#I only have 10 of the usual 16 characters for a killing game... so I guess I could add more and make one of them the victim
multishipper-baby · 2 years
I still haven't thought that much about the death order in my DR AU so maybe I should consider that a bit more
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yuzurujenn · 7 months
[2023.11.11] AERA Special Edition - 100 Q&A with Yuzuru Hanyu
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1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
This morning? 12:30pm.
2. Is it always like that?
It’s usually around 6pm.
3. The first words uttered when you wake up in the morning. Is it “sleepy”?
“Sleepy” maybe.
4. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning.
Put away the futon.
5. The last thing you ate.
Tofu! It was a cold one.
6. The ideal way to spend your holidays.
Wake up, play games, and sleep (laughs). Then, um, wake up again, eat when I’m hungry, lie down and go back to sleep again.
7. The ideal breakfast.
I wonder.. break and milk.
8. What kind of dinner makes you excited?
9. What do you keep in mind to manage your physical condition?
I keep additives at a minimum. It’s hard to avoid them, but I’m trying to reduce it.
10. How do you spend your time on the shinkansen? Check SNS? Sleep?
11. A dream you had recently.
It’s a scary one, I had a dream of jumping into the lake.
12. Why the lake?
I was being chased by some scary people, their faces were covered in mosaics. Felt like these people were trying to kill me, so I jumped into a lake.
13. What would you end up buying at the convenience store?
14. What kind of pudding you prefer? Firm or soft?
15. Favourite app.
App. I wonder what it is, Pass! I can’t say (laughs).
16. Do you drink alcohol?
I can’t drink alcohol. Allergy.
17. What do you want to be if you are reborn?
Human! Preferably myself.
18. Sweet things, spicy things, bitter things, and sour things. Which do you like?
I guess something sweet.
19. When you’re feeling down, what do you do?
Just dance according to the music.
20. Mountain or sea, which do you prefer?
21. If you could shout something from the top of the mountain?
“Yay!” Or something? Hahaha.
22. Who do you talk to when you are feeling troubled?
Myself. Or listen to music.
23. Favourite time of the day.
5 or 6 o’clock in the morning.
24. Why that time of the day?
It depends on the seasons, but the sun will rise around this time. On cloudy days, although the sun will rise, it will be a bit dim. But it’s not a sinking feeling, since it’s sunrise, I like that kind of gloomy morning.
25. Frequently used emoji.
What is it? Cry 😭! (Use both hands to express). I use this a lot.
26. Favourite animal.
27. If you were to get a cat, what name would you give it?
Milk. Because what comes to mind right now is a white cat.
28. Yuzuru Hanyu expressed in one kanji character.
Well, this is a difficult question. I’ll leave this for later!
29. What do you do to boost your spirit?
Take caffeine.
30. How do you take it?
I will drink something, like energy drink.
31. A habit you want to fix.
Staying up late.
32. What’s a word you always end up saying?
Sou desu ne (Indeed/I See).
33. Do you believe in fortune telling?
I do. Hehe.
34. A place you would like to go.
Ise Jingu and Izumo Taisha.
35. Have you been there before?
I went to Ise Jingu once on my way home from an ice show. It was amazing, I felt a lot of energy and power there. I want to go there again.
36. Favourite place?
37. What’s good about Sendai?
It’s a place where the city and forest can co-exist.
38. Speaking of Sendai?
39. What would you do if you had a different job for just one day?
Occupation? One day only. Um, programmer!
40. Do you have any programming experience?
I took programming classes when I was in college, and I’ve been doing it a little bit since. I think it would be fun to do something like that.
41. If you have 10 minutes free time?
Play game!
42. What game?
Now I’m playing “Fire Emblem”.
43. The best movie you’ve seen.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
44. Something that makes you think “This is just impossible”.
Bell pepper.
45. An episode with bell pepper.
During the ice show the other day the hotel caterer served us curry. During the show, before the actual performance, I can’t eat curry at all because it’s a bit heavy for me. However, I thought I might be able to eat it before rehearsal the night before, so I went to eat it and found that it had bell pepper in it. I was in shock, I couldn’t recover from it. Even though it’s curry, it had bell pepper in it! There were only red and yellow bell peppers (laughs).
46. Do you prefer to eat your favourite food first, or last?
Divide it, and eat it the first and the last.
47. Your favourite dagashi (penny candy).
Um, gummies. Are gummies dagashi? Not sure?
48. Would you put them as dagashi?
And then, there’s that soda candy. Big one. Tastes like cola. Sometimes with gum in them. I like that.
49. Something that surprised you recently.
Nothing much. However, that dream surprised me though, I was thinking “I’m going to be killed” (laughs)
50. Is there anything surprised you in real life?
Ah yes, bugs! Just at the entrance of my house, there was a relatively rare scarab called the Polyphylla albolineata (Motschulsky). I poked it with my hand to see what it was, and it made a loud sound, which shocked me (laughs). First time seeing that kind of bug.
51. Favourite scent?
I like chamomile and jasmine.
52. Favourite bento side dish?
Karaage (fried chicken).
53. Favourite tea?
Early grey.
54. Favourite ingredient in miso soup?
55. Favourite onigiri filling?
Now I like kombu!
56. Favourite sandwich filling?
57. Favourite meat?
Pork belly!
58. Favourite drink?
Dr. Pepper.
59. Favourite colour?
It depends on the time and occasion, but right now it’s yellow-green.
60. Favourite manga?
What manga would I recommend. There are quite a few, but hmm, I wonder what is it now. Tokyo Ghoul, I guess.
61. Favourite flower?
I wonder... Hydrangea!
62. Artists you’re interested in recently?
I'm feeling troubled. I don’t want to say who is popular (laughs), but ah, what should I do. Mrs. GREEN APPLE!
63. Your favourite toy as a child?
Jungle gym.
64. Do you like being at the top?
I like the top. I think I fell down once when I was a kid though.
65. Were you okay?
It’s a small jungle gym for home use. I seemed to have hit somewhere. Hit the forehead.
66. Recommended Youtube channel?
“HANYU YUZURU” hahaha.
67. Important words?
Daijoubu (It’s okay).
68. The moment you felt glad that you were skating?
Probably when I could move as my heart dictates.
69. If you can only bring one thing with you to an uninhabited island?
Knife? As long as you have a knife, you can always find a way.
70. If you can take a week off starting tomorrow?
Play games!
71. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you want to eat?
Gyoza. It’s all about gyoza (laughs).
72. What would you buy as a gift for yourself?
73. Describe your personality in one word.
Well, weird. Hahaha.
74. Why do you feel you are like a weird person?
I didn’t feel like I was weird at all originally, but recently I took on a lot of various jobs, and when I was being interviewed, I thought, “I’m such a weirdo”.
75. What was the moment that you felt that being weird was good too?
Because I am weird, I think about many different things and observe and make progress from a different perspective than others. Based on this, I don’t think it is a derogatory term, but after all I was a bit shocked to realise I am different from others (laughs).
76. Favourite number.
77. Favourite novel.
キマイラ (Kimaira). I don’t reach much novels, but I’ve read quite a lot of the Kimaira series.
78. How big is the largest Pooh that you own?
(Opening his arms) About this big? It should be this big. Is it about 1 meter, or 80 centimetres?
79. What about the smallest Pooh?
That would be the Tsum-Tsum, the plastic kind, there’s a very small one, almost 2cm, the stacking kind.
80. If you’re not a figure skater, what would you be?
A baseball player. I liked baseball more (laughs).
81. A costume you want to try on for Halloween.
82. When did you have your first cell phone?
No, I don’t have one.
83. How do you check SNS?
Although I have been using an iPod touch, it has been discontinued. Now I’m using an iPhone without a SIM card. Since I’ve never used a cell phone, I don’t have a number.
84. If you could get one thing, what would it be?
I wonder. Hmm… I guess I rather get it on my own than receiving it.
85. What kind of nerd (otaku) are you?
86. What is your specialty dish?
Frozen gyoza (laughs).
87. What kind of illustrations are you good at?
I can’t draw Pooh. Ah, but I may have drawn all kinds of wings, and skates.
88. Things you tend to collect.
Just earphones, and gyoza (laughs).
89. Something you always keep in mind.
Never forget your original intention.
90. Words that you dislike.
Right. There is, but I wonder what it is. “Uncool” is definitely something I don’t want to be told.
91. A relaxing moment.
When I’m in the futon, lying on my stomach and squeezing the pillow.
92. How do you spend your birthday?
I was hardly in Japan for my birthday. There was always the Grand Prix Final, so when I couldn’t go, it’s usually because I was injured or sick.
93. On your 28th birthday after turning professional, how did you spend it?
I felt like it was the first time I could spend some time at home. Yeah. It’s like “I’m not fidgeting!” Moreover, I was not injured and not in a bad shape. That’s what I was thinking.
94. Were you also off work?
There’s a program called “Classic TV” with Shinya Kiyozuka, and there was a recording of it. However, even though there was a recording session, I was able to spend time at home.
95. You will be 29 years old this year. What kind of year would you like to have?
Well, for now, I would like to continue my research and study.
96. What kind of research and study?
Acting and expression techniques. I want to learn more about those things, and also learn more skating techniques.
97. What do you want to do when you turn 30?
For now, continue jumping quads. Like, “I can jump!” hahaha.
98. What will you be doing in 10 years?
I wonder if I will still be skating. My goal is to maintain my health and reduce the risk of injury as much as possible so that I can still skate 10 years from now.
99. Once again, “Yuzuru Hanyu” expressed in one kanji character.
Hmm. Core, I guess. I absolutely do not want to waver.
100. Lastly, what would you like to ask your fans?
Am I living up to your expectations?
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Info: https://x.com/AERAnetjp/status/1708679949245100224
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lorata · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
tagged by @bodyelectric77 :)
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
111, lol
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
1,389,833 on AO3 officially
3-What fandoms do you write for?
Hunger Games by a wide margin, and then if I get rid of the one-offs here are the fandoms I've written for at least twice:
Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins (75)
Temeraire - Naomi Novik (6)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (4)
Wynonna Earp (TV) (3)
Dragon Age (Video Games) (2)
King Lear - Shakespeare (2)
Wonder Woman (Movies - Jenkins) (2)
The Deed of Paksenarrion - Elizabeth Moon (2)
Star Wars Original Trilogy (2)
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (2)
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Slow Work (Steve/Bucky)
you can take the boy out of the desert (Luke Skywalker post-ANH)
Patience, Friend (Temeraire, Volly's hatching)
Embrace the Fire: The Avenger Games
welcome to your gory bed (Hunger Games, victor backstories)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really, really want to, because comments make me SO SO SO happy, and I occasionally have some wonderful people who go through and comment on every single thing I've written which is the DREAM -- but I don't always have the mental bandwidth to do it. So let me just say right now that if you've ever left a comment I have read it, and I loved it, and you made my day better.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh .... there are a lot. People can cast their votes on this one, but I'd say maybe Ambrosia or Don't Flinch?
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I had to leave THG for this one, lol. But I think Impossible Magic, which is a fix-it for the Enchanted Forest Chronicles that solves something that bugged me about a series I otherwise adore.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
the real ones will remember, lol. I had one specific reader who would leave, like, novel-length comments on every single chapter of every single fic about everything he hated / disagreed with. My favourite was the list of my D2 victors in order of who he hoped would get killed off from most to least (Petra was at the top and Emory was at the bottom SORRY MAN). I honestly don't know why he was still reading if everything annoyed him so much, lmao.
If ever I get a mean anon I delete it though. You won't catch me responding to anon hate.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not....... really. I write sex in very specific situations but it's usually to serve a purpose and I'm kind of ... vague about it, even when I think I'm being explicit (for me). I'm sure people could pick out sex written by me pretty easily. It's not exactly fade to black because that implies skipping to later, this is more like ... elisions, I guess.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Very famously, yes. I'm not sure what I'd consider the weirdest one. Temeraire / THG victors as dragons? Watership Down / THG rabbits?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Fanfic, no, I don't think so, but I have had original stories stolen and put up on Amazon. It's the reason I took down my FictionPress account and have all my original things locked on LJ / DW.
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have!
Я хочу увидеть тебя храброй | I wanna see you be brave
【授权翻译】Don't Flinch/无所畏惧 | Don't Flinch.
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, several! My usual co-conspirators are azelmaroark, @kawuli, @penfoldx and @xanify
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
96 out of my 111 fics on AO3 are gen, so that should give you my answer on that one, lol.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Never say never???? But sadly, probably the Portal/Emory's Games crossover if only because all the notes on the super complicated Arena were on a computer that died and I don't remember anything
16-What are your writing strengths?
Character and feelings, babeyyyyy. Also my hallmark is making people care (or at least think) about characters they absolutely despised before
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot is hard. Every time I think I've done something complicated I'll read a book by someone with an actual intricate plot and need to lie down for 500 hours
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Nah. Generally I use dialogue tags to tell the reader what language is being spoken
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, when I was 12, though it was just me and my bff. Dragon Ball Z was the first time I actually realized fandom was a Thing
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
I will always have a soft spot for Fixed to a Star, I think
tagging whoever wants to play -- I've been offline for a while so i don't know who's done it!
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annierosaart · 3 months
Ask game:
Fandom: RWBY 3, 19; Arknights 13, 15, 16.
Ship: FiaExu 10, 16; TexLapp 1, 9
Character: Exusiai 5, 7; Gavial 17, 20
Forgot to answer, my bad!
3 - ...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Weiss getting stabbed so Jaune could unlock his semblance. Yeah.
19 - ...one behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
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from the Volume 9 commentary. get this shit away from me.
Arknights: (presume when i say fanon, i mean the queerer part of it, not the very reddit part)
13 - ...which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
i've talked about how on the best of days i'm neutral towards FiaMos, and usually just don't like it, but here's a 'hot' take specifically for the side of the fandom i'm in:
PL just. does not read as a polycule to me. for various reasons i won't get into, you can DM me about it, but i'm really just meh on it, they don't feel close in that way.
also despite loving Mumu, SaMuel as an actual thing just doesn't do much for me, soz.
15 - ...which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
I think one that has the potential to end up being a meaningful death would be Hoshiguma or Swire. Note that I don't dislike them, far from it, I just think the death of either would shake things up for the LGD gang's dynamics in a compelling way.
16 - ...which character's death would (or did) make me rage-quit.
knowing Outcast's fate has made it difficult for me to start catching up on Act 2, haha. but not enough to rage-quit. if i had to say... Blaze. her hypothetically dying at this point would be for cheap shock value alone.
10 - ...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
on a scale of "regular" to "no media literacy" in stupid... burns ramen in the microwave. hopelessly pining, thinking the other has no interest in them, when it's mutual, extremely so. like lovers exchanging sexually charged letters in the 1800s.
16 - ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
brother there's barely that many to begin with. but!
Birdhouse In Your Soul by burstfoot on Ao3 (and tumblr! hi @burstfoot)
The movie was a pretense to curl up on the couch with you. by inRemote on Ao3 and tumblr as well, made for me as a gift!
aaand the Arknights Drabble Collection by wolfgirlsmooches, the FiaExu sections :3
... aand of course, the one I'm most proud of?
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1 - ...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
a tie between the sexually charged chocolate feeding (for obvious reasons) and the truck scene. the truck scene has a place in my heart specifically because it is the most direct homage Arknights has made to Yakuza/Lika A Dragon, specifically to Majima's various truck stunts!
9 - ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
what Kiryu and Majima end up having: a bittersweet, tenuous rivalry that at the same time is lined by an understanding that only they are allowed to kill each other, no one else.
5 - ...if I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
please for the love of god let her participate in laterano events i'm begging on my knees it's literally her place of birth
7 - ...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
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2-7 after. despite an earlier comment of Exusiai's showing she still has a lot to learn about Infected, this is one of the first... and also few examples we get of a Sankta directly sympathizing with others.
other examples of this always come from Ezell and herself, which I think is no coincidence.
the anime emphasizes this further by having her get mad on the Infected's behalf
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17 - ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
gavial is half serious, half gag character. that gag half protects her from any serious harm a horror movie villain could do to her.
20 - ...my queer headcanon for them. Unless they're canonically queer, in which case whether or not I think they're good representation or kinda badly explored.
Bisexual, demiromantic!
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wispforever · 2 months
1, 7, 10, 13 and 16 for the ask game pls!
1. Most Overrated Character?
I'll answer this question more than once, cuz I'm a hater and I have a few. First one first, I'm just gonna say it. I've never understood what everyone sees in Obito. Do I understand his narrative role? Yes. Am I sympathetic to him as a character? Very much. Do I like him? No. I've seen piles and piles of fanart, of meta, of aesthetics, and playlists. NO HATE, everyone likes who they like, they see something in him I don't. Just do not understand it.
I find Obito annoying and frustrating as a character. He doesn't fascinate me, which is odd because I usually am drawn to characters with a heavy backstory. I think it might be that he decided to kill Kakashi about it. Idk. Just seems like if he really believes all the things he believes, if he really has risen above Madara and the Shinobi system's influence like he says he has, he wouldn't fucking do the same thing Madara wants to do and also try to kill Kakashi who endured the same trauma. Just don't really get him. Glad he came around though. I wish he didn't have to die, I find it unnecessary. The Leaf needs more Uchiha jesus christ
Also I think the obsession the fandom has with Rin THROUGH Obito is more than a little uncomfortable. Rin should have been explored via an avenue that wasn't him. In addition to him, maybe, but not Strictly Obito. Just another female character becoming a plot device.
7. Should Naruto have become Hokage?
I think a better ending for Naruto would have been a personal decision on his part that he doesn't HAVE to be Hokage. In my opinion, it would've been more thematically satisfying. Why do I think this? Because Naruto wouldn't even like doing the actual Hokage job, seeing as it's mostly paper-pushing, strategy, and talking politics with the other Kage. This is what I said to myself before the end of the series. *watches Boruto* I was fucking right.
Being Hokage doesn't suit Naruto. He wanted to become Hokage originally so the citizens of the Leaf would praise and admire him. It was a child's dream born out of unrelenting hate and ostracization. As he got older, Naruto never put two and two together that what he'd set out to accomplish was not actually being Hokage, it was finding people he could belong with and feel loved by. He'd done that by the end of the first arc, and he only went up from there.
After Sasuke leaves, Naruto abandons this dream. Whether he says so or not, Sasuke is more important to him than being Hokage. This could be because Sasuke is the one who makes Naruto feel the most at home in the Leaf. I think of it like this: if Naruto wishing to be Hokage is really a wish for belonging, Naruto pursuing Sasuke instead of pursuing becoming Hokage implies that Sasuke has filled this emotional role for Naruto (or Naruto wants him to, at least). In the end, he is made Hokage because he saves the world and is the most exceptional Shinobi in the Leaf; it's what makes sense. Naruto never really wanted to be Hokage. He wanted to not be despised by literally everyone. And in the end he wanted to be with Sasuke.
No, I don't think Naruto should have become Hokage. I don't think Naruto likes being Hokage.
10. Is Sakura a shitty character or shitty-ly written?
I don't like this question. I see it thrown around a lot. I don't really understand it, honestly. What is a character? It's a fake person written by a real person. It's called a character bc its characteristics and shape are decided by the writer. So what then is the difference between a shitty character and a character that's shittily written? Maybe I'm not conceptualizing it properly. Anway
I think all of Kishimoto's female characters are written like shit. There are zero female characters in Naruto that are given the focus or development they deserve. None of them are treated as if they have the same agency, drive, intelligence, or autonomy that the male characters do. Sexism is alive and well in this writing; there isn't anything else to say.
Do I think if these characters were written by someone who wasn't sexist/a shitty writer/unable to understand women, they would be better? Absolutely.
13. Was Kakashi trying his best? Was he a "good" sensei?
answered here :)
16. Is Tobirama racist against Uchihas?
Racism is defined by google as "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized." 
The Uchiha is a group in the Leaf that is a minority and also marginalized, as the governing body at this point is made up of Senju, a richer clan and one that has always been at the top of the ladder socially, politically, so on and so forth.
Tobirama, before he becomes Hokage, is unwilling to trust the Uchiha becoming a part of the Leaf. Seeing as the clans have been at war for some time, the concern that he and his clan won't be safe trying to make peace with the Uchiha is not an unreasonable one. However, after Tobirama becomes Hokage, he imposes special laws specific to the Uchiha. He confines them to their own compound, so they will be contained and separated from everyone else. He puts up extensive surveillance, so that they are monitored 24/7. He creates a police force of only Uchiha under the guise of granting them "governing power", what it's really doing is alienating the Uchiha even further from the rest of the populace. He spreads rumors and creates "scientific" evidence that the Uchiha will turn evil with the evolution of their sharingan- something that would be considered a trait distinct to the Uchiha as an ethnic group. Mind you this is presumably years after they have cultivated peace, as Tobirama can only become Hokage after Hashirama is dead. At this point, his fear of the Uchiha has no basis in reality, as they have given him no reason since the war has ended to believe they are a danger (much less inherently evil). He is perpetuating the stereotypes that existed during the war- stereotypes that were born out of fear of the enemy, dehumanization of the other that you must kill or else be killed yourself.
So in short, not only was he racist against the Uchihas, he practically invented racism against the Uchihas.
Thanks for the ask :)
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sunhatllama · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you so so much @silvercap for the tag!! I love these games :DD
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 22 works on ao3!
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
237,770 words and counting :))
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for a few things over the past few years, but right now I am writing pretty exclusively for Resident Evil, though I do have a Call of Duty fic in progress that might see the light someday.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(Im going to go with only Resident Evil ones because i said so)
1) what are you willing to sacrifice for peace? - my Vendetta fic! also the start of my connected chreon series
2) Please Don't Leave Me - a Leon sickfic I haven't gotten around to finishing yet lmaoooo (also part of the chreon series)
3) in my dreams, we're far away from here - part two of the chreon series, a 3+1 with carrying as the theme :))
4) When I need you, you're always there - another part of the chreon series, Leon has a nightmare
5) all it takes is a snap - my singular whumptober fic with hurt Leon haha (chreon ofc)
None of my newer fics are getting traction but thats okay! gonna enlighten as many people to the hurt Chris agenda
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! i sometimes am busy and forget to, but if i see one i usually comment back!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To be fair, I haven't killed anyone off yet. All my fics end happy because my poor heart can't take a bad ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oooo, good question...either what are you willing to sacrifice for peace? or in my dreams, we're far away from here because of happy chreon :))
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, but I don't get too much engagement anyway. I don't think I have had the opportunity to get any. Haven't gotten any hate here either.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do!! I used to not, but now that I kind of know how it's done, I've been experimenting and practicing. Most of my fics nowadays have sex scenes in them (or multiple) but i have written a pure smut fic.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I haven't! I'm not the biggest fan of crossovers and often avoid reading them because I'm not interested. Doesn't mean they're bad though. Just not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not! Not that I'm aware of at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not (though if you wanna, please ask! I'm very open to it)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I have! I am actually in a roleplay server and have a writing partner. We have been turning many an rp in a fic for you guys! Like I can't escape this now, unless you show me how (mine and @leon-thot-kennedy 's re 5 chreon au)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
CHREON!!! I have liked a lot of ships from other fandoms, but chreon is without a doubt my favorite Resident Evil ship as well as all around ship. Other ships are just fine but chreon is my OTP, the source of all happiness in my life.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh definitely Please Don't Leave Me. I have an outline and a plan and everything, just haven't had the juice to write hurt Leon nowadays. I hope to come back to it though!!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't actually know haha. No one has told me anything, but I like to think I do suspense fairly well? Not as good as other people but I'm still learning! This year marks my fourth year of writing though so that's exciting :))
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely balancing dialogue, action, and internal thoughts. I always have too much of one of those. Also I tend to reuse phrases or sentence structure and I need to learn to spice it up a little lmaoo
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think writing dialogue in another language is perfectly fine. Especially if the character speaks another language. You just have to be aware that not everyone will understand what is being said. But if it's essential to the plot, saying that they said it in another language works too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek (2009) or the reboot movies lmao. It's funny, I started out not shipping anyone, but then started to ship Jim and Bones. But then I watched the original series and shipped Spirk in the old series. So I actually think that this was my first foray into shipping men together. Haven't been the same since hehehehe.
I was into Star Trek for about a year and a half! longest to date and I would say it was my first true hyperfixation. Resident Evil is creeping up on length though haha.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Favorite fic is hard but I actually REALLY like I can't escape this now, unless you show me how . It's my baby, my magnum opus. The best thing I have had a hand in creating (even if only half of it is mine). For fics that are purely mine, The Stars Were Out was the most fun to write with the forest and stuff. Was kind of experimental but it was fun to try and describe things a little better and draw out the scenes.
Tagging- @wisecrackingeric-2 , @spectralharvest , aaaaand i was going to tag more but I have suddenly forgotten every writer friend I know that hasn't already been tagged. If you see this, and wanna do it, go for it! <33333
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imminentinertia · 3 months
@lurkingshan tagged me, thank you darling! So now I'm forced to admit that whispers I'm honestly not much of a shipper
I get into shows and films, but rarely so much that I get invested in couples (canon or otherwise). Even rarer, so much that I start taking ship war sides. Notable exception: Harmony (Harry/Hermione) because that ship came with the stupidest shit I've ever seen in any fandom.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
What do you mean, don't care anymore. I absolutely do care about every ship I've ever shipped.
No wait - as a very young teenager I was so into Alice Hoffman's books it's not even funny. Especially Property Of. I wasn't terribly into the nameless main character, but I adored The Dolphin and thought McKay would be much better off with him. Then I grew up and realised that Property Of is pretty badly written and has a frightfully naïve plot (no wonder, she was practically a baby when she wrote it), although it really hit the spot for a 13 year old with a rabid case of bad boy syndrome, and completely stopped caring about any of the characters.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
The first I went insane about was Harry/Draco, so probably that.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Harry/Draco. I wasn't going to write fic at all! Wasn't interested in writing them myself! But I got so fed up with all the horrible purple prose in a lot of fics, wrote a pisstake, and it escalated.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
No. That was so many years ago. SO MANY.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
No. When I get into discourse it's about other things than ships. When I try to start discourse it's definitely about other things.
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Some pairings squick me, but I tend to forget the horrors as quickly as I discover them.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Jaeyoung/Sangwoo (Semantic Error).
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
VEGAS/PETE. I also adore a number of other BL couples, but that's the OTP. Show versions, not book originals.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Spooks WASTED A BRIILLIANT OPPORTUNITY for a ship that could have been either canon or not-canon by KILLING A GUY ten minutes after he meets THE POTENTIAL LOVE OF HIS CANON OR NOT-CANON LIFE. They barely had time to share some chips. YES I AM EXTREMELY MAD, 16 YEARS LATER.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
To me, any ship that's well written and where both characters are well formed and not limp 2D shit can be kind of interesting. I can't remember any of my squick pairings starting to intrigue me. Does it count that I used to dislike any KinnPorsche pairing featuring Ken, but I'm starting to quite like them?
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh, I'm sure I do. I like age gaps. People are often very weird about them.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Giant Squid/anyone. Such a great setup for crack tentacle porn.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I've read a fuckton of Harry/Draco, but because of betaing and rec blog running it might be Even/Isak? Give it enough time and it will be Vegas/Pete.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
At least one, preferably both, of the parties is a criminal. Okay, that also has to do with what sorts of films and shows get made and appeal to me, but I love a good criminal so much and I just can't get interested in some goody two-shoes. I can honestly only think of Even/Isak when I try to list my ships that don't feature a delicious criminal. Preferably unhinged murderers, but I'll take minor misdemeanours too.
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Big fat traditional seme/uke or het dynamics where the seme/man blatantly doesn't give a canon shit about the uke/woman. I could write a thesis on this, I suppose.
As usual I don't dare to actually tag people, but if you've made it this far, you are so tagged.
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arvadthecursed · 6 months
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Miranda "Randy" O'Connell • 22 • she/her
Strength 3; Perception 5; Endurance 3; Charisma 10; Intelligence 8; Agility 4; Luck 7
I conceived of Miranda as a companion to a character in some future Fallout game. She's bi and would be romanceable :) but she's also very much so her own person.
Major major CW for her backstory, it involves the Legion and sexual abuse, slavery, suicidal ideation, etc.
She's supposed to have a large bull shaped brand on her left cheek, from her time as a Legion slave.
Miranda was born near the Colorado River in 2268. She had a relatively normal life, living with her parents at younger brother -- until the Legion arrived in 2280, killing her parents and kidnapping her and her brother.
Miranda was taken to Cottonwood Cove, separated from her brother. The young girl was placed with the other female slaves to be sold. There, she met a woman named Carla, who comforted the little girl in spite of their shared horrible situation. In the short time she knew Carla, Miranda grew close to her, until the older woman's untimely demise.
In the chaos that ensued after Carla's shooting, Miranda was snatched up by an older Legionnaire, and made into his slave. Miranda spent many years with the man, though she is unable to remember his name in the present day (2290). Unable to do anything but serve, Miranda's spirit was broken.
The Legion began to fall apart three years later, and Miranda's owner took her across the Colorado River. In the distance, she would sometimes see roaming traders, raiders, and settlers. For the first time since she was enslaved, Miranda thought about freedom, and how she craved it more than anything else.
When she was 16 years old, Miranda and her owner were staying at a small shack. She found a rusty knife out in the yard, and she realized that the knife was her only way out. She could stay with her owner, trapped, abused, afraid, and alone; or she could take her fate into her own hands. Miranda hid the knife under her pillow.
One night, her owner came home in a drunker stupor and demanded she service him. Seeing her chance, Miranda agreed -- so she could get close enough to earn her freedom. Getting onto the bed, Miranda feigned admiration. Then, she grabbed the knife from under her pillow and stabbed her owner to death.
Adrenaline rushing through her veins, Miranda fled into the night, not knowing where she was going or how she was going to survive. It didn't matter to her. If she died -- so be it. She would, at the very least, die free.
She finally collapsed outside of a small town, where a kindly super mutant named Jim took her to the local doctor and saved her life.
Miranda elected to stay with Jim, affectionately calling him "Pops" after a year of being relatively mute. The young woman managed to grow a small garden, and sometimes sells her flowers in Jim's general store.
Miranda has slowly opened up to her fellow townspeople, though it took more than two years for her to utter more than a few words to anyone who wasn't Jim.
Despite her horrific past, Miranda has remained kind-hearted and warm, truly believing in the goodness of others. She is quietly intelligent and has a strange, soft charisma that compels others. With a gentle word, Miranda can soothe or convince others of a cause. If one were to have Miranda at their side, they could pursue their goals through speech and conviction alone.
Her physical strength diminished greatly, and she is not particularly strong or fast, and she's not the best with a gun, usually missing her targets. Despite her lackluster physical performance, Miranda knows the plants of the Wasteland, making her useful with medicine and survival skills.
Still, several years on from her torment, Miranda carries a weight. She feels disconnected and lonely, and like her life means very little in the grand scheme of things; if she disappeared, she thinks, nothing would change.
My general idea was that she would be recruited by whomever, and she'd join the person ostensibly to "see the world." Miranda's true motivation, however, was that she was horribly depressed but "too afraid" to commit suicide, and she did not want to hurt Jim by killing herself. She secretly hoped that she would die in the Wasteland, taking care of her own problems while not being a burden upon the man who saved her life. Miranda also has complicated feelings regarding this, as she feels her suicidal thoughts are selfish, since Jim and the doctor tried so desperately to save her.
Gradually, she would come to see that her life does still have value, and there is goodness in her, too; she can take her goodness and make the world a better place. Miranda eventually comes to see that there is hope for her yet, and her story isn't over.
One of the goals is to find her brother, who she hasn't seen in a decade. Her brother was 8 at the time of their kidnapping, and was taken into the Legion and raised as a soldier. After the Legion's fracture, he fled east with a small group of his fellows. Eventually, Miranda finds him, and through her compassion and understanding, her brother turns his back on the Legion and swears to do better. He goes to Miranda's town and she arranges for him to become a security guard for the doctor who saved her. While it will take a long time to fully undo the Legion brainwashing, both Miranda and her brother are hopeful for a better future
Her last quest would be going to the Colorado River and planting one of her rose bush transplants there, to symbolize hope. While many of her fellow slaves perished, there was a hope and a fire in them that couldn't be destroyed by anyone, Legion or not.
Anyway that's Miranda, I put. Way too much thought into this and I love her so so much. I might try and write something for her here soon ...
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kanazero-vk · 2 years
𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟���� ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕎𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕.
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1. They both have a white horse.
2. Born from human parents
3. She sacrificed herself for the sake of humans. Like a shield against the vampires. She created a weapon. Weapon and shield? Vampire knight.
4. The looks.
5. On Kaname's chess game, Zero is the white horse (knight)
6. Yuuki saw a sealed chained "coffin" image in Zero's mind when she drank from him.
7. Out of all hunters, Kaname chooses Zero as his knight (fangirls)
8. Zero was ready to sacrifice himself for Yuuki. History repeats itself?
9. Zero's weapon connects with him.
10. There was a scene in the manga where Kaname looked at Zero past Yuuki. His face resembled regret, pain. (His resemblance to the hooded woman) Then he closes his eyes, accepting that what he lost, he can't have.
11. We can also notice how Kaname seems to be staring at Zero, he starts saying something like: "Ha..." Maybe he slips and almost calls The hooded woman's name? It could also mean that Zero reminds him of THW not only with his looks, but character.
12. Maybe his cold actions towards Zero have a reason too. He wants to keep himself from getting hurt again.
13. The Bloody Rose refused to kill Zero, and Kaname knew it would before Zero even pointed his gun at him.
14. Yuuki stated that THW seems familiar to her, like she knew this person all along.
15. There is a picture of Kaname and Zero as wolves. This is a pureblood ability. Zero is carrying the genetics of THW, the body. The heart is the weapons, so most likely the heart will return to the body which might be a way to revive a pureblood.
16. Kaname says to Zero once: "you're supposed to be her shield" THW was a shield = Zero.
17. What does a mirror Kaname's crying at mean? (After he lost THW)
18. We never get to see Zero's parent's faces, or history.
19. Kaname sees that it's time for the next generation to take over. He sees himself in Yuuki (I think she's his descendant) and THW in Zero. Bringing an end to the reign of purebloods. He planned to replace THW as a father metal.
20. Zero considers THW with hugh value and respect, not like the other purebloods.
21. Something about Zero and Ichiru being born separately. I think the twin curse could be a way for the original pureblood vampire to revive. The power was too great, so they were born separately. Both twins become one later. Zero is the reminder to the hunters clan of their actions of consuming a pureblood vampire.
22. Relathionship between Kaname and Zero has more depth, especially from Kaname's side. Kaname slips and sometimes used Zero's first name, usually when he's emotional or talking in a free manner. Like in chapter 81, he was disgusted that Zero drank Sara's blood. Also in chapter 30, when he made Zero drink his blood. (Fangirls)
23. Kaname warned that he'll kill Zero, but he didn't even make an attempt! Zero is a hindrance to his plans.
24. Kaname never attempted to kill Zero when Takuma took him. Also when Kaname tried to take control of him (chapter 82 where they almost kissed X3)
25. Zero went kinda pale, in a blank state when THW appears. As if he was aware of her lingering presence.
26. I think THW had children with Kaname. Before she leaves for a mission, she mentions a "secret" she's hidden from Kaname.
Kaname realised that THW was the least person he suspected and used as his pawn and he lost him. :(( Wonder if Zero feels some kind of connection.
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panevanbuckley · 10 days
tagged by @magdacimy thank you so much dear!! 💙
-20 questions for fic writers-
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 292 (jesus)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 649,327 (it's not as much as you might expect from the amount of fics bc i specialise in short fics)
3. What fandoms do you write for? atm? 9-1-1 is the fandom i have most fics for i think but i haven't written one in about a year. (i should get back on that!). i also sometimes do harry potter fics (usually jegulus), and i just started dipping my toe in f1 fics 👀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. baby, come home [buddie] - 9033 (which is WILD to me)
2. don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) [buddie] - 8117
3. don't blame me, love made me crazy [jegulus] - 7691 (recently lost it's number 2 spot which makes me sad ngl)
4. come home to my heart [buddie] - 7491
5. fake boyfriends (with real kisses) [buddie] - 6790
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i used to all the time!! but in the past couple years it started getting overwhelming and now i rarely do but i DO read every single one and they make me smile every time 🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh gosh i rarely write angst but the first one that came to mind was a 1917 fic ('loving you is a losing game'), that was pretty angsty
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? umm...literally any fic i write?? happy beginning, happy middle, happy ending. that's my brand of fic writing
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of (and i'm ever grateful for that! i have the BEST readers)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? not really. i dabbled here and there in the past but i'm just not very good at it 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? again not really. i did do a world war z x justified fic ('don't count your chickens before they hatch') because i'm total loosier trash so it was like an alternate universe of them in a way because of the same two actors 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think i have? actually idk people have asked if they can translate fics and i said yes but i haven't got links available to me. somebody once did a podfic ('in the silence we fall apart') translation though and i loved that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i once wrote a part for a 5+1 buddie fic but i don't think the full thing ever got posted?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 100% gotta be buddie hasn't it? they consumed my entire soul. i have sooo many otps though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there was a hogwarts au 'the pacific' fic i started writing in lockdown that must be over 10k that i never finished... i think about that a lot
16. What are your writing strengths? umm.. nothing?? no but in all fairness i have no idea but people have always told me my characterization is good. or my ability to make up OCs (which i do A LOT)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? god, speech? writing anything longer than 5k 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i LOVE it! i've had to do it quite a lot because usually the characters i write are multilingual
19. First fandom you wrote for? the maze runner!! goddd back in my wattpad days i wrote SO many newtmas/dylmas fics it was unreal. they really got me into fic writing
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? funnily enough it's not any of my buddie fics. even though i love those fics dearly and they're definitely favourites. but the one that owns my heart is 'don't blame me, love made me crazy'. it was the first jegulus fic i wrote, i had only gotten into the ship a few days prior and sat down to do a short fic but in a couple hours i had over 5k written and wasn't even halfway through 💀 this was back in the days when jegulus was still a rare pair too! and the love i got on it blew me away 🥺 so a huge thank you to anybody that read that fic!!
tagging literally anybody that sees this and wants to do it because i'm not sure who writes and posts on ao3! please tag me in your posts so i can check out your work too 👀
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cheeeerie · 1 year
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OOOOOH BOY STRAP IN @coffeeisfortheresponsible
The first thing I have to address is hor horribly Ninjago butchers the subject of adoption trauma. It's not handled well in the tow other places it's talked about, Skybound or Quest for the Lost Powers, but this post is already gonna be way too fucking long so we're not gonna talk about that.
According to Tommy Anderson, the original concept for Prime Empire had Jay's mother involved. She was going to be trapped in the game, and Jay's lightning power would be imperative to her survival, but it was ultimately scrapped. We don't see Jay reference the fact that he's adopted for this entire season--in fact, the last time he mentioned it was in Skybound (well, he also brought it up in Decoded while explaining the plot of Skybound) despite the fact that there has been ample opportunity to. He could have done it in Hands of Time when the previous generations of elemental masters was being discussed, or he could have brought it up when Harumi killed her adoptive parents in Sons of Garmadon, or literally any other time in the five seasons between Skybound and Prime Empire, but he doesn't. That's fine I guess, this is a show that rarely gets that deep. But then WHY bring it up at the end of Prime Empire, out of nowhere, especially in a way that makes it seem like we've witnessed Jay reflecting about his biological family at all?
To me, it kind of seems like it's because that was intended to be the emotional through-line of the season. Just like Master of the Mountain was about Cole coming to know his mother, Prime Empire seemed like it was meant to be about Jay coming to know his mother. Jay's "My parents abandoned me too but that's okay" line at the end felt like it was the ending to a different season, instead of the series of episodic side quests that was Prime Empire.
And on that note, the pacing is horrendous in this arc. Instead of going back and forth between the two groups, the one inside the game and the ones outside the game, it does this weird thing where it chunks it, spending several season with the 5 ninja and then cutting out to follow the Zane/Pixal/Wu story line for two full episodes.
(ON THAT NOTE, there is so much wasted potential for this season to have genuine themes. If not about Jay coming to terms with his adoption, then about the genuinely fascinating implications of a world where AI this advanced exists, but no, we just got Pixal being told that her feelings weren't real and she couldn't make connections like a human could and then it was resolved in ten minutes.)
I am Okino, as much as I love it, was an unnecessary episode. It would have been fantastic if we had time for it but these episodes are only 10 minutes long and there's only 16 and we DON'T HAVE TIME FOR IT. The league of Jay was really thrown in for half an episode and then was never elevant again. Lloyd, Cole, Nya, and Kai are all useless when they first enter the game and yet in the shorts Jay still gets to keep all his ninja skills. There's so many just random little things in this arc and it just. What.
Dance Episode! Noir Episode! A gazillion side characters! Random Harumi fight!! It's SO GOOD!
It introduces way to many chaaracters, but it gets you to care about them in a way that Ninjago usually doesn't with it's side characters. I care about Okino! I care about Racer Seven! I care about Milton Dyre! Ninjago is a show with too many characters but in Prime Empire that doesn't take bother me as much because I LIKE them all.
With the way it's so episodic it honestly feels like watching Legacy of the Green Ninja. Dance episode! Race episode! Noir episode (will die mad that Ninjago Confidential wasn't called Nindroid Noir)! Side quest side quest side quest! After the heaviness of the Oni Trilogy and the second half of The Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu, it was just so refreshing to watch a season that was so fun.
And Prime Empire is GORGEOUS. The aesthetic of it was a little different than Ninjago's usual and it really worked, the animation was fantastic, the color palet was great, the lighting was just. Chef's kiss.
And the score of Prime Empire is genuinely the best score of any season of Ninjago and I will not be taking arguments. You are simply wrong. The music of Prime Empire is so FUN.
I guess that's kind of the thesis of this whole rant. Prime Empire may not have the strongest plot but it's the most fun to watch of all the recent Ninjago seasons-- of all the Ninjago seasons, in my opinion, and that's why it's my favorite one.
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vollzz · 9 months
blackflame characters out of context!
tagged by the wonderful @space-writes, thank you!!! hope y’all are excited about blackflame because I have 20(!!) total chapters in this draft. the chapter names I have right now are placeholders and some are straight up too spoiler-y so there will be some redactions. game rules:
Rules: Include one character quote of your choosing ⁠from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like). Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
I’m not specifying who is talking unless it’s part of the dialogue, so bonus points if you can guess who is saying what!
ready set go quotes are under the cut!
1. business as usual-
“You will forget you saw me here. You will turn around and walk to the other end of the estate before returning. If anyone questions you, say you saw an animal running about.”
2. the meeting-
“Would you believe me if I said I was taking inventory?”
3. eves-
“Perhaps if it was one of the mortal kings across the sea, I would entertain the idea, but Leon is incredibly uninteresting. I can barely stand to be in his presence, let alone seduce him - what is it with mortals and making the most idiotic choice of rulers?”
4. lorien-
“Calliope,” Tedrin crooned, “I can't say I know too much of Eves, but regardless of what your arrangement is, I wonder if we couldn't come to one ourselves.”
5. reunion-
“I’m sorry, if…” Lucas bit his lip. “If you’ve had experiences like that. It’s not right, that these uppity nobles think that just because you’re obnoxiously attractive they can take advantage of you.”
6.[redacted]’s party-
“Well, while I guess I appreciate your staunch defense of your fake fiancée’s honor, I'm asking that you please don’t ruin this outing with another dick measuring contest.”
7. dangerous territory-
“Very mature. I’ll have you know most women recognize the artfulness of the northern accent.”
8. consultation-
“There's every reason, you stupid whore,” James leaned forward, a newfound savageness in his voice, “I have to share Eves with you, some bitch that's traveling with a companion! Clearly they don't know about him, if you're sitting here in one piece.”
9. the heist-
“Agreed. It'll get some of the heat off our backs if we leave the guards be. I trust you to get it done, Calliope, but I will kill them if there's no other choice.”
10. blasphemy-
“So you just… talked all night then, I assume? Giggled to one another under the sheets?”
11. [redacted]-
“How interesting it is to see two little Lovers not ripping each other’s throats out. Is Eves getting bored with just one of you at a time?”
12. truth emerges-
“Spare me the worthless explanation, Calliope. If you truly must break my heart, it is only fair that I break yours in return.”
13. new beginnings-
“Look at you. You’ve barely eaten. You don’t speak, or even cry, or do anything besides sit on the godsdamned floor. Hate me all you want, but I’m not going to watch you shrivel into nothing. We’re going outside. Now.”
14. [hooo boy this one’s really redacted]-
“I do not feel that I can forgive you yet.”
15. [also redacted]-
“I can wipe your existence from this world with barely a thought. I brought your pitiful deity to their knees with as much effort as I expended on you. Be grateful you’re spared the fate that Eves endured at my hand, and perhaps consider that the next time you wish to disrespect me.”
16. [redacted] 2: electric boogaloo-
“To go from such elation to naught but vitriol… Were it not directed at me, I would find it fascinating.”
17. terror-
“I’m so sorry, Cal, I’m so sorry,” Lucas swallowed painfully. “I know you’re afraid. I’m not going to hurt you. We need to get out of here, okay?”
18. [redacted] also I haven’t written this yet lol
19. new destination-
“Pardon the outburst. Now, Calliope dear, if you will excuse me, I must go prostitute myself at Greylin’s insistence.”
20. [extremely redacted]-
“You are certain that Eves spoke of me? They mentioned me by name?”
wow that was a lot thanks for taking a look! I’m going to gently tag @sam-glade @squarebracket-trick and @awleeofficial. but also this one is fun and you get to share a lot for it so open tag too (and make sure you tag me so I can see I wanna read it all!!)
blackflame tag list-
@hallwriteblr @kourumi @space-writes @at-thezenith @careful-fear @theunboundwriter @liv-is @eldritch-flower @kingkendrick7 @poetinprose
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drinkingpoison · 7 months
I'm sending two asks just so this one can be long so PLEASE 📝for you FNaF S/I from the Imagine your S/I was canon ask game
I'm excited about this one because it's going to be a doozy, I love talking about this canon, and it's nearly 10 years in the making. Rubbing my grubby little hands together.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
(popping it under a readmore for length! I won't usually do warnings because my entire blog is dark content, but I do vaguely describe murder and child abuse, so heads up!)
So to start off - the canon my s/i Jeremy comes from is a long-running, collaborative effort au made my me and my boyfriends. A lot of storyline, a lot of new characters along with our own versions of the canon ones. it's very fun!
Jeremy was born Henry's niece, the only child of his brother and his wife, frequently visiting the diner Henry ran alongside a young William Afton from basically birth. The two became quite attached to and protective over the child quite fast, William being the one to pick up signs of mistreatment from a young age.
Henry loved his brother and sister in law deeply, but after many failed confrontations, attempts at convincing him to change his ways or her to do something to protect the child, he couldn't find it in himself to be angry at the final outcome. When his brother showed up to the restaurant drunk, searching for Jeremy, whom they'd picked up to keep an eye on earlier, and immediately got aggressive, he didn't do much to stop William from ending the whole thing. In our au, this is Will's first time killing, so that's one little interesting way it changes the canon.
Jeremy only gains his name after this is all said and done, the body hidden, his mother fleeing to another state. Left with a missing child in the eyes of the law, Henry and Will quickly made the decision to disguise his identity, including name and gender. It's truly just luck that he grew up to identify as male and agreed the name fit pretty well.
Things are pretty good for a few years, Jeremy eagerly chooses to follow William as he goes on to get his own place, going with him to work every day. And for the record, Will is a huge piece of work who killed because he liked it in this au, it'd be these few years before the diner closed that he was manipulating Jeremy into helping him lure kids away from their families.
By the time he's about 15-16 and trying to convince Will and Henry to let him work at the new location they've opened, their last attempt at running a place themed after Fredbear and Bonnie, joined by their new colorful counterparts; Jeremy and Will have been involved for years, and he's already given birth to the first three Afton kids. (That's one big thing my s/i changed about the canon, Jeremy is Mrs. Afton, to make a long story slightly shorter.) For the longest time, they tell him absolutely not, so he just spends most of his time there with them and the kids. I won't get too into the bite of '83 since we all know the story, but it would happen around this time.
Another little timeskip, because the events of fnaf4 are basically unchanged in this au, and we're at the fnaf2 location. Finally, being a legal adult and after spending years annoying them about it, Jeremy was allowed to pick up a few nightshifts and work some parties during the day.
After so many accidents, robots moving on their own, the old withered shells in the back stinking more and more every day, there was probably an air of relief that last day in '87. Jeremy had come to Kids Cove to check on everyone, momentarily disturbing Mangle's playtime with the kiddos. It only took a second of him turning away, going to look at someone shouting his name for them to strike and chomp directly over the top of his head.
It definitely made a memorable last day for everyone, and after months upon months in the hospital, he survives with one eye and massive brain damage. Once able to go back home to William and the kids, he's of course relying on the older man more than ever and would continue to do this even when they were apart. Even before Will's ultimate demise, they'd actually end up apart a few times due to their shared emotional instability.
I'm trying SO HARD not to have this drag on for too much longer oh my god -- Jeremy and Will's longest separation comes from a fight about opening another Freddy's, fixing up and using the old robots. Being extremely against the whole idea, Jeremy got up and left one night, finding somewhere to stay a few cities over. He'd find out after leaving that he was pregnant with a fourth child, a young girl he named Vanessa and raised alone for the first 5 or 6 years of her life.
Jeremy does end up going back to Hurricane, only after learning about the investigations and restaurants impending closing, believing William to be in prison by the time he shows back up. Knowing more than most involved, it shouldn't have been such a shock when he was released due to lack of evidence. Their reunion is volatile, of course, William flying off the handle as he assumes the young child isn't his, forcing Jeremy to reveal she very much is.
Eventually - they manage to settle back into their little routine. I can't say Jeremy being there does anything else to change the outcome of this unfortunate story. He actually becomes quite disfunctional after learning about William's death and entombment within the Pizzeria.
Okay I have to go to bed and this is going on so long I'm so sorry - but just a few extra facts for fun
Vanny - took the job at Fazbear Fright in this au, very good friends with the Phone Dude who is the child of Henry and an Afton. I'll go into that another time.
Jeremy Vr = this Jeremy. He basically became addicted to using it after realizing he could visit everyone who's passed.
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romanticslimecreature · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks to @organchordsandlightning for the tag! I'm going to use both of my accounts, tinytardismilkshake and LoyalMonsterFan, for this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
62! 49 on tinytardismilkshake and 13 on LoyalMonsterFan.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
36,951 (tinytardismilkshake) + 23,242 on LoyalMonsterFan, so 60,193 total!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Lately it's mostly been Malevolent! These characters have eaten my brain for the last two years. I am open to branching out - just waiting for something to grab me.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'll just list the top five for both accounts.
- How Dare You Love Me Lile You've Never Known Fear
- Steal Me Softly From The Darkness
- My Heart Is Big Enough For You
- Heart to Heart, Hand in Hand
- In My Dreams I See Your Face
- A Game To Pass The Time
- You're Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole
- Recrown the Creation
- As Fast As Your Heart
- Now That It's You, Now That There's Us
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always! Even if all I can think of is a generic "Thank you!" XD
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pitcher Plant! I wrote it for a horror exchange and it shows.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tricky one! I write a lot of hurt/comfort, and a lot of cute snippets that can hardly be said to have an "ending." I'm going to go with Holding Onto You! A kiss and an animal companion are great elements of a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! If I were in a bigger fandom I might, LOL. Small fandoms are fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and only on LoyalMonsterFan! I don't care who in the fandom sphere of the internet knows both are me anymore, but still - I feel like I can let loose a bit more on an alt account.
As for what kind, mostly body-sharing zex with some monster/human sex in there too. Fun stuff!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only ever written one crossover, Malevolent and Monstrous Agonies. I had to put the Malevolent side into a modern AU for my idea, but I wouldn't call the crossover particularly crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone translated These Are Lonely Times, a Deltarune fic I wrote.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly. One time a friend if mine and I decided to each write our own fic based on the same idea, and that's how we ended up with A Game To Pass The Time (mine) and we're all just killing time (theirs).
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm contractually obligated to say John/Arthur for the sheer impact they've had on my mind. I wrote my first smut for them!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have one called "Alive in Full Bloom" that's been in draft purgatory for over a year. It's about Arthur exploring gender nonconformity with John and John being a good friend to navigate this with since he isn't bogged down by human societal rules. By now, it's been long enough that I'm not sure mine will ever see the light of day. Luckily, some other writers have written great takes on the same premise!
16. What are your writing strengths?
My favorite complimemt I've ever gotten on my writing style is that my fics seem "lived in." (Thanks, Croik!) I write short fics, and I'm told I can pack a lot of feelings into a small bite.
At the risk of bragging, I also like my character voices and how I describe eldritch things. It's really tricky describing the undescribable, but I've worked at it and I'm proud of the ideas I've conveyed.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot! The fics I write are so short they're usually just one scene. Any time I try to write something with plot and an arc I'm practically tearing my hair out and I still end up with something under 5k. I like my short fic! And I am really proud of the ones I've managed to get over 4k with some semblance of an arc. I just wish I also had the power to give some of my ideas the 10k+ length they deserve.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not nearly fluent in any other languages, so I'd worry about it sounding wrong. I'd have to ask a native speaker if I ever wanted to use another language for dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Unless you count the Phineas and Ferb "episodes" I wrote as a young kid that are not published anywhere on the internet.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Cambiare! My beautiful longfic (4,840 words) full of introspection and character development and monstrous philosophy. Even though it didn't turn out as long as I plannd/hoped, I'm really proud of the end result.
I'll tag: @croik @kahtiihma @digitalis-obscura and anyone else who wants to participate!
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warlordfelwinter · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @cappurrccino
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
destiny, dishonored, ffxiv (although those are only on tumblr cause i had a weird period where i wasn't posting anything to ao3). one warframe. i'd like to write more warframe but uhhhh got no ideas. i'm hoping the new war will give me some whenever i'm brave enough to start it
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Various Accounts of Corvo Attano - 194
Oddities - 156
Breathe - 115
No Kingdom to Come - 89
Winter's Guile - 78
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to, even if it's just "thanks!" although sometimes i'll say "i'll respond to that later" and then i forget. you know how it is
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
No Kingdom to Come ends with all the Iron Lords being killed so probably that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
a lot of them... i tend to prefer a happy ending. i'm not sure how to quantify happiest. but i also really really rarely write chaptered fics so it's sort of hard to say 'ending' for a thousand word doodle. As It Was has a happy ending, i suppose
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
nope. i did get someone (lightheartedly) criticizing me giving Juno Nezha for an eidolon hunt which wasn't hate and also i found it hysterical. true warframe player right there to comment on my unoptimized build on a fic. not even remotely close to hate but i did just want to bring it up. it's like my favorite comment i've ever gotten
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
not that i post and honestly just not at all anymore really
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nah. i've thought about a few but they're sort of like aus to me where it's just not usually my cup of tea
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
also not that i know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
@cappurrccino wrote some parts for the Devil Went Down to Faerun, which was a novelised version of an old dnd campaign we were in
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
Legacy. i have a lot of it written. i just keep. not posting it. i'm deeply sorry to the people in the comments of that fic who were really excited to see i started posting it again. i genuinely don't know what keeps happening
16. What are your writing strengths? 
uhh... i don't know... dialogue, probably. i cannot identify my own strengths but i usually like my dialogue exchanges
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
plots. and atmospheric description. combat description also
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
i think it can be fun but i'm usually too scared i'll translate something wildly wrong lmao. i use greek as a stand-in for celestial in Tales from the Dancing Sea Dragon (another dnd campaign fic) bc i also use it at the table in that game bc i'm trying to learn greek and i do think it's fun to pepper in another language to your dnd character dialogue, especially if common isn't their first language. gives the roleplay a bit more flavor
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
hmm... transformers maybe? or warrior cats... i don't remember that was ages ago and those fics are all long gone
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i'm biased so it's DWDTF. it was fun to write, trying to accurately put down the silliness of the table into writing, and it's fun to read (to me) and is easily the longest thing i've ever written. asra is still my favorite dnd character i've ever played, so i like to go back and read his adventures sometimes
@wingedarrows @flowers-of-io and. i am blanking so hard. on a) who juri already tagged and b) who else of my friends writes fic. so i'm terribly sorry. if you see this and juri didn't tag you consider yourself tagged by me
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katyspersonal · 1 year
*knock knock*
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Asks for Adella!
My first impression of them
10. Describe the character in one sentence
12. Sexuality hc!
16. A childhood headcanon
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
Okay okay for real though now (Asks are from this ( x ) meme)
10. Describe the character in one sentence
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Sorry I couldn't think of anything funnier hgnjh
12. Sexuality hc!
I want to say 'obviously bi since you can play as male or female character and nothing change', but I myself already stated that her reasoning is the wish to protect the person that saved her from the blood that she was ensured is "dirty" and not some yandere antics...
So she is now bi just because I say so. XD
16. A childhood headcanon
I believe I did mention some stuff in a (very large -_-) ask from Crow that concerned ideas on her past and Arianna's, but the gist of it was that she was orphaned, and picked up in Healing Church since young age by Norbert (the guy before Amelia).
However? I've been enjoying an idea that there was a school connected to the Healing Church; you bet they controlled everything, especially after Cainhurst's fall... And that Adella was one of the people going there, and Edgar was a teacher! Before he ranked up to be trusted into Choir.
I am just trying to say...... the kids antics. Adella never really fit in with the team though, despite Henriett and Alfred being there too (future Healing Church hunters, mind you!) and in fact got others endangered by snitching a few times! She didn't mean bad, she was just a kind easy to fool by adults about "just trying to help". 🙄
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
She was the last one to see Brador in "reality", as that old man. When Henriett was snooPING AS usual, and Adella tried to control the situation and follow (remember that Henriett is a detractor!). By controlling the situation I mean trying to cut her with the poisoned knife the stealth style, but... long story short, she killed Brador instead. On accident.
Well, his death traumatized her more than himself (You can only say something like that for a FromSoft game, I swear...).
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
Sigh... Probably not the best one. Adella strikes me as that kind of a (single) mother that would more or less project her issues and gripes onto her (only) baby. She didn't have some sort of convenience or a belief in her youth? Then her child should neither! She would also let her protectiveness to get the best out of her and not only control her child's circle of friends, but in the end lead that child to being very socially unadapted. Never seeing their peers, only Adella's adult friends and associates.
Her kid would either be grow up a huge weenie not prepared for real life and real relationships, OR grow 'in secret' from never trusting their mother (maybe even lying) and allowing their friends teach them life instead. This one depends on the child's starting stats personality.
I think a lot of this could be balanced out by a second parent that'd compensate for her quirks and weaknesses, though! Adella's good traits as a parent is protectiveness and being able to offer strong morals and some discipline, it should just be kept in reasonable amount; the second parent, on the contrary, should know how to offer freedom and some fun. Don't be surprised since what I told about a ship before, but I genuinely could see Arianna being a second parent that'd balance Adella well. x)
Thank you for asking!!! *collects the Blood Echoes from the spot where you killed me*
EDIT: I forgot number 1 at first because I am a little dumbass, sorry hfjjkjhh Let me!!!
1. My first impression of them
Well, yes, my first impression WAS the yandere nun antics, heheh. It is just one of those NPCs that give kind of clear vibe, and you just find nuances of it later, upon loredigging.
However, I also used to call her 'just female Alfred' - again, something I had to retract later, as I found more nuances comparing the two.
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