#I’d love to hear
ieilaf · 11 months
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Ello! here the start to my indie webcomic : The Everywhere Hearse! (Prologue I. Ch. 1) [ Next ]
it’s about my ghost ocs and at the moment you are going to read the prolog I. Which is about the conception of the train, The Everywhere Hearse
the train is a transportation device for ghosts to be transported a over the world because ghosts don’t fly as fast so they need faster transport if they want to be somewhere at the moment
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palms-upturned · 1 year
The way leftists talk about disabled people is really strange sometimes. I’m not gonna pretend I’m some expert on theory or that I’m a very accomplished organizer and I really do want to read more theory about where we fit into a revolutionary scenario, but it gives me pause when ppl point out that being disabled doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute work to a movement. Like, well, I know that. I’m a disabled person who works. I have always assumed that I would continue working as long as I was physically capable of it. I enjoy my work, aside from the capitalist conditions. I enjoy taking care of homes and of people, too. At the same time, I have been incapable of working for a long period of time before. I may be again. There’s no way of knowing. And a lot of people who I care dearly about literally cannot work. That is very much a reality for a lot of people for any number of reasons. If your answer to the question of “what about disabled people who can’t work” is “well some of them CAN work with the right accommodations,” that’s not really an answer to the question at hand… Do you think a life has value beyond the labor they can contribute? I sometimes wonder how ppl around me would answer that question. Idk. It weighs on my mind.
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aureatchi · 5 months
apologize for not posting works this month…was finally able to finish some but my tumblr’s been bugging a lot lately; i’m hoping they fix these problems soon so i can post (′︿‵。)
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ninas-gf · 2 years
i just… have so many mixed feelings about nahida's story quest
on the one hand, i thought the entire message of the pain and hardships of life was very meaningful, and i really liked nahida’s speech towards the end. i love how she’s written to be flawed, and that she’s still growing as an archon and a person.
but also, i found myself sympathizing with the “villain” much more than what the writers intended i think. the evil laughter and monologue honestly felt a bit over-exaggerated, sure he deceived people and could have caused more harm than good, but from his twisted perspective he was a hero to all of those people who were in the shared dream, reunited with their lost loved ones. and honestly?? and even though i do like nahida, i found myself agreeing with him when he went off about how nahida doesn’t understand the pain of loss… like i REALLY sympathized with the people who were hurt by how cold nahida was towards them (a personality trait that makes a lot of sense for her, of course).
also… was it just me or was the pacing a bit off? because the first half felt painfully slow, but then later on it picked up to a good pace. that might have just been me though.
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starfilledsea · 2 months
trying to describe black sails to people is my personal sisyphean task. “it’s a pirate show” bad. “it’s functionally a prequel to treasure island but also it’s not at all” bad again, and also confusing. “it’s about pirates trying to destroy western civilization” mostly only true of the second half of the show and also doesn’t fully capture what i love about it. “it’s a pirate show about the power of stories, how civilization uses shame to keep people in line and turns them into monsters, and the power of queer rage. it’s got some of the best acting, writing, everything of any show i’ve ever seen.” the most accurate, but way too long and makes me sound pretentious and insane. send help i just want to talk about my favorite show.
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braixen · 4 months
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
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“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
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It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.
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Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.
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The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.
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Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
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alleesaur · 1 year
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tiny guys
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theloveinc · 2 years
Oh! We're talking about tropes? How do you feel about different ~situation~ type tropes? Like "there was only one bed" or "I need a date to this wedding like yesterday but it's totally platonic" or "I told my parents/friends that I have an s/o and now we're fake dating" etc. etc. etc.
(Also, I am doing better, just been really tired and low energy. And my main self-ship is with Aizawa, though I'm very picky about how he's written so I don't read a lot of fics that feature him 👀)
we are…barely!! And I was actually thinking of a few similar to the ones you mention when I was answering my previous ask… but I feel like they’re a little bit different narratively bc they’re less… general and more specific, if that makes sense? Like rather than being a whole au about something, sharing a bed or fake dating at a wedding are specific scenes that have a lot more room for variation… which is why I judge them less harshly and more on how they’re executed individually. Idk.
So I would say I enjoy most of them! Or can. And do, cuz they’re very digestible in oneshots. But honestly LOL, i haven’t been reading much lately so who really jnows.
Anyway, I’m glad to hear you’re a bit better! Being low energy is rough bc it can be frustrating not to feel productive, so I hope u aren’t being too hard on urself and just taking it easy. I was just thinking about your sick ask today, maybe I can get to it one day soon when I have some energy too🫣☺️
And aizawa!!! That’s so🥺 … it’s honestly incredible to me how many ppl turn out to be aizawa fans kind of in secret. It’s really a shame he’s not written for well, or even that much really… but still I’d say your taste is good, esp because picky = better usually. If u ever wanna talk about him w/ me… I’d love to hear if my thoughts on him meet the ladybug-bar (and I won’t be offended if they don’t😖) 👁👁🖤🖤🖤
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nocapesdahling · 2 years
I had a really big meeting today that I’ve been prepping for days for and that my boss listened to and evaluated me on that ended up going really well. I’m looking forward now to finally relaxing and watching the Great Pottery Throwdown. Would anyone else like to share some good news or something nice that happened to them this week?
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Who else is on the soft dom Tommy train with me? Show of hands?
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teetering-dinosaur · 8 months
“my congratulations captain, a dazzling display of logic” yall might as well just fuck on the bridge at this point
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edsbacktattoo · 8 months
i wanna talk about the ‘treasure room’ because i think it does a really good job of summarising what’s happening between ed and stede at the moment.
stede ‘takes the initiative’ (or acts without discussing what he’s doing) and puts all of ed’s remaining treasure in one room that’s completely hidden. his reasons for putting it away are:
it was all over the place
he was tripping over it
some of it is quite ugly :/
and instantly ed hits him with the “excellent. a reminder of all my guilt. a guilt room. 😔🤘”
they’re not being subtle about it. this is a physical representation of their guilt and they’re demonstrating here exactly how they’re taking care of it.
ed is living with it. it’s in his space. sure it might be in the way but where else could he possibly put it? there’s so much of it and it’s his. there’s no use in just palming it off to someone else. no one wants this much treasure.
but stede can’t stand it and he has to deal with it now or he’ll die. so he just crams it into some hidden space and considers the matter resolved. it’s out of the way. it can’t hurt them if they don’t think about it. and it’s ugly! no one wants to look at something ugly, especially when they’re trying to rebuild their space.
but that’s just the thing. neither of them are actually dealing with or addressing the problem. stede has just. put it away.
so they decide to just use it to throw this big party because surely that will fix it, right? that will get rid of the Treasure Issue.
because they still didn’t talk about any of it. yeah they talked about “turning poison into positivity” and “giving some of it to the less fortunate” but they didn’t deal with the root of the problem. how did ed amass that much treasure in the first place? what’s the ideal way of getting rid of it? is there anything they want to keep?
they’re on such uneven planes this season because they can’t communicate to reach a common ground. ed is surrounded by his guilt and wants to leave it all behind. stede has just hidden the guilt and wants to pretend it isn’t even there.
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waaterdeep · 8 months
It’s heartbreaking to me how easily Gale abandons his plans of becoming a god when you romance him, because it shows that he never actually wanted to become a god in the first place.
When you ask him how he’s feeling after discovering the crown of Karsus he tells you that he’s excited about what the crown could do to improve both of your lives. His plans aren’t clear but it’s obvious that he wants to use it for himself. Of course there’s some selfishness there, perhaps a desire to get back at Mystra, but there’s a good part of him that sees this as a way to impress you, to become worthy of you.
But to convince him to let go of the crown in Act 3 you simply need to tell him that he matters, that you love him for the man that he is not the god he wants to be. You need to convince him that he’s always been enough and that he always will be, so long as he stays true to who he is. And with high approval he accepts this without question. While he feels uncertain about putting all of his faith into one person, he’s still relieved and happy to do so.
You have opportunities before the Outer Planes scene to tell him that you care about him, most notably in Act 2, when you can tell him that you want to spend the night with Gale the man, that you don’t need him to wow you with cosmic sex. While this clearly means a lot to him it doesn’t translate as “I am exactly all that this person needs” in his mind yet.
But when you have the Outer Planes scene and he tells you of his plans, if you gently bring him back down to earth, kiss him and tell him he’s perfect, he’s wholly convinced. While Tara might have told him many times some variation of this, you are the first person, and most importantly the first lover, to tell him and show him. The fact that you met him with diminished powers and the Netherese orb and still fell in love with him speaks volumes.
It shows that his ambitions are not born from hubris, rather, from a profound insecurity that could only be the product of his defining of his life, his value, in relation to the literal goddess of magic and, obviously, falling short. Conjuring visions of Waterdeep and the Outer Planes, it’s all his way to convince you that he’s worthy of your affections, you who in most cases cannot do that at all. But he bases his worth completely upon his magical abilities, it’s no surprise then that magnifying them to infinite proportions is his way to remove his fear of losing you, since his greatest weakness, his humanity, is what drove his previous lover away from him.
And that’s absolutely heartbreaking.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 4 months
Rusty and O’Keeffe talk.
- or, birds are meant for the sky, and not to be shot down by dumb, stupid boys.
* this is a character analysis of Rusty, or rather, the version of him that is in my head. Based on the premise of Rusty/621 and O’Keefe/Flatwell.
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- dragonfly signals the end of summer and the start of winter
- it also represents self-realization and divine revelation
This is like a fever dream (i drew these 19 pages in 3 days), but I’d love to hear what you think :)
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ricky-mortis · 6 days
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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