#I’m talking to a mutual who doesn’t know what funnel cakes are
deityofhearts · 10 months
hey bitches, tell me if y’all have funnel cakes where you’re at/if you know of them and where you’re from. I’m from sc and i ofc know what they are I’m posting about them
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romeo-golf · 2 years
Encourager FAQ
I’ve made this as a quick refer-to for all the questions I get asked regularly as an encourager. It’s definitely not meant to sound as snarky as it possibly does and the list might grow. I’m also happy to take feedback/suggestions for other questions via my messages here and on Grommr ([romeogolf]).
How fat have you made a guy grow?
Gainers grow because they want to and because they put in the effort for themselves. As a feeder and encourager I can keep you motivated, rile you up, and maybe spend a weekend pushing your limits, but ultimately you’ll be there with yourself the rest of the time, making choices every day about your diet which you have to be committed to for yourself before you see any effects. I’ve certainly encouraged guys over several months or years and seen their weight increase, but I wouldn’t be so vain as to assume it was me who grew them. Some of the guys I’ve encouraged have gained 30 or 40lbs during the time we’ve been talking, but as I say, it’s nearly all their doing and I just dip in when possible to keep them going.
Who’s the biggest guy you’ve fed/encouraged/slept with?
My best estimate is somewhere around 400lbs. I don’t make a point of weighing everyone I play with and would stress that biggest doesn’t mean most fun!
What’s your favourite thing to feed a guy?
Doughnuts and cream cakes; it’s cliché but it works. Doughnuts first when he’s still feeling like he could eat forever, cream cakes when he’s filling up but wants to indulge the fantasy. They’re light, easy to push into an open mouth, and brilliantly high-calorie. Funnel-fed milk shakes are also a good opener if he’s into the force-feeding/tied-up thing.
How much do you think I could gain? How big should I get?
You know your body better than I do, and you know how committed you are to it. My personal tastes top out at around 400lbs depending on the guy, but there’s nothing wrong with aiming for 50lbs a year knowing you only need to gain 1lb each week to meet the target. Don’t aim too high and be demotivated, keep the goal realistic and celebrate your success if you over-achieve!
Should I join the gym?
Yes. Absolutely yes. Lift, stretch, keep yourself flexible and active. Unless you have an immobility kink which you’re committed to achieving, keeping your body moving will let you carry far more weight far more easily than sitting around eating junk. Resistance training also has the added benefit of stimulating your appetite; Lift, eat, sleep, repeat.
Who have you met from Grommr?
In the same way that you probably wouldn’t want me to tell everyone about what you’ve been up to, I won’t be telling you about anyone else. Yes, I’ll discuss my experiences more broadly and if we get closer then we might both share details of our mutual friends, but this isn’t a topic for an early chat.
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ad-dictionary · 4 years
Sincerely Us Gift Exchange
Due to the amazing gift exchange set up by @sincerely-us​, I had to give a gift to @djbead123​.
Prompt 4:”Mayphaps some sincerely three? Idk a streaming au where the boys are gamers and they're just playing minecraft while broadcasting and genuinely have a good time while doing so! “
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Oh lord this is bad. 
In terms of not-as-crappy stuff, I also wrote something for you’re first prompt too!
Prompt 1:”Ok uh! Connor and Alana going on their first date, things go well until rains then they have to go in a building for shelter. Connor feels bad about the date being ruined but Alana reassures him that things are good!”
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25509256
Alana stares at the mirror, her reflection. It proves a formidable opponent. 
But that doesn't mean it isn’t the first look away.
She adjusts her blazer. The movement is swift and purposeful. She isn’t one to unnecessarily fidget with her outfit.
She looks nice. Her braids are freshly done, and her blouse is ironed and washed. Jared convinced her to wear a looser, paneled skirt instead of her usual pencil. Alana thought she would look like a school-girl. Jared had proved her wrong once again. He’s smart like that.
Hopefully he was about to do it again. 
It was Jared’s idea at first. He said the boy, this Connor, was a perfect fit for her. They were smart, liked similar books, and were both a (lovable) pain in his ass, in the words of Jared himself.
Alana couldn’t help but bring up the fact that dates set up by mutual friends only have a seventeen percent success rate. And Jared couldn’t help but tell her to shut the fuck up. Evan, after scolding his boyfriend, assured her she would have fun. 
She wasn’t so sure.
So she goes.
Connor’s not... unattractive. He’s tall, and his hair comes down to his shoulders. It’s not gelled back, and it's dark and flings across his face without any precision or care. He looks so ruffled, everything from his light grey button-up with it’s rolled up sleeves to his bright red tie. She’s almost positive he tied it Prince Albert style, instead of the usual Kelvin. She then decides she doesn’t like him. He’s too wild, too out of her comfort zone. She does admit they would look good together. They would balance each other out, she thinks. But that would never happen.
Jared would lose this one. 
But as she looks, her breath hitches, and he seems so perfect, so in place, yet so obviously unconstrained and unbending. She wonders for a moment what those long fingers would look wrapped around her own. She tries to stop looking, but she can’t. He stares right back. 
She wonders a bit more, and goes.
Dinner’s nice. They make polite conversation, bordering on everything they want to say but won’t. When she asks about his favorite books, he lights up, and Alana falls a little more. 
“Have you ever read The Little Prince?” 
“Yes.” Of course she had. It’s considered a cult classic. Who would she be, not reading when she considers herself a thorough reader?
“Important question. Do you think the prince died, or returned home?”
Well shit. 
“I’m not sure.”
“I think he died. The pilot couldn’t find the body because he was an adult, one of the grown-ups who ride the trains of the conductor maybe. Think about it, the book is partially about the narrator learning to be a kid again. The fact that he couldn’t find the body shows that he didn’t really learn anything. Assuming the prince is the symbolic personification of the perspective of a child.”
“That’s…. dark…”
“What, the fact he didn’t learn anything or the fact he died?”
The food comes, and they don’t say anything until after they leave the restaurant, when Connor points to the carnival a few blocks away and challenges her to a round of ring toss, winner buys the other funnel cake.
They go, and Connor wins, (Barely, Alana would argue), but he gives her the stuffed bear he wins. She does buy him funnel cake, though.
They’re walking past brightly colored stalls offering everything from sweets to face paint when Alana speaks.  
“Maybe the prince didn’t die.”
Connor looks at her.
“Maybe the prince made it home, back to his rose, and the man knew it. Maybe that's why he asked for immediate contact if someone found a boy with gold curls. Although you could argue he put out the notice because he didn’t really learn anything. He’s always trying to recreate moments, instead of just enjoying the ones that happened. Or maybe the notice was really for the body, because he said the boy wouldn’t answer any questions. Because, you know, he would be a corpse. You could also say he put it out because, no matter how much he loved the rose, he was still a child, and his curiosity would eventually get the better of him. But, of course, you have to take into account the fox, who said the rose was special and unique, because the prince had ‘tamed’ her, so maybe he would have been satisfied.”
Connor just stares, the faint outline of a smile on his lips.
“Oh my god.”
“You’re like a Dr. Seuss book, constantly contradicting yourself yet somehow always having a deeper meaning.”
“Oh.” She smiles.
“‘Alana-I-am’, or what about “Alana Montana’?”
Alana tries to quiet the butterflies in her chest, but to no avail.
“I can picture it now ‘Alana Beck, you are a very queer quandary.’”
And she can’t help it, but she laughs. She laughs until she has no more laughs in her. And he laughs right with her. 
The rest of the night is spent laughing and talking. Before it started raining.
By now they’re on the Ferris Wheel. They were just reaching the top when a voice came over the carnival speakers.
“We are currently experiencing light showers this evening. Until they end, all rides will be temporarily stopped. We thank you for your cooperation.”
Connor snorts.
“They make it sound like we’ll be up here a while.”
“We will.” Alana says.
She makes a mistake you’re never supposed to make while at the top of a Ferris Wheel with a boy you just met. She looks in his eyes. 
It wouldn’t have been her first kiss. Her first was with a boy named Thomas behind the slides in fourth grade. Her classmates teased them about liking each other, so one day they just did it. They went behind the green dinosaur slide on the playground, and mashed their faces together. He tasted like cheeto puffs and apple juice. It wasn’t fun. 
But she kisses Connor anyway. 
There is no boom, her heart doesn’t throb and beat against her ribs like it’s in a cage. Instead she feels safe, secure, and completely in control.
Until he kisses back. 
The boom bounces off her chest and pounds at her head. Her heart beats and throbs in all the places it shouldn’t, and she can’t seem to let go. Her hands are in his hair. And his own are on her waist. She kisses him like she needs it, and she does. He kisses her like he doesn’t know why he can’t seem to stop. She doesn’t let their lips part until their both gasping for air, foreheads pressed against each other. 
“You, Alana Beck, are a very queer quandary.”
“You’re killing the moment.”
“My bad” And he closes the gap again. 
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That Darn Love Triangle
So I’m going to throw my two cents in on the love triangle of Alex/Michael/Maria. But first a few quick links to relevant previous posts:
My previous A/M/M thoughts (Mid season):
My post about Maria’s POV: 
My post about Michael’s Headspace in 1x13
My post about Maria’s plotline with her mother:
And I did highjack this post about small town dating:
All of which are relevant to my final view.  I also have two views - that as a storyteller viewing the narrative and as an audience member trying to understand the characters headspaces and interactions. This got really, really long.  Here’s the short version.
Storytelling - I don’t like the choice of a love triangle involving these three characters. I don’t really see it as moving the plot or character development forward right now - which is the whole point of a plot device.  Not just random drama, but plot and character development.  I’m a ship and let ship gal - I can see the appeal in both ships - I’ve written fics for both ships.  I just wish things had been handled slightly differently.
Character Headspace:  All three characters are to blame for the mess they’re in.
Then there’s the long version.
When it comes to the set up for the love triangle, it all comes down to one main factor.
Alex and Michael’s complete silence over their relationship
While Max and Isobel seemed to have figured out Michael’s feelings for Alex over the years (possibly due to the pod squad’s psychic connection), the relationship doesn’t truly come to light to anyone else until the present day.  The silence when they were younger is pretty understandable - especially given Jesse Mane’s actions.  However, there’s definitely a hint that they’ve met up since that fateful day as teenagers, and that comes from their words at the drive in:
Michael:  Guess you’re still the guy looking for any excuse to walk away
Alex:  Maybe, but you’re still so good at giving them to me.
Seeing as I don’t see these lines referring to Jesse attacking them in the shed, this hints that there’s definitely been at least one more meetup.  Either before Alex joined the Air Force, or some time during the ten years that followed.  Their continued silence into the present day is part of how the triangle is set up.  With nobody knowing how Alex and Michael are connected, it changes viewpoints and dynamics that otherwise would have existed between them and their respective friends and siblings.
Which brings me to the second part of the set up, and I am firm on this.
Alex ends their relationship at the drive in.
Sorry, but the words:
Alex:  This isn’t going to work out.
Is pretty much classic break-up speech.  I count the drive-in as a date for them, despite the three feet retained between them on the truck flatbed.  (Feel like making a Quiet Man reference here.  The proprieties shall be observed at all times. No patty fingers.)  (And the lack of shared funnel cake.  No, I’m not letting that go.  Seriously, who doesn’t share funnel cake with their date?)  So I feel they were viewing their latest interactions as the start of a relationship.  Alex actually refers to them as us in the trailer that same morning.
Alex: Wait, does she know about us?
If they didn’t consider themselves in a relationship, he could have asked that question in a variety of ways.  Does she know about this?/Does she know that I’m here?/Does she know we’re having sex?  All phrases that could have easily been used to indicate he didn’t consider them to be anything serious.  Instead he terms it like a relationship -  Does she know about us.  So when Alex then says it’s not going to work out, that’s a break up.  He follows it with a line I actually find a lot of fault with:
Alex:  I’m an Airman, I can’t be with a Criminal.
His line about Michael’s side hustle is fine with me.  If he doesn’t approve of how Michael is living his life - than, sure - it’s a legitimate excuse to end a relationship.  These words, though?  They cross a line for me.  They aren’t - I don’t like what you’re doing.  They’re - I’m better than the likes of you. Which, whoa, objection.  Alex basically just called the guy he’s in love with trash, which is not okay.  I definitely feel this is Jesse getting to his head, but like with so much of what follows for all the characters, the reason why may give the audience an explanation, but it’s not an excuse.  It’s still a shitty thing to say to someone.
Despite this, Michael attempts to approach Alex again over two months after the drive in, and Alex won’t even engage him in a conversation.  When he goes to leave, Michael asks where they stand and if it’s really over.  And Alex confirms that, yes, it is.  Which leaves Michael in a position to pursue a relationship, regardless of who either still have feelings for.  Feelings are not a relationship.  Relationships require mutual consent, not just mutual feelings.
Small Towns Views Dating in Social Circles Differently
Because of my viewpoint of small towns - which given Liz’s soliloquy in the pilot as well as the general atmosphere of the town during the show I feel Roswell is presented as - I don’t really have an issue with Michael choosing to pursue Maria.  If Michael had ended the relationship, I may have thought it was a questionable choice.  But he didn’t - Alex did.  That changes the dynamic.  Especially since Maria occupies a space in both their social circles.
Frankly if I had friends/acquaintances  A, B & C, and A broke up with B, then B got into a relationship with C months later, and A came to me to complain?  I’d tell A they were being a little bitch, and to grow up. Considering workplace relationship drama, I probably am guessing I may even have said that sometime in the last ten years.  If A was upset about it, I’d tell them to reconsider their feelings for B, but that they really still had no claim on B.  That’s kinda part and parcel to the whole dumping thing.
That brings us to Michael and Maria, for which I have two things to stress.
Maria does not know about Michael and Alex’s history at first
Michael and Maria’s relationship is not based on a one night stand
I think the second part is what is throwing some people off.  All they want to equate is that Maria and Michael slept together.  To me Maria crying on Michael’s shoulder was in no way romantic, and more about Maria shattering under the realization she can’t save her mother and Michael shoving his own pain about Isobel aside to comfort her - making the scene doubly tragic.  However, it’s a scene that changed both characters views of each other.  Michael had never seen Maria vulnerable til then - and let’s not forget that MIchael has a positively huge hero complex - and Maria had never seen Michael as someone capable of kindness and selflessness til that moment.  That starts the change to their dynamic, which then continues into friendlier banter when he fixes her sign, followed by them flirting in Texas.  All this leads up to the one night stand, which isn’t truly romantic, either.  Both are upset about the outcome of the trip in regards to helping their mother/sister.  In that moment both of them are looking to grab onto something to take away the pain.  Let me stress that, even.  Both are looking to grab onto something to take away the pain.  Remember that, because I feel it’s very important for what happens in 1x13.  However,  the moment their viewpoints of each other change, that’s what starts them towards a relationship - not the one night stand.
Honestly, from a storytelling standpoint, I think this is actually not the best choice for setting up a love triangle.  I see plenty of relationship set up, if this relationship was set between two characters whose relationship stands alone.  However,  I think having the relationship between Michael and Maria be new wasn’t a smart storytelling choice in this case.  They could easily have had them have a previous relationship during the ten years Alex was away, and fall back into the relationship after Alex dumps Michael and Michael comforts Maria.  I just feel in terms of a love triangle, the two relationships are unbalanced because more history and episode time are given to Michael and Alex.  You don’t generally build that big a back story, and have huge moments involving romantic confessions in the middle of a building that’s about to explode with a couple you don’t intend to end up together. (Short of killing one)   That makes how the love triangle will play out transparent, and makes me doubt how useful it will be as a plot device. Moving on.
Alex claims his feelings are past tense to Michael
After Jenna brings the Alien Serial Killer to their attention, and Kyle knocks some sense into Alex both about teetering on the edge of drinking his father’s kool-aid about the pod squad and his feelings for Michael  (Thank-you, Kyle.  Everyone is seriously hopeless on this show.  At least someone has perspective.), Alex does go talk with MIchael.  Despite Kyle calling him on the fact that his feelings are current, twice, Alex places their love in the past tense when talking to Michael.  I’d say he’s both right and wrong about how well they know each other, because while his only known random fact about Michael is his dislike for Mars Attacks, the conversations they did have when younger were far deeper than fav movies or foods.  Alex shared that his own home life was bad and offered his bolt hole. Michael told him about his chaos and music, and his lack of belief in humans just being kind to each other.  Those are heavy conversations, tbh, and worth more than fav colors.  Still, starting to get to know each other from scratch isn’t a bad idea.  However, I still feel a miscommunication is going on over what Alex wants from Michael in this moment, and I feel Michael misunderstood why he chose to leave when he did.
Maria lies to Alex about her feelings
This is one of Maria’s biggest errors.  While I feel it comes from two places.  (Guilt and denial over her own feelings) - she still left Alex with the impression that she doesn’t care about Michael.  At all, really.  Do I think Alex suspects she’s lying?  Yes, I do think so.  I also can see why Alex wouldn’t have pressed that matter.  He doesn’t want Maria to admit she likes the guy he’s in love with.  I think overall this is Maria’s biggest contribution to the mess of the love triangle.  At some point, when she began to realize pushing Michael away was hurting her feelings, she should have come clean to Alex. This is her moment of an explanation is not an excuse.
Storytelling wise they don’t give them a single scene past that confrontation, which makes the confession impossible.  They could have made time for it, though, and I feel a second conversation on the subject would have gone a long way to making this love triangle less about random drama and open the door to it actually being used for character development.
Michael tells Maria he and Alex are over
Because their relationship is over.  Refer back to previous facts.
Alex dumped Michael
Alex confirmed they were over when Michael flat out asked him
This is why breakups can be messy.  One party can still have feelings - even both parties can still have feelings.  Relationships require more than feelings.  They require consent, the ability to build a life together, effort; communication. (That last one is a huge issue with these two)  Michael and Alex are not on the same page at any time post breakup.  So, Michael was telling the truth to Maria.  Alex feeling hopeful is great for Alex.  If Michael doesn’t feel that way, even if he still loves him - that’s Alex’s tough luck.  Love isn’t an obligation.  Until Michael is ready to be in a relationship with Alex again, Alex doesn’t have any say in Michael’s life.
Alex confesses at Caulfield, and seeks him out a few hours later
While Alex’s confession is huge, especially for his character, it comes at a desperate time.  They are both minutes away from dying when Alex manages to finally tell Michael how he currently feels, but Michael fails to return Alex’s confession, instead focusing on trying to shut him down and send him away to safety.  MIchael is desperate to save his people or die trying - until his Mother talks sense into him.  (Thank-you, Mara.  Damn, for such a short scene you really steal everyone’s hearts.)
This leaves their relationship on an edge, with Alex being the one whose put his heart on the line, and not sure where Michael stands.  It’s not surprising he seeks him out again, both to ensure he’s alright and to try to get clarification on that.  The problem is, they are again not on the same page.  Alex is messed up about Caulfield because his family was running a house of horrors, and he nearly lost Michael.  MIchael is traumatized by what happened to the rest of the people on their ship and the loss of his mother after finally finding her.  Alex’s desire to finally talk about his past choices and the problems he’s currently wrestling with would be a great step in their relationship, if it didn’t occur at a time when Michael is not in a good mindset to receive it.
Michael tells Alex they will talk the next day, but doesn’t speak to him before going to Maria
While I admit, Michael is traumatized, and storytelling wise I don’t like him being in a relationship with anyone right now, this is another of those an explanation is not an excuse moments.  Alex was definitely going to kiss him, and Michael did not look like he was planning on pushing him away.  While I do have objections to Alex approaching him in that moment when Michael is pretty messed up in the head, Michael should have spoken to Alex first the following day.  Even if it’s just to tell him he can’t be with him - it still should have been his first stop.  Trauma or not, it’s a jerk move.
Maria accepts Michael’s overtures to a relationship in 1x13
I see a lot of people saying they don’t understand her choosing Michael over Alex.  That’s how they see this choice. Friendship vs Crush.   That’s not what I see.  To me, she isn’t choosing Michael over Alex.  She’s choosing herself over Alex.  That’s a very different thing, and occurring for a very different reason.
This choice is likely to damage her friendship with Alex, and hurt his feelings.  So in terms of her friendship with Alex, it’s wrong.  However, all of them are single.  This isn’t adultery.   She is not “stealing” Michael.  He is not an object to be stolen to begin with. Her accepting a relationship with him is not inherently wrong.  Nor does it make her a bad person. It means, just like Alex and Michael through this whole love triangle mess, she’s making a call that’s going to hurt somebody else.   It means she’s human.
So, the real question is - why is she making this choice?  Let’s refer back to my earlier statement of why they slept together in 1x09:
Both are looking to grab onto something to take away the pain.
Every complaint I read about Maria’s choice seem to look upon this action as if Maria is in a happy, chipper place.  Like her life is hunky dory, and she has no reason to be in anything but the best headspace.  I’m really baffled by this interpretation.  So, let me enlighten you.  She’s not in a good headspace.
Will you step away from alien drama and take a good hard look at Maria’s life?  Let me give you the shorthand.  She has been solely responsible for her mother as her health failed for years.  She’s emotionally and mentally exhausted from that - we witness that in 1x07 and 1x09.  She is financially unstable despite owning the bar she also works at due to her mother’s medical bills. (Mentioned in 1x07)  Her own mother no longer recognizes her. (Stated in 1x09). And three days ago, considering the only questions Deputy Evans asked her that evening, she believes she was targeted and drugged by a serial killer.(Noah taking control of her and using her to steal the serum in 1x11)
Seriously?  How good a headspace do you think she’s in?  Chipper and well adjusted right now? Hell to the no.  Just like Michael, she is falling to pieces right now.  They are both in pain, both experts at fake it til you make it,  and choosing to grab onto something new that seems to promise happiness with no pain attached.  Do they honestly care about each other?  Yes.  Is it love?  No, I don’t think it is anywhere near that level yet.  If it weren’t for life really sucking right now, would they make this choice?  We don’t know - because that’s not the story we’re given.
From a storytelling standpoint, I actually wonder why they chose to reveal Alex and Michael’s relationship to her in 1x10, rather than hold out for second season.  It would have been easy not to do that scene, and have them get involved in an actual relationship before she found out.  I really don’t see how that would have hurt their relationship more than them putting them into a relationship and then her finding out, say,  Michael is an alien. (Still do not approve here.)  Liz found out before she got into a relationship with Max present day.  Alex found out during their break up, and before he chooses to pursue Michael again.  Even Cam found out after she split with Max.  Other than Noah, who doesn't really count anymore due to being an evil manipulative murderer who already knew anyway, nobody found out during a relationship.  How is that not going to be way worse a secret to reveal in the middle of a relationship?  Not to mention that her two best friends are also keeping this secret from her.   Right now I don’t see this plot ending happily for Maria, on any fronts.   So from a storytelling standpoint, especially as a fan of Maria, I hate this love triangle.
From a character headspace - All three are having potentially the most miserable year of their lives since they were seventeen, and are really effing things up.
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jypark-gae · 7 years
It’s Difficult (WTLYBF) (Ending) - 7 [Tae]
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You were so confused that it angered you. Why was it so hard to decide? Who did you really like back? Why did they both have to like you? You began questioning what was so great about you. All your life you were never faced with these kinds of problems. Problems that required you to choose someone over another. If you chose Taehyung, it’d hurt Jungkook. If you chose Jungkook, it’d hurt Taehyung. You weren’t used to this kind of affection. You weren’t used to two guys liking you at once. That’s something your other prettier friends had to deal with. You’d always feel bad for them, thanking whoever it was that managed the world for not torturing you like that. You let out a groan for the 100th time that day. You wanted to answer as soon as possible. You knew you wouldn’t want to wait long for your crush to tell you how they felt. Grabbing at your locks, you pace around your flat. Think, think, think. Who do you like better? You shook your head at yourself. You liked them both equally, them being close to you in their own ways. Finally you sat down and began to pick out individual things the other did for you. You smiled through it, your heart fluttering at the sweet things that went unnoticed by you. Your mind went back to the times you and Taehyung would have sleepovers. It would end up with you two cuddling. You remember how flustered you would get at how close your bodies were. You missed having Tae’s arm around you, the way he’d so carelessly hug you from behind. And when girls at school would pick on you, Taehyung would be your Prince Charming and quickly defend you. It made you wonder how you ended up friends with such a pretty boy like him. The thought that he actually recognized you and enjoyed your company, it made you warm inside.
The thought of loosing Tae hurt you. Whenever he’d get a girlfriend, which surprisingly wasn’t often, you’d feel left out and hurt. Even if he was in a relationship, he made efforts to hang out with you as well. Tae never treated you differently, he was wise enough to not let his girlfriends take control over him. You felt guilty. His girlfriends must’ve not felt special. You were someone else in his life. One insult towards you and Tae was done with them. You mattered that much to him. You were like a puppy, a puppy he loved and protected. He also thought you were cute like one. He’d constantly tell you that you were cute and you’d dismiss it as a friendly compliment, not wanting to overreact or jump to conclusions. Thinking back to times Taehyung made you feel loved, you remembered when you first realized you liked him. It was a while ago, and it was a normal day but something made you feel flustered around him. It was as if Cupid shot an arrow at you both and you ended up thinking of him as more than a friend. Flatting out your skirt, you take a look in the mirror and nod at yourself. You felt cute. You bid your parents goodbye, exiting out the door. Taehyung sat on your porch steps, humming to himself. “What you jamming to?” You ask as you sit beside him. He looks up at you with his honey brown eyes and smiles. “Oh, nothing. You ready?” You nod and the both of you stand up. The fair you both attended every year wasn’t far from here so you walked there. “You look cute, like always.” You blush slightly, thanking him. “You look cute yourself, Taehyung.” He laughs and loops his arm in yours. “Why, thank you.” You quickly got there and paid for your entrance, entering and seeing all the things to do there. There was basically everything there. A place to dance, games, rides, sports, karaoke, and of course- food stands. “What first?” he asks. “Rides!” You grab his hand and run towards a roller coaster. It wasn’t huge, but it looked to have decent twists and turns. The line wasn’t very long so you decided to wait. It only took a couple minutes until you two were allowed to ride. Once you sit down and buckle up, Taehyung takes your hand. “Don’t be scared, Y/N, I’m here.” You laugh and slap his shoulder softly. “I’m not scared! You’re the one who grabbed my hand.” He laughs along with you, showing off his cute boxy smile. “Whatever helps you feel better, Y/N.” You just laugh a little more, letting it out. The ride starts and you two get hyped. “I can’t wait for the drop!” you scream, jumping in your seat. It was still going straight forward so nothing had really happened. “Me too-” Tae was interrupted by the sudden turn, making him scream. You laugh and scream at the same time, tingles in your stomach. Once the ride got to the drop, you yelled loudly in excitement. Tae screamed beside you, his eyes showing fright. You laugh at him, squeezing his hand to make him feel better. Once the ride was done, he looked traumatized.
You giggle and fix his hair, flattening it out like how it usually was. “That was intense for a cheap fair ride.” he murmurs. You nod, letting out a chuckle. “It’s the most popular one. I’d say we should go again but the line is longer and you probably don’t want to.” He doesn’t say anything so you just drag him to a food stand. You get a funnel cake, planning to share it with Tae. “And you said I was scared of the ride.” you joke once you two sit down. “I bet you were.” You roll your eyes playfully. “You’re one to talk.” He laughs and rips out a piece of the funnel cake, popping it in his mouth. “Let’s dance.” You furrow your brows. “Why now?” Tae shrugs his shoulders. “Let’s finish this funnel cake first, though.” So once you two were done with the treat, you walk to the little dance area and join the groups of people. It was an upbeat song but it soon ended and changed to a slower more romantic song. You shrug and let Taehyung hold you close. Your arms hang on his shoulders, his hands on your waist. The two of you swayed around, just looking at each other. The light of the stand reflected on Taehyung’s skin, making it glow even more. Wow, he looks beautiful. His eyes had a look in them, not as soft as usual. It made you blush. Your foreheads pressed together, lips centimeters apart. You didn’t know why but you had this sudden urge to kiss him. And so being dumb, you did so. Your lips kissed his for a few seconds before you pulled away, realizing what you’d done. His eyes were wide, the grip on your waist tight. “I’m..I’m sorry it just-” You shook your head, giving up on explaining. For some reason, you felt hurt that he didn’t reciprocate your actions. You kind of missed the feelings of his lips on yours, even if he didn’t kiss back. “It’s fine.” Tae awkwardly answers. The song ends and the two of you walk away. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the night, yeah? Like as if that never happened.” You nod, feeling an aching in your chest. When he took your hand you blushed and your heart beat picked up. You ignored it and took his words into thought. That never happened. You could get over Taehyung as much as you wanted, but you’d never stop loving him. Your feelings will always be there. You will always have a mini heart attack whenever he starts any kind of skinship. You never really stopped feeling affection towards him. He liked you back, why were you hesitating? Now was your chance. You could get the happy ending you always wanted. And with the guy you always wanted. You took no time to think and ran out of your door, heading towards where Taehyung resided. It tired you but you didn’t feel any of it. You were determined to get to his house and tell him you feel the same way. That your feelings are mutual. As you ran by people, some looked and some just ignored it, thinking of you as some crazy jogger. When you finally reached your destination you knocked on his door loudly. You paced around, despite being tired, and waited. When the door finally opened you pounced in. “Oh god are you okay? You’re panting so loudly.” You nod your head. “I’m fine! I’m great! I’m awesome, you’re awesome! Gosh, Taehyung I love you!” He froze but you pulled him into a hug. And just like in the past, you press your lips onto his. The fact that you ran all the way to him made it feel romantic. Though, unlike the past, he didn’t stand still. He kissed back, hands pulling you closer. It made you smile. Pulling away, you were even more breathless. Your crush from years ago finally felt the same way about you. You wanted to squeal and jump around. But you kept your chill. “You know, the fact that you ran all that distance for me makes me flattered.” You laugh. “I’m glad.” Tae smiles at you and grabs your face, pulling you in for another kiss.
»i hope this satisfies the tae stans;; anyways, this series is officially done. wow. requests are open loves 💕now im gonna watch marvel movies while cuddled in my blanket bc im free haha. thx for reading!«
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