Kidd Pirates getting sent to Impel Down.”
“No. Kidd did.” Even though you spoke between sobs, SMoker still managed to catch your words. He was stunned to hear such a thing. Killing his own crew? If he can do that without remorse, what else is he willing to do?
“He helped me escape the first time I was stuck with Kidd. He undid the chain that was connected to a collar Kidd had me wear and told me to run. When he saw that I had gotten captured again, he tried to help me again, but…”
You ran as fast as you could around teh deck to try and find Heat and Kidd. In the dark, the whole boat felt like a maze. Each passing second was an eternity. How can you find them in time?
“Your fucking stupid to think I wouldn’t notice how you're trying to play hero! At first, I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you let her go the first time. But now, when everything’s good, you're trying to ruin it!” Kidd’s voice rang in your left ear, making you stop in your tracks.
“What are you talking about Kidd? Are you drunk or something?”
“Don’t play dumb! You know damn well what I’m talking about! Your telling (Y/N) shit she doesn’t need to remember! Telling her things that’ll ruin what I’ve worked so hard for! She’s happy, and you want her to be sad?!”
“That’s not happiness, Kidd! Her ‘happiness’ is based on lies! I know I’m not the greatest person. I have skeletons in my closet, but what you're doing is insane!” Hearing Heat bite back makes you dash towards the two voices.
Just then, a few loud thumps accompanied by a cough echoed across the deck. A bang was soon heard right after, and it only made you run faster. When you finally made it to the source, your horrified to see Kidd with his back facing you and a bloody, jagged knife in his hand. In front of him, you see Heat on the deck with his back leaning against the railing. Red starts to seep through his clothes, as you can hear his breathing become erratic. You watched him cough harshly and see droplets of blood shooting out from his mouth.
“I don’t remember asking for your input, Heat. I won’t let you ruin this for me. If only you had minded your business, then none of this would have to happen.” Heat gives Kidd a strong glare before laughing at him. His teeth covered in blood as he smiled at Kidd.
“She’ll find out. It may not be by me, but your house of cards is crumbling, Kidd. She’s gonna find out whether you like it or not.” You can hear Kidd crack his neck at Heat’s words.
“Not to mention, she and the rest of the crew are gonna wonder what’s happened to me. How are you gonna explain that?”
“I can just say you fell overboard. Since your a devil fruit user, you’ll sink to the bottom. The crew will believe it, and so will (Y/N).”
“Doubt it. She’s not stupid, Kidd. She’s gonna remember everything that’s happened. Her home, friends, family, and everything you’ve done to her, she’s gonna remember. And when she does, I’ll be laughing in hell.” You watch Kidd charge at Heat with the knife clutched tightly in his hand.
“No!” Running from your hiding spot, you jump in front of Heat. Despite the fear that coursed through you, you spread your arms out to a T so you can protect him from your knife-wielding lover. Your arrival brought silence among the three of you.
“(Y/N)...” Glancing back to Heat, you see the shock in his eyes. Your heart bleeds as Heats breath becomes more ragged with each second that passes. 
“(Y/N)! What are you doing?! You need to get away from him! He’s working for the Marines! He’s a traitor!” Biting your lip between your teeth, you try not to cry as your lover lies directly in your face so casually. 
A strong, familiar tingling feeling circulated through your arms and legs as you stood in front of Heat. Buzzing rings in your ears as the feeling grows stronger as you anticipate Kidd’s next move.
“Move (Y/N). I’m trying to protect you! He’s going to hurt you, it’s not safe next to him.” Looking into Kidd’s eyes, you stand yoru ground and still stand in his path. You can feel your heart race as he reaches out to you. The feeling of his fingertips from his real arm just barely touching your wrist before a loud ZAP could be heard echoing across the Victoria Punk.
“Son of a bitch!” Kid recoils his hand back and tries brushing it against his red feathered coat. The buzzing of the zap still ringing in your ears as you quickly turn your attention to Heat. You're quick to start inspecting him for more wounds but can only see one. A stab wound dangerously close to the heart but at a perfect position for it to be in the lungs. While Kidd missed the heart, he managed to puncture a lung which could be just as fatal. It also explains the coughing up of blood.
“Heat! Hang on! Everything will be okay! Just give me a second!-”
“Where did you get devil fruit powers?...” You stutter as you try to figure out a lie to say. Yet, you watch Heat give Kidd a bloody smirk. From that, it didn’t take long for Kidd to put two and two together.
“You gave her devil fruit powers?! I’m going to fucking kill you, you bastard!” Your heart almost stops completely as you see Kidd stomping towards the two of you. The way his face looked so sinister made it feel like you were living another nightmare.
Quick to jump to your feet again, you place yourself between Heat and Kidd. The buzzing continued, and you watched as electricity slithers around your arms and legs, helping you give off a threatening aura.
“Don’t you dare hurt him, Kidd!” Despite the electricity covering you, Kidd still reaches out. Just as you watch him reach for your arm, he changes direction and grabs your hair. With a harsh tug, Kidd throws you behind him. Your body hits against the hard wooden deck with a ‘thunk.’
You can feel the air being knocked out of your lungs as tears prickle your eyes. As you struggle to get over the pounding in your head and the ache in your body, you hear Heat cough harshly again. When you open your eyes to look at the two men, your eyes widen in horror as you watch Kidd hold Heat up by the throat. Lifting him to his feet, you see Heat struggle to get Kidd’s metal hand off his throat. 
“Enjoy the bottom of the sea Heat! Say hi to the sea kings that’ll feast on your corpse, will ya?” Jumping to your feet despite still being dizzy, you dash towards Kidd and Heat. But just as you took three steps in, you watched as Kidd threw Heat against the railing, making him tumble over it and fall off the boat. 
Running to the railing and praying that he’s simply hanging on, your hopes were crushed as soon as you heard the heartbreaking sound of water splashing. Leaning over the edge to see if you could throw him a rope, you only had time to see bubbles rising to the water's surface before Kidd grabbed you by the hair and began to drag you away.
“Kidd found out about it. My devil fruit powers wouldn’t be a thing if it weren’t for Heat. If it wasn’t for him, who knows how long I would have been stuck with Kidd and his web of lies.”
“How long has it been since his death?” While he could see that this was obviously a sensitive topic for you, perhaps if you spoke about it, it might loosen whatever burden his death has caused.
“A week had passed after his death when you guys found me. So, as long as I’ve been here plus a week.” Letting out a hum, Smoker continued to listen.
“It’s all my fault…If only I had been more careful then maybe he’d still be here. He’d still be alive instead of at the bottom of the sea.”
“I watched Kidd kill him. I saw Kidd kill the only friend I had and there was nothing I could do about it!”
‘That explains a lot. There’s a lot more layers of trauma she hasn’t told me or Tashigi about. If there's something that traumatic she’s keeping to herself, what else could be going on inside that she’s not talking about?’
“There are times when I feel like he’s haunting me. I see him sometimes in my nightmares. Or times when I’m leaning against the railing and go to look down at the sea only to see Heat standing beside me. But when I go to check if he’s really there, it’s always an empty space. I’ve caught glimpses of him staring at me through the crowd. People walk back and forth and I see him staring at me. But then somebody walks in front of him, and then he’s gone!” Smoker watches as your body shakes and tears begin pouring down your face. You grip your uniform pants even harder as you try to stabilize yourself as you begin to hyperventilate.
“Every time I see him, I don’t see the Heat I know. I see him as a corpse. No matter what he’s always just staring at me with lifeless eyes. It always looks like he’s…”
“At the bottom of the sea?”
“Yeah. Down there.” A minute os silence passes before SMoker speaks.
“You shouldn’t feel guilty for his death. From how much you’ve told me, it sounds like he knew the risks that came with trying to set you free. That he’d be putting his own life in danger to help yours. Do you think he’d want you to feel guilty for a sacrifice he was willing to make?”
“Then don’t blame yourself for something that someone did of their own free will.”
“Yes, Vice Admiral.” While Smoker knew a single sentence wouldn’t fix all the trauma Heat’s death had obviously caused, he supposed it was better to get it off your chest. With Heat’s death, along with the people Kidd’s hurt in your name lingering in your mind, he can’t imagine the toll it’s taken on you.
Today’s the day. According to Tashigi, you guys should be at Sabaody before 3 pm. After months of training and pregnancy, along with your time with Kidd, you’ll finally be able to return to the Straw Hats.
It feels unreal. Almost as if it’s a dream. Yet, the dangers of Sabaody didn’t slip your mind. Bounty hunters, potential civilians willing to hunt you down, and the navy waiting to use you as bait. All odds were against you.
You did know the sunny was docked at tree 41, so maybe you could have G-5 bring you close but not too close to the sunny? The closer you are to it, the safer it’ll be for you. Well, you and the baby.
Not a second goes by where it’s not on your mind. Any time you move, you have to be cautious you don’t hit your tummy on anything. Eating foods became a test as foods you used to love, you now despise. Now, you're studying foods that are healthy for the baby and what’s not. Anything an over-paranoid pregnant woman does, you did. Even though you're gonna give up the baby for adoption when the time comes, you are gonna make sure the baby is healthy. 
There was a nagging feeling that ate at you whenever you were alone. Sometimes, you could feel the baby kick whenever you tapped your belly purposefully or on accident. It was as if they were responding to you. If they could feel the vibrations from a simple tap, could they also hear you talk about not wanting them? Even if six months old, what if? You knew it was impossible for them to understand you, but the nagging feeling never went away. 
Maybe when you reunite with the Straw Hats, that nagging feeling will fade away.
Another art thing. not really proud of it but it is what it is
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hitomisuzuya · 10 months
hey suzu, it's been so long! i was wondering all this time why i couldn't reply or send you or anyone anything despite tumblr making it seem like i can ;–; i've been wanting to send you get well messages in your dm and/or inbox... but it turns out i was being shadowbanend/restricted, which is why i haven't been able to do so for a while now on top of being preoccupied with other things 🥹 anyhoo, all that aside, i am really glad you're feeling better and are recovering! take time with this if you need to, but could i req for an nsfw kazuha x fem!reader smut where reader attempts to get a hot shower aft a long day, but her bf kazuha secretly sneaks in to shower with us and yk... things get very steamy 🫣 (mayhaps kazuha getting really handsy just to get us in the mood down there with three of his really pretty, slender, yet calloused and gentle fingers and then fcking us right after from behind with his cock mmmmMmmM) ~ cryo-lemon-tea ❄️💦
Kazuha x fem!reader. Smut. Fingering. Shower sex.
🥺🥺🥺oml you are so sweet, thank you so much and for the sweet birthday comment you left in my inbox. Of course you can always request Kazuha smut from me anytime❤️ I adore you dear, so I am always haopy to write him for you. Tumblr! Hey! I wanna have a word with you for shadow banning cryo!
You sighed in relief the moment the hot water hit your skin. It had been such a long day, and a hot shower before bed was exactly what you needed.
Kazuha also knew exactly what you needed.
You squeaked in surprise when Kazuha pulled back the shower curtain and got into the shower with you. You were always so cute when you were shy. "Do you mind if I join you, love?" He purred, putting his arms around you from behind.
"Of-of course not," You said, shakily sighing when you felt Kazuha's hands begin to wander over your body, his touch somehow feeling like a gentle breeze on your skin despite the hot water coming from the shower head.
Oh yeah, Kazuha knew exactly what you needed.
His hands trailed down your stomach between your legs. You felt his calloused fingers rub against your clit, waiting until you were grinding against his fingers before he pushed three fingers inside of you.
Kazuha chuckled softly when your hand found his wrist, urging his fingers deeper inside of you as he hooked them against your sweet spot. One hand braced you against him, his other hand pinching and rolling one of your nipples to harden between the pads of his fingers.
"Are you feeling good, love?" He asked, scissoring your walls apart as you rolled your hips in time with the pace of his fingers. You gripped his wrist tighter as your walls fluttered and clamped around his fingers. Kazuha was a master at building up orgasms, merciless and slow with his fingers.
"Y-yes, I am," You whimpered, squirming against him when he nudged his fingers firmly against your sweet spot. "Mmph, Kazu, please fuck me."
"Your wish is my command," He replied, taking his fingers out of you to rub on your throbbing clit. He wanted to feel you squirm a little more against him.
Kazuha wasted no time in angling your body back against him so he could thrust his cock inside of you. You whimpered in pleasure, your cheek resting against the wall. He bottomed out with a snap of his hips.
His fingers never left your clit as he thrust inside of you. You eagerly pushed your hips back into his cock, helping it kiss it deep against your sweet spot. Your orgasm coil tighter inside you, threatening to snap from each thrust from Kazuha's cock.
Your cries and whines of pleasure echoed through the backroom, your fingernails scratching into the wall the harder Kazuha fucked himself inside of you. "Kazu! Kazu I'm cumming!" You cried out, choking back a sob of pleasure.
Kazuha let out a shaky sigh of anticipation. "That's it, my girl. Let it all out," He moaned huskily, rubbing your clit a little faster. He turned your head so that he could capture your hips in an open mouthed kiss of passion.
His tongue curled around yours, swallowing your cry of pleasure as your orgasm washed over you. You were babbling for him to cum inside of you.
Kazuha could never deny you anything.
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powderblueblood · 15 days
I know this has been done a million and one times, but Eddie just vibing at the gas station. Something inevitably goes wrong. Please and thanks dear Powder
jo my love i present to you 1k+ words of eddie munson's no good very bad wednesday night no warnings! just silly. and acab includes hopper
So it's eight thirty on a Wednesday night, the very armpit of the week, and Eddie's standing there under the glare of the gas station fluorescents. Right in the heart of the snack aisle.
"What's become apparent to me, Sam, is-is-is-is that it's fear. It's the iron claw of the bonds of being a scaredy-cat little bitch that has stunted me fundamentally."
Loaded. So stoned he's stalagmite.
"See, I'm a capable guy. Many capes have I, but it's like, I've finally mastered the fuck-you-chip-on-my-shoulder adolescent thing that I'm reluctant to let it go. I'm skirting around putting on my big boy pants. I'm failing my courses. I'm dumbing myself down to stick around high school, seemingly, on purpose. Because I'm afraid!"
Eddie's pouring his heart out to the narcoleptic octogenarian cashier, the guy that likely built this place out of shiplap and bullet casings way back when it was a horseshit stop for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Freak Show or whoever.
"And I know what you're thinking." Sam isn't thinking anything. Sam's sleeping with his eyes wide open. "Why not really, grr, take root with that family tree, huh? Drop out like my old man and my uncle did? Well, I'll tell ya--"
Eddie wonders, in the middle of his own sentence, what it'd be like to hitch his wagon to an operation like that and coast solely on being a moorless weirdo.
He's really stoned, okay?
"--high school is easy to fail in. Real life? Isn't."
And look, before you get all, he's got good reason. It's been a particular drag of a week, a real sandpaper to the balls kind of kick off. Corroded Coffin's Tuesday night engagement at the Hideout was a special kind of bust--not least of all because the slapdash stage finally gave way under all that threatening creaking, and almost took Jeff's neck with it.
The neck of his bass and his human body. Neither of which Jeff's ass is in any position to fix.
So Eddie's got a band that's bruised and barely in the pocket, and a mouth that won't stop running.
“WSQK 94.5, The Squawk!” Eddie echoes the radio, complete with eagle screech, as the opening chords of Renegade by Ted Nugent & the Amboy Dukes pick up. "Hawk-ening right back to a time when Ted Nugent hadn't yet sold all his actual guitaristry to that pissant Wango Tango-ing... You know what, man, this is it!"
His ringed hands come down on the counter all a-clatter, chip crumbs flying out the bag he hasn't quite paid for yet.
"Lock me in a room full of records under a radio tower and throw away the key, I mean, I would be good to fucking go. None of that shock-jock shit, either. I'd play nothing but real music. The Hawkins Midnight Rambler, huh?" But Sam isn't paying sufficient enough attention. "Think I got a face for radio, Sammy?" Because he's asleep.
It takes a couple of molasses-slow moments for Eddie to register this, he himself still working through his own big sluggishness. I mean, damn, even waving a hand in front of the old man's face is an effort.
He's out, though, like a light. Makes Eddie wonder how this place stays open, much less unrobbed.
Well. Careful what you wish for there, buddy.
His hand is slinking toward a Three Musketeers, ready to nab it from the shelf right under old Sam's nose and write him a little IOU for whenever he next has the cash, but Eddie senses a shuffling behind him.
"Put your fuckin' hands in the air!"
Oh? "Dude, what?"
There's this guy behind him, this guy whose corporeal form Eddie can't be a bajillion percent sure isn't, like, a vivid hallucination, with pantyhose tugged over his face. Poking a pistol around under the cover of his camo jacket. The whole bit.
"Put your hands in the air or I put a hole through ya, asshole! You too, old man!"
Eddie tuts, hands still very much hovering near that candy bar.
"What's the fucking hold up, you and your grandpa tryin' to get shot or somethin?!" this very serious masked assailant demands.
"He's asleep, guy," Eddie says. "He can't hear you."
"What?!" our villain splutters, "Well... wake the fuck up! I ain't got all day and I want what's in that reg--"
He goes to point his still-concealed fuckin' sharp shooter or whatever it is he has at Sam's face, and Eddie, with this strange surge of protectiveness and complete buffoonery, nudges his arm away.
"Don't! Number one, dude's a narcoleptic, you could give him a heart attack if you just woke him up like that--number two, I saw him pull a sawed off from under that counter one time and you're in way closer range so the hole he blows through you is gonna be, like, way bigger and... like, he'll kill you and shit. Be cool."
The would-be thief groans. Oh, god, Eddie just knows he thought this hit job would be way easier. In and out, quick and dirty, wham-bam-thank you Sam.
Eddie nearly laughs. He does laugh, actually, because he's still super-mega fucking high and can't exactly control the noises that come out of his mouth, so next thing the dude is rounding on him with the thing in his pocket. Eddie actually puts his hands up this time. Feels a cold shock go through him somewhere that he really hopes isn't piss.
You ever get that? Get so stoned you constantly think you're peeing yourself? Anyway.
"Get the fuck behind the counter! If the old man can't open the register for me, you're gonna do it!"
"But I don't know how." Liar. Lying ass. Eddie knows how to work a goddamn register. It's not like he's tucking that money from the Hideout straight into his garter belt. Though he could. Maybe he should. Maybe he should buy a garter b--
"I'm gonna tell you how, dickhead!"
"What's in it for me?"
"Is that a fucking joke, wise guy?"
Only kinda. Closed mouths never get fed. "Worth a shot."
But Eddie doesn't really love this dude's tone, so he obediently scoots behind the counter, and almost gets distracted by all the copies of Penthouse Sam is keeping back here. He knew the bastard was holding out on him.
"Um..." Eddie gingerly starts, hands just sort of floating in the direction of the register in a way he hopes to Christ won't disturb Sam and wake him into a world of cardiac calamity.
So the guy tells him what buttons to push, clearly a man of the trade, a fellow familiar with wiling countless hours away behind a counter, which makes Eddie be all, why don't you steal from your own job, you shyster and keeps hitting the wrong buttons on purpose.
But dear old Sammy must have this thing rigged to make Eddie look like an asshole, because out pops the fucking drawer anyhow!
This guy, the pantyhose head, the robber, lets out an honest-to-god yippee! as he reaches over to snatch that cash.
And Eddie, working solely on instinct at this point, narrows his lovely red-rimmed eyes and shoves the drawer right in on the unlucky fuck's fingers.
He screams. And Eddie screams. And something falls out of his pocket. And Eddie leans over the counter, expecting to see and hear the shiny clatter of a pistol hit the lino.
But there is no such hardware.
It was a banana in his pocket. He was not happy to see you.
"What the fuck, man!" they chorus in near unison. They could have been brothers in another life, says some disembodied voice in the back of Eddie's head.
But then, something yellow flies towards Eddie's face and the shock of it knocks him right back into the lotto tickets and cigarettes. Thunk! His head knocks far too hard against the fire extinguisher and now there's two unconscious guys behind the counter.
Now, I don't know if you've ever had a banana thrown in your face by a masked assailant before, but I would call that something of an overreaction.
Anyway, he wakes up to police sirens and that Callaghan dweeb hauling him up by the front of his Hellfire shirt.
"Sshsjesus, Officer Handsy, buy a guy dinner first," Eddie slurs, head pounding. Callaghan's dorky Buddy Holly glasses have an aura around them that he unconsciously tries to swat away.
"He's resisting arrest!" Callaghan yells.
"Keep it down, I have a headache!" Eddie blinks once, twice, twenty-million times and is still having a tough time taking stock of his surroundings. Cash drawer's open and empty, and Sam is nowhere to be seen. "Didja catch the guy or what? He had a banana gun. Threw it right at me."
"Pipe down. Edward Munson, you're under arrest for armed robbery--"
"--wait, hold on--"
"--endangering the elderly--"
"--hold the fuck on!"
"--and swearing at a police officer!" Callaghan clicks the cuffs on and Eddie's about to burst, he's so mad and his head is pounding with such a fury. Shuffling him out into the forecourt and into the squad car like some kind of penguin idiot!
"That last thing isn't even real!" he spits, "None of this is real--I was trying t--fuck, did you not hear me about the banana gun?!"
"Reminds me to drug test him when we get back to the station," Callaghan puffs as he slides into the passenger seat.
"No one's drug testing anybody," Chief Hopper grumbles from behind the wheel. "We don't even have those facilities. Plus, kid doesn't even have any of that stolen cash on him."
"Thank you!" Eddie barks from his seat in the back. He can't really seem to sit upright, and he doesn't know whether to contribute that to the lump that's risen on the back of his head or the drugs that are definitely still in his system.
"W--well, why are we arresting him, then?" Callaghan blubs. Which is actually a salient point.
The Chief shrugs. "I'unno. Wednesday night. Somethin' to do."
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katsu28 · 10 months
hii!! i love your writing (especially your ted lasso works, although, i am a tad bit biased), and i was wondering if you could do 'orange rose' for the flower prompts with my bby sam obisanya? i've noticed an extreme lack of fics about him, but i absolutely adore him
thank you so much my dear!! sam is such a ray of sunshine and such a criminally underrated character and he deserves so much more love (and i will give it to him)
orange rose: experiencing constant as well as distracting thoughts of the other person, sam obisanya x reader, reader is the team physio (except my medical knowledge is basically nonexistent pls forgive any concussion inaccuracies oops), 1.3k
Sam’s mind was not with him on the pitch today. He’d been distracted during practice before, but never like this. He attributed it to you. It was always you. 
He saw you everyday, sometimes even multiple times a day, always volunteering to pop into the treatment room if one of the boys needed ice or tape. Sometimes he visited you without having an actual reason other than wanting to talk to you for a little bit. You were always a nice change from locker room talk (and you smelled a lot nicer too). 
You plagued his thoughts day in and day out, often distracting him from whatever he was doing because he was too busy thinking about what it would be like to do things with you. Mundane things like making breakfast together. Taking an evening stroll around Richmond. Helping him test out new recipes for Ola's.
There was a rather specific reason why you were the source of his distraction today, though. 
Sam heard his name echo through the empty car park, looking up from his phone in bewilderment that soon turned to joy when he spotted you jogging towards him.
He slowed his pace to a crawl, giving you time to fall into step with him on the way towards the facility entrance. You looked almost unbearably pretty like you always did. 
“Good morning,” He said cheerfully, smiling brightly at you. “How was your night?” 
“Good! I stayed in, so it was pretty quiet, just the way I like it.” Your arm brushed against his as you moved to let another person squeeze past you, and Sam swore his heart raced double time in his chest. He had to ward off thoughts of spending quiet nights with you before you noticed him acting weird. “Any fun plans tonight after training?” 
“Yes, actually! One of my friends is having their engagement party at Clos Maggiore, near the Royal Opera House. Maybe you know it?” 
“No way! I’ve been dying to try that place, but the waitlist is miles long. I’d probably be geriatric by the time I could get a table.” You sighed, offering him a shrug. A brilliant plan sprung to Sam’s mind at that very moment, and he decided to take the plunge and outright ask you what he wanted to. 
“Would you maybe want to go with me?” He asked, rocking back on his heels nervously. The corners of your mouth turned up into a small, hopeful smile. “As my date.” He added, praying that he wasn’t overstepping his bounds. 
That got a much bigger smile out of you, a beam whose magnitude could quite possibly rival the sun, in his opinion. It was one of Sam’s favorite things about you. 
“I would love to be your date, Sam.” 
“‘Course. Dunno if you’d noticed, but I like you.” 
Sam’s answer was immediate. “I like you too.” 
He wanted to continue the conversation so badly, but you’d somehow arrived at the locker room without him even noticing. Normally he’d make an attempt to prolong the conversation, offering to walk you to your office, but he could see most of the team already booted up and ready to train. 
“I have to go.” He said, sounding a touch disheartened. You must’ve noticed, because you snaked your hand into his for a quick second, squeezing fondly before dropping your hand back down to your side. 
“Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight then. Six o’clock? Don’t be late.” You called, backpedaling down the corridor with another sunshine smile aimed his way. Sam nodded furiously. 
“I wouldn’t even dream of it.” 
“Sam! Sam, watch—” 
Sam shook himself out of his thoughts, but not in time to see the ball hurtling right towards his face. 
Had he been paying attention, he would’ve seen the beautiful cross-field pass Jamie had lofted his way upon seeing that he was unmarked. Since he wasn’t, it slammed into the side of his head, sitting him right down on his ass in a sprawl of limbs. 
There was a symphony of shouts and the boys were by his side in an instant, crowding around him nervously as they waited to see if he was okay. Sam sat up slowly, rubbing his temple with a bewildered look aimed at his teammate. 
“You were lookin’ right at me, man, I thought you were open!” Jamie protested, raking his hands through his hair. “Did I break anything??” 
“Yeah bruv, did he crack your skull?” 
“How many fingers am I holding up?” 
“Do you remember how much money I owe you?” That one was Jan Maas, and it earned him an elbow to the gut. “What? I don’t want to pay him.”
“Sam! Do me a favor and come over here a sec!” Ted called, beckoning Sam over to the sidelines. “The rest of you boys head on over to Coach Beard for defense drills, chop chop!” 
With another shake of his head, Sam headed over. “Yes, Coach?” 
“First of all, you alright, son? Pretty nasty knock to the noggin you just got.” Ted looked genuinely concerned, but when Sam nodded, his mouth flattened into a rather disappointed line. “Good. Glad you’re okay. Second of all, your head’s further away from this pitch right now than E.T. from his home. Wanna tell me what’s going on, or do I gotta get all stern coach on you and make you tell me?” 
“Sorry Coach, I am just…” Sam trailed off, racking his brain for the right word to describe how he was feeling without having to tell Ted that he was distracted because he was thinking about you. Telling his coach he wasn’t one hundred percent into his training was definitely not a good move. “It’s nothing. I promise I won’t lose focus again. You have my word.” 
Ted tilted his head at the young player, as if contemplating whether or not to force the reason out of it. Eventually, he just shrugged. “Alright, well, why don’t you mosey on over to the treatment room to pay the good doc a visit? See if she can’t fix you up, make you right as rain again.”
Sam nodded, his eagerness to get back onto the pitch (and maybe at the prospect of seeing you again, even for just a little bit) sending him hurrying through the facility quickly. 
The door to the treatment room was ajar when he arrived, but he knocked anyway, poking his head in to scan for you. 
“You just couldn’t wait until after training to see me again, hm?” You sighed, smiling at him warmly from where you were looking over a chart. Sam offered a rather bashful smile and a soft greeting back, boots clicking on the floor as he shuffled into the small room. “Alright, come sit. Tell me what happened.” 
“The ball hit me in the head.” He mumbled, his cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. You clicked your tongue, fingers pressing against his scalp for any bumps or abnormalities. Your touch and close proximity made him shiver, but he liked to think he kept it under wraps quite well. 
“Do you have any nausea? Dizziness? Trouble remembering things?” Sam shook his head. He enjoyed being doted on by you, even if you were just doing your job. You patted his cheek goodnaturedly. “Well, other than that nice sized bruise where I’m assuming the ball hit you, I’m not seeing any signs of concussion.” 
“Thank god. I would’ve hated to disappoint the team.” 
“Just take this cold pack and ice your head for a while. Twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off, and repeat. The swelling should go down fairly soon, but I want you to let me know if you start feeling off.” You went to grab a bag of ice and a washcloth to wrap it in as you spoke. Sam’s eyes never left you, even when you came back to place the cold pack in his hand. “Would hate to lose out on Clos Maggiore because you got knocked on the head.” 
He nodded slowly, bringing the ice up to his head. “So you are only using me for my connections, I see.” 
“Pretty obvious, innit?” You winked playfully and getting hit in the head suddenly didn’t seem like the worst thing in the world. “Right, well you should get back to the pitch. Tell Ted you’re cleared for training after you ice.” 
“Yes, doctor.” He hesitated a moment, then crossed the room to press a quick kiss to your cheek before he could chicken out. “See you tonight.” 
Had he stayed a second longer, he would’ve seen how big your smile had gotten at the simple action. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
Can you please write something sexy/smutty/funny with Freddie Andersen? Maybe along the lines where he and Y/N are in a established relationship, and in a ~love making~ night he gets maybe too eager and finished first and he gets embarrassed but she just makes fun of it and plays it cool and he's determined to give her a good time and redeemed himself!
I love you writing! Thank You! ❤️
I really hope you can understand my request 🙈
Oh, thank you very much, bb! 🤍 Of course, it makes perfect sense 😉
Omg, yes! A Freddie request 😍 I've missed this man so much! So of course, I can create something about my favourite ginger man 🤍 It's been a while since I've written about him, and I truly appreciate you sending me this request!
I do apologise for the sports puns, though… 🙈
Warnings; 18+ smut; fingering; unprotected sex (p in v); creampie; more fingering; more unprotected sex; more creampie; play with cum?... I don't know, something along those lines
・✶ 。゚
I’m gonna fuck love the Hell out of you I Freddie Andersen 🖋️⚡️
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It had been too long.
Far too long since you'd felt the touch of your boyfriend, and since you'd touched him.
But it wasn't his fault, not in the slightest.
For months, Frederik Andersen had been wrestling with his health, and as his girlfriend, you'd supported him to the best of your abilities. Whatever he needed, you'd been there – both physically and emotionally.
Freddie, usually a calm and reserved man, was slowly being consumed by the struggles that kept him from the hockey rink. Hockey wasn't just a job for him; it was everything he loved. It was intricately woven into his personality, and without it, he felt empty.
It wasn't that you weren't important, or that he didn't cherish having you around. You were his partner, a significant part of his life. However, hockey meant more than just a sport to him; it was his lifeblood.
And you understood his turmoil, or at least you tried to. The emptiness that lingered when he couldn't engage in the sport he loved reflected in his eyes, and you couldn't help but ache for him. You'd been by his side through the physical struggles, the emotional toll, and the silent battles he fought within himself.
Now, as the days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months, you found yourself yearning for the return of normality. Yearning for the days when the touch of his hands wasn't overshadowed by the weight of his health concerns. It was time – time for the healing to progress, for the quiet moments to be filled with shared laughter and stolen kisses, and for Freddie to reclaim the joy that hockey once brought to his life.
It was as if his eyes lit up with an intense brightness the moment the doctor gave him the all-clear on his health issue, though the reminder lingered that he'd have to take it slow and wait before fully returning to hockey.
Yet, the two of you felt like you could conquer the world.
With Freddie's smile finally gracing his lips again, you decided to make a proper night out of it, complete with a romantic dinner – not the health-conscious meals he'd been stuck with for the past few months. No tonight, you both cooked his favourite dish together.
And as you indulged in the deliciousness, laughter echoed through the room of your shared apartment. Freddie was back to cracking jokes, even discussing hockey, which had been a topic he'd avoided as it only brought him sadness, knowing he couldn't play. Oh, his sweet laughter.
The beautiful sound you'd missed so much. But what you craved even more was the feeling of his hands on you. The way his large palms would roam your body, making you feel small and at ease as he gently caressed and massaged you.
Freddie had a way of making you feel incredible.
It was one of the things that had captivated you from the beginning. The way he took his time the first time you were intimate, exploring every inch of your curves, ensuring no skin went unnoticed. He had made you feel as light as a feather under his touch, undressing you, kissing you, and eventually using his fingers to prepare you for him.
Freddie was a big man, everyone knew that. His 6′4″ and 238 pounds could easily envelop your small figure, and not to mention his member. Though it wasn’t unrealistically large, it certainly matched the rest on him, and you knew from the first time he’d push it into you, you’d have to adjust to it.
And as soon as you'd become comfortable to his length and girth, he thrust into your warmth, feeling every inch of your tight walls around him as he pounded and pushed you over the edge.
Yes, Freddie had the ability to make you see stars simply by making sweet and passionate love to you.
Yet, it was nothing compared to when he was in one of his moods, particularly after a bad loss or a great win. Freddie could turn 180 degrees, and the sweet, calm, and quiet man would transform into a beast.
Or on those nights when you'd be a tease – whether unintentionally or not – he'd lose control and simply dominate you, asserting that you were his and no one else's.
Because you were indeed like no one he'd ever been with before. Despite your limited knowledge of his home country and background, you showed nothing but interest in him and curiosity.
You had devoted yourself to him and his lifestyle from the very beginning, and he fell so quickly and hard in love with you that he couldn't even believe it himself. No one could have prepared him for how deeply he would come to love you.
Then, when his injury came, rendering him unable to play hockey for an indefinite period, he feared the worst. He was no longer the cheerful man you'd fallen in love with. Nor was he capable of showing you the love and affection you deserved, paying you attention, and sharing intimate moments. No, he felt almost handicapped.
Like Superman without his cape or Batman without his Batmobile.
However, to you, it didn't matter.
Freddie was your boyfriend, the love of your life, irrespective of his physical state or career, and you were committed to being by his side through it all.
Every waking moment, you endeavoured to bring a smile to his face, assuring him that everything would improve, and no matter what, he wouldn't be alone in this. Though the future remained uncertain for both of you, one thing was certain – you would face it together.
And tonight, you could finally celebrate as he neared full recovery and a return to the rink.
Furthermore, it appeared that you weren't the only one eager for the occasion. Freddie's hands roamed over you as you cleared the table, did the dishes, and ensured there was nothing to attend to in the morning.
His lips found your neck at every possible moment, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses mixed with gentle nips from his teeth. And you could sense his cock slowly growing in his trousers, quicker than usual, as you felt your cunt almost at a pulsating rhythm between your legs.
"Freddie," you moaned softly as he stood behind you, his face buried in the crook of your neck while his hands massaged your breasts through your clothes. You had to steady yourself against the kitchen counter as his mouth worked its magic on the sensitive skin.
"I want you… now," Freddie's words were deep and husky, his movements impatient and eager, and you couldn't help but sink into his touch.
"Bedroom, Freddie," you managed to whimper, and in no time, Freddie carried you out of the kitchen, placing you on your back on the bed.
Under the soft glow of the bedside lamp, you and Freddie then found yourselves naked, tangled in the sheets of your shared king size bed. The room echoed with the hushed sounds of soft moans and whispered sweet nothings as Freddie kissed your jawline and massaged your breasts.
You felt his eager member teasing your inner thigh, your fingers weaving through his thick ginger hair as he connected his lips with yours again, his tongue exploring your mouth.
You could sense his hunger.
Using a hand to sneak down between your bodies, Freddie gently circled your clit a few times before pushing in two fingers. Yet, as soon as he felt your tight, warm walls around them, impatience and a desperate need to replace it with his cock took over.
It was as if all his usual calm, patient, and focused goalie skills had vanished during his time away from the ice, and tonight he felt needy.
Swiftly withdrawing his digits, he replaced them with his length, slowly easing into your core, feeling every stretch he caused you. Moans escaped your lips as Freddie's large member filled you up, not even fully in before the tip hit your very back. His strong arms on either side of you tensed as he began rocking his hips, letting his shaft stimulate your walls with every thrust, as he found a steady rhythm.
"Yes, Freddie… Mmm, you feel so good," you whimpered as heavy breaths filled the room, mixed with sweat, sweet noises of pleasure, and skin slapping together. 
It was intense, eager, and almost rushed as Freddie suddenly increased his speed, feeling his climax building up and his patience challenging him as he became desperate for release. In a way, he seemed to forget all about your needs, something he'd always attended to first, but not tonight.
And as the passion between you escalated, Freddie's eagerness got the best of him. In a moment that could only be described as "goal-scoring speed," he reached the finish line a little sooner than anticipated.
Feeling the rush take over, he let out a deep, uncontrolled grunt as he spilled his seed into you, painting your walls with his cum. His large body felt heavy on you, almost collapsing from his intense high, and a sheepish grin spread across his face as he avoided eye contact. A disappointed sigh escaped him, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.
You, however, couldn't contain a light chuckle. "Freddie, did you just set a record for the fastest goal ever?"
Freddie blushed, a mix of embarrassment and disappointment playing on his features. "Uh, yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away."
You let out another soft chuckle, running your fingers through his hair, as your eyes gazing up at him. "Well, someone's eager tonight. It's cute, really."
But Freddie didn't find it cute at all.
This wasn't the lover he usually was to you. He was your attentive man who always took care of your needs, but tonight he had only cared about himself and given in to desperation.
However, determined to redeem himself, Freddie looked into your eyes with a spark of conviction. "I promise I'll make it up to you, love. Round two is going to be legendary."
"Oh, really?" You raised an eyebrow, feigning scepticism. "I'm counting on you, Andersen."
Both of you took a moment to calm from the recent activity, Freddie resting on his side next to you as he caressed your body. You were incredible to him, and he felt more and more eager to give you what you deserved – the pleasure and rush he had reached himself.
Gently, he found your little pearl of nerves again, slowly circling and stimulating it.
Your lips parted with a small gasp as you locked eyes with him, feeling the pleasure slowly building up in your lower abdomen, your hands finding the sheets on the pillow case behind your head to tuck on. 
"Mmm, Freddie… Please, more."
But Freddie took his time, knowing he had to make sure he got fully hard again before giving you what you needed. Instead, he gently let two long fingers slip into your core again, feeling his own cum as he massaged your walls and pumped his digits.
It almost felt naughty.
Playing with his own ejaculation inside your body, Freddie's eyes intently followed your sweet, squirming facial expressions. Your eyes closed as you relaxed under his touch, and he slowly felt his member fill with blood again.
With renewed enthusiasm, Freddie set out to prove that his skills extended beyond the hockey rink. The room filled again with a mixture of sweat, passion, and the sweet sounds of your moans as he worked tirelessly to ensure your satisfaction. You couldn't help but admire his dedication.
Your orgasm slowly formed, and as Freddie increased the intensity of his finger pumping your heat, curling his fingers at the right angle, he hit your sensitive spot. Your moans became louder, your lungs emptying for air as your breaths felt heavy and incoherent.
"Yes, Freddie… I'm close," you announced, arching your back in anticipation and desperation to reach the climax.
With a few more pumps, amidst the sticky sounds of Freddie’s and your juices, you let out a deep moan and surrendered to the orgasm, letting it course through your body. Your legs trembled as you slowly came out of the rush, your hands' tight grip on the sheets loosened as you again opened your eyes and looked at your man.
"Well, I must say you did pay me back," you flashed him a sweet, lazy smile. However, Freddie wasn't completely satisfied. Sure, he'd made you come. But to him, that wasn't enough. He had to show you that he hadn't lost his touch completely, and you were still in for the rest of the second round.
So, withdrawing his fingers, he flashed you a mischievous smile, and you knew right away that he wasn't done with you.
Instead, he rose from his resting position, knelt between your legs before swiftly turning you over onto your hands and knees, your ass completely exposed to him. This was probably one of Freddie’s favourite positions as it provided him great access, and he could control his force as he liked. And most importantly, you loved it too.
Though it wasn’t particularly romantic, it always felt amazing when Freddie could fill you up completely and pound into you.
And as he once again let himself slip past your folds, stretching your sleek entrance for the second time tonight, moans slipped off your lips. His hips rocked against your ass, allowing him to hit your very end with his throbbing cock, and you knew you wouldn’t last long.
Freddie felt so good, and he had your mind clouding with every thrust. A smile formed on your lips as you tilted your head back, your hair almost like an invitation for him to grab, as you let Freddie pound into you with eager motions. 
Wrapping his large hand underneath, he took hold of your locks and gently pulled them while his other hand rested on your hip, holding it in place as he increased his speed.
If you could see yourself from a different angle, it probably looked like a poorly homemade porno film; with Freddie fucking you in doggy style and you uncontrollably moaning his name.
You felt your second orgasm approach. And as Freddie could feel how your walls clenched around him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back either.
"Yes, baby… come for me," he managed to speak darkly in between deep moans.
And it took nothing more for you to let yourself go again, and the rush took over, blurring your mind as your juices covered his shaft. Your muscles tightened as you arched your back, and Freddie’s name rang from your mouth, which had him feeling his own second release upon peaking.
With a few more forceful pounds, his grip on your hair holding on, he let himself bottom out in you again, deep husky noises coming from deep down as he came.
“Fuck…” Freddie breathed out, letting go of his grip as he stayed in the position to make sure he let every single drop into you, before gently pulling out and watching his cum drip from your core, slowly gliding down your inner thigh.
It was incredibly hot. So much of his white liquids were still in you, and as you dropped your head, trying to regain control of your breath, he observed your beautiful cunt for a few more seconds.
Almost a minute went by before either of you moved from the position and retreated to rest on the messy bed.
As it turned out, in the end, Freddie's determination paid off, and you shared a laugh as you cuddled in the afterglow.
"See," he teased, "I told you round two would be better."
"Well, you definitely made an incredible comeback," you grinned, tracing circles on his chest. 
"Good," Freddie laughed, pulling you closer. "It’s important to me that I make you feel good too, baby – I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to touch you for so long."
Your eyes were intensely locked onto your boyfriend, and you couldn’t help but smile up at him.
"Oh, don't worry about that, Freddie... I've had my vibrator," you teased with a chuckle, prompting a bewildered expression and laughter from Freddie.
"Hey! It's not funny…" but he knew you were just teasing. Despite how effective a toy could be in bringing you to climax, it was nothing compared to the pleasure Freddie provided – his embrace, his lips, his warmth, and his cock.
He made you feel incredible, and nothing could ever replace that.
"By the way, I thought the doctor told you to go easy with activities?" You raised an eyebrow, earning a light chuckle from the tall redhead beneath you.
"Well, he didn't say anything about these kinds of activities…"
"Baby, I think I meant all sorts of activities," you chuckled lightly.
"Hmm, then I guess it's good that this was me going easy…” 
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threadsun · 1 year
-JDA here-
The ear fingering sounds so funny to me 😭😭
Anyway what about some mask kink?"
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It's really interesting to me how many people have ear-related kinks!! Like, I've been paid to do and write so many ear things!! It's a really fun area to explore imo cause it really plays with the idea of sensations and erogenous zones. But also the phrase "ear fingering" is objectively hilarious lmao
Also I wasn't sure what specific aspect of mask kink you wanted, but I can't get the idea of Doe in a gasmask out of my head now so... 👀
Content: mask kink, gas mask, fearplay, breathplay, biting, scratching, hair pulling, rough sex, dom masochist Doe, fucking nasty behind the gas station, very brief mention of snuff
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There's always been something about masks.
Something about the anonymity, maybe? Or how restrictive they are?
Doe can't quite place a finger on it. But the dull, dark, hazy plastic eyes of a gas mask always makes his pulse jump. The shiny rubber. The air intake tube. The way his own breath brings a stifling humid heat to the mask.
Even fitting the mask on himself is a sensual experience. The way he has to hold the tube aside. The curl of his fingers around the rubber hood. The slow encasement of his head, the dimming of his vision, the muffling of his ears. And once it's on...
He leans back against the wall, closing his eyes and relying on his more primal senses. His skin tingles, teeth set on edge as he feels you coming out of the gas station. Your shift is over. You're finally, finally his again.
His vision is fuzzy and dim, but his hand finds its way around your arm with ease. He pulls you around the back of the gas station. He almost wishes he could hear right now. He can feel the way your breath hitches and you cry out as he presses you against the wall between two dumpsters. He can only imagine how beautiful the sound is.
One hand slips around your neck, his fingers pressing in to feel your pulse. Your fear thrills him. The way your heart pounds, the sharp staccato of your breath, the smell of your sweat coming through the tube of his mask. All of it paint the most wonderful picture of true horror. Of someone wholly unprepared for what they agreed to.
He wishes he could see the etch of terror on your face as you take in his beautiful, terrible mask. As you gaze into soulless plastic eyes and follow the trail of the disgusting black proboscis. This mosquito’s head on the body of your beloved Doe. The lifeless face compared to the lively twitching touches of his hands and body.
But all he can do is feel. And your clothes are interfering with that sense almost as much as the mask interferes with the others. He has no time for delicacy. His nails tear into your clothes, shredding them to ribbons until they fall uselessly onto the asphalt. He needs to touch you. To feel you. He needs your whole being exposed to his wandering hands.
There’s something about the sensation of you trembling under his hands, cowering back against the cold brick wall… Something about the heat and the moisture inside the mask. About the vague shadow of your body moving through the plastic lenses. About the way his own panting and moaning goes no further than a distant echo at the end of the tube.
His hands are ravenous. Making up for the way his teeth can’t sink into you and his lips can’t mark you and his nose can’t bury into your neck to smell you. They’re all he has, grabbing and squeezing, nails digging harshly into soft flesh. And every shudder, every vibration of a whimper in your chest, every prickling goosebump his fingers feel sends another thrill of delight through him.
He's not sure what makes him more light headed. The fact that you’d trusted him enough to let him enact this fantasy without giving you all the details. The way your body shivers in delightful fear as you try to remind yourself that it’s your Doe under the mask. The way his breath fills the gas mask with a warm fog…
Or maybe it’s the way your trembling hands reach down to his jeans. The way you cup his cock, gasping as he grinds his hard bulge into your palm. The way you unbutton his pants, reach through his fly, expose him to the cool air. The way your hand strokes him, with all the shaky uncertainty of one nearly paralysed with fear.
He just about has the wherewithal to remember the small bottle of lube in his pocket. The one condition you had for this otherwise unknown scene. He presses it into your hand with a sound somewhere between a huff and a growl. A sound you have to strain to hear, muffled behind the rubber mask. You just about pick up his strained command to prepare yourself for him.
He doesn’t even have the joy of watching you finger yourself open for him. Of hearing your breathy moans of his name as you lean back against the bricks and close your eyes. But he can sense it. Sense the arousal coming off you in waves, as that twisting fear in your gut turns into something hotter. As the trembling of fear turns into the trembling of excitement. As your eyes begin to take in the mask with a look of desire and lust, rather than horror and disgust.
He doesn’t need to see you or hear you. He can feel you. Can feel the way your body moves against his as you stretch yourself. Can feel the way your breath catches in your throat as you prepare to take his cock. Can feel the way your arms hook around his neck to pull him close when you’re finished, settling a kiss right where the metal ring meets the plastic breathing tube.
He wastes no time. His arms are under your thighs, hoisting you up against the wall so you can wrap your legs around his waist. His cock settles against you, pausing for a moment as you diligently coat it in cool lube. It’s such a delightful sensation. A dizzying contrast from the stifling heat of the mask.
You can just about hear his muffled groan as his cock presses into you. Inch by inch he sinks inside, stretching your hole perfectly. He feels a glimmer of… pride, perhaps. At how well you prepared yourself. Loose enough to take him with ease, yet tight enough to shudder in his arms as he fills you. Absolute perfection.
There’s a moment’s pause when he bottoms out. He just wants to appreciate the moment. The feeling of you around his cock. The deep breaths making your chest rise and fall against his. The hard wall behind you and the cold night air behind him. And, of course, the pressure of the mask. The muffling of every sensation but touch. The sparking of every point of contact between you and him.
But savouring the moment isn’t enough. His nails dig into your thighs as he bounces you on his cock. The bricks scrape against your back. He needs you. And he makes it known with every pull of your hips towards him, and every thrust of his cock into you. There’s no lack of passion—nor a lack of roughness—in the way he handles you.
And you match that passion, of course. Your nails dig into his back, teeth sinking into his shoulder to muffle your moans. You know your lovely masochist enjoys the encouragement. The way that your heels dig hard into his lower back. The way you tug at the few locks of hair poking out from the neck of the mask. The way you pull him closer and closer until you’re almost crushing him against your chest.
It's the panting that catches your attention first. It sounds so distant as he fucks you, echoing through the tube that hangs from where his mouth should be. Without thinking, your hands catch around the tube, pulling it up to look at. He’s not quite fucked you past the point of coherence. Yet.
Between mindmelting thrusts, you gain just about enough focus to notice the cap hanging off the end of the tube. It takes another few bounces on Doe’s cock before you put together what it does. It’s impulsive, really. You don’t think past the fact that you know Doe doesn’t really need to breathe. And you know he enjoys pretending he does. Especially when you’re restricting his ability to.
Doe hardly notices you slip the cap on the tube. He’s too busy admiring the way the shadow of your form moves through the plastic eyes of the mask. The rubber is clinging to his sweat-soaked skin. The whole mask is too hot, too damp, too uncomfortable. He loves it. And he loves it all the more when the small amount of ventilation coming from the tube is blocked.
His hands brace on the wall behind you, fucking you hard and fast against it as your legs tighten desperately around his waist. He doesn’t leave room for a single thought. For either of you. You’re too busy hanging on, trying to sink your teeth into any bare piece of skin to encourage him. He’s too busy chasing his orgasm and enjoying the slow depletion of oxygen in the mask.
He doesn’t need to breathe oxygen, sure. But when he’s fucking you like this, he can let himself think he’s human. Let himself think that the lack of oxygen makes him lightheaded and dizzy. That it heightens his pleasure and burns his lungs. That you control whether or not he’s allowed to breathe.
It makes him fuck you harder, desperate for both of you to cum before he runs out of air. Though, a small part of him thinks it would be the most romantic way to die. Balls deep inside you, so close he can almost imagine you’ll slip inside his skin and become one. And if anyone were to kill him, he would want it to be you.
But more than that, he wants to make you cum. To feel you shake in his arms, to feel your hole clench around him, to feel your cum dripping onto him. That’s his single-minded goal. The bricks scrape at his hands as much as they scrape at your back, the pain only encouraging his wild, rough thrusts. He needs to make you cum.
It’s a strange experience, reaching your peak as you look into the plastic eyes of the mask. Behind the dim, dark lenses you can just about make out Doe’s wide eyed, wild stare. You cling to him, unable to look away as you cum, his name on your lips. As he fucks you through your orgasm, your teeth sink once more into his shoulder, trying to help him towards his own orgasm.
Fuck does it work. Your teeth digging deep into his skin, the dizzying lack of air, the choking wet heat of the gas mask… and most of all, your body falling apart in his arms as you cum for him. There’s nothing he can do but cum deep inside of you, pressing you so hard into the wall you feel crushed.
He collapses when he’s spent, moving to lean against the wall so he can slide down to sit with you in his lap. You can tell by the way his fingers slowly knead your skin that he’s used up all his energy. With a fond smile, you set about removing the gas mask. The rubber feels odd in your hands, but it’s nice to finally see his face again. His eyes are closed. His lips are parted. He looks like he could collapse on the spot.
“Want to spend the night at my place?” You speak softly as you press gentle kisses to his damp face.
Doe nods, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you tight against him. “I’d love love love that!” His voice is sleepier than normal, slightly muffled as he buries his face in your chest.
You pout at him, running your fingers through his hair. “You’ll have to lend me your hoodie. Someone got a bit overexcited and tore my clothes.”
“How rude of them.” You can feel Doe’s wide grin against your skin, one hand releasing you just enough to squirm out of his hoodie and wrap it around you instead.
As you zip it up, you kiss the top of his head gently. “We’ll have to get up. The bus should be here soon…”
Doe whines, but reluctantly lets you drag him back to a standing position. Even as he hunches over to cuddle into your side, you’re thankful for his height. At least it means the hoodie is long enough to protect your modesty. You push the gas mask into the impossibly deep pocket, hearing the bus pull up to the stop. Getting on board, you settle into a seat, pulling Doe down to sit beside you.
As you take stock of the aching of your muscles and the scratches on your back, you can’t help but think you might grow fond of Doe’s mask.
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whumpbug · 12 days
If you're still doing prompts for your guys...
How about used as bait? Make of that what you will! I would love to learn more about your OCs :D
-- @whumperofworlds
thank you very much for the prompt!!! i must say, i've never really written anything like this but omg. being used as bait/its a trap/kidnapping is truly an underrated trope, at least on this blog
i know i said i wouldn't write hurt/no comfort but HEAR ME OUT. this isnt no comfort. its SUSPENSE. i will most likely be writing a part 2 for this during the whumperless whump event so TRUST ME these boys will get comforted.
also bear with me, writing whumper stuff/situations like this isn't my strong suit and i feel like there are definitely plot holes at certain points.. (-。-;)
onto the fic!
This was just Simon’s luck.
He really should be used to getting himself into these situations. This was the second time in only two months that he’d been harassed by Archie’s enemies.
They have just.. never taken it this far before. He’d never been kidnapped before.
Simon was starting to worry. From the way his arms were tied behind him, it was getting hard to take a full breath. He needed to force himself to calm down. Hyperventilating would only make things worse. He needed to analyze the situation at hand.
He was bound to a chair in the middle of a dusty, abandoned warehouse.
Well, at least, he thinks it’s a warehouse.
Truthfully, he’d been blindfolded and gagged since they shoved him into the back of the van and sped away from the city.
He only assumed it was a warehouse from the way the doors sounded as they were being opened and the echo of the chair being dragged toward him. Also, the air around him felt vacant and cold. It smelled of wet cement.
Also, there was the matter of his restraints. Sure, the rope around his wrists were itchy and his back was beginning to ache from the angle he was forced to sit at, but he silently chose to count his blessings. 
His captors hadn’t hurt him, save for the initial bonk on the head to subdue him. No, he was relatively unscathed, which was.. odd.
Usually the lackeys tried to beat information about Archie out of him, to no avail of course. He found it strange that no one had come around to yell at him or intimidate him with half-empty threats. In fact, Simon was fairly sure he was completely alone in the building. He hadn’t heard the shuffling and breathing of bodies around him since they first tied him up. The whole situation was abnormal.
Still, he needed to focus on a way out, and therein lies the reason he was beginning to panic. When the guys first knocked him out, they took his phone, wallet, and every accessory he had on him, including the emergency signal bracelet he had to communicate with Archie.
Without it, Archie had no way of knowing where he was or that he was even in trouble. Considering the time of night, Archie would be on patrol. There was at least a chance that he’d get injured enough to pay a visit to Simon’s apartment, but even that could take hours.
Hours Simon wasn’t sure he had.
What game were these guys trying to play? 
If they wanted information, they weren’t doing a very good job of getting it. If they wanted to kill him, they surely would have done so already. What was their goal?
Just when Simon was almost sure they had forgotten about him, the sound of a metal door scraping open reverberated throughout the building. He heard slow, deliberate footsteps make their way towards him, and then felt a calloused hand yank off his blindfold. He squinted.
The man bent at the waist to meet Simon’s gaze. “Rise and shine.” 
His breath was uncomfortably warm, and if Simon could have told him to give him some personal space, he would have. Instead, he narrowed his eyes.
“Oh, someone doesn’t seem too happy,” The man sing-songed, harshly grabbing Simon by the chin and forcing his gaze up. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. Not yet, at least.”
Simon swallowed convulsively against the gag.
“You’re probably wondering what we all plan on doing to you,” He said, motioning to the door off to the side of the building. Simon could only assume that that was where the rest of the men that kidnapped him were.
“Well, patience is a virtue, my friend. I promise that all will be answered. But until then, if you wish to see this through with your life, you’ll have to do a little something for me.” He explained, thumbing saliva away from where it was pooling down Simon’s chin.
He glared. We’ll see about that.
The man pulled out a camera.
“I have a guy on the inside, who will feed whatever I want directly into Vigil’s not-so-secret little broadcast channel. As soon as he knows his precious nurse is in trouble, he’ll come for you right away,” he chirped. “All I need from you is a video proving your wellbeing, just so the brat knows we haven’t killed you yet and knows to tread carefully. You’ll do that, won’t you?”
Simon blinked. 
Did he really think he and his 4 other cronies would be able to handle a pissed-off Archie? Simon didn’t notice any of the tell-tale signs that they were hopped up on enhancers, so for all intents and purposes, it was just.. five regular humans against one livid superhuman.
Simon stifled a snort.  
If a video was what the man wanted, a video was what he would get! He was practically giving Simon the keys to his freedom!
The man pointed his camera at Simon and grinned.
“All you have to say is that you’re uninjured, and that if he doesn’t come within one hour, that won’t remain the case. Nothing more, nothing less, got it?”
The man reached around Simon’s head and pulled off the gag, to which Simon gasped for air. He shot a glare at him, and saw the camera light flick on. He cleared his throat.
“Oh Vigil. Oh please come save me. I am uninjured and terrified and these men will hurt me if you are not here in one hour. Whatever will I do without my knight in shining armor,” He deadpanned, tone dripping in sarcasm. He hoped Archie would appreciate his joke.
The man scowled and replaced the gag, taking extra care to tie it even tighter, and disappeared into the side room. Simon was alone once again. 
God, no one told him being kidnapped would be so boring. 
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there. It could have been three minutes, it could have been thirty, but he felt a pang of relief when he heard a window breaking from outside.
Finally. Things could get moving.
He saw Archie’s blonde hair peeking over the sill of one of the high windows, and a soft smile spread across his face. Not that he had any doubt, but it felt nice to know someone would always come to rescue him.
When Archie pulled himself up and over, landing on the cement floor in a low crouch, Simon saw it.
Resting in the slit of the door he had seen earlier, was the end of a rifle.
It was with a sickening lurch of his stomach that Simon realized this whole thing was a trap.
Looking back, he had no idea how he hadn’t noticed earlier. Why else would they be trying to draw Archie to them?
He saw Archie rear up for a fight. He jerked against the restraints in the chair, but it was no use. Simon tried to scream. He tried to warn him, tell him to turn back and go, but no words would make it past the gag.
He watched as the tranquilizer dart stuck Archie right in the neck.
Archie froze. He locked eyes with Simon as if confirming his worst fears. Simon’s heart sank.
He saw Archie take a step. Then another, this one more unsteady. Finally, Archie’s eyes rolled back in his head and his knees buckled as he dropped into a heap on the cold floor.
When Simon saw the captors approach his body with boxes of medical instruments, he could only be silently grateful that Archie wasn’t awake to see the size of the needles.
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thesetrashimagines · 1 month
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.9
A Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine (reader insert)
Warnings: mentions of suicide/self sacrifice, fighting,
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AN: Hey guys.....so it's been 3 years....my life has completely changed since I started this fic and I'm very sorry to have paused it for so long. But I've had the urge to get back into writing. This will be the last part of the series that follows the OG storyline. I'll be going off-script and into a new timeline written by me😈. Hope y'all are ready for a new chapter (and hopefully not too many slow updates) sorry for the extreme authors note but you deserved to know lmao.
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“You still okay back there?” Gojo jostled you, neither of you have spoken for quite awhile. The storm overhead was mostly gone, nothing but an overcast left to show your mood. You wordlessly nodded against his shoulder. “You wanna tell me what’s been going on?” He turned to take the path that led back to the old shrine. “I figured out how to exercise other curses.....along with myself.” The white haired man’s step faltered, “That patchwork curse, he can manipulate souls and since I can touch souls and go through memories, I thought maybe I could also manipulate souls. I was able to make contact with his soul and during our fight I could feel our energies merging so I started to use my energy to exercise him.” Gojo stayed quiet as you spoke, “He had a strong grip on me so I decided it would be best if I killed both of us. It was easy, all I had to do was turn our cursed energy into life energy and then let our souls slowly dwindle.” The older man stepped over pieces of the broken temple. “But you were unsuccessful.” You nodded against his back again.
“Yes he has much more experience with souls then I do, he was able to pull away.” You let one hand go back and rub at your sore eyes, “After the mission my body was weak, probably the weakest it’s ever been. I tried to heal myself and repair my soul at the same time.” Gojo spoke, “That doesn’t sound very smart.” You slumped against his back, “No it wasn’t. My body couldn’t take the constant rise and fall of my energy. Every piece of my soul that came back, my cursed energy doubled, and since I was using it to also heal my wounds, it would fall back down to a low level.” You looked over to the old broken temple, “I thought it would be okay since I knew I’d be here, the less energy the less I’d be detected.” Gojo slowed to a stop and turned his head back to you, “And?” You stared back at his black blindfold, “I pushed everything down, my energy came back tenfold and tore through all of the walls I put up, it made me panic and I ran into the woods outside of the event. I bumped into some low grade curses, they had me trapped and unable to move so I did the only thing I could and let my energy free again. I might’ve accidentally started a fire.” Gojo laughed and placed you on your feet, “From what I seen and heard, you’ve caused a few fires.” You looked at your hands sheepishly, “Yeah...” The sorcerer watched as your eyebrows pinched together, “But that’s not when I lost control.” Your hands shook, “My emotions....that curse said that it was there to kill you and hurt everyone else. I couldn’t stop myself from feeling scared, then I got angry, so angry.” Your voice became small and quiet, “I wanted to kill them. I was so blind with rage I almost-” Your hand smack over your mouth as a sob escaped your lips.
Gojo watched as guilt and shame over took you, your sobs echoed throughout the forest as you crumbled to the floor. It was obvious you felt bad for whatever had happened. “What did you almost do Y/n?” Your hands planted themselves on the ground as you leaned forward, tears fell from your eyes and drop to the soil, little wet patches spotted the dirt. You heaved and hiccupped, Gojo went to your side and sat down, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “I almost- I almost killed Yuji.” Your resolve had completely broken, the storm had come back loud and unforgiving, the rain fell to the Earth in fat droplets and thunder rumbled. To Gojo’s surprise there was no lightning dancing across the sky, had you exhausted yourself? He turned his eyes back to you and saw your hands covering your face as you cried, small purple tentacles played on your skin and hopped from tear drop to tear drop that rolled down your hands and arms. He looked at the hand he had on your back, the little sparks flitted about, halting themselves before getting to close to his skin. He finally understood.
“You’re scared of yourself.” His words caused you to curl further into yourself, “You didn’t kill Yuji, he’s fine.” Your head shook violently, “Gojo I almost killed him!” You finally turned to look at him, your face was wet with tears, eyes almost grey in colour and rimmed red. The blood and dirt on your face was close to being gone from your tears and constant rubbing. “But you didn’t.” Your face scrunched up and your hands lifted into the air, “Don’t you understand?! I almost killed him! I almost took his life away! Again! They were right, I’m a monster, a good for nothing curse!” Your head dropped back into your hands as you continued to ramble,  “He tackled me to the ground and I thought I was getting attacked again, I almost hit him...” You clenched your eyes shut, “His eyes, he looked at me with so much fear, he was scared of me...” The first flash of lightening darted across the sky.
“You didn’t kill him though. You were able to stop yourself.” A hand grabbed onto yours and pulled them away from your face. “And from how I saw the two of you were after the fight, I would guess he understood that you were acting on instincts.” Gojo tilted his head down to try and meet your eyes, “It’s normal to act on instincts, that’s kinda what they’re made for.” When you didn’t react to his little quip, he knew you were still shaken. “What if next time I can’t stop myself?” Your eyes fluttered up to his. “Do you want to hurt Yuji?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “No.” A smile spread on Gojo’s face, “Then you don’t have to worry about that.” He leaned back on his hands, “It’s a good thing I have my infinity on,” You looked up and realized how dry he was compared to you and the surrounding area, “Or I’d look like a wet rat like you.” You sniffled and smirked. A hand came down to your shoulder, “Don’t sell yourself short Y/n, You’re stronger than you think.” He groaned a little as he stood up.
“You may be a curse but there is a streak of humanity in you.” He bent at the waist, “How bout we train after the exchange event? Hm? Just you and me.” A small smile graced your features, “Okay...” He straightened up with a shout, “Alright!” The sun peered back down over the forest, glistening off of the rain drops. Gojo turned and started to walk away, “Come on baby curse, we still have an event to finish!” He put his arms behind his head as he walked forward, you dawdling on behind him like a baby duck. He wasn’t worried you would snap, you were too worried about keeping him and the others safe and happy. He knew why you were constantly trying to please him, you were created on the feelings of abandonment and among many other emotions but he knew you would do anything to stay with him and his students. You were loyal and you would rather die then you break it. Yes you were a ticking bomb at times but nothing like a few words helped you calm down. The bond and trust you had with Gojo and his students was incredible. Gojo knew of your attachment to the them but he’d be lying if he didn’t say he was a little attached to you too.
“So how is it possible that you get along with a gorilla like Todo?” Nobara nibbled on her pizza. “Well the two of us got along but it was like, I mean I do remember everything but it feels like I wasn’t exactly myself at the time.” Megumi looked uninterested in Yuji’s and Nobara’s conversation, his eyes drifted over to you where you sat off to the side staring down at your lap. You haven’t said a word or moved since Gojo came in and placed you in the chair, something was obviously bothering you but Megumi wasn’t sure how to ask.
“What do you mean? Were you drinking?” The girls voice brought him back to reality.
“You seriously believe I could’ve been drinking liquor in a situation like that? That would’ve been insane.” Yuji turned his attention to Megumi, “Anyways I’m just glad your injuries weren’t too serious Fushiguro, to your health and this pizza.” Yuji took a large bite from his slice while Nobara had another small piece. The dark haired boy looked between his friends, “You guys could’ve brought me something easier to digest.”
“No complaining.” Nobara spoke with her mouth open.
“Apparently I got off easier because my cursed was all gone and Ieiri was able to fix me up as soon as the roots were removed.” Megumi saw your ears perk up at the mention of his injuries. “Oh so that’s what happened?” Yuji swallowed his food. “You should know, you fought against them too didn’t you?” The pink haired boy nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “Itadori,” Megumi turned to Yuji who paused with his mouth open midbite, “You know you’ve grown a lot stronger. Before we both said that we stood by our convictions, I still think that’s true. But then on the other hand you could we’re both wrong about all of that.” Out of the corner of his eye, Megumi saw you turn you head slightly towards him, dimly glowing grey lilac eyes watching him. “Some question don’t have any answers,” Nobara placed her face on her palm, “Don’t think so hard, you’ll go bald.” Megumi sighed, “You’re right. I know it’s just a matter of trying to accept it.” He looked down at his bedding, “But why accept something you don’t want, only weak sorcerers do that. So I’ve decided,” His dark eyes met Yuji’s brown ones, “I’ll surpass you.” Yuji let out a laugh, “You never change.” Nobara looked at the two boys annoyed, “Did I get left out of the conversation again?”
“I don’t think it makes you weak.” The trio turned to look at you, “Wouldn’t not knowing the answer make you strong? Since you are constantly looking for it, wouldn’t that make you brave? Or that one word, um...courageous?”
Nobara let out a bit of air, “Why does the curse always sound so wise.” You all laughed a little.
“There you go, that’s my brother and his friends for ya.”
You let out a yelp and fell off your chair, Todo had shown up out of nowhere at the end of Megumi’s bed. Yuji shot out of his seat and ran for the door, Todo hot on his tail. “Wait where are you going brother? Wait hold on!” The two sprinted, “Look I’m grateful for you but come on, give me a break!” Yuji jumped onto the roof.
The sun beat down on you as you sat in the dugout. “I can tell somethings been bothering you.” You tore your eyes off of Yuji and looked at Megumi in surprise, “I mean no one was okay after that fight but it seems like there’s something else going on with you.” You glanced down at the white baseball uniform you were forced to put on, “I feel like I betrayed everyone.” Megumi tried not to let shock cover his face. “Before the exchange event I did something I never thought I could do....I almost exercised my own soul.” Megumi’s eyes widened this time, “What do you m-”
“In the moment I thought it was the best plan. Afterwards though my cursed energy was extremely low, I was barely alive. The healing process was difficult, I was using my cursed energy to heal myself and try to repair the damage I had caused to my essence. I guess the constant use of my energy to heal and for my soul to regenerate was too much for me, it was like being in a tsunami, one minute the tide was low and then the next my senses would flood and every wall I put up was being destroyed.” You took a deep breath, “The days leading up to the exchange event I buried everything down and decided I would try to deal with it later but when I was in those woods...” Your mind wandered back to when you were almost consumed by the flower curse, “I ran into some curses outside of the perimeter and I was trapped. Since I buried everything, I could feel all of it pushing against the blockades, it was like I was the storm this time.” Megumi watched you pick at the fabric of your shorts, “I lost control...” Your fingers gripped the white fabric, “Then I lost it again when I was fighting that curse. I was so angry, so filled with hate, all I felt was kill. Kill, kill ,kill, there wasn’t another thought in my mind. They wanted to hurt you, Gojo, everyone and I couldn’t let that happen.” The dark haired sorcerer stared at you for awhile then ruffled your hair, “You’re okay now, we all are. You were able to pull yourself back and that’s what matters.” You swatted his hand away which made him chuckle. He and Gojo had said the same thing, you were able to snap out of it and that makes you strong. Even with their encouraging words there’s still a looming fear that sits at the back of your mind. What if you can’t stop yourself next time? You never want someone to look at you in fear, like Yuji had, ever again.
“Kugisaki snapped! It’s a free for all!” Yuji’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
You were playing outfield, furthest away and closest to the tree line. The first few plays went well but then there was another home run. Hit straight into the forest behind you, of course you wanted to win so you ran as fast as you could into the woodland. You could just see the ball soaring through the sky, smacking into leaves so hard they detached from the branches and fell to the ground. Your neck strained as you stared up at the flying sphere, you were right underneath it but then your sight was filled with brown then green then blackness. Your foot throbbed just a tiny bit, lifting your head up from the ground you noticed a tree root had tripped you up. Letting out a groan you pushed yourself up, "Stupid tree." Standing you looked around the forest for the ball. There was no sight of the white sphere.
"I lost it..." Pouting, you continued to walk around the trees in search for the baseball. In the distance you could hear leaves rustling, thinking it was someone on your team you called out, "Hey! Did you find it?" Running towards the noise, you pushed some branches out of the way and ended up in a small clearing. The sun peaked through the treetops and shined down on a large mass hunched over. It had large shoulders, the flesh stretched over muscle, the bones of its spine poked out from under it's skin, it's thighs were as large as you were, maybe even bigger, covering it was tattered pieces of a dirtied pink fabric. From where you were standing you couldn't see it's face, it's hunched over form obscured whatever you might've seen of the front of its body.
At the sound to your voice, the creatures head shot up. Long dark brown hair flinging around wildly before settling on the creatures big shoulders. It didn't turn towards you, just sat on its haunches, back stiff straight. A small voice came from the creatures direction, "What's wrong Mama?" A little pale blue boyish face peeked around the creatures large knee. Big round eyes gawked at the sight of you, and just when you made eye contact, the little boy disappeared behind the creature again. "Mama someone's here." The young voice wavered a bit. The long brown hair shifted forward and fell down as the creature looked down at the small boy then the creature let out a chuff and whined. Clenching your hands tight in nervousness, you spoke, "I'm sorry for scaring you, I promise I'm not here to hurt you. I've lost a ball and I need to find it." The large creature flinched at the sound of your voice and curled it's massive arms around, what you could only assume, the little boy in front of it. Despite the grip on the boy, he managed to wriggle to his way above the large forearms and looked at you again. "This ball?" He raised his small hand and in it sat your baseball. You nodded, "Yeah that one! You found it! Could I have it back?" The large round eyes filled with tears, "But I don't wanna give it back." The boy started to cry causing the creature to swaddle him and, for the first time, you saw the creatures face as it threw a glare over it's shoulder at you. She had a light brown eyes, a large brow bone which was furrowed as she glared at you, a button shaped nose, and a pair of pink lips which were set in a deep frown.
You swallowed, "Oh, um....I'm sorry but I need the ball to play my game" The little boys blue image fazed out and reappeared out of the large creatures arms a couple feet away from both of you. The small boy had a giant smile on his face as he let out a laugh and waved the ball in the air, "If you want it, then you're gonna have to catch me!" And with that he turned and sprinted in the direction you came from. You threw a quick glance towards the creature and she stared dumbstruck just like you did, both of you in disbelief over the child's rebellion. You looked back to where the boy once stood and made the realization, "he's running towards everyone..." The creature next to you whipped her head and stared at you wide eyed, she knew what you meant, the boy was running to the field, with all of the humans. In a second she was gone, her large form lumbering through the trees and shaking the ground as she went. You didn't wait too long after before you also took off to catch the boy.
"Wait! Please! They'll see you!" You yelled ahead hoping the creature and the little boy would stop, but neither of them did. If anything, the little boy ran faster. The creature let out a loud vocalization, something between a yell and a grunt, you assumed it was her way to communicate with the boy that he should listen and stop running. "It's dangerous! Please I just want the ball back!"
"No! Your stupid ball is mine!" A childish giggle sung out into the woods.
You groaned and doubled down on your speed. Your body ached a bit from the excessive use it had already been put through, but you knew if this boy or his 'Mama' were seen by any of the sorcerers, they'd be eradicated.
You could see the edge of the treeline coming up quickly, the creature in front of you must've seen it too cause she pushes off her haunches and leeped forward, grabbing the small boy and skidding to a halt. You caught up to them, you and 'Mama' huffing. "Please, please can I have the ball back?" The little boy wriggled and started whining, "No! Mama let me go! I wanna go!" His little feet dangled in the air as the creature held him above the ground. "Its dangerous out here, there's people who'll make you go away, forever. It's not safe to run around in these woods." You tried to reason with the little boy but was not having it. "You're lying! You're just saying that so I give you the ball back!" Once again his corporeal image fazed out of the space, the creature let out a loud yell as she turned 360 for her little blue boy.
Off in the distance, out in the baseball field, stood the child spirit. The cursed creature put a fist into the ground to push herself forward but you were faster.
"There you are Y/n!" Yuji's voice rang out as you broke out the treeline and ran straight towards the boy. Everyone stared as your knees hit the ground and curled your arms around an invisible body. You ignored everyone as you could feel the ground shaking from thundering steps. You let out the tiniest bit of energy to tether the little boy to you.
A loud yell is heard behind you, so close your hair flies about from the air expelled. Mama was not happy. "I've got him! I've got him, look, look" You turn and show the cursed creature the little boy in your hold.
"Y/N!" Multiple foot falls start approaching you. Whipping your head around you see Yuji rushing over to you. "No! Stay back, everything's okay!" The creature raised a fist and slammed it into the ground next to you, the little boy curled further into your arms and started to wail, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just wanted to have fun....I never get to play with anybody!" His little body shook with the tears and 'Mama' only got more angry. Her large fist was raised and ready to strike you, seeing as now you have officially become a threat. But before she's able to strike, Yuji is able to slide between the two of you and punch her. "Yuji don't!" You gasped as the creature stumbled backwards. Yuji advanced, "Don't attack her!" Your arms tightened around the little boy as his cries only grew louder.
You unwrapped one arm from the boy and shot a purple bolt out, aimed at Yuji.
Hey, how y'all doin'?😗 so ye, here part 9. I'm so sorry if it's shit and not the updated you wanted. I've had a huge change in my life and writing quickly got put on the back burner. I really am hoping I find the motivation to continue and finish this story. Let me know you liked this chapter! Much love <3
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