#I'm not crying artemis just punched me in the face
Hello!! ~
Just wanted to spam something to remind you that the 25th of August I'll finally post chapter 2 of Artemis: Behind the Legacy but I didn't really have anything to spam so...
Why shouldn't I share some reaaaally old art of her?
I don't think many knows but Artemis was born from a cringy character I had almost ten years ago! After that I literally forgot about her existence and more or less a year ago I didn't really know what to draw so I decided to re-design her just for fun. ...If you ask me now I literally hate this version of her, she looks so basic, has no personality and the colors look pretty crappy too.
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Alright she looked really bad, I admit it but the important thing is that I really had fun drawing her again and that really brought me back into the pl fandom (which by then I sincerely thought it was dead and gone) .Little by little though I begun to change her look and personality without really knowing that I was slowly building an actual character!
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By then I wasn't really thinking about sharing her with anyone, in my mind she was born on my computer and she was going to die there, pretty sad, I know ahah But then I started to notice that the fandom was still pretty alive here so I decided to share a few sketches and stuff about her.
I wasn’t really expecting anything from it, I was just like "Hey- I made this crappy character, take a look!" so when I noticed that people actually liked her the confusion was real (I'm still pretty confused about it ngl) but I decided to go on with it!
(Also I’m pretty sure these sketches were the first post I ever made of her)
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Going back to nowdays I'm really surprised and grateful of how far we've come, thanks to this chaotic blog I met some absolutely wonderful people and little by little I'm getting more confident about my ideas and concepts, it wouldn't really have been possible without your support! I don't really know how this got emotional, it wasn’t really my plan but somehow it did ahah 
Anyway I truly hope you'll continue to read the fancomic (little reminder, Chapter 2 will be out the 25th of August eheh) and mostly that I won't disappoint your expectations!
I don't deserve anything of this, thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️
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heartofjasmina · 7 months
I’ve been binge-reading your gardener!reader x bakugou fics and I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!
which is why I hate to do this to you
Situation in which there’s a high-scale villain attack and reader’s home and garden gets destroyed (along with most of the neighborhood and city) BUT reader doesn’t know yet because they were knocked out and injured during the attack and bakugou was able to save them and pull them out of the house but couldn’t save reader’s garden and so he blames himself for that and for you being in the hospital and doesn’t know how to break the news that your home and garden (and pictures of your mom) are gone!!!
Also if he isn’t pacing the hospital floor waiting for you to wake up, he’s out searching for Artemis and trying to salvage anything from your garden to bring to you (specifically any type of flower seedling or picture)
nonnie.... how dare you make me want to write angst. but thank you!! I'm in love with this pairing and am always looking for excuses to write more about it. hope you like this!!
Katsuki's blood ran cold when he heard the neighborhood they were being called to. Please be alright, please be alright.
It was a chant, a prayer that you were safe and sound with Artemis and your garden and your beautiful home. But when they arrived, him first- blasting through the skys as fast as he could- your house was a mess of rubble and smoke. He tore through the concrete with his heart in his throat. He didn't want to be in a world without you, and that's all he could think as he searched for you.
By the time he found you he was in tears, and seeing your beautiful face bruised and scraped dragged a sob out of his chest. He cradled you against him and let out a desperate cry that sounded like it belonged to someone else.
"We're over here, HELP US!!!"
As soon as he had you set up in the hospital he returned to your house, guilt keeping his heart in a vice as he saw the true scope of the damage. The villain had destroyed half the city in her rampage. And your garden, that you had painstakingly tended to for more than a decade, was torn to pieces. The photos on the toppled walls were cracked as he collected the ones of your mother. Its the least he could do after not protecting you.
"Some hero you are, Katsuki," he grumbled to himself, looking around for any sign of life in your garden.
He called for Artemis, gathered more momentos from your house, and waited anxiously for a call from the hospital.
When it finally came, he froze.
What could he say to you? Would you even want to see him after he failed you so horribly?
You woke in a white room, with pain everywhere. But your first thought was of him.
"Ka.." you tried your best to speak only to find your throat rough as gravel.
"Don't try to speak, ma'am." There was a bright voice beside you, and as you focused your gaze you realized that pro hero Deku was at your bedside. You frowned as you looked at him, your brain slowly coming to the conclusion,
that was wrong.
"He's here. He just... doesn't know if you want to see him. I'm sorry to say your house was destroyed in the villain attack, and he wanted me to tell you that your garden was also destroyed." Deku spoke on behalf of his friend as best as he could, but all you wanted in that moment, needed, was Katsuki.
"Please." It was all you could get out, but Deku understood right away.
"I'll go get him."
Katsuki paced outside your hospital room, barking orders to his subordinates through the phone, "Her name is Artemis, she's a calico. She should be in the neighborhood. I don't give a fuck what you do, find her."
"She's asking for you." Deku murmured casually, watching Katsuki immediately hang up the phone and fall silent.
"She shouldn't be." He muttered, self loathing evident in every word.
"Who are you to make that decision for her?" Deku frowned, with Kacchan he never pulled his punches and it was for a reason. Sometimes the only one who could make Katsuki see reason was someone willing to call him on his bullshit.
"I wasn't there! For fucks sake Deku I wasn't there the one time she needed me." Katsuki's words were distraught, and he refused to meet his friends eyes.
"She needs you now." Deku rested his large hand on his friends shoulder, giving it an encouraging squeeze. "Be her hero, Kacchan. That's what she needs."
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stalkerofthegods · 5 days
Who are the top 5 deities you worship??
Hermes, OG
Apollo, who watched me go to the ER
Aphrodite she's rad, and I can't tell u why cus asked not to
What are you, a cop?
People I used to worship & now, and who I met
Hermes stayed by my side always (horrid at sending signs occasionally tho..) showed up in a dream sitting IN a bookshelf and I just stared at him wondering how he was so flexible, freaked me out when I woke up, cracked my whole leg and it made a loud ass popping noise and he just popped in and just looked at me as if I was crazy (spoiler, I am.)
Odin, just asked me how I felt, and made me cry about it (I was just happy sobbing), also never knows when to leave a room, but he's just a dad man. His kids are cool, he stole my gold glitter and his crows had gold glitter on them standing outside my window and I've never was more confused than at that moment (I was crawling a smilely face called Harold who is a divorced dad of 7 and is a whore, moved houses but he is still there in the walls..)
Apollo watched me go to the ER and accepted my worship with the terms of having a tapestry, class, decorations, and basically, a room based on him, called on him in a dream in a panic and we just stared at each other, also he smells like chik fl la, and breakfast tacos and no, u can't change my mind cus I've smelt it! /j
Ares, nice, tried acting like someone else and I found out who he was because I complimented him and he said ‘thanks’ on accident, (Maybe did not happen, idk, I was in a schizophrenic episode) and he was understanding of intrusive thoughts and understood what I thought, isn't exactly what I want. made him black coffee before
Aphrodite, dint get mad when I almost punched her statue out of startledness because I felt something tap me, also can't say some stuff Pookie Wookie, and she's very understanding of my schizophrenia, she tolerates my weirdness. Tried to teach me I had schizophrenia when I already knew tho..(maybe not true don't take my word, I'm going off of memory!)
Thoth or Thor idk, teleported me when I prayed in a dream, and teleported me on a bed when it was like 7 in the morning and I yelled “Thor help! Oh, wait fuck wrong name, uh Thoth!” (went through the five stages of grief when I woke up, only for 5 minutes, then I had to get ready for school)
Morpheus, in a dream, shaking him yelling “Where is he!?” I don't know who I was looking for, I think it was him because it looked like him, and you can't tell me wrong because u weren't there!/j
Diyonsisus, we met while I was laying clothes on my bed with a thong out and I've never wished I passed away at the moment more, I was just stunned, thinking ‘What the fuck do I do’, it was like years ago, I was like 12, I've never seen a deity presence go away faster, he's cool. I use to think he was vegetarian..
Artemis, threatened me before when I just woke up over a confused thought and I was like “Uh huh, I'm so sorry” stunned in silence..shes cool tho, though her dogs are gorgeous, and love her lifestyle!
Loki, stared at me while I was on the bathroom floor, very passionate staring contest where I thought he was! (I can't see them, only presence and hope!) and uh, dealt with my bullshist, kind of an asshole tho, made sure people used my right pronouns, very Chic of him
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galaxywing-has-adhd · 2 months
avastor family 3
*Alastor teaching Wendi to drive and taking Hunter along for the ride*
Alastor: That's a pothole. To the left!
Wendi: Take it back now y'all
*Drives into pothole*
Hunter, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth.
Wendi: I don't think that's how the song goes.
Alastor, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home.
Wendi: Country Roads.
Hunter: To the place.
Wendi and Hunter in unison: I Belong!
Alastor, crying harder: What the fuck?
Ava: What do you do when someone offers you drugs?
Wendi: Take them!
Artemis: Punch them in the neck!
Hunter: Say thank you!
Alastor: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance!
Ava: …
Ava: No.
Wendi: Where's Dad?
Artemis: Don't worry, I'll find him.
Artemis, shouting: Mom sucks!
Alastor, distantly: Ava is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Artemis: Found him.
Wendi: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Hunter: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Wendi: They're not.
Hunter: Haha, very funny.
Wendi: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Hunter: No... what happened?
Wendi: ...Why would you fall for this again-
Hunter: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine?
Ava: son, what did you do?
Hunter: Take a guess.
Wendi, working at McDonald's: Sorry sir, we don't serve a McFuck here, so either you throw that one slice of pickle out or we're gonna have a McProblem.
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trinity-mia · 19 days
a story as endless as the ocean
the titan's curse
0.3 bianca di angelo changes her future
warnings : allie and thalia cry a bit, some despair for flavor, mentions of allie leaving nico for the wolves
word count : 4.0k
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0.3 Determination Can Often Be Mistaken for Disrespect (But I Don't Care, Don't Get in My Way)
I had to clench my teeth to keep myself from sobbing, but even though finding Luke and Brylie were my top priority, I had more pressing issues to deal with. Artemis looked me over, as if trying to see my list of skills just by looking at me. 
Through my anguish, I gave her a polite curtsy. She smiled and nodded, as if she was hoping I'd do that. I saw Grover look from me to Artemis, trying to figure out why she was important. Then it clicked. 
He gasped, then knelt hastily in the snow and started yammering, "Thank you, Lady Artemis! You're so... you're so... Wow!"
Thalia evidently disagreed with his dramatic actions as much as I did. "Get up, goat boy!" she snapped. "We have other things to worry about. Luke and Brylie are gone!"
"Yeah," I agreed. "Priorities, Grover. Our best friend, remember him? The one who just got dragged over a cliff and somehow disappeared along with our other friend who has already been kidnapped once in her life and is only fourteen!"
He scrambled back to his hooves, looking guilty. But before he could say anything, someone else spoke up first.
"Whoa," Bianca di Angelo said. "Hold up. Time out."
Everybody looked at her. She pointed her finger at all of us in turn, like she was trying to connect the dots. "Who... who are you people?"
Artemis's expression softened. "It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask who you are! Who are your parents?"
Bianca glanced nervously at her brother, who was still staring in awe at Artemis.
"Our parents are dead," Bianca replied. "We're orphans. There's a bank trust that pays for our school, but..."
She faltered. I guess she could tell from our faces that we didn't believe her.
"What?" she demanded, sounding defensive. "I'm telling the truth."
"You are a half-blood," Zoe told her. Her accent was from Ancient Greece and she spoke Old English. I knew that she was Artemis' oldest living Hunter, based on the seniority head piece, but couldn’t gather much else. "One of thy parents was mortal. The other was an Olympian."
"An Olympian... athlete?"
"No," Zoe said. "One of the gods."
"Cool!" Nico declared, sounding and looking utterly thrilled. He didn't seem to understand the reality of the circumstances at all. Bianca seemed less delusional.
"No!" her voice quavered. "This is not cool!"
Nico danced around excitedly, hopping from one leg to the other. "Does Zeus really have lightning bolts that do six hundred damage? Does he get extra movement points for—"
"Nico, shut up!" Bianca put her hands to her face. "This is not your stupid Mythomagic game, okay? There are no such things as gods!"
As anxious as I felt about Luke and Brylie— all I wanted to do was search for them— I couldn't help feeling sorry for the di Angelos. I had been through that before, too. Though, I had accepted it a little too easily. Too many dots had started connecting, but that was by no means a normal reaction. Plus, Bianca was probably twelve, at most. Her rational thinking skills had to be called into doubt for at least a moment.
Thalia must've been feeling something similar, because the anger in her eyes subsided a little bit. "Bianca, I know it's hard to believe. But the gods are still around. Trust me. They're immortal. And whenever they have kids with regular humans, kids like us, well... Our lives are dangerous."
"Dangerous," Bianca said, "like the two who fell."
I caught my breath, feeling as if I had just been punched in the stomach. Thalia turned away and Grover looked stricken. Even Artemis looked pained. My sympathy drained quickly.
"You know, you could have a little respect," I spat dryly. "They fell protecting the two of you." Bianca winced at my tone and Nico's seeming unfading grin faded just slightly.
"Do not despair for your friends, Allie. If they can be found, I will find them," Artemis said gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. Thalia, who'd been caught up in her own thoughts, openly glared at the goddess' hand. She seemed suspicious of the gesture. 
"When we get back to camp, we're going on a quest to find them," I said, directing my statement towards Thalia and Grover, the former of which nodded determinedly and the latter of which was still staring at Artemis and mumbled something along the lines of, "Uh-hufnmmm."
Artemis gave me a small grimace. "Allie, be careful—"
"I know, be careful with what I say, what I do, where I go. I know. I've been told plenty of times. I mean no disrespect, but please, stop trying to tell me what to do."
Zoe looked outraged that I even thought about interrupting Artemis, but the lady in question seemed quite fine with my response.
"I can give you that, Allie. Magic is at work, I'm sure you can sense it. It will be a grueling process to find your friends, know that."
"Oo!" Nico raised his hand, like we were in a mortal classroom or something. He didn't appear affected by the possibility of the greatest guy I'd ever known having been captured to save him anymore. Bad trade, I thought silently. Brylie Burkett for an over-excited kid and Luke Castellan, the closest-to-perfect guy there is, for an in-denial older sister. How the Hades did that work?
"What about Dr. Thorn?" Nico asked, looking gleeful. "It was awesome how you shot him with arrows! Is he dead?"
"He was a manticore," Artemis said. "Hopefully he is destroyed for now, but monsters never truly die. They re-form over and over again, and they must be hunted whenever they reappear."
"Or they'll hunt us," Thalia added darkly as she turned back, her composure restored once again. I couldn't help but notice her mascara was slightly smudged, and her eyes shone. We gave each other a side hug, for support.
Bianca shivered. "That explains... Nico, you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?"
"And that bus driver," Nico said, starry-eyed. "The one with the ram's horns. I told you that really happened."
"That's why Grover has been watching you," I said. "To keep you safe, if you turned out to be half-bloods. He's a protector, a really good one." One that had found both the only children of the Big Three born in decades. That made something hit at the back of my mind, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I shrugged and dismissed it. It'd come back to me.
"Grover?" Bianca stared at him. "You're a demigod?"
"Well, a satyr, actually." He kicked off his shoes and displayed his goat hooves. I thought Bianca was going to faint right then and there.
"Grover, put your shoes back on," Thalia ordered. "You're freaking her out."
"Hey, my hooves are clean!"
"Bianca," I said, cutting in. "We came here to help you. You and Nico need training to survive. Doctor Thorn won't be the last monster you meet. You need to come to camp."
"Camp?" she repeated questioningly.
"Camp Half-Blood," I explained, the familiar spiel falling off my tongue without thinking about it.
Good thing too. I didn't want to be thinking. I wanted to figure out where Luke and Brylie were. Though, Luke always said I was way better with kids than he was. That I just had this air about me. Like I'd rip the world apart to protect the ones I cared about.
"It's where half-bloods learn to survive and navigate the world as a demigod. You can join us, stay there year-round if you like."
"Sweet, let's go!" said Nico, jumping in place. Oh yeah, this kid had ADHD alright.
"Wait," Bianca shook her head. "I don't—"
"There is another option," Zoe said.
"No, there isn't!" Thalia said.
My first thoughts told me I didn't care if Bianca joined the hunters or not. Then, my second thought told me all contact between her and her brother would be practically nonexistent. I could tell that little boy's life depended on her. How could she leave him, just like that? However, you could tell Bianca didn't exactly like being the center of her little brother's world. She'd done it for years. I knew she'd give anything for a break. 
"We've burdened these children enough," Artemis announced. "Zoe, we will rest here for a few hours. Raise the tents. Treat the wounded. Retrieve our guests' belongings from the school."
"Yes, my lady."
"And, Bianca, come with me. I would like to speak with you."
"What about me?" Nico asked.
Artemis considered the boy. "Perhaps you can show Grover how to play that card game you enjoy. I'm sure Grover would be happy to entertain you for a while... as a favor to me?"
Grover just about tripped over himself getting up. "You bet! Come on, Nico!"
Nico and Grover walked off toward the woods, talking about hit points and armor ratings and a bunch of other geeky stuff. Artemis led a confused-looking Bianca along the cliff while the Hunters began unpacking their knapsacks and making camp.
Zoe gave Thalia one more evil look and gave me a once-over, then left to oversee things.
As soon as she was gone, Thalia stamped her foot in frustration. "The nerve of those Hunters! They think they're so... Argh!"
I didn't answer. Something brightly-colored in the snow had caught my eye. When I bent to pick it up, I heard Thalia's breath catch in her throat, and tears blurred my vision. It was Luke's Camp Half-Blood necklace. 
Thalia didn't say another word. She wiped a tear from her cheek, turned, and marched off, leaving me alone with a damaged necklace in the snow. I pulled Luke’s jacket tighter around me.
The Hunters set up their camping site in a matter of minutes. Seven large tents, all of silver silk, curved in a crescent around one side of a bonfire. One of the girls blew a silver dog whistle, and a dozen white wolves appeared out of the woods. They began circling the camp like guard dogs. The Hunters walked among them and fed them treats. Falcons watched us from the trees, their eyes flashing in the firelight, and I suspected that they were on guard duty, too. Even the weather seemed to bend to the goddess' will. The air was still cold, but the wind died down and the snow stopped falling, so it was almost pleasant sitting by the fire.
Almost... except for the guilt weighing me down. I couldn't believe Brylie was gone. I couldn't believe Luke was gone. And all that I could think was that it was my fault. If I hadn't lost my balance and been knocked over, I could have stopped Thorn from grabbing them. I thought about how tired Luke had looked, when we'd danced together for half a song, and my heart felt even heavier.
He had been tired for over a year. Ever since I waltzed into his life he hadn't gotten a proper rest. It was one thing after another, with him wanting to make sure I was safe, no matter what I did. And me, being the stupid, impossible, stubborn girl that I was, dragged him along with me. He didn't complain and he was always there. I wiped away a stray tear.
I watched Thalia pacing in the snow at the edge of camp, walking among the wolves without fear. Of course, they were only trained to hate monsters and men. Not maidens. She stopped and looked back at Westover Hall, which was now completely dark, looming on the hillside beyond the woods. I wondered what she was thinking.
Seven years ago, Thalia had been turned into a pine tree by her father, to prevent her from dying. She'd stood her ground against an army of monsters on top of Half-Blood Hill in order to give Luke time to get to safety with Annabeth and Grover. She had only been back as a human for a few months now, and once in a while, she would stand so still that you would think she was still a tree.
Finally, one of the Hunters brought me my suitcase. Grover and Nico came back from their walk, and Grover helped me bandage up a few scratches I'd gotten.
Nico rummaged through his bag, which the Hunters had packed for him. He laid out a bunch of figurines in the snow— little battle replicas of Greek gods and heroes. I recognized Zeus with a lightning bolt, Ares with a spear, Apollo with his sun chariot. They were surprisingly accurate representations of the gods back in the Ancient days.
"Big collection," I said.
Nico grinned. "I've got almost all of them, plus their holographic cards! Well, except for a few really rare ones."
"You've been playing this game a long time?"
"Just this year. Before that..." He knit his eyebrows.
"What?" I asked.
"I can't remember. That's weird." He looked unsettled, but it didn't last long. "Hey, can I see those swords you were using?"
I pulled off my jewelry and turned them into their weapon form. I showed him Riptide and Shaker, and explained that I was one of the sword instructors at camp. Thinking about Luke and I sharing classes only made my mood plunge again, though.
"Cool! Where'd you get those from?"
"My father gave them to Chiron, the same centaur from the stories, and told Chiron to give them to me when I came. From what I've heard, Riptide has a tragic past and Shaker has a lot more power than I think. Though, Riptide has been around for centuries. Shaker was made specifically for me."
"Awesome! Didn't you jump off that cliff earlier? How'd you get the water to do that?"
"My father's Poseidon. I can do a lot of things when it comes to the sea and... basically most of Poseidon's domains." He nodded excitedly, then continued with his grilling.
"Are you really the daughter of Poseidon?"
"Yes. Didn't I just say that?"
"Wicked! Can you control earthquakes and stuff, then?"
"Uh, I dunno," I shifted. "I've never tried... intentionally, at least." When I glanced at Grover, he was trying hard not to laugh.
He went on asking questions. Was Thalia argumentative, since she was a daughter of Zeus? (I didn't answer that one.) If Luke had so much experience, why hadn't he known better than to fall off a cliff? (I tried not to strangle Nico for asking that one.) Was Luke my boyfriend? (At this point, I was ready to stick the kid in a meat-flavored sack and throw him to the wolves.)
I figured any second he was going to ask me how many hit points I had, and I'd lose my cool completely, but then Zoe Nightshade came up to us.
"Astraea Jackson." She studied me like I was some trophy that needed to be added to the collection of Hunters. Luke didn't know this, but on one of my most recent trips out of camp, I'd run into the hunters, who'd asked me if I wanted to join. I said I'd think about it and managed to get out of it. 
The thing was, though, I did think about it. Last year, when Luke and I were in the Sea of Monsters, we'd run into Circe, who'd offered to teach me to be a sorceress. She said I'd be immortal, all-powerful. At the time I was too mad to even listen to her, but when the hunters ran into me... 
"Come with me," she ordered me. "Lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee."
Zoe led me to the last tent, which looked no different from the others, and waved me inside. Bianca di Angelo was seated next to Artemis, who was cross-legged on the ground.
The inside of the tent was warm and comfortable. Silk rugs and pillows covered the floor. In the center, a golden brazier of fire seemed to burn without fuel or smoke. Behind the goddess, on a polished oak display stand, was her huge silver bow, carved to resemble gazelle horns. The walls were hung with animal pelts: black bear, tiger, and several others I didn't recognize. I figured an animal rights activist would've had a heart attack looking at all those rare skins, but maybe since Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, she could replenish whatever she shot. I thought she had another animal pelt lying next to her, and then I realized it was a live animal— a deer with glittering fur and silver horns, its head resting contentedly in Artemis's lap.
"Join us, Astraea Jackson," the goddess said. I wished that she wouldn't use my full name. Only people wanting to kill me used my full name, and I didn't fancy my chances against this particular goddess. Ares, I apparently could take, but Artemis? She had a little bit of everything. No matter how cocky Luke said I was, I knew I didn't compare to her.
I sat across from her on the tent floor. The goddess studied me, which made me uncomfortable. Gods looking at you like you were a science project had to be a health hazard, right?
Zoe sat down at Artemis's right. She continued to gaze at me. I shifted a little, pulling my legs to the side of me to be more comfortable. 
"We have a few things to discuss, as you know. But my important question can wait. I've asked you here so that you might first tell me more of the manticore. Bianca has reported some of the... mmm, disturbing things the monster said. But she may not have understood them. I'd like to hear them from you."
And so I told her everything I'd heard. It wasn't a lot, but for her, it seemed to be enough.
When I was done, Artemis put her hand thoughtfully on her silver bow. "I feared this was the answer."
Zoe sat forward. "The scent, my lady?"
"What scent?" I asked.
"Things are stirring that I have not hunted in millennia," Artemis murmured. "Prey so old I had nearly forgotten."
She stared at me intently. "We came here tonight sensing the manticore, but he was not the one I seek. Tell me again, exactly what Doctor Thorn said."
"He... I think I might've heard him say something about a general explaining things, or something like that." Bianca nodded, as if it matched what she heard
Zoe's face paled. She turned to Artemis and started to say something, but Artemis raised her hand.
"Go on, Allie," the goddess said.
"Well, then Thorn was talking about something that he called the 'Great Stirring', and he said, 'Soon we shall have the most important monster of all— the one that shall bring about the downfall of Olympus’."
The goddess was so still she could've been a statue.
"Maybe he was lying," I suggested hopefully, albeit a bit sarcastically.
Artemis shook her head. "No. He was not. I've been too slow to see the signs. I must hunt this monster."
Zoe looked like she was trying very hard not to be afraid, but she nodded. "We will leave right away, my lady."
"No, Zoe. I must do this alone."
"But, Artemis—"
"This task is too dangerous even for the Hunters. You know where I must start my search. You cannot go there with me."
"As... as you wish, my lady."
"I will find this creature," Artemis vowed. "And I shall bring it back to Olympus by the winter solstice. It will be all the proof I need to convince the Council of the Gods of how much danger we are in."
"You know what the monster is?" I asked.
Artemis gripped her bow. "Let us pray I am wrong."
"Can goddesses pray?" I asked, because I'd never really thought about that. I bet Luke would be curious too.
A flicker of a smile played across Artemis's lips. "Before I go, Astraea Jackson, I have a small task for you."
"Does it involve averting my idea of finding Luke and Brylie?"
"No, dear girl. I want you to escort the Hunters back to Camp Half-Blood. They can stay there in safety until I return."
"What?" Zoe blurted out. "But, Artemis, we hate that place. The last time we stayed there—"
"Yes, I know," Artemis said. "But I'm sure Dionysus will not hold a grudge just because of a little, ah, misunderstanding. It's your right to use Cabin Eight whenever you are in need. Besides, I hear they rebuilt the cabins you burned down."
Zoe muttered something about foolish campers.
"And now there is one last decision to make." Artemis turned to Bianca. "Have you made up your mind, my girl?"
Bianca hesitated. "I'm still thinking about it."
"Wait," I said, though I knew already. Surely she wasn't actually going to abandon her brother who adored her, though? Who did that? "Thinking about what?"
"They... they've invited me to join the Hunt."
"But you can't! What about your brother? Nico can't be a Hunter."
"Certainly not," Artemis agreed. "He will go to camp. Unfortunately, that's the best boys can do."
"You can see him from time to time," Artemis assured Bianca. "But you will be free of responsibility. He will have the camp counselors to take care of him. And you will have a new family. Us."
"A new family," Bianca repeated dreamily. "Free of responsibility."
I was disgusted by her, but I said nothing more, as I could tell she wouldn't be dissuaded. Nico might be annoying, but he was just a kid. He'd need a lot of support from the Hermes cabin to help him get over this betrayal. I hoped that he'd be claimed quickly, so we didn't have to add parental abandonment issues on top of sisterly ones. Gods, what kind of person was she?
She looked at Zoe. "Is it worth it?"
Zoe nodded. "It is."
"What do I have to do?"
"Say this," Zoe told her, "'I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis’."
"I... I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis."
"I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."
Bianca repeated the lines. "That's it?"
Zoe nodded. "If Lady Artemis accepts thy pledge, then it is binding."
"I accept it," Artemis said.
The flames in the brazier brightened, casting a silver glow over the room. Bianca looked no different, but she took a deep breath and opened her eyes wide. "I feel... stronger."
"Welcome, sister," Zoe smiled. It was a strange sight, definitely.
"Remember your pledge," Artemis said. "It is now your life."
I couldn't speak. I felt like a trespasser. And a complete failure. I couldn't believe we'd come all this way and Luke and Brylie had sacrificed themselves, only to lose Bianca to the eternal girls' club.
"And, you should know I mean no harm by saying this, nor do I want to rush your decision, but I'm wondering... have you yourself thought about our offer?" She raised her eyebrows and it felt hard to lie to her, so I didn't.
"I... have. And I’ve decided that it isn’t for me. I enjoy my life as it is, and despite some of the more… unsavory parts of my career, I do enjoy acting and singing. Even the modeling can be enjoyable most of the time. I don’t want to throw my life away.”
Zoe didn’t try to stifle her disbelieving scoff, but simply mumbled under her breath that it was an honor to hunt under Artemis and considering it ‘throwing my life away’ was grossly inaccurate. 
Despite Zoe’s reaction, Artemis simply nodded. "I respect that, Allie Jackson. Know, however, that the door is only open for as long as you consider it so," Artemis closed her eyes. "Dawn is approaching. Zoe, break camp. You must get to Long Island quickly and safely. I shall summon a ride from my brother."
Zoe didn't look very happy about this idea, but she nodded and told Bianca to follow her. As she was leaving, Bianca paused in front of me.
"I'm sorry, Allie," she murmured. "But I want this. I really, really do."
You want to abandon your brother? I thought, but I said nothing aloud, simply turned my head away from her to keep my expression neutral. Then she was gone, and I was left alone with the twelve-year-old goddess.
"So," I said glumly. "We're going to get a ride from your brother, huh?"
Artemis's silver eyes gleamed. "Yes, dear girl. You see, Bianca di Angelo is not the only one with an annoying brother. It's time for you to meet my irresponsible twin, Apollo. Be careful. One look and he might pine after you for the rest of your life."
*    *    *
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
What if the gods take hardship goddess and her kids in Olympus?
Children Names
First Child - Boy - Alex
Second Child - Girl - Stella
Third Child - Twin - Boy - Malik
Fourth Child - Twin - Girl - Fiona
Fifth Child - Boy - Issac
Sixth Child - Girl - Oracle
The doors of the large room slammed as the eldest of the 6 children ran to the door and pounded away on the door barrier that was secured with a lock, tears rushing down his face and anger in his voice.
"Let us out of here, you bullies! Give us our mother back!" Alex roared at whoever was on the other side of the door but there was no answer, only the sound of footsteps walking away. "RAH!" He roared again as he punched the door and slumped down to his knees, sobbing silently but his siblings heard him and Stella broke away from the cluster of crying children to comfort her elder sibling.
"Alex, it's gonna be okay, we'll get out of here and get out mother back." Stella placed a hand on Alex's shoulder as he sobbed away - angered by his own weakness.
"How? They locked away our powers and I'm not strong enough to break the door... I'm not strong enough to get us out of her so that we can get mother back and father..." He growled at the reminder of his father being struck down by the red-eyed man. "He hurt father..."
"Big Brother. Big Sister." Fiona called out to them as she gained their attention, Oracle crying in her arms, "Who are these people and why did they take Momma?" She asked.
"These...'people' are mother's biological family - The Gods and Goddess of Greek Mythology." Stella said as she held Alex close to her to comfort him.
"If they are her family, why did they hurt papa and why was she crying?" Issac asked.
"I don't know, Brother." Alex sobbed through locked teeth, "I just don't know."
[Meanwhile - with [Y/N] and the Other Gods]
"You Bastards! You've gone too far!" [Y/N] struggled against the divine ropes that Ares got from his daughters - the Amazons.
"Silence yourself, [Y/N]." Artemis rolled her eyes as she stood over her sister with the orb containing the other half of [Y/N], "We're doing this for the greater good of all god-kind and you're lucky that father stated that none of your 'children' would be harmed because I wanted nothing more than to kill those little mistakes."
"You touch my children and I'll slaughter you, Artemis!" [Y/N] snarled at the taller woman, who just smirked at her.
"Stop making her angry, Sister." Apollo said as he sat in his chair, sadness filled his eyes as he looked at the scene before him before looking at his father, "Father, why did you do this? You knew that she was happy with the life she had and you listen to Artemis, just because she wanted to be praised again. You have traumatized your grandchildren and angered your daughter; what makes you think that she will aid us?" He asked.
"She will do what she is told or her children shall be slaughtered." Artemis said before holding the orb closer to [Y/N], "Accept the Hardship Soul and give us the power we lost because of you and your weakness."
"Let my children go." [Y/N] glared into Artemis' eyes.
"You're in no position to make demands. Ares killed your husband, I'll make sure he kills your children if you don't listen to me." Artemis demanded.
"Artemis, you are going too far." Zeus called from his throne, thunder in his voice, "You shall no longer threaten my grandchildren or I shall make sure that you never receive the power again." He looked at [Y/N], "Please, make it easier on yourself, daughter."
"I'm not your daughter. I'll never aid you again." [Y/N]'s cried with hatred in her eyes, "The Greek Gods shall lose their power or become mortal but I shall never let you have your power again. Besides..." She smirked, "It's far too late."
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morgansunflower · 3 years
That I Love You 1/2
Older!Damian Wayne X West! Reader
Warnings:explicit language, blood
Y/N, West is the daughter of Wally and Artemis. Damian, fights his heart to feel a ounce of love for her though fails
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Being a speedster like my dad has it perks. I am one of 'the fastest person's alive'. My little twin brother Jai and I have been not only twins but best friends. We know almost every single one of the others secrets. My dad had been believed to be dead, before I was born. After we we're 5 months old he came back. Now, we live in Central City. In a 3 bedroom, two bathroom, a kitchen with a, table and a living room big enough for the four of us. I've been with the team at the hub for 9 years now. The team consists of myself, my brother, Jonathan Kent, sisters Jennifer and Anissa, my cousin Lian Harper, Arthur Jr, and Damian Wayne. Oh, Damian. We're friend's. Just friends. So why do I want more? I would die if anyone knew how I feel about him. Not even, Jai knows. At least I hope.
Damian's P. O. V
9 year anniversary of the team. A party at the hub. With previous members and current attended. I stand in the back leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. I look at, Y/N laughing with her brother. I always was fond of her smile. Her laughs warm my heart. Her kindness always brings me to a comforting place. My older adopted sister joyfully steps to me.
"you gonna keep being a creepy stalker or go talk to her" Brown said with a smile
"tt, I should have taken advantage of ridding of you when I had the chance"
"Dami, you've been threatening to kill me since the day we met. Besides she's pretty, kind enough for both of you. Plus she knows when to put you in your place, and--"
"Brown, enough" I grunted
"well I never Damian Wayne scared to talk to his oh so adorable crush" her tone mocking
I pondered on my annoying yet I do love her, adopted sister's statement, 'Crush?' Meaning you like someone. That, word didn't even come near to how I feel for, Y/N. I didn't simply like, Y/N. My feelings for her were far deeper than that. I have a deep adoration for her. I can't seem to find any reason to allow her to be mine. She deserves far better than I can ever attempt to be. The following day. My arm extended holding my sword blocking Slade's own sword. Are swords clashed. The team and I preventing, Injustice League from causing further chaos.
"Robin, look out!" Y/N yelled
I push Slade harshly as I hear gunfire. He kneels grabbing his pistols. I swiftly three two batarangs in his pistols barrels. I turn abruptly. I see, Y/N on the ground.
"no!" I said I then say in my intercom "H/N, is down!!"
I run and hold her in my arm's. I feel my heart pounding against my chest. Her body limb everything, next to where her heart is blood pouring. I use my spy-contact's on the faraway building I see, Dead-shot! I don't have time to ruin him for hurting my love. I run using a boom-tube to the Med-bay. How could she have done that?! I didn't deserve that. I lay her on the stretcher I use my spy-contact's. Her pulse still there. Suddenly I'm being pulled back
"no! No! No! No!" I yelled
"Damian, we have to perform surgery!" I hear though I can't retain
I can't leave her. I see Diana and Barry. I look at, Y/N's unconscious body. My breathing hitches. I step out of the Med-bay. I look seeing the blood on my uniform and hands.
"where's my sister!!" Jai demanded
He grabbed my collar I move his hand away.
"she's being tended to"
"what the hell happened?!"
"Deadshot, was aiming at me. H/N, heroically let the bullet shoot through her. As I said 'their tending to her condition'"
I then see her parents
"Jai!!" Artemis exclaimed
Jai runs to them. I see Artemis hug Jai. Wally, hugs them both. I look down to her blood on my uniform. My heart racing. I'm sweating. I step away unable to stand another moment. Jai, ran in front of me grabbing my shoulder.
He whispers with rage "are you seriously thinking of leaving? After my sister took a bullet for you? The hell is wrong with you?! She deserves better than that, Damian!" his tears fell
I shove his hand away "like you said West" I step away leaving "'she deserves better'"
I use a boom-tube going to the Bat-cave. I step to the training center. I feel so enraged! I think of the blood she bled. I punch the wooden post repeatedly. I ignored the sweat pouring down my face. The pounding of my heart.
"Damian!!" I hear
Todd, grasped my fist I dagger glare at him.
"we've been yelling your name like 500 fucking times take a fucking breath, short stack" Todd said
I'm 3 inches taller than, Jason and he still insults me like he did when I was a child. I see, Grayson. I move my hand away from, Todd. I then feel the burning pain on my knuckles. I was so enraged I never noticed. My gloves torn and knuckles swollen with blood. I sigh deeply catching my breath. I step to the small medical area in the Bat-cave. I grab the cloth from the top of the shelf and clean the blood off my knuckles. I then see, my blood stains on my uniform from Y/N's blood. My heart sinks further. She has to fight through.
"you gonna explain the fuck that was about?" Todd asked enraging me
"Jay, not helping man" Grayson, looks to Todd irritated and sighed. He then looks at me "what's wrong, Little D? You don't look too good. C'mon you can talk to us"
I shake my head gently my breathing un-calmed. I step out of the Bat-cave going to my room. I walk up the stairs. I step into my room and I slammed the door shut behind me. I feel my heart heavy. I strip down and change into my boxers and sweatpants. I lazily sat on my bed. I take a shaky breath. What if I've really messed up this time?  What if I lose her? I force my tears back. I already ruined my friendship with her. Could I never get the chance to beg for forgiveness. I feel my unavoidable tear fall down my face. Then it all fell to the floor beneath me. I hear footsteps among the hallway near my bedroom door. I knew it was my adopted brother. I hold my hands together with a firm grip my rage consuming me. I ignored the pain I felt within my grasped hands and the sound of my door knocking. The door cracks open then opens more. I see, Grayson out of the corner of my eye.
"tell me what's going on, kiddo. Your big bro is here to listen closely and intently"
"tt" I don't know how to tell him how I feel about, Y/N. How scared I feel.
He sits next to me I take a deep breath. He's my best friend. He touches my neck.
"c'mon you know that you can talk to me, what's wrong?" he said with a soft voice though with worry
I sigh deeply "she takes a damn bullet for me. I care about her Grayson.. The same way you care for your wife. I failed her" my voice breaking it wasn't the first time I broke in front of my brother.
I'm grateful for him. I'm in love with, Y/N. Admitting the truth is freeing. Though I broke the chance to be with her and that scares me to my core
Y/N's P. O. V
I feel a light pain in my middle chest. I blink my eye's my vision blurred. I blink again seeing clearly. I see, my parents and Jai. My mom with tear stained cheeks and Dad nearly weeping. Both of them locked arm's. Jai, sitting on the chair with a saddened look on his face.
"stop moping I'm not dead" I mumbled
"Y/N!" they exclaim
Jai and Dad were the first one's near me. Jai, standing on the right side of the stretcher and my dad on the left. Dad gently touched my face. He started crying. My heart sinks to my gut. He kissed my head.
"oh, my sweet little girl"
"oh, daddy" I touch his hand
He squint his eyes, pinches his nose stuttering. I squeeze his hand that was on my face. He softly smiled and kissed my head again. He moves allowing my mother's shaking hands to cup my cheek.
"Y-you're grounded"
I slightly scoffed she kisses my head. I feel, my brother softly grasp my hand. He uses his other hand rubbing the top of my hand. He takes a quavering breath trying not to cry. I softly smile.
"cry baby" I insult him to try and make him feel better
He gasped smiling with a tear falling.
"shut up, Y/N"
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dancinglifeboat · 4 years
Unnecesary Commentary Using Screenshots of Sybilus and Rita Part 2
Aka I get emotional and Sybilus and Rita don’t deserve this
"All in favor of sheriff Madison Renolds?"
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"The motion passes"
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HE'S SO SCARED. The resignation and worry in the first two photos leading into that genuine fear and sadness in the third. Madison is; in canon; compared to Mr. Rogers, she was probably who the werewolves were hoping to turn to. If the kindest, most trusting person in all of Connor Creek was against them, who did that have? Once again Rita shows small reaction, but I think it's in this moment she realizes they're going to need Artemis and Paul's help.
"We're going to fight these monsters!"
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You see that? That is any last hope of finding allies within the town vanishing. She called them monsters, what they were monsters. And while Sheriff Mads doesn't mean Sybilus and Rita directly, Sybilus seems to me like the type to take it personally.
Sheriff says they're going to find them, and the entire town cheers.
Rita is continuing her steak of doing a fine job acting and blending in, but her motions are more stiff, less out of control than her fellow townsfolk, and even though she's got a determined face, you can see that she's worried. Sybilus is trying to do the same thing, but he's upset, and it shows, and I would like to punch Trueman and whomever is framing them in the face for hurting the both of them.
"For hurting our friends!!" 
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"ah yes, we totally believe the werewolves hurt our friends" they look like they're at a luncheon with rich people and the conversation just turned to politics.
"I'm gonna have me a new rug!"
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Oh, dear I'm so sorry. He looks like he’s trying not to cry and I don’t blame him.
I would just like to reiterate that as hilarious as this scene is, both of them are listening to their neighbors, their friends, scream and yell. Excited to hurt them, the person sitting right next to them wants to turn them into a rug for heaven's sake! And they just have to sit there and listen to it.
They are being framed for hurting the people they cared about, and those left are planning to hunt them.
In conclusion, the werewolves of Connor Creek don't deserve this, I hope they don't die, and they'd better get an apology. Also, three cheers for this phenomenal acting because holy sh*t
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
omg! I'm a glutton for punishment, do you think you could write something based on these prompts? “Listen… You’re his/her best friend… and I completely fucked up– it’s over between us, but… please, punch me, or punish me, or do something to me because he/she just… cried. He/she wasn’t even angry, they were just so sad– Please, be angry at me, please. Give me what I deserve.” (1)
First, your request is in 2 parts, to accommodate the ask you have dropped into my in box.
Second, glutton for punishment you may be, but angst drama lover I can be! I hope this suits your wants for part one!
Not a Freak, Just… Different
Jason supposed he was capable of a lot of shit. Fucking upeverything being high on the list as he sat there and sipped the beer andpondered how he had gotten here.
It wasn’t even his fault, it was Cass and Stephanie’s whojust couldn’t leave well enough alone. It would be nice if for a change that everyonewould stop fucking with him and Raven. They didn’t get it, they couldn’t getit, and in his rushed attempt to fix this misunderstanding between himself andhis idiotic family members he had pretty much destroyed his relationship withRaven.
Yeah, that was a real bitch of a problem.
And he hated himself as he sat there in the grimy bar in themiddle of Crime Alley and hoped that some thug had the guts to end his miserywith his underaged drinking. That’d just be a fucking fantastic change of pacefor him and the hell he was digging himself into. It’d just be nice to skip thepleasantries and plant himself six feet under, just to end this.
He’d even be willing to save on costs and use his ownfucking coffin from the first time around!
Just for the love of a merciful God somewhere; Put Him OutOf His Misery!
A heavy hand clasped his and he glanced over at Artemis asshe sat in the seat beside him. “You are not easy to find.”
“If I didn’t want to be found you’d never find me,” hepointed out and took another sip of his beer.
“You are…”
“A bastard, a fuck up, a royal pain in the ass; go ahead,say it, I’ve already been swearing at myself in every language I could thinkof,” he admitted.
“You’re Raven’s best friend.”
“And I completely fucked it up, royally this time,” headmitted. He was such a fuck up, and all this in his dire want of not wantingto fuck this all up.
“It does not mean it is shattered beyond repair,” Artemis insisted.
“No? I’m pretty sure I called her an ugly cow in lame manterms, and a freak of nature; two things I know she’s not, in the dire attemptto get my family to stop pushing her and me together!” he groaned. “I deserveto have the shit beaten out of me, I made her cry Arty. I fucking made her cry!”he rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes as he tried not to scream infury at himself.
“She wasn’t angry,” Artemis said softly.
“No, because she was… God, she was sad, Arty. It waseverything her ex said about her and I just… I made it worse. She looked likeshe was about to cry.”
“Then go fix it!” Artemis snapped.
“HOW!?” he roared.
“Tell her the truth!” Artemis snapped.
“And what is that!? That I’m very much in love with the littlebird!? That I’d give my life before harming her, but hey, I hurt her in theworst way possible,” he muttered the last part miserably and sipped his beer ashe prayed to die. Death would be nice.
Raven buried her face in her pillow and tried desperatelynot to cry. She knew she was a freak, she had frequently been reminded byeveryone around her just how creepy and how freaky she was. She got it!
She was an ugly demon!
She was a freak of nature!
She was… she was shattered…
The sob tore from her chest then as she tried to smotherherself in the pillow sobbing. It’d just be nice if ONE person liked her howshe liked them! She’d love it if… if Jason liked her… like… like she liked him…
Azar she was pathetic, she sobbed into the pillow as shetried to will herself into a death by humiliation at even thinking she even hada shot at a guy as awesome as Jason.
Suddenly there was a gentle hand in her hair which had hercurling into the pillow.
“Go Away!” she snapped at Zatanna; her elder sister was sofucking perfect that she’d never have this humiliation.
“I’m not going anywhere Rae,” Zatanna said softly.
“Fuck Off!”
“Why!? So you can rub this in! because you’re so bloodyperfect all the damn time! You get every guy you look at! Do you like this humiliationthat you get to rub into my face!?” Raven shouted in the pillow. There was astab of pain in Zatanna’s emotions, but Raven didn’t care. She wanted to go diefor ever being foolish enough to crush on her best friend.
“Okay, I take shitty sister aware of the century,” Zatannasighed.
“Just fuck off Zatanna!”
“Go Away!”
“NO! Get it through your thick demon skull Raven, you’re mylittle sister who’s just had her first heartbreak, and it sucks to try to gothrough it alone,” Zatanna snapped.
“And you’ve had your heart broken so often?” Raven sneeredinto her pillow; some of her fury at Zatanna was probably lost with her refusalto look at her but Raven wasn’t falling for it.
“Yeah, I have, and by a guy, and it fucking SUCKED; and theguy wasn’t even doing it by accident like Jay was, he did it because he could. Jason’sa scared kid and he loves you Rae! As a friend, and as something more, even ablind man could see he’s head over heels in love with you,” Zatanna snapped.
“He called me an evil demon, and a freak,” she muttered andcried again, feeling the fresh pain of that.
“No, he said you were a demon and a bit freaky, but totally cool,Rae… he didn’t, he’s a nervous wreck,” Zatanna said.
“He meant it.”
“Yevio,” she muttered.
“Fuck off, Zatanna.”
“I’m getting ice cream and when I get back you’ll be inpajamas and ready for a night of shitty action movies I hate,” Zatanna snappedas she got off the bed.
Raven didn’t move as she cried harder; Jason had called her afreak.
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morgansunflower · 3 years
Baby Girl
Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon & Daughter!Reader
This was a request on wattpad thought y'all might enjoy! Y/N Grayson is 18 sister of Damian who is 19, and John who is 10. Y/N, trying to cope with her father's death. Only to soon find out that he's far from dead. Dick, fakes his death the only way to keep his daughter and family safe
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Wearing my uniform and mask. My tears run down my face my knees trying to give out from complete shock. I shut my eye's unable to withstand seeing my dad on the jumbo screen dead. My ten year old brother John buried his face in my abdomen his arm's tightly wrapped around me, his small hands clinching my shirt. My heart drops, I feel out of breath and I feel sick. I look seeing my older brother Damian sitting by me. Sweat dripping down his face, he breaths through his mouth. Damian, shuts his eye's inhaling sharply. This can't be happening, this is a horrible nightmare, and I want to wake up. What scares me is that this isn't a dream. That my dad is really gone. I drop to my knees John hugged my neck his tears making my uniform wet where his laid on my shoulder. His left arm over my neck and other across my hip. I held him tight unsure if he needed more comfort or if I did. Cassandra, placed her hand on my shoulder. I need to get up mom needs to see us, I need to see her. I cleared my throat and stood still holding my brother. Damian, stood up and stood next to me his fist clinched. We look at each other both of us had dad's eye's. His eye's swell he wouldn't let himself cry. Damian, never would let his guard down. Unless he was only with me, Mom, Dad or his girlfriend. Damian's my best friend. I know he feels as broken down as I do.
"let's get you guy's--" Damian cut aunt Steph off
"I can handle getting them home"
"kid's" mom said her voice breaking
Damian and I moved our heads to the comforting sound of our mother's voice. I see, Mom she walked to us tears running down her face. John, let go of me and held onto mom. She held him and hugged Damian and I. The next day the funeral wearing my black dress, only waterproof makeup wearing anything different would be a awful mess and wearing my nice shoes. My family by my sides but I feel so alone. I just feel nothing but pain. We were all in the living room. My aunt's, grandad Bruce, uncle's, cousin's, Wally, Artemis, Clark, grandpa Jim and close friends. I need a break from having to lie and say 'I'm ok'. I need space or I'm going to blow. I left the Manor going to the circus my dad owned. In my gymnast uniform I had left here last week. I left my phone in my purse on the ground and walk up the ladder. I swung across on the trapeze holding the bar, below me a net. I feel the wind and feel my heart race. I remember my dad telling me about my biological grandparents John and Mary Grayson. He told me how they died that night. My dad had something in him that allowed him to heal from that pain or learn to live with that pain. I didn't inherit that from him. I don't think I will ever be able to heal from losing my dad. I remember him teaching me to ride my bike. The first time I put on my uniform and went on my first night of patrol. My first period and dad bringing me my favorite dessert. He was always there for me, and now he's gone. I swing and flip grabbing the other bar. I move around facing the opposite direction I was and swing
"dammit, Y/N" Damian sighs
I let go falling onto the net I see my older brother still in his suit and tie. His demeanor stressed and tense.
"you're mad at me"
"mad? I'm infuriated you could have at least told me where you were before you left without telling us. For all I knew you could have been hurt or.... Just get down and let's go home"
"ok, you don't have to be so grouchy Dami"
"don't piss me off more, Missy" he threatened
I got down I grabbed my purse and looked at my phone. 5 missed calls from mom, 2 from John and 1 one Damian. As well as 4 text messages. I texted my mom telling her that I'm ok. Damian and I walked out of the tent. I see the, car and looked at the barn. I take a shaky breath so many memories here.
"I'm going to go check on Zitka, and the cubs"
"tt I'll come incase you decide to do something reckless"
I roll my eye's at my older brother's remark. We walk to the barn. I looked in our elephants stall. She lifted her trunk and sniffed my hair. I softly smile I pet her long trunk
"it's good to see you Zitka" my voice pained with grief knowing dad isn't here, the one who started this
I hear growling from the lion cubs I look seeing Damian pulling their rope with a knot on both ends. Both cubs had their teeth locked on the nots pulling it away and Damian pulling the middle. Damian, takes a deep breath letting go of the rope
"your performance on the trapeze has gotten a bit better"
"Damian are you giving me a complement?" I sarcastically asked
He rolls his eye's "tt it's getting late and cold, we should be heading home so you don't get sick"
"oh please me getting sick that does not happen"
"you are a, horrible liar"
"yeah you to"
I walked to my older brother I hugged him. Damian's always been taller than me. It felt like hugging a, giant bear. Damian, wrapped his large arm's around me. We stayed there for a moment. I started crying.
"It's my fault dad's gone I'm sorry, Y/N" his voice breaking
"Damian" I parted from him I grabbed my arm's shaking my head "no, don't you dare say that, Dami" I shake my head again and hug him "I won't allow it"
A few months later still feels like yesterday dad and I were swinging on the trapeze. Grandad Bat's is missing. We all went to Gotham to keep it safe until hopefully we find grandad breathing and in one piece. I went on patrol I see a group of men in a abandoned building countless of gun's on the foldout table's. I can tell by the model of the gun their illegal. I silently drop in landing on the floor.
"did you hear that?" one asked
"probably a damn rat" another answered. A rat seriously. I need to work on my stealth "we our going to make a grand on the black market"
I extended my arm to throw mini Gass bombs at their feet.
"not if I have anything to say about it"
"it's Batman!" one exclaims grabbing a gun
"shoot the bastard!"
I nearly gasp and fainted seeing Batman! Wait that's not grandad. They shot at him he threw batarang at the barrel of some of the guns. I punch the man with a shotgun. I snatched his gun and hit his gut with the end of the gun.
"had a feeling you'd show" one said and grabbed a square box on top a red trigger
I swiftly grabbed my batarang I changed with my own design and threw it at his wrist before he could set the bomb. With all the men tied together in a circle I hear GCPD. Batman and I shot our grappling gun's leaving. We both landed on a building. I hear, movement seeing my brother's. I feel myself shaking with shock. I don't believe my eye's it could not be him. He's dead! I feel my hands shaking
"you found grand--who are you?" John asked
Batman, took his cowl off I gasp out of breath. John, began to sob. He ran into dad's arm's. Dad, began to cry rubbing John's back.
"I'm so sorry son" he mumbled
After John calmed down dad put him down and kissed his head. He stood in front of Damian. Damian's fist clinched his tears falling dad put his hand on Damian's neck. Damian hugged him. Dad, rubbed his back.
"no lecture" dad asked Damian chuckling
"I'll leave it to mom" Damian cried
Dad and Damian parted. Dad kissed his head with tears.
"I'm sorry for what I did son"
Dad, walked to me I shook my head fighting my tears. I hit my foot on the ground. Dad, hugged me I broke down sobbing. I clinch his cape burying my face in his neck.
"I'm so sorry baby girl"
"don't ever do that to me, again" I sobbed
He kissed my head "I promise you I won't. I missed you kid's so much"
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morgansunflower · 3 years
The Hole You Left 1/2
Warnings: anxiety attack, lots of angst, language
Y/N, mother of Wally Allen who is 16 and her unborn baby. She tries to cope after her husband Barry Allen's death.
Also Wally suffers anxiety attacks. I know people do struggle with anxiety if anyone who reads this does and I did not do the story justice, I apologize. I did do research and I hope you all enjoy the read! Picture below is comic but the story is from Young Justice Universe.
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I knocked on Wally's door. Don't cry, don't cry. Controlling my emotions the best I can. I'm 8 week's pregnant with Barry's child my bump barley noticeable, but not for long. I have to tell my son. What is making this so hard is that Barry died 3 days ago. We didn't do a, funeral service do to it was broadcast on television. It could cause suspicion if both Barry Allen and the Flash were dead. It would put my son's identity at risk something I'm not willing to risk. I knocked again
I spoke with a soft tone "Wally... Wally, honey, we need to talk, Sweetheart"
He opened the door he hasn't smiled since we lost Barry, I miss his smile. I miss smiling myself
"team mission?" he asks bluntly
"no I think you need to sit down" how am I going to tell him this? Will he be mad? Happy?
"I'm fine" I gave him a pleading at him trying not to cry "fine" he ran sitting on his bed. I sat with him, he sat crouched up. A long silence, how am I going to do this "am I in trouble?"
"no! No not at all, Wally you're not in trouble at all" with one hand on his back and my other hand on my son's hand wanting to give him comfort and needing some myself "I just need to tell you that I love you so much no matter how life is going to change you'll always be my baby boy" I hear him sniffing "I'm pregnant. You're uh you're going to be a big brother" he looked at me his eye's watering
He hugged my neck crying. I wrap my arm's around my son as we both cried.
Wally's P. O. V
"BO3 Kid-flash"
In the cave I see my best pal, Dick Grayson and the girl I love, Artemis. Next to my mom their the best thing in my broken-down life right now. It should have been me. It's my fault he's gone. I need to stop thinking about him, it makes everything feel worse. The chances of Dick already knowing are 1,000 outta 10. Artemis, I really hope not. I don't want her to worry about me. I don't want to be a burden. It's moments like this I want mom to hug me.
"Wall-Man, aren't you supposed to be sick? Or doing something else? Oh I don't know as in not missions" Dick stated oh, he definitely knows
"please nothing can keep me down, right babe" 
"don't even go there with me kid-idiot" she's drowning in oblivious
I hear my phone and look a reminder. My muscles tense, my heart drops, and I feel my gut turn into nots.
-weakly training with old man-
Fuck! I totally forgot to delete that. I ran to my room at the cave. I began hyperventilating. I choke on my sobs out of breath. I threw my phone sobbing with grief. I collapse on my bed crying gripping my hair. 'hey kid look at me, you alright? You scared the hell out of us, son' Dad said after I woke up from passing out from not eating for a while. I also had a anxiety attack, it sucked. Mom, was in tears and Dad was fighting his. I ran punching the wall making a hole. I breath deeply in and out. I moved my hand out of the hole in the wall. I sat, on my bed my hands shaking. No! No! No! Shit, not again. Go the fuck away anxiety. I feel a heavy pain in my chest. I use my speed looking for my phone. I found it the screen cracked, shit. I turn it on, Mom! Mom! I need my Mom! My hole body shaking I tried to stop it. Hot tears pouring out my face. My intercom! I use my spy-contact's and go to my emergency contacts. I see a picture of Dad and I, on his contact photo. I feel like my heart is getting stabbed. I can't stop from using my speed. I speeded away. I'll exhaust myself that'll work. I ran for thousands of miles, I tripped gripping my hands in the sand? I hear, my intercom taking deep breaths in and out. I answered my breaths heavy with exhaustion. Sitting on my knees. I feel sweat dripping from my face. My arms folded over my rapidly beating heart
-"Wally, honey what's wrong?" Mom softly said
"it-it happened again mom but I'm okay now"
-"kid don't you pass out on me baby. Just, tell me where you are and I'll come pick you up son"
I stood taking in my surroundings. I see sand lots of sand with lot's of footprints. It's blazing hot. I look on my GPS, I'm in Egypt. My breathing still heavy and tears are hot when I cry. I sniff. I thankfully stopped my crying.
"don't worry about it I need to head back to the cave"
-"absolutely not, Wally you're coming home right now and I'm letting you eat all the ice-cream, pizza you want. Anything you want. Just please come home, baby" I could hear in voice she's crying
"ok, alright, don't cry mom I'm coming home and do I get to eat a big bucket of ice-cream and two pizzas?" she chuckled it felt good to make mom laugh
-"sure kid but do recognize I'm carrying another mini speedster inside me"
"right I totally forgot how is uh that going?"
I was so focused on mom I didn't notice my breathing eased.
-"I'm ok, we're OK just tell me where you are and I will pick you up sweetie"
I ran home into the kitchen mom gasped in fear. Usually she would laugh and say a annoyed remark about me scaring her. Then dad would say 'like Father like Son'. She walked to me with tears in her eye's. I hugged her she wrapped her arm's around me. We both broke down crying she kissed my head. My sobs racked my body. Mom kisses my head.
"oh, Wally I am so sorry"
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