#I question every time im happy and normal now
emmanessance · 7 months
So upset that a psychiatrist wrongly diagnosed me w bipolar 2 disorder years ago cuz now it’s in my head like what if me sleeping for 17 hrs one day and not wanting to be alive snd then the next day doing 1 million things and staying up til 2am and being in love with the world means smthg,,.but guess what! it doesn’t. I just ate a vegetable and lookrd at the sun. That’s all.
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whisp3roftheheart · 7 months
I really am the most embarrassing person when I like someone lmao
#eden speaks#i really had my best friend drive me all the way to the boy i likes work so i could visit him during his shift#and then i was awkward 😭😭#i was stupid and hit a friends pen a few too many times and i was high as hell when i went which made interacting so h a r d#i told him beforehand that i was high too so i prewarned him that id probably sound stupid lmao#i should've smoked after i saw him#he had a face mask to hide under too since he has to wear one for work and i was just perpetually awkward#i was so busy trying to look normal and overthinking that i forgot to say bye to him lmao i was like#im... im gonna go over there and then i left like what kind of exit is that smh#i see him again today i think we're going on like... kind of a date of sorts? we're going thrift shopping#originally i thought we were going with his rommates but from the questions hes been asking me i think it might just be us#hes so pretty i kept getting flustered when i looked at his eyes when i saw him yesterday#like sir your brown eyes are my weakness#we've been texting like non stop every day for a while now so clearly he feels some kind of way about me its the only thing that makes sense#when i get paid im gonna get him this sanrio and jjk collab shirt because he loves jjk and i love sanrio and if he likes it ill be so happy#we're gonna see the fnaf movie next week im so excited i gotta get a fnaf tshirt or something when i go to buy his shirt#i asked him to go with me on that one and im so excited for it#okay let me stop rambling lmao my ass never knows when i stop#*when to stop
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doctapuella · 2 years
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guitar clinic
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salamancers · 1 year
guess whos just had surgeryyy~~~
technically it was, like, this morning, but i only now came home to my parents place after spending hours in the car so! still counts even if it took around 13 hours from after the surgery was done until i came home heh
i have four brand new holes in my stomach and one less internal organ and for some reason i feel like this is something to *brag about* lmao
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rafeysdoll · 1 month
i’m literally FERAL
could you please do one where rafe somehow convinces reader and he FINALLY gets to be inside of her🫶🫶🫶
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"rafey," you mewl, tugging at his polo as he laid on the couch, writing emails and conducting business. "im.. needy, want help." you whisper, biting your lip as you tilt your head to the side. "what was that?" he taunts, shit eating grin displayed on his face as he dismisses his phone, tossing it aside as he gets up anyway.
you eagerly head back into his room, quickly jumping to his bed as you wait for him to lay, ready to hump him as if he was your very own toy to get rid of all your overwhelming desires.
but yet he remains the same, standing still with his tongue nudging at the side of his cheek as he sighs rather dramatically, hand now over his hip. "you know, baby.. i.. uh," he pauses, tactifully letting silence fill the room for you to worry, wanting you get yourself worked up.
"i just dont know how to say it," he continues, turning around so he can only give you a show of the back of him. “what is it?” you question, voice bordering a whimper. “did i do something wrong?”
rafe smiles menacingly, taking a deep breath. it was time for the last stone to be set.
“here, come stand next to me alright?” he requests, turning back around to offer his hand. you quickly listen, right besides him in seconds as he caresses your hand in his own. “baby, i don’t know if i can do this.” he states, brows meeting together in a tight line, leaning in slightly as if he was offended.
you take a shaky breath and gulp, a strong queasy feeling in your stomach. “w-why?” you reply, bottom lip put out. “you.. you don’t like it?” you frown.
“no, no i do. that’s the problem, im a man.. and, well uh.. it’s hard, you know baby? got all these feelings and i can’t even act on them. i mean, it can’t be fair.” he confesses, pretty blue eyes staring at your own.
“oh,” you realize, looking down at your connected hands. “well.. well that can change, can’t it? we can just.. you know.” you whisper, heat and desperation tingling through your body. you didn’t want any of this to end, you were willing to do anything before he had to be ripped away from your hands. “oh.. oh i dunno baby, that’s a big step.” rafe pretends to deny, his cock already twitching and throbbing. he was so close to what he had been working towards for so so long.
“no, no really rafe. i.. i mean now we can both.. enjoy it.” you carry on, nodding. “please? don’t wanna go to anyone else,” you plead, small tears collecting in your lower lash line. “you.. you sure?” he smiles, his own heart thumping profusely in his chest. “i’m sure, ray.”
the rest was a fast blur, your best friend’s thick length bullying himself inside you, crying at every single ministration he gave you, hoping this could never end.
it was the first night rafe finally got through to your tiny hole, writing and squirming under his touch as he mumbled sweet nothings besides your ear — telling you he had been waiting for so long.. that the wait was worth it to finally do this. it was perfect in both of your minds.. rafe finally getting his best friend on his cock and you simply thinking you were only making both you and him happy.
you were always rafe’s girl, even before you ever realized it.
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ok im listening to a spencer reid playlist and "marry me" by bruno mars came on and all i can imagine is its like a week or so after spencer had proposed, and he comes home to reader dancing/singing to the song while cleaning or baking. i would love to see this as a fic 🥺
Sneak Peek
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Summary: Spencer comes home from a case to find his new fiancée, Reader, in rare form.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff, kinda sunshine/grump
Content warnings: None
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: Here ya go, babes 🩵
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Finally, Spencer thinks when he sees his front door. For work, hours on the jet to and from Quantico don’t take as much of a toll on him as one would expect. Passing the hours with debriefs, cards, reading, and sleeping is something he’s grown accustomed to for years at the B.A.U.
This week, however, was different. Before this last-minute case in Cheyenne, Spencer popped the question to you (with the team’s help with set-up and delivery). Of course you said yes. He barely had time to fish the ring from his blazer pocket before you burst out with your answer. But you barely got to enjoy the first 24 hours of being engaged before the team was called to Wyoming the next morning.
But now, it’s Saturday, so that means you’re home. He can already hear music on the other side of the door when he twists his key. Quite an upbeat tune, unusual for your typical taste. While he sticks to classical composers, normally you’re drawn to calm acoustic songs with minimal production. But what he hears when he opens the door is pure pop.
He couldn’t help but smile as he stepped into the apartment, as the familiar scent of home hit him with the smell of something in the oven. You never cook. And you never bake. But Spencer knows what fresh cookies smell like. He followed the sources, rounding the wall that divided the entryway from the kitchen. And there was when his heart skipped a beat. You were there, in a dress, dancing and singing along with the lively tune, completely immersed in a housewife experience of your own making.
This is nothing but out of character for you. You and Spencer regularly put work first before anything. It is expected in your fields that you prioritize work over each other at times. So your wardrobe was mostly pantsuits and black pumps. Prentiss often gave you suggestions on where to shop for your go-to outfits. Which is why Spencer was so stunned to find you in a dress, flowing around your calves as you twirled on the tile floor. Your hair swayed with every movement, and the joy in your eyes was infectious. The room seemed to come alive with the energy you were exuding. 
He drank it in, marveling at the happiness radiating from his fiancée. He didn’t think simply clearing his throat would be noticeable. But it was. And suddenly, your batter-doused whisk/makeshift microphone became your weapon of choice. “Spencer!” You exclaimed.
Spencer put his hands up in immediate surrender, his heart momentarily pounding for a different reason. “Woah, it’s okay. It’s just me.”
Your footing in the small space caused you to lose the rhythm of the music as you stumbled. Your socks gave you little friction, but Spencer was quick to save you from mild embarrassment. Granted, his degrees and experience in profiling didn’t exactly prepare him for impromptu dance saves, but he caught you with surprising grace.
“Careful there,” he teased, still holding onto you. “The team will have some choice words with me if they find bruises on you, no matter where they came from.”
You scoffed. “Wow, bruises. So romantic. What a way to greet your future wife.”
Spencer shrugged before lifting you back to your feet, making sure your feet were stable before letting his hands slide from your shoulders. They glided down to your palms as he extended your arms out. “Well, I can certainly say your greeting exceeds mine by miles.” He looks up and down at your dress; a plain green that hugged you at the waist. “I didn’t know you owned any dresses.”
“Hm.” You said. Your hands rolled with his, urging your fingers to link. “I managed to slip something past the genius in this house. Guess you’re not as observant as I thought.”
Spencer’s brows rose as his jaw dropped, instantly ready to roll with this. Sarcasm was something he had to pick up quickly with you, as it’s your default tone. And you have yet to stray after three years. “I’m observant.” The shock translates through his response.
“Clearly not as much as you like to think.” You untangle one of your hands from his and it creeps to cup his cheek, rough with little stubble. “Barely a week of being engaged and you’re already slipping.” You click your tongue as you shake your head.
“I’m very observant. I notice a lot, thank you.” He pulls you close. His now free hand snaking around your waist, just letting your noses brush. He notices how your mouth opens slightly, expecting a kiss as your exhale grazes his upper lip. He was planning to kiss you then and there, and whatever happened next, he was more than happy with.
But you called him out. So now he has to prove you wrong.
“You didn’t sweep up all the flour off the floor.”
Your eyes were half-open, one of the most vulnerable looks he gets to see. But it fizzles as the information clicks in your head. “What?”
“Your socks.” He gestures down to them.
And you look. Black socks were definitely not the wisest choice.
“How many times did you screw up the cookies?” He asked.
“I didn’t screw them up… too much.”
Spencer’s brow quirked.
“Just more flour than the recipe called for. But only because the bag was so difficult to open.”
So, you spilled it. But he kept that part quiet, as you were already turning pink. “How much salt did you use?” He asks instead. Because he’s not above being too gracious.
“Not much.” You bit your lips closed. “Just the standard amount.”
“The standard amount? Did you throw some over your shoulder for luck?” He brushes some grains he spots sticking to your collarbone.
You were still pink, and Spencer could feel the heat rise off your skin. “We… may need to get more sugar from the store.”
“What did you—”
“Not important. The cookies will be ready in three minutes. So, do you want cookies or not?”
“Hm,” He says, eyes glued to your shoulder again. “So if this is sugar…” And he leans down to kiss your shoulder. His mouth is warm against your skin as it scales across the center of your clavicle. His lips brush them before leading up to your neck. 
“This is the greeting I expected.” You say.
“Oh, really?” He follows the pulse point that he’s learned makes your knees equivalent to jelly. When he kisses there, but doesn’t let his teeth scrape the delicate skin just yet. He closes his eyes, to get lost in the moment, in you, a bit faster. The excuse of sugar on your skin has long been exhausted, but you indulged regardless, indisputable by the small sounds that escape you as he kisses more. The arm that holds your waist braces to take on your weight when he nips.
And down you go. But he catches you. Once again
“Does my future wife expect more?”
You say nothing. You swallow dryly, but Spencer understands that as a yes from you. He keeps you both still. Nipping again while his other hand takes free range around your dress. It makes you mewl, and he’s close to hoisting you to bed.
“The cookies—” You remind him. “Can’t let them burn. The timer says—mm—two minutes.”
“I have plenty to keep me occupied for two minutes.”
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nyx-is-missing · 5 months
Graceland too
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader (Athena's kid)
Sumarry: When a certain daughter of Athena felt unappreciated her whole life, someone was there to see her.
Warnings: Sad girl hours, shitty parenthood, hurt/comfort because im no monster and probably other things wich i forgot.
a/n: look who is back!
Half blood.
Half a goddess.
Half a human (?).
And yet, fully a disappointment.
When Athena sent me to my Dad's house, in a golden crib, dressed in pure white dress, glowing, how the myths would expect a demigod to be, then, and only right then i was a gift.
A piece o divine love, something to prove to him, till the end of his life, that at some point, he was good enough for a Goddess.
But days after, immediately, i was just a crying baby, hungry, with a busy father, without a mother, and that only made him remember that, that was it.
He wasnt good enough for her, she wasnt staying, she never even actually even considered, he would never have that kind of honour, only a crying baby he never expected.
I wasnt a gift anymore, it actually felt like i was a insult, everything about me started to enrage him.
And oh, how did he reminded me of that every single day of my existence.
When i got diagnosed with dyslexia all i've heard whas that Athena gave me up to him because i was defective, when i couldnt sit still during classes, and exploded with all the repression i suffered everyday, suddently i was a clock bomb, when my grades where great, i was never rewarded, it was "the least i could do, to make up for the shame that i was".
I was never loved, never wanted, never encouraged, at least not by him.
The very little love i've known in my life, i own to the people who felt pitty of me.
The teachers, the neighbours who have heard the insults, the stray animals who could sense sadness, the very old grandparents who never actually saw me more than twice a year, and the people who worked at a nerby library, who let me stay past closing time, leaving only with the cleaners.
I was 12 when he had enough and sent me to camp, literally the very day school was over.
I came home to my clothes packed and him waiting by the car keys.
Being in camp for the first time, was also the very first time in my life i have ever felt....normal.
Not good, not bad, not great, not terrible, i was one, and that was enough.
I spend that summer being quiet, i sat in the corner, i didnt spoke, i didnt interrupted, i didnt had any ideas, i wasnt good enough to do that, thats what i've been told my whole life, thats my true.
It took a whole new summer for Athena to claim me.
I have always wondered if she was fighting with herself, if she had any problems having to admit that she made a mistake, with me, or with him.
It didn't matter, for the first time i had brothers and sisters, who wanted me, who understood when i wasnt the best, who asked for my graded tests, to put up in the wall.
They understood when i was hard to crack, when i insisted in being quiet, when i wouldnt share my ideas, they understood it all.
I didn't.
Each and every new summer i spent there, all i could ask myself was:
Why could i not be great like all of them?
Why im still afraid?
Why i was still useless?
Im now sixteen and the same questions still were unanswered.
And today i felt worse than ever.
It was my birthday, and i havent got a single letter from him, nothing, nothing.
It felt like he was saying i wasnt worth anything again.
Earlier, i tried to pretend nothing was happening, smiling with my siblings, finally making plans for capture the flag, finally belonging like i promissed i would try to do that year.
My plan was used, it wasnt perfect, but it was used, and surprising myself and the other team, we won.
I could see the other team confused, and Clarisse cussing us to death.
Still i was so happy, for the first time in my life i showed myself, and i worked....partially.
The happiness of victory didnt last much in me, because i saw a new brother of mine almost bursting to tears, he was young and just got claimed a few days ago, he wasnt used to that, and he wasnt supose to get hurt, but the red that painted his arms said otherwise.
I couldnt stare at him without feeling like i failed again.
Why couldnt i be perfect for once?
I took him to infirmary and held his hand while he was getting his stiches, saying sorry all the time.
I tried thinking it was okay, people get hurt, move on.
I had diner, i took a bath, i tried to sleep, i couldnt.
The tears were falling down and i knew i wouldn't be quiet.
So i got up and walked to the cabin's porch, sitting on the last step and letting my head fall to my knees.
Why couldnt i be great?
Why couldnt i be in peace with myself?
Why couldnt my mom bless me?
Why couldnt my dad love me?
Why did he had to be so mean?
I was a kid for fucks sake.
"Are you okay?" I heard someone saying, that made me freeze, that voice was not from any of my sisters, was i crying so hard i woke up someone from other cabin?
"I- yes, sorry i didn't knew i was crying so hard to wake people from other cabins, im sorry"
"You didn't, i was sneaking out to train some more, and saw you, our cabins face each other"
That was...Clarisse?
I wiped my tears and look up, she was staring at me with a almost worried look
"Yes, why are you crying?"
She sat down by my side, dropping a sword in the grass.
"Its nothing really, im fine, you dont need to bothe-"
"No, cut the crap" she stopped me mid sentence "no one ever weeps in the middle of the night out of happiness, you are not fine and im not letting you lie OR leave until you tell me what it is"
We stare at each other, and ill need to thank the night light being bad because i probably look like crap right now, im sure my eyes are red, my nose too, im probably with a very swollen face and id bet all the dracmas i own that my hair its no better than a nest of birds.
"Go on...tell me"
I layed myself in the stairs, looking at the sky, trying to think of a way to tell everything, without sounding crazy
"I dont deserve to be here, Clarisse."
"This cabin, i dont deserve to be called daughter of the goddess of wisdom, i dont deserve being here with them, my siblings they are great, more than good, great, they will do great things with themselfs, amazing writers, architects, brilliant musicians, historians, why am i here? Im not even good, why im with the great?"
"Wait wait wait" she made me sit down again and look at her "not even good? What are you talking about? Wasnt the strategy in the last capture the flag yours? Yall won, and if somebody asks me later i've never said this but that was good, some really good strategy, i was almost thinking of asking chiron to switch you teams, you were great, more than that, and now you're here telling me you are not egen good? Are you on drugs?"
"Clarisse you dont need to pretend you care that much, and my plan wasnt all that, my brother got hurt, that wasnt supose to happen, i failed him, if i was good enough he wouldnt even be there"
She had a very confused look on her face, like she really did not knew what i was talking about.
"You're not talking about the little boy you took to the infirmary and that small cut in his forearm are you? Cause that boy was far from almost dying like you are making it sound like-" she looked at my eyes, i didnt needed a mirror to have sure how i was, i've seen myself like that too much to count, everytime my dad said i wasnt good enough, sad, lifeless.
"I failed again Clarisse, im not good enough to be here, im useless, worthless"
She looked at me and did the last thing i tought she would, Clarisse hugged me.
"Dont say that, c'mon, worthless? I've seen you fight, i've seen your plans, you dont talk much but i've heard your ideas, you are far from being useless or worthless, who the fuck told you that?"
"My f- you heard me?" I looked at her, only to see a look i couldnt distinguish "what do you mean?"
She looked at her own feet, then at her sword, reflecting the moonlight.
"You really dont know?" She looks at me "i- well, i've heard you, the same way i see you everyday, thats how i know you like morning walks, sweet green grapes, baked goods...how i know you are probably the only child of Athena who has never read "the art of war", that you walk without looking at peoples faces....its weird, i've seen you so much throughout this years and it feels like this is the first time you are actually seeing me"
"But i've saw you before-"
"Thats not what i was saying, you looked at me many times, but did you ever saw me until today?"
I looked at her blinking, and after a moment of silent i said "you like dark chocolate, and lemon flavoured soda, and sneaking out to train when the harpies take their breaks, by the way you missed that, and you always ask for double the quantity of food you eat, so when you burn it you still can eat enough, by the way i stole that idea-"
She is smilling, big, really big, i think i am too.
Of course i saw Clarisse, who wouldnt, she was strong, brave, beautiful, to me was a wonder she didnt had people running to get her attention.
She got closer to me "does that mean i can-" i stopped her mid sentence again
"Im going to make you forget that "im not good enough" nonsense, belive me"
She is smilling while kissing me, and i am too.
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melobin · 1 month
behind the screen 𐙚 sungchan smau #27
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✧ camgirl reader x roommate sungchan
✧ synopsis. in which sungchan discovers his favorite camgirl also happens to be his roommate
✧ wc. 2.9k
✧ warnings. smut, light choking, unprotected sex, semi-public sex.
behind the screen masterlist
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“you look so pretty” you giggled as you got into sungchan’s car, closing the door behind you and turning to where he was sat in the drivers seat.
“you saw me this morning”
“so?” he lifted a hand to cup your cheek in his hand, thumb gently rubbing over your skin as you nuzzled your cheek against his hand “you always look pretty” he leaned over the centre console of the car to kiss you, his lips were soft against yours. you giggled as he pulled away, sungchan looked at you with a sweet smile on his face “you’re so giggly”
“im happy”
“i am too” he leaned back in his seat, his hand falling onto your thigh as he pulled the car out of its parking spot and began to drive. you leaned the side of your head against your seat as you watched him, his thumb brushed over your thigh every so often as he navigated the roads. you thought it was a great day to wear a skirt.
sungchan was undeniably handsome, his jaw clenched slightly as he kept his eyes on the road and his bicep flexed as he gripped the steering wheel. you almost found yourself pressing your thighs together at the sight of him but you stopped yourself, his thumb running over your inner thigh reminded you of just how close to you he was.
“everything okay?”
“hmm?” his question broke your trance, you almost felt embarrassed when he laughed at you.
“you seem out of it”
“i just got distracted” you looked down at where his hand sat against your thigh, bringing your own hand down to place on top of it, curling your fingers around his whilst doing so.
“what’s on your mind?”
“nothing special” he turned to look at you as he stopped at a red light.
“you were staring”
“was not” he raised an eyebrow at you and laughed, turning his head back to the road.
“we’re almost there, no need to get embarrassed now” you looked back down at where your hand sat atop of his, opting to not look in his direction for the remainder of the drive to save any pieces of sanity you had left.
your skin felt cold once sungchan removed his hand from your thigh, only for your body to heat up once he placed his arm behind your seat and look behind himself so he could reverse into the parking spot. you let yourself look at him again and regretted it instantly, you could have cursed him for being so attractive.
you kept your head forward as he parked the car, not risking looking at him again and not wanting to be caught staring at him, again. sungchan laughed to himself when he saw your eyes focused directly ahead of you, he could feel the heat radiating off of your body onto his arm that sat behind you. you were cute, he thought.
“stay here for a second” you tilted your head to the side as he spoke to you, parting your lips to question him but not being able to due to him already being out of the car. a few moments later he appeared outside of your window with a smile on his face, he opened the car door before stepping back to allow you to step out of the car “my lady” he bowed slightly, you narrowed your eyes at him and laughed.
“you fucking nerd” he closed the car door and laughed loudly, he placed his hand on your back as he guided you into the restaurant he had picked out for lunch. it wasn’t anything special, in fact it was the palace the two of you normally found yourselves in when you went out to lunch together. yet, something about being there this time felt different.
sungchan kept the gentleman act going all the way to the table, pulling out your chair, helping you tuck it in once you’ve sat down, handing you your menu and then holding your hand over the table. his actions made you feel shy and you worried that you weren’t hiding it as well as you thought you were when he looked at you.
“you look so pretty”
“you’ve said”
“so? i’m telling you again” you struggled to hide the smile that was creeping onto your face as he looked at you, his thumb ran over the back of your hand as he spoke.
“you look very pretty too sungchan” he giggled and you felt your blood run hot. it seemed somewhat impossible to you that you had gone from squeezing your thighs together at the sight of him in his car to fighting back your smile from how cute he was at the table. you had a sinking feeling that sungchan was going to be more dangerous for your heart than you had first anticipated.
“do you want me to order for you?”
“if you wouldn’t mind” he smiled at your reply, thumb stroking the back of your hand one last time before he pulled his hand away to look at his own menu, eyes peaking over it to look at you every few moments. sungchan wasn’t sure about much but he was sure that he was prepared to give you the world and anything else you wanted alongside of it.
dinner went by like a breeze, sungchan paid just as he promised, he held your hand as you stood up from your chair and opened your door for you, again, when you returned to the car. there was a sense of sorrowness around you two as you returned to your office building, neither of you had wanted your time together to end.
“we live together sungchan, you’ll see me later” his fingers laced through yours over the centre console of the car, he leaned the side of his head against the head rest of his chair and looked at you, his eyes sparkled in the sun that was shining through the windshield.
“at least let me walk you up, you still have like 20 minutes don’t you?”
“fine, but don’t make me late” he smiled as he got out of the car, throwing an arm over your shoulder as you walked into the building.
“have fun?” you smiled at chaewon as she leant against her desk.
“wonbin will be happy” she gestured to the boy who was leaning against you causing him to respond.
“don’t worry i’ll tell eunseok you said hi” his response prompted her to close her lips and narrow her eyes at him, you laughed as the two of you walked past her.
“eunseok” he shrugged his shoulders as the two of you stopped at the elevator “you’re coming up?”
“for a little, if that’s okay” you nodded and stepped into the empty lift, he stepped in beside you, letting you press the button.
the moment the door closed sungchan turned to you, his hands fell to your waist and he pressed you against the wall, your arms laced around his neck as he kissed you. the kiss was deep, his tongue pressed against yours and he groaned whilst dropping one of his hands to your ass, squeezing the muscle through your skirt.
“have i told you how pretty you look?” he broke the kiss for barely a second to speak.
“about three times”
“good because you look so fucking good” you moaned against his lips when he pulled you closer to him “spent the whole of lunch thinking about pushing up your skirt and bending you over the table” you whimpered again, finally breaking the kiss to pull away and look at him.
“you can’t fuck me in the office sungchan” he groaned and buried his head in your neck.
“no one will notice i promise i’ll be quick” he lifted his head to look down at you “i’ll make you feel good, promise” you pushed him away as you neared your floor and looked at him before sighing.
“there’s an employee bathroom that’s usually locked, wonbin has the key i’ll get it from him” sungchan smiled sweetly at you, not the kind of smile you would expect from him after telling him he can fuck you in the bathroom at your workplace. the elevator doors opened to let the two of you out, you promptly made your way over to wonbin’s desk with sungchan following closely behind.
“can i have the bathroom key?”
“what for? you never use that bathroom” wonbin looked from you to the boy who stood behind you, waving back as sungchan greeted him before laughing “you’re serious?”
“you slut”
“just give me the key wonbin” sungchan laughed at your interaction “will be quick, sungchan just needs to pee” wonbin nodded, the expression on his face showing how unconvincing your excuse was.
“go now if you want to be back before your lunch break ends” you nodded and walked to the bathroom. the door locked behind you only a moment before sungchan pressed you against the wall, hands falling straight to your waist as he kissed you again.
“you brought a condom right?” ’sungchan broke the kiss and panicked at your question, guilt flashing over his face “you done all this and brought no condoms?”
“i didn’t plan to fuck you here”
“i don’t believe that” he kissed you again, softer than before, he slowly parted your lips before speaking sweetly to you.
“i won’t cum inside of you, promise” you looked at him momentarily, eyes tracing the features of his face.
“i’ll kill you if you do” he smiled before kissing you one last time.
the hands sungchan held on your waist turned you around, he pressed your front against the wall and his hands scrambled to push your skirt up. you felt him push down on your lower back causing you to arch it out, sungchan groaned as he looked at the way your underwear hugged your ass. he would’ve gave anything to sink to his knees and press his tongue against your cunt in that moment but he knew better, he knew he had a time limit and he needed nothing more than to have you wrapped around him.
he pressed his fingers over your panties, pushing down against the wet spot that your slick had left behind. his mouth watered at the feeling of your panties sticking to your cunt, he could feel how wet you were over the fabric, heat radiated out of you. it all only made him harder. he pushed down your underwear, letting them pool sit at your ankles as he spread your legs a little wider. his fingers reached around and found your clit, he circled the slick bud a few times whilst undoing his jeans with his other hand. you closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against the wall, your balled your hands into fists and bit down in your lower lip. you knew you couldn’t make a sound and you feared just how difficult that would be once he pushed his cock inside of you.
sungchan pulled his fingers from your clit in order to release his cock from his briefs. he was hard, almost painfully so at that point, the excitment of fucking you in such a public place went right to his cock. he knew getting caught would be the worst thing possible, especially for you, but there was a thrill in the air that filled sungchan with anticipation and need.
he fisted his cock in his hand, the slick that you’d left on his fingers was spread alongside the side of his cock. he let go of it, bringing his hand round under your mouth.
“spit, baby” you collected as much saliva as you could in your mouth before spitting it onto his hand, the action felt so crude and dirty, you almost moaned after doing it.
he brought his hand down to wrap around his cock, holding the base of it before sliding it up to the tip and bringing it back down. sungchan shivered at the thought of your spit coating his cock, almost groaning at the thought of your slick replacing that in a few moments time.
“are you ready?” you hummed, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss under your ear “use your big girl words, baby” you whimpered at his voice, feeling his hand squeeze your ass as he spoke.
“i’m ready channie” he looked down as he guided his cock forward, pressing the head of it against your cunt before pushing himself inside of you.
sungchan moaned into your ear as he sank himself into you, your warm cunt swallowed him. it dawned on you instantly that sungchan would be the one struggling keep himself quiet instead of you. he couldn’t help himself, you wrapped so perfectly around his cock, the raw feeling of your pussy made his legs feel weak and his cock ache. sungchan had imagined feeling your raw cunt around him countless times before but nothing compared to the actual feeling of it. it was heavenly. sungchan wished that it had happened anywhere other than in the bathroom of your workplace but he wasn’t going to be picky. being inside of you was a dream come true for him no matter where the two of you were, raw or protected.
“god you feel so fucking good” he moaned again, bucking his hips forward so you could take all of him. you bit down on your lip as he filled you up, swallowing back your own moans as he began to fuck you. he reached a hand back around your body to attach his fingers to your clit, keeping his promise of making you feel good as he began to rub them against the bud in time with his thrusts. his other hand wrapped around your throat, fingers lightly pressing into your skin as he fucked you.
sungchan whimpered into your ear as you clenched around him, trying to keep himself quiet as he fucked you harder. there was a light sound on your skin slapping together echoing throughout the room but neither of you could care in the moment, sungchan’s cock made you feel like nothing else ever had and you made sungchan feel like a broken man. literally.
he struggled to keep himself together as he buried himself deeper inside of you, the more he fucked you the more ruined he began to feel. your cunt wept onto his cock, your wetness made it easy for his fingers to glide over your clit in quick circles.
“i’m gonna cum” you whined out, your body growing hotter and your legs beginning to feel unsteady as sungchan brought you closer to the edge. he was just as desperate as you were, he felt as if he was sweating as he fought off his orgasm, wanting to keep his promise of not cumming inside of you.
sungchan fucked you through your orgasm, being eager to feel you squeezing his cock tightly as you let yourself go and finish around him.
the moment you whimpered from overstimulation sungchan pulled out of you, your hand wrapped around his cock before he could do it himself. you turned around shakily and leaned your back against the wall, jerking him off whilst he placed both of his hands on the wall either side of your head. you let him rest his head against your shoulder as your hand moved on his cock. you could hear him whimper as he began to release over your hand, some of his cum dropped onto your thigh, his whimpers stopped as your hand slowed down, his breathing was heavy. he let out a deep breath as he lifted his head to look at you, he kissed you gently before he stumbled away to get tissue to help you clean up. after pulling your panties up and fixing your skirt he looked at you sheepishly, fixing his own jeans as he prepared to leave the room.
“i’ll go first, i’ll see you tonight sungchan” you smiled at him as you placed your hand on the door handle, there was a slight limp in your step that you could only pray wouldn’t be seen by anyone in the office. sungchan watched as you left the room, smiling sweetly at you as you shut the door behind you. he let out a deep breath, shaking his head and laughing to himself as he made his way out of the room and to the elevator.
he was overwhelmed, surprised that things had happened so quickly between the two of you but he wasn’t disappointed about it. he loved every second of his time with you, he loved being able to reminisce about it too and he hated being interrupted when he was thinking about you, just like he was when a hand stopped the elevator from shutting
“anton? what are you doing here?”
“i was about to ask you the same thing” sungchan narrowed his eyes at the boy as he pressed the ground floor button.
“i dropped y/n off after we had lunch” anton nodded.
“i was here to see my dad” sungchan nodded back, there was an air of awkwardness surrounding the two, sungchan decided the best thing to do was get back to work where he wouldn’t be left alone with the younger boy.
“i’ll drop you back to work, come on”.
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januaryrabbit · 4 days
seventeen with a tall s/o who flusters them!! (๑>◡<๑)
pairing: svt x gn!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mild cursing because i can’t be normal
other disclaimers/notes: author teasing/poking fun at svt LOL, barely proof read because i am sleepy and its 2am
a/n: hi everyone, I'M FINALLY BACK WITH ANOTHER POST lmao~ hope you all enjoy and THANK YOU MY TALL 😈 ANON HANNIE STAN FOR REQUESTING!! <3 i have more things in the works that i want to post soon, some svt, ateez and nct dream~ pls stay tuned, but for now enjoy!!!
✩‧₊˚seungcheol: SULK!!!!!!!!!!y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he will still try to protect you He Does Not Care. every time you get flirty with him he just starts pouting like “why are you treating me like this im a grown man…” kinda thing. he will literally try to reach things for you even though he can’t like he’s actively trying to beat you to the punch constantly LMAO!!!! he back hugs you a lot, and you just stand there awkwardly like “pls let me hug you, arent you uncomfortable with your face against my back???” and hes like “No im perfectly fine like this, i just want to give my s/o a hug thanks.” and hes like SO serious. it is actually is kinda uncomfy for his neck tho so after a while he gives in and lets you hug him LOL, but he;s not happy about it >___> (he is!)
✩‧₊˚jeonghan: this man lies for fun………..he messes with people like it’s his JOB…………so when his tall s/o flusters him he tries his BEST to just try to do it back. HOWEVER unbeknownst to you, jeonghan his having a fucking existential crisis over this in his mind. every time you tease him, it sends him into a spiral, questioning his entire god damn life. jeonghan literally lays down in bed one day after hanging out with you and he’s like “this feeling…………what is it……………………my face……..why is it WARM……………” he will literally google (in incognito mode. can’t have the bros seeing this after all) “what does it mean when you feel shy-embarrassed-butterflies in your stomach” because he this feeling is FOREIGN to him!!!!! once he realizes that this is what it means to be flustered he’s just like “oh my god. who have i BECOME!!!!!!!!!!!” and then his eyes widen. “am i the babygirl??????”
✩‧₊˚joshua: i feel like if it’s applicable to the situation, joshua is going to do everything in his power to try to repeat the gesture back to you to fluster you back. i swear to god joshua makes your relationship the Flustering Olympics. he will try to outdo you at any turn. one time you ruffled his hair and he was like You know what. and then he reached up to ruffle YOUR hair!!!! you kiss his cheek, he’ll reach back up to give you one too. he refuses to be the only one who’s constantly feeling shy and mushy - it’s gross and not fair. 
 ✩‧₊˚jun: he is STRUGGLING…..like. i feel like he’s oblivious to your teasing at first, like why are they always reaching to get stuff for me….what’s up with all the headpats??? do they think I’M ACTUALLY A CAT?????? i feel like jun would just straight up ask you that unprompted. like “y/n we need to talk, why do you keep petting me and pinching my cheeks, do you think im a real cat we need to get you checked out grandma.” and youre literally like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LIKE ACTUALLY, I JUST THINK YOU[RE CUTE AND SMALL………..anyway he gets real embarrassed after you say that and just accepts the babygirl title that has been thrust upon him
✩‧₊˚hoshi: he is the babygirl of seventeen so he is absolutely RELISHING in this. he will let you do whatever you want with him and he even plays into it too like tbh i think hoshi likes being taken care of even though hes part of hyung line and the performance leader :3 bro is giggling every time you lean down to pinch his cheeks or use his head as an arm rest lmao. this is his world and you’re just in it !!! always asks you to take pics of him when you;re out doing things together, and always gives you picture credit in his captions lol. is the type to drunk text you asking you to pick him up and drive him home from drinking with the boys, and is super clingy to you as you both say your goodbyes to everyone. yeah if you treat him as such, this guy will become a domestic baby girl for you LMFAO
✩‧₊˚wonwoo: quietly flustered at all times. this guy unironically does NOT know how to fcking react when you tease him like this….he’s seriously the type to be like “y/n stop this is seriously bad for my heart wtf” like one time you leaned down and kissed his cheek and he just froze. he was convinced that for a min he was Actually Not Breathing. he’s the type who’s always like ahhh why are they so cute… whenever you tease him…he’s literally so down bad for you!!! btw every time you ruffle his hair or make it known in some way that he’s smaller than you he will without fail crinkle his nose in embarrassment and shyness lol
✩‧₊˚woozi: angry cat vibes from this man. i have a feeling you two would have a tom/jerry type relationship where woozi WILL NOT tolerate you patting his head, bending down to his eye level, and ruffling his hair. he is a grown man. he might need your help to reach some groceries, but YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT and HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT OFF THE SHELF IF HE COULD. i feel like woozi may be one of the only members who would have to ask you to tone it down maybe and not tease him as much LOL. of course he appreciates you and likes affection, but i just think woozi would be like -___- i can take care of myself y/n -__- i can also take care of U y/n -___- let me take care of us -____-
✩‧₊˚minghao: a warmhearted man who just genuinely appreciates the gestures you display for him. sometimes will ask you to reach things for him first just because he knows you’ll do it and it just makes him feel cared for. doesn’t really get flustered per se, but i think he his heart would melt every time you show him any kind of affection :) i think he’s the type to appreciate his partner taking the initiative an equal amount in the relationship, so i think he’d be pretty happy w you doting on him a bit lol. he doesn;t realize your intention is to fluster him at all and you end up never telling him because the look of love he has when you pinch his cheeks is worth anything
✩‧₊˚dk: he’s literally svt #1 dude kisser like HE’S usually the one causing people to blush,,,,,......if someone behaved that way toward him, i think he would die because i don;t think dk 100% understands how easily he catches people off guard with his physical affection!!! so like when it happens to him he’s just like OH MY GOD IS THIS HOW WOOZI FELT WHEN I KISSED HIM………….i feel like if you bent down to kiss his cheek suddenly he would become quiet af and suddenly can’t look you in the eyes LMAO like YOU KILLED HIM!! HE’S DEAD!!! btw he reacts this way every single time 
✩‧₊˚mingyu: mingyu is puzzled. he wasn’t aware that these emotions were ones he would ever experience. he recalls seungkwan scolding him in the past for purposely doing things to fluster girls (i.e. flexing his muscles to people at the gym, flashing his smiles at baristas when theyre getting coffee, etc), and he never understood why seungkwan always told him to stop behaving like that until he started dating you. being constantly doted on like his was literally killing him…he;s never been on the receiving end of playful teasing like this before, and he;s literally so shy that he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
✩‧₊˚seungkwan: he is crisis….he wakes up everyday looking in the mirror and is like “you will NOT get flustered today. you WILL be normal, and unphased, even if they kiss your forehead.” and everyday he fails himself. every time you hand him a mug from the top shelf, every time you slink an arm around him, every back hug you give him, he can’t help how warm his face gets - it’s actually kind of annoying how much of an affect you have him. one time he was thinking about the sudden cheek kiss you gave him before work while pouring himself a glass of water and it literally began to overflow. seungkwan remembers that day as a particular sickening reaction to your tomfoolery….
✩‧₊˚vernon: lmao i feel like the first time you like give vernon a headpat in his mind he’s just like “oh shit why am i getting nervous, i didn;t know i was into this lmao” dfjsdklfjsd. like every time you fluster him hes just pleasantly surprised and goes along with it because he kinda likes being the one taken care of. i’d say that he gets flustered most of the time you try to get a reaction out of him, but sometimes when his tolerance is particularly high, he’s able to flirt back to fluster you too. i think the longer you two have been together, the easier it is to throw back that behavior at you LOL. i feel like you both are always teasing each other and laughing all the time ~___~
✩‧₊˚dino: a BABY GIRL WHO WON’T ADMIT IT!!! bro talks a big talk to his friends about how he isn’t a kid anymore and how he’s a grown man now and yayayayayyayaya. but the moment you headpat him, he’s reduced to a blushy mess. i think if you reached down to boop his nose, he would literally Die on Impact. like. he really thinks he’s normal and the more dominant one in the relationship but lean down to make eye contact with him or rest your head on top of his and he will fucking pass away. after the initial resistance, i think hes someone else who would relish in being babygirl, but only in private!!!! there are things his hyungs do NOT need to know…………………..
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outsideratheart · 3 months
Lucy bronze one where r doesn’t wanna her up for training some fluff. Thanks
I just want to take care of you (Lucy Bronze x reader)
Lucy had promised you she was fine and she said her knee was fine. This was a lie because 4 days after the Chelsea game your girlfriend was in the hospital having surgery.
Before now you trusted her explicitly and for the most part you still do. When it comes to her injury though, you didn’t believe a word that came out of her mouth. You attended every physio appointment and made notes of her progress. You knew what her road to recovery would entail and you knew when she would hopefully get the greenlight.
“Can I join you on your run?” Lucy was moping around the kitchen as you got ready.
“No Lucy, you can’t. You’re on track and I won’t be the reason that changes. I’m meeting Alexia afterwards so I’ll meet you at the training ground” you place a quick kiss on her cheek.
She hated lying to you about her pain and discomfort but she wanted to be the strong powerful person she knew you loved. The reason for the dishonesty was fear and she knew it.
You and Alexia were running a little bit late to training. By the time you get to the pitch, the whole team is already out there. The whole team including Lucy and Frido.
“Love, I know you miss it but you can’t be here. You haven’t been cleared yet”
“I have” Lucy was telling the truth.
“No you haven’t. You aren’t due for clearance until next month”
Lucy grabbed your hand and walked you over to where the physios were speaking to Jona.
“I told you she wouldn’t believe me. Please tell her”
The physios go on to explain how Lucy passed all her tests this morning and that they have cleared her for team training. When you question it they promised that they would keep an eye on her and monitor every move she made.
Training is normally your happy place but not today, today you were filled with worry. You were trying to focus on your own performance but your mind kept straying to Lucy and how she was playing. It was during one counter attack that things got intense. Mapi did a clean tackle and got the ball. Any other day you would praise her but with the speed Lucy was running down the wing, Mapi’s tackle sent her flying.
“Lucy!” You are by her side in seconds “medics!” You begin to panic but Lucy brushes the grass off her knees and stands up as if nothing happened.
“I’m fine, im fine”
There was that word again. Fine. She said that one before.
“Get checked out. If they say you are fine then you can continue”
“Captains orders!” You snap. It wasn’t a malicious snap but one of concern.
Lucy does in fact get cleared but your head is all over the place so you sit out and watch the team strategically.
Very little is said on the way home and that doesn’t change once you are in your shared apartment.
“Here. Ice it. I’m going for a shower”
“No” Lucy takes the ice off you before pulling you over to the sofa “we are going to talk about what happened today”.
You let out a huff of frustration. You really didn’t want to talk about it, not while you were this worked up. You placed Lucy’s leg on the foot rest and make sure her knee was iced before you started talking.
“You got cleared ahead of schedule. You went down and I panicked. There, end of story”
“There’s more to it than that. You’ve seen me injured before, this time is different”
“Yes, it’s different. Last time you were honest with me. You told me when it got bad and we dealt with it together. This time you lied. You told me you were fine and then you were in the hospital again”
Seeing your girlfriend laying in a hospital bed was never a welcomed sight but this time things felt weird between the two of you.
“It was a small surgery. I didn’t want to worry you”
“Right because look how great that turned out”
“I’ll admit I could have handled it better but I didn’t want you to see me weak”
“Weak? Lucy you are one of the strongest people I know”
“But I wasn’t a few weeks ago. I was hurting and I thought the way for you to still see me as strong was to lie to you” Lucy tried to explain how her mind worked and her reasoning for withholding the truth.
“Let’s get one thing straight. Lying to me is never the answer”
“No buts. I don’t like not trusting what you say Lucy. This” you run your hand over her knee and gently stroke her scar “is important and I want you to be honest with me about it. Please please be honest with me Lucy”
“From this moment on I will always tell you the truth, no matter what. Pinky promise” you hold her pinky finger out and waits for you to accept it.
You look at her as if weighing out your options. When you see the look of panic of Lucy’s face you know you’ve waited long enough. You hook your pinkies.
“Now, you said something about a shower” your girlfriend raises her eyebrows playfully.
“How about a bath instead” you suggest.
“Even better”
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
Whisperingclan Year 1!
Introducing Whisperingclan! my very haunted clangen clan with a terrible leader!!
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I drew these guys MONTHS ago so this art is kinda old now T-T I finally am posting them tho...
I kinda want to draw more yearly updates but I may not draw every cat... it depends on how im feeling and how much time I have :P
Whisperingclan lives in the mountains next to the territory of their origin clan Roaringclan. Many of the clan founders were a part of a coup in Roearingclan to make Tempeststar, at the time Tempestwhorl, deputy or leader... they were instead defeated and banished.
The founders wandered together through the territories outside of the clans... as they drew nearer to the mountains they began to hear strange whispers on the wind. Following these whispers they found themselves deep in the mountains in a cave filled with crystals that seemed to whisper with a chorus of their Starclan ancestors.
That night they slept in the cave, and in her dreams Tempeststar was named a leader of a new clan, Whisperingclan, by Starclan themselves. The new clan now calls themself the clan closest to Starclan, and they have made their camp within the Whispering Cave claiming that they are its protectors and the only cats who can be trusted with it's power.
I am now continuing this clan's story with updates for each moon!
First Update HERE!
Below is each cat from the lineup + a description of their character and what they have done in the clan's first year!
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Tempest is a very cold and cruel cat who acts purely for her own gain and power, she HATES when others undermine her or disagree with her. She uses the fact that Starclan spirits guided her clan to the Whispering cave as proof that her new clan, and her as it's leader, is the most close to Starclan and must not be questioned no matter what. She doesn't truthfully care much about Starclan, beyond what they can do for her, but she likes to but on a devout follower act to get what she wants and come across as holier than thou.
So far Tempeststar's leadership has been filled with her "teaching" cats who stand up to her lessons by attacking them and forcing others to help her. These common demonstrations have lead to her almost always having injuries and the death of two clanmates. Ravenblur was the first to die, he had followed Tempest's orders in attacking his previous apprentice but succumbed to the injuries he sustained. Jaggedlark, the cat Raven had attacked, died next, her determination to call out Tempest needed to be stopped.
Tempest likes to find cats who she can manipulate and use to do her bidding, her original cat she used for this was Ravenblur, who was happy how maim and kill for Tempest. Now it is the ex-kittypet Creekslip (who was the one to kill Jagged) who is less enthusiastic about her unspoken job as attacker and executioner
Tempeststar also became mates with her deputy Blizzardchase and is now expecting their first litter! They are both very evil so their children will be very messed up im sure <3
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Blizzard is a cocky cat, she is well aware of how strong and skilled she is and she is not afraid to make that known. She deeply respects Tempest and was one of the first cats to join her coup. Along with respecting Tempeststar, Blizzard also has big gay feelings for her and was NOT afraid to share this, she decided that evil woman would be her mate and she wooed her (probably with evilness) until she got Tempest to fall for her lol.
Blizzard hasn't been up to much this year other than normal deputy duties and being in love with her evil wife... she trained Mossleaf but managed to impart none of her attitude and outlook on life to the young cat. Blizzard is currently doting on her mate and is very exited to see her kits next moon.
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Bramblespeck was not always a healer, she was a warrior in Roaringclan, but she joined Tempest's rebellion as she had always looked up to her... She was banished alongside everyone else and was the first cat to begin to hear the whispering, she was the one to lead the way to the cave and through this she realized she had been chosen to be the clan's healer.
Bramble has found her new job difficult as she only had warrior training, but luckily Frostfleck had plenty of healing knowledge that he could share with her. Frost has really been her saving grace this year as he always takes over for her when she gets injured, which seems to be quite often, she's so accident prone. Bramble is also super relieved that Whiskers joined the clan since they really needed another healer...
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Whiskers is a cooky lady with a fascination for the stars and herbs. She began to hear the cave's whispers while wandering alone and followed them straight to a Whisperingclan patrol... after hearing of clan life she decided that being a healer would be the perfect role for her in life and asked to join the clan. The clan is wary towards letting in too many non-clan cats but they need more members and healers so they reluctantly agreed.
Whiskers can often be found staring wide eyed straight into the cave's crystals, studying the movements of the stars, or telling cats off for not properly respecting their ancestors.
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The resident blorbo, absolute soggy sad beast... she is going to cat hell unless she stops this shit lmaooo
Creekslip has extreme abandonment issues and a fear of not being excepted, and left behind. Her twolegs abandoned her in the woods and left her to learn how to survive on her own, she's strong now, but she is desperate for a home. Creekslip joined Whisperingclan on their third moon, she felt a pull to this place after wandering the woods close to the mountains, she now questions every choice that brought her here, but she cant leave... she cant handle being alone again.
A moon into being in the clan Creekslip was given an apprentice, Sunpaw, as a chance to prove herself, but she became ill soon after, and Tempeststar took on much of Sunpaw's training. Creek could feel Tempest's judgement towards her... she failed at the first task she was given, and she was determined to prove herself to the clan and the leader. Tempest could sence this desparation and she saw the potential in it...
When Jaggedlark once again stood up to Tempeststar and Tempest called on Creek to aid her in teaching the young cat a lesson... Creek was desperate for a chance to prove herself and went through with it, she had too... Jagged died later due to the injuries Creek delt her... this haunts her. Despite this however Creek continues to be Tempest's new cat to call on to beat fear and submission into the clan. Creek is to fearful to stop, but she hates what she has now done, and continues to do.
Anyways I love her she keeps committing crimes but she is so sad :(
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He has Whitestorm vibes, but like if Whitestorm was a part time healer.
Frostfleck was a loner and joined Tempest's group before they found the cave and became a clan. He isn't into all the bad vibes of the clan but he likes the idea of being in a clan and having community, plus there are plenty of good folks in the clan and he choses to stick close to them. Frost has lots of knowledge in healing though he enjoys warrior duties more, he is an unofficial part time healer, and he takes over whenever they need more help in the healer den! (in game I make him a healer when i need more healers , these cats hurt themselves so often T-T)
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My kind transboy, i love himb , I feel like he just joined the clan to make friends and have community.
he has barely done anything because he just joined the clan, but he has already befriended Sunmane and gave her advice on telling Mossleaf how she feels... ig I can thank this man for finally getting Sun to confess to Moss lol.
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Butterfly is like the opposite of Creekslip, she was a kittypet but she chose to leave her home for adventure! She is confident in herself and is great at making friends, she keeps away from the bad parts of the clan and just enjoys herself. She has done pretty much nothing this year though hehe.
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Weedpatch was Tempeststar's apprentice and she convinced him to join her coup through this, he did so mostly out of fear and also because his cousin Jaggedpaw and her mentor had agreed to join as well... Weed always looked up to Jagged.
Both Weed and Jagged regretted their choices to follow Tempest, but it was too late, and they were facing the conciquences of decisions they made as dumb kids. Jagged became angry after the banishment, but Weed just became... quiet. He doesn't like to get involved in any of the clan conflicts, he stays by himself as much as he can with Tempest having been his mentor. He used to spend most of his time with Jaggedlark, she was his best friend, but then she was killed, he doesn't like to talk about Jagged anymore. These days, Weedpatch, living up to his name, copes with his trauma by being high on catmint half the time.
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Mossleaf was a kit in Roearingclan, the banished cats literally just stole her, she is actually the Roaringclan leader's daughter, hence the stealing, they wanted some vengeance. Roaringclan think Moss is dead but nope! She's just in the spooky cave cult!
Mossleaf is very aloof and strange, she likes to listen to the Whispers, and while most cant decipher them it seems like Moss might actually be able to hold a conversation with them. Bramblefleck thought Moss should become a healer but Tempest promised to give Blizzardchase the next apprentice available, despite this Moss doesn't seem to mind being a warrior though.
Moss became very close to the other apprentice at the time, Sunpaw and they became so close it seemed one could never be found without the other. They seemed to have crushes on each other from the start and it was no surprise when Sunmane confessed to Moss and they became mates soon after they both became warriors. I love them both sm they r cuties <3 (the not evil gays)
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Sunmane is my favorite design... I love her lion mane and her bangs sm she is so CUTE
Sunmane joined the clan as a kit and before they found the cave. Her grandfather Flowermoon was trying to find a group to support them both, Sun's parents were gone and Flower was getting old... the strange group of cats was the best choice they had at the time.
Sunmane likes to stay positive and tries to lighten the mood with some jokes. Her apprenticeship was tough, and now that she is free from Tempeststar she is staying far away from her. She spends almost all her time chilling with her mate Mossleaf and trying to enjoy her life despite all the things that go down in the clan.
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Larkcaw is the starclan guide and was the main spirit to guide the cats to the Whispering Cave... she is evil actually, how did she get into Starclan??? I'm pretty sure the only reason she is in the good place is bec she didn't obviously do anything evil... she just plotted.
Lark decided to lead her great granddaughter Tempeststar to the Whispering Cave, she convinced other spirits that a clan living there would be a GREAT idea, despite the fact that it is actually very bad for cats to live in a cave full of that much Starclan energy. It can easily mess with a cat's mind, especially those with a stronger Starclan connection.
Larkcaw really just wanted control over a clan, and what better than making a new clan backed by a powerful Starclan source?
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Flowermoon is Sunmane's grandfather and became her caretaker after her parents died, he joined the group because he knew he needed cats who could care for Sun and him as well since he was getting old, he is unsure of his decision, Tempeststar is cruel, but he knows Sunmane has found friends and joy in the clan despite it all. Before his death Flowermoon spent much of his time telling stories to the kits and apprentices, he passed away of old age, and now watches over his granddaughter <3
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Jaggedlark was Ravenblur's apprentice back in Roaringclan and due to this she had spent much of her apprenticeship around Tempest and her followers. She was convinced that the coup was a good idea and even played a role in convincing her cousin Weedpaw of the same thing. After the coup and subsequent banishment however, Jaggedpaw began to see the truth in what kind of a person Tempest was... she grew to despise the leader. Jagged became a warrior on the clan's first official moon, but Jaggedlark became even more confident in speaking out against Tempeststar's actions after this and this would sadly lead to her demise.
On the same moon that she became a warrior, she angered Tempest by questioning one of her decisions, Tempest called on Jaggedlark's own previous mentor, Ravenblur, to attack Jagged alongside Tempest to teach Jagged a lesson. Jagged would end up wounded from the fight, but not nearly as much as Ravenblur who died of his injuries a moon after... Jagged was devastated, her mentor had attacked and betrayed her trust, but she had killed him, didn't that make her just as bad?
A few moons later Jagged would end up being made an example of again when she began speaking out against Tempest even more than before, even questioning her place as leader... Jagged would die like her mentor, dying a moon later from blood loss.
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Ravenblur died almost immediately, but i hate him, I sent him the the dark forest >:)
Raven was one of Tempeststar's biggest followers (a Darkstripe to Tigerstar sort), he did anything Tempest asked of him, even attacking his own previous apprentice Jaggedlark. He is VERY mad that Jagged ended up killing him, he feels he deserved more from life... he wanted more power like Tempest and Blizzard, and Jagged took that away from him...
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rubyreduji · 10 months
timeless — ljh
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summary: you’ve just met jihoon, yet something about him feels familiar
tags: fluff, romance, reincarnation?, gn!reader warnings: arranged marriages, mentions of death and war  reader notes: no pronouns or explicit gender descriptions but they do take a more feminine role in history, jihoon picks up the reader but my mans is strong okay don’t worry wc: 10.3k an: i’ve been writing this for over a month now fjdskla and i like the finished product but im a bit worried the format is choppy but either way please enjoy and show it lots of love...also happy first fic of the 2nd year of rubyreduji!!!
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“Soonyoung, stop it!” You scold your best friend as he giggles at you.
“Just go talk to him!” Soonyoung tells you, pushing you towards the door to the antique shop next to your favorite boba place. 
Him refers to the cute cashier you always see through the windows when you and Soonyoung go and get boba (which is about three times a week). It’s nothing more than a hallway crush but Soonyoung keeps insisting that it could be more than that if you would just go talk to him. 
You don’t actually want to talk to the boy who stands at the counter with a smile, but before you can stop him Soonyoung is opening the door to the store and forcing you inside. When you turn around to chew your best friend out, you find him not there, his back already retreating to the boba shop. 
A part of you wants to just dash back out the door but the bell attached to the door has already gotten the attention of the cashier and you can’t escape now.
“Welcome to The Eternity Emorpium, today anything marked with a green sticker is 20% off.” The voice isn’t what you expected Cute Cashier to sound like but when you turn around to face him, you realize you’re not talking to Cute Cashier at all.
Rather than the tall boy with glasses you’ve been peeking in on for the past few months, you come face to face with a short yet buff boy with long black hair. He most definitely is not the guy you came in for, but you have to admit he is just as (if not more) cute than the other cashier.
You’re not sure how you didn’t notice that your normal Cute Cashier wasn't behind the counter, but in your defense you were too busy fighting off Soonyoung.
You give the new cashier—who you have now dubbed Even Cuter Cashier—a smile, before pretending to look at all of the memorabilia set out. The actual shop is nice with an obvious theme and specific layout that only someone with an eye for aesthetic and organization could create. On the speakers a Bruno Mars song is playing and you wonder if it's the cashier who has control over the music or just a general store playlist.
You feel awkward walking around the shop, letting out fake hums every once in a while to make it seem like you're actually shopping and not just sneaking glances at Even Cuter Cashier whenever you can. You stop in front of a playing card deck and you pick it up, flipping it over in your hand a couple of times.
"Oh, we just got those in," Even Cuter Cashier says, startling you a bit. "Put them on the floor this morning. You into cards?"
"Oh, uh," Shit. This is your chance to talk to him, "yeah. My dad is more of a collector than I am, but I can see the appeal."
"Nice. Yeah I'm more of a guitar collector myself, but my wallet wishes I wasn't," he says and you both laugh.
"That's cool though. I would love to learn how to play an instrument but I definitely don't have the talent or patience for that." As you speak with the man you slowly start to drift towards the counter.
"Hey, anyone can be talented, it just takes practice." You quickly glance down at Even Cuter Cashier's name tag to see his actual name is Jihoon.
"Good inspirational quote, but I think I'll just stick to the playing cards," you tell him with a grin as you set the pack down in front of him.
Jihoon just pushes the cards back to you and when you give him a questioning look he just grins. "They’re on the house.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” you tell him.
“I wanted to,” he says. “Maybe it’s just my plan to get you to come in here again.”
You smile at Jihoon, your face starting to turn a bit hot. You pick up the pack of cards and bid goodbye to the cashier before turning and leaving. Soonyoung is standing outside the door with two boba cups in hand. He peeks in when you open the door and frowns.
“That’s not Cute Cashier.”
“Nope! That’s Even Cuter Cashier,” you tell your best friend.
“You’re abandoning the other guy already?”
“I can’t abandon someone I don’t even know,” you scoff, “and anyway, I think I like Even Cuter Cashier. Something about him…it feels like destiny.”
Soonyoung laughs at you, but you ignore him, your mind still lingering on the dark haired boy from earlier. The more you think about him, the more your heart starts to grow warm. You can’t place it, but something about Jihoon feels familiar, and you need more.
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“You are to be married to Prince Wonwoo before the solstice hits.”
Your head shoots up, staring at your father, not sure if you hear his words correctly. There’s no possible way he said that. You can think of a dozen reasons why that’s impossible, a few including: 1. You’ve never met Prince Wonwoo in your life, why would he want you as his betrothed? 2. You two did not have a courtship and it would be a scandal for you two to get married without presenting as a couple to the public first. 3. Your family is not nearly important enough to be noticed by royalty. 4. (And this is the biggest one) You are in love with someone else.
Well, your father doesn’t know that you’re in love with someone else, but it’s still an important fact to note.
Despite all of these reasons, your father continues to talk about the arrangement, not noticing the shock on your face. You wonder about how it came to be, and without you hearing even a whisper about it.
“You will be meeting with a royal advisor in two days, please do not cause any trouble.” With that your father walks ways, leaving you with a million questions brewing your mind.
The main one being: how are you going to tell Jihoon about this?
For over a year now you’ve been seeing the same man, sneaking out whenever you can to meet him. He came into town with a bang (quite literally — his caravan practically falling apart with all of his belongings crashing to the ground as it did) and you’ve been captivated by him since. 
Your days are never boring when Jihoon is around, the two of you either going on adventures or hanging out in Jihoon’s (new) caravan. Though, you think your most favorite times spent with Jihoon are late at night, when you two meet up on the outskirts of your estate grounds, right on the edge of the forest.
There never is any guessing as to what Jihoon has planned. Some days you two walk around the garden under the moonlight, talking and gazing up at the stars, while other nights you’re whisked off to another town to dance the night away in a hidden tavern. You love the guise of the night, being able to do whatever and be whoever without the fear of onlookers and their judgment. It’s just you and Jihoon in your own little world.
Maybe that’s why you’ve been keeping him a secret for so long, you like keeping him all to yourself. No one can taint your relationship if they don't know about it. Though you suppose that has backfired on you now.
You don’t see your father for the rest of the night and when the sunsets and you slip out the back door and walk down to the forest edge, you do it with a heavy heart. As always Jihoon is standing next to the tree he carved your initials in, a wide grin on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
As soon as he spots you approaching his face lights up in a grin. He trots up to you the rest of the way, scooping you up into a hug.
"I've missed you," he says, pressing kisses to your lips and cheeks. You giggle at his antics.
"You saw me two days ago, my dear."
"Oh but that's two days too long for an aching heart in love." 
Other people may think it's cheesy but you can't help but adore the sweet way Jihoon talks to you, always putting his poet background to good use. You smile as Jihoon holds you in his arms, but soon the good mood is ruined by the news you remember you have to break to him.
"What's wrong, my love?" Jihoon asks, seeing the fallen look on your face. He reaches up and pushes your hair out of your face, a habit he has picked up since you two met. 
You just sigh and shift so you're out of Jihoon's embrace. Automatically you miss his strong arms around your waist, but you can't bear to look at him as you talk.
“My father has given me away to another man,” you tell him in a hushed voice. 
“Who?” Jihoon responds automatically. “I won’t let him take you. I-I’ll fight.”
You finally turn towards Jihoon, the solemn look still firm on your face. “I’m betrothed to Prince Wonwoo.”
“Prince Wonwoo?!” Jihoon looks taken aback. You don’t blame him. Suddenly he deflates. “How am I going to beat that?”
You’re not sure how to respond. The truth is Jihoon can’t compete. That doesn’t mean you’re going to give up hope on him, though.
“We’ll…we’ll figure something out,” you finally say. You step closer to Jihoon, allowing him to wrap you up in his embrace once again.
“I’m not giving up on us,” Jihoon tells you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“We’ll be fine. We have to be.”
When your father told you you’d be meeting with a royal advisor, this isn’t exactly what you were expecting.
When you arrived at the castle you were amazed at the size of it, but you weren’t allowed to gawk for long, being ushered into a sitting room where two men were already conversing. Neither were your soon to be husband though and you wondered when you might actually get to meet the prince.
The two men soon introduced themselves as Soonyoung and Mingyu, two of Prince Wonwoo’s most trusted men. Now two hours later, you’re starting to question the judgment of your betrothed.
Not only are the men completely scatterbrained and disorganized, they also seem to bicker more often than not, making it difficult for you to understand everything they’re telling you. The only thing you really comprehend is that you’re going to be spending a lot more time with the two men up until the wedding.
You’re given a schedule at the end of the day, your upcoming weeks all planned out for you already. Meeting with wedding coordinators, royalty training, garment fittings, and everything else of the like. You frown, thinking about your normally free schedule has now been filled.
Luckily for you, the meeting finished earlier than expected and you don’t hesitate to direct yourself towards the area where Jihoon’s caravan resides. Your lover is delighted to see you but before he can get any words out you’re throwing yourself at him, pulling him into a kiss. You’re desperate to drown in Jihoon and forget reality even just for a moment.
It isn’t until later that you and Jihoon finally exchange words. 
“I can hear you thinking,” Jihoon says. You two lay next to each other on his bed, bare bodies pressed together under the linens. Your head rests on his chest and his hands card through your hair. “Was I not satisfactory in taking your thoughts away? What is troubling your mind so much?
“Prince Wonwoo.”
“You’re thinking about Prince Wonwoo after laying so intimately with me?”
“No! Well yes, but- I- shut up,” you grumble, smacking Jihoon’s chest, making his laugh.
You’ve never met the prince before, though you are well knowledged on him. It’s hard not to be when he is to take over the crown in a few years. You try not to think about how that will make you the queen consort.
You’ve only seen Prince Wonwoo in person a handful of times, none too recently, but you still know the prince is very handsome. Not as handsome as you find Jihoon, though you may be a bit biased. He’s also said to be kind, smart, level-headed, and well calculated. You suppose it could be worse. 
“I met with his advisors today,” you tell Jihoon. “I guess it’s just all hitting me. This really is going to happen.”
“Hey, listen to me,” Jihoon moves so he can stare at you in the face, “no matter what happens, I will always love you. My heart is still yours.”
“And mine yours,” you tell him softly. “I love you Lee Jihoon. Never forget that.”
You don’t see Jihoon for a while. Your schedule is packed with futile meetings that take up your day and with the news of your engagement to the prince (who you have still yet to meet), there are guards outside of your estate at night.
You suppose you are fortunate that Mingyu and Soonyoung have grown on you in the past few weeks. Though you still think them foolish, you also have a fondness for the pair. You see why Prince Wonwoo puts his trust in them. You find yourself wanting to confide in them, though there is one thing that still remains a secret.
It isn’t until the night before your wedding that you see your love. You are able to lose your guards for a second and you make a beeline straight to Jihoon’s caravan. He’s still awake, sitting outside and staring up at the starry sky when you approach.
“My dear,” you call out to him. Jihoon looks away from the sky to meet your face, a look of surprise flashes over his face before they form into a soft smile.
“You know you really shouldn’t be out so late at night, it is not safe.”
“Well then, why don’t you help me find some shelter kind sir,” you tell him. Jihoon just grins and grabs your hand, pulling you into his home. 
You two spent the night wrapped up in each other, exchanging soft kisses and even softer words. When the morning comes Jihoon is still asleep when you awake and while you’d love to give him a proper goodbye, you know you already pushed your luck enough spending the whole night out.
You quickly find a quill and some ink and you grab a piece of Jihoon’s writing parchment and scribble a quick note to him before slipping out the door. It’s only after the caravan is out of sight that you let your tears fall.
The first time you meet Prince Wonwoo is at the altar. Up close he’s even more handsome than you imagined, with soft facial features and kind eyes. You can’t help but still feel a bit disappointed, staring at the stranger in front of you as you recite your wedding vows.
The chapel where you are being wed is packed full of people, mostly nobility. Your attire is suffocating, despite being fitted for it thrice. Across from you, the prince keeps a neutral face and you wonder about his own involvement in this arrangement. 
He’s dressed in a formal outfit fit for royalty. The colors pair with your own dressings and you wonder what you two look like from the outfit. A newly bonded couple who will eventually be ruling the whole country. Are you two a handsome, strong presenting couple? Or do you two look like two fools who have never met before?
You were surprised at the way the public took the news of the engagement. You were expecting backlash against the prince, but he is well loved by the public and they were all happy to see the young man finding a partner to settle down with before stepping up to the throne. Despite never having been seen together in public before today, there was a wide talk of your (fake) courtship and how you must be very lucky to have the prince hold your heart.
If only they knew that a lonely, penniless poet was the real caretaker of your love.
It isn’t until the words leave the officiant’s mouth that you realize you will have to kiss the prince. Not only to end the ceremony but for the public to see you two unite as one. You must look as taken aback as you feel because your now husband takes the initiative, stepping forward to close the distance between you two.
Wonwoo cups your face gingerly, his hands are cold and his fingers are boney. He stares at you for a moment, dark eyes gazing into your soul, before he finally leans in.
The moment his lips press against yours you want to jerk out of his hold. It feels wrong. Your lips don’t fit together nicely and there’s no warmth exchanged between you two. You’re both stiff and you note how Wonwoo’s lips aren't as full as Jihoon’s. 
The kiss is over within seconds but the damage has been done and you can’t shake the dirty feeling that has grown under your skin. Wonwoo’s hand slides down your arm to clasp your fingers together. Another sign of unity for the public. You force a smile on your face, but the only thing you can think about is how your heart is miles away, in a small caravan on the edge of town.
My love,
I am not sure how you were able to convince the prince’s closest man to be a part of this, but I cannot say am I ungrateful for him. Though I do find him quite eccentric (and slightly obnoxious) I must give him my gratitude.
I miss you tremendously, but the past few letters you have sent me have been acting as bandages over my heart. I read them whenever I feel an ache of your absence, which is quite often.
It is unfortunate you find royal life boring. If I could, you know that I would sweep you off to the farthest lands where we would explore the area during the day and revel at night. I would show you the large world out there and we could experience new joys together. 
How I long to have you lay by my side at night. To feel your soft, tender skin against my fingertips. It pains me to even think about it, but it would kill me not to. 
I will never stop fighting for us.
Write back soon,
Your Jihoon
My darling,
I saw you today. I was taken quite off guard when I saw you riding in the carriage, next to Prince Wonwoo. I admit, you two make a handsome couple, but not more handsome than us.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful face in person, that even seeing you with another man made my heart sing. I couldn’t pull my eyes from you, doing my best to soak in the sight of you because you were once again gone.
You looked quite winsome sitting in the carriage, but you did not look like you. Are you required to wear such extremities every day, or were you dressed for the occasion? Either way I cannot imagine the process of getting ready to be a swift one. 
If I am being honest I do not find the purpose of such efforts. Does the prince not find your natural beauty fit to his standards? If so then off with him. Any person with eyes would be fortunate to gaze upon you. I know I was.
Seeing you has only made me yearn more for you. I know it has only been a few weeks since your matrimony to Prince Wonwoo, but to me it has been lifetimes. How I crave to feel your touch, to hear your voice, to kiss your lips.
I know that the idea is futile but I will never give up on you. No matter what, I am still yours. And I hope you are still mine. Even if I only see a glimpse of you once every decade, my heart will still burn for you.
Forever yours,
Your Jihoon
To my heart,
Though you are always in my thoughts, you have been overtaking my mind more often than not lately. Please do not think I am upset about this, it is quite the opposite, but I am afraid I have been missing you a great deal more than usual.
Maybe it is due to a conversation I had the other day. I was at a tavern, catching up with an old acquaintance who was in town, and you came up. Jeonghan questioned if there was a reason why I had settled here and wondered if it was ‘due to my heart’. I laughed and confirmed his suspicions.
We spent a deal of time after that talking about you. It felt liberating being able to speak of you to someone else. I must have rambled on for at least an hour before Jeonghan finally cut me off, telling me how lucky I must be to have someone like you in my life. I had no choice other than to agree with him.
Speaking about you and thinking about you has thrown me into a tumultuous frame of mind. It is quite shameful how often I get lost in fantasies of us and what I wish we could be. You have overtaken my mind, body, and soul. There is not a single night where I do not dream of you.
I hope our future king can see how fortunate he is to be married to you. I would kill thousands of men to be in his position. Your smile itself is worth more than every jewel on his crown. I know I am just waxing poetic at you, but that is my job.
I know we must stay apart, but please mourn the future we could have had for me. Please write back to me with every thought you have about our imaginary future, because even if I cannot have the real thing, my dreams will be enough for me.
Dream of me as well,
Your Jihoon 
The life between you and your husband is…comfortable. You two talk, but not often and seldom about anything that is not shallow or mundane. You two sleep side by side at night but the last time you two touched each other was when you danced at your wedding and while his days are spent in meeting, yours are spent wandering the castle grounds and having tea with Soonyoung and Mingyu.
The only thing you find yourself looking forward to in your days anymore is the nightly lettering that you receive from Jihoon. It was only a week into the marriage when Soonyoung noticed how miserable you were. Without being able to hold it in anymore, you told the man about your lover and your heartbreak. It was then that Soonyoung suggested he help you out, acting as a carriage pigeon to deliver letters to and from Jihoon.
One night you are sitting at the desk in your shared chambers with Wonwoo, writing your letter for Jihoon, when Wonwoo speaks up. He is sitting on the bed across the room and his deep voice startles you, not used to talking to the man like this.
“Are you happy?” Wonwoo asks you bluntly, after calling out your name. You take only a moment to form an answer.
“I am content, my lord,” you tell him. Though you have stopped referring to the man as “Prince Wonwoo” in your mind, you cannot help but tack on the formal titles at the end of your sentences to the man.
“But you are not happy. Why?”
“Rest assured your highness, it is nothing you’ve done.”
“Does it have anything to do with the letters Soonyoung delivers to you each evening? The letters you are writing back right now?” You freeze in your seat. You were unaware he knew, but the prince is not ignorant. You suppose you couldn’t keep it a secret forever.
“Do not mistake my curiosity for accusation. I’m aware this arrangement is not an ideal situation, and I would not be upset if there was another. I would not even be upset if you wish to be with him,” Wonwoo says. 
His words trouble you. There is a benefit for both of you in the marriage, but his words imply he is not exactly happy with the arrangement either. The offer to let you leave him is strange though, and causes you to fault for a moment.
“I am not going to abandon you, sire,” you eventually respond. “I have made an obligation to you.”
“No, your father did. Though we are not well acquainted I still hold empathy and I do not want to be what is keeping you from your happiness. From your happy ending.”
“Either way my father’s word is say, so I will do what he asks of me. It is an honor to be wedded to a man of your status,” you tell him, trying to convince yourself more than anything.
“But that is all it is: status. What about love?”
You don’t answer. You sit there and stare down at the letter you are writing to Jihoon. You think about the wooden box hidden in the drawer that holds his letters.
“Please, I do not wish to cause you turmoil. If you want to go, I will not hold you back,” Wonwoo says. 
You finally turn to look at your husband. “You are very kind-hearted, but I cannot accept that offer. I will not tarnish your reputation like that. Do you know the talk that would rise if they heard the soon-to-be king’s spouse up and left? What would your father do to mine? It is too risky.”
Wonwoo has a morose look on his face, like he knows you’re right. “Tell me about him,” he says, surprising you.
You hesitate. You should not talk of your lover to your husband. It is unorthodox and unbecoming. You look at Wonwoo’s curious face though, and you can’t help yourself.
“He’s a poet. I’ve never met someone who can use words the way he does. Even in things as simple as short letters or passing comments, he can make it sound like the most romantic sentence ever uttered,” you tell Wonwoo.
“Tell me more.”
“He has a kind soul, like you. He’s very exciting to be around. He used to travel the world, so I love to hear him regale the tales of his adventures. He likes to take me on our own little adventures as well. One time a traveling show came through a neighboring town and he got us tickets to go watch.”
“You love him greatly.” It is not a question. You just nod to Wonwoo. “You light up when you speak of him. In a way I’ve never seen before.”
You don’t know what to say to him, so you turn your back to him once more, resuming your letter to Jihoon.
You love Jihoon, everyday apart from him feels like you’re struggling to breathe, and under any other circumstance you wouldn’t have stopped at anything to be with him, but you are not under those circumstances. You fought your father, refusing the marriage, even telling him you loved someone else, but he did not listen. He told you this was the one thing he would put his foot down on.
You can’t blame him, how often does someone get the chance to marry a prince. The things this marriage is doing for your family is immeasurable and you cannot in good conscience leave them without a second thought. Not to mention the damage it would do to your family’s reputation, let alone Wonwoo’s. Your family would be shunned by the public and Wonwoo would be labeled a joke of a king.
Not to mention if it was ever discovered what really happened. What would happen if everyone found out why you left? You and Jihoon would surely be ostracized. Town piranhas in even towns in other kingdoms. Jihoon’s career as a poet would be over. You can’t imagine that being a happy life.
Not that you’re particularly happy right now either. You wish you didn’t overthink everything, or else you would have left the town even before you got married. You and Jihoon could be living in his caravan, just you two alone, safe and sound and happy.
It is too late for that though, and now you have to pay the consequences. Married to a man you know nothing about. A man who seems to be rooting for you despite the outcome. It makes you frown. Maybe your first step in figuring it all out is figuring out your husband first.
“Have you ever been in love, my lord?” You decide to ask Wonwoo one day while walking the castle’s grounds. As of recently you two have gotten closer, an interesting bond forming between you two, though most of your time is spent talking of Jihoon. Wonwoo never draws back on his suggestions that you follow your heart. 
“Not in the way you are. I was very fond of someone a long time ago, but they loved someone else.” You frown at this news. 
“Please excuse the crudeness of my words, sire, but then why do you put so much mind into my love? Do you not wish to be wed to someone?”
“I do,” Wonwoo answers after a moment of contemplation, “but I do not want to be the reason why true love is separated. You and your Jihoon, you are a story of fate. Who am I to get in the middle of it? The public likes me enough, I will be okay. No matter what, I will be okay, but will you?”
Your heart aches and yearns for Jihoon, and your husband is not making it easier. That may have been his goal though.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You ask Wonwoo. You frown as you stand in front of him, your stomach in knots of worry.
Wonwoo just gives you a soft smile. “I am sure. If anything, I should be worrying about you. Do you have everything you need?”
“Yes. Both Soonyoung and I checked twice. You have ensured that everything will run perfectly.” You reach over and take your husband’s hands in yours, squeezing them tightly. “Thank you, Wonwoo. For everything.”
“Ah, it is the least I could do. Now, you have somewhere to be and I cannot keep you waiting any longer. Send me letters, okay?” With a final squeeze of your hands, Wonwoo lets you go. You smile at the man once more before turning away from him and not looking back.
You slip out of the castle through the servant’s doors and quickly make your way to the outskirts of the grounds. It reminds you of all those times you escaped your own house to meet Jihoon at the edge of the forest. The thought makes a grin grow on your face as you speed up your pace even more.
Just like all the previous times, when you get to the edge of the estate Jihoon is standing there waiting for you. You launch yourself into his arms, allowing him to pick you up and twirl you around. He’s giggling high pitched and gleeful as you two spin around in each other’s arms.
When Jihoon finally puts you down he doesn’t waste a moment and leans in to kiss you. You happily kiss him back, grabbing his face and holding him in place. You can feel a wet stream of tears run down your face, your heart bursting with joy as you reunite with your lover.
His lips are familiar against yours and you automatically feel at home. For the first time in months you can relax, finally back in Jihoon’s arms.
“It’s you,” Jihoon muttres when he finally pulls away. He brings his hands up to caress your face.
“It’s me, my love, it’s me,” you tell him back, tears still flowing freely.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you more.” You lean in and press another quick kiss against Jihoon’s lips. “But we will never have to miss each other again.”
“I’m never letting you go,” Jihoon tells you, gripping you tighter. “Oh how much I love you.”
You giggle. “I love you more. Now come on, let’s get out of here.”
You grab Jihoon’s hand and pull him away from the grounds to where his caravan is waiting for you two. As you two travel further and further away from the town you feel your heart grow lighter and lighter, excited for the rest of your life of adventures with your love.
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The next time you see Jihoon is nearly a week later. You and Soonyoung are once again getting boba when you spot the boy behind the counter, just like last time. When you and Soonyoung went and got boba a few days prior you noticed that the original Cute Cashier was working, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit of disappointment at him not being Jihoon.
As soon as you lay eyes on your Even Cuter Cashier, you quickly make a beeline into the shop, your desire for boba long gone.
Jihoon looks up when he hears the sound of the bell ringing and his eyes soften into a smile when he sees you entering through the threshold.
“You came back!”
“I did. It’s hard not to, with the amazing service I got last time,” you say. You casually browse the store as you talk to Jihoon, glancing at him every so often as you do. 
“Well I’m glad that my plan to get you to come back succeeded.”
You giggle at Jihoon’s words as you stop in front of a stack of old photos. You flip through them, looking at all the memories they hold. Many of the photos depict different couples, all smiling brightly as they hold each other. The images put a smile on your own face.
“Find something good?” Jihoon asks and you jump a bit at the closeness of his voice. When you turn, you see the man standing by your side.
“Oh, yeah, just these photos! Aren’t they beautiful?” You tilt them a bit to show them off to Jihoon. “I think it’s so amazing that no matter how the world changes, love will always stay the same.”
“Huh, I guess you’re right. Love’s been around since the beginning of time.”
“The love these people were feeling in these photos is the same love we experience today. There really is nothing like it.”
You look back down at the photos. The one in your hand shows a woman clinging onto a man’s arm, her cheek pressed into his bicep as she smiles at the camera. The man himself is smiling as well, though he is smiling down at the woman, rather than the camera. 
“They’re cute,” Jihoon mumbles, his own eyes transfixed on the photo. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I wonder what’s their story.”
“Something happy, I hope,” Jihoon says before moving to walk back behind the counter. You grab a few more photos from the stack before following after him, placing them on the counter.
Jihoon smiles at you and starts to ring you up. You take a moment to stare at him, your eyes tracing over his fluffy hair and round face and kind smile. You don’t stop staring until Jihoon breaks your focus.
“What? Does my hair look stupid or something?” He grins lazily at you again and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
“Uh, n-no! It’s just…your smile is super familiar to me. Sorry, that may be weird.”
“No, no, it’s not. I guess I kinda felt the same thing the first time you came in,” Jihoon tells you. “Who knows, maybe we knew each other in a past life.”
You chuckle at Jihoon’s joke, but you don’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
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War Against North Korea Rages On, No End in Sight
You frown at the heading, throwing the newspaper aside onto the counter. The news of the North Korean troops invading Seoul changed everyone’s lives, throwing the country into a state of chaos trying to keep them from completely overtaking all of South Korea. Now a year later, the war is still in full force and though you know it’s important to stay updated on what’s happening, you don’t bother with the news articles anymore. They always say more or less the same thing: the war continues on with more casualties and less hope of ending soon.
Your heart grows heavy with each day growing worse than the last. You wish there was more you could do to help the war efforts, but you’re stuck at home taking care of your sick father. He’s the only family you have left, after your mother’s death a few years ago. All of the money received from her passing has gone into your father, but since the start of the war prices have done nothing but skyrocket.
So you spend your days at home taking care of your father, and your nights in a factory working to earn an income. You don’t mind the work though, allowing your mind to focus on something that isn’t the war or your father.
The only other time you get a break, an actual real break, is on Saturdays. It’s the one day in the week you allow yourself to go out, spending the afternoon to yourself getting groceries and taking time to focus on yourself.
You go through the same routine, walking down to the port and spending a few minutes enjoying the waves lapping against the shore, the salty sea water scent filling the air as the summer breeze brushes up against your skin. After taking in the sight of the sea, you move further into town and down the street to the cemetery.
Every Saturday you visit your mother’s grave, sitting with her for a while as you update her on your life and the current events. Occasionally you will bring a book and read aloud. You find the time spent with her calming, her maternal love enveloping you and letting you rest, even for a small bit of time.
Afterwards you browse the shops in town (only looking, never buying) before heading to the market to finish your day off. You spend the money for the groceries to get you through the week before heading back home. You do your best to walk most places you go, not wanting to spend the fare for the trollies. 
The streets are busy on the weekend and on your walk back to your house, someone bumps into you causing you to drop your bags, all of your freshly bought groceries tumbling to the ground. The person doesn’t even stop and you can’t bother chasing them too. You just sigh and bend down to pick up the now unusable goods. 
You now have to turn around and go back into town to get more groceries. It will take a good chunk out of your funds, but not too much. Maybe you’ll pick up a few more shifts at the factory.
“Excuse me, are you okay?” As you’re thinking about how to make up the price of the ruined groceries, you miss the man who has walked up to you.
When you look up you see a beautiful man with a sweet round face and dark hair staring down at you. He’s dressed nicely in a suit and it takes you a moment to actually respond to him, too distracted by his good looks.
“I was asking if you were okay?” The man bends down to help you pick up the rest of the food spilled on the ground. “I saw that man bump into you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh! I’m fine, thank you.” You smile at him, appreciative of the kind gesture.
“But all of your groceries are now ruined. Allow me to buy you more.”
“Oh no! That’s not necessary,” you quickly tell the man. You don’t even know him and you would feel guilty allowing a man who didn’t even cause the casualty to pay for your groceries, especially with the state of the economy.
“I insist,” he says, standing and then helping you stand as well. “It’s the least I could do.”
“Sir it really-” Before you can even finish your sentence the man was walking away, back towards the town. You could just go back home, but then you’d be left with no groceries for the week so you begrudgingly follow him back to the market.
“Lee Jihoon, by the way,” he tells you as you two walk around the market, collecting what you need. You give him your name as well and he grins, a small spark igniting behind his eyes as he tells you how lovely your name is.
When you’re done regathering what you need you move to head to the register, but Jihoon stops you.
“This is all you’re getting? It’s barely enough for any proper meals. Please, add more. I won’t mind, I demand of it actually.” Jihoon then moves to add more to the basket and once again you have to follow along as Jihoon is the one carrying it.
You protest each time a new item is added but Jihoon keeps hushing you like you’re a life long friend rather than a stranger he met on the street no more than thirty minutes ago. By the time Jihoon is satisfied with what’s in your basket, it’s full to the top and you can’t remember the last time you’ve seen so much food in your life. Guilt eats away at you as you think about the money Jihoon is about to drop on you just because someone else made you drop your bags.
It isn’t until you’re checking out and Jihoon casually pulls out multiple banknotes without even a blink of an eye that you realize that not everyone lives like you and that just maybe Jihoon doesn’t mind paying so much because he has the money laying around to do so. Even back when your mother was alive and your father was able to work your family was still paying for everything with scraped up coins.
The sun is already low in the sky by the time you two exit the market and Jihoon stops you once more. “Allow my driver to take you back to your house.”
The sentence alone confirms your suspicions on Jihoon’s monetary status. To own a car is a luxury of its own, but to have a driver as well seals the deal.
You already can tell it’s impossible to turn Jihoon down so you just follow him back to his car. You wonder if his driver followed you after you two walked to the market. When you two get into the car you tell your address to the driver, trying not to get embarrassed at the thought of the nice car driving through your run down little neighborhood. 
Jihoon’s driver just nods and starts up the car. The three of you sit in silence until the car pulls up to your house and you climb out. Jihoon does as well, helping carry your groceries to the door.
“It was nice meeting you,” Jihoon says. “If you ever need anything again, give me a call.” He holds out a small white card, his business card, to you. You take it and thank him once more before entering your house, your mind still lingering on the strange, rich man.
You don’t give Jihoon a call, but you don’t have to. You run into him again not even three days after your first interaction. It’s early in the morning and you’re heading back home after work when you hear your name called out. When you turn you see the man’s car rolling up next to you, his head poking out of the back seat window.
“What are you doing walking alone so early in the morning? The sun has barely started to rise.”
"I'm walking back home from work," you answer honestly.
Jihoon's face looks sour at this, like he couldn't imagine working so late at night. "If you have been working all night let me treat you to breakfast."
It's your turn to let your face screw up slightly. You know that Jihoon can afford to buy you breakfast, but you still don't want to feel indebted to him. Not to mention your father will be waking up soon and you'll need to make his breakfast as well. You tell Jihoon as much.
"Then I will buy breakfast for your father too," is his solution.
You're not sure why he keeps insisting on buying you things but you just sigh and climb into the car. Jihoon has a smug grin on his face as he tells his driver where to go.
A few minutes later the car pulls up in front of a diner and you and Jihoon enter. It's nothing extravagant, but still a treat for those with a tight budget. 
The two of you sit in silence until a waitress comes and takes your order. Jihoon doesn't allow you to order for yourself, picking what he tells you are the most delicious and filling items. He orders for himself and then a third meal, asking the waitress to not cook it until she brings the check.
You note the way Jihoon has a nice presence to him, friendly and warm and inviting. The way his soft features are accentuated when he smiles, his round cheeks puffing up and his eyes squinting. You find him fascinating, but there's something more than that, something drawing you to him.
"So, where do you work that has you walking home at six in the morning?" 
The question breaks the ice between you as you fall into a natural conversation, asking questions and trading answers. Your hesitations towards the man quickly ebb the more you talk.
You learn he's a highly successful businessman but the war has halted much of his work which has given him some much needed down time. Like you, he doesn't have many living family members and he's an altruistic man so much of his money is left unspent.
Before you know it both of your meals are finished and the waitress is bringing over the check and the packaged meal for your father. Just like at the market, Jihoon pulls out his banknotes and pays before escorting you back to his car.
When you arrive at your house a part of you feels disappointed that the morning with Jihoon is over. Now it's back to the real world. 
You're halfway to your door when you suddenly turn back around. You don't know what causes you to say it before you can stop yourself you spit out, "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? It's the last I could do after all of your kindness." 
Jihoon beams in front of you. "I would love that."
Bloodiest Battles of the War So Far, Conscription Soon to Follow?
Five months after you meet Jihoon he knocks on your front door, a letter clutched in his fist. There's a grim look on his face when you open the door and you know automatically.
The Battle of Bloody Ridge, follwoed by The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, took out many of the soldiers on the frontlines and the country was now desperate to find new ones to replace them. A mandatory conscription for any young man who was eligible to join the military.
It didn't take long for you and Jihoon to start a relationship after your first few meetings. He's the perfect man, taking care of both you and your father and showering you in nothing but love and affection. The thought of him so far away, in the direct line of danger, makes a lump grow in your throat. Your chest tightens as your heart aches.
"We'll be okay," Jihoon mutters into your hair as you cry silently into his neck, holding him tightly. Like if you hold him tight enough he won't have to leave.
That's not how the world works though, and you accompany Jihoon on the day he is to deploy.
"If you need more money just send me a letter and I'll take care of it, okay?"
"You've left me with plenty already, love," you tell him as you fix his jacket collar. "Just come home safe."
"As long as you make sure I have something to come home to."
You can already feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you lean forward to press your lips to Jihoon's. He kisses you back, putting all of his love into it. A promise to you, that you will see him again, that this isn't your last kiss.
With one last squeeze of the hand Jihoon boards the bus and you're left alone, a heaviness in your heart and worry forming under your skin.
You just have to keep telling yourself he'll be okay, he has to be.
December 19, 1951
To the one my heart has gone to,
I hope you don't mind the frequency of my letters, I just feel closer to you know that eventually you'll hold the same paper in your fingers. I miss you tremendously, to the point my heart aches thinking of you.
Do you know that when you send your letters they smell of you? I always keep your most recent ones safe, in hopes to preserve the smell for just a little while longer.
There's not much to report about today, which I suppose is a good thing. Better than something hectic or even worse, a battle. 
Unfortunately it still doesn't look like there will be a break anytime soon. Battle after battle, life after life. It's not easy, but I've come to like the other men in my unit. Jeonghan takes good of us and Seokmin makes nice company. 
I don't want to keep you long, but I wanted to make sure you'd get a letter for before the holidays hit. Merry Christmas my love.
I'll make it up to you when I get home okay? For now just keep me in your dreams.
Write back soon, please. I want to hear what my lover has been up to. Keep me updated on your father as well.
All my love,
Your Jihoon
March 22, 1952
Today was hard.
I'm doing unwell as I write this letter, but it would pain me more not to send you my update.
Kwon Soonyoung died next to me today on the battlefield. It is not the first time a man has died near me, but it is the first time it was a man I have grown fond of. He was only a few months older than I am.
As grim as it may sound, and as much as I will mourn the loss, I am grateful that it was not me in his place. It was a difference of mere inches and fate chose Soonyoung. Does it mean anything? Is there a reason why I lived and he didn’t? I’m not sure but all I can think about is that his sacrifice is giving me a second chance at going home. Does that make me a bad person?
Everyday I pray this nightmare will be over. The thought of you is the only thing encouraging me to go on. I think about coming home to you, kissing your sweet lips, holding you in my arms.
We’ve been apart longer than we were together and I beat myself up for that everyday. I wish we would have met earlier, but as soon as the war is over we will have all the time in the world. Just you and me.
Wish me home soon,
Your Jihoon
November 30, 1952
To the home of my heart,
You have been on my mind all of today, not that you aren’t always on my mind normally. It has been particularly hard today though. It’s been a full year since my departure from you and every day has been harder than the last.
It’s hard to sleep at night and I often lay awake and think about you. Sometimes I will take a walk and look up at the sky. The moon and the stars are thousands of miles away but they still seem so close and bring so much comfort. That’s how I feel about you. Gazing at the moon also helps because it is still the same moon that you are under as well.
Look at the moon and think of me okay? Maybe one night we will be looking at the moon at the same time and I will be able to feel you just a bit closer.
Whenever I am able to fall asleep, I dream about you. I dream about the thought of you laying next to me. I wish to kiss your soft lips and feel your warm skin and look into your shining eyes. I dream of the life we will build together when we are reunited at last.
Would you marry me, my love?
I know it’s silly asking over a letter like this, and asking with such a strange courtship, but something in me feels the need to ask. Ever since I met you on the street that one fateful day, I’ve known you were the one for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so please accept my proposal (I promise to give you a proper one the second I get home).
The other men keep teasing me about you, but they just don’t understand the love we share. Being with you, even just the thought of you, it feels like home.
A part of me wonders if I’ve secretly loved you my whole life. It sure feels like it. No matter what I know you were made for me and everyday I bless whatever force brought us together. I love you so much it drives me crazy.
When I get home let me take you out on a thousand dates to make up for the time lost. 
Please send me your answer soon,
Your fiance Jihoon
February 01, 1953
To my dearest,
I’m writing to you from the infirmary. I was shot in battle earlier, nowhere too fatal just the leg, but I just woke up from the procedure to remove the bullet and patch me up. I’m lucky to come out with nothing more than a scar. Some other men aren’t as lucky.
It seems everyday is a new fight, but it’s worth it if it gives me a chance of going back home to you. We’ll buy a house close to the port, so you can be near the ocean breeze. Every night we’ll walk the shore and watch the sunset together. Then on Saturdays I’ll accompany you on your errands. We’ll go to town together and get groceries and visit the cafe and do whatever your heart desires. 
I’ll buy fresh flowers for your parents every week.
We could get a cat to keep you company while I’m at work and you could quit that heinous job at the factory. That would give you more time to focus on yourself. You and I both know that my wealth is more than enough for just the two of us.
Our house shouldn’t be too big, but still a good size in case we ever have guests over. I think we should start a garden as well.
Ah, my love, thinking about our future is nice. It helps me wish for the future, helps me feel closer to you. Thank you for being my safe place away from this nightmare. I should rest more now, but please remember that I will always spend everyday loving you.
Pray for my speedy recovery,
Your Jihoon
July 07, 1953
Jagiya! I apologize for the lack of letters recently, things have been so hectic around here, but I write with good news!
The talk around camp is that the negotiations have been making a move, there is finally an end in sight. I cannot wait to get back to you. It has been far too long since I’ve seen you and the photo I carry of you has started to fade already from how often I admire it. 
I cannot stay to write for long, but I needed to send you an update and a reminder of my love. I promise we will be back together soon.
Go to town and buy some flowers for yourself okay? Today is worth celebrating.
I can’t wait to see you,
Your Jihoon
You’re jittery as you smooth down your shirt, waiting for the bus to pull up. The same bus that took him away nearly two years ago.
When all of your friends heard about your beau, they all called you crazy. Holding out for a man who has been gone for quadruple the amount of time you spent together and you guess maybe it is crazy, but for Jihoon you would do anything.
It is true that you two were only together for five months before his deployment, but even before he left you knew you were madly in love with Lee Jihoon. You spent your nights reading the letters Jihoon sent you, and writing ones back. You would think you two had been lovers for fifty years rather than five months.
You’ve always felt the pull towards Jihoon though, like you’ve been loving him all your life. Every letter he sent made you fall in love with him even more, and now two years later he’s finally coming home. 
The days were hard without him when you saw him nearly everyday before he left. Winter of 1952 was less than kind, taking your father with it and leaving you alone for the last seven months, wishing for nothing but for Jihoon to come home. Now he is and you couldn’t be more elated.
The people standing around you start to cheer when someone catches sight of the bus, but you can’t do anything but stand there, your heart pounding in your chest. When the bus stops and soldiers start to pour out you have a moment of doubt. The fear that Jihoon won’t want you anymore, that everything has changed for the worse, creeps into your mind.
The thoughts can barely form though because then Jihoon’s stepping off the bus and his skin is so much tanner than it used to be and you’ve never seen him with his hair so short but it’s Jihoon, your Jihoon. His eyes light up when he catches sight of your familiar face and he’s dropping his bags and running towards you.
His arms are locked around your waist and you’re being lifted off the ground. You cup Jihoon’s face in your hands and lean down to kiss him as he spins you two around, easing all of the worries in your mind. Your cheeks dampen as tears start to stream down your face, too many emotions coursing through you to keep them all on the inside.
You keep your hands on Jihoon’s face as he sets you down. You stroke his cheek, feeling his warm skin under your touch. “You’re here, you’re really here.”
“I’m here my love, I’m here, and I’m never leaving you again.”
It doesn’t take much longer for you and Jihoon to leave the station. You two sit in the back of his car, pressed together as Jihoon presses kisses to your face every few minutes. You’re not much better though, leaning into him with a dopey grin on your face, ready to start your new life with the man you love the most.
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The next time you see Jihoon isn’t at the antique shop at all. You’re getting coffee at the cafe next to your apartment when you see the man walk in. His eyes light up a bit when he sees you and he makes a beeline to your table after getting his drink.
“Is this seat open?” He asks, pointing to the empty chair across from you.
“Of course.”
Jihoon takes a seat before turning his attention to you. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Maybe it’s fate,” you say teasingly but Jihoon just grins.
“Maybe it is,” his voice is smooth as he talks, and your breath gets caught in your throat, “I mean, I wouldn’t be upset if I was destined to meet you over and over again.”
You break his gaze, trying not to show him how flustered you are. “You’re quite the sweet talker you know? You don’t know anything about me-”
“No, but I don’t think it would be hard to learn. I’m starting to think we’re not really strangers at all. You can’t tell me that you aren’t a bit interested in me as well.”
You glance back at Jihoon to find him staring intently at him. His eyes are warm and deep and you can feel yourself being drawn in, like you’ve stared at those eyes a million times before. There’s an inviting sense to all of Jihoon and the only thing you can think of to describe it as is home. 
“Okay,” you tell him with a slight grin. “Let’s see if destiny is right.”
And really you don’t care if it is fate or not, because as you and Jihoon fall into a comfortable conversation you realize that the two of you meeting was no mistake, and that you could definitely love Lee Jihoon for multiple lifetimes. 
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taglist: @ckline35 @toruro @jeanjacketjesus @namjoonbaby @n4mj00nvq @lovelyhan @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @im-gemmy @lllucere @tulipgarland4 @embrace-themagic @sulkygyu @leejihoonownsmyheart @synthetickitsune @yeosayang @miraclewoozi @d0nghyck @soonhoonietrash @violetvoo @yongi-lee @spilled-coffee-cup @morklee02 @17kwans @candidupped @ressonancee @m1nghaos @1-800-jeonwonwoo @anothershorthuman @chwecardcaptor @jwnghyuns @flwrshwa @valentxi @heavenly-mobo @pandorashbox @enhacolor @starlight-night0 @todorokiskitten @miriamxsworld @just-here-to-read-01 @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @seuomo @tinkerbell460 @strawberri-uyu @hotricewoozi @luvthatleader-nim @lorde-oftherings @marzmeltdown (also tagging @gyuswhore bc taylor swift lol)
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formulaonesmut · 9 months
Better in red – CL16
important message
writers note: I have dyslexia, which means that writing is difficult for me, but I really want to continue doing this. Sorry if everything isn't always right!
Warnings: Smut 18+, P in V ( be safe!) sort of first time, sweet Charles turning into dom. Insecure reader.
Sorry for not posting this but I really don't like this fic, I don't know but I'm not happy with this one.
let me know who you want to be next!
this is my work and i do not consent to use this
Saturday 19 November 2022 ahu Dhabi Final race,
Exactly on this day, 4 months ago you met the one and only Charles leclerc. A dream that came true. You started a year ago with your new job at F1, you started with being a extra hand. That meant that you helped with the interviews, making it ready, making sure everything was there in time.
Almost a year later your dream came out, you started officially working as a journalist for f1TV. And there it was, questioning drivers about their races was amazing but not the easiest job. And it didn’t got any better when you started to gain feelings for Charles leclerc. At first you thought that it was only a crush and he didn’t seemed interested, until 4 months ago. You were standing alone in the doorway, Charles passed by but within 10 seconds he called your name
´´yn is it right?´´ he smiled, offering you a hand, of course you took it before you gently shaked it.
´´ yeah i am. Is there anything wrong?´´ you blushed, he totally caught you off guard and you were already preparing yourself
´´ so ehm- im not really good in this, and if you don’t want too is that okay, but eh´´ Charles rumbled but you were quick in stopping him.
´´ hey, its okay! Go on spit it out leclerc´´ you chuckled, your finger pads slowly running up and down over his hand palm.
´´do you wanna go out with me?´’´
There is were it all started, and now you guys are dating. It still feels unreal sometimes, your dating the one and only CHARLES LECLERC!!!!!
Its weird and iknow many people wont believe you, but you guys haven’t had sex, or something you needed to be naked for. Yes hand jobs and fingering were something, but Charles knew that you just had sex, for once. He always letted you set the pace, and making sure YOU were comfy with it.
Maybe it was weird, but you guys didn’t wanted to make it official for the world, so you both decided to not share a room. This so no one noticed that you guys were almost a couple. And to be honest, it was hard to act normal when you were in the paddock. This guy had you around one finger and you loved him so so so much.
You were running late for your interview with Carlos in the Ferrari hospitality. Yes, when i say running you were running.
´hey princess´ Charles smiled when he saw you running through the halls.
Your eyes quickly scanned the room before running up to him.
´´ how late are you back? When are you done´´ Charles smiled down to you. God this guy.. so handsome, every time you saw him you just could not hold your self in and just started smiling.
´ may i.. kiss you?´ he asked you, his hand came upwards to cup your cheek. Brushing some hair behind your ear.
´yes .. please Charles kiss me´ you half begged him before he dipped down to your level and kissed you.
It felt so unreal and you just couldn’t stop searching for his touch, his fingers intertwined with your hair both off you don’t want to let each other go.
‘’ah here you are. Love birds I have a interview’’ Carlos chuckled before leaning in the doorway.
Carlos was the only one along side Pierre that knew that you guys are something. Not that you wanted them to know but they caught you already a few times kissing.
‘’I’m sorry Carlos’’ you sight before letting Charles go.
‘’I'm done at 6 babe’’ you smiled before giving Charles a quick kiss.
‘’good, see you tonight baby’’
- later that night –
When your phone ringed you immediately rushed too it, your hands quick in grabbing it and picking it up while you were fixing your hair.
´´ there is my pretty girl´´ Charles smiled through the phone.
´´ hi handsome´´ you smiled while your bottom lip was stuck between your teeth.
The call was innocent, a lot of talking about F1 and small other things. But something inside you snapped when Charles started whining.
´´ baby, cant you pleeeaaase come over i really miss you´´
´´ Charlie, you already saw me today´´ you smiled
Charles is really nervous because he is starting 3th tomorrow in the last race off 2022. There is a lot off pressure that’s on his shoulders, he is standing second with 290 points amazing right? Not really.. checo has the same amount off points and is starting second.
Charles was so hectic today, picking his hands, moving his leg up and down and he was talking non stop. That was for you a easy sign to see that he was nervous, and it wasn’t weird.
You knew you had to do something to take his mind off racing for a night, you knew you were ready and this was the perfect timing to.
You walked to your bed before laying on your belly, lifting yourself up on your elbows. So you were Giving Charles THE perfect look, your shirt was hanging down a bit giving him a sneak peak off your boobs that were covered in your new red and gold lingerie bra. you could see his eyes immediately shooting down, he was really trying not to look. But it just happened and he wasn’t sorry for it, Charles loved your body and always tried to help you start loving yourself.
´´ baby.. don’t make it harder for me to stay in my room´´ he smiled, his cheeks already heating and coloring up.
´´’what’s wrong handsome?´´ you questioned him, but of course you knew what was wrong. And once again his eyes shooed down and stayed there.
´’i can see my pretty baby’s´´ he smiled. ´´ oh come on baby, you know what i mean´´ Charles winked, his eyes quickly shooting from your boobs to your eyes.
´´oh? Do you want a better view so you can sleep well?´´ you teased back, Charles quickly nodded yes before you tugged your shirt over your head. Charles mumbled a quick ´fuck´ before he turned his head away, a big smile was on his face and his cheeks were even more red.
´´were are you staying handsome? I wanna come over´’
´´room 418, be quick. The door is already open´’ and with that Charles ended the call, and fuck he knew what your plans were.
The tension between you two was unwritable, from little teasing through out the day to sending him a photo in your new lingerie.
You were quick in chancing, grabbing only your phone and a bathrobe. You shooed it over your lingerie and rushed out, and yes. The door was already open and when you opened it you could only gasp.
Charles had changed into a white blouse, it was hanging open and the room was dark, but filled with candles. On the bed was drawn a heart and there was music playing on the back ground.
´I knew that you were quick´ he smiled before walking up to you, his hand brushing over your shoulder.
´´ you didn’t had to do this Charlie´´ you smiled while your eyes where wandering around the room.
´´ I wanted to make it special for my special girl´´
You could feel Charles his eyes burning on your skin, even when he stepped a little closer to you. His body pressing against yours, his warm breath on your skin and his eyes trying to look what you were wearing underneath the bathrobe.
´´ give me a kiss handsome´´
And within 3 seconds Charles his lips were pressed onto yours, his tongue parts your lips and you could feel his body shivering with desire,
Charles his hands shooed to the back off your thighs. That was a signal for you to jump into his arms, you slammed your legs around his waist without braking the kiss. And before you knew it your back was slammed against the wall.
´´fuck handsome´´ you moaned into the kiss, giving Charles perfect access to explore your mouth, Charles had trapped you between him and the wall, and on this moments he was so happy that he was an athlete.
You could feel that One off his hands sneaked upwards trying to open your bathrobe.
´´ no no Charlie ´´ you slapped his hands away from your bathrobe while you broke the kiss. Your head overloading with ideas. And one perfectly matched.
´´oh. Didn’t knew you were in charge´´ Charles smirked, that goddamn cocky bastard.
You softly pushed yourself away from the wall before jumping out Charles his arms.
´´what are you-´´ Charles frowned slightly before you pushed him backwards.
´´ come on sit ´´ you patted the edge off the bed. Charles wasn’t a person that loved to obey someone but today, he wanted to give you a chance.
´Your hands slowly moved up and down his chest and his breathing was already gaining up in speedy mode.
You slowly took a step backwards, your hands made a way to the knot in your bathrobe before untying it. The bathrobe perfectly fell from your shoulders, completely exposing your body in the brand new red and gold lingerie set.
It was the set you got from Charles, and he was always complaining about it. He wanted to see you in it.
´´ fuck... so pretty baby´´ Charles breath out, and just completely sat there, admiring your body. his hands came up to feel your body, almost as if he was dreaming this.
´´ fucking hell baby. you look so so good in red baby´´
And yes it was such a beautiful set! The bralette just covering enough off your boobs, it perfectly hugged your skin and it made your body look like you were on fire, but you still felt insecure about it.
Before Charles could talk again you took place on his lap, facing him and Each leg beside his. His mouth hung open and his eyes are locking in with yours.
´´you look so good baby.. Fuck your driving me crazy´´ he repeated, his eyes scanning you up and down again before reaching out for your hands. he could tell you a thousand times how good you looked.
´´feel what you do to me baby´´ he blushed, his hands took yours to his chest. Placing it on his chest so you could feel his heart beating.
´´fuck i cant take my eyes off you. and im so proud to call you mine´´
´´don’t stare so much Charles.. that’s rude´´ you chuckled but he definitely could hear the in secureness in your voice.
´´’don’t see what’s wrong with your body, your perfect the way you are I’m just disappointed that you don’t know how gorgeous you are´´ Charles smiled while one of his finger traced your jawline.
´´ its just.. i think i could be a little more .. trimmed´´ you sighed while looking down.
´´ Cherrie i love your body, everything you ´hate´ about it is what drives me crazy.´´ Charles smiled before softly grabbing your jaw, making you to look at him.
´´fuck you don’t know how many people in the paddock are looking at you when you enter i almost feel jealous the way they look at you´´ he told you. His eyes searching for yours before he brought you in a big long hug
Its almost weird how comfortable you felt yourself in his arms, it immediately felt safe
´´you don’t have to be shy or insecure around me okay? Your my perfect girl and i want you to feel special baby.´´ Charles smiled before he placed his hands on your waist, he adjusted you a little bit better on his crotch before his hands started to roll your hips over his crotch.
´´ mhm fuck Charlie´´ you breath out while you hid your face in his neck. Planting a few kisses in his neck while his hands kept rolling your hips.
Charles his hand shooed to your ass before grabbing the back of your thong, pulling it a bit upwards what made you moan. He pulled it backwards so it was more pressuring your clit and once his hands started moving your hips again you could only moan in his ear.
You have done this so much together, just like two honry teenagers. Grinding on each other, he even made you ride a pillow in front off him because you didn’t dropped your attitude.
´´fuck Charles please i need you so badly´´ you say while kissed his neck.
´´ you sure Cherrie?´´ Charles asked you, he waited 3 months long for his moment. But he had too make sure that you wanted this just as bad as he wanted.
´´ yes Charlie I’m ready and i want you now´´ you smiled while you tried to hide the blush that was coloring your cheeks.
´´ then you don’t hear me complaining, do you want me to be in charge Cherrie´´ Charles was always so caring and it really made your heart melt.
´´ you please. Please please pl-´´ before you could finish Charles connected your lips with his´. His tongue was exploring your mouth while he was quick in flipping you over so he was hanging on top of you, one of his hands came upwards to push the hair that had fallen in front off your face behind your ear before reaching his destination around your throath. He squeezed it gently but enough to make you head go fuzzy.
He took this as a opportunity to get more power over your body, he tilted your jaw up, placing kisses alongside it while his hand is still around your throat. And he clearly enjoyed the feeling when you swallowed.
´´ open that pretty mouth Cherrie´´ Charles demanded you, you were really quick in obeying. You opened your mouth and sticked out your tongue. A string spit quickly followed from Charles his mouth to yours.
´´now swallow it like a good girl´´ Charles breath out. The feeling off your throat moving underneath his hand gave him a powerful feeling. Small whimpers and whines were heard as he licked a stipe down your neck. Charles moved his attention lower, trailing more kissed to the exposed parts off your neck, before sucking a hickey.
You and Charles talked a lot about sex, so knew you that Charles loved to be in control but also loved your mouth, and he quickly knew that you loved it to got treated as a bad girl.
His mouth was lowering to the straps of your bra before grabbing one in his mouth. He carefully shoved it down your shoulder, the feeling of his stubble and the warm breathing on your exposed chest were giving you goosebumps.
When they both were hanging loose around your shoulders he easily flipped you around, his body still towering above you while he settled both knees on the outside of your thighs.
His both hands came down, his fingers tracing from your neck down, over your shoulders down to your bra, too your waist and stopping by your ass.
´´ such a beautiful back baby´´ Charles mumbled before pushing his hips forward, pressing his crotch against your ass, you could feel the outlines of his harding dick against your ass. Each off his hands layed on one of your ass cheeks before gently squeezed it.
´´oh god please... Charlie do something´´ you whined.
´´ I’m going to show you´´ he says while running his hands up and down over your bra before taking it off. ´´ who your god is Cherrie´´ he continued.
His fingers were playing with the end off your thong while he bended down and licked one long stripe up from your ass to your neck.
´´mmhm Cherrie turn around´´ he said while he hangs in a high plank above you.
And so you did, pushing yourself upwards just like a push up before coming up with your knee to help you. Your ass perfectly pushing against his crotch before you could turn around.
It made you both laugh because it seemed easier then it was. And just for a second you didn’t realized that your boobs were fully exposed to him.
´´ such as beautiful as i thought Cherrie´´ he smiled and leaned down to give you a quick kiss, his mouth immediately wandering down, to your jawline, neck and slowly down to your breasts. His tongue painfully slow running over your nipple before giving it a quick suck.
´´ please char do something, i cant- just cant wait any longer. I really need you´´ you whined out, your eyes were almost glued to his arms, those veins that were running over his arm, they looked like they were going to explode.
´´ you want my fingers baby?´ ´Charles groaned
´´ mhm´´
´´ come on use your words Cherrie, where do you want them´´
´´please inside me.. please daddy´´ you could see Charles swallowing by the nickname ´daddy´ even tho he never wanted to admit that he liked it.
He settled himself on his knees between your legs, after his hand quickly made work off your thong.
´´ spread your legs wider princess´´ Charles told you. He could see the scariness in your eyes and it wasn’t easy to just spread them, but you trusted him.
His finger easily found his way down to your already wet pussy, his fingers dipping into your wetness, spreading it over your pussy before circling his finger pad on your clit.
´´ so wet already´´ Charles mumbled ´´ come on darling let me hear you´´
It was scared but you tried to take your mind off that, the way charles his fingers perfectly circled over your clit made you already see stars.
´´fuck yes Charles!´´ you moaned out. Hands gripping the sweets. Nails digging into the fabric.
His finger teased your entrance before giving in and slowly inserted his finger.
´´fuck you feel so good already baby, cant wait to feel you clenching around my dick´´ charles moaned
Charles was definitely a talker in bed, and fuck that was so hot. The way he can turn you on so easily just by words.
His finger started pumping in and out you, those hands can make a woman dream so easily.
he brought his thumb to your clit. Circling it over your sensitive bud The squelching sound of your wetness reached your ears while he pumps his finger in and out you.
His thumb sets a faster pace on your clit, making your toes curl and your nails dig into your hand palm.
‘’ that’s it princess’’ he said while adding another finger , curling them upwards, making sure the pads of his finger where touching that sweet spot inside you, your body begins to shake, your walls clenching around his fingers.
‘’your going to make a mess on my fingers princess?’’ you nod while moaning heavily.
‘’’yes .. yes char.. I’m s-so close’’ your mind falls blank, just feeling and hearing his fingers inside you, touching constantly the sweet spot that was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
And then it just hits you, your back arched off the bed, goosebumps all over your body, toes curled while you moaned Charles his name.
Charles gave you a little bit time, his hands slightly massaged your upper thighs
´´ I’m not done yet baby, I know that you easily could have a second run without a brake´´ Charles winked before diving into your dripping pussy. His tongue perfectly lapping your clit while he pushed 2 fingers inside you, his fingers angled a little bit upwards. Making sure to hit your G-spot inside you.
‘’oh fuck ..’’ a slightly louder moan had slipped out, suddenly as his nose dragged over your clit perfectly while his tongue continued to make your toes curl.
He hummed in appreciation of your praise, sending vibrations through your core before he moved his lips to your clit, managing to slip a finger inside you.
‘’ come on princess, let the neighbors hear who you belong to’’ he practically cooed up at you, not wasting any time in adding a second finger, pumping them in and out you in a fast pace.
‘’ oh god charlie.. ‘’ you moaned out, stomach twisting. His lips where back at your clit, causing you to roll your eyes back. He did everything right every time, his fingers stretching you out did not make a wrong move as they thrusted in and out you, his tongue flicked perfectly over your sensitive bud.
´´ you taste so good Cherrie´´ Charles mumbled
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, the knot in your stomach was already forming while Charles settled the pace even higher.
‘’char.. I’m c-close’’
‘’your not allowed to cum baby, keep it in I know you can’’ Charles commanded you.
His fingers perfectly hitting your G-spot while his mouth and tongue were perfect in stimulating your clit.
‘’i-i- cant ..’’ you breath out.
‘’you cant what?’’’ he asked you while he took his mouth off you.
‘’im so close I cant h-hold it’’
Charles didn’t wanted you to finish that quick because he had all the time to make you feel special. He took carefully his fingers out before licking them clean
´´you taste always so good baby´'he smiled before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
‘’you did so good baby’’ he whispered.
*not a while later* ( small time skip, don’t know what to put here XD)
You turned his hand slowly before you pressed the tips on his middle and ring finger against your lips, you gave them a kiss before slowly wrapping your lips around them.
A grunt rumbled through his chest as both fingers sat in your wet mouth, tongue running between and around them. You pulled them out before pushing them right back in, lips tight around them as you slowly moved your head back and forth.
Your hand drifted towards his waistband, Charles was quick in grabbing your hands.
´´let me help you please Charlie´´´ He was making sure you 100% wanted to, and not the feeling you had to. Charles was quick in letting your hands go as you dragged his pants down his muscular thighs. Leaving him in his tight white Calvin’s.
Painfully slow you pulled his Calvin’s down, his hard cock slapping against his lower stomach, the tip coated completely in pre cum. Charles had propped himself up on his elbows to be able to look at you.
´´mhm so big char´´ you blushed.
You teasingly pressed a kiss onto his tip, watching it as it twitched and smiled to Charles who had already his eyes closed in anticipation.
´´ mhm fuck baby you know you don’t have too right´´ you only hummed in responds before your lips closed around his tip. A hissing sound left Charles his mouth, this was the first time he had you around his dick.
Your mouth was slowly bobbing up and down, spit dripping from the tip down his shaft.
Charles thought he was dreaming this. Fuck you were so perfect and just what he imagined
You kept bobbing your head up and down, charles was big but you managed to fit it all. You had no idea what to do so you kept repeating your movements.
‘��your doing it amazing baby- so goo-d’’ Charles moaned one hand intertwined with your hair helping you to hold your hair out off the way.
´´ tu le fais si bien ma princesse´ ( your doing it so good my princess) charles moaned out when the tip hitted the back off your throat.
You sped up your movements a bit in witch charles twitched. Moans filled the room and gosh it sounded so good.
You clenched your thighs together trying to get some friction. Even tho you had the most mind blowing orgasm 5 minutes ago you felt yourself so horny. Your body was feeling hot and it was almost if you could cum without even touching yourself.
Charles his hand came down to your head his fingers intertwined with your hair trying to make a swift ponytail.
´´'is this okay baby.. Fuck!´´ he cursed when you took him down your Throat
´´look at me baby.. fuck those eyes..´´ you followed his instructions while you kept sucking him. When you made eye contact you could only moan.
But before you knew it charles gently tugged you off his dick. And all you could do is whine.
´´stop whining so much or i will make you whine baby girl´´
´´ make me.´´ you told him, your bottom lip tugged between your teeth. You had no idea where the confidence came from but you needed to say it.
´´oh?´´ he smirked before leaning down and almost swallowing your lips. His tongue danced against yours. His hands grabbed the back off your thighs before turning you around, making you lay against the headboard on your back.
His mouth found once again your neck, sucking a hickey. His hand came down to his dick before his tip runned up and down your folds.
´´merde tellement mouillé pour moi´ ( fuck, so wet for me) he groaned before he looked at you.
´´you still sure you want this baby?´´ he asked you.
´´yes yes yes charles please ... please i need you to fill me up please´´ you begged him, your legs slammed around his waist trying to pull him closer.
He was slow and made sure you were okay. He slowly pushed his dick inside you, making you moan out loudly. The tight feeling made charles see stars too.
The way he filled you up was perfectly, the stretch, the sound and not to forget the feeling it was so amazing. His dick already Pressing against your G spot as he stilled his movements, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
´´fuck you feel so so good and tight baby´´ charles groaned. his fingers digging into your hip making you move a bit.
´´fuck baby´´ charles groaned ´´are you okay baby?´´
´´yes Charles please.. just fuck me” you moaned, rolling your hips into his making him groan.
You could feel Charles twitched at your words, his hips gaining speed. Your mind falling blank at the feeling. His dick perfectly hitting your G-spot making your eyes roll back in your head.
‘’fuck, eyes here darling’’ he muttered between the heavy breaths, one of his hands were on your throat, his finger pads digging into the skin. Making your eyes rolling back even more.
‘’I said eyes here princess” he corrected you, his hand was on your neck to hold you in place when the other one rested beside your head.
He had you under his grip, moaning at his touch and begging him to keep going. His lips kissing and pinching at your skin as loud moans escaped your mouth, his trust became harder and harder.
But out of nowhere he stopped, trying to catch his breath while pulling out you.
“Don’t stop Charlie pleas-“ you whined
‘’ get on all fours baby’’ charles commanded you,´´ get on all fours don’t make me tell you again´´
You were quick in obeying him, you felt 2 hands grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge. Making your knees hit the small couch that was standing before the bed while your chest was on the edge off the bed while Charles settled himself behind you.
He got quickly his pace back, hitting every sweet spot inside you, your pussy clenching around him making it even tighter then it was, he spanked your ass having you jolting forward. A load moan escaped your mouth when he slapped you again, harder this time
‘’please charles.. don’t stop.. I really want you’’ you whined out
At that moment he thrusted his hips into yours making sure to fill you full, before pulling out to the tip and slamming in again.
‘’fuck so tight.. ‘he breathed out. He laced his fingers through your hair, pulling it to his chest, so your chest was raised off the bed. With every thrust from charles in his new position, your hips were slamming against the bed edge, causing you pain but the feeling inside you barley even allowed you to register it in your mind.
You let a small giggle at his words ‘’you act like you didn’t like it but we both knew that was a lie’’ he pushed you back onto the bed, his hand that was in your hair was coming down to your neck, his finger slowly wrapping it around your neck as the other was grabbing your hip.
“Fuck you look so good with my dick inside you baby” he groaned
You were grabbing onto the bed so hard that your knuckles were turning white. Charles picked up his pace and with every thrust he was getting deeper than you even knew was possible.
“Ah- I’m so close-“ you breath out, your hands grabbing the sheets digging your nails into the fabric.
“I’m gonna cum” Charles moaned in your ear.
The knot in your belly grew bigger and bigger and before you knew you felt your orgasm take over you as he continued to thrust into you at a steady pace allowing you to ride out your high. Once your orgasm was complete you felt him fill you up.
“ you did amazing my cherrie”
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
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second, never first
part nine | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, kissing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 1800+
a/n: @matthewsturnioloswifey i have been trying to tag you in my posts but its not finding your account so sorry!!!
chris and i spent the night figuring out way to make annas blood boil, although in the back of my mind i knew it was wrong. i wont make any excuses as to say im in the right for doing this, but you have to see it from both perspectives.
anna only ever saw our friendship as a challenge. she always needed to be on top.
was i envious of her way with boys? one hundred percent.
did i see her as competition? never.
she was my best friend up until she told me to let the door hit me on the way out.
chris and i arrived at school as normal. we got a few stares from people as we were walking in together and we knew immediately anna told everyone. anna had a weird power over the school and could instantly start a rumor about anyone and get the word out, fast.
it came as no surprise me nor chris that we were getting dirty looks, whispered about and giggles as we walked by. this was all apart of our plan. prove anna right.
weird system i know but it made sense to chris. the plan was the ultimately just piss anna off enough to stop harassing us and give up. so we had to play the perfect couple act. for now were just walking in to school and ignoring the stares and moving on with life as a “happy couple”.
“ill see you at lunch.” chris says to me when we get my my bio class. he gives me a peck on the cheek and walks away.
see. simple.
lunch rolls around and we meet up at my car. “y/n your one hell of an actress, every guy on my team is asking when and how did i get you to date me.” he proudly says. “i guess im the best fake girlfriend ever.” i breathe looking straight out of the window of my car with both hands on the wheel. for chris this was all an act, for me i was living out my dream. although none of it was real. i knew this game we were playing was going to end up with my feelings for him stronger than ever.
“are you ok?” he snaps me out of my own head. “yeah sorry, what do you wanna get for lunch?”
after school my phone was flooded with texts of all of my now ex friends calling me a snake, a home wrecker and even going as far to call me a whore. while all of these allegations were true on the outside they could not be farther from the truth.
chris invited me over after school to continue helping him with history since he did well after i helped him the first time. i never anticipated the questions from his brothers.
“you guys arent dating for real are you?”
“how did this even happen?”
“chris how could you cheat on anna?”
“ok you two can calm down, we will explain.” chris says to matt and nick.
“were not actually dating, anna accused us of hooking up behind her back when we had that movie night this weekend. after that y/n went to her house and she was a complete bitch to her so were pretending to be in a relationship to piss her off even more.” chris explains.
“you guys do know how anna works right?” nick asks. “nick i was her best friend for 6 years, so yes i know she will try to destroy me.” i state. “well as long as you both know what your in for im good with it.” nick says clapping. “anna needs to be taken down a notch, i saw how she constantly treated you. all of the guys on our team always asked why you were never available but i now realize anna was constantly lying to them.” matt says.
“what do you mean not available?” i say. “guys would always ask anna if you were available and she would constantly say no. thats why no guys have ever approached you.” chris explains. “chris you knew about this the whole time and never told me.” i ask
“no one ever talked to me about it because we became so close this year. matt told me today.” he defends.
“im so sorry y/n if i knew she was lying to all the guys i would have said something earlier. i completely support whatever you have planned for anna.” he says.
“well thank you for telling me.”
me and chris walk upstairs to get started on the history tutor session. i get out my books and the flashcards i made for him. “these are for you. they cover all of the terms we learned this unit.” i breathe handing them to him. “thanks.” he says giving me a warm smile.
we work on reading the definitions for the flash cards and then i started quizzing him. chris was a fast learner he just never applied himself before.
“civil rights” i ask holding the flash card in front of him. “a right or rule that has to be followed?” he answers unsure of himself. “were getting there.” i smile. “can we please take a break y/n i actually might light all of my leg hair on fire if i have to do this for any longer.” he requests.
“sure, you did a lot better during the second round of cards.” i say trying to encourage him.
“your the only person who makes me feel like i can be smarter, you know that.” he says studying my face.
i just stay still as he keeps starring at me.
“what are looking at.” i say gently pushing his head to the side and we both chuckle. i get up putting away all of the study material and hop back on his bed grabbing my phone from his side table.
chris doesnt move from his position and is just sitting on the edge of his bed very creepily. “what are you thinking about?”
“you have never kissed anyone.” he blurts
“yeah. thats what your thinking about?”
“how are we supposed to convince anyone were dating if your a bad kisser?”
“what.” he is confusing me at this point. “i have to teach you how to kiss y/n.” he turns around to face me. “chris-“ he cuts me off “anna wont believe were dating if we dont kiss in front of her or anyone at school.” he explains.
“ok then teach me.” i confidently sit up.
“well for one you cant sit with your shoulders so tight. you need to relax.” he puts his hands on my shoulders. i drop them and take a deep breath.
there was literally no way i was about to have my first kiss at 17 years old with chris sturniolo. the guy i have been dreaming about for months now. i never anticipated being this scared for someones face to come so close with mine yet here i am, scared as shit of what is about to happen.
“ok just relax your arms around my neck.” he instructs. i follow his lead as he places his hands on my waist and positions himself.
inch by inch he moves closer to my face, i just close my eyes and focus on my breathing. “y/n you need to relax im not going to do anything your not comfortable with. i promise.” he pauses.
“im sorry, im extremely nervous ive never dont this before.” i mumble. i take another deep breath and my mind starts racing.
my thoughts are put to a pause as his lips fall on mine. i immediately tense up, “relax” he says pulling away for a second and goes back in. just a quick peck, this wasnt too hard.
he pulls away and our bodies separate, “are you ok with more?” he asks. i nod in response grinning ear to ear. he smiles and leans back in. he pushes his lips to mine and i move back, “whats wrong?”
“nothing i just dont know what to do with my hands.” i chuckle. “just keep them behind my head for now, you will get more comfortable with them the more we do it.” he says leaning in for more. we continue kissing and i lift my arms up behind him and gently grab either side of his neck. he grabs my waist with one hand and moves the other to my cheek. i tilt my head slightly into his palm and move my hands to his hair. he breathes into the kiss deepening it and then pulls back.
“your good at this.” i blurt out, almost in a haze aa i fein for his lips back on me.
“thank you.” he chuckles and lets go of me “im going to kiss you again but im going to add tongue. dont get intimidated, just follow my lead.” he explains and i nod. he connects our lips again this time the kiss is deeper.
we continue at a steady pace and he places a hand on the back of my head and i do the same. he smiles at my innocence and breathes heavier.
he slips his tongue in my mouth and i gasp at the new feeling and kissed him harder. i move one of my hands on to his chest and use the other to pull us closer. kissing felt like i was cloud nine. i loved it.
he pulls away and i sign at the loss of his touch. he just stares at me while breathing heavy. “am i bad at this?” i ask wondering if thats why he pulled away.
“no kid your great for it being your first time.” he says smiling. “do you think you got the hang on this?” he says. i just shrug my shoulders, he hums in response. “one more cant hurt.” i say eagerly leaning into him. he catches the memo and places one of his hands on my lower back and i hum into the kiss. i move my body slightly closer to his and put my hand on his chest. he slips his tongue in once more and i feel him swipe his tongue along my bottom lip. hungry for more i move my hand under his shirt and move the other on the side of his face and he smiles in to the kiss once more.
ring ring ring
my phone goes off and we pull apart, chris grabs it and shows me that its my mom calling.
any other time she could have called me and she picks right now?
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry @stunza @realuvrrr @jennss23 @tubl-mc
a/n: who enjoyed that oneee????
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dangopango00 · 4 months
Abyss Razor x gn reader
Prompt: yall r madly in love he has a crush on youuu (boyfail situationship hcs more like tbh)
A/N: sorry if this is rambly i cant live like this i keep rereading the same 4 or 5 posts over and over again ive been waiting for like a year and im getting teased with the tip PLEASEEE WRITE HIM 😭😭🤞 i cant ever escape the ‘nobodys fave but mine’ curse help
Ily losermen
Ily high ponytail men
Ily abyss razor
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more utc
- Im gonna jump he is so kewt. Idek what to say im just ill
- You’d probably often compliment his eyes and you have this image that hes so calm and collected— which he is! But! Not with you! So every conversation with you is him just fighting for his life trying to look cool and not implode at the same time
- ^^^ THIS is one thing. But what really gets him falling for you is when you get a bit closer and have a talk with him, telling him in no uncertain terms that he’ll always have someone to return to if others are cruel because you won’t be leaving him
- Gives you things VERY often, usually little things because hed die if he had to directly give you a gift and then have to explain why, so he shows his affection in little ways like letting you have his best pencils and pens if you need it (lets you keep it too)
- oh he absolutely loses it if he sees you continue to use his pen hes so touched that you’re taking good care of what he gives you it shows that it means a lot to you and that he means a lot to you
- The only actual gift he gives you during this stage are things he has an excuse for like origami (idk why but i feel like he makes cool ass origami) he can just say he made too many so hes giving them away yet you and maybe Abel are the only ones who received some…
- He wants so badly to be useful to you he gets so flustered and happy just hearing you say thanks when he answers your question about the assignment or when he lends you his materials
- Immediately stiffens when you make any sort of contact. Dont stop though, he can count the times hes been hugged on one hand
- Speaking of his touch starvation, he’d let you play with his hair and looks forward to it tbh he’d just rather not initiate anything it’s too much for his heart
- If you have him take down his hair and play with it (like braid it or try different hairstyles) he’d feel so content; ofc he’s nervous but at the same time he just feels so at peace as if it’s only you two in the world and all the people who have ever wronged him never existed in the first place
- He’s a little bit delulu, i fear
- He gets so nervous texting and calling you bc what if you tell him ily. No that could never happen. Wait but what if it did— do you see his dilemma?
- He’s a chronic overthinker and in a way its a bit sweet because he used to worry about you randomly saying you didn’t want to be friends with him but now he wouldn’t even consider that possibility; it just no longer enters his mind
- He’d also find himself drifting off, losing himself in thought and end up daydreaming about if you two were in a relationship
- It’s very innocent, it’s just you two being cute and going places together while holding hands and such until it drifts even further to imagining you two kissing
- His face is on fire and he has to stop thinking NOW but hes in too deep hes imagining kissing ice cream off the side of your mouth and other cliches like that it’s so over
- Abel wondering wth is wrong with his right hand; all he said was that he was going to make mother happy by doing his homework today meanwhile Abyss can no longer be normal
- The kissing is just his guilty pleasure but Abyss constantly imagines holding hands with you like if you walk too close to him his hands will get clammy and his fingertips will get cold because he wants to hold your hand but is scared to initiate it
- God forbid you actually hold his hand even for a second while he’s having his entire internal monologue. He will die. You killed him. How could you?
- He won’t let go though like. Ever . Handholding is his favorite thing 5ever and as soon as he gets a taste he’s hooked
- He likes handholding so much that if you held his hand enough times then one time he’d accidentally grab your hand and initiate for once (immediately gets flustered after but it counts)
- Really really REALLY likes when u trace over his magic lines. Ruins his life everytime and he just melts in your touch; subconsciously leans in and his face softens and EVERYTHING
- Ok i wasn’t gonna say it bc itd probably involve sm sneaking but: Sleepovers. IM JUST SAYING 🤞🤞🤞 I feel like this is where most of the softer moments happen tbh like your roommate being out and you two have a sleepover
- I think this is where the playing with his hair and tracing the lines on his face would happen if not this then when you’re bored in class
- Not a fan of PDA even if ur not dating so he does play with your hair but usually during the sleepovers if you’ll allow him (not quite trying new hairstyles like you do but letting it fall through his fingers, running his hands through it or just rubbing the ends with his fingers to feel how soft it is)
- If you are bald he would slightly hold the back of your head and rub your temples with his thumb to help you relax
- Idk ik i just went on about how hes a loser but I feel like when it comes to affection relating to hair or like anything not affectionate in a cliche sense he doesn’t really pay attention and does it without thinking; only realizes its too affectionate if you point it out (please do not, he feels very comfortable right now. He will stop and never do it again if you point it out)
- You have a lot of deep talks and give him encouraging words during sleepovers tbh it just gives you both time to just… enjoy each other uninterrupted
- Sometimes instinctually distances himself from you because you make his heart do somersaults and his head feels like it’ll explode around you though he doesn’t last long, he needs you with him everyday atp 😭
- Although the above is true, sometimes he gets clingy ish (just by your side all the time) and protective over you even knowing you aren’t his
A/N: a ridonkulous amount of these r based on things ive done erm. Ok. Ig next thing i should write is him with an equally loser gf i def fit the bill LOL
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loveydovey-leviathan · 7 months
(hi im the one that asked abt teen!reader) thanks for ur answer !! :D i’m 17 myself so i didn’t intend to send in anyth w a younger reader haha ^^
my req was that i wanted to ask for hcs w the cast abt how they’d react to (teen) reader fawning over their crush (from the human world LOL), it’s platonic either way so i’m not sure if adding teen here makes a difference.. 🤔
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obey me x gn! teen! reader
a/n: -> written as platonic. had a lot of fun doing this request! i feel like the core difference when adding teen to the mix instead of an implied adult reader is that the bros would definitely be more protective. if mc/reader is an adult who has a crush on some random human, then they wouldn't be as scrutinizing of them.
cw: ooc. brothers only (minus satan). a lot of repeating words and sentences
He jokes about seeing his little siblings as babies still, but there is definitely an element of truth to them.
When he first finds out about your little crush, he kind of just shrugs it off. It's normal for people to develop little crushes every now and again.
But he starts getting slightly irritated when he hears you fawning. Despite that, he makes sure to listen to you.
If he worries that it might be getting serious, he makes sure to give you a lecture about what you deserve talk to you.
He isn't going to stop you from having a crush but if he thinks they're not good for you, you'll be hearing from him a lot lol.
If they hurt you in some way, they will be facing... certain repercussions.
If you want to visit them, he is not the brother you should ask because he'll most likely say no unless it's a really dire emergency.
Overall, pretty chill considering how overprotective he is as long as he deems them worthy of someone he cares about.
He's freaking out.
Definitely the brother who spoils and makes time to hang out with you the most, so when he hears about your crush, he becomes a goddamn investigator.
Keeps asking questions about what they like, what they do in their free time, how much you like them. Once he's finished with the interrogation, he side-eyes you like you just told him you loved rainbow pizza (he finds that shit disgusting).
He's so annoying about your crush, I'm sorry. Whenever you bring them up in a conversation, he makes sure to complain and roll his eyes.
If you want to visit them, he's your go-to big bro. It does not take a lot of convincing to make him teleport you to a hang-out.
But even if he is a little shit about it, he still makes sure to listen carefully when you talk about them and reminds you that they "better be treatin' you right".
Him and Asmo are the best to talk to about your crush. They WILL listen no matter what.
As long as you listen about his crushes, he's more than happy to listen about yours.
If you're crush is someone you can hang out with and not like a celebrity crush, he lowkey gets kinda jealous 'cuz all of his crushes are either fictional or really popular, so he doesn't get to do that not like he would have the guts to anyway.
Will not put in the effort to help you in visiting them, but he will buy a bunch of equipment so you can talk to them through facetime and gaming (it comes with a pretty heavy price though).
He's so happy that you have someone to like in that way <3
Your talks last for literal hours into the night. If you're into make-up, nail art or skin care, he'll definitely help you when the two of you gossip.
He has the juiciest details in his relationships and will tell you almost everything, but he won't push you to do the same.
As much as he likes to have fun, he probably gives the most solid advice and encourages you to go for it the most out of the rest of his brothers.
He won't help you visit the human world though. Too much work.
Is the most nonchalant about the whole thing.
As long as you give him something to eat, he'll listen to you simp.
Isn't really interested in your crush but he makes note of the important things like how they treat you and what they like just in case he meets them.
If they hurt you, he won't do anything rash because he doesn't want to embarrass you, but he'll push you to try and let go.
If he thinks they're nice, he won't really mention asking them out officially and just reckons you'll do it in your own time.
Doesn't give much input and mostly quietly listens, other than a few nods, hums, burps and growls here and there.
He'll help you visit the human world if you give him the right food. If it's not good enough, he won't do much and deems it too much trouble. Lucifer might put him on dinner duty and force him to not "taste-test" the food.
He is the worst listener of all. He does not care in the slightest.
Any time you rant to him about the person you like, he will fall asleep in 2 minutes flat.
The only time he'll put effort into anything that has to do with your crush is when they make you sad. He's lazy as shit but it's for you so he'll attempt to make your crush's life a very big minor inconvenience for a few days as revenge. He'll also try to convince you to join him btw.
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