#I mean I just found out like last year and I'm obsessed XD
razzek · 2 months
Absolutely nobody: ...
Me: (literally 30 years late to the fandom) Guys have you heard about these Metroid games?!
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charlotterhea · 4 days
About me
Always writer, sometimes artist, hopeless Snamione shipper, hate-sex Snack shipper, wholesome Severus/Ron/Hermione shipper (I need a shipname for them...). Yes, I have some weird ideas but all of them live rent-free in my head and my heart. ^^ I love to chat! I'm looking to be a part of a community of obsessed fans, so feel free to reach out! Aaand I'm German. So should you ever find yourself in need of help navigating the German language or just need a phrase or two for your story, I'd love to help. :)
About my stories
AO3 (and in case you speak German: ff.de)
I've been writing for almost twenty years now so there are a lot of stories on my profile. Since I decided to translate my German stories a few years ago, I am slowly working my way through them, but not all of them are available in English yet. However, I've also found a lot of joy in writing English stories, so at this point, there are some that don't exist in German as well. ^^
To read some more rambling about my stories, follow me beyond the cut. ^^
Long stories
I'm a sucker for long stories, both reading and writing. I normally have a hard time keeping it short and that shows. So here are my long stories.
"Inter Spem et Metum - Between Hope and Fear" (English | German) Rating E, Snamione, complete, 380k
On her first evening of 5th year, Hermione happens to be out on the grounds when Professor Snape returns from a Death Eater meeting, badly injured. She has to help and has no idea that this one evening will shake up her life.
One of my longest stories - and my first Snamione ever. It got a thorough revision some years ago and if you're interested in reading more about me rambling about this story, here is a detailed post about it. ^^
"Advocatus Diaboli" (English | German) Rated E (And I mean it! Heed the tags!), Snamione, complete, 180k
Three months of torture, two people, one house, no way out - but a lot of time.
Another old one of mine, my second long Snamione, it was revised as well. It is also my darkest, most brutal story. I've written about a lot of dark themes but here I crammed them all into one story. Be prepared!
"Devoted to You" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 53k
Severus is so badly injured that he hovers between life and death. Hermione saves his life with an unknown potion, but suddenly there is a connection between them that especially Severus doesn't like.
This one, on the other hand, is a bit more on the lighter side of themes. If you want to see Severus experience period cramps, go read this. XD
"Medicus-Series" (German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 243k, translation coming soon!
A trilogy of medical-centric stories, culminating in an intense third part that is really, really heavy. Although every part contains difficult themes, the third was by far the hardest to write. Mind the tags!
"About Magic" (German) Rated E, Romione/Snamione, complete, 372k
'Unheilbar' ist auch nur ein anderes Wort für 'unmöglich' und wenn Hermine eines gelernt hat, dann dass in der magischen Welt eigentlich nichts unmöglich ist. Oder es zumindest nicht bleiben muss und wenn es mal eine Situation gegeben hat, in der sie darauf gezählt hat, dann diese. Die Frage ist nur, ob die magische Welt ihrem Anspruch gerecht werden kann und wenn ja, zu welchem Preis.
My last long project that I love to bits although it wasn't as huge a success as other stories of mine. Not a typical shipper story, very plot-heavy, and the story that most felt like writing a real novel because it has such a dense plot. I'm proud of my writing style in this one and I'm looking forward to translating it someday. ^^
"Ein Funke und Zunder" (German) Rated E, Draco/Neville, complete, 67k
Draco bekommt einen Auftrag von Snape, dem er allein nicht gewachsen ist. Eine kleine Erpressung verschafft ihm die Hilfe, die er braucht.
An outlier amongst my stories in more than one way. First: the pairing. It is a story I wrote for someone else and they wanted this pairing. The plot sounded fun so I wrote it. Second: the tone. I know, it's uncool to laugh about your own humour but really: I was exceptionally funny in this one. XD This story is peak teenage comedy/angst/coming of age/coming out/coming to terms with yourself and I will never be able to write something like that ever again. ^^
"Das geheime Opfer" (German) Rated E, Lumione, complete, 77k
Das Ende des Krieges steht kurz bevor und noch ist nicht entschieden, wer triumphieren wird. Hermine ist getrennt von Harry und Ron und bekommt Anweisungen, die das Blatt zu ihren Gunsten wenden können. Und obwohl diese Anweisungen von Severus Snape stammen, zögert sie nicht – eine Entscheidung, die sie noch Jahre später bitter bereuen wird.
Another outlier, another story I wrote for someone else. I don't exactly dislike Lumione but it's not what my muse thrives for so I usually don't write it. But I had a lot of fun writing this one and it is the source of one of my Lucius headcanons: that man is pants at Occlumency but he can see auras. It seeped into my image of him, so much so that I'm always confused when I see him depicted as a talented Occlumens in other stories. XD It's a fun concept and I used it in all of my stories whenever Lucius plays a role ever since.
Medium length stories
For a long time, medium-length stories weren't really my thing. I wrote either one-shots or long stories, with few exceptions. But in recent months, I grew fond of them, especially of the four-chapter version. *lol* Don't ask me why, it started with Tempus and, then came Souls and I'm working on another four-chapter story again. Guess it's a thing I do now... ^^
"Tempus Gratiae" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 24k
Professor Snape disappears for a week during Hermione's 6th year. Without a trace. Then he returns and everything is as before. Except for a few details that arouse Hermione's curiosity. But only seven years later the mystery begins to unravel.
A fun little story written for an advent calendar, I think, with the theme 'A Place in Time', so, of course, I had to write time travel - but with a twist. ^^ I love playing with time and this was my first plot playing with it. It is a bit more complicated than it had to be strictly speaking, but that was also due to the fact that a friend gave me some prompts to work with so it's not entirely my fault. XD
"Our Souls at Full Moon" (English | German) Rated E, Snamione/Snulciber/Romione, complete, 36k
Tricks have consequences, forgetfulness an aftermath. And those usually don't affect the ones who deserve it.
This story has a special place in my heart because it was a pain in the ass to write, okay?! I had this plot bunny that wouldn't shut up and absolutely no time to devote to the 100+k words it would have become had I written in how I usually write stories. So I took a different approach and made it a story in drabbles and double drabbles. But not only that! I also tried some tips about writing I found shortly before I wrote this and that initially gave me the 'Yeah, well, that's not for me' vibe. Still couldn't stop thinking about that either, though, and so I experimented a bit. Not sure how good the English translation is. My beta sent back a lot of 'not sure what you're trying to say here'... *cough*
"Otherside" (English | German) Rated E, Severus Snape & Severus Snape/Snamione, complete, 21k
Meeting himself on the curved surface of a prophecy sphere was the last thing Severus had expected when he went to work that morning - and that was only the tip of the iceberg that would be his next 36 hours.
My story for this year's Questival Fest and another time travel sort of thing story. I'm normally not a fan of adventure plots, all the action stuff is just not for me, I'm more the relationship writer. But when I saw the prompts a bunny scampered into my brain and it made me laugh only thinking about it so I had to write it, yk? -.- But I did so whinging and bitching about the action part! It's still funny, though. XD
"The Bat, the Weasle and the Know-It-All" (English) Rated E, Hermione/Severus/Ron, ongoing one-shot series, 31k so far
My answer to all the Ron!bashing in the Snamione fandom. There once was a Kinktober and my decision to write two smutty ficlets for that occasion. And then there was Ron suddenly being part of my Snamione pairing and then my brain couldn't stop thinking so the two smutty ficlets turned into five so far and what can I say? I love those three. They make such a wholesome triad... I have some more chapters planned but not written yet. Every story is satisfactorily finished though so if you're brave enough, give it a try!
"36 Fragen" (Deutsch) Rated G, Pre-Snamione, complete, 21k
Das Ministerium - wortwörtlich! - verfügt, dass Hermine ihren neuen alten Tränkeprofessor heiraten soll. Und weil selbst sie unlösbare Probleme nicht lösen kann, auch wenn sie es gern täte, versucht sie es mit der nächstbesten Strategie: Die Katastrophe abmildern.
I always wanted to write Severus and Hermione going through that list of 36 questions to fall in love but the only scenario I could imagine causing Severus to acquiesce to that was Marriage Law and didn't want to write a full Marriage Law story because there are already so many of them! So, eventually, I decided to only write this part of my Marriage Law story and make it open-ended! Complain as much as you want, I will not continue this, I just wanted to see how those questions get them and now I know. XD
Short stories
What can I say? I love short stories. It's just so satisfying to begin and finish a story within a few days instead of a few months (or years...). Plus I love writing short stories for people I like so I collected quite a few short stories at this point. Guess there's one for everybody. ^^
"Awake O Sleeper" (English | German) Rated G, Severus Snape & Hermione Granger, complete, 3k
A soliloquy takes an unexpected turn.
A story of mine that's so old that I don't even remember how it happened or why. It was a story I dedicated to a former fandom friend, probably for her birthday? I don't know. It's a cute story, nothing bad happens here. ^^
"The Snapes" (English | German) Rated M, Snamione, complete, 4k
The Snapes were the most remarkable couple Elliot Quinn had ever met – and he didn't only mean that in a positive way. Well … to be honest, he wasn't quite sure how he meant it at all.
I do remember how this story happened, though! When I was posting my last long story, I offered a one-shot for every 100. comment I got, and this story was one of them. The writer of said comment wanted Snamione in couples therapy, and because I wanted to give that theme a twist (and because it had to stay a fucking one-shot!), I wrote from the therapist's pov - who is a Muggle. XD I had a lot of fun writing this. :D
"Silent Voices" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 4,6k
There are moments you have to keep silent. And ones you don't.
Another old one of mine that uses Legilimency - another favourite thing of mine to play with - in a slightly different way than the source material suggested it works.
"Red Passion and Pavlov's Dogs" (English | Deutsch) Rated E, Snamione, complete, 5k
Hermione will never be able to tell anyone what she does on Friday nights. Not even George.
Another 100. comment one-shot and I love this story to bits even though the two major impulses didn't come from me. The reader wanted not-so-rosy Snamione, preferred smutty, and I still had this headcanon about Pensieve bars churning in my head that I found in a Tumblr post so I combined those. And let me tell you, the mood in this story is what I crave. That's my vibe! XD The Tumblr post is linked in the story, by the way, just in case you're interested. Love that idea!
"Aurora Borealis" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 5k
The appearance of an unexpected person at the annual celebration of the Dark Lord's fall turns Hermione's emotional life upside down and drags a long-repressed past back into the light.
I've always been fascinated by polar lights and this story is my love letter to them.
"A Ridiculous Decision" (English | Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 6k
Severus can't believe it when Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts two years after the end of the war to teach Muggle Studies. He tries to unravel the mystery behind this ridiculous decision and finds first nothing (convincing) and then a lot (unexpected).
You know what's another thing I love? Twisting clichés and often used tropes. Here it was the soulmate trope that I had to twist around and I had a lot of fun writing it. :D
"A Fighting Heart" (English) Rated M, gen, kind of complete for now, 6k
In a world in which Voldemort wins the war, Ginny finds herself being the property of Severus Snape - a position that turns out completely different than she'd expected.
I have this plot for a long Voldemort wins story in mind that I plan to write one day and last year for Whumptober I wanted to dip my toe into this plot and this kind of first chapter or teaser happened. It has an open end at this point in the sense that Voldemort doesn't get killed but I think you can pretty well read it as a one-shot as well and at this point, I'm thinking about making the whole story this kind of one-shot type chapters that are kind of complete but construct a whole story in the end. We'll see. So far, this is what I have and maybe the story will one day step up through my categories. ^^
"Look No Further" (English | Deutsch) Rated M, Snamione, complete, 8k
When the damaged west wing of Hogwarts takes its toll on the wards, Severus has to realise that there's nothing that can be done about it anymore. The wards will crumble and since he is the Headmaster, they will kill him in the process. Hermione, however, is not ready to give up like that.
My story for last year's SSHG Holiday Prompt Fest. To be honest, there was this prompt that screamed 'and then they fucked!' and my need to twist clichés kicked in and I had to make it something entirely different. XD It got a tad bit too dramatic considering it's meant to be a Christmas story and I'm not happy with the first scene, but I do like the relationship Hermione and Severus have in this. <3
"Beethoven und Gremlins" (Deutsch) Rated G, Snamione, complete, 1,3k
Alltag mit Severus Snape war wie … Beethoven auf einem Rockfestival. Und Alltag mit Hermine wie … verheiratet sein mit einem Gremlin.
Another 100. comment fic, my shortest one, I think. The reader wanted some domestic fluff with a married Snamione and this is what I came up with - on my second try. I swear, I'm pants at fluff. If there isn't a decent amount of drama, I just can't. >.< But I think this turned out fine and I like the metaphors I came up with. ^^
"Nur ein kitschiger Moment" (Deutsch) Rated G, Snamione, complete, 2,5k
Hermine will nur diesen einen kitschigen Moment an Weihnachten - unglücklicherweise hat sie dafür die falsche Familie.
While we're at fluffy 100. comments fics... This is another one but this reader also wanted children! Can you even imagine how hard I suffered through this?! -.- Well, I did my best. And it was the first time writing a Snamione child in their teens. Interesting experience... *lol* But this story set the name for a possible Snamione son that I will probably use for every son I will ever give them from now on even though the story probably won't connect. XD
"Beteiligte Parteien" (Deutsch) Rated T, Pre-Snamione, complete, 3,6k
Nach einer Gedenkfeier im Ministerium mit sehr viel Alkohol stellt Hermine fest, dass sie schwanger ist. Und so wenig sie es auch selbst glauben kann, es kommt am Ende ihres Ausschlussverfahrens nur einer als Vater in Frage.
Wanna guess? Yes, another 100. comments fic. XD And one of the stories I got the most complaints about because I refuse to write a sequel. The commenter asked for this scene specifically and I don't see the need to write more because there are already a ton of Snamiones with this premise! No need for me to add my own... Plus I would twist it anyway and you would hate me for that so it's better this way for all of us. XD
"Welcome to the Maldives" (Deutsch) Rated G, gen, complete, 5k
Bill reist für eine Fluchbrecher-Konferenz auf die Malediven und trifft dort jemanden, mit dem er nicht gerechnet hatte.
A thank you one-shot for my former beta after she beta-read my last long story for me. Yes, I love writing one-shots for my readers, okay? But this one was a challenge. My former beta is a huge fan of Bill Weasley and has written tons of stories with him and so I was kind of scared that I'd screw this up. XD But I think she was quite happy with what I made of her wish. This story caused me to research a lot of stuff about the Maldives that I will probably never need again and only because Severus mentions in ISEM that he would love to have a house in the Maldives but we're not always getting what we want. My beta wanted to know how his life would look there and so I wrote this. ^^
"Immer Ärger mit dem Chef" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 5k
Severus Snape hatte den Fehler gemacht, Hermine Granger als seine Assistentin einzustellen – und trotzdem ist er nicht gewillt, eine ihrer zahlreichen Kündigungen anzunehmen. Ein Kongress in Dublin bringt schließlich Licht in dieses Paradoxon.
Another old one that happened because we were playing "Duck, duck, goose" in the forum I was active back in the day and I was stupid enough to release a duck. Of course, I got goosed and this story was what came of it. ^^ It features business owner Severus and employee Hermione. It's also idiots to lovers and I probably should translate this one day... ^^
"Der Morgen danach" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, ~500 words
Wie der Titel schon sagt: Der Morgen danach. Und Locken.
Oh, look! This is my shortest story! *lol* That's because it was only a tiny scene to explain one of my old fanarts. Severus had curly hair on that one (because I used Orlando Bloom to put Rickman's face on it) and that had to be explained of course. ^^
"Eigentlich..." (Deutsch) Rated M, Pre-Snamione, complete, 3k
Eigentlich hättest du ihn ja liegen lassen sollen…
Back in the day, there was a LiveJournal community called 120_minuten (120_minutes) and they posted a word prompt every Sunday, iirc, which you had 120 minutes to write a story for. This story happened because of one of those prompts. Sadly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to translate it because there is no good translation for the German word "eigentlich", which was the prompt and is therefore heavily featured in this story. It's even the title! So, I don't know how to accurately translate this but it was fun writing.
"Cocoon Crash" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 6,5k
Sie waren Schüler und Lehrer, Feinde, Verbündete, Geliebte. Doch als sie Eltern werden sollen, kehrt die Feindschaft zurück.
Another "Duck, duck, goose" story, this time lovers to idiots to lovers. It's the story of a pregnant Hermione and a stubborn Severus and some friends who decide that they belong together so they force them on a paperchase. It's both funny and heartbreaking and I probably need to translate this one because I like it. ^^
"Was er ist und was er war ..." (Deutsch) Rated M, Hermione Granger & Severus Snape, complete, 4,2k
… das wird uns erst beim Abschied klar. Hermine erkennt einen anderen Menschen in ihrem ehemaligen Lehrer, als sie zu kennen glaubte. Und dieser Mensch hat noch etwas für sie geplant.
This story leads us to another thing of mine, a tradition I had for a while. Which was: Write a one-shot right after the fireworks on New Year's Eve. I did this for a couple of years, starting the year with a story, and this is one of the stories I wrote on one of those nights. As you can guess, I'm not a partygoer and tend to "celebrate" at home. *lol*
"Omnia Tempus Habent" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 4k
Zeit ist ein konstantes Konstrukt; es lässt einen Dinge in einem anderem Licht sehen, Entscheidungen überdenken und so manches akzeptieren. Das meiste davon, ohne dass man es bemerkt.
This story is so old that I know absolutely nothing to say about it - and that means something! The only thing I can say is that I sometimes confuse it with 'Silent Voices' and that it was my first Snamione one-shot, I think? Anyway, it's ancient, it's anything but my best, but I guess it earned its place on the list. XD
"Das kleinere große Übel" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 3,5k
Severus hat die Wahl: Entweder Babysitting oder Kosmetika in Muggellondon kaufen. Er überlegt nicht lange, doch schon bald beschleicht ihn die Befürchtung, dass er es doch hätte tun sollen.
One of the two crack!fics I've ever written because my beta at that time asked me to write it and how could I have denied her that wish after all the crap she corrected for me?! Right! I couldn't. So I sent Severus to Muggle London to buy makeup for Hermione. Well... XD
"The Scientist" (Deutsch) Rated M, Snirius, complete, 2k
Ein analytischer, wendiger Verstand ist bezeichnend für einen Wissenschaftler. Severus Snape hatte immer geglaubt, einen solchen zu besitzen. Nun ja, auch Wissenschaftler sind nicht gefeit vor Irrtümern…
My only Snirius (that I still somewhat like) so far. It isn't really canon-compliant as it messes with what Severus knew in Book 3 but oh well... It wasn't written to be canon-compliant.
"836 Sekunden" (Deutsch) Rated T, Snamione, complete, 3k
Severus Snape stirbt beim Endkampf und alles, was Hermine bleibt, ist die Erinnerung an 863 Sekunden.
A story about grief. There's nothing else I can say about this. If you want to cry and feel awful, go read this.
"Sockensehnsucht" (Deutsch) Rated T, Molly/Arthur, complete, 5,2k
Sechs Schwangerschaften, sieben Kinder und am Ende eines jeden Monats nicht mehr als acht Knuts in der Tasche. So gründet man eine Großfamilie!
Did you ever wonder how Molly found out about each of her pregnancies? No? Well, I still wrote a story about it. *lol* It's a '4 times she was and 1 she wasn't' type of story (only that it's 'six times she was and 1 she wasn't') and I had a lot of fun writing this although almost nobody reads it because nobody's interested in that pairing. XD
"Zitronenbonbons all over again" (Deutsch) Rated G, gen, complete, 2,2k
Ein Blick in das Büro der Schulleiter nach Band 7.
The other crack!fic, at least measured by the stuff I normally write. Maybe it's only comedy? I felt pretty goofy writing this, though. Severus and Albus as portraits are a different kind of hysterical. O.o
"The Valley of the Shadow of Death" (Deutsch) Rated T, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, complete, 3k
Minerva hat Severus' Schauspiel im siebten Band nie durchschaut. Oder?
Another New Year's Day story and one of the few stories I wrote that feature Minerva and Severus as friends - but during year 7, so it's not wholesome and fluffy but tragic. Still... ^^
"Auld Lang Syne" (Deutsch) Rated T, Ginny/Harry, complete, 3,2k
Der Jahreswechsel ist nicht nur eine gute Gelegenheit, um einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen, sondern auch, um sich zu erinnern.
Yes, NYD story yet again! I said I did those for a couple of years. XD But this one is a tragic one! Not only because it's more on the sad side but also because nobody reads it! And do you know why that is? Because the German site I post on only implemented a kudos feature a couple of years after I posted this story and now it only has 4 kudos and everybody thinks it's bad but it's only old! It hurts my heart to see that story being completely ignored although it features one of my favourite songs and is canon-compliant and causes the perfect kind of heartache. 😭 Was a special kind of amazing when I got a new comment on this story the other day. Finally some recognition for this story. XD
"Der lange Weg zurück" (Deutsch) Rated E, Snuna, complete, 4k
Der australische Regenwald scheint ein geeigneter Ort, um unbemerkt zu leben, wenn man eigentlich tot sein sollte. Und ein guter Ort, um nach etwas zu suchen. Und ein perfekter, um vor etwas wegzulaufen.
I wrote this story for an advent calendar and revised it about two years ago to post it on my account as well. My only Snuna so far. It is special but I think every story with Luna is. *lol*
And this is it so far. I'll update the list when I write something new (and I will, I just can't stop). Hope you found something interesting to read and if you did, I would greatly appreciate kudos and comments! 💚
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scribblespirit · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!! 💝 (+ long personal ramble lmao)
Well I did intend on posting earlier than this, but I wanted to wish a big happy Valentine's to everyone who actually follows along with the random crap that I post on this site-- and an especially big hug to all of my fellow aspec, arospec, and aroace lovelies!! I've always valued the celebration of all forms of love on February 14th, whatever dumbass society that we live in who decided that it's strictly a holiday for romantic couples can show themselves out the mfing door. Romantic love, platonic love, familial love, s*xual love, queerplatonic love, polyamorous love, animal love, ALL types of feeling & showing love are so wonderful and deserve to be celebrated!! If you feel sad about being single on Valentine's Day, don't let our stupid economy blind you to how loved you are in many different ways by many different people!! 🫶
On that note, this year marks a very meaningful occasion for me personally. I'm currently 21 years old, I learned I was asexual when I was 16 and didn't understand that I was arospec too until I was 20. I've always been totally content either celebrating Valentine's Day with my close friends, or basically ignoring the day all together. But as of last summer, I am now in my first Queerplatonic relationship with my incredible partner @rubinaitoart (and our beloved @lovelucigoosey, who is always with us 🎗️🩵) and I thought that today would be a fitting day to finally proclaim my cheesiness online lol! Rubin, I love you so so much and I'm seriously so lucky to have you. Thank you for being my very first Valentine's Day partner, for making me feel so loved I nearly happy-cry every time, and for just always being your supportive, talented, caring, funny, amazing and beautiful self!! 💜💜💜 /p
My patience to see your smile and give you the biggest hug face-to-face is dwindling with every day, but also knowing that we will get there someday is one of my favourite things to think about :'D To my online besties, Checkmate or otherwise, thank you for being the best long-distance found family I could ever ask for!! Every one of you guys means the world to me, I'm so grateful that you all put your care and energy toward a little chatty bundle of emotions like me. My bucket list purely consists of a list of each of you guys, and I will not quit until I get to properly see and hug all of you or else your name is not getting checked off of the bucket list!! But yeah fr thank you guys I fuckin' love my friends I don't know how I got so lucky 🥹💕
To my kittens (not that I expect they'll be reading this), thank you for being such little fluffballs of joy and chaos. Thank you for coming upstairs and insisting to check on me when I have been face-deep in homework for 6 hours, and for dragging me away for cuddles whenever I need it. To my parents (who definitely won't be reading this XD), thanks for being some badass and wonderful parents.
To Luci, I mean I check in pretty often so you probably already know what I'm gonna say. I hope you're happy, I hope you're smiling, I hope you're running and I hope you're free of pain. Love you always boo 🩵
I just have so much love in my heart that I wish I could share as much as possible. I love my family and my kittens and my friends from university who help keep me somewhat sane. I love my Discord friends/found family who help keep me very sane, and are always there to make me laugh and to celebrate achievements together. I love my queerplatonic boyfriend/partner, I love his voice and his hair, I love his obsession passion for The Arcana, I love his fluffy puppy Aster, I love how he makes me smile and that I'm capable doing the same.
Thanks guys. I really really love you all ❤️
(Also I haven't slept in like 38 hours and I'm struggling to stay awake as I write this so I hope it is at all legible, it's probably too long but quite frankly if you read the entire thing and made it all the way down here then massive kudos to you. I did warn that I was chatty and emotional, those two traits never go well together 😂)
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erinelliotc · 5 months
Your history with Ed, Edd and Eddy
Hello! I'm so glad to receive my first message! I'll start apologizing in advance for my English grammatical mistakes since English isn't my first language, but I'll try my best :)
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Well, Ed, Edd n Eddy is my favorite childhood cartoon! And I think it's my biggest special interest. It's been part of my life since an early age. It's hard to say precisely how old I started watching it because I don't know when I started picking out the channels I watched as a kid, but I think I started watching Cartoon Network somewhere between 2005-2007, when I was 5-7 years old (I'm a 2000s kid!). I've watched a lot of cartoons, but none of them give me that feeling of warmth and comfort Ed, Edd n Eddy does. It's hard to explain but I just love this show with all my heart and soul, it makes me so happy and excited. It's so silly, random and funny, it's everything my autistic little brain wanted and needed. Double D has always been my favorite Ed and today I can affirm without a shadow of a doubt that he's my favorite character of all time and probably the one I identify with the most. I wouldn't be surprised if I turned out to be the way I am today because of his influence.
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[EDIT] I'm editing this to add something very important! I forgot to mention that I played "To The Eds-Treme" a lot when I was a kid!
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If you don't know, it was a skateboarding game where you play as Ed, Edd and Eddy to impress Nazz. I was definitely at least 7 or younger when I played this.
It's so funny that when I found this game again, I thought "Wow, it was so difficult. I'll try to play it again". So I played and... won quickly, then I realized that it wasn't difficult, I actually just didn't know how to play because I was just a stupid kid xD
I probably gradually stopped watching EEnE when I was around 10 or 11 (2010/2011) due to a combo of factors:
The show ended, new cartoons began to be released and Cartoon Network's schedule changed. So the time EEnE was on (probably in the early hours of the morning) stopped corresponding to the time I used to watch TV
Like I said, I used to watch a lot of different shows. I started hyperfixating on Adventure Time when I was 12 (2012) and this lasted until 2013. I tend to have lots of hyperfixations and to hyperfixate on one thing at a time, so the hyperfixation of the moment temporarily pushes the other ones away until another one arrives to take its place. After hyperfixating on Adventure Time I started hyperfixating on something else, then on another, and another... Until I get to where I am today xD
I was gradually starting to use the computer more and the TV less because I'm a very digital person. My interest in the internet became greater and greater and I was stopping to watch TV shows in general
You know when something is so much a part of your life that you don't realize how much it means to you? Because you're already used to it, it's part of your everyday life, so you just don't think about it much. And when you're a kid you're even more oblivious and clueless about things in general. Kids are simple. We don't overanalyze and reflect about things when we're kids, we just live and enjoy our simple childish lives. So when I was a kid, I didn't realize how much I love this show and I didn't even have any idea about rating things as favorites and stuff, I didn't think about it, so I didn't have that percpetion of "Ed, Edd n Eddy is my favorite TV show", even though I watched it a lot. I was just a little kid watching my TV shows and living my life, that's all. I only started to understand the enormous importance that this show has for me when I started to grow up and began to miss it intensely when I saw things about it or when I suddenly remembered its existence. Plus, you can only feel nostalgic when you grow up, and feeling nostalgic is a big factor in me becoming obsessed with things.
After I stopped watching it, my first contact with EEnE was probably when I was 12 and I saw and shared a post about it on Facebook in February 27th, 2013 (yes, coincidentally on Danny Antonucci's birthday!), and it brought me so many lost and happy memories, and the first part of my nostalgia! I was so happy to suddenly remember the existence of the show and unearth a series of positive feelings that I didn't even know were here.
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Translation of what I wrote: "DORKS! (laugh) I REMEMBER *-* ED, EDD N EDDY"
And I watched EEnE for the first time again when I was 13 (July 2013) because I was on a plane trip with TVs in the seats. I turned on the TV to Cartoon Network, and coincidentally, Ed, Edd n Eddy was showing. Then nostalgia hit me even harder. However, this was just the "beginning" (the real beginning was in childhood, but anyways, it was the trigger to make me regain that lost childhood love), the hyperfocus hasn't started here yet.
I also saw and shared a post about EEnE on Facebook again in October 8th, 2014. Once again, a lot of positive feelings emerged.
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Translation of what I wrote: "forever the most memorable cartoon of my childhood ❤️"
After that, I remembered the show from time to time (suddenly or by some trigger), especially when the subject of old cartoons or favorite cartoons came up by chance in conversations with my friends and EEnE always came to my mind automatically when talking about it even though I haven't watched it in years and it wasn't something active in my daily life at that age. It was only natural for me to answer to my friends in these conversations that Ed, Edd n Eddy was my favorite cartoon (and especially that Double D was my first crush and favorite character), as if deep down I knew how much it meant to me and that it was in fact the cartoon that had the greatest impact on my childhood and even on who I am today. So at that time (from 2014 to 2017), I used to look a little about it on the internet every now and then, but still not obsessively. I just saved some pics, looked for some episodes...
In January 2018, I was traveling and came across this t-shirt in a store (Riachuelo) at the mall. You have no idea how inexplicably happy I was, as if I were face to face with an old dear friend. That t-shirt just needed to be mine. When I started to remember it, nostalgia hitted me so hard and that's when everything started. Then I started hyperfixating at least since 2018, at least once a year.
Some pics with my t-shirt from February 24th, 2018:
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In case you don't know, here in Brazil "Ed, Edd n Eddy" was translated to "Du, Dudu e Edu" because the Portuguese version of Edward is Eduardo, and the common nicknames are Dudu and Edu, so they just had to create the nickname "Du" (at least I've never seen someone called Eduardo being called Du) and there you go, we have the perfect adaptation! But we also lost the "Double D" nickname as we didn't have the issue of "Ed" and "Edd" sounding the same, so they just didn't see the need to keep it. So every time he's called "Double D" they just dub him as "Dudu" too.
Returning to the main topic: Hyperfixating made me find out about EddEddy and KevEdd ships, and honestly at that time I was kinda 🤨 because, besides never having thought about the possibility of them having anything other than friendship, I was raised in a conservative family and I reproduced their very homophobic thoughts more or less until I was 18, so I saw some fanarts and thought things like "Oh why would people do that!? Gross!". But still, for some reason I couldn't help but get a little too obsessed with EddEddy, and even a little with KevEdd, and save fanarts of the two together… little did I know. Today EddEddy is my biggest OTP, and I see no sense in KevEdd.
Each time I hyperfixated on EEnE it was more intense than the previous time, until it completely took hold and became an active and fixed part of my life. From 2019 to 2022 it was getting veeery intense. Sometimes the trigger was me sleeping, dreaming about EEnE, and because of the dream I remembered it and started hyperfixating. I finally had the idea to start looking for EEnE on TikTok (2022) and I discovered some really cool videos and profiles. Now, the last time I hyperfixated (September 25th, 2023) has been the strongest ever. I've finally reached the highest level of hyperfixation that makes me feel this is the most important thing in my life and I'm thinking and doing things about it 24/7.
So now I feel a great need to produce and absorb as much EEnE content as possible, which made me feel the need to finally join and interact with the fandom, which also led me to start using Tumblr for real and discovering that the format of this social media is PERFECT for me, as it is very organized, there are many ways to format text and insert media, media remain in excellent quality, the character limit is huge (great for me as I love writing), and I can edit the posts (great for my perfectionist side). This hyperfixation allowed me to step out of my comfort zone to explore a social media that fits perfectly with me, as before this I was a recurring Twitter user and faced a lot of annoying problems because of the limitations of this social media. It's even helping and encouraging me to finally practice my English and drawing, which are things I've wanted to do for a long time but didn't have enough energy to do or something important enough to encourage and stimulate me to do it, or didn't know how/where to start.
So I watched the entire show with Brazilian dubbing (since that was how I watched it when I was a kid and I wanted to feel the nostalgia more strongly), then I started subtitling the original episodes to watch them with the original voices and with my own way of subtitle since I'm a bit obsessive and perfectionist and I want to translate in the way I consider most accurate as possible. And boy, I love the Brazilian dubbing, I think they did a really good job and there are even some scenes that I find funnier in this dub BUT Eddy's original voice is simply a work of art. Tony Sampson was impeccable and did the most iconic and unique voice of all time. There are some scenes that I find hilarious just because it's Eddy talking, even the normal scenes that weren't intended to be funny or at least as funny as I find them. Also, I tend to prefer watching things in the original track because I like knowing exactly how things were said, and also to practice my English.
I also started writing about the show, the characters and their development throughout the seasons, writing fanfics, drawing the characters, writing some ideas for comics, making edits, and I'm practicing my English because I'm writing everything in English since the fandom is mostly English speakers and there are not many Brazilian fans. I plan to make videos compiling my favorite scenes, compiling EddEddy scenes and explaining how this ship makes sense, talking about Eddy being gay, talking about Double D and why I identify with him so much, talking about my autistic Double D headcanon, make Telegram sticker packs for each season, customize some t-shirts with the characters (mainly with Double D) and some scenes, buy clothes for my Double D cosplay (I already bought the hat and the t-shirt) which I intend to wear in my everyday life as casual clothes (basically I want to live my life as Double D from now on, which is not hard since we're basically the same person xD I'm just going to start dressing more like him to become even more like him) and even make other Double D clothes that I can't find for sale (I want to graduate in a suit exactly like the one he wears in season 5, and I also want the same cardigan and tie. And I was going to buy pajamas conveniently similar to his anyway, but duck pajamas, which also makes sense and isn't out of character at all, as we also see him wearing some duck-printed clothes).
But what makes me sure that EEnE is my strongest and most important special interest of all is the fact that for the first time in my life I decided to get a tattoo, for real! I used to have hypothetical tattoo ideas but not with the intention of actually getting them because I hate/hated the idea of permanently marking my body. I always said I would get a tattoo if tattoos worked like clothes (i.e., being removable and giving me the option to decide which one I want to wear on the day). But with EEnE that thought instantly disappeared completely, I was just like "I'll get it tattooed", without hesitation, it just felt right. I immediately lost my fear of marking my body as if it never existed because I consider EEnE so important and meaningful to me, so part of my own identity, that it just seems like the right thing to do. My initial idea was to tattoo Double D, but then I realized that actually all of them are very important to me even though Double D is my favorite, so I'm going to tattoo the trio, but probably doing something to highlight Double D (I'm still deciding what the tattoo will be like).
And you know what else? Rewatching Ed, Edd n Eddy now is even reminding me of lot of things that are blowing my mind. There are scenes from the show that I didn't even remember were from there, I just knew I had seen them somewhere. It feels like EEnE is so internalized in me that I don't even know which memories and parts of me come from the show, it's just all mixed up there and they are now part of my "system". I didn't even remember that I used to watch it with my dad and I only (re)discovered it when I watched a specific scene that I also didn't remember that was from EEnE, because I remember that I used to reproduce/imitate that scene with my dad because we found it funny. It's so strange to not be aware about these memories because they're so deep and buried in my subconscious. It's like I'm rediscovering myself and what shaped me and led me to where I am today, and rediscovering how important this show is to me and how much it influenced me.
Anyways, you asked for my history with Ed, Edd n Eddy, so here's my TED talk! All from the beginning and without an ending because all factors point to the obvious fact that this show will never leave my life. Not only did this never happened, but it became more and more part of my life over time, as well as having deeply rooted itself in me as a kid, so it has already become an inherent part of who I am, making it impossible to separate myself from the show. I just don't exist without Ed, Edd n Eddy.
Some current pics of me, now 23, wearing my favorite t-shirt :)
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amethystina · 10 months
I am choosing to be tagged by @miss-ingno!
Last Song: Lost by Linkin Park because I apparently like to torture myself. I only found out about it earlier this week and now I can't stop listening to it, even if it hurts so incredibly much. I never thought I'd hear a new song with Chester, so many years after he died.
Reading: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, We Have Always Lived In the Castle by Shirley Jackson, and Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (I need more chapter titles for Who Holds the Devil x'D)
Watching: Jennifer's Body! Or I will very soon, at least, after I've finished writing this post xD I've been meaning to watch that movie for AGES now and I'm finally getting to it! 💜 I'm currently in a phase where I want to watch more movies than shows, it seems like... Though I did watch Happy Merry Ending the other day. It was cute!
Current Obsession: Dioramas. As in, I want to make my own. But not one that has to stand on a table (who has room for that?) but, like, one inside a shelf that I can hang on my wall, preferably with a lamp inside it so it can double as, well, a lamp. I'm currently in the process of gathering supplies and watching a bunch of tutorials and stuff on YouTube. Because I DEFINITELY needed a new hobby — especially a creative one. But, in my defence, it involves skills I already have, like painting, sculpturing, design etc. So it just seems reasonable to do something that makes use of all of those talents, I guess? Either way, I'm VERY excited!
And writing, I guess. I'm always obsessing over my writing, it feels like. Right now I'm trying to edit chapter 8 of Until Death Do Us Unite so I can finish writing my chapter of A New Dawn (Begins With Us) and, hopefully, after THAT I can write chapter 35 of Who Holds the Devil.
... fuck my life x'D
I tag whoever wants to do it!
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Hello! New to this tumblr, but I found your Downfall Timeline Fairy AU on AO3, and let me just say, it has become my new obsession. I’m a big fan of Fairy!Hyrule, and these fics you wrote just made me love him even more. Would it be possible to set up a possible wait time for the next part of the story? Because I can’t wait - I have so many questions and ideas of what will happen next. Will Hyrule’s fairy side be revealed to the Chain? What will Warriors think of that? Will the princesses provide insight for fixing the land and the Fairy Fountains? Maybe Legend can help with that, since I think there was an implication that he was an ancestor of Hyrule’s mother, who also used to be a Great Fairy. Does Legend end up marrying a Great Fairy and becoming a male one himself? Will the land ever actually get better, and become like the other Hyrule’s? I don’t mean to be rude, or put pressure on you, or anything like that, so you can take as long as you want. Thank you!
Hi hello lovely to meet you!
The next part of the story... I'm not entirely sure? I've got a fic in another fandom with a deadline this month which is causing me bother, so I'm not allowed to write any /new/ Zelda stuff until after that's done. ^^; I intend to then work on the fairy series, and maybe throw in some oneshots between so I don't burn out, at least up to the end of my definite plans, but I may need to do a non-series oneshot or three first to get my head back into it. Especially as the next bit is a chapterfic, which /always/ give me trouble, so I want the whole thing done before I start uploading it. Or at least be a couple of chapters ahead. The first chapter is /nearly/ finished, just needs a start, but I want at least half of it done before I upload anything. The end is the easiest bit to write, of course. xD
As for the other bits... I guess I can put some little hints towards spoilers under the cut
Can't have a fairy au without it getting revealed to everyone sooner or later! That's actually on the agenda in the chapter-fic! Which is Hyrule and Legend swapping the PoV stick, though /after/ that Warriors and time get to have some time. There's an earlier version where Warriors learnt it first half-finished in my drafts, though its been scrapped as it no longer fits with other things the series did. May finish it off sometime and throw it up not connected to the rest.
Legend and Hyrule's mother were acquainted, though its on Hyrule's /father/'s side they're blood related - his mother has been about since Time's era, but only been human enough to have kids for the last hundred years or so. The link in the hair thing is a wee bit more complicated. Try think about what actually causes Legend's hair to swap between blond and pink in LU, and a little on ALTTP. I do have some vague plans for it to come up if the heroes wander by the ranch any time soon, though the blood relation by his father's line likely never will just because the information has been lost.
I don't really have a whole ending in mind, but I have a few odds and ends. I will say though that Hyrule's hometime /is/ in a better state than it was when he ended his adventure (they just hit an especially awful part), and the improvement is continuing. Just. Starting from the more settled areas.
I'd love to drop the Princesses in on this one but we'll see. I'm currently fighting Time, Hyrule, and Warriors to try make them all talk again ^^;
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rrxnjun · 1 year
OH MAN THATS JUST... but the fact that taking the the bus is slower AND u had to pay for it just smh i hope at least the company was good!!:o
U ARE JUST TOO NICE FOR SAYING THAT;-;💕💞wahhh i hope u get used to again!!!!!!💕💖
and idk if u mean like genres or artists but other than k-pop i tend to listen to what's popular tbh💀(more so indie pop and hyper pop! but i'm just not very picky with the music i listen to tbh😟) and if u meant artist, rn i listen to a lot of lovejoy (WHICH I KNOW U LISTEN TO! UR KNEE DEEP AT ATP FIC WAS🤌🤌🤌and i was so surprised u know them tbh and also knowing wilbur soot in general i never expected seeing them in like "k-pop grounds" xd) beabadoobee, gracie abrams, aespa, the boyz, ericdoa and some hungarian artists!!! and i also feel like this is the time to mention the just saying fic as well cuz 5sos is🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 like ur music taste just slaps tbh it's just sooooo good!!! and if u have any artist recommendations i would gladly accept them🫡(liebestraum anon💕)
AAA definitely do leave a review even tho theres no pressure !!!! hope u like the fic 🤭💕💕
i love getting inspired by songs!!! thats why i usually have a playlist for each fic i write hhh its a part of my creative process at all times 🥰 AAA THE YANGYANG FIC IS ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES BECAUSE OF THE SONGS THAT INSPIRED IT. i fucking loooove paramore i grew up to their music 💕 but the fact that the whole fic was inspired by awsten and the fact that he used to be a guitar teacher is so funny to me sometimes i cant 😭
NO WAY U LIKE LOVEJOY WHAT ((the second to last scene in the yy fic was literally inspired by perfume and the "its 3:45 the taxi's not arrived i dont think that he's coming" line 😭😭) MY BIO IS LITERALLY A PERFUME LYRIC i love that song sm i dont think im ever changing it. tbf i was never into mc youtube and i just found a random wilbur edit on tiktok one day which led me to watching some of his and tommy's vlogs which led me to lovejoy AHAHA.
i do love aespa too🤭 i think nct and aespa are the only kpop artists i actively stan rn HAHA but i always wanted to check out beabadobee so maybe this is my sign 👀
U LIKE 5SOS TOO IM IN LOVE W YOU 😻 ive been a 5sos stan for like 8 years now and i wanted to write a fic inspired by just saying since like 2015 so im glad i finally got to it last year 😭😭 thank u for complimenting my music taste i take big pride in it actually😭😭😭😭 i dont really have many recs since u like most of my fav artists,, but i also really enjoy wallows, chase atlantic and the driver era too! i am also currently fighting with hyuck for the position of baekhyun's biggest fan but im severely losing 😔
also hungarian artists hm....ive never listened to any hungarian songs,, do u have any recs? 👀 also does that by any chance mean u are from hungary...?(its ok if u dont wanna tell me!! its just that if u are we might be neighbors LMAO)
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jsvjbmh · 1 year
Unlimited Flow
Assume some spoilers? (I'll try to avoid this time) I wanted to ramble about one of the genres that I discovered last year. I mean, you've probably read the title. It's "Unlimited Flow". According to this site: Unlimited Flow is a genre where a characters gets transmigrated into different instances separated from the real world where they have to complete tasks. Such as but not limited to: puzzles, survival or horror games.
I wanted to say that Seizing Dreams was my first Unlimited Flow novel. Despite feeling similar, it is not. Instead of getting into different instances, the main characters enters the dream of people and they don't get to be told a task to solve, unlike in Unlimited Flow novels. I believe it is not a horror novel either. I do love this novel tho, highly recommend it ^^
The Earth is Online is probably the first novel about Unlimited Flow that I've read.. I've read a few where the characters are dying and get transmigrated into a certain system. But if I remember correctly, they are still alive in this one. Aside from the characters, I also liked the instance bosses. They were al 'existing' fairy tale characters such as: Red Riding Hood, Snow White and I believe Sleeping Beauty as well? Could be wrong. But Mario and Santa Clause are there as well xd.
Some other Unlimited Flow novels that I really enjoyed: (They're all BL) - Card Room Have to say that I felt a bit iffy about the side couple in this one. This one has a lot of chapters tho. 600 something? - Global Examination Probably one of my favorites <3. This one also has an ongoing manhua. Don't really have much to say about it, I just loved it :'D. It has 166 chapters. Small amount compared to the others :') But hey, less is not worse. - I Was Once a Legend This one also involves a bit of time traveling. This one is about someone who already left the system, but due to reasons he decided to go back. This one has 371 chapters. - I Wasn’t Born Lucky I enjoyed this one as well. The MC is kinda OP, so if you want a novel where the characters are challenged, this one is not for you. The ML is also a bit obsessive. I found it tolerable to read. I mean, I finished the novel XD. I kinda liked how the monster didn't seem fierce since the MC just take the piss with them and just kept bullying them, even tho he thought he was treating them well :'). This novel has ~260 chapters. - Kaleidoscope of Death I know I liked this one, but I have to say that I'm lacking some memories about it. I think this is the novel where I felt a bit grossed out at some point due to how they explained a certain part and somehow that got me. A bit over 140 chapters. - Mist This one messes with Time Paradoxes and Time travel. First time reading something like this and it was an experience. The MC has Hyperthymesia (Someone who remembers everything) and deals sometime with memory overflow. This one was interesting to read. It has ~100 chapters. - Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?! This one made me like Dinosaurs a lot :'). There was one instance which involved raising Dinosaurs and at the end of it the MC got to keep one as a pet. This one is not a horror and is a bit different compared to the other ones. In this one they don't die either. In this novel, the MC somehow end up in a Survival Reality show. When they are about to die, they end up in a life saving capsule. It has a bit under 250 chapters
Some other I wanna mention, cuz I did read them :'). Maybe you'll end up loving them. - Escape the Infinite Chamber There is rape involved in this one, I did not enjoy that one.. One of the side couple is also questionable... I also didn't enjoy the ending.. Spoiler for the ending: Time got reversed and the whole novel didn't happen :').... Is has 201 chapters - Game Loading I liked it, but not my favorite. Small spoiler: The MC has to swing boats multiple times almost, if not, every time, but they all had the soul of the ML :'). I did enjoy this part where they ended up in a simulation game and they had to break out of it to survive. But they ended up losing that game, because they didn't want to break out of it, they lived their whole life with each other until they died of old age. Btw, this one also has an ongoing manhua ^^. The novel has a little bit over 300 chapters
The last few ones are ones that I'm currently reading. - The Trial Game of Life I do enjoy this one and I will pick it up again. The translation for this one is not done and I can't say if it gets updated regularly or not... - Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game This one is finished. I just somehow lost the interest of it and hopefully I get interested in it again so I can finish it ^^. It has ~150 chapters. I believe I'm at the last arc? So I'm close to the end... - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment I just need to read a chapter and I'm up to date again ;d. This one gets updated regularly ^^. The same with 'I wasn't born lucky', if you don't like OP characters where the characters don't meet with challenges, this one might not be it for you. - Paintings of Terror I believe the translation for this one got canceled? So I'm waiting if it gets picked up again, since I don't speak/read Chinese :'). I do enjoy this one ^^ - The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPC I'm in the middle of reading this one ;d. I believe it gets updated regularly? I could be wrong, I'll find that out when I'm up to date with this one :') I'm at chapter 61 and I believe there are 100 at the moment translated? I believe the full novel has ~300 chapters? I like how in this novel the MC doesn't really care that much about the tasks, he just wants to perform the perfect act :'). Which may or not may end up him doing the tasks regardless, cuz the end boss liked to be tied to his character XD
I think that's all the Unlimited Flow novels I've read or am reading. They will not be the only on ;d When I'm up to date with the last novel that I mentioned, I probably am going to read After an Infinite Flow Player Retires. I've read that there is a character that has Yandere tendencies, so I'm gonna figure out if I can stand reading that :')
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beanswrites · 2 years
The Shipping Challenge
saw this and wanted to give it a try :)
1. First Ship You Ever Shipped:
Rapunzel and Eugene
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Even though I had a lot of ships even when I was a kid, especially Disney ships, Rapunzel and Eugene (Or Flynn, whichever you like the best) were my favorite. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was! The "You are my dream" broke me, and it still does. The notebook where I wrote fanfics about them when I was like 8 is probably still somewhere in my house- So yeah, love this two very much, still one of the best Disney ships!
2. First OTP Ship:
Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percabeth)
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Because of these two I literately found out what fandoms and shipping are. The second I read the first book they became my OTP, and I was so obsessed with them that I literately highlighted all of their cute moments. You can't even imagine the rage I felt towards Luke and Rachel, for trying to get these two away from each other when I was in the fifth grade. Yes, I still love them (I mean how could I not XD), and it's possible that I still write fanfics for this ship..
3. Current favourite ships:
Eijiro Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugo (Kiribaku)
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As soon as I started watching anime and MHA, their friendship was so cute to me, but come on people. It's so obvious it's much more than that! Ya'll know that I live for best friends to lovers especially when it's the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay! Plus, it's kinda hard to not ship them when they act like a married couple already-
Hajime Iwaizumi and Toruu Oikawa (Iwaoi)
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Iwaoi IS the best ship in Haikyuu and that is the hill I will die on. I love this dynamic so much, I genuinely think they are soulmates and that they belong together. As soon as I saw them I was like: "Yeah, okay, you two are getting married" And sureeee Oikawa does annoy Hajime sometimes but who the hell doesn't purposely annoy somebody they love?!
4. Your ship since the first minute:
Bow and Glimmer (Glimbow)
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Oh what a surprise, another best friends to lovers-
I loved this ship since the first time I saw them on screen, they are just perfect. I mean they are both bisexual icons, and two of my favorite characters, so it HAD to happen! After long five season this ship is FINALLY CANNON OH MY GOD-
5. Ships you wish were canon:
Lance McClain and Keith Kogane (Klance)
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I will NEVER forgive the writers of Voltron for never making it cannon. THIS WAS THE BIGGEST SHIP IN THE ENTIRE SHOW AND THEY WASTED ALL THAT POTENTIAL-
I'm furious. The chemistry these two had was bigger than the entire success of this show! (No hate tho, I love Voltron, this just pisses me off)
Are we all just gonna sit here and pretend they weren't aren't 100% completely in love??
6. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love:
PLEASE just hear me out-
Katsuki Bakugo and Ochako Uraraka (Kachako)
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Okay, yeah, this is probably one of the most hated ships in the MHA fandom, and I know that. To be fair, when I first saw this ship I pretty much gagged, because I couldn't imagine them together.
In the last couple of months I got kinda interested in this ship, and now I like it! It's definitely not the best ship in MHA, but it's not toxic and it has potential!
7. You don't even watch the show but you ship it:
Beast Boy and Raven (BBRae)
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Never gotten around to watching the OG Teen Titans (I know, I should!), but I started loving this ship from fanarts and fanfics. I did see some of their cute scenes from Teen Titans Go!, but I heard that the OG show is much better. Love them!
8. Ship you wish had a different storyline:
Riven and Musa
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The way this show broke my 12 year old heart when these two broke up should be illegal
Seriously, I feel like this ship had a great dynamic and a lot of potential, and it could have made it far (they COULD'VE gotten engaged like SkY aNd BlOoM, but nOOoOoO, it was better if they cut riven off completely). Unfortunately, they fought A LOT and their relationship was becoming all together toxic (like when he CHEATED on her) so that kinda ruined it. And then it even had the opportunity to redeem in the last season, but they ruined that too! It would have been better if they both worked thru their problems and talked to each other more
I cope with this with writing fanfics. Now that I think about it, fanfics are pretty much how I cope with EVERY ruined ship.
9. A ship where the characters have barely even met (or not at all):
Hiro Hamada and Miguel Rivera (Higuel)
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These two have never met, unfortunately, because Hero is from Big Hero 6 and Miguel is from Coco, but they fit so well-
It was confirmed that it's the same universe, so them meeting technically IS POSSIBLE. I feel like their personalities would work so well together, and Idk, they are just cute!
Okay, those would be my ships! There are honestly so many more I would love to put, but alas, this is the challenge. As you can clearly see, my favorite tropes vary from "enemies to lovers" to "best friends to lovers" and it's got me messed up.
Literately every time I ship someone the show/movie/book decides to feed it's fans with ANGST
But thats ok tho
We appreciate some good ol' angst here my fella's
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ganseybois · 2 years
I've been reading your alfie x thomas fics because I love love this ship so much! (I recently got into the peaky blinders series and am excited for the next season, but was hoping to request some domestic alfie and thomas? The idea is that they're living on the run on a farm and one night a sheep gives birth to a runt lamb and thomas pleads for alfie to let him keep it because the lamb reminds him of himself before they left their old life behind. Alfie does and the lamb becomes a house pet which Thomas takes with him everywhere, even into town to go to the market. XD
fair warning, i feel like i'm not very good at fluff/domestic stuff, so i hope this turned out okay and that you like it! thank you for the prompt :)
Alfie watched with a smile on his face as Tommy walked from the barn up to the house, the little runt of a goat named John (yes, after his fucking brother) by his side, hopping along. That fucking goat, which Alfie had thought would last no longer than a week, was a year old now, and it followed Tommy fucking everywhere, including inside the house. Worse still, was Cyril was just as obsessed with the goat as Tommy was.
Tommy sat on the porch of their small, but lovely home, watching as the man he was spending his life with walk up to him. He was not wearing his peaky outfit, no, he was wearing trousers and one of Alfie’s white shirts (too big for him, but Alfie so enjoyed watching Tommy wear it), but his hair was the same, and his glasses were perched high on his nose.
They had moved to the countryside together over a year ago, far away where no police would ever think to look for them, where the government would have no interest in them. They had found a home for themselves with a small farm, and they had chickens, horses, goats, and cows to keep them company. Well, and each other of course. When John the goat had been born, it had been in a small litter with three other little babies, and Alfie had seen, immediately, that this goat would be smaller, weaker than the others. But Tommy had been adamant that they did not get rid of it, he had put up quite the fight actually. Alfie had surveyed him as Tommy had quite frankly, lost his absolute shit. Alfie remembered it all quite clearly.
Tommy, with blood on his hands, made sure the goat was getting milk from its mother as he looked over at Alfie like a crazed man. “Alfie, there isn’t any reason to kill it.”
“Tommy,” Alfie sighed, taking a rag out of his back pocket to wipe his hands. He moved closer to Tommy, grabbing his lover’s hands gently so he could wipe at them. “He’s a runt mate, he won’t be able to—”
“I don’t care.” Tommy snapped, blue eyes on fire.
“Alfie, please, please listen.” Tommy said hurriedly like he was fighting for his own fucking life instead of the goats. “Just because he’s smaller than the rest.”
“And weaker.”
“And weaker, it doesn’t mean he won’t grow up. It doesn’t mean he won’t make it.”
Alfie frowned for a long moment before he leaned forward and kissed Tommy very gently on the lips. “Thomas, darling, tell me what this is really about, yeah? Because the way you’re reacting, right, makes me think this really has nothing to do with the fucking goat.”
Tommy sighed himself, putting his face in his hands for a moment before rubbing at his skin, and then letting his hands fall. He looked more tired than Alfie had seen in a long while. He sat back properly to give his knees a rest, moving so he could press his side against Alfie, speaking quietly. Alfie had learned that when Tommy was admitting something, he always did it barely above a whisper. Either it had become second nature from thinking his enemies would hear him, or it was because Tommy thought that if he admitted something during a whisper, it could almost make it not true, or make him somehow less vulnerable.
“We grew up with no money, and I…I was looked at by people like you’re looking at this goat. Lesser because I was skinnier, poorer, a traveller. But I fucking worked, and worked hard to make sure that I could be the man you now know.”
“Right.” Alfie brushed his fingers through Tommy’s hair. “But you’re a human mate, not a fucking goat. So it’s a lot easier for a man to rise through the ranks instead of a goat, yeah?”
“I’ll take care of him.” Tommy pressed. “You won’t have to do a thing.”
“It won’t survive the fucking week, Tom.”
“It will, I swear it will. Alfie, please. How many times did I escape death? He’s innocent. He just wants to live.”
Alfie sighed, but like most things in his life, he gave Tommy whatever it was that he wanted.
So Alfie had agreed, and Tommy raised that goat like a child, and here it was, walking up the three steps to the house, before getting comfortable on the porch by the chair that Tommy liked to sit on.
Tommy lit up a cigarette as he sat, glancing at Alfie. “What are you thinking so hard about?”
“That fucking goat.” Alfie mumbled, his hands sitting over his stomach. Cyril was half asleep by his feet.
“What about John?”
Alfie rolled his eyes. “For starters, it’s a stupid fucking name for a goat, innit?”
“It’s been a year Alfie, it’s time to move on.”
“This is the shit that keeps me up at night.”
“If that’s all that’s keeping you up at night, you lead a very happy life.” Tommy got up from his chair, and Alfie couldn’t help but grin that the goat got up too. But Tommy only moved over to Alfie’s chair and sat on top of him, his legs dangling over the side of the chair. This was a very rare form of domestic intimacy that Tommy had just bestowed upon him. Physical affection was a hard thing for him, and he so rarely gave so much all at once.
“Well, that and the fact that now, children come up to the farm asking for you.”
Tommy’s face was close to his, Alfie’s arms around him, one of Tommy’s hands tracing Alfie’s face, over his lips, running through his beard. “All the way from town?”
“All the way from fucking town Tommy boy, and ask me why they came to see me this particular morning.”
“Why did they come, Alfie?”
“To see the strange man and the strange goat.”
Tommy let out a short laugh, making Alfie grin, Tommy looking over at the ground where John was standing in front of the chair, looking at them as fondly as they looked back. “Perhaps I should start teaching him tricks.” As though John understood him perfectly, the goat walked even closer, and got up on its hind legs to put its front hooves on Alfie’s thigh.
Alfie frowned, pretending like it bothered him. “He’s not a dog mate.”
“Cyril has never done a trick in his life.”
“I’ll have you know that Cyril is a dog of many fucking talents, and he is hurt by the fact that you really think he has never been able to do a trick.”
“Oh yeah?” Tommy grinned at him. “Have him do one then.”
“Well he won’t do that now mate, will he? Not when you’ve doubted him so.” John, seemingly bored with them, hopped down and got comfortable next to Cyril.
“Right, of course, what was I thinking?”
“I truly do not know.” he looked over at the goat. “I will say this Tommy, he’s at least a cute fucking thing, ain’t he?”
“He is. And he certainly catches people’s eyes when I’m in town. All the women come up to me, flirt with me…”
Alfie scrunched up his nose, earning a soft laugh from Tommy. “Maybe I should come into town then yeah? Mark my territory.”
“Cyril and John do that all over town for you, don’t you worry.”
Alfie grinned at both animals. “Good boys.” And then he grabbed Tommy by the back of his neck to have him lean forward for a kiss.
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blushinggray · 3 years
Free! The Final Stroke screeching/reaction (spoilers)
AHHHHH I JUST WATCHED THE FINAL STROKE MOVIE TODAY IN THEATERS ON PREMIER DAY AND IT WAS LAKSJDFOAIFJWOEI to summarize it all, it was Very Gay, which was to be expected but they DID NOT have to get so freaking extra with it 😩😩😩
much screaming and many spoilers ahead
he was in the film for a total of maybe 5 minutes altogether, which was kind of a lot bc the film kind of was just putting all the characters back in for the sake of putting them in imo? for the fans, lol. so everyone could see their faves. and in these five minutes that he appeared, our mans:
bragged about his little brother he's so proud of
got laughed at by nao for being natsuya (aka dumb and straightforward) as usual
trained with sousuke (he was hanging out in the same pool with him, nao, and makoto to train and aid in sousuke's rehab training)
got a call from ikuya after the international swimming competition in sydney!!!! in that same cafe he's always at!!!! and he was with nao at the time he got the call. casual and cool as always, being the cool big brother or whatever. he ended the call with a curt, "you got it. see you. don't catch a cold."
and of fucking course, they were all out together at a restaurant when the sydney competitors came back, and he was like, "wth no one else is drinking alcohol tonight?" and nao was like "ofc not haha" AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
HE FUCKING FALLS ASLEEP AT THE TABLE AFTER DRINKING AND EVERYONE IS SURROUNDING HIM AND PATTING HIM LIKE "dude..." and ikuya is sitting there like, omg can't believe this mess is my brother....
i thought that just might be his last scene in the film but then we show back up to the kirishima household and natsuya is eating some sort of luxury holiday(?) bento and ikuya is like "aren't you gonna save any for me?" and natsuya's like "of course not. this is for me, you gotta wait until next year xD" and then ikuya just fucking SNATCHES up several different foods and stuffs his face with all of them and natsuya starts arguing with him over them laskjdfoawiefjao where was this brotherly affection all this time?????
and then cut to a few seconds later, natsuya's bumming in his room on the floor like in s3 when ikuya comes in and tells him about his new future goals and alskdjfaoei brothers sharing their ambitions together 😩😩 WHAT IS GOING ON. EVERYONE GETS ALONG SO WELL NOW???
NEXT: we'll go back to the beginning i guess lmfao but they're preparing for some sort of university festival
we start off with an easily misunderstandable shoujo-style situation where asahi is talking to ikuya like, "i know it's your first time... you don't have to be nervous. i know you can do it." and ikuya's like "no! i can't 😣" like the tsun he is backed up against the wall. and then it turns out they're trying to make a mille feuille cake.... but everything he's made so far looked like crepes
and for some damn reason, KISUMI comes outta nowhere into the kitchen and is like "ooooh what's this? a mille feuille cake? although they all look kinda like crepes haha ^^" and then ikuya RUNS THE FUCK OUT OF THE KITCHEN, yelling, "i told you i couldn't do it!!!" like the fucking tsun he is... and asahi is yelling at kisumi like "why did you just say that!!!" and starts rubbing his knuckles into kisumi's head and kisumi's just laughing like, "oh did i do that hehe"
and for some reason... seijuurou is working at the booth in his speedo and swim team jacket. i mean i'm not complaining but sir.... PLS TAKE MY MONEY AND GIVE ME YOUR FAT OCTOPUS BALLS. (he literally started a batter mixing competition with hoshikawa inside the booth, like what are they even doing in the same booth???)
then rin and sousuke show up to ikuya, asahi, and hiyori(?)'s booth, and they're offering them the crepes and then they get into a conversation about smth that leads into them showing the embarrassing photos they have of each other?????? like ikuya has a pic of rin in his maid costume for some reason??? (tho it isn't shown) and rin shows an embarrassing pic of ikuya he has in his phone that he got from natsuya???????????? and then ikuya starts chasing after rin yelling at him to delete it lasdkjfoaei
and then haru is off to the side selling ugly ass bird mascots again lmfao. bc ofc he is. love that weirdo
APPARENTLY, HIS VILLAIN BACKSTORY COMES FROM HIS CHILDHOOD CRUSH (/exaggerated) ON HIYORI ALSKDJFOAIE WHAAAT. apparently he was that annoying kid in the playground who would go up to hiyori and bother him bc he wanted a friend. bb hiyori was literally like "why are you even talking to me so much?" in his sandbox. and bb kinjou is like, "well there's gotta be smth you like, right? what is it?" and hiyori's like "well i feel kinda happy when i'm swimming... :)" as images of ikuya flash into his mind, that gay ass
BUT KINJOU'S GAY ASS EYES START SPARKLING TOO AND THEN HE'S LIKE "I GOTTA LEARN WHAT THE BIG DEAL ABOUT SWIMMING IS" and he runs home, begs his brother to take him to the pool. but next time he brings his swimming stuff with him to the playground, hiyori isn't there anymore and apparently he left for america at that time (or smth). so poor baby basically got ghosted
but hiyori still knows him when they're older!!!! kinjou shows up when they're throwing out the trash after the uni festival and calls out to hiyori to taught him (which is where that bullying preview scene came from i guess) and alkfjeoiaejoaifj omfg it's like that estranged childhood friends (sorta) trope but it'll never go kinjou's way bc hiyori is and will always be in love with ikuya 😔
kinjou would make such a good yandere tho!!!! he has a feral expression on a few times throughout the movie, and during a race he gets super competitive mid-race and... ngl he was kinda sexy 😳 i'm actually kind of surprised by how taken i was with him in this movie. doesn't help that he's unfairly handsome and his hair looks fucking amazing. i MAY OR MAY NOT be exploring this man in the future..................
i also found the ending with haru pretty interesting!!!! it kind of hints at neurodivergence? smth along the lines of disassociation or multiple personalities? (guess 50% off was kinda right on that end lmfao).
he gets obsessed with beating albert wahlander, which is the most fired up i've ever seen him (to the point of almost hurting himself) and then the shadow or whatever effect albert has on haru kind of just overtakes him and pushes haru out of his own body in a way... it doesn't make sense to describe it this way, i know, but haru is literally watching himself say hurtful things to his friends while being overtaken by this... albert obsessed persona?
it's so interesting to see haru being the one obsessing over someone instead of the other way around for once!!! at the end of the movie (after all the credits) haru says the same thing he once said at the beginning of season 1? about how "at age 5, you're a prodigy. at age 15, you're a genius. at age 20(?), you're average." and this is def gonna be explored/concluded in the second part of the final stroke movie so i'm excited for that!!!! april 2022 come at me!!!!
there were SOOOOO many other things going on, plot wise and fanservice wise, and ofc kyoto animation was fucking TOP TIER SHIT. all the water effects... there was a shot where haru was looking at his reflection in the water and they make a drop fall and spread and shake his reflection in the waves and it was lafkjsefoiaeja fucking glorious. the soundtrack was lovely too. there was a RADWIMPS-esque beginning song and a sexy ass electric guitar buildup for kinjou (which may or may not be contributing to my growing obsession with him...)
AHHHH!!!! it was so good and everyone was so cute and handsome and gay and funny. we literally see every single character we've met before in some way, shape, or form lmfao. i might just go back to the theater and watch it again on one of the upcoming holidays this week.... SO GOOD. SO GOOD.
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o-king-of-suns · 3 years
Hi ^^ I've recently found ur blog and read ur meta. Ur analysis is great! I'm kinda new here but I've seen so many ppl talk about Levi's guidebook page, referring to it as "the confirmation of what Levi was solely fighting for in the final battle i.e revenge by fulfilling the promise" I'm sorry if this has been pointed out before but as a Levi fan who believes otherwise, I'd love to read ur interpretation. Also u also believe the GB is implying this? I think ppl are having the wrong impression.
Hi! :) Thank you so much! I am glad you liked my meta! English is not my first language, so I try my best to express what I want to say.
Almost everyone agrees that the final guidebook is just an ABSOLUTE hot garbage! xD At this point that no one is taking seriously anymore! xD It straight up contradicts what happens in the manga, has VERY reductive and nonsensical descriptions of the characters and is FULL of errors.
The main reason to why many people have issues with Levi’s part (apart from it having nothing new or because it mainly focused on the promise) is one word that was used in the text that has been translated by some biased people into “obsessed”.
I asked 3 Japanese people (including my teacher) about the word that was used in the text and the meanings that I was given were: (be) dedicated to; have an uncompromising commitment to ; to really focus on; to be determined to; etc. From what I understood, this term is always a headache as it truly depends on what the writer wants to convey and what it “feels” right in the context. "Obsessed” is like, the most reductive reading of that word, and it's the exact word that Er_ris chose to use xD
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Japanese is often qualified as vague, and it CAN leave room for interpretation. For example, the word (きれい) Isayama used to say Levi was the opposite of Rorschach could mean "pretty" or "clean" based on the context, but here's the thing: Rorschach is notoriously ugly, so it makes sense that Isayama meant that Levi is "pretty" (and it IS officially translated to "pretty" ), but I have seen MANY Japanese people say that Isayama meant "clean" not “pretty”! This word meaning in the text literally and solely depended on Isayama's intention even causing translators to get confused and translate it to “pretty”! If we look at the context of Levi’s character description in the last gb, the last line mentions that after his final mission, Levi “meets his friends with a calm heart”. Why would Levi be able to meet his friends with a “calm heart” if his entire arc was about him being “obsessed” with a personal goal and revenge?! Is this why he salutes them and they salute him back in the final chapter?! I am 100% sure that the word “obsessed” was not the one that the person who wrote the description wanted to use.
Now let’s stop talking about language translation and focus on Levi in the manga xD Is the gb version Levi the same Levi whom Isayama described as "as an existence more superior to myself" during Levi’s statue reveal just last March?!
You know, when I asked my native Japanese teacher to help me translate Isayama's statement about Levi, she sent me a 4 minute voice note breaking down the terms Isayma used and explaining how much respect the person speaking (Isayama) has for the person he's talking about (Levi). I was embarrassed to tell her that the person he’s speaking about is actually a fictional character lol
Isyama used 頭 の上がらない which literally means “can’t raise someone’s head” but it actually means “can’t raise someone’s head in front someone else for how much respect they have for this person”
Now let’s look at Levi’s actions in the manga to see if we can reach to the same conclusion.
Levi is one of, if not the most, perceptive characters in SNK. In one the official short stories, he was described as a person who is able to “know the true nature of Man”. For Levi, Zeke is a man who cheered with satisfaction as he threw rocks through fifteen year olds. He’s the person who nonchalantly explained to Levi the process of gassing an entire village of unsuspecting civilians and flinging them into an eternal nightmare in order to weaponize their bodies. Zeke’s manipulations are the origin of almost all of Paradis’ problems, whether it’s encouraging Marley to ramp up aggressions or pulling shady shit with Kiyomi, Yelena and the Jaegerists that destabilizes their already vulnerable island. And what’s worse - because we’re reading a story where torn-up characters are often excused by circumstances of coercion or perceived necessity - he doesn’t care. He feels no remorse. He wants to do this. Levi doesn’t know Zeke’s ultimate reasoning of course, but he recognized through the smoke of the campfire a man who doesn’t give a fuck about the wishes and agency of others. Who will force his own will on a race of humans and call it mercy. AND YET, Levi stays with him for  A WHOLE MONTH in the forest bringing him books, drinks and a pillow to sit on. He keeps asking him about what happened in Connie’s village trying over and over to understand him. And then the guy transforms Levi’s own teammates in front of him, forces him to kill them and taunts him with their suffering. Levi perceives a person who’s arrogant enough to consider his cruelty compassion as he decides whether the lives of their children are worth living.YET, Levi decided to keep him alive because he believed that it is what’s the best for Paradis; a decision that eventually caused Levi’s severe injuries and the activation of the Rumbling!
During the final battle, Levi offered to act as a bait for Mikasa so she can try to bring back Armin and risks his life TWICE to save Jean and Connie risking his chances to ever fulfill his promise to Erwin.
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Please tell me now that these are actions of an “obsessed” man who is only focused on killing Zeke and revenge.
The first time Levi mentions the vow after the time skip, he says: “Erwin, I think I will be finally able to fulfill the vow I made to you that day. Your deathS had meaning. At last I will be able to prove it”  Levi clearly associates giving meaning to his comrades’ deaths WITH fulfilling his vow to Erwin. This is the line that proves that the vow has always meant something more.
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Levi made a promise that came to represent the fulfillment of the goal all his former Survey Corps comrades laid down their lives for. Slaying the Beast Titan took on symbolic stature, a tangible way of giving their sacrifices meaning - especially in a world where the circumstances had drastically shifted and enemies, allies, and other were suddenly seen from a completely different perspective.
In Ch. 136, Levi remembers his friends and reflects upon their sacrifices and what they meant. They did not sacrifice their lives to “trample the lives and hearts of others”.
We never got a SINGLE panel in which he says that he fulfilled his promise! In the last apparition of his fallen comrades, Erwin isn’t even in the center. He salutes his fallen comrades for devoting their hearts for humanity and they salute him back for honoring their sacrifices.
If there is one thing that Levi was “obsessed” about, it is him trying to give meaning to the deaths and sacrifices of the people who truly devoted their hearts to humanity and whom he truly loved
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wildwitche · 2 years
Hi Hi! 3, 17, and 31 for the asking Game hope u don't mind :D
Of course I do not mind, I'm glad I got the question)
The first question is, do you like pasta?
Yes, i love pasta. I don't just love pasta, I adore it. Because when I make pasta, I also make some side dish or sauce for it, and it gives me the opportunity to experiment an try to combine products in different ways.
The second question, an earliest obsession do you remember?
Oh well, I probably didn't have anything like that, because I don't remember it happening to me xD
I mean, I can generally say that I have obsession when I found a new character from a TV series / movie / anime / book (but it didn't last long) XD
It's just that I don't really remember being obsessed with xd
The third question, have you gotten bit by a dog?
No, and I'm very happy about that.
It's just that when I was 10 years old, I was almost attacked by a rabid dog. At that moment I was alone and no one was around. I was very lucky that when I cried out in fear, it stopped. I was able to go further, but ... I love dogs, but when I see a dog running at me, I instinctively start screaming and crying..it's scary
Thanks for question ♡
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one-last-puku · 2 years
Hey Puku, I’m not really sure if interaction with your posts are okay, or if you even want asks/asks related to that, however I’m in a similar spot. I, myself doesn’t know how to deal with this either. It’s just a awful situation that drags you down no matter how you view it, I bet it’s pretty exhausting for you. I’m not really sure where I want to go with this, but I just want you to know that you’re not alone.
I hope that’s okay, and one day, hopefully, everything will feel okay. Sending hugs \o/
I don't mind, to be honest, I mostly just worry about being unhealthy to anyone who follows me; and I don't know what it is, but sometimes if I tag my posts with the proper tw, I'll get someone I've never interacted with before, who's not a mutual, send me a dm about it. They'll be like "you can always talk to me", something related to asking me not to go through with offing myself (even if I was sure I didn't write anything that made it seem like I was), and I know they're trying to be caring to a fellow person, but for me it kinda just feels weird because they only saw the one post and don't actually know my current mental state. Also, I can't help but feel guilty about feeling that way because I know they are doing it out of a place of empathy and I have also been on that side of just wanting to help anyone who seems to be crying out for help. As one who has been there, looking, actively seeking to help others, for me in the past has been also somewhat because I was also lonely, so it makes me feel a bit more guilty.
I generally don't mind considering mutuals friends even if unofficially, because more than likely, we found each other through a or similar interest(s), and as mutuals we have the chance to sort of get to know each other through our posts.
So anyway, no worries, thank you for reaching out! And I also hope if you see my posts, perhaps it make you feel less alone, too! 💖 That was also part of why I post some of them. I use this blogging format to help my mind sort out and process the things, supposedly that's the whole point of PTSD. Your brain forces you to keep revisiting the trauma until it's been able to fully process the memory and can finally store it as a memory from the past so the person can hopefully move on and lead a healthier life with a brain better equipped to handle different stresses and trauma in the future.
The problem is, when PTSD becomes more like a disorder, hense the D part of the acronym. It's like a glitch in the trauma recovery system, causing it to interfere with your daily life for a very long time, apparently at least more than one month. I haven't been able to shoo mine away for well over 2 years, well for the more pressing issue as of late. It's possible I've been dealing with cptsd due to my childhood, but never knew until I started researching more about these subjects dealing with traumas. Interestingly enough, the "obsession" my brain has had with the most recent thing, has actually forced me to become a makeshift psychology student (like at home with my internet, not formal academia and training, so my knowledge is null. lol) for the last going on 3 years come fall. Always listen to the person with the phD, not my hick ass. Gahahaha (No, seriously, I don't wanna be sued! XD)
But yesssss! I'm constantly exhausted! The fact you can say that probably means you're exhausted, too. I guess we can be exhausted sleepy babies together. Sleep, sleep, sleep!!! Do it for your drained battery, it's good for you!
You're right though, someday we'll be okay! I hope so anyway! We just gotta keep fighting! And more sleep!! We got this, mate!
*biggest bear hugs for my mate who remains anonymous*
I'm just in a good mood this morning, hahaha! And perhaps, a lot of it I can thank you and your message here for, my friend!
Sending some of these excess positive vibes your way, friend. 💖💖💖🌟
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porkchop-ao3 · 6 years
Hi hi. I've been feeling down lately. Like I'm no ones favorite. Can I have a clingy obsessed Rick?
Thank you for your patience with this! Hope this is okay. I didn’t want to go too far with the obsessive thing in case it got out of character, but I hope you like it! I was inspired by my recent uni work... But this fic by no means reflects the way I work xD 
Just over 3k words!
My eyes skimmed across the words on my computer screen as I took a sip of tea, the only break I would allow myself because hey, I needed to stay hydrated. As soon as the mug was out of my hands though, my fingers were back on the keyboard, tapping away and filling the screen with more text. Of course, at this point it was all laughable bullshit; as are most essays when they’re started four hours before the deadline. Every point was being dragged out to entire paragraphs, my evidence was being stretched as much as was acceptable to back me up, I’m pretty sure I’d questioned the meaning of life somewhere three paragraphs ago but I’d made it work. I couldn’t afford to go back and change it now anyway, at least whoever had the pleasure of marking the damn thing would have a good laugh. My lecturers had said that technically there were no right or wrong answers for this particular essay, as long as I could back up what I was saying… Well, there was some kind of evidence for everything I’d said so could they really dispute me?
It was all my fault, though. I’d been drifting off to a peaceful slumber, under the sweet illusion that I was completely done for the semester, when suddenly that five thousand word essay I’d forgotten about drifted into mind and jolted me awake. That was two hours ago, and it was currently four in the morning; just two hours away from the six o'clock deadline for the online submission. I was getting there though, just another two thousand words would do it.
With a stressed sigh, I flicked through the book in front of me, searching the index for keywords, absolutely anything I could use. I just needed a scrap of evidence, a slightly relevant quote, and I’d be good for at least two paragraphs. I laughed aloud when I found something, it was bordering on delerium at this point. I was back on the keyboard then, bashing out my next point, just letting the bullshit part of my brain run with it, barely registering what I was typing. I barely even flinched when the darkened room lit up with green light, I just sighed again, my fingers never pausing.
“Not now, Rick.” I said, narrowing my eyes at the screen, my concentration lapsing momentarily, making me forget my flow.
“Oh, oh wow, th-thanks, that’s really -urrghhh- nice.” Rick slurred behind me, and I knew straight away that he was hammered. I rolled my eyes and read through my last few sentences as I tried to tune him out. “I thought you said you were done, on- on the phone you said y-you were fin-ugh-shed.”
“Yeah, then I remembered this entire essay I had to do.” I murmured, what little I had left of my concentration shattering as I felt the warmth of his presence lean over me to look at the screen. His chest brushed my shoulder and he reached an arm out to lean on the desk, shrouding me in his presence.
“Uhhh, are you high? A-are you even reading what you’re writing right now?” He commented after a moment.
“No. To both of those questions.” I told him, carrying on with the essay despite his quips.
“I thought, urp, you were studying art, not ph-philosophy. That’s some deep shit you’re playing with there, what is your essay even supposed to be on?”
“Please Rick, just let me get on with this. If you’re here to get laid then come back tomorrow. Or in two hours, whatever, I don’t care. Just after this is done.” I grumbled. Rick made a sound of irritation, then straightened up, distancing himself from me. I heard him stumbling around the room, fiddling with stuff I couldn’t see. Then I heard the telltale trickle of liquid on metal as he took a drink from his flask.
“Just wanted to see you, s-sorry I’m such a- such a fucking inconvenience.” He said under his breath. I felt a spark of guilt, then brushed it off just as fast. My work had to come first on this occasion.
“I’ll be done soon.” I said, discarding the book in front of me and replacing it with a different one. Fresh book, fresh evidence.
Rick came back over to my desk, picking up a piece of paper, which I knew to be the essay brief. He then proceeded to flick through some of the other papers on my desk, notes, pictures, plans; all hastily done and probably illegible to anyone but me… and even I struggled to read it.
“S-so you gotta compare these two photographs?” He asked. I nodded, not looking up at the images he was showing me. “You talked about how one was taken by a woman and one was taken by a man? Y-you could, urp, could make somethin’ out of that, right?”
“Probably, toss the idea of feminism around and I could get about six hundred words done. Thanks.” I said, making a quick note of the idea in pencil on the closest piece of paper; the textbook. Rick grabbed a chair from the other side of the room and took a seat next to me, slinging an arm over the back of my chair.
“You wrote the word ‘interesting’ three times in the same sentence, there.” He told me, pointing to the screen. “You could change the third one to impactful, think that’d work.” He murmured, disinterestedly yet focused.
“You’re helping me?” I asked, finally looking at him for the first time since he’d arrived.
“Two heads are better than one.” He shrugged. “Would it help you finish faster?”
“I think so. Hell, I might even pass.” I snorted.
“Alright. Let’s get this done, then we can make out, how’s that sound?” He said distractedly, fiddling with a strand of my hair. I raised a brow at him.
“You’re acting strangely.” I noted. “You’re being… nice.”
“Wh-ugh-at, and I’m a cunt for the other three-hundred-and-sixty-whatever days of the year?” He slurred.
“No! You’re just nicer than usual.” I shrugged, turning back to the screen.
“I miss you.” He told me, his voice so quiet I barely heard it. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder more tightly and pulled me into his side. My eyes widened and I sat there, rigid under the unexpected contact. With the proximity, I could smell the alcohol on him, and was convinced that it was to blame. “I’ve barely seen you for two weeks.” He added, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“All my deadlines…” I trailed off. I didn’t need to explain, he knew.
“Still think you should drop out. School is bad enough, but art school?” He scoffed.
“Hey, it’s another three years I don’t have to worry about starting a proper career.” I told him, twisting to nestle into his chest, essay momentarily forgotten.
“Sure, but is it worth the thousands of dollars?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” I sighed and closed my eyes, the fact that it was past four in the morning hit me in the form of sudden fatigue. “Let’s not talk about it.”
Rick’s hand stroked up and down my upper arm, his other hand feeding more alcohol into his mouth. He placed his flask down on my desk then reached for my chin, tilting my head up and kissing me, I responded for a while, leaning into him and enjoying the sensations. I knew I had to stop eventually though, and with a groan I turned my head towards to screen, breaking the kiss. Rick didn’t stop, spreading his kisses over my cheek and temple, down to the side of my neck. I sighed at the attention, but pulled away, turning to face the computer and attempting to get back to work. Rick’s arms encircled my waist, his kisses moving to the back of my neck and the curve of my shoulder, my body tingled and I longed to give him my undivided attention, but the clock was ticking.
“Okay, next point. Feminism.” I said under my breath, trying my very best to ignore what was going on behind me, but Rick wasn’t making it easy for me. His hands found their way to my breasts, squeezing them through my long nightshirt. My nipples hardened against his palms, and I chewed on my bottom lip.
“Remember, there are words other than 'interesting’.” He mumbled into my shoulder, and I snorted, backspacing on the keyboard as he caught me red handed.
“Thank you.” I said, my tone strained. Rick was quiet for another paragraph, silently distracting me with his touch, his persistent kisses egging me on, lighting a fire under me to get this shitty essay done so that I could be with him. I flicked through the book, finding a vague quote about female photographers. Perfect.
“S-sit on my lap, come on.” He whispered to me.
“What? No, I thought you wanted me to finish this quickly.” I laughed, gasping as he slid his hands under my shirt, resting his cool hands on my stomach.
“Come on.” He repeated, pulling me towards him. I gave in, sliding onto his lap, appreciating his little hum of approval as I did. I leaned back against his chest, and surprisingly I found that the rise and fall of his chest helped to focus me, and before I knew it I had another paragraph. I was close to the end; I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and all I needed to do was conclude. I saved the document, just in case, then skim read the entire essay. Sure, it was a fucking trainwreck from start to finish, but it would suffice. I made a mental note of the points I’d made, then made a start on my conclusion.
“Almost there.” I said, biting on my lip as I summed up my essay, pulling it all together to create what I hoped would be a convincing conclusion. A few hundred words later, and it was done, with an hour to spare before the deadline. I was on the low end of the word count guideline, but it would have to do. I checked my references, made sure my bibliography was in order, and loaded up the essay submission page.
“Aren’t you gonna read it back?” Rick asked me, his hands sliding down to my thighs.
“I don’t think it’ll make much difference at this point.” I said, uploading the file. “It’s better than nothing, right? At least I’ve produced an essay.”
“Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and clicked 'submit’, immediately closing down the page along with all my other windows, putting the whole ordeal to the back of my mind as I shut the computer down.
“Whatever, it’s done now.” I said, feeling the weight lifting from my shoulders with those words.
“Finally.” Rick said, standing up and forcing me to do the same. He dragged me over to my bed by my wrist and pulled me on top of him as he threw himself down. He kissed me, pushing his tongue past the easily broken seal of my lips, moaning into me. His hands explored my body, feeling me all over like they were starved. “Mm, missed this.” He broke away to tell me, but not for long. He rolled onto his side, grabbing my thigh and hooking it over his hip, putting our groins close together. He ground into me, and I felt his growing erection against my core.
“Rick.” I protested. “This is all you’ve been waiting for?” I asked, irritation clear in my voice. Rick didn’t stop his grinding, groaning quietly.
“Please.” He sounded unusually desperate, and I raised a brow. When I didn’t respond, he slid his hand into my underwear, rolling my clit beneath his fingers in lazy circles. “It’s been so long…”
“It’s been two weeks. I’m tired. I just want to cuddle.” I whined, but that didn’t stop me from effectively riding his hand, tilting my hips into his touch. His fingers moved down, sliding between my slick folds and entering me. I cursed under my breath and clung to his lab coat.
“I want you. Fuck, you’re wet.” He whispered to me, thrusting his fingers, groaning when I tightened around him, my breath catching. “Let me…” he trailed off, his other hand going to his fly, freeing himself from the confines of his pants, he stroked himself as he pleasured me. I gave my approval by pushing his coat from his shoulders and lifting his shirt over his head. He kicked his pants off onto the floor then came close to me, pulling my panties aside.
“Woah, slow down.” I laughed, bracing a hand on his chest. I pulled my nightshirt over my head and tossed it behind me, meanwhile, Rick was pulling my panties down my legs.
“I need to- oh, fuck.” He sighed, staring at my body. He leaned in to kiss me again, a hand on the back of my neck. “How did I go so long without this? Y-you’re like fuckin’… Crack. C’mere.” He urged me closer, thrusting his cock between my legs, letting it slide across my pussy. I wrapped my leg around his hips and nestled closer.
“Do it.” I told him, my words little more than an exhale. I didn’t have to ask him twice, he sunk into me slowly, inch by sweet inch he filled me up. “Oh yes…” I sighed, my eyes falling closed. There was a slight sting, having been a while since we’d done this, but it mingled with the pleasure so nicely.
“Have you touched yourself these last two weeks?” He asked me.
“I’m sorry?” I exclaimed, confused and taken aback by the question.
“I wanna know if- how many times you came without me since the last time we did this.” He said, and I flushed, involuntarily rocking my hips.
“Not even once.” I told him truthfully.
“Mmm, bet you’re sensitive, hmm?” He asked, his fingers returning to my clit as he started moving, rocking into me at a moderate pace that showed little patience. I was grateful for it.
“Yes. I want you to make me cum.” I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck and threading one hand through his hair. He thrust harder, quickening his pace early on and groaning throatily.
“Fuck.” He spat, his free hand clinging to my thigh. I pulsed my muscles around him, feeling shockwaves of pleasure each time, I let my head roll back as I bucked my hips to meet his thrusts, trapping his hand between our bodies. “Ohh god, you’re so gorgeous. So fuckin’ perfect, fuck.”
It turned into desperate, unrefined rutting, but neither of us had the intention of drawing this out. This was needy. Desperate. Purely lust-fueld. I needed release, and I needed to feel Rick cum inside me. I hadn’t realised how much I had needed this, and now that I was getting it, I couldn’t get it fast enough. Rick kissed my throat, leaving sloppy wet marks across the column of my neck, then he bit down on my shoulder. He sucked and licked at me, tasting the salt of my perspiration. His fingers moved purposefully over my clit, rubbing it tight, quick circles that wrung the pleasure out of me effortlessly.
“Cum. I want you to squeeze my- squeeze the cum out of my balls, baby.” He growled, and his words alone sent waves through my body, dizzyingly intense pleasure that pushed me to the edge. “Mmm, feel how wet you are for me, did you miss this?”
“Yes, Rick.” I nodded wildy, hanging off the edge, ready to plummet. With one particularly rough thrust of his hips, I was gone. “Rick!” I called his name loudly, completely forgetting about the thin walls of my dorm room. My pussy throbbed around him, contracting with an orgasm that I could only describe as perfect. It felt like it would go on forever, building with an intensity that made my eyes squeeze shut. I wasn’t even finished when Rick joined me, and I drew his climax into me, welcoming it with a satisfied groan.
We came down together, slowing to a stop and letting our bodies slump against the bed. Rick pulled out of me and proceeded to stroke his softening cock against my opening, smearing his seed in a display of vulgar pride. I couldn’t bring myself to care.
“Mmm, look at that.” He commented quietly, spreading my lips with his fingers and watching the mess he was making with interest. I left him to it, closing my eyes and letting the sleepless nights from the previous week catch up with me. Rick pressed a couple of kisses to my forehead, letting out a satisfied sigh. The bed shifted as he got up to leave, and I was momentarily offended, until I heard the bathroom door opening. He returned a moment later with a washcloth, and gently cleaned us up. I hummed appreciatively, pulling him back over to me, he dragged the duvet with him and covered us up.
“So you missed me, hmm?” I said tiredly, a little smile on my face.
“Don’t get any ideas.” He warned, but wrapped his arms around me regardless.
“You love me.” I smirked. The only response I got was an exasperated sigh. I laughed to myself, and tucked my head under his chin. “Goodnight.”
“It’s half past five in the morning.” He commented in amusement. “We might as well start the day at this point.”
“Fuck that. I’m sleeping through till next week.” I said. He grunted, then pecked the top of my head.
“Well done, for getting all your shit finished.” He said, though it sounded like it pained him to say it. I smiled regardless. “Glad to have you back.” He added, punctuating his words with a squeeze of his arms.
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compass0zelladay · 5 years
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Hi! I have had this account for a while (of years) but I'm a technically new studyblr
So, as I'm in my second semester of university (which actually it's only a 4 months time period, but the concept of semester is the most mm... "similar" I found to the concept of "ciclo de estudios" from my education system. I will look up for the proper term later 😅) I now have a plenty of things to publish on my studyblr. Finally I will use it x'd
I took this photos with b612 camera app
-girl, thy dont luc gud. Wii don wanna know. Like why?
I know, but I swear they looked legit about 30 mins ago when I took them. Till I realized I had been taking them with the blue light filter on 😂.
I was like ~wow, this actually came out good they look like good ("real" lol) studyblr photos. I'm proud :')
(Then saw the filter on and turned it off)
~Nono, my babies are now crappy.
But despite of it, the whole process was fun :)
So to any one who happens to have a blue light filter on their phone (the thing that makes your screen go yellowish) and is curious, go ahead and turn it on ^-^
About me:
I'm a psychology student (2ndo ciclo), my first language is spanish (I'm latinoamerican), my second is my decaying english xd. Man, it's been years ever since the last time I spoke it with a native speaker face to face.
My pronunciation is trash now because my sis and I played to do weird tug accents 🤗 and she became the only person with who I talked in english, so it became an habit. But as long as I can be understood by others, fine for me ;)
Learning english is one of my biggest accomplished goals because I did it on my own basically with duolingo, songs (lots of it) and tv shows (8 year old me loved CSI and everything alike. The genre is police drama series, right?) and I'm proud of that because I was the kid on which the english teacher had gave up all effort and after some months started having constructive polite arguments on the grammar structure with her.
(Postdata: My profesors have never got mad for students being curious or correcting them and I have heard this is a common issue for some people so I just wanted to make clear this wasn't the case)
Nowadays my grammar is also sligghhhhtly trashy because I lost practice and the obsessive desire to learn english.
My interests are: learning french and german, singing, drawing, visual arts, getting a schoolarship (here it works different, but I won't explain it rn because I'm very talkative and get lost on it 😅), make it to a national university, autism research (I'm currently working in an introductory text for family members of children with autism. Is a personal initiative ;) ), rodents (I freaking love them as long as they come from a friend/pet shop or anuwhere but the sewers, don't carry diseases and mean no harm, they are my fav), meeting new people, and learning in general.
Tv shows I currently watch: Euphoria, Trevor Noah's (my other crush) stand up comedy acts, Aggretsuko, Ok k.o. and steven universe. This list would be longer if I were counting my favs, also with all of the homework I don't have enough time :'(
The music I love: I listen to almost anything, but I don't like reggaeton. For party's it's okay, but, me downloading a J Balvin, Farruco, etc. song to my cellphone or even listening to it on spotify just doesn't happen xd. The genre I listen to the most is electro, chill and trap, basically most of what is on cloudkid. I like blackbear songs a lot, if my parents or my neighbors could understand english I'd be punished by now 😂👌😊. Brendon Urie is my crush and I also like soft things like Tate mc Rae songs or "I found" by Amber Run.
My fears: Rn, that my emojis look too different in another phone and send the wrong message. That is why the: xd, x'd, :), :'), ^-^ are my default go to's. Mystery solved ^-^.
I choose this career path because I like helping others and being a psychologist is such an amazing work that allows you to help people reach their goals, to be by their side (and we all have needed someone at least once in our lives), lend an ear, learn to understand better and orientate them towards improvement and to simply help in such a deep and meaningful way. And I find this amazing <3
There is always someone who needs help when you are a psychologist. Even if you don't actually need it and have been obligated to go there against your will, you need it because of the situation itself xdxdxd
I don't have a freaking idea on how to finish this but it was nice to meet you, darling, I promise I won't be as talkative in my future posts ;)
And lastly, a piece of advice to any new studyblr who doesn't have pretty stationary or/and a nice camera:
Don't worry, being an studyblr is about sharing your student work and advancements 😊
See you in later posts 😇
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