#I know WHAT happens
svtellify · 6 months
somewhere in my first rewatch of teen wolf, i find myself rooting for sciles, above all. i'm not even entirely sure if it's as a ship but i just know that they're meant to be together bc they're written as soulmates. no matter which girl or guy (see: scott and isaac. why did i not realize how charged their interactions were.) they're with/meant to end up with, everything just comes back to them. scott and stiles. stiles and scott. and honestly, it would've been so cool to see them both say screw it and end up together bc there's definitely this cute kind of puppy love aspect on scott's side (esp in the later seasons) that would've been so interesting to explore
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lazybakerart · 2 months
not to make this So Romantic, but house admitting to wilson he hasn’t peed for three days was quite intimate~
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badnovels · 1 month
Ik it's literally been close to a decade but just to be sure, Inmate is done for good, no?
Has it been a decade? 😐 Good lord. But no, it’s not done. I still have plans to finish it.
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kitaychan · 9 days
Help, I can feel myself becoming abnormal about this fucking game
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the99thfanboy · 6 months
Still haven’t watched that last episode of OFMD season 2 and you can’t make me.
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gigi-does-art · 25 days
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Tried an attempt at drawing Manuela as ive been wanting to try drawing her for a bit. I really love how she turned out! Gave her some extra details along with post-operation javier design in mind. She’s now mostly happy and living a normal life being raised by Krauser and Leon-
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nick-close · 8 months
I fully support the cast taking a hiatus when they need, especially for health reasons. Always and forever. Everybody deserves breaks when they need.
That said? I lost my comfort water bottle this week and I’ve been on a consistent state of hell so this feels like a personal attack, god save my soul. I can’t have nice things, ganbatte.
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brightyearning · 3 months
i'm gonna be sick. i'm rewatching full metal alchemist brotherhood and i'm going to be sick. i always saw what happened with their mother as some sort of tragedy, and it is, but it's also shameful. so very, deeply shameful. deeper than any taboo for the sheer audacity of it. that bloody hubris. when Roy Mustang opened the door to their father's study and saw the evidence of what they attempted on the floor, i'm surprised he didn't projectile vomit in the doorway. i don't know how they recovered from it. and honestly, seeing as though Ed's main motivation to find the philosophers stone is guilt, i'm not sure they did.
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venbetta · 2 months
God I have Ven lore
I need to make a comic series about them- I know the angst comic strip I'm making does give a little hint about Ven's past but I gotta make a full fledged original story about them at some point
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
Rewatching TMA finale is giving me feels. But like yeah 200 would obsviously give me feels but 199 got me way more than I thought it would.
The debate is fascinating both by itself but because everyone is right in their own way and thebway they deal with it so consistent. This characthers feel like people in a shitty situation the whole time.
And god I love how everyone is trying to cheer Jon up - except Melanie what is soo fair - both because they like him but also clearly because they don't want him to something stupid. But they are all using the things that are motivating them to follow the plan and since they didn't actually payed attention to Jon's points (witch I blame mostly on him being such an asshole about it and Martin just implying is all suicidal ideation the whole time because I love Martin but he simplifies complex issues a lot, like is it suicidal ideation? yes. Is it just duicidal ideation? hell no) they don't realize they are just encouraging him MORE into doing the stupid thing they don't want him to do. Like "at least we can do one good meaningfull thing now" and "live with your regrets OR DON'T" this are his talking points. Stop. (Martin actually almost suceeded so at least someone was paying attention).
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goodlordmahtin · 5 months
I could hypothetically start the Magnus Protocol. But I never listened to the last four episodes of the Magnus Archives (despite finished 194 months ago) due to this little thing called "mental health"
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soulstead-sanctuary · 5 months
That adhd moment when you finally get motivation again to write the damn thing but can't find the parts you've already written and have to start over.
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melverie · 8 months
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sunlitriddle · 2 years
Lucy! Why did you compare yourself to Ophelia??? One line after mentioning flowers??? *DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO OPHELIA???*
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meadowsofmay · 8 months
i've reached the sunken tomb episode
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So we all know that Supernatural is one of my obessions favourite shows ever and yet I still haven't watched it all because I've been putting it off and just rewatched the first 7 seasons but now I'm finally finishing it AND next episode I'm supposed to watch is 18x15 so I don't know prey for me I guess
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