#I'm writing this tired af
cass-honest-opinion · 11 months
Day 1 of watching movies / series Charles Dance played in : Dracula Untold (2014)
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Before we start : I am no expert in movies or cinematography. This is purely for fun :]
Also ⚠️ Spoiler Warning ⚠️ (ig)
About Charles Dance :
I'm going to be 100 % honest... The moment he started talking, I (s)creamed because OH MY GOD I love this man's voice 😭
But truth needs to be told... Why does he look so goofy pls I am literally on the floor
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Well after this clear jumpscare I had to get another one with this tongue scene 💀 Listen I believe myself to be kinky but.... That was something 😭
But jokes aside, he plays a really badass character and I didn't expect him to have that much dialogue which was a pleasant surprise :]
And I got to see him in a suit which may happen often but I will still cherish every occasions I see it happen 😤
About the movie :
One thing that I clearly enjoyed are the clothes. I have no clue if they're historically accurate to the time of Vlad the Impaler but they didn't feel out of place and many gave me gender envy 👌
Some scenes were, imo, breathtaking in the sense that they were interesting to watch. The first major battle with how the sword reflected a part of the fight made me smile since it isn't something I've seen often, especially that well done.
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Tho the final dual was more flashy than realistic, it was still fun to watch :D But I must say that there was no suspense on who was going to win.
Also Vlad's love for his child makes me so emotional T-T and the ending OMG
In the ending Charles Dance looks so sexy I can't believe it 😭😭😭 I'M SORRY BUT LOOK AT HIM 👁️👁️ HE IS BEAUTIFUL 😩
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And the last line being a line said before during a dramatic moment is a classic way of ending a movie but still one that makes my brain go feral when well done.
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Overall thoughts :
I mean the movie was apparently badly rated which surpised me because I genuinely enjoyed it and the visual effects / CGI were well done imo
I've seen people complain about the repetitive action and I can see why. I agree that the first major battle lasted a bit too long but it doesn't get boring for the viewer since the camera doesn't constantly follow Vlad and there are interesting ideas such as the sword mentionned before.
Will I forget about this movie 3 days later ? Yes. I mean I do that with all movies unless they really do something to my brain, which barely happens, even with great movies :]
Disclaimer :
I do no rate movies as as long there is one thing I enjoyed, it's directly a 10/10 for me so you guessed it, I would rate almost everything 10/10, therefore making the rating lose its value :(
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xhanisai · 11 months
hey lads if you’re not gonna comment on a fic you enjoyed, at least leave a kudos man
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worldweaveralicya · 20 days
Intro Post
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Greetings fellow mortals and travellers from beyond! I'm Alicya, an aspiring writer.
Here are some facts about me:
She/her (but they/them works too)
Young, but an adult (18+)
Writes/reads mostly stories with fantasy elements
Will share my personal thoughts about writing here, so what I'll talk about definitely won't work for everyone
If I were a trope, I'd probably be:
"opposites attract"
What I'm okay with:
Asks & Messages & Tags
No NSFW, please
Thank you for reading!
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hippolotamus · 8 months
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WIP Wednesday 🛋️
Tagged by the talented and madness inducing @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @weewootruck @daffi-990 Thank you loves! 💖
no pressure tagging @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck my love @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @eddiediaztho @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @your-catfish-friend @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @eowon @ladydorian05 @apothecarose @vanillahigh00 @rmd-writes @welcometololaland absolute LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @spaceprincessem @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @gayedmundodiaz and anyone else who wants to (please tag me if you decide to participate so i can ohh and ahh over your work)
from you're where I wanna go after this snippet
“Penny for your thoughts?” Lucy asks. She’s sunk further into the couch, leaning back at an angle with both legs tucked beneath her, and one stockinged foot dangling off the edge.  He debates whether he wants to tell her that his brain is scattered in different directions. How he’s rejoicing about never having to confront his mother again, while lamenting that he couldn’t be someone she loves. How he’s secured something of a future for his sister knowing they may never see each other again.  Ultimately he decides to keep it all to himself. In his current unguarded state he’s likely to keep talking and eventually say something about Eddie. That's a wound he’s unwilling to cut open tonight.  “Just tired I suppose.” He stands up and moves to replace the chair. “Think I’m going to change out of this stuffy suit and get some sleep. Obviously you can take the bed.” Buck walks away before she can call his bluff. He changes into pajamas and brushes his teeth in the bathroom connected to the bedroom. When he comes out Lucy is sitting on the edge of the mattress, still in her dress and fiddling with her wedding band. He studies her for a moment, sensing the weight of his own ring and all the expectations it carries. “Regrets?” He can’t help but ask even though she laid out the terms of their arrangement.  Lucy lifts her head to meet his gaze. The left corner of her mouth turns up in a half smile, but her eyes tell a different story. There’s a sort of dolefulness in them that makes him wonder about any disappointments or heartbreaks she might have tucked away in the name of self preservation. If perhaps she has an Eddie in her past. Neither one of them has offered much beyond superficial information so he supposes it’s possible. “No.” She shakes her head and busies her hands with unpinning her hair. “No regrets. Not about this.” About what then? He wants to ask, but it’s none of his business. Instead he lets her answer be enough, deciding that she’ll tell him if she wants to. “See you in the morning then, Miss Donato?” That gets her to smile – a real one – and simultaneously eases some of his own maudlin thoughts.  “See you in the morning, Mr. Buckley.” He retreats to the sitting room, closing the bedroom door behind him. A pillow and extra blankets, that Lucy must have put there, are already waiting for him. He huffs an amused chuckle and begins making himself comfortable. The couch is, fortunately, long enough for him to stretch his legs without hitting against the armrest.  After what is probably several minutes, but feels like mere seconds, his eyelids grow heavy, encouraging him to let go of the day. To rest for the journey ahead. And when Buck wakes in the morning, he realizes that his dreams were blissfully empty. There were no traces of coffee colored irises capable of piercing his soul, calloused hands made rough from labor that manage to caress with an unexpected gentleness, or perfect teeth behind plush lips that bite and soothe. While it’s likely for the best – is it really? – that knowledge doesn’t stop the fear that Eddie is beginning to slip away from him permanently.
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denalilily · 6 months
✨☃️ Twilight Advent Calendar - Day 5 ☃️✨
What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they should try someday?
Carlisle - all his favorite college fields have something to do with medicine and healthcare. His favorite fields so far have been general surgery and trauma medicine. He knows he has a gift of staying calm and collected in the middle of panicky chaos, and uses it to its full advantage to help people.
Esme - her favorite field is architecture, which she has incorporated some of her other skills into (like art). She has used her skills and money to design a beautiful house as a shelter for women in abusive relationships where they can get the support and help they need. She prefers to not directly interact with humans, but has thought about becoming a therapist some day.
Edward - he enjoys molecular biology and philosophy most of all the fields he's studied. He studied at the theatre one year in an attempt to become an opera singer. No one lets him forget it.
Rosalie - her favorite field is astrophysics, which she has multiple degrees in, loving the look on people's faces when they realize she's a blonde supermodel who's an actual rocket scientist. She's also worked as an OBGYN in a hospital with Carlisle, which she loved but eventually, it got too painful for her to be around babies and pregnant women every day.
Emmett - he's mostly studied fields related to fitness and his favorite is kinesiology, and he usually uses that degree to go on to become a personal trainer. He's also a professional chef and has worked in high end restaurants.
Alice - she's an expert on business and economics and has multiple degrees in it, but her favorite will always be fashion design. She's also worked as a party planner and a professional dancer/gymnast.
Jasper - world history and American history, but usually chooses to study in a military academy and his favorite job is air force pilot. He sometimes works summers at amusement parks or water parks to bask in the happy emotions of humans.
Bella - English literature and environmental biology, especially botany
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lossie92 · 8 months
This whole year is honestly just one bad thing after another, and at this point I don't even know of I should wish for it to end already. I'm kind of scared of 2024 ngl...
Anyway, it might take a bit before I post more art. I dislocated my shoulder again and this time it's pretty bad (I tore my biceps weee). At least 3 weeks of minimal activity sounds awful, but 🤷 Can't do anything about that, I guess.
Good news is I might be able to post an update or a new story. We'll see which. Currently I'm leaning towards either angst/whump or sth spicy, but my writing mood changes a lot these days. Part of the reason it's taking me so long to post anything new is that I keep jumping between WIPs lol.
Tbh you might even get that kakairu abo fic finally, who tf knows at this point?
If you would like me to share a snippet of sth or just wanna talk idk, feel free to sent me an ask. It's open inbox night lol
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ugh, i wanna write so badly y'all but i just do not have the motivation for some reason 😭
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Why does Simons story kinda change about the old driver?
(Slight spoilers for Colored Gaze demo)
We all know that something happened to the old driver but the only information we get about him is through Simon, but while I was rewatching gameplay for the 28th time I realized his story kinda changes depending on how you greet him.
Being friendly and introducing yourself gets this dialog:
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BUT if your suspicious about Simon you get this dialog instead:
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Notice how Simon says NOTHING about the "accident" being work related or done by a car of something like that even though that's what the MC guessed it was?
Also why does Simon go into more detail if MC is rude?
I shouldn't go to much into this next thing because spoilers (I read the Twitter and that other CC I know way to much) but Simon also injured his leg in a "accident" that got him stuck with It so there's my first red flag right there.
I dont know if this will actually mean anything but I remeber in a Twitter post with art of Simon the caption was "No one's able to bully him anymore after the fusion..." and plus Simon does say something about his other coworkers being rude so 👀
Plus the C.C said something about It "scavenging" at night but I'm not 100% sure yet what that could mean although I have a very good idea on what it is though.
Its also been said that if you want It to like you more to fees it fresh meat so It more than likely eats humans.
So maybe It/Simon did something to the old driver? Its been kinda alluded to on the C.C but we'll have to wait until the next update
I would put more rn but its 3:12 am where I am so I'm tired as fuck rn sorry-
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lieximhuman · 15 days
wait i was just scrolling your blog and i saw that the summer hikaru died got an anime adaption confirmed, i've seen you posting abt it before but i have no idea what it's about could u like give me an overview/tell me abt your favorite characters or smth bc i'm interested in it and i'd rather ask you than google for an exciting synopsis 😭 (don't feel forced to respond to this, this is my weird way of reaching out bc hi we've been mutuals for a while but we never really talk <//3)
Hiiiii <3 yes ofccc (I'll try to do a spoiler-free version wich cuts out some main themes😭) Also additional apologies for my English cuz 💀💀 second language and all, and if I make any mistakes story-wise TwT
Honestly, I recommend reading the first chapter, it's pretty direct in what the themes are and who our main characters are and "represent". It's not like most manga that drags it on for a couple of chapters, I can private chat the link or u can just look it up since it's easy to find (I do NOT recommend starting through the one-shot/ chapter 0 btw!!).
Oh, and the art. God. The art is absolutely stunning so yea, the story works a lot better visually than what I can tell.
So! Those main characters are 'Hikaru' and Yoshiki, mainly Yoshiki. They are childhood friends and in their second year of high school (or third year in the complete four-year American system) living in a small town. In that sense it's a slice of life, going to school with friends and having fun. But!! The town is almost "haunted", it's full of ghosts and some citizens can see/ feel/ hear those, those ghosts aren't exactly evil but they can hurt the living. So it's also a horror with a detective-ish thing going on (with gore aspects too) because of those monsters and what they do and them trying to figure out how everything works because it's being hidden from them by the village elders almost.
It also focuses a lot on the emotional journey of the characters, mainly towards grief (oh the grief! very well represented and relatable :,/) and friendship. It's really striking when you see how the characters move their face and bodies to show those emotions even tho the speech is also incredible. It's as if the characters are actually real, they have their own little quirks with how they talk and move.
Some people also see it as a BL, which yes... it does have some queer aspects to it but I wouldn't consider it an actual possibility of the two main characters having a true romantic development. But I would say Yoshiki is queer. Also, it does have some - although rare - sensual(???) aspects but you get to see more through that later, which is very interesting.
-> SO, YEA. Main points:
astronomically beautiful gorgeous art in every panel
great characterization
interesting cast (both kids and adults)
interesting and deep lore!
death/ grief
moral dilemmas
Good mix of slice-of-life, horror and mystery
the characters are adorable holly hell <3
It's gutwrenching in the way you really feel it in the gut ahahaha
I really hope this was helpful/ entertaining and that if you do end up reading it that we can talk loads abt it <3 !!! Even if this was like... just me rambling and maybe incomprehensible 💀
Also not sure how the anime adaptation is even gonna turn out! Really hoping I somehow get to watch it tho ^u^ Plus, my favorite character... I don't know? I like the MC's but outside of them I like Asako cuz she speaks in emojis lol
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vermillioncrown · 5 months
this week my joke about getting to ask mr. glitch and mr. mob got realized, i got an answer
but now i just have more questions
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inkblackorchid · 7 months
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Btw. I completed chapter 5 of the WIP in between. I've just been so tired the last few days that I forgot to post about it.....
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xhanisai · 11 months
I do kind of feel a bit spoilt with how the fandom pre-pandemic would share my work easily (fics getting hundreds and even thousands of notes on tumblr and on AO3 immediately and arts getting thousands of notes too). Back then, my work was so eUGH compared to the work I create now which is so much more polished and well thought out.
And now? It’s such a struggle for my art to reach even a hundred notes on this app alone and my fics take a long time to accumulate some attention on ao3. At first I thought it was because my creations have gotten WORSE lol but then I realised it’s been happening to all my friends too online.
Kinda sad tbh.
#delete later#i know that X amount of likes or notes on work doesn't necessarily mean that it's great quality#but i like seeing and knowing that people out there on the internet are enjoying what i put out#and i want more people to see what i can do if that makes sense?#my mentality is a little fucked right now because in the past i created mainly for me and i enjoyed what i did to an extent#but now i'm at that stupid stage where i hate everything i draw and get bored of my own writing and i don't like that#so validation online sort of helps with that mentality to go away#i can't keep up with internet art trends to get the attention on my work that i want that is not a realistic and healthy way of life#and i refuse to touch any salt or negativity in the ml fandom just to get the hivemind to find my work#my most popular work on ao3 is only popular because of lila karma and that makes me so mad because i write 100000x better than that LMAO#but people just wanna see a 14 yr old italian nightmare girl get expelled from school over and over again and i'm just tired af of it#as for art with twitter it's a bit of a russian roulette#you don't know what will be a banger and what won't unless you pay special attention or have a decent following or are always grinding#i don't think my art is for tumblr#i do appreciate the few people who always love and reblog it but i've always known from the start that my art isn't what would be popular#on this hellsite#oh well it is what it is#also don't worry i'm never gonna stop drawing nor am i ever gonna stop writing those two are literally my only outlets of my life#and the only way i can get emotions and feelings out of my body without exploding#and i am still madly in love with ML and will always be obsessed with it#i just miss how the prepandemic fandom would interact with my work and let me know what they thought and all the asks they sent about the#aus i created#it was a good period on this hellsite for me
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nessinborderland · 1 year
Memes that define me rn
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sonicprim3d · 8 months
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Guess who came home yesterday
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diemauer · 15 days
so tired of not having any energy to write and to focus tonight
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kitaishi · 4 months
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