#I'm Thunderbirds obsessed
edorazzi · 1 year
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It’s Tintin Day again! 💖
I’ve been watching Thunderbirds (original and reboot!) lately and I’m just obsessed with the whole thing, so here’s a fake book cover with both my beloved Tintins! 🚀🔎
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hebuiltfive · 1 year
This is the first time I'm doing a poll, but when I was drawing yesterday the question hit me:
I can't think of any other variations, but if you have one that's a fave (or even someone who isn't mentioned on the list like Lady P's dive suit) feel free to put it in the tags. I didn't count the exo-suits as separate because I feel like they're not different enough to their usual suits?
Obviously only talking about TAG, because the only difference in TOS was the colour of their sash, if I'm not mistaken, perhaps with the exception of Gordon and that grey suit (wet suit? idk) and I cba to remember what they wore in the movie (I think it was just a different colour as well.
If you could reblog for a bigger scope of people too, that would be great! I'm super interested to see what people's thoughts are on their uniforms 🥰
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tracybirds · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @squiddokiddo <33
Edit: and @tanushakyrano 💕😁 have at ittttt
Rules: Answer all the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Three ships: I love ships and consider myself a multishipper but at the same time I don't have intense strong feelings for them... I just like playing with my "dolls" haha <3 Picked from Thunderbirds bc this be my Thunderbirds blog lol and in no particular order
Gordon/Penelope - I have never cared about a ship being endgame more, the idea of them not getting together or worse breaking up for good makes me so sad :(((( I love exploring alternates for them both butttttttt love them <3
John/Ridley - this ship cracks me up bc it's not upopular but it is divisive :D but I like both of them and I think they could be sweet <33
Jeff/Kyrano - also been sucked in and I love it <3 I literally love their little world it's a marvel especially @amistrio's vision of tender love they have for each other T.T
First ship: I guess Victoria and Mistoffelees from Cats but 2019 destroyed that for me and now I'm just nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope (screw you 2019 i'm in pain)
Last song I listened to: You're Losing Me (Taylor Swift) I like my mornings to start with heartbreak ig
Last movie I watched: Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - enjoyed it and had fun so yay <3
Currently reading: Between books as on a break from Inheritance (Christopher Paolini) again it's just sooooo long (i'm about half way so page 400 ish???). Anyway, about to pick up Everybody Hertz that @katblu42 recommended me ages ago because I finally snagged it from the library :)
Currently watching: I'm midway through the original Captain Scarlet and also The Queen's Gambit and enjoying them both. I'm not much of a binger and TV isn't my first hobby so I'll get through them slowly <3 I will be dropping everything to watch Heartstopper with @echoofheartbeats when season 2 comes out and I need to watch the next season of Shadow and Bone bc the gifs of Kaz and Inej are wrecking me <3
Currently consuming: I had ice-cream when I started writing this post but I put it away bc sore throat :(
Currently craving: a bloody break T.T and 9-12 hours sleep
Tagging: @echoofheartbeats @amistrio @little-old-rachel @angelofbenignmalevolence @janetm74 @godsliltippy @lenle-g @louthestarspeaker @ you if you wanna do the thing (I love reading these tag me in if you like!)
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My Morph primer
Since X-Men 97 is drawing in a lot of new fans with varied levels of experience with the original animated series or the comics, I figured I could give a write-up of who Morph is, where they come from, and why you don’t see them in any of the movies or other media.  This is also an excuse for me to write about an obsessive fave, seriously, they are all over my blog. I'm not necessarily an "authority," but I've watched TAS and read the comics, which are the basis for this write-up.
Who is Morph?
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"Wolverine! Fall back!"
Morph is a shapeshifting mutant who was added to the X-Men team in the original X-Men: The Animated Series as a redshirt/sacrificial lamb, to be killed off For Real in order to show that the stakes are really high.  Originally it was actually going to be Thunderbird, a short-lived X-Man who died in the comics just a few issues after he was introduced, and has remained dead for decades.  But creators realized that killing off the only Native American character on a mostly white team was a bad look, and went with Morph instead.  Morph proved surprisingly popular with (mostly child) viewers, and was brought back in the 2nd season as a result.  Morph in TAS was originally presented as male using male pronouns, but I’m gonna use they/them for the character since they are nonbinary in X-Men 97.
(Btw, even Morph's TAS costume shows their redshirt nature, as they are basically wearing a variant of the standard X-Men uniform that different groups have worn, with the Original Five (Angel, Jean, Cyclops, Beast and Iceman) and the New Mutants all wearing something similar. There was a time in the 90's when all the X-Men were wearing this uniform to try to give them a team look, but thankfully that didn't last, the individualized looks are much better. Morph's amazing disappearing reappearing jacket are the only personalized touch in their uniform, and I hope X-Men 97 gives them a costume upgrade after everyone gets used to the new look.)
Morph doesn’t appear in many episodes of TAS, but here are the definitive ones:
Season 1:
Night of the Sentinels Parts 1 and 2: Morph seems to be an established part of the team, a wise-cracking shapeshifter who is so naively overconfident about their mission that they’ve practically got a target painted on their back.  When the mission goes wrong, Morph pushes Wolverine out of the way of Sentinel lasers, and gets blasted all to hell.  Morph’s supposed death (which was meant at the time to be a real death) is sensed by both Jean and Xavier.  Cyclops orders a retreat because the team is getting their asses kicked, abandoning both the (dead) Morph and (alive but injured) Beast, who spends the rest of the season in jail.  Morph is quickly forgotten as a character, BUT the impact of their death is felt throughout the season.  We get Wolverine yelling “This one’s for you, Morph!” while slicing up a Sentinel, and Cyclops in the finale insisting, “I’m not leaving anyone behind!  Not this time!” 
Season 2:
Till Death Do Us Part, Parts 1 and 2: Morph returns as a villain, but a sympathetic, brainwashed villain under the control of season Big Bad Mr. Sinister.  Sinister is an evil scientist who likes to fuck around with mutant genetics and is especially obsessed with getting Scott and Jean to fuck, because their child will supposedly be an extremely genetically superior mutant.  After Morph’s “death,” they were taken by Sinister, who revived them and implanted a control device into Morph’s brain that he uses to literally torture Morph into compliance.  Morph seems to have a kind of split personality, which Sinister exacerbates and encourages, shifting between a haggard-looking Evil Morph who wants revenge on the X-Men for abandoning them and cracks jokes while attacking the team, and a normal-looking Good Morph, who doesn’t want to hurt their friends, and is generally scared and confused and having a Bad Time.  If you are wondering about Morph turning into that version of themselves with dark circles around their eyes in X-Men 97 “Fire Made Flesh,” it was a reference back to this:
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Evil Morph lookin' reeeeeaal creepy.
Morph uses their shape-shifting trickery to fake marry Scott and Jean (as the priest), impersonate Xavier and turn the team against each other, until Wolverine identifies them by scent.  The team then chases Morph to Sinister’s lair, where he’s captured a honey-mooning Scott and Jean.  Morph has been struggling with the brainwashing the entire time, and breaks free long enough to attack Sinister, then runs off away from everyone. 
Whatever It Takes: Wolverine, who has declared the Morph is “the only one who could ever make him laugh,” chases Morph down to Brazil in an attempt to drag them back to the team.  Morph, still fighting their dark side and flipping back and forth between the two personalities, taunts Wolverine in Jean’s form, fights him, and eventually gains enough control to tell Logan to back off. (“I have to get through this by myself!”) 
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Fighting your friend in an abandoned mine shaft, a totally normal thing to do.
Wolverine reluctantly lets them go.  This the B-plot, the main plot of the episode features Storm and Rogue confronting the Shadow King in Africa, and is also really good.
Reunion Parts 1 and 2: Morph leaves a message for Wolverine stating that he wants to return to the team, in what seems like an obvious set-up for a trap.  Wolverine, Jean and Cyclops go to retrieve them, and find that yes, it is a trap.  Morph attmpts to warn the group to leave, but they are jumped by Sinister and the Nasty Boys, and the fight ends with Jean being taken, and Morph (still struggling against Sinister’s control), going semi-willingly.  The whole team winds up at Sinister’s base in the Savage Land and there are a lot of good character moments, like Gambit telling Rogue he loves her.  Morph spends the whole time still fighting against the brainwashing, but throws it off completely at the end (with Xavier’s help) and turns on Sinister, helping Scott and Jean defeat him.  Morph is then Put on a Bus to Muir Island so that the writers wouldn’t have to deal with the character but could hold them in reserve to use later.  Xavier comments that he can remove Sinister’s mind-control chip from Morph’s brain, but that “removing the psychic damage will take longer.”  So the answer to “Where’s Morph?” in later seasons will always be “Recovering on Muir Island, probably hanging out with Moira and Banshee.”
If you are a Morph fan, Season 2 is THE Morph season, they get a great character arc that fleshes them out, and establishes their close relationship with Wolverine.  I’m glad they didn’t toss out Morph in X-Men 97, both because I like the character, and because Morph’s entire arc in Season 2 was about their struggle to come back to the team, and constantly reaffirms that Morph is one of them, and that they belong with the X-Men.  Also, I know Tumblr love an angsty, suffering blorbo, and good God does Morph suffer in Season 2. 
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(Someone is having a Bad Time).
Season 4:
Courage:  After getting only a couple of non-speaking background cameos in Season 3, this is Morph’s comeback episode in Season 4.  Morph believes that they are fully recovered and ready to rejoin the X-Men, while both Moira and Xavier seem to think they are not ready, and warn them to slow down a little.  Morph tries to jump back into their old role, makes jokes, and goes on a mission with Wolverine, but is clearly still dealing with PTSD and completely freezes up when Sentinels attack the mansion and kidnap Xavier.  Morph is left at the mansion while the X-Men go to rescue Xavier, but follows them anyway, and manages to play an instrumental role in stopping the Sentinels and saving Xavier.  Despite this, Morph decides that they are not ready to return and cannot be relied upon in battle (because the writers didn’t want to deal with using the character on the team), and goes back to Muir Island.  It’s a standard “character fucks up at the start of the episode but saves the day in the end” superhero cartoon story, and I was a little disappointed that the episode focused entirely on Morph’s “near death trauma” from the Sentinels and not the much worse “brainwashed and tortured by Sinister to the point of developing a second personality” issue.  The closest we get to addressing that is Morph pointedly walking up to Cyclops with “Scott…been a long time….” which sounds like a way of saying “We’re cool now, bro, I promise I won’t try to kill you.”  Still, we get some great Morph and Wolverine moments, and Morph kicks a lot of ass at the end.  After Morph spends most of the series either dead or suffering, I don’t mind an episode where they get to kick ass. This episode also establishes that Morph was suffering from serious nightmares for awhile, so consider that a canon excuse to put that in your angsty fanfic.
(Morph also gets a non-speaking cameo in Beyond Good and Evil Part 1, sitting next to Jubilee at Scott and Jean’s second wedding.  I think it’s sweet that they were invited, but can also imagine Scott putting them in the front row just to ensure that there are no more “fake priest” shenanigans.  “Let’s put Morph where I can see him….just in case.”)
Season 5:
Graduation Day: After Xavier is attacked, Morph returns to help calm mutants world-wide by impersonating Xavier and making a public call for peace.  Morph doesn’t do much in the episode, but they get an individualized goodbye from Xavier while he is addressing the team one by one, and it is clear at the end that Morph is officially back with the team.  In other words, the writers could give Morph a happy ending of coming back since the show was ending and they didn’t have to deal with it going forward.  Thankfully, the X-Men 97 writers were happy to pick up that ball and continue running with it, and I love what they’ve done with Morph so far!
Were there shippy vibes between Morph and Wolverine in the original series?
I dunno friend, watch “Whatever it Takes,” and “Courage,” and you tell me.  Morph shifting into Jean to taunt Wolverine definitely gives me vibes of “There’s something going on there.”
Is Morph in the comics?
(Note – I’m using he/him for all comics versions of Morph because those versions all apparently ID as male.)
The answer is yes, sort of.
Morph was loosely based on an obscure, long dead shape-shifting mutant from the X-Men’s original 60’s run.  Changeling was a villain with a tacky costume who acted very much like a standard 60’s comic book villain, associated with a terrorist group called Factor Three. Look at this fucking dude:
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  At the end of the Factor Three arc, it turns out that Factor Three’s leader, Mutant Master, is an alien who wants to destroy ALL life on Earth to make way for his own people, and the mutants in the group turn on him and help the X-Men. Changeling is the first one to question Mutant Master’s motives, and that’s probably the only interesting thing he does in the whole story.  Several issues later, Xavier supposedly dies while helping defeat a villain named Grotesk and save the world.  This story is retconned near the end of the run, when Xavier is revealed to be alive, and explains that the dead “Xavier” was actually Changeling.  Changeling had discovered that he was terminally ill, and came to Xavier seeking redemption.  Xavier asked Changeling to temporarily take his place as Xavier while he shut himself up in the basement to prepare to stop an alien invasion (and no, the X-Men were not informed of this, besides Jean, and yes, that is really fucked up).  So Changeling became a reformed villain and honorary X-Man who went out in a heroic sacrifice, and was almost never mentioned again.  (Even now Changeling appears to still be dead in the comics, even though the current storyline has allowed ALL the dead mutants to come back.  Even Thunderbird is back.)
Changeling was greatly reworked to become Morph, totally changing his personality and origins.  The only similarities are the shapeshifting powers and physical appearance.  You can see how this guy:
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Became this not-actually-a-guy:
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Or even this version:
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X-Men 97 Morph got a real glow-up to their human form.
Of course, they also share the trait of being a sacrificial lamb plot device, and X-Men TAS creators were originally going to call the character “Changeling,” but changed the name to Morph because DC’s Beast Boy was called Changeling at the time.
Age of Apocalypse Morph:
In the 90’s, there was a cross-over event over all the X-Books called the Age of Apocalypse, in which a time-traveller (Xavier’s son Legion, long story) murdered Xavier in the past before Xavier formed the X-Men, and created a dystopian alternate reality in which Apocalypse had taken over and Magneto led the X-Men.  This was a kind of what-if event that let writers have fun with switching up character relationships, turning good guys bad and bad guys good, and of course, killing a lot of characters off.  The event only lasted about four issues before it was all undone and we returned to the main Marvel universe, so they could really go wild.  In the AoA book Astonishing X-Men, Magneto’s team includes a character called Morph, a versatile shapeshifter with a pasty white made-of-clay look, and a jovial, upbeat personality that is clearly based on TAS Morph.  (This change to character design is where X-Men 97 Morph’s white, featureless appearance comes from).
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Just a silly little guy!
AoA Morph is also stated in the book to have been formerly Changeling, before undergoing a name-change and attitude adjustment, making him an AU variant.  He explains to Sunfire at one point that he never takes anything seriously because fuck it, he’s probably gonna die anyway, he may as well die with a smile on his face.  AoA Morph is pretty cool, he does great shapeshifting tricks, and has some depth and heart beneath the obnoxious jokes.
Exiles Morph:
After Age of Apocalypse, the fan-favorite character Blink (like Morph, another alternate version of a short-lived character in the main comics timeline) gets pulled out of the AoA timeline and placed on a team of time-displaced X-Men.  This team, all coming from alternate realities and including some other minor neglected characters (like versions of Thunderbird and Mimic), is tasked with hopping through realities, putting things right that once went wrong, and hoping each time that the next leap will be their leap home.  The team also includes a version of Morph, who is so similar to AoA Morph that Blink mistakes him initially for her old teammate.  This is another AU variant of Changeling who was never Changeling, but instead was recruited into the New Mutants (a bit of an age retcon for the character, as 60’s Changeling seemed much older, while Exiles Morph is clearly much younger.)  Exiles Morph was a popular hero in his reality, served as both an X-Man and an Avenger, and is an incredibly powerful shapeshifter.  He also winds up being a long-running mainstay of the Exiles team, so this is really the book to read for Morph content.  Exiles also fleshes out the character’s past, stating that he was born as a shapeshifting blob with X-gene already activated, and only assumed a human appearance to fit in with peers.  He also lost his mother to cancer at an early age, and his obnoxious jokey personality was partially a reaction to that, an attempt to both cheer up and get some attention from his grieving father.  Exiles Morph is a great character, my only complaint is that he is a bit of a sex pest, constantly making “jokes” that border on sexual harassment of his female teammates.  I don’t think he’s meant to actually be a creep, he never actually does anything, and when the teammate he has a crush on reveals that she is a lesbian, he steps back and acts as a supportive friend.  I think Exiles Morph just suffers from late 90’s early 2000 writing where the funny jokey character has to be all “LOL, Boobies!” all the time, just so we know he’s straight.  (Funny, given how not-straight X-Men 97 Morph seems to be.)
The Other Morph: Benjamin Deeds:
Brian Michael Bendis, in his Uncanny X-Men run, introduced a new character named Benjamin Deeds who could shapeshift, and looked suspiciously similar to a teenage version of Changeling/TAS Morph.  His personality was different, though (more of a sulky teen trying to deal with being a mutant than a funny guy), and the nature of his powers is different.  Benjamin has what is described as “chameleon-like” shapeshifting, taking on the physical characteristics of people when he gets close to them rather than fully shifting forms.  He also exudes a chemical that makes people automatically like and trust him.  Emma suggests the codename “Morph,” and although Benjamin doesn’t like it, it becomes his official codename going forward.  I don’t think Ben actually has any real connection to Changeling or TAS Morph, he seems more like a legacy character or winking homage, like Pyro II (Simon Lasker, who inexplicably has the same powers and looks almost exactly like original Pyro, St. John Alledyce).  He’s fun character and a cute lil’ guy, though.
There are people who call TAS Morph an “original character” completely invented for the cartoon, and I don’t think they’re entirely wrong.  Morph is VERY different from Changeling,  But to me, it makes the most sense to consider TAS Morph another AU variant of Changeling, given all the influence back and forth between the comics and the cartoon.  Morph was based on Changeling, and Morph’s popularity led to AU versions of Changeling in the comics with TAS Morph’s personality literally named “Morph,” and now X-Men 97 Morph has been redesigned to match AoA/Exiles Morph’s appearance.  They are variations of the same person.  And it’s not exactly the first time that a comics character has been drastically reworked in an adaptation – I’m looking at you, First Class Mystique and Evolution’s “Lance Alvers.”  I wonder if people would still be calling Morph an “original character” if they’d kept the name “Changeling,” since keeping the name seems to be all it takes at times.  Still, TAS Morph is kind of right on the border between OC and “adapted from the comics,” and even I tend to include them in groups of “created for the cartoon” characters like Firestar, Spyke and X-23.
Why is Morph tagged as “Kevin Sydney/Sidney”?
Because that is the character’s name, more or less.  TAS Morph didn’t have a “real name” in 92, because Changeling didn’t (similarly, Rogue also didn’t have a real name because the character hadn’t been given one in the comics.)  In Age of Apocalypse, characters called Morph “Sydney” or “Syd,” and Morph even referred to himself that way in a thought-balloons, but the Exiles writer apparently decided, “Nah, it’s a last name,” and officially named Morph “Kevin Sydney.”  The name stuck, and the 2004 Marvel “Book of the Dead” gave Changeling that name in the entry on him.  Morph’s name has never been given in the cartoon, but it’s probably safe to assume that their official “human name” is Kevin Sydney, just like TAS Rogue is probably Anna Marie (her official name in the comics.)  Interestingly, even in Exiles, the book where the name originated, Morph always goes by “Morph” and never “Kevin.”  Maybe Home Alone ruined the name for him.  I tend to use the Kevin Sydney tags on Tumblr and A03 to differentiate from other uses of the “morph” tag.  In particular, Tumblr has a lot of body modification fetish posts tagged as “morph,” and no offense to the fetishists, you all keep doing what you are doing, but that’s not the content I’m looking for.  I’m sure the fetish people are probably a bit annoyed at their own tag filling up with an X-Men character, but hey, it’s their name. 
How old is Morph?  How long were they with the team and when did they join?  Is the featureless white face their “real form”?  What’s their history with Wolverine?
I don’t have answers here because we don’t know.  There’s a lot we don’t know about TAS Morph, and the origins of their comics counterparts don’t really translate well into cartoon continuity.  Like I can’t imagine TAS Morph ever having been a willing member of Factor Three. 
Personally, I tend to assume that Morph was with the team for awhile before their “death,” given that they have an established “old friend” relationship with Wolverine and know the team extremely well.  I also tend to assume that TAS Morph is a similar age to the other young adults on the team like Scott and Jean.  They sometimes look older in the original series, because they were based on Changeling (who also looks older), but the voice acting and general personality of the character seem younger, plus Wolverine calls them “kid”a couple of times.  And it seems like their “human form” may not be their “real face” anyway, given that they’ve now defaulted to the white blank-face look.  The white blank-face look IS the real form for Exiles (and presumably AoA) Morph, so the same is probably true for TAS Morph and Changeling.  But this is all just my own headcanon and speculation, based on what I’ve seen in the original cartoon and the comics.  You are all free to come up with your own headcanons fleshing out the character, I’ve already seen great stuff in fanfic out there!
Edit: Actually, I thought of a bit more:
How does Morph shift their clothing? Does Morph even wear clothes? How can they create accessories like Psylocke's swords?
Honestly, I dunno, this is Rule of Cool and Morph as a vehicle for character cameos in affect here. I will say that, in the comics, many characters with shapeshifter-type powers, like Wolfsbane, wear costumes made of unstable molecules that shift with their bodies, the same may be true of Morph. Exiles Morph, when commenting on his female teammates' skimpy costumes, at one point jokes that he "wears even less," so he may just be literally making clothing out of his own body. Although I would think that would get cold, or painful with no protection against the elements.
I assume that Morph does form accessories like Psylocke's swords out of their own body, which also presumably means they can't drop them. I wonder if it would hurt Morph if one of the swords broke? Exile Morph regularly turns his own body into accessories that he can hold (but not separate from his form), so presumably X-Men 97 Morph is doing the same. This is a step-up from TAS Morph, who never did that. Exiles Morph seems to be able to turn their body into whatever they want.
Does Morph copy the powers of other mutants?
Morph seems to be able to mimic only the physical-based powers of other mutants, under the shapeshifter logic of changing their body to give themselves larger muscles, claws, etc. So Angel's wings, but not Cyclops' eye beams. Nightcrawler's tail but not teleportation. In X-Men 97, Morph takes a couple of shots from X-Cutioner after shifting into Colossus, so apparently they can do the whole metal skin thing. But in TAS, when Morph turns into Wolverine, their claws are not adamantium and Wolverine easily slices through them.
I would add that Exiles Morph is also extremely durable, and can literally be ripped to pieces and shapeshift himself back together. This doesn't seem to be the case of "died from Sentinel lasers" TAS Morph, but maybe they just aren't there with their power levels yet. Exiles Morph IS especially susceptible to burns or laser blasts, and almost dies when Hyperion hits him with a beam at close range.
That’s it, hopefully this is helpful for people completely new to the character who got into X-Men 97.  Mostly I just love writing about Morph.  I encourage you to go back and watch the original series, or at least the Morph episodes.  It’s a good show, if a bit 90’s corny, and will let you fully appreciate X-Men 97 (which has been, so far, an absolute banger of a series).  Presumably we’ll see more character development of Morph as the show continues, which will maybe answer some of these questions.
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journalsouppe · 7 months
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Mwah Mwah Mwah I love you the Adventure of Link <3 You're a tough game but you don't deserve all the hate you get. OUGH yall i love this game so much the soundtrack slaps incredibly hard
Genuinely one of my favorite Zelda games esp in terms of lore and musici, if I grew up in the 80s and played this this game would've been my special interest for sure
The stickers are from the ALTTP sticker pack by Comstock Cafe and I just took the stickers that were the most generic to use for this game and the original Legend of Zelda ^_^;
Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.0 Played: Sp 2023 Port: NES Switch Special Edition (YES I PLAYED THE EASY VERSION I WAS TRYING TO BEAT THIS BEFORE TOTK)
Initial thoughts: reminds me of the claymation mythology movies (aka Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans)
This reminds me a lot of Joust
little link statue <3
this feels nothing like a zelda game
(in reference to above comment) the mechanics are a little off putting but this is actually a very zelda game, it takes getting used to but i'm enjoying it
I'm actually really obsessed with the zelda II lore and story, love the magic system
omg the iron knuckle
interesting bosses! it would be fun to see them return
damn gooma was so hard
wolfheads can burn in hell
I like how much the future zelda games are insp by this game!!!
how would you ever know how to find new kasuto without a guide T^T
-> they were't too bad in this game bc you can actually block them (I hate top down wizzrobes and hate a visceral reaction lol)
i absolutely love that you can turn into a fairy, this should've been a reused mechanic
"this is the first game where Link shape shifts as well as the first game where the process is voluntary and beneficial" oh my god T^T
I love how Barba/Volvagian returned in Ocarina!!!! LOVE!!
It's funny how Link can't swim in these games so he walks on water instead
items collected are used in the overworld
I love this game a lot actually
the mega demon looking bubble?? T-T
the regional differences are really interesting
the design of the thunderbird is crazy cool
love the shadow link fight also insane you don't get to heal and replenish magic
zelda and link having 2 different styles is so funny, link looks so goofy
This game had a massive difficulty spike compared to the original The Legend of Zelda game. However, I loved this game so much and you can see how much influence games like OOT and TWW took from it. The music is incredible and iconic, I love the enemy designs and their grittiness, and I love how despite never playing this game before, I had a lot of nostalgia for it bc I played Joust as a kid. This was a great sequel for its time and continued the story well -- Link has gotten 2/3 of the triforce pieces and rescued zelda and defeated Ganon in the first game. Now he has to complete multiple trials in order to get the triforce of courage and save zelda from the past. The end fight being a 2 boss rush AND the true boss being the shadow of youself -- AKA the hardest boss in the series if you don't cheese the battle, it's great what an incredible idea. And OOT used it again with another incredible idea -- reflection, conquer yourself. Are you a true hero if you can't even outmatch, out wit, out last your own self, your own shadow? UGH as a huge OOT fan I just loved this game and seeing all the influence it had. I'd def play it again in the future.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Honestly where is the author who wrote Feyre and Rhysand's romance? ACOMAF continues to be her best written book because she simply kept losing focus after that. I just need her to go back to her ACOTAR/ACOMAF era for elain's book.
I think SJM needs to like... calm down seriously. Just relax. Chill and please focus on one (1) thing. While her writing has always been flawed the trilogy was fairly loved (imho the first two books were the best era of this series) and I think that's because she had an actual plan and she was focused on Feyre, it was feyre's story and her powers, emotional journey and her romance woven into a decent plot. The moment she deviated from that the series into a total fucking mess all because she can't focus.
She teased the Illyrian plotline in ACOFAS with Cassian being very involved in it only for it to mean nothing in SF and Cassian to be nesta's boy toy. She got too excited with Nesta and then gave her the least convincing arcs of any character. Acowar Nesta didn't want to fight but acosf nesta suddenly can't imagine a life without a sword... the plot in acosf is all over the place (does it even have an actual plot?) because she used it as a filler book to set up her future books. Just no focus at all. She wants to do everything all at once and ends up doing nothing. It's pathetic actually.
Sometimes I wonder if it would've been better if she'd ended ACOTAR with the trilogy and then given each character a novella or a book separately from acotar because it's such a mess. She calls ACOSF a spin-off, a standalone and also a sequel like... I'm sorry but it can't be both a standalone and a sequel. That's just not how it works!
And a crossover! 😀😀 you forgot one! A standalone, a sequel, a spinoff, a continuation and a crossover.
It’s hard for me to say where things went wrong. Because it seems like she did have plans for the sisters, when she sold the books to BB. But was it CCs fault? It’s hard to say. She does seem to be all over the damn place. Lurching from one idea to the next. Dropping ideas, picking up others, wasting time on things that go nowhere.
Because I didn’t bother finishing HOFAS, I dont know—did anything even happen with the thunderbirds? Like that whole thing , the whole plot line—did it go anywhere?? I dunno.
Do we care? I don’t know if anyone does, and does she? Doubtful.
I think that’s ultimately the issue, it feels like she doesn’t care. She is obsessing over nesta and Az and that’s all that matters to her. The rest is ‘boring’ and she just doesn’t bother.
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sethizah · 6 months
Guys, I have an idea for a fic, but it's giving me a headache to write it. The central idea exists but the details are escaping me. The idea is this: The Thunderbirds have a new threat, the earth is in danger of collapsing after The Hood kidnaps Professor Otto (Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne) and finds a passage to the center of the Earth. The invention of a machine capable of traveling at a spectacular speed to the center of the earth puts him in conflict with the Tracys, who have the only pilot capable of piloting a ship at such a high speed and having a chance of surviving. Well....it turns out that somehow The Hood thinks he is capable of such a feat. Now the Tracys are forced to embark on this risky journey to save the planet from imminent destruction. Tell me, does this have a chance of becoming something? I have another idea that I've been trying to come up with for a story for a long time. Yes, it's with Scott again. Sorry, I'm a little obsessed with him 🤣. Well, on a life or death mission, Scott is forced to reach an absurd speed and something happens as a result. He is pulled by the Speed ​​Force. And boy, now his family is fighting to figure out what happened to him and bring him back. Don't judge me hahaha, The Flash has always been my favorite hero. The problem is that my muse abandoned me. And my head is somewhere else.😭😭😭
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alexthefly · 1 year
Hi! Number 8 for TOS?
Tell me about a topic you don't normally get to talk to the fandom about.
Wow, this question was popular - both @knyee and @onereyofstarlight asked it too, so let's get into it. (And as an added bonus, I'll do 2004 and TAG as well.)
TOS: The hands. Not just the hands of the puppets themselves - though they are impressive (I mean, how many of those would one puppet need just to complete a sequence? It's mind-boggling!) - but also I am obsessed with the rl hand close-ups in TOS. When I was a kid I legitimately didn't notice the fact that puppets were apparently pressing buttons and picking things up, but when I did notice I thought it was amazing! I don't know if it was the make-up or what, but somehow those hands look so perfect and sort-of otherworldly and so fitting for a puppet show, and there's something very neat about humans trying to imitate puppets rather than the other way around for once - I just love them! 👐
2004: I know there's a lot going on with the movie that deserves discourse, but can we talk for a minute about the time-travelling, continent-hopping, omniscient bloody news reporter?! Seriously, how did that woman manage to beat the actual Thunderbirds to the scene every bloody time? Not to mention that those incidents were in Russia, Singapore and London respectively. If they ever had actually made a sequel I would have expected - nay, demanded - that she be revealed as a secret Hood agent who goes around causing incidents to further her career/lure the Thunderbirds out.
TAG: We probably talk about most everything in TAG, so I think I'll go with a confession instead: I've never told people this before, but for ages watching TAG I thought it was entirely CG - I didn't realise that TAG used rl models until Attack of the Reptiles. ...Yep, halfway through season 2. Because I'm that blimmin' observant(!) 😅 All that money spent, and I didn't even notice. 🤦‍♀️
In my defence, the Tracys are very, very distracting...
Thankyou all three for the ask!
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starlightiing · 2 months
I'm barely able to hobble my damn ass around this spring fest but its been fun. Petting zoo, car show, old firetruck parade, lots of kiosks and snack stands...
My tiny, nothing, middle of absolute nowhere town put together something super cute. I just wish I wasn't in so much pain and could actually walk and withstand more. I'm drained and we've only been here 4 hours 🥺
But we did have "mini donuts" (the shop keep asked us to scope out the other kiosks and see what their prices were LOL. And we did. They were the cheapest at the fest!)
I only took a picture of one car - it's a Thunderbird. James Bond edition. My fiancé is obsessed with James Bond so I figured I'd show him lol.
I'm ready to sleep until race time now pls 😭
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saruin · 10 months
Thank you for the tag sweet face @clumsyface
🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool ppl✨🎶
since i'm listening to music now I'll just list the last 10 songs I heard all the way through
Seal of Woven Years by Kamelot
Lust for Blood by Gackt
Lost Generation by Yellow Generation
Good Time (ft Carly Rae Jepson) by Owl City
Killswitch Engage by My Obsession
Our Solemn Hour by Within Temptation
Thunderbird by T.M. Revolution
Last Song by Gackt
Sakurairo Maukoro by Mika Nakashima
Lang Lai Le by Rainie Yang
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
#10 for the ao3 wrapped ask?
What work was the quickest to write?
I'm not entirely sure. I was thinking it was Five times Alan's brothers carried him to bed and one time they didn't but looking back, that took me from 2 Aug - 10 Sep with 13,743 words, but I know I can be faster. With full on obsessive effort I can write a novel in three months (around work and other life things). I know because I've done 75,000 words in three months once. Gentle Rain (not from this year) took about the same at that was 58,000 words long.
The Supermen AU was fun. That had four fics and was started 3 Apr - 21 Jun with 22,039 words :D I know I lagged on that last fic, but it did get finished :D
I think this year, I've been pretty slow. I also have more unfinished fics this year as well. I've archived 27 fics this year according to Ao3 and there are several unfinished and a bunch not archived because of that status as well. I've picked up these last few months, but still not at my best. When I mention that my Thunderbirds total fic number is over 250, then the percentage becomes clear.
But then, something is better than nothing.
Thank you for asking :D ::hugs::
(muse has refused to behave itself)
EDIT: Okay, I found the fastest one. Apparently I wrote 1500 words in one hour on 29 Aug. I’m not going to claim they were good words and really, the title is not the greatest either, but fast :D - Tornadoes did that
Ao3 Wrapped
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tracybirds · 1 year
Let's go for questions one and five for the TAG ask game :D
Ooh yay! This got uhhhh out of hand lol
1. What do you like most about your favourite character?
*cue the instant argument in my head over who's the favourite*
I was literally about to go "look John gives me physics so..." and Scott shouted in my head "what about piloting, there's soooo much maths and physics in that  and Virgil went "I'm a qualified engineer???" and Gordon said "oceanography has a huge focus on applied physics, and what about the biomechanics of the body we talk about as athletes" and Alan looked me dead in the eye and just said "SPACE?!?!"
I'm very physics obsessed and since I'm on summer holidays this is only going to build until I get back to school and get to torture a new set of students with my one true love 😂😂
Uh, anyway, aside from that the unfailing and unflinching decision to do what's right over and over and over again, even when it's hard, and to not only do what's right, but to do it with love and kindness and patience. Quietly getting on and solving the problems and it's the old story of all that pain and it only made him kind (thanks doctor who that's permanently etched into my being now but it's so real and it killlllllls me)
and now I'm all weepy 😭😭😭😭
5. Talk about your favourite Thunderbird or any other vehicle like you would talk about a pet.
*giggling* I don't have any pets and all I can think about is Hagrid saying that sometimes people can be a bit stupid about their pets
So.... mini fic?
"She's grown so much, Brains! How's she eating?"
"Scott, it's a machine, it doesn't eat. Thunderbird One's fuel cells are currently operating at 78% efficiency. We need to break 80% if we want those top speeds to be accessible."
"She'll get there," said Scott, cooing slightly as he stared up at Thunderbird One's shining hull. "She's the best plane in the world, she'll do anything we ask her too."
"It's not down to her - it - it's a machine Scott!"
"Oh, you're much more than that, aren't you girl?"
"It's the physics that determin–"
"You listen to me," Scott interrupted, paying Brains no mind. "We all know physics is important, but you and me? We have a bond beyond the physical world, I can feel it. You can feel it too  can't you girl."
He paused, listening to a response from beyond the universe as the sun struck her silver casing and made it sing. Brains looked fit to explode beside them.
"That's right," Scott said, humming in agreement. "When you're all grown up, it'll be you and me, girl, we'll take them on together. Not long now, help Brains with his work now."
Scott patted her hull one final time, and grinned at Brains.
"She'll be good I promise. Forget 80%, I reckon she could hit 85."
Brains huffed.
"I'll keep that in mind."
For a moment, Scott lingered looking down at the blueprints spread out across the holos.
"Could you send me a copy of that one?" he asked, pointing at the very first technical drawing Brains had done, Jeff dictating his vision at his side.
Brains looked up at Scott, forlorn in the knowlesge that he'd be leaving 'his girl' behind once again as his leave ended.
He sighed and waved a hand, transferring a copy to Scott's device.
"Go on," he grumbled good-naturedly. "Take your baby photos and get out of here."
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uniwolfcorn · 2 years
Hello ladies and gentlemen! I hope all of you are having a lovely day/night over there!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
💖My name is uniwolfcorn, but you can also call me UniPinkWolf, Uni, Wolf/Wolfie, Pink/Pinkie/Pinky, or Uniwolf! She/her or they/them.
💖I'm an artist, fanfic writer, and gamer! Currently obsessed with Thunderbirds, the Anderverse, and Pokémon!
💖Current Socials:
✨️Pure SFW blog: cozycutecubbies
✨️Discord: uniwolf2 (current account is still locked under F2A and new dumb dumb username feature lol)
✨️Ao3: UniPinkWolf
💖My tags: #uni's art, #uni's webkinz madness, #uni's random ramblings, #uni's fics, #uni speaks, #uni answers asks, #uni's paintings, #photoshop madness
Need a shortcut to my junk? Feel free to read the masterlist below!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
• Impact (whump, hurt/comfort, blindness)
• Chance (meantions of blindness + deafness)
•Sleep, Jefferson (whump/hospitalization mention)
• He Came Home (TOS, major character death)
°Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
•Cherish (TAG, mentions of depression, mini-bang)
•To Be A Leader (TAG, hurt/comfort, mini-bang)
•First Aid (TAG, whump, hurt/comfort, mini-bang)
•Buttermilk (TAG, hurt/comfort)
•Mage Alan (Thunderfantasy!au)
•Roses (gift for Mariashades)
•TB Photshop Dump
°Part 1, Part 2,
•Character Sheet: Mage Alan (Thunderfantasy!au)
•Thunderfam Is Go
•Thunderbirds Dango/Mochi
•Thunderbirds Day 2022
•Thunderbirds Pokémon Teams
•What's Joop Thinkin' About?
•TB Bugs/Insects
•Thunderfam Theories/Headcanons
°Rebirth (major character deaths, theory),
•Whump Couch Announcement
•Phones' Log
°Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,
•Clinically Depressed Edition
•Stingray Photoshop Dump
•Stingray Pokémon Teams
Captain Scarlet
•CS Photoshop Dump (OG)
•Captain Scarlet Pokémon Teams
•Captain Blue's Bday Surprise
Gameplay Stuff:
•The Worst Fight Ever
•Shellos Variants
•Fakemon Dumps
°Part 1,
•Clothing Sets
•Gerry's Gory Demise (Halloween 2021, major character deaths, gore/gore mentions, violence)
•You're Underwater Tho-
•Spree Hell
My IRL Arts
•Paint By Number: Hot Air Balloon
•Coloring Book: Pretty Kitty
Misc. Stuff
•My Plushie Collection
•Nadrac's Bday Gift (2021)
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Honest opinions on Greek Tragedy, Ruby's Leaders, Thunderbird. and Optimus Primate
greek tragedy / taiyang & pyrrha.
very cute, kinda problematic with the age gap, very much up my alley. honestly i think pyrrha would thrive with an older, more world weary partner who wouldn't be so bedazzled by her star status. which tbf, taiyang already had in spades when he was on team strq so really it just goes right over his pretty little head.
ruby's leaders [snow burn] / taiyang & weiss.
tbf this is one i'm not actually fussed on, just because i prefer qrow / weiss or glynda / weiss more. as they are in a ship sense, there wouldn't be anything overtly clashing between them but i could see them not lasting very long.
thunderbird / raven & nora.
this one i'm also not fussed on either way, but an au with bandit!nora who's just utterly obsessed with the fearless leader that saved her & raised her to be the powerhouse that she is, is very delicious.
optimus primate / sun & penny.
literally one of the best ships out of rwby & it's a shame that i don't think they ever interacted on screen, let alone in any meaningful manner tbh. pain.jpeg.
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wordwizards · 3 months
I've discovered a 1960s British Puppet Show called Thunderbirds and I've become obsessed with it. While it has it's issues [being from the 60s], it also has a lot of good points, and tons of action and rescues! Scott is one of my favorite characters from the show. There's a CGI reboot and a live action movie, but I honestly prefer the original puppets.
OH WHAT...This looks lit!!!
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Now I haven't started wtching yet (though I'm curious so I will), nor have I seen the reboot, but I do love puppet stuff so I feel like I would not like the CGI as much..even if it looks cool
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dreamerofasgard · 7 months
Apologies for the delay of the concept and prologue for 'Hopes of the Thunderbird and The Dragon". This fic is taking most of my free time as I have asked a friend to proofread it for me. I am also doing my best to make sure I have all the facts and everything is correct. I'm kinda a little bit obsessed with making it perfect.
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