#I'm taking the ask in good faith
ficsex · 1 year
Mx. FicSex, thank you so much for your blog! I hope this is a kind a supportive ask and not a bugging one, but I've noticed that you post really sporadically, and I wondered if you've ever considered using the queue function, to space out your answers? That way, your blog could have more consistent content, and maybe you wouldn't have to post so often!
Hey anon - I do use the queue - that's why when there's a burst of content, you get two a day for a few days in a few, and not six answers all at once.
I have a full time job, two part time jobs, two community volunteer positions, a needs-a-bunch-of-work house, four partners, three cats, and a hell of a combo of anxiety, depression, and ADHD. I am not going to promise you that I'm "doing my best" at keeping up on this blog, because the truth is that this blog is my literal, absolute lowest priority item. I could space out the queue items more, and have just one post a day, but that wouldn't change much either.
Followers will just need to be okay with this being super sporadic, because that's not likely to change. Not being a butt-face here, I just want to be suuuuuper up-front. I love this blog, and I can't spend much more time on it than I do. But the time I do get to spend on it makes me really happy! And I hope it makes other people happy, too.
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
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wombywoo · 7 months
hello! do u draw the maps and diagrams in the backgrounds on ur art by urself or do u use pre existing images or smth :0?
(like the map in ur most recent gaz work)
Haha, hell no! I could never have the patience or skill for that 🙆‍♀️ Most of my backgrounds for the latest COD art have been collage work. So for the Gaz one--I found a bunch of images through google and rearranged them how I wanted through mostly trial and error. yeah, if I had to draw a whole map of London by hand..💀
All these ones have backgrounds made through collage:
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sisterdivinium · 6 months
You know, for a show with so many female characters that so many of us love given how they all get time in the spotlight one way or another and they fill that time up rather wonderfully since they are deeper and more developed than what we're used to seeing in general media, it is peculiar (to say the least) to see so few "alternative" ships to the main one.
I'm not saying the canon ship doesn't deserve its attention -- I'm wondering instead why the canon ship and it alone seem to guide the WN fans who just so happen to enjoy writing/reading fic or fanart or whatever.
You'd think all these cool women would inspire more ships or combinations thereof, but those of us who aren't invested in avatrice just... Float along, around one another, ignored (and, yes, mostly undisturbed too; being unpopular does have its advantages and that includes a lot less weirdos leaving you strange or awkward messages -- it does not, however, shield us from people flooding our goddamn tags on AO3 with fic that has nothing to do with our little ships and I do wish such negligence of the pairing itself meant we didn't have to deal with this spam...)
I am also not saying that fandom activity should be based solely on shipping (and recently someone on Reddit was rather confused by the fact that a lot of it is, which is quite an interesting topic to discuss in itself -- after all, there is more to fan creativity than shippy fic... Or there used to be), merely that, here, it appears that a canon relationship can outshine interest in the other, non-canon ones. It's already there and it was doubtless well-done by the show, so it's natural that it should claim people's attention, sure. It's just that being canon was never the parameter for whether people were interested in these or those two (or more) characters maybe being involved and trying to explore what that could mean through fanwork.
There has always been a complaint haunting fandom spaces concerning the minuscule amounts of f/f fic, art, discussion, w/e based on how few (interesting or sympathetic or relatable) female characters there are in media at large. So what I'm curious about is why fan creations made around WN -- a show that finally gives us a whole cast of female characters that are what we have been craving for decades -- don't also reflect its diversity.
There are alternative ships (I'm here, all happy in my tiny Doctor Superion bubble, and I know there are Camila/Lilith, Ava/Lilith, Mary/Shannon, Mary/Lilith shippers out there, so a warm hello to you if you're reading this), but go on AO3 and compare the numbers of things tagged with these proper pairings to the grand total of WN stories. Better (or worse) still, do so with the "otp: true" trick or simply by excluding avatrice from the search to see how many are left.
It's... A considerable difference. And a mystery, at least to me.
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its-the-sa · 6 months
why would the chieftain fall for an animal that tried to genocide them and their people 😬
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he's a simp
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bluestempigeons · 10 months
is it true you need to get a pigeon to recognize you as their mate so you can bond with them?
This has it kinda backwards. If a pigeon forms a social bond with you, and there aren't any pigeons around for them to hang out with, they will decide that you are their mate. You can form social bonds with paired pigeons or integrate yourself into a flock without any pigeons sight-mating with you. I would say I have social bonds with many of my loft birds, but they spend significantly more time with other pigeons, so they see me more as the weird big ape that hangs around the flock than anything else.
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ninicaise · 2 months
So you don't think there's a certain romantization of slavery at all? Like when Damen said to laurent 'I am your slave' was that not romantic? Or talking about the first night?
well yes, there is a romantization of the concept of elements of slavery between them as a couple on a personal level, nothing to do with the political aspect. it embodies the captive prince theme of duality; slavery can be both hot and romantic, while being something negative as a system in a society. both damen and laurent know damen is not a slave (as in, he wasn't groomed to be one) but a prince and will be a king very soon. so that's part fantasy of them, not a practical reality. they wouldn't marry if damen was still laurent's slave like by title/hadn't been freed or would be explicitly very soon/had been groomed as a slave like erasmus/wasn't a literal monarch.
they fell in love through slavery so its natural they'd be attached to that concept. doesn't mean damen's intentions of abolishing slavery as a sociopolitical and economic system are any less present in the text??? like at all????? both the theme and the kink are things can be and are true at the same time. it's called nuance in fact.
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sergle · 1 year
don't artists usually charge a discounted rate for extra characters / couple's art...?
Sometimes yeah, and I used to, but I felt like I was dying on the cross every time I was trying to figure out how to have 2+ characters interacting in a piece together in a way that looks good to me AND the client AND doesn't obscure either of their bodies or outfits too much. and then I was like WAIT. THIS IS HARDER. so now I just charge full price per character.
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sofishticated3 · 10 months
Omg the f1 side of instagram and particularly the m*x fans are not passing the vibe check. I mean, of course if he's your favorite driver, you can be happy and express that in the comments but is it necessary to always bring up Lewis or merc domination? Or harass someone as soon as they express their opinion about m*x that does not fit the "golden boy/great white hope" image? I swear some are just proving themselves to be racist and misogynist, which considering the man they stan, well
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
*it cut off my last tags which were: I don't know what I can do about this but in the meantime it's a struggle
#random personal stuff#back on my soapbox feel free to ignore#okay so I have been struggling a bit in the Sunday school class that I am being taken to#which is not surprising because I have been struggling socially in this church for the past year#it's a women's class taught by the pastor's wife but not all the women in the church are in it#most of them are middle-aged/elderly#what we're learning is perfectly fine#I appreciate that they're going through an epistle and not lecturing us on How To Be Good Wives and Mothers#but the other women will chime in with their thoughts in between discussions of doctrine#and it will be things like empty little slogans#(such as 'Choose joy!' or 'GodisgoodallthetimeandallthetimeGodisgood')#(not that there isn't any truth in those but they're used tritely)#or What The Lord Did For Me (or: My Life Is Perfectly Peachy)#or things that suggest their faith is all about never being upset by anything ever because you Have Peace#and I kind of wonder if this is a generational thing#because sometimes I'll call my mom with something that's troubling me#and she'll tell me things to the effect of 'just don't feel that way'#or 'ask the Lord to take it away'#which is kindly meant but ultimately ineffective in my experience#but anyway I'm sure these women mean what they say yet at the same time it just...feels insincere to me#as if as Christians we're just supposed to paste smiles on our faces and never have negative feelings#I'm not saying we should all come to class and dispense our personal dramas#but it feels like we're showing up and performing Niceness#and not allowing room for anything that isn't Easy Answers Positivity#and I sit there feeling like there's a huge invisible brick wall around me#and I'm sure that's a me problem#but...I don't know what I'm trying to articulate here sorry#I guess I don't know how to interact with these people because nothing seems real#and we can progress no further than the smallest of small talk because heaven forbid we let our real honest selves slosh over in public#and it's draining!
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pyramidofmice · 1 year
Sally's apology to John really struck me as a raw, meaningful parent-to-child apology. She didn't dumb anything down, she didn't lie to soften anything, she claimed all of her actions... he was so young, and Sally reacted to his age not by talking down to him, but by finding a way to describe the whole truth so he could understand
Most importantly I think is how she kept saying that John is a good person. Like...she thought she was about to die. And she didn't spend that time asking John for forgiveness or to remember her in a good light. She dedicated her words to making John feel loved. She spent that precious time giving him something to make sense of it all, to heal somewhere down the line even when she's not there
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frociaggine · 1 month
I know you're being lighthearted in that post about being fandom cancelled but I wanted to say I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you made it to the other side and can joke about it now 💕
Hi thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot, really ❤️ I was pretty shaken when it actually happened, cried a bit, lost my appetite, it was a weird week. Internet spaces can feel so scarily real sometimes, but overall I think I'm just really lucky bc I've met soso many cool people over the years and it absolutely outweighs the bad parts. I came out of that specific episode having met lots of cool people trauma bonding so maybe ultimately it was a net positive. Who's to say.
Anyway not to be corny but I love everyone in this bar!! and if anyone ever seeing this is going through The Horrors (drama) and wants help in the IDGAF wars (fun constructive distractions!!) by inbox is always open.
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exdeputysonso · 3 months
neutral to brad tbh but your spamming him is so different than the usual fandom spams like ok well at least it's this brad dude instead of david tennant or taika for the millionth time. nice blog, will keep following
lol thank you, i think?
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snowddeong · 7 months
i would love to read your fics so much but for some reason i cannot see yeji as g!p at all rip. do u have any ryujin g!p stories as well ;;
Idk if it was your intent but this really sounds like the writing equivalent of peeps who go under fanart, write "your art is good but" then soliloquise about another ship. Considering how the majority of the fandom sees her, I don't think you gotta look far to find g!p Ryujin 😭 the blog with "phd in Yeji bde studies" in bio is probably not the place to be for you if you don’t like Yeji g!p lmao hfhf. If I do ever write a g!p ryujin fic you'll probably find it when you search g!p ryujin
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starrbar · 10 months
bro if u think fantasizing about taking advantage of/hurting vunerable people (minors for example) doesnt make u a potentially dangerous person then u need help. and this doesnt apply to people whose invasive/intrusive thoughts involve those things, this applies to people who call it their ""kink."" those people are dangerous. not "omg i cant stand to breathe the same air as them" dangerous because thats silly? theyre just fucked up people who no one wants to be associated with. thats it. lol.
Nah, don't pretend that isn't the attitude all you people have. :) I've seen it WAY too many times.
Here's a tame example that DOESN'T include death threats, suicide baiting, telling people they deserved their abuse, etc. But you're welcome to browse my ever-growing catalogue of totally "normal" behaviors that people justify because of rhetoric EXACTLY like yours.
I've already written extensively about the reasons you're fucking wrong, so feel free to read those if you're so convinced that I'm dangerous for fantasizing about BEING THE ONE taken advantage of as a green cartoon creature. (I personally like this post of mine, as well as this one. Or, again, you can skip over me and just go research it yourself.)
Educate yourself before you come over here and tout as fact your headcanons about what you think other people have in their hearts. <3
(Disclaimer: All links lead to either Twitter, Tumblr, or a Carrd page with further sources.)
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
top 9 albums you listened to this year? totally random question 🤪
Unlike last year I did listen to a lot of new music this year so 2022 albums this time weee it was even hard to pick a top 9 but in order of release (probably):
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Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS
Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers
Harry Styles - Harry's House
Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights
Joost - Fryslân
The Snuts - Burn The Empire
Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU
ramble in the tags
#yeah i totally did not basically beg to be asked this thank you for taking the bait askldlsakjskl#albums of 2022#Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS only discovered recently and it sent me into a zone a Z O N E do get in there do it#ROSALÍA - MOTOMAMI when that one came out it was blasting in the house like this only for a good while#Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers I feel like I'm listening to something not intended for me but i should be hearing ?#like it just wrecks me from a place that was never there just unknown and i cant begin to imagine what it can do for people where its known#Harry Styles - Harry's House I THINK IVE SAID QUITE A LOT ABOUT THIS ONE ON HERE#Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights what in the masterpiece is this ??? like????? seriously? SERIOUSLY WHAT IS PUT IN HERE#Joost - Fryslân THIS IS MY BABY he makes this variant of dutch white trash music that is horrid in the most delicious way#unserious but THEN he comes in hard with extremely painful honest lyrics in between utter crap LIKE#love it when music doesnt take itself seriously and still has a huge heart and soul and this is that#this dude is making me cry singing about the grief of losing both parents and minutes later interpolating crazy frog.#The Snuts - Burn The Empire obviously introduced by Louis. I didnt really take them in properly till we saw them at#Lokeren. I did listen to some songs here and there.. Glasgow was a fav. and that was kinda it. but then they came with this album#i always feel regret when i start listening to an artist bc they impressed me live like i should have known before.. which is weird.#that happens. but hearing burn the empire live i was like FUCK and then i was hooked#Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future I MEAN YOU KNOW WE KNOW I KNOW EVERYBODY KNOW WE ALL LIVE IN A FITF#Little Simz - NO THANK YOU this one was released this week! still taking it in but like? FUCK? HELLO? fav: No Merci#honorable mentions (sorry):#Björk - Fossora how the fuck you make an entire album sound like a heavily distressed mycelium network beats me but call me a shroom (idk)#Taylor Swift - Midnights had a bit of a meltdown over this (understatement)#IDLES - Five Years Of Brutalism okay okay it's a rerelease but THERE ARE LIVE VERSIONS
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