#I'm actually so exhausted rn
satanfemme · 2 years
therapists r so funny u could literally go up to them like "hi I haven't slept in days, I'm a sad medieval peasant infected with prion disease, and also all my organs fell out and died over the weekend" and they'll just be like "damn that's crazy :/ anyway that'll be $25, do you want to schedule for next week? :-)"
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eugeniedanglars · 2 years
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i’m shocked to learn that i even took 9 selfies in 2021 tbh
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emometalhead · 2 years
#it's so weird spending time with my mom#like she's my mom. I love her. I appreciate her. for the most part I enjoy spending time with her.#sometimes she says things that make me so upset and defeated that it's hard to be around her#today she said the worst people are repressed gay people that aren't out#she said all gay people need to be 'flamboyant and happy' or there's no point#how do I come out to her when she says things like this??? how am I ever supposed to feel safe and supported enough to come out#I panicked and blocked a really nice+pretty girl that genuinely wanted to go on a date with me bc I couldn't think of a way to tell my mom#it's pathetic and I feel awful#I can't drag someone else into this though#my mom also denied that I'm mentally ill. she said my anxiety and OCD don't count and blamed my anxiety on caffeine#she denied it when I said I'm anxious everyday but don't consume caffeine on a daily basis#it genuinely doesn't make my anxiety worse and she's never denied my anxiety in the past so idk what started it now#she also started arguing about some old superstitions my grandma has#these things are so odd/outdated that my dad asked how my grandma is even from the 20th century bc she acts like she was born way before#it made no sense for my mom to suddenly repeat and defend this stuff#idk I'm tired. mentally and physically. didn't sleep too well last night so I'm sure that's contributing to my overthinking#I'm actually feeling fine rn all things considered. it's just exhausting trying to think about the future and how to navigate things#ashley rambles#mom tag
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cithaerons · 2 years
i am so so so fucking beyond burnt out by irl shit. i am so jealous of people who have time to engage with internet bullshit, or even internet non-bullshit. 
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Somewhere I read Adam was a 'monster' because he tried to make the world pay for what happened in his childhood, instead of being a selfless hero. But do you think that's a reason to trash his character? If we try to put ourselves in the shoes of a deeply traumatized and abused orphan, we could understand how much potential he has as a character. Yeah, he was a villain, but he wasn't born as one.
The idea that because Adam's actions stem from a place of vengeance sourced from his own personal trauma his actions are therefore Immoral and Bad is...certainly one that's out there, yeah.
tl;dr you can bash Adam for not expressing his trauma the “right” way or engaging in the “right” kind of activism the same way you can bash him for his fashion sense. It’s fundamentally a matter of opinion, as sensitive as the subject matter may be, and unless everyone involved is going in with the mindset that it’s okay to disagree on some fundamental questions, whatever discussion that follows is probably going to get very unpleasant very quickly.
Some people see characters that fall into this archetype (angry at personal injustice inflicted by societal ills and lashing out violently) and, though they can sympathize with their anger, cannot sympathize with it enough to justify the actions that follow. If a character's backstory doesn't connect with you, you're going to be more put off by the morally dubious things that character does than someone who does connect with that backstory. It's not necessarily a failing on the part of the story or on the audience; it's just a thing that is.
Whether or not someone thinks Adam's trauma precludes trashing his character comes down to a) their opinions on Adam in general and b) (with the very important caveat that opinions on fiction ≠ opinions on real people and events) their beliefs on morality. I, personally, vibe heavy with characters who lash out after being put through terrible injustice by some greater power. I find it very cathartic and just as entertaining, and I don't need some grand sob story to have a character's back.
To better explain what I’m getting at, let's pull away from Adam and RWBY as a whole to look at a different case: John Wick. Spoilers for the first movie in the next three paragraphs.
So anyway, Wick is attacked and his dog (his dead wife's final gift to him) is brutally killed. The crime that warranted this attack? Owning a car that a criminal boss's son happened to want and filling up that car at a gas station that son also happened to be at. So, the body count is: Wick's dog. Plus the emotional pain of that dog's connection to his dearly departed wife. And the stolen car.
What does Wick do to balance the scales? He murders dozens upon dozens of people in a one-man crusade to exact vengeance on the son. Dozens upon dozens of lives, many killed in horrific ways, for a dead wife's dog. It is an awe-inspiring display of violence. Now step back for a second and think: what if, as you're watching Wick rip and tear his way through these goons, your only thought is: "Is this really necessary?" Sure, you can understand that the guy's upset at losing the dog, and you can tell that he loved his wife with once-in-a-lifetime passion, but come on. It's not worth this. Killing just a few people to send a message or putting out a hit on the son or any of a dozen other methods would've saved a lot of trouble and lives. This isn’t balancing the scales; this is tipping them wildly in the other direction.
Now think about the opposite side of the coin personified as, say, a person sitting next to you in the theater who cheers at every murder because that asshole killed Wick's wife's dog, how dare he? Furthermore, that person, rather than being put off by all the murder and mayhem, came to the theater for those things and thus is far more willing to accept that reasoning behind Wick's rampage because it gets them to where they want to be. So you might say, "John Wick is a terrible character because he killed dozens of people over a dog." That's fine. What's also fine is what your seatmate might say: "John Wick is a great character because he killed dozens of people to avenge his dog, and he looked great doing it."
John Wick is far from a direct parallel to Adam Taurus - the horrific thing done to Wick was not based on systemic discrimination and Wick's vendetta is entirely personal - but it's an illustrative example for how character motivations can hit different people with different levels of efficacy and how someone's reasons for engaging with a character (in Wick's case, the entertainment of his violent expertise at work) further color their views of that character.
That's why, when fans and critics alike of Adam "put ourselves in the shoes of a deeply traumatized and abused orphan," we get different results. Keep in mind too that we didn’t have any knowledge of Adam’s trauma until minutes before he died. People watching the show as it aired knew him as an asshole abuser terrorist ex-boyfriend for a lot longer than they knew him as someone with the SDC logo seared into his skin.
So knowing Adam’s history, knowing that different people are okay with different levels of justification for a character’s violent actions...if a person is not on his side, which is valid, there’s this question: how much would Adam have to suffer for him to be sympathetic? By the same token, how much violence can a traumatized character commit/condone before they’re no longer sympathetic?
No one likes to interrogate themselves over what they would personally consider "enough" suffering to justify retaliatory violence. It's a deeply uncomfortable question, particularly for people who aren't part of a minority group looking at characters who are. Furthermore, fictional stories (like RWBY, with its focus on action and grand save-the-world plots over day-to-day injustices) don't often demand that level of introspection. Adam, with all of his horrible qualities, invites dismissal rather than engagement with his roots.
Plus I strongly dislike the idea that a character doing any action for selfish reasons makes that action negative. Why is a character trying to improve the world for selfless reasons inherently better than another doing it to help themselves?
To finally bring this back to your main question: Adam's history motivating his actions is a reason to trash his character just like his edgy tryhard aesthetic is one too. However. When people argue about Adam being justified or not, the argument often isn’t about that, not really. It’s arguing about one of the unnecessarily deep questions I brought up here. Recognizing that can save everyone involved a lot of time.
To top all of this off, his backstory has never even been confirmed; iirc, one of the writers tossed out a half-assed “he got in an argument and there just happened to be a warmed-up brand nearby” before later walking that back. Any point you bring up (orphan, traumatized, abused) can be argued into oblivion by a bad-faith dissenter.
People get prickly about morality, minorities, and godawful depictions of those two intersecting in media. Best not to engage with strangers online about it.
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pastafossa · 3 years
Not so great news: still can't breathe properly, or take in a normal lungful of air.
Excellent news: test came back and it's not COVID.
No idea why I can't breathe right, but at least it's not The Plague. That's my silver lining.
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liebelesbe · 3 years
have you ever heard a song so beautiful you started crying?
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
I wear 😎 sunglasses to hide the 😎 pain, exhaustion, and despair 😎 trauma processing puts me through so that I can still look cool 😎 and act like this is easy 😎
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michameinmicha · 3 years
there are currently three things allowed to be in my brain: ghosts, taskmaster and sdv
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technicalthinker · 3 years
I hesitate to say I'm mentally ill because I'm not diagnosed or know of a diagnosis I could potentially have BUT I also must say I'm fairly certain there is Something Wrong and the brain shouldn’t work like this. There is a general sense of undefined brain Wrongness.
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moogghost · 2 years
i am of the opinion that people should stop intentionally trying to trigger my paranoia and/or anxiety, especially if they consider us a friend actually
it’s a gross and ableist thing to do and it just makes you an asshole. plus there are better ways to communicate with us without being ableist
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beaniegender · 3 years
Watching the last part of the atlanta falcons documentary like the fucked up and evil pats fan i am >:3
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livingprophecy · 2 years
small mental health rant in the tags
#negativity /#i keep saying no more posts like this and then here i go again :)#i am. fucking exhausted and#like i understand that trauma comes with triggers and that's just how it is i am not going to be able to handle things the same#as someone who doesn't have the same traumas etc. i get that#but i'm tired of every single thing recently feeling like it's setting me off and i'm tired of crying at the drop of a hat and i'm#fucking tired of not having any time to actually sit and do things i enjoy because it's getting busy and it's only going to get worse#i keep going 'oh just this week.' and then it's the month the semester the year#and i feel like it's never getting better and it's . the worst i've been in awhile and like#it's so hard being at a point in my life where i want to get better#i just don't fucking. have the time to do so. nor is anythign i'm trying working.#i genuinely want to have a better future where i'm happy and i want to live but i'm so fucking tired of trying because nothing /works/#like i have had at least one panic attack a day for the last 2 weeks#and i don't even know how to describe it to my therapist without her putting me in a hospital because it's fucking concerning to say that#i just. i want my brain to be ok. i want it to not freak out any time something isn't perfectly how i want.#i just want to fucking write and do things i enjoy and i can't rn bc i have seven assignments a quiz and a test and#i have so much to do in lab tomorrow that i'm not going to get a break that way either#idk i'm. i feel fucking pathetic saying this and i want. it to just stop#i have a half hour before class so i'm gonna try and calm down and stop crying again but like lmfao i#can't even go back to normal because this shit started when i was a kid i don't have any neutral place i can at least claw back to i'm#just like this and it's awful#wow this is horrible and i wish i had not written it out but i just need to put it down somewhere because#i'm tired of ranting to people in dms and feeling like i'm taking up space and#i'm tired of complaining all the fucking time#i'm tired of mySELF that's the issue#so yeah i . idk i'm gonna . go get ready for class i'm sorry for this#i'm sorry#&.   𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑   )   i begin to realize my only enemy is me.
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decrheart-a · 2 years
        not to be dramatic but i will sell my soul to whoever         wants to have a thread with lucian
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theghostofashton · 2 years
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uncleshits · 3 years
quick au based on what literally just happened to me:
one of the other houses that lives near the Haus has chickens, but the rooster gets out and into the Haus's yard. the boys spend 45 minutes chasing the rooster trying to catch it before Bitty gets out of class and immediately grabs the rooster and walks it home. he gets free fresh eggs until he graduates
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