#I'm being optimistic lol
ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
At the pace we're retreading fashion and music trends, we'll catch up to the present and realize we are the purveyors of our own interests.
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burning-landfill · 23 days
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Goodbye little ones <3
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Koki Uchiyama, Who Play “New Papas,” Try Making French Toast!
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Inside the White Circle: There’s also a heated mini-game showdown!
This article starts with a summary of Buddy Daddies, and also comments on how this is from a special commemorative program that Comic Natalie did for the series called, “New Papa Buddies Housework Showdown,” which will be featured on the 3rd DVD/BD Volume released on May 24th. In this article, they will have some photos and do a little write up about the French Toast Challenge that the two VAs did on the program, as well as the mini-game showdown they did to get ingredients that would upgrade their French toast. Finally, there is also a little post recording interview with the two! :D
So let’s get to it!
The recording for the program took place at a studio house in Tokyo, and around the time Buddy Daddies was at the halfway point of the series [interview states Ep. 9 has already aired]. Since Uchiyama doesn’t cook much, he nervously stated, “I’ve been worrying about this recording for several days.” But when it was revealed that Toyanaga also rarely cooks, Uchiyama stated, “No way! Don’t you think one of us should be able to?” Uchiyama was shocked, Toyonaga cheered up the previously downtrodden Uchiyama, and the recording continued.
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(From Left to Right: Koki Uchiyama and Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
There were two types of French toast ingredients that were prepared for the two to use. One type were cheaper ingredients that are easily found at a supermarket, the other type were high-end ingredients: a loaf of bread that costs 3,000 yen ($22.54) and eggs that cost 500 yen ($3.76) each, making for a total of 6,000 yen ($45.08). So, Uchiyama and Toyonaga challenged each other to three minigames, and the one with the higher score would get to use the high-end ingredients for their French toast.
The three mini-games were: “Threading,” where they had to put a thread through a needle hole as fast as possible, “Sock Set Matching,” where they had to match three set of socks correctly from a pile, and “Ring Toss,” where they had to get a ring, which was attached to a string, onto a hook. After one of them won the mini-game challenge, they then had to answer a question either about “Buddy Daddies” or about “housework” in order to get the actual point. Both of them were very enthusiastic about the quiz, seeing it as a test of their love for the series. They stated things like, “It’s a test of our love for the series,” and “We have to show our loyalty to the series,” before the games began.
The two were so concentrated during the “Threading” mini-game that, even though it was a recording, neither one spoke. Uchiyama struggled to thread, while Toyonaga was able to thread the string smoothly, thus winning a chance to answer a question. However, the Buddy Daddies quiz was so difficult that they both had some trouble answering the questions, despite both being actors working on the show. 
The next game was the “Sock Set Matching” one, where there is a scene where the two of them fought over the same sock. Despite the competitiveness, the filming proceeded in a friendly manner.
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(Uchiyama (left) and Toyonaga (right) working on the Sock Set Matching game.)
During the final game, “Ring Toss,” Uchiyama struggled a lot, while Toyonaga was able to hook the ring effortlessly. Uchiyama suspected it was because Toyonaga, and his hand, was closer to the foundation of the structure. But, after stating that, Toyonaga watched Uchiyama and then gave him some pointers, at which point, Uchiyama started overtaking Toyonaga at the game. To see who the winner was, please check out the bonus video!
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(Uchiyama (left) and Toyonaga (right) get competitive in the Ring Toss Game.)
The two then donned their aprons and started cooking. The cooking challenge was done one at a time, with one cooking and the other recording with a small camera. Toyonaga went first. He started off very relaxed and cheerful, as he posed for Uchiyama’s camera a few times. But then he cracked an egg into the bowl stating, “Maybe it’s because I’m nervous, but I put too much energy into that, and cracked the egg too much.” That made Uchiyama laugh. Then, while quietly mixing the eggs, he whispered, “I want to avoid whisking them.” 
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(Toyonaga deciding to pose for the camera, and straining his hands.)
The two were able to adjust the amounts of sugar, cream, and milk to their liking. Toyonaga went with a sweet, even amount across the board. Then he carefully cut off the bread crust, and dropped the bread into the egg mixture. He got a bit impatient when the bread didn’t sink into the eggs right away, this was due to the fact that he cut the bread rather thickly to make for a hearty toast, but he recovered after he flipped the bread over. After he was done cooking, he said, “My hands are all covered in egg goo.”
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(Toyonaga carefully cutting off the bread crust.)
Then it was Uchiyama’s turn. He was fired up and stated that he would like to learn from Toyanaga’s mistakes and make his a success (to which, Toyonaga was like, “Did I make any mistakes!?”). Uchiyama was nervous, but Toyonaga helped to liven up the scene.
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(Koki Uchiyama getting ready (left) and posing for the camera (right).)
Uchiyama wanted to keep the sweetness levels low, so he went with 1/3 sugar. When watching Uchiyama add vanilla extract to the mixture, Toyonaga remarked that it, “looked like an experiment.” Then he enthusiastically played the role of a cameraman while Uchiyama was cutting the bread, he went behind Uchiyama and looked over his shoulder to take pictures. Uchiyama feared losing his bread if he cut off all the crust, so instead he only cut off half. Toyonaga laughed at the uniquely shaped bread, but Uchiyama was confident that it would help it keep a crunchy texture.
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(Uchiyama (left) carefully pouring the vanilla extract. Toyonaga (rear) filming Uchiyama (front) working.)
Each set of bread has been soaked into the egg mixture at this point, so the cooking process was now underway. Toyonaga tried the cooking process first, with butter in a hot frying pan. But then, tragedy struck Toyonaga...Check out the bonus video to see how the French toast that these two put their hearts and souls into making turned out! 
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(Uchiyama (left and Toyonaga (right) checking out the burning situation.)
For the interview, there isn’t too much new information, really. When the interview asked:
Kazuki and Rei are buddies as assassins, but with the arrival of Miri, we see them struggle with their role as fathers, and we also get to see them grow as parents. From your point of view, do you feel that the characters you play have grown in any way?
Toyonaga answered with:
I think Rei has grown in many ways, but Kazuki has not changed, but rather he has become able to actually do the things he thought he would have wanted to do if he had a child. I think that as he interacts with Miri, the feelings he originally had are being drawn out by her. So the most significant change is that Kazuki, who had been living his life with a sense of atonement towards his past, has changed his mindset to "It's okay to live happily in the present.” But in this series, it is also important to show that he is a human being first and an assassin second, so I am conscious of that when I play his role.
When asked about the ending of the series, we have these bits of information:
- They were told that Episode 9 would be the last “warm and fluffy” episode of the series. (ほっこり回 was what was used).
豊永 実は監督から「第9話が最後のホッコリ回です。なのでいろんなしがらみを一切忘れて、一騎と零とミリちゃんとの仲睦まじさを表現してください」と言われたんです。
- And that, since that was the last “warm and fluffy” episode, to let go of all the past restraints (しがらみ) and to express friendliness, intimacy, and harmoniousness ( 仲睦まじいさ) between Kazuki, Rei, and Miri. The word  仲睦まじい seems to be used when referring to things like “happy couple”:
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And means “confidant, intimate.”
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The さ that is attached to the end of the word is similar to our “-ness” grammar usage. (嬉し = happy, 嬉しさ = happiness, etc.).
- Parts of the story that everyone has been saying, "No, no, that's not true," are suddenly becoming more realistic. 
- There are many shocks that make the viewers think, "You're going to go right into that!” 
- And there are developments in which the viewers are confronted with the reality that Kazuki and Zero are assassins after all. So, these realistic aspects of the story will only come to life because of the enjoyable life that they and Miri have had together. 
- Toyonaga hopes viewers will watch with an open mind.
Uchiyama then just says, “Wow, you said it all!” lmao
But then he notes how there was a serious development at the end of the series that surprised them, and they are interested in how the audience will perceive the story.
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jils-things · 2 months
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to love someone is to heal someone
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zmediaoutlet · 2 months
trying to articulate something here --
I dig the experience of reading meta that is coming from a well-reasoned place but I nevertheless fundamentally disagree with, and I think that comes down to a willingness to sift down and down and down until you come to an essential Thing about the text-genre-intent-characterization-whathaveyou. Like -- I can see how you got there, but wait, you didn't consider [xyz].
Top of mind example: Dean's masculine because he's trying to act like John. On the surface -- absolutely! He's trying very hard to mimic Dad because his universe centers around god Dad. He's also often operating in a world of trying to do what Dad would want, and making assumptions of his own about what those wants would be, which is a slightly different operating structure.
...But. What's actually driving that? Is it dad qua dad? Or is it -- Dean is essentially loyal-obedient-conformist? Is it that, in the cultural context of growing up in the '80s-'90s with a father who grew up in the '60s-'70s, this is what being a certain kind of man meant and so it is essential to lock into those tropes and characteristics?
We look to how Dean acted like a certain kind of boy when he was an 18 year old and then a 26 year old; we look to how that is updated by the time he's 40, and operating under what is the correct kind of man to be in 2020 vs 2005 (use of language, acceptable levels of nerdiness, fashion sense, etc). From there we can look to how he's not being John, he's being... a normie, more or less. And bless his heart for it. He just wants to Fit. If he were sticking with Acting Like Dad, he wouldn't cheerfully cosplay through a Panthro case, you know? So what's actually driving the behavior, when you look to the heart of it?
So then, if Dean were Deanna--
You can extrapolate. And this stuff is outside the text -- you have to decide What Dad Would Want from a girl-child (given cultural context and norms, given how the young version of John was characterized, given how John and Mary might have operated when they were 'safe' for those first 5 years, given how John might have then shifted his expectations and needs for his kids upon entering the hunting life), and then whether What Dad Would Want fits against a fairly normal conformist presentation (in the way that Dean is intensely normal, if a little wrong-side-of-the-tracks), or if John flips the script and for some reason decides that his kid should not fit in and have what's actually a much harder time, for a traditional gender presentation in the culture they live in, etc.
All of this boiling down to: what matters most in the meta consideration? What's key for characterization and universe structure? Does it actually matter? --no, not at all. But it's very fun to tease apart.
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cheekblush · 9 months
i'd rather be friendless than to constantly have my boundaries disrespected
#i am so frustrated and annoyed rn#at the beginning of this year my ex best friend reached out to me and i cautiously let her back into my life#things were going great but now she turned a harmless topic into a full blown discussion even though i told her multiple times that i no..#.. longer want to discuss this matter but she kept going & then accusing me of continuing the discussion as well#and tbh i really should've stopped engaging with her messages much sooner but it's so annoying when someone sends you lots of messages with#their opinion although i mentioned several times that i want to drop the topic & then i'm just expected to shut up lol#she didn't respect my wish to move and made a huge fuss about nothing#i stopped replying to her since yesterday bc i really had enough & i should've just left her on read much sooner#but her messages were truly annoying me#her last message now says that we often have different opinions & she thinks she's more optimistic than me & that makes it hard for her to..#talk to me..... i was so dumbfounded when i read that this morning#our initial conversation was about whether a song is more pop or rnb....... & she twisted that into me being negative lmao#she was so obsessed with being right that she couldn't drop the topic even though i told her how exhausting the convo was for me#and like it's such an irrelevant topic... imagine being that obsessed with always being right 😭#idc anymore i'd rather be a negative bitch than someone who disrespects others' boundaries <3#i thought she changed for the better but she's so self-righteous opinionated & stubborn it's awful#i calmly told her that her behavior is bothering me & we easily could've just moved on but she kept going on and on#and she herself admitted that it's one of her flaws that she always has to be right & she's being petty & yet she didn't stop 🤡#even writing all this down feels so silly to me bc the initial topic was sooooo trivial#am i supposed to feel sorry for thinking a song was rnb rather than pop???? like go touch some grass please#she even sent me a screenshot of the wikipedia page of the song to prove that it's rnb & it literally said synth pop & rnb lol#but i wasn't even mad about that her not respecting my wish to drop the topic & move on even though i said it multiple times really pissed..#me off though.... like girl just let it go it's not that deep!!!#but apparently i'm negative & pessimistic for having a different opinion than her 🤷🏼‍♀️#like imagine starting a fight over smth SO IRRELEVANT but i'm the negative one sure lmao#okay i just needed to get this off my chest bc i don't have anyone to talk to about this & it's just ridiculous to me#☁️
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
I complain about my husband on here sometimes (pretty regularly when he's being extra annoying) (but like where else would I do that. I only have one friend I feel comfortable discussing that stuff with because they don't know him, and they understand that it's usually just me being cranky lol)
anyway so he's definitely not perfect or anything, which is fine because no one is etc. and I guess I'm as happy as I could realistically be while being in a relationship and/or voluntarily sharing a living space with someone.
but, what I definitely really appreciate is that he doesn't mind when I get stupid and talk about some guy for months on end. like just imagine you marry someone and they keep going insane for long periods of time and showing you endless pictures of some old man and occasionally crying about him. that must be annoying.
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shythalia · 7 months
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Riot Games finally making a relatable champion. 👌🏼
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plant-dad-sulu · 1 year
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it's a good thing I like my apartment because the second this thing has a plant in it I'm never moving again
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thewritingpossum · 2 months
I cannot wait to submit my last paper so I finally go back to and finish this damn fanfic that was supposed to be like 3000 words and take me like 5 days to write 🥴
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wiccawrites · 1 year
It's memorial day weekend which means I get Monday off work which could mean double update??? Possibly???
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jacky-rubou · 2 months
finished one chapter of evil stan au, let's just take a break for the night before writing the next one wow.
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liquidstar · 11 months
Do I really only have 26 ocs left to draw? Somehow that can't be right. Hold on. 5 in the timber scouts, 10 in the tartarus guild, 5 family members, 2 royals, and 4 other misc characters... Huh. that's actually crazy this has been such a big long project for me to draw All 137 of these guys and it's crazy that I'm this close to being done... This gives me a newfound sense of determination lol even though it'll probably still be a few more months until I'm actually done done
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shadovvheart · 11 months
I can't decide whether the quality and scale of bg3 helps with managing my expectations for da4 or makes it worse 🤔
Like it's safe to assume da4 won't come anywhere near to bg3, which is a shame, but I'm also alright with that. It would be delusional to expect da4 to be a great game at this point, considering, but does it have to be? Nah. My optimistic hope is that it's better than dai. The bar is at dai's level. And if it's really disappointing, well, I'll still have bg3.
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neonhairspray · 8 months
Was scrolling through my Pinterest and saw some beautiful rings with The Moon.
In case anyone would like to propose to me in the future (which sounds surreal tbh) here are the rings:
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ninjaliike · 8 months
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can't believe i missed our 6th birthday here! damn ... time flies, eh? ❤️
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