#I love you Raúl Esparza
im-getting-help · 2 months
Thinking about Raúl Esparza today 💞💕💞💕
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I have a mighty need to watch Raúl Esparza in anything he's ever done, and I am just bingeing everything I can get my grabby little hands on.
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babymadeofbones · 1 year
would just like to thank raúl esparza for the episode in season 3 of nbc hannibal where all he's doing is gasping and shaking and crying and whimpering and moaning and whining. i'm extremely normal about it in case you couldn't tell.
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violetgauze · 10 months
hello it's me (beingalivemp4) and yeah I've never seen it but im like 90% sure he's a killer in the movie My Soul To Take (2010)? also he has sorta long hair in it
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ah cheers!! i've looked it up & sure looks like it.. added to the watch list.. along with a million others.
i have so much to watch.. tick tick boom.. some random film i found .. few more seasons of law & order svu.. rewatching hannibal (and desparately trying to write fic for it which is impossible why is it so hard to write!!).. etc etc. still tracking down as many videos as i can of chess & oliver of course. and if anyone has anything from seared please dear god (i've watched all of the promotional videos but i'd sell my soul to watch that production ngl). anyhow
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commander----shepard · 10 months
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Look at them now...
Them dark brown eyes ( even darker), when in fact both of them have light eyes.....
( and for the details oriented.....it becomes even funnier if you check their eyes in Photoshop ( when you zoom the eyes to pixels) because Photoshop always shows some nuances of grey...except the brownish-yellow parts that is....
I have never seen eyes like that before.)
And I can't. And now there are two of them.
And as far as I know both played an ADA in a version of L&O.
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i just want raúl esparza to know that his singing brings magic to my heart, especially when i am being bullied. i cannot always escape it offline. i hear the cruel words. i will never understand why some people are so unhappy with themselves that they take it out on other people. my left ear's hearing is nearly gone, and it is just one more thing for me to be bullied for. i will not let anyone take away my light. life is too short to be unhappy.
God truly blessed me with an angel. i am grateful. 🩵
everyone should listen to "petrified" from taboo. 😥
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simping-overload · 27 days
ꜱᴏᴍᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ
notes: I revive myself with a Frederick fic. I've been itching to put out. Might be ooc blame it on the drugs. I'm messing around with my writing style, so pardon any inconsistencies <3
This work is part of a series of mine based on the "Being Alive" song in the musical company. The 2006 one specifically with Raúl Esparza!!
tags: post s2, ansgt, frederick cries, cuddles, not in an official relationship, but they act like they are. Gn reader no pronouns or gender mentioned.
synopsis: You haven't been able to see Frederick for weeks—not after Miriam Las pointed the finger to him being the Chesapeake Riper. Which was bull. When the tension died down, you finally managed to slip past and pay the shrink and visit.
Ao3 link // 1,846 words
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
The last few weeks have been the most boring moments of your life, being drowned in paperwork and not having your lovely shrink friend to pick on and bother.
When you finally managed to get caught up on your paperwork, you took the rest of the day off, claiming you were feeling under the weather.
You were actually picking up some things for Frederick, an expensive box of chocolate truffles, a few books filled with boring psychology studies, and a change of clothes. You remember the last time he was in the hospital, he whined constantly about how the gown ichtes his skin.
When you walked into the hospital, it was quiet, not another soul to be seen aside from the staff. Which was great since you won't have to worry about anyone snitching on you.
You approach the desk, setting your bags on the floor to let your arms relax.
"Hi, I'm here to see Frederick Chilton. I'm a friend of his." You tell the receptionist who eyes you up in down before typing away at their keyboard.
"Sorry, but he's not accepting any visitors."
This makes you frown. How badly did the feds interrogate him to make him close off his visitation.
"Can you just call and tell him that (Y/N) is here? He'll want to see me." You lean against your fist, giving them a pleading look.
They relent, dialing the number to Fredericks room. A few momments later and exchanging a few words, they hang up the phone.
"Well, you're all set. He's in room 3V, all the way down the hall and make two rights he'll be on the left."
You smile, grabbing your bags and leaving with a thank you
You knock on the door thrice, opening it once you hear a muffled 'come in'.
Frederick lays on his side, facing sway from the door and clutching a pillow to his chest.
You shut the door with a soft click, setting the bags on the most uncomfortable looking chairs you've seen before walking over to the side of his bed.
"Hey Freds." You say softly, crouching down to his level so he wouldn't have to move. You lean against the bed with your hands folded.
He looks like shit, but better than you'd thought he'd be, giving you a slight relief. You know the injuries could've turned out much worse.
His hair is grown out, more than he'd usually allow himself. You brush the hair back and out of his face.
Frederick sighs at your familiar and comfortable touch. "What are you doing here? I figured Jack forbade you from visiting."
You chuckle, gently dragging your nails across his scalp, "Oh he did. Even had someone tail me for the first few weeks to make sure I didn't see you. Then he proceeded to drown me in paperwork as if that'd stop me." Jack always did underestimate your determination.
Frederick smirks, proud at your defiance. "Then I assume Hannibal didn't manage to manipulate you into thinking I'm the riper, hm?"
"Obviously. How the hell would someone on a low meat and sodium diet be cannibal. Plus, you're already crippled—" Frederick face twitches when you called him crippled. "—with the cane. It just doesn't make sense." You huff, no one in the FBI has critical thinking skills anymore.
Frederick sighs in relief. He knew you were smart, but with how much of a master manipulator Hannibal is, he was worried he'd get you to turn on him, too.
"Good…" He trails off, eyes drifting to the bags. His face lits up seeing a very familiar chocolate company logo, Lindt Lindor.
His eyes snap back up to you, "Give me those truffles." He demands.
You chuckle, "Nuh uh, I got to make sure with your doctor that you can eat them. How about we get you changed instead?" You pat Fredericks good cheek, enjoying how cute he looks when he pouts. Stepping away, you go to grab the clothing.
"You have some audacity to tempt me. I swear once I'm recovered, I'm going to skin you alive."
"We both know you wouldn't cause you wouldn't have anyone else to get you your limited edition truffles."
You take the clothing out of the bag. It was a pair of silk PJs, the only kinds he'd wear, a few pairs of boxers and socks.
You place the clothes on the edge of the hospital bed, "I know how much you hate hospital gowns, so I got you stuff to change into. I can help you change into these, or can you do it yourself."
"I'm a grown man. I change myself. I'll call you back once I'm done, now shoo." He waves you off, using the nearby remote to move the bed into a sitting position. He painfully groans when he pushes himself off the bed, even though he is only shot in the face, the pain manged to spread, reaching his entire body.
He doesn't change until you step outside. He moves his legs to hang over the side of the bed, shimming the hospital issued gown and boxers off.
He grabs the pair of boxers, slipping them off before doing the same with the socks. He doesn't trust himself to try to stand on his own since he was bedridden for the last week.
He tugged the pants on, enjoying the way the silk felt against his skin. He ties the strings into a nice bow before grabbing the shirt.
He slips it on, minding the wires attached to his arm. He looks down to button it. He sees the scar on his abdomen. He lets out a shakey breath when his fingers graze over it. The memories of that night come rushing back like a tidial wave.
He quickly pushes the thoughts from his mind and finshes buttoning that shirt. He folds his old clothing and leaves it neatly placed at the edge of the bed.
"You can come in now."
When you enter, you aren't alone. His assigned doctor and her protogee follow in suit. he glances at the clock - 12:00 P.M. - the time for his midday check-up.
"Dr. Prescott, Dr. Harring. Hello." He gives them a tight-lipped smile. He wasn't in the mood for seeing anyone other than you at the moment.
"Mr. Chilton, we're just here for your routine checkup. Since you seem to have company, we'll make sure to be quick. Now, Dr. Harring." She pushes the younger doctor forward, letting him take the lead on the check-up as she rights down notes.
It was quick, simple, and uncomfortable. Whenever Dr. Harring touches his face he cringes in pain, and slight disgust at his oily hands.
After a bit, the doctor finally pulls away from him, "Looks like everything is good! You're recovering quite well, Mr. Chilton. You'll be outta here in no time!"
Frederick fakes a smile. He knows he's stuck here. He won't be let out until the trial or until the charges are dropped.
Dr. Prescott ushers the other out of the room, and before she leaves, she looks back at Frederick, "And yes, you can eat those truffles but only 3. I don't want to risk it getting stuck in there." She says before stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind her.
Frederick gives you a knowing look when he glances between the back and you. You head over to the bag, digging through to find his favorites. Dark Chocolate Raspberry. He loves these concerning amount, even has a jar filled with them in his office. No one is allowed to touch, not even you.
He takes (snatches) them out of your hand, moaning in delight as he pops one in his mouth, enjoying the flavor on his tongue.
His thoughts begin to drift off as he thinks about his situation. He doesn't know what he's going to do with himself. Prison will be hell on earth for him, especially since he's crippled.
His reputation itself will be destroyed. He'd lose all his assets, his so-called friends, and whatever family he has left that actually still cares about him. By the time he gets out, he will have nothing. He won't have you.
The one person who sticks around him not just for his money or to raise their status. You're someone who actually likes him, sticking with him even with his asshole snob behavior that would have most people leaving without a second thought.
You actually listened to him, talked to him, and respected him. Even when he tried to push you away, you always came back. He doesn't want to lose you.
You notice Frederick drifting off, getting lost in his thoughts. His eyes downcasted with a far-off look. Bringing your hand to his chin, you lift his head back
"Hey… Are you okay?" You rub your finger on the underside of his chin, trying to get him to focus on you.
He owlishly blinks at you, coming back to reality he pulls away from your hand, leaning back against the bed.
"I'm fine." He huffs, popping another chocolate in his mouth.
You squint at him. You've known him for long enough to tell when he's lying.
"No, you're not. Scoot over." You slip your shoes off before slipping under the covers next to him.
You reach over, grabbing the bed remote to make the bed lay flat.
"What are you doing." He questions, scooting over reluctantly.
"We are going to cuddle and talk about our feelings. You know I hate when you hide things that bother you." You wrap your arms around him, pulling him to lay comfortably on your chest as you run your hands through his hair.
He huffs against you but doesn't say anything. Silently enjoying the way your hands feel, melting into your touch.
"I'm serious, Frederick. Tell me what's wrong."
This makes Frederick sigh. He doesn't ever like talking about his issues.
"If I get convicted, I'm done for. I lose everything I have." I'll lose you, he wants to say, but those words die in his throat. He buries his face into your shirt and sucks in a breath. He can feel tears stinging his one good eye. He hated crying.
"Not everything. I'm still here. I will always be here." You reassure him, and his body shakes as he begins to sob.
You rub his back, trying to soothe him, "C'mere baby." Pulling him up more, you take his scared face into your hand, wiping his tears away.
"I'll stick with you through everything. I'll get you a lawyer and a P.I., I'm not going to let them convict you." It's a promise that you're willing to take to the grave.
He doesn't respond and just cries harder. You rest his head into the crook of your neck, pressing soothing kisses to his temple as he cries himself to sleep.
You press a kiss to his temple, none of this was fair and you were going to be damn sure he gets the justice he deserves.
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
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now that i'm back in indie i figured i'd make a little wishlist of some things i want now that i've had some time to think about it. this'll be a mix of plots/dynamics and some more basic things to elaborate. if you like this i'll come to you for plotting!
age gap romances cause i'm trash and i can't help it. especially if inspired by this but i'm down for any kind of dynamic really. i'm down to play either but i have a slight pref for playing the older muse and would be down to use one of my muses (adrian or moira), or one of the fcs i like but don't have a set muse for yet (gina gershon, jeffrey dean morgan, madchen amick, raúl esparza, joe manganiello, adam driver, mari yamamoto, david harbour).
toxic intense weird f/f stuff always pls. inspo.
if i don't have a logan/veronica from veronica mars inspired enemies to lovers thing.. i will cry.
i need exes or even like they never even got that far. situationship to enemies to friends to lovers? the gruelling path back towards being together again. i want PAIN. inspo.
👀 possibly some slightly kinkier smutty stuff i miss it
hot & heavy by lucy dacus inspired — the angst of your first love, homoerotic teenage best friend angst coming back to haunt you, bitterness and nostalgia mingling in the worst way, you hate her and you still love her after all this time. optional: period piece (70s, 80s, 90s, early 00s), a dead friend dragging them back to town, one of them is still closeted. 
scooby doo inspired, college cryptid/supernatural hunters  — they’re the only ones who believe and maybe that’s okay, could be a mumu/could utilise npc characters if we’d like a group. optional: more of a buffy style scooby gang who are solving problems/include creatures in it. 
normal people vibes. always. i need it. i will die.
figure skating or dance partners one of my favourite tropes ever!!!!
sister's bf or female best friend plot for dove. i love complicating the relationship with her sister further.
literally anything for elias where i can explore their backstory and have them fall in love.
messy choreographer/dancer thing for grayson.
best friends to lovers for jacob.
good girl/asshole or a kind of grumpy/sunshine dynamic for letha. someone who pushes her out of her shell.
anything for river. always. that's literally my favourite muse.
messy fwb with feelings for rowan.
any sort of opposites attract dynamic for sosie. she's a bitchy rich sorority girl with a bad attitude, i'd love for her to meet her match.
a rivals/enemies to lovers dynamic with a rival soccer player for stevie. alternatively stealing a friend's girl who she thought was straight.
i'm predictable and want a younger sister's best friend thing for warner i don't care!!!! it's fun!!!
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My mutuals who love Raúl need to hear this, it is magical 🥰
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tealviscaria · 11 days
3 - 4 - 20 for the music ask game hihihouhou :3
this ask
3. A song you'd choose to introduce someone to your favorite genre
Aaah, this is so hard! I love so many different styles, I don't think I can pick a favorite one. Maybe a cop out but... probably the closest I can get to a favorite genre is musicals :D
I'm gonna go with Way Down Hadestown. Maybe not THE best for introducing someone to musicals, but it slaps, so...
I really like this performance <3
4. A song you'd put on a playlist for a character you love
For some reason I really associate Petrified from Taboo (sung by Raúl Esparza) with Crowley.
I even started making an animatic for it a long time ago but I never finished it </3
20. A song you'd put on a playlist for the person who sent you this ask
I figured I just had to put a Czech song here. The problem is that I don't really know that much of Czech music, especially the current music scene :((
But I've finally decided on this one, because it is simply a banger:
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A while back (before I was on Tumblr), there was a post about Aziraphale and Crowley watching musicals and it said that most of the shows they watched were Sondheim, but they enjoyed Hamilton. Instead of thinking "Aw that's cute that they watched Hamilton," my musical theatre brain tried to deduce which Sondheim musical would be THEIR musical.
My proposal is that the musical in question is Company (but secretly).
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I know I could easily say the other big titles like Into the Woods or Sweeney Todd, but Company just makes too much sense to me.
For those who are not familiar with the musical, Company is a concept musical (A musical without a linear plot but has an overall theme) about a single man named Bobby who, on his 35th birthday, is essentially having a hard time understanding marriage and relationships. Throughout the show, he interacts with all of his married friends and past relationships to answer, "What's the point of being with someone when you could be alone?"
For Bobby, each couple acts as an aspect on marriage and relationships:
- Bad Habits and Activities you may or may not do together (Sarah and Harry)
- Divorce, but still love each other (Peter and Susan)
- Knowing you and your partner's limits (Jenny and David)
- Being scared about marrying and understanding why you would want to marry (Amy and Paul)
- Being contempt can be enough and the idea of caring for someone else (Joanne and Larry)
Aziraphale and Crowley can easily see their own characteristics in Bobby and his friends while watching it for the first time. Sarah is a foodie while Harry enjoys his liquor; Peter and Susan aren't together but they are; Jenny is willing to go out of her way for David and he will actively put her first; Paul drives Amy to the brink of insanity and Amy pushes his affection away, yet they love each other like crazy; and Joanne is jaded but Larry balances her out by being over caring.
The Ineffable Husbands get to question 'why' alongside Bobby and feel that same experience of thinking you understand but realizing you may have not been right. That there is more to understanding what a relationship is.
Even though the music is wonderful, two songs will resonate with them the most, 'Sorry-Grateful' and 'Being Alive'.
'Sorry-Grateful' brings out the contradictions a spouse may feel in a relationship. It's a response to one of Bobby's questions, "Are you ever sorry that you got married?" The idea that you are in a constant barrage of enjoying or regretting your relationship just melds with the angel and demon. We're enemies, we're friends, we're on opposite sides, we're on our side.
'Being Alive' is the conclusion of all that was learned from Bobby. The understanding of why some may marry or be in a relationship is cultivated in this one song. Each little supposed annoyance that is sung adds up into a consciousness of feeling like a real person, alive and happy. It's knowing someone is there for you and knowing you are there for them.
The way Aziraphale and Crowley are there for each other...well them pre-S2E6.
I will say, I don't think they openly admit that Company was their favorite. Aziraphale may say West Side Story since it's based on Romeo and Juliet, and Crowley may say A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum (long name I know) on the comedy alone. However, this musical would be the one they watch on multiple occasions together for reasons they don't want to say, and they don't need to.
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TLDR; Company has to be Aziraphale and Crowley's Sondheim Musical. Someone please make an edit of them with Being Alive (Raúl Esparza version). I don't have the talent for that. PLEAAASE!
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joelalorian · 26 days
hi lauri! i'm here to hand you a friendship bracelet, a hug and also to ask you, with my scout's honor, if you could share a scout cabin with three celebs, who are you choosing?
love @undercoverpena
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Thank you so much, Jo! I love the friendship bracelet 🥰
What a great question! The first celeb is easy. It would be our gorgeous, brown eyed boy Pedro. The other two are harder… maybe Gerard Butler and Raúl Esparza. I have no doubt I’d be hyper focused on Pedge and forget the others were even there 😂😂
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callixton · 1 year
look i know i’m biased but genuinely no one does franklin shepard inc like raúl. there are other performances of this song that i adore but like. no one has done it like him. the suppression the way it builds the way his moment of realization just Cascades into his breakdown. and then GOD the way he carries the weight through the rest of the scene. it’s such a brilliant fucking performance it’s so nuanced and exciting to watch and heartbreaking HOW does he do his job this well
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im-getting-help · 2 months
𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 + 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
first character, real person, quote, & outfit when you open Pinterest is your vibe.
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I'm kinda of a mess lol, but what is consistent is my love for black clothes and weirdly shaped skirts 💞
Seven comfort movies:
× Barbie Swan Lake - the best Barbie dress in my humble opinion and ily Tchaikovsky.
× Company (the Raúl Esparza version) - best version, just sounds exquisite and ily Raúl and Sondheim, rest in peace 💜
× Fantasia 2000 - I really love orchestras, i grew up with the VHS and im obsessed with the spring sprite segment, is my favorite 💚
× Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - amazing blend of animation and live action, no other popular movie ever got it this right. Is just beautiful to watch and a really good movie.
× National Treasure 1&2 - That movie with Nic Cage? uh-huh, yeah, that one. I love it, and i watch the two movies back to back so to me they're just one. Idk why, i don't even like action movies i just like this one.
× Robots - *alexa play the soviet anthem* no, but also i love it as a kid and i still find it hilarious.
× Shrek 2 - There's nothing i can say that hasn't been said yet 💚 good movie 👌🏻
thanks for the tag @thirstyvampyr 💞💞
i'm tagging @como-llorai-por-un-chocmans @saturno-astronaut aaaand, anyone who wants to do it too, tag me so i can see your fav movies and aesthetic 💞
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 months
top 5 mugs you own :D
this is such a cool ask thank you dude
1. my bath 2017 mug, OF COURSE. LOOK AT IT
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2. my belle mug. i love the Shape
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3. my tal’dorei republic mug that i just got from my best friend!! i also really love mugs shaped like this
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and unfortunately the rest of my mugs are in storage from when i moved home from college 😭 but the two i would pick are 4. it’s short and cream colored and has pigs all around it. but they’re just outlined not like cartoon pigs. and 5. it’s a white mug with a drawing of raúl esparza’s face on it. @gayassbenaffleck gave it too me. i tried to find it on redbubble to show you but i do not have the time for all that scrolling. just Believe Me. it’s quite the image
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findafight · 2 years
Any thoughts about Stobin's reaction to the 80s masterpiece that was the musical Chess? I have a feeling "Pity the child" would do a number on Stevie boy... "Pity the child who knew his parents; Saw their faults; Saw their love die before his eyes; Pity the child that wise; He never asked "Did I cause your distress?"; Just in case they said yes"
Prefacing this with: You literally asked for this
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Listen. Listen. LISTEN. I have been holding back on projecting too much on Steve, specifically with him being a lifeguard with an outdoor pool but also must admit that I have had to hold back on making a poto reference in RASEPSM because it hadn't come out yet. Physical pain from that.
But you came to me, on this blog with my headcanons, with the musical that I have such a clear memory of listening to for the first time in the most Steve Way (cleaning an outdoor pool in the rain with nothing but a bra and short shorts on, no clue what the hell I was getting into with this musical)
Chess is one of those batshit musicals that has a bunch of different versions and reorderings. (More drastic than just moving I Dreamed A Dreamed to after Lovely Ladies in Les mis 2012) so, unlike my OBC (i think? it may have been the west end version. it's been years) first time listening, we are saying Steve got the original concept album in fall of 1984. Not because he'd heard anything about it, but because he's spent two weeks listening to the Voulez-vous album after Nancy and he broke up and the music of Chess is written by the two B's of ABBA. It's a natural transition for a man who has a secret musical theatre stash.
(he doesn't really need to SEE them, he just likes listening to them. figuring out the plots by the songs. Also he's in love with Julie Andrews this is fact [aren't we all, though?])
He likes to listen to musicals while doing water tests and vacuuming the pool, but it's November so he doesn't do that, just. Lies on the floor of the livingroom trying to figure out what the fuck is happening in the musical. It is difficult. (He thinks there's a love triangle between the American grandmaster man, the Soviet grandmaster lady, and her loyalty to her country. Takes YEARS for him to figure out he's wrong. Just like meeee)
He likes the motifs, (Budapest is rising my beloved...) and how dramatic everyone is about this tournament. One Night in Bangkok is a fucking bop and a half. (I love how there's some interpretation of Freddie being ace because of the line "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine"[objectively iconic ace line in a pretty queer song], versus whatever the fuck Raúl Esparza had going on in 2018 that was. Uh. Not what I'd call an asexual interpretation of the character in that song but my god i doubt anyone was complaining.)
But. Pity The Child hits a bit close to home as he lies on his back on an immaculate carpet in a hollow house. Especially if you consider his mother may have used him to fill the emotional void where his father was supposed to be and put her emotional baggage on him with his father away on business and being unfaithful. (and also if you headcanon Steve as bi because that song is queer. I'm just saying. it is. even without the line "I was a fool and probably queer" but that line is there so. make of that what you will) And the line "I wouldn't call: a crazy thing to do/Just in case she said who?" STEVE LINE STEVE LINE
But also. That entire musical is chock full of people belting their hearts out about struggling to choose what they want. How they're supposed to go, what they're supposed to do. It's not about chess, or the cold war (well. It IS but...) It's also a lot about people wanting to be someone they aren't, and concerned about how they are perceived. Hmmm. HMMM. INTERESTING.
Like. Heaven help my heart?? I know him so well?? post s2 broken hearted Steve is called tf out. Basically the entirety of tape 2 of the concept album knocks Steve on his ass. Mentally, he is here:
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And ofc Robin finds his little mixtape of sad musical songs is like "steve. why are you obsessed with this musical. I am IN drama and I haven't heard of it. what the fuck. there's russians. we aren't fond of those guys." and steve has to go
"Robin listen. The guys from ABBA wrote the music and it's KINDA queer, and also please listen to this song. you can't even tell who's russian it doesn't matter"
and robin listens which finally makes her realize
"wait. why did you get this to begin with? Just because of the ABBA guys?"
"Robin. I have a collection of possibly every officially released musical from the past twenty years. I just like 'em. Have you heard Colm Wilkinson's voice? Julie Andrews? ABBA guys were a bonus."
and now I'm thinking of Musical Theatre actor Steve but let's not get a head of ourselves but also imagine... steve on broadway and robin in the pit as trumpet... being besties
anyways yeah I think they'd like the musical Chess.
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