#I’m so fucking proud of this team and this city
larkinsboys · 4 months
t-minus three hours till I’m more stressed than I’ve been since liverpool won the premier league. one pride baby let’s FUCKING GO!!! ALL GRIT
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hookhausenschips · 1 month
First Victory, First Love {LN4}
Summary: After many close calls and years of hard work, Lando finally gets his first win and he finally gets the girl.
Lando Taglist: @esserenorris, @tallrock35, @yourbane , @lightdragonrayne, @really-fucking-tired , @evie-119 , @donteventry-itdude , @spookystitchery
I’m so proud of our boy, Lando the man that you are🧡 Congrats on your first win
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It was Miami Grand Prix weekend, and as usual, my brother, Lewis Hamilton, was the star everyone was talking about. However, for me, this race was about a different kind of excitement. Lando Norris, a good friend (and rumored more-than-friend) was on the cusp of his first Formula 1 win, and the city was buzzing with energy and anticipation.
Lando and I had been friends for years, sharing laughs, inside jokes, and lately, the burden of constant media scrutiny.
The humid Miami air was thick with the scent of salt from the nearby ocean, mixed with the pungent aroma of burning rubber and hot engines. The atmosphere was electric, as tourists and fans, draped in team colors, filled the streets and grandstands, all eager to witness the spectacle.
From my spot in the Mercedes team area, the afternoon sun blazed down, mirroring the heat of the competition on the track. The crowd was a sea of team colors, buzzing with anticipation and the roar of engines.
I had always been proud of my brother, and watching him race was a thrill unlike any other. But today, my heart was unusually divided. Every time Lando’s car zoomed by, my pulse quickened, and I couldn't help but cheer for him too. Rumors had been swirling about Lando and me ever since we were spotted together at various events. We had always maintained that we were just friends, but truth be told, there was something more brewing beneath the surface.
The race was a nail-biter. Lando had started in a promising position, and as the laps ticked down, he was maintaining a lead that seemed to defy the expectations of everyone, except perhaps himself. Lewis was doing well too, but today, it looked like the spotlight might just shift.
Lando had been exceptional all season, and today, he was in rare form, slicing through his competitors with a precision that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
I found myself at the McLaren garage, nervously pacing behind the team engineers who were too engrossed in their data to notice my anxiety.
As the final lap approached, the tension was palpable. I stood in the paddock, holding my breath, watching the screens as Lando rounded the last few corners. Then, the crowd erupted as he crossed the finish line, his first Grand Prix victory finally a reality. I couldn't contain my joy, jumping up and down, screaming louder than I had for any of Lewis's victories.
This wasn’t just any win; this was Lando’s first win, and the joy was overwhelming. As he exited his car, the team rushed to lift him up in a victorious crowd surf. I watched with a proud, tearful smile as he was celebrated by his colleagues—the people who had become like a second family to him.
When they finally set him down, his eyes scanned the crowd and quickly locked with mine. His face broke into an even wider smile, if possible, and he rushed over. His suit was sticky with sweat, but none of that mattered as he scooped me up in his arms, spinning me around in a dizzying whirl. Laughter bubbled up from my throat as the world spun around us, and when he finally set me down, my cheeks hurt from smiling so broadly.
His hug was different—tighter, longer, more meaningful than the usual friendly embrace. It felt like a silent acknowledgment of something deeper between us, something we hadn’t yet dared to voice.
As he pulled away, his smile was radiant. "Did you see that? I can’t believe this, y/n! We did it!" he beamed, his excitement infectious.
"I saw everything. It was amazing. I knew you could do it, Lando. I’m so, so proud of you," I replied, my voice thick with emotion. The crowd around us cheered, some snapping photos, and I knew our interaction would only fuel the rumors further. But at that moment, I didn't care. I was too caught up in the joy of his victory.
Lewis came over, a broad smile on his face, sweat on his forehead. "He's got quite the knack, huh?" he said, nudging me playfully, well aware of the rumors linking me with Lando.
"I guess he does," I replied, trying to keep my voice light, my mind already on Lando's beaming face as he headed for the cooldown room.
I followed the wave of people moving towards the podium. As he climbed onto the podium, I made my way to the front to watch, pride swelling in my chest. As the ceremony started I stood with the team, looking up at Lando as he stood on the podium, the national anthem playing in the background.
Cameras panned over to me occasionally, catching every tear-streaked smile and emotional clap. I knew those images would only fuel the rumors about Lando and me, but at that moment, I didn’t care. This was his moment, and I was here to support him. I clapped and cheered, my heart doing strange flips.
After the champagne showers and formalities, the celebration later that night was a vibrant affair, filled with music, dancing, and an endless flow of drinks.
I spotted Lando across the room, surrounded by his team and fans, his smile infectious. Our eyes met, and he excused himself to come over. "Y/N, this feels unreal," he said, his voice a mix of exhilaration and fatigue.
"It's incredible, Lando. You were amazing out there," I replied, my words genuine, my heart swelling with pride for him.
As the night deepened, the crowd thinned, and the music softened, Lando and I found ourselves stepping away from the chaos, seeking a quieter spot to talk. We ended up walking along the beach, the sound of waves crashing a soothing backdrop to our conversation.
There was a comfortable silence, the kind that you could only share with someone you truly connected with.
“Everyone’s talking about us, you know,” I said, a cautious note in my voice, unsure of his response.
“They always do,” Lando replied, his voice steady, eyes not leaving mine
“Those rumors…” Lando began hesitantly, kicking at the sand with his shoe. “They’ve been a bit mad, haven’t they?”
I laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, they’ve been something else.”
He stopped walking, turning to face me under the moonlight. “What if we...” His voice trailed off as he took a deep breath, his gaze intense. “What if we gave them something real to talk about?”
My heart skipped a beat. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Lando stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch mine. “I’m tired of denying what I feel, y/n. Being with you tonight, seeing how happy you were for me... It’s made me realize that I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore.”
I took his hand in mine, squeezing it lightly. “I feel the same way, Lando. I’ve been so worried about the media, about Lewis, about everything... But I don’t want to hide it either. Not anymore.”
With a smile, Lando leaned in, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that felt like the start of something new and beautiful. It was gentle, tentative at first, then growing more confident, mirroring our own journey from friends to something more.
As we broke apart, the sound of the ocean and the soft breeze around us, I felt a peace settle over me. Lando and I had crossed a line tonight, and there was no going back. But as I looked into his eyes, I realized I didn’t want to go back. I wanted whatever was ahead of us, as long as we faced it together.
Hand in hand, we walked back to join the others, ready to face the future, no matter what it might bring.
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samkerrworshipper · 19 days
how did it end? | arsenal x reader
warnings: suicidal themes, self harm, alcohol abuse, depression
um yeah lol feel grateful for this because i’m going to go ghost mode for the rest of the week! to the anons who have a problem with my writing, don’t fucking read this if it’s such a problem, in fact don’t read any of my stuff at all, my page is a better place without you.
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Everything about the day had felt wrong.
Everything about your last month had felt wrong, really the whole year if you thought about it.
It had all started after a blindside move from your home club. Leaving Rsenal had been the worst thing that had ever happened, but you’d known it was coming after they’d signed Russo. There was only so much room for strikers on the team, and your contract happened to be out as the summer started, leaving you as a free agent.
Somehow, you’d ended up at PSG, which you still didn’t understand. There had been offers everwhere, Lyon, Real Madrid, Man City, Chelsea, Bayern, Wolfsburg, yet your manager had fucked you and gone for PSG.
It had been a clusterfuck from the day you’d arrived, the language barrier, your horrible mental state, the different playing structure, the weather, your lonely apartment, the lack of friendships, the lack of support.
It had taken a month before you’d crashed and burned, withdrawing yourself from both club and national team. You’d been lower then low, sadder then sad, completely withdrawn from your own life. You wish you’d stayed, you wish that none of it had of happened, because maybe life wouldn’t have turned out the way it had, maybe you’d be happier.
Your Arsenal teammates had visited as often as the schedule permitted, helped you move your whole life from one country to the other, but at the end of the day you were still hundreds of miles away from them.
You’d stopped answering their calls after a few weeks, too consumed with the completely inebriating struggle that you were going through in Paris, trying to stay true to yourself whilst being so far in the deep end of the pool that you were struggling to keep your head above the water.
After the call to Sarina and the call to your manager it had made more sense for you to return to London, even if it had pained you to do so.
Not a month after you’d packed your whole life away against your will, you were packing it all back up.
You didn’t like what happened in Paris, you weren’t proud of it, all you wanted was to get back to your house in St. Albans, but you were also terrified of what your ‘home’ looked like now. It wasn’t the same place it had been for the last 8 years, you didn’t have your bestfriends as teammates more, you didn’t have any teammates, you were unofficially, self-decidedly, retired. Sarina had begged for you to return, tried to reckon with you, but you were done, your love for the game had died in Paris and you had no desire to re-open the wounds that had been torn into your skin in France.
You didn’t tell anyone, you just hoped that you’d be able to avoid everyone for as long as possible, that you’d just be able to slowly become nonexistent and become forgotten by everyone from the past 20 years of your life, but you were aware that life didn’t work that way.
You were sick of all the pain you were going through, all the suffering that you were being forced to endure for no good reason. You didn’t want to talk to anyone about it, you didn’t feel like you had anybody to talk to about it, it was just you nowadays.
That was how you spent most of your nights, alone.
Alone with a bottle of your posion of choice sitting on your bathroom floor.
It was the only thing that made it all better nowadays, the feeling of alcohol slipping down your throat, typically with a razor blade in your other hand.
There was something satisfying about it all, something perfect about being perfectly intoxicated with a sliver of metal between your finger tips.
On this particular day, you knew you’d drunk to much, but it had all been wrong. You’d woken up with a headache, in your shower, the tiles of your floor stained with your own blood. It wasn’t a uncommon place for you to wake up anymore, but everything about it felt wrong. Your head was aching in a way it never had, your whole body was hurting and for some reason it all just felt off.
You went about your normal routine, pushing the temperature of your shower to as hot as it would go, finding peace in the blistering water falling down across your skin. Once your skin was bright red you’d climb out, falling into your bed to help to sleep off the rift that the hangover had left inside of you. Around midday you would climb out of your bed, slipping out from the covers to enjoy your few hours of life that your days now gave you. Sometimes it would be spent in your kitchen, trying your hardest to piece together some kind of sustenance, other days making and eating food was too hard. On this particular day, you forgoed your kitchen, instead opting to walk straight past it and out onto your patio, as per the usual london weather, it was pouring down, but you didn’t mind too much.
The rain was nice, it reminded you that not everything in life was pretty, your life certainly wasn’t pretty anymore. Rain was a reminder that everyday could be turned upside down just based off of something that was completely out of anybodys control.
After deciding it was a bit too wet to enjoy the outdoors you tracked your way back indoors, your bare feet creasing and digging into the hard, cold wood floors of your home. You eyed off your uncomfortable couch, the one that your manager had found on facebook marketplace which was the most uncomfortable piece of furniture you thought could be bought. It kind of felt like a metaphor for you, you’d been bought, and it had been the worst decision PSG had made, and you were destined, just like the couch, to be thrown away without anybody really knowing or caring.
You walked straight past the couch and back to your bed, there wasn’t any living for you to do today, it just felt that way, so you pulled the covers back over your body and enjoyed the moment of peace that your bed gave you.
It didn’t last long, your body relaxing into the mattress for a few seconds before the restlessness took over. It was like that nowadays, your body never able to stop. You figured it was probably a result of your body going from pushing its limits everyday, mentally and physically to you doing absolutely nothing. Previously, when you’d been in a depressive episode you would sleep all day, no matter what had been happening, but not anymore. Now, you had to drink yourself into oblivion before your body would force itself to relax, you could be as exhausted and tired as you wanted but your body just wouldn’t let you sleep.
Your brain convinced you that your mattress was the lumpiest mattress made, when you really knew you’d hand picked it for it’s comfort. You brain tricked you into feeling like all of your curtains were wide open on a summers day when really they were drawn closed. Your mind was playing tricks on you and you didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t.
That’s how you’d ended up on your bathroom floor so early, the overwhelming need for you to fix the pain becoming too much for you. With a bottle of vodka in one hand and your scared silver blade in the other you finally found yourself at peace.
The stomachache and burn of the vodka going down your throat didn’t truly matter, not when you were staring down at the thin criss cross of lines all over your thighs.
Some were healed, some were thick, some were thin, some were sore. They all told a different story. Thighs were the easiest, less arteries, good to hide, disguisable. They didn’t bleed the same way wrists did, they bled slow and painfully, a couple of lines never hurt you.
With the mix of last nights alcohol though and the new vodka mixed with the sight of blood you found yourself feeling woozy.
You hadn’t always been a cutter, self-harm hadn’t always been your vice. It had always been football. From the minute the ball was at your feet it had been football, and you wouldn’t of had it any other way. It had been your everything, football had been your life and until it had been taken from you, you hadn’t understood the true magnitude of what that meant. Your life had no purpose, no substance, nothing, without your game. Football had been the only thing you were good at, and you were extremely good at it. You’d given up on school in pursuit of your footballing career and it had been worth it, up until now.
Now your life was nothing but a big mess.
You wished it had worked out in Paris, you wished that you’d been able to farewell London and make a new home in France, but it hadn’t meant to be. All of your talent, all of your love, all of your passion, it was all for nothing now. Everything you’d ever done amounted to nothing, you were nothing without a pair of boots on your feet and a football in front of you.
You were never going to be the same again, it was all different now, and you were man enough to admit that you missed what you’d had. There were things that you lost in life, in the heartbreak and the struggles, you just hadn’t expected that you would lose the meaning of your life in the process. You had a hard time understanding why it had to happen to you, why you’d been the unlucky one. You paid your dues, you’d woken up at 5am every single morning to run drills, you’d worked your ass of and yet here you were, drunk on your bathroom floor wishing that you were gone.
Once upon a time you’d believed that a person would do anything for the thing that they loved most in the world, but you didn’t believe ion that anymore, love was supposed to be the most powerful thing on earth, and yet it had failed you.
It was funny because you could drink all of the alcohol you wanted but it never made you forget about what you’d lost. The hundreds of memories of football over the years, Arsenal, it had all been Arsenal. You’d been the kind of player where you’d always been one club, from academy all the way through to the senior team, you bled arsenal. Nobody even asked you what your dream team was, because it had always been Arsenal, you hadn’t had eyes for anywhere else. Yet you’d been thrown away like nothing.
You’d loved playing for Arsenal, when you put your jersey on at the beginning of every game you felt ten times stronger, qall of your bestest friends had been at Arsenal, your bridesmaids, your for life friends, and yet now it all felt like you were drifting away.
For the longest time you’d chosen the good options, the healthy options, what was right.
Now though, you chose destruction.
You sleep when your blackout drunk.
You drink caffeine late at night.
You stay awake until your eyes burn.
You always say yes to whatever vice your brain can think of.
You drink water instead of food and vodka instead of water,
You’re isolated beyond the point of it being okay, nowadays you spend more time with yourself then anybody else.
Maybe it was the vodka that made you feel particularly adventurous, or the scent of your own blood seeping across your skin, but whatever it was it somehow inclined you to reach for your phone which was rested on the tiles besides you.
You’d turned your notifications off long ago, as soon as the trade had come through.
You’d ignored everyone’s messages for the sake of preserving your own mental state, you couldn’t deal with the constant back and forth of trying to keep friendships which felt like had already gone.
You were more intoxicated than normal, or that was how you rationalized your behaviour, because there really wasn’t any other explanation to it, unless all of the emotions from the last few months had suddenly hit you a lot harder then normal.
But you were sick of being alone, you knew that, you’d been alone for far too long.
Maybe the alcohol had pushed that to the forefront to your mind, or you’d just become inherently desperate.
Your phone rang, the sound vibrating against the tile floor of the bathroom, amplifying it to your ears, the noise ringing out in your ear canal.
It didn’t take long for the ringing to cease, the sound of silence absorbing around you.
“y/n? Is that you?”
You blinked a few times, swallowing down the final remnants of your last swig of vodka.
Your voice was shaky, from the days of not saying any words at all, you didn;t have any reason to speak if you were all by yourself.
The silence stayed thick, obviously neither of you unsure about what to say.
“Are you okay, no ones heard anything from you in a few weeks.”
You’d vanished, for the good of yourself.
“I wish I’d stayed, le.”
Their was a deep breath exhaled from the other side of the line.
“I wish you’d stayed too, y/n.”
You couldn’t think of a single positive that had come from you leaving, not a single one.
“I wish I’d stayed now, I wish I’d been given the chance.”
You could fele the tears building up in the corners of your eyes.
“Me too, y/n.”
The tears were falling, the water falling from your cheeks falling onto the blood on your legs, the two liquids mixing together, the blood turning into red as they two mixed, blood did run thicker than water.
“I wish i’d stayed le, I wish none of this had happened.”
You didn’t want to know what the blonde on the other side of the phone was thinking about at this moment, you weren;t thinking about her, just yourself.
“Hold in there kid, for me, it’s all going to work itself out.”
There was no working it out, this was the end for you.
“I can’t do it anymore, I can’t pretend that i wish I hadn’t of stayed, that I don’t spend everyday regretting it, I want it all back.”
You pushed the blade down against your skin again.
Drawing the metal against your skin until the blood had begun to pool at the base of the two or three inch line.
“Where are you kid, are you in Paris? Do you need me to send someone to come and check on you? You shouldn’t be drinking like this by yourself, especially not in season.”
There wasn’t a season for you anymore, you were free, you could do whatever you pleased.
“I’m at home, and I’m fine.”
You pulled the blade up, and onto a new patch of skin, it was all littered with past scars, raised white lines.
“You don’t sound fine kid, I have plenty of friends in France, don’t make me get them to come and hunt you down.”
Her voice was an attempt at threatening, but it sounded more worried then anything.
“I’m not in Paris, I left after my contract was annulled.”
Annulled aka we’re letting you go without any pay but you still technically belong to us until the length of your contract is up.
You would have thought Sarina would have told the team, but apparently not.
“Haven’t you heard? I’m retired.”
Retired was not a word that you thought should fall from a twenty four year olds mouth, but here you were.
“Retired? Where are you, y/n?”
You supposed the alcohol might have been making your tongue a little bit looser.
“In my house, in my bathroom.”
Another deep exhale, you could just picture the woman pinching the bridge of her nose, maybe even frowning.
“Your house, where?”
You picked up the bottle of alcohol, taking a break from the razor blade to allow the vodka to ease back down your oesophagus.
“St Albans.”
The line went silent for a few seconds.
“You’re back home, since when?”
Another sip of your vodka.
“Couple of weeks, France wasn’t for me.”
France was the end of you.
“How much have you been drinking? You sound awful.”
You didn’t think you sounded that bad, but you also supposed a sober person would have a different perspective.
“Vodka, feels good le.”
Another deep exhale.
“I’m going to come over.”
Rustling on the other side of the phone.
“I’m fine, I’m good, you don’t need to come over.”
You were lying to both yourself and Leah.
“You aren’t fine, you aren’t good, and even if you want to tell yourself you are, I need to see you in real life because for the last months I’ve thought you were as good as dead. Are you safe, y/n?”
You didn’t know how to answer that question, you hadn’t felt safe with yourself in what felt like forever.
“I’m not unsafe.”
More rustling on the other side of the line.
“Do I need to bring somebody with me? Do I need to call an ambulance?”
You thought about it for a few seconds.
“I’m okay Le.”
The alcohol made you feel more okay then you had been, so you supposed it wasn;t fully a lie.
“You’re drunk at 6pm, I don’t think you are fine. I’m going to go get Viv, she knows how to deal with you when you’re spiralling, I’m going to stay on the phone with you and ask you some questions, okay, I’m walking out to my car now.”
You nodded your head, the realized that Leah wasn’t in front of you.
“Answer me honestly, are you safe right now, do you feel safe?”
You didn’t feel unsafe, you kewn by the looks of things, you were in a unsafe position. Alcohol and self harm wasn’t exactly the safest thing, but you felt at peace, and you knew that you weren’t causing any serious bodily harm to yourself.
“Depends on your perspective.”
You heard the sound of car doors.
“Okay, I’ll break it down, hmm? Are you within arms reach of something that could cause harm to you or others?”
The sound of the phone connecting to bluetooth and keys in a ignition.
You bit down on the inside of your cheek.
“Bottle of vodka and a blade.”
It wasn’t hard for you to admit, not when this had been how you’d spent all of your nights the last while.
“What kind of blade?”
You wished you’d stayed, you wished you weren’t in this position.
You could feel the bile rising in your throat, whether it was alcohol related or from the cosntant questions.
“Alright, I want you to push them both as far away from you as possible, don’t look at them, don’t think about them, think about me. Now, have you caused yourself any harm?”
God, if you’d been able to stay none of this would be happening, none of it.
“Some cuts, le I think I’m going to be sick.”
The tears were full throttle, the sound of somebody’s voice that you’d missed so much in your ears and the vomit bottling itself up in your throat.
“Go to the toilet bowl, let it out.”
The taste of bile in your throat was never going to be something you enjoyed, the feeling of the new cuts along your thighs creasing as you crouched over the bowl stinging in a way that reawakened you.
The vomiting didn’t really stop, the continuous gagging being the only sound in your bathroom, beside the sound of Leah’s car.
Eventually, you finished, all of the clearish liquid mixed with your stomach acid sitting at the bottom of the bowl like a disgusting soup.
You laid down against your tiles, enjoying the cold that covered your skin.
Viv must have been picked up, because you could hear her and Beth talking in the background, beth, happy beth, beth who had once been your bestest friend.
“Bubba, you still with us, we’re just around the corner.”
You let out a groan in aggreance.
They continued to talk to you, allowing you to reply with different huffs and noises as they neared closer and closer to your home.
You ignored the hit of endorphins that you felt melt across you at the sound of your front door unlocking, Leah had kept your key, clearly.
It was a few seconds before your bathroom was crowded by the presence of your past teammates, the three sets of eyes all falling on you.
“Beth, go get a wet handwasher, Leah go get her some water.”
Viv’s voice was soft, but commanding, her body immediately gravitating to your own.
She crouched down beside you, grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you upwards, bringing you eye to eye with her.
“It’s good to have you back.”
You burst into tears, you’d hated being in St Albans out of fear that you’d be rejected, that you’d be told to go back to France, and yet here you were being welcomed back with open arms.
“I wish I’d stayed vivi, I wish I’d stayed, I wish none of this had happened, I want it all back, I want my life back. I can’t do this life anymore.”
Viv brought you into her arms.
“I know liefje, I know, it’s going to be okay, we’re going to figure it out, but we need to get you safe first, and this isn’t it. You need to be in a better place.”
If Viv had a problem with the way thart you clinged to her clothes, literally holding on for dear life, then she didn’t brign it up.
“You could have called one of us earlier you know, when you were struggling in France. You could have called me, you know I’ve been where you are, I’ve moved and hated every single part of it, we could have helped you before it had gotten this bad.”
You shook your head.
“Nobody could have helped me vivi, nothing could have helped me, I was done, I’m done.”
Viv nodded into you.
“We’ve got to get you cleaned up, and then you’ll go back to Leah’s house, and then we’ll work on fixing this, okay, Kyra’s going to be so happy to know you’re back, she’s missed you, the bloody kid hasn’t shut up about you and she only knew you for a week. Kim’s been contacting everybody, trying to figure out where you were, her little protege, she’s been hardly functioning, we all have been, you can’t just disappear on us like that, you had us all worried sick.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
Viv let go of you a bit, to get a proper look at you.
“Just because you’re forced to leave doesn’t make you any less Arsenal. You can take the girl out of arsenal but not arsenal out of the girl. No matter where you go, or what you do, you’re always going to be one of us.”
You could feel more tears beginning to form.
“I don’t know how it could have ended how it did vivi.”
You felt the Dutch take a deep breath.
“I don’t know either, but we’ve got you alright, we’ve got you now, we won’t let you leave, your staying with us forever, you took a year off of my life for everyday that you ghosted us.”
You looked down and around you, at the mostly empty vodka bottle, the blood, the scars, it all, and you didn’t know how it had all ended up like this.
“How did it all end vivi?”
Viv looked at you, just as lost as you felt.
“We’re going to figure it out.”
just thought i’d end this with a little etiquette lesson for any anons xo
if you feel like dropping hate over this in my inbox… don’t.
if you feel like having a go at me for this fic… don’t.
if you feel like making personally rude arguments about me… don’t.
if you feel like having a go at for me for expressing my struggles with writing and sometimes making mistakes… don’t.
just don’t. go touch some grass, go for a run, buy a new fucking vibrator. i can guarantee you will get more pleasure from a good orgasm then dropping aimless hate in my inbox.
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barcaatthemoon · 13 days
Could you do “I’m only going to say this once. You’re the only one I think about, day in, day out. And it’s so fucking scary, feeling like this.” with lia wälti pls
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running || lia walti x reader ||
"(y/n)!" lia called out as she chased after you. nobody had understood why you had pitched a fit whenever jonas told you about playing against city. to be fair, you hadn't told the team about your ex that played on the team. "where are you going?"
"home," you answered. lia watched as you shoved your things from your locker into your bag. "i can't be here anymore."
"stop-," lia placed her hands on yours to stop you, "-talk to me. i want to help you if you'll let me. what happened out there?"
"she's so frustrating. all i wanted was a little more, but she wanted it to be casual. now she's out there kissing her new girlfriend out and fucking proud." tears brimmed around your eyes. lia sighed as she pulled you in for a hug. it hurt to hear you caught up on your ex, but she hated to see you upset even more. "and i'm not even into her anymore, but it just hurts."
"i understand," lia told you. her voice was soft, just as soft as her hands as they cradled your face. "sometimes, we see things that bring up old feelings. why don't you get cleaned up and we can go to the bus."
at this, you froze a little, "j-just the two of us?"
"i don't see anyone else around, and i really want to make sure you're not all alone. there's not anything wrong with that, is there?" lia asked you. she was terrified of hearing you tell her that you hated her or something. lia tried so hard with you, and sometimes, you tried to avoid her like the plague.
"no, i guess not," you mumbled.
"you guess not?" lia looked heartbroken, and in a rushed attempt to fix things, you definitely caught a case of word vomit.
"i'm only gonna say this once because that's all i can manage. you're the only one i think about, day in and day out. and it's so fucking scary, feeling like this. one day you're just going to come to your senses, and i'll have to go sprinting back to america again," you said.
"i won't push you away, and i'd never let you run that far from me. i love arsenal, it's my home, but i'd follow you to america," lia told you. she didn't miss the way that your eyes lit up, but there wasn't much more to focus on for either of you when she leaned over to press a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
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Alessia Russo x reader request
-> Reader gets a red card and Alessia tries to comfort but aggressions get in the way
-> this request
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
You were pissed.
Arsenal against Manchester City has always been a difficult match. But this? This was a joke… Two yellow cards for you.
Okay, admittedly the second one was warranted as you had pretty much taken Chloe Kelly off her feet when the ball was somewhere entirely else. But the first one was given in a scramble near the goal. Five people were on the, with you being the only one left standing – so you had to be the cause of all of this.
It was a joke and everyone knew it. Steph and Jen tried to protest it, going up to the referee and trying to explain that everything had simply been an accident, but it was no use.
Once Manchester’s star striker had been subbed on, you knew that it was over. You had already been incredibly angry with Bunny Shaw testing your defense skills. But seeing Chloe’s mean little smirk was enough to fill you with even more rage.
Seeing Alessia, your girlfriend, getting tackled every chance they got did not calm you down either.
It was Jill Roord, covering you for a corner kick, who whispered into your ear, giving you the last push over the edge of aggression “Your girlfriend looks delicious tonight, maybe I’ll give her my number.” While your favorite blonde would never text her, it was enough to rile you up even further.
Chloe did not have the ball anymore when you started your tackle, taking her feet clean out from beneath her – you knew it was dumb but her smirk was just so agitating.
The whole team knew that the yellow card, followed by a red was deserved, and no one protested it. Alessia watched with wide eyes as you left the pitch, face still hot with anger, blinded by rage.  Leah didn’t even try to approach you, knowing you well enough after three seasons together.
In the changing room, you changed after showering, trying to get as comfortable as possible. When the girls entered you sat curled up in your cubby, headphones in and the hood of your sweatshirt up, eyes closed trying to escape their stares.
It was Katie who ripped your escape out of your ears, turning you towards her. “Think I’m rubbing off on ya!” She was all smiles, no frown in sight, as she teased you. When the Irishwoman tried to pet your hair, you pushed her hand away, a pissed look on your face. “Woah, calm down tiger.”
Laughs filled the room, as you looked a little confused by their positive attitude. It was Jen who put you out of your misery, telling you that Alessia had scored a last-minute screamer, putting them in the lead.
A bitter taste filled your mouth – of course, it had been Alessia. Perfect Alessia who could do no wrong while you fucked everything up. Perfect Alessia, who had everyone wrapped around her fingers. Perfect Alessia who just looked too good. “Yeah, good luck with that one Russo.” Perfect Alessia who gave Kyra a pained smile as a reward for her teasing.
The blonde took her time getting ready, so you were one of the last ones to leave. You couldn’t leave without her, after all, she was the driver out of the two of you. Even if you were the one driving that would have not been a good idea with all the rage that filled your body.
Silence filled the car, as you listened to music on your phone, headphones blocking out Alessia’s worried sighs.
In your joined home you threw yourself on the couch, the striker taking to the kitchen to make a snack. “You know it’s not your fault baby, right? That first card was a joke. Ref need’s new glasses.” Perfect Alessia, who thought that you were angry because of the ref. You weren’t. You didn’t even know what you were angry about, you just knew that you were so fucking angry. “You defended so well amore. Didn’t let a single ball through – so proud of you.”
She placed a bowl down in front of you, filled with fruits and nuts, something small. The Italian pressed a soft kiss to your neck, trying to cuddle up to you. “I’m not in the mood Alessia.”
That should have been her first cue to leave you alone, not that she was the one to blame. “Just a little cuddle baby.” While throwing herself on top of you she kicked the table with her foot, knocking down the puzzle you had been working on. “Alessia, please leave me alone!” She started to see the deep frown on your face, eyes tearing up in anger and cheeks still hot. Carefully she got up again, picking up your puzzle to the best of her abilities.
“You’re fine baby, I promise.” That was the last straw. You just needed some peace and quiet – so you stood up, and started heading up to the bedroom. “Wow, thanks for paying attention.” You tried keeping it together, you really did but remembering the words of a certain midfielder gave you the rest. “So why don’t you just go to Jill? Maybe she’ll give you the attention you want.” Alessia was confused at your sharp tone and your need for her to contact her hold lioness teammate Jill Scott. “Why do you want me to-“
“Can you just shut up? Please?” The blonde nearly dropped her own bowl of fruits, shocked at your yelling. “No one is mad at your cards, you didn’t do anything wrong.” The scoff you let out nearly hurt more than the words that followed. “Didn’t do anything wrong? Not that you know what you’re talking about. Right?”
You got closer and closer to her, grabbing her shirt, and pulling her face down to level with you. “Just shut up! Perfect Alessia cannot do wrong. Get seven chances but none of them hit the back of the net – but you’re just perfect aren’t you? If I let a ball through or tackle a fan favorite, I get death threats.”
By now you were yelling, Alessia’s eyes filling with tears of shock, while yours dripped down your cheeks in anger. “Perfect Alessia who scores while I get sent off like the fuck up I am!” You couldn’t even form words anymore, anger consuming you whole by this point.
Alessia, the best girlfriend that she is, took a couple of deep breaths before taking your hands off her shirt and pressing a gentle kiss on them. “Okay, baby. How about you puzzle for a bit, yeah? Calm down a little? I’ll be in the bedroom when you’re ready.” The tears kept flowing as the striker tried to wipe them away to the best of her abilities. “Shhh, no more crying amore – I’m not mad. I promise. You just need to calm down, okay?” Only when you gave her a weak nod, she pressed a little kiss to your lips before turning to the stairs and walked up to your shared bedroom.
The now reset puzzle was still lying on the coffee table where Less had been trying to put it back – but now you started to pick out the corner pieces again. It took you nearly two hours of crying your eyes out while placing a total of twenty pieces, to get your anger out.
Alessia meanwhile had been getting the bed and bathroom ready. Everywhere were cozy candles, not a single light turned on. Soft blankets were on your bed, matching pajama sets on top of it.
The sound of dragging feet gave you away, as you slowly opened the door. Alessia couldn’t help herself as she cooed at your swollen eyes, opening her arms. You took the invitation, falling into her embrace and burying your face in her neck as she gently rocked from side to side. “I’m so sorry Less.”
The blonde striker kissed the side of your head – happy that she had you back. The you that she knows. “I was so angry about the card and I took it out on you. I’m sorry – please forgive me.” She nearly teared up again as you stared into her eyes, begging for her understanding. “I forgive you amore – don’t you worry your pretty little head. That first card was silly and we both know it. But please, please just talk to me about it.” You had never nodded as fast as then, thankful for the blonde and her calm head.
The rest of the evening was spent together. In the bath, in the bed giggling in soft hugs and passionate kisses as normality caught up to the two of you.
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write-tama · 2 months
"hank.. what am i feeling right now?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ connor anderson (4k800) x officer!reader
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sypnosis ; connor is very interested in an officer who just joined the police force. after being told the news that they would be joining the team, connor just had to make an acquaintance with them. anything to hear their voice.
containing ; use of you/yours and they/them pronouns! connor struggling to process emotions. hank being a proud father.
author’s note ; hihi! havent written for connor in SO long so i thought this was a cute little way of them meeting each other. connor is a
04.12.24 | 1.9k words
Everyone knew about the infamous 4k800.
The last most developed and intelligent android produced by Cyberlife.
A machine built to hunt its prey and to always accomplish his mission.
But now?
A confused man sitting at his desk, elbows on the surface as he ran the fourth diagnostic this morning.
Connor was never really taught how to feel his emotions, considering that he was forced to compress them from the moment he was made. If he were to feel any sort of emotion, it was either to the scrap factory for him or a hard lecture from Amanda.
But Amanda was gone, and androids were free to express any emotion they pleased.
It’s been weeks since Markus hit the headlines for his famous android revolution. He worked with the government extensively to pass bills in order to settle android rights for the country. Connor, on the other hand, continued to work with the DPD as a full-on detective under the supervision of Liutenant Hank Anderson. Hank was more than just a coworker, but a father figure to Connor. And that brought Connor joy, an emotion Connor was well aquainted of.
But not the feeling he was experiencing now.
Connor couldn’t get his mind off a certain someone who had joined the team a bit before the revolution. You had joined a week prior, and honestly, you were kind of regretting it. As android and human tensions rose, you were on duty 24/7. Originally, you were supposed to start easy with basic patrol around a part of a city, but because you were so impatient in doing the “big kid stuff” you found yourself frequently in the middle of the android and human discourse. Your shifts nearly lasted twelve hours, and you would be absolutely exhausted.
Things are different now. Sure, there were still some situations between the two sides, but it was definitely peace compared to literal boycotts. You sat at your desk idly scrolling through your past cases, making sure that all the information was correct and accurate. On the other side of your desk was a tablet full of notes you had taken after some cases you had to deal with. What you didn’t notice was the android detective constantly glancing at you, watching your every move to see if maybe, at some point, you would notice him.
A loud groan echoing from the desk in front of Connor made him jump, immediately turning his attention to his lieutenant taking a seat in his chair. “Fucking hell..” Hank sighed. “Fowler does nothing but my bust my balls these days, huh?” Connor stared at his partner with his hands folded in his lap and eyebrows furrowed.
“Is everything okay, Lieutenant?” Connor asked, tilting his head.
“It’s nothing too serious. Fowler just wants me to take the rookie on our next homicide case. He insisted that they would be a perfect addition to the team or whatever.” Hank groaned. “Now I’m responsible for two of you fucks.”
Connor, admittedly, felt his thirium pump racing. You? As part of the team? It was almost like he could overheat and shutdown momentarily right now. “I think they would be a great addition to the team.” Connor stated, biting back from smiling. “They have an excellent track record of solving cases in an orderly and timely manner, has caught every perpretrator with their undercover skills, and had a reputation back in their training classes as one of the top students.” He explained. Hank looked over as he was slouched in his seat with arms folded across his chest.
“Jesus, Connor, you sound like some creep searching up their name on Google.” Hank scoffed, half smiling. Though this caught Connor a little off— was he being creepy? He didn’t want to leave a bad impression on you, especially now that you're about to meet for the first time. His face scrunched up in anxiety, feeling as if he made a mistake. Hank immediately took notice and sat up. “Ah— I was just joking, Connor. I’m sure you have uh.. Good intentions.” Hank reassured, though he never said he was exactly good at it.
Hank looked over to you, seeing that you were preoccupied with work despite the fact you haven’t been on a case in a few days now. Hank looked at Connor. “Well.. Why don’t you introduce yourself to them.” Hank suggested, nodding his head over to you.
Connor immediately jolted his head up, a little wide-eyed to even suggest such. “O-Of course.” Connor stuttered out. Connor never stuttered, and though Hank was in a mood after his exchange with Fowler, he certainly didn’t leave that unnoticed.
“Did you just stutter?” Hank asked, a little amused. “Are you.. Nervous?”
“Of course not, Lieutenant,” Connor replied as steadily as possible. “I am an android.”
“Yes?” Connor replied, mindlessly.
“You’re a deviant, for fucks sake.”
Connor, to avoid anymore embarassment from the man he deemed his father figure, swiftly got up and started to approach you. Hank watched in pure amusement, not even wanting to stop the boy from probably embarassing himself even further, but at least Hank had some faith in him. He is Detroit’s best god damn detective.
“Hello, Officer (l/n). My name is Connor. It is nice to meet you.” Connor said, putting his hand out for a shake. You looked up from your computer screen only to be met with the most chocolate eyes you’ve ever had the privilege of being in the prescence of. He smiled politely, but behind that smile he thanked Elijah that androids could not sweat, otherwise you would’ve felt the claminess of his palm.
You took his hand and shook it firmly. “A pleasure to make your aquaintance. My name is (y/n).” You smiled generously, and wow, did Connor felt like his pump couldn’t get any faster.. He cleared his throat before darting his eyes to the unoccupied chair that sat next to your desk.
“May I?” Connor asked, gesturing towards the seat.
“Of course, I’m not doing much anyway.” You nodded. Connor took a seat, and for some reason, he struggled to even maintain his balance as he sat himself down. He nearly had to think about how to fold his hands before placing them firmly on his laps and looking at you. Thankfully, you barely realized any sort of struggle as you looked away to take a swig of your morning coffee.
“So..” you said, clasping your hands. “Am I in trouble or anything?” you joked. Connor immediately shot his head up, worried he had made the wrong impression.
“Oh, no— I—” Before Connor could sputter out an explanation, you tilted your head a little and started laughing.
“Relax! I was just kidding!” You playfully waved off. Connor’s shoulders immediately relaxed as a breath he didn’t even know he was holding back escaped his lips. You looked at him curiously, a smile still resting on your face.
“I’m sorry. Usually, I am not like this.” He said, shaking his head a little in embarassment. He was always on his A game and constantly prepared. Why were you the reason for this disruption. “I.. Uh..” He couldn’t think of anymore to say. Suddenly, he got a message through his LED.
Connor blinked a bit, registering the text message. Hank was at a perfect view watching this unfold. The back of your head was visible but he could see all of Connor’s reactions, who desperately tried to maintain a polite smile.
HANK: tell them u think theyre pretty.
“I think you’re very pretty, (y/n).” Connor complimented.
“Oh— ah—” A subtle blush began to form on your cheeks as your eyes widen a little, not expecting a compliment from a handsome android such as Connor. “Why thank you, Connor. I wasn’t expecting that as our first conversation.” You chuckled a little. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
Thirium was rushing through his circuits and to his cheeks. The faintest color of blue appeared dusted on his face. “Thank you.” He maintained a calm, neutral voice. They stared at each other for a minute, sort of registering the sort of corny first conversation the two of you had.
“Ah.. I almost forgot to mention.” Connor snapped back to reality. “I came here to introduce myself sfter I heard that you were joining our team on our next investigation. It’s good to make an aquaintance with our future team member.” Connor smiled politely.
“Why thank you. I am very excited to work with you and Lieutenant Anderson.” You nodded. “Though I will miss working with Gavin and Chris’ team.”
Ah, that’s right. You used to work with Gavin. It almost left a bad taste in Connor’s mouth knowing that Gavin probably spat some awful opinions about him to you. Though from the looks of it, you were enjoying your conversation with him which eased him.
“I promise we will a provide a welcoming and safe space in our team, and of course, to make sure you don’t come into harms way.” Connor assured. Though he was mainly promising this to you personally. God forbids Connor seeing you get hurt.
“Why thank you, Connor.” You said, tilting your head. Connor was rather intriguing to you— an android acting this way around you. His LED constantly switched between yellow and blue as if he was making sure to process every word you uttered. Yet he was so human— he would scratch the back of his neck, fidget with his fingers, and shuffle a bit in his seat. You would think someone as advanced as him would at least be able to have a composure, but he was different. It was something you admired about him.
“(l/n), in my office!” Captain Fowler called from the balcony of his room. You looked over to Connor before sighing.
“Well, boss is calling me. I’ll talk to you afterwards?” You suggested as you stood from your seat.
“Of course.” Connor replied, shielding his excitement. He stood up from his chair as well. “I’d be happy to talk again, (y/n).”
“Likewise.” You winked. With that, you left your desk and headed straight to Fowler’s office. Connor stood shellshocked. Did you just.. Wink at him?! Connor’s eyes slowly drifted to Hank, who was chuckling heartily. He gave Connor an assuring thumbs up as Connor made his way back to their desks.
“You’d be a shit detective if this is how you acted all the time.” Hank snickered. Connor grinned a little before taking a seat back at his desk.
“I know.” Connor sighed, leaning a little back in his chair. He at you through the glass walls, noticing your upright posture and the way you listened intently to Captain Fowler’s words. He looked over to Hank before thinning his lips.
“Lieutenant?” Connor asked.
“What is it, son?”
“What am I.. Feeling right now?” Connor asked, a little lost on how to explain it. “I can only think about them— only envision them when I close my eyes. I get nervous and its like my programming has reduced to 0s and 1s.” He sighed, hell, even a little frustrated that you had this affect on him.
Hank with a wide smile, shook his head and looked at Connor with a knowing stare. Connor looked up, both lost while desperate for an answer and maybe even a cure. Hank sat up and made sure to look at Connor right in the yes.
“Connor,” Hank sighed, grinning. “Son, that feeling your experiencing is called love. And your plastic ass better get used to it.”
thank you so much for reading towards the end ! im sorry if its a little messy-- i quickly had to post this before hanging out w some friends but i just wanted to get this out of the way rq! reblogs, replies, and even likes are so so appreciated <3
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daddyricsdoll · 2 months
“Oh that dress looks great on you, but it would look even better on the floor.” with Fernando Alonso
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Being with Fernando throughout the whole season was usually always interesting. Except for the days where he was busy with team meetings and testing, leaving me alone. But the difference between Fernando and any other man was that he planned the perfect day for me. Trying his best to research the city and pinpoint any place that would peak my interest.
And like always I’d fall in love with him a million more times, in advance of feeling guilty for all the money he intended to spend on me. Making me sometimes refuse his gifts, but always letting him know I do it because I love him.
But this time he didn’t let me refuse it. Handing me his card and telling me to spend it on myself. Showing me photos and screenshots of dresses he was certain I’d like, and if I bought them, I wouldn’t be the only one with a smile on my face.
“How was it?” Fernando asks as I walk through the door, a grin on his already glowing face.
“It was actually really good. Thank you, and… I got you something. WIth my own money of course.” I say, searching through one of the bags that I just placed on the floor.
“No, show me what you got yourself. Put it on for me.” Fernando says so smoothly, a proud smirk dawning his lips.
“For you… always.” I smile at Fernando, grabbing a couple of bags and walking toward him to plant a devoting kiss on his lips before eventually making my way to the bathroom.
Pulling my favourite dress out of the bag, I hold it against my body. Looking at myself in the mirror and smiling before actually putting it on. Taking off nearly all my clothes and debating whether I keep my panties on because of underwear lines. Making my decision of being bare beneath the dress, not only for looks, but I needed some fun. Even though I knew it would come, I just begged for it to be closer.
Ultimately sliding the dress on and gliding my hands down my body. Being in content with my curves and the way the fabric holds them perfectly. How the dress itself is gorgeous but doesn’t distract you from the person wearing it.
“Princesa? You ok?” Fernando calls out, his voice not far from the door, helping me remember what I’m supposed to be doing. And instead of answering, I grab the door handle. Pulling it open and watching the way awe fills his eyes. Somehow still astonished at the same thing he’s been seeing for many months.
“Oh princesa,” He steps closer to me, holding his arms out and letting me walk into them. “You look great, so beautiful in that dress… but right now, it would look even better on the floor.” You would assume this has happened millions of times by the way I can hear the smirk on his lips as he speaks into my ear. Fernando's hands that were recently on my hips now skim up my back to drag the zipper down. Doing it so delicately, sure to not ruin the dress, but instead, me.
Managing to slip it down my body and reveal how fully exposed I am to him. “Fuck. You really couldn’t wait huh?” Not giving me time to answer as he pulls my face into his. Lips wrapping around the others like a default. The only difference being the hunger and desire that ran through us both. Nearly eating at each other.
“I need a taste.” Fernando breathes out against my skin. Grabbing the backs of my thighs and lifting me up to take me to the bed. Not holding me for long as he lowered me onto the soft duvet. Making sure my legs hang off the end of the bed and his head can fit between my legs.
I try to keep my hands on Fernando, my fingers threading through his hair while he kneels in front of me. Pulling my body to the very end of the bed and becoming eye level with my dripping pussy.
Gradually being less stable as his breath hits my uncovered folds. Attempting to tease me but even the smallest touch from him is enough to make me explode. Still, I can never get enough.
“I thought you wanted a taste?”
“No princesa, I need it.”
A/N: (Sorry, just had to tease you again)
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marnerparty · 4 months
young stud
Connor Bedard x reader
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Liked by lululemon, nhl and 199,028 others
tagged adamfantilli
View all 909 comments
adamfantilli my dude!
yourusername no it’s ok… I wasn’t there either… I don’t wanna be featured…
_connorbedard being around me 24/7 wasn’t enough? 😐
yourusername no.
_masonmctavish23 Jesus just tell him you love him yn
yourusername we are JUST best friends
trevorzegras yeah, and i’m cleaner than jamie
_masonmctavish23 where tf did you come from!?
jamie.drysdale don’t bring me into this
yourusername hey all you ducks get outta here. tilli is comin to Anaheim not C-Dog
adamfantilli we have no idea where either of us are going to end up yn
_connorbedard SEE
user1 sorry the Blackhawks are gonna draft you
colton.dach 👀
yourusername even he knows you’re going #1
_connorbedard yn we still just don’t know
espn congrats on the success & good luck tomorrow finding out who your next team will be!
madi_bedard 🤘🏻
user2 boutta be the biggest bust the NHL has ever seen
yourusername and you’ve done what in your life exactly?
trevorzegras yn responding to haters >>>>>
_connorbedard please do not encourage this
yourusername hi, I’m yn. I think we’ll be great friends
trevorzegras nice to meet you, I’m trevor & likewise. let’s hang out sometime
biznasty 🤠🤠🤠
barzal97 kiddd
yourusername 😍😍😍
_connorbedard don’t say what you want to rn.
_connorbedard please.
_connorbedard I beg you.
trevorzegras yn, you are your own person. if you want to embarrass yourself and tell mat you think he’s hot do it.
barzal97 now I feel like I shouldn’t be here
user3 connor sucks
_masonmctavish23 🦅🦅🦅
_connorbedard those are Eagles
_masonmctavish23 connor wtf. that’s a smart-ass comment that should come from yn not you
_connorbedard he limited the amount of times i can comment on his Instagram posts. this is actually yn. I took connor’s phone
trevorzegras oh my god we will be amazing friends
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Liked by _connorbedard, barzal97, and 61,991 others
yourusername I couldn’t be more proud 🫶🏻
View all 222 comments
_connorbedard thank you for your never ending support yn ❤️
nhlblackhawks who’s the new guy?
yourusername some bum. probably shouldn’t make the team tbh
_connorbedard what happened to “couldn’t be more proud”
yourusername 🤫
adamfantilli it’s been a ride 🤘🏻
_connorbedard love you long time brother 🫡
cubs welcome to the Windy City Connor!
kentjohnson.13 YOU DID IT C!
_connorbedard miss you 🫶🏻
trevorzegras yn panicking rn trying to make this comment section abt her
yourusername fuck you trevor
barzal97 she’s aggressive isn’t she?
yourusername 🫢😮
trevorzegras look what you did Mat 🙄
barzal97 ??????
yourusername he’s referring to the fact you put the attention on me
barzal97 didn’t he start it by pointing it out in the first place?
trevorzegras watch it.
yourusername besties, please. this is no place to fight
user1 yn 🤝🏻 hockey boys
Liked by yourusername
lululemon #1 brand —> #1 pick! congrats Connor!
yourusername @lululemon free clothes?👀
_connorbedard wtf?? it’s MY brand deal bud
lhughes_06 your relationship is confusing
user2 honestly fuck connor bedard
yourusername Connor has asked me very nicely to not respond to haters & be rude so I cannot say anything to you that I want to, but just know, I really want to.
trevorzegras I am so proud of your growth
yourusername i love Connor, what can I say
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Liked by trevorzegras, madi_bedard, and 70,761 others
yourusername bestie is the big 1️⃣8️⃣ 🫶🏻
tagged _connorbedard
View all 201 comments
user1 about goddamn time
jackhughes wtf how is this kid just now an adult
trevorzegras now you guys can do it !
yourusername TREVOR
yourusername NOT FUNNY
adamfantilli I still can’t believe Yn’s a cougar
yourusername I’m a year older 😪 chill.
_masonmctavish23 SO YOU ADMIT YOU’RE A COUGAR
trevorzegras WE GOT HER
colton.dach YN LIKES CONNOR
user2 AHHHHH
lululemon Happy Birthday Connor! 🎉
user3 I love you plz marry me
quentinmusty happy birthday CB !!
_connorbedard 😚😚😚 miss u
trevorzegras super sus 👀
adamfantilli someone check on yn
_connorbedard thank you ynn <3
Liked by yourusername
lhughes_06 love birds
yourusername I’ll kill you Lucas
lhughes_06 come at me yn
trevorzegras Luke what have you done
trevorzegras yn will protect connie wonnie boo-boo bear at all costs
yourusername you’re dead too Zegras
user3 all these adults obsessing over some teens
_masonmctavish we are NOT obsessed
user3 def are
_masonmctavish NO
user3 yes.
jamie.drysdale mason wtf are you doing
barzal97 happy birthday kid!
_connorbedard thank you 🙌🏻
yourusername added to their story!
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Liked by user76, _masonmctavish, and 72,882 others
yourusername besties trip!!
tagged trevorzegras
Comments on this post have been limited
trevorzegras 😚😚😚
jamie.drysdale IS THIS A THING
trevorzegras ????
yourusername 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
user1 Matching tattoos & a trip? Too sus
adamfantilli WHAT HAPPENED
user2 whore
trevorzegras watch your mouth
barzal97 I’m officially out 😔
yourusername NO
yourusername COME BACK
yourusername You’re always #1 😘😘😘
_connorbedard No invite is crazy
yourusername make up for it when I get back?
_connorbedard I guess 🙄
user3 tension?!!!
user4 this girl sucks
_connorbedard Get outta here
madi_bedard GORGE
yourusername ughhh I’m in love with you
user5 *with your brother
_masonmctavish ^^^^
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Liked by barzal97, lukasreichel44, and 213,483 others
_connorbedard can’t take her anywhere
tagged yourusername
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yourusername added to their story!
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Liked by olivermoore11, user5, and 77,887 others
yourusername go Blackhawks!
View all 297 comments
jackhughes WHAT
trevorzegras why are we acting surprised
luke_hughes06 HE’S A CHILD
yourusername you’re a child
ryanwhitney6 MY EYES
colton.dach you dirty liar
adamfantilli “there’s nothing between us”
nhlblackhawks “we’re just best friends”
trevorzegras Even the team is invested in this 😐
biznasty Connor you dirty dog
yourusername 40 yr old in the comment section 🥱
biznasty Connor she’s mean
yourusername who knew biz was whiny
barzal97 what about us 😔
yourusername Mat he can be gone in 5 seconds
trevorzegras Connor wonnor has a girllll friendddd
_connorbedard Yeah that’s one more than you 🤠
yourusername 🫣
jamie.drysdale Yikes getting roasted by a 12 yr old
trevorzegras JAMIE!? BE ON MY SIDE
jamie.drysdale that was kinda a dig at both of you
trevorzegras I don’t care care it should only be a dig at HIM
yourusername trouble in paradise 😬
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Liked by samsavoie_11, chicago, and 276,889 others
_connorbedard a full trip around the ☀️
tagged yourusername
Comments on this post have been limited
biznasty Are you 30 yet?
_connorbedard just turned 19 bud
yourusername lover 😚
_connorbedard ❤️❤️
user1 🤮
user2 mans pulled a baddie like yn … let me know your ways
madi_bedard sista sista
madi_bedard I’m stealing her
yourusername im yours <3
trevorzegras and Connor’s and Mat’s ?
yourusername yes.
colton.dach yn > Connor 🤷🏼‍♀️
olivermoore11 agreed.
titobeauvi91 she has a more pleasant presence
_connorbedard wow TEAMMATES thank you!
jamie.drysdale YOU’VE BEEN DATING A YEAR!?
luca.fantilli That’s gotta be illegal
trevorzegras Not so team Connor and yn now huh Jimmy
yourusername oh please you wouldn’t have known we were dating if I didn’t tell you
barzal97 🤘🏻
user3 you need someone better than yn
trevorzegras lol good luck finding anyone better
barzal97 she’s a national treasure
jamie.drysdale haters will be haters
_connorbedard too bad I love her 🤷🏼‍♀️
yourusername boys stop it I’m blushing ☺️
adamfantilli he said the L word 🤢
A/N I’m … back ??
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
Hi!! I’ve got a request that I’ve been thinking of for a while (but if you don’t vibe with it, that’s cool). I’m imagining something after the S1 Richmond vs Man City game, where Jamie goes to reader for comfort, both because his dad sucks (obviously) but also because like? Jamie’s football hero got badly injured and will probably never play again because he tackled Jamie? I just feel like Jamie would be upset and think Roy’s retirement is partially his fault.
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you don’t want to know me
It’s fucking late. 
It’s fucking late and you’re still awake.
It’s always like this after a Man City game, and it’s been like this since they signed Jamie Tartt. You’ve been friends for ages, always running in the same circles. Your friendship of proximity has now turned into a real friendship, although you hadn’t seen him since he was loaned to Richmond. 
You’d been at the game, because you never missed a match. Man City was your team ever since you moved to Manchester and you have to say, it was weird to see Jamie. You were proud of him for making the extra pass because it was different than how he had been playing, and a brilliant move to rely on his team. The only thing you didn’t like was thinking about why Jamie played selfishly. You just hope James Tartt, Sr. is far, far away from Manchester, from the match, and from Jamie. 
You settle into your bed with the lights dimmed, ready for a long, sleepless night. 
You’ve been staring at the plant on your dresser for so long that it’s starting to look distorted. You sigh and think about Jamie again. A branch taps your window and you groan. Fucking wind.
You roll over and it taps again with more insistence. It sounds like little rocks. 
You remember you don’t have a tree outside your window and you bolt up. You flip off the lights and pull the curtains back to reveal Jamie Tartt throwing stones at the glass like you’re teenagers again. You turn the light back on and give him a one second motion.
You hurry downstairs, turning the light on in the living room as you go, and unlock your front door. Jamie stands in the porch light, so different from the last time you saw him. He says, “Can I come in?” so you move aside.
He’s just standing awkwardly in your kitchen, still in his Man City tracksuit. His hair is slicked down and you have the urge to run your fingers through it to muss it a little. Make him look how he used to.
“D’you- d’you want something to eat?” you ask and he’s a little taken aback. You wonder who’s been taking care of him, if anyone. He gives you a little half nod, and you wordlessly point to the couch. He sits there stiffly as you pull out a plate and some leftovers, and put them in the microwave. You silently hand the plate to Jamie and sit on the couch next to him.
He’s not in a talking mood and neither are you, necessarily, but you’re absolutely sure he hasn’t actually talked to anyone in ages. Georgie has stopped mentioning him so much so you figure he must not be calling her anymore. That’s why you bite the bullet and say, “It was your dad, wasn’t it?”
Jamie nods.
“And seeing Roy Kent injured, too, right?”
He nods again and puts down the fork.
“I mean, he’s a dick and all, and he fucking hates me, but his poster was on my wall. He was my hero. And I fucking- I fucking injured him. It was my fault. He was chasing me down and he tackled, and broke his fuckin’ knee. And then me dad-” Jamie can’t speak for a minute. “He was just there, and he said a bunch of shit and pushed me around. Felt like a kid again.”
It’s funny. This isn’t the first time Jamie’s showed up like this, but it’s the first time in his Premier League career. You wonder why he chose now.
You choose silence, taking the plate from him and setting it on the coffee table. You unzip his jacket and help him shrug it off, then give into the urge to mess up his hair. You move your hands slowly toward his head and he flinches the tiniest bit. His hair is crunchy and he needs a shower, but you think he needs human contact first.
There’s nothing you can say to make this better, so you choose to say something that won’t make it worse. 
“Do you want to spend the night?”
Jamie looks up at you with that same surprised look, breaking your heart a little.
“You have to shower first,” you warn. “I just washed my sheets.”
Jamie nods. 
“C’mon,” you say, standing up with his hand in yours. “I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
Jamie leaves his jacket on the couch as he follows you. You’d sell your soul for this boy, and you think maybe he knows it. You’ve been in love with him for the longest time and sometimes you could almost convince yourself he felt the same way.
You were really convincing in times like these.
“Alright. Here’s the shower, it should have everything you need. Extra towel’s right behind the door.” 
You turn to leave, but Jamie tightens his grip on your hand.
“Stay,” he pleads. “I’m not tryin’ anything, I just hate showering alone. You can sit on the sink for all I care, I just can’t be fucking alone.”
You won’t refuse him. You nod and he slips behind the shower curtain, throwing his clothes over the top and onto the floor.
He’s not in there long and doesn’t say much, just asks you to throw a towel over.
You go to your room to give him some privacy and sit on the bed until Jamie appears in your doorway. He’s in his Man City track pants and no shirt, damp hair falling in his face. 
You ask, “Do you want the left side?” and Jamie nods, so you move to get under the covers and pat the bed. Jamie slides under the sheets, smelling like lavender. You’d think you would both be stiff and awkward, but you’re not. You’re pulled to each other like magnets, like gravity. That’s why you wrap your arms around each other and thread your legs together. 
“I love you,” Jamie murmurs.
“I know, Jaim,” you whisper.
“No. I mean it. Always meant to say something, but I figured we’d end up together eventually. All the times I showed up at your door, even as kids, I wanted to tell you. I was too fucking scared you didn’t feel the same way, but I don’t give a shit anymore. Life’s short. I need you to know.”
You brush a strand of hair out of his eyes. “You really think I’d let you in my bed if I didn’t love you?”
Jamie snuggles closer to you and you’re going to have a lot of things to talk about. For now, though, you’re going to get some fucking sleep.
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ladylooch · 2 months
Strictly Pleasure - [Timo Meier]
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A/N: So color me stunned when I went to the roster of Team Switzerland in 2019 and did not in fact see Timo on it……. Because the Sharks were in the playoffs…. LMAO But you know my entire AU timeline is built on 2019 so we go with it. As promised, the full fic for our unanimous poll winners 🥹
As a warning, I literally was clawing my fingernails into the bench seat editing this morning. Holy fuck. Apparently I was feeling extra smutty this weekend.....
Word Count: 4.3k
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The coolness of my white wine glass chills my palm while I bring the liquid to my lips. I take a sip, lips curling up in appreciation of both the wine and the stunning sunset before my eyes. I sit on the patio of a cafe in Bratislava, Slovakia awaiting the arrival of my little brother. I am the only member of my family who has been able to make it over to Slovakia in time to see him compete for our country at the IIHF World Championships. His previous international experience has been at the U18 level, but this year he is competing in the big leagues. We are so proud of him and I feel honored to have the flexibility to see him live his dream this week.
Crowds from various countries line the streets of the capital city, surrounding Ondrej Nepela Arena. Various teams are represented- the three crowns of Sweden, the lion of Finland and one man with the red and white of my home country. I smile at the familiar crest on his chest. He wanders down the sidewalk with sunglasses on, hair perfectly styled in a swoop to the left. Mirrored aviators hide his upward gaze to the awning that spells out the restaurant. He flips his sunglasses up, looking down at his phone, then at the name of the restaurant again. Once confirming, he puts his phone back in his pocket, then stalls his footsteps at the podium explaining the menu options for tonight.
“Go Swiss!” I cheer in my native language at him. He looks up from where he had been studying the menu, nodding in my direction. 
“You from?”
“Me too.”
“I assumed so. You have the accent.” 
“You… kind of do?” He chuckles, questioning. His head tilts to the side slightly, thick eyebrows pulling lower over his eyes. “Where are you from?”
“Close to Bern.”
“Ah… that southern dialect can be troublesome.”
“Maybe you just haven’t heard it enough. Should get out of the big city.” He quirks an eyebrow. “Zurich. Clearly.”
“St. Gallen.”
“Same difference.” 
“Okay.” He chuckles, shifting as he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “This place any good?”
“Wine is good.” I cheers my glass in the air at him. “But other than that, I don’t know. My brother picked the place.”
“Yeah, I am meeting someone here too.” 
“Would you like to wait with me? I can buy you a drink.” For some reason, he laughs. 
“Buy me a drink?” He nods. “Sure, if your boyfriend won’t mind?”
“No boyfriend. I’m sure your girlfriend will not be much longer though?”
“No girlfriend. If I did, sitting next to a beautiful Swiss woman would likely get me into big trouble.” He murmurs, reaching for the back of the empty chair across from me. As he pulls it out, my brother comes hustling up next to us.
“Oh great! You did get my text about Timo joining us. I’m glad you found each other.” We both pause, connecting the pieces of who we are to each other. I would not have pegged him as a hockey player. He presents so different from the others I have interacted with over my brother’s playing career. “Timo, this is my older sister Emma.”
“Nice to meet you.” He murmurs as he shakes my hand. Our hands fit perfectly together in a polite shake. His fingers drag along every inch of my palm as he pulls his hand back, creating an electric jolt up my arm.
“Yeah…” I trail off, answering my brother. I gulp down a sip of wine. “He was easy to spot.” Nico grins as I stand, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Hi.” I haven’t seen Nico for a few weeks. He came home to Switzerland after his season ended, but was running off with all his friends with his new found freedom.
“I am glad you could make it. Mama and Papa are coming tomorrow?”
“Yes, it was the earliest they could get here. I was able to get on a flight from my conference in Berlin.” 
“Good. More time together.” I laugh, glancing at Timo who studies the menu across from me.
“Seemed you liked the way the last few weeks were.” I murmur. “Your big sister always coming in last.”
“I’m sorry.” Nico sighs regretfully.
“It’s okay. As per usual, your time is pulled in every single direction.” 
“Yes, but you’re important to me. I’ll do better.”
“Good! You can start by buying me dinner. You make the big bucks now!” 
“Yeah, you can buy mine too. You make 1st overall money. I’m slumming it down at 9.” Timo and I share a look, chuckling together at Nico’s red, embarrassed cheeks.
“With a flick of a pen, you instantly made more money than your sister has her entire career. You can buy my dinner.” I pile on.
“Stop.” Nico shakes his head with a shy smile. “I will buy you dinner because I love you and that’s it.” I shake my head, looking over at Timo.
“Nico always has to be so sweet to make me feel bad for teasing him.”
“You need to get meaner Nico.” Timo laughs. “Your sister is more intimidating than you.” I scoff at him, then smirk.
“Certified man eater.” I confirm. “You better be careful.” He sucks his cheeks in for a moment, scanning his eyes along my body. Then he shakes his head.
“I like a challenge.” He winks. I pause, recognizing his interest, sliding my gaze over to my little brother who seems to be contemplating between two entrees. I lick a drop of wine off my lips after taking a sip. Timo’s blue eyes stay there, then fall back down to the menu in front of me.
The rest of dinner, these small, wordless interactions happen. He brushes my hand while handing me back my filled water glass. We steal looks at each other whenever Nico isn’t looking. Most of the conversation is driven by us towards each other. Nico seems content to listen, happy to see us getting along so well after inviting a stranger to sibling bonding. I am thankful he did. Timo and I are vibing, conversing and joking like we have known each other for years, not less than two hours. 
Nico pays the bill, making a huge show of treating us with his black Amex. 
“Flaunting your wealth is tacky Nico.” I scold. He scoffs at me, waving me up out of my seat. I toss my arm around his shoulder, pulling him in for a forced hug. “I love you. Thank you.”
“I love you, buddy! Thank you!” Timo says too, coming in to the other side so Nico is sandwiched between us. I giggle hard, tilting my head back towards the dark sky while doing so. Timo’s hands grip my sides as we squeeze Nico harder. I fold my fingers over his arms too, feeling the soft material of his sweatshirt. When I open my eyes all I can see is Timo. His beautiful blue eyes sparkling with joy. His big smile and scrunched nose indicating how much fun he is having with us.
“I could use another drink.” I hear myself say to him directly. He nods immediately, releasing from our packed hug.
“We have a bar in our hotel. Are you staying there too?” Timo asks casually.
“Oh! Yes! Let’s go.” I exclaim. “Neeks?”
“Maybe. I’m tired, but I’ll see how I feel when we get there.” 
“Okay.” I shrug. No offense to Nico, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if he didn’t come.
“How are we feeling about the game tomorrow?” I ask the boys as we walk the cobblestone walk way. 
“Good. We’ll get it done.” Timo says confidently. Nico echos that though a yawn.
His yawning continues through our first round of drinks until he is almost falling asleep sitting up in his chair where we sit at a space in the bar, backing up to the lobby.
“Nico, just go to bed.” I chuckle.
“Yeah I am going to head there.” Nico sighs after a yawn. He looks over at me. “You too?” I bite my lip, shaking my head. 
“I’m not tired. I stay up late for a living.” Nico shrugs his shoulders. “Goodnight.” He stands up.
“Goodnight baby brother.” I tease him as he heads across the lobby to the elevators. “Sleepy good!” I take a sip of my wine, then settle my brown eyes on Timo who still watches with those interested eyes. “Are you tired?” I wonder.
“No.” He says then takes a sip of his drink. “A lot more interesting things are happening down here than in mine and Fiala’s room.” A shiver runs from the base of my neck down my spine pulling my chest tight with flattery. 
“You like to stay up late?”
“Mhm.” He answers around another sip of his drink. He licks at his top teeth afterwards, bringing my eyes back to his lips. “Kinda have to in this job. What do you do?”
“I own an event planning business.” 
“Oh fancy, Ms. Entrepreneur.” 
“I went to college and everything.”
“Impressive. Maybe I should hire you to run my charity golf tournament.”
“I could do that. But it depends.”
“What happens between us tonight.” A slow and sexual grin rolls across his lips. He likes my boldness. My heart fluters excitedly in my chest. I love this part, getting gorgeous and powerful men to give into what has been brewing between us. “I have a strict line between business and pleasure. I’m sure you can understand that in your line of work.” Timo nods, looking lost in a previous mistake. 
“That is fair.” He tilts his head. A few teammates walk through the lobby, shouting a hello at Timo. He gives a brief wave, then focuses back on me.
“Any chance I could convince you to go somewhere private to discuss further your personal and professional qualifications?” There is nothing professional about his request.
“Where would you suggest?”
“Maybe your room?” I pretend to contemplate, leaning back in my chair while studying him with scrutiny. 
“What would we do there?” I ask him, dragging out the vowels in my words. I slowly run my tongue along my lips, gathering his attention there.
“You can tease me some more with that mouth.” 
Forward. Bold. Going in for the kill, just like I hoped. 
“Our drinks?” He pulls his wallet out, tossing cash onto the table. He stuffs his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans and stands. He holds his hand out for me. I stare at the warm, welcoming skin of his palm. I know what taking that hand means. I know this is dangerous territory, but Timo is a temporary teammate of my brother. It’s not like he is in New Jersey with him full time.
I slide my fingers gently into his hand, then clasp it as he lifts me into a standing position. He weaves our fingers together, palms cupping each other as we walk silently to the elevator. He pulls me in behind him, then turns expectantly at me.
“Four.” I tell him. He presses the button and the doors close. 
“You do this often?”
“Yeah. You?”
“Plenty.” His eyes drag ravenously from my face down my body. He nods in surprised appreciation. “I won’t tell you I love you after, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He chuckles. 
“You look harder to get than that. What are the rules?” He asks as he turns towards me. His hand drops mine, so he can pull my hips flush with his. My eyes flutter at what I feel. Big. Hard. Ready. 
“Wrap it up. Don’t you dare finish before me. No butt stuff. And…” I insist, stepping closer. “Nico never knows.” My foot goes between his, rubbing my thigh against his zipper. He exhales a little heavier, hinting at the desire building in his body. The elevator doors open and we step out. I lead the way, sliding the key through and pushing the door open. I walk in first again. He shuts the door behind us then crosses the slim space between us. He whips me around by my wrist, crowding my space immediately. My heartbeat skyrockets in dangerous and needy passion.
“Anything else?” He asks, sliding a hand to the side of my neck. He holds it tight, thumb stroking my cheek. His blue eyes are fierce, ready for whatever waits for us on the other side of my answer. 
“What are yours?”
“I don’t want anything serious. You understand that?” He strokes my cheek as he says it as if to soften the blow. He’s clearly had this conversation before with other women. He’ll figure out I’m not like them soon enough.
“Are you on the pill?” 
“Yes.” I laugh. “Are we going to fuck now or keep playing 20 questions?” I slide my hand down to the button on his pants. He laughs too, pausing as he bites his bottom lip. 
“What are your thoughts on cuddling?”
“Hell no.”
“My kinda girl.” He whispers then closes the gap between our faces.
His lips on mine create an explosion that rocks me to my core. I exhale into his mouth in a moan. He runs his hand through my hair then down my body. It wraps around my waist and he lifts, practically tossing me up onto the hotel desk. The lamp shade rattles against the wall. His hands come to my shirt, lifting. Our lips part for a moment, then reconnect with tongues. Wetness pools in my panties, almost soaking them through. 
One of his hands comes up to my breast, squeezing it, then finding my nipple and thumbing it over my bra. I sigh happily into his mouth, then fist his shirt in my hand. His shirt joins mine on the floor, then I reach for the button on his pants. It snaps apart easily. I jerk his zipper down until it’s completely open. His cock is hot and seeping in his underwear. I pull back from his mouth, looking down as he unclasps my bra. The straps slack along my arms. He pulls them the rest of the way off, then takes me in. 
“Beautiful.” He mumbles, tugging my hips so I slide closer to him on the desk top. “So, so beautiful.” He repeats against the warm skin of my chest. His lips kiss down vertically, until he gets to a tight nipple. He makes eye contact with me as he sucks it into his mouth. His tongue strokes upwards too, making my jaw unhinge for a moment. “You had so much to say earlier, now you’re quiet? Gonna have to change that.” He whispers, then sucks my nipple deep into his mouth, working it over, sending darts of pleasure to my clit. It aches to be touched, missing out on his skilled mouth and fingers. 
“Oh.” I pant. He smirks into my breast.
My fingers find the waistband of his underwear, tugging it back from his skin so his cock rises to rest on his belly. His red tip is oozing down the edge of his head. I bite my lip, then my head knocks back into the lamp as his tongue strokes my other nipple into submission.
Fuck, this is incredible. He knows exactly what he is doing. When to push, when to pull away, how to tease and reward. He will be worth any future punishment. My hands shove at the waistbands of his bottom layers until they work down his strong hips. He steps out of them, grabbing a condom in his jean pocket, then kicks them off to the side. I lean back on one palm grinning. He lets me take him in, every delicious curve and edge of his muscular body made perfect from hockey and hard work. His big hands cup my breasts, rolling his thumbs over the stiff peaks in unison. 
“Oh that feels sooo good.” I moan appreciatively. I run my free hand through my hair. He watches my face, playing with me more until I am embarrassingly close to coming without him even being inside of me. “I need you to fill me up.”I demand breathlessly. He bites his lip.
“You’re so fucking sexy. You can tell me what to do all night, Emma.” 
“Just call me Em.” I laugh. “Emma is so formal.” 
“Whatever you want, babe.” 
He unbuttons my jeans, then pulls them off my legs. He admires my black, lace panties, seeing the creamy wetness pooling there just for him, then he works them off my body so we are both naked. He picks me up, setting me to the very edge of the desk, then he hands me the condom. I rip the package open with my teeth, gripping the tip, before easing it down his shaft. His eyes close and he sways slightly forward at my hands on him.
He crowds my space, our breath combining together, still smelling like the minimal alcohol we had tonight. One hand goes to my left hip, then the other goes to grip his shaft. He rolls his head through my folds, collecting my soaking juices before he nestles his head at my entrance. Together, we watch him disappear between my swollen lips. He lets out a shaky exhale. He grabs my wrists, putting them on his shoulders, then he lifts me slightly up off the desk, beginning to pump into my pussy. 
Tingling explosions burst out down my body. Gooseflesh covers my arms and legs as I take each hard thrust with enthusiastic greed. I kiss along his jaw, grinning at the way I jerk in his arms with each pump. He isn’t handling me like a fragile doll, he is fucking me just like I knew he would. Hard, fast, deep, showing he was built with power and strength for a reason.
“Fuck, Em, your pussy is so good.” He growls into my neck. The sound of skin slapping together increases, becoming disgustingly obvious in the room as he rocks hard into me. “So wet and tight.” He hisses through gritted teeth. My nose bumps into his jaw as I moan on his throat. He turns his face, capturing my lips then fucking up harder and faster into me. My whole body goes tight and rigid, then I fall into my orgasm. Timo fucks me through it, not wavering in his thrusts at all until I collapse onto his chest in surrender. He slows then, kissing my neck as he takes me to the bed. He lays me down, then work himself out of me. I look down at the condom, wondering if we are done.
“Your turn. Show me what you got, Hischier.” I laugh loudly. He sits down on the bed, then falls backwards. He takes my hand in one of his, fingers folding together, helping me maneuver to straddle his lap. I work my hair to one side, then reach behind me to grab his cock in my hand. He hums, then sighs happily as I swallow him whole in one press of my hips. Timo’s eyes literally roll back into his head as I start to move. His hands come behind his head fingers lacing together on the pillow below.
“That’s right. Just lay there princess.” I smirk, throwing my hips back on his cock. 
“Funny… gorgeous… talented… where has Nico been hiding you?”
“Practically under your nose.”
“Ah, that’s why I didn’t see it. It’s a little big.” I giggle, then set my hands on his shoulders, rolling my hips.
“Ooo. You know how to fuck.” He praises me. “So good….” He bites his lip, exhaling heavily. “Little more, gorgeous.” He encourages. I comply and he groans. “Mmmm.” His hands snap away from the back of his head. He grips my hips, feeling the roll of them on him. Then two fingers find my clit. I shutter. His other hand comes to my breast, pinching my nipple. “Fuck me until you cum.”  He whispers. I moan shakily, then keep bucking my hips down into him. When he senses I am about to release, he works his hips up in little thrusts to help me over the edge.
“Oh!” I cry out, pinching my other nipple.
He gently eases me down, pulling his feet up closer to his butt so his thighs create support for my back. I slump into them. I pant, looking at him on the pillow as he smirks. 
“Shit.” I hiss as he forces his cock up deep into me, lifting my weight with his hips like it’s nothing. 
“Doggy?” He asks, wiggling his large eyebrows. I nod eagerly.
I’ve never come so hard or had so much fun with a one night stand before. Usually, it’s awkward, bumping into each other and trying to find the right tempo. Not with Timo. It truly feels like we were made for each other. Gone is the insecure way I try to move my body so my partner can see the best angles. Usually, I stay away from doggy. But I am desperate to feel the hard slapping of his balls against my clit. 
We both stand. Timo kisses me, tongues flirting within my mouth. Our lips are puffy and red by the time we pull apart. He twists my hips, working his cock between my legs as I bend over in front of him. He lines his latex covered head with my entrance, then pulls me back on his dick. We both groan loudly this time, appreciating the stretch and arousal of each other. 
“Gonna be dreaming about this pussy tonight.” He groans, starting to buck his hips again. The delicious slapping has me deliriously groping the bed sheets. His thick cock crams into me thrust after thrust, feeling like he is rearranging my internal organs. A big hand comes to the back of my neck, forcing me down. I groan loudly, shrieking an inhale at how good this angle feels. 
“Please.” I hear myself beg.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please make me cum. Please. More. Um! That! Yeah!” I yelp out as his hips snap harder into me. My ass shakes with his powerful thrusts. I turn my face into the comforter, then scream hard into it as a powerful orgasm grips my core and turns me inside out. 
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum. Feels so fucking good when you cum.” I shake against his thighs as he finishes in the condom. His hand releases from the back of my neck. He grips the edge of the condom then works his way out of me. Wordlessly, he heads to the bathroom, striping himself and cleaning off. I collapse forward into the bed sheets, curling into the fetal position while my heavy breathing continues. Timo brings a towel back with him, tossing it to me. Afterwards, I throw it onto the floor while he lays back next to me in bed. 
“Good job.” I murmur, holding my hand up. He slaps it firmly, then sighs happily.
“That was amazing.” He turns to look at me when he says it. I nod, meeting his gaze. “Any chance you’re available for more of that this summer?”
“No strings?”
“No strings.” He agrees. 
“Then yeah. I’m available.” He chuckles. 
“We make a good team, tho. Damn.” He rubs a hand over his head. He turns his wrist, looking at the time on his expensive, silver watch. “I gotta go. It’s almost curfew.”
“Yeah, I want to go to sleep.” I admit, stretching out, pushing at his thigh under the covers to move him off the bed. He dramatically rolls off like I kicked him full on. I giggle as he rests his chin on the bed from the floor. His blue eyes soak me up. His hand comes up, poking at my left cheek.
“Your dimples are cute.”
“Thank you.” I murmur. 
“How long are you here?”
“Wanna see me again already?” He laughs.
“Yeah. Sex that great is rare. I want you again tomorrow.” Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I roll my bottom lip in my mouth, watching him pull his clothes back on. His last article is the Team Switzerland sweatshirt he zips up to the middle of his chest.
“Okay.” I agree. He smiles gently, then walks towards me. 
He kneels one knee on the bed, hovering over the body he wrecked tonight. He kisses me quick, then pulls away. He smells seductive and sultry, like his expensive cologne and me. 
“Sweet dreams.” He whispers.
“Goodnight.” I respond. He walks out of the room, closing the door softly during his exit.
I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling above me. The butterflies in my stomach expand up into my chest until it feels crammed full. I put my hand over my face, watching back the reel of the night against my black eyelids, ending with the mutual agreement of more. 
More this weekend. More even this off-season too. More, more, more because it will be months before I will have had my fill of him.
I’m not sure how we will make it all work. Sneaking around once is one thing, but doing it continuously is another.
I guess this planner is going to have to figure it out. 
Because It’s going to be a long, hot summer with Timo Meier.
More Timo and Emma can be found here.
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the-west-meadow · 1 year
hi! i’m not sure if you have anymore request slots open (if you don’t just ignore this) but could you write a roman roy x reader with the prompt “you’re an asshole, you know that?”
i’m obsessed with your roman fics!!
one more just for fun :) I'll open these again in a little while. in the meantime, more Roman dysfunction!
Roman Roy x Reader
prompt: you're an asshole, you know that?
It had been Roman’s idea. Invite Siobhan and Tom over for dinner, impress them with how mature and normal you both were. Roman finally had something he could be proud of: you. And he wanted to show it off.
But Tom couldn’t make it. Sick with a cold, or perhaps just unable to be around Shiv in public at the moment. So Shiv showed up alone in a pale pink pantsuit and the three of you proceeded to drink into the night. 
The Roy siblings held their liquor surprisingly well. Shiv didn’t even blush. The only thing different about Roman was how his hair became increasingly disheveled as the night went on. You sat at the head of the table, getting more and more tipsy, endlessly amused by their banter. 
“And what about you?” Shiv said, turning to you. “I heard you’re the only reason Roman was able to seal the deal with Matsson.”
“Oh, come on,” Roman said. “That’s bullshit. You know that was all me.”
“Hold on,” you interjected. “We double-teamed him, Roman. Did you block that out or what?”
“It was my deal. Dad trusted me to do it. And I fucking did it.”
“So you didn’t have any help?” Shiv chided. “None whatsoever?”
“If you count standing there looking pretty, then sure, Y/N contributed.”
You felt the sting of his words through your buzz. 
“That’s bullshit,” you murmured, stirring the toothpick in your martini glass. 
“You want credit for helping? Okay, fine.” He stood up, performing a theatrical bow. “My deepest appreciation for charming Matsson with your wiles.”
“Fuck off, Roman,” you snapped. 
“You know,” Roman went on, “He only listened to what you had to say because he wanted to fuck you.”
You stood up, staring him down. You saw him cower slightly under your gaze.
“Fuck you,” you hissed, then stalked out of the room.
Shiv looked at Roman and blinked.
“Wow. Great job,” she said.
Roman collapsed back into his chair, sulking.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” Shiv continued.
“Yeah, so what. I guess it’s the Dad in me.”
“You’re going to lose Y/N at this rate.”
“Maybe I don’t give a shit.”
“Then you’re an idiot and an asshole. Go back there and apologize. I’ll wait.”
Roman stood with a dramatic sigh. “Don’t make me do it.”
“I’m not making you do anything. It’s in your own best interest.”
He shuffled out of the room, towards the bedroom. He tried the door, which was unlocked, and slowly crept inside. 
You were curled in a chair by the window, gazing out at the city. The room was otherwise dark. Roman collapsed onto the edge of the bed and lie back. 
“Fuck,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I guess.”
“Yeah, but you meant what you said.” 
“Did I?”
“And you were right. Lukas probably only heard me out because he wanted to fuck me. And you were jealous.”
Roman went silent for a long moment.
“Sorry, I’m not capable of jealousy.”
“Bullshit, Roman.”
“Seriously, I don’t care if guys look at you like that. It doesn’t bother me at all to think of Matsson imagining you naked. Maybe I get off on it.”
You looked at him, unable to tell for once if he was being serious or not.
“It’s okay to be jealous.”
“Nope. Not jealous. If I was jealous it would mean I had feelings. Which I don’t.”
You sighed. “Do you think you’ll ever tell me what you really feel?”
“Probably not.” There was a long pause, then he went on in a softer voice. “I don’t really know what the fuck I’m feeling, anyway.”
“You don’t have to know,” you said. “But that’s a start.”
He got up suddenly, then sat down at your feet with his arms around his knees.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
You put your hands on his head, further disheveling his floppy hair. 
“It’s okay.”
Without another word, you both stood up and went back to join Shiv, who had made herself another cocktail. She watched the two of you enter the room with an amused grin.
“Y/N made me talk about my feelings.”
“What’s the verdict?” Shiv said.
“I don’t have any and I hate you both.”
You shoved him lightly as he sat down. He dipped his fingers in his drink and flicked them at you, spraying your face. You rounded on him but stopped. His eyes crinkled with a mischievous grin that melted your heart. Beneath the table, you felt his foot hesitantly touch yours. He glanced at you with a tentative smile. 
Shiv sighed and shook her head, tossing back the rest of her drink.
“You guys are perfect for each other.”
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stcrgazings · 2 years
Unexpected visit | (c.l)
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note: sooo, this is my first imagine ever so please be nice, English it’s not my first language so if there’s any mistakes pls let me know.
it’s a fluffy, trying to cheer y’all up after these crappy two weeks, it’s written in a she/her kind of narrative since I’m not a fan of y/n, but I couldn’t thing of any names for the protagonist, might made this a small series if y’all like this one so pls let me know. I’m kinda proud of how this one turn up so pls you liked it
pairing: Charles Leclerc x Female Character/Reader
summary: Charles girlfriend goes to surprise him at the Austrian Grand Prix, after getting some small vacations at work and missing him too much
warning: Some sexual jokes nothing major and maybe some bad French but give me a break I kinda ghosted my teacher
words: 4.2K
She missed him, every day and every night, she missed him when she was about to go to sleep, remembering all those times they would FaceTime right before bed, even when he was at the other side of the globe and it was 9am where he was, he would always be sure to call her before bed, she missed those times when he wasn’t traveling, those few days between races where he would stay in their apartment and wake her up with breakfast in bed, or take her to the beach or just driving around in the city of Monaco, right now she was in Atlanta shooting for her new film, but she couldn’t really get her boyfriend out of her mind, needing to see him, hug him, kiss him, feel him and just be with him in general.
It wasn’t more than a week since the last time she saw him, they reunited in Monaco right after Silverstone’s huge disaster in which he did a wonderful job keeping good positions most of the race but getting Ferrari to fuck him over once again getting a disappoint p4 and a really angry Charles at his own team, but at least Carlos had won and she was truly happy for the Spanish’s first win.
Then they both traveled back to Charles hometown, Montecarlo. Her first on Sunday afternoon and Charles joining her later on Monday morning, they stayed there for a good two day, or so, she was supposed to join him at the race but sadly she had to comeback to Atlanta earlier than anticipated, her boyfriend driving her to the airport at two in the morning on Wednesday, leaving her sobbing on his shoulder before catching the plane.
He wanted to come with her, to see her in action like he said, but his schedule didn’t really allowed it, having press conferences and practice a day earlier because of the sprint race.
"And cut!” The director yelled at her direction, getting her out of the small trance she had entered thinking about her boyfriend. “We are done for the day ladies and gentlemen”
“That’s it?” She asked, at little bit confused thinking she had to film some other things before the end of the day.
"Yup, i have a meeting with some of the producers and stuff so I’ll let you when the filming will start tomorrow morning”
She nodded standing up from the floor she was previously laying, walking to her trailer, her assistant running toward her at a full speed.
“He got p2!” She exclaimed excitingly, and probably the whole of the set heard the small scream that left her mouth, whilst a brilliant smile lit of her face.
“Really? Oh my god i knew it, I’m so proud of him” She said hugging her assistant, and taking the towel out of her hand to dry her wet hair and body that came out of the previous scene she was just shooting.
“Did he call?”
“No, not yet they just finished i was watching it live from the app like you asked me to”
“Thank you so much, Ana” she genuinely thanked her assistant, she was really nervous for Charles and a little bit upset that she was going to filming be in between scenes during the sprint race and even though Charles insisted that it wasn’t that big of a deal and that she should be focused on her filming and that he would call her as soon as he could to tell her everything from his mouth, she still asked her assistant if she could watch the race for her so she could be updating her in between shoots and the young girl didn’t denied.
“Yeah no problem, it was actually kinda fun”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Ana”
The blonde started telling her a little bit about how the race went as they both made their way to her trailer, the girl telling her that Verstappen had gotten p1 but her boyfriend still scoring some great 7 points and Carlos some other 6 from the sprint, something the team need for the constructors championship if they still wanted to be competitive, when all of the sudden her phone started ringing as they arrive the door of the trailer, the name of her boyfriend adorned with heart emojis lighting up her screen.
“I’ll leave you two to it, bet he’ll tell you the story better than me”
“Thanks Ana, see you tomorrow, love you”
“Love you too, bye”
“Bye!” Was the last thing shouted back to her assistant as she entered the trailer, answering her boyfriend with a big proud smile on her face as she throw herself on the bed of the big car.
“Baby guess wh-“
“My favorite 7 point winner!” She celebrated smiling through the screen, Charles face all light up because of the happiness he was feeling after scoring some good points that he truly needed, her heart flustered at the sight of his bright smile and redden cheeks.
“You got to watch it?”
“Something like that”
“What do you mean something like that?” He ask as he accommodated himself in his drivers room.
“I made Ana watched and update me while filming” she admitted embarrassed, cheeks tinting with specs of red.
“Don’t me embarrassed ma chérie, I love it when you do small things like that for me, it’s cute”
Her cheeks turned more red with every word that came out of the monegasque’s mouth, a small laugh coming out of his lips when he noticed how nervous he was making his girlfriend.
“Stop Charles, or I’ll punch you when I see you”
“I’ll rather have a kiss if it’s up for discussion mon amour” she smiled, admiring proudly the boy on the other side of the screen, it has been a while since he has been this happy with anything race related, he truly loved the sport but the awful strategic choices that he’s team constantly made, we’re making him frustrated and sad, so it breath of fresh air seeing him that happy, even with a p2.
“I hate you, Charles”
“No you don’t” he gives her smirk on his side of the screen making her roll her eyes and give him the finger.
“No, I don’t” she gives in a small grin flashing her face. “But I do miss you, so much baby” she finally admitted to him, she never liked to tell Charles that she missed him because she didn’t want him to feel guilty like he usually does about everything that surrounded him, even things that didn’t have anything to do with him, like Silverstone and Azerbaijan.
“I know baby, I miss you too, all the frinking time, but summer break it’s right around the corner and then I can join you in Atlanta to see you film like I’ve always wanted and then take you to Monaco beaches and we can go traveling the Italian coast like I promised you, it’ll be just the two of us, and believe me when I tell you that the only time I’ll leave your side it’s when I’ll be on top of you”
“Charles!” The girl chuckled, redden cheeks once again.
“Making you scream just like that”
“Charles, I swear to god” she started laughing as she scolded him through the phone, as a goofy smile adorned her boyfriends face.
“It’s okay, you can also be on top of you want baby, I’m always here to please your needs” he gives her a small grin as she tries to keep her laughter from coming out with a serious expression.
“I’ll hang up now Leclerc”
“No wait, I want to tell you about the race”
He pouted and she gave in with a small sigh never been able to be mad or
to say to him, accommodating herself on the trailers bed ready to her all of what her beautiful boy had to say.
So he excitingly began “it started When Verst…”
“Baby I have to leave you, Binotto is annoying me about press”
“M’kay baby, I love you” she mumbled as she was falling asleep, not because he was boring her or anything but because Charles voice always had a way to soothe her, and relaxing her, she has always had sleeping and anxiety problems, but since their calls before bed she has slept like a baby, not to mention that when they sleep in the same bed she can pass out for 10 hours straight with her head on her chest or with him spooning her both like he loved to.
“Love you too, sleep well” he hangs up smilie face and everything but not before throwing some kisses at the camera just for her.
She smirk like a stupid person at the phone, as she throw it in the bed to plug in the charger, the time was 10 pm o’clock and she realized she had just spent almost 3 hours on the phone with her boyfriend and that the girl that handles the schedules for the next day at 8 pm sharp never showed up.
She shrugged her shoulders, as she prepares for bed walking towards the bathroom to begin with her respective skincare routine, but several loud bangs on her door interrupted her halfway.
“Oh my god! You won’t believe it!” The voice that clearly was her assistant’s echoed throughout the whole trailer, excitement clearly noticeable in her tone.
“What happened Ana?” She mumbled why grumpiness opening the door.
“You now have free week and a half”
“Yeah and- Wait, what?!” She exclaimed still half sleep not sure that she had heard correctly.
“Yeah! You have more scenes done that anyone here so meanwhile the others catch-up with you the producers and directors took the choice of giving you a week and a half break so they don’t have you here doing nothing”
“Oh my god!” She squealed loudly, jumping up and that, that meant that she could go see Charles and spent time with him.
she could even see him race tomorrow!
“That means that i can go-“
“See Charles, yeah i’m way ahead of you, I already book you a ticket for Austria, your flight leaves in two hours and a half” her assistant interrupts her as she hands her the flight information and the tickets. “You’ll get to Austria two hours before the race, and you’ll get to the circuit about half an hours before the star of the race”
“Did I tell you that I love you?” She said admiringly, almost swearing that Ana was basically glowing like a divine intervention right now.
“Yeah, yeah I’m amazing now go to your place, and pack a bag because I don’t want you to make me watch the race tomorrow while I listen to you for two more hours about how you miss Charles”
“Ok” she said softly before wrapping the small girl in a tight hug full of gratefulness.
“Thank you”
“Sweetie my job is to make you happy, and you’ve miss that boy with every cell in your body since you got here on Wednesday, so go now and have fun before producers regret and call you back to have you here to do nothing”
The girl pulled her outside of the vehicle as she handle her the keys to her car and pushed her to hurry, she thanked her again as she basically ran to the vehicle needing to see Charles more that anything in the entire world.
She landed at about 11 am, and the drive from the airport to the hotel where Charles was staying took about an hour and a half.
who would know that Austrian traffic is a real bitch?
When she got to the hotel, Charles’ manager had someone meet here there with the drivers room key and a car to take her to the race.
She went to the room, a big ass smile plastered on her face from the moment she opened the door and the smell of her boyfriend invaded her nostrils.
She basically run at the speed of light into the bathroom from how fast she got in there to take a shower and change herself into a more adequate closes for the race, so she put herself into some cute black pants, a white top and a Ferrari jersey she got from Etsy with Charles’ number embroidered into it, she had been dying to show it to the driver, excited for when the next race was going to be and now she could finally show it to him.
When she got to the circuit, all she could see was a freaking horde of orange and Red Bull caps, and obviously the typical Red Sea of the Ferrari Fans or tifosi how they are usually called.
She got out of the fancy black Ferrari car that had picked her in the hotel, with the paddock pass hanging from her neck, black dark glasses covering her eyes, when all of the fans got the sight of her the screams became significantly louder.
A small laugh got out of her, as she approached some teenagers that were begging for pictures with her, one of the girls throwing a cap with her boyfriends number on it.
“You sure you wanna lose that?” She ask a playful smirk adorning her face before put it on for a picture with them.
“Keep it! I have a few others at home bu I’ll never get the chance again to say that Charles’ Leclerc girlfriend wore my cap to the Austrian Grand Prix”
She burst out in laughter whilst signing her phone case. “Thanks cutie” she said winking her eye action that she had adopted from her boyfriend before walking away.
She got in smoothly with the paddock pass, it was impressive those little plastics work, she walk nervously towards the Ferrari garage, anxious to see Charles’ face.
All the engineers and crew from the team saying hello to her since she was there for most of the start of the season when she was taking a little break from acting.
The first Ferrari drivers that showed up on her sight was no more or less than Carlos Sainz who’s face turn up a big smile when he saw her.
“What are you doing here?!” He wrapped her in a tight hug lifting her a little making her shriek excitingly, when he put her safely back on the ground she explained to the Spanish driver that she was there to surprise Charles. “You’re boyfriends over there on his typical pre-race ritual, very stressed, Binnotos’ there with him trying to calm him down, seeing you will do him really good”
“Yeah I missed him like crazy, see you Carlos, good luck”
The driver left with a friendly kiss on her cheek sprinting to his car, she smiled to him one last time before walking away, every step that got her closer to where her boyfriend her heart pounded faster, hands shaking uncontrollably, she was excited but also a bit nervous because when racing, Charles would get on this different mindset and it kinda worried her that he wouldn’t like that she was there, it was very unlikely but this was the first time she surprised him showing up to a race unannounced.
But when she saw him, his back facing her, headphones on his ears as his elbows were on his knees while staring on his phone, she could swear that the smile on her face made her look like a crazy person, her heart beating so fast she could feel it on her throat so with shaking hands she started walking towards him.
Charles was stressed, a pit in the bottom of his stomach worried about what would the result of this race might be, he was tired and worried, he would oftenly text or call his girlfriend when feeling like this, cause she would always knew how to calm him down and exactly what to say to make him feelbetter, but he knew that she was working and didn’t really wanted to bother her, he knew she wouldn’t mind but he didn’t want to get her worried.
Charles adored his girlfriend, he would take a bullet for her on the spot without a hint of hesitation, sometimes he wonders to himself how he got to be with such an awesome girl like her, he loves everything about her, every time a race ends the very first thing he thinks about it’s her, about how he wants to celebrate his wins with her in every way possible, and to be in her arms everything time that something goes wrong, which have been the case lately.
He got up, taking off his headphones and passing her hand trough his hair, he check his phone once again to see if his girlfriend had answered his texts, seeing that there wasn’t any response he turn it off again a little worried with the fact that she hasn’t even read the text he had send it the night before after they had FaceTimed but he shrugged it off knowing that he had to focused on the race and knowing that probably the reason of his girls disappearance was because she was filling or learning lines.
He put his phone on one of the tables in his garage when suddenly he felt some thin arms that he could recognize even in his sleep wrapping around his waist, and the characteristic coconut smell hitting him all at once as the girls head curled against his neck as she purred “Hi baby”
“Mon ange” he whispered in disbelief that this was her, right there with her arms wrapped around him, face on his neck, he wasn’t dreaming and she wasn’t thousands of miles away from him, he could swear that the smile that formed on his face could be seen from outer space.
He took a deep breath trying to take it all in, as she rested his face on his neck whispering “how much she had missed him” He was still a bit shocked that this was happening, as he took her arms on his hands to free himself from her grasp to turn around, cupping her face with one one his hand as the other snaked it’s way to her waist.
“I can’t believe you’re here”
He said softly rubbing circles on her waist while she had one of the most biggest beautiful smiles that he has ever seen looking almost proud that she could pull this off and that he was so happy to see her.
but how couldn’t he be? When every time he was around her he felt the world was lifted off his shoulders, that there were no longer expectations and disappointments and it was just him and her pretty ass smile, it made his heart fluster that it was all because of finally seen him, that she was just as happy to see him so he knew he couldn’t restrain himself any longer when he crash his lips against hers.
When they finally kissed after all those days that felt like an eternity, they both felt like nothing had ever felt so right as they basically melted against one another, her arms curling through his neck, both hands petting his hair, and right there she felt like crying from how much she had missed him and how much she loved him, Charles right behind as he finally relaxed after all those stressed days where he wished she had been there with him, the kissed was one feel with sentiment love irradiating from the couple as his tongue pressed her upper lip asking for permission, the girl smiling mid kiss just to kiss the driver once again.
“ I missed you so fucking much “ Charles murmured again her lips, giving her small pecks through her face making her giggle.
“I was so nervous” she admitted, both her hands resting on his face, as his arms kept still around her waist.
“Why?” He asked genuinely confused, she then proceeded to shrugged it off saying that it was just her being dumb, Charles denying with his head as her cheeks turn red.
“Mon ange, I don’t ever want you to think that I don’t want you here with me, because I mean, if it was for me I would have you tied up to my side day and night, okay?” She nodded as he gave her a small kiss and hugged her again, this time his face on the crook of her neck.
“My pretty girl” he whispered as he went leaving kissed on her jaw and neck, her giggling once again. “Came all the way from Atlanta, with a jacket with my number on it”
“You liked it?” She asked excitingly as Charles laughed against her neck, separating from her.
“Are you kidding me? I love it” he smiled against her, as their foreheads touched, her baseball cap falling to the ground, he separated from her as he knew that the would calling him for the formation lap any minute now, the engineers all in their world as they wanted to give them their privacy, he grabbed his girls hand as he dragged her trough the garage while asking her about her trip, she excitingly telling him every single thing about it as he now rested against the outside wall of the garage, putting on his suit and drinking some water, while looking at her like she was the only thing in the entire world, just for him, with a jacket and a cap to prove it.
“What? Am I talking too much?” She asked while playing with her hands getting a bit embarrassed that he was boring him”
“Oh non chérie, you just look really pretty with my number on you” he smiles to her as she chuckled, rolling her eyes.
“Charles I know your happy that your girlfriend is here but Mattia will have a stroke if you don’t get in the car right about now” one of the engineers informed them, making them both giggle as Charles lean towards her for a last kiss before put in his helmet on and get in the car.
“I love you” he said as their lips touched once again, her smiling against him.
“Good luck baby, go kick their asses like you know how to” she encourage as she peck his lips one more time, leaving him with a small smile as he put his helmet on.
“Yes ma’am” he said as he finally separated from her and got on his racing car.
“Love you, be safe” was the last she shouted to him as the car started and she walked towards the paddock and he gave her a small thumbs up.
She felt like she was about to throw up right there and then.
Carlos sitting beside her, still very angry about his DNF and his engine problems but borrowing his arm for her to squeeze as his boyfriend was suffering in the track, his throttle giving him problems with only three laps left and Verstappen on top of him.
“Turn three it’s really difficult” he said through his radio as she felt like she could pass out from her nerves for her boyfriend, the win almost his for the taking.
So when he finally passed the checkered flag, a couple of laps later she felt like she could finally breath again as everyone around her celebrated and even Carlos who was still down from his engine problem clapped and celebrated for her boyfriend.
“Go celebrate with him, he’ll want you there when he gets here”
She got up from her sit as Carlos encourage her moving his hand from front to backwards as she rolled her eyes smiling starting to run to the garage to receive her boyfriend from his winning race.
So she stand there as he park the car as he celebrated and hugged his engineers, but when he finally saw her she smiled to him with everything that she had as he launched himself to her to wrap her in a tight hug.
“I love you, I’m so proud of you” she scream throughout the noise as Charles took of his helmet, to gave her a winning smiling as she felt herself so full of excitement for him, being able to see him happy and excited again, his eye’s lighting up as his face was basically glowing from how happy she was and she was so thankful that she was there with him, and so incredibly proud of what he had just accomplished too.
So when he took of his helmet he crashed their lips together once again, catching her of guard as she returned the kiss placing her hands on his cheeks.
“Won that race just for you chérie, I love you so much”
And with that she kissed him again, both their hearts beating at what it felt like a thousand miles per hour, as they both thanked everything around them and that they were together to celebrate Charles’ win.
So she screamed like a crazy fan when he was in podium and got redden cheeks when he wink to her as he lifted the trophy to then bathe her with champagne and laughed and kissed as they enjoyed that well deserved rave that the driver most definitely needed.
Her wishing for a celebration of the both of them just later.
Her unexpected visit wasn’t so bad after all.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 10 - The Finale!
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9
It's the end doo doo doo doo! The final match of the season, the ending. I really hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. I've had the best time and I'm really proud of this one! 💜
Chapter 10
You hadn’t considered that footballers or their coaches would get nervous. But the tension in the run up to the Man City game was palpable. The whole town seemed on edge, Roy included. He’d spent each one of your Lexie nights at your house, it felt a little odd that he was there observing your boring mum routine of washing, cooking and carrying the mental load of knowing where Lexie needed to be, when and everything else in between. He didn’t ask to stay, even though you’d wanted him to, he’d said goodnight each evening and gone back to his place. By the time Lexie was back to her dads, you’d worked out that he’d been there every evening not just because he’d wanted to be, but because he’d needed to be. The build up to the game had him restless and distractible and the time with you and Lexie managed to relax him far more than sitting in an empty house, or going over and over the match with Jamie, or Nate or whoever else was free for a pint. When you’d gone to him just a day before the match, the only solace he’d found from the plays, the tactics and the team, was in you. He took his time, undressing you slowly and kissing every inch of skin as it became exposed to him.
"Let me take care of you," you whispered. You felt his head shake as he kissed down your neck. 
"I've never needed anyone like I need you." He muttered, swiping a calloused thumb over your hardening nipple, "you look so fucking beautiful like this." You rolled your hips against him, 
"Please, Roy. I need you-" you all but begged. All night he'd taken the lead and given you everything, losing himself in the feel of your body against his. When they won the next day, you were euphoric. Lexie and Phoebe had been in bits when the camera had focused in on Roy and Nate discussing something over an iPad and they could see that Roy was wearing his Richmond colours friendship bracelet. The late journey back from Manchester and the subsequent celebrations meant that it was Tuesday morning before you saw him again. You’d joined the slip road to the school, queuing for the carpark with the windows down and blasting 90s dance music when his car had pulled alongside yours. You and Lexie had been so engrossed in singing/shouting Robin S ‘Show Me Love’ - complete with 'big box, little box' hand dancing - that you hadn’t even seen him until Phoebe had called through the open windows. 
“Morning. Congratulations on the win!” You’d called out.
“Morning. Nice dancing.”
“Especially for you.” You winked. You’d ended up parked at different ends of the carpark so he and Phoebe had waited for you by the gate as you walked down to them. You’d pulled out your phone to take a call from a recruitment agency so he’d walked alongside you while you talked and the girls ran ahead. “And that’s in Richmond? Wow, ok that sounds really interesting. Absolutely yes, send my CV over if you think I’m in with a shot. Actually, just send it over anyway - I’d be mad not to at least try,” at the front of the queue at the gates, you handed Lexie her bag and gave her a kiss whilst still on the phone, “Ok, could you just hang on one second please?” You moved the phone away from your mouth and stepped up on tiptoes to give Roy a lingering kiss. The other playground parents looked on, wide eyed. “I have to go, I love you. See you later.” You whispered, taking up the phone again and going back to the car, your hand holding onto his until you couldn’t reach any further. Lexie was with her dad during the beginning of that week so that she could go with you to the final Richmond match at the weekend, so after work you’d gone straight to Roy’s. You hopped up to sit on the counter while he cooked.
“Ted’s staying.” He told you, hands on your thighs.
“Really? That’s great!”
“He got to work this morning and Rebecca was in his office. She only fucking told him she was in love with him, that she’d help his ex get a job here if she wanted to move, she’d help them find a school for Henry… pretty much told him she’d do fucking anything if he’d say.” You leaned forward, eager to hear more,
“And did he tell her?”
“Yeah, told her he was in love with her. We walked in to find them nearly going at it in the office.” You shrieked,
“Oh god that’s so cute! At least you all know before the weekend as well.”
“Settles the lads down a bit, bunch of fucking kids sometimes.” You slid forward to wrap your legs around his hips. “Any news on that job from this morning?” His hands move up your thighs and around your waist so he can kiss your neck,
“Not yet, the agency is putting me forward. It’s in Richmond though, which would be amazing. I should hear more tomorrow.”
“And how you feeling going into your last week?”
“Happy. Scared. Nervous.”
“We’ll figure it out, you know. I won’t let you fucking drown. Season finishes at the weekend, so this time next week I’ll have loads more free time for a few weeks. I can help with Lex while you do what you need to do.” He’s turned the pan off and pulled you off the counter, taking you over to the sofa, dinner forgotten for now.
You took a further call from the recruitment agency the following day. Their client was interested in meeting you but needed an informal off-site meeting. You arranged with the recruiter to meet with them towards the end of the week just outside of town. To say you were surprised to see Keeley Jones and Rebecca Welton being led to your table was an understatement. You shook hands and sat back down before your legs could give out. The mums might have been all good, the kids, but maybe you were about to be ousted by two of the most influential women in Roy’s life? You clearly looked terrified because Keeley, to her credit, took your hand and held it,
“Oh fuck, you look so scared! I’m so sorry we ambushed you, are you ok?” You think of the night before when Roy had cooked your favourite meal while you’d taken Lexie to swimming lessons and then onto her dads. When you’d sat in his lap and pushed your fingers into the knot in his shoulder to try and relieve some of the stress of the final week of the season. When he’d lost all patience and decided on a different way to unwind, which had mostly revolved around keeping his head between your thighs for as long as you let him. You think about your 4am wake up call that morning, and the 6am follow up, where he’d interlocked your fingers above your head and pressed you into the mattress as he whispered “I could do this forever”. Whatever had changed their mind in the time since the gala, you couldn’t let it derail your future.
“Look, if you’ve suddenly come to the realisation that I’m not good enough for Roy then that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. But I’m not going to be scared off. He loves me and I’ll take that for as long as I possibly can because I am so, so in love with him and I will spend forever making him happy in any way I can. I’m really sorry, I’m sure you’re both lovely women and I know he values your opinions, but if he’s ever going to change how he feels about me then he’ll do it himself and he’ll tell me himself. And congratulations by the way,” you turn to Rebecca, “I heard that Ted is staying and that he finally told you he loves you. I’m so happy for you.” Keeley smiled at you while Rebecca looked curiously. 
“Are you sure about this?” She asked Keeley,
“I’ve been doing some digging. Trust me, Rebecca.”
“We’re not here to try and break you and Roy up.” Rebecca said finally,
“Oh. Well then I don’t understand?”
“I’d like to interview you for a job.”
“Sorry, what? Shit, have I just fucked it up completely?”
“Nahh!” Keeley said quickly.
“Well-” Rebecca interrupted.
“No, she hasn’t. We probably scared her half to death, Rebecca! Give the poor woman a minute to recover.” You finish your water and take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, really I am. I got completely carried away and I shouldn't have gone off like that.”
“Thank you,” Rebecca said, smiling at last. “And thank you for letting me know just how much you care about Roy.” You nod, making peace. Keeley whipped out some paperwork from her bag.
“So! Like Rebecca said, this is I guess, a final stage interview without all the previous stages? We already know about you, we'd love to know more. Our previous Director of Comms was Leslie Higgins, he moved into the Football Ops role quite a while ago now and there’s never really been the need to replace him. He and Rebecca have sort of taken on the various tasks and it’s worked fine.” She pauses for Rebecca to step in and continue,
“Now though, we’re one game away from maybe winning the Premier League just one season after coming back from relegation. That’s practically unheard of. The huge, growing success of the club, the opportunities with the Champions League next season and our plans for the future mean that we need to strengthen the internal team. KBPR can only do so much - they have other clients and I can’t ask Keeley to devote all of her time to the club.”
“We think,” Keeley started, “that with us, and Leslie and you… we could be a real Fab Four. The core AFC Richmond decision makers - with the coaches input of course.” You are stunned, to say the least.
“When you say you’ve done some digging, what exactly do you mean by that?”
“Well, when you told me who you worked for and what you’d worked on, I realised that we’d met before. I’ve been asking around people who have worked with you or who have come across you in a professional capacity to learn more. When I liked what I saw, I took it to Rebecca.”
“With Ted confirmed as staying now, I have some big plans ahead for Roy. We have some very big plans ahead as a club.”
“And you don’t think it would be weird? Me working with you, for one,” you gesture to Keeley, “or with Roy?”
“I’ve been at the club probably at least two or three times a week since the day you blocked him in on the school car park. He came in ranting and raving about some idiot driver and every day, I’ve heard him fall more in love with you. If he found out there was a way to have you in the same building every day, I think he’d be beating Rebecca’s door down himself. And working in the same building doesn’t necessarily mean you spend every waking hour together. You still have crucial jobs to do. And as for me, I'd love to work with you.” Rebecca nodded in agreement.
“The job is nothing you don’t already know, the only difference is the industry.”
“Exactly, my football knowledge is… limited at best!”
“We’re a family, we wouldn’t let you drown.” Hearing Rebecca use the same phrase as Roy struck a chord with you.
“I take it you have a job spec, contract, everything I need to read through and make a decision?”
“An interview is as much about you deciding if we’re the right fit for you, as it is for us to decide. I think you’ll find that the club's current standing means we can afford to give you a generous package, and the locality means we can support a better work-life balance.”
“Take this, read it and see what you think.” You take the folder.
“As his friends, do you think I should tell Roy now, or decide based on him not knowing? I assume we’ve met here because he doesn’t know, and inviting me to Nelson Road would be a dead giveaway?”
“Perhaps tell him about the role first and then bring in where it came from. Let him help offer an opinion based on the job alone.” Rebecca suggested. “And I do so hope you’ll agree to join us, I think you could be a truly great asset to the club.”
You’d kept the folder at your house, not daring to leave it in a bag or your car in danger of accidentally taking it to Roy’s. Being at yours also meant you could be ‘busy’ and have Lexie as a buffer and it also being your last week at your current workplace, this also gave you an excuse for being more distracted than usual. The last game of the season was doing the same for him so his being distracted also helped you. The intimacy of spending time alone at Roy’s exposed all of your vulnerabilities. You’d spent so many nights laying in the dark in his arms listening to him talk about his family and career, and have him ask about yours, it was impossible to hide anything from him. You’d mentioned the role to him, you’d had to since he knew about the original recruiter call, and he’d reacted to it exactly as you hoped he would - excited for you to have such a great opportunity, close to home, with a package befitting your knowledge and experience. You wanted to wait until after the West Ham game to tell him exactly who the role was for. Lexie was spending the night before the match at Phoebe’s for a sleepover. The night before the Man City game meant you knew exactly how he'd want to forget the West Ham match and this time, you'd planned accordingly. You'd finished your final day at work early and had blown the cash from your leaving card on the most beautiful lingerie set you'd ever seen. You'd come back via Nelson Road to borrow his keys, and gone back to his to cook. When he got back late that afternoon, you'd set up outside under the secluded canopy in his garden with soft lights, blankets and cushions. You handed him a beer and led him outside, brought food out - including dessert, and then when you'd eaten and cleared up, you stepped in front of him and slipped your summer dress down your body. He reached out and took your hand, you'd sat in his lap with your legs either side of his. He ran his finger over the cup of the bra, 
"Holy fucking shit, you're perfect," 
"Distracting enough?"
"Yeah I'd say so." He said gruffly. “It’s a good fucking job I just need to stand on the side of the pitch now.” He laughed. 
The match was intense, unexpected drama on the sidelines and Isaac’s incredible goal had everyone holding their breath for another goal or for news from the Liverpool game. When the win came, no one seemed to care what the final table result was. The fans flooded the pitch to be with their team. You, Sara and the girls had stayed back a little, you could see better as Coach Lasso danced with his team surrounding him. When you let the girls onto the pitch, they run straight to Roy and he ends up with Phoebe on his front and giving a piggyback to Lexie at the same time.
“Don’t come crying to me later when you can’t walk.” You tease, finding a route past Phoebe to give him a kiss.”
“You’re not gonna fucking take care of me?” He asks, faux outraged.
“Every. Single. Day.”
“Dad!” Lexie calls, she taps Roy’s shoulder and he lets her down. Andy is coming across the pitch from the away fans side.
“Alright love.” He scoops her up and hugs her. “Congratulations,” he says to Roy who nods without greeting. “Dunno what old Mannion was doing. Made us look like fools. Do you ehh, do you know if our gaffer is ok?”
“Yeah, that old twat is fine. Just a bruised ego and a picture of his balls on the front of every paper tomorrow.” Andy shrugs.
“I uhh, I wanted to apologise to you both. I was a real dickhead-” Roy snorts a laugh, “worse than that, then. I’m sorry. I’ve been watching since the game finished. You look happy.” He turns to you,
“I am.” You say shortly, unsure whether to trust the apology.
“Good. I mean it, you look happy together. And Lexie tells me so all the time. I’m… happy for you.” You thank him and he heads off with his mates to the pub. You’re left with the feeling that you might never be friendly, but you can at least be cordial. Relieved of carrying the kids, Roy pulls you into his arms.
“He’s jealous.”
“Of me?” he laughs,
“Of me, you muppet.” He leans down to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, “because you're the one. You're it. You're the only one I want for the rest of my life. And he knows he fucked it up.”
“Hmm, you're pretty irresistible yourself.” The kiss you leave him with leaves you both breathless,
“Think we can find somewhere-”
“No way, there are hundreds of people here. I need to tell you something later.” He looks curiously at you, but you both get caught up in another ‘Richmond til we Die’ chant when Jamie, Keeley and a raft of players come over to find Roy. A little further through the crowd, you see Ted sweep Rebecca into his arms and kiss her. Even an hour after the game had ended, the club was still heaving with people. The fans had gone on to celebrate elsewhere but the families and friends of the players and staff remained. Rebecca had instructed the bar to stay open, insisting that she’d cover the bill. Phoebe and Lexie were still running around on the now empty pitch with Leslie’s younger children and other player’s and staff kids. You’ve told Sara about the job and you can’t wait to tell Roy. He’s sitting with Nate, both of them animatedly discussing Jamie’s Oscar winning performance with Coach Beard. 
“Have you got an answer for me yet?” Rebecca asks, sitting next to you in the dugout.
“Yes, I think I do. I’d like to run it by someone in particular first though.” You catch Roy’s eye, he looks surprised but happy to see you talking to Rebecca. She waves her hand to call him over.
“Coach Kent, congratulations.”
“You too.”
“I meant your excellent girlfriend, not the match.” He cocks an eyebrow at her,
“Thanks then. She’s fucking brilliant.”
“I know. Thought I might poach her from you?” The furrow in his brow deepens with his confusion. You stand up and kiss the frown away.
“The amazing job I’ve been offered? It would be here. Working for Rebecca.” You tell him, trying to keep your voice light but nervous for his response.
“Here? Every day?” 
“Yeah,” you start to mistake his hesitation for annoyance, “but if you think that’s really fucking weird, then I can tell Rebecca to stuff it - no offense, Rebecca - and I can carry on looking and something else will turn up-”
“I don’t think it’s really fucking weird. I think you should say yes. You should definitely fucking do it.”
“Fuck yeah.” 
“You’d better come over tomorrow then, sign your contract.” Rebecca says with a smile. “Welcome.” You and Sara party on the pitch with the team until the girls start to flag and it’s time to go. You insist Roy stay,
“I’ll see you tomorrow, go - have an amazing night, you’ve earned it. I’m so fucking proud of you.” You kiss him and he waves you off. 
You’re reading in bed when the door knocks so quietly you think you might have imagined it. Lexie is practically comatose in her bed, the combination of exhilaration and fresh air has completely wiped her out. You creep down the stairs in one of Roy’s t-shirts and open the door. Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep with an arm slung around Roy.
“Tried to get him to come to a club with us, but he made us bring ‘im ‘ere instead.” You stifle a giggle, you can see that Roy’s nowhere near as drunk as Jamie but he’s still looking at you with total adoration.
“Thanks Jamie, I’ll take it from here. You have a good night,” you look around him to the taxi down the path. Isaac and Colin are both waving madly at you. “Be safe, boys.” You wave to them and blow a kiss before slipping your arm around Roy’s waist and guiding him inside.
“Night Coach,” Jamie grins.
“Night Tartt, fuckin’ love you man. Fuckin’ love all of you.”
“We know. And we wouldn’t have been on that fuckin’ pitch without you.” Jamie gave you both a little salute and ran off back to the taxi.
“Come on, coach. Time for bed.” You lead him upstairs and sit him on the bed so you can take off his t-shirt, then you drop to your knees and unlace his trainers. You pull his hands to get him to stand up, running your hands around the waistband of his dark jeans and pulling them down. Once they’re free of his hips, he sits back down. “Come here,” you whisper, climbing into bed and pulling him with you, his body between your legs and his head on your heart. 
“Feels like I won the whole fucking thing.” He whispers against your skin as he falls asleep.
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saywhatjessie · 11 months
Like V-J Day
Or the lads kiss each other to cover for Colin kissing Michael after West Ham and a new Richmond tradition is born. 5.9k [Ao3]
Never did Sam Obisanya think he’d be clutching and screaming with Jamie Tartt after scoring the winning goal in a premier league trophy match.
For several reasons, really. He’d always believed the team could do well and he’d believed he could do himself and his family proud in this sport he loved but after everything they’d gone through and with Jamie Tartt of all people…
He was having a little trouble trying to believe he wasn’t dreaming.
That feeling only increased when Jamie stopped screaming, his eyes on something past Sam’s shoulder and going wide with panic.
“Sam!” Jamie yelled. “Kiss me! Kiss me on the mouth!”
Sam blinked at him, unsure he’d heard right. “What!?”
Jamie shook his head, his eyes still wide, and moved his hands from Sams’s shoulders to his face. “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
There wasn’t really time to think so Sam just said “Oh. Okay!” and Jamie leaned in and kissed him.
It was quick – nothing fancy. Jamie pulled away and patted Sam on the cheek. “Good lad.”
Sam just nodded, not sure how to respond to the situation. Was this another trick? Like winning an Oscar at the Espys?
Sam got distracted by Isaac and Bumbercatch colliding with him, dogpiling and screaming about his goal.
He wasn’t sure anyone else saw Jamie kiss Dani and then Jan Maas. Was this something they did now? Were they kissing each other?
Just in case, Sam pressed his lips to Moe’s temple and kissed Isaac on his nose. Isaac’s face scrunched up rather adorably but he was still screaming so Sam didn’t think he’d actually overstepped.
The rest of the team joined their huddle and with Coach Lasso’s victory dance, Sam's thoughts of kissing were quickly abandoned.
Until the following press conference.
It was a rare triple-coach event with both Sam and Jamie representing the players.
The reporters lobbed them easy questions about how excited they were for their win and how disappointing it was that Man City also won their match. But it was Marcus Adebayo, The Independent, who really brought the heat.
“Mr. Tartt, any comment on why you kissed three of your teammates on the pitch after the match?”
The coaches turned slowly to look at Jamie – Ted, surprised and delighted, Roy, surprised but trying very hard not to look it, and Beard, extremely unsurprised but pleased.
Jamie shrugged, his arms folded in front of him on the table, the picture of smugness. “Celebration, innit? We’d just won a really big match the season after we’d been promoted. ‘S like that old picture from America. After the war or summat.”
“‘V-J Day in Times Square’?”
“No, the kissin’ one,” Jamie told him. “Not sure what a VJ is but I don’t think you can do that in public.”
A couple people laughed. Sam heard Roy growl. He leaned forward to speak into his mic.
“We kiss people on the pitch after a victory all the time,” Sam said. “I don’t know why a victory this great would be different.”
“Well, you don’t often kiss each other,” Marcus offered.
“Well, never has a team been as close as this team has gotten,” Roy interjected, leaning toward his own mic. “We encourage our players to express themselves however they like. If kissing on the pitch is something they want to do after they play some good fucking football, we’ll fucking support them.” He grunted, slouching back a little. “It’s the Lasso way.”
“Aw, come on now, Coach,” Ted said, smiling softly at him. “It’s the Richmond way.”
Roy rolled his eyes but he offered a soft smile back. Sam beamed at them and Jamie’s smile was as bright as Trafalgar Square. 
Jamie offered Roy a cheeky wink. “Nothing wrong with kissin’ the lads, yeah?” 
“Oh fuck you,” Roy said back and everyone laughed.
They moved onto the next question.
On the way back to the dressing room, Sam hung back to walk with Jamie. “What was the kiss really about?”
Jamie grinned at him. “I’m supposed to be playing decoy, aren’t I? So I saw Colin kissin’ Michael on the pitch and I knew I had to distract everyone, yeah? Make it normal.” Jamie shrugged. “Knew Colin didn’t want to come out yet. Now he doesn’t have to.”
Sam melted a bit, taking a moment to appreciate the Jamie they have compared to the one they started with. He wrapped an arm around Jamie’s shoulders, clapping him on the arm. “Jamie, that is so sweet. I’m sure Colin will be so grateful.”
“Weren’t planning on telling him, to be honest.” Jamie frowned. “Don’t want to put him on the spot or whatever.”
“Jamie,” He shook him a bit and Jamie dropped his head, pleased. “That really is wonderful. But we should at least talk to the team. See who else might like to get in on it. The more teammates kissing, the more normal it gets.”
“Yeah, alright,” Jamie said, smiling up at him. “And I’m sorry for kind of ambushing you. Shoulda probably explained meself better first.”
“No, it was fine, I understand.” Sam told him, letting go of his shoulders as they entered the room, almost everyone else in the shower already. “And it was a nice kiss.”
“Oi, mate,” Jamie grinned. “You haven’t seen a good kiss yet.”
The transition through the off season and then back into pre-season training without Coach Lasso had everyone noticeably glum. They’d kept Coach Beard, and Nate had been promoted back to assistant coach again, but Roy as manager didn’t quite have the same charm as their American friend.
Not that Roy was bad. And not that he didn’t try.
He actually did a phenomenal job of bringing his own unique perspective of the game into coaching them on the pitch while keeping up with some of Coach Lasso’s open and compassionate policies. It was quite the environment.
An environment that spurred them to win their first game of the season for the first time since Sam started at Richmond.
Everyone was on the pitch screaming and celebrating when Jamie locked eyes with him. His eyes churned, a kind of slow illumination of feral joy, and he pointed at Sam, his grin a vicious challenge.
He stalked up to Sam, his grin growing more manic, and Sam ran to meet him, wanting to share in whatever primal joy Jamie was feeling.
Jamie, of course, gripped the back of Sam’s head and brought him into a leg melting kiss.
Oh yeah. Sam had forgotten about that.
 They hadn’t yet gotten around to bringing anyone else on Jamie’s kissing scheme – except for Dani and Jan Maas, who were, themselves, kissing across the pitch – but Jamie had promised Sam he hadn’t seen a good kiss yet and well..
Wow . Yeah, okay. Sam understood why the ladies on Lust Conquers All let Jamie get away with so much now.
HIs knees actually buckled and he had to grip Jamie’s shoulders tightly to keep himself from going down. He felt Jamie smile against his mouth, laughing as they broke away. “Did I actually make you go weak in the knees?”
“Fuck off,” Sam laughed, still a little dizzy. “I wasn’t ready.”
“I warned you!”
“Not recently!”
Jamie laughed again, putting an arm around Sam’s waist to hold him up. He used his other arm to reach into the cluster of teammates celebrating next to them.
“Oi, Richard!” Jamie pulled at the Frenchman, dislodging him from the group. “Kiss me!”
Richard smirked and said something in French that was probably very dirty but Sam couldn’t understand it.
He pushed up against Jamie, his side brushing Sam as Jamie still hadn’t let him go, and pulled Jamie into a kiss without any hesitation.
He immediately shoved his tongue in Jamie’s mouth, which Sam could have told Jamie was to be expected. For all Sam knew, that might have been what he’d warned in French.
Jamie laughed as he shoved Richard away. “You prick.”
Richard just winked and moved to jump on Zorro as he passed.
“Wow,” Sam said, bringing his arm up around Jamie’s shoulders. Now they were doubly linked. “Did you tell him already? About the kissing thing?”
“Nah,” Jamie said, grinning as they walked toward the dressing room. “But he’s French, inhe? Knew he’d be up for it.”
Sam groaned. “I’d call you out for stereotyping but I also know Richard.”
Jamie laughed.
“Think Cockburn might be my next target,” Jamie mused, his lips pouting out in a thinking face. “He could probably loop in Winchester and Roberts.”
“I can talk to Moe and Babutende,” Sam offered. “I already sort of kissed Moe at the last game.”
“Yeah?” Jamie grinned. “Was it as magical as I imagine?”
Sam shrugged. “Kiss him yourself.”
Jamie winked. “You know I will.”
Watching Jamie cut a path through all their teammates over the following weeks erased any doubt Sam might have had that he was 100% serious about his role as a distraction.
He did end up kissing Cockburn, then Bumbercatch, then Zorro, and also Sam and Jan Maas and Dani every chance he could get. A couple of them cornered Sam later to ask him what Jamie was up to but were more than happy to play along once they knew it was for Colin. Meaning Sam himself had kissed Richard and Dani and Winchester and O’Brien and he even got to kiss Moe properly. Jamie was right: it really was magical.
They somehow got all the way to November before they actually had to talk about it. And, unfortunately, only because they’d hurt Colin’s feelings.
He approached Sam in the dressing room, the training after their win against Crystal Palace, when Sam had actually hopped up to wrap his legs around Jamie to kiss him at a better angle. Sam had a rotation of which teammates he’d kiss after a match but he definitely always made sure to kiss Jamie.
Sam and Colin weren’t the first two in the locker room but they were early enough to be among the first, and no one was really awake yet.
Colin was already in his training kit, looking sleepy and unobtrusive. He plopped down on the bench next to Sam’s cubby with a deep sigh.
Sam chuckled, hanging his shirt up and grabbing his own kit. “Fun night?”
“What? Nah.” Colin sighed again, reaching up to rub his forehead. “Not hungover. Just couldn’t sleep. Something botherin’ me.”
“Oh,” Sam answered, startled. He was always happy to help a teammate and friend with their problems, but Colin had never come to him before, “Would you… like to talk about it?”
“Yeah, actually.” Colin turned to look up at Sam, his wide brown eyes looking tired and sad. “Do you think Jamie’s avoiding me because I’m gay?”
“What?” Sam jerked, his head shaking in an automatic denial. “Colin, of course not. Has he been avoiding you? I thought you played FIFA with him yesterday.”
“We did! I did, he’s not I guess–” Colin huffed a breath, his brow furrowed in frustration. “‘Avoid’ might not be the best word. I just, you know, I feel left out. I feel like the team’s excluding me because I’m gay.”
Sam frowned. As far as he knew, Colin had been there for all team dinners, team movie nights, the casual FIFA with the boys. If Colin was being left out, Sam wasn’t seeing it. “Excluding you how?”
“You know…” Sam screwed up his face in question and Colin sighed. “With the kissing. The after win kissing you all do on the pitch. I know Jamie started it, and he’s kissed just about everyone – even Shannon! – but he hasn’t kissed me. Is he being weird about me being gay?”
Sam blinked and immediately had to suck his lips into his mouth to keep from laughing. Laughter would not unhurt Colin’s feelings.
They really should have seen this coming. Or, if nothing else, Jamie should have just kissed Colin. Not kissing him has singled him out the same way Colin being the only one to kiss a man would have.
“Colin, I promise you, Jamie isn’t avoiding kissing you because you’re gay.” Sam stopped and frowned. “Or, he might be, but not in the way you think.”
Colin frowned back, his shoulders slumping.
“No, hey, listen.” Sam reached forward and gripped Colin’s shoulders. “I promise, just let Jamie explain. Oh, Jamie! JAMIE!”
The locker room had been filling up while they’d been talking, the boys getting gradually livelier as their coffee kicked in. Jamie had just sauntered in, dressed in peak form in his floral track suit and orange tinted sunglasses.
He grinned over at Sam and Colin and trotted up to them. “Yeah, mate?”
“Tell Colin you haven’t been avoiding kissing him because he’s gay.”
“What?” Jamie jerked, pulling off his sunglasses so they could see his blue eyes wide in shock. “Mate, definitely not! I’ll kiss you now if you like, make everything square.”
Colin put his hand out as if to stop Jamie from kissing him. “No. No, don’t do that.”
Sam wasn’t quite as successful with stopping a laugh. He choked on it a bit. “Jamie, Colin has noticed that you’ve been kissing everyone else on the team and would like to know why you haven’t kissed him.”
Jamie frowned. “Oh. yeah, I guess that would look homophobic. You were probably right and we should have told him.”
“No good deed goes unpunished,” Sam agreed, clapping Jamie on the back.
“Sorry,” Colin said, his frown looking more perplexed now than unhappy so at least that was good. “How is Jamie kissing the whole team a good deed?”
“I’m playin’ decoy!” Jamie tells him with an undercurrent of pride you would have never seen from Jamie Tartt three years ago. “Distractin’ the press like so you and Michael can kiss after matches if you want.”
“Kiss Michael…” Colin started before his eyes widened in understanding. “Oh! After West Ham last season!”
“Yeah, mate,” Jamie said, bouncing a little on his feet. “Saw you snogging on the pitch so I quick kissed Sam and some of the other lads so at the conference, they asked me about that instead of what was happening with you.”
Colin looked at Jamie, awed and a little impressed. “I’d just thought no one had seen us. Thought I got lucky.”
Sam chuckled. “You’d have to be very lucky. There were thousands of people watching.”
Colin shrugged.
Jamie scoffed. “Nah, mate. It was me! And then Sam thought the rest of the team might want in on it, so we’ve been, like, creatin’ this culture of kissin’ the lads after a win. So if you ever wanted to do it again, you’d be sorted.”
Colin smiled. “That’s real sweet, boyo.” He punched Jamie in the arm. “But you still should have told me!”
“He was trying to be humble,” Sam told him, rolling his eyes.
“Well now that he knows–” Jamie grinned, stepping up on the bench and shouting. “Oi!”
Everyone was in the locker room by now, the stragglers still changing while everyone else chatted. They all looked up at Jamie.
“Oi! Tartt!” Roy yelled back. “Why aren’t you changed?”
“One minute, Coach.” Jamie grinned. He turned back to the team. “Everyone knows about the after-win kisses, yeah?”
Everyone muttered in affirmation, some of the boys elbowing each other cheekily.
“Well Colin knows now!”
“Was it a secret?” Zorro, asked, confused.
“It would have been hard for him not to notice,” Jan Maas added.
“Weren’t a secret, just didn’t want to make it a big deal,” Jamie answered. “But now it is. So I figured we should have, like, an open discussion of boundaries or whatever. Now that we all know what’s happening.”
More muttering of agreement but then Bumbercatch asked, “What was wrong with how we were doing it?”
“Nothing,” Jamie asked, over yet more muttering. “I fucking loved it. But I do want to make sure we’re all on the same page, yeah?”
Everyone started nodding, throwing in their agreement. The coaches were all hanging by the door of their office, passively observing, until Nate piped in, “That’s very mature, Jamie.”
Jamie scoffed. “Fuck right it is. I’m a legend at open communication.”
Nate visibly sighed. Sam smirked.
“I do want to thank you all for doing this, by the way,” Colin interjected. “I did like being able to kiss my fella after a game like that. I was worried I wouldn’t be allowed to do it again.”
“Well first of all,” Roy started, commanding the room. “It’s not a matter of ‘allowed’. We’re never gonna stop you from doing whatever the fuck you wanna do with whoever the fuck you wanna do it with.”
Colin smiled. “Thanks coach.”
Roy nodded. “On this team, we all have each other’s backs. And if that means snogging on the pitch so one of our own doesn’t have to hide, have at it.” 
Jamie grinned. “Was there a second of all, Coach?”
Roy grunted, scowling at Jamie. Sam fought not to giggle.
“ Second of all,” Roy started. “Show of hands. Who’s in on this shit?”
Jamie’s hand was the first in the air, Dani and Sam’s coming up almost as quickly. Most of the rest of the starters raised their hands, as well as half of the reserves. Isaac’s hands were folded against his chest.
Sam watched Roy nod at him and Isaac nod back. He would leave that one alone. It wasn’t his business.
“What about you, Coach?” Jamie asked.
“What, me?” Roy snorted. “Fuck no, I can’t be kissing players.”
Jamie shrugged. “Don’t see why not. Same as a bum pat, innit? Besides: we need to kiss some people who aren’t teammates so Colin kissing Michael in’t suspicious.”
Roy’s eyebrows seem reluctantly swayed by Jamie’s logic but his frown didn’t move.
“I’m up for it,” Beard offered, his hand raised. “I’m always down to kiss beautiful men.”
Richard yelled something in French that sounded like agreement.
“I’m free for some smooching as well,” Will said, awkward but grinning. “I’m small so you can definitely pick me up and spin me around.”
Jamie scoffed. “‘Small’. You’re taller than me, man.”
Winchester leered at the kit man. “Been thinking about that, Will?”
Will went red and ducked his head but his lips were pulled into his mouth like he was trying not to smile.
“Anyone picks me up,” Bumbercatch added. “And I’ll kick your balls into your stomach.”
“Great boundary, Moe,” Sam told him. Moe nodded. “I myself have been fine with the level of kissing so far.”
“Bet you have,” muttered Jamie, and winked when Sam shot him a look.
Sam would try not to look at that too closely.
Colin raised his hand. “I saw Richard fully snog Jamie with tongue and everything so I’d like to ask for no tongue, please. I’ll also need to clear all this with Michael, obviously.”
“I have spoken with my girlfriends about this already,” Dani said. “They have both said that it’s wonderful. So I am free to kiss all my amigos!”
Sam smiled. Dani lived such a beautiful and loving existence.
“Jane’s good,” Beard says, waving his phone redundantly.
“It’s a no for me, oh rats,” Nate said, unconvincingly. Sam couldn’t imagine his girlfriend would have been bothered by, well, anything. But if Nate wanted an out that was fine.
“My girlfriend and I actually had a conversation about this exact situation,” Will offered, smiling dreamily.
“Will, you’re a freak and I love it,” Jamie told him, pointing at him approvingly. Will grinned up at him.
“I mean I’ve kind of had that conversation,” Colin said. “But it’s more of the hall pass thing. Like ‘which five people could I hook up with and it’s not cheating.’”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve done that,” Zorro said. “Rachel McAdams and Zendaya.”
Everyone nodded at that. “Solid choices,” Roberts added.
“But wait Colin saying that means…” Jamie grinned over at him. “Which ones of us are on your hall pass list?”
Colin went red. “No. Nope. Not doing that.”
“Well I am, obviously,” Jamie said, smirking.
“And probably Bumbercatch,” Isaac added, speaking up for the first time. His face was alight with teasing his best friend.
Bumbercatch puts a hand to his naked chest in humble thanks.
“I’m not doing this!” Colin said again, louder, his face impossibly redder.
“It’s not fair that you can only have five,” Dani said, sadly. “Since there are more than five of us.”
“I don’t want to sleep with all of you!”
“Oh, so you’re out on the kissing, then?” Sam asked, grinning.
Colin sighed, crossing his arms. “No.”
“Good lad.” Jamie winked at him.
Sam grinned, climbing up on the bench next to Jamie. "And can we all tell Colin that none of us feel weird kissing him because he's gay?"
Everyone talked over each other, rushing to comfort him.
"Don't know why it should matter," Jan Maas piped in, shrugging. "I'm not straight."
Sam jerked. “Oh.”
“Oui, nor me,” Richard added.
Sam frowned. “I thought you were just French.”
“Well I mean I’m not straight either,” Jamie said, raising his hand. “But you all kind of already guessed that, right?”
“Wait,” said Colin, eyes wide. “So I’m not the only gay one?”
“Well, I mean I still like girls so–” Jamie shrugged. “I didn’t wanna steal valor or summat.”
“That’s not what that means,” Beard sighed.
“Oh, yes!” Dani said “I also love men but do not only love men. So I did not know how to respond.”
“Right and like gender and sexuality are constructs, so why should I give in to the colonialist idea of labeling my sexuality,” Bumbercatch shrugged. “I have sucked dicks before, though.”
“Oh, yeah, same,” Jamie grinned, a dreamy look in his eye. “It’s fuckin’ great.”
Roy choked, quietly. Sam knew how he was feeling.
“Okay,” Colin said, looking as thunderstruck as Sam felt. “Show of hands. Who’s not straight?”
Colin raised his hand, obviously, and so did Jamie, Dani, Jan Maas, and Richard. Also Zorro, Bumbercatch, Winchester, Reynolds, Cockburn, Shannon, and O’Brien. And Will. And Beard.
Sam raised an eyebrow at Roy whose arms were conspicuously crossed. Roy grunted at him. “You little pricks don’t need to know my business.”
“Interesting reaction,” Beard noted. 
Roy growled.
Still, all totalled up, it was most of the team. 
Colin’s eyes were saucers. “Oh my God, I wish Trent were here. This is almost my Oprah fantasy.”
“Ooh, I’ll raise another hand in Trent’s honor.” Beard volunteered, lifting his other hand. “We actually had a Diamond Dogs discussion about this so I’ll let him know he was right.”
“Okay…” Sam said, shaking his head. “So wait: I’m the only straight guy who’s been kissing other men for months? It’s not just something we were all doing, secure in our heterosexuality?”
“I mean, it was still all friendly, yeah?” Jamie said. “I’m not trying to fuck all me teammates. The kisses were super platonic. I just wasn’t straight while I was doin’ em.”
General agreement goes up as people lower their hands.
“This is confusing,” Sam confessed.
“Ay, don’t worry about it,” Jamie elbowed him, grinning. “We’ll just keep on, right? Nothing to panic about.”
Sam wasn’t panicking about it, but it wouldn’t let him rest either.
The team kept on the same: they lost some matches, they won others. They always kissed. They’d even started kissing the ties sometimes, just because they all liked doing it so much.
Keeley had been annoyed they hadn’t spoken to her about it first but was actually having a marvelous time managing their statements about everything. And the fan reception had been indulgent to downright elated, fans going as far as tweeting pictures of them kissing their friends after matches.
No matter which way you looked at it, Jamie’s impulsive decision to kiss Sam was an overwhelming success.
Sam just struggled a bit to figure out what this meant for him .
He was straight. He was pretty positive he was straight.
But by this point, he had kissed everyone on the team and some coaches and he had notes.
Dani’s kisses were always sloppy and enthusiastic - Dani always smiling too much to maintain a proper kiss.
Richard would grip the back of his neck which was super nice but he always worked too hard with his lips.
Jan Maas was no nonsense, moving Sam where he wanted and capturing his mouth for just long enough to wind him up. And he would bring Sam  in for a hug after so his tall body swallowed him.
Zorro would start with a hug – also large and safe feeling –  before giving a polite kiss and a friendly clap on the shoulder.
Colin was way too timid to kiss the rest of them like he kissed Michael but he still gave the sweetest little pecks.
Bumbercatch had a way of growling into his mouth which was quite thrilling.
Winchester loved to be dipped.
Beard always put both hands on the side of his neck and pulled away from the kiss with a loud “MUAH!”
Sam always made sure to pick up Will and spin him around.
And Jamie was definitely the best kisser. But that went without saying.
Sam didn’t know what it meant that he had all of these opinions about kissing men. He knew he didn’t want to sleep with them – he didn’t feel the same spark, the same drive, the same fire that consumed him when he was pursuing Rebecca – but he did love them and he did like kissing them and apparently none of the rest of them were straight.
Which was fine! Sam wasn’t being homophobic!
His feelings were just a little complicated.
“It’s simple, right?” Jamie said as Sam spotted him in the weight room on one of their off days. “Men want to kiss you. You want to kiss them. What’s the problem?”
“There isn’t one, I suppose,” Sam answered reluctantly, his hands hovering next to Jamie’s face. “I just kind of feel like everyone’s waiting for me to have sudden gay realization or something. Like I’m a bisexual bomb counting down to detonation.”
“Have you thought about doing some gay shit? Just to see how you feel about it?” Jamie asked, a little breathlessly. “Now that all the lads are gay, I’m sure someone’ll give you a handy. Just so you can know for sure.”
Sam’s face screwed up. “I’m not entirely comfortable with using our teammates for sexual experimentation. I hope you understand.”
“Yeah, fair.” Jamie frowned, grunting slightly at the weight. “I do feel like you’d know by now. You’re around fit footballers all the time. You’re around me all the time. If you don’t want to fuck me , I don’t think you’re queer, mate.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Jamie, not every queer man wants to sleep with you.”
Jamie scoffed. “Yeah they do. They might not like me, but they do want to fuck me. Hate fucking is still fucking.”
Sam laughed. “I wish they could bottle your confidence, Jamie.”
“They bottle Lynx. It’s basically the same thing.” Jamie set the bar back on the stand and pulled himself to sitting, turning to grin at Sam. “Anyway, wish I could help you more. My bomb popped early.” He shrugged. “Fit footballers, like I said.”
Sam grinned, taking the plates off the bar to bring it to his own weight. “Like that poster of Roy in your room?”
Jamie groaned. “Why does everyone know about that?” He ran a hand down his face and sighed. “I will get him.”
“Get him?”
“Kiss him, like,” Jamie answered. “Been dreaming about it since I was a lad, haven’t I? Never had a chance like this.”
“You don’t have a chance now ,” Sam reminded him. “He’s not in on this.”
“We got Captain!” Jamie answered back. “We can get Coach.”
That was half true. They hadn’t ‘got’ Isaac. He was looped in on their kissing now, though.
Isaac was straight and, unlike Sam, refused to be kissed. Sam hadn’t gotten the whole story because apparently Isaac wasn’t talking but Sam knew enough about being black, being an athlete, and being in England to guess what the problem was. But it still felt weird to leave their captain out of something that had become such a sacred ritual for the team.
 They had all found a compromise. After their win against Tottenham, Colin had kissed Isaac on the forehead in celebration. Isaac had looked so touched, so profoundly loved, that all of the rest of the team started doing it, too.
Sam kept kissing him on the nose. He really loved the face Isaac made when he did it. It was important to cherish your captain.
So, they’d kind of gotten Isaac.
“You can try and kiss the coach on the cheek,” Sam offered. “He might headbutt you, though.”
“Nah, he won’t.” Jamie told him, patting the bench and getting up to replace Sam behind the weights. “Not if I make a pretty enough goal.”
Sam was laying on the bench. He looked up to see Jamie’s smirk from below.
“I got it all worked out,” Jamie continued, hiking his shorts further up his thighs as Sam starts his presses. “We’ve just been kissing after matches, yeah? And Coach always runs off and leaves us to it. But if we’re in the middle of a game and I make a sexy goal – like proper beautiful, they’d write songs about it and shit – while we’re all celebratin’ I can trot right up to the sidelines and give him a proper snog.”
Sam grunted, holding the bar at his chest. “Kissing by ambush doesn’t sound very ethical, Jamie.”
Jamie snorts. “I’m not just gonna maul him. I bet I can get him to kiss me . All caught up in the moment like.”
Sam snorts back. “You’re mad.”
“I gotta try . Gotta make teenage Jamie proud.”
Sam shook his head, setting the bar back on the rest as he finished his set. “Bet you a hundred pounds.”
“Nah, fuck that. If I can get this done, I want a free meal at Ola’s.”
Sam blew out a breath, reaching out his hand to shake. “Done. And if I win – if he doesn’t kiss you by the end of the season –  you’re bringing in the whole team and paying for everyone.”
“Definitely,” Jamie clasped his hand and shook it. “Because I’m not gonna lose. And now you’re gonna be financin’ mine and Roy’s first date.”
Sam held up his hands “If you say so. It’s already unlikely he’ll kiss you but date you?”
“Man, fuck off.” Jamie laughed, shoving him.
Sam laughed and shoved back.
“What are we laughing about,” Colin asked, smiling already.
“Hey, Colin, between us: you do want to fuck me, right?” Jamie asked. “Sam’s trying to tell me that not all queer lads want to fuck me but I know that’s wrong.”
“Well I can’t speak for everyone but me, yeah.” Colin shrugged as Jamie grinned and gestured at Sam like ‘see?’. “You are actually on my hall pass list.”
“See, I knew it!” Jamie huffed a breath like he was glad to have that settled. “We won’t be fucking, Colin, sorry to say. I’ve got bigger fish, you get it.”
“What, like Roy?” Colin grinned and Sam laughed at Jamie’s expression. “No offense taken. He’s a bit scary for me but certainly a big fish.”
“Right, fuck you both.” But Jamie still helped Sam finish his weights.
When it did happen, it happened almost exactly as Jamie said.
Jamie made an absolutely filthy goal. And it was a hat trick. And it won them the match.
And Sam had to watch as Jamie charged the sidelines and stopped directly in front of the manager, arms spread and head cocked. He couldn’t see Jamie’s face but he could see Roy’s. He saw how Roy rolled his eyes, his mouth set in that annoyed smile Sam had only ever seen him use when Jamie was being a prick. He reached one hand into Jamie’s hair, his fingers clutching at it, and the other moved up to cup his jaw as he moved in to kiss Jamie.
Sam swore, loudly and enthusiastically, as the rest of the team hooted and hollered, hats raining down on the pitch.
Jamie ran back on the pitch, cheeks high with color and hair an absolute tragedy. His grin was nothing short of euphoric.
“How’s teenage Jamie doing?” Sam asked him.
“He’s fuckin’ great!” Jamie told him. “Let’s finish this fucking match.”
They ran down the clock, playing very silly but very strong for the final twenty seconds of added time.
Jamie all but tackled Sam when the buzzer sounded, lifting him up by his collar and kissing him soundly. Sam laughed and gripped Jamie’s shoulder to steady himself as he kissed back.
“So Ola’s at 6 tomorrow, yeah?” Jamie asked him after he pulled away.
Sam laughed, shoving at his face.
Other players descended on them, yanking them to their feet and into kisses.
They were lucky this was a match at home so they could all pour into their dressing room and scream their heads off without having to worry about catching the bus home. Cries of Richmond Til We Die permeated the air, inside and still out in the stands.
When everything had calmed down and people were making plans for how to celebrate, Jan Maas called across the locker room. “So, Coach, do we need to get a hat trick for you to kiss us or is that just for Jamie?”
The surrounding players ‘Ooohed’ and laughed as Jamie went red, elated smile still spread.
“That was a special exception,” Roy told them, not quite masking his own smile. “Tartt was asking for it.”
Louder ‘ooh’s’ and a couple wolf whistles went up.
“No! Fuck off!” Roy yelled at them. “I’m not kissing any more players. Stay the fuck out of my business.”
He turned to Sam. “And I want those fried plantain things tomorrow, alright? Cheers.” And then he turned and walked into his office, closing the door behind him.
Sam turned to Jamie, flabbergasted. “Did you tell him already?”
“Maybe,” Jamie grinned, shrugging. “Had to try.”
“You are a miracle, Jamie Tartt.”
Jamie shoved at him as they continued changing.
They all agreed to meet at Colin’s for a boy’s night of beer and Fifa to celebrate their win. Sam walked out to the car park with Jamie, the two of them riding over in Zorro’s jeep.
Sam turned to Jamie as they reached the car, waiting for the rest of the team to join them.
“If you and Roy start dating seriously – which I would support you in, of course – would that mean we’d have to stop kissing after games?”
“Mate, never ,” Jamie told him, looking horrified that Sam had even suggested it. “Roy knows that the lads come first.”
“Good,” Sam said, releasing a sigh of relief bigger than he thought it would be. “I think I’m definitely still straight. But to have to stop kissing you would break my heart I think.”
“Aw, Sammy boy,” Jamie slung an arm around Sam’s shoulders, pulling his head down to press their foreheads together. “I told you, didn’t I? A good kiss can change your life.”
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igotanidea · 1 year
Lost: Jason Todd (Red Hood) x reader
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Summary: Red Hood make a mess and leaves Jason to deal with aftermath. Requested by angst lover.
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) version of this plot is here.
A/N: reader is older than Jason, member of the old Titans, Jason's only ally when he was still Robin. There;s no romantic relationship between them, more like an older sister - younger brother vibe.
„Yn?” former hero, now self-appointed Red Hood stopped and turned around to the voice of the only person who could made him do it. “what are you doing here?” he put the gun down and took a step towards the girl.
“I could ask you the same question, Jay. Or should I say Red Hood? Because that is what you are now, huh? A villain? How does it feel?”
“Yn, listen to me….”
“No, I won’t. I’m done with all the bullshit and playing around. Just because you had a fight with Bruce or Dick or whoever, I don’t care. It does not give you any ground to terrorize Gotham. Do you even see yourself? What happened?”
“Titans happened! You all are the very same! Always making me look like an outcast! I was done with it! Being put aside!”
“I never put you aside!”
“Didn’t you?” he smirked mischievously “really? You go round listening to Grayson like a lost puppy you are. Never had an opinion of your own.”
“Look at me and tell me I’m lying. You let him pull all the strings, order you around and you blindly follows. Wasn’t it like that during the old Titans days as well? I wonder why is that?”
“Don’t you dare…..”
“oh, wait…. “ he titled his head and tapped his chin in fake reverie “it’s because you are soooo in love with him, isn’t it?”
“Shut the fuck up!” she was angered like never before. And all because Jason Todd was right. He saw right through her, exposing all her insecurities and worries. Always had this effect on her since, whether they both liked it or not, they were a lot alike. She might have been older than him, but she saw a lot of herself in the boy taken by batman as a replacement. He was right about the old Titans. It was a team but she never felt like she truly belonged. Doing all she could to get respect and acknowledgment but being left behind on everything. It always felt like she wasn’t good enough despite all her skills and abilities. And Dick…. Well, better not to talk about it.
“Oh, you poor thing” he mocked “always put in the second place. Tell me, how was it like to watch him date Barbs? And Dawn? And now, that he clearly takes interest in Starfire? How was it like when he was constantly putting you aside. And still does, doesn’t he?” he shrugged knowing well enough what effect this words would have on her.
“That is enough!!” she jumped forward trying to tackle him to the ground but he was just too fast. Red Hood grabbed her arm and twisted it, making her gasp in pain of a broken bone.
“You are pathetic.” He hissed towering over her, while she winced on the ground “full of fear. Look at me, I finally got rid of that! I’m invincible, everyone’s at my mercy! I even got you, the famous H/N down.”
“Are you proud of yourself then?”
“Like you said, you used to be an underdog, so how does it fell to raise to the top of the world?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” he squinted “don’t turn this thing around.”
“I am not. You used to have family, maybe a bit broken and messed up, but still. What do you have now, hm? Mr. fearless?”
“Don’t you have enough pain for once?” in a blink of an eye he was crouching next to her grabbing her chin in an iron-clad grasp “you are clearly masochistic playing with me like that.” He put more force into the it, making sure to leave a bruise.
“You turned into a monster” she hissed, not able to hold her tongue and not caring about the pain. “Face the facts and ….”
“Will you shut up!?” he lifted her up by a throat making her choke and fight for air “this is bullshit! This city! This fucking town! They need someone to put order to it!”
“And…. And…. You think…. That is ….. what you are doing?” she panted, her legs dangling above the ground in futile attempt to get some footing.
“YES! The fuck yes!”
“Well …. Maybe…. “ it was getting impossible to get any air into the lungs “ look around you…..” she was seconds away from passing out.
“Why can’t you see it?!” he yelled “they will abandon you as well! You mean nothing to them! You hear me?! Nothing! You never did!”
“That is not true….” She whispered, her face pale like never before. It was even more terrifying given the fact she was illuminated by the blue neon light, reminding him of the dead people he saw while fighting alongside Batman. That memory slowly crept inside his mind making him realize what he was doing but before he could react a voice from behind made Jason drop the girl and release her from the grasp.  
“JASON!” an escrima stick flew in his direction making him loose balance. Nightwing and Conner came for the rescue and were prepared for the fight but Red Hood just looked at them, then turned around and focused his gaze on the girl, who was now clutching on her throat breathing heavily and  without taking any further action run from the place.
“ You’ll see…..” he interposed towards the girl “you’ll see it soon….”
*** A few hours later YN woke up in one of the many rooms in Wayne manor. Memories of what happened and harsh words of her former friend still fresh and painful in her mind. She could not clearly say when Jason became so violent. Maybe it was after his fall? After the failed mission he was so dead set on succeeding in? Anyway, it did not give him any right to turn this anger and pain as a weapon aimed at her. The thing was, she was always on his side. Sometimes, standing against the rest of the team. Even when Hank, Dawn and Donna got mad at her for defending him. Even when Dick called her crazy and irresponsible for protecting Jason. And now, he was a villain in the story. The worst part, he was hurting not only her, not only Gotham but also himself. He just didn’t realize yet, how destructive burning the bridges was.
“Yn? Are you all right?” Conner stood up from the nearby chair.
“Besides a broken bone and a few mental bruises I am fine. I will be fine. Thanks for coming to the rescue, Superboy.” She smiled lightly and the younger boy reciprocated, looking at the ground sheepishly.
“It’s nothing, really. I’m just glad I could do something good”. Conner was with the Titans for a while now, but he was still worried about his darker part, coming from Lex Luthor, so every time he did something positive it made him shy.
“You are a good person, Conner. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different.”
“Thank you, YN. Do you…. “ he hesitated scratching his head
“What, Conner?”
“do you want to talk about what happened? I don’t really know this Jason guy, but wasn’t he a part of the team? Isn’t it a hero turned villain situation?” there was almost invisible glance of fear in his eyes.
“It won’t happen to you.” she simply said squeezing his hand reassuringly “Jason…. got lost. I feel like it was partially my fault. I think I let him get lost and ….”
“It’s not your fault….” Third voice came into the discussion and Connor and YN turned their gaze towards Dick who walked into the room “I pushed him away too far, should have listened to you when you warned me about the consequences…”
“Not the first time, right? Guess you will never learn to listen to the smarter people” she smirked
“Good to see your injury did nothing to your sense of humor. Conner, can you give us a minute please. There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Sure. I will wait outside, but. …. I’d really like to talk to you more, YN.”
“Won’t leave you hanging” she smiled and the boy left “he’s worried he might turn into a villain too” she sighed looking at Dick. “we can’t let it happen. We mustn’t repeat that mistake.”
“We won’t. But speaking of villain…..”
“What happened?” she propped herself up on the healthy arm, getting nervous.
“Jason wants to meet you.”
“You cannot be serious YN” Dick scoffed “after everything he did you still considering going?”
“Where?” she turned deaf ear toward his words
“YN!” Nightwing was appalled by her words “You are not going anywhere!”
“You won’t tell me what I can and cannot do!” she spat, remembering Jason’s words “sorry…” she mumbled soon after
“Is that how you feel? Really? Like I’m ordering you? Yn…. I’m just worried about you.”
“I know, I know… I’m sorry.”
“What did he tell you?” Dick became suspicious “was he trying to play with your mind? YN, you know you are an important member of the team, right? It would not be the same without you….”
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes not feeling in her best capacity to deal with this matter now “we can discuss this later, we have more urgent things to take care of. Tell me the details.”
“You really want to go? You are hurt, you need rest and healing.”
“Dick.” She warned him.
“Fine. But you can’t go alone. I will go with you. Or you can take Gar, he is the second person after you to have any faith in Jason left. “
“Dick. It’s my problem to solve, all right? I appreciate your effort, but I’m going by myself. Hoping for the best.”
“You have always been too stubborn for your own good.”
“Details, please, Nightwing.”
*** Of course Jason picked the abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere for a secret meeting in the middle of the night. Darkness, quietness and remoteness of the place fitting well with his new imagine of Red Hood. There was not a soul around and even her quiet footsteps echoed through the entire building. It made her even more vary of the surroundings. He could be hiding anywhere and despite her high hopes she was prepared for everything, for any potential danger from his side.
“Jason!” she stopped in the middle of the space looking around “I’m here.  I’m alone. Stop playing hide and seek and come out.”
“You came…” a dark figure emerged from the shadows in front of her “wasn’t sure if you will, after what I said. “
“What you said?” she scoffed “I don’t care about the words…” that was a lie on her part “but all you did…..”
“For what it’s worth I am sorry. For everything. Mostly for hurting you…. I.. I don’t know what’s happening to me….”
“Is that what you said to Hank before bombing him?” the memory made the boy freeze. “is that what you are going to do to me?”
“YN….” He took his helmet off and she saw tears and pain in his eyes “you know I would never….”
“I don’t know a thing anymore, Jason. I don’t know if you are telling the truth or playing  a part in Crane game. How can I tell the difference?”
“I need your help, YN. You are the only one who…..”
“Right, now you see it.” She shook her head “why didn’t you notice it earlier? We could have prevented so much damage, Jason.”
“I’m sorry….” He looked straight at her “please….”
“Jason….” she sighed
“Please, YN. I want out…. Can you forgive me?”
“I don’t know. Not now, but maybe in the future…..”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me just yet. We still got damage control to do.”
“I’ll do anything.”
“Of course you will, you have no other option. And there’s one condition.”
“You will stay down.  Titans won’t know about you helping”
“So, I’m a dirty secret now. Grayson will figure it out in no time.”
“I don’t care. It’s not about him. I’m making my own choices. Look, Jay, I want to help you and even if you will never be a titan again….” she shook her head again and sighed deeply “I still feel like I owe you this much. So are you game?”
“You’re the only person who could make me, so yes, let’s safe this fucking city.” @pinksirensong @somest1
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ashvii · 11 months
“Darling Diamond”
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Wc: 1.4K
Pairing: Ellie Williams x Fem!reader
Summary: Ellie Williams was gonna get over it, after all. A princess could never love a thief.
Ash talks: Hi! So this has been in my works folder 4ever and I’m finally happy with it. I’m probs going to write more for this but I might not post it because I think this will be an acquired taste. However I like it and I want more Ellie au’s. FEED ME. Also I can do a gh version if someone doesn’t want to read the fem one! ❤️❤️
Cw/tw: fem!reader, light violence, talk of old politics ig? Death, Language, stealing, touchy reader, use of y/n, angst, pet names, cheeky reader, not proofread
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You were the jewel of the realm, beloved by all of your people. Your father said it was because of how beautiful you were. Gazing at you with a proud glint in his eye, straightening your emerald crown. Your mother waited until he left to attend meetings so she could lean to your ear and tell you it was because of your kindness. Everytime she told you such, you would smile and kiss her cheek before gathering your dress and rushing to your room for a tea party with your lady in waiting and maid.
Ellie was an orphan thief, she was sneaky and calculated even as a child. Just trying to make it through life on her own with nobody to take care of her. So she took care of herself however she had to. That was up until she met Dina and Jesse. She saw them enter her small village with a group, their posture attempting to make them look smaller. She watched as they asked for directions to the capitol city before she volunteered to take them herself.
“It's okay we don't want to trouble you-” Dina started to refuse “I'm heading up there to visit a friend anyway,” she had said in rebuttal. They were her ticket to the big leagues, Ellie wanted out of the kingdom, not only that but she wanted to take down the monarchy. She managed to convince them to trust her quite easily. Jesse slipped up several times throughout the long walk, leading to Dina giving up and allowing Ellie to leave with them after several rounds of back and forth.
Dinas parents were smugglers before they died which got her into the business and Jesse's were heads of the biggest rebellion against the king. After that first mission they became a team. Ellie did any jobs involving violence, they were her specialty really (that or intimidation). Dina came up with the plans and arranged things. Whereas Jesse had the connections. It was perfect really, they were making progress towards their goals. Ellie had a roof over her head, friends, food, and she still got the high from taking down such despicable and powerful people.
Ellie had known you before she left, you two met several times throughout your younger years. When your mother would take you around the kingdom to get out of the palace and feel some freedom, (not that you weren't grateful). You had the tendency to run off as a little girl, often getting lost, causing fuss over the missing princess. When you first met her the both of you were 13 and you had wandered off again. You had witnessed her trying to take an apple from a merchant, unfortunately for her the merchant saw it too and gripped her wrist before she could run.
“What just do you think you are doing here missy? Tryin’ to rob me hu’?” The scraggly man grumbled, pulling her closer. “Let me go you old fuck!” Ellie tried to pull herself away and as the man raised his hand to smack her you ran over. “Sir! I'm so sorry for her, i'll pay double. Please don't hurt her.” You placed the money on his stand, placing one hand on Ellie's waist, the other on your concealed dagger. Fully prepared to run or protect this girl if the man was feeling unforgiving.
He released her wrist making you grip her hips tighter and pull her body to the side, but not before squeezing her hip bone to assure her. Grumbling, he picked up the coins and started counting. He made eye contact with you two, narrowing his one good eye “Well? What ya’ waitn’ for? Scram!” he made a shoeing motion as you pushed Ellie forward by her hips, only stopping once you reached the woods outside of her village.
You finally looked at her face and saw her for the first time. You scanned over her freckles, noticing her eyes that looked at you widely, the color of the jewels on the tiara that waited for you at the castle. You gripped her face with both hands, twisting and turning her to check for injuries. “Are you alright? I'm sorry I grabbed you like that. I was quite worried he was going to hurt you.” She snapped back to reality when she determined you had spoken.
Blinking, she hummed before mumbling a small “why would you do that?” Your eyebrows furrowed and she caught herself getting lost in your features. The curve of your jaw, the soft color of your eyes. “What do you mean why would I, he was going to hurt you.” she heard the disbelief in your tone before she saw it in your eyes.
You looked at her with such care it stunned her. All anyone had ever looked at Ellie Williams with was disgust, anger, or pure hatred. She wasn’t sure what that fluttering feeling in her chest meant, but she wasn’t sure she wanted it to stop.
Ellie cleared her throat and looked away from you, “thank you.” She mumbled under her breath. Sensing her discomfort you decided to try to lighten the mood. Smirking, you leaned all your weight onto the hand you had placed on the closest tree trunk. Pushing out your hip, looking her up and down. You open your mouth, “what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you princess.”
Ellie felt the blood rushing to her cheeks at the term ‘Princess’ She didn't move. Her eyes stayed wide and her palms sweaty. Ellie looked at you and saw the smug look on your face.
She huffed and spoke louder “I said thank you.” You smiled at her and held out your hand, “you’re welcome, I’m Y/n.” She looked at your hand and gripped it firmly. “I’m Ellie.”
You two met many times since then, from you gifting her a guitar, to her lying about her living situation and hobbies. She often remembers the times when you two would go for walks in the woods. She would always watch as you would get distracted by every flower or creature you came across. Making her flower crowns or walking into the streams to grab rocks for her.
She kept as many of the gifts as she could with the little space she had at the time. Savoring all the shiny rocks, clothes and books. Her favorite is the necklace you gifted her on her 14th birthday. It Was simple which is why she loved it so much. Your name with a lilac wildflower, Ellies initials hand carved by you into the lettering. She played with it even now when she got anxious, fiddling with the metal. Every Time she saw a gift of yours she would recall how she had left you.
She left with Dina when you two were merely 15. You were all that she had, the only thing that made her want to stay. Ellie would remind herself that she couldn’t keep up the lies forever. She couldn't act like you wouldn’t be married off by your father to some lord, prince, king or duke. You would never go for her, it was just a crush and she would find someone else.
So she left. She stuck with them even when the plan went sideways. Even when Jesse panicked and stabbed the rich old bloke they were stealing from.
She was too focused to remember it was the 10th, one of the days you came to visit her. She was too focused on the pained yells of the man. “Thieves! Thieves!”
Ellie ran as the guards stumbled to catch up due to her head start. She tipped over the stands and tugged Jesse along. Navigating him through the unfamiliar surroundings of her village. Weaving her body through the crowds and alleyways. The two hurled themselves onto the back cart of a horse Dina had taken. “Fucking drive Dina!” Ellie shouted as the other girl swished the reigns.
“I’m trying! I’m not trying to get us killed Ellie!” Dina kept her eyes on the road through the forest, rushing them forward as Jeese exhaled. Ellie couldn’t believe that they had gotten away, in fact she didn’t believe it. She looked back and saw you telling the Guards chasing their wagon to stop. You furrowed your beautiful face at her. Closing your eyes you commanded the guards to help the injured man.
Once the guards took off running you turned your body to face her in the final moments, your eyes filled with tears before walking away from her.
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