#I love them and their scrunkly little sprites
Rainfall, Crookedstorm, Dreamtongue and Chanterellefang
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indigocloverr · 1 year
Remember these old sprite edits?
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old ! gross ! stinky !
now heres NEW and IMPROVED sprites !!!!!!
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+ devil (?)creeture (?) vagabond :3333
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sailormaya · 2 years
hey remember when u reblogged that ask game and asked ppl not to send u anything? fuck you. tell me your ace attorney blorbos right now
oh hey andy. nice to see you in my ask box. you probably know all of this anyway but this is for you babyyyyyy
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): franziska. hands down. i don’t know if I can actually pick a *favorite* character, but man. not only is she pwetty but she just. she deserves more screen time. her character was criminally underdeveloped but I loved what I saw anyway. let her out of the basement capcom. i could talk about franziska all day.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): PEARL. PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL. i love pearl so much. she is so baby. she’s been through so much and she deserves a hug and an ice cream cone.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): ron delite. i don’t think i need to say more but i will anyway. something about that man makes me want to hold his hand and run through a field of daisies. also he loves his wife. i love a man who loves his wife. (i also love his wife).
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): lotta! oh my god lotta hart makes me laugh SO hard. and she just keeps appearing in cases and keeps causing so much trouble. she deserves a medal if you ask me.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): would…would matt engarde fit this category. he’s pretty problematic if you ask me. but……………i like him. his character. it compels me. hiring a hitmam and then having the NERVE to betray them??? matt engarde has a lot of things and audacity is absolutely one of them.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Larry but in a funny way. like funny pain. like minor inconveniences. i think his angry sprite is funny.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): GANT. god he sucks and his electrified sprite is HORRIFYING. what he did to lana is unforgivable. to superhell with him!!!
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beanmaster-pika · 2 years
psst, if ur also doing the blorbo fandom ask thing,,,, may i request twewy
Technically I am not but who am I to stop myself from taking the opportunity to talk about twewy
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Probably Josh!! I love twewy for the plot and characters AND the worldbuilding and hoohoohoo Josh is literally the second most powerful being in the UG (with the first being Literal Angel Hanekoma). I'm fascinated by the implications of his position and his powers and how they tie him to the City and how he and Shibuya influence each other. How much does his mental state affect how well his City thrives? How is he affected in turn by his people? I'm also obsessed with I think fanon having him like. Literally Compose Music that makes up the City. That's the good stuff. And even without all that just look at him! He's just a little bastard but also there's so much depth there. He's implied to have killed himself to enter the UG. He nearly destroyed his City because he thought it was becoming too homogenous and stagnant (and also because he's implied to have been depressed and wanted to destroy himself, which, like, *gestures wildly at how the hell do the composer and the city affect each other*) but in the end changed his mind because he saw how Neku changed over the course of just three weeks, no longer the same boy he chose as his proxy because of a similar hostility towards the world, and in Neku changing he saw that he and his City too could change, and this one person whom he'd trusted to prove his point just went through so much personal growth that Josh had no choice but to concede that destruction wasn't the answer and have the faith to keep going. But also he is a little bastard.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Can I say both the Bito siblings? Rhyme is already the baby of the group and Beat is just really good. He's got the biggest heart I think! Even though he and Neku didn't get along that well at first, it was plain to see how much he cared about Rhyme and he got on great with Shiki! And unlike Neku who's going through a revolution in worldview, Beat's arc is learning to accept himself despite his own shortcomings. You're doing good, Beat. Also his and Rhyme's combined sprites in week 2 are super cute!!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I'm not familiar with the community's general takes so I'll just say the Bito siblings again. I dunno man I just think they're neat 🥔 They have a really good dynamic with Beat's expressiveness and Rhyme's calmer nature, but at heart they're both pretty wise in their own ways? Also fascinated by the aftereffects of Rhyme's stint as a Noise.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
KEN DOI, MISTER RAMEN DON HIMSELF. Like what was his parallel world self doing but also in general?? He's running a ramen shop and the special ingredient is love for the craft. I loved the ramen don side quest. I just think he is also neat 🥔
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I'm stuck between Josh and Minamimoto, but I feel like Minamimoto is winning out solely for the meow meow pun. I can't really call either of them pathetic--after all, Josh took control of the city when he was 15, and Minamimoto is supposed to be the youngest reaper officer in history (since APPARENTLY reapers stay the same age they died I've always assumed they meant chronologically youngest because you Cannot tell me there isn't a kid running around the UG somewhere who's a reaper officer, so it took him the shortest amount of time to climb the ranks after his death in comparison to everyone else) and just a step behind Kitaniji--nor can I call them unpopular, but I feel like there's Definitely discourse somewhere and I just haven't seen it yet. Josh wanted to destroy his city and Minamimoto did shoot at a teenager. I've been in fandom long enough to know how this plays out. However! I think the most important thing about a poor little meow meow is that despite the discourse they're funny and Josh lives in a sewer and Minamimoto makes abstract art out of garbage and unironically yells math puns like a nerd (affectionate).
Alternatively: Uzuki. Did she kill a child? Yes. Was she a girlboss? Also yes (joking).
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
. I don't tend to write or draw angst but if I had to choose. Sorry Neku. If it's any consolation Josh would also put you under horse plinko.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Week 2 Makoto.
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anistarrose · 2 years
undertale/deltarune for the bleme (blorbo meme) owo
this is gonna be a little more Deltarune-centric than Undertale, mostly because I’ve had Chapter 2 on the brain since it came out
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Kris!! like, in some ways we don’t know a lot about them but in other ways we know so much about them, and what we do know is all conveyed in such interesting ways that leave me wanting more — I want to know more about their relationships with all the Holidays and with Catti, and how much they know about the bunker, and how much they know about the red soul —
also “high schooler whose few friendships are all kind of... distant and ill-maintained, at best” like they start out as in Ch. 1 kind of resonated with me, even if I was the complete opposite type of lonely teen when I was their age. it’s really fulfilling to see them find people they click with, even if the circumstances prompting it are weird as hell.
honorable mention to Susie though because she’s another sad teen with a character arc I adore, and also because she’s approaching Papyrus levels of underdiscussed mysterious features. and there’s nothing I love more than a character who’s emotionally grounded but also mysterious as hell
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
no one more shaped than Ralsei. love my suspicious, suspicious boy who sure knows Something we don’t.
still trust him because he has a mullet in some sprites. weird dudes with mullets have never betrayed me
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
can I say, like, specifically a character in a specific timeline? because post-Pacifist Flowey — the Flowey we get to see in the alarm clock dialogue — makes me feel a lot of things. like, that kid has been through so much, and he’s making baby steps but I’m genuinely proud of him. he’s implied to still be friends with Papyrus. I choose to believe he’s still friends with Frisk.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
okay look he's not obscure but. specifically Deltarune's version of Papyrus. we have so little to go on and he occupies so many of my braincells. the one line of flavor text at his door in Chapter 2 still haunts me. when will my other deeply, deeply suspicious boy (this time with honestly like a genuine 10% chance of being the Knight) return from the war
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Berdly is a nerd and a gamer (derogatory) but the (derogatory) has an (affectionate) after it in even smaller parenthesis. I want to watch him get bopped off speedrun leaderboards.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
taking this in a lighter direction but I will torment Papyrus the way Sans does, with bad jokes and wacky musical cues and dirty laundry and an absolute disaster of a living area
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I’d say Gaster, but... I think he already sent himself there?
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blazing-spectre · 2 years
blorbo ask game with ace attorney!
YEAAAAAAAH!! this is gonna be tough they are all my blorbos
Blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most)
Probably Franziska von Karma (she’s so pretty) because out of all of them, she is who I have dedicated most of my brain to. And also a little bit to Simon but, Fran is leagues ahead. She is very pretty and I want the world for her and would give my life for her. I am not immune to mean girls w coloured hair. (Other blorbos include All of the other main prosecutors barring Manfred and the Vampire dude from DGS bc I haven’t actually met him yet)
Scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
PEARL!! ABSOLUTELY PEARL. This is largely because she is actually baby. Too good for this world. She’s so tiny. Her sprites cure my heart.
Scrimblo Bimblo (underrated/under appreciated fave)
Honestly I feel like all my faves are pretty appreciated but for now, Gumshoe and Nahyuta. Gumshoe in this case being under appreciated by CapCom. Please I miss him.
Gulp Shitto (obscure fave)
Honestly? Datz. Didn’t expect to love him but here we are. I also go crazy go stupid for Mimi Miney <3
Poor Little Meow Meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Kristoph <3, for the patheticness and unpopularity and hotness, and also Hosonaga my beloved who is just a little pathetic. Also Phoenix
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Canadian judge /hj and everyone from turnabout big top
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neige-leblanche · 2 years
i would like to hear abt your fire emblem meow meows pls 👀
blorbo: felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. felix. fe
scrunkly: roy but specifically the baby roy sprite from fe7
glup shitto: can i say the Entire fe5 cast. they are all so good but none of them get enough love. theres a bisexual manslut with pretty hair and nobody even cares
poor little meow meow: JULIUS JULIUSJULIUSJULIUS its not his fault he was born to get possessed by anime satan it shouldnt matter if hes evil
horse plinko: hector. would replace his creaky armor oil with apple juice then act all concerned when he starts attracting fruitflies
eeby deeby: if you want playable then clive. idk if he is going to superhell for cheating on his wife with fernand or cheating on fernand with his wife but its for sure always adultery
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zukkacore · 2 years
danganronpa for the fandom ask thingy?
I just realized I meant to answer this earlier but it was late and then had work!
Anyway favs, I’m gonna try to stick to THH but I cheated ngl:
Blorbo (absolute fav): I really wanna say Taka bc he’s been my fav since I was in high school, I love him so much and will love him forever (a big part of the reason just being that I related to him a lot, I was like, high perfectionist and my feelings were always kinda hurt when ppl said they didn’t like him bc he was too sensitive or was a crybaby bc I I’ve always been a HUGE crybaby) but ngl the real estate in my head lately has been going a lot more to other characters like Sayaka and Mukuro. He’s still THEE character of all time tho.
Scrunkly (my baby): I wanna say Taka again but also Chihiro for sure? Chihiro’s just a sweetheart I love her
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/under-appreciated fav): probably Leon! A lot of ppl forget abt him since he’s a ch 1 death & u don’t rly get to know him but he’s great, actually! I used to rly write him off but I actually think he’s really interesting and nuanced! I get that bc the game doesn’t incentivize you to get to know him a lot of ppl just write him off as like oh he’s just like a womanizer and a loser (or lump him in with like—canonical dork ass loser full on CREEPS when he’s like, kinda just a regular ass guy?) but the way his character is actually a really compelling foil for Sayaka is really really interesting to me. Also, ppl are just, weird abt his trauma & im defensive abt him because of my own reasons & I’ll just leave it at that.
glup shitto (obscure fav): a lot of ppl would probably disagree on whether this even counts bc she gets more content later on. But Mukuro. Like, Mukuro FOR SURE, I love her so much. even the content we do get it’s relatively sparse in comparison to the others so when she shows up I get SO excited, I’ve been wanting real sprites of her not in disguise forever & it just never happens :((((. Also this technically doesn’t count bc it’s sdr2 but imposter, I love them sm….
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Haha depending on what this means probably either Hagakure or Sayaka. Sayaka is definitely more on the “problematic” side as opposed to pathetic. like I don’t think she is at least not any more than the rest of the characters but I do think ppl are like, weird abt her more than normal. She’s a mess but like. She’s my mess. Absolute beloved. But Hagakure is THEE poor little meow meow of all time I love him sm he’s so pathetic and offputting and in canon his personality does kinda suck but I love that he sucks, I can’t help it. He wants makoto’s organs and I’d let him have them. I just think he’s the funniest little guy ever. And ppl hate him for being useless and never contributing anything but I’m a Hagakure apologist so sucks to suck everyone who wishes he didn’t survive, if Hagakure sucks why does he keep winning lol
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): probably Togami. I just love to put him Through It bc he sucks but he sucks in a way I find hilarious. I bully him but I mostly just bully him with love. Leon is another character too I tend to horse plinko the shit out of not necessarily for the same reason as Togami (aka thinking he deserves some lighthearted chirping from his classmates to build moral character and humble him a little), like Leon I don’t have a reason why I’m mean to him. There’s nothing wrong w him I just think it’s funny when he’s sad. I’m the number one fan of the LeoSaya high profile miserable celebrity couple to sad pathetic divorcees pipeline for them. I am championing sad divorcee Leon so hard, the inner Junko in me comes out so much when I think abt him bc I just think his quarter life crisis would have been so funny, I’m so disappointed Junko didn’t draw things out longer bc I think she could’ve gotten way more long term misery out of everyone if she’d kept them alive
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): listen. I try to be nice abt him bc I rly don’t like that as a franchise DR is super weird abt how it characterizes fat ppl (like the only one who isn’t creepy is imposter & even then they make a lot of fat jokes abt them :///) & if asked I do think Teruteru is worse (even tho I like his design a lot) but. Hifumi is just. He just. Ugh. But this feels really extreme, I don’t hate him he’s just distasteful. My real more childish answer is Celeste tho, like I do like her but I’m also mean and petty and I mostly blame her for chapter 3 regarding Death Of A Fav, even tho it was a team effort lol. I’m petty. I know a lot of ppl like her, she’s cool she’s interesting but ch 3 is always what’s kept me from liking her. The Taka stan only recognizes her as the enemy I’m sorry. If I’m allowed to say characters from sdr2 then like. Saoinji or Teruteru tho. I swear I try to be measured and not too irrationally just vitriolic abt them esp saoinji bc like I get it, I get what she’s about but I can’t help myself she’s just so grating. Or the monokubs. Bc jfc.
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spiralhigh · 2 years
Maybe Danganronpa 1, 2 & V3? Or just 2, that's fine too!
okay this. this is gonna have to go under a readmore lmao
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
man..... hm. this is hard because i dont think about thh very much....... probably asahina
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
NAEGI. naegi baby boy you are my angel in real life. sweet little feller
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
DEFINITELY ASAHINA but i already said her so hagakure <3 i like him he's silly
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
TAKUMI. i know he's not in thh literally at all but im not doing one of these for killer killer and there arent rly any obscure characters in thh so i'm putting him here. i love him so much it's unreal
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
touko <3 terrible representation of every single group she's part of, including women. but i love her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
HIFUMI FR just look at chapter three like. come ON
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
leon. i hate that bitch he's annoying
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
okay this is hard because like. komaeda is my favorite character who i've spent the most time analyzing but i think about hinata more because i'm in love with him? so i'm going to answer komaeda but know that it's basically a tie
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
HAJIME HAJIME HAJIME HAJIME HAJIME HAJIME HAJIME sometimes i literally just sit and stare at his neutral smiling sprite for a little while. he is so cute he is SO cute i literally cant handle it
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
AKANE!!!!! everybody fucking sleeps on her and i am so tired of it because i love her so much. she's like, probably in my top 10 dr characters
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
YASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!! he's mentioned one (1) time in sdr2 so he fucking counts. and i did see that one line and lose my mind and talk about it for a week thanks
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
it is impossible to be poorer or meower than komaeda nagito
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
kazuichi. i like him but i still want to torment him a little
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
(sighs quietly) ouma... i'm sorry. i don't like what the fandom has done to him but i do like his canon characterization a whole gd lot
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
you KNOW it's amami. you KNOOOOWWWWW it's amami i love that bitch he is so pretty
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
RYOUMA everybody forgets about him but not me. not me. i love him.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
amami again i guess? it's hard to answer this for a game that has such a small cast when i'm not cheating like i did in the last two lmao
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
again. hard to get more controversial than ouma.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
oh my god kaito. kaito forever i could make him worse
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
i was originally going to say korekiyo but actually im changing my answer to every single one of the monokubz. worst addition to danganronpa, worst characters in danganronpa, every single one of them burn in hell forever and ever
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sailoreuterpe · 2 years
Okay but I’m going to hit you with a curveball this time: Sailor Moon for blorbos?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): My favorite character is Makoto Kino. She's everything that I would want in a sister. (Not that my actual sister isn't amazing but she's also not an inhumanely-strong reincarnated warrior princess...as far as I'm aware.) Makoto is everything that I would want to be. Her struggles are relatable. She's everyone's friend and she's loyal to the death. I would say either Ami or Usagi since I relate to them so strongly but part of that relation is noticing their flaws too easily.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Diana is adorable and the best kitten in the world. I would say ChibiUsa or Hotaru but, as with Ami and Usagi, my strong empathy and relation for/to them sours some of the joy that I find in their characters. I would want to give them a hug before I would want to pinch their cheeks.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): With "Sailor Moon" being thirty years old, I don't think that any character can truly be called "underappreciated" these days. However, Hotaru and Setsuna canonically get less screen time than any of the other sailor soldiers and they have some of the worst destinies and lives. Both of them need a hug and some ice cream.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): The Big Beautiful Woman from the manga and the first episode of the original anime is my absolute favorite one-bit character. Despite only being in the manga for one or two pages, she somehow garnered enough crew respect to end up in the anime. Then, she's even in the Another Story game! I liked the Big Beautiful Woman enough that I started a little website dedicated to her way back in the character shrine days. I never did anything with the page but I still have some of the sprites and things on my computer.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I don't usually care for the enemies or other problematic characters, but I've written more than one fanfiction where Queen Beryl is redeemed so I guess I'll choose her. I can recall at least three stories off of the top of my head where I redeem Queen Beryl to some capacity so I clearly have some affection--or at least interest--for her.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Based on my drafts and published works, I'm fairly mean to Haruka. I love Haruka but I have both serious angst pieces as well as comedic hijinks works where she's the butt monkey. Poor Haruka; now I feel like repenting by writing something cute.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Would it be cliche to say Chaos? For more human characters, original anime Jadeite is a misogynist, murderous dudebro douche before we even had the term dudebro. Unlike the other Generals, he doesn't really have any canonical redeeming qualities (though fandom jumped on that train real quick) and he's just mean.
These were super-fun! "Sailor Moon" will always be my one true (anime) love. I hope that the answers were worth the wait, Babs. XD
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cosmicfurby · 2 years
dgs for the fandom ask game
ohohoho! thanks for the request my dear! i am always willing to talk about dgs at LENGTH i am an obsessed woman suffering from Asoryuu Brain so buckle up buttercup we're gonna have FUN
blorbo from my dgs
that is an EXTREMELY difficult question because, as you might have guessed, I'm obsessed with all of these people :) send help :)
if i had to pick one, though. one to write an entire essay about... god it would have to be susato. i am critically in love with susato. when i first started dgs i remember joking around that "dgs doesn't take place nowadays because if it did susato would be the lawyer and ryunosuke would be her assistant" but. it's true. she's as much of a lawyer as ryunosuke is, that's them facts. good to know that she probably lived long enough to be allowed entry inside a courtroom
i love how she's allowed to be feminine and cutesy and to have traditionally women-coded interests and yet she's still portrayed as a badass who can, and will, throw your ass across the room. she's intelligent and capable and supportive and funny. i love her. madly, you may say.
also she's a massive lesbian but we're not gonna talk about that now are we
scrunkly, someone who gives you cuteness aggression
gina 👏🏻 fucking 👏🏻 lestrade 👏🏻
her sprites with toby ENDED me and flushed my sanity down the toilet
every time gina was happy i was happy she's SO cute i wanted to cry
and also, that sprite with gina crying? who came up with that idea. that is a SIN. someone on that art team is not seeing heaven
scrimblo bimblo, underappreciated or underrated fave
haha maria gorey go brr
if dgs3 was a thing i would love for her to be the assistant coroner she's hilarious
ace attorney has evolved from mainstream media, we don't have "oh you jailed my parent prepare to die" kids, we've got "yeah my mom's a murderer, it be like that sometimes". she has knives. she has a plague doctor mask. do i need to say more
(also madame tusspells but mainly because 1. i am kind of a homosexual and 2. i love putting on a french accent when voicing her)
glup shitto, appears for ten seconds but i won't shut up about them
ah yes, the e g g
no really i am obsessed with Ashley Graydon/Milverton. like, obsessed. is it because he's as pretty as he is an asshole? perhaps. but also because he's SO reminiscent of villains in victorian novels
no hear me out
a con man who grew up in poverty and now has broken up with his past? i mean, that is such a victorian character to write. have him marry a wild and untamed heroine and you've got a romantic 1840s novel, can i write that
poor little meow meow, my controversial, problematic, or otherwise pathetic fave
i MEAN. Kazuma. my boy. my man. he's such a little meow meow. a perfect little meow meow.
it's not like he's *exactly* problematic or controversial, on the contrary, I'd say he's mostly universally loved by the tgaa fandom. but let's be honest, some of his actions are... questionable. but it's ok he's my morally grey but lawful bastard <3
also whoever tells me kazuma isn't pathetic and lame sometimes hasn't played the game because omg he's a fool and a fool in love
horse plinko, you're getting tormented for my personal enjoyment
sorry ryunosuke, you know i love you, but. every time I write anything that has to do with him the poor guy goes Through It. do i enjoy making him suffer? i do not but still he's like the perfect target for my fic related crimes
(which mostly include him losing everything and crying, am i projecting? nah can't be)
i guess the punching bag gene was transmitted to phoenix lmao
eeby deeby to super hell you go
you think they'll have hallowed bottles of wine in superhell
yeah me either
guess it'll be like rehab for him innit
van zieks needs many things. rehab, intensive psychological therapy, a class on critical race theory. superhell is one of them.
he's such a massive BITCH during 90% of the games. he hurls bottles of wine to the gallery. he calls you a clown. he slams his leg on the desk. he drinks on the job. he's insufferable and extra and i love him as a character but not as a person you kno
and then come those last few cases and. this man has gone through a lot of stuff, you see. he worried about soseki-san, in his way. he starts voicing his respect for you as a lawyer. and I'm like. "shit. have i been manipulated". that bitch gaslights gatekeeps girlbosses his way to make you feel bad for him and it should be a CRIME how much i liked him by the end of the games
not to mention he's also like extremely fucking hot
anyway barok you're heading STRAIGHT to superhell for sassy crimes, racist crimes, manipulative bastard crimes and also for distracting me from the fic i am supposed to write crimes
hope you liked this peek inside my... twisted mind... *dramatically turns around flailing my vampire cape*
thanks for the ask bestie ^^
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