#I think if I was ghost hunting IRL I would be like
kedreeva · 11 months
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So, I've been playing phasmophobia with a friend of mine, and "playing" is a loose term really. My controls do not work well since I don't even OWN a computer mouse (and the live ones object to being plugged in), so I'm mostly good for dying if I go into the houses much.
But what I AM good at is standing outside of the house fetching items and throwing them over the threshold for her so she doesn't have to walk to the truck. I'm also good at monitoring things inside the truck, and watching the door to alert her when the ghost is hunting if she's where she can't tell, as well as when it's over so she can come out. I can also look up stuff online if we have questions, without her having to stop paying attention to the dangerous ghosts.
And, importantly, if we load the game under my name, it doesn't matter if she dies. She doesn't lose any items, because it's my load. We can still make a guess and go home safely.
She's taken, lately, to finding random objects to hand back to me. I take screen shots when she does this, and name them things that seem logical at 10pm in the dark, but by the light of day are less so when I don't remember putting them there. These are titled "Potato Face" and "Dogframe" respectively.
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wispscribbles · 7 months
Mw3 spoilers (just a long personal ramble)
Hiii. So
As soon as the pre-release came out on, I hunted down spoilers, because I know myself and knew that if someone died and I got that information out of the blue, I wouldn’t take it well. Jokes on me, because I still haven’t been taking it well lol
I won’t talk about how Soap’s death was handled or the quality of the game. Plenty of smarter people are doing so.
I try not to talk a lot about myself and irl stuff on here, but will just say: I am very unwell, mentally. (Cue silence because that’s not surprising at all) Something I am very aware that I do, is that I latch onto fiction with my whole being, usually one specific character. For some reason, I always latch onto the character that ends up dead, usually in a way that make them only exist to further the motivations of other characters. It sucks.
So my hope for Soap has never been great, but for some reason I was still so shocked?? I don’t know, I tricked myself into thinking this time was different. Such an iconic character with so much good setup for great character development. I knew someone would die, but ow. To me, he was the element that made 141 seem more like family than coworkers. Soap’s interactions with the rest just livened up the games so much and made them all shine. Especially Ghost. Their dynamic, man.
Soap was the character that intrigued me enough to jump into the cod rabbit hole. It feels very hollow without him.
I keep telling myself that it’s silly to be so hurt over something fictional, and that I can just treat it as a mcd fanfic and move on, but nope. Brain’s stuck in the bad stuff. It’s a bad habit of mine to let something like this affect me so much, but well. Logic vs feeling and all that.
I really did find so much comfort in Soap this last year, that I severely needed. It feels a little like losing someone I know, someone who helped me through a rough time. I related to something in him and felt inspired. I only started writing after getting into ghostsoap, I started working out and I got back into art after a very long burnout. It may be fiction, but the impact is not.
So that was pretty much the worst case scenario of what mw3 could be to me. I always knew the risk, but, once again, ow. But there also seems to be plenty of good stuff in the game that I enjoy. I’m happy with the Ghost and Soap dialogue, the whole team working together and seeing Laswell and Farah and Alex and Nik. I hope I can be inspired by some of the new content once I’m calmer.
And I was worried they would ignore Ghost and Soap’s relationship after their development in mw2, but they genuinely seem to have gotten real close. It’s nice. I thought the shipping might scare the game devs into never having them appear in a scene together again, so that’s a plus.
Bottom line to all this is: I probably need a little break to get my head sorted. The grief is surprisingly real, it’s triggered some old stuff for me (haven’t been sleeping or eating, been stuck in some old thoughts). I’ll need to calm down and become a bit more normal about this again. Part of the grief isn’t so much about Soap himself, but also just the safe space that this account has been. The very nature of how the fandom is going to interact with Soap and Ghostsoap is going to change now, and man… I liked how it was, y’know? Could’ve used a little longer in that bubble. There’s going to be plenty of new fics and art, lovely stuff as always, but many of them will be tinged with grief, and I’m not in a place where that won’t break me a little.
I will hopefully come back to posting and making stuff once my brain settles down. I have so many drafts for fics and ideas that I hope I can return to. I’ve gotten so used to drawing these lads that I doubt I can stop tbh
The version of Soap that we love is already evolved from the games due to all the time and care the community has put into the character. The games may have killed him, but luckily, he’s fictional. We can do what we want, same as before.
I’m not even saying that I wish they hadn’t killed him. The games are crafting a story that fits their audience. It makes sense.
But I will choose to live in one of the many universes we’ve created for Soap, where he is alive and cared for, with a found family and a spooky lieutenant with a soft spot for him. Good for him.
Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. RIP canon Soap (again). Thanks to Neil for a wonderful portrayal. And no matter where we go from here, thanks for a wonderful year of creating with you lovely folks. Seriously, some of the kindest people I’ve met in fandom. <3
Lastly: fuck you Kevin O’Reilly, but more importantly, sincerely thank you. (CallMeKevin video about mw2 got me into this mess. Otherwise I was keeping cod at an arm’s length, but he’s my fav youtuber, so I watched it. And here we are!)
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ghcstao3 · 9 months
I saw your tags, you have challenged me!
Scary Show AU (cw for cannibalism and murder)
Ghost is a very well-known yet still semi-anonymous Voice Actor for spooky shit. There's a huge following for him because, regardless of what role he's playing, he does a phenomenal job. He's only listed in the cast list as "S.R.Ghost"
Typically he plays the role of the creatures in this super popular show called "Cryptid Season" which follows a gang of college kids desperate for extra credit in their Biology class so they hunt cryptids as evidence/to study for their papers. He does the voice over and some of the motion capture (he's a big dude) for the monsters and such, his most famous one being "Goatman" (from the demonic Goatman's bridge in I think Texas?)
Meanwhile Soap is this animator who's starting to become really popular, and he announces a new show in the work: "Consume", where he voices one of the two lead roles. It's presented as a show about a normal, if not very lonely man, being tormented by a demonic presence in his home.
Plot twist: dude's actually a cannibalistic serial killer and ends up quickly befriending the demon. The demon helps make the man harder to track by police forces in exchange for the bones and souls of his victims.
Soap as the killer
Ghost as the demonic entity
Gaz as a detective who's new to the case but also best friends with Soap's character
Price voices the seasoned detective who's been working this case "too damn long"
Ghost and Soap ABSOLUTELY fall in love while recording scenes together. The banter, the flirting, the sexy scenario of cutting up a corpse together; it's too much not to fall in love irl
(actually such a big brain idea but I don't know how you'd write it tbh lmao. Maybe the show itself, where the boys keep their names? Idk the original idea turned into something much greater)
took a minute to figure something out i'm ngl but i did. something (in any case i would love to see your proper takes(s) if you'd be up to it, seeing as it's your idea!! i feel like i couldn’t do it justice)
Just like any other actor, Ghost had to audition for the role.
His agent books it for him without consultation, knowing the project would be right up his alley—horror, monsters, no face required—and Ghost makes no argument in sending in his tape. He recognizes this process and takes no issue with it, and once out of his hands, he waits patiently for a congratulatory offer or a gentle rejection.
Just like any other movie, or show, or what have you. Consume is no different.
Supposedly. At first.
John "Soap" MacTavish is... many things. He's charming, according to most. Talented. A joy to be around. A man who wears more than several hats of a project, which certainly tells of someone trying to worm their way into the commercial industry.
He has the spirit and creativity, Ghost will allow him that. But he also doesn't know when to stop talking as soon as the important work is done.
Is Soap professional? Sure. Does Soap make sure all jobs are done with efficiency and done well? Yes, he does. Does it make him any less of a nuisance to Ghost? Absolutely not.
But Ghost would be damned if the project doesn’t find its way into his soft spots, despite its nature. He’d be damned if he doesn’t fall in love with Soap’s animations and the hard work and craft he puts into them.
Then he blinks, and the pilot is premiering. It does well (again, considering its content), and Consume is properly green-lit.
Which is when Soap proposes the idea of recording their lines in the same room. Together. Facing one another. Because banter, and chemistry, and whatever other reasons he insists upon.
Personally, Ghost wants to decline. He’s always felt somewhat awkward when recording as such with anyone, but professionally? He couldn’t really say no, could he?
And it is awkward, at first. There’s more takes than usual, and Ghost can sense Soap’s frustration, though the man never expresses it. He just plasters on a tight smile, calls for a break, and pulls Ghost aside.
Surely, surely this is where Ghost gets fired. This is where Ghost is told he’s going to be replaced, where he’s told to say goodbye to Gaz and Price and wish them luck, and move onto his next gig. This is where—
“Have I done something wrong?”
Soap’s face is so earnest. So painfully sincere.
Ghost clenches his jaw. Shakes his head.
“No, I—“ He sighs. “Just have to get used to the… face-to-face. Let’s—I’ll try again.”
Soap smiles wider, now, as he nods, something kind and warm and brilliant.
The second try goes much smoother. Ghost takes a deep breath and eases himself into scripted dialogue, into witty banter and subtle flirts like it’s any other project.
They continue to record lines as such, just the two of them, each episode at a time. At some point, Ghost worries, the line between script and show and reality gets blurred. At some point, he fears, that flirting becomes genuine.
And what would he know—the reviews only get better as that line becomes less and less clear. Natural, real-feeling dialogue, critics say. The relationship is authentic, claim viewers.
The love is actually heartfelt.
And fuck, if that doesn’t make Ghost realize a few things about himself.
About Soap.
Consume is no different, his ass. He might have to have a stern talk with his agent in the near future.
(Or not.)
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
No Idea if This Idea Exists Already But:
Reader but BUT it's a crossover between two games: Genshin Impact and Minecraft! Let me explain:
Reader has a minecraft account, and CUSTOMIZED their character. When they get transported into the world of Teyvat, they have the looks of their Minecraft character.
This is an important fact because the Imposter only knows what the Reader looks like IRL, not in the minecraft game. This helps the reader to hide during their Hunted Arc, as they can simply revert to their other form and roam around the place. Though the only problem from turning into their minecraft skin is that their clothes probably wouldn't match the in-game theme of ANY nation—
I also wanna point out that if Reader could like- collect things just by punching them—I would think someone would see that as divine powers. This is probably how Reader will get acknowledged as the Creator of Teyvat let's be honest—
Alright, that's all I got lol- See you next time!
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Ghost Rebel's Side Notes: N/A
✦ Request/Ask/Mail Box: Check The Ghost Rebel's Blog Description! ✦
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summertimemusician · 8 months
Linktober Day 9
*sneezes after downing coffee* Well irl stuff got in the way so I'm way behind my original schedule for these and for Linktober but here we go with another arguably short one, fuelled purely by self indulgence, headcanons, spite against my linguist essays that kept me from keeping to schedule, severe sleep deprivation, a shout out to the Ender Lilies soundtrack and Majora's Mask soundtrack, and Nintendo for not clarifying anything about the lore so I'm snatching what I can and making it my own lol. Look, when you fíxate so much on details the Zelda team doesn't elaborate on you have to fill in the gaps with what you can.
As always can be read as romantic or platonic, technically in a LU context but not explicitly in it by itself.
The Lord of the Mountain liked hearing people sing.
In a way, it wasn’t a surprise, Hylia and the Golden Three each had their ballads and symphonies and minuets, each splendid and with cuts of their divinity in it, Farore was fond of lightning and forest alive minuets, and you could swear Farosh sparked just a bit brighter when one would him the beginnings of the Minuet of the Forest near their spring, Din was fond of boleros, fiery and alive and howling with the echo of flame touching earth that made a shine run through Dinraal’s scales, Nayru, in contrast, was much fonder of blizzard and river quiet serenades, the songs of contemplation at first snow ringing clear when Naydra curled around it’s spring, content to be free of Malice.
And of course Hylia had her ballads and lullabies, perfectly fitting to her display of divinity, of honey days and vast bird like wings, of ambered summers to come and to pass and dazzling solar storms of starlight and sunlight sparking through the human form of her descendants and heroes. So in a way, you weren’t surprised at all that the Lord of the Mountain – Satori, with a familiar touch of londsleite divinity, the hunt of the woodland beasts and diamondscar adoration for the Hero of the Wilds, similar in glory to the Light Spirits petrichor and vermeil fondness for the Hero of the Twilight – liked to listen to people sing. What you were surprised was how it attempted to follow along, it’s head across your lap the second you sat down in the clearing, a gentle hum on back of it’s throat, an owl’s cry and a cicada’s humming and faintly, chirring purring as presses it’s faces into your hands, a gentle request for petting.
It was adorable, even with the faint notes of the chill of clear spring water on winter and the livewire feeling of magic, like holding your hand too close to a flame but not quite touching it.
A low chuckle brushes against the back of your mind, a feeling like biting on ice, the prowl of a wild beast and the build up of lightning and light used to create his blade, the amused affection of a warrior reconvening with their brother in arms, you think you see the bone ivory of the Deity’s hair on the side of your vision, though you know he’s not physically there, ‘He likes you.’
You hum, gently patting behind it’s ears, pushing through the chill, gracefully not mentioning the burning with a smile at the mythic being’s faint chirring, birdsong and the wind through cherry blossoms that sparkle like rose quartz, “Well I quite like him too, I can see where it’s gentleness comes from.”
The ghost of a touch over your hair, the caress of lightning striking over your skin and the hair on the back of your neck pricking up and the crisp cold of winter, the chill of the ending and the flame of a new dawn, of new days, the phantom of magnolias and spring water on your tongue. The fragrance of pine, daffodils and blood soaked lilies on ashen fields on your senses, gentle and careful, marking but not claiming, ‘Only because it’s you, beloved. It’s not something easily given.’
You sigh, shakily composing yourself, you let yourself relax into the phantom sensation. Of hopes and dreams and healed suffering, of the divinity of hunt turned into protection and lightning given form, of tangled timelines and crystalized memories, “I know. It does not change my opinion, either way.”
To be the subject of a god’s care and regard was dangerous, after all. For the human and the deity in question, you know the stories from your world well, of the effects of Hylia on First and Sky, of Twilight and the personification of the Twilight Realm and the spirits of his land, of Wild and clawing from death’s embrace into that of the wilderness.
Knew how the fact the Fierce Deity’s mere proximity causing pain on those who changed him into hunting for hunt’s sake into protection for the sake of someone else cut deeper than even the ever encroaching entropy all beings must one day face. It was no wonder the Song of Healing was his creation, to want to ease the burden.
You gladly grant him some peace, in turn, even if it wasn’t much. It’s the least you can do, for always having his ways of watching over your heroes.
“Join me? We can make a duet.”
You feel more than see him shift, ephemeral, fleeting, gentle against the edges of your existence, as foreign to Hyrule as your own, sparking over your spine as you feel ozone and rust on your teeth. Satori is humming again to match the rumble of thunder in the man’s voice, the heralding of songs of war and elegies for the dead, ‘Of course, though I’m afraid I do not know many songs, besides…’
“It’s alright,”, you smile faintly, there’s a white ocarina in his hands, as he leans, a spectre against your side, “I’ll teach you some of my own, though you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t remember all the lyrics.”
‘It would be my honor to learn.’
You think he smiles, from the fluttering of something ancient and long forgotten against your side.
You sing to Satori and the Chain, a small respite of familiar and forgotten tunes, the Lord of the Mountain hums along. The Fierce Deity’s song cutting through any nightmares that may ail your heroes for another night.
When the dawn of a new day comes, the feeling of divinity against your skin feels just a bit more obvious, sinking into every crack of your being like a shroud, falling over your boys like a veil, reflecting the breath of eternity over Hyrule.
(First gives you a look that’s half exasperation, half understanding. Sky pointedly sticks to your side as Time looks you over, markings deep with vibrant color. You shrug with a helpless smile as you feel the lightest brushes of Hylia’s fond days of gold and starlit summers days against the Lord of the Mountains warm, luminous affection and the Fierce Deity’s smug, but content lonsdaleite smile.)
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littlespacereader · 11 days
Hai Clara, I just saw this adorable Scooby Doo paci and I think little dean would go absolutely bonkers if he found it and cherish the hecc outa it when he got it!!
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The paci was made by paci.pops on Instagram. It was a custom one and is sadly not for sale irl, but just imagine little dean seeing it and getting so excited, or Cas commissioning it and gifting it to him as a surprise. 😭
Just wanted to share this cute mental image (in the hopes it inspired you in some way hehe)
Anyway, love you - byee!! <3
First of all, that pacifier is adorable!! I would kill for one that looked just like it myself!🤩 But Dean woukd literally lose it to having something like that!! While the story mostly has Dean and Castiel in it, I made to sure to sprinkle some Sam and Crowley in the end:) I hope you enjoy as always @dino-boyo-agere ! Thank you so much again for another beautiful request to the Supernatural storyline!
For all the previous fics in this series click here, here, here and here.
The Surprise👀💚
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Caregiver! Castiel & Little! Dean Winchester, with Caregiver! Crowley & Little! Sam Winchester (SFW!)
Tags- struggling to regress, hurt/comfort, surprises, pacifiers, diapers, stuffies, hugs and cuddles
Hunt after Hunt, Castiel could see that Dean was in desperate need of regression.
It wasn’t his fault. Sam and him thought they were going on a simple ghost case. But simple and Winchesters don’t go together. What should’ve been a week at most turned into a two week long hunt.
By the end of it, Sam and especially Dean were in some dire need of love and support from their respective Caregivers.
Castiel will be the first to admit…it was definitely an interesting change having a second Caregiver in the bunker with him. Crowley and him were polar opposites when it came to their Caregiving styles. So navigate around one another is…interesting to say the least.
Castiel kept pacing back and forth waiting for the sound of the Impala outside the bunker. Finally the boys were on their way home. And by the sound of it, he could tell Dean was struggling not to regress.
Castiel insisted he could just teleport Sam, the car and him right back him but Dean insisted on driving. He wanted to clear his head after the brutal case and before he regressed. And one the ways he knows how to do that is driving.
More than anything Castiel wanted to be there right as Dean walked into the bunker. So there he stood now, well…maybe not stood. Castiel paced and Crowley sat at a table nearby reading a newspaper with his feet up.
“Staring at the door isn’t going to get them here any faster Cassie.”
Castiel shot him a glare before going back to his pacing. Crowley rolls his eyes and puts the paper down.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What’s got you so worried about Dean?”
Castiel looked confused to the phrase but continued on. “You know when Sam calls you and tells you everything fine.”
“But you can just tell that everything isn’t fine and that he’s barley hanging on to his adult self?”
Crowley sat back in his chair and sighed, “Yeah…I know what you’re talking about. So squirrel is barley hanging onto his adult mindset.”
“That’s what I suspect.”
“And you let him drive?”
Castiel turned to glare at Crowley again. “You try tell Sam not to do something when he’s fighting his regression.”
“Oh trust me I have Cassie.”
“….And I was in the same position as you.” Crowley sighed, hating to admit.
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the car doors closing. Sam and Dean walking into the bunker looking rough.
Sam immediately walked over to Crowley while Dean on the other hand, was about to walk past Cas and towards his room. But Castiel stopped him.
“There you are! I’ve been waiting for you.” Cas smiles with a warm and calm expression.
Dean’s expression was the complete opposite for the moment. He looked tired and stressed, “You were?” There was a slight hint of hope in his voice as he looked at Castiel, surprised he was waiting for him.
“Of course I was.” Cas smiled again, “I think it’s time for someone to take the night to relax and maybe even regress.”
Dean sighed before he pushed past Cas and walked towards his room. Castiel followed after him.
“Stop.” Dean said with no real heat behind it, “I don’t want to regress tonight. I-I can’t… not after that case.”
“By the look and sound of it, I think you should. You look stressed out beyond belief Dean.”
He followed him into his room, closing the door behind them so they could talk privately. “Listen, I know you’re still feeling big but if you’d let me help you, I can help you age down a bit and finally relax.”
Dean struggled with this often. Coming back from a hunt that required him to be protective, brave and strong was a hard thing to change. For Dean sometimes it was a hard thing for him to regress. He almost gets stuck in that mindset, forgetting how to regress again.
Castiel always knew the signs of it, he had seen Dean do this time and time again. He fights the need to regress and then in turn becomes grumpy from not regressing.
Dean ignores Cas and heads towards the bathroom, “I’m gonna to take a shower.” He muttered before walking away.
He threw his clothes around the bathroom before stepping into the shower. The warm water was rather relaxing. It started to clear his mind on everything.
Everything is frustrating! He didn’t know how to just regress after everything! He had been an adult for two weeks and it was hard to switch that off. But being home with Cas made feel his head getting fuzzy with the feeling of regressing.
His regression felt as if it was on the tip of spilling over. Like a cup filled to the rim with only one drop that causes the whole thing to spill.
That drop of course, would be Castiel.
When Dean stepped out of the shower, all of his clothes thrown wildly on the floor were gone. Instead, on the countertop sat a soft fuzzy robe. Dean dried off before putting the robe on and heading back to his room. There, Castiel waited on the bed with Sharon and Ozzie next to him.
Dean, in a losing battle against his regression softly asked, “What’s this all about?”
“I just had the most interesting conversation with Ozzie and Sharon here.” Castiel started to say. He patted he bed next to him, urging Dean to sit with him.
The walls Dean desperately had up, start to come crumpling down brick by brick as he took a seat next to Castiel.
Cas takes his hand in his, “Now I was just in the middle of talking to Ozzie. He was telling me how brave and strong you were while you were away.”
“He was?” Dean asks so innocently. He starts slipping more than he realizes it.
“Yeah he was. He was going on and on about how he’s so proud of you.” Castiel squeezes his hand.
Tears start to sting at the corners of Dean’s eyes. He quickly wipes them away with a knuckles fist, “That’s really nice of him to say.”
“It is. But Sharon was just reminding him that even big brave boys need to relax sometimes too. And it doesn’t make them any less brave than before. Sometimes they need someone else to be brave for them, just for a little while. That way they can rest and be brave again when the time comes.”
Suddenly it all makes sense to Dean. Of course this is what Cas was trying to tell him but…but Sharon and Ozzie made more sense with it.
Castiel could see the gears turning in Dean’s head. “I think what you need tonight is for someone to be brave for you. Not only will you have me to be your guardian angel, but you’ll have Sharon and Ozzie to protect you too. Triple protection for my little bee.” He picked the stuffies up and handed them to Dean.
Dean quickly grabbed them and brought them close. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked up at Castiel. Gone was stubborn adult Dean fighting his regression, and in its place a little boy in need of some serious comfort.
“Dadee, missed you so much.”
That’s all Dean had to say before Cas leaned forward to bring his Little into a nice cozy hug. Dean rested his head on Castiel’s shoulder and just sighed. He missed this so much, he missed Cas so much.
“I miss you too love bug.” Castiel rubbed Dean back and gently rocked him back and forth.
Once they broke apart, Castiel took Dean’s hand in his once more. “Tonight is going to be a nice relaxing night for us. First we’re going to get you changed into some comfy pjs and then we’re going to watch some Scooby-Doo. But before we do I have a little surprise for you.”
Dean’s eyes lit up, “Surprise?!”
“Yeah a surprise! I was planning on saving it for someone’s birthday but tonight it’s needed more. But first pajamas.”
Castiel stood up and walked over to Dean’s closet while Dean whined and threw himself back onto the bed. “I don’t wanna wait.”
“It will only be a minute.” Cas replied back as he search for some pajamas.
“What is it?”
“Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you?” Castiel smirked.
Dean huffed and sighed, and tried, tried to wait patiently for Cas to come back over. After what felt like years (in reality only two minutes) Castiel returned with some pjs and a diaper.
Dean lifted his head when Castiel returned, “Surprise?”
“Not yet sweet boy, just a minute. First we get you changed then…”
“Then surprise?”
“Then we get the surprise. That’s right smart boy. Now, let’s get you into some pajamas.”
The pajama change went by uneventful. Dean, though a little impatient, acted his best when changed into pajamas and a diaper. Once all settled Dean quickly sat up and looked at Castiel all excited.
“Okay baby bee, close your eyes.” Cas winked with a smirk.
Dean could barley hold his excitement. The once grumpy hunter had done a complete 180. He closed his eyes and held Sharon close as he patiently waited for his surprised.
Cas went into the closet and grabbed the small box. He carefully unwrapped the packaging before making his way back to Dean. When he did, he spotted the Little trying to look.
“Hey what did I say about those eyes?” Cas raised an eye brow. Dean quickly shut them once more. Cas couldn’t help but shake his head at his cheeky little one.
“Okay, hold out your hand and when I count to three open your eyes. Ready?”
With Dean’s hand out, Cas carefully placed the gift, “1….2…..3!! Open!!”
Dean quickly opened his eyes and gasped. There was a moment of pure bliss as Dean stared at the Scooby Doo themed paci. The paci has the works, gems, little paw print charms, zoniks written on the front and a little picture of Scooby himself.
He looked up from the gift to Cas, “Y-You got me a paci?”
“I did,” Cas took a seat next to him on the bed once more, “I’ve been noticing someone has developed a habit of sucking their thumb,” Castiel started to say causing Dean to blush.
“So I planned on getting you a pacifier but then I stumbled across this one online and I couldn’t resist to get it for Scooby Doo’s number one fan.”
With tears in his eyes he looked back up at Cas again, “I wuve it!!” Dean practically tackled Cas into a bear hug, wrapping his arms around his neck. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! It’s so pretty and it has gems on it and even Scooby!!”
Cas laughed, hugging his boy back, “You are so welcome. I’m happy you like it.”
The two broke apart and Dean continued to stare at the paci.
“Dean?” Cas broke him out of his thoughts, “Why don’t you give it a try?”
What seemed so obvious made so much more sense. Wow, Caregivers really are the best! Thing is…he’s never had a pacifier before. What was it like? With a small moment of hesitation, Dean popped the pacifier into his mouth.
Then suddenly it was as if the whole world melted away. He closed his eyes and let the feeling wash over him. A pacifier was something he always wanted but before his regression was known to his family, he didn’t want to risk anyone finding it.
Now he had his own!! And it’s perfect!! It’s Scooby!! He loves Scooby!! It couldn’t get better than this.
You know what’s better than a Scooby Doo paci? Having a Scooby Doo paci in your mouth while watching Scooby Doo!!
Dean laid with his head in Cas’s lap as the two settled in the tv room for the night. Dean’s eyes were half lidded as he watched Scooby and the gang get chased around the castle by a ghost.
Cas had one arm wrapped around his little one and another playing with his hair. The night started to end off peacefully. Just a Caregiver and his little one.
Well…almost ending peacefully.
Crowley could be heard yelling in the background before Sam bursted into the tv room, towel around his waist and his hair soaking wet like a mop.
“Dean you’re never gonna believe what I-.” Sam stopped mid sentence seeing the paci.
There was a second, just a moment, where Dean worried his brother might tease him about his new paci. But what he found was the polar opposite.
A smile spread across his face from behind the pacifier as Sam complimented it. Dean sat up and pointed to it, “Swooby!” He mumbled behind the paci.
“Yeah!! It looks so cool with that green gems and the Scooby charm…” Sam started to trail off. This pacifier gave him an idea. After all Dean’s birthday was coming up soon. Maybe he would like another one?
Crowley burst into the room half soaking wet himself, “You. Little. Troublemaker! Come here!”
And so the night ending in the Bunker with a real Scooby Doo chase. But instead of a ghost chases the Scooby gang, it was instead a soaking wet Demon chasing a very tall Hunter while another Hunter watched and giggled next to his Guardian Angel.
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spookyserenades · 18 days
TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG TAEHYUNG WHEN I CATCH YOU TAEHYUNG 😤😤😤😤😭😭😭 i knew this was coming i could feel him scheming since that damn club night 🤧 It’s sad bc he technically doesn’t know that OC has romantic feelings for him so it’s not like he’s trying to break her heart on purpose but the painnnnnnn 😭 OC is stronger than me bc personally i would’ve been screaming, crying, and throwing up! I cannot wait for the angst to come it’s gonna be so good!!!
I swear every time Namjoon, Jungkook, and OC enter the Sanders’ house some shit always goes down 👀 honestly even i felt relieved when they didn’t let her conduct the sessions with the spirits. It tugged on my heartstrings to see the boys so worried for her especially Yoongi who was so scared of losing her again :(( even seeing Hoseok who is very much a non believer getting all worked up over it was crazy but honestly who wouldn’t after hearing that audio!!! But omg poor Jungkook! Just imaging those claw marks makes me cringe 😭 He truly is so fearless! I’d feel safe ghost hunting with him lol
Also i’m so glad we’ve learned a little more about Yoongi and his mom! I’ve always been curious about how his mother passed. It must’ve been so hard for him to lose her so tragically :( Plus the song! stop i will cry!! Every time we learn a sad detail from the boys past i just think about how lucky they are to finally be part of a home where they are so loved and don’t have to worry about being alone again :((((
FDKJSAFHA RUN TAE RUNNNNNN!!! Ugh I wonder if he'll be able to sense her feelings in the next update, her sense of betrayal and whatnot :( Hopefully whatever he's up to is short-lived. I too would be on the floor weeping if I was Y/N 😭
Oh for SURE shit is always nuts at the Sanders' house! They got some nastyyyy spirits and demons in that place, so hopefully the trio can get rid of the haunting in the upcoming chapter!!! I agree, Namjoon and Jeongguk showed that rare moment of wanting to protect Y/N strongly, even if it was subtle and in their own way. AHHHH poor Yoongi that was such a heart-wrenching scene to write tbh. Y/N means so much to him, and I think even the smallest threat that she might disappear on him again devastates the poor guy 😭
Resident skeptic Hoseok coming around to some of the ghosts I think!! Seeing how serious everyone else was getting about it, especially after hearing the audio, triggered that worked up reaction from the fox hybrid. But YES I sooo agree even IRL out of all the tannies I'd feel safest with Jeongguk. Dude has noooo fears and he's big and strong!!
Ahhhh again, poor Yoongi 😭🥺 Whenever I get to his prequel in the distant future, there will be even more background on his mother, their relationship, and her death. BUT 🥺🥺🥺 YESS They're all so so loved and cared for now, I think each of them are coming to terms with that one by one, which is the sweetest thing of all 💜💜
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May I have a lil and simple recap whats goin on? Been busy lately and I will catch up with the other asks but Im curious what are the boys doing at this moment so I wont get confuse
//I'll try to give a rundown here, others can feel free to add any details I miss!! When we left the twins last, they'd made up after their fight. Kill Code and Harvest had their own argument that ended with the two striking a deal that Harvest would give KC a week (? I think I said a week) to prove himself to him, then he wouldn't put up with anymore. Kill Code tucked the twins into bed for the day (he's going to show Harvest how to hunt at night/show him what he's been missing out on). We realized both of the twins and KC are giant cats, Kill Code fell asleep purring and holding onto one of the askers like a stuffed animal.
Sun and Lunar saw and realized how bad Solar's Moon is. They witnessed him threatening Solar about how 'messy' the daycare was. Lunar and the askers helped clean it while Solar regressed with Ghost in the nursery. Star is also small, as is HTF.
Solar sees Sun as his own (Poppy) and asked for Poppy's 'sleeping potion'. Lunar and Star went to try and find Poppy's spellbook and make the potion for him.
While Lunar, im-tired-and-depressed, Star, Casey, HTF, and Magical Penguin Anon (I know I forgot someone, but I don't know who it is) were making the potion, there were a few strange happenings. Was it Poppy? Possibly. Maybe. Lunar is planning to give Solar Poppy's spellbook, since that's who it should go to.
The littles were each given a sippy cup with the potion in it, and Solar is currently sleeping against Sun's chest. Lunar is resting beside Ghost and Star. Casey is holding HTF (I think). Sun is determined to get everyone to the main dimension tonight (in the au, not irl).
Bloody and Harvest are awake now ready to go out hunting for the night with Kill Code.
I think that's everything??//
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hummus-birb · 17 days
Animal Well Lore Theorizing - What is the player character?
I know everyone refers to them as a blob (and I will too for simplicities sake), but what are they?
(Note: All of these are just random guesses, I’m not a lore professional or anything like that. I’ve completed the secret ending, but I’m still missing a couple of the rabbits, and I’m not one of the people hunting down all the gameplay mysteries of the game. I just like cool world building stuff!!)
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Hints we have so far:
- They come out of a flower, whether they’re newly born or were just kinda sitting in there or something
- They’re reasonably small (assuming the telephones are normal size, they’re about as wide and a bit taller than those, but if it’s a toy phone this could be a less accurate guess)
- They have boots(?) (the little pink things, though those could just be a stylistic choice)
- They can ride things and use items (the frisbees, any items, chinchillas, and even the manticore. We can assume the ability to use items without hands is just a gameplay stylistic choice, but the manticore is an interesting topic I’ll get to later)
- They don’t get hurt by fireworks (could be a gameplay choice, but probably rules out them being a ghost)
- Yellowish-orangish-beigeish color (depends on the lighting)
- They eat fruit to regain health
- (Big spoilers for after you get all the rabbits!) After being eaten by the big bunny, you get the ability to turn into some sort of winged glowing moth thingy!
Okay, actual theory time now!!
My first thought was that it was some sort of slime guy or generic blob, but statements from the creator say that it is something specific. So here’s some ideas!!
- Eggs are prevalent in the game as both our collectible and for the origin of the manticore, so what if the player was also an egg?? Or rather, an egg yolk? I mostly thought of this one since the blob is yellow
- They could be a seed or some other part of a plant, since they come out of a flower. It has been confirmed that they are definitely not a fruit, after people were joking about fruit cannibalism in the discord, but it could still be something else from a plant
- They might be a sort of moth grub thing, or even a moth egg? With the whole flying ability late-game, it would make sense to assume that the player is related to a moth (or maybe another flying bug) in some way.
- My personal favorite theory, whether or not it ends up being real, is that the blob is some sort of parasitic creature. When the manticore eats it, it’s able to control the manticores movements, and it gets the wings from going through the big rabbit’s intestinal system. While I don’t know a lot about parasites, I did a quick google search and found out that rabbits suffer from a thing called flystrike (maggots hatch in their body system from flies laying eggs in wounds or feces (don’t look it up unless your fine with some pretty gross images)), and maggots also obviously eat and sometimes hatch in plants, though I’m not sure if they’re the same type. There’s obviously some amount of fantasy elements, so it could possibly be a culmination of a few specific irl parasites as well as our general perception of parasites in media. Either way I think it could be a really cool theory!!!
While we don’t have a strict answer to what the player character is as of yet, I mostly just wanted to share some ideas of mine for what they could be!!!
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darkworkcourier · 1 year
saw your tags about liking reyes...tell me ur thoughts i love him but i haven't seen anyone talking about the handsome canadian gentleman...
(he's the only handsome operator i have unlocked i keep playing as him)
also because this is my NSFW blog, you're getting some nastay headcanons, too
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He's canonically a history nerd, but if you know irl history nerds, you know how insufferable they can be about their special interests. Everyone in his part of CSOR (and eventually SpecGru) learned very early not to ask him questions if they didn't a two hour infodump sesh. (Two hours is the abridged version.)
He does have Slides and PowerPoint presentations prepared for just such a occasion.
However, there is no way to get out of the full presentation on the Alberta Rat War. It's vital to know that story if you want to befriend him.
If he hadn't joined the military, Reyes thinks he would have been a hella good history professor.
(If not a very enthusiastic one. Just real life siege warfare demos.)
Loves hiking and camping. The more rustic and backwoods, the better.
Tattoos! He's got a bunch! Half the fun of being with him is finding all of his tattoos.
If you hear him talking to himself and pretending he's an 18th century voyageur, no you didn't.
He knows how to knit and crochet, and his sewing skills aren't half bad.
That said, he's the person to go to if you need stitches. One of his C.O.'s commented that he would have made a pretty good medic and Reyes has preened about that ever since.
On the flip side, he has an awful tendency to correct people. Like very 'um, actually?'. That's what got him into so much trouble in CSOR.
On the freak chance he ever meets with Calisto, they can hardly understand each other. Her French is very proper, and his is very... Canadian.
Once he's in SpecGru, he and Soap adore each other. They're like two Golden Retriever puppies. He also gets along well with Gus, Nova, and Gromsko. (He learns about Gromsko's Hussar thing and does not leave him alone.)
Has an odd but good friendship with Ghost, too. They bond over wilderness skills and constantly compare their camping equipment and hunting supplies. They're also in on an inside joke directed mostly at Soap to make increasingly more outlandish survival tips. (They go backcountry camping together once a year, but that's classified information.)
Wilts in hot weather. This isn't ideal when he needs to go to warm weather locations, but he deals with it.
Extremely ticklish. No one knows this. No one needs to know.
If there was a ranking for best laugh in SpecGru, he'd win by a landslide.
Vancouver Canucks fan. He doesn't know anyone who is a fan of the Edmonton Oilers.
He did play hockey as a teenager, though. Even now, pond hockey can't be beat.
Also goes ice fishing a few times a year, if he can.
Plays D&D.
Not-so-secretly a hopeless romantic.
Designated the friend who has everything in his bag. Bandaids, chapstick, firestriker, hygiene products, granola bars, etc. He's ready for anything.
Worst bedhead ever. Ever, ever, ever.
He doesn't have the biggest dick (you try showering next to some of the guys in SpecGru and see how you feel about it), but he knows how to use it well.
His stamina in bed is unmatched. Be prepared to go four, five, potentially six rounds. Let him take a nap and get a snack in his system and he's ready to go all over again.
Pretty big on outdoor sex. Not exactly an exhibitionist, but he likes fucking with a view.
He also likes experimenting with positions. He's pretty flexible!
Loves having his hair pulled.
Also loves giving oral. Receiving's great and all, but he gets incredibly aroused by how much his partner is enjoying it.
Super into roleplaying. This shocks no one.
Pain/impact play's cool and all, but it's not his favorite. He'll do it if his partner likes it, though.
He can fill the full spectrum of romantic sex to outright kink. He is a man of multitudes.
If you're the pegging type, he's ready, willing, and prepped before you even get to the bed.
On the tattoo front, he's got some in interesting places.
Very much a switch. He enjoys restraints, but he thinks his partner looks damn good in them, too.
Constantly doing check-ins. You good? Do you need anything? Lube? Snack? Beverage? He's pretty sure he has a GoGurt and something with plenty of electrolytes around here somewhere.
Be prepared for beard burn. (Don't worry. He has lotion you can use afterward.)
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obihiro-division · 1 month
Daiki’s Thoughts on Akihabara Division
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Anika Kiyozaki
“Hypno… What? I thought hypnosis was bad. How can you use it for therapy? Usually bad guys use it to get what they want, hypnotizing the innocent people to do their bidding. Just from that, I kinda don’t trust Anika already, but if she can explain how she uses it for good, I can let it pass! If she fails though, I can’t promise I will spare her. The Paladin doesn’t let any form of villainy slide, no matter what!”
Shian Meizono
“A bond dealer? I thought Japan didn’t have those. That does sound cool though… Hunting down criminals who break agreements? Sounds cool! At least, if I’m right about what I’m saying. Hey… Knowing Japan doesn’t work like America with their bounty hunters, you think she’s here from the US looking for someone?! That would be super duper exciting! Wonder what sort of people she goes after? I mean, they wouldn’t be super dangerous people if they got out on bail, so… I really wonder.”
Makina Setsukura
“Ooh a streamer? What sort of stuff does she do? Hm? Gaming?”
“...I don’t really care for gaming streamers. Sorry! I dunno, I like video games, especially when I play with my brothers. But watching people play is like, really annoying. Some of my mates in the UK tried to show me some and get me into some streamers… Mostly girls for some reason. Not like that matters to me, I just can’t stand watching other people play! If she did other content like… Streaming IRL? Or ghost hunting! That’s the type of streamers I fancy!”
Pixel Syndicate
“Geez, for a team in someplace cool like Akihabara, they’re kinda boring! Is that mean? I was hoping to see someone like me, into something super fun. Instead, most of them sound like boring adults… Well, maybe not Shian. It sounds like her job is filled with adventure and drama. Those kinds of people are what I wanna see! The type of people I wanna face on the stage! That’s the kind of life that I strive for!”
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thotja · 1 year
thoughts on Predator: Eyes of the Demon
overall not as ground breaking as I was hoping for (granted im a weird transsexual fag IRL so i guess i have a lot of expectations that are unlikely to be met by the average sci fi author), but still some decent stories! i'd say 6.5-7/10 overall. rating for each of the stories under the cut (to keep this post from being like. a mile long):
• "The Titans" by Tim Lebbon – underwhelming plot but i enjoyed their poetic rivalry. 6/10 • "The Distance in Their Eyes" by Stephen Graham Jones – good little story with a twist. Didn't think much of it at first but I keep thinking about it. 9/10 • "Aftermath" by Bryan Thomas Schmidt – ENOUGH. OF. DUTCH. let the poor guy rest! that being said, the way we get a tantalizing 3 paragraphs or so of "baby's first hunt" is SO charming. would have been more if it was focused on HIM not dutch but it was ALL about Dutch so. 3/10 • "Proving Ground" by Linda D. Addison – yautja-centric! and focusing on political maneuvering! yippee! sadly still kinda whatever. 7/10 • "Lion of the Himalayas" by Ammar Habib – human focused but a much needed change of setting and at least was unique. One of the better stories imo! 8.5/10 • "The Fix is In" by Jonathan Maberry – another capitalist-military future story (i hate this genre btw) but i'm obsessed with the single surviving yautja tricking a group of humans just to hijack their ship since his was irrevocably fucked. kudos to you, bro! 5.5/10 • "Bitter Hunt" by Kim May – this one just raised too many questions it didn't have the length to answer. why was your son going around killing women and children??? at least u killed him yourself. i would be sooooo embarrassed in her shoes. i would say if it got more space to flesh itself out, it could've been great. but this version we get is solidly a 6.5/10 • "Field Trip" by Robert Greenberger – THE INFAMOUS BIRTH AND NURSING STORY!!!!!! i think i have the most beef with the world building in this story out of all them. like. why the fuck were her novices such misogynists??? hello?????? like ZERO respect / understanding of reproduction. u were a baby once too you know?! funny setup, annoying teen boy type behavior, questionable mom choices too (if she didn't want to have da baby on earth then why sign up for this job so close to your due date?), but ultimately, the reason i chose this book in the first place. so 10/10 for getting me, keeping me, and making me mad. • "Cannon Fodder" by Gini Koch – girl power! would have been better if they were lesbians at the end. 6/10 • "Little Miss Nightmare" by Peter Briggs – I like this writer's style the most out of all the other authors featured. I thought his human characters were at least interesting. AND the yautja featured was more of an anthropologist vs being exclusively there to trophy people. so she had more curiosity. I think a lack of curiosity in people's yautja characters is the most disservice they can do to them. 9.5/10 • "The Trophy" by A.R. Redington – NOT HOW IT WOULD'VE GONE DOWN. TAKING LOTSA POINTS FOR THAT. 2/10 (objectively not a bad story. but makes me mad) • "The Monster" by Michael Kogge – hey I've been there! really funny to have bigfoot fight predator, but underwhelming-ly written. 6/10 • "Ghost Story" by Joshua Pruett – I suspect you are not a geologist. 5/10 • "Sly Dark in the Daylight" by Yvonne Navarro – really funny to have a Bad Blood be the main yautja in the story. human centric of course but at least it was a different setup than typical "yautja hunting humans" type thing. Kinda addicted to the ending but also not how it would've ended in my opinion. 6/10 • "Dead Man's Switch" by Scott Sigler – yeah yeah engineered super beast hunting facility attracts yautja. of course. 6/10
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starlight-write · 1 year
🔥🧠Welcome to Braindump Central™🧠🔥
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❤️ Welcome to my own personal Hell! ❤️ Here is where I store all my weird thoughts and writing projects that would have my neurodivergent ass shunned by my friends and family if revealed to the real world.
Originally, this blog was meant solely for writing tk fics (tw btw!). And while that is still our primary focus here, you can also find some regular-ass fanfics on my AO3 account, (which will be revealed soon enough) as well as sleep deprived ramblings, a shit ton of reblogs, and all sorts of other nonsensical shit.
The current annual hyperfixation that haunts my every waking moment is Hazbin Hotel, if that wasn't already obvious enough. So most of what I write will revolve around that.
Other fandoms I will write for are My Hero Academia, The Amazing Digital Circus, and The Owl House. (I live under a rock and don't know much else.)
Requests are Open and here are The Rules™!!!!
1.) Story Prompts, Character Headcannons, Character Pairings and similar ideas are all free game. (Also if you just want to talk, please I'm so lonely.)
1.5.) Requests aren't limited to fandom or tk fics! I love a good challenge so if you got a good prompt you wanna hit me with, I'm all ears!
2.) Obviously, I reserve the right to deny any requests if I can't vibe with it but don't think that means I appreciate your inputs any less!
3.) I will not write anything NSFW. (Dude, there are children here!)
4.) Requests will NOT be answered in a timely manner as I have the time management skills of a narcoleptic seahorse and run off of hyperfixation and spite alone.
5.) I'm not comfortable writing anyone's OCs for fandom fics, sorry.
6.) Keep it silly. Keep it fun. Don't be an asshole.
About the Author: (over sharing)
Here's some personal details about me that I feel like have a significant affect on my perception of reality and therefore my writing as a whole.
First things first, my irl pronouns are she/her. But let's be real, we're on Tumblr so call me whatever you want. Get creative with it.
I'm a 21y/o software engineering student diagnosed ADHD. (I keep praying to God but he's not answering) But y'know, that double homicide clearly wasn't enough and I got nerfed with a chaotic and relatively unstable living situation so if I go ghost for a hot minute that's probably why.
I identify myself as a sapphic-oriented AroAce abomination who ironically, is in a happy relationship with a man... (It was an accident I swear!) I'm just as confused as you are don't worry. So needless to say the pairings I write are going to be affected by that aroace lens but hey, if you're like me and enjoy exploring platonic dynamics a lot more then you've come to the right place!
Your girl also has a condition known as Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MaDD), as if my pea-brain wasn't screwed enough already. Pretty self explanatory, basically means I have this dumbass condition where I have to disassociate into my fantasy worlds for hours and hours on end instead of actually contributing to society. Fun, right? I mention this not only to spread a little awareness but also to *cite my sources* in a way. Pretty sure it's forced me to become a better writer in a way, too. So it's not all bad ig.
If you want any more personal information out of me you either gotta hunt down my FBI agent or fill out my friendship criteria form on Github.
Now scroll and enjoy yourself.
Also if I get one more dm blasting me for the badges I probably won't do anything but IT WAS FOR THE BIT!!!!
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borderlandscast · 6 months
I'm rather curious. Out of all the fics from this AU you've written, which one is your personal favorite (fav to have written or fav in concept)? My favorite is a bullet with your name on it.
oh man, this is a hard question to answer, but ‘tlvh’ is the brainchild that really brought everything together and paid off after…months of planning and writing? that’s the crowning masterpiece.
vibe wise, i really liked ‘a bullet with your name on it’ because thematically, people don’t give enough credit for how online friendships be just as valuable and destructive like irl ones. imagine loving someone beyond ‘death’ to meticulously hunt their killer and ghost down, because you’ve been traveling on this road long enough that to do otherwise is literally unthinkable (and sneak in some fun while you’re at it).
there’s also different facets of characters being written throughout this fic; i remember that i wanted to give each of the characters who appeared to be more than just their stereotype, while being recognisable, distinct and complex. i wanted to give each of them a backstory, strengths, weaknesses, serious and not so serious moments, key relationships and flaws to round them out.
there are also what i like to call ‘load bearing’ characters. i.e., you take them out of the story at any given point and the entire thing simply collapses or folds over into a hot mess; rythian, ravs and teep’s friendship is one of those neat trios that if any one of them had died, the entire story would have ceased to exist or happened differently.
for a ‘faceless’ character, teep’s identity and core motivations are formed by their relationships to others even if they tried to cut said others out; it is hilarious that inevitably, they get dragged into this entire adventure by rythian and ravs by being present in the two’s proximity. that says a lot about teep’s character even if they don’t speak or try to minimise anything that could give them away by ‘talking,’ but that becomes their main tells and characteristics.
i could keep going but i nearly lost all of this via an app refresh so i’ll stop here for now; i’m also overdue for rereading just to see how different my current writing is, compared to the stuff on ao3.
thanks for your question! it was nostalgic to think about this au again!
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bluiex · 2 years
got two concepts for ya lol
so the first one is ghost hunter scarian where grian and scar are two long-time friends (who 100% have some unresolved tension that they will refuse to talk about ever) who start going ghost hunting as it's been a passion of scars. they've kind of got a buzzfeed unsolved type dynamic where scar is the scared believer meanwhile grian doesn't believe At All but still goes with him because he knows it's important to scar (and also doesn't want scar falling through the floor of an old house someday) plus hey, having your rather attractive friend fall all over you whenever he hears a slight noise isn't all too bad ;)
well after a while, they finally do find a ghost- mumbo, who's been dead for over 200 years, and grian can't believe it. eventually grian does end up believing and becomes friends with mumbo, and the two get along really well. meanwhile as grian tries to help mumbo move on (insert something about the rift) he has to confront his growing feelings for scar, which may or may not be reciprocated.
and concept number two which is a lot less flesh out which is demon scar (who doesn't really want to be a demon, frankly) x fallen angel grian. all I know about this one is I think jellie would be a hellcat that follows scar around everywhere lol
salkjfssdg I love the ghost hunting one sm because thats a passion of mine irl Grian is just there for the ride lmao (and the random hugs he gets cuz Scar freaks out over the littlest of things) Okay BUT LIKE WHAT IF. HEAR ME OUT. Scar brings to the investigation a spirit box, starts asking all these questions and they get like absolutely nothing and Grian is just like alright, see no ghosts. then the spirit box goes off after that saying "Touch" then Grian feels something touch his back AND HE FREAKS OUT now he's the one jumping into Scar's arms meanwhile Scar is like sooo excited they got a response Suddenly the ghost manifests itself into Mumbo whos just laughing his ass off(who touched Grian btw) because it was fuckin hilarious. then yeah, Grian starts believing, trying to help Mumbo move on.. Whilst doing that Grian confesses to Mumbo about how much he likes Scar but is super worried Scar doesn't feel the same way because well he's never shown any signs of liking him back--
Jellie as a hellcat following demon Scar is everything. Demon Scar, who is not very good at being a demon, finds fallen angel Grian.. now Scar hopes Grian can make him not a demon somehow.. thus falling in love ensues
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v-anrouge · 1 year
exposing myself on the internet for a character assignment go brrrrr
also: *sweats in aroace*
Okay so I possess a distinct lack of hobbies because ✨ mental illness ✨ and also I am a total hikkineet. I do however, have less active hobbies like drawing, painting, reading/writing. I do enjoy rewatching Musicals from my childhood whenever I’m feeling down or generally empty. Some faves would be “The Sound Of Music”, “Mary Poppins” and “Anastasia”. Ya boi likes singing along with em even though I am terrible at it hehe ❤️
God okay. My personality. Uhh. I have a lot of feelings (and cry a lot) and I am extremely affection starved so show me positive attention and compliment me and I am fucking worshipping the ground you walk on so.. affectionate? I guess. Also Kind of quiet. I’m in my head a lot, and I have anxiety about voicing my opinion and thoughts to people. Especially irl. I’ll usually just remain silent or provide a few comments but otherwise mainly a listener. But if it’s a special interest and I can see that you are actively listening to me instead of waiting for me to stop talking I’ll turn into a walking Encyclopedia about Said thing. I do love physical affection but only when I am in the mood for it lol.
Giving love language is acts of service and gift giving (flashbacks to the time I offered to buy you something even though we barely knew each other). Receiving love language is words of affirmation probably idk i have 3 irl Friends outside of Family so my experience on the matter is limited.
Also people who are audibly/visibly angry will set off my fight/flight/freeze response and I will physically distance myself from them due to discomfort/fear. I’d also definitely go non-verbal as a result. This would be a time where touching me could result in a panic attack/me just crying lmao
Okay bare with me here because I have never actively considered my type so I’m only really thinking about it now
Type wise, perhaps someone kind but firm, I’d say? I lack a lot of motivation, self-discipline and self-respect, so a partner who is gentle, accomodating and understanding of my situation but isn’t afraid to call bullshit when they see it would definitely be preferable. Also direct communication because I CANNOT read between the lines. And.. someone who would go places with me. Not even for like the cute coupley things like Dates and Shopping or whatever (though that would be great too) but literally as a Support Person for stressful situations like dentists, doctors and other such appointments. Lord knows I need it because I stutter so badly when talking to strangers irl and stare straight at the ground and go silent when I inevitably become embarrassed at my lack of social skills💀 I don’t really have a strong preference for any hobbies a partner might have, but it would be cool to watch musicals together. And dress up and stuff. Maybe even cosplay. Idk just Indulging in each others hobbies would be fun. Also I struggle with like, mobile(?) communication and find it difficult to take the initiative to start text convos or call people, so they’d need to take the lead on that otherwise I may accidentally end up ghosting them. Not maliciously, but as I said, ya boy is stuck in his own little world a lot.
Also my favourite colour is green! HEX Code : #9AEEC8 (this probably wasn’t necessary but teehee)
And if a partner can’t handle spice I will constantly give them shit for it but in an affectionate way ❤️
I match you with...
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ROOK HUNT let me start this off by saying that this can be taken in both a platonic or romantic way and that in either way u and rook are like made for eachother im serious like u two are fucking inseparable, rook absolutely adores everything about you, you two have A LOT in common and he LIVES for it, rook and you can constantly be found almost sobbing over eachother and how much you mean to eachother, you two are so close people consider u both goals (couple or friendship it's up to u). rook is absolutely sure you two are soulmates he has never felt so connected to someone like he feels connected to you
rook loves spending time with you he adores talking to you even if to other ppl it might seem like he's being ignored rook knows he isn't he knows that you are listening intently to him and he loves it, most people hate it when he starts talking to them since he talks A LOT but you? you don't mind it! you stay there and listen to him ramble and sometimes even join him! rook always feel so warm when he manages to make you feel safe enough to ramble and infodump him and he'll be very happy if you allow him to do the same in exchange you two have a lot of interests in common and love talking about them to ppl that actually care so this normally ends w u both talking for hours non-stop and not even noticing as time goes by (not u two talking about vil for 5 hours straight)
rook absolutely adores your works, wether it's a drawing, a painting or a piece u wrote he'll love to see it, he could spend hours talking about your works seriously it became one of his special interests his ur number 1 fan now he'll always hype you up and even do some of them with you (like painting and reading together etc)
rook swears he can feel his heart exploding in his heart when u give him a gift this man won't stop smiling as he goes on and on about how much he absolutely adores you and how much he loves the gift and how he's so honored and happy to receive something like that and there's literal tears on his eyes as he does so, rook feels so happy when you offer to help him too, it means he gets more time to spend with you! and rook loves spending time with you<3
if you like words of affirmation than rook is the man for you, this man constantly writes poems about you and the special connection you two share and even though he has written multiple of them somehow they never ever look the same it's always so fresh as if it was his first time writing something like that, it also never fails to make you smile rook is very observant so he'll def know what makes you smile and he WILL be making a LOT of use of his privileged knowledge
rook knows how you get when someone is mad and being loud about it so whenever rook feels an situation escalating he'll immediately take you away from it and make sure you're okay, if rook ever happens to arrive to late he'll do his best to help you calm down, rook is super patient and even if you go non-verbal rook somehow still always know what to say and what to do, if you like company in times like these rook will not leave your side, he'll constantly be making sure you're feeling alright and comfortable and paying attention to your body language if you can't speak
rook will always encourage you to try new things at the same time he'll immediately take you out of any situations that make you extremely uncomfortable, for rook it isn't easy to trust people, however he trusts you, and he wants you to trust him back so he wants to be there for you, to show you he will always be by your side to support you and he wishes that you feel the same towards him
if you want to talk to someone or ask for anything but you're too nervous because they're a stranger rook will offer himself to do it for you, he has no problems doing that for you, rook would never shame anyone for not having good social skills because rook himself used to be very shy as a kid and he understands how hard it can be to talk to strangers
rook LOVES to watch and re-watch musicals with you! it's one of his favorite things to do, rook feels so happy when he's watching a musical you two like by your side he truly wishes that moments like these lasted forever, because there is no place rook would rather be than by your side
other possibilities: vil ( u two are like made for eachother seriously as i read ur info i was like omfg it makes sense why you love vil so much) lilia, cater & malleus
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