#I think my fave atm is Then You May Take Me to the Fair
adhd-merlin · 4 months
Ah someone else who has discovered the joys of Camelot (1967) a movie that I am completely normal about. Have you watched it? Because the delivery of the lines is everything and if you need someone to talk to about it I am, once again, completely normal about it. The scene where Lancelot and Arthur first meet?? A masterpiece in sharing a single braincell. And don't even get me started on the way Guenevere first treats Lancelot "have you jousted with humility lately". It's unapologetically at the top of my Arthuriana movie rank list and has gotten me to reread The Once and Future King
I have not watched the film yet!
I've been listening to the original cast recording on Spotify but, most importantly, I've read the book of the original Broadway production (1960 libretto) and I love it?? It's a delightful little read on its own, even without having watched the musical. (I want other people to read it please it's very funny I promise)
I guess the 1967 film script won't be identical to the libretto but I assume it's fairly similar.
The scene where Lancelot meets Arthur was hilarious it made me laugh out loud. Lancelot utter puzzlement ("Gone a-Maying, Your Majesty??"). Arthur's sudden self-consciousness.
And don't even get me started on the way Guenevere first treats Lancelot "have you jousted with humility lately"
I know!! Lancelot's grating self-righteousness coupled with his complete lack of self-awareness is so funny.
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And I loved the gradual tone shift. It starts out so silly and the tragedy sneaks up on you — I thought Guinevere and Lancelot's affair might be played for laughs with an oblivious Arthur but no, it turns out he's fully aware of what's going on and he's forced to watch it unfold because he's powerless to stop it? and he loves them both and doesn't want any harm to come to them even as they betray him??
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(He continues talking, looking from one to the other, feverishly — painfully) — Excuse me??
and King Pellinore is hilarious, he enters the scene wearing a monocle followed by a little mongrel named Horrid and talking like a character from a P. G. Wodehouse's novel. Extremely validating because when I read that chapter in Le Morte d'Arthur in which King Pellinore first makes an appearance my first question was "is he meant to be this funny?" and the answer from this script is a resounding YES.
I think I might perhaps watch the 1968 stage production first, merely because it's available for free on Youtube (at least in the UK).
I might try hunting for a free streaming link to the 1967 film, though I don't mind renting it if I can't find it.
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tiredassmage · 4 months
people you'd like to know better
ouuuugghh I'm starting to accumulate a team of tags for this, and I actually have some interesting answers atm so let me do this before I forget further, lol.
so, tagged by @captainderyn for here and @sullustangin @kartaylirsden on my main, I think, but I'm mainly active with actually engaging things here, so here I be xD there's also a version of this from a year ago, I think <3
it's like picking between the kids. argh! gonna rustle up some that didn't make my last year mentions
mkay, latest I am obsessed with is (1) my dark urge x lae'zel from bg3. I'm flirting dangerously with the idea of relapsing into another playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition, so my first and beloved romance from that game is the (2) Inquisitor x Cassandra. And aauhmm if I may be particularly self-indulgent, (3) most of the oc dynamics between my blorbos and blorbos from friend's brain @hyrohkaah live rent-free in my skull constantly, but special mentions to Izvoye x Tyr for taking us out at the knees (again) lately, our constant Hyroh x Tyr shenanigans, Rhyst & Caolan blorbos of all time 2 me, and auhhh Taizi x Alucren.
So that's more than three, technically, but shhhh.
First ship has not changed in a year, naturally, but for those not looking to open another tab, it was Will x Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean, as far as I can recall.
Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman // Bryan Adams
Forrest Gump! And I will actually almost beg you to watch it if you haven't.
aauuhh, admittedly, nothing particularly consistently, since it is yet another spring semester in college. The closest I think you could count is uhhh the occasional build guide and mission guides for bg3, lol. (I've been needing my hand held for my uhhh paladin and ranger builds, if there's somehow further curiosity. And there are... a lot of things to do in act iii and I'm just. I'm just the littlest gal.)
Chocolate. Please. Particularly uhhh. Probably a Reese's would fix me, but I don't have any. Sadness.
And I think... a fair amount of you have already gotten a tag, bUt. If you haven't and you'd like to do this, please consider this your invitation to do so!
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QSMP x XCOM(2) playlist!
It is subject to change and I will try update it when I add new music. And someday it'll get cover art. For now, though, the track listing as is. It's kinda in 2 sections (songs providing fic titles and then vibe songs). You will note that who I associate things with and who gets the lyrics as their titles don't often match, and I am extremely biased towards my faves, and even more biased to characters I've actually written in this au.
Also of course music is subjective and my analysis is not the only analysis a commenter on ao3 just asked me when I showed them the playlist so I thought I'd share it with everyone.
Each title in the whys also has a link to a youtube version for people without spotify <3
Oh Darling - Plug In Stereo ft. Cady Groves Title music for 'Til Hell Starts To Freeze. Tonally it's massively off track for most of the series, but it's cute and it's fun and I love it.
So just take a chance, try to hold my hand I swear I’d never let go Just let me know if you’d be my man
2. The Call - 2WEI, League of Legends, and Louis Leibfried From the Regret Arc animatic. You know the one. It provides the title to 'Hold The Last Burning Ember', and just generally has very vibes. This is particularly true of any and all of the characters who were involved with the initial invasion. Due to the association with the Regret Arc, I do associate it a little more heavily with the Brazilians, though it's also very appropriate for Philza, BBH, Mariana and, weirdly enough now I think, Spreen.
For the beat and the broken For the lost and forsaken Let us never surrender May we rise unto the call
3. This Will End - The Oh Hellos Title provider for 'The Kind of Love of Which I Speak'. In different places it has the vibes of various different characters - notably Pac and Roier, also kinda Fit but the vibes are all off for him. It's a song which discusses being afraid of being alive, of giving love and never getting it back, of being passively suicidal and welcoming death if it comes but still praying for an ending where you love and are loved in return. There's many ways to read any song and I'm getting more into this one than the others for some reason, but to me it's a song about choosing to keep going when it hurts, to keep loving when you're empty, to see a world with nothing beautiful left and to still believe beauty can be attained. It goes pain-hope-confusion-pain-hope, and idk I just like their music and this one vibes a lot with the whole thing where for a lot of the main characters in this au (and a lot of me writing it) it's not so much about defeating the aliens and winning the war as it is allowing severely hurting people to heal, and those who never had a chance to discover what love is, and to build their families for themselves. A good one just for the vibes of the sort of angst I write.
I can hope how this will end With every line, a comedy That we can learn to love without demand With unreserved honesty
4. Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker One of a handful of songs I associate with XCOM2 over before anything else. Lyrics from this song are used mostly-consistently for the entire Mike being kidnapped arc - everything except the bit I wrote way back when with Philza and Fit - from capture to rescue. I am reasonably sure it's about someone dying but eeeeeeh only MCD are people who perma-die in canon! And some of them even get to escape! Because of how I used it I heavily associate this one specifically with Tazercraft, but it does have vibes for a fair few of the more tragic or co-dependent groupings. Romantic or otherwise. Really it should be the memory egg's song, but it isn't. There's also some... darker reads with one of the characters, and how the story ends.
Remember me now, time cannot erase I can hear your whispers in my mind I've become what you cannot embrace Our memory will be my lullaby
5. Duerme Pequeño - Coro San Agustin Again not a super appropriate one atm, but was used for the fic with Trump. It's a Spanish lullaby. I cannot give you a lyrics snip for this one because my Spanish is non-existent and I can neither work out how to find them nor type them by ear. But like. Lullabies are just generally good once the kids are involved in the story.
6. The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance A classic, really. The entire Danger Days album is not inappropriate to this au, and picking out just a few pieces was extremely hard. This was one - specifically it is the song I associate with Cellbit and Felps, though many other groups could use it too. Though, more generally, it's Cellbit about any of the characters he considers friends, doubly so for family, and even himself as he tries to be better in a world that doesn't want to let him. Provides title for 'People Die In Purifying Flame' and also 'Because You're The Only Hope For Me'. Some of the lyrics are a little graphic in context, but the first verse really is hard on the whole everyone dead thing. And just generally Cellbit not doing... great when on his own. But also striving for a better future for the people he loves even if it means destroying himself to save them.
And its partly that last line that makes it Felps not anyone else.
If that's the best that I could be? Than I'd be another memory Can I be the only hope for you? Because you're the only hope for me And if we can't find where we belong We'll have to make it on our own Face all the pain and take it on Because the only hope for me is you alone
7. Anything For You - Ludo Generic title I know, but this is the song I was thinking of when I titled 'Anything For You'. Or rather, the one stuck in my head on a loop. Vibes are very bouncy compared to the rest of this playlist, and it really is any of the combos who are friends or partners or other in this au. It's not... suuuuper fitting but I like it and I used it so it's here. Far better for Happy Ending AU, but frankly both of the aus are heavy on the community as saving the world and only combined are we strong and the best reward is to grow old with your loved ones.
Anything for you All of this is true But the best story that I could ever tell Is the one where I am growing old with you
8. Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille Is it really a playlist without some Bastille? Look this is literally any group who knew each other pre-invasion - Favela 5, Mystery Twins (though theirs dates back longer), Philza & Fit, BBH & Foolish & Maxo, The French... Provides the title for 'The Future's In Our Hands And We Will Never Be The Same Again', a fic with Mike and Cellbit. And I think it's especially fitting for them, at least out of their combo of 5, because sparks do fly a bit when they interact, no matter the care. I also think it's really good for Bagi in this au? Especially the little bit I've picked out here.
I read them all one day When loneliness came and you were away Oh they told me nothing new But I love to read the words you used
9. The Sound Of Silence - Disturbed Another XCOM2 over QSMP song, largely thanks to the fanmade trailer below (er, violence, explosions, gunsfire, yk)
Some of the footage in it is XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the game to which XCOM2 is a sequel. But, yeah, song I very associate just with the game and the whole thing. If I haaaaad to attach this to a character it would probably be Philza for... reasons I don't think I've talked about anywhere? Him or Foolish for very different reasons.
Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence
10. Nemo - Nightwish TBH, I just like it. If I had to pin something down, one answer is Cellbit and another is the three demons. I think I'd specifically pick out Tina for this one. She's not really someone I'd associate with this sort of music, but she's certainly the one who has buried herself the furthest. She would like redemption and she'd like it yesterday, please. Unfortunately, she's also a demonic assassin so... Good luck to her. Really it is just a very cool song, though.
My flower, withered between The pages two and three The once and forever bloom gone with my sins
11. Battle Scars - Paradise Fears (Acoustic Version) Honestly the whole song is great. It's really not anyone specific, but it has very heavy vibes for the whole group. Literally everyone hits beats here. Everyone's fucked up and a fuck up, and they're still gonna try and save their world and drag everyone else along with them gdi.
I'll carry you home No, you're not, alone Keep marching on This. Is. Worth. fighting for You know we've, all got battle scars
12. Plant Life - Owl City My brainworm of the year so far. I'm not really sure what to say about this other than it gives me an extremely specific image and I thiiiiink it's Slimecicle
I've been longing for daisies to push through the floor And I wish plant life would grow all around me So, I won't feel dead anymore So, I won't feel dead anymore
13. Defeated - Bad Suns Again, another song which really could be anyone. And I don't really... have a lot to pick apart on it. So, just enjoy!
I don't wanna be all alone and defeated Who can I be besides me? 'Cause I hate it I don't wanna be left alone, uncompleted, no I don't wanna be all alone and defeated, no
14. Keep You Safe - JJ Heller A lullaby! For all the little eggies I haven't written yet, and their fiercely protective parents. And the gently protective parents. And all the tios and tias who look after them, too. For the 'younger' eggies it's needed, for the 'older' ones maybe it's just good to have someone chase away the awful for you. Either way, their parents will keep the monsters away now. There's nothing to fear in their dreams (except that the monsters who haunt them and want to steal them are very, very real...)
My love is a light Driving away all of your fear So don’t be afraid Remember I made a promise to keep you safe
15. Saints An' Sinners - Whitesnake IDK this again just has vibes. There's something here with Tina once again, but also it really is kinda. There's a whole mess of people in the Order, many of them having done terrible things, many of them having done wonderful things. There's something about the irreverent reverence the song gives to higher powers that just. IDK there's something of the vibes of the group in the tone of the song. A combination of saints and sinners - many of them being both depending who you ask - in a defiance against the order. Given a lot of this song about being thankful sounds sarcastic to my ear oops lol
Saints an' sinners Priests an' thieves Saints an' sinners Priests an' thieves For what we are about to receive May the Lord make us truly thankful
16. Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney Not sure what to say here. It is just a good song about like... 'I am flesh and I am bone - arise, ting ting, like glitter and gold. I've got fire in my soul, rise up, ting ting, like glitter'. It's a call of life to life, demanding humanity wake up and come forth. Marching song of the order, perhaps, with flesh on their bones and fire in their souls and demanding an answer and demanding the world goes on.
Do you walk in the valley of kings? Do you walk in the shadow of men Who sold their lives to a dream? Do you ponder the manner of things In the dark? The dark, the dark, the dark
17. Enough To Go By - Vienna Teng I am just... this song. Separation and rejoining and its love love love but love might not be enough to save anyone, but you're trying anyway. It's just... Every relationship in this series that hurts. It's Felps and his family, it's Tazercraft, it's Wilbur and Philza, it's Fit and basically anyone, it's Foolish and BBH and Maxo, it's Maxo and Dan, it's Spreen and Missa and Roier in any combination, Aypierre and Maxo, Aypierre and Antoine... The list goes on and on and on of characters who by one definition or another love each other to the world and back and it's never enough. It's coming back after seperation and asking am I good enough yet? I changed have you? I cannot force you to live but please, please, survive. This song is like. The song form of the gentler angst I write.
Would it be enough to go by If we could sail on the wind in the dark Cut those chains in the middle of the night That had you pulled apart Would it be enough to go by If there's moonlight pulling the tide Would it be enough to live on If my love couldn't keep you alive
18. The Fighter - Paradise Fears Again not really sure here, it's just... It's here. It just is. I have nothing clever to say this time. There's a lot of songs some are like that.
Now I do it for the Kids, people said never had a shot Never really caring if tomorrows gonna come or not We're all just a life that fates taking a chance on But this ain't our last dance, so baby dance on
19. Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back - My Chemical Romance Not everyone believes they can actually succeed. TBH, most of them don't believe there's a chance of victory, but everyone in the Order is still ready and willing and wanting to raise hell. Raise hell, try change the world, and more than anything else grab their friends' hands and run away together. It's especially true of some of the more... reckless sorts - Roier, Baghera, Foolish, Fit, Etoiles, backstory Philza, etc
I'll tell you well how the story ends Where the good guys die and the bad guys win (who cares?) This ain't about all the friends you made But the graffiti they write on your grave
20. Lady of Worlds - Miracle of Sound Look I haven't played the game this is a song about, but I still very much appreciate it. It's not the vibes for Jaiden, but it's not-not her vibes, you know? Same for Bagi. It's definitely something, though. Maybe you could argue Mouse? You could probably argue mouse.
Time and space on the frailest veil Frozen cold in the static Bloody blades under hatred's sails Tearing out through the fabric
21. Until The End - Breaking Benjamin Confession time - this song I know from Naruto AMVs in my childhood. It really could be any of the characters, but because they are my boys we're handing it to Tazercraft. Yes, both of them. Mostly backstory but frankly neither of them is great. As I said it could quite honestly be any of the characters at times, but I think they are the two who fit it most consistently. Something about there's nothing and you have nothing but you keep going anyway because you refuse to let them win even if you kind of want to die.
Why give up, why give in? It's not enough, it never is So I will go on until the end We've become desolate It's not enough, it never is But I will go on until the end
22. Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter Something something violence something something. I don't think this one needs a whole lot of analysis to explain? The violence has been going on for so long of course it's treated with a combination of exasperation and irreverence.
Go get your gun, get your gun And lets find out what it does Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot We haven't won, and if we win And if the morning light sets in We've cheated fate again
23. Until The Day Is Done - R.E.M. It is known to be a song about the state of America (in 2008...), but it's also a very good song for just. The weary hopelessness of the situation the characters find themselves in.
As we've written our stories to entertain These notions of glory and bull market gain The teleprompt flutters, the power surge brings An easy speed message falls into routine
24. Laughter Lines - Bastille There's a good number of characters who knew each other and were separated by circumstances, to whom this can apply. But it also can apply to many others, the promise of the chance to grow old, and to do it together. Maybe not in the same place, but circling around and around each other. And like... a lot of them need that a lot of the time. Just pick yourself a ship - romantic or otherwise - and give it a go.
"I'll see you in the future when we're older And we are full of stories to be told Crossin' my heart and hope to die I'll see you with your laughter lines"
25. Working - I Fight Dragons I'll confess, I just wanted something from this album. A couple could have worked, but I liked this one best. It's disillusionment in the current system, whether that be irl or in the au series. It's not really a specific character, but more just the vibe of those who turn away from the Federation not for a specific moment of violence but a simple desire of something more, for something greater. While she's learnt more horrors since Jaiden somewhat falls into this catagory. She didn't leave because of horrors she discovered, she left her cushy admin job because it was just never quite... right. At first it was just a quiet 'this is wrong', and then she saw the horrors once she found other people and it was all peeled back...
Lie to me 'cause honestly I don't believe that you believe The lies you tried to feed to me Like keep your head down Happy isn't free
26. Barricade - Stars If you've done my music rambles before, you know that this is my Fit & Philza song. However in this AU where they've known each other for a very long time - on and off - it somehow is stronger. Apply the hate to hating the system they fight, and the love to them having been a couple in all but name back before the wasteland was sealed and they were forcibly separated, and there we go. It's so good here where they used to fight together, but Philza hung up his sword when the trauma got too much - even now he's support - while Fit went in deeper and harder and more violent. They're still very close, of course, but... Well... It's not what it was before. Ask me to ramble about them. I've written very little but god these two.
In Bermondsey in Burberry, you held me at the barricade, the pigs arrived with tear gas And I wept at the mistakes we made We stalked the streets like animals And danced as windows shattered For our island, for the thrill of it, for everything that mattered
27. Back To The Start - Michael Schulte I don't think it takes a genius to work out why some - many - of the characters would like to reset the timeline and go back to something simpler. I can't decide who this works best for, but probably for someone who was genuinely happy before things got complicated - Maxo, the Quackities, Bagi (even if before was a very long time ago for her)... I think especially, especially Bagi. She's not as stuck as she is in canon, but... She'd still give anything to be ten again and be playing in the woods with her brother.
If I could go, go into my heart And search for all the places I left the spark To find a way, way back to the olden days Before it started falling apart
28. To Them These Streets Belong - Rise Against Again, another how can I not band. I don't have much amazing reasoning here (and might add more from the album some time), just... go listen and you'll probably get it. This song is angry and they are too.
Head hung from shame we bear a weight That brings me to a crawl These years of longing tell decades Of unanswered calls For a change, 'cause everyday we slip and fall Kicked while we're down, our fists clench into ball
29. No Sound But The Wind - Editors And back onto the sad stuff. I don't mean that to be disparaging, but it's true. Very heavy vibes for before they got the airship together. The group was much smaller then, constantly on the move and on foot about it too. Even then, it's a quiet reflection on the state of everything. There aren't many parent-child groups prior to the Eggs, and the Eggs don't remember the before, but... yeeeeah... Sad vibes of the world, sung to someone you want to but cannot protect.
We walk through the ash And the charred remains of our country Keep an eye on my back I'll keep an eye on the road
30. The Beginning After The End - Stars This is mostly a music piece, so you get all the lyrics. Please enjoy it. The sound like a heartbeat building up into music, slowly growing and growing and growing and growing as more things are added, as more joins in. Dropping with a low beat, following through into something a little angrier before gaining back the dance, now merged, less bright but still continuing on. Life in the face of disaster, hope at the end of it all, there will be a morning to doubt what you've done, there will be an end and the music will only get there together. You'll fight and you'll fail and you'll get up and keep going and in the end... Will it be worth it? Well, you just have to get there to answer that, don't you?
Oh, the blood and the treasure And then losing it all The time that we wasted And the place where we fall Will we wake in the morning and know what it was all for? Up in our bedroom After the war
31. Oh, What A Life - American Authors God I don't know what to say here, just every lyric. The talk of burying your soul, forgetting who you are, fields of bodies and a longing for the past, and yet no matter how long it's been or how lost you feel you laugh and you cry and you sing, because you're human, no matter how burnt out you are, no matter the sins you've done, no matter the trauma and the trauma and the trauma and the fear you are still only human and perhaps it's with hysteria that you laugh, with reckless abandon that you dance, but you're laughing and dancing all the same. Maybe you don't accept it, not yet, but perhaps the first step to believing it'll be okay is to say it's fucking shit right now.
But I tried so hard, and we tried so hard And it's a long long road, that you told me so Yeah I tried so hard, to forget where we are And all we do is laugh and we sing
32. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab It could be many things. This song could be so many things, it could be innocence lost because you're needed, it could be a meditation on holiness and unholiness and the meaninglessness of the distinction in times of crisis, it could just be that sometimes to survive you fuck shit up. But's it's literally called angel with a shotgun and Philza is right fucking there with, you guessed it, a motherfucking shotgun.
Get out your guns, battles begun Are you a saint, or a sinner? If loves a fight, than I shall die With my heart on a trigger
33. Lucky Ones - Lana Del Ray It is, technically, true that the characters in the Order are the lucky ones. They survived the invasion, dodged the kidnappings, escaped the cities and the aliens don't even pretend it's a paradise anymore because people are just used to it. Doesn't mean it feels like it, though. It's a love song, so take your pick of couples, and maybe it's actually sad about love being hard or rare but maybe you can turn it to all the deaths and the horror and the violence and maybe, just maybe, this time they'll get out alive.
Let's get out of this town, baby, we're on fire Everyone around here seems to be going down, down, down If you stick with me, I can take you higher and higher It feels like all of our friends are lost Nobody's found, found, found
34. Polaroid Picture - Frank Turner This was added to the list with the thought of Forever's office and the photographs on the wall, and the clinging to the memories of his friends who have been torn away from him.. If you'd rather not think about him... Well, there's plenty of other characters with close relationships who would do anything to hold onto little memories. And there's plenty of chances that those memories will be all they have left, soon enough...
Let go of the little distractions Hold close to the ones that you love Because we won't all be here this time next year So while you can take a picture of us
35. The Sun Is Also A Warrior - Leslie Fish The Federation does offer global peace, this is true. Under the single government no war continues, via methodology of harshly suppressing life and freedom. And, just as the man in the song learns, perhaps, perhaps, it is not worth it.
"Go rebuild now," the old god said "Feed the living and bury the dead And remember this when you speak of war And think upon what is worth fighting for"
36. That's Okay - The Hush Sound I could say this is about the handful of dead characters, or about the Eggs who have been created and mistreated and abused and just want each other and to be safe, but no. When I listen I don't think of anyone who is actually unloved, I don't think of anyone who will be forgotten - I think of Tazercraft and their inability to believe anyone but each other could ever love them. This was originally the last song on the list, I've just been adding a few more since. I should probably put it back to last but eh.
And when you're gone, will they say your name? And when you're gone, will they love you the same? If not, that's okay.
37. Way Down We Go - KAELO Not a song I know well, but I got it on shuffle and thought the vibes fit. There's nothing clever here, that's it. I've listened to it maybe twice I don't have strong thoughts.
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall And they will run you down, down 'til you go Yeah, so you can't crawl no more
38. Happier - Marshmello, Bastille Again, not one I know well, just vibes. Lyrics wise it could easily be Fit and Spreen, but just listen and vibe and enjoy.
Then only for a minute I want to change my mind 'Cause this just don't feel right to me I wanna raise your spirits I want to see you smile but Know that means I'll have to leave
39. Afraid Of The Dark - Chef'Special Recommended by rabbit-harpist! This song gives me different character vibes in different places, but largely Baghera, Pac, Mike, and Missa. Of all combos. The idea of trying to face your fear and make friends with it is very Missa thing to do, I feel. But the Pac and Mike is the bit about doing better and the utter wreck of either and both of them's mental health, even compared to everyone else. It's still mostly Missa to me. He's doing his best and his best is worth doing and he might be doing it scared and he might want the comfort but gdi he's trying. And Baghera... Poor Baghera, you'll see eventually.
I am still afraid of the dark Even though there's a sky full of stars I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on the run Can you leave a little light on?
40. The London Air Raids - Vian Izak Once again recommended by rabbit-harpist. There's so many pairings - friends and romantic - this one could be. I know Rabbit thinks of Phil/Missa and yes that's a very good one here! I have also deemed this one Felps vibes. With, quite frankly, any of his friends. Frankly it's anything soft but angsty. And, frankly, there's a lot of that in this au. It's like. The vibe. Ripping out splinters and all that.
But I know that I'm safe here with you 'Cause we made it through everything, the old and the new Just wake me up when all this is over Wake me up and tell me it's not true
Honourable Mention: How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty Recommended by guestcom2 over on ao3 and they are correct in that this song should, by all rights, be on the playlist. It is nearly perfect. It is however too ingrained in my own mind as associated with a LARP I used to play in for me ever to be able to project anything else onto it. Sorry. >.<
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend, Let's see how far we've come Let's see how far we've come
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ghcstvalleychief · 1 year
Yeah, I definitely agree with your assessment aka I was the anon. Thank you for answering my question! You have summarized it really well. I will say as someone who works in the more..public eye — that is all too true as well.
It’s not easy as people think along with the intricate politics involved. Within any industry or company.
And to be honest while I understand the desire wanting your faves to speak up..it’s truly a fact some people aren’t considering all the implications. And I could be wrong..but it feels a little bit unfair or maybe at least presumptuous to think MA don’t care (maybe not the best choice of words but I can’t find a better phrase atm) when we know they do? (Some tweets saying they wish MA would defend us, etc.) We have seen them care about and or acknowledge fans — the issue is their hands are tied. There’s so much more to it essentially.
I also think about the fact…MA never expected this many people to care about them. For all the trending and projects and etc. (A lot of that is on the company and the clown CEO after all.)
Separately but related:
I completely get people’s desire to take care and mental health. Fandom is supposed to be fun! Not stressful. I wish everyone the best because at the end of the day, *you* come first.
I just think for those who want to stay... At some point people have to *truly* think with the fact MA are tied to this company for at least the next year. I (know and acknowledge all the perspectives people have said thus far.) And I worry about people resenting MA if not now..then the long term. The reality is: they are employed by BOC for the near future with everything that implies and is. Plus everything that has been said in your summary and my asks. (I am not asking or defending the company by the way! I think at some point..people have to accept that this is the reality especially after everything in the last several months. And what may arise in the future. It doesn’t make it fair and it sucks! We all know that. That doesn’t mean people have to stay or etc of course! But for those who want to stay..I think it should be something to consider. And it doesn’t mean you can’t / shouldn’t call out things. Or want things to better. I just means..to really and truly think — of the implications, the politics, as well as the long term and how that ties to your mental health, to the love of your favorites [because I would like to emphasize that at the end of day, we truly don’t know these people. No celebrity or idol or artist is worth a breakdown or making you feel stressed or etc. Same with the fandom. Same with industries and companies that have that affect.)
As well as the fact as someone who has been in several fandoms and within kpop where companies or writers or showrunners or etc. are fucked — there is only so much you can do. For me, it’s the fact that I love my x favorites and my friends and carve my own spaces. For me, that is enough. And for others it’s not and that is okay!
But people do have to think of nuance, of implications and politics especially within industries (aka everything you summarized!) and that it’s not at easy as people think or presume or whatever it is. I honestly..don’t think many people have either in this fandom.
Just think or at least consider. (sometimes I wonder if that is possible though for this fandom though lol)
Oof, this got long. Anyways I hope this all makes sense even if long-winded! Thank you for answering my reply by the way! ❤️❤️
No, I completely agree.
From what I've seen, the resentment is already starting. In small doses, the resentment is already starting peek through if you're paying attention to certain people. It's not a huge problem yet, but I can see how it can become this whole big thing if it continues this way.
I know some people get offended when I say stuff like this, but it's the truth. Naivete and maturity plays a huge role when it comes to this kind of thing. People who don't understand how this works or who haven't lived life truly believe these things are as simple as they think it is. They think dealing with these types of situations are as simple as these actors fighting back and telling Pond to shove his decisions up his ass when we know that's not how that works. That's never how it works in any industry, even for us mere peasants. Maybe it works like that on your favorite TV show, but that's not how it works in the real world. In the real world, you have to play the game. I'm not in the industry but I've worked for a number of years and I know how office politics work, and this isn't any different from that.
I've been in dozens of fandoms where showrunners/EPs are disliked and hated by the fans in the fandom. However, the fans in the fandom have NEVER expected the actors to speak up and speak out about it. In those fandoms, the fans know their favorite actors simply cannot badmouth their bosses on social media and still expect to have a job the next day. This is why this experience is so unique to me. This is the first fandom I've ever been in where fans expect the artists to take a hard vocal stance on social media slamming their boss's actions and words. This is the first fandom I've ever been in where fans get agitated and nasty if you decide to ignore Pond/BOC and support MileApo despite whatever beef you have with the company and its CEO. There are people right now as we speak ranting and raving about how the fans are 'allowing' Pond to get away with what he said because we chose to support MA despite that. No one's asking anyone to suddenly become a Pond/BOC stan but .. you do have to ask yourself why you're here if you can't understand why other fans would still support MA despite the fans' personal beef with the company/CEO.
Feel what you feel; think what you want. However, complaining about things you can't change gets you nowhere. It just makes you resentful and bitter in the long run, and it's best if you moved on once that starts to happen. Venting and releasing your emotions/feelings in the moment while understanding you're not going anywhere is one thing. Venting and talking shit while threatening to leave the fandom every day and looking down on other fans who have chosen to ignore the nonsense is something completely different.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
top tv show recs? i trust ur taste ty!! <3
thank you! idk a lot about you but if you like my taste (shucks!!), here's some shows I think u might like that I don't see reccomended a lot:
Preppers (2021) - comedy series about a 20 something Aboriginal talkshow host who has a personal breakdown and runs away to live on her nan's land only to find a bunch of hapless doomsday preppers living there.
Soulmates (2020) - scifi anthology like Black Mirror, except the premise of each episode is that there is now a test people can take that matches them to their DNA-determined soulmate.
Hitmen (2020-21) - British comedy series about two middle aged women who are high school besties that work together as hitmen but they're literally terrible at their job so chaos always ensues
Snowpiercer (2019-?) - the movie is great don't get me wrong, but the series is greater. If you loved the film, but wanted more, it's perfect. but you also don't need to have seen the movie to have seen it. It's brilliant!
Sort Of (2021) - comedy-drama about a first gen Pakistani-Canadian trans 20 something navigating their mid 20s. Heart-warming and gay as hell
Clarice (2021) - based on Silence of the Lambs, this show follows Clarice 2 years after she worked with Hannibal Lector and how the trauma and fame of that is affecting her. Probably the best crime series of the year. If you liked nbc Hannibal, but wished it was a little less racist, sexist, etc check it out.
Creamerie - this show is a little batshit but I promise you won't be bored. Comedy-drama set in a version of Aotearoa New Zealand where all the men have died of a virus and only the women are left.
We Are Lady parts (2021) - my fave show of the year. It's a comedy about an all Muslim girl punk band coming together.
Bojack Horseman - this is my favourite show probably ever. I rarely go a day without watching an episode or thinking about it.
Mr Robot - this show is THE fuck capitalism show. A perfect story told over 4 seasons.
Total Control - fictional Australian political drama about an Aboriginal woman becoming a senator. One the best shows on Australian TV rn.
The Living And The Dead - this show ends on a cliffhanger because it was cancelled, fair warning. BUT it is the best period drama ghost story EVER. Follows a Victorian psychologist dealing with the hauntings and possessions of people in the town.
Some Girls (2012-14) - British high school comedy following 4 girl besties. if you liked Derry Girls but found it painfully white, try this series. To this day one of the funniest shows I've ever seen.
High Fidelity (2020) - if you liked Fleabag, loved Michaela Coels Chewing Gum, and want to see bisexual zoe kravitz... Perfect show for you.
The Third Day (2020) - do you like shows about isolated islands with creepy cults that may or may not be an allegory for how grief makes wastelands of man? Go watch The Third Day!
Idk these are the first things that come to mind atm!! lmk if you want others, but also anything I post about in my TV tag is a safe bet I'd recommend 🥰
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
Hi hi hope you're doing well <3
For the fic writer ask game: 🏆🎤🍄📚
And if you're feeling generous: 🎁 (hehe :P)
Hey anonnie thanks for asking and sorry for taking a while to answer! I may have spiralled slightly agsjshsj
🏆fic youre most proud of?
probably Linstock! it was my first longer piece and i got to inject a fair bit of my own knowledge into it, plus i just love pirate aus. i think some of the dialogue coulda been a little better but overall i'm proud of it :)
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
~ "I really want you to know you do belong here, and I want you to stay." Your eyes searched his, heart flipping in your chest, as he dared inch closer, your eyelashes kissing one another’s cheeks as his hot breath fanned across your lips. "With me." - Linstock
writing the whole fic fucked me up honestly but basically all of the ending is just. i'm a simp what can i say
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write?
i don't 😭 it strikes me extremely randomly and when it does i take advantage, otherwise i don't write for days haha :') i don't force it, it makes me incredibly inconsistent but i'm okay with that! but reading and watching films will often get me in the mood to create so, if anything that hehe :)
📚 favorite fandom for write for?
stray kids atm! that's just cuz i'm big in skz brainrot though lol, i like all 3 i write for though. everyone in them is so lovely and supportive 😭💞
🎁 have a quote from a WIP?
okay challenge: read this and tell me if you can guess the member lmao (hint: it's a skz fic)
"Wait, are you kidding me?" He hadn't expected that, your eyes blown wide with shock and eyebrows raised as your pupils scanned his face. He shrunk back into himself a little, adrenaline fueled confidence suddenly replaced by the harsh chill of rejection, and pulled his eyes from your face to stare at his lap.
"I mean, if you don't feel the same that's completely okay! I don't wanna ruin the friendship we have and-" he was stopped in his rambling by your hand coming up to cup his face, confusion washing over him as your entire demeanor changed.
"It's not that," you laughed, the situation starting to set in. "It's not that I don't feel the same," he was visibly slightly relieved, tension releasing from his tightly drawn shoulders in spite of the perplexed expression remaining etched on his face.
"So why did you respond that way?" he murmured, beginning to feel embarrassed. He could tell you'd realised sometimes he hadn't, and it made him feel dumb, which he always hated. A warm blush was burning his face, creeping up from his neck and tingling on his nerves, and you let out another soft laugh.
"I thought we started dating months ago."
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aconstantache · 3 years
HM: The Minute I Saw You by Paige Toon; Fair As A Star by Mimi Matthews; You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle 
10. Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - loved, loved, loved these MCs. They were both so well-realised and multi-faceted. Zafir may be one of my favourite heroes ever and the depiction of a South Asian family here is also an all-time fave?? No boring, tired, sad diaspora vibes? No overused tropes re: Muslims? MIRACULOUS. So Zaf is a romance novel-reading lover of love and Dani is Not About Relationships. Unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc.
9. Two Rogues Make A Right by Cat Sebastian - the ultimate in hurt/comfort decadence. Literally the entire plot is one person is really sick and the other person spends the entire rest of the book looking after them. LIKE, MAYBE THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS?  It takes a bit to get into it but also the sick one is kinda villainous and the one looking after him believes there’s good in him despite all evidence to the contrary. V good dynamic! 
8.  Wild At Heart by K.A. Tucker - I read and LOVED The Simple Wild last year and was so happy the author decided to write a sequel. I would read ALL the books about these two characters just living their life in this universe. I know Tucker is branching out and writing about other characters in the ‘verse and: eh. I only want to read about Calla riding snowmobiles and Jonah telling her how competent she is I’m sorry!!! Wild At Heart focuses less on romance and more on Calla getting used to Alaska but it’s still satisfying seeing them work out how to compromise and start a new life together. 
7. Beach Read by Emily Henry - I love when a romance novel has a lot of hype and it lives up to expectations (see The Roommate for the opposite, ugh that book was bad.) Honestly I get off just on the blurb of this book: he writes pretentious literary fiction! she’s a bestselling romance author! they help each other write and slowly fall in love at the same time! It also deals with slightly heavier themes and there is focus on a recent death and some other stuff which I know a few people struggled with but there’s plenty of humour and light-heartedness so it all works imo
6.  A Dangerous Kind of Lady by Mia Vincy - It is so rare for me to like every book in a Historical Romance series but Mia Vincy’s Longhope Abbey is 3/3 atm. I loved the first two (as mentioned last year) and this one is an A+ addition (ngl I have qualms about the fourth book but I think MV has won some trust at this point so.) We originally met these MCs in the first book when they were introduced as very happily married and devoted so rewinding to them being conflict-stricken and angst-ridden youths was great.
5. You Say It First by Katie Cotugno - So I simultaneously adored this and also found it irritating. This book focuses on ‘liberal’ Meg who has progressive values and is very involved in things like voter registration phonebanks. She ends up on the phone with Colby who is her age and struggling with his family’s lack of money, his dead-end job, etc and has no time to discuss how the electoral system could help him. From a political point this had the potential to be really interesting but I think it’s pretty mishandled by the author. I think she could have done a much better job at writing a character who has no faith in the political system for valid reaons but like, some of Colby’s opinions are just nonsensical? Also Meg often feels ‘liberal’ in a way that is twee and annoying and superficial. Why did I place this so high when I have such a list of complaints??? Despite all this, the relationship between Meg and Colby is so sweet and satisfying and well-built. Most it it takes place over the phone and I love that liminal space that exists just for the two of them. It managed to outweight my negatives!!!
4.  If We Were Us by K.L. Walther - I know people have had qualms with this book but I still loved it. The boarding school vibes; the friendships; the siblings. Quintessential YA things done well! Sage and Charlie are best friends and would be perfect together (valedictorian types) except Sage is far more into Charlie’s twin brother (v not valedictorian type) and Charlie isn’t into girls at all. Two good, satisfying romantic relationships found here folks!
3. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall - FAKE DATING EXCELLENCE. I think every year I need something new to fill this particular category and Boyfriend Material is a really stellar entry. That being said, I don’t think there’s much actual fake dating going on in this book apart from premise-wise but we move! Luc and Oliver have a good mix of awareness and conflict so you get the Good Stuff TM of them being together and sweet and wonderful while still having to wait for their climactic Get Together.
2. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon - I’m obsessed with “I’ve hated you all along! Wait... have I?” narratives and it’s executed so perfectly here. Rowan and Neil are two massive nerds and competitive rivals who end up spending their last hours of school together. There is very little plot to this book - it is almost 100% relationship development and hangout time - which is almost always all I ever want from romance.
1. Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson - I read this all the way back in January (what a completely different time in the world!) so it’s a testament to how good it is that I still feel strongly enough about it to give it pride of first place. This is the kind of book - because it’s not reeeeally genre fiction - that seems destined for a sad or, at the very least, ambigious ending but (HA!) it provides a warm, wholly satisfying happily ever after. Anyway if you’re into second chances after decades and decades apart and people communicating through songs and yearning and never being able to Let Go - this is for you!
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
A c and e for dabi and twice? (I’m such a slut for the villains oops
( i’ll assume SFW, since that’s the last one i posted and you didn’t specify. | idk if any of this makes sense bc my head is weird atm but i wannit to write!!! i’ve been spooking myself with conspiracy theories... )
| dabi; headcanons.
AFFECTION       yes. now? always.
why else would he bother with a relationship? no trouble getting laid and able to snatch intelligent convos in a bar or park here and there, dabi’s no need to go out of his way for either.but proper, fulfilling affection comes with someone you trust - to an extent.
so. yeah. 
dabi’s always wanted a partner he could truly stand with. side by side, neither lesser or more than the other; whether this would be a romantic partner or not never mattered. a strong, reliable bond that doesn’t hinge on emotional constipation like so many of his working relations. 
                  a, uh. soul mate. if you will. shhh.
      he’s entirely honest with himself about this wish, too - which means he’s not shy about acting on it. unless he has his game face on or you’re around people who shouldn’t know you care about each other, dabi’s open to physical and not so physical affection.around here we’re not too macho for staring deep~~ into each other’s~~ eyes~~ (esp since his are so pretty that it’s hard not to ever get caught staring so yah). he prefers to have at least one hand at you at all times, soaking up your warmth and returning it. idle kisses during conversation, words clear against your cheek, the corner of your mouth. it’s in private that he lets his fingers trace the thin vulnerable skin of your eyelids or the exact shape of your cheeks.
ppl can complain or gag all they want, dabi is and will always be demonstratively loving. (or just. out of fucks to give, but w/e.)
CUDDLING     linked into the affection - dabi is highkey about simple, physical contact. arms around you at all times and usually while he’s behind you (better view on anything that might need to be u know dodged. he protective rawr); resting on your shoulders, round your waist, fingers hooked into the belt loops and fingers tracing the shape of your crotch if you don’t stop him, fingers hooked into the beltloops at your hips, hands at your hips, one arm round your neck w/ a hand on ur shoulder, hand on ur throat, hand resting lightly on ur crown, hands…… on ur ass. yeah.
will shamelessly insert himself into any conversation just by silently curling around you, and staring down ur convo partner like they’re the wall or smth ‘bout to get curbstomped; either, or.other times he lets u be… but still touches u somehow. turned farther away but with a hand on u to know where u at—
—dabi knows damn well how dangerous he is. he’s got to - it’s how he got where he is now, measuring his skill against what he’s got left to learn, against the competition that’ll come for ‘im as he makes a name for himself. consciously & unconsciously, that leads to him placing himself in a position where he can directly oppose whatever might try to fuck up this thing he’s got here, with u.he’s good w/ direct shit. also p good with sneaky shit. if ur a soft lil civilian or otherwise of lesser skill (or equal. or more, really - he’ll lay off some then, but still)- then he’ll want to know where ur at so he can bear in mind the angles if a threat pops up.        so. a hand on ur ass. hey- we can mix business w/ pleasure a lil.
             shhh. it’s totes just cuz he’s an ass man, tho.
straight up cuddling in bed, lazily soothed… all day every day pls and thnx. just hazy dozing, a dream-like quality to simple vulnerability shred. that’s not workable at present, but a worthy goal to set, no..? mmm.
EFFORT     flings, as stated, are for fun. he puts in the effort to be there bc he wants the good times, but it doesn’t go further than skindeep.
a real relationship - to dabi - is committed, and not something he’ll easily accept into his life. the point of one is effort; not in the least bc he knows it takes a fuckton of that for trust to really build. being who he is the way he is means it’s going to take effort.         mostly on his part, he thinks.     buuuuut also on the other part, if you’re not the patient or emotionally intelligent sort (which is fair honestly). 
dabi does not expect any true partner to do all the work. when it comes to effort in bonds, dabi goes … almost for broke, really. he’s neither antisocial nor aromantic, knows he craves emotional connection on several levels, and is therefore invested.                so, although he can be closed off (you may still not hear about w/e got him in this life etc), you can def just go up to him and go ‘okay i have xyz problem with us as we are, i need abc from you / do you need abc from me’. he’ll listen. he’ll try to see it your way too. this boy understands better than most what it really takes to make shit work with smn.
                  the most effort is trying to get him to a point where                   he wants to keep someone around, though. his                  agenda is his priority as is; romance just... well shit,                  you know this ain’t the time for that.
| twice; headcanons.
AFFECTION     at once highkey and lowkey. his anxiety nullifies any impulse to be all lovey dovey bc yeah. actually. that can get you killed. and losing you is high on his list of shit to avoid. so it’s all behind closed doors and there it’s desperate as you know he can be, all over each other, physical reassurance of both your connection and the fact your heart still beats.
starved of it, jin is always up for affection – yet can have too full a head to be able to deal with the extra impulses; physical touch, the emotion it evokes, what it does to his mind.
generally tight hugs, touchy-feely, wants to have his eyes on ur face to read u and check u over. prefers to have some kinda physical contact w/ u when ur together but his attention is away from you; the sensation of good things slipping through his fingers gets intense.
CUDDLING     yes please. jin can actually sleep in the same bed as someone else with little to no problem; at worst he’ll jerk violently in his sleep/during a dream/if his body registers your touch as foreign, but it’s not a punch or shit just an involuntary jolt.
embraces are his fave. full on arms around each other and pressed together. long, feelsy hugs that are all about just. well. affection. feeling each other. finding some peace in the hug and letting it last. 
jin is susceptible to ridicule (from stupid macho morons) but resolved about dem long hugs and sweet, tender love that isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. that’s what his cuddling feels like, always intimate. it can get a bit much to be constantly intimate to that extent, but then he rarely slips up about showing just how much he cares about you in public - so that’s a break from that lmao.
EFFORT     a lot. lots of internal shit, working on new anxieties. trying to ween himself off needing to feel you, to tone down the cling. it takes a few months for him to fully be ready to take this new flaring anxiety in his hands and deal with it like the (at least partially) solvable problem it is, and that’s when he starts toning it down, reassuring himself about the lack of touch, etc.         he’s an anxiety veteran. new causes can be so overwhelming that he doesn’t remember for a while that it’s his brain funking around.
he cares about you / what you’re feeling / needs & wants. might not be able to help, but will fucking care. if there’s one thing you won’t feel, it’s unappreciated. 
twice is a lil more aware of healthy functioning relationship dynamics than some of the other league members, and unlike say dabi he’s really intent on keeping you around. if he’s got something good he’s going to do what he can to keep it.
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Ready To Wear, Ready To Play
As previously noted, there’s been yet another change in direction for the Attract Mode blog… which I have dubbed Version 2.8 Final CE EX Λ Core Plus Alpha. BTW/FYI. But yeah, been posting on Twitter, a lot. So much so that you may have missed something, so here’s a recap!
Note: was originally going to cover everything tweeted throughout the month, but because there’s so much to cover (and February’s short)… am guessing bi-weekly might be the way to go. Am also going to present things mostly in order.
K, enough chatter: at the very top is another fine example of a Famicom being the ultimate in fashion accessory (via nintendu). And here we have, not designer threads but designer plastic (via gamefreaksnz)...
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Speaking of plastic, Sega (or someone who got Sega’s blessing, or maybe not even) made Super Monkey Ball figures? Guess so (via magimacaque)...
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I was under the belief that, if I truly wanted to make an impact with the relaunch of the Attract Mode Twitter, I couldn’t just post one single piece of Klonoa fan art, but two... 
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And I only have one example of Cuphead fan art, but it’s the one that counts (via jothelion)...
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It was Kyle who helped kick the Attract Mode Twitter’s rebirth into high gear, with the reveal of his Nintendo Power covers. So to help replay the favor, I must insistent that everyone purchase the hard copy of RPG_Friends (which I first mentioned here)...
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Nothing makes me happier than seeing such a dense assortment of Japanese game stuffs (via peazy86)...
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... Yet that being said, I also believe less can be more, plus a nice breeze while playing Secret of Mana is... well... nice (via sixteen-bit.tumblr)
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These gamer chairs perfectly embody Japanese sensibilities when it comes to furniture, plus are a total 180 to the junk they peddle in the US (via shmups)...
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Time for another excellent toco toco vid, this one features your fave old school Capcom illustrator, and mine, Akiman…
There's so much I love about this interview with the creator of Hong Kong 1997, whose goal was "to make the worst game possible”. Though this picture of the guy is near the top of my list... 
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I love these kooky kids, thinking they could possibly get away with  stealing an entire Final Fight arcade cab (via videogamead)...
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Yeah, I feel the same way kid (via tvgame)...
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"This is Jesus. He lives inside my Neo Geo MVS cabinet. He was there when I got it. He is glorious." (via arcadephile)...
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The pathos that is Sub Zero at the bat, in four modded screenshots(via lanceboyles)...
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The pathos that is the Kachō interacting with kids, in just three YouTube screengrabs (via gaijira)...
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And the pathos that is Splatoon 2, via two screengrabs and the piece of fan art that resulted (via lunaticobscurity)...
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Though in addition to pathos, Splatoon is also filled to the brim with intensity (via thewaragainstgiygas)...
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Welcome to VIOLENT CITY (via shmups)...
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Also, STAY CHILL (via paperbeatsscissors)...
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Not that any band in which music is performed via guitars hooked up to Famicoms is all that typical to being with, but this one is most definitely not typical (via miki800.com)...
This "what the hell is going on exactly" illustration has motivated me to finally Wario Land a spin at long last (via it8bit)...
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Remember Absolutely Rose Street, the Beverly Hills 90210 meets Degrassi meets Wayne’s World-esque show that was actually an infomercial for the Sega 32X in disguise that I wrote about a little whiles ago? Well here's ad for it (via oldgamemags)...
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I'm a total sucker for old Japanese video game mags, primarily ones featuring models/statues on the cover (via miki800)...
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Another cover to an old Japanese game rag, this one featuring the very first Metal Gear; I wonder if this slightly cutesy take helped to inspire the Metal Gear we meet in Snatcher (via mendelpalace)...
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Here we have a page from an 11 page comic, done in a single sitting, for an event that celebrates various pairings of Solid Snake/Otacon, one that's called Snot Week for whatever reason (via millionfish)...
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I want this woman to be my mom (via cyberfights)...
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Am obsessed with this image of a man playing Xevious in the middle of a desert that's clearly fabricated and clearly from the 80s (via shmups)...
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mendelpalace sez: "This picture gives me anxiety" and I feel exactly the same...
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This is comparable to my own morning commute, except for the lack of floating cherry blossom petals and various other differences (via tightenupthe)...
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Spring is almost here, which means it's time for a new wardrobe, which really means it's time to get new PaRappa attire (via miki800.com)...
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If a glitched Nintendo logo when booting up a Game Boy looks fashionable to you, you're in luck (via gameandgraphics)...
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Tho if a glitched Game Boy Advance start up is more your style (via corruptionasart)...
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Has anyone received this Mega Drive/Genesis chiptune album on a cart (described as a "16-bit VMU") yet? (via catskullelectronics)
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Ever wonder what a 3 part symphony, one performed via 5 different Nintendo DSs and 5 different copies of Electroplankton, sounds like? Well wonder no more (via mendelpalace)...
And ever wonder what an Italian-based, US-born R&B, blues and disco singer (which is how Wikipedia describes Ronnie Jones) thought of video games in the year 1980? Again, wonder no more (via aestheticoftheday)...
The new DDR, which will record your performance and also add snazzy video effects, is my early contender for GOTY 2018 (via @Sega_AM2)...
I will never grow tired or bored of watching this run cycle, ever (via shmups)...
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What appears to be a Nier motion study (via sixteen-bit)...
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Sakura-ha (via rosscountertv)..
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To commemorate the discontinuation of the Kinect sensor (via prostheticknowledge)...
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Google Translate took the original Korean & translated it as: "Ittsumi! Maria", which @NotLikeFreddy re-translated as: "It's-a me, Mary-o"...
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The medium of video games most certainly has many mountains to overcome yet, but there's little denying that we've made some progress nonetheless (via videofame)...
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"I have to go now. My planet needs me.” (via sixteen-bit)...
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Cuz it's been a while since I shared a gif from Sin & Punishment (via n64thstreet)...
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The SNES & Genesis had cool accessories and all, yet I often wonder what it would have been like if 3D printers & Etsy were around back then...
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Pretty much the cutest lil thing you'll see all day is this Genesis CDX hooked up to a 5″ Sony PVM (via decideweapons)...
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“'Club Sega during the Snow' is a top-tier aesthetic, I think." (via pr0jectneedlemouse)
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I love old VG sound team photos, especially when they double as old band photos, like Capcom's Alph Lyra here (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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You all have no idea how happy I am to finally see a decent sized version of the flyer for Deadly Sport... again, no idea (via melvanainchains)...
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Here's an illustration of Terry Bogard eating a hot dog (with the rest of his Fatal Fury posse chowing down as well)...
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... Turns out, Terry's affinity for hot dogs is somewhat of a thing (via busterwolf)....
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... Or, perhaps SNK as a whole are simply huge fans of hot dogs? (via meldowiseau)
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I absolutely love this familiar, yet thoroughly refreshing take on Samus (via lady--peaches)...
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And nothing new to report, as it pertains to @deimosremus's Metroid redesign, so am just going to continue staring at this some more...
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Love Hultén is mostly known for their handheld creations, like the Pixel Vision, though I mostly dig their full-sized cabinet, the Kabin 1...
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"Damn Tecmo never let Microsoft live that design down" (via sixteen-bit)...
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Cuz I recently began replaying Breath of the Wild...got the Switch version for the gf on her birthday... some fan art (via it8bit)...
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I've seen my fair share of comics with Sonic & Tails, but never one that addresses the debug mode from the original Genesis games (via vg-libary)...
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Here we have two cats, from the game Jingle Cats, occupied with the fridge (via obscurevideogames)...
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And here we have just one cat, from the Sailor Moon anime, occupied with an arcade game that I am unable to identify (via sailormoonreblogs)...
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Can you believe the music video for @MissyElliott's Sock It 2 Me is over 20 years old? Crazy, I know...
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Speaking of Mega Man, I guess I need to finally check out Mega Man Zero, cuz apparently X goes through some kind of religious conversion or something (via omnilunary)...
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And here we have Cut Man, the one we all know (and love) from Mega Man meeting his Captain N doppelganger (via mewymarsher)...
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I absolutely need this on a shirt or jacket (via @buzz_clik)...
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It's always a thrill, seeing a fighting stick made out of tupperware in the wild for the very first time, isn't it? (via @silva_hime)
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Yes. Fighting Layer is that game in which you jump off a folding chair to smash another one on the head of a gigantic falcon (via lordmo)...
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Tonight’s episode: PINBALL ALCHEMIST (via tonights-episode)...
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Here we have a Tumblr thread giving suggestions on how to access a seemingly inaccessible area of a hotel lobby; my fave, for perhaps obvious reasons, is the ring path/light speed dash combo from Sonic Adventure...
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Am kinda hungry atm and feel like slicing & dicing some celery & onions, plus making some Julienne Fries; anyone got a copy of Sonic 2 handy? (via sonicthehedgeblog)
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A. thanks to this fan art, I now know you can also play OutRun in Hokuto no Ken PS4! & B. great piece & all, but...still a shame that Alex Kidd is missing (via inspiredfatty)...
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I've legit been staring at these rotating NES and SNES gifs all day long (via 3d-bear)...
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These photos from the Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour, circa the late 90s, right before the system's launch are very... and I mean VERY... 90s (via posthumanwanderings)...
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"What will your next dream be?" (via 081594)
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You know that UK/US reality show Undercover Boss, in which a billionaire CEO disguises himself as the new mailroom guy? Well there's apparently a version in Japan, with an episode starring the president of Taito (via @MMCafe_Prof)...
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On Valentine's Day I came across a horror movies blog that presented various horror movie Valentines, including one for Jason Voorhees that references Friday The 13th for NES (via cameraviscera.com)...
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Also, for Valentine's, my girlfriend made me pixelated chocolate; the pic does the blue hearts in particular zero justice, which look like plastic toys, but most assuredly are made of milk chocolate...
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... And that’s it for now! The rest of February coming up in a few!
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thcodcre · 7 years
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beep beep hey y’all ,, ur local gremlin ‘n dumpster dweller here but u can call me kay !! don’t mind the trash like state of my blog atm i just have attachment issues from old threads when i was previously in this lovely group. but yes !! feel free to yell at me in my it’s if u wanna plot or just *youtuber vc* smash that like button and i’ll slide on over for plots !!
( tom holland / twenty-one / he&him ) is that ( theodore caldwell ) ordering a ( white chocolate mocha ) at mocha? i heard they’re a ( paralegal ) who’s known as the ( polymath ) around here. however, they say ( theo ) is very ( pragmatic ), but ( headstrong ). well, better get their drink before it gets cold!
okie so first things first ,,ya boy’s full name is theodore dashiell caldwell but prefers the nickname of theo to those close to him bc it’s simpler and doesn’t like how proper it sounds ,,given in the public sphere he’s known by his full name but only those who get the Seal of Approval get to call him teddy,,, he was born in brooklyn, new york to virginia caldwell ( the current united states ambassador to the united nations and ex-chief executive officer of greenpeace ) and quentin caldwell ( current new york senator and democratic whip minority leader in congress )
while v democratic and liberal in beliefs, theo was always v uncertain about following a path that strayed away from what his parents expected of him since both are v established in the political world so theo always felt like he had to put forth this perfect appearance of himself so he was worthy to be boasted about by his parents to colleagues and political opponents alike with his academics, accomplishments, etc.
due to him being brought up in the public eye as his parents built their respective careers ( lowkey trash in viewing his parents as frank and claire underwood but with more chill rip ), theo didn’t have many friends so partly as a way to give him a hobby to pursue outside of school and to meet new friends, his parents signed up a 5 year old theo for language lessons and a soccer lessons ,,,u know ,, lil kid things ,,, so it’s here that begins theo’s love for languages bc he’s a nerd and a bit of a polyglot but as of now he’s fluent in italian, spanish, french, german, russian and latin ,, ur boy is currently learning arabic and mandarin
being raised by his parents meant that theo was brought up with the caldwell ambition and hard work ethic, believing in order to succeed you must work hard for what you want and that change can only be made in the world if you fight enough for it. this transferred over to theo’s academic standing who worked to keep up his 4.0 gpa

for real though,,,theo was the kid in all ap classes and managed to seem effortlessly cool but also was a giant ass nerd ?? ask him about harry potter, star wars or marvel ( bring up dc to him and he will rant off on why marvel is better ) and he’ll sure as hell have a vocal opinion ( don’t get him started on hp,,,snape was a bully and can choke,,,while draco is his fave that he’ll defend forever )

on top of him being a raging nerd, he was also a big activist while in high school and was that kid handing out flyers for an upcoming protest to the school board demanding for healthier school lunches and fair prices for such since the unhealthy options were much cheaper, and standing on cafeteria tables for change in school policies

at the time he was a smol in the local private catholic school so he often got beat up from the sports teams ( i’m just a lil emo picturing tom is the school uniform and internally crying nbd ) for protesting school fundings being unfairly distributed, more often than not benefiting the sports teams rather than the drama department, the art department or even better academic resources

im gettin emo thinkin of lil theo and lil tom wearing uniform blazers and being a lil politician in the making  r…ip me,,but yes so he graduates valedictorian and accepted into princeton as a politics major of which theo had to nearly threaten his dad not to donate money for a new library to sway his acceptance
it’s during theo’s time at princeton that he truly begins to find himself and grows more confident ??? gone are the days of string bean theo and bada bing bada boom enter tom’s spider-man physique bc theo starts taking more care of himself and just v self assured in his place in the world and just wanting to help people and make a change ?? for now he just wants to make a difference as a lawyer and maybe work for the state and maybe down the line turn political ,, but he’s debating whether to go aim toward corporate, constitutional law, or international humanitarian law
since the past few years in college have been super !!! especially throwing in helping out his parents with appearances, stress of keeping up his grades, and generally running off of caffeine and the determination of elle woods ,, theo is taking a year or so off to steady himself but he got an internship position at baker & mckenzie law firm here in chicago as a paralegal to get some experience in the field before going off to harvard law ,, plus his dad has connections that may have tilted the scale in theo’s favor for the job but theo is a bit ,, naive in his optimism 
overall though theo is the least bit pretentious person and is a p chill dude,,,understands his privilege and knows that not everyone is born into money like his family is,.,, loves helping people and just wants the world to be a better place ??? v openly liberal in terms of political beliefs and 10/10 would fight donald trump and jeff sessions in a heartbeat do it for the vine

likes to think he’s kinda cool but don’t let him fool u he is a Nerd ,,,will probably rant off to u about harry potter and why draco malfoy is not only the best character but why he and the slytherin house are done dirty and snape can choke ,..also list an abundance of reasons as to why he will defend tony stark until the end of his days ,,,also probably has a collection of iron man comics and harry potter wands bye
his sense of humor is the worst i swear legit it’s all pop culture references with a mixture of shitty puns and jokes beware ,, he’s extremely level headed though and knows how to make good decisions, pragmatic as shit but can often lead to him being very over-analytical and dwelling on things too much
v charismatic and loves talking to people,,,and this isn’t a personality trait,,,well maybe considering he’s fashionable as shit and loves cardigans and button down shirts and chelsea boots,,,but also loves to be casual in joggers and a light shirt,,,but his fave designers are paul smith, ted baker and givenchy
 bc i hate him
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years
how to block a fandom.. ugh sigh  vvv
trying to not be so involved in the fandom or so. idk how. (winter hiatus is gonna be hell) 
everyone’s keep bashing on the show and saying mean stuff. be careful what u wish for.  
it’s gonna be fine. it’s just a show, u can do whatever with it, quit it, not take it seriously, or just #anti-
i guess when a show is old and changing..or there’s a big fandom on online, there’s more fandom wank than I’m used to think there was before(the 1% theory). I’m more on the unpopular opinion-side (I always do). More bitter people and I feel like they’re missing out on some cool stuff that is still there, but they’re too bitter and impatient to see it. Fandom...internet places...people are generally negative? (people don’t like grey angsty arcs) Anyways, i just wanna focus on the positive stuff when i go online or to think. I understand some just wanna chat and rant, and some have other different reasons why they go online etc.
ok so i think u just limit to a lot of fandom things. some rules..? this is hard to do. just don’t go on it so much.
-***most of the time, people/fan don’t need the fandom. Fandom is just on the side. I feel like being part of the fandom is like being part of a group or family and just helping people out. It’s like you’re just making up extra time to help/squee/argue people. Idk ..I can not be part of the fandom. //Fandom seems to care about being right, shipping, fave’s attention. Not much on analyzing on story. People suck. -Give a F*ck budget, money, time, energy.
-****try to avoid places where u see people’s opinions(comments/posts) all the time or just view it in short time. (also avoid negative rude people ect. -only read on positive people’s) It’s hard because fan forum sites, there’s great convo/analyzing/meta discussion in there that u sometimes don’t see in it like tumblr. But, lately i see people hate-watching commenting. (like “ofc, showrunner does this.” “i hope rating goes down so my fave actor can have a better job opportunity, or show it in showrunner’s face my ship is better than the notp and the spotlight.” ..really a lot of fans say the same things in any fandom. is it even true? )
-kinda..avoid stans...shipper stans. they only care about a ship. ok that’s kinda harsh..but yeah they’re most likely to be bitter because the show focus on other characters/ships too. Also, skim past the dramatic/jealous-like posts. 
-..idk why, but people like to compare all the time. criticize and judge quickly. like ok....why not both (fave ships)? Why compare faves? Good thing the show is just focusing on everyone..ok. Oh, and the whole this character is “weak” ok ..so say it to a disabled veteran or an abused wife. sigh. I don’t want to see a show with perfect strong superheroes. BORING! This show is not a boring video game. idk..some people don’t think ...critically or long-term.. like come on..this show, most shows are about characters and them being strong emotionally and physically in their challenges. Also, another thing, idk why fans focus on what the writers are saying but not thinking on the other characters too. Like if the show focus on a character apologizing to another character. That character who apologized= fandom hates him/her. But this other character who is a dick but the show doesn’t address it and doesn’t redeem him/her = fandom doesn’t care or notice it. Another is that fandom don’t like complex character...female characters blah blah. Idk what’s my point here. fandom popularity? so just know that sometimes fandom is just so immature, annoying and rude. So, try to avoid it.
-not a lot of people are overall-fans, so...there’s more wank for me to see it. same with being a multi-shipper, i see more wank too. Like me shipping c@ryl and r!chonne. boy, i see hate on all of them on per character. (because people who don’t like c@ryl are not r!chonners...but they may also ship r!chonne. idk why it’s c ship vs. r ship. it’s just ABD/C shippers.)
-oh, thing about generalizing. People love to generalize. sigh. I should try not to be so sensitive in the fandom or I’m so caught up in fandom wank. i should not take it seriously when people generalize...anyways people generalize things and that always create drama/fandom wank. omg. ugh. Sometimes, these people are ones that just plain assholes. So, block them. Sometimes, it’s just they said it wrong and/or thought it wrong. So, idk. Try to say “IMO,...” “Some shippers...”
-idk if it’s accurate...but my theory or what i heard..is that the show is the showrunner’s/writer’s show. It’s not mine and it’s not the fans’ show. Everyone’s have different likes and wants. Writers can’t please everyone. I heard that it’s good that the showrunner’s stick to what s/he wants because it’s their story and it’s not giving fanservice to please different types of people all the time.If they keep pleasing other people, it makes the show inconsistent and frustrating. Criticisms is ok but I think showrunners know and see it and they decide what to do with it. 
- ratings. ok so that’s hard to handle. it’s just part of being a tv fan. it’s all show business kind of thing. just be realistic. show’s gonna end someday. hopefully there will be a good conclusion and how the writers want it to go for the show. nothing’s goes fair and perfect on shows. (like there’s actors leaving or canceling) I don’t believe in those theories on changing writer’s minds on character/ships and stuff.
-putting words into actor’s/writer’s mouth. i hate that. These fans are obviously biased and ..like entitled-fans. (kinda like bad irl shippers too) This annoys so much. No one knows what the actors/writers are really thinking. That’s their personal life and they have their own personal opinions. so, saying this actor wants to leave because the show sucks, character is not focused as much, or they hate their co-stars. It’s soooo dumb and so rude. u don’t know them. what if the actor wants to leave because of sick family or just want to change careers or whatever. I just would rather have the facts and actor’s statement to say what really is going on. I don’t wanna theorize on biased-rumors. I also..just not into actor’s life. Like I’m not into idolizing actors/other performers etc., because I just don’t know them fully and ..it always end up disappointing..(like omg she smokes? omg she’s a drunk driver? omg she got married to that guy eew why?). So, idolize ..a little. My point is..idk just skim past the entitled fans...
-i like this advice from someone, ... go to #showedits Maybe even go to #showspoilers.( Well to look at overall of the show and gifsets. but there’s still wank, so idk.)
-i feel like idk what to think about the show because i feel like I’m worried about the fans’s feelings/thoughts and wonder what’s their reactions will be this time after an ep aired. I’m so caught up on fandom that idk what i myself like on the show or think what’s right. ....So I take a moment to myself and think on what I like and don’t like in an episode. Write out your feels! ...don’t need to have the fandom anyway.
-always ask, do i still trust the writers? Does my fave characters still in-character and I understand where the story or season’s story is going? Do I still like it?// Just know what kind of show it is. it’s just a show on that day to watch. maybe not get so invested next time. Or, to quit the show, find a spot in the show and say that’s my finale ep of the show for me. ..and there’s fanfictions. just make one up in ur head, an ending, and then move on. These are all fictional stories, you can do whatever with it.
-if ya wanna rant negative. imo, i like to just write it out and tag it #anti- and put it under ‘keep reading’. idk, deal with it, on what the show is, realistically. grieve it. it’s ok to quit a show. /////sometimes, when im confused of the plot and get mad at the writers, sometimes it’s best to wait it out...sometimes the writers already know about the “problem/drama of the plot” and they make sense later on.
-focus on what u like about the show. Do fan art! look at fan art, read fanfiction, and fan videos! Write it out on what u like and speculate. get it out of ur chest.
-during hiatus, there’s more fandom wank. sometimes, just wait a day, the wank is not there anymore. so, do fan art, or just go look into another show and stuff. take a break.
-having unpopular opinions. oh well. what the majority say isn’t always right. idk just shrug and be proud of ur thoughts or crack ship. if it’s like unpopular opinion on the show’s writing, then keep in mind, and maybe the show isn’t for you and that’s ok. *it’s all what the writers want to do. The majority doesn’t know and change the story atm. This part seems to be the hardest..cos u can see majority’s opinions all the time and everywhere. Usually negative sigh. So my tumblr dashboard ..is all mostly one fandom-fans. eh. so i see a lot.  Just keep scrolling and know ..that person from that fandom, probably complain about something. 
-most importantly, I tell myself, “do i still like the show? Do I still wanna watch and see how it goes?” Then if yes, then so it is. It’s all about me..if I still like the show. My time, money, care.
-tired of negative talk of anything. sigh. idk. (why do they repeat the same thing and say it 25,375 times? nothing’s changed. it doesnt help me or u. just deal w/ur crap feels now and get it over with.) (some say it’s bad writing when it’s just something they don’t like. something minor. complain easily. basically..it’s just that it’s the writers’s show or they forget it’s a season-long arc.) i guess go elsewhere . fanart.
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toycarousel · 7 years
Wren I need some advice.. My best friend (and ex-boyfriend) just abandoned me, and called me hopeless. I feel bad, but I just wish there was something I could trade to get him back. Honestly I don't entirely believe I'm hopeless compared to who I was last year when the incident happened. It's not my fault I have anger issues, ya know? God I sometimes want to drown out everything with alcohol but I don't want the aftermath of it. Lately since that happened I've felt bad and I hope for your help
Hi, Anon! To start off with, you’re not hopeless.  I don’t believe that having made mistakes makes a person hopeless.  And considering you’ve made strides since the incident you’ve alluded to here, you’re clearly growing as a person, which is extremely significant, and you have every right to be proud of that!!!
I completely understand what wanting to drown sadness and anger out with alcohol, and it’s something I did end up doing, and I’m still paying for the aftermath of that now, so I, myself, think that you’re doing an excellent job by refraining from that -- I know how hard it is.  And anger is a very, very difficult emotion to have to constantly cope with.
Anger wears people down.  It’s exhausting, it’s upsetting, it can alienate the people we care about from us, it’s incredibly physically and emotionally uncomfortable, and it’s not at all easy to work through -- but that doesn’t mean it can’t be worked through.  Anger doesn’t excuse all of a person’s actions, but it does give you an idea of what sorts of things upset you, and where the anger might be stemming from.  That makes it very treatable, and while I know it’s a painful, gradual, arduous journey to become the person you want to be, it’s always possible and I know that you can do it -- mistakes and setbacks happen, but that’s all they are.  They don’t mean that you can’t change, and that you can’t recover and start to experience life in a way that’s fulfilling for you!
Some people don’t have the capacity to stick by the people they’re close to, while those people are coming into themselves and are on that journey.  And there are perfectly fair reasons for that -- no one owes us mistake after mistake.  But to call someone hopeless, and to abandon them completely doesn’t make sense to me.  I think it’s a spiteful thing to say to someone, and it certainly isn’t going to help them in any way.  I don’t believe that a best friend should ever say that to someone who’s struggling, who cares for them, and who trusts them.  If he needed some space, or the time to come to terms with what he can and cannot currently handle, he should have told you just that.  If he couldn’t be there for you, he should have honestly said so, and not just put you down while you’re trying your hardest to be the best version of yourself you can be.
It wasn’t fair to you at all, and your feelings are completely reasonable, Anon.
I don’t know the guy personally, so I can’t say for sure, but he might have just said that to you in the heat of the moment (which isn’t a good excuse, by any means, but does explain why he’d just totally fail you in that moment).  There may still be a way to have him in your life, but you’d both really have to talk this through carefully, honestly, and in-depth.  Giving him some time to cool down before approaching him with the suggestion of simply having this conversation is probably for the best.  
To see if he’s ready/willing to talk it out at some point, you could message/say to him “I understand that this is overwhelming for you right now, but I care about you, and I’m still in the process of growing and making progress.  I’m not going to give up on myself, or on our friendship.  If you need time, that’s perfectly okay, and I respect that, but I feel as though we need to talk this out eventually, and that can be when you’re ready.  Just let me know.”
Again, wait for a little while before approaching him this way, if you plan to do so!!! Because if someone is really upset, they may not react in a way that’s helpful to anyone, and I just don’t want him to lash out at you again while you’re in a vulnerable place.  If he does, remember it’s likely because he’s frustrated, and acting/speaking out of his own anger -- that is not your responsibility.  His emotions are something he has to work through, and like I said, you’re doing what you can to change for the better.  That’s enough.  So I would try not to take what he said to heart too much, because regardless of whether he means it or not (and I can’t speak for him, but I suspect it’s the latter), it isn’t true, and you are on your way to making up for your mistakes.
The best you can do is focus on yourself right now.  Practicing self-care and self-soothing is a good idea.  Even though it’s probably the last thing you feel like doing, do something nice for yourself.  Binge on some of your fave shows, fave books, fave games (anything that you typically enjoy doing, even if it feels hollow rn), and give yourself time to calm down a bit as well.  That way, when your emotions aren’t totally bowling you over, you can more easily consider problem-solving options.  I do think that issues like this can be talked through... but both parties have to be ready and willing to talk, and especially to listen.
If things feel too intense atm, and you’re worried that you’ll make an impulsive decision that could put your health in jeopardy, then calling a chat line, venting anonymously, and visiting some related forums might help... these people obviously don’t have all the answers, but they might have some ideas... and sometimes it’s even just nice to know that someone is listening to you.
And you can definitely continue talking to me about anything you want, Anon! My askbox is always open to you, and I’m here to listen as well -- my advice might not be right for you, but I can promise you that I do want things to work out for you, and I believe that you deserve to have that!
Take care, Anon!
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auideas · 7 years
Ask the Admins: 11.0
Anon asked: any of you get pranked on 4/1?
Chamomile: I didn’t get pranked, but I work in retail and we all pranked my manager by writing up a whole bunch of fake ‘angry customer’ reports and leaving them in the break room where she could read them. She didn’t know they were fake until she got to the complaint from a nun who was disgruntled because we didn’t carry her favorite vegan chapstick anymore.
M: Nope, and I’m very happy about that - Loot Crate almost fooled me via email, but I was in good shape other than that
Syren: I am disappointed to say that I was not, but to be fair, I spent most of the day at my little half-sister’s 2nd birthday party (yes, my sis was born on April fools, and no, no one believed me when I told them my sister was born. They all thought I was pranking them. Safe to say, her future birthdays will be full of pranks from yours truly).
Jynn: No, but I did prank someone. I work at a school affiliated wellness center as a lifeguard for their pool. Normally on Saturday mornings there's a water aerobics class taught by a peppy lady who stands on the pool deck and does all the exercises while the old ladies do them in the pool. Well she's been gone the past couple weeks, so the gym's floor manager Tim has been teaching it. Now Tim is just the most precious thing. He's the most adorable personal trainer ever. He'll get up there in front of all the elderly people and they'll hoot and whistle and tell him to take his shirt off till he's a blushing mess. So anyways he going through the exercises and get into it and have his workout music playing. It starts to get pretty intense, he's working up a sweat, he's pumped, the old people are pumped, they're feeling the burn… and I go back to the guard room and switch their workout music to Mozart.
Anon asked: What do the admins and assistant admins think about soulmates?
Chamomile: I’m a bit iffy on them? I like the concept, but I like the idea of multiple soulmates and outcomes because the idea of a preset destiny freaks me out.
M: I'd like to think they exist - there's someone for everyone - but I think that probably less than an eighth of a percent of the population actually meet them, if that. They're fun to write about, though.
Syren: In the world of fic, it is my jam. I'm writing a soulmate AU rn, actually. Irl? Nooo thank you. I don't believe in it, and I wouldn't want one anyway. Cause that's creepy.
Jynn: Eh it's a cool thought but? It seems a little bland to juat have like one preset partner you're meant to be with former and ever. I think there can been lots of kinds of soulmates.
@askrileyw asked: How do you feel about fantasy AUs? (bonus: what is your favourite fantasy sub-genre and why?)
Chamomile: I love them! I’m really big into combining bizarre fiction and traditional fantasy settings.
M: They can be loads of fun when done properly! I actually like it when fantasy elements are combined with the modern world - it's totally my aesthetic. Give me CyberKnights fighting mechanical dragons, goddamnit!
Syren: Oooooh boy, fantasy au’s are my jelly. I love dystopian fantasy stuff, with outlawed magic and mages on the run. I love fantastical creatures like elves (especially elves- thank you LotR). I love adventure in fantasy (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is my favorite game in the world. I'm planning on writing a Zelda AU soon as well). I freaking love fantasy.
Jynn: I can appreciate fantasy, but I don't seek it out a ton. As for fave genres of fantasy, I'm always a sucker for coming-of-age adventures!
Anon asked: If you could only use one which would you choose? Magic, guns, or blades.
Chamomile: Magic! I can enchant my blades!
M: Magic. C’mon.
Syren: Magic, cause I'm a pacifist and could use it for more non-violent purposes. And it's awesome.
Jynn: Magic.
@genosha-meiuqer asked: If life was like a videogame where you level up by gaining experience points, what level do you think you'd currently be at? Everyone would start off as a noob-born.
Chamomile: 20, going on 21 (why are yall ranking so low omg)
M: Maybe 5. And that's being incredibly generous.
Syren: Like 4 maybe? Assuming it's out of at least 30 possible levels lol
Jynn: 3
Anon asked: Hello, lovelies! I'm making a bet with my partner (gimmemygurryback); prize is home-cooked breakfast in bed. Anyway, this ask involves genosha-meiuqer, but she's not betting! I'm assuming you read the added parts on your posts' reblogs. You know last month's AtA where Gurry and Geno were talking about Geno's stories? Out of all those 57 titles, are there any you found interesting or want to know about? Geno said that you probably couldn't care less, but she doesn't know your personal opinions???
Chamomile: I read all of the post reblogs! Especially ones from genosha and gurry. For the titles, I was immediately partial to all of the ones with auideas’ titles, but the other ones that I really liked were “Pieces of Time”, “Clear and Forever Young When I Close My Eyes”, and “Miss Murder & Mister Brightside”.
M: There were so many to choose from, but I finally settled on “ Docosahexaenoic Acid”, “ Mark His Way to Canaan”, and “Dreams May Not Come True”.
Syren: “Miss Murder and Mister Brightside” “Farmer in Dank Armor” and “Travel In a Pack, Street Rats” sound like stories I would treasure forever tbh
Jynn: Shall We Do The “One, Two”?, Shall We Sing The “Un, Deux”?, and I Will Make Your House Fly Away If You Rick Roll Me Again all sound really interesting!
(side note: here’s the link to all 57 titles, and chamomile told all the admins to pick their top 3 titles because they were all so good)
Anon asked: Do any of the new admins watch anime or read manga?
Chamomile: I used to be really into anime/manga when I was younger, but when I got into junior year (the year I came out and when I joined auideas) I just didn’t have time to keep up with any of it. Now that I’m in my second year of college, I’m super desperate for any cutesy lighthearted form of stress relief, so I’m slowly getting back into anime.
M: I tend to just rewatch the same three animes over and over. It's a bad habit….
Syren: Veeery little. I've watched InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist (both series), Ouran High School Host Club, and random eps of random others. And I have maybe a quarter of the FMA manga, but that's about it.
Jynn: Yep! I like my classic shonen anime, but I keep up with a couple of the newer ones. I also own every volume of Yu Yu Hakusho...
@gimmemygurryback asked: Do admins (and now assistants) actually read any of the "followers' works" other than the one about M driving like a war boy?
Chamomile: Y’all have no idea. I read every single fic that came in during our 2016 Auideas Advent Calendar event, and whenever somebody tags us in something they’ve written then I immediately bookmark it to read later. I live off of seeing people get inspired by our aus.
M: YUP!! We have read every single fix submitted during AAC (where do you think the rating system came from??). We love reading everyone’s work and would love to have more.
Syren: I've read a few, but not as many as I wish :(  Time and motivation are fickle lil buggers
Jynn: Yes!!!
Anon asked: Hi! So I recently got into this thing on resistantradio.com, and basically it reminded me of your AU "Rebel Yell"! It's sort of a podcast/radio broadcast that's part of this series, um, The Man In The High Tower, I think, where the year is 1962 and nazi germany/imperial japan have won wwii and split America into two parts, but there's this neutral territory where an American resistance has sprung up, and so these three members are broadcasting in order to get others to rebel!
Chamomile: I’m familiar with Man in the High Tower, and after giving this podcast a listen, I have to say that it’s pretty good! I’m digging it! Currently I’m binging The Adventure Zone and The Hidden Almanac so I’ll bookmark Resistant Radio for later.
M: COOL!!!
Syren: That sounds rad as all get out; maybe I should start listening to podcasts! I never have before.
Jynn: I'm not huge into podcasts atm but that sounds cool!
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hi i'm a greedy reader so how about 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19? or whichever you prefer to answer :)
Greedy readers are my fave readers tbh, because I’m a greedy (and needy) author. Comments and asks give me life, and I’m so sorry for the delay (boo RL events).
Answering 6, 8, 10, 12, and 19 now, 9 and 16 later:
6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
Considering I’ve not been in the Hamilton fandom too too long, “never” may be a strong way to describe it, but one idea that’s not really gotten beyond considerable writing out of head canons/some outlining is a Hamilton gen modern AU fic where Angelica is the Obama to John Laurens’s Biden (see, e.g., https://twitter.com/VP/status/761253705341480962) feat. Jefferson as Angelica’s trust fund baby ex-husband who’s an absentee but affectionate dad and a UVA professor teaching an overly pretentious subject and spends most of his time at his haven of pretentiousness (AKA Alex’s nickname for Monticello) and Frances Laurens as an A+ Second Daughter who runs interference when Angelica’s Type A personality/POTUS status make freshman move-in a challenge for her oldest daughter, and others TBD.
Although I picture this as part Parks and Rec, part The West Wing, part Veep (the TJ/Angelica relationship) and totally platonic, I also find this Leslie Knope quote a bit inspiring: “I would be lying if I said that I never thought I would be involved in an incident like this. Except I always assumed that I would be the politician and the man would be accused of sleeping with me. and that man would be the vice president. And I would be the president.”
8. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment?
Definitely going with he takes here, and I think this is going to change over time, but right now, I’m going to go with a moment I really like that wasn’t really mentioned in comments: in Interlude 5 (someone on your level), when Angelica comes home to find Lizzie and John in the garden. I also really like the second to last scene in Part 13, where John wakes up to Lizzie smacking him in the face and Angelica having sorted things out for him with Franklin. Basically, these aren’t huge, plot-y moments (perhaps just a bit of foreshadowing), but I think I like them because they’re having (unconscious) revelations about each other in the midst of what otherwise appears to be just a cute familial moment.
10. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you’ve written
This may be cheating, but ATM, it’s this one from one of my WIPs, pictures of last night ended up online (we’re screwed): “No, Dad, Angelica Schuyler’s magical vagina didn’t turn me straight.”
12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?
So I’m going to take this question to refer to WIPs other than the one I am currently posting on AO3 and there are 3. They’re called: whatever our souls are made of (ours are the same), pictures of last night ended up online (we’re screwed), and very tentatively, my dearest, angelica. And yes, I’m very excited! The one I’m most excited about right now is pictures of last night because it’s just a really fun idea. whatever our souls are made of will be challenging, because, like he takes, it’s a canon era divergence AU that can go in multiple directions, but no matter how you slice it, it can’t be a perfect happily ever after.
19. Do you make up scenes at work/on the bus/at the gym? Who are the characters that pop up the most? Do you write them down?
Absolutely! The notes app on my phone/my real-life notepad are life savers and I definitely write ideas/scenes down, though I sometimes get my best ideas when I’m not in a position to write them down (like the shower). Unsurprisingly perhaps, John and Angelica are the characters who most frequently pop up. I also wrote what I have of a different possible AU WIP than the ones mentioned above on my phone and Frances Laurens popped up a fair bit in there. (I didn’t mention it in my answer to #12 because I have no idea what it could/would be called.)
Most recent scene I wrote on my phone features Adrienne de Lafayette. Most recent scene I wrote on my notepad features John and Henry Laurens.
Teaser in the form of a biblical quote:
Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me …
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comicteaparty · 6 years
August 9th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on August 9th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Himawari Share by Harmony Becker.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Himawari Share by Harmony Becker~! (https://tapas.io/series/Himawari-Share) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
It's really hard to pick, but I'd say the Hyejung-focused parts (chapters 5 & 6) were my favorites. Focusing on her studies, not knowing what she wants to be, tearing out her roots to move to Japan, getting homesick and feeling guilty for it.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
like, emotions and stuff
also hello justin!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah heyjung's backstory is a lot more tense than i was expecting. but i loved how everything was visually framed
although my favorite moment had to be when she went to that counselor and she just flat out couldnt say what she wanted to do with her life
cause man have i been there and that moment so purely relateable
yeah that was a big turning point, and my favorite moment in her backstory
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Thanks for the greeting~
I have to run a quick errand but I'll be back!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also loved the aftermath though of all the others bringing her stuff for her hangover. like that was just sweet and heartwarming.
sweet and heartwarming seems to be the general theme
for example, the scene where tina brings nao a soda
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. also a great scene. but also that scene made me like tina a whole lot. it had that element of goofiness (since she just picked her favorite) but had that immense kind-hearted underbelly. because i mean really, i dont know anyone who would bring me a soda to congratulate me on my first day of school.
i think my personal fave scene is actually when nao and masaki are walking together and each just having these thoughts about how they should interact and the various scenarios. especially nao imagining the music would bond them as friends while masaki is like "oh no i will be looked down upon for liking lady gaga."
and then they both end up too afraid to talk to each other lol
relatable scene, and i love how it helps build the characters of nao and masaki
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. i also love that it shows a good side to masaki in that hes basically just an average, socially awkward dork who is probably having some language and cultural gap problems. since ya know, our first impression of him was just rudeness otherwise.
i want to say in general i really love this comic's pacing though. like i always feel like the emotions are given time to be showcased but dont drag on too overly much.
the pacing is a real strong suit of the comic, agreed
were we ever told what masaki and shinichi's nationality/native language was?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
no albeit i assume for shinichi its japanese since he doesnt seem able to really do english and speaks quickly. which generally if youre a native, the quicker you speak. at the very least theyve gotta be fluent.
wait, i guess they aren't international students, because the comic description only says there are three
so they're just two japanese brothers who happen to live in the same house as three international students
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. for reasons O_O. although i am curious if anyone else lives there. cause nao asks tina who the curly haired guy was and tina was like "hmm maybe masaki" and then nao had to say rude for tina to be sure
so either this is just a writing goof or its implied more ppl live there?
yeah you'd think if it was only the five of them, "curly haired boy" would narrow it down quite a bit
also i think we ignored @Sa💅
hello Sa!
not really a scene per se, but i really like the way the comic scratches out words that aren't understood
like this page: https://tapas.io/episode/756155
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah i just thought it was a reply to the hellos. welcome @Sa💅 if you felt ignored O_O;;;
of all the things that is my fave part
cause i was skeptical on the language thing when i read the description
but man do i think it actually captures the language gap well
since it is what happens
you know lots of words but then theres always those difficult ones where youre like "omg wtf was that"
hamini really delivered in terms of showing how second languages work
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also selfishly enjoyed that nao and i are decently close in japanese language understanding cause i wound up reading a lot of the japanese she could understand.
but then kanji
always kanji everywhere all the time
i took a semester of japanese four years ago and flunked lol. i can get through "はい " and that's about it.
i'm a bit better with spoken, but not much
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey its something.
this reminds me, i really liked that scene where tina applied language knowledge to figure out vacuum
that was a really cool moment!
as were the rest of the parts where tina had to figure out the instructions given to her
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. like man do i give tina all around props for that. i would have left crying cause new jobs are stressful enough without adding a language deficiency to the mix
QUESTION 2. Of those staying in Himawari Share, Shinichi and Masaki are the two we know least about in the current story. Do you think there’s any particular reason the two are staying at Himawari Share, or does it just happen to have a convenient location for them? Like the other characters, do you think they have personal histories or pasts that will come to light? Do you think that it is significant in some way that Shinichi and Masaki are mentioned to be brothers? As time goes on, do you think the others will bond with Masaki, or will the language and culture gap keep interfering? What about Shinichi? Will Nao, at least, become able to understand him better, or will his fast talking still prove too much?
i want to go out on a limb and just say theyre there cause convenient location. but i do think they got some sort of hidden past history. cause at the very least shinichi and masaki dont really look like theyre related. so it makes me wonder if this is maybe a half-sibling relationship going on
oh theory time?
i think they are actually brothers, they just happened to look different. that's how it goes somethimes
i think himawari share is a convenient location for them, but i have no idea what it would be convenient too. like, what are their jobs?
also, my guess - nao is going to start understanding what shinichi is saying, but at first it'll only be, like, she catches every other word.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah im confused at what the share is. cause the girls make it look like its like a special house dorm house for international students who are coming to work and learn in japan. but shinichi and masaki definitely dont appear to be international, so what are they doing there? now its possible they are also going to college in some fashion. but im not entirely sure since it still seems weird to have potentially two natives with three international students.
but to be fair, maybe they own himawari share
cause shinichi and masaki are def both first name
yeah maybe that's just their family home that they rent out
perhaps there are plenty of other people there, and the girls just don't hang out with them because they don't relate as much
international students sticking together and stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah that could also be. although the house seems in a residential area so there cant be too many
theres only one other dude living there and hes a shut in that you see once in a blue moon
and theres gonna be some other festival and suddenly hell come out and nao will be le gasp
that sounds about right, yeah
and it would explain tina not knowing who nao was talking about
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
alternatively alternatively, it is just the 5 of them and tina just happens to know a lot of people who look like masaki and forgets who even lives with her
maybe masaki doesn't live there, he just really likes the bathroom
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
masaki lives never door but his bathroom broke and hes too lazy to fix it. comes over to his brother's place all the time.
i really hope we get to see more of shinichi cause of all the characters he seems the most one note atm. and idk what to make of him. although i do like that hes kind of like their tour guide who take sthem to festivals
i think it's just that the comic isn't particularly long yet and shinichi isn't one of the main characters
the description says romance is in the cards, but it doesn't say between whom
that may be where shinichi gets some development
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it could be. and to be fair, shinichi's mystery kind of suits the fact that theres the language gap cause he clearly doesnt know english well or at all. so its hard to get to know someone well when theres only so many words shared between
like how that convo between nao and hyejung was really formal and stifled before they realized they both spoke english
well, hopefully shinichi is more open to talking about his interests than his brother
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. although backing up the train for a moment, id like to know why both brothers seemingly dont seem to know any english. cause english is generally required learning in japan and while a lot of ppl arent good at it, theyed probably at least know a few basic phrases. so it strikes me as interesting neither has attempted that much. tho tbf has masaki even said anything?
i think masaki corrected the neighbor lady about his name
but that's it
we don't know if they can speak english or not, i think
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i mean they could. but i could also see them choosing not to since the girls are all there to kind of learn japanese
oh no wait, there is a page where it's shown shinichi doesn't understand english
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. One of the comic’s themes revolves around finding yourself, and this issue has given many characters quite the obstacle. In the case of Nao, do you think she will come to terms with that missing part of herself by being in Japan, or will there forever be a gap no matter how much time she spends there? As Nao spends more time there, do you think she’ll feel the culture gap grow or shrink, and how might that affect her? In the case of Hyejung, do you think she’ll figure out what she wants to do with her life, or do you think that still might remain elusive? Additionally, do you think she’ll be able to reconcile with her family? Lastly, in the case of Tina, do you think her part time job will work out, or will the language gap make things too much of a struggle? If she does lose her job, what do you think she’ll do and how might this affect her reasons for being in Japan?
do we know why tina is in japan?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think so. and if you dont think so, im gonna feel safe in saying we havent been told
although tina seems like the type to just like adventures
although whereas nao and hyejung give me the impression that they might someday go back to their home countries, tina gives me the impression that this is a permanent thing
at least compared to hyejung, tina seems to care the least about reliving her own culture persay
i think it's not going to turn out how any of the girls' plan. maybe hyuejung finds her purpose is back in korea, maybe it's in japan, etc.
nao is here to reconnect to the missing part of herself and re-learn japanese. while she may end up learning japanese, i don't think reconnecting with her past will happen so much.
she'll see a large culture gap, or get distracted with something else
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'm back!
hi justin!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Snuffy!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooh, a Japanese festival?!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
there was one in the comic, yes already, yes.
tbh i do think hyejung isnt going to find exactly what she wants. because i feel her desire to go to japan was driven more by a desire to escape her reality versus thinking "yes this is the place where i can find myself"
and shes the one who seems most homesick as well
not ot say i think the journey will be in vain
and i think shell at least learn things about herself
like how to live independently for herself
away from the parents
in nao's case, i think shell...come to terms that she cant have a different past. im actually thinking whats going to happen is shes going to run into something that makes her go "whoa wait america was way better in this aspect" and then shell realize that if she had stayed in japan, she also wouldnt know the american culture she grew up in.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
at some point nao likened it to having a twin that was separated from her at birth. and i think her journey will involve coming to terms with the fact that she can't recover that lost twin. she's gone forever.
lots of great metaphors in this comic btw
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I thought Nao was from Korea.
no you're thinking of hyejung
nao is the one who was born in japan but grew up in america
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh right, my bad I saw this page and I thought wrong because of it https://tapas.io/episode/1021922
yeah that chapter follows hyejung
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
aye, thanks
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do think thats the case with nao. shes going to have to realize that she cant have two pasts or that other half. but i do think being in japan will be both good and bad for it. cause on the plus side, she gets to see what she missed out on, but on the otherhand shes also going to feel the sting of that gap cause im sure shes gonna run into a festival where shes plain just like "i dont understand this"
although assuming her mom is still alive(?) then itll be interesting if she can talk to her mom in japanese again or something
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You know, reading this comic made me remember how much I thought it'd be cool to visit Japan back in high school and planned to go there as a graduation present. How wrong I was.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
this comic gives me the should go to japan itch again. especially to eat the food
which im glad food is involved a lot
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause thats a huge facet of the culture
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wish I loved Japanese food.
more than I do now
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on a side note
i loved that little moment where hyejung bitched that the kimchi wasnt even spicy
and how it was made by a japanese run restaurant
cause i liked that detail that just how america amercanizes certain foods, other countries do the same
or at least japan does for sure XD
their mcdonalds are crazy
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
lol yeah
This hit home for me, in a way
like it's not "authentic"
I’ve had Korean food in a restaurant owned by Korean people. And yeah, it’s a lot spicier
I don’t blame Hyejung lol
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
nah i dont blame her either. cause regardless if you grow up used to one flavor, you probably arent gonna be a fan of change
QUESTION 4. Given the focus of the comic is on international students and cultural gaps, to a degree, there are lots of interesting potential scenarios. Did you find the comic’s unique method of showcasing language gaps interesting? How did it change how you viewed the characters’ experiences? Are there any cultural experiences that you’re looking forward to seeing the characters experience? If so, why? Do you feel our heroines will continue to be able to wing it, or will they commit some sort of cultural blunder? If the latter, how do you expect that to play out and emotionally affect the culprit? On a more character oriented level, what other struggles do you think the characters might have in their everyday, personal lives? Do you think everyone will continue to get along, or might tension in Himawari Share grow for some reason? Lastly, do you think romance might be in bloom with any characters?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's certainly very interesting and it shows up the potential troubles of going out into a whole new world
Everyone gets along so well, I just know someone’s going to mess up
Call me a pessimist lol
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
snuffy, youre a pessimist
but no i agree
they have been getting along real well
and at some point theyre going to fight
cause at the very least living together isnt easy
cause everyone has different habits
and call me biased, but pretty sure if its a living together thing tina is gonna be the cause of it just cause she has the most unreserved personality
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Eventually all that rage and stress will just need to be all let out.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
one thing i didnt mention about the language thing was that i was glad to see there was a difference between nao and tina. cause tina clearly has a better grasp and that shows, both in how much she understands and how she has learned to learn via context clues.
yeah there's a clear difference between everyone's skill level
even just the "yeah it took me a while to get used to shinichi talking" is an example of that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's great seeing everyone talking in all the different languages(edited)
Especially since it's not easy to do Japanese and Korean in comics unless you're overly familiar with the language yourself (or have a translator)(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes thats also true with the shinichi talking part. i really felt for nao in that moment.
cause its an easier said than done thing
im gonna ship nao and masaki. thats where im putting my shipping chips
perhaps a source of conflict comes from romance coming about with an odd number of people in the house?
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I made it for the last bit. O.o Though you mentioned a lot of the stuff I liked in the first half hour already, I'm noticing. The bit where Tina brought the soda for Nao and the bit where the two characters were having different music conversations in their minds.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
eey Math
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I enjoyed those two. The Hyejung at the end, I can see how it's very relatable, and it was emotional, but I guess I just like a bit of funzies in my fave scenes. ^.^(edited)
I'm gonna ship Nao and Tina, because you KNOW me.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hi math~! was even just thinking "aww i guess math isnt coming after all."
plz math
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
mmm, ships
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
clearly tina and hyejung are the ship
they have more history
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
That's just it, they haven't fallen in love yet. Chips go on the new relationship.
Also, related to what SJ was saying before, the author must be very good with languages or know many herself... I have zero clue if it's right or not, but it's a pretty gutsy venture.
yeah either the author knows three plus languages, or has some really good friends
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the japanese is correct from what i can tell. at least the parts i could read.
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
There's also those little things that can trip one up in translation, like the "Let's Eat" kind of being the Japanese thanks for the food thing. I think the author even pointed it out once, with the part time job, both of them thanking the other for working, not really being an English thing.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, I wouldn't ever think to do a foreign language in something of mine unless I rely on a translator.
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I didn't totally pick up on the skills of the individual characters either, but since you did, it's cool that it can come across too.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm bilingual for English and French and even I'm not sure I'd want to do it.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
what you mean you dont want to do a strip where all the tans start speaking french? XD
i feel like shinichi would be the one to bring a relationship in from the outside
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Not so much, no.
Yeah, we haven't seen much of the guys (which I notice you mentioned earlier)... honestly, I'm okay with that. I like the focus on the women (and not just because I ship that way) as they all have sort of a bond.
shinichi seems a bit more outgoing, so i wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to already be in a relationship
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh, and the speed-talking thing was well portrayed.
I also want to say it was neat having that character who lives across the street come back in a later scene, when they were going to the post office. Helps make things extra real, incidentals like that.
i liked how she didn't know masaki's name lol
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
he might not get out much
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Could be to avoid talking. And just not wanting to talk even to strangers for fear of making a mistake.
Maybe that explains the rudeness too.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
to be fair, i dont know a single one of my neighbors. and if you dont interact with your neighbors, you dont know their names
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
If you start with rudeness, people won't talk to you either, and you won't have to interpret. Yeah, I don't know my neighbours either. ^^;;
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I don't even have any neghibors
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Final thought, super impressed by the translation stuff. Including the blurring of just some words, which was also pointed out earlier. I don't think I've seen anything like that.
Also, Nao + Tina.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Harmony Becker, as well, for making Himawari Share and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Harmony Becker’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Raison d'Etre by Cloud Fourteen (Funari and Leigh). As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on August 16th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://raisondetrecomic.tumblr.com/
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