#I’m still a dragon tho so I’m winning FAR more than he ever could
dulcewrites · 1 year
The corpose bride au coming soon? 👀 What you wrote was really sweet but tragic!
I was just thinking about how can I make them (fmo reader and Aemond) tragic but with a twist. The possibility of her marry someone other than Aemond has came up (Aegon in particular). But like how better off, as a woman in the realm (one with money but nonetheless a woman), would she truly be. Alicent is basically a case study of you can be in the “best” position in the realm and still go through insanely horrible shit (tw for mentions of pregnancy problems)
- reader still goes to court with her family BUT her and Helaena do not become close. They are cordial but nowhere near how they are in fmo. Then reader is not pseudo intergrated into the family pre marriage. There is no Helaena dropping hints that it would be great to have reader as a sister
- her parents set their sights on somewhere else. A house that can bring something to the table (This has me thinking, like yeah reader’s kids being targs and having dragons is a big deal for their house but outside of that… Aemond is a second son. Reader wouldn’t be getting anything else outside of her kid’s possibly having dragons)
- she gets married off to some old Grafton lord. She’s his third wife by this point. He’s clearly not a good man but he’s loaded and so far has only had girls between his first two marriages.
- things are ok at first. Reader isn’t miserable which she considers a win (poor thing the bar is so low). It’s not until her first miscarriage that things start to get bad. The stress of carrying to term is putting too much stress on her body
- by three years in she’s had three pregnancies but only one baby born. Her little girl. She’s of course happy bc she feels like she’s built her own little family even if her husband sucks. But her husband wants a boy, and despite the signs that reader’s body can’t do it. She gets pregnant again. Y’all can probably guess what happens next
- much like the first ep of hotd, she goes into labor, something goes wrong and her husband essentially sacrifices her for a boy. So now her baby girl and boy are raised by a loser father (shoutout to rhaenyra)
- now onto Aemond. He’s unmarried, still a loner loser (affectionately tho). Viserys dies, and Otto sends him off to storm’s end to secure more allies and a wife. We know what happens lmao. It’s so hard being a one eyed sexy dragon riding Prince with manic tendencies 🙏🏽
- nervous to face his family after what happened, he takes a detour. Ends up taking a turn instead back home towards the Crownlands. gives Vhagar a stern talking to (in meemaw’s head she’s like ‘but visenya I helped you???’). He begins to wander a bit into the woods of some place he clearly doesn’t recognize.
- Aemond had a sapphire ring. As nervous tick, he plays with it. While he drops it, he’s going over his head all things he could say his mom to make things better. “I love you, I’m sorry this happened” etc. Now our reader ever the romantic, and maybe a bit delusional, hears that and is like well ok 🤓😍 thinking this is all for her!
- reader takes him away, we will pull from the movie and say she takes him to the land of the dead. Aemond is like nah babes you’re hot for a dead girl BUT I can’t marry you.. I’m like.. living. Reader is like that can be changed, if you stay down here long enough. Or if you stab yourself or something (now this triggers him considering recent events💀)
- they end up talking about how they ended up there. Aemond reveals he never meant for the luke thing to happened. Like yeah he hates the kid and probably always will but that was NOT how that was supposed to go down. I think he’d super broken up about how he once again gonna painted as the bad guy.. when HE was the one that lost his eye. He probably talks about how much couldve been avoided with a better father. Reader talks about her marriage (Aemond feels extra bad bc she’s giving him the Alicent sad eyes plus her story (being married off young and maritally raped) is giving his mother)
- for a moment, Aemond thinks maybe being dead and her husband wouldn’t be so bad. He even wonders how his life would’ve been if he noticed her while she was at court 👀
- she realizes that Aemond is someone’s kid. What good is her taking him from his mom and family who need him. reader agrees to help him get to where he needs to go, if he makes it so she can see her kids one last time. Aemond is like “I’ll do you one better” he’s already gonna be considered a kinslayer.. what’s one more body at this point.
- in the end, Aemond goes back home. The only person who ends knowing about what really happened with Luke is reader. Things go about the way they do in the dance.. I like to think Aemond and her meet up in the afterword after the battle above the god’s eye (let’s pretend Aemond didn’t kill a bunch of people and they are going to the same place 🙏🏽). Probably further bond on leaving their kids behind :((((
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ihatebnha · 3 years
has dragon king/fantasy au bakugou been discussed here yet
in a mood to be courted and dominated by tht man 👁
NO, HE HAS NOT, but I did receive a prince!Bakugo type ask that I’ve been sitting on for a couple days now (as well as some Kiri and Aizawa prince stuff, too) if that counts! 
(I know I can’t promise anything, but I would like to write something for those if I can)…  
Honestly tho… and maybe this is bad, but... I’m not that big a fan of Dragon King Bakugo in the first place (mostly b/c I’m not too familiar with fantasy and very picky anyway)… but that doesn’t mean I don’t totally agree with you, FUCK!!!!
I honestly didn’t mean for this to get so long (I was aiming for like... 3 paragraphs)... but I hope it’s not garbage!
Dragon King Bakugo who keeps being disappointed by the suitors that his parents and adversaries always choose for him… Turning away each maiden not long after meeting them simply because he doesn’t feel that spark and a fire isn’t ignited in his chest as the village elders so claim of his mate …   
Of course he wants to make his kingdom stronger, but that’s exactly why he knows he cannot settle for anything less than someone perfect, someone made for him... and he’d honestly rather go without a bride… 
That is, until he meets you, however, on one of his many hunting and scouting trips, a simple girl from a farming village not too far outside his kingdom, and immediately knows that you’re the one he’s been missing. 
He’s not sure what it is that draws you to him that night at the tavern, watching as you play bar girl to a bunch of nasty slobs he could take down in an instant and still smiling so sweetly when you serve him… but he’s immediately demanding to stay another night in town (much to Kirishima’s confusion) if only to get to know you better. 
He leaves camp early the next morning, scouring the surrounding meadow in the pretty sunlight for a patch of wildflowers he recognizes from home, tying the bunch together hastily with a bit of yarn… and finds you again at lunchtime, sitting with the other village girls behind the town center. 
Demanding a seat across from you, he commands attention and assumes power when he offers you a spot by his side… and yet to his dismay, you turn him down, giggling to the girls next to you when he stutters after you call him sweet. 
Still, he’s undeterred, returning back to his kingdom that night if only to inform his parents of his new pursuit: his desire, need, to have you as his mate… 
And he returns to your village again after that, as many times as he can make it; always visiting you at the tavern while you work so he can watch you, guard you, even when you roll your eyes at his efforts at winning you over by pushing around the other brutes who taunt you for your beauty.
Despite the looks you always send him after he kicks a fallen knight, Dragon King Bakugo is no fool, recognizing a soft voice and curved lips when he sees them as he apologizes, growling against your knuckles when he kisses your hand to say sorry.
He also always brings you precious gems and furs to spoil you with, luxuries he knows you can’t afford but that you still always insist he give to the village children instead (another reason he has to have you)… 
And it’s only one night after the tavern has closed, his cape long-deposited where he was sitting so he could show off his tattooed chest to you, that you let him get close enough to touch you, holding his battle worn hands in your own soft palms with a smile on your lips…
And then, suddenly, he’s kissing you; fierce and hot and full of all his months of yearning... as if it’s another way to ask you to marry him more than his initial words could ever say.
And you must feel it too, when he pulls back only to promise you that you, your family, your village, would never have to worry about anything else again, that you finally, finally nod your head and really let him sweep you into his scarred arms… 
And later that same night, on one of the many plush textiles he brought you, when you let him take you for the first time, too. 
Dragon King Bakugo cannot wait for the wedding.💚
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My Choice
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This was inspired by @tri3tri​‘s Happy Ending AU of her Draconia Family Series! Truly an amazing writer that can tug on your heartstrings with her amazing work! Basically I have a marshmallow heart and wanted a kind of happy ending buuuuut I got too into it and it’s ...a thing!    ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
Thank you, @tri3tri​, for letting me write this!! I hope I did your characters justice!!  ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
Warning(s): Angst with a happy ending?, manipulation
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The elegant placement of the finery upon the table did nothing to relieve the tension that was within that frigid room. Even as you tried to keep your face respectfully passive, you felt it cracking as your heart raced and boomed in your chest.
“I am certainly honored you chose to accept my invitation.” Maleficent began, her penetrating voice easily cutting through the silence and causing you to flinch in your seat. “Your stubbornness is quite infamous; I did not expect you to attend.”
You remained silent, keeping your head down respectfully. You didn’t want to accept the invitation in the first place; Lilia hadn’t told you that you were going to be having tea with the Witch of Thorns herself. Then again, why would he? He seemed to gleefully revel in your fear and suffering.
“Years and years of the lifestyle you now possess, why, it would be enough to make any woman, mortal or Fae, overjoyed and…witty with glee.” Maleficent’s voice shifted, causing you to look up and glance at her glowing eyes. The powerful Fae stared at you with a look that could melt the flesh off a dragon and yet, there was something almost softer than usual in her gaze. “Why, praytell, are you not happy? You are Queen of the Valley of Thorns with one of the strongest magical users this world has ever seen as your beloved husband.”
“Because, your excellency, happiness…it was never something I could have.” You hesitated as memories of your past punishments flooded your mind: Lilia’s sadistic gaze and grin, the chilling sensation of Malleus laying his hands upon you. You never wanted any of this, you never wished for any of it. How could you be happy? “They wouldn’t allow me to have it.”
“Meaning you still long for your freedom, do you not?” Maleficent scoffed, her tone matter-of-fact as she seemed to scold you. “Happiness is subjective, child. If you only believe happiness is found outside of these walls, then you will never find happiness.”
Anything was better than living here with Malleus, of that you were sure! “But, with all due respect, there could still be-“
“Hope? A way out? A chance for my grandson to change his mind after all of this time and set you free to ride off into the sunset to a happily ever after?” Maleficent chuckled condescendingly as she cut you off; She easily hid the glimmer of amusement within her eyes as she noticed the gloss over your eyes. “Do not be naïve. Perhaps at a time, before my grandson was so taken with you, there was…a glimmer of hope.”
“So…what you’re saying is…all I can do now is...give in?” You felt only the faintest tremble of terror within you as you registered how freely you were speaking to Maleficent. The words, though hesitant and trailing, flowed from you before you could even stop them. “There’s no way for me to…”
“One can never have all that which they desire; it would be naïve to think so. That is why none are happy in this castle now.”Maleficient lectured calmly before she took a sip from her teacup, her fingers poised gracefully.
“…what do you mean?” None in the castle? You weren’t so selfish to think you were the only one suffering, thoughts of S/N coming to your mind in a flash; But you were the one who has suffered the most, had been forced to endure the most. Malleus had all that he ever wanted; he was happy…wasn’t he?
“You wish to be human again, to have your old memories restored, to return to the life and world that you once had outside of these walls and to live happily ever after when in your heart you know there is no escape.” Maleficent looked squarely into your eyes, her tone firm as tears began to fall from your eyes. “And the result? You are destroying yourself from the inside and seek to take my family with you. And you do not see the folly in such thinking?”
“…I just wanted to be me again.” You covered your face with your hands, no longer able to hold back from sobbing. By denying Malleus, by neglecting S/N as if he never existed to begin with, you believe you could hold onto the thin shred of what you felt was still You. It let you pretend that some semblance of yourself still belongs to yourself- that Malleus never won. “Malleus has taken everything from me – That’s not love, that’s…that’s not a way to live.”
“Yet you do so constantly.” Maleficent stood from her chair, her glowing eyes never leaving the sobbing woman in front of her. Her face slipped into a slight scowl as she kept her voice calm and regal.  “Before me, I see a human in a Fae’s glamour – selfish and stubborn as all your kind are. Defying one such as my grandson for the sake of nothing but stubborn pride even at the sake of your own mental stability and yet, you claim to no longer be yourself? Such foolishness.”
“……” Pride…that’s all it is, isn’t it? That’s all that’s driven you this far and what keeps you from just giving in; To listen to Lilia, to Malleus, to all the others, and just accept that this is your life now. But you didn’t want Malleus to win…but he won the moment he turned you into a Fae, taking what memories you had of your life before him.
‘All of the pain… all of my suffering…what has it been for? I’m hurting everyone and yet I suffer the most… I want to go home…but what is home? I want to be me…but aren’t I ‘me’ now?’  You thought to yourself, you tears falling heavier as Maleficent’s words sunk into you.  “I don’t…want to h-hurt anymore!”
Maleficent laid a hand on your shoulder as she leaned over your pathetically sobbing form.  Her eyes narrowed in glee as Diablo landed on her shoulder, sharing in her amusement.
“When a door is closed, a bridge is burned, it is folly to hope to one day return through it as you are ignoring the new path ahead of you,” Maleficent advised, keeping her voice motherly as you sniffled and spluttered trying to slow your tears.  “You did not have a choice in choosing Malleus, nor the life that you now live, I will concede to that fact. However, delusions of obtaining that which is out of your reach only heightens your misery, does it not?”
‘It does, doesn’t it? The more I fight and the more I fail, the worse this feeling becomes inside of me…’ You roughly wiped your face with your hands; Maleficent’s hand on you no longer felt as ominous as you once believed it to be but was comforting – as comforting as she could be, which was more than you remembered feeling in a long time.
“But…how can I be any other way? I didn’t – I don’t….I won’t choose him…”
  “…….Listen well to my words, for you seem to be deaf.” Maleficent rolled her eyes as she leaned down, whispering to you as she once did to Malleus when he was but a small hatchling. “You will not be happy unless you move on from that which you cannot have; Even our kind must learn this harsh truth. By allowing yourself to give in, you are not submitting to him, but to yourself. Cease these foolish actions of yours – if not for my grandson – then for your sake…and the innocent child whom you are tormenting.”  
When the gentle grip disappeared from you, you looked up through tired eyes and only caught the ending of Maleficent’s magical fire. ‘She teleported….’
Weeks passed since Maleficent and you last spoke privately to one another, giving you time to mull over the words they exchanged.
‘Submitting to…myself.’ You thought, idling toying with the green ribbon in your hands. The small box that sat upon your lap felt heavier than it truly was, but it was oddly comforting especially now. ‘I control my mind…my decisions are my own.’
“Your Majesty…” The lady-in-waiting called hesitantly, bringing you out of your thoughts. You didn’t bother to turn around as she finished speaking. “The party is u-underway…”
You took a deep breath, resolving yourself as you stood from your bed; The gift held delicately in your hands. S/N’s birthday.
“…Let us go.” You spoke calmly, slowly allowing you to escort you to the living room from your room. You tried to ignore the sigh of relief she released as you both neared the living room.
‘Do this…’
The tension in the room spiked when you appeared in the doorway, barely concealed looks of happiness and shock on the faces around the room. You glanced at Maleficent, who sat regally beside Malleus with Diablo perched on the arm of your chair; When she gave you the faintest of nods, you looked at S/N who shakily stood up from his chair.
‘Because you want too.’
“M-Mother?” S/N couldn’t keep his voice steady as he stared at you without blinking a single time, unsure if you were truly before him. That his mother – who neglected him all this time, had come to his birthday celebration.
You looked at him, fighting the urge to turn and merely leave as you would normally do. As you took a deep breath, steadying yourself, you gave him a weak but gentle smile; The sensation feeling foreign on your face after such a long time.
“…Happy…birthday, S/N.” You spoke softly, your words slow but flowing easier as you allowed yourself the luxury of saying them.
S/N rushed to you, his arms tightly wrapping around your waist as he ignored everyone else in favor of you; The one gift he had been waiting his entire life to receive, given to him on his birthday. The thought of it brought tears to his eyes as he cried softly into your stomach.
Maleficent smirks to herself as she pets Diablo, watching as Malleus approached his family with barely concealed happiness. When he laid his hand on you, pulling you and S/N into his arms, her smirk only grew as you flinched but steeled yourself, allowing yourself to give in to the family embrace and allowing happiness to practically flowing out of those in attendance.
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forsakenbysinnoh · 4 years
Random Headcannons for the Demon Bros that no one asked for.
Lucifer never refers to God by name, only ever saying "He" or "My Father".
Despite how he may act, he's proud of his brothers, of their independence and strength. His pact mark reflects that, his own star surrounded by the six of his brothers.
With that, he can also be very worried about his brothers. Being an avatar of a sin is a title that can be won. He makes sure no other demons besides his brothers hold that title.
He has a dark sense of humor that can go unnoticed or be mistaken as threats.
Despite his reputation of being controlling, he's actually rather tired of it. He was forced into this position to protect his loved ones, and to try to figure out how to function after losing the war. Sometimes a part of him wants to be told what hes supposed to do, rather than deal with the mess of making it up as he goes along.
The most scarred of the brothers, especially along his chest and back. When he has to, he hides it with illusions, otherwise he doesn't show his skin.
Takes his debts and what he owes people very seriously. It's why he rarely asks for help even in small things.
Is the only one who can force a pact on an unwilling participant.
Isn't afraid of being controlled, but is scared of losing control to the wrong person or partner. It takes a lot of trust to let him drop the reins in a relationship.
Despite turning into a wolf in the 'Paws and Claws' event, I think the best animal to represent him would be a black unicorn.
Mammon can be kind of a choosing beggar.
Forgets to be empathetic sometimes and can say some callus things. Sometimes it's good as he can be an outside observer in a situation and see things objectively.
His schemes are mainly to pay off debts. No one is quite sure where he keeps accumulating so many from.
Many people call him a coward, but in reality he's a pacifist. He'd rather run than fight.
Unless you get him hot headed, in which case the gloves are off.
Despite this, he's actually one of the most powerful brothers and can usually win a fight with anyone but Lucifer.
Very agile. Is a natural at parkor and free running.
He doesn't have a high opinion of himself, and his self esteem is in the garbage.
Def has a praise kink tho.
If he's really mad at you, he'll pretend you don't exist. He's not one to get into screaming fights, but he's passive aggressive.
I think a golden dragon with a hoarding tendency fits him well lol
He's a big nerd. King of nerds. Absolutely owns it.
Levi actually draws a lot of fanart but never shows it to anyone. He's very jealous of others talent and considers his own art bad.
Def has the Devildom equivalent of Tumblr.
Sometimes can be a fandom gatekeeper/hipster. Likely stems from a place of "I liked this before it was popular and got ridiculed for it. Now it's cool and you're taking over my interest."
Super long theories on current shows with in-depth analysis and pulling info from anywhere he can. Be prepared for his cork board on FNAF.
Sometimes Levi forgets other people have feelings too, especially when he's excited about something, and hurts them by accident. Usually goes back to apologize later when he realizes.
Loves to listen to someone nerd out, even if he's not interested in their interest, he likes them and how passionate about.
He's memorized the TSL books and movies. They are his biggest passion and he loves them so much.
He's a self shipper, ships himself with his favorite wifus and husbandos (he has both) and takes those "which character are you?" Quizzes all the time.
Knows how to code and hopes to make his own game one day.
Snake tends to be the go to for Levi, and I think a lizard or another reptile makes sense. They tend to scurry away from most creature, except for those like them.
(My boy so I might be a little biased/rambling here)
Satan was made after Lucifer lost the war, but he started growing in Lucifer's heart before then.
Satan is the only demon/angel that was not made by God directly, and he feels that effects his relationship with others.
He's not good at empathy, and it's a skill he's still working on.
Satan was the serpent in the garden who caused Eve to fall. He thought it was very unfair that God would refuse humanity knowledge, the one thing that he values above all else.
As he was developing/learning from each of his brothers, they each gave him an item that was important to him that he still keeps. Even Lucifer.
Keeps control of his emotions which can lead to violent outbursts if pushed far enough. No one has seen him completely unhinged except Lucifer.
Loves adventure books/series, especially long ones with intricate plots. Murder mysteries are his absolute favorite. Dislikes the 'Love triangle' trope a LOT.
Likes to listen and create stories.
Very magically adept. He knows many advanced spells and always has a hunger to learn more. Probably has made quite a few spells himself.
Cat. He's a cat. There was no competition here. His spirit animal is a kitty and I love him for it.
Asmo, despite being the avatar of lust, cares about consent a lot. He wants his partners to feel good when they're with him, not like they're afraid or helpless.
Well, unless that's your thing, in which case he'll make sure a safe word is in use ;)
Knows a lot about sex. If you have any question he will be happy to answer it without making it seem awkward or taboo. Though he will flirt and offer to show you himself.
He's very confident in his body and looks. Asmo knows he's a catch and good looking, and wants to keep it that way.
Doesn't mind showing off his scars from the war and wishes he could help Lucifer with his perception of his scars.
He will NOT have anyone body shamed in his presence.
Has ALL the gossip. He knows who's sleeping with who, what relationship drama is going down where, and keeps up with it daily.
Gender roles? Who is she? Being beautiful is for anyone.
He shows affection through touch. This makes him come off a bit needy and he tends to invade other's spaces.
There's more to lust than just sex though, it's pure, unrestrained desire. Desire to learn, to hurt, to take revenge, to love and be loved. He can sense someone's deepest desires and loves to bring that to the surface.
This is why Satan is one of his favorite brothers, there's a lot of pure emotion in him that he keeps covered up.
I think a Siren would fit him best, able to draw out what people desire the most.
Beel has a soft heart. He cares a lot for his family, even when he's mad at them.
His kindness has gotten other demons trying to take advantage of him, which is why he tries to hide it behind a facade of being a big brute.
He's a cuddler. Beel is touch starved and wants nothing more than just to hold someone close and know they love him.
Nightmares are a constant struggle for him. He still blames himself for Lilith's death and not being strong enough.
Unless Belphie is around, Beel has a hard time sleeping.
Like Mammon, Beel a pacifist, though he's usually a little more willing to throw his weight around when needed.
When Lucifer isn't around, Beel is the one to try and get his brother's on the same page. If it's a lost cause he'll just leave for some comfort food.
Unless it's a serious matter, in which case it'll be one of the few occasions he yells.
Is self conscious about the food he eats and how everyone sees him as just the big grunt who loves to eat.
Beel is basically a pitbull. He seems scary and dangerous on the outside, but really he's just a teddy bear.
~Belphagor (spoilers)~
(I'm still a little salty that Belphie here killed me. Just as a warning lol)
Belphie's powers include sleeplessness and inducing a weekend nap. He either never sleeps or is sleeping for several hours.
I don't know why but I'm betting he'd be good at Uno.
Hates being confronted by his mistakes, would rather pretend they didn't happen in the first place
Asks for piggie back rides from Beel when he's too tired to walk.
He's the only one who can get Beel to sleep without nightmares. No one is quite sure if that's cause of his powers, or if he just is good at comforting his brother.
I see him as being good at poems. Soothing words that have a rhythm to them. You listen to him speak and before you know it you're asleep.
He brushes off most kindness as fake and doesn't trust anyone.
The most comfortable hoodie. Hugs are warm and soft.
Animal: a small fluffy cow. You know the ones I'm talking about. Fluff central.
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inthedusksynria · 3 years
until-lune respondeu seu post “@until-lune I’m 99% convinced that Micaiah will be...”A couple of things that I want to say. • If we...
Hello! Again i am using this one form of reply bc its easier for format! If you prefer i change for reply format it let me know!. Putting under read more bc this got long, but i had lots of fun doing it!. I am answering all your replies here!
M!Corrin-wise -  I dont think Omega Yato will be his weapon, because the refined version of his OG version (normal M!Corrin in the red pool) already has it. While his art has his normal weapon, his sprite has Omega Yato.
Dawn Yato is definitely a possibility tho! although it would be very odd to give it to him and not make its Twin/Mirror Weapon Dusk Yato to CQ!themed!L!F!Corrin.(but hey its IS)
(something i am so salty off bc i love Dawn and Dusk Yatos ;-; they are so pretty and match so well their promotions... and games... heck!! they both have their route-represent Legendary weapons features incorpored on them and just *clenches fist at the emotional moments*)
Also, A re-colored dragon alt is also a possibility, since L!F!Corn did that.
I dont think skipping the Staff is a certainty because IS has made weird choices before. Leif has an Bow which is a weird choice for him, but, like Corrin, he has a A Rank in bows in his promoted class, and like Corrin he is an “unpopular” Lord. Chrom and Lucina have Bows, when they also had Lances as options by promotion class.
I dont think popularity certainly incentivizes diversity in weapon usage. because we have had a lot of Weird choices from IS of making a popular character have the same weapon across multiple alts. -> 3H lords, Ike, Eirika and Ephraim had all a repeat of their OG weapons and are far more or just as popular as Micaiah; and even weirder L!F!Corrin, who by CYL and Nintendo magazine poll is more popular then M!Corrin,  has the same weapon type than her fallen version (and still lacks a red alt for her emblem AND had an iconic red weapon associated with her promotion of DarkBlood/Nohr Noble (Dusk Yato)). Also fun fact, F!Corrin counterpart to M!Corrin Staff Rank is a Tome Rank. So it would also be possible for her to have had an red tome alt.
conclusion regarding weapons: IS pretty much spins a Wheel and decides what to do. I think its pretty much a case of...whatever the executives woke up on that day wanting.
(that, of course, doesnt make theorizing what weapon they will have  any less fun xD)
Honestly the only reason why I am certain it is Micaiah is irrational/a F2P technique. In  that if it is not her, it will destroy my will to summon and thus allow me to spend less XD. I have seen people doing it and boy does it works wonders when you arent right.
Going by that (my theory it is Micaiah) I find it unlikely to be Colorless (and thus Staff or colorless tome) only because the other spreads are just That Good^tm.
One of the methods that people used to guess which color the new Leg/Mythic will be is to see which color has a busted spread of colors. And it has been right ever since Edelgard
(The reason for so is that IS seems to have realized that by debutting the hero on a so-so spread, it made people wait for their rerun in order to get them, Bramimond being an example in that his spread was awful (L!Grima) and his rerun spread was godsmacking good (Mila)... pun not intended)
The colorless this time is rather...i wouldnt say weak, because Eir usability is REALLy good and Duma has a nice niche of wrecking people plans(cackles in my AR matches). However, they are fairly outdated in comparation with the other color spreads. So, in the event this leg hero is Micaiah (or Elincia, or Byleth) i dont think they would be colorless because of that.
Oh! Regarding the CYL theory, since the legendaries were introduced in the second year of FEH, I dont consider much broken, since i merely think its always /A/ winner instead of the 1st of each year. Since shuffling of legendaries is possible, (those times when IS changed the calendar lineup), should the Byleths win CYL(which is fairly likely). it would be easy to put them on the next GW. And I also think it will be a theory that will be broken absolutely next year, since I doubt Marianne and Gatekeeper would be viable L!Heroes. I agree with you that is a weak pattern that is likely to be broken.
Counterpoint to Wind F!Byleth ->  Blessings not always end up being the element that is most associated with the Character in the main game. Highly Water themed (and midly Fire themed;) Corrin ended up as Wind; Julia, who has Minor blood of fire and was called “Genealogy’s Fire Emblem sword” was Earth; Eliwood, wielding the fire themed Durandal, was Wind. (tbf this is also a counterpoint to Wind Micaiah, since she has more association with Light and maybe Fire(?) than Wind)
Regarding 3H launching with 3H, besides Edelgard, Claude also debuted with no 3H legendary accompanying him. Annete was there, but other than that, no other 3H unit or legendary was on the banner. In fact, the pattern i do see with 3H legendaries is that their first re-run matches with a release of a Mythic in their color spread. (Edelgard -> Hel ; Dimitri -> Seiros).
I want to highlight that i am not saying it wont happen, but that I lean more towards they keeping a space between 3H legendaries release, in order to long term profits, and to not cause burn-out of 3H content. (or at least decrease people complaining about it; They seem to have learned their lesson with the Fates and Tellius spams.)
Finally,I do think that it is possible for Micaiah to be a Staff and for other characters to be released in this month/banner, mostly it is the premises i chose to apply to this theorizing lead me in a contrary direction xD. You show some good points! (I would love a Dawn Yato Corn and a Staff Micaiah ;-;...)
Extra Tangent: I have absolutely no idea what IS(executives) considers the character is associated with Silver Snow like...
For one side, Seteth makes lip service saying the route lord is Rhea; Rhea presents the choice mirror to Edelgard’s in the route split; the ending cutscene focuses on Rhea character development/closure, but, at the same time, she is Sir Not Appearing for 75% of the route and the rest of the time she is benched.
For another side, Byleth was made to be the lord to Edelgard emperor’s and her rival; has several cutscenes showcasing that; is the “lord” of the route in role sense, but, on the other hand, its more associated with Fire (fire emblem).
Honestly at this point i just dont know what FEH is going to do with them. I think IS is going to make one of Byleth Wind as you said and the other Fire, but which one, i have no idea. I could see too an argument for Ground(since i think at the lack of an Light element for Light element character-focused they pick ground sometimes) too, but yeah. 
I cant believe the true plot twist of GW is gonna be Rhea being the wind legendary breaking all of our theories xD (/j, but can you imagine how funny it would be?)
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leebrontide · 4 years
A true, 30 year, tropetastic, queer love story. (Part 1)
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Pls open the link if you'd like to read a 30 year, trope-tastic true queer romance featuring pining, instalove, swords, childhood-friends-to-lovers and a happy ending.
We THINK the story begins in 1991. We know it starts at theatre day-camp for kids, a summer when we were both in elementary school.
The earliest memories are vague- I remembered a super cool kid from the older class with dark eyes who I was desperate to eat lunch with every day.
It's taken us years to reconstruct the timeline. We have figured out I did go to her house outside of camp that first year, because I remember her bird that tried to bite me. We can only guess at years based on camp themes.
Because we were little kids. I was 7. So we lost touch.
But here's the thing- we kept going to the same camp. She was always in a class ahead of me, because I'm a year and a half younger.
And every year- apparently without remembering we'd met before? We became summer best friends. Drawn together over and over.
But, being disorganized kids in a world of lesser tech, every year, when camp ended, we lost phone numbers- we lived a good 30 minutes away from each other, so I have to imagine our parent's weren't exactly heartbroken at the loss. It was a lot of driving.
In 4th grade, when I was 9, I made a new best friend, named Meredith. My parents heartily recommended the summer theatre camp to hers, and she was sent with me, the next year.
She, was older than me, so she was in Ty's class. & having excellent taste, also made friends with her.
The three of us played together all summer.
Then came the fall, and the inevitable lost contact. I remember being sad about that much more clearly, that year.
BUT, the big change happened when I was 10.
Again, sent to camp. Again, my friend Meredith was there to.
At lunch, I found them playing together. I went to introduce myself to the obviously cool older girl.
For some reason I tried to shake her hand? Little weirdo.
Ty reacts to me the same way- oh hey! Cool new person! I want to be friends!
Meredith looks at us both like we're out of our minds.
"You know each other. We played all last summer."
And suddenly, the spell of childhood amnesia was broken.
I DID know her. We were FRIENDS.
We HAD BEEN FRIENDS for years.
(love with memory disabilities is a trip, folks. And her lil ADHD kid brain was struggling right alongside mine)
We were elated.
But that wasn't the last shock to my little 10 year old heart that 5 week summer camp would bring.
Meredith was, and is, a poet. Somehow she had a habit, at 11 years old, of making up poems about people's eyes.
Weird stuff. I remember a pair of green eyes being compared to a deep sea, were the bones of drunken drowned sailors floated.
Very Anne of Green Gables.
And- I remember this part with perfect clarity. She turned to me and said, do you know who has pretty eyes? Ty.
We were crossing the stage, Ty was carrying a box of props like 15 feet ahead of us.
I said "does she?"
And then, ever the romantic I screamed "HEY TY TURN AROUND I WANNA SEE SOMETHING!"
She did.
And for the first time, I looked into the dark eyes I'd been drawn to for all those years, and saw them anew.
There's a reason cupid's supposed to have arrows.
I swear to you that this is true. It felt like an actual blow to my chest. Like a physical blow.
I was stunned. My little heart was hammering out of control.
I have no idea what I said, or did, or looked like after that.
But I figured out pretty quickly what that was. It was not subtle, even to a prepubescent nearly 6th grader.
But I was a pragmatic little almost-6th-grader.
This was a crush. Middle schoolers have crushes.
And they're supposed to fade over time.
I don't remember if I was worried that my crush was on a girl. I just remember the certainty that this was just a child's crush, and therefor nothing that would last or cause problems.
And when fall came, I lost her number again.
But this time I was devastated.
But, this time a hero saved the day! Meredith, sweet, wonderful, more-organized-than-either-of-us Meredith, still had the number.
And this time, I held on to it.
We became year round besties.
For the first year of adoring her year-round, I didn't worry about my little crush. It'd go away in time.
By 7th grade, it started to be a problem.
We were having sleep overs, and I started to feel guilty about how much I wanted to look at her and cuddle her all the time.
I don't think I told anyone right away. But Meredith was always the smartest of us three.
She's the one who proposed we play "wedding". She presided over the ceremony herself, and her little sister was our wedding photographer.
Oddly, even though I didn't know about this photo till years later, this is a game both of us remember playing.
It meant... something.
I started to feel guilty. We were having sleep overs, talking every day on the phone. I wanted to look at her all the time- I wanted to be with her all the time. I wanted to kiss her, and started to realize she might be bothered by that.
I never wanted to hide anything from her.
So, I confessed my love. I didn't think of this as being especially radical or brave, but in retrospect, I'm impressed by 12 year old Lee's behavior.
She smiled brightly, and said she loved me to!
As her best friend.
I clarified my position.
She repeated that she loved me as her very best friend.
And these feelings were a bit scary and BIG, so that was all good. She still wanted to hang out all the time. Life was good.
By 8th grade, I was starting to worry. The crush hadn't worn off yet. Everyone told me these things wore off.
But I was more in love with her than ever.
And when Meredith moved to Nashville, we got even closer.
We joined the MN sword club. Made new friends. In the way of these things, a whole lot of them turned out to be some evolving variety of queer. Friends started coming out.
I barely needed to, my crush was horrifyingly obvious to all our friends.
I promised you swords. The swords don't feature prominently, but the club was a major connection for us for years, and this detail has always struck me.
I'm not an especially good fencer. Especially then. I was constructed out of raw spaghetti noodles and moved like creaky budget claymation most of the time. I was calculating, but slow.
She was fast, and brash, and more skilled than me. She eventually beat some nationally recognized fencers. We called her "fiery Tybalt" because we're a bunch of big ol nerds who wanted to sound smart. She eventually took her name from that nickname.
Even at only 5ft tall, she should have beaten me handily and reliably. She could hold her own against much better fencers.
But we actually got BANNED from sparring together, because we were so evenly matched we could never get enough points for a win.
My one and only expertise in fencing was knowing her. But she knew me just as well, so there was a stalemate.
Our friends laughed at us.
I confessed my love again in 8th grade.
And 9th.
I never wanted to lie to her. It was important to me that she knew what I was thinking and feeling, but it was also important that I not burden her with it.
She always gave me the same answer. She loved me. She loved me SO MUCH.
What a shame she was straight.
Now, readers, let me remind you we're looking at two queer kids in the 90s at this point.
There were pressures at play.
When I was in 11th grade, she left for college. And she was far enough away that long distance calls were expensive. I couldn't call her every day.
What I remember most about senior year was being depressed and lonely.
But also, that after years of my family despairing of my ever learning to type, and eventually getting me the (then very expensive) dragon speech-to-type program so I could type my homework and not fail school- my contact with her was suddenly all in text. AOL messenger.
People have commented at all my workplaces about my typing speed. I type 120 words per minute now.
Specifically because it was the only way to talk to her most days.
I went to college the following year. We both got boyfriends. Both nice boys who liked and admired us.
BOTH broke up with us because we so obviously preferred each other over them. To an embarrassing degree.
The boy I was dating- bless him he only lasted 3 months- specifically told me "if I go out with you any more I'm going to fall in love with you. And you're in love with her."
Slick bastard.
He was right tho.
I couldn't be mad at him.
But this is when I started to really panic.
It'd been 6 years. My first crush was still absolutely roaring. Nobody else came close to tempting me.
And nobody else wanted to, when it became obvious they couldn't compete with her.
And she was still my best friend, so of course I told her. I told her I was miserable, because I was going to be single forever because nobody else would want me, because I was so in love with her.
She felt bad. She loved me so much. So much she'd been dumped to.
Such a shame she was straight.
I wouldn't find out till much later that that conversation had started something on her side, that, for once, she knew to keep from me.
She spent the next 6 months in intense contemplation.
She DID prefer me to all the other boys (and girls) who were chasing her in college.
And there were a lot of them.
She did think I was pretty, and she did love me. And she did want to be with me forever.
She'd been as dedicated to me as I was to her through this whole time. As caring, as invested, as, frankly, obsessed. Everyone could see it.
But she wasn't straight. She was bi.
And ace.
We wouldn't learn that word for many more years. All she knew was that the story of falling in love didn't match the love she was feeling.
But then she realized- she'd never felt the feelings she was "supposed" to feel for her boyfriend, either. She was not more attracted to him than to me. And he was a good looking guy. A catch by most any standard.
And she also hadn't loved him.
But she did love me.
So, my sophomore year of college (her junior year), we were preparing our trip to the Renaissance festival. A bunch of her friends were driving into town for it, and we'd see each other again at last. (we'd been back at school like 2 weeks, so naturally were desperate to meet up)
I am still flabbergasted as the next series of events.
She asked me out. On AOL instant messenger. After over 7 years of my pining, and adoration. After 7 years of choosing the pain of being near her and not being able to kiss her, over the desolation of not having her beside me
She very logically explained her reasoning.
I had a meltdown.
My poor room mate walked into our room to find me crying and throwing things at the computer screen.
I was convinced she was offering to date me because she felt bad for me. Because she loved me and wanted me to stop hurting and feeling alone.
So I turned her down.
That, friends, was HARD. REALLY HARD.
Thankfully, she was having none of it. She insisted it only made sense for us to date. I tried to stay firm. I refused repeatedly, all in that damned AOL messenger.
We reached a compromise- one date, at the Ren Fest, as a test.
And if it failed we'd never speak of it again.
Because the prospect of dating and breaking up was terrifying to us both.
If we were going to be together, we'd be defacto engaged. Neither of us could tolerate breaking up.
The weekend came- my college friends all knew, and accompanied me, made sure I was decked out in the best fair garb we could cobble together.
She drove up with her friends- including the ex- who had no idea what was happening. She had on her finest cape & boots & a swishy dress.
We could not manage to be alone together. Like it was a proper rom-com ridiculousness. All damn day.
But at least we were together.
She came back to my dorm that night, to spend the night, and drive back the next day.
Shout out to my room mate who stayed at her boyfriend's house that night. Love you, Lindsay.
We finally managed to kiss.
She abruptly decided kissing wasn't some weird thing people only pretended to like because it was normal, and was in fact an amazing wonderful thing we should do frequently.
I don't actually remember us deciding that the experiment was successful, and we'd be a romantic couple from then on.
Pretty sure the kissing melted my brain.
It was not like kissing my old boyfriend at all.
She went back to college the next day.
I do remember, that, MORE THAN ONCE, I nervously asked my roomy if this had all really happened. I was truly and genuinely concerned that I'd dreamed or fantasized the whole thing. I'd done both enough times before.
I couldn't just ask outright so I'd say something like. "Hey did anything- important happen yesterday?"
And she'd look at me like I was speaking some alien language, and tell me I was dating Ty now.
I wandered around in a dream-like stupor for a WEEK.
This is a good place to stop for now. More tonight. I need to go snuggle my baby and help my wife with lunch. 💖
Popping in briefly for the next installment.
All our friends knew immediately. Some of them- the newer ones, were confused because they had assumed we were always dating, on account of how blatantly in love we were all the damn time.
We decided tho, to hold off on telling our families. We decided to date a year first, to show that it was serious, and that we meant it.
It was a good year, full of the kind of pining that is regularly rewarded by happy weekends and spring breaks and summers.
The next august, before we went back to school, we each sat down our own parents. Hers were sort of "yeah ok whatever." I was not there for that conversation.
I went to my favorite restaurant with my own parents, and told them I was seeing someone. Dad was enthused. Wanted to meet him.
Well. I said. You have.
Because it's Ty.
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sheyshen · 3 years
My FanFic compilation
I figured I have written quite a lot over the years and especially this year, that putting together something like this, that has everything I’ve written so far in one place all organized would be a good idea! So please! Enjoy!
There’s quite a lot so they’ll all be listed under the read more, They’re all organized by series (fairy tail, swtor, mass effect, dragon age, greedfall, anthem, and smut fics) as well as by pair with a short description, starting with the first fic I wrote (fairy tail) and the latest (fictober 2020 prompts)  :D
Fairy Tail: (Leading off with this because it’s my first ever fic) -Shall We Dance, Pair: Laxus/Lucy: 38 chapters, Finished https://archiveofourown.org/works/4351550/chapters/9870611
Swtor: Main fic: -Breaking the Bad News (aka BTBN), multi-pair, main focus is shan trio: currently 70 chapters, Ongoing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/9340892/chapters/21164699
Side Fics: Kara Hawke’s Backstory(s):
Pre-Class story: -A Smuggler’s Tyr, no pairing, intro to Kara’s first crew: Currently 1 chapter, Complete (Might add more eventually)
During Class Story: -Adventure of a Lifetime, no pairing focus but will mention Darmas, meant to build on what we have of the in game class story: Currently 1 chapter, hiatus (plan to work on more with 2021)
Post Class Story: -Hawke Legacy: While Kara Sleeps, mentioned Theron/Kara, focus’s on Koro delivering the news of Marr’s ship being attacked to Theron. 1 chapter, Complete -Downtime, Theron/Kara, Post arrival on Odessen but prior to chapter 9 on kotfe, 1 chapter, complete -Desert Reunion, Theron/Kara, Introducing Kara’s dad and bringing him into the Alliance, 3 chapters, complete -A Moment, Theron/Kara, but starting to poke at the idea of Arcann being involved, 1 chapter, complete
Prompts: -Fictober 2018, day 1: Can you feel this?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-umbara/pre-copero so theron’s only mentioned -Fictober 2018, day 3: How can I trust you?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-Nathema, and a bit on the trio +kids, dealing with Theron’s return -Fictober 2018, day 5: Take what you need, mentioned Kara/Caleb (her first husband from her original crew), takes place before the class stories, short story about a job she had done -Fictober 2018, day 6: I’ve heard enough, this ends now. Kara/Arcann (sometime pre-nathema so sorry Theron’s not really in this one), bit of covering a reoccuring nightmare Kara had for a few months -Fictober 2018, day 7: No Worries, we still have time, Kara/Arcann/Theron (Arcann’s not present tho, just mentioned), little bit of the pair of workaholics +kids taking a break -Fictober 2018, day 12/13: Who could do this/Try harder next time, Kara/Arcann/Theron & Koren/Trey (Will have this in both pairs), sometime post-nathema probably, little adventure with Kara involving having to save her sons -Prompt: I Care about You, Theron/Kara, little bit of a rebuild of their kotfe reuinion -Prompt: Come Cuddle, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Short fluff story of one of their movie nights with some bad jokes -Promptless idea: Arcann Singing, Kara/Arcann/Theron, I’ve always had this idea that Arcann can sing at least as well as Senya does, so here’s a bit of him singing to kara’s boys, and also kara. -Fictober 2019, day 2: Just Follow me, I know the area, Kara/Arcann mainly, post onslaught so Theron’s involved but just not featured in this prompt. Little bit of a romantic night out. -Fictober 2019, day 3: Now? Now you listen to me?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, follow-up to the fictober 2018 day 6 prompt, and resolution to the chronic nightmares Kara was having -Fictober 2020, day 7: Yes I did, what about it?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, post-nathema, small bit of theron and kara heart to heart about a choice she made (involving Valss because I’m still bitter we didn’t get a save option for him) and both prosthetic users in the trio are sore (maybe there’s a storm moving in) -Fictober 2020, day 15: Not interested, thank you, Kara/Arcann/Theron (Arcann isn’t present for this), one of a handful of reminders that Kara and Theron are parents, connor just really wants to make his lightsaber -Fictober 2020, day 18: You don’t see it?, Kara/Arcann/Theron (post umbara pre Nathema so theron is only mentioned), something of a pep-talk from arcann.
Nora Hawke/Mikael Hawke: -That Time Back When We First Met, backstory on how my sith warrior and pub trooper met before they started their relationship: currently 2 chapters, hiatus (plan to work on more with 2021) -Fictober 2018, day 4: Will that be all?, little bit after they first met, can be considered a continuation chapter... technically
Koren Gates/Trey Hawke: -Fictober 2018, day 2: People Like you have no imagination, Koren/Trey & Shey/Torian (will put it for both pairs), little adventure of my bounty hunter squad +sith BF -Fictober 2018, day 12/13: Who could do this/Try harder next time, Kara/Arcann/Theron & Koren/Trey (Will have this in both pairs), sometime post-nathema probably, little adventure with Kara involving having to save her sons -Fictober 2020, day 13: I missed this, Koren/Trey, bit of fluff between my overly caring hunter who could use a day off and his grump of a sith boyfriend. -Fictober 2020, day 28: Do I have to do everything here?, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Arcann and Koth decide to play a co-op holonet game, with only minor arguing. -Fictober 2020, day 30: Just say it, Kara/Arcann/Theron, Kara gets a little time to herself and the trio’s weekly movie night ends up being a bit more than just the three of them.
Shey Shen/Torian Cadera: -Fictober 2018, day 2: People Like you have no imagination, Koren/Trey & Shey/Torian (will put it for both pairs), little adventure of my bounty hunter squad +sith BF -Prompt: I’m Right Where I Belong, Shey/Torian sometime post kotet, a rare time that I bring up the fact that she has amnesia and still can’t remember anything prior to about 2 years prior to the class stories starting. -Prompt: ... out of habit (kiss), former Shey/Koro mention as well as Shey/Torian, because Koro is a mess and while him and Shey have been divorced for years habits die hard. -Fictober 2020, day 8: I’m not doing that again, Shey/Torian & Kurana/Andronikos (will be under both pairs), Little bit of a fun idea of who would win in a fight, our dear pirate or mando
Kurana Knight/Andronikos Revel: -Prompt: One Falling Asleep with their head in the other’s lap, Kurana/Andronikos, I keep thinking of this prompt now and then because writing Niko being soft for his wife is a lot of fun. -Fictober 2020, day 8: I’m not doing that again, Shey/Torian & Kurana/Andronikos (will be under both pairs), Little bit of a fun idea of who would win in a fight, our dear pirate or mando
Lyra Hawke/Doc: -Fictober 2020, day 1: No, Come Back!, Lyra/Doc, little adventure on an unnamed planet that I honestly love the idea of -Fictober 2020, day 6: That was Impressive, Lyra/Doc, Another little adventure of information gathering featuring Kara’s youngest son, Connor. -Fictober 2020, day 22: And neither should you, Lyra/Doc, little bit of fluff and doc trying to get his wife to take a day off
Ren Hawke/Vinn Atrius: -Fictober 2020, day 9: Will you Look at this?, Ren/Vinn, I need to write more of them outside of btbn so this was a start to hopefully more building on my didn’t plan to ship this as strongly as I ended up doing pair.
Ava Reiner/Jonas Balkar: -Fictober 2020, day 20: Did I ask?, Ava/Jonas, Small job featuring a couple of SIS agents, and including a bounty hunter I got attached to in a hurry.
Kyri Dennan/Arn Peralun: -Fictober 2020, day 21: This, this makes it all worth it, Kyri/Arn, little build up for another pair that I didn’t expect to get attached to, featuring some implant maintanence.
Airi/Theron (one off because disaster spy/spy pairing I had to write at least once): -Admittance, 1 chapter, complete
WoW: Aulara Stormdawn/Kieran Grimmarrow: -Lunar Eclipse, (Technically my first fic but I didn’t post it until after Shall We Dance), A story involving Aulara (an orphaned night elf priestess), Koren Haven (her brother from the orphanage, a human paladin), Kieran (a blood elf noble, hunter who doesn’t have much people skills), and the friends they meet including Rokar an old orc shaman and Sen a orc huntress, that navigates through the warcraft story starting with vanilla wow. Currently 7 chapters, on hiatus but planning on picking it up again in 2021! -Fictober 2020, day 4: That didn’t stop you before, Aulara/Kieran, A quest during Legion and a bit of a flashback from one of their first quests together around when they first started fighting side by side during BC -Fictober 2020, day 25: Sometimes you can even see, Aulara/Kieran, The burning of Teldrassil and Kieran deciding he’s willing to risk everything he’s ever known to be with his wife. Koren is there to give him a hand. -Fictober 2020, day 26: How about you trust me for once?, Aulara/Kieran, early BC before they became a couple, Kieran and Aulara get a moment to talk alone in Nagrand, involves something close to an awkward confession. >:3
Shey Wrynn/Varian Wrynn: -Prompt: Are you testing me?, Shey/Varian, post WoD but pre-Legion, little walk through elwynn turning into an adventure between the king and his wife, Shey is not amused when he charges in head first. -Fictober 2020, day 2: That’s the easy part, Shey/Varian, mid to late WoD, bit of fluff while planning the push towards hellfire citadel, bit of fluff and bit of proposal.  >:3 -Fictober 2020, day 10: All I ever wanted, Shey/Varian, post-BFA Pre-Shadowlands, proof I can write at least a little bit angsty, some platonic Shey & Anduin. -Fictober 2020, day 16: I never wanted anything else, Shey/Varian, something short around late Cata early MoP involving Shey having a birthday. -Fictober 2020, day 27: Give me that, Shey/Varian, probably what I consider the most ooc i’ve written him but honestly i had a lot of fun writing them being dorks. -Fictober 2020, day 31: I trust you, Shey/Varian, sometime early Cata soon after they started a relationship. The one and probably only time I’ll ever mention Shey’s old house, and a touch on the fact that i’m 100% certain that Varian would try and sneak out of the city time to time.
Shey & Anduin (platonic, it’s always platonic/familial between them) -Fictober 2020, day 19: I can’t do this anymore, Shey & Anduin, because sometimes a girl just needs to sneak her son out of the city to give him a break and maybe check out a ruin or something.
Shey Wrynn/Aethas Sunreaver: -Prompt: By your side, Shey/Aethas. Post legion, a bit of a moment between them early BFA. I started writing them as a potential pair before settling as friends with benefits that might form into more, so this is a possible hinting at them becoming “more”
Mass Effect: John Shepard/Kaidan Alenko: -Prompt: War’s End Kiss, Shenko, Post ME3 when they’re just a couple of retired old soldiers and John’s slowly recovering from his injuries from the final push. -Fictober 2019, day 4: I know you didn’t ask for this, Shenko, Post ME3, a bit of a heart to heart between them and tending to slowly healing injuries. -Fictober 2020, day 3: You did this?, Shenko, Post ME3, Kaidan runs across some old footage of John over the years from before they met to the reaper war. -Fictober 2020, day 14: You better leave now, Shenko, during ME3, short mission against a hold out of mercs, featuring James. -Fictober 2020, day 24: Are you kidding me?, Shenko, during ME3 probably, featuring Kaidan “my headache doesn’t hurt that bad” Alenko and John “please just take a nap” Shepard. -Fictober 2020, day 29: Back up!, Shenko, during ME3, mission to clear out a cerberus warehouse including some battle flirting and James lending a gun.
Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie: -Fictober 2020, day 12: Watch me, Ryder/Gil, Post main MEA story, something short of Scott looking forward to getting out and exploring while Gil (and eventually Sara) work on the Nomad. (Sara is my pathfinder)
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke/Fenris: -Dawning, Fenhawke, Short bit of fluff and my firt step into writing dragon age. Late or post DA2.
Lia Hawke/Fenris (a one off when I was debating on canon hawkes & romances for them): -Fictober 2020 day 5: Unacceptable, try again. Fenhawke, little bit of teasing and bad taste in books.
Rana Cousland/Alistair Theirin: -Promptless ramble, Rana/Alistair, Set during DAO with Rana reflecting on those she’s lost, worrying for her brother and realizing just how in love she’s fallen with Alistair. -Fictober 2020, day 23: Do we have to?, Rana/Alistair, set post DAO, pre-DAI, little romantic picnic between the king and queen of ferelden before she heads off on her next mission. (hints at Nathaniel being involved with the both of them.)
Greedfall: Lydia de Sardet/Kurt -Fictober 2020, day 11: I told you so, Lydia/Kurt, short bit trying to get my footing writing these two, Lydia thinks she can still climb trees like she used to as a kid. -Fictober 2020, day 17: Give me a minute or an hour, Lydia/Kurt, short bit, and Kurt not being as subtle about his feelings about Lydia as he probably thinks he has.
Anthem: Raya Auren/Matti (1 of the 3 Matthias Sumner) -Fictober 2019 day 1: It’ll be fun, trust me, Raya/Matti, Bit of an adventure involving Raya taking her favorite arcanist out of fort tarsis to see something very special. (also involving me having no clue how they transport people when there’s only one javelin and winging it)
Smut: (all of them are swtor so far) -A Moment Reprised, Kara/Arcann, takes place post-umbara and pre-nathema, and sometime late in BtBN, no plot. -Moving on, Koren/Trey, takes place right before chap 35 of BtBN, featuring my dorks of a hunter and sith setting in stone they’re serious about each other. no plot -Just a short vacation, Kara/Theron, takes place post-nathema pre-onslaught, A moment in Kara and Theron’s honeymoon at a lovely resort and the closest to taking a day off Theron will ever probably take. No plot -Welcome Home, Kara/Arcann/Theron, unlike the other 3 doesn’t have a specific time that it takes place other than post nathema. No plot
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fandomentanglement · 4 years
Favorite Character Type: the Steadfast
So. In watching the Untamed, suddenly I realized what one of my favorite character types is and why I like a lot of the media I like.  I am just...all about the Steadfast character type. Loyal and patient in the face of sometimes ridiculous quantities of adversity, the one who will always choose their chosen when the chips are down. They will follow them into the goddamned dark (metaphorically, b/c the whole point is that they get through the dark together). 
Honestly??? The Steadfast character might not even be my favorite character in a particular series/show/book/etc (though they usually are), and the loyalty doesn’t have to be actively romantic (though it’s always underlaid by some flavor of love). They’re usually a secondary character or co-lead, and if they’re a main character, they’re possibly in service to their chosen in some respect. (Service kink? What is this you say? Ahem, I have no idea what you’re talking about.)
This relationship dynamic. Just. This dynamic. 
Here are all the examples I can think of off the top of my head from least obscure to most (more or less). 
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James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes (Marvel Cinematic Universe) — Look at this motherfucker. Sniper-support, literally goes to hell for his faith in the guy who he loves. (Bro or Romo, he loves Steve, I will fight you.) Till the end of the line? Yeah, and beyond, even after he falls off the goddamned train.
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Merlin (BBC Merlin) — Merlin and Arthur, shipped together by the dragon in the basement since the very first episode. Destiny, two sides of the same coin, etc, and so on. But the point is. The point is that Merlin starts by drinking poison for Arthur and he never gets any less ride or die, despite the trauma and his fatalistic love-hate relationship with destiny.
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Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) — Okay, full disclosure, I have never finished the series, and Utena only partially fits this trope since she is the hero of her own story. However, her goal in life was to ‘be the prince,’ the one who is deliberately Steadfast, ready to win/serve/love(?!) the Rose Bride. When I was sixteen, I watched as much of what I could scrape out of my local vhs rental place with my little heart in my little hands and went, “Oh. Oh this.” She’s half my favorite character type and half of something completely unique, but she deserves to be on this list because she’s right down there at the base of my love for this whole trope.
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Hardison & Eliot (Leverage) (both of them, my heart, my heart) — Look, these two are 2/3 of the OT3 of my heart. Hardison, because he will wait for goddamned ever for Parker. Just...everything about the peanuts and giving Parker space to be herself. Eliot because he basically marries them both at the end with ‘until my dying day.’ They all go through so much for each other, but these two especially are just...there in the background doing their thing and holding each other and Parker up and it’s magnificent.
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Lan WangJi, Hanguang-Jun (The Untamed) — This fellow right here made me realize exactly the character type I love the most. He does not start off as the Steadfast, but he comes to it after an arc, and makes a declaration that I’m crying about right now just thinking about. You and me against the world, baby, no regrets. The show goes for epic high romance, while the book goes for puzzle pieces fitting together, but both iterations give me this and I love it so much.
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Grace (Terminator: Dark Fate) — A newcomer to the scene and say what you will about the movie, I’m fond of it for a dozen reasons. But Grace. Grace right here. The movie layers over and redefines the original Terminator in all sorts of fascinating ways, and THEN gives us Grace, who is ready to fistfight god and the Terminator and everyone in between for a profound and encompassing (familial) love.
The rest are book characters and I’m going further and further back in time, so the gifs are only relevant and not of the characters themselves. T_T
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Joscelin Verreuil (Kushiel’s by Jacqueline Carey) — Joscelin sets aside his entire life for the sake of Phedre, to become her consort and her protector. He, in the words of the book, “will ... stand at the crossroads and choose, choose again and again...” to stay with Phedre even down into the most literal of hells. And just, he’s exactly this Steadfast trope. Exactly. He chooses, repeatedly and with full knowledge of what he’s following her into, and he still does it over and over. 
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Daemon Saetan SaDiablo (The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop) — These are my favorite books, but please do not read them without looking up the content warnings. Daemon, tho. He’s the embodiment of this steadfast loyalty and dedicated service. (And the series is This Trope: the Worldbuilding, so you have an inkling of why I love it.) There’s zero question he would carve his heart out upon request, and basically does so at the end of the first trilogy, breaking everything he’s tried so hard to build with full knowledge that that’s exactly what he’s doing.
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Achmed (Symphony of the Ages by Elizabeth Hayden) — So. Achmed. Half of my first OTP before I knew what an OTP was. He’s not actually the romantic lead in the books, but he is the other side of the main character’s coin, the dark to her light. (And the first time I’d heard the coin phrasing, far before BBC Merlin.) He’s just...willing to give everything for her and it’s with this deep acceptance that yup, that’s how it is. Welp. He’ll back her up always, because the thing they have is legitimately described as something entirely different than her romantic love with the lead, and I have always loved that.
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I think the thing that draws me to this trope is it’s mix of hopeful and stubborn and fierce. The reason each of them can be even called Steadfast is because they’ve been tested, often again and again, and they refuse to break faith. Even if it would easier. Even if they have competing goals. Even if remaining is to their own detriment. And yet they’re still there, still with their actions screaming their love even if they say absolutely nothing. And the person they’re dedicated to, maybe they’re not the most constant or they make mistakes or they cause suffering to the Steadfast for whatever reason. Still. Still. The Steadfast is there and will always be there. 
And they choose to be there.
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xxbyimm · 5 years
The beauty and the beast - Kíli x reader
Alright! Here’s my next oneshot! This is a request for my dearest friend @soradragon, who asked me to do a Kíli x reader story! Because the piece escalated into many more words than I anticipated (naturally...), I have decided to cut this story into three parts, which all will consist of 1000-2000 words.  
Without further ado, here’s my first ever Kíli fic. I hope I got him right and you enjoy this story!
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The beauty and the beast - Part I
Summary: The reader is a skilled fighter, using dual swords. She carries a small lizard with her, called Hedera. When she joins the company, Kíli immediately takes a liking to her. 
Tags: @theincaprincess @fizzyxcustard, @deepestfirefun, @legolaslovely, @yes-captainstark, @burningcoffeetimetravel, @peneigh-dzredfohl Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
Warnings: Kíli being smooth as fuck, but other than that not really.
In hindsight, you should have known Kíli had a crush on you the moment he laid his eyes on you. Everyone knew, even Thorin and Balin, who usually were oblivious (or just too busy) to notice such frivolities, couldn’t stop dropping subtle hints your way. But you were… well. Too you. You had been on your own for most of your life (save for Hedera), and had experienced kindness (or love, for that matter) sparingly. And although nothing had stopped you from being a kind, lighthearted person, you were somewhat awkward when it came to interacting with others. The unwritten rules of society often puzzled you and that was the reason you preferred to stay on your own.
But then you met the company of Thorin Oakenshield and everything changed…
‘I don’t understand!’ Hedera puffed. He was sitting on your shoulder, his long, pointed tail embracing you. ‘Why did we have to leave so soon? It was a great inn!’ ‘It was, until you decided it was a great idea to BITE the owner!’ you berated your companion. ‘He was taking away your plate!’ the green water dragon objected. ‘I was helping you!’ ‘He’s the landlord, that’s his job.’ You groaned, but you couldn’t help but smile when you saw Hedera eyeing a dragonfly zooming around the two of you. Winning arguments was easy when you had a friend whose instincts were ready to take over at any given moment. ‘Hold still!’ Hedera squeaked. ‘I see lunch nearing!’ ‘You’re gross.’ You told him as you watched him successfully catching the poor creature with his tongue and eating it with taste. ‘Seriously Hedera, what’s wrong with a richly filled stew?’ The lizard shuddered. ‘Seriously Y/N… how can you eat anything that comes from a boiling pot?’ ‘Yeah yeah…’ you murmured while eyeing your friend swallowing uncomfortably. ‘You like your lunch nice and crunchy. Need some water? Got a very much alive dragonfly down your throat?’ ‘I’m fine.’ Hedera closed his eyes. You grinned and petted the green scales on his cheek.
You had picked up Hedera from a farmer when he was just a little baby. This guy had found a large egg on his lands and when he had taken it home to figure what to do with it, the egg cracked. Naturally, the whole household had panicked when they witnessed this tiny and slimy creature covered in green scales crawling out of the shell. 
Hedera was lucky that you had been staying the night with these people, because when you heard the commotion, you had decided to take a look. After one look at those emerald green eyes, you couldn’t just let someone kill the little defenseless baby. You had taken him up in your arms and asked the family kindly to calm down. There was no need to kill a little lizard.
‘IT’S A FIRE DRAGON!’ The farmer had yelled at you, heaving his shovel up in the air. ‘PUT IT DOWN AND LET ME KILL IT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!’ ‘Not a chance.’ You had growled. ‘This is an innocent green water dragon. If you want it, you have to come through me.’
Needless to say, saving Hedera had cost you your sleeping accommodation for the night, but to this day you were still glad you had saved the lizard from an untimely death. That night, as you tried to get some rest in the middle of the woods, you had called your little companion Hedera, after the Ivy that grew in your parents’ garden.
‘Why’d you stop?!’ Hedera suddenly complained, opening an eye. ‘Ssh.’ You hissed, prickling your ears. ‘There’s someone out there.’ The green water dragon shrugged. ‘So? Were near the shire, what could happen? A vicious hobbit attacking us?’ ‘You do know that lizards usually don’t talk, remember?’ you whispered, vividly recalling what happened the last time others were around and Hedera unexpectedly had opened his mouth to voice his opinion.
He had made a point then, though. Still, you weren’t sure if the effect of your talking green water dragon on others was hilarious or hazardous.
‘Oh, that.’ He noted. ‘Well, I was drowsy anyway with all our walking. Good luck if someone tries to kill us.’ ‘Hedera?!’ you complained. ‘You’re just gonna let us get killed because you’re mad at me?’ But Hedera already had disappeared behind you, crawling in the space between the collar of your tunic and your neck. His tiny claws tickled and you laughed. Although he refused to admit it, Hedera felt safe when he was close to you and it was the only place he slept soundly.
The leaves around you shuffled and you backed away, drawing both of your swords. As far as you knew, the shire never had harbored anything frightening or deadly, but yet one couldn’t be too sure…
‘Oi! It’s a girl!’ A cheerful voice rose from the dense foliage. ‘Nothing scary!’ You frowned. Nothing scary? Who was so bold to make such assumptions with one quick look? ‘Aye.’ A second, more husky voice joined the first one. ‘But still… is she friend or foe?’ ‘Dunno,’ The first male said, a little louder now. ‘Let’s just ask!’
Just ask?! Your grip on your swords tightened a little. Their voices sounded friendly and normally you’d say that these people had to be of the Shire folk, but the slightly rough undertone was unusual for halflings. Besides, as a certain grey wizard once had told you: hobbits usually were remarkably light on their feet. And this pair, or rather whole lot by the sounds of it, was not quiet. If it wasn’t a hobbit that was nearing you, you had no idea who was.
You didn’t have to wait for too long, as two dwarves barged through the vegetation. They wore thick travel coats and both were heavily armed. One of them had light, golden locks, some of which were bound together in thick braids. Piercing blue eyes were watching you curiously, but in a friendly manner. He had a carefully trimmed beard, adorned with a mustache braid on either side. The other dwarf had brown manes that seemed to roam freely around his shoulders, but you suspected a clasp on the back of his head was keeping most of it in place. He had dark eyes, in a shade of the deepest brown you’ve ever seen. There was a mischievous sparkle in them which took your breath away. He seemed like a guy who always looked on the bright side of life, someone who enjoyed living fully. And instead of a full-blown beard, this dwarf kept his facial hair modest with a light stubble. Your stomach fluttered.
‘Good afternoon, beauty.’ The dark-haired dwarf said with a lazy smile. ‘Where’s a pretty lass like yourself going?’ You narrowed your eyes to show him you didn’t believe a word he said, but your mouth curved in a stupid grin anyway. He was too handsome and he probably knew that. Plus, the fact he had called you pretty wasn’t helping at all.
‘I could ask you the same question…’ you blushed. ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘There’s a smart girl, brother.’ The blonde dwarf remarked. ‘Well, it was worth a try…’ the dark one smirked as he walked closer to you. ‘We mean no harm. We’re just an innocent pair of travelers.’ ‘With these heavy armory?’ you questioned while taking a step back. ‘I wouldn’t call you gents innocent.’
‘Fair point, again.’ The dwarf gave in and held up his hands. ‘Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Kíli, son of Durin’s Folk from the Blue Mountains. And this is my brother F��li.’ The golden brother nodded. ‘We’re meeting someone in the Shire, that’s all.’
Since you were fairly familiar with the Shire and its’ inhabitants, you felt obliged to ask. ‘Who? And to do what?’ ‘No idea who.’ Kíli admitted with a laugh. ‘We were instructed to come here by my uncle, who if I’m right was told the same by Gandalf.’
‘Gandalf.’ You repeated and you relaxed a little. If Gandalf the Grey believed these dwarves of Durin’s Folk were to be trusted, you were inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.
‘Kíli.’ His brother warned. ‘We’re not supposed to talk about this.’ ‘What?’ Kíli shrugged. ‘It’s not like she’s going to tell anyone, will you… ehh-?’ ‘Y/N.’ you said. ‘Y/N.’ the dwarf echoed slowly. The sound of your name rolled over his tongue and chills ran up your spine. You put your swords in the sheaths on your back and gestured towards the dagger Fíli was holding. ‘Those are nice blades you got there.’ ‘Forged them myself.’ Fíli told you and carefully tossed one your way. You caught it with ease without hurting yourself and the brothers shared an approving glance. ‘You seem to know your way around weapons.’ Kíli smiled. ‘Where are you heading?’ ‘Nothing special.’ You replied. ‘I just wander around Middle Earth and live off the lands.’ ‘Alone? Don’t you have any kin that look after you?’ Fíli wondered.
The tale of how you lost your family was a long one which you didn’t like to share, let alone with strangers anyway.
‘No, it’s just me.’ You lied. ‘So you live off the lands?’ Kíli said. ‘That’s a nice word for some good old thievery.’ A giggle escaped you. ‘That’s none of your business.’ ‘Aye, but you just might be exactly the person we need…’ Kíli grinned. ‘How so?’ ‘We’re going on a quest, but our company is still one burglar short.’ The dark-haired dwarf explained. ‘Uncle Tho-’ ‘Brother!!’ Fíli hissed. ‘What did I just tell you about-’ ‘Oh, come on!’ Kíli interrupted him. ‘We don’t know if the burglar Gandalf will provide us with is any good! We have to take this chance while it’s still standing before us. You know uncle had his doubts if the wizard could-’
To be fair, roaming around middle earth without a real purpose lately had become a little boring and even lonely. You sometimes caught yourself secretly longing for a place you could belong to, a home. A temporary job might be just what you needed.
‘A quest?’ you mused. ‘To where? Are you going to slay a dragon and win over a ladies’ heart?’ ‘No way! How does she know that?!’ Kíli exclaimed, turning to his sibling. ‘Brother, I don’t know how she found out, but since she already knows of our plans, we should take her with us anyway!’ Fíli just rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. ‘Your brother doesn’t seem to be too keen on my joining.’ You remarked awkwardly. ‘Oh, don’t mind him.’ Kíli winked. ‘My old mate here just tries to be the responsible one, as always.’ ‘You should try it, Kíli, really.’ Fíli muttered. ‘You’re not the one who will have to face the consequences of your stupidity.’ ‘That’s because I’m the dashing one.’ Kíli told him. ‘Uncle Thorin just can’t stay mad for long… I’m just way too cute.’
‘HEY! Prince charming!’ someone shrieked. ‘You think you’re awfully funny, aren’t you?’
Oh, there you had it. Hedera had woken up and when it came to males (from any race, really), he was quite protective of you. He crawled from his hiding place and now was sitting up straight on your shoulder. ‘This is my companion Hedera.’ You introduced him with a sigh.
‘Wow! A talking lizard?’ Kíli sniggered. ‘I mean… it talks?!’ he jumped forward and studied Hedera, who was giving both dwarves the stink eye. ‘It talks, yeah.’ The lizard hissed. ‘You got a problem with me, pal?!’ ‘No, not at all.’ Kíli murmured as he prodded the lizard’s scales. He retracted his hand when Hedera successfully bit him. ‘Ouch!’ ‘Excuse his manners.’ You said. ‘He’s not used to strangers.’ ‘No, I can’t stand outsiders trying to touch me without my explicit consent.’ the lizard growled. ‘Keep your sticky paws off!’ ‘Duly noted.’ Kíli groaned in pain. ‘Damn, you have sharp teeth!’ ‘Don’t make me use them again.’ ‘You look like you’re not from this world, Hedera.’ Fíli said with interest. ‘I’ve never seen an impressive beast like you before.’ ‘I am a green water dragon!’ The lizard told them proudly and shifted on your shoulder. The spikes that run across his spine stood up a little, the green color of his scales reflecting in the soft afternoon light.
Really, even tiny green water dragons had an ego and could be bribed. You shook your head in disbelief.
‘And where did you pick up Y/N?’ Kíli asked. ‘See?!’ Hedera turned to you. ‘These gentlemen clearly have some sense in them, since they don’t automatically assume I’m your pet or whatever.’ ‘I never said you were…’ you countered and both brothers smiled. ‘I like them.’ The lizard decided. ‘We’re going on this quest.’ ‘Do I get a say in this?’ you asked your friend. The lizard shook his tiny head. ‘No.’
‘So, what do you say? Are you coming with us, Y/N?’ Kíli inquired. ‘Well, I-’ you began, but you almost lost your cool when you found him staring at you with these gorgeous puppy eyes. ‘Well, damn it. Are you this charming?’ you murmured. ‘Always.’ Fíli chuckled. ‘And I must warn you… Usually, he gets his way…’
Part II
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ktheist · 4 years
can i just say *sniffs* birth of an empress is so good omg 🥺 the action the plot the forbidden love 😔 the ending is cute tho my heart bursts at the idea of jimin and his little girl 😔🥺 do u think maybe... pt 2 😁 if not that's completely a-ok with me 👍🏼 i'm just curious about jungkook's return and the antidote but also i want to see uncle koo and ista's interactions 😔😔😔 anyway hope u are doing well during this time and taking care of youself ♥️
hello!! haha thank you for this lovely message, it warms my heart to know that you enjoyed the magical and forbidden elements in the fic. i’ve been good! (a bit lacking on sleep and stressed asf bc of finals but still good!) wishing all the wellness for you as well, human 💞
oh and there won’t be put 2 bc once i post a fic, it’s like closing a book to a story i’ve finally finished writing and i’m not much of a sequel kinda person hahaha but here’s a less formal version (and my complete indulgence in revisiting the boae fam)
uncle koo and ista’s interaction would be precious 🥺 
like the empress is protective over her lil fam and naturally ista’s been living a sheltered life
(as sheltered as living in a palace and having a dragon slayer mom slash empress and strongest general in the army for a dad - can be)
but uncle koo would probably teach ista about the realistic side of magic and dragon slayers once he finds out that the empress has been filtering what the tutor teaches ista
jimin obvs doesn’t think she should be told fairytales but they alr compromised that they’d tell ista the truth when she’s old enough
(the empress’ definition of ‘old enough’ is like 15)
(jimin begs to differ and he was gonna start introducing the history of how dragon slayers and the empire came to be when she hits 5 or 6 which is in a couple of years)
but uncle koo beat him to it
and jimin finds out the two in the library with uncle koo’s glowing light hovering over the book that has every detail that a kid shouldn’t be reading
jimin doesn’t like it - not but bc he wanted to be the one to read the book to ista first
and ista isn’t as rendered by nightmares as the empress (and jimin, to some extent) thought she’d be
rather, he can see her eyes glinting with fascination
and he figured, okay, he’ll let the wizard off the hook this time for taking one of his daughter’s firsts
the empress notices ista and uncle koo being the bestest buddies even tho they met just like five days ago
but it isn’t until she mentions it in passing to jimin that the man actually confesses about the things uncle koo has been teaching ista
about the world, about magic and about the blood that flows through her veins
the empress, of course, is furious
bc her ways of parenting is somewhat challenged by some dude (okay so maybe they’re best friends but-) who went mia for years and all of a sudden went ‘nah, this ain’t it chief’ @ her parenting
and as much as jimin wants the wizard out of their lives for good (one of the ways being through a big fight which would have exploded if he didn’t do something about it) jimin knows that’s not how he should win his wife’s heart
technically, they already have a kid together
but that doesn’t mean he’ll ever stop trying to win her heart
so he talks the empress out of confronting the wizard right then and there
he calms her down the way general park would
by showering his wife with pecks but never really kissing her on the lips
and he knows that’s how she’d get all flustered bc she never asks for kisses openly - it’s either she goes for it when the moment is right or she acts like a single touch from him would burn her to death
and this moment is filled with light pecks here and there and a kiss would mean they ain’t gonna stop anytime soon-
so when the empress finally has enough of getting teased, she finally, with fisted hands on her lap and a shy tone, says his name
jimin’s grin couldn’t have been wider than it is now
he thrives for the empress’ affection and her awkward but adorable way of asking for a kiss
a real kiss
so he kisses her and his heart shoots up his throat - he can never truly get used to the feeling
but then ista burst into the office with uncle koo behind her
he picks up on what happens by the way the empress didn’t meet his eyes and only focuses on ista and the over all atmosphere in the room
it’s unknown whether he still has feelings for the empress but he sure doesn’t hold back the smirk when he puts two and two together and realized he interrupted something
jimin is so close to picking up his sword and challenging the wizard to a duel to the death when he notices the smirk
as for the antidote
he found it in the first ray of light, trapped in the dew of a rosemary atop the hill of the mountains where the dragons lie
it’s true the empress could control dragons and make them fight for her 
but she’s not a rider
so she can only command them to fight for her
she can’t command them to let humans and wizards pass into their territory for a personal gain
she’s bound by the first emperor and dragon slayer’s wish to let the dragons have their freedom - and if they so use it to terrorize the lands reigns, then his descendants will slay them
but not all are riders and over time, it’s said the last rider died a hundred years ago
(inspired by shingeki no kyoujin ayy)
so how did jungkook and his companions managed to do get the dew?
basically he had to overcome his ‘hero’ complex where he’s always about ‘doing the right thing’ or carrying ‘fate’s burden’ on his shoulders
but that’s a story for another time 
so yeah, he managed to get the antidote and extract the dark magic in the empress’ right arm and ista’s eye.
which is good bc she could use that arm with the news of war looming over the empire
a new kingdom has gathered its influence and power rapidly and it’s rumored that they have a dark wizard among them
one that can summon the beings of the underworld
it’s been centuries since the last war with the underworld
it was said that every species from all over the world banded together and formed a concord to win the war and drive the creatures back into gehenna
and if the time calls for it, the a direct descendant from the founding fathers that lead the concord would gather again
but when that happened, the royal family didn’t interfere and instead sent its human knight in its stead
the problem is the knight’s descendant left the hoseok’s grandfather’s side when he realized the then-emperor’s reign was a tyrannic and not one he vowed to serve
the empress has sent faes to do the job of tracking the knight’s descendant and so far, it’s said that his surviving descendant has now taken up to sailing the seven seas
no, not as a member of the royal navy
but as a pirate
read the excerpt of the knight’s descendant here hehe
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7deadlycinderellas · 5 years
if the summer of our lives could just come again, ch3
AO3 link
Leaving Shireen again is the hardest thing he’s ever done.
Waking up in bed with Marya had been surreal enough, it had seemed decades since he had seen her. Going through the keep to encounter all seven of his sons, even Dale, too, had felt nearly like a dream. They’d come to visit, he remembered suddenly. Steffon’s name-day had just passed.
That whole day, he had tried to enjoy it.
When the older boys began to leave, is when he had to set his plan in motion.
Faking summons from Stannis was easy enough, turns out he had been planning to send for him soon anyway. Getting to Dragonstone was also shockingly easy.
Stannis had been his usual self, gruff and straight-forward. He had asked him to help him go over changes to shipping schedules what the effects of the late summer droughts on the tides. It had ended far too slowly.
Then on his way out, he had heard a small laugh.
“I’m supposed to be in lessons, but I had to come see you Onion Knight!”
Shireen was as small as she had been, her arms and legs had not yet begun to lengthen. Her face still bore the roundness of youth, her blue eyes shining.
Davos’s heart seizes as he allows himself to hug her tightly, without breaking. “Not having anymore dragon-dreams are you child?” he asks, remembering the nightmares that had plagued her.
Shireen looks confused. The comet, Davos remembers, her nightmares had begun with the coming of the comet.
“I haven’t dreamed of any dragons, I wish I did though, it sounds more exciting than the boat dreams I’ve had lately.”
He leaves her with just that single hug, trying his best to banish the image in his head of her burning.
Returning home, Davos recalls that Maester Cressen had once suggested betrothing Shireen to Robyn Arryn and sending her to the Eyrie, but Stannis hadn’t agreed.
Davos couldn’t imagine marrying Shireen off to that sickly, ill-tempered boy, but he wondered if he could somehow convince Stannis to let her be fostered somewhere else.
Renly, it hits Davos suddenly. Stannis’s brother had no children, but the court at Storm’s End was always bright and lively, fitting with it’s Lord’s showy and dramatic personality. And perhaps with his daughter so near, Stannis might not wish to lay siege to it.
It ended up, in the end, not truly being difficult at all.
“Storm’s End is the Baratheon ancestral home, it would be good for Shireen to see it. And I think having her around might put some responsibility into your brother, being that he currently has no heirs.”
Stannis’s eyes are hard to read, part distaste, part uncertainty.
“Last he saw her, Renly said she was ugly.”
Davos laughs softly in derision.
“Your brother may be thoughtless, but he isn’t needlessly cruel. Shireen may not be a great beauty, but she is a sweet, good child with a fine mind. She will win Renly over as easy as she won me over.”
He tries not to sound desperate, but Stannis is already speaking of the mystics, and he knows Melisandre may soon come to him.
And Stannis agrees, and Davos feels like maybe he’s won this time. That maybe they will win this time.
A week later, the agreement had been pounded out. Davos wonders if perhaps Renly simply saw a way to one-up his brother, but if it ends with Shireen safe, then it’s good either way.
Stannis asks him to accompany her. He would have offered anyway.
“Where are we going now, Onion Knight?” She asks him.
“We’re going on a quest.”
“Me too?”
“Well we’re going to need someone to read me all the books about all the old quests, so I know how I’m doing it right.”
There’s a touch of disappointment on her face. He takes her by the hand to help her into the wheelhouse.
“I have to go and rescue someone, then we have to ride north and try to stop some monsters.”
“Who are you rescuing? A princess in a tower?”
Davos laughs. Shireen did often have an affinity for the trapped princesses.
“A prince perhaps, though he would likely spit if he heard me call him that. I need to help him get back to his princess.”
Shireen wrinkles her nose.
“Not Prince Joffrey right?”
Davos can’t even imagine a laugh here. If half the stories he’s heard are true, the crown prince was more likely to need people rescued from him.
“No, this boy doesn’t even know what he is yet. But he will rise to greatness anyway. I’d like you to meet him someday, he’s one of your cousin’s actually.”
“What’s his name?”
He could remember the boy before, in his cell hopeless and ashamed. He could remember the man he became, who had wanted to help people even before learning he was of noble blood. Davos had believed Danaerys had intended to legitimize him for his heroism during the battle against the dead. She hadn’t had the chance. And part of Davos wondered if he would have even wanted that.
“Why does he need to be rescued?”
Davos sighs deeply.
“Because some people with a lot of power will want to hurt him, and he can’t save himself from where he is.”
A bastard boy on the streets of Flea Bottom. He was beholden to his apprenticeship unless released, and any route out of the city would be fraught with danger. Bandits, pirates, men who might try and sell him, all the worse if anyone got a good look and maybe figured out who he was. Ned Stark had figured out the Queen’s secret easily enough, but it would be a falsehood to say no one in King’s Landing ever questioned her fair haired children before.
“Do you know how you’re going to rescue him?”
That makes Davos smile.
“Do you remember why I told you your father cut off the tips of my fingers before knighting me?”
“Because you were a smuggler?”
“Which means I am excellent at getting things out of places and getting them where they aren’t supposed to be without being found out.”
He put his fingers to his lips to remind Shireen that she shouldn’t tell this to anyone, then taps her on the nose and shuts the door and moves to mount his horse so that they could leave.
He hopes he’s right.
Sansa carries Lady through the hallway and into her chambers. When she turns, she notices Arya sitting on her bed and yelps, dropping Lady to the floor. The wolf, now the size of a regular wolf, gives her a look of disgust, and pads off, taking a step onto the trunk at the end of Sansa’s bed and climbing up to curl up and fall asleep.
Arya cocks an eyebrow.
“I thought you had more nerve than that.”
“What are you doing here?” Sansa asks her, slipping off her shoes and stockings.
“Can I stay with you tonight? I had a bad nightmare last night.”
Sansa sighs, slipping one hand up to undo the ties at the top of her gown.
“Can you help me undo my straps?”
Arya reaches out and yanks the strings, loosening them. Sansa slips out of her gown and into her nightshift with ease before speaking again.
“Should I even ask which one?”
There were so many to choose from that they were both having. The Long Night nightmares, the watching Father get beheaded again nightmares, the ones where going through the anomaly just put them straight back in Hell (Ramsey for Sansa, Harrenhall for Arya).
“The one about Hardhorne. I think I had it because Jon left yesterday.”
Damn. Neither of them had been at Hardhorne, but Jon’s stories were so vivid and descriptive. The piles of bodies being climbed by walkers before they too rose, the people who ran straight into the water, clawing their way towards the boats trying to run. They had both had this one too.
Arya distracts herself by petting Lady.
“You really shouldn’t carry her everywhere now, she’s getting too big.”
“I’ll carry her for as long as I can. It will make me stronger.”
“She’s going to be bigger than you soon.”
“Then maybe someday she’ll carry me instead.”
Arya is quiet after that, and pulls off the cloak she’d thrown over her night shift in case one of the servants came by. She leaves it on the trunk next to Lady.
“Bran told me the Reeds should be here sometime tomorrow.” Sansa tells her as she crawls under her furs.
Arya bites her lip.
“That means we’re going to have to tell everyone tomorrow.”
Sansa laughs hollowly.
“Jon was hard enough...I can’t imagine how we’re going to tell Robb or Mother.”
Arya feels her stomach tighten. She could barely look at Gray Wind when he followed along with Robb after having seen what had become of them before.
“I can’t believe you managed to have the eloquence to tell what we know to Tyrion in just a single letter.”
“Well it was pretty rambling and confusing. I told you, I told him I saw things in visions. That King Robert was in danger, that people would look more closely at Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella. Not to trust a damn thing Littlefinger says. More politics, fewer ice zombies. Besides, I had that trump card to make sure he paid my words due.”
Arya frowns.
“I saw you give him the letter when he was leaving with Jon. What on earth did you tell him?”
She hadn’t been close enough to hear their conversation, But whatever Sansa had whispered in the Imp’s ear had affected him enough that his eyes had gone wide and he’d stood in the same spot, seemingly dazed until Uncle Benjen had prodded him and he’d tucked the letter into his satchel and rejoined everyone.
“I told him the name of his first wife.”
Arya’s surprised.
“I never knew he was married before you.”
“Most people don’t. No one outside his family should know anything about it. That’s why it worked.”
“What happened?”
Sansa smiles grimly.
“It’s not my story to tell. The only reason I think he even told me was because we were in the crypts sure we were going to die that night. Airing our sins and all that.”
Arya rolls over to face her.
“I guess I just don’t really understand your relationship with him. I couldn’t imagine you being so close to someone you were forced to marry.”
Sansa laughs. It is somewhat ludicrous, and her thirteen year old self would have screamed in horror had she known.
“He was forced into it as much as I was, and he was always kind to me. Beyond that, he tried to protect me, to make me feel better about things that happened. Though of course there was no way he could.”
Sansa turns suddenly pensive.
“And I got a front seat to exactly what his family thinks of him. Jamie aside, the rest of the Lannisters seemed to delight in tormenting him as much as they did tormenting than me. And it made me so incredibly angry. He once told me that people were going to spend a lot of time underestimating me, and that ended up being incredibly true too.”
There’s a long silence after, and Sansa really doesn’t want to have to talk about this anymore.
“Get some sleep Arya. Tomorrow’s going to be rough enough as it is.”
Laying all the way back down, she feels Arya shift beside her.
“Uhh, fair warning? I’ve been told I’m an angry cuddler.”
Sansa’s eyes pop back open.
What on earth was an angry cuddler?
She finds out the next morning when Arya has managed to migrate halfway down the bed and wrap both her arms so tightly around one of Sansa’s legs that she’s woken with the limb heavy and prickly, and entirely unable to stand up.
Bran wakes, his stomach already in knots.
He gazes out the window, noting the clear skies. He notices Summer isn’t sleeping underneath like he usually did, perhaps he had an early start.
He manages to dress himself, though he only has one pair of breeches that have been cut to fit over his cast. His boot takes the longest, but he laces it up tightly before reaching for the heavy metal crutches Mikken had made for him when it became clear that he was not up for staying in bed until his leg healed.
Hobbling on the crutches had been hard to learn. The splinted wrist was one thing, but he could hardly admit that it had been near on a decade since he had walked properly at all.
So at least he had an excuse for his staggering.
In the hallway, he bumps into Arya, who’s rubbing the back of her head.
“What happened?”
“Sansa pulled my hair until I woke up and let her leg go.”
He’s not going to question that.
Rather than join the rest of the family at breakfast, Bran has Arya slip in and grab them a platter of oatcakes with honey and sliced apples.
“Where are we going?” Arya asks.
“The stables.”
She makes a face.
“They won’t let you ride with the cast.”
“I’m not going to ride,” Bran tells her, “I’m going to see Willas.”
Arya’s stares at him confused for a moment before it hits her.
“Oh, Hodor.”
“That’s not his name,” Bran says roughly. “So I won’t call him that. He died protecting me, that’s the least I can do. Especially since the other is my fault.”
Arya is quiet most of their slow walk out to the stable. Bran has never been overly forthcoming about what exactly happened to everyone north of the Wall.
When they reach the stables Willas is finishing up with the morning chores. The other grooms have already gone down to breakfast, leaving the three of them alone.
“Hodor,” he says, upon seeing them.
“Have breakfast with us,” Bran says, and Arya offers him the platter.
The three of them sit and eat their cakes in silence. Arya licking a bit of honey off her thumb and Bran leaning over to steal one of her apples.
When they’re finished, Willas stands, and with a “Hodor,” leaves them to haul water for the troughs.
Bran chews thoughtfully on his last bite while Arya wipes off the tray.
Arya finally fixes Bran with a gaze while he chews.
“You’ve been weird since you told us the Reeds were probably going to arrive today, so what is it?”
Bran doesn’t say anything, and avoids her eyes.
“Come on, out with it. Sansa said Meera left almost immediately when you two returned to Winterfell, and you didn’t even mention her again. When you lead us down to the Neck, she didn’t even look at you. What in seven hells happened?”
“Nothing. And that was the problem. We were north for, gods it must have been two or three years. Meera helped keep us safe, she hunted to keep us fed. Underneath that tree, she did her best to keep me sane even though she seemed completely lost after Jojen died. After...Everything that had happened to us, everything I had felt...I suddenly didn’t care. I would have died a hundred times over without her, it didn’t matter“
He’s quiet for a long time.
“I remember, the way Meera was looking at me, before I touched the weirwood tree to see what happened at the Tower of Joy. If she had looked at me like that before...I probably would have died of a heart attack. That’s what she said before she left, was that Brandon Stark died in that cave.”
“Well you didn’t, and you’re alive again,” Arya tells him. “So quit acting like you did die. We all get second chances now, that’s sort of the point isn’t it?”
“All three of them have cause to hate me.”
“Well they definitely will if you stay this way when they all show up. So come on, and lets try and prepare.”
She helps him get back onto his crutches and they hobble back to the keep to try and head off the storm.
Jojen Reed was not used to being confused. His prophetic dreams aside, he had always been clever, and good at his lessons. Feeling completely in over his head was not something he was used to.
But two weeks before when he had woken to his older sister running into his room and hugging him tightly he had been completely at a loss for words. Normally, he would have thought she was ill, but when she dragged him down to breakfast, their Father had been in a similar state. Both of them had looked incredibly tired, but somehow energized, with wild looks in their eyes, babbling on about things that didn’t make any sense.
Then they sat down, and tried to tell him, and it made even less sense.
And even after they had left Greywater Watch, it hadn’t stopped.
He wakes the last day of their travels with a feeling of creeping dread in his gut.
And for the first since she lost her mind, Meera seems as unsure as him.
They’re packing up camp, Father leading the horses to water when he finally brings it up.
“You seem anxious. You and Father were so sure we had to go north to Winterfell when we left, now it seems like you don’t want to.”
Meera laughs.
“We were both so sure we had to go north before. And look how that turned out.”
Jojen doesn’t really know what to say to that. She’d told him he had died on the journey before, which explained her exuberant reaction to seeing him again, but it didn’t really explain her despair. True, she had also mentioned that his body had immediately exploded, but still…
“I know you were probably upset that I died…”
“It wasn’t just you,” she cuts him off. “Everyone. The last time I left home, everyone around me ended up dying, you were just the first. We were under there for over a year, I didn’t even know why anymore, but I trusted the Children of the forest. Then the Night King found us and attacked, and they all died. All of that history, and they died. Then Summer died protecting us, and Hodor died so we could get away, and we ran. “
They’ve finished the packs, and so Meera just pokes at the ground with a stick when she finally continues.
“We got back to Winterfell, and it turned out even Rickon and Osha had died after we left them. I wanted to go home, but I didn’t feel like I could. I went to talk to Bran, and it was like he was gone too. Whatever the Raven did to him in that cave, his body was still alive, but what made him him was gone. He was little more than a shell.”
Father returns to the clearing, leading the horses. They begin loading the packs onto them, when Meera continues. Her voice goes quiet, with a tone in it Jojen’s not sure he’s ever heard come from her before.
“I thought what the two of us had gone through- as hard as it had been, I thought it was special. I thought it was important. I don’t know anymore, I still don’t know if it was worth it. The end of the world still came after all. I don’t know what I’ll do if we get to Winterfell and Bran is still...that thing.”
Jojen can’t really say anything to soothe his sister’s words, so he just listens. He supposes that must do some good too.
They ride for a bit in silence. They’re not far, could reach the keep by mid-day easily. Jojen can still feel Meera sitting stiffly in the saddle. They could have taken a third horse, but neither of them are good riders, having not had much way to practice, given that horses don’t suit bogs well.
As the day goes on, he suddenly feels Meera go still.
“Either of you hear that?” She asks, eyes staring straight off into the trees. When neither him nor Father reaction, she slides off the horse, and grasps her spear.
They aren’t far from Winter Town, it could just be another traveler or someone out hunting, but Meera’s muscles are pulled taut as though she expects this to end in a fight.
She’s still, still as a rock upon a cliff, when the leaves of the underbrush shift and a figure emerges from them.
Jojen feels his heart quicken when he realizes the figure is a wolf.
Meera, on the other hand, softens.
“Summer?” She calls out, in an unsure voice.
Both Jojen and their father watch as Meera kneels in the road, and the wolf approaches her slowly, carefully. Jojen watches in amazement as the beast rests it’s muzzle on top of her knees, and she reaches to rub the top of it’s head.
“You did everything you could,” She assures the wolf, “You were your best, you did your best.”
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divagonzo · 5 years
Hello, I peruse your blog at least once a day even tho I don’t have tumblr anymore. However I love Ron Weasley and I love romione more than any love I’ve ever read about. How about em’ romantic subplots am I right? You post good shit. Anyway I saw some post about em watson and how she treats people a certain way according 2 their status? Can u elaborate please? I love hot tea. I’m not personally a fan of her on the count she has a job she is incapable of doing and that pisses me of
Evenin’ Nonnie. I’d offer a bite of dinner but I don’t think you’d enjoy gluten free buffalo chicken pasta (second day leftovers at that.) (Quite mushy at this point.)
First of all, thanks. Secondly, I do enjoy some particular writing tropes and some just hit my wheelhouse.
I think I’ll put the bulk of this under the cut, just to make it TL;DR for those on mobile and those who do appreciate her acting
So when I mention Eyebrows (because her acting style seems to incorporate them more than any other facial gesture) (and those who stan her can do so without it showing up in a search or tags)…
There have been plenty on Tumblr who have run into her, worked as extras on movies with her, radio shows, etc and all have one particular theme through them all: she’s a diva and doesn’t treat others who aren’t upper class well. She claims she was growing up destitute after her parents divorced but… well, the schools she attended don’t seem so pedestrian to me. Maybe having some less and claiming you’re poor seems like a pretty big insult for those who did grow up on benefits, who lived in council housing (or still does) and has had so many opportunities, professional and otherwise, that aren’t afforded to just anyone.
Her feminism is geared towards white upper-class women - aka far from truly intersectional - and has said quite a few problematic things over the years, especially towards powerful black women who are wholly comfortable with who they are and in charge of how they present themselves in the media and arena.
@headcanonsandmore has more on his blog (and you can peruse the tags better since I don’t tag it to keep it out of a search out of courtesy et al.) including how many people have spoken on how rude she is to other people - or the fact that she does the bare minimum for media when it’s not Disney (and even then it’s pretty scripted.) I recall hearing about a radio interview she was doing - as a call-in and she was 2 hours late, only did 10 minutes for it, and almost all of the audio footage was rubbish.
I won’t even get into the UK laws of how she kept money off-shore in Panama to avoid paying the ridiculous tax amounts required of someone who is upper class. That’s why she was dropped quietly from the UN Ambassador program: for not paying her fair share of taxes in the UK. I’m sure that her PR firm had to hustle when that information broke and probably had to pay a Solicitor some serious pounds to settle such an issue with the British government. she probably could have kept that going for years but since she was outed, it’s bad PR when the UN is dependent on those tax receipts coming in to keep things funded.
Her professional work, since she’s gotten older, is up in the air. I’d previously given her benefit of the doubt but when so many are saying the same things about her behavior, skipping out on media appearances or doing it half-arsed, well, where there is smoke, there’s probably a fire burning somewhere.
I’m sure that she’d be a lovely person if she were working an 8-5 job making ends meet and not under the fishbowl camera of the media and more but… some choices made require the work to do the job right. If you’re going to be under the harsh spotlights, being a pain in the arse towards others speaks on your character when the lights are shut off. Character is who you are when no one is watching. Character is who you are towards others when they can do nothing to repay you for it. Treating people like Dragon Dung long-term will not help you Make friends and win over influential people.
As a ‘Puff (and a cranky Dragon) she fails, completely, on the fair play and hard work aspects.
Maybe instead of hobnobbing with the President of France, she could, oh I dunno, learn to treat regular people with a sliver more respect and civility.
Or maybe losing out on a few prime roles would encourage her to work on her craft and either get better or be relegated to a has-been flash in the pan.
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Last time I checked, the only one who could get away with having an Acid Tongue towards others was Karl Lagerfeld - and now that he’s shed his corporeal existence…. well…..
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 9]
All eight badges earned, so what does that leave?
Team for the task?
Vertex (Luxray)
Caspet (Gengar)
Stormy (Metagross)
Photon (Rayquaza)
Nessy (Milotic)
Diego (Gardevoir)
...Those who did not participate in the last Gym, raise hands or whatever you have in place of hands for grinding.
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Colress, I swear, if you pull a Euicine and make me fight you for the honor of not fighting the Terrakion...
He does not. He gives us a toy and basically says to check out the cave that I need Strength to go through more thoroughly. The Giant Chasm pirates are still blocking my way, so.
Box crew! What have you got for me!
I will take out Bessy, the level 33 Miltank, and teach her Strength.
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Bessy is Modest and somewhat vain, but that doesn’t matter because she’s just here for HMs. She’s temporarily taking Vertex’s place, since Vertex isn’t in need of more experience.
Ah. Actually, Strength just lets you get Toxic. Which is fine, but sorry Vertex, guess I threw you out of the squad for nothing.
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Hey we found the boat!
Marlon lets us aboard. Thought: I should go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex in case something goes wrong. Except that would take time.
...I am going to go put Bessy back in the box and grab Vertex.
After shifting a boulder on Route 22. And grinding for a bit.
Okay. A few hours later, I am more comfortable entering the pirate ship. Team levels are now 56-60. That is absolutely a balanced assessment of my current team. It is in no way misleading.
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...This is the greatest grunt ever. He calls Marlon Smiley Swimsuit. Yes. You have perfectly boiled down his character essentials.
Oh wait, he has a Watchdog.
Sorry pirate friend. We can’t be friends.
Russell, my actual friend, is trying to go on his roaring rampage of revenge. Only as a responsible big brother, not a Sasuke.
I used to have a Sasuke. No more.
...I should have named Russell Itachi. If there’s ever a next time...
I continue to find it delightful that after N leaves, Team Plasma ditches their knight theme for a pirate one. I don’t even know why, I just love it. I love knight aesthetic, I love pirate aesthetic. My castle was right next to my pirate ship for most of my childhood, and it rocked.
Though my pirates wouldn’t steal people’s pets. A key difference. Pirate in name only. Well. And clothing. Pirate is just a more fun word than sailor, and pirates have looser fashion.
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Mook time over?
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Technically this one isn’t stealing.
Just animal abuse.
The villain of this game is just a salty old man who spent so much time in a refrigerator he decided the rest of the world should spend time in a refrigerator, too. Then he found out his region has a legendary Dragon/Ice type, and the rest is history.
Only history I have to repeat.
Because the villain of a Pokemon game decided his winning strategy would be shooting bolts of ice down at the world below.
Video games are the greatest.
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...Wait. How did me and Russell get down here? Did Team Plasma just throw us off?
Also, yes Cheren. They use everything for evil. They’re the bad guys.
And then Cheren asks where the people Zekrom and Reshiram recognized are and. I wonder if he misses his friend. his best friend, [last game protagonist]. How much does it suck that he spent a full game with [person], and now they’ll never see each other again because [person] is bound to a different dimension. A world Cheren can’t touch.
Canon has, what. Red who comes back? Every other protagonist kind of just. vanishes as far as future references to that world are concerned. And Red spends quite some time up on a mountain. Alone.
These games are all about people who swoop in and birth legends, then vanish.
I made myself sad.
Anyway, to the Giant Chasm!
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Totally bro.
Aw crud. Do I need Strength? I think I might need Strength. Can I mayhaps avoid that?
Oh. I could just go down the giant stairs.
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Wow. Talk about your parties.
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I hate password games. At least the ship supplies a doctor early on. I wasn’t to the point of active concern, but I was feeling a bit itchy about using up healing items. I haven’t grown out of my usual standard in these games where I just let everything in my party die to avoid spending money.
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Agreed, let’s roll you.
This guy just keeps throwing Cryogonal at me.
You know, I don’t have a lot to complain about regarding these games and their choices. I whine about everything, but all in all, I find all of them very solid and enjoyable. Even if gen 4 has too many HM requirements wtf just stop.
This isn’t really a complaint, but it is a confusion. Zinzolin is fought multiple times in a relatively small window, and his team never changes. We just keep beating him. I get the sense that they wanted a villain, but as a sequel game to a gen that went all out on that, they didn’t really have anything they were willing to turn into a threat.
Really, I feel like a better path to pick would have been giving one of the Plasma grunts a different hat and having them be the captain of a very confused and angry crew. But eh, whatever.
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....Oh. You.
Why is the most anime hair dude in the game so gosh darn forgettable?
For the sake of my flawed memory, he wants to bring out the full potential of pokemon, and is willing to us whatever means are necessary. The only question is which approach actually yields results.
I like you, Colress. I am never going to remember you, but I like you.
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Good grief his theme sounds like it came out of Phantasy Star.
First up is a level 50 Magneton. Caspet’s an okay choice, so I’ll just Shadow Ball it. Magneton Thunder Waves Caspet, then uses Volt Switch to swap in Beheeyem (also level 50), who takes a Shadow Ball and dies instantly.
Sorry, ‘faints.’
A level 50 Metang is switched in next. Out of twitchiness over Caspet’s paralyzed state, I put Nessy in and go with Surf. Metang uses Agility from the red. Colress uses a Full Restore. Metang hits a Zen Headbutt, but Nessy has the last laugh.
Ugh. Colress is going to send in a Magnezone. Stormy’s the best answer to that, I think. Stormy knows Hammer Arm. It hits, but like everything I hate, Magnezone has Sturdy. A Bullet Punch handles that.
A level 52 Klinklang is next. His only thing over 50. Stormy is paralyzed thanks to Magnezone, but a Hammer Arm that hits should end it, and I don’t think Klinklang knows anything that’s a threat.
Even if Stormy feels like being paralyzed.
Only once, though. Hammer Arm + Bullet Punch does the job, and we only have that pesky Magneton left.
Hammer Arm and we are done.
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Please don’t make me fight another one of these clowns. I don’t wanna.
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Aw heck, Russell’s having his moment with Purrloin drama. And I guess I’m not fighting robe dude. It’s all ninja for now. With my four pokemon who aren’t paralyzed. Maybe I should have fixed that.
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For real though, our rival’s plotline here is pretty dang sad. He wants his little sister’s pokemon back, and by the time he finds it, it isn’t hers anymore. It’s had an entirely different life without them, probably committing crime. Because it’s been told to.
This is why you get the pirate Plasmas and the knight Plasmas. It’s fantastic that you, the protagonist, has a crew of pokemon perfectly happy fighting and doing whatever you want. But living things being forced to do whatever you want them to because you happened to throw a ball at them is pretty screwed up.
There’s not really a satisfactory conclusion to all of this, since critique of a game mechanic that is never going to stop being a game mechanic doesn’t get to start dramatic revolutions regarding that mechanic, but it’s all very sad and sobering.
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That pretty ice tho.
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No, but thank you N. I was not ready to die at the hands of Kyurem. Your assistance is much appreciated, and pretty great in your sequel. Props.
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Gee, that looks bad.
Cue dramatic anime battle sequence.
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Followed by anime transformation sequence.
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Welp. Time to kill you. Let’s just hope I can.
...Stormy. I think I might want you to tackle this. To the front you go.
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But really.
So damn cool.
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It’s dead now, but so. cool.
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There are too many fights going on. I think I wouldn’t mind in a normaly playthrough, but for a Nuzlocke, this is needlessly stressful and I am not a fan also I beat Ghetsis in the last game and it wasn’t fun then, either.
He has six pokemon, and he opens with a level 50 Cofagrigus. That is not Stormy’s friend. Nessy, if you would. Hydro Pump hits. Toxic hits from the other side, and I will deal with that in a moment, after the Cofagrigus is gone.
Ghetsis, naturally, uses a Full Restore.
Nessy handles it in the end, but is down to 73 health. Eelektross is coming out next. Time to switch. To... uh. I’ll give Photon a whirl. Feeling lucky, I use Outrage, and Eelektross faints.
Ah. Hydreigon is out next.
That is a nasty type combo for my team to deal with. I think. Geez, mark this where I have all the regrets, but Photon’s staying in to murder the Hydreigon with Outrage. Ganbatte.
Seismitoad is next. Diego, time for you and your Magical Leaf to shine. Shine they do, and we’re on to Drapion, which I will leave to Photon. Two Air Slashes make their mark, and all that’s left is Toxicroak, so in you stay Photon.
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But where is that certain Trainer, N????
Anyway, with that, it looks like the plot portion of this Nuzlocke is over. All that’s left is heading up to challenge the Elite Four.
I think a battle like that can have its own part.
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flickwatches · 6 years
OWL Season 2 Preseason Ranking
20. Toronto Defiant
I really wanted to put Washington here because I have no faith in that team.  But the Toronto has a main tank I’m unfamiliar with and Main Tanks were extremely important in OWL way before goats meta.  I see Neko and Envy and it really inspires me.  I see Bishop and I’m like wow.  But Bishop doesn’t really have a history of winning in Overwatch lately.  From London to Cloud9 he really hasn’t been producing W’s.  I like the roster a lot and maybe the meta shifts heavily in there favor but right now I don’t think Neko can fix a frontline issue.
19. Washington Justice
I do not like this roster.  The late addition (they were all late) of Gido and Ado really inspires me but if Ado wasn’t enough to get Shanghai 1 W than he won’t be enough in what mite possibly be a more difficult season. 28 games and more down time in between.  Well rested players, highly practiced, and prepared for there matches.  Janus is really strong in this lineup and so are the coaches.  I guess this roster would do pretty good in NA contenders. 
18. Chengdu Hunters
I don’t trust the roster or the process.  Highest level league play does something to teams with potential.  It chews them up and spits them out.  Maybe this is the good side of the Chinese scene that Shanghai never showed us in season 1.  I probably have them ranked too low but what the Dragons did in season 1 worries me. 
17.  Guangzhou Charge
Either this team will be surprisingly good or really bad.  It really depends on the coaching staff and how well they are supported by the org. A lot of there season depends on Rio and how well he works with the different players on the roster. They mite catch themselves halfway thru the season and start playing well. 
16. Florida Mayhem
I like the roster a lot.  I know BQB was accused of boosting but he’s extremely talented.  xepheR is really good. Solid DPS, decent tanks, good supports (hopefully way better than last year).  Coaching staff and org staff still seems really small.  They could surprise people depending on the meta.
15. Boston Uprising
Huk, Could be worst team in the league.  Three main tanks.  Poorly coached and managed.  Extremely talented players. 
14.Shanghai Dragons
I don’t want to rank them this low but I’m floating 3-4 teams around this spot.  They haven’t won a game in OWL yet.  Hopefully they have a nice schedule of lower level teams and they can produce some quality wins.  Org seems ready to commit this season so I expect huge problems will be scorched away quickly. 
13. Seoul Dynasty
Fissure is cool I guess.  They have a balanced roster, experienced team, and a schedule system that will highly benefit them.  Older players mite not listen to new in game leadership this far into there careers. I’m not very confident in there synergy and I wanted to rank them a few spots back.  They do have piles and piles of talent tho.  
12. San Francisco Shock
If we remove all the DPS players from the roster and look closely will see some problems.  Mid tier off tanks and mid tier main tanks.  New season same problem.  One of there main tanks need to play at a higher level.  Off tank can exist well enough if there main tank plays well enough.  Support trio could be strong depending on the meta. 
11. Houston Outlaws
I have my personal disagreements with how they play.  I’m a fan of them and they upset me from time to time.  In a goats meta having someone like Spree who can slide into that 2nd DPS spot and play Zarya is amazing.  They won’t use Spree like that.  Houston is going to fuddle thru the season and end up worse than 11th.  Could easily reach top 8 if they make good decisions before matches even start. They prepare pretty poorly and depend to heavily on classic 2/2/2 roster lineups to play the game.  Polar opposite of what the Eastern OW scene has been doing lately. 
10. Atlanta Reign
May have similar issues with Houston.  Roster has built in solutions to potential problems but the team mite not use them.  I’m very big on the roster even without Dafran.  Front line has synergy.  Backup Academy front line also has great synergy.  Supports are questionable but Academy support duo is extremely experienced and reliable.  DPS is very solid for a trio.  Has 1 map sub potential which can be very powerful in OWL.  Team is built to work no matter what.  Mite not be lead in right direction to succeed.  
9.  Los Angeles Valiant
There mistakes finally show up in there results.  Remember when “development” was a big part of there OW decision making???  Suddenly you have an APEX coach and his players are at the top of the roster. This team goes as far as Kariv can take them while covering every hole on the roster. Honestly if this team finishes top 4 with Kariv starting at DPS he’ll deserve OWL MVP.  \
8. Dallas Fuel
I’m very high on them and very low on them at the same time.  Added players, added coaching staff, re commitment to the team on a whole. Schedule change will be huge for them.  New season same problem.  What happens when a projectile meta happens???  They’ll be able to play it but main players who aren���t as good as the bench players will have to play or bench players will have to step into major roles.  Could cause problems with how well they’ll play this season.  Dallas and Seoul need to remember how to win to be successful again. 
7. Vancouver Titans
They will have problems.  May it be there org or just how there playing.  They will struggle.  But this team has too much experience and inner support to just fall apart.  Where the org or players fail the fans and team will pick up.   They won’t get this far and go down without a fight. The talent difference will start to show throughout the season but they will overcome it as a team. 
6. Los Angeles Gladiators
I got a little down on them but than I remembered how well they play.  The support trio will play well no matter what. Surefour will show up.  Decay and R0ar will show up.  Void should be better this season if they don’t want to play Bischu.  Will win games like they’ve been here before. 
5. Philadelphia Fusion
I got a little down on them.  I love what Elk will bring to the team but he’s just a Lucio.  Poko is the only off tank.  When will Eqo run out of talent?  Will they even play Fragi during goats meta?  But they are a force of nature.  Carpe won’t give up.  Much like the Gladiators they’ve been here before and it will show. 
4. Hangzhou Spark
 I am extremely high on this team.  And also a huge X6 Gaming fan.  Krystal and Godsb (a widow god).  Ria and Nosmite AND Guxue if they want to mix up the main tank role.  I love this roster and its potential.  Mite step into the league like NYXL. 
3. Paris Eternal 
Maybe I forgot to rank them a few spots ago and just put them here (maybe).  I was very high on France in the OWWC and was a little disappointed.  The roster and staff is fucking stacked to the roof.  From Kruise on Support leading the team, Main tanks Benbest and Lhcloudy, and to the stacked DPS lineup of Soon and Shadowburn.  If OWL ever goes into a Dive meta they will near the top. 
2. New York Excelsior 
Could be #1.  They have the roster to go 28-0.  But its 28 games will bigger breaks between games this season.  I like to think that benefits the next team the most. 
1. London Spitfire
Back to back champions?  Barely any change to the roster and that’s ok.  The biggest offseason addition was the change to the regular season format.  Strong new teams should challenge London but I knew a few will bow before the world champions.  Look out for a repeat.  
I wrote this far too fast and without enough research (LOL I guess).  I’ve watched a lot of Hangzhou Spark players already on X6 Gaming.  We already know how good some of these teams already are.  This is mostly speculation.  And meta shifts could turn this list upside down at any moment.  
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theconfusedartist · 6 years
Alright, so I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while, now that I’ve gotten back into dragon age origins and since I’m about to start doing a shit ton of fanart and fic simply bc I’m getting back in the swing of it, I figure I might as well start actually making a post about them, rather then just making a one-off post and talking about them without out any context lol.
Ok so, in this AU that I’m working on, Duncan realized that, hey, maybe only one recruit for like the end of the world in his order of grey wardens, is not the best idea, and then goes on to recruit all of the characters from the origins.
So, he swings by Orzammar first, getting Brosca and Aeducan. In this au, the name of my Brosca is Tsoyo and the Aeducan is Sariah. I’m gonna post pictures of every one of my warden later, but for now, I’m just gonna say who they are. Tsoyo and Sariah knew each other before, since Seriah hired Tsoyo’s...services in the past. Seriah doesn’t really think much of the casteless, but she does like that they can do some dirty work for her and go basically undetected for it. So, in terms of time, Tsoyo goes to the proving and wins, just like in the original, and Duncan recruits her, but in this, Duncan stuck around a little longer as the Aeducan family still had business with him and he needed to go to the deep roads to make sure that this was a real blight and I mean, hey, what better way to test the new recruit right? 
So, while Duncan is getting Tsoyo ready for what’s to come, Seriah goes to the new provings that takes place as they redid it because they couldn’t fathom that a casteless could ever win and this doubled as them holding it in honor for the Seriah getting her new post as a commander. Seriah didn’t really rise to Bhelen’s bait and didn’t go after him like Bhelen had hoped, even though she realized that there was no way that the mercenaries could’ve gotten the ring unless it was from Trian. It was quite the surprise to see her brother, dead in front of her and her father and Bhelen walking in and being accused of his death. 
She gets sentenced to walk the deep roads and meets up with Duncan and Tsoyo and from there they scout for a bit before going off to the circle. Because I mean, hey, one mage is equivalent to ten soldiers, right? 
So, Duncan gets there, with Tsoyo and Seriah in tow who are really uncomfortable being around each other as they’ve had a less than clean relationship in the past (murder, blackmail, and other stuff). Duncan gets to the tower for recruits and in this au, both ‘Surana’ and Amell are there. I’ll explain why I put the ‘’ around Surana in a minute. 
So, Amell, who’s first name is Daylen, Jowan, and ‘Surana’, who’s first name is Acici, are all there. Jowan is going through with his little plot to escape the circle and Acici has literally just had her harrowing, a few nights ago before Duncan had gotten there. Daylen has his harrowing the night before Duncan arrives to the tower and his goes very...differently. 
I’ll go into this a LOT more in a second reblog, since I want to go into everyone’s backstory in a bit, person by person, with pictures, but since I’m going with the abridged version, I’ll just put it as, Acici had the normal harrowing that we get in the game, give or take, and Daylen thought it was fun to fuck around with things that he shouldn’t. So, Duncan has his eye on the both of them and Acici, being the actual loyal friend goes around bolstering her image and getting the rod of fire, killing spiders and charming the old man to sign the form for her. She had him sign the form, but then figured that if she curried favor with as many senior enchanters as possible, then it would probably be good for her in the long run. 
As for Daylen, well, he’s sitting there like, ‘why do we have to get dragged down with Jowan?’ and goes to Senior Enchanter Irving and tells him about it. Sure, he feels bad about it, but the deal was this: if he goes along with this plan, then he and Acici have to be pardoned and get off scot free for helping with taking down Lily and catching Jowan in the act. Irving agrees and he plays double agent. And well you know how that song and dance goes, Jowan gets away, and the others are left holding the bag. Irving tries to pacify Gregoir, but he hates mages so Duncan conscripts them both into the order. Meanwhile, Tsoyo and Seriah are just really confused with all the magic bullshit going on. And then there were four recruits. 
After that, Duncan and the four recruits go to Highever, to recruit Ser Gilmore because I guess Duncan wanted a basic ass bitch (idk, I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t finished the human noble to this day. I’m still trying to, but I really didn’t see any appeal in Gilmore like that, he seemed like someone good to have as a second, but not someone you’d send to kill an archdemon when there’s only two grey wardens left) and Cousland, or better known as Luna the heartbreaker, isn’t really interested in the wardens or anything. I mean why would she be? Duncan is fine and all, but she gets to rule over a castle by herself, why the hell would she want to leave? But then, it’s not really up to her when mostly everyone gets killed anyways. So, at this point we have five recruits, good job Duncan!
Their next stop is (drumroll please) DENERIM! (wasn’t expecting that were you?)
Duncan was like, shit, lemme go and get Adaia, at least that way I know that I can have someone who knows what the score is and she can help the others and Alistair as someone who’s been around the bend and seen some shit. Only, that’s not what happens, obviously because Adaia was killed by humans a while back, but he is just in time to witness a double wedding and get threatened by a one of the brides (lol). And also see them all get carried off to get raped by the arl’s son and his guards. Luna is cross, but like ‘hey, shouldn’t we do something about this?’. Tsoyo is a bit surprised because she thought that elves were all a bunch of fig eating floofies that just lived in happiness, not squalor and fear of death, so she seconds it. Acici is ready to murder Duncan when he says that they can’t get involved (for that same reason that ‘Surana’ is like that) and hands a sword to Nelaros and Soris. Go get ‘em boys!
And now the estate is running with blood, Nelaros is dead, Shianni is traumatized, one of the bridesmaids is dead, and Tabris, Sauda the bride, has literally learned all the different ways to kill over seventy men with a dagger and how quickly rat posion kills three adult human men. Sauda, not willing to let Soris get hauled off, says that it was all her doing. Which...isn’t really an exaggeration, she tore into those fuckers like she was getting paid to do it, Soris gave back up with his crossbow, but she was very eager to spill blood for the kidnapping of her, the others and Nelaros’ death. Also Vaughn was killed, as was his friends. Horrifically. 
And now we have six recruits!! Way to go Duncan, you always find the lively ones!
This recruit wasn’t planned, as Duncan was planning to cut through the Brecilian forest to save some time, and came across two elves that are just heavily tainted. That’s right, in this au, Tamlen lives. So Mahariel, Yeva, and Tamlen are just sick as fuck, but still alive so Marethari is like, ‘let’s get a fucking move on’ and Duncan conscripts them, when they both try to weasel their way out of it. But what can you do? At least Tamlen isn’t dead (a split second decision, I’m not gonna lie). So, Duncan comes to Ostagar with seven new recruits and most of them just....do not give a damn about the king (lolololol get fuckin’ rekt Calian). They go into the wilds, save a few mabaris (mabari? mabaris?) with some wild flowers, Tsoyo gets a big gay crush on Morrigan, then they come back and do shots with the darkspawn blood in the joining. Daveth and Jory die(wah wah) but everyone else makes it out alive (Tamlen...barely made it. Bitch nearly pulled a Daveth) and then they were sent to the tower. 
The reason for them all being sent to the tower was simple. Cailan realized that a lot of the new recruits just did not give a fuck about the crown or his authority or was in grieving over their lost loved ones, and was like ‘hey, that way there’s no way that the tower ISN’T going to be lit and I don’t have to worry about them on the field’). And then he died. Duncan didn’t die tho, are you fucking kidding me? The leader of the grey wardens? Dying? I don’t fucking think so. He makes it out, but it’s a little after the battle and he makes it far enough into the wilds that Flemeth saves him. The other wardens have already left with Morrigan and they’re on their way to Lothering, but Duncan had to stay with Flemeth for a while due to the severity of his wounds and how long they would take to heal, even with magic. 
Duncan joins up with the other grey wardens around the time that they get captured by Anora’s captors (I have to play to see who would get captured or not, as most of these characters are fucking warriors and some of them in their own personal runs might actually be able to take them down where others can’t) and I haven’t decided what happens at that point. 
That’s all that I have right now, but once I get some character portraits up, I’ll update this a bit more.
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pixiedurango · 6 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s Tale - (part 4)
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part 4: In which Thorin and Ursa go shopping of some sort. 
Notes: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Future events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but story sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house. Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo. @deepestfirefun @xxbyimm @armitageadoration @thegreyberet @cd1242 @fullvoidmoon @patanghill17 @brieflyhopefulluminary @mynameisnoneya1991 @sherala007 @shikin83 @evyiione @thorincuddlez @thorins-magnificent-ass @tomssweetbouquet @abiwim @niteowlnest @maybetomorrowgirl 
Thorin let her sleep through the night without bothering her to take second watch. 'Just this one time' he swore to himself. Such silly acts of chivalry he impossibly could hold up for the rest of their journey.
And she would not want that either, he assumed. Her sour face greeting him in the morning was proof enough.
“You'll have to finally trust me if you want me be a part of your company, your majesty!” She grumbled, clearly mocking him.
His eyes narrowed, becoming icy and his features hardened. “Don't call me that if don't mean it!” Thorin snapped back. “And maybe you should start learning the concept of simply doing something from kindness alone. If you ever consider becoming part of my company that is.”
“Dwarves are not particularly known for kindness, you know? Simple as that.”
They stood opposite, actually mirroring each other, arms braced in front of their chests measuring each other with stubborn eyes.
Thorin finally gave in.
“Fine. Take it as you will. I don't care. Now get ready. I won't waste any more time with your follies.” With a face remaining like stone he gathered his belongings but  did not ask for his coat. Leaving it with her who still had nothing to properly cover herself other than her ripped clothes. “We head to the next village. I'll see that you get something decent to wear and then you may leave to where ever you wish.”
Strange enough it annoyed him that obviously she had changed her mind over a night's sleep, not really realizing that she never actually said she wouldn't come. But just to argue with was rejection enough right now.
How wrong he was, he slowly realized when he saw her brows furrow in a frown as she glanced over to him obviously surprised by another change of rules.
“I thought we're on our way to Hobbiton. Together? As you offered last night?” She was trying to fix her torn vest with a leather cord she had found somewhere in his bundles and when it was done in a halfway decent way she wordlessly tossed him back his coat. Now they both were puzzled but Thorin tried to overplay it while catching his cloak and it was a good distraction to gain time while putting it on.
“Yes. Of course... I... just wanted to... emphasize... that you are free to decide any time.” She realized he was rambling but was clever enough not to rub his nose in it. That was why she only gave him a broad smirk as she deliberately chose to take one of his bundles so the load to carry was shared. Of course he was about to object but her gaze silenced him.
~  ~   ~
They wandered in almost peaceful silence until they arrived at the gate of the  village. “Let me do the talking?” Ursa asked.
“Why do you think I'm new to bargaining? I make a living of selling my smithy work.” Thorin grumbled back. Why in Durin's name did everything she said sounded like she was challenging him?
“I'm certain, you'll be an excellent negotiator when it comes to your hand's work, but we're here to get me new clothes. Let me make my own choice and work for it? Please?” Without really wanting it, she went all soft for a moment and her eyes showed more of the plea than her words did.
As soon as she realized it, she looked away and mumbled something he could not understand.
He did not see why this even mattered but he agreed when he saw how important this seemed to be to her.  Halfway he expected that she would try to get a fortune out of his offer to buy herself unnecessarily pricey things but he was bound to learn different when they finally found their way to the local merchant.
She chose a pair of dark and well worn sturdy buckskin breeches. Cutting the legs would be necessary but he knew they would not find dwarf sized clothes in a human settlement. A simple tunic in an earthy green with laces to close at the collar. A darned but surely warm coat from blackish gray wool, a short padded leather jerkin mainly made of straps, laces, buckles and hidden pockets and a pair of knee high boots completed her choices.
When she finally was done negotiating, he literally had to collect his jaw from the floor. Along the way he had never been sure whether she was pulling up a fight, starting an argument, being about to leave the place without buying anything, flirting with the merchant or actually just buying something without further hassle.
The prize he finally was paying was way less than estimated and he could not help but making a somewhat approving face while they left the merchant's place.
“Impressive.” He acknowledged and she grinned over to him, happily carrying the bundle they just had purchased.
“Seems all this dwarvish blood is good for something at last.” she replied with a wink and he had to look away so she would not see how his cheeks started to burn.
She indeed had impressed him and he caught himself being more and more fascinated by her. She was lively and reckless and she surely stood her ground. And she was beautiful which he very well realized. And now she was winking at him!
But he chased away once more any such ideas. Follies! Inappropriate and so not worth a second thought. He could not divide his attention between his quest and a woman. Not to speak such an impossible one.
Thorin realized that he had been quiet for far too long now as they were still standing in front of the merchant's house and he turned towards the smithy which was right across the street.
“Let's go, see if I can sell a sword or a dagger.”
“Can I see what you have? Tell me what’s your price for each?” She asked. Clearly she was up to something but she seemed serious and not trying to mock him again. Still, her request put him on alert.
“Why should I?” He asked suspiciously narrowing his eyes.
“Let me try and sell them for you and what ever I get more than your price is, shall be mine as my commission. Everyone wins.”
It was brazen and she knew it, but on the other hand she would need coin no matter whether she would be traveling along with him and his obscure company or on her own. So better she got started soon enough to earn some because no one ever knew what tomorrow would bring and how long she would have the luxury of traveling with him.
Thorin sighed and stepped over to a waist high wall where he quickly unfolded his bundle of forged goods and gave her a quick overview of what he had to offer and how much he hoped he would earn with each of them. Keeping the prices deliberately high so hopefully he would not have to pay her too much. Or anything at all.
“Try your luck if you want.” He offered with a shrug.
Ursa nodded and pulled the bundle back together. “Wait at the tavern?”
Again he glared at her with a frown but said nothing. Turned on his heels and walked over to the house with a colorful wooden sign of a singing badger. Without looking back he stepped into the small and well frequented tavern and ordered a meal for two and two tankards of ale before he placed himself in a quiet corner from where he could keep an eye on the whole room and the door.
She would return. He was sure of that. This was her way to test his trust and he forced himself to pass it quietly waiting for her with all the patience he could summon.
It took a good amount of time but when finally the door opened and she slipped into the 'Singing Badger' he realized that his bundle was remarkably smaller and lighter and her smirk was so smug he could not help but hiding a grin himself by taking a deep sip from his tankard.
With all the calm in the world she sat down and began to eat what was her first proper meal in days but if she had thought she would make him nervous by staying silent she was mistaken.
Thorin Oakenshield, if nothing, could be stubbornly patient when he knew he would learn something anyway. So they ate in tensed silence until she could wait impossibly a single minute longer and finally pushed away her empty bowl and shoved the bundle on the table for him to check what she had been able to sell.
Three swords and no less then 5 daggers were gone. All his best pieces sold. Thorin quickly calculated and came up with an impressive amount. Which she silently placed in front of him, carefully counting each coin all into even piles so he would know she was not trying to steal from him. Thorin sat in silence and waited. To be honest, this was what he had expected. The prices he had called had been high but not unreasonable.   The interesting part was yet to come.
“Good work already.” He nodded, as he collected the coins and let them slip into the pouch he carried on his belt. “Now the intriguing part. If you don't mind to tell.”
Quickly she piled up another impressive amount of coins for him to see. Then she separated some, counted once more and shoved them over to him while she began to bind the remaining money into an old handkerchief.
Thorin frowned looking at the new pile of coin in front of him.
“What's this?” he asked calmly.
“What you borrowed me for the clothes.” She nodded towards the pile and a quick count confirmed it was exactly the amount he had paid for her earlier.
With a determined face he shoved it back towards her.
“No way. I said I'd provide for you no matter how we later decide on traveling together.” he objected.
“It's too much.” She insisted. “And since now I can pay for myself I don't want to be in your dept.”
Thorin glanced at her with a long silent look out of serious eyes. “No dept. A gift.”
“Since when dwarves are into gifts?” She asked back with a frown, trying to read his face and what was behind it. But he only remained blank and serious and so there was no way for her to guess what his intentions were.
“I don't have to explain what I do and what not. And why I do it” Thorin stubbornly insisted and shoved the pile of coins back over the table. “And now put it away! We already have drawn too much attention for too much coin we carry. Argue later if you need but for now we should just get out of here.”
At least to this she had nothing to fight about because from the corner of her keen eyes she realized he was right and so without a further word she stuffed the coins into her makeshift pouch to the others and mumbled “Let's be gone, then. But this isn't over yet.”
Thorin shook his head and got up along with her. “Yes. I know.” He sighed but with a quiet grin. It never would be.
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