#I'm trying to sleep but I can't so I thought ranting a little might help get this off my chest
twpsyn-who · 2 years
I kinda want to break up with my boyfriend, but when I started this relationship I told myself I wouldn't be the one to break things again and I would actually fucking try to make things work BUT that's exactly what I have been trying since we started dating and I feel like we really don't work on long term and now he kinda annoyed the shit out of me these last two weeks and I hate myself because my brain wants to use that as an excuse to break up which is unfair to him. Like is not his fault I had a bad day man. That's my fucking personality he just got lucky enough to only see me in a bad mood twice. (I really try my best to stop being so mean and easy to annoy in those moments, but yk how's life).
Is just... we are so similar as a personality which I thought it would be good (cuz yk relating and stuff like that- and would also kinda force us from our comfort zone, both being shy and stuff) but is actually NOT and we have some things in common but actually nothing at all. I think our main talking subject is work cuz we don't know what to talk about anything else. We tried to agree to watch something together and talk about it but... yeah. And I don't think it would have worked, taking in consideration that we watched Thor Love & Thunder together and all we said was that it was ok the movie and moved on. Like I literally tried to ask him if he has any favorite scenes and stuffs like that and gave me nothing to work with. And I had a lot to say about that movie, but idk he makes me feel weird trying to talk about stuffs like that. I hate it. That I don't feel comfortable enough to talk about things I like. And I'm thinking maybe that's the case for him too, yk? And it sucks cuz it kinda forces us on standby.
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winterrrnight · 6 months
hi! i was wondering if you could write relationship headcanons about zach maclaren from the other zoey? 🫶😊
I just have so many zach thoughts all the time because he's literally my dream boyfriend. thank you for this request anon!! I hope you love reading this <3
dating zach maclaren
— zach maclaren hearcanons
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warning: mention of accidently cutting while cooking
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Zach is just about the most perfect boyfriend you could ever have.
His love language is quality time. No matter what, he will always find time in his schedule to spend with you.
He comes over to your place often, mostly surprising you because you weren't expecting him, but slowly over the course of time you get used to his random pop ins.
He loves to sit down with you and just, talk. About anything. He will listen to your rants, about what you ate today, a shitty day at your university, basically anything.
And he'll be listening very carefully, not missing any detail, and if you're ranting about something which is troubling you, he'll try to help you and almost 9 out of 10 times his advice is the best one you can get.
He'll take you to dates often, and he's definitely the kind of person who'll just take you on a long drive so you both can just listen and sing to your favorite album together.
Without a thought, I believe he has a second love language too, and that is acts of service.
You're hungry? He'll whip the best meal for you in under 15 minutes.
Your car has a flat tire? He'll fix that for you right up.
You accidentally cut yourself while making some food? He'll bandage you just the next second.
His family adores you, so you are often invited at family dinners at their place, and you always love to go.
Avery, his little sister, gets attached to you quickly and looks at you like her best friend.
You and Zach are the best team basically, anywhere.
If it's family game night at his place, you know you both will win.
If it's a game night with your friends, you both are going to win, it's decided.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, Zach loves to kiss your hands; your palms, your knuckles, the back of your hand, he'll press kisses to your skin often.
He's also the most amazing book boyfriend ever. His gifts to you are mostly books, and they are definitely the books from your 'to be read'.
Since he's a part of his university soccer team, you absolutely love to go to his matches.
He will be pretty anxious before them, but a quick pep talk from you will cheer him right up, and he'll play with all his might.
You are always wearing a jersey with his name and number on it, he gives one to you each time his team wins a match (you have so many now it's hard to keep count).
Just as his team wins a match, you cheer out so loud for him, and he's quick to run up to you and hug you so tightly.
"I'm so proud of you," you will whisper to him, and he'll just melt on the spot.
You both don't argue very often, usually settling to talk out the misunderstanding and find a solution that suits you both.
But if the quarrel doesn't seem to find it's end and just goes on, Zach knows he hates being in this position, especially when it leads to him having to sleep in a different room than yours.
But your sheets are cold and empty, and you know you need him.
You would make your way to the room he's in, and he's lying in the bed, all coiled up because he also finds your absence to be cold.
You will snuggle in next to him and press a kiss on his arm, mumbling a 'sorry' as you realise how ridiculous your argument was.
His response would be to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you in impossibly closer.
But there's one thing he can't help you with, and that is studying.
He is the worst study buddy to have. He can't sit silently, he can't focus on his work for more than 15 minutes, so what is the next obvious thing to do?
Annoy you, of course.
He's tapping your arm to tell you the worst dad jokes ever, or to just distract you.
"But, I love you so much baby!"
"Shut up Zach."
You always accompany his family to their yearly winter ski trip. You learnt how to ski with them and now you're a pro.
You always have huge snowball fights with Zach, which always end in him picking you up and dropping you both on the ground as you try to stop laughing.
You would also make a huge snowman with him, and naming him 'Burt' because he said so and you can't convince him.
To sum it up, I think of Zach Maclaren as Phil Dunphy.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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italianhomosexuality · 3 months
rant to me (i like the sound, i like your voice) on ao3
“Nico! You're finally here!”
The ever too-chipper voice took Nico out of his thoughts. He had plans that consisted of brooding and staring, but it seems like Will Solace didn't think that behavior is appropriate for a party.
If whatever it is that's happening can even be considered a party; the Apollo cabin and some other campers decided to get together near the lake, with some soda cans, Doritos bags, and sour gummy worms. There's some music playing and chatter going around, but Nico's foam earplugs do a great job at keeping the volume low enough so that it's not overwhelming. He plays with his fingers, practicing the alphabet in sign language. Tatiana, a daughter of Nemesis, was hard of hearing. Nico became close to her since both of them would usually sit in the shadows, a few feet away from the crowds. It was easy to be around her, and he was making an effort to learn sign.
Will's voice was a little muffled by the earplugs, but taking them out would be much worse. Nico just gestured towards him, pointing in a general direction that is a little further from the noise and confusion. Will understood, because of course he did. They walked a few steps in silence, and Nico didn't bother correcting Will that he'd been here for a few good minutes now, he just didn't want to interrupt Will's conversation with Connor.
He wasn't wearing his usual orange shirt; the blue fabric suits his eyes and looks nice under the moonlight. Nico knew he's clad in cargo shorts and flip-flops without even having to look down—that's what he wears all the time, even when Nico thinks about him before going to sleep, when he thinks of the two of them under the soft orange of a sunset, sharing McDonald's fries, maybe making jokes, hands just one or two millimeters away from each other, itching to touch, aching to be intertwined…
He couldn't afford to think about that right now.
As they reached a tree, Nico offered Will a sweet smile. They were far from the crowd, watching from a distance so that they could hold a conversation even with the earplugs. It's the little things Will does; the accommodations, the giving, the gifting, the understanding, the treating him as an equal that makes Nico have some thoughts that he'd rather keep to himself.
(“Nico, I've noticed you wince and flinch when it gets too loud. What do you think of trying some earplugs? They might help. I wear them sometimes.”)
(“Nico, can you come body double me? I need to clean the infirmary and I can't do it if I'm just there by myself.”)
(“Nico, I have bad days too.”)
(“Nico, would you mind hanging around for just a little longer? I had to treat a head injury today. I don't think I'll ever get over it.”)
“Have you been having fun?” Nico asked, feeling the deep rumble of his voice in his chest. He only now noticed how Will's eyelids and cheekbones seemed to sparkle and glimmer under the moonlight. Lou Ellen must have been experimenting with makeup again.
“Yes! It's been good.” Will raised his voice just enough so Nico could still hear him through the earplugs. It's the little things, Nico's brain supplied.
“How was your day?”
After a lot of practicing with other campers, Nico realized that he enjoyed asking questions. They were an easy way of navigating a conversation and he had a premade list of questions to use in any social setting. For the most part, he asked and listened, keeping only a few bits of information, glancing at the other person's forehead and nose bridge occasionally to mimic eye contact. With Will, however, he didn't have to overthink. He'd ask, but because he actually wanted to know. He'd look at the ground while paying the most attention he's ever paid. He'd fidget and fiddle with his necklace, humming and nodding, while storing every single bit of Will's stories, stitching guides, camp rules, and so much more.
“It wasn't that great, if I'm being honest,” Will said, picking at his fingernails, “but I've been managing. It was just… hard. At the infirmary. Being by myself.”
“You could have asked me for help,” Nico said, swinging back and forth on his ankles. “I didn't do much today. I could have at least been around. Make you feel less lonely.”
Ever since Will started opening up about his mental health and struggles with himself, Nico found it easier to do so, too. Some campers thought of the Head Counselor of the Apollo cabin as this perfect, do-no-wrong, ever-happy, feel-good Care Bear. Will played the part really well, having fooled Nico at the start, but then he understood. He saw the insecurities, the blood—Will's own—pooling and drying around his fingernails, the teeth marks on the bottom lip, the nervous ticks that would come out after an especially long day. Sometimes, though their wounds were far from equal, Nico felt as if he was looking into a mirror. Maybe not a mirror, but a murky reflection on a lake. A resemblance, something similar enough to his own, but with different shapes and jagged edges.
So, as Will listed his fears and how he wished so, so badly he could be someone else, Nico felt comfortable enough, for the first time in his life, to revisit his self-hatred and coax it out for a walk. Will took it and acknowledged it, but didn't yell at it or scare it away. It was almost as if he said, “Hey, I have that, too,” and Nico finally understood the many meanings of the word gratitude.
Nico never thought he'd be able to help someone feel less lonely. He'd also never thought he'd withstand a party—a get-together—just to catch a glimpse of blonde, defined curls and butterfly-blue eyes.
It's the little things.
“I know what you will say, but…” Will caught himself, stopping mid-sentence. “I didn't want to be a bother. A hypocrite, I know, but this happens sometimes. I'll try to not let it happen again.”
“Good.” Nico smiled, feeling the warmth from inside.
It was warm enough that he'd ditched the aviator jacket, but he still kept the jeans. The breeze coming from the lake was a nice touch to the night. He looked down, finding a spot dry enough for both of them to sit, and reached out to tug at Will's hand.
He couldn't pinpoint when he had gotten so… used to physical contact. When he had started to initiate it, even. But then again, he couldn't pinpoint when Will had become Will.
Will took the hint and sat down right beside Nico, scooting closer to him so that the skin on his calf touched the black denim. It was a common position to them. Comfortable. Nico's back didn't hurt as much and he didn't feel pressured to maintain eye contact. Will got to relax his posture and relax his legs from standing all day.
“Do you want to talk about what happened today?” Nico initiated, fingers tapping on his knee. “About what made you not have such a great day.”
No one had ever ranted to Nico. They were always afraid he wouldn't care or that they would be putting too much on him, as if he were a thin, fragile table, built to break at any point. Will didn't.
So Will said, “Yeah, I think that will help,” and started.
Nico listened.
He made sure to store every tidbit of information in his Will Solace-shaped mental drawer. He would remember, in the future, that the infirmary had a shortage of darker-colored band-aids, and he would point it out next time he and Will went supply shopping. He would remember, in the future, that Kayla had offered Will coffee with hazelnut creamer and he drank it all so as to not dismiss her, but he actually hated that flavor.
(Nico already knew that. If he wasn't having his coffee black, french vanilla was the go-to.)
He would remember how Will's fingers flexed as he told Nico how he had to patch up this new camper, almost as if he was going through the motions again. He would remember how Cecil's comment about his off-tune singing while washing his hands post-procedure made Will's heart sting, though he was used to the mockery, but it just hadn't been a good day. He would remember that Will hadn't slept well that day because the sheets had been recently washed and someone had used fabric softener on them, causing the texture to be plastic-like and that it made Will's skin itch. He would remember, and he would fight against every part of his brain that forced him to forget.
Once Will deemed his rant finished, Nico finally looked at him. He looked… pretty. The golden hue that came from the sun was perfect for Will's features, but the silver complimented him. It was the missing part. It hit his skin and bounced right back, catching on the glitter on his eyelids, cheekbones, and cupid's bow, making the chapstick on his lips shine a little more, exposing the chipped pink nail polish on his fingernails.
Nico didn't think boys were supposed to be considered pretty, but most common rules made no sense to him, anyway. Will was pretty. Accepting that fact had been complicated enough. He would not put up a fight against his thoughts.
“I like hearing you talk,” Nico confessed, straightforward as always. “The sound of your voice is very calming, like a stream of water. Constant.”
“That was a very sweet compliment, Nico,” Will replied, smiling wide. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
In the background, the party was still happening. Nico could hear laughter, cans being opened, fire crackling, stomping, soft tones and chords. But Will was next to him, seemingly not wanting to go back to the crowd, so he just settled into his makeshift seat a little more.
Maybe, in the future, Nico could ask Will if he liked him back. For now, he'd rather keep making a list of the little things. Little by little, he could have Will. He just needed some time to build up courage. Maybe, in the future, Will would slip out his ideal love confession or first date.
Nico would remember.
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aokoaoi · 2 years
Can you pls do a shuri x reader where they are dating but shuri has been neglecting reader so reader gets mad and they fight and in a fit of rage, reader takes off her kimoyo beads and disappears from the places for some hours and shuri gets worried+ even more upset...etc etc
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭. part one.
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᪥ pairings : shuri x fem!reader.
᪥ warnings : arguing. yelling. meanie shuri and mc. horribly written angst.
᪥ authors note : im genuinely horrible at writing arguing scenes.. but I tried so:p
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Being the Queen's significant other was the last thing you've expected what your future had in stored for you. That's right, Queen.
Shuri took the title of Queen after her beloved mothers death. But she has thought about making you Queen after marrying you while she continued to be black panther. Plus, she thinks you'd fit the role.
You two were always seen together. Doing all sorts of reckless and fun things together. You both were basically called 'inseparable' by practically half the population of Wakanda.
But you can't help the question of 'where's shuri' trigger you when you walk alone in the streets of Wakanda.
'Where's Shuri?' You may ask? Oh, back in her lab doing 'something' as she said.
Lately, your lover hasn't been giving you much time unlike before. When you try to visit her, give her her usual favorite pecks on the faces, she'd just reply with a simple 'hello, dearest' give you a peck on the cheek and go back to her work.
Now, you tried to be an understanding lovable partner, but this has been going on for days. Days, for good Lord!
All this 'I'm doing work' was driving you shitbat crazy. You barely see her everytime you go to sleep because of how long she stays up to finish her work.
'Oh, (name), it might be for you'
No. It wasn't. Not that you were upset it wasn't. You were simply upset because of how little attention you were getting nowadays.
You miss when you both were constantly smothering eachother with affection. When you both to constant dates for practically everyday. When you both lull one after the other to sleep, with the other in the embrace of the other.
But now it was like she was losing all love for you.
She barely looked at you anymore, barely came to greet you goodmoring because of how early she wakes up just for her work.
Okoye has seen the masked irritation you hid, and all she gave you were wide, concerned eyes, praying for what may come to their Queen.
The stabbing of utensils on the plate was enough to drive her insane as well. Like, just listening to the sound of the utensils scraping on the plate, how could you not hear such irritating sounds you were making?
Probably because you were irritated yourself.
You've tried to give Shuri a subtle talk. And guess what, she was barely listening. It all happened with a 'shuri, are you listening.' Then a 'What was that, love?' And an irritated sound came from your mouth, leaving you stomping out of the lab.
Were you being childish..? Perhaps.
Was the reason of the childishness fair? Of fucking course?
You were done being treated like you're invisible by your own lover. So you're gonna go back into that lab, have a serious talk with her, and probably rant about how much irritation she's been giving you.
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As always, as soon as you stepped into the lab, no one else was in there. Shuri probably kicked everyone out because she wants some alone time with her work.
You immediately walked towards where you think she's at, the heel of your heeled sandals loudly clacking on the floor.
"Shuri." You called out as soon as you saw her. She didn't turn, nor did she even glance. She went on to her work as if she hadn't heard you.
"Shuri, dearest, we need to talk." You ordered. Finally, she looks at you, a neutral look on her face, "(name), I'm busy, can we do this later?" She questioned you, turning back onto her work.
You snapped. Your hand moved to cover the paperwork laying on the white marbled counters, loudly making a thud sound. Now that it's covered, she didn't have anything to focus on aside from you.
Her dark eyes landed on your face, her furrowed brows matching with a glare.
"See, this is what the problem is." You began, loudly huffing. Your hand stayed covering the papers, putting pressure on it as if someone's gonna take it from you.
Shuri grunts, "What problem? There's no problem here, (name). Now can you give me my papers so I can finish this?" She says dismissively, trying to pull away your hand from her crumpling papers.
You looked at her I'm disbelief, shaking your head. "Are you honestly oblivious of how much you've been neglecting me?" The latter looks at you, confused.
"Why would I be neglecting you? You're my lover." She questioned incredulously.
"For now! Shuri, you barely even go to sleep anymore. I've tried to be understanding, but it's been dragging on for far too long." You stated, outraged that she could be acting so casually.
"(name), I have work. You seriously expect me to be around you all the time when I have other things to be worrying about?" Shuri questioned you. You heaved an inhale, your lips quivering.
"I'm not saying you have to be with me ALL the time—"
"You basically are."
"Shuri." You muttered, brows furrowing. "Please, you've been neglecting me for weeks. I barely see you anymore! You don't even come to dinners. Tell me, how long have you went out of the lab?"
Shuri pauses at your last sentence, as if trying to remember.
"Please, my love. All I ask is for you to take a break. I don't want to see you overwork yourself." You pleaded, trying to grasp her hand. She refuses your touch, pulling her hand away from you. Your eyes widen, taken aback.
"You don't understand, (name)." She mutters under her breath, frustrated.
"Of course I don't. I don't, is that what you want to hear? I don't, because you barely tell me anything anymore. You're so—!"
"I'm so what? An awful partner?"
"That's not what I was gonna say." You grunt.
"You wouldn't even be walking around the palace right now of it weren't for me. Don't go telling me I'm neglecting you when all I've done for you was be there for you. I've done everything for you. I often went against my mother for you. And you tell me I'm neglecting you?"
You sighed. You hated that she was right.
"Shuri, just want you to understand my point! Those were before, what I'm talking about is now, shuri, now! You can't turn this against me. All I'm asking is for you to take a break, maybe get some sleep, and EAT?"
"You're practically locking yourself inside this room, drawing yourself in work! 'I'm busy, (name)' 'it's important, (name)' what's so important that you forget to take care of yourself?" You yelled as the latter stays silent.
"I'm not just talking about you neglecting me, Shuri. Don't make me repeat myself."
Shuri takes a step back, letting about a deep exhale. "Get out." She says, her voice below a whisper. You raised a brow, scoffing in disbelief.
You outstretched an arm, bowing sarcastically. "As you wish, your highness." You said, smiling passive aggressively. The stormed out of the lab, throwing away the kimoyo beads the second you stepped out of the door.
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part two.
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ezra-editss · 7 months
"Dean doesn't reciprocate" MY ASS
I'm just kinda gonna write down my thoughts about this. I'm in season 7 now, I know what happens in the very last episode, but nothing else so I don't read any posts about the show here yet :) (just so yk and don't accidentally spoiler me) Oh and I do this mostly out of memory and some notes that I took, so this might be a little chaotic :,)
Okay, so the whole season 6 fight was crazy to me. The way Cas was watching while Dean kept on defending him. And he knew how much Dean trusted him. ("The worst part was Dean. He was trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.") It hurt him, but the whole time he was, again, protecting Dean. And yes, he hurt Dean, but I think it was as bad for Cas to hurt Dean, as for Dean to be hurt.
Then, Dean apologizing for the others? They (thought they) were wrong and Dean had kept on trusting Cas, so why was it him who apologized? Because he knew it meant more to Cas when he did it? Idk.
Cas wasn't able to lie when he looked in Dean's eyes.. come on? Also, the fact Dean wasn't actually mad when he found out was really interesting. He was just extremely sad. Yes, his trust got broken and maybe he was just tired of it all, but it didn't seem like that to me, I felt like he usually got madder.
I love how they always share those sad looks when they go apart after the fights btw, such a best buddys thing to do.
It was really hard for both of them. We can see that Dean can't sleep that night and that Cas comes back to talk to him alone, because it only matters to him that Dean understands.
Oh and the "I'm doing this for you, Dean." I don't even need to explain his motives, because he reveals them himself.
Then the scene from my edit. (at the top) (it's kinda laggy, bc it's slow-motion, but anyways) They both have teary eyes a lot, but this is different. Dean turns aways because he knows he's gonna cry and Cas disappears before he really starts crying, but they are both fuckin crying about this. They're both just sad and want this to end. Even when Dean said he's gonna stop him and so on, it was way less threatening than usually. And Cas kept coming back when Dean was in danger.
But Dean still cared as well. In the first episode of season 7, when Cas asks for help, he pretends he doesn't care about him anymore for a bit, but you can clearly see that he still does. You at least can see it when he thinks Cas is dead. He's devastated.
It's kinda funny how Bobby's there but Cas very obviously only cares to make it up to Dean. Like he always says "they're my friends" but in reality he means Dean.
AND THEN.. Cas tries to protect everyone else again and sends them away but DEAN STAYS. I think he knew that there wouldn't be anything he could do, but it didn't matter.
Cas dies again. (give my man a break, please) Dean keeps the god damn coat? I think he might've done it, because he was hoping that Cas would come back again. Anyways, scene was devastating.
In the judge/court episode about Dean's guilt, I immediately hoped Dean didn't feel guilty about Cas too, but was pretty sure he did. My worries were confirmed in episode 5.
So yeah, I suppose that's the part where I am, I guess I have to wait 'till Cas comes back now :,)
I don't think anyone read all this, but I hope I didn't make any grammar mistakes, bc English isn't my first language, so I sometimes get stuff mixed up (I definitely made the tenses confusing). Anyways, rant end.
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barghest-land · 10 months
wrote a bit about this in tags at first but figured i'm just gonna rant there for a bit. sorry in advance for any typos TW: mention of very bad mental health and suicidal thoughts, and also mention of a car accident oops idk if i did it right but the rest should be under the cut
i'm so glad to be alive rn, even tho it's very hard. very little things make me happy. rn it's raining outside and i'm sleepy and i'm drawing sleeping john and i'm so at peace:) and i think it would be different, it would feel just normal if i wasn't mentally in a dark place. every day i remember where i was a year and a half ago. i could be gone for good, but somehow managed to ask for help, take meds, survive, even tho leaving was very tempting. the amount of shit in my life was already enough so that time was (and still is) literally unbearable. after that, everything started to be more bright. when you feel you might be gone soon, the wind feels more fresh on your skin. sunbeams on the wooden floor are suddenly seem so pretty, and i never noticed that before. every sunset, every sunrise feels like the last. so pretty, yet so sad. you basiucally live with the feeling "i'm gonna miss all this so much. i already do". i look at the little birds with such a warm feeling - i will miss these little creatures a lot. they look so innocent, so fragile and cute. i was close to dying once in a car accident (12 years ago), the car went flying for a good few seconds. i wasn't scared, even tho i knew, when the car hits the ground - there will be nothing after. and even like that, i looked at broken glass flying before my eyes in slow motion, the sun reflecting from it, and all i was thinking about is how pretty it was. kinda crazy, if you think about it. now everything seems the same, but for longer. i can't say i'm out of that very dark place. i'm still there and still trying to find any reasons to keep going. but my cat is there, and her fur feels nice. the sound of loud thunderstorm is going right through my heart and i live for it. the sun is still there. i'm sleepy - and i'm glad to notice that. it means that i have a body, i'm still alive, i'm still there. even when i'm upset, i'm glad to know that. i still have emotions. i can still go out and look for some pretty rocks to find and keep them in my pocket, along with a small sparrow feather. and then go home and draw silly fictional characters from not-so-silly fictional world, based on a real one, that is so dear to me.
two days ago, while looking at the shooting stars, my 10yo cousin asked me why are we here, and what we live for. i told her the truth - i'm 27 and i still don't know. but i will make tea tomorrow, and it will be sweet, as always. and right now i live for that.
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singswan-springswan · 11 months
Behold: a little plot bunny that's been bouncing around my head. Another Kanera mermaid AU because I'm obsessed with mermaids and Kanera is love Kanera is life. Kanan's trying desperately not to blow his cover on land but gaslighting his human partner Hera is harder than he thought, especially when he can't help but save her from drowning on the occasion.
words: 1174
Hera knew Kanan was a skeptic—and in all fairness, she’d been one too. But before all that, he was supposed to trust her. That’d been the first thing to connect them. Her wild ideas, and his fascinated willingness to go along with them. Of course, Hera knew that he had boundaries, but they’d been difficult to find in the two years he’d been her best friend, and the fact that they existed in the first place was something of a vague notion. In any case, she never thought he’d draw the line here.
“This isn’t me being radical, Kanan.” Hera huffed, smacking the meter stick into her other hand. These days, it felt like a necessary thing to have him take her side, even if there was no solid opposition to take sides against, and even if the argument didn’t involve him. Hera just liked when he supported her, if she was honest. Which was silly. As if he didn’t support her by default as it was, here she stood now, demanding he agree with the one assertion that made him dig his heels in. 
But really, wasn’t he used to her crazy ideas by now? Surely he couldn’t be putting this past her. He should have seen it coming. She should have seen it coming too. Kriff, maybe she really was crazy, but could he at least agree with her?
Kanan propped a handsome cheekbone on his fist, elbow slanted lazily atop the messy table. Hera could stand to tidy things up in here; the galley of her beloved ship was something that should be clean on the regular. But she’d been down here all night with her murder board, and there hadn’t been time before Kanan wandered in for breakfast. He looked bored, having finished his bagel by now. There was a closed-off tolerance behind his eyes: a look so rare it made Hera frantic to have him understand.
She pointed the stick to the whiteboard on her right, where she’d pinned up photographs and newspaper clippings and a flaky array of sticky notes—all very neatly organized from her point of view, though a small voice in her head said that Kanan and perhaps a Hera who wasn’t sleep deprived would not see it the same way.
“This is me being logical. Look, I have it all thought out.”
Kanan—bless him—didn’t patronize her with a pointed sweep of the room. Hera really ought to clean up.
“There’s nothing logical about what happened.” He said in a blunt tone. At least he was focused on her, not indulging the rant with presence alone. 
“Exactly! There’s no logical explanation. Which can only mean my survival was supernatural. We both know I should have died that night—there was no chance for me to make it through the storm on my own, even with all my skill and experience—so whoever rescued me must have been specially gifted and enhanced individuals like that simply don’t exist within the human understanding of the world. Besides, I saw—”
“You imagined.” Kanan interrupted, frowning a little now, to Hera’s immense frustration. “You were half drowned by the time you made it back to shore, and that much more exhausted. On top of that, your imagination is one of the more impressive ones out there.”
Hera glared at him. “I saw,” She insisted. “Things that can’t be explained by a human understanding of the world. And you know me. I’m adaptable.”
Kanan sighed heavily and rubbed a hand against his brow. He was certainly being firm about this line, and not crossing it and such. And that was maddening to Hera. It didn’t fit his pattern of behavior to be so adamant about not believing her. Sure, this might be her craziest idea to date, but a few of her past conspiracy theories came pretty darn close and as she recalled, he’d jumped on board without a second thought. So why was this any different?
Outside, a boat motor rumbled past the marina, and the Ghost creaked pleasantly while it rocked on the wake coming in. Hera could hear the bustle of other mariners on the docks too, mingled with seagull chatter and clanging equipment. This late in the morning, the first round of fishermen were coming to port already. And she still hadn’t convinced Kanan.
“Okay,” He dropped the hands from his face and held them pressed together, fingers pointed her direction. “This is what we know.”
Hera narrowed her eyes, but she let him talk.
“You were stupid enough to take the Phantom out without me when you knew the forecast was bad, and you were caught on the open ocean when a storm rolled in. The dinghy capsized, probably on the seabed by now, with all your equipment—and you were lucky enough to wash up on shore before you drowned completely. Does that sound about right?”
Hera swung the meter stick down to smack a pile of papers in front of Kanan, eliciting a sharp noise and no reaction but an unimpressed raise of the eyebrow. “What I know,” She snapped. “Is that I should be dead. And I have one very specific person to thank for that. I was rescued, Kanan. Someone saved me: someone not human. Someone from the sea.” 
She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it herself. And although the memories from that night were fuzzy around the edges, she distinctly recalled the moment on the beach, vomiting sea water in the pouring rain, tucked into a pair of strong arms. She remembered babbling in confusion, and she remembered her rescuer vanishing in a brilliant blur of green and gold, before she could properly register the feel of scales beneath her hand. These memories weren’t products of an exhausted brain or overstimulated imagination. She knew she sounded crazy otherwise, but she couldn’t betray herself. Maybe for that reason, she was so determined to convince Kanan. She didn’t want to be crazy and alone.
But he was unimpressed with her stubborn insistence. He wasn’t patronizing, or indulgent—which would have made his disbelief worse—so small miracles. At least he had the decency to be straight with her.
“Hera,” Kanan gave her a flat look. “You know mermaids aren’t real, right?”
There was no budging on that line of his. Hera wanted to pout, cross her arms, insist that no actually she didn’t know that, and neither did he really. But they’d been at this for hours already. She’d started her rant the moment he strolled in—hair still a beautiful mess from sleep—and she’d meticulously explained every node on her murder board with fine detail, so if that hadn’t convinced him even a smidge, then whining definitely wouldn’t.
Instead, Hera drew herself up and gave him her best calculating stare. “What would it take?” She asked slowly, carefully. “To make you believe?”
Kanan crossed his arms and leaned back: the foreign picture of closed off. His lips pinched. His eyes had a wall behind them. “You couldn’t convince me.” He said plainly. “Fairytales don’t exist.”
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finedinerofmoths · 1 year
Actually hold on I can't sleep so let me tell you what I think about Kevin, the smiling god, Strexcorp, and how it all ties together.
(rant incoming)
So! The podcast of WTNV contradicts itself sometimes as to who founded the congregation of the smiling god, and I find it interesting! (I'll try to to source my findings but I'm kinda trash at that so sorry in advance.)
First things first, it was before strex for sure. This is confirmed by the episode with past Kevin and I think a priest of the congregation actually? He talks about smiling, uses friendly language, and overall seems like a happy guy pre-strex in a somewhat similar fashion to during-strex Kevin. Personally I love the contrast, but that's not the point whoops. And after his disconnect with strex, there are still many! people that worship the smiling god.
Here's what I think, and take it with a grain of salt because I hadn't read any of the books or seen the live shows (wiki fandom is my best friend on this), but it seems like the corruption of a religion to further a social/political goal on strex's part.
I refuse to get too political on this but my thoughts on this was the OG religion was positive and harmless, centered around a more spiritual belief of goodwill, optimism, and respecting life (maybe the energy of every living thing via blood and bones and the beauty of just... Life and living thing? Only to turn into a blood and bone fixation? Hm.) Smiling has been proven to help your brain make happy chemicals, and laughing is literally contagious! I read a post that while science is Night Vale's religion, religion is Desert Bluff's science, and I agree. It makes sense that a guy like pre-strex Kevin (as little as I know him) would understand and appreciate these values. Hell, I even think cutting a gaslow smile into yourself could've been an original thing, some religions are like that man, especially not surprising in WTNV.
Strex is obviously sadistic, faux-friendly, manipulative and gaslighting, etc etc etc. It wouldn't be the first time a company or group would use and corrupt a popular religion to seize control, and brainwashing is how cults work! That mixed with torture and meds, no wonder strex employees were so loyal. And they most likely used his own religion (albeit an essentially bastardized version) to condition him. By telling him pain is good (yikes) and "crushing the weak" to paraphrase Kevin himself is all part of this religion HE FOUNDED, they could've easily twisted their own virtues into his. Despite being a prophet, I don't think Kevin has had contact with it for a while now.
However, the smiling god is obviously malevolent, I am not sure about that bit. It either drive him just a bit mad upon first meeting it (valid tbh), it killed him but didn't?? because what is logic in night vale honestly, or somehow tricked him into believing it was a more benevolent presence. Or, maybe he worshipped it because why not, Cecil was totally ready to adhere to the demands of the glow cloud, the distant prince, all of them due to a healthy dose of terror and cosmic fear. Kevin might've gotten luck of the draw.
A thing I don't know yet that's driving me crazy is Kevin met the smiling god via oak door the first time, and it makes me wonder if the desert otherworld is it's domain or something?? And dbt is there now, just thinkin' thoughts about that.
He's shown to be a bit controlling, opinionated and stubborn even before strex (only heartless people don't like cats, Cecil!) and I think strex amplified these traits to terribly negative proportions. As well as using his own trauma, maybe? He compares his father to a thing always watching (in the walls, I think?), the sun to an overbearing father, let's not even mention the burning hot caramel situation. If his father was strict and abusive, it might be easier to say "hey, wasn't that actually a good thing? All that pain, what a great dad!" And turn his brain into a functional positive feedback loop.
Sorry for the whole essay, ack, but I've been thinking about this way too much lately. To summarize, smiling god came first via Kevin, Strex ruined everything as per usual, and religion and science and this podcast are soooo flipping interesting!!!! Okay thanks for coming to my Ted talk, Mothy out
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fandsart · 7 months
Five times Jonathan was interrupted and one person who never interrupts him
Jonathan was never a particularly outgoing person. He had always been quieter and more subdued, but it got a little worse after Will was born. His mom liked to joke that he's more mature than his dad, since he demanded less attention than either of them.
If one wasn't screaming, the other was, and Jonathan had to sacrifice some of the attention he got when he was younger. Four years old and already attention starved. He didn’t blame his mom or Will, but it was hard not to blame his dad.
His mom at least tried. She would try to talk and play with him throughout the day, and even if she didn't have the time she had at least set aside a time so that they would have a full half an hour every day.
Every night, after getting Will down, she would read him to sleep. After a long day of being largely ignored, he at least had that to look forward to.
Until his dad started drinking and his mom had to start babysitting him too. And Jonathan couldn't even be upset with her because he would watch as she tried, with very little success, to rock Will in her arms while guiding her trashed husband through the hallway and into his bed.
He knew she was tired, so when she finally got Will to sleep and entered Jonathan's room for their daily story, he would pretend to be asleep already. He heard her sad but relieved sigh and was happy to have let that go. She didn’t need to deal with him too.
"Can you be nicer?" he asked.
"Excuse me?"
"To mommy. Because she's tired all the time from-"
"You think I'm not tired all the time? What do you think I do all day when I'm not here?"
"Mommy says you work at the gas station."
"Yes. And do you know how condescending people can be to essential workers? You think I'm just a 'mean' person, like I don't have reason to be angry."
"I just want mommy to-"
"You want your mommy? Grow up."
"Can you just stop going to 'the bar?'"
That got his dad going on a long rant about how alcoholism can't be helped and he shouldn't judge people for addiction, how he was completely hopeless against his draw toward the bar and Jonathan should stop trying to talk about things he doesn't understand.
Jonathan never really had anywhere to go and do things until kindergarten. It was either play in the house or play in the yard. There were occasional park trips before Will was born, but he preferred the comfort of knowing he could run back to the security of his room at any given time if he suddenly decided he wanted to look at his books or play with his toys. It was just a much faster journey from his backyard to his bedroom. His mom's supervision was also less suffocating in his own yard, without strangers on all sides.
But he could make friends at school, like the kind people have on TV. That's what his mom had told him. All kinds of kids with all kinds of interests and he could decide which of them he wanted to hang out with.
He didn't think he wanted to though, because on the first day, a boy named Tommy managed to drink half a bottle of glue before the teacher got it away from him. Everyone in the class thought it was hilarious, but Jonathan found it pretty disturbing.
"You might need a doctor," he said. "My mom told me-"
"It's just a joke, Jojo."
"Nuh-uh. Cuz you really-"
"No look. It's funny!" Tommy then laughed loudly and obnoxiously. He wasn't at school the next day.
"I had a tummy ache," he said the day after.
"Tha's because you drank glue," Jonathan said.
"Nuh-uh. It was the next day."
"But tha's how-"
"Jojo, shut up."
By middle school he was going by his full name. His dad told him he should go by John eventually, but he hated that. He liked 'Jonathan.' He thought it was kind of rich for his dad to tell him he should go by a version of his name which sounded more professional when his dad only ever went by Lonnie, which Jonathan thought sounded far less 'professional' than his full name 'Alonzo' but he never used it because he didn’t like it.
His dad had said that it's different, but his mom had said he only said that because it's from his perspective, and that Jonathan should go by whatever he wants, and she'd call him 'corn husk' if he asked. That made him laugh.
In seventh grade, that same boy, Tommy, had started making connections with the eighth graders. Back in sixth grade he got a girlfriend who convinced him they could get whatever they wanted and they'd apparently been keeping up on scheming to do so. They started hanging out with Steve Harrington, who was basically the richest kid in town.
Seventh and eighth grade shared their lunch and recess periods, and that's when Tommy was able to get his in with the eight graders, and the fact that he managed to snag Harrington is something he was annoyingly proud of. He was just bragging about his accomplishments during worksheet time in science class when Jason finally snapped at him.
"Would you shut up about it? No one cares. Everyone knows the only reason he puts up with you is because it's sad you're even trying this hard and because your dads work together."
"You're just jealous because he doesn't want to be friends with you. I've seen you try to talk to him."
"Hey Byers." Jonathan jolts in his seat at the address. "Don't you think Tommy should stop talking about his pity friend?"
"I don't-"
"Why are you even asking him?" Tommy interrupts. "He doesn't have anything to do with this."
"Exactly. He's a neutral party."
"He doesn't have any friends. He's too neutral to even understand the conversation. Plus, he's trailer trash."
"I don't live in a-"
"He's the only other person at our table to ask."
"What, we're gonna talk this through like girls? We can't settle this like men?"
That's how the most pointless first fight Jonathan's ever witnessed broke out in the middle of fifth period of seventh grade.
If Jonathan had gotten his word in, he would have said they were placing way too much weight on Harrington's decision to spend time with Tommy. He's not a genius or anything. In fact from what he's heard, he's actually kinda dumb. He's just some guy who happened to have a lot of money from a job that his father inherited. Nothing Steve did  with anyone is really indicative of anything to do with the quality of his friends.
Steve Harrington's opinion on someone is definitely not a credible one, but in high school people were  absolutely gushing about him. It's like every comment he made is viewed as law by the general student population.
Steve once said that Janet acted like a clown, and she became known as clown-face. He later asked why everyone started calling her that, as if he hadn't know , and everyone pretended they never did. He called Eddie a freak and Eddie himself leaned into it. That last example might not be the best for that point, but still. It was like Eddie knew the inevitable and wanted to get ahead of it.
Jonathan happened to be within earshot of the two when the conversation happened. Tommy was talking to Steve about the yearbook.
"Do you have a senior picture picked out?"
"I'm not graduating for almost 2 more years. I'd want my senior photo to be of me as an actual senior."
"Right, obviously. I was just checking because I've heard some of the freshmen think they already have theirs picked out. Pretty funny."
"Yeah, that's pretty dumb. Even for me."
"You might start to consider where you want them taken though. My older brother didn't think to plan his and his senior photo is just in his room. He burned his yearbook because of that."
Steve snorted. "Yeah, thanks man. I never would have even thought to think ahead for that."
"Don't worry man. I got you."
"I figured I'd just go to a studio or something but it would be pretty cool to have them in an actual setting. I don't know if my dad will pay for me to drag a camera man into some random space."
"You might be able to get Jonathan to do it for free," Tommy laughed.
"Who the hell is Jonathan?"
Next thing Jonathan knew, everyone was pretending he was actually nonexistent. Barring the teachers of course, but even the teachers had been  hesitant to call on him when all the students in the classroom made exaggerated 'Who?'s and 'I don't hear anyone speaking!'s.
Jonathan wasn't sure if everyone was aware that Steve probably genuinely didn't know who Jonathan was or not, but this lasted a couple of months until his brother dissapeared and everyone got too uncomfortable to make fun of him.
Dating Nancy was great. Having someone who was as headstrong as she was worked great in his favor. When he was too meek to get things done she would take charge for him. He wasn't always willing to make a big deal out of it when a restaurant got his order wrong, but Nancy made it not even look like a big deal. Just requested the fix like it was nothing. If he was trying to speak to a group she would often speak for him.
But it also sometimes made it hard to get a word in.
Jonathan hadn't really known why she and Steve broke up fully for the first year or so that they were dating. Whatever Steve did must have been bad because she even forgave him after he spray painted that she was a slut on the theater marquee and apologized once. So he couldn't say he wasn't curious as to what Steve could have possibly done to warrant a breakup. Given how much of an asshole he knew Steve to be, it didn't occur to him that it could have been Nancy's fault until she's basically admitting to it, while simultaneously denying it was her fault.
He asked and Nancy told him that Steve got dramatic about something she had said when she was drunk.
"I mean, you remember picking me up from Tina's Halloween party after he ditched me," she said. "I confronted him the next day and he started going off on me about things I don't even remember saying. How seriously can you take someone so drunk they can't even walk in a straight line?"
"What'd you say?" He asked because he was curious, not because he was planning on making some call about how warrented it was. Sure he knew there probably was only so far you can get on the spectrum of good to bad things one can say before it stops mattering how drunk you are, but he couldn't imagine his girlfriend would have said something that bad.
"I guess I told him I never loved him or something."
"Ok, I get the whole, 'You shouldn't trust the words of a drunk,' but why do you think you would have said that if there wasn't some truth to it?"
"I mean, it was kind of true, but I didn't know that at the time."
"You 'didn't know that at the time?' Should I be concerned?"
"You're not listening to me!"
"I am listening to you, but-"
"Nobody ever listens to me! Why are you even taking his side? He's my ex!"
"I'm not trying to take sides, I'm just trying to understand-"
"Bullshit!" She stormed out of the room.
Jonathan never brought this up again. Nancy seemed to want to pretend the conversation never happened. It’s not like Nancy made a habit of interrupting Jonathan the way everyone else outside his family had, but she often just doesn’t listen to him.
Like when she was frustrated that none of the board members would listen to her ideas and went off to get her own story, dragging Jonathan with her despite his protests. She got upset with him for wanting to work under people who could  be so condescending and he got upset with her because he didn't want to work under them. He just needed a way to help pay for Will's medical expenses from his recovery last year, and with that new bad reference on his resume, he wasn't sure he'd be able to get a new job. It was hard enough getting the post job with his reputation of living in the slums, raised by the town crazy lady. Even after Will turned out to be alive, she'd still had a reputation from her outbursts about it.
Jonathan had never been that well outspoken, but the oppressive feeling that he's being muffled out on all sides became a hundred times worse when they moved to California. It was such a new area, surrounded by no familiar faces and a completely different climate. He'd made it almost the whole quarter he'd been at the school year without uttering more than probably 10 accumulative words.
He wasn't sure Will is faring much better, but at least he had El in his grade to talk to if he needed someone at any given moment.
They were almost a semester in so that meant the teachers needed to make sure everyone understood and remembered the procedures for emergencies. It was drill day. The thing was, he was in an entirely new environment, and while they'd gone over drills earlier that school year, Jonathan's family hadn't moved until after that point; in October.
"We're going to be doing the fire drill later today," the teacher—whose name Jonathan hadn't managed to get down yet—announced to the class immediately after the pledge was performed, "but we should be getting the announcement to start the earthquake drill any minute now." She turned back to the board and started drawing down some kind of graph they'd presumably be working with once the class started after the drill.
The thing was, Jonathan had never done an earthquake drill before. Back in Hawkins they'd done tornado drills instead. He hesitantly raised his hand, hoping she would turn around soon, but it turned out to be a very complicated chart.
He managed to force out an uncomfortable "Uh..." to no effect. Not that he'd have expected much, but he's in such an awkward situation and he hates drawing attention towards himself. "Ms-" he cut himself off again.
The room seemed so quiet that cutting through it felt uncomfortable. And yet he had and she somehow hadn't heard. Trying again seemed disruptive at this point, to the people around him who did hear. No one ever wanted to hear Jonathan speak.
"Mrs. Phillips," someone piped up from the back. She turned. "The new dude's got a question."
"Oh!" she said at the realization that Jonathan had his hand up. "Yes?"
"We didn't do earthquake drills where I'm from," he explained. "I don't really know..."
"I'll be sure to guide you through it when the time comes," she said, then turned back towards the board and continued writing.
That same guy came over to his table later at lunch and sat directly in front of him. Jonathan glanced at him to acknowledge his presence, then dipped his head back down to his food again.
"Where are you from?"
"Hm?" Jonathan looked up.
"You said you didn't do earthquake drills where you're from."
"Oh, it's... Indiana."
"Oh, really man? Isn't that, like, corn land?"
"Something like that..."
"Jonathan, right?"
And that was the weird part about moving to a new town, that everyone knew the Byers, but they didn't know anyone else. Jonathan waited for the other guy to introduce himself, but he just continued waiting for an answer, continued staring intently, instead of taking Jonathan's lack of denial for confirmation, as people are prone to do.
"Yeah, Jonathan."
"Well my name is Argyle. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"You seem stressed," Argyle said one day. He'd taken to sticking to Jonathan like glue. Jonathan thought it was maybe simply because he had let him.
"Yeah, I guess. I'm... acclimating to the new environment."
"Oh, still? You've been here for a couple months. What parts of it?"
"Nothing specific I guess. I'm mostly concerned about how my siblings are doing here."
"You have siblings? What are they like?"
And that's just how it was  with Argyle. He asked questions about Jonathan, about what he's like. Questions he... actually seemed invested in the answers of. He waited patiently for answers with curious eyes.
It's not that Jonathan had never had anyone willing to listen to what he has to say. Will mostly... But Will was his little brother. Jonathan was meant to support him. Nancy is his girlfriend and... well she wasn't actually much of a listener either. Wouldn’t listen when he didn't want to risk his job at the Hawkins Post because his family was struggling financially. And when that whole thing was over, they did get fired and she still ended up being the "right" one.
Somewhere along the way he must have started believing that any complaint he might have of her was always going to be invalid. If no one ever listened to him, it must be because he truly had nothing worth saying.
But then Argyle asked, solemnly and sympathetically, if Jonathan had to leave any friends behind in Hawkins.
Jonathan sighs and said, "Yeah, Nancy I guess. She was my girlfriend- is my girlfriend."
Argyle grimaced, then raised his eyebrows, prompting Jonathan to expand on that thought maybe. The next thing Jonathan knew he was ranting about the whole situation. How he suggested that they take a break with the relationship. And it's not like he wanted to take that break, but he would have hoped she'd have at least considered the options that come with moving across the country. But she had some image about being the only people for each other and how they could make it work. And he was happy to go long distance at the time, but when things started becoming a struggle, when he brought it up and she said that they just had to tough it out until college when they could be together again. And that's where the real issue came up.
Because Nancy Wheeler always needed to be right, and Jonathan didn't know how to tell her that he wasn't just going to leave Will and El. If he was struggling to acclimate to the new social and literal climate, then they definitely were. Especially El.
But... Nancy never listened to him; so he was scared to even bring it up. Argyle encouraged him to.
Jonathan interrupted Argyle. He only realized it later, in retrospect. Argyle was panicking, because they were in the middle of burying a body they never should have had to deal with. Argyle was new to the stresses of these larger than life problems. And he was freaking out, going on a rant about all the fears on his mind and Jonathan actually yelled at him to get him to calm down.
"Sorry about that," Jonathan apologized later, after night fell and he was still driving with the sleeping freshmen in the back seat.
"Nah man, I needed that," Argyle said, still clearly very high from all he took to get himself to calm down earlier. "Besides," he smiled, "I like that you feel comfortable enough with me to raise your voice a little."
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roses-in-the-shade · 2 years
Submas Born By Death AU [Part 2]
Want to see the beginning? Here's the link to Part 1!
All posts for this AU are tagged as "born by death au".
Emmet's and Ingo's parents only become aware of Ingo's lasting presence only a couple years before the shock incident. They were always aware Emmet would sometimes converse or play with something they couldn't see, but they had initially chalked it up to Emmet having an overactive imagination, an imaginary friend. They were never ready for Emmet to excitedly rant about Ingo playing train conductors with him when they had never told him about his deceased brother to begin with.
Emmet isn't sad to learn that Ingo is - was? - his older twin brother. He's verrrry happy, actually! He has a twin brother! Ingo is already his bestest friend ever, he's glad to be able to call Ingo his brother now.
This is shortly after Ingo becomes able to "whisper" to Emmet, as this is when Emmet learns Ingo's name. Emmet spilled the beans almost immediately. It never occurred to him to keep Ingo a secret. In fact, he thought this was "normal". It was HIS normal, after all.
As a ghost, Ingo's soul is what retains his memories, and he seldom forgets anything as long as he is "aware". He remembers his name because he remembers that is what his parents called him before and after his untimely death.
Ingo's "awareness" will occasionally fade if he pushes himself too hard, or if he becomes too stressed. He'll temporarily black out and his form will dissipate, again like a gas, until the stress fades away or he regains enough energy to become "aware" again. It is much like a dreamless sleep, and nothing happens when he is in this state. Recovery time varies. (One time, his recovery took so long, Emmet became worried Ingo wouldn't come back.)
Ingo and Emmet both still become battle fanatics and railway fans.
Ingo goes with Emmet on his Pokemon journey, and only a little put out that he technically can't participate. But he is determined to live vicariously through his little brother! He will often strategize with or give advice to Emmet, in and outside of battle.
Their parents asked Ingo to make sure Emmet stays safe. As the "older" brother, he was inclined to agree to the request.
Eventually, they meet a Litwick. Ingo and Litwick become fast friends.
"Ingo! It's a Litwick! It might eat you!" "Emmet, look! She's so cute! She's a very sweet little lady!" *pokes and pets the Litwick* "INGO!"
Ingo now has a partner pokemon, at the expense of Emmet nearly having a panic attack.
Every so often, they find a pokemon that can vaguely see or sense Ingo (animals can see ghosts tropes), though not as well as Emmet or his partner. Ingo does end up with his own team, much to his family's and his own bewilderment. Ingo's partner helps with organizing and strengthening communication with his pokemon. His pokemon will become better able to see and hear him over time as their connection strengthens.
Emmet and Ingo will multi battle occasionally, posing as a double battle on Emmet's end. This is what awakens Emmet's passion for double battling.
Emmet (and Ingo) essentially becomes a cryptid at some point. An urban legend, so to say. Often because some people will swear up and down they've seen doubles of a strange young boy with silver hair and silver eyes, or that they'll hear another, somewhat similar voice overlapping his during his odd callouts. A certain number of people are convinced he'll steal your soul if you don't run away fast enough after losing a battle against him.
Emmet may or may not be illegally carrying 8-12 pokemon on his person during the late stretch of their now shared journey. Because Ingo can't carry their pokeballs on his own (yet?).
Emmet makes his way through all of the gyms and the Elite Four, but is stopped short at the Champion battle. Emmet doesn't try again.
"I am Emmet! I prefer double battles anyway. I am not disappointed. I'm sure Ingo would've won, though! Yup! I know it! Ingo prefers single battles! And Ingo is verrrry strong!"
Next post? Here's Part 3!
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palpipeen · 2 years
Cuddle Bugs HCs
I'm feeling HELLA TOUCH STARVED and it's cold in my room (bc I'm not wearing pants bc it's summer and it's Texas is this a joke to you Mr. The Sun) and I want to talk about something sweet with the boys I've dabbled with so, HERE YA GO
A bit racy (mentions of grinding, dry humping and hickeys maybe) so MINORS DNI.
Hardcase: My boy, my sweet sweet lad. 'Course he's going to be first bc I tap into him the easiest. (We are kindred spirits.) Idk if it's canon that the clones all get into cuddle piles but might as well be. It's really casual and natural to them. But I think that with a potential S/O, Hardcase might be a bit nervous at first. Mainly because that's his person and his person is hot, so it's bound to get him wound up at some point. He knows how to Think Unsexy Thoughts to keep things from escalating though. But gods once Hardcase is more comfortable with his S/O, he wants to be glued to them ALL the time when they have the time to. 10000% believe Hardcase would give the biggest puppy dog eyes if his S/O isn't getting the hint or is busy with something when he wants to hold them/be held by them. Would get whiny, too. "Aw c'moooon cyar'ika, can't that wait???" "The couch is so comfy babe, come have a lie down with me." He's chatty when he cuddles but he can appreciate just lying in silence with his S/O, too. Just imagine how safe and warm and secure you'd feel in his arms - which I also HC are slightly bulkier than the average CT bc he carries them big guns. Hardcase is also the type to absentmindedly touch and caress his S/O the entire time he's curled up with them. Which can sometimes lead to...things, but he doesn't always mean for it to with his S/O, honest! But how can he resist when they're grinding their butt into his crotch?!
Fox: It's like pulling teeth, herding loth-cats, and getting this man to get a full eight hour's sleep just to get him to slow down long enough to cuddle. Usually Fox can only wind down long enough to cuddle with his S/O after some more...strenuous activities. ( 83c ) But once he does, ohhhh he just melts. I think Fox would actually prefer being the little spoon. Man just wants to be taken care of and turn his Commander Brain off. He's not big on talking while he's cuddling with his S/O, but sometimes he does. Usually when he initiates it after a particularly trying day dealing with senators. He just comes into his S/O's apartment ranting the second his bucket is off, grabs them and drags them to the bedroom, and both fall into the bed together. He's just venting the entire time, too. "Fucking dikut called Thorn Thire about five times, just, excuse me are you closing your eyes when you speak to them?! Their armor's completely different!" "Had the fucking nerve to ask me to help the waitstaff serve hors d'oeuvres. Sorry mate, left my fucking tux in my walk-in closet, oh fucking wait." But sometimes - sometimes there are days when he comes to his S/O needing to be held because it's the only thing that helps him sleep. For a while at least. There have been many times the two of you wake up with Fox wired, hard and needy, having shuffled around in his sleep so he's between your legs and shamelessly rutting against his S/O. Lucky for him they love being woken up this way.
Wolffe: Ooooh, Wolffie. The first few times he tries this with a partner it is the most awkward five minutes of his life. But then his S/O comes along. And it's still awkward - at first anyway. Look, it's not that he doesn't want to hold his S/O. (Wolffe is firmly in the big spoon camp about 90% of the time.) It's just that there are hundreds of things he should probably be doing. At least, these are his excuses at first. Eventually he does warm up to the idea, acting like his S/O is being just sooooo needy. But in reality, Wolffe appreciates it. The quiet, the closeness, the simple intimacy of it. Moments like these makes him feel like the war can't touch him. It's honestly a balm for the wounds he tries to keep hidden behind a dozen walls of stoicism, sarcasm, and scowls. More than once Wolffe hasn't let his S/O get up until he's damn good and ready to let them up, grumbling and grousing about it. But even more than that, cuddling up to Wolffe has led to more. A lot more. Lying all tangled up with his S/O just does things for Wolffe. It's something about the intertwined limbs, listening to each other breathe, the solid presence of his S/O all around him. As mentioned before, Wolffe prefers being big spoon, which will usually lead to him peppering soft kisses against his partner's neck and shoulders. But he waits until he feels the first shiver until he pushes a bit more, little kitten licks against their skin, ghosting his breath against all the spots he knows makes them squirm. Of course this leads to more, his teeth scraping skin, and then sinking into it as he rubs up against them. If his S/O tries to tease him about it, he teases right back. "You're the one who got it in your head that this would be all innocent." "Oh, you really thought you wouldn't tempt me when we're like this?" And his favorite to whisper in his S/O's ear because he knows it'll get them all worked up is, "Meshla, I'm just finishing what you started."
Open to more if anyone has any suggestions/requests~
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ares--athena · 5 months
Christmas Cheer
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Robby x black fem! Reader x Tory
Summary- Robby and Tory have no idea what to get each other or reader and reader doesn't think she got them enough. Will their financial problems hurt the situation irreversibly?
Warnings- sorta angsty, fluffy, and the very very slight allusion to smut at the end.
December 5th- 20 days before Christmas (Reader POV)
"I ordered their gifts already." I told my friend Starr while walking down the school hall. "A little early, no?" She asked, it was 'early' for most people but not me I wanted everything to be here for them. "No, I honestly haven't gotten everything yet so I'm still a little behind schedule. It has to be perfect it's our first Christmas together." "Girl, I'm positive that if you gave those two some sand from outside they would cherish it like a million bucks. I think you'll be okay." She laughs making her way inside the classroom.
December 15th- 10 days before Christmas (Reader, POV)
Walking through the isles of the store nothing caught my eye for a good gift for them. I wanted to get Tory and Robby meaningful things and nothing was standing out. The stress of finals had been in both me and Tory stressed while Robby was fixing his relationship with his dad, so we were all white busy. I walked around the entire store twice before something caught my eye. A Lego Batman set, the one Tory's brother had been looking at. I don't think he ever told her because she does so much. So I did what any sensible person would do, I bought it with some gifts I did find for them.
December 20th- 5 days before Christmas (Tory POV)
"I don't know guys, what should I get them. Bills are tight this month and I can't make up for it." I ranted to Miguel and Sam while being in class. "Just talk to them, they'll understand." Sam explained. "But knowing Robby he'll try his best to buy what I want and I KNOW (y/n) will go absolutely overboard with gifts because it's her love language." I ranted more, what was I gonna do? "Then don't buy them anything, They love your cooking, make them Christmas dinner." Miguel suggested. "That might actually be a good idea."
December 20th- 5 days before Christmas (Robby POV)
"What the hell am I supposed to get them?" I asked Eli during practice. "You haven't gotten either of their gifts yet? Dude your real behind." He said. "You are not helping, (y/n) is probably getting me and Tory really thoughtful gifts and I can't think of shit to get for her." I almost yelled. "Okay, one calm down, two just get them both things they like, small stuff, they're both going to like whatever you get them." He said. "Yeah I guess."
December 24th- 1 day before Christmas (Reader POV)
Everything was going wrong, I wasn't finished wrapping presents, my hair wasn't done only being washed, and both Robby and Tory were on their way. "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" I mumbled to myself as I finally finished wrapping their gifts and started on my hair. About ten minutes later my hair was in two puffs and someone knocked at my door so it would have to do. "Merry Christmas Eve baby" Tory said with a smile. "Merry Christmas Eve love. How are you?" I asked letting her in. "Great now that I see you." As me and Tory got situated we started home alone, a top tier Christmas movie, to wait for Robby. It wasn't cold in the Valley by any means but we were cuddled under a blanket for the movie. There was another knock at my door, "I'll get it baby, relax" Tory said softly getting up. "Hi pretty girl" Robby told Tory giving her a side hug with gifts in his arm. "Robby what all did you get?" Tory asked. "You will find out tomorrow. Hi beautiful." Robby smiled at me. "Hi hun."
December 25- Christmas Day (Reader POV)
Waking up in Robby and Tory's arms may be the best part of my day already. "Babe, get up." I heard Tory shake me. I groaned and turned around. "Come on beautiful wake up. It's Christmas." I heard Robby from next to me. "I just wanna sleep for a little longer." I mumbled to them. "Come one babe it's already 10 and I finished breakfast.' Tory said softly. "Mm okay." I mumbled starting to get up.
"Thank you love breakfast was amazing." I said taking Tory and Robby's plates and giving her a kiss. "Merry Christmas babe." Tory smiled. "Come on we gotta open gifts." Robby said getting up. "Yeah I gotta get all your gifts from upstairs. I'll be right back." "WHAT ALL DID YOU GET!?" I heard Tory about from downstairs. I didn't reply as I went to my room and grabbed the gifts from my closet. Or as many as I could, I would have to make a second trip. I set the gifts by the stairs and grabbed the other one before making my way back down. "Holy fucking shit what all did you get?" Robby asked grabbing some gifts and putting them under the tree. I moved next to him to put down the ones I had. "I don't think I got you guys enough actually." I said softly going up the stairs to grab the rest of the gifts. "Holy fuck babe." Tory said coming out of the kitchen. "That's what I said. And She said she would've gotten us more." Robby mocked. "More! You would have put everywhere out of business with more." Tory shouted. "Come on just open your gifts." I said sitting by the tree. Tory and Robby both took seats near me. "Tory, what's wrong?" I asked her, "You look like you're going to cry." "I'm sorry I..." she paused to take a breath. "I wasn't able to get you guys anything. Money was really tight this month and Brandon really wanted this gift and I just couldn't. I'm sorry." She finished. "Tory," Robby started before just moving in to hold her. I joined in not long after. She started sobbing, "I just saw how much you spent on us and I'm sorry I wasn't able.." I cut her off, "Tory I don't do this for something in return I get you and Robby gifts because I love you. This is just how I show that. I don't need gifts from you two because you show your love differently this is just all I know how to do." I said smiling at her and wiping her tears. "Tory we know how much you care for us by what you do not what you give us." Robby spoke softly to her. "And Tory there is one gift I really want you to see first." I got up to grab a gift I had stashed away, I say back next to her letting Tory see who it was too. "Oh my god" she whispered. "You got Brandon a gift. This is, I can't even.." she stuttered looking shocked at the package. "I saw him looking at it on commercials and I don't think he ever told you about it, so I got it for him." "This is great. Babe, I don't even know what to say to you" she smiling at me. "I say we open the rest of these gifts. And then show beautiful how much we really appreciate her gifts." Robby smiled.
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indigoirises · 14 days
Rules and Information
🌟Table of contents: 🌟
💖Introduction 💖Rules 💖Fandoms I'm in 💖Fandoms I am not in, but I watch/read it 💖Favorite ships 💖Favorite characters
Hello everyone!
You can call me Iris (or Indigo, I don't mind either). I don't mind any pronouns! I'm an artist, animator, writer and a voice actor! (Who lacks creativity) Right now, my hyperfixation is Twisted Wonderland because it's just so good and aldskjflkasdjflkasjdfklajsdflkjasdf I don't mind if you drop by and rant or dump something. I'm always here to listen, and I'll try to help. I might not have any advice, except for getting professional help if you really need it. All messages sent to me will be anonymous, and will not be shared with anyone.
Be nice! Reasoning for this is that I can't really handle rude or mean people, unless I join them and become insensitive myself. Plus, everyone has emotions, so let's all be considerate of that! ^^ I'm sorry I'm a sensitive person! I swear I tried to search up how not to, but it just said it's a part of my personalityyyy 😭😭😭
This is a safe space! This means to limit judgmental things and please don't make stigmatizing comments!
Limit NSFW content I wouldn't consider myself as asexual, but please limit these things! It can make a person feel uncomfortable!
You are AWESOME. In here, you are not ALLOWED to call yourself UNIMPORTANT, WEAK, UNAWESOME OR ANY OF THAT SORT. /j But seriously, you're a great person, I'm sure! If not, I'll just have to convince you are! And if people have told you otherwise, guess what? I DON'T THINK YOU ARE, so too bad! At least one person in the world thinks you're awesome!
No creepy behavior, or I will block
Fandoms I'm currently in:
Twisted Wonderland This is my hyperfixation please stop me no you actually can't ahahahah because one cannot simply stop this behavior, when I've been sacrificing sleep to this fandom
Fandoms I am not in, but I watch the series/read:
Pokémon (I mainly like Pokémon Horizons and WOOLOO IS THE BEST, WOOLOO IS SO CUTE AND-)
Sort of Black Butler??? I'm watching it, but it's a little disturbing to me 😅
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Tangled the Series
Wings of Fire
Harry Potter (books and movies)
Lord of the Rings
My favorite ships!
Florid Floyd x Riddle. Brooo I love them so much <3
Treyjade/Treykei Trey x Jade / Trey x Cater. Help I can't decide whichhhh
Originshipping Wallace x Steven! You can sense the tension in their conversation during the post game of ORAS, and the Pokémon Masters event taken place on VALENTINE'S DAY they are great and you cannot convince me otherwise! (Unless...you do tell me otherwise and I get pressured to not ship it)
Favorite characters: There may be spoilers!
Riddle Used to hate him (I was on the early stages of Book 1, okayyy? 😭) But now I love himmm! (especially after the backstory! But I get that Riddle's mother might've thought it was for the best)
Jade I can't fully hate him. Used to find the Octavinelle Dorm after what they did in Book 3, but I forgive them after Book 4 lol
Rook Is it bad to say I relate to him? Well, both Jade and Rook, I guess. I do enjoy..."observing" people, let's just say, but I absolutely hate it when they look at me.
Ortho Ortho is best boy!
Epel He's awesome! I'm sorry Epel but you're adorable
Deuce Especially in Book 5, (MINOR SPOILERS) where he takes Epel to the beach. And I find it quite relatable when he's says: "BUT I'M TRYING, OKAY?"
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Sunday, April 14th, 2024! Pt 2 (one day NC 🥳)
10:03am: I went back and reread some posts from earlier in the week and remembered that I was doing really good! I think last night was a one off and a little step backwards, but nothing that can't be overcome again. Things happen. People disappoint us and let us down, doesn't mean we have to become hard and cold to the world.
I'm gonna stay positive and know that
1) fake positivity does turn into real positivity after a while 2) positivity attracts people, friends and that's what I would like.
Stay positive! Definitely still process your trauma, but there's so much good in life! Like that awesome feeling when you have a good day with someone new ❤️ I guess I understand wanting to start fresh with someone because it's exciting! Plus be confident knowing that you were never the problem and omg there's so many guys out there that want a chance with you, honestly things will probably get better with age.
Don't be like the boss, a whole ass pharmacist going back n forth with someone beneath him, petty drama, stress and emotional turmoil. I don't want that life, it's bad for your physical body. When I think about the positive feelings I've been having for about the past two weeks, the tension lifts from my body. I have so much to look forward to. And I can't control anyone else's actions, I can only control my actions and my emotions and how I react to things.
This door closing is just opening up a bunch new ones :) and what one man won't do, another man will ❤️ let's work on me so I can find my forever guy ❤️
I love you
6:53pm: Got home from work and I'm bleeding like crazy. Longest month of my life. New homie sounded like he was gonna come over but I think he chickened out? Lmao that's crazy 😂 Had a nice day at work, ranted to the boss and it helped me a lot. He told me to make a pros and cons list and I said that con side would look crazy 🤣 he said he does the same thing and it helps him, also he said the no contact thing is helping him a lot PLUS this man is wildin OUT like every night is a bachelor party or something and I want to be like him haha. So crazy tho he's just like yeah and then I might get back with his gf after a few months like ???? Guys are insane lmao.
Weirdest thing I have thought about today is how prude he* is. 🤔 I really don't have to explain myself but like, he has the two biggest ho friends I've ever seen and acts like I'm just supposed to be some untouchable angel is WACK. Tbh I wouldn't get back together with him for that alone, it's a major rift in our morals. He thinks he/ his friends can just do whatever but then judges girls for doing the same? Icky, double standard ass mf 🤢 this man belongs in the looney bin after last night. Weird ass said he hopes the guy I end up with has wack dick and he hopes nobody is better than him 🤣 who tf says that
I literally had to lie to this man on facetime so he wouldn't have a meltdown if I told him what I really did, getting piped in our bed by a great guy 😂 crazyyyyy flex bro, but yeah keep doing it in y'all's parents house 🥴 literally just gave me icky goosebumps thinking about that.
Who cares lol I'm glad that part of my life is over. I'm tired of looking stupid tbh. Hesitant to do a # days no contact tracker on here because ik it can be counterintuitive to think about him technically, but shit I already think about him anyway, so I think it'll be a good idea to *try* and if it sucks I'll stop.
1:10am: Going to sleep now, didn't do anything after work today but that's ok :) had yogurt and cereal for dinner and both cats are on my bed ❤️ Spent too much time on my phone but it's ok, too. I think I'm gonna do a beginning of the day and end of the day, then I can kinda track triggers that make me want to reach out to him. Ik it's stress but also ik this will help. Distractions are great, but I want better distractions than just being on my phone lol.
Goals for tomorrow: Last OSCE! Study for exam! Study MOA! I know you hate it but that doesn't matter right now, you gotta grind before you party 🎉 Study for Jesse McCartney ❤️ He doesn't want you to fail your exam 😂
Goodnight, I love you so much I hope you had a good Sunday. I'm listening to crime podcasts while I fall asleep, something I couldn't do with you here lol. Perks of being a bachelorette 🤪 Hella peaceful and everything is easy going.
Day 1 NC complete! ❤️🥳
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yakultstanreblog · 2 months
it's okay if you can't sleep; as you've said before, there's many uncontrollable factors that build up to your inability to find rest in a timely manner. however, from another perspective, you are probably the person who is most likely to truly value a good night of sleep the most.
it might not even come in the near future, but i'm sure with all the things you're bound to attempt in the quest to overcome these struggles, you'll slowly but surely find something that works best for you.
it's only our pain and frustration that gives context to the times we are happy. such a cliche is often forgotten, as we fixate more on what is going wrong - many convince themselves it is an inherent problem with themselves, but know you have the power to persevere. you're here, after all.
even if it's neither today nor tomorrow, keep moving forward. surely, there will come a day you can look back at these times and smile, knowing it helped you appreciate life and grow.
I appreciate this <3 you’re right I’ll find a way! Honestly I just get a little tired and a little envious of people who live their worst years for 1-2yrs (not that that’s any less valid of a rough time) and then go on to live their best lives! to be fair I thought this was going to be my story too at one point but now it’s been like a decade and I really have been trying almost all this time like I just get tired in every way I think more so now that I don’t really have any family or friends to interact with irl to keep me afloat, it’s kinda all on me now and what I’m going to choose to make of this existence and I’ve always had goals to keep me going but idk what the goals are anymore (bc I partially achieve all of them and then have to dip bc of my health when I’m just getting started) a bitch is just so tired… still I remain hopeful.. I know I probably come across as rather pessimistic (especially in my writing on my main but remember these blogs are just an outlet for one side of me and don’t rlly represent em irl imo) but there’s always been a tiny glimmer of light in the back of my mind bc unimaginable things can happen in the future we just don’t know - I never lose sight of that (though sometimes I wish I did) anyways soz for tiny rant idk if it’s at all relevant but thank u for ur message !! if ur going through things urself or if anyone reading this is, I hope u can hold onto a barely existent light as well bc while I haven’t found a sense of stability yet, I will say holding onto said light has provided me with a few moments of joy throughout the years (while easy to forget amongst the more prevalent dark) that I wouldn’t have been able to experience without holding onto the light and in those moments u remember why ur alive so pls know some of those moments will come eventually (and then go but then come again) and even for just a moment you’ll be glad u held on <3333 we be goin thru it my dudes but I guess this is just the way things go (and just maybe things will change oneday idk but no point being too caught up in the past which I can’t change, though easier said than done)
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v0r73x · 1 year
Holy fuck lmao this 1 sk¡tzo b¡tch has been hating since day 1 & its pretty fucking funny what happened today & how I might just use it to my advantage if possible.
FULL STOP - here's the full story lmfao
Day 1 - I meet a nice black man, gives me the ropes of the "new" city. Looks like a upstanding guy, and kinda cute. But like everyone else (unless they drink) he's doing down and uppers. Sad but it is what it is. I digress. So me, him and another chick were chilling at the front of the shelter. This crazy broad was screaming at us (jealous bcz she liked that black guy, no I didn't sleep with him. He was cute, and kind sure, but I'd rather have him sober and get to know him some. So no, if u were just nosey, it's not that) she was hollering at us something like (in a offensive tone) I'm not pregnant! Who said I was pregnant?! I took 2 pregnancy tests blah blah blah and I'm not pregnant. And then around that time I noticed she was talking about/to us, bcz he had replied something like "they weren't even talking to you" I thought/said "wait, I just got here I'm not talking about you for sure" she probably mumbled something and stopped. She lost
Another time I was speed walking. Now I can't remember it all bcz thats my alone time not to talk to ppl for more than 80-100 seconds total. I speedwalk past this broad with some dude right, and her sk¡tzo ass starts going off again. Going off about race and how she's born in 2000s and I'm a gross 80s or 90s baby, like that even means anything when you're sk¡tzo but ok b¡tch go off. Trying all that woke bullshit to try to make me mad, she just looked like a total joke. I kept walking.
TODAY I see this b¡tch again. And I'm now thinking she's scared of me? Lmao k, so I'm walking to the library and she sees me immediately going on her tough sk¡tzo rant "err I don't like you — something else trying to be rude yet sounding irrelevant to me - like all of it is but I just don't remember everything when she's irrelevant. She then says something like" you're just crying for attention" by that time I was close to passing her. AS SOON as I seen her, I looked her right in her ugly little fat eyes where SHE IMMEDIATELY FROWNED before looking DOWN IN Shame. Really? 😂
Oh and that cute guy 💁🏻‍♀️ ya he approached me of course, attention seeking who (online but so what? Everyone's anonymous here accept me, not a big deal. I'd share names if I REALLY wanted attention). So I'm hoping maybe one day I can just make her my b!tch 🤔 enough barely dominant energy will make her shut up, but I also think she's curious and will approach me, I won't respond unless she acts right too tho. I don't care to say a word.
Tbh I'm sure she yells at me all the time but I just don't pay attention to some crazy sk¡tzo that's so far away from me, barely in earshot when I'm talking to someone else, & all I hear is bickering blah blah blah. But I do think I've heard her b¡tch and complain often now that I think about it. Could it be about me? Not necessarily always but also who's to say really. She seemed super fucking pressed day 1 yknow, but who knows who else she hates and thinks she's tough with right.
No I don't care that it's rude to use a sk¡tzo broad as My b¡tch. She has the resources to get better, can take her meds, go to the ward whatever. She wants to talk shit and be intimated when I look her in the eyes? She kinda deserves to be My b¡tch one day. Like you were literally just talking sh¡t, I don't do much eye contact myself, but if I'm picking fights you might not wanna look away? Maybe if she's good quiet servant I'd help her get on meds tbh but she'd still be my b!tch 💁🏻‍♀️ and she would act right around me, my bitch or not I really don't fucking care. Now that I know, I will use it to my advantage. I can't wait for our next encounter 💞💕
Day 6 today
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