#I've been SO busy
kyuhu · 7 months
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how to draw horsies.png
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yasmeensh · 3 months
Story update
I got to write a good chunk of the opening these past two days. Excited to get more work done over March break. And I can't wait to get to writing more about my daughter T-T But she comes in a bit later in the story. Still in the first act, though.
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Some more character design doodles:
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backslashdelta · 1 month
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they don't know how you've haunted me, so stunningly
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samiisey · 1 year
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they (are dancing)
~( ˘▾˘~)
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eat-the-lemons · 1 month
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Quick Edwin sketch i did in class. Ignore the lack of proper hands and appreciate his smile
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movietimegirl · 4 months
Happy February everyone! It's Bad Batch month.
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Sorry I haven't been posting much; school has me all tied up. I've been very busy 😴. I am so glad I don't have classes on Wednesdays 😁.
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callixton · 4 months
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onlygenxhere · 11 months
Hide away from the world with me
Luke knocked at Julie’s door like she’d asked all of them to do so many times at this point he’d probably knock on door if it was open.
No answer.
She had to be in there though, where else could she be?
He really wanted to show her the song they had been working on at practice earlier. He thought he’d gotten the next verse fixed but needed her brilliant mind to confirm it really was as good as he thought.
He took a deep breath and he took his afterlife in his hands and walked though her bedroom door.
He stopped looking around at the seemingly empty room except for the large lump in the middle of the bed. Julie seemed to be buried completely under the covers.
At first he thought maybe she was asleep. He’d just seen her a couple hours ago at band practice just after dinner, but it wasn’t that late yet.
Julie tended to be a bit of a night owl like he was, even on a school night. So he was as little worried if she’d actually already gone to sleep.  
The comforter shifted, and then settled again, as he stood at the foot of her bed like a creep.
Still no response.
He should really leave, but what if she was sick?
He wasn’t sure how to check without scaring her. She obviously couldn’t hear him for some reason.
Pull the blanket back?
Stick his head through the blanket?
He chewed on his lip and swayed on his heels trying to make a decision.
He knew what he wanted to do…
Fuck it.
He kicked off his shoes and poofed under the bedspread beside her.
“Shit!” Julie jumped and dropped the phone she was holding and pulled out her ear buds. “Luke! You scared me to death, what the hell!?”
“Sorry, sorry!” I did all the things! I knocked and I called your name several times.” He bit his lip. “I was just worried when you didn’t respond and I didn’t know what else to do.”
She sighed and nodded taking deep breaths trying to slow her breathing back down. “Ok, ok, your second death has been postponed. What did you want?”
He finally gave her a good look and noticed the tear tracks on her cheeks. She wasn’t crying now but she definitely had been.
“Why are you under here Jules?”
She looked at him a long time. It was weird being under the comforter like this, like they were the only two people in the world.
“Sometimes I can get all in my head and I just need to go away, shut off the rest of the world and I need the illusion that the rest of the world has gone away from me… if that makes any sense?”
He nodded encouraging her to keep talking.
“So I’ll bury myself under the blankets, pull up a movie or some youtube, put in my ear buds and just… check out.”
Oh, that he understood. He generally didn’t need the blankets and the headphones to “checkout” but he could understand how they’d be helpful.
He reached up and swiped his thumb across her cheek. “But why were you crying?”
She turned away from him and tilted her head up blinking rapidly and sniffed.
“Oh shit Jules, I don’t mean to make you cry again.” He awkwardly patted her arm.
She giggled and glanced at him, her eyes shiny with unshed tears. “I know and it’s really stupid anyway.”
He was caught in that onyx gaze, her eyes almost black in the darkness under the comforter. “I’m sure it’s not.”
A tear escaped down her cheek and he couldn’t stop himself from wiping it away with his thumb.
She sighed and closed her eyes as another tear ran down her cheek. “Tonight was a really good practice.”
“It was.” He nodded even though her eyes were still closed.
“Sometimes it just hits me…” she started to get choked up and the tears ran more freely. “It hits me that my mom will never hear us play.” Julie opened her eyes and the pain and sadness shining through her tears was like a knife in his chest. “She would have loved the band.” She sobbed as she reached up to touch his face. “She would have loved you.”
Luke didn’t even think as he pulled her to his chest and held her tight as she started to sob.
Tears filled his own eyes as she cried and held him just as tight as he was holding her, like she might fall if either of them let go. “I got you Jules. I’ve got you I swear.” He whispered into her curls.  
He wished he could have met Rose too, if only to thank her for sending him to Julie like they suspected she had.
He ran his hand up and down her bare arm and whispered that everything would be ok even though he had no idea if everything would be ok or not.
Most days he tried not to think about it but he had no idea if they’d ever make a name for themselves as a band, what that might mean for him and his own family, or even how long they’d get to play music together… how long he’d get to stay… with her.
But as he whispered those words of assurance to her he tried to believe it himself too.
He hoped and he held her as his own tears slid down his cheeks.
He hoped that even after he was gone he’d still get to remember how she felt in his arms, what her skin felt like under his palm, what her hair smelled like tickling his nose, what her voice sounded like singing their words.
Eventually her tears subsided and Julie lifted her head off his chest and looked at him with red rimmed eyes. She reached up and wiped at his cheeks as he sniffed and turned away.
“No, no,” she pulled his eyes back to hers. “Don’t you dare hide from me after I just cried my eyes out all over your favorite shirt.”
He chuckled and glanced down at his Rush tee and couldn’t argue. “It’s just,” he sighed, “I was supposed to be comforting you, not the other way around.”
“Luke…” Julie breathed out and he shivered as her breath ghosted across his face. “We can comfort each other.”
“Of course,” she pushed his hair back off his face. “Remember,” she grinned at him. “We make each other better.”
“Yeah we do.” He smiled back at her, reaching up to tuck a curl behind her ear. His heart ached as he looked at the beautiful girl in his arms, so close and yet still so far way. She was alive in every way to everyone and he was only alive to her, for her.
“So,” she patted his chest. “Why did you come looking for me in the first place?”
He opened his mouth to tell her about the song and then closed it again. He didn’t want to break this spell they were under. He didn’t want to pull back the blanket yet and rejoin the rest of the world where she was a fifteen year old high school student and he was a seventeen year old ghost who had been dead for twenty five years.
“Could we maybe just stay under here a little while longer?” He bit his lip and nodded at her dropped phone. “Maybe watch something together?”
She looked at him for a long moment searching his eyes before simply nodding and picking up her phone and handing him one of her ear buds.
He placed it in his ear as she laid her head on his shoulder and propped her phone up on his chest. “I’ll start it over. I was only about twenty minutes in anyway and it’s not like I haven’t watched this a dozen times.”
As some old guy started talking about looking at stars and stars looking back at them Luke whispered against Julie’s temple. “What’s this movie about?”
She tilted her head up at him and grinned. “It’s a fairytale and its got action, humor, magic, true love, a great villain and a happy ending.” Julie snuggled back into his side with a contented sigh. “You’re going to love it.”
And he did.
He loved it.
Almost as much at the girl in his arms and this magical time together.
It reminded him of a movie he’d seen as a kid with his mom. It was everything she said and more and when Yvaine was the one to save Tristan in the end he couldn’t help thinking about how Julie had saved him and the guys with her own magical glowing hug just a few weeks before.
Julie threw the comforter off their heads as the credits started to roll and turned to look at him.
“Time to get back to reality?” he pouted.
She looked down and traced lazy circles on his sternum. “We can’t hide forever.”
He tilted her chin up to look at him. “But maybe…” he chewed on his lip. “We could do this again another day?”
The smile that broke out on her face was blinding.
“Yeah,” He smiled back at her, “Maybe we could watch The Princess Bride next time?”
“Ok,” She giggled and pushed herself up to sit beside him. “So are you ready to tell me why you came in here in the first place?”
He gaped at her. Only Julie Molina could make him forget about writing a song. “I think I’ve got the second verse of the new song.”
She bounced on the bed. “Oh, show me.”
And he did.
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usermonae · 1 year
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PHILIP BANKS & VIVIAN BANKS Bel-Air | 2.10 - Don't Look Back
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
So, I had a little thought in my brain. The rumors about Audric ending Elias when he erupts. Like it's no doubt he hears the stuff people say. Has Elias ever asked or joked about it? Does he find a little joy in knowing his brother will take care of him?
Even Elias would know better than to joke around about this sort of topic with Audric no matter how Elias himself actually feels about it.
When they were small Elias definitely looked up to his older brother with stars in his eyes and had absolutely no shame in always requesting Audric would play the hero in any make-believe adventures... but Elias has withdrawn drastically over the years, and is no longer so freely open as he once was. Still, I think it'd be hard to shake the image he has of his brother. Deep down he's hoping everything will always play out like their childish games of pretend.
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mirkwood · 9 days
Melkor. Feanor. Feanormelkor even.
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itssotragic · 1 month
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Title: Sleepless Rated: Explicit (Barely) Ship: Damian Priest/Dominik Mysterio Tags: Nightmares, cosmic horror, existential angst, shame, fear-based arousal, sleepy oral sex, comfort, daddy kink (if you squint)
After an unsettling nightmare leaves him shaken, Dom turns to Damian for comfort.
Written for @whumpril, prompt #11: Can't Sleep
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missmetus · 8 months
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New OC: Mavi.
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farore-or-less · 7 months
“Yeah, I think I’ve been possessed by a baking ghost.”
She scoffs. “Maybe it’s this apron.” Her fingers are rimming the edges of the black fabric as she hums. Deeper, more suggestive, eyes roaming his biceps until her gaze falls on the patch of flour on his cheek and she bites her lower lip. Link knows that look.
“Zelda,” he whines, “I have a pie in the oven.”
“So do I.”
Cute Smut / Seasonal / Fluff / Pregnant Zelda / Baker Link
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darkmothsy · 1 month
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Time for change both in life but mainly my hair
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caelxin · 2 months
Grief, as I walked my way through it, was an ocean of red and slowly, I find myself looking up to clear blue skies.
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