#I wish i had people to share my art and writing more but i dont have that kind of community anymore
snazzi-strawberri · 3 months
my friends be like oh berri why dont you show us more of ur art we love seeing ur art :( BUT WHEN I DOOOO RARELY ANYONE REACTS OR RESPONDS TO ITTT DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEEEELSSS DO YOUUUUUUU
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
Everyone Hates Poetry 2024
Write a poem before Feb.5th and submit it to me with the submit feature or in an ask.
Poems should be less than 500 words
You can use your real name or your blog name but they can't be completely anonymous.
Poems will be published at 9pm on Wednesdays and then a link to each poem will be added to the bottom of this pinned post so people can read them all.
I can't stop anyone from reblogging their own poems and generally sharing art is a wonderful thing, but don't turn it into some kind of social media campaign. because people with a small number of followers would be at a disadvantage. This is supposed to be fun. Please do reblog this post and tag people if you think you know someone on tumblr that might be interested. Since the post will contain links to the submissions, your poem will not be lost in the shuffle.
If I receive less than 10 entries I'll cancel the contest and consider it a failed experiment.
Public voting will begin after the 5th.and account for 50% of the vote
A panel of judges will also vote but will not submit poems themselves, and their votes will make up the other 50% of the final tally.
.There will be small prizes for the winner and runner up.
This is my art blog and will remain so, as it always has been. I'm doing this because poets here don't get much chance to get their stuff read and I have a fair number of followers. It's just a little thing to do if you want. I'm not turning this into a poetry blog or a contest blog or anything else.
Poems don't need to be finished. Due to the one month time frame I would suspect these would be first drafts, but please write something new. I want to encourage people to do something now, however imperfect, rather than showing work that's already done.
Updates will follow. Thank you!
Rule clarifications
-Please dont send poems anonymously if at all possible. I am happy to include a name that doesn't identify your blog directly but it's impossible to refer to or contact people who submit poems anonymously. I can't have anonymous poems considered without at least a name for you and if you were to win a prize, you'd need a name and address to claim it. I don't so much care about the latter part, that's for you, this becomes very disorganized and hard to regulate with anonymous messages floating in.
-Please put the title of your poem above it. If it is below it, I have no way of distinguishing with certainty if it's a title or a last line.
One poem per person please.
if you do not wish to see the poetry contest entries just filter the tag "everyone hates poetry 2024"
Due to the very high volume of submissions I am blogging them more gradually as to give more attention to each one. The same tag, "everyone hates poetry 2024", that you can filter if you do not want to see these can be used to find the submissions. If you follow this tag you'll get them all.
Please note that I am now publishing these as asks, previously I had to retype to keep the formatting and there are simply too many entries
Submissions are now closed, I will be publishing submissions all week and then when all have been posted we will start the voting (stay tuned as to how and when)
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Hello! Firstly I wanted to say that I'm an old fan since your overwatch days and I've always admired how much depth you're giving all the characters and relationships you touch! I'm talking like, mariana trench DEPTHS. And how confident you seem about just doing the things you enjoy and exploring the themes you want? I really respect that.
I'm having a bit of an art crisis recently and I was wondering If you could offer some advice?
I'm thinking about self-indulgence in art, particularly fanart. I like to dive in deep to expand on characters, I find it as enjoyable as creating my own work. But I fear of people getting angry at me for latching onto these characters, thay they'll say the original work wasn't THAT deep, or that I'm completely wrong or cringe or whatever. And I don't care about being right or anything, I just want to have fun here and tell my little stories? :( The fear is making me keep the work to myself and I don't know what to do. Would it be better to just enjoy it on my own?
Your blog really is goals when it comes to that, so I'll respect your opinion a lot. Thank you for your time!
holy moly thank you so much for your sincerity first of all!! Second, this is making me misty eyed ngl!! I have alot to say about this so i shall put it under a read more bc im gonna ramble
If someone cares about you fixating on your fave characters, then they're usually the fucking weirdos in this situation if they dont just block you and move on. I LOVE making shit up about my faves like i have a modern au hc that kakashi and gai are ddr competition rivals and i gave yeehan 7 dogs just for funsies!! we were in the trenches in early overwatch making up our own lore bc there was none and it was so fun
I've always been like that now that i look back bc when i first started uploading my shitty ms paint fanart on deviant art in like 2006(naruto funnily enough we've come full circle) i was still drawing cringey shit /I/ wanted to see. I don't agree with almost all of it today, but i remember the fun i had while making it, and that's really the trick. Drawing what you personally want to see then people can come and go audience wise. If they like it, they like it, if they dont? oh well! There's people who still follow me from when i was 14 and i follow them even tho we're in completely different spaces now.
The fanart part i vibe with personally bc im really bad at coming up with totally original work and premises. i much prefer having pre-established rules and worlds to work with (plus the characters i love getting massacred in the writing i HAVE to save them)
Just existing online will garner you mean comments or asks, and my best advice is its not worth it to take the bait even if its absolutely absurd and wrong, i just block and go now, and im much happier :) this all being, of course, as long as what you're doing isnt harmful, bc even with good intentions, you'll mess up/blunder eventually. If the heat gets too much for you, no one will judge you for withdrawing your art from social media. thats a perfectly safe thing to do to keep it for yourself.
As an adult, shits not that serious im 28 drawing naruto fanart bc it makes me happy after a long day of work, so have fun!! art's supposed to be fun don't let the fear win i love sharing my art with strangers on the internet!! Hope this made any sense at all and I wish you the best, my friend!!! If you ever wanna dm me, feel free
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usergyu · 5 months
hi everyone! it's jen, back at it again since i always come around with a long, heartfelt "end of the year" wrap up! i just gotta be there. i hadn't had the time to come up with an actual heart-to-heart message this year, so i would like to share something else with you guys instead (aka my personal ending ment hehe) i hope this finds you all well! 🩵
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a message for the upcoming year - "if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means there is nothing behind it. theres no magical, mysterious, alternative life you are being denied. there is nothing you are missing out on. what you are grieving is an idea of what might have been. if you feel you have spent too much of your life in disappointment and regret, perhaps is that you have tried to turn too many dead ends into pathways, empty rooms into more than they were ever intended to be. if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means that the path is unfolding somewhere else, and you're now one step closer to finding it. it is not your dreams that must be released, but your sense of posibility that must be awakened."
another one goes... "if today was difficult for you, i hope you know that tomorrow can be better, i hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or dont make sense will pass. i hope you remind yourself of all the times you didnt think you were going to feel better but you did. as you go through your days, remember that every moment is just a moment.
when you cant take it one day at a time, try to take it one breath at a time, take really good care of yourself and know that it's okay if you don't accomplish everything you told yourself you needed to today. you dont have to start a new routine or healthy habit today if it feels like too much. you dont have to be as productive as the people that you see everywhere. your life is yours and you only have this one. tomorrow it will feel a little bit better. and then better. and then better. you are safe. you will have everything that you need."
and finally, before the next 12 months begin, here's your checkpoint - if you're carrying a weight that doesnt belong to you, it's time to release it. forgive yourself for those lessons that were learned a little too late. you're human, navigating a path that's both complex and beautiful. embrance the wisdom you gained, even if it came at a cost. remember, growth knows no timeline and you're exactly where you need to be.
your timing is yours alone, nobody else's!
@hyunpic ♡ @shorelinnes ♡ @xiaoxiongmaos ♡ @choibeomggyu ♡ @yeonjune ♡ @choi-soobin ♡ @heelicopter ♡ @minhosblr ♡ @innielove ♡ @crazy-form ♡ @facethesuns ♡ @dokyeomis ♡ @moonsua ♡ @hooned ♡ @lveclouds ♡ @exocean ♡ @dowoonyoon ♡ @bcomgyu ♡ @seungkwan-s ♡ @xiaojuun ♡ @usertae ♡ @bestleader ♡ @yutito ♡ @tmpttion ♡ @dykeyeonjun ♡ @wayvmp3 ♡ @oddinarys ♡ @woozis ♡ @jeonwonwoo ♡ @tbzuyeon ♡ @twiceland ♡ @soujisetas ♡ @yeonbins ♡ @heesungs ♡ @ddominho ♡ @isitstraightvodka ♡ @euphhorias ♡ @beomieblr ♡ @gyusgal ♡ @jaeyuned ♡ @5oobin ♡ @hueningkai ♡ @pookiez ♡ @waketoearth ♡ @deerseungs
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to my cosmos (bc who am I if not the one who writes a bunch of words to yall lol):
🍜🐕 chesca: you are NOT at all the mean words stuck at the back of your mind. no way! you're as pretty as the flowers, the water, the weather, (specially the ORANGE SHADES) in each of those monet's paintings. with that, art might not be everyone's cup of tea, sure, but is still ARTWORK for a reason. you're not behind on anyone, you don't need to rush, to keep up, i've told you this before, so please... take great care of yourself. i want you to be as proud of yourself one day as i am on the daily. one day that will turn into everyday. you will get there, you will be your greatest inspiration one day.
🌻 sun: of all the things i wish to tell you, felix wrapped it all in one go: just take your time, if you want to take a break, take a break. dont force yourself to do something. if you feel tired or if it's too hard for you, no need to stress. you still have time. every single person is good at something. you still have so much time. this is your checkpoint: tend to your wounds, let them heal, if it hurts too bad, i'll help you bandage them til you are good to go. i promise!
🐱 maja: as a grand poet (lee know) once said: "no matter how you look at the sky, it is still blue. when it rains it turns gray. there are also times when it's dark but above the clouds, it's still blue. it'll all be over soon, it's just an extra headache if you worry about it". you will be alright! and yes, even if that one issue (or a few issues) is still weighing down in your heart a little, it's just a bigger cloud. the bluest of skies will still be there, for you, and so will i!
🎨 agnes: i wish i could just cup your face with my hands and yell at you about all the necessary things you need to remind yourself. for now, here goes something: "you are not meant to be ornamental, you are meant to be a person. that means taking up space and being loud and standing up for your needs (and sometimes wants) and being inconvenient because that's what people are." 100 becomes 99 if a number is missing, the set will never be whole without that 1 number to it. the space will be there for it to take up, bc 1 belongs there. much like us, much like the world. so please, just allow yourself to be.
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finally - to all of you beautiful people, if you guys must, just take a moment to yourselves, to reflect upon everything. love is such a beautiful and messy thing, but when it comes to the end of that line, what are we if not love personified? whenever i write these, know that i am speaking to you all specifically, heart to heart. i dont know about the rest of the world, but I know about my friend-tuals. you guys deserve the world, i dont care what anyone says, you. deserve. peace. so rest well, we got another 12 months ahead! among such violent ends, you are bound to be a wonderful start.
i hate goodbyes, but if it means opening up space for a better something, i'm willing to bid farewell for a change. so much has happened, which makes me think... what a privilege it is to be able to still be here, able to use words to reach out to you all. thank you to everyone on this list. we will all be okay, eventually. we will be okay! let's meet again soon, and then again and again and again. i love you guys so so much. happy new years!!! 🎉
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stygianheart · 7 months
its a shame your fics dont have more art theyre so good like if I could draw well id probably turn them into picture books. do you wish you had art?
but besides the point I actually have questions and I wanna ask em.
first up, who’s the back up? luffys mentioned the backup a few times and I cant help but wonder who it is. if thats a major spoiler than you dont have to answer but considering your love for this one guy i kinda think its sabo or the rev army. either that or like traffy. it would be funny if it was sabo though because of koby’s brief jealousy of how luffy was talking about him.
this might be just me as an aot fan overanalyzing everything but I feel like that devil fruit in the beginning was something important and so was the auction in broad daylight.
also ive seen a lot of fics where kobys favorite food is buttered potatoes but i think yours is the first where his favorite food is downright plain butter. the guys a psychopath for that. like why would you do that. where did you even get the idea.
I also have some other questions! unfortunately uh revolving around the second favorite ship brymeppo…
does helhippo realize he likes bryan or no? also i really came into the fic thinking I wasnt gonna give a crap about him but somehow you made me like him a lot so kudos to you. his relationship with bryan is so rivals to lovers coded and thats one of my favorite tropes. I really do hope helhippo lives up to his promise and takes bryan to the symphony. I know that wont happen in tsats but if you could make a one shot of helhippo and bryan going out on small dates that would be amazing 🙏 for us rymeppo shippers #rymeppo shippers unite oh and as much as i wanna see bryan take revenge on elijah for all the things the guys done to him i also wanna see helmeppo smash the guys face in. please. kill elijah. I hate him.
omg sorry that this is so long but I still have some more questions!
kobylu wise, who do you think fell first? koby or luffy? its obvious that luffy likes Koby but why hasn’t he said anything? does he understand how he feels? and after this is all said and done how are they going to stay in contact? it’s not like koby can just talk to luffy whenever he wants since hes a marine and luffys the pirate king.
anyway thats all! I hope i was able to help your creativity in some way :)
I mean, yeah, art would be cool. But when it comes to engagement with my fics, the most I hope for is for someone to simply read it. Besides, it’s self indulgent! I’m just writing the stuff for me and sharing it along the way.
Anyway, questions. *pulls out glasses*
The back up? Well, it’s not Traffy, that much I can say. Considering we (last I checked) don’t know if Trafalgar is alive or not, I just decided to…y’know, leave him out.
Greetings, fellow AoT fan, you are NOT mistaken! I kinda like hiding little things in the fic—not EVERYTHING has a purpose like AoT, but a lot of things are put there for a reason. I like being sneaky like that.
And yes. Koby’s a psycho. He eats straight up butter—and said it tastes better when dipped in sugar. I got this weird headcanon from my bestie who also happens to eat butter sticks. I once saw him dip it in sugar and was so disgusted by it, and he was just like “it’s good for you. Besides, it’s ✨tasty✨” like sir no. What on earth. That’s weird. You do you, but please, not in front of me. Besides the point—for some reason I decided to implement that onto Koby. I have a habit of weirdifying characters.
As for the RyMeppo question… I seriously never expected people to love this ship so much wtf. In Chapter 5, Helmeppo is completely unaware of his very obvious crush on (B)Ryan. He thinks he hates Ryan, when it’s obvious it’s more than that. As of Chapter 10, however, the moron is 10000% aware of how he feels. He and Ryan’s relationship is really fun to write with the constant bickering/flirting. I never intended them to be a romantic relationship, but alas, that’s where it headed.
And the KobyLu questions! Yay! Koby definitely fell first and he fell hard—don’t think anyone could fall harder if they tried. As for Luff: he knows how he feels about Koby. Buddy went to Sanji’s school of flirting and failed the classes spectacularly yet tried showing off his grades to Koby. He’s made it very clear how he feels—Koby, unfortunately, is just too damn dense. Luffy could yell “I LOVE YOU” to Koby and he would probably think Luffy meant platonically. He gets his density from me, of course, I’m the exact same way.
I hope I answered your questions well! Thanks for the ask, it actually did help a bit.)))
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airimomoid · 9 months
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to whoever sees this post. do you have a favourite april fools class? because i do and it is one HUNDRED percent solid heart. i love every character in here so much it is so perfect to me that they were all put together
shiho is not my favourite in leo/need (its actually honami) but i honestly really identify with her and it's so great to watch her develop and see the way she deeply cares for her friends (and her sister please stop saying she hates/dislikes shizuku i cant take it) despite her tough exterior
airi is my absolute favourite character for so many reasons. first of all- she is so cute! i love her design and her cards are all great. but even more so i adore her character as a whole. you can see that she really loves not only her fans - from the way she interacts with them on livestreams, and there's also her interactions with saki if you need another example -, but also her unitmates - the way she shares her experience with minori to help her improve, admires haruka and supports her, reminding her to take breaks, and dont even get me *started* on shizuku because there is so much to say about them that i would end up talking about them forever - and also her close friends, such as ena (she's also in solid heart by the way! love her!)
akito is so SO passionate about music and honestly i'm with him there. he likes people who are also passionate about their interests - i am also with him there! i just overall really enjoy how committed and hard working he is when it comes to music, the way he interacts with and cares for the rest of vbs, and also i think his dynamic with ena is great
nene is literally just like me for real for real. i love to reread the wxs stories in order to see how she gradually opens up to her unitmates and becomes more confident - around her peers, but also whilst performing on stage. the rest of wxs love and care about her and she, too, loves and cares about them! she dreams big, and continues to pursue her dreams even though she knows that one day she'll have to leave wxs because of them. because of this she also cherishes all the time she spends with them !! also in canary sings in a quagmire she has the courage and strength to ask for help from her idol herself and it's just so brilliant to see how far she's come from the beginning of the story when she could barely talk to the rest of wxs and had to hide behind nenerobo AND SHE'S ALSO JUST SO CUTE IN GENERAL AND I LOVE HER OK
i feel like ena and her character arc often don't get a lot of attention in this fandom compared to the rest of niigo but i honestly love how far she's come and how she's improving at art and gradually gaining more and more confidence in her creations - to the point where she also teaches others how to draw (rainbow canvas event story) . just her deciding to rejoin her old art class was such an impactful moment for me and i'm super interested to see how she'll develop from this point onward. furthermore! the way she supports the rest of niigo! i love it! when she took mafuyu to her house in someday this wish will transcend the morning sky! the ending of my footsteps your destination! it's just so beautiful and she is such a great character and i could talk about her and niigo in general for hours but for the sake of this post not being longer than an essay i will not
and KAITO ! i do not really have anything to say about him compared to the others but some time last year i made a list of my favourite commissioned songs from each unit and they all featured kaito (except niigo because niigo kaito didnt exist at the time) so theres that
to the like two or three people who will see this thank you so much for listening to my ramblings
also i feel kinda bad for not writing that much about shiho i completely underestimated the length of the rants i would go on about tye others 😭 read that day the sky was far away its great
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tamelee · 2 months
Hi, I recently followed like in the last week or smth. I wanted to comment on that post that you just made-- I'm sorry people aren't spending there energy in more constructive manners and that you had that garbage in your inbox.
I understand why comments would be restricted. I gotta say, I truly love your art. I've been on/off tumblr for years (diff accts over time) and your art & reblogs are legit a big reason why I check my dash daily. (Even if I've been lurking more than interacting rn)
ik we don't know each other, but SasuNaru (whichever order it is, i tbh dont get the variation.. ;u; ) was my very first ship so long ago. Given my early life their relationship (fanon/canon) gave me hope and helped me push through and ultimately heal some abandonment wounds. These two have been thru hell and back and give me the audacity to believe I and my loved ones can make it back too.
That all being said, Ik it is easier to say "don't let them get under your skin" and all, and that you didn't talk about quitting. But I hope you don't. You're wildly talented. Thank you for sharing what you choose to.
Hi~ @theskinofawriterbella ! Ah dw, it’s usually easy to ignore certain asks and I mostly do, but sometimes I feel like responding when it’s part of a bigger thing/issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I stopped doing what I do, especially because other people say I should… I’m ultimately doing this because I love creating. (Oh yes, the comments are restricted! I forgot about that, but it should be temporarily! ^^) 
And whoaaa really!?! That is so kind of you, thank you so much ;-;💕!!! 
I’m sorry to hear you’ve being going through bad times, though I’m very happy that you were able to connect with something and find hope/strength that way. I’d wish’ that for anyone. Naruto’ truly is such a story, don’t you think? As idealistic and flawed (through demographic limitation) it may seem now, its messages are inspiring and Kishimoto truly has a gift that lets you connect with the characters on an emotional level. Especially Naruto and Sasuke and their bond, naturally.
Ahhh I completely missed those glory SNS days. I hear about them frequently from my friend in Japan. Unfortunately I’m a bit late with being an SNS-fan xD and I couldn’t watch everything the first time, but I did see a few episodes and I don’t think there was anything else that lifted my spirits like Naruto’s attitude had. I had my books and my movies which always helped me escape, but I think I could write my own book about all the times Naruto inspired some action I took, because I too grew up in a village that absolutely hated me. Not for the same reason of course, lol, I was just a weird outsider and all, but I did think “well, if Naruto can smile through his pain and still go after his dream then I can as well.” A bit optimistic I’d say, but still. I have no idea what you went through, but on some level I’m sure, I can relate to what you say. I understand. 
Thank you for sharing this with me and taking your time to write and send it 🥰 I really appreciate it ^^! 
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diiary 2/25/2023
okayyy i been needing to write a longform post for a while! just to chronicle some thoughts in a cohesive way. & getting straight to the point: i'm realizing there is very little, if ANY payoff, to being an artist online. i'm not talking about money. im talking about the way it's like, the more ppl start to see you as an "artist", the more they feel like ur some kind of public figure they can lash out at w no repercussions. ur humanity is just wiped from their minds. i don't have some huge following by any means but for ME its gotten big since in the past i've been a serial deleter. usually at 800 followers im gone.
i love being creative & sharing for the sake of sharing but i deeply fear any kind of spotlight. since i came back onto tumblr i made the pledge to myself not to delete my account if it started growing but now im having second thoughts!! well i'll never delete this account cus im too sentimental but part of me just wants to stop posting in the ways i tend to do. like maube im too forthcoming & need to slink back into the shadows a bit. because i don't want to stop contributing art & music to the world but idk how to protect my heart.
like it's so crazy to me that artists are expected to b these idealistic icons of everything the viewer represents & if they make a single mistake its like fuck we better launch a pUBLIC HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN!! genuinely like, how are people supposed to want to put themselves out there when the climate is so hostile? it has got me feelin rly nihilistic i must admit. trying to put nice stuff into the world shld not be generating drama for me, especially when it's just my hobby & not even my "career".
for a while ive had no idea what to do for work or how to generate income in a way that works for me but honestly? im gonna bite the bullet & do some coding bootcamps so i can try n get a remote job doing some tech shit & making a fat salary. i guess i never rly considerd it before cus all the silicon valley stuff susses me out but idk. im naturally really good at code + my only real dream in life is to be able to support others & redistribute wealth. like ive never had anything of my own to share but if i could actually do this & become the secure+charitable person i wish to be, i think i cld finally have some inner peace/sense of fulfillment. plus i cld still be a recluse ^_^
ok well i guess that my diary entry for now. im rly grateful to everyone on this site who is genuine & respectful towards me. i am really enjoying all my creative projects right now & i just dont want it to ever stop being fun just because the internet doesnt want it to be fun for me. i seriously wonder why artists are the number one targets right now, i mean not to get too conspiratorial but like, this is exactly what the CIA wants :/ wahtever....i have no agenda other than plur. but yeah, i might just start to distance myself more from posting anything other than my work. we'll see. just kno that i dnt want it to b this way. ilu guys
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suffarustuffaru · 10 months
Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
ok so you see. i was in an arts program in high school where i was in the same few classes with other art kids and we did group activities and other things etc etc. in my senior year i gave away half of the fucks i gave (read: i still paid attention when it counted and i got good grades but ngl id just blatantly go on my phone sometimes wkdndnd) and. you know what i was doing on my phone. thats right. WRITE FANFIC…….. and tbh a lot of those times were um. write collabs with a friend of mine and u know who u r so feel free to reply to this post if u want🙏🙏
and OK so i made friends with some of the fellow art kids right and like bc im a nerd + kept writing fic during class it did spread a tiny bit that i um. wrote fanfic. also several people wrote RPF of each other as a joke and i may have been one of them.
BUT THE REAL EVENT was that in my senior year we had to do a project on a topic of our choice and i chose online fiction. which includes fanfic. i got photo proof.
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also a certain other friend actually helped me practice for this presentation the day before too so feel free to reply to this if u want and if u see this??
anyway 1. yes i used comic sans font for my presentation 2. yes i used dreamsmp as an example 3. no i dont support dream team and their many controversies but i like the lore everyone else on the dreamsmp server made and 4. um. my presentation was 17 minutes (it was not just about online fiction but the online fiction bit took up a significant portion) and all the other seniors in my class loved it 👍👍👍👍 and 5. my teacher gave me a B on my presentation slides but an A in everything else so maybe she did not appreciate the choice of photos and comic sans. i beg to differ.
yes so anyway continuing on the whole senior class within the schools art program now knew i wrote fanfic bc i made my entire project on it 👍👍 and you see. a tradition thats done in the art program is that we make paper plate awards. like you know silly little awards drawn on paper plates. i dont have a picture of mine but its. the art programs entire senior class gave me the award of “most likely to write ao3 fanfic in class”….
anyway apart from a small handful of people from my high school, my ex also knows i write fanfic. i wish him the best (he is not in my life anymore) but its also incredibly awkward knowing that he knows what fandom im active in (rezero) and my exact ao3 handle but oh well 😅
i. i feel like every time i share a bit of personal info about myself on here it gets more and more deranged HAH
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scilifig · 10 months
Hi guys long time no see! i feel extremely sad for not saying this earlier and honestly haven’t vent had the energy to write this, but I’ve been inactive for a while on this acc. I never rlly thought i would make this tweet, but im not as engaged in this fandom as i once was, partly due to my mental health not allowing me to enjoy as much as i used to, and other factors. Its honestly been so upsetting feeling myself slowly start to distance myself, and slowly not being updated on content, whereas in the past i would never miss a piece of content and it was the only thing i thought about. i no longer understand certain niche tweets about current content and have lost all energy to even bother to scroll tl. its honestly been such a journey trying to find myself and understand what i enjoy outside of this fandom, because for so long it has been the only thing going for me, and i feel like i had such a strong attachment to the cc’s i enjoyed, and found my health and headspace got worse when there wasn’t content, and was so anxiously attached to twitter and never wanted to miss out on anything, and i felt so left out all the time. honestly the meetup was one of the most joyous, beautiful, experiences, but also quite traumatic for me.
another thing i haven’t mentioned is the toll its had on my mental health being fixated on a content creator that is treated so terribly, and is seen as punching bag of the internet in most cases, and having to see discourse after discourse and seeing everything’s antis are saying was so draining. i feel like that ruined my mindset, because before i had twitter, i didn’t even know what antis were and i was enjoying content as it was, and honestly didn’t even know what stan twt was. i could talk about the negative effects this app has had on me, but i want to acknowledge the good.
i just want to say that i still absolutely love the dteam and i feel like i always will, they have been such a huge part of my life and i will forever be grateful to them, im so excited for new things coming and im so proud of dream and all the new music and future endeavours! i wish nothing but the best for them all, and will support them for a long time to come! i hope everyone in the fandom experiences so much love and happiness, and has so much more amazing content to enjoy!
i dont want to get too emotional, but i am truly so grateful for this community. it genuinely saved me and im not able to articulate it with words. I had no idea that there was such a community like this on the internet, that was so loving and accepting, so talented with so many incredible creatives and beautiful human beings. all of this made me feel loved in a way i never knew i could feel. i have met so many beautiful people that are now some of my best friends and i dont know what it would be like without them, and to all my mutuals and anyone thats ever interacted with me, thank you. i love you all so dearly, and the suppourt i have gotten on my art has felt unreal. i never understood why i even gained followers, and was honestly so shocked that ppl would see something i created, and like it enough to comment the nicest things imaginable. honestly im getting teary eyes while writing this and im sure that this format of writing might be a bit difficult to read and im rambling but thank you so much. if you have taken time to read this far!
i’ve been active on my private account posting about random life updates but also about other things i like, such as cartoons! i do spam alot over there and i totally understand not wanting to follow me if u dont share the same interests, but if u are interested in seeing me on ur tl, u can always follow! @/curlywurly1239
im not sure what i want to do with this acc as i dont want to annoy ppl with posting art other than what i was followed for, so i think ill leave it as is! i think ill still be on here sometimes to support my moots and talk every now and then, but not very frequently! again thank you so much i love you all so much, i hope u are all doing well, and if not, i hope u are treating urself kindly because you deserve the entire world and more, and you deserve love and care! tysm if u read all this im so grateful for you guys 💕
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chanstopher · 1 year
I don't want this to come off as rude at all,I'm just curious as to why you get so much interaction. your posts always get notes and you seem to answer a lot of asks everyday. I am also a cc in the fandom (I'm on anon because I don't want anyone to judge me for this) and my content flops pretty constantly. I'm just wondering if there is a secret to success I'm not learning or if my content is just garbage. Any advice would be nice!
Hi, I definitely dont think you're being rude, I totally understand being frustrated by numbers on here. i wish i had secrets to share but i really dont. i have a lot of followers so my content is pushed further. using tags properly and becoming friends with other ccs is really good for getting your content seen. ive been lucky enough to have ppl like me for some reason so ppl support my blog when i post things most of the time. i do also have some flops, thats just how tumblr works and some ppl wont agree that your content is good and ignore it.
its harsh to say that and i know that ive had terrible content get a lot of notes because of my blog size. but you just have to keep working at it. try changing up how your content looks (more or less grain, sharpening settings, try unique coloring or try to really work on color correction instead of just making things more vibrant or darker) if u write find other writers, no one supports content like content creators.
as for the asks, i have literally no idea. i am confused as to why people would talk to me constantly abhdjs I just try to be kind and keep my negative opinions to myself unless theyre about ppl stepping over bounds or being mean or rude to skz. i try to just be unapologetically myself tho, posting about chris like a rabid dog or just weeping over how much i love him. it is apparently very relatable lmao
i am not good at making friends, all of the people who i am friends with on here have come to me seeking friendship, but going on anon and talking to ppl or just showing up in tags with fun comments or thoughts or just compliments on the content will make you friends. a lot of ppl have reached out to me just because i was kind to their work.
the only real advice is to not give up. i think blog growth is always slow until you just hit a certain point where for one reason or another you become more known and then it will grow more rapidly, but it can take a while. and it can take you finding what youre really good at, you might have no idea how well you are and gif blends or graphics or even just being someone who updates on activities happening with skz (this site is absolutely lacking a proper skz update blog fsjniss) if you ever want to vent about it i'll listen, and if you ever want to send me your content and ask for critique i can do that too (but it will just be my opinion and im not anything special fhbdjs)
above all else you have to enjoy making things or it is never going to be worth it. no number of notes is going to make u better at any kind of art. only time and effort and enjoyment will.
I'm sorry this is so long and i wish any of it was truly helpful, but tbh i think i just got lucky with tumblr and how much interaction i get :/
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Ok im gonna try to bring a bit of positivity here even if it might not seem like it at first lol. U might have seen (but i think u avoid twitter right?) Carol being attacked these last few hours/days regarding Sophia/Ed. How she supposedly let Sophia being sexually abused by Ed without doing nothing. How she screamed to Shane "stop!" and cried when he beat up Ed. Meaning she was weak and ridiculous, again.
First of all i think (correct me if im wrong) that its considered canon that Ed didnt abuse (sexually, that is) Sophia... yet, because he died, but he would have had tried to had he lived because he saw her "growing up" and was a sick psycho. And Carol acted on it by having Sophia taken physically far away from her father if i recall well (dont have the exact scene in mind hence why im vague).
Second of all, this is bullshit obviously. Those people have never been abused and it shows. How its hard to leave, because you still love him and actually believe him when he says he wont hurt u again. Because he's a "great father" and "only" hit you and not ur children (its stastically rare i think but it does happen). I've worked with a lot of women beaten up by their husbands (and believe it or not, a few man with their wives too. Even husbands with husbands or wives with wives. Again, more rare but still here) and all combinations exist: women dont give a shit anymore, wont forgive, and only wants to leave and/or ptotect their children, woman who cant leave because they still see the "amazing" man he was for the first 10 years, or the first 3 years. Or says things like "he was beaten up when he was a child by his dad so its not his fault. "
ALL combinations exist, no one knows what its like to be in the head or the heart of a beaten 's wife/person, and no one should judge someone's way of coping with it, dealing with it, reacting to it. It is NEVER the victims fault, even if in the case of a beaten's wife, she stays with the husband.
Sorry, so, this disgression to say that Carol was insulted yesterday and so on for staying with Ed and not protecting Sophia.
The goods news (and here comes the positive part lol) is that for once, everyone was coming at these assholes (who, yes, happened to be Richonners, but NO, not all Richonners are this way, absolutely NOT).
And when i mean everyone, i mean even those who usually dont say shit when Carol (and therefore Melissa) is called ugly and/or too old for Daryl. Even those who dont ship caryl and/ or dont particularly like Carol are saying "ohh hell noo, too far, u re not victim blaming Carol here, absolutely not". Even the "kind of official fan accounts" followed by stars of the show.
So, while i wish she was defended more often already for the ageist and sexist part of the attacks she suffers, its still comforting to see that this time, everybody or almost see how too far they have gone and reacted accordingly.
Sorry if im clumsy in my way of writing or presenting things, english is not my native language, hope i did ok.
First of all, thank you for all you've done for survivors of domestic abuse and for sharing your insight. I heard about the incident through the grapevine and it was nice to go back and see all the support Carol was getting from all sides :)
Even though we have to be responsible for what we say on SM, I don't think it should just be left up to the fans to create a safer environment for them (and even cast and crew) to interact with each other. We should also put pressure on AMC to stop fueling the sexism, ageism, racism, etc. seen not just in one particular subset of the fanbase, but across the board. For example, how about making Carol the same size as Daryl in the key art so people can literally see her as a lead character? How about abandoning the ambiguous language around Caryl's relationship so people can understand that, yes, a middle-aged woman with gray hair can be the middle-aged male lead's love interest and vice versa? How about hiring someone who actually supports their characters and their relationship to run the official SM accounts? That's the kind of change I'd love to see.
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salchat · 1 year
👋 I just wanted to drop by and say I really love your art - it's so beautiful and I dont know how the fandom ever lived without it!!!
I've been on and off tumblr lately so I've missed some context, but I saw your post about cancer and spending the time you have learning to make art/writing fic. I think it's really cool that you're open about your diagnosis - my aunt had cancer and I know her willingness to talk openly about it brought a lot of comfort to people who didn't feel like they could do so. AND I super respect the "now of never" attitude - none of us should've putting off learning & doing things that bring us joy!
It also feels like you approach your art with a certain experimental attitude, like you're not afraid to make a mess of it (not that I've ever seen art from you that looks messy lmao). I dunno if that's related to "now or never" but regardless I admire it and am inspired to experiment more myself with writing. Thank you for sharing your art journey and love for these characters.
Thank you very much for your kind words. In some ways I wish I'd found the Supernatural fandom earlier, but I guess it came along at the right time, just when I needed a fresh new obsession! There's so much art of amazing quality that it's really quite humbling - not that I have an over-inflated opinion about my art anyway. I love it, but I can see its flaws all too easily.
I try to be open about my cancer, without constantly shoving it in people's faces - it's a difficult balance to get, because for me it's there all the time, every minute of every day, influencing everything I do, especially at the moment. And there's no getting away from that, not in the situation I'm in, when soon I'll start chemo and there isn't actually an end date in sight, other than 'when it stops working' and who wants to think about that? Certainly not me. Still, the battle, I find, isn't against the cancer itself, it's more about fighting to enjoy life - to have joy and silliness and amazement and all the good things - but to have them alongside the darkness and the grief, at exactly the same time.
Anyway, yes, part of my attitude to my art is, 'what's the worst that could happen?' I find some people at my life group are so tentative and worried - I just slash away and see what happens and it comes out all the better for that freedom. Art at home is a bit different, especially if I'm working on a portrait. I try to be similarly free and experimental, but it is so very, very hard to get a convincing likeness - and actually, as I progress it seems even harder - to catch an expression, to get the right angle and tilt and for it really to be that person. It's easy to get too intense and bogged down in the detail and the measurements. But it's a learning process. And what really pisses me off is that I want to carry on with that learning process, and carry on and on and on. But I won't be able to.
Still, life is now, right? Better get on and draw. Or write that fanfic that was going to be two chapters of satisfying h/c, but will now have to be three because I need it!
Thank you again for your lovely words.
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cutepervert · 9 months
ty to @tigertofu for the tag <3 dont have many friends on here yet but i'll tag the people that i can think of off the top of my head, @rreskk @chloe12801 @heisentwerk
Were you named after anyone?
not as far as I can tell. my mom likes to say im named after julius caesar but i think shes lying
Do you have kids?
no and have noooo interest it is simply not for me i think
Use sarcasm a lot?
yes, less so on the internet but irl i do a LOT
First thing you notice 'bout people?
it's hard to pick out one thing because i often interpret the totality of a person (like their vibe ig?) before i focus on any details. this is not to say that i dont focus on details i absolutely do but that's often long after i've determined the person has an interesting vibe based off their outfit/the way they carry themselves/etc
Eye color?
hazel. i think? like a light brown with greenish bits in the central heterochromia zone
Scary movies or happy ending?
hard to say tbh! I like a neat ending (not necessarily a happy one) and both scary movies and 'happy ending' movies tend to have neat endings (or at least neat enough to set-up for a sequel LOL). I like both, it all kinda depends on my mood
Special talent?
oh i struggle so hard with this question... like, i have several things i am moderately good at (writing, drawing, et cetera) but ive never been especially skilled or talented at a single thing like other people are. jack of all trades master of none that's the kinda bitch i am. also sidenote but i think talent isn't real. if it is real it describes nothing but someones desire to practice a given thing which then makes them good at it. nobodys born good at shit. prodigies are fake and they are all lying to u!!!!
Your hobbies?
lol. hobbies... what are those! no frfr i play video games write fanfic and once in a while when i have the energy to set up a workspace i like doing very hands-on sculptural art like papier mache and clay sculpture.
Any pets?
no i wish :( want a cat so bad but our aint shit landlord (who tbf is usually really fine and normal and chill so i guess there had to be ONE THING at least that sucked abt him) said no
Playing any sport?
LOL. no. fuck sports..... except i like watching basketball because those men are freaks of nature in the best way and i like to imagine in ancient times we'd have them do feats of strength like climbing up a very steep mountain face. i just love those lengthy boys. kevin durant especially is such an extruded guy every time he falls during a game (which as it turns out is way more often than i thought) im like okay this time his legs have to have snapped in half. and they dont! probably because he drinks his milk or w/e. takes him vitamines. wild shit. anyway yeah i dont do sports
How tall..?
5'7 last time i checked.... imo the perfect height. not too short not too tall but also not too medium. on the tall side of medium sized. love being this height.
Favourite subject in school?
hard to say bc it depended so much on the teacher but i loved most of my english classes and a good amount of my history classes. history is sooo girlypop to me like we're truly just sharing 100+ year old gossip like it's not nosy as fuuuuuck
Dream job:
i do not dream of labor but i think the ideal job for me is one that doesn't feel like it's sucking 100% of my soul out my mouth (will settle for like 30 to 50% soul sucking) and hopefully serves to help other people through creative expression (because i dont know how to do anything else LMAO). i basically have that job rn but it's still Hard and Annoying so i suppose nothing will ever b perfect
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dufrau · 1 year
💎why is writing important to you?
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
💎why is writing important to you?
I mean it's a creative outlet, of course. And I am a person who needs one. I went to school for fine arts (painting and print making) and that was fun but I never had any real drive to do it specifically, i was just good (for a teenager) at it and I liked doing *something* creative. Its also sort of a focal point for my indecisive energy. I have not-very-good time management and executive function skills. Sometimes "Open up a word doc and write a fucking paragraph, jackass!" is enough to switch me into productivity.
Besides that, I just feel kind of good at it? and I find it satisfying to "succeed" at it. And it surprised me to be kind of good at it, and it still surprises me and excites me. Also it feels good to be on the creating side of a fandom after spending like two decades entirely on the consuming side. Like giving back to the ecosystem or something lol.
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Oh god this is such a hard question!
Im gonna be completely honest there is like a 24-48 hour period after I post something new where I am only functioning as like half a human being because my mind is on How Is This Fic Doing. Usually when I post something I convince myself it is Bad Actually and people will hate it, and I'm just refreshing and refreshing waiting for somebody to tell me they didn't hate it.
Im lucky because i generally get a good amount of engagement on the things I write, so Ive never had anything flop and like destroy my morale. But some things do better than others, and the thing I usually tell myself if something doesnt hit the way I maybe hoped it would is, like, hey, the people who liked it liked it! And probably some other people liked it too and just didnt have the energy to comment. (i personally find commenting on fics really stressful and hard, i try to do it often because i know how good it feels to get a comment but i totally understand that sometimes it feels hard to do!) And also, like, nobody owes me anything! I volunteered for this, any feedback I get is a bonus!
But like, sometimes something that I wrote quickly, or didn't put too much thought into or whatever will do dramatically better than something that was like Very Important To Me in whatever way, and that drives me a little crazy, even when I can see why that's probably the case and even though I'm not upset that the lesser thing is being enjoyed, im just like... i wish you liked the other thing better 😂
I dont know if this actually answered the question! Basically I am as insecure about this stuff as anybody else on here, probably more than many.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Giving myself two compliments in one day is a lot. Um. Okay. I think something I'm good at is establishing the more complicated feelings underneath the "we're in love and haven't realized it yet" part. The different amounts and ways they know each other in each story, the ways they like each other and the ways they frustrate each other. I think I give a good foundation for the inevitable romance.
Thank youuuu!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
(asks from this post)
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selfdestructivecat · 1 year
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I posted 8,005 times in 2022
112 posts created (1%)
7,893 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,731 of my posts in 2022
#toh spoilers - 160 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 157 posts
#save - 97 posts
#myasks - 65 posts
#my ramblings - 64 posts
#ask game - 55 posts
#sanders sides - 40 posts
#sanders sides disney trivia saga - 37 posts
#fanart - 36 posts
#ts spoilers - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i guess where it falls apart is that i think it would be strange to have another side that’s a ‘dark’ version of roman
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Part one of “Prinxiety AUs based on games by Greg Lobanov because all of his games are incredible.”
Wandersong is such a special game to me. The story is so moving, and the characters are all so fun! Would 100% recommend! If anyone wants to know more about this game, I’d be happy to share! Like I said, this game means a lot to me, and it would mean the world if I could inspire someone else to pick it up.
I know that the Bard isn’t a perfect fit for Roman, being a pacifist who prefers to avoid fighting at all costs. In all honesty, I can see Audrey being a much better fit for him. But Miriam was literally SCREAMING Virgil, both personality wise and aesthetically, and I thought the idea of a little charismatic Bard, someone who moves people with their songs and wants to be a hero, was also a good fit for our favorite Creative Side.
(And I wanted it to be Prinxiety so badly so shhhhhh)
209 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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(Click for better quality!)
I had the incredible honor of collaborating with @wistful-wish in this year’s @sandersidesbigbang ! You know I can’t resist a good Prinxiety fic. And set in a fantasy AU with half the cast as fae? Virgil as an all-powerful fae prince? Roman as the himbo human prince that Virgil can’t help but fall for? The choice literally made itself for me lol
Go check out Tessa’s fic! She worked SO hard on it and it’s AMAZING!!! Also, go check out the incredible art @briandthemoon did for the fic! It was so cool working alongside such a talented artist, and their art for the fic is absolutely gorgeous!
213 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
100 Kisses
A/N: My first fic for this fandom! Of course it had to be Prinxiety because the brainrot is real lol
HUGE thanks to @lovelivingmydreams for reading over it for me! Romance is really hard for me to write (despite how much I love it), so her help was very much appreciated! Thank you so much!
I hope you guys enjoy!
Words: 3023
Rating: T
Genre: Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Pairings: Roman/Virgil (Prinxiety)
Warnings/Triggers: Lots of kissing. I mean, LOTS of kissing. Otherwise, nothing I can think of. This is just pure fluff ^.^
Summary: Roman makes a silly request, not expecting Virgil to agree. Virgil surprises him.
It’s a quiet day in the Mindscape. For once, Thomas is right on schedule, much to Logan’s delight, and he has no appointments to attend or projects to complete for a while. As such, the Sides were all in agreement that Thomas deserves a day or two to himself filled with junk food and mindless television.
Roman usually despises silence. His flavor of creativity is loud, all bright colors and toe-tapping lyrics intended to capture an audience’s attention. He is most confident with a song on his lips, lyrics weaving around him like silk ribbons. He feels strongest with a sword in his hands and a dragon’s roar thrumming in his eardrums, his own battle cry rising to meet it. He is bold with his movements, headstrong in his opinions, and passionate in his actions. He is Prince Roman, brash and striking and loud. And he loves being loud.
But sometimes, he can appreciate the beauty in silence. He can recall an early morning when he had woken up before anyone else, a curious occurrence for a prince who preferred to sleep in. The common room had been drenched in cool tones, the last dregs of night barely clinging on. He had been pouring himself a bowl of cereal, whistling to himself to fill the suffocating stillness, when a soft beam of gold had pierced the darkness like an arrow to a monster’s heart. The tune Roman had been whistling was suddenly caught in his throat as he beheld the most gorgeous sunrise he had ever seen. Suddenly, the silence had presence, as if it were lifting the sun into the sky. Roman couldn’t breathe for a few seconds, afraid that the sound of his breaths would tear into this gorgeous image and send the sun cascading back down to earth.
See the full post
278 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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(Click for Better Quality!)
Hello I’d like to report an attempted murder? Yeah this dress tried to kill me. This DRESS, with its INTRICATE PATTERNS AND LAYERS, nearly KILLED ME.
(But damn if it isn’t a look.)
Despite the complexity of the outfit, I HAD to do @hyperfixated-homo ‘s DTIYS! It was just too good!
Congratulations again for 100 followers, Shadow! You absolutely deserve them and more!
295 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about how in the new video Virgil explicitly said how he wasn’t “on Patton’s side” and how they simply were supporting the same thing.
Brb gonna cry now.
408 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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