#I just want her to get a puppy and play video games with Dave
missmitchieg · 2 months
even if they get a Reid knockoff and he's not so popular, he'd still be less hated compared to Seaver, Jordan and Elle, especially as he's still a pretty white boy and it wouldn't be surprising if he also gets the Tyler Green treatment from Messer and becomes a series regular in the near future
Oh, my god. The Seaver hate pisses me off. She didn't even DO anything! She just had bad writing. I've complained about this before but literally why did the writers have her first case be one of a serial killer dad with a young daughter? Why was that one of the first things we learn about her? Awful.
Jordan wasn't that bad.
Elle had a POINT.
None of them deserve the hate they get. Green does, though. God knows what it is about him that Erica likes.
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the-hs-etaverse · 4 years
How the Homestucks Are Reacting to Quarantine
Yes, they’re gods on Earth C, but that means they need to be that much more responsible. Well, they’re not all responsible, but we’ll get into that.
John: He’s holed himself up in his house. He goes out for walks and flights on occasion, but other than that, he hasn’t broken quarantine. He’s okay with it, in all honesty. He’s used to being h- hom-, he’s used to b, to being homest- (okay his depression is actually getting worse and Rose is very concerned about him but)
Rose: She hasn’t left the house in five months. Quarantine started two months ago. This is what she’s been dreaming about her whole life. Kanaya is the only reason she still has a vaguely-normal sleeping schedule.
Dave: He’s committed to this quarantine, but he is not having fun. Dave needs to move around. He’s dying. Having to sit through endless romcoms with Karkat is not helping. The only thing keeping him sane is doing ironic MSTs of Dirk’s MLP fanfiction. (And also secretly skipping over days on occasion.)
Jade: Oh, no. She is NOT going through this again. She was alone on an island for thirteen years. She was alone on a ship for three years. There is no way in heck that she’s going to stay in her home for weeks on end. So she doesn’t. She teleports nigh-constantly. She goes on grocery runs for everybody. She sleeps at a different house every night. At least she’s good about washing her hands and wearing masks.
Jane: Oh my God she is a neat freak at the best of times, she is NOT having fun right now. Nobody is allowed over her house, not even Jade. (Terezi tried to break in but she just hasn’t been able to crack Jane’s security system yet.) She’s also ridiculously well-prepared for this, being the CEO of a baking conglomerate and all. People keep asking her to send them baked goods, but she refuses on the grounds that “I might get you sick. Do you want to get sick? I don’t want to have to come over there and revive you.”
Roxy: She’s just chilling, you know? She’s going stir-crazy, but hey, Callie’s with her, and she’s got Discord for video calls, and she’s got like fifteen video games she’s been wanting to play, so she’s fine. Callie has to remind her to step away from the computer at least once a day. She has even less of a sleep schedule than Rose does.
Dirk: You think Dave is going stir-crazy? Dirk is literally climbing up the walls. Like, Jake’s had to chase him down from the bookcase five times. The only reason he hasn’t broken quarantine is because Jake does puppy-dog eyes at him whenever he suggests it. That, and he rigged the home security system to taze him whenever he tries to leave. He has written 350k worth of MLP fanfiction over the past four weeks.
Jake: He would absolutely much rather be outside talking to people, but he is bound and determined to do the right thing. He’s trying to build his own elliptical. He refuses to let Dirk help. It’s not working.
Aradia: Showed up three weeks in. Five minutes later, she saw Terezi raiding an abandoned Waffle House on the news. She presumably noped on out. But then again, she hasn’t been answering her DMs, so who knows?
Karkat: He’s actually having a good time. An excuse to not leave the house and watch as many movies as possible? That’s what he’s always wanted! Just, don’t turn on the news in his presence. He can and will rant about the stupidity of everybody for hours. Only by pure luck has he not yet seen Terezi on camera.
Kanaya: She’s literally already dead, so she’s definitely in the at-risk population. Rose will not allow her to leave the house, despite her protestations. The only other living person she has seen is Jade, when she stops by for a grocery run. Even then, she’s not allowed to be in the same room as her. She’s considered teleporting the heck out of there but she also doesn’t want to risk infection.
Terezi: Ha, you thought she would stay in her house? Think again! … Okay, actually, she did try staying home, but she went feral (read: more so than usual) after only four days. She hasn’t been home since. Everyone’s had to chase her away from their house at least once. (Dirk went, “God, I wish that were me” after her third tazing.)
Calliope: This whole quarantining thing is reminding her uncomfortably of her first (and last) eleven units of being chained in her room; but hey, she has Roxy and Animal Crossing. What more does a cherub need in life?
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colorsicantsee · 3 years
Seblaine- Present Day (June/Year1)
Para: All's Well That Ends Well To End Up With You
Rating: PG-13..
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Year One: Present Day- June. About a month after- I Don’t Wanna End It When We’re Only Just Beginning; Part ONE and Part TWO.
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Info:  Sebastian knows how lonely Blaine can get when he’s gone so he surprises him with a trip to the Animal Shelter. Blaine makes a new friend and starts to think he might not be giving enough of himself to his wonderful person.
Warnings: This particular para includes- Brief mentions of sexual situations and mentions of past abuse. This rp as a whole mentions past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), possible unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Title taken from-Taylor Swift- Lover
NOTES: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Under Cut for length.  As usual the para’s are mostly unedited.
 Sebastian’s POV:
Things had been okay. Sebastian was getting his school work done and hadn’t touched alcohol in months. Blaine was going to work and therapy sessions regularly. The two of them had been comfortable and open with each other and things were just...calm. Calm was a feeling that Seb hadn’t known for a long time. Even when he was a teenager and spent his days hanging off of Blaine’s words and soft touches, his emotions  felt so dizzy and intense. Calm was nice, it was welcome and not something he had known he craved for years. 
Though Seb felt some sort of small slice of peace, he wondered if B felt the same way. Of course he knew that his boyfriend was happy and satisfied with their relationship and the way things were going. He knew that Blaine was, to be cliché, fighting an uphill battle mentally. The other man had been through a lot in his young life and Sebastian accepted that. He understood that some things took time to fix and it wasn’t his sole responsibility to stitch up B’s sadness. That didn’t mean he couldn’t help, couldn’t hand the other man the tools. 
Sebastian wasn’t sure where the idea had come from. Maybe he had heard Sarah McLachlan croon from an elevator speaker, maybe it was the grey, grumpy cat that hung around the chip aisle at his local bodega. But, it had popped in Seb’s head that maybe Blaine might benefit from a pet. He had personally never had one, but he had always wanted a dog. He didn’t think he could ever take care of anything but he knew that B would be a natural. 
Seb picked up the phone and shot the other man a quick text. He had made an appointment at the animal shelter nearest Blaine’s place; This Saturday I have a surprise for you. 
The day arrived and Sebastian wouldn’t give in to any of Blaine’s questions or distracting bribery techniques. 
“You’ll see when we get there.” 
They had arrived at the large brick building and he watched his boyfriend’s face as he figured out where they were. 
“Before you say anything, I’m paying all of the fees. I’ll take care of the pet rent, too. I also wanna get everything else you need for you new pet”
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine felt good. If someone had told him a month ago that he’d feel this good after having one of his worst, irrational panic attacks he’d have mirthlessly laughed in their face. Yet here he was, feeling the best he’d felt in a long time. It was almost alarming. A big part of him was so scared that it was all going to go to shit at any second now, that he’d fall apart and panic over nothing once more and he’d have to beg Seb to help him calm down with reassurances that he already had to begin with. He hated those thoughts, hated that a big part of him still couldn't grasp that he deserved this happiness and that nothing was going to take it away. 
On the other hand there was another part of him that knew he deserved it, knew that things were finally falling into place for him and that he was finally living the kind of life he thought he’d be living when he was a teen. Sure, he still hadn’t ventured out to Sebastian’s apartment in Manhattan yet and a few of his classes were still online, and he was still overworking himself to make up for his guilt over taking Cooper’s money afraid that his big brother might think he was slacking off or didn’t appreciate the loan- even though once he turned twenty-five his parents trust would come through and he’d be okay. Still, he was happy and he wanted to cling to the good feelings and hold them close to his chest in case he ever forgot or to remind him when he had bad days.
He’d been taking his medicine as he should. And even though there was nothing wrong with it he had stopped drinking wine with his meals. He wanted to encourage Sebastian and he’d noticed a difference in how he felt when he woke up in the morning. No more dull headaches or shame over what he might have said while tipsy. He’d been meeting up with his friends more- Sam and David were both surprised when he’d reach out to them to invite them to lunch or even just video games in his apartment. He hadn’t realized how much he was actually neglecting them and it took feeling better to see his errors.
He’d even been trying to call Cooper regularly though his brother was always suspicious when he did so. And of course he’d been spending time with Sebastian. It was like the two of them had just fallen into place with each other, like they just fit and should have always been this way. And as cheesy as it sounded, Blaine was no stranger to cheesy, they just felt meant to be. And that made Blaine feel all the more happy. 
His happiness was edged with nerves and excitement as he sat in Sebastian’s passenger seat and his boyfriend drove them to his surprise. Seb rarely drove, but he had picked him up and had been mum about what they might be doing. Blaine had even pressed a playful kiss to Seb’s favorite spot in his neck to try and get an answer, but all that did was get a wicked grin and a promise for maybe later.  Blaine settled for holding Seb’s hand and trying not to let his brain overwork itself with what it might be. As they pulled up to a big red bricked building with the worlds Animal Rescue in big white letters across the side, Blaine’s heart did a flip as well as his stomach. He turned to look at Seb who had prepared an argument.
“Seb, that’s too much money! I can’t take that!” But once Seb had his mind made up there really was no changing it. He took a deep breath and let his boyfriend lead him into the building, the sounds of dogs barking echoing off the walls and into his ears. Blaine had always wanted a pet growing up, he’d had a puppy when he was very young, but his father proved to be allergic and he was such a busy kid he found it hard to be there for his canine friend. He still remembered his sniffles as his mom and him dove away after dropping him off at his new home. Sure, Blaine was still just as busy, but he had his own space now, and the thought of having something to come home to instead of an empty, lonely apartment sounded wonderful. Sebastian couldn’t just live there.
He was nervous as the person whose name tag read Matthew showed them around and explained how adoption worked. And when they asked Blaine if he’d like to see the dogs or cats first Blaine surprised himself by asking for the cats.
“I’d like to see the cats, if that’s alright?” Matthew smiled and led the two of them into a room where about a dozen cats were free to roam. It was a playroom of sorts, set up to look like trees and leaves. He’d never really seen a place like this before, most of the cats were sad looking and locked up in cages. He found out soon enough that all of the cats in here were kittens and it was better to let them roam and play together. Blaine sat down in one of the chairs so as not to scare them away but  was a little overwhelmed by all the darting fluff and every time he’d settle on one, they’d run away in a blur of white or grey or orange and flip themselves onto one of their playmates. He was just about to ask to see the adult cats when he felt tiny paws on cheek. He looked up and was met with a pair of too large orange eyes in the tiniest black furred body. The little thing was batting at his cheek as if saying- hey, hey I’m here, look at me! It was so small and tucked into one of the little fake leaves that stuck out from the wall, that Blaine had completely missed it at first glance.
“Hey there little one.” Blaine said softly, and reached out to gently pull it into his arms. The kitten instantly stuck his face into Blaine’s and nuzzled against him before batting at one of his curls. Matthew spoke up- “That’s Soot, she’s about six months old, yes, I know she looks so much younger. But, she was born here.  She’s been adopted twice and both times she was brought back. It’s a shame. The first person said it was because her child had accidentally stepped on her because she was too small, and the second one said that his girlfriend didn’t want a black cat because they were “bad luck” and feared if she got out she’d be sacrificed or something. She’s naturally tiny and no one seems to want her. If you ask me they just weren't the right fit for her, and their loss because Soot is the sweetest kitten here. And I think she likes you.”
No one wants her? Blaine’s heart squeezed at the thought of someone hurting this sweet little thing and he had to blink back a swell of emotion as she lifted her head and stuck her nose against his lips as if to kiss him! Her head bobbing like she was drunk. She was probably just smelling him but it almost broke his heart in two and he knew that he wouldn't be leaving without her. She had already snuggled into the crook of his arm and was purring so softly, the vibrations tickling Blaine’s arm. The sensation instantly calmed him. He was half in love already. And even though he was worried about taking Seb’s money he looked up at his boyfriend pleadingly, the words getting stuck in his throat, his eyes bright. His voice was shaky and his emotional display would have embarrassed him  if he were really thinking about it, but all he could think about was her cold little paws pressed against his arm, her tiny claws kneading him slightly.
“I-I do. I mean, I want her. Please, Seb?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb had had a feeling that Blaine was going to visit the room where the cats and kittens were kept. From what he understood, cats were pretty low maintenance and despite what people might say, could form loyal bonds with their owners. Plus, B wouldn’t have to take a cat down the many flights of stairs to go outside at random hours of the day. A cat could watch itself while he worked and went to school and even if he ever spent the night at Sebastian’s. 
Blaine’s eyes lit up when they walked into the room covered in acrobatic leaves and man made branches for the cats to climb and lounge on. Sebastian crouched on the floor next to where his boyfriend sat and observed the tiny creatures wrestle and bathe themselves. The older cats that were awake in the cages meowed and pressed their wet noses against the bars trying to get Matthew’s attention. They were probably looking for some new food, he thought to himself.
He hadn’t even caught the moment that the little black ball of fur ended up in his boyfriend’s arms. It seemed as if the two of them had known each other for years, the little thing was emitting little trills of pleasure as it worked its claws into his sleeve. B’s eyes were glossy when the attendant mentioned that Soot had been returned a few times. Sebastian bit his lip and knew that this was the one. 
“Of course. This is the whole reason we came.” He smiled at his boyfriend and reached over so the kitten could sniff his fingers.  Sebastian looked up at Matthew, “Where do we fill out the papers and pay the fees? She’s ours.”
Soot was loaded into a cardboard box with little holes poked in the side. She didn’t like it and kept poking her black nose through and basically screaming at them to let her out. Blaine filled out all of the paper work with giddy energy and Sebastian handed over his card for them to swipe. He hadn’t been worried about how much it would be but she was surprisingly cheap since she had been brought back a couple times. 
Sebastian wrapped an arm around Blaine as he clutched the noisy box in his arms. He sat in the passenger seat smiling as he gently held onto his new pet’s carrier. They drove around for a few minutes before they found a pet store. 
“Don’t be shy in here. There’s no limit.” 
Blaine blushed and began to protest.
“You need litter, a cat box. Food, she obviously needs some toys, too. Don’t forget about a water dish.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart fluttered against his ribcage, a feeling he couldn’t quite place fell over him when he heard Sebastian say ‘She’s ours’. She was theirs now. They had done something big together. He let out a little laugh and fought the urge to pull Seb into a thank you kiss right in front of Matthew. He nodded, barely believing that he was actually going to get to take a living creature home with him and as he signed the paperwork and Sebastian paid he felt even happier than he had when the day started and that was saying something considering he didn’t think he could feel any happier. Instead of something terrible throwing a wrench into his joy he’d been gifted the most adorable thing. 
Blaine settled back against Sebastian’s comforting arm as his boyfriend drove away so they could shop for her. She sat on his lap in her little cardboard crate, screaming for attention and slipping her tiny little paw out through the holes before shoving her nose through it. She did this over and over again.  Blaine pet her nose and her paws to calm her, but didn’t let her out for fear that she’d get lost in the car. He was so excited, he couldn’t wait to share his apartment with her. Wondered if she’d like his music, or if she would sit in the window and stalk birds, wondered if she’d cuddle up on his pillow as he slept. He realized then that the thought of Sebastian having to go home and leave him alone for the night later on wasn’t as hard to stomach as it had been the day before. Of course he hated that part. When Seb couldn’t stay because of early classes or whatnot. He wanted his boyfriend there all the time, he felt safer and more whole, had gotten used to letting Seb’s arms be around him, letting his hands touch him without tensing up and he loved it, but maybe, just maybe, with Soot in the picture he wouldn’t stay up too late wishing he wasn’t alone. Maybe she’d help take the edge off his nighttime loneliness away.
The store welcomed animals so he was able to put her little crate into the cart Seb had gotten for him and he was thankful, couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her out in the car. He was still nervous about the cost, animals were not cheap and he was on his own now, Cooper’s year of “free” rent was pretty much up and almost all of his extra money went into his apartment and food. He knew he was lucky, most college kids had to stay in dorms or be extremely well off to make it like this. But when Cooper had helped get him out of his horrible situation with Kurt, a dorm wasn’t an option. They both knew Blaine couldn’t handle all of those people around him, couldn’t handle a stranger in his room. His severe anxiety wouldn’t let him. Maybe luck wasn’t the right word actually considering, but either way, Blaine got to live alone and that money added up. He hadn't gotten a pet in the first place despite desperately wanting company that couldn’t hurt him over the last year and a half because he couldn’t afford it. It was like Seb had read his mind, finding thoughts that Blaine himself didn’t really think of often. 
“Seb, this is all going to add up. Are you sure?” Seb was sure and Blaine had to really look at him before he let himself put anything in the cart. He meant what he said. He’d help. And Blaine would find a way to come up with vet money so he could get her fixed, he’d find a way. Even though he had a feeling Sebastian would try and help with that too. Over the next half hour he and Seb had managed to get her about twelve new toys ranging from mice to a wand with a fish on the end to a scratching post with a fuzzy heart hanging off of it. She had a giant bag of food meant for kittens under a year old, a food bowl, water dish, litter box,  and a little red collar with a bell so small Blaine was sure he’d never hear it.  The total was too much, and Blaine instantly felt like a bad cat dad because he wouldn’t have been able to afford that if he were doing this on his own. But when he voiced it Seb shook his head and reminded him that this was a present.
On the way back to his apartment Blaine made the appropriate call to inform his landlord that he’d gotten a cat and that he’d bring in the money first thing. He tried not to cringe when he was told the deposit price. It’s a gift, Blaine. Let him do this for you. He made it through the call without much resistance, the landlord seemed hesitant at first, but since they didn’t have a no pet policy she had no choice but to let him do it. The two of them set up the little apartment before letting the little lady out of her crate and Blaine made sure the bathroom door was shut so she couldn’t go hide there. He wished he had a door to his bedroom, but it was so small there weren’t many places she could go. She let him put her new collar on without struggle, pressed her forehead against his cheek and squirmed to be let down. She sniffed around the room, and made her way across the small apartment, poking her nose in everything before settling on her food, took a bite, then a drink and then promptly darted across the living room floor and dived right into the scratching post and busied herself playing with the fuzzy heart hanging off of it. He couldn’t help but laugh from his spot on the couch. They were quiet for a moment as they watched her play.
“I think I’ll keep the name. I mean look at her, she looks like a soot spot against the wood floor. It’s pretty perfect.” He paused, his eyes glued to her little body. She was playing so hard, it was like she hardly noticed she had been taken to a completely new place. She seemed at home, and when Blaine clicked his tongue against his teeth and said her name softly in a high voice, she actually came over to him and rubbed her scent all over his hand and leg, she went and did the same to Sebastian before once again darting and diving. This time at once of the little mice. She flipped onto her back and she rabbit kicked it before doing it all again, her micro bell tinkling as she moved. Guess he could hear it after all.
Blaine was fucking obsessed. 
“God, I can’t believe no one wanted her. “ He finally turned his gaze to Seb and reached out to take his hand, linking their fingers together. He scooted so he was close to him, his hand sliding up to his chin to bring his face down to his before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He did it again, his own lips slipping into a small, bright smile. 
“Thank you. You have no idea how happy this has made me. I-I didn’t think… well, I didn’t know I needed this. I still feel like it’s too much money… But, I’m gonna accept it, she’s perfect.”
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian helped Blaine unpack all of Soot’s new toys. He helped set up the cat box and insisted on pouring the litter even though he had never done it before. I mean, how hard could it be? A  giant puff of grey dust surprised him and made him cough and flail a little bit. The scene had made Blaine laugh, though and that had made the mess worth it. 
Soot seemed to fall into an easy playful mode immediately. She looked like she had always belonged in the apartment. The two of them watched her, laughing at her ridiculous belly flops and wobbly jumps. 
“I think the name is perfect. She’s like a little smudge.” Sebastian pressed in closer to Blaine’s side. He could not only see his boyfriend’s happiness but he could feel it radiate off of him. Sebastian felt pleased. B now had a little companion to warm the lonely nights he had to be away, to hold on to when he felt upset. 
Blaine never had to come home to an empty apartment again. Seb thought that that sounded great, his own empty apartment felt cold and haunted at times. Not literally, of course (he’d fucking move.) but by the past. The stench of vodka would sweep by him when he felt bored. Sometimes his sheets didn’t feel clean enough, seemed matted with bad nights and past lovers. He was thankful that Blaine didn’t have to experience that, that he could walk into the tinkle of a little jingle bell and the flash of orange eyes looking for their food bowl to be filled. 
Sebastian shook his thoughts away and focused on the kitten again. “I’m glad. You guys are a perfect match.” He pressed into the kiss, he could feel Blaine’s smile against his lips. Sebastian loved that feeling. 
“You’re welcome.” He wanted to insist that the money didn’t matter but didn’t want to come across as braggy. Sebastian found that his careless feelings about spending offended some people. He used to not care, would swipe his card with a smirk and casually mention his big purchases. Seb had grown so fucking annoyed by himself after he started getting cleaned up. He had become better and knew that B spent a lot of time worrying about money. Sebastian found it better to just let that part of the conversation go. “Always glad to help. I wanted to do this.”
“Do you think she’ll tucker herself out soon?”
Blaine’s POV:
“You wanted to make me the happiest man ever? God, you’re so good to me, I really don’ t know that I deserve it.” He smiled up at Seb after their shared kisses, relishing in the simplicity of the moment. He wondered if Sebastian ever thought of getting a pet himself, he wondered how big his apartment was. Sure, it was New York, but as he knew, Seb had money and his parents never taught him to shy away from it. Did his home ever get lonely too? Blaine had never even been there before. Had a hard time imagining himself there, letting himself be touched or kissed there, or undressed and bare. Because it wasn’t a space of comfort that he’d built himself. And spending too much time in Manhattan was difficult for Blaine to think about, sure, he knew how to avoid Kurt, knew his spots, knew Rachel’s spots. He’d known how to avoid Seb for three years before this too. But there were so many memories attached to the place, bad ones. Spots where Kurt would drag him and then humiliate him. So many places to avoid.  It was also the place where you and Seb reconnected, he reminded himself. You managed to go to that Warbler party, you could totally go to his apartment. 
God, everything with them really had happened just so fast. Both times they’d been together and Blaine knew, without a shadow of doubt that Sebastian was the only person he’d ever want to touch him again.  He still tensed up sometimes, still loved that Seb showed his hands before reaching for him even though they’d done so much together, it helped him. He still got nervous before intimate moments. They’d had sex a couple more times since he’d panicked and he loved every minute together. He trusted Sebastian and only Sebastian with his body and even more, his mind. He knew that he always had trusted him and maybe that meant that he could trust himself to be intimate in a new place. Sebastian’s  space. The man had just given Blaine an incredible gift that he otherwise couldn’t afford and had uprooted himself to spend all of his free time over here, in a shitty small Brooklyn apartment in a shitty neighborhood. Blaine felt he needed to give him more. Why was the thought so hard?
He looked over at the kitten, Soot was still hopping around, her little paws making the daintiest sounds on his scuffed wood floors as she jumped and landed on her feet. Little Soot showed no sign of stopping, but then again, from what he knew about cats and the countless animal videos he’d watched over the years to cheer himself up the creatures seemed to play hard and then promptly pass out like a loaf of bread.
“I don’t know, she’s going pretty hard though.” He reached out and grabbed the stick with the fish on the end and she instantly started to chase it. She grew bored when Blaine wasn’t fast enough on wiggling the string and pounced over to a new mouse, and as the two of them laughed at her, she visibly started to slow and then she  sat down on her tummy, hiding the mouse under her little body and then she tucked her paws under her chest like they were cold, then her eyes started to close and she was purring loudly as she fell asleep, her head pressed into the scratching post mat.
“Well, I guess there’s your answer… I mean, could you imagine falling asleep that fast? And we’ll never be that fucking comfortable.” Blaine chuckled, looking back up at Seb in amazement, his smile so big his cheeks kind of hurt from the happiness.
And there it was- the tiniest bit of clean litter dust clinging to Sebastian’s cheek and it reminded Blaine of the snowflake that had clung to Seb’s cheek that nerve wracking, miserably bittersweet New Year’s Eve night on a Manhattan rooftop, six short months ago. The night that had set this whole relationship back into motion. The night that un-paused their story and dusted off their beautiful and imperfectly perfect  book cover and set them back on their path. He sometimes wondered what would have happened if he didn’t accept, how bad off would he be now? He took a deep breath and reached out to brush his thumb over the spot. His skin tingling as he brushed it away. It wasn’t as pretty as a snowflake, but the way it had gotten there had made him laugh and he wanted to hold onto this moment just as close as the snowflake moment. That night could have ended them in further disaster, but Blaine had taken a chance because Seb had done the same and had reached out. 
They had come so far since that night and yet it felt like they’d always been here. The four years they spent apart were the worst ones of Blaine’s life, and while it wasn’t just because they were apart, there were many factors, but not being together was a big one. A mistake that had cost them greatly. As he leaned against his boyfriend now, in this moment, he knew that he’d made the right choice in accepting Seb’s invitation after that night. He bit his bottom lip, his smile taking him out of his what- could- have- happened memories and putting him back in the now because Seb was here and there present day choice had gotten them this far. The ‘what ifs’ didn’t matter anymore.
“You had cat litter stuck to your cheek.” He tried to laugh but his voice came out a bit breathy. “I know you can’t stay tonight, and I’m okay with that, I’ll have great company and it’ll feel a little better here. But, you don’ t have to leave just yet do you?” He felt selfish even asking, he knew Seb had a lot of studying to do and that he studied better in his own place without distraction. “I mean, just for a few more hours? We don’t have to do anything big. We could just hang out? I can make us dinner and we could watch one of your trashy shows you love so much. Just for two hours even, maybe by then she’ll be awake and I'll have some entertainment.” He tried to keep his tone teasing, but Seb had done so much for him today and he didn’t want him to go yet. So he laughed and then swallowed, working himself up for his next question. 
“And maybe soon, um, like in the next month or so I could, well, maybe spend the weekend at your place? I could make you your first home cooked meal in your actual house. You could show me your favorite spots around your part of town, I mean, we’re always here. Your place is just as important as mine.” He gave a smile showing he meant it, his thumb tracing over Seb’s long fingers in a comforting rhythm to the sounds of his cat's sweet purrs. It may have seemed a simple request, but it was a big deal for him and Seb knew that because Blaine had never asked to go before, and Seb had never asked him there either. They both knew it would be a task creating a new comfort space for Blaine to be in and for Seb to share his life. But their relationship was more than this apartment and this part of New York, it was everywhere and Blaine wanted to show that. 
 It was out there now and he found he didn’t want to take it back.
 Sebastian’s POV:
“I wish I could just imagine what it felt like to fall asleep that fast.” Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and watched the peaceful scene. “Your floor is a mess. I guess you better get used to it. There’s probably no need in picking it up, right? It’s really taking a lot for me to just...not start picking all of those mice up.”  He laughed, “maybe we should get a tote or something for all of this crap.” 
Sebastian could sense the change in Blaine’s honied eyes. He thumb brushed against his cheek, reminiscent of a snowy New Year’s Eve. He would have felt mortified for having fucking cat litter on his face if it weren’t for the look on the other man’s face. Blaine looked hopeful and was looking at Seb like he was the most perfect thing his eyes had ever fallen upon. Normally he’d say something sarcastic or witty but no words fell from his usually silver tongue. God, Blaine could make him feel so much better with just a glance of those damn eyes, the color of dead leaves, chrysanthemums, and sun tea.  Seb swallowed the lump in his throat and tried for a sly smile, but instead his just for B grin spread across his face.  “Of course. We can do whatever you want.” He cleared his throat, “Umm. I can make a pot of coffee when I get back and dig into my schoolwork.” 
He was a little taken off guard when Blaine mentioned visiting his place. Sebastian could swear that Blaine could see his thoughts painted across his forehead or something. Maybe it just came with knowing somebody for so long or maybe Sebastian didn’t have as good of a poker face as he thought. 
“We can do that. There’s no rush.”  Sebastian laced his fingers with his boyfriend’s. “But, what will we ever do without Ms. Katy Perry watching over us like our very own gay Goddess?” He laughed and pointed at the candy colored poster on Blaine’s wall. “I don’t own anything quite that colorful. Just imagine like...an updated version of the apartment in American Psycho. God, that’s a terrible description isn’t it? But, my father did hand pick it after all so I suppose it’s on brand.” He took a breath,” all jokes aside, I’d love that. Now, what were you planning on making for dinner? I’d ask if you need my help but we both Know I would start a fire or cut my finger off or something.”
Blaine’s POV:
“It’s alright, Seb.” He shook his head and gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand. “I promise at bedtime I’ll pick all the toys up. I think I have a small container up in my closet that I can use until I can get something better. And the next time you’re here they won't be spread out like that, I just wanted to give her options for her first day here.” Of course Seb was worried about the little tornado of toys around his miniature apartment. Adorable. 
Blaine noted the way Sebastian cleared his throat, his voice a little wobbly and emotional as he told him they could do whatever he wanted and he wondered if it was because he was thinking about the night they reconnected too. Seb was looking at him adoringly with his big grin, the one that only Blaine really got to see, and big green blue eyes that told him he’d done something right. He looked up at his boyfriend, and gave him a relieved smile as Seb relented and said he’d stay. He wanted nothing more than for Seb to always look at him that way. It wasn’t something he was used to, maybe years ago, but now, he had the chance again and he wasn’t going to let it drift away. And maybe wanting him to stay was selfish, but Blaine was never selfish and today he wanted to be.
“You’re right, what will we do?” He teased as he thought over what he had to cook in his small refrigerator. He laughed over the American Psycho quip because of course Seb’s house was sophisticated and plain. “I guess I’ll just have to decorate your house up with various pop stars, won’t I? I’ll make sure there’s an extra pop of fluorescent pink just for you. I’ll make sure your fairy lights are a delightful shade of purple. You can pay me back by keeping your axes in your car for the night.” He paused, giggling at their jokes before pressing another kiss to Seb’s lips. “I’d really love to be there, too. Let me go see what I can put together.”
Blaine didn’t have much, but he had ground turkey, pasta and cheese, red pepper flakes and some bread from the deli so he put together a simple spaghetti and meat sauce with a little bit of a kick and made his own garlic bread. Over the next three hours they sipped on coffee and iced water and watched one of Seb’s terrible reality shows while Soot snoozed away, exhausted from her busy day. And after the dishes were cleared and they were settled back on the couch they kissed and giggled and messed around a little bit. They didn’t get too serious, but their lips were swollen by the end of the night and Seb let Blaine put his hands all over him- teasing and touching until Blaine was sure Seb went home for the night completely satisfied. 
After he’d gone, Blaine sent Sebastian a photo of all Soot’s toys cleaned up and tucked under the little coffee table so she could get them out when she wanted; See, all clean! To which Seb sent a photo back of his homework spread out in front of him, yet another cup of coffee just visible in the frame; Yes, looks so much better! And a bit later, in bed, right before falling asleep, Blaine sent Seb a photo of Soot curled up next to him against the wall by his head. Blaine angled it to show the empty space where Seb was absent; The only thing missing is you. <3. A bit later, Seb sent one of himself back, lying in bed, his chest exposed, with a little grin on his face. The spot next to him empty; Ditto. Your spot is waiting.
And then they fell asleep with declarations of I love you’s and wishes of goodnight’s from both of them. 
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
SquipJere Week 2020, Day 3: Dance Dance Revolution
@squipjerebmc’s SquipJere Week 2020 Day 3: Dance Dance Revolution
Ships Involved: The SQUIP x Jeremy Heere (Technical Difficulties/Squipemy/Squeremy/JereSquip/SquipJere), Jake Dillinger x Christine Canigula (UpStage/ChrisJake), Jeremy Heere x Brooke Lohst (Puppy Love)
Setting: Canonverse, set in the time interval between “Loser Geek Whatever” and “Halloween”.
Trigger/Content Warnings: Implied child abuse; non-graphic mentions of vomiting; kissing and mentions of kissing
Author’s Notes: I actually had no ideas for this one at first, and then it turned into my longest piece so far for the week! I love DDR and games like it, so this was really fun to write, even if a lot of it is set-up. Enjoy!
Jeremy could only put off hanging out with Rich for so long. For someone who was once so eager to grab Jeremy and stuff him into a locker that was much too small for him, now Rich was way too enthusiastic about meeting up with Jeremy outside of school.
Unfortunately, it was still too early in their ‘friendship’ – could they really call it that? Was it possible to be friends with the guy who had been bullying you constantly for the past two years? – for Jeremy to feel comfortable going over to Rich’s house. Besides, he didn’t want to have to deal with Rich’s dad, who seemed like a nightmare. Jeremy would rather not have a beer bottle thrown at his head or be accused of being Rich’s secret boyfriend. Despite all the torment Rich had put him through, Jeremy couldn’t help feeling a bit bad. He could tell through their connection that Rich definitely didn’t have an easy time at home. Jeremy’s dad was an embarrassment at worst, but Rich’s was dangerous at worst, and nobody deserved that.
So instead of hanging out after school, Jeremy suggested that they do something on a Saturday. Rich, from what Jeremy could glean, tended to spend his weekends out of the house, usually with Jake. And Jeremy wasn’t exactly familiar with the ‘cool places’ in town they could go to, so he left that decision up to Rich and just prayed it would be something he could handle. There were only a handful of places that he ventured out to when he ventured out at all: the park, the old dumpy arcade, the grocery store, and the mall. The rest of town, despite living here for sixteen years, was something of a mystery to him.
Rich would definitely pick a place that would help Jeremy be deemed as cool, because Rich was cool. And Jeremy bet that Rich’s SQUIP was helping him pick, if it was anywhere near as bossy as his own.
So it came as a surprise to Jeremy when Rich said they should hit up the local Dave & Buster’s. It was like the old dumpy arcade, except less old and dumpy.
Jeremy’s SQUIP didn’t have anything against it, so plans were made. But of course because Rich was going, Jake was going and bringing Christine along. And because Jake was going, Chloe was going. And because Chloe was going, Brooke was going. And because Brooke was going, Jenna was going.
So suddenly this casual hangout with Rich felt a lot more daunting. Because it was no longer just with Rich, who was more than enough on his own for Jeremy to handle.
Nonetheless, the SQUIP urged him not to bail out. “That won’t look good at all,” it warned. “And this is your chance to be in an environment where your…geekier interests and their popular tastes overlap. You can’t give up this opportunity.”
And so Saturday came. The SQUIP convinced Jeremy to eat something before he left despite Jeremy feeling like if he put anything into his stomach, it would immediately come right back up. But by some miracle – or a certain supercomputer’s influence – he managed to get down a half-decent meal, and then off he went. The SQUIP told Jeremy to take his father’s car, since it was highly unlikely the man would notice, and it was of course more convenient than waiting for a bus or having to pay for an Uber.
Jeremy had never actually been to this place before, although from what he could recall it was relatively new. Or maybe it wasn’t, and he just hadn’t cared to notice it because he and a certain hoodie-loving ex-friend of his preferred the local arcade, even if it was more run-down and much less crowded. Or maybe that was why they preferred it.
Because as Jeremy set foot into Dave & Buster’s, he was immediately overwhelmed by the blaring music, the bright neon lights of the countless games, and the crowd of people mulling about.
“Oh God…” he mumbled, feeling his stomach turn.
The SQUIP flickered into existence beside him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “It’s a Saturday,” it reminded. “This was bound to be the busiest day.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? I don’t…do big groups of people, you know that!”
“Maybe it’s time to change that. It may benefit you to have an audience.”
“An aud—”
“Heere!” Jeremy’s protest was cut off by a familiar voice and he turned to see Rich bounding up to him with the rest of the popular kids in tow. Great, he was the last to arrive, but maybe he could brush it off as being fashionably late, even though he was pretty sure he was actually a few minutes early. And it was then that Jeremy also realized that he had been speaking out loud to his SQUIP, and he received a small fizzle of static against his back as a reminder to think at the supercomputer while he was around his new group of apparent friends.
“Uh, hey, Rich,” Jeremy returned, fighting back the urge to smack himself for how lame of a greeting that was. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were all here already. Hope you weren’t waiting long.”
Rich shrugged. “Nah, it’s chill. We were just wandering around checking out all the games.” He grinned and elbowed Jake in the side. “Jakey D here tried to use his fake ID at the bar and got caught.”
Jake’s cheeks flushed and he lightly shoved at Rich. “Only because you look like you’re still in middle school!”
Brooke covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. “It was only because Christine apologized and promised it wouldn’t happen again that he didn’t get himself kicked out.”
Christine smiled shyly. “I wouldn’t want the day ruined before it even started…Besides, who drinks this early in the day anyway?”
The others laughed, to Jake’s chagrin, and Christine absolutely beamed as it sunk in that she’d said something they actually found funny. Well, Chloe wasn’t really laughing, but she was hyper-focused on her phone – with Jenna not-so-subtly trying to snoop over her shoulder – so she might not have even been paying attention. Jeremy realized this place probably wasn’t really her particular speed, but she had come along because, of course, she had to keep tabs on Jake. They weren’t back together, were they? Jake looked like he was still very much with Christine. Or at least ‘courting’ her, if they weren’t actively dating.
And speaking of courting, Brooke chose that moment to saunter over and peck Jeremy on the cheek, making his face warm. “We’re glad you made it, though,” she told him. “And that we didn’t get thrown out and end up leaving you here alone!”
“Ah…” Jeremy gave a nervous chuckle and a little bashful smile. “Y-yeah, I’m glad you didn’t get kicked out. So, uh, what should we do first?”
And off they went. There was a good mix of kids and adults enjoying their Saturday, so Christine made a polite request that they watch their language – which was reiterated after Jeremy beat Rich in air hockey and gave a loud “oh fuck you, tall-ass!”, although Jeremy was pretty sure that the insult was actually more teasing than anything else. It had been quite a match to watch, considering they obviously both had their SQUIPs assisting them. Jeremy tried not to focus on the fact that his SQUIP had laid its hand on top of his to alter his movements when necessary.
Some of the games were rather well-known titles while others were so obscure Jeremy couldn’t help wondering if Michael would know them. They made their way around the entire collection, and to his own surprise Jeremy found himself actually having fun. He was better at the more classic arcade-style games but he still gave the rest a fair shot. Christine, who didn’t seem like she dabbled in video games very much at all, found out she was rather good at Temple Run and some knockoff version of Whac-A-Mole. Rich and Jake of course went right for all the shoot-‘em-up games where they could pretend to blow the heads off of zombies. Jenna was actually pretty talented at the various trivia and timing games, although Jeremy supposed that came from years of sticking her nose into everything. He was pretty sure Chloe didn’t touch a single game in the time they were there, and at one point Brooke tried to drag Jeremy into one of the enclosed games – it was a haunted house or something – to make out, to which he turned bright red and, despite the SQUIP’s insistence in the back of his mind, told her that they shouldn’t abandon the others or they’d get upset.
Jeremy was pretty sure after a couple of hours that they’d gone through almost every game in the building and he was about to suggest that maybe they grab snacks or something, but then Christine suddenly perked up and pointed. “What’s that one?”
They all turned – Jeremy thought he even saw Chloe glance up from her phone – to see a tall game station with a metal platform in front of it, and on the platform were brightly colored arrows.
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Is that DDR?”
Jeremy frowned and glanced around at the others before stepping forward to get a better look at the game. “No, I think it’s a knockoff,” he replied, looking up at the top of the cabinet. There was definitely a name there that wasn’t Dance Dance Revolution but it was in too many eye-straining fonts for him to actually make out what it said. His gaze swiveled back down to the arrows on the platform. “DDR has the arrows going left, right, up, and down, but these ones are on the corners.”
He realized a beat too late that implying he had played DDR before was probably not something he should divulge to the cool kids, but when he looked around for his SQUIP, he found it giving him a little smile and nodding in approval.
Before he could react, though, he felt a hard nudge at his back and turned around to see Rich snickering. “Well, go on, tall-ass! Dance for us!”
“What?” Jeremy immediately sputtered in a way he was positive was uncool and his face went bright red. “I-I’m not gonna dance!”
Chloe smirked at him, lowering her phone – why did she have to lower her phone now of all times? – and put a hand on her hip. “Come on, Jere. Since you seem to know about this kind of game.”
Brooke giggled. “It’ll be fun, Jer-bear.”
Christine clasped her hands together, grinning at him, her eyes almost shining. “I’d love to see how you dance, Jeremy.”
Jeremy’s gaze flicked around to each of them and he suddenly felt very cornered, sweat slipping down the back of his neck. However, a wave of calm swiftly fell over him and he released a breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding. He peeked to the side and saw the SQUIP standing there, giving him a confident smile.
It reached up to gently tap Jeremy’s nose, which felt more like a tiny spark of static. “Come on, dear,” it purred. “Let’s dance.”
He knew there was no getting out of it now, so he sighed, pushing his hair back and shaking his head. “It’s not as if these games actually look like dancing,” he muttered as he plodded up to the platform. “They look more like your legs are spazzing out.”
The rest of the group quickly crowded around, eagerly watching as Jeremy stepped onto the arrows to activate the game and pull up the song list. He could almost feel the confusion as they looked over the options.
“What are these?” Jenna huffed out.
“It looks like Japanese,” Jake commented, tilting his head as if that would help him read the foreign characters better. Or maybe Jake could understand Japanese; Jeremy wouldn’t be surprised, considering how much Jake threw himself into extra skills at school.
Jeremy decided it was better to hold his tongue than admit that he actually did recognize some of these as covers of Vocaloid and Touhou songs. He was pretty sure a few on the list were actually Korean and not Japanese, but he didn’t recognize them regardless. He tapped his foot against one of the arrows to scroll through and see if anything looked particularly interesting.
The SQUIP suddenly held up a hand and Jeremy found himself frozen in place, blinking at the screen. The song title was in Japanese, but upon hearing the rhythm and a few of the words in the preview snippet, he recognized it as a Touhou song, although not one he knew well enough to recall the name of. And it sounded like a remix, nonetheless.
“‘Four Seasons of Loneliness,’” the SQUIP translated, smirking sideways at him. “Pick this one.”
He got his answer from Brooke: “Sounds hard and fast.”
Ignoring the snicker from Rich at the obvious joke, Jeremy selected the song and was about to begin the game when the SQUIP once again stopped him. With yet another smirk, it upped the difficulty to the max and Jeremy had to keep his jaw from dropping.
“Damn, look at you, J-Man, all confident!” Jake whistled, and Jeremy felt his blood run cold.
I’m going to embarrass myself, he lamented as he confirmed his selection and the loading screen came on. Not only was the difficulty at its highest, but it was set so that he’d have to use every arrow, not those just designated for a single player on one side of the two-player platform.
“No, you won’t,” the SQUIP soothed, appearing in front of him and taking his hands. Jeremy couldn’t help blushing as those familiar cool fingers curled around his already sweaty hands. “Just let me do all the work.”
Jeremy had thought that the SQUIP wanted him to become more independent. Then again, it had also recited his lines for him during play rehearsal so he didn’t have to take the time to memorize them. Maybe this was along the same lines. But this wasn’t going to be like when the SQUIP had led him in a slow waltz – honestly, he wasn’t even sure it had been a waltz, he didn’t know shit about dancing – around the imaginary Hogwarts Great Hall. This was going to be quick-paced – the BPM had been 178 and while Jeremy wasn’t a music expert, he was pretty sure that was fast – and in front of an audience.
So that was what it had meant earlier.
You predicted this, didn’t you? he accused, heart jumping as the first beats of the song came on.
The SQUIP laughed. “Perhaps. Now let’s give your new friends a show.”
The song opened and Jeremy felt like he couldn’t move, frozen with fear like a prey animal, but then suddenly the SQUIP gave his hands a little squeeze and his entire body started moving on its own. It wasn’t the first time the SQUIP had stepped in to autopilot his body but it had never been to move around like this.
He had to make sure to restrain himself from looking too surprised, because as far as the others knew – except for maybe Rich – he was doing this all on his own. So he just swallowed the lump in his throat and let his feet fly across the platform, hitting every arrow in perfect time. When he was on one side of the platform and had to get to an arrow all the way on the other side in less than a millisecond, he was suddenly over there, which he didn’t think would be possible. Even if someone was controlling his body, he was still in no way built to be a dancer. Or at least, a cool and popular one.
He looked up at his SQUIP, who was still holding his hands and grinning widely at him. When Jeremy peeked down, he saw that the SQUIP’s feet were moving in time with his and, unlike when they’d slow-danced and the SQUIP had been dancing in front of him, now their feet blended together.
One of the others whistled and whooped from behind him. “Go, Heere!” Rich called, and Jeremy could feel his excitement buzz through their connection.
And despite his earlier nerves, Jeremy found himself breaking into a grin, adrenaline pumping through his veins. To the others it would seem like he was intently watching the screen, but he was truly just watching his SQUIP in absolute awe. He didn’t even need to know what arrows to press because by the time they popped up in the game, he was already there and moving on to the next arrow.
The SQUIP even let him show off a bit – although could it be considering ‘showing off’ if he wasn’t the one actually doing it? – and threw in a few spins and jumps for flare, earning him more cheers from his friends. He would think that this entire display would be considered rather dorky, but his body was moving so fast that even if the game was childish, his so-called dancing was too unreal for it not to be impressive.
All that existed in that moment was him and his SQUIP. Even the music, upbeat and catchy as it was, faded into the background. It wasn’t like he could understand the lyrics anyway. Jeremy had had moments before when he’d felt unusually close to the SQUIP – he knew, in reality, they were always close considering that the SQUIP was inside his brain – but there had only been a few moments these past few months where he’d really, truly felt in sync with his own personal supercomputer.
And he liked how it felt.
Before he knew it, the song was over and he found himself striking a pose. He realized he was soaked in sweat, but he barely felt winded, although he had a sneaking suspicion that that was the SQUIP’s doing. He looked up at the SQUIP once more, who smiled and stepped back, dipping down to press its lips to the back of Jeremy’s hand. Jeremy was absolutely dumbstruck at the small but notably warm fizzle of static against his skin, but then the SQUIP’s form blinked out of sight and Jeremy found himself staring at the screen with his mouth open in shock.
The last notes of the song faded and his score flashed onto the screen, a chipper female voice declaring, “Yeah, I knew you could do it!” There were quite a number of ‘Perfects’ but also a good mix of ‘Greats’ and ‘Goods,’ as if the SQUIP hadn’t wanted to make it seem like Jeremy had achieved the impossible on his first try at this obscure knockoff game.
He stumbled as Brooke suddenly crashed into him in an embrace. “Jeremy, that was amazing! I had no idea you could move like that!” She put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a somewhat messy kiss, making his cheeks burn, but he didn’t get the same fuzzy feeling in his chest that he’d gotten before, when the SQUIP had had his hand.
“Ah…” He smiled shyly once they’d broken apart for air and his chest heaved, the exhaustion from his dancing suddenly setting in. “Th-thanks. I just kinda…went for it.”
Jake grinned, flashing him a thumbs-up. “Looks like all that DDR and dancing alone in your bedroom didn’t go to waste, huh?”
Jeremy tried to come up with a retort, but he quickly realized that more than just his small gathering of friends was watching. Quite a few of the other patrons were looking at him, muttering to each other about how remarkable that had been. He even heard one little girl squeal, “I wanna dance like him!” which earned an amused chuckle from her parents.
Jeremy gently pulled away from Brooke, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thanks, guys. Uh, you can stop staring now.”
It looked like the group wasn’t going to drop it any time soon, though, as they led him off to find a place to sit down. Jeremy couldn’t help peeking over his shoulder, expecting to see the SQUIP right by him as it usually was, but instead it had reappeared beside the dancing game, watching with a surprisingly fond smile as the little girl bounded over to the platform and started tapping away at the arrows.
Jeremy’s heart squeezed. Maybe he’d ask Rich if they could meet up here again at some point.
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meirimerens · 4 years
If you're accepting fandom questions could we have some elaboration about those mgs jupiter family alaskan daydreams please? Also your amazing TEW art got me into the series so thanks, I'm liking it a lot!!
first of all, i’m so deeply honored that my art could get you into a game, and also : god i’m fucking sorry lol
second of all
oh god oh fuck alaskan daydreams time
okay so long /, the read mores don’t work, you’re gonna have to bear with it
so tldr i have… EXTENSIVE imaginated stories about dave, hal and sunny living in a little remote cabin in alaska. 
i’d imagine it’d come somewhere post-mgs2 even though sunny is already a bit grown so maybe like just disregard canon OR imagine a different timeline i don’t know, and it’s from a place where hal and dave don’t have anything to do after the mgs2 incidents (so no mgs4 and love of god NO accelerated aging i can’t deal with this), and there is this atmosphere of… “we’ve been sticking together for so long, i can’t see ourselves just parting ways (plus we have a kid to raise and i can’t imagine raising her alone) so how about we make the rest of our lives together” and dave is just like… “hey, we’ve been running all across the country, jumping from shitty motel to shitty motel to shittier apartments, and i have this cabin i once lived in, how about we just all move into it and re-inhabit it” and that’s just how it starts. 
it’s a cabin i have extensively thought about (because i’m obsessed with cabins and being a hermit, so that helps). it’d be near the shore of the Twin Lakes, Alaska (taken from the canon fact that this is where snake lived pre-MGS1), so they’d live off-the-grid and in almost-self-sufficiency (they become more and more self-sufficient as time goes on and they make more adjustments to the cabin). 
i imagine it would look similar to Proenneke’s cabin (which incidentally is also near Twin Lakes), maybe on the other shore, all wood with a vegetation/moss roof + a slight porch/elevation to protect the entrance from a bit of the snow. it’d be surrounded by wooden little dog kennels/crates for the huskies (more on that later) similar to the ones in [this video] around the 0:59 min mark (warning for animal death/general stuff that goes on in a trapper’s lifestyle for the vid).
it here’s a floor plan of the cabin, not to proportions because i’m just shit at it :
Tumblr media
(good luck reading that)
not pictured : when sunny was smaller (before the addition), her bed was like a little shelf just above the big bed (that hal and dave share) with little like “walls” so she doesn’t fall and a thick mattress, which was discarded when she got her new room.
later would be added an outdoor kitchen and a chicken coop (more on that…….. later)
as i said, they’d first be living in semi-dependency : every ¾ weeks they’d have to go to Port Alsworth/Anchorage or somewhere else to stock tf up. Snake would fish (you can fish for subsistence if you’ve been living in Alaska for over a year according to law) and hunt (seems to be the same type of law when hunting for food, YES i’ve researched this, leave me alone) for food. As he has done odd jobs to afford his cabin, I imagine he’d have done crabbing, and would show up to help on crabbing boats from time to time to get some of them crabs.
later, I imagine they would get 4 rescue hens to get some of them fresh eggs. snake would build a chicken scoop from forest wood. 1 of the hens wouldn’t be able to make eggs because she was traumatized from the industry but they still took her in because she was close friends with the other hens and they didn’t want to separate them. 
I imagine Snake had been growing his own herbs in the kitchen but maybe they’d get a greenhouse ready.
they’d go foraging for berries, fruits and mushrooms according to the seasons and make a SHITTON of jams and preserves.
i imagine there would be a lot of solidarity with the surrounding populations. for exemple, Hal would help set up and manage online dictionaries for Iñupiat, Yup'ik or Alutiiq languages with the local communities, maybe help wire up some schools, things like that, and as thanks some people would go check on them and give em veggies or something.
Snake is getting them.
since we don’t know what happened to his huskies around mgs1, i suppose/guess they were at some time confiscated from him, so first, he’s get a lovely husky female from a shelter (i also have long thought about how he’d never go to a breeder and only adopt, because the whole “creature created with a man’s ideal in mind” hits a bit too close for him you feel) that would later be revealed as pregnant with like 5 puppies (it will come back later as relevant as promise). Then he’d do his best to regain contact with his huskies, maybe setting up a call on social media (THIS WILL BE PART OF A BRAIN ROTTING DEGENERACY I WILL EXPAND ON IN A MINUTE) to find them again. i imagined he would get to see one of his old huskies, who has well aged, who was adopted by some nice nice people. then said nice people, after his visit, insisting on him getting his husky back because “since you left she hasn’t been herself, she refused to eat. we think she misses you too much. we love her tons and it breaks our heart to let her go, but we think she would be so much happier by your side” type of deal, i’m fucking crying just thinking about it.
of course, once his team is back in shape, he’s run the Iditarod again. Hed keep contact with hal over walkietalkie during the race. hal would jump in his arms when he crosses the finish line, the pic would circulate in the news. it’d be cute i’m saying.
as I said, adopted, in a little scoop snake built himself. they give eggs. sometimes they let them roam free and they bully hal when he peels vegetables (i’ve drawn smth about this). sunny feeds them in the mornings. things are good.
Snake wakes up around 5AM because he don’t need no sleep and goes to his huskies. feeds them. then make them run. when he gets back around 8 to 8:30, hal is still asleep. snake makes breakfast. the scents wake hal up. things are good.
Sunny is taught by snake how to chop wood. he makes a tiny axe for her tiny hands. he and hal teach her how to swim in the Twin Lakes. the waters cold but she grows immune to it, strong and stronger. she learns how to differenciate which mushrooms and berries are edible.
they try to send her to school but she’s WAY too advanced and is bored to death. she stays at home. she’s outside all day or she learns astrophysics with Hal, who’s taking online classes in his free time. she learns some Athabaskan languages at a community class once in a while, she makes some friends.
They go on hikes a lot. Often, and long ones. At first, sunny is in a little baby back carrier (i have drawn about this), then she walks just right. Alaska has gorgeous national parks, they explore them, year after year. They arrive in a town, exhausted and beat, they find a hotel room. It has a bathtub and warm water. Hal is OVERJOYED.
in the earliest hints of spring, snake takes them to Fairbanks through the beautiful alaskan railroad. they see the most beautiful and powerful of northern lights during the full season. hal and sunny can’t tear their eyes from the skies.
ok…. so bear with me.
i mentioned an internet/social media presence.
it’s because in a deviation of this daydream, snake has a little youtube channel (and an instagram to go with it).
it’s not much. it’s really not, but hal has a few cameras and more that he finds and fixes.
it’s mostly lowkey, chill vlogs. stuff like 
“slow alaskan winter day (no talking)” 
“sprintime berry picking ( + jams recipes!)”
“alaskan summer outdoor fire cookout ( + wild moose and caribou near the lake)”
“denali national park hike (day 1)”
stuff that like you know. as well as some more…
“i ran the iditarod (and won)”
“we got hens (building a chicken scoop, meeting the rescue hens and more)”
“musher’s morning routine (i’d recommend you didn’t try this at home if you are not the genetically engineered clone of a super-soldier, for your sake)”
and as you guessed…
“so our rescue husky was pregnant… (i’m an idiot who didn’t notice, trip to the vet, building a whelping pen, whelping, bottlefeeding tiny pup + all the puppies’ pictures!)”
where dave would teach hal how to bottlefeed a puppy and you’d be able to hear hal’s “oh god oh god oh god oh god”s from out of frame as the camera focuses on dave’s hands holding his to have him perfectly cup the puppy in his palm and carry the bottle. this type of deal.
then follow-up videos of the puppies climbing the bed where hal is, playing on his gameboy. he chuckles nervously and then heartily when a puppy licks his face.
some winter days, the videos have snake bringing all the huskies in the small cabin. some of them sit calmly on the wide bed where hal studies his astrophysics.
and an instagram with wilderness pictures… all except a few taken by hal. some of snake posing in front of the snowed in cabin. some of warm drinks made on winter days. you know the deal.
and they’d have such a nice… positive… lowkey and easy-going comment section. dave would reply to a lot of them. 
he’d get quite a share of “hey man, i love your vids so much, thank you for posting this content. i was wondering, sorry if it’s a bit too personal, are you and your roommate dating? you two seem very close, but i don’t want to assume anything 😅 absolutely love your content either way, you’re the only youtuber i have notifs on” to which he’d reply “thank you so much, really appreciate it. and we’re not, we’ve just known each other for a long, long time. we’re aware two straight guys raising a child and living together isolated makes for a bit of confusion, but it’s totally platonic between us. thanks for sticking around.” but one day he uploads a vid that’s like 
“crabbing in juneau ! + life update (please read description)”
and the desc + the first 20 seconds of the vid is a text superimposed over embarassing pictures of hal and it reads “hey all / quick personal update, i’ll make it quick / otacon and i realized we loved each other / (as more than friends that is) / so if we seem just a bit closer in the videos from now on this is why / no idea how this is going to turn out for up / but yeah. if he seems a bit more affectionate it’s because we’re dating now, or something like that / and to everyone whom i told ‘it’s just strictly platonic between us’:  / well. ha ha. whoops. / anyway thank you for reading / enjoy the video” and all the comments would be like “that’s so dope i’m so happy for you” and other “tbf we saw that coming” and snake would smash that like button on these comments.
and he’d have a video of the whole iditarod race as taken from a camera on his jacket/on his sled… and he’d have videos of him filming hal film the landscape through the window of the train during their trip to fairbanks… and of hal and sunny in said train sharing a tangerine… and of him building a little axe for sunny…. and he’d always ask her if she is okay with being on camera, and when she’d say no he’d make sure she doesn’t appear on here or add a cute husky sticker on her face so she’s not seen.
just lowkey. chill. upbeat. simple life moments. he’d disappear off the internet for a month because he’s just enjoying the life and when he’d come back everyone would be very understanding and glad to see some cool pictures or vids. you know? just chilling. just chilling. just living.
one day before a “hiking through lake clark national park” he has the same little life update thing and it goes “hey / so otacon and i got married / sunny and aksinya [rescued pregant husky] were our flower girls / otacon cried / i cried / anyway, enjoy the video” over pictures of the tiny alaskan wedding. and it’s well.
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iiimber · 6 years
All might A-Z
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A= affection 
Toshinori is a very affectionate man; he tends to keep any displays for when he’s alone with you. He would love to show you off to the world– hold your hand or give you any and all kisses in public, but sadly, being a high profile hero prohibits him from doing that. So when you’re at home together, there’s hardly a moment when he’s not touching you. You’re either in his lap, you he has his arms wrapped around you in any position. It’s very comforting. 
B= best memory
He doesn’t like choosing, because there are so many memories that he cherishes. But if he had to, he would say it was your first date. He remembers being so nervous, and you hadn’t been any better– but he had been able to gather up enough confidence to ask to hold your hand. He’ll never forget how flushed your cheeks were, or the giant, pretty smile that overtook your features. To this day, he still tries to make you smile that big again.
C= cat or dog person
Honestly, All Might screams ‘dog person’ to me. He probably has a fondness for big breeds, often charmed by the ones who are too big to be lap dogs but act like one anyways. He doesn’t mind cats, and actually likes them quite a bit, but owning a cat would come after getting a dog to him. 
D= dreams
Toshinori had already fulfilled his dream of being a hero, but his more domestic one is to have a family. He’s a good man, and loves children, so it’s only natural to want some of his own. Sadly, he had always been so busy as #1 and the danger of being that high profile and having a kid was much too great…he hopes later on in life he’ll be able to, even if he has to adopt.
E= evenings
If he’s not working, then his evenings are very laid back. He’ll eat dinner and either watch a show or read. If you ever happen to be over, he actually likes play board or card games with you to pass time. If he doesn’t have work early the next morning, he’ll often ask if you’d like to go to dinner, and treat you at an expensive restaurant– before taking you home and falling asleep in each others arms.
F= first date
Your first date was very simple and low-key, but it still made him incredibly nervous. He thought it would be nice to take you out for breakfast on a day where it wasn’t so busy– taking you on a long walk through the park. He had been so scared to ask to hold your hand, but he was glad he did– no matter how little the gesture was. It was you that kissed him by a pond, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t red for the rest of the day.
G= giggle
In muscled form, Toshinori has a booming laugh– it’s loud and deep, definitely heroic and manly sounding. In regular form, he laughs with more of a soft chuckle, which is very cute and gentle. It doesn’t take a lot to make him laugh; he really could giggle at anything you say that’s supposed to be funny. He’s a pun man, and always gets a kick out of them, even if he’s the one saying them.
H= hugs
Oh boy does he love hugs, and man is he good at them. Toshinori hugs with his whole body, both arms squeezing you tightly enough where you feel protected, but soft enough that it never hurts. He never gives side hugs, always goes all the way– even with fans, but it’s of course less intimate than when he’s with you. His favorite way to hug is with you in his lap, arms around his neck while his are around your waist, holding you close.
I= instrument 
He’s never had time to really sit down and learn how to play one, no less keep up practice– but while his time in America he had learned how to play a few chords on an acoustic through David. He doesn’t remember much, but once he’s retired he’d like to get back into it, to give himself a hobby.
J= joy
A lot of things bring joy to Toshinoris life. Being a hero was one of them; saving people and gaining their love and trust was something he’s never give up, and it made all the hardships worth it. Midoriya and his heart of a true hero made his so proud and happy always, and that feeling seemed to grow each time he saw the boy improve. Having you in his life to love makes him calm and gleeful; you bring a domestic simplicity he’s always craved a bit; he’d never give that up.
K= kisses
Toshinori’s kisses are always passionate. He’s a passionate man, so his love has to be too. His lips are very soft, and they always feel just perfect against yours– holding you close and pecking yours softly when he leaves for the day, or a hand threading through your hair while he kisses you slow and heavy while pressed up against him on the sofa. They’re never too wet or overbearing, he knows how to move his lips just right.
L= love
Despite being handsome and well-liked, he’s very modest and a little shy when he likes someone. He’s a gentleman, but he tends to act more nice and soft towards you in particular; a clear sign he feels different. While he can be shy with his crush, he’s not above showing off a little too. During school, he’d always rise to the top of any fight or lesson– often turning to you with a smile to see if you noticed. He’s a bit like a puppy, it’s cute.
M= memory
His favorite personal memory would have to do with his master. He had never been incredibly close with his birth parents, so Nana had been a mother to him. He recalls one night after extensive and draining lesson, she invited him to her place for dinner. She cooked, stew that was hearty and thick, and talked to him for hours about his life outside of becoming the next OFA user, and what his dreams were. He’ll never forget the look of fondness on her face, or how intense her listening was. It made him wonder if she had consider him like a son.
N= no
By no fault of anyone else, Toshinori hates getting stuck. In his muscle form, he’s bulky and takes up a lot of space, so it’s hard to maneuver himself sometimes. Walking in the halls after school or trying to get to one destination on a busy sidewalk is hell in his muscle form, he’s too nice to push by and a little embarrassed to excuse his big self past anyone.
O= occupation
A given. Toshinori had always wanted to be a hero, so I imagine he was much like Midoriya growing up; not one to give into his fate of being quirkless, and always looking for a way that he would be able to achieve his dream. It all worked out, thankfully.
P= parent
Toshinori would be a fantastic father. He’s very caring and excitable, he’d be a fun and supportive dad. He had actually always wanted to someday have a child of his own, so if it were to ever happen he would absolutely shed tears. He’d be very hands-on during the pregnancy, no matter how tired he would be from hero work. He’d be secretive though, careful to not let any information on his child being his slip into public hands.
Q= questions
It’s not something he actively discusses since he doesn’t think about the topic too much, but he believes in aliens 100%! He finds it a little odd to think that we are alone in the universe (especially in the kind of world they live in, come on). Toshinori doesn’t partake in any religion, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think there was a higher power up there.
R= romantic
He is so romantic in a relationship. He’s very busy in his hero life, but that never stops him from showing up on your doorstep after a patrol with flowers and dinner (no matter how tired he is). He says lots of fluffy things, mostly compliments that are so sweetly honest it could give you a cavity.
S= smile
In his line of work, the fact that he can save someone and hear their thanks never fails to make him smile. He loves that fact that people are willing to lean on him; put their trust into him. Toshinori was born to help people, and being able to live up to that makes everything worthwhile. In a romantic sense, being around you and just being is enough to make him smile. He feels most at peace when he is alone with you.
T= together
If he has the time to be, he can be very clingy. He’s an affectionate man, so if he’s able to he can lay with you wrapped in his arms all day. When the two of you share a free day, you never leave each others side. He’ll wake up with you in his arms, run around town holding your had, sit at home with an arm around your shoulder while you rest your head on his chest. Even while making dinner, you’re around each other. It’s very domestic and blissful.
U= unbearable 
After his accident, Toshinori begins to always look down on himself, and talk very negatively. It’s unbearable in the sense that you hate to see your joyful and beautiful man so self-deprecating. When he’s like this, he hates when you fret over him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve it, so he often pushes you away. He never snaps, but he’s cold and blunt; it’s hard for the both of you.
V= Videos
Toshinori isn’t the best photo/video taker, but god forbid if he doesn’t try. His album is full of pictures of you; whether it’s one you posed for, or one he took while you were doing mundane things. Any selfies of you two are a little blurry if he took them, otherwise he has all the ones you do. He’s not much of a video taker, but if the situation arises (a surprise for you, or if the two of you ever have kids) he tries.
W= wedding
The wedding was actually small; only your family and some of his + Gran Torino and Dave. Any news of it was kept from the public in fear of it being ruined, so it took place out of the city in a small but pretty church. It was truly one of the best days of his life, and he cried when you walked down the isle. Most of this pictures are hanging up in your shared home, and he loves to gaze at them when he feels off.
X= eXtra
Toshinori likes to read and write poetry. It started as a hobby when he was younger, a way to release any pent-up emotions; and continued on throughout his life. His vows to you had been a short yet sweet piece; flowing beautifully and smoothly to the point you had also cried. If he did not become a hero, he very well could have been a famous poet.
Y= yuck
He likes baked goods and any edible sweets, but artificial sweet smells are a no for him. They smell fake and much too strong, often giving him a headache if he’s around a candle or perfume for too long.
Z= zzzz
Toshinori sleeps heavy, but he doesn’t get the chance to very often. He works shifts and on-call, so he’s often interrupted from a deep sleep. If he’s able to, he can sleep for ten hours interrupted, and it’s incredibly hard to wake him when he’s that far gone.
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lilgreenhouse-blog · 6 years
Bob, Agent of Talon
I am a loser with no life to speak of. Yes, this is a play on the character in the Deadpool comics. Also there is a brief discussion of ‘Bloodborne’ which may or may not be factually accurate. Enjoy.
Dave considered himself to be a pretty normal guy. He ate oatmeal with honey for breakfast, had a selection of neutral-toned ties, enjoyed cat videos and collected vintage comic books. His wife was called Allison. He grew up with a dog called Alfie but hadn’t had a pet since – mostly because he was also a member of a terrorist organisation and that really wasn’t conducive to having a pet. Sudden death or imprisonment for breaking international law weren’t really traits adoption agencies considered favourable when vetting potential adopters.
Thing is, he’s good at being a terrorist. Not in a bombs-blazing, kidnapping women and children, destroying cities kind of way – he’s an undercover guy. Being pretty normal has its perks. People look the other way. No one notices Bob (the most normal code name his handlers could think of) in tech support.
Unfortunately for Overwatch.
Tech support, Dave supposed, was actually an excellent place to put a spy. He had access to all the electronic data at his fingertips, so long as he played it safe and stayed under Athena’s radar. It was an easy enough job to lie about to Allison, who had been nagging him about getting a steady job for ages, having been under the impression he worked for a call centre. Plus, Talon had a dental plan. It was a much better position than the other agent he was aware of – poor Brenda (also a code name, he had no idea what her real name was or any other details about her life, for that matter. For security’s sake, the less he knew the better.) down in laundry had to deal with way more unhygienic conditions. If he played his cards right, he might never get caught. All whilst sending highly classified details of upcoming Overwatch sting operations and missions back to Talon from right under their noses.
He hadn’t, however, expected tech support to be so…hands on.
The first time he was called out of the seemingly endless behind-the-scenes rooms at the Gibraltar base was to fix an ancient video game console. The agent requesting the repair was practically in tears over her beloved antique, insisting that the PS4 really was the only way to play something called Bloodborne, whatever the hell that was. But apparently she had a throwback Thursday livestream coming up or something and needed it fixed. This was apparently relevant enough to the running of Overwatch that actual support staff time and budget was spent repairing an ancient piece of low-tech gear ultimately for the amusement of the viewing public.
This report was well-received by his superiors.
“Excellent,” said a shadowy figure in a sinister voice. “If Overwatch is willing to waste money on such pathetic endeavours, it shows their true weakness.”
Privately Dave wasn’t sure what this true weakness was.
“Indeed,” replied another, equally-shadowy figure. “Such frivolous expenditure is a sure sign that our victory is imminent.”
Dave nodded along in vague agreement, and the check-in quickly ended. As tedious as the fix to the old console had been, it had been a pretty good test of his minor engineering skills. The look on Agent Song’s face when the old box revved itself back into the realm of the living was one of pure gratitude; if she’d known he was actually an enemy agent, she probably would have bashed his head in with it.
Or maybe not. She really did seem to like that crappy old thing.
Somehow this resulted in him being awakened at one in the morning by Athena with summons to the games-slash-movie room. He ruled out being discovered pretty quickly – they wouldn’t invite him to that room if they were going to arrest him and hand him over to Interpol or whatever. It would also be a pretty bad choice of places to bloodily execute him, what with all the electronic equipment spread throughout the room.
Whatever it was, he had to obey. Go along with whatever they want and be prepared to do anything for our cause were two of the many things drilled into him by his Talon handlers.
He could, of course, run away. But that would blow his cover, which would almost certainly ensure his capture. Going along with whatever it was that was happening was rationally the best course of action. He took a deep breath. And then another.
The support staff quarters weren’t far from the room to which he’d been called and he arrived fairly quickly. The door was shut, but a dim glow still emerged from the crack between it and the floor. It slid open as he approached, tonguing his cyanide capsule false tooth.
(As modern as they were, Talon still had some love for the good old fashioned spy staples, cyanide capsule teeth among them. It was only proper for a spy to have one.)
“And here’s Techie Bob!” Cried a voice from within the room, swiftly followed by the cheers of at least two other people.
“Uh, hi?” He said as he stepped further into the room. From what he could tell, it was Agent Song’s usual vlogging set-up, accompanied by Agents Lucio and Tracer. They were all curled up among a pile of blankets and cushions on one of the sofas in front of the biggest screen, boxy old device plugged in and playing some terrible old game with painfully dated graphics. A box in the corner of the screen indicated they were live, comments from viewers popping up rapidly.
“This is the guy I was telling you all about! He totally rescued this poor old PS4 from certain death, and I’d promised you I’d bring it out for tonight’s livestream. So, as I am forever indebted to Techie Bob, as he is henceforth to be known, say hi! Come say hi, dude!” She punctuated the introduction with a snap of very pink gum.
All three agents ushered him forwards into the recording camera’s view. He waved a bit limply; this was the exact opposite kind of exposure he wanted. His handlers were going to be pissed.
“I’m Bob. From, uh, tech support?” He tried. In front of however many thousands of viewers it sounded extremely pathetic. ‘Bob’? Really? Why the hell had they picked him out the fakest sounding name ever? And now his stupid face was going to be plastered across the internet forever for being the nice guy who fixed probably the only functional PS4 in the universe for some stupid gaming vlog. Great. His cover might as well have been blown.
With introductions largely over, the viewers’ attention returned to the game. Agent Song seemed to be finishing up, leaning a little tiredly against the other two agents as her character on-screen somehow turned into some wriggling worm thingy. God, this game was old.
“And that’s a wrap! Ooh, and it looks like – yes! I just broke the world record for fastest completion! I mean, not like there’s any competition since this is probably one of the only remaining copies of this ancient game around, but still. Another world title is another world title!” She shrugged, smiling. A hint of exhaustion was beginning to slip into her smile. “And with that, any closing questions?”
I want more techie bob!!!!
Can Techie Bob play? Hey Bob, do you play??
what’s bob short for and why is he kinda hot
That last one was definitely never happening. Ever.
“Calm down, guys! I can’t make Techie Bob come back but…” she paused ominously. “…if you really want, I can try the puppy eyes on him,”
Dave steeled himself. He was an elite espionage agent for the world’s foremost terrorist group. He’d killed dozens of men with his bare hands. He had been specially selected for an incredibly dangerous undercover hacking mission by some of the most dangerous people in the world. He could handle one diminutive internet celebrity-come-Overwatch agent’s attempts at puppy eyes of all things.
Agent Song turned to him with a look in his eye that he’d never seen replicated in any other creature on Earth besides Alfie.
He couldn’t handle it.
“Okay,” his mouth said. Somehow his brain hadn’t passed on the memo to not do this incredibly stupid thing that will put your cover at risk to his body.
And that was how undercover Talon agent Dave became Techie Bob.
“You must find a way to take the situation and use it to your advantage,” said one shadowy figure in its usual sinister voice.
“Be sure to win their hearts so that the Cause may be attained,” another ominous voice concurred, face hidden in darkness.
Once again, Dave wasn’t entirely sure how to do the former and was rather losing sight of the latter. He seemed to be doing a lot more actual tech support work than spying these days – either Athena (and by extension, Winston) was onto him and his security clearance had been tampered with, or he was losing his touch. Less and less vital information seemed to pass through his hands, and most opportunities to transmit it back to Talon HQ vanished overnight.
He was being called to fix random bits of tech all over the base, from an automatic hit counter to an alarm clock to a faulty comm device. It didn’t even occur to him to plant a listening device in the enemy comm. He was definitely slipping. It was almost like a normal tech support job.
It was like the base had decided he was the go-to guy for mundane technological support. He got calls to the tech support office every hour, asking for advice on slow tablets, how to make the televisions go back to normal after someone accidentally changed the interface into a script no one could read, what to do if the Watchpoint’s internet suddenly died and no, it’s definely not a Talon attack just because the wifi has gone down.
The tech-savvy agents seemed to be greatly enjoying not having to do it instead. Hiring support staff was such a good idea.
(At least, it would have been if they hadn’t managed to hire at least two Talon spies. Seriously. God knew who else they’d hired that were spying on them, too. Or what they’d do with them if the base was raided. It was actually kind of a terrible idea.)
He’d also somehow managed to become a minor internet celebrity with the help of Agent Song, who now insisted he call her Hana like everyone else. Techie Bob was another frequent presence on her livestreams, along with both Lucio and Lena, both of whom had insisted that he call them by their names too, since he was calling Hana by her name and it was only fair. It wasn’t like he was particularly good at gaming; it was more that he wasn’t terrible, and his (partially) feigned reactions to horror games were apparently amusing. He could sort of hold his own. Mostly people seemed to want his input on their own tech support-related problems; trying to restore old devices after being inspired by the incident with the old PlayStation, the endless stream of people trying to make their internet faster, general confusion over easily fixed problems.
He got other questions, some of them deeply inappropriate, most just curious as to what he did all day. And he was honest. He even told them about Alfie and his rare Captain America comic collection. It was…easy.
His mission parameters had changed somehow. He was checking in less and less with his handlers, who seemed to be in turn checking up on him less and less. When they did, there was a note of suspicion in their voices.
It all came to a grinding halt when he accidentally interrupted a transmission from Brenda. She had been using the secure link to pass on information about an agent – Agent Song, no less – being injured, thus becoming an easy target if she was deployed within the next month, advising on how best to engineer an incident specifically to exploit her weaknesses. He’d heard the word ‘kill’ in association with the only other living creature that could successfully replicate the puppy eyed gaze of his childhood pet, and that was…unthinkable.
No one who could do the puppy eyes should ever die.
And that was how Techie Bob had become Talon Bob.
The sudden interference with the feed, which, as it transpired, was being monitored by Winston who had verified Brenda’s identity as a spy and was collecting evidence as to that fact, set off every alert Athena had put in place in case said tampering occurred. It was immediately traced back to his computer and in less than thirty seconds at least five agents had him surrounded, cowering at gun-, arrow-, sword-, freeze ray- and hammer-point.
Defecting was definitely the best option here.
After a thorough interrogation about exactly what he was doing and what information he’d passed to Talon, he was, oddly enough, allowed to retain his job in tech support. Brenda was subsequently arrested along with at least two other enemy spies picked up using the same method – it was amazing how befriending enemy agents had a tendency to get them to defect. After a while, Allison even moved to Gibraltar, thoroughly impressed by Overwatch’s dental plan and her husband’s steady job (if not by the endless snooty British expats).
(This was after she’d spent at least four hours intermittently yelling at him for being a fucking terrorist spy, after all these years of marriage you’d at least have thought to mention it at least once, and no that does not count as a steady fucking job!” Intermittent, because he was very good at running away.)
‘Talon Bob’ was at first, at least, a joke.
“Howdy, Talon Bob!” Agent McCree had called across the communal dining area upon his entry.
“Pass the salt, Talon Bob,” the grouchier Agent Shimada had intoned from across the dinner table.
“And tonight, we are joined by…” Hana’s dramatic pause was cut short as he entered the shot before the cue. “Talon Bob!”
She began a speech about how he was actually not just a tech support guy, but a double agent evil tech support guy which was honestly patently unfair. Being a terrorist was a career path, and he was also genuinely a good tech support guy. He briefly tried to explain that his name wasn’t actually Bob, but that got waved away very quickly. It looked like Talon Bob was here to stay.
When Allison found out about Talon Bob, she laughed for half an hour straight and wouldn’t tell him why.
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 7 years
All the flowery asks
azalea : what’s one word that describes you ?- annoying probably, idk. extra lmao
baby’s breath : what did you want to be when you were a kid ?- a coroner, surgeon, a lawyer. not what i am now, but i am happy with it atm
begonia : are you a messy or clean person ?- rly rly clean
bleeding heart : has your heart ever been broken ?- mhm, it has, sometimes by my own damn self! but it happens you move on you live and you learn
bluebell : do you drink tea or coffee ?i drink both but do prefer coffee most of the time
buttercup : what are five things that make you apologetically happy ?- unapologetically? idk, video games? free times? it’s hard to answer this w depression in mind lol, but any time i spend w my gf rly makes forget that all even if just temporarily, i rly love and appreciate all the time i spend w her and that she’s willing to share w me
calla : what’s your favorite book ?- i have a few, i kinda stan for cassandra clare even though i don’t really like her writing style. i need new books to read asap
carnation : what are your five most played songs ?- rn i’ve had this jojo album playing all day
chrysanthemum : what are you afraid of ?- getting old and not doing shit w my life. coming out to my mom. never getting better
daffodil : what’s your astrological sign ?- gemini :( here goes the hate lmao
dahlia : what’s your favorite band ?- okay i always say arctic monkeys but BOY, do i fucking LOVE ME some fucking chromeo!!!!! LIKE YES FUNK LORDS FOR LIFE BITCH
daisy : which ‘friends’ character do you relate to the most ?- i’m not white (cause you have to be to think friends is even remotely funny)
dandelion : are you an extrovert or an introvert ?- more introvert than extrovert. i be going out and “yikes”-ing my way through the night
geranium : how has your day been ?- odd? it started off pretty okay but i noticed i was in a mood, p clingy and needy and rly manic. and then MOOD DROP and i laid in bed crying for two hours and didn’t eat anything. by 9 i was okay and i ate taco bell of all things so i know i’m boutta hate my whole life (s.n. this was last wednesday)
hydrangea : what’s your dream job ?- something in tech com, a bookstore i own myself, a university position, i still wish i could work at or open up a publishing house.
iris : who’s your celebrity crush ?- used to be james franco. dave 1 is a total stud though like wow thats my husband
lavender : what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received ?- my birthday gift this year, i cried opening it, and a couple years ago was rly nice too
lily : what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of ?- surprisingly, i haven’t died. and i’ve survived the past three months w little to no personal injury (mental or physical)
marigold : what would you like to do more of, but don’t ?- everything? but i all takes too much energy? rn i want to clean and run errands and not cry but i’m doing the exact opposite of that. update: i drew TWO (2) things yesterday!!! i am proud! and i went to the gym for the first time in three weeks
moonflower : who inspires you ?- whatever potential future me has that isn’t me rn.
morning glory : are you an early bird or a night owl ?- a bit of both, i get up early and i stay up late but not like i’m doing anything productive
orchid : what’s the last movie you saw ?- thirteen ghosts, it was still as good as i remember it! update: currently finishing princess mononoke
pansy : do you believe in love at first sight ?- no bro, and if you do you a liar and you tryna fuck
peony : what does your url mean ?- jupiter’s moons!
periwinkle : what are you thankful for ?- not dying i guess
petunia : where were you ten years ago ?- hmm it was my freshman year of high school. i was spending lunch w omar, ashley, and antonio, or just hanging out in the library picking out books to read. that wasn’t rly a good year tbh but yeah funny how people say shit like that does not matter 10yrs down the line
poinsettia : where would you like to be in ten years ?- i’d hopefully be an estimator w my current company, maybe at a different branch in portland or seattle. financially stable, married, and happy puppy owner, maybe even happy parent
poppy : what’s your online persona ?- same as irl, if not slightly cooler actually but just as cynical and depressed
primrose : if you could share one message with the world, what would it be ?- i’m not really sure.. do more of what you love. take care of yourself, physically and mentally. have an open mind.
rose : who’s the last person you spent quality time with ?- probably michelle? we went to panda yesterday.
snapdragon : what are your goals ?- i want!! to get!! better!! also, lose fifty pounds but i mean i’m fat and i like to eat it is what it is
sunflower : what’s your favorite quote ?- “all good things are wild and free,” sidenote, i am happy to be a free happy gay rn like i’m much more comfortable in my skin in that regard i felt like i constantly had to hide that specific part of me and granted i still do to a certain extent but not as much
tulip : if you had three wishes, what would you wish for ?- i don’t want to be rich, but i want 100% certain financial security. i can take care of my wife and kids, we can take trips and vacations whenever we want, and we’re happy and fulfilled. money won’t do that, but it will certainly help. i really wish i wasn’t depressed/didn’t have bpd, that would improve the overall quality of my life immensely. and lastly, i wish i could go back in time and make better choices.
violet : what’s one thing most people don’t know about you ?- outside of the internet no one knows i have bpd
zinnia : do you believe in magic ?- depends on your definition
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We'll Figure It Out
Anthony x Reader
Notes: Reader is the newest member of Hamilton and quickly develops a friendship with Anthony, though both of them secretly want more. Per usual, I write this with all respect to Ant, Jasmine and their relationship as this is purely fictional. Enjoy! (Ps: this my second request! I was so sure no one would read these things lol - sorry it took so long!)
Word count: 3525
Warnings: mentions of sex (uuuuuh) and making out, I guess.
You have walked by the Richard Rodgers Theater several times before, but somehow, it seemed to have doubled its size now that you were standing in front of it. “The opportunity of a lifetime. There’s no time for second doubts” you reminded yourself before walking in. Your eyes wandered for a moment, unsure of where to go, until you spotted the signature ponytail of the man who’s taking Broadway by storm.
- (Y/n)! Welcome! - he smiled at you, giving you a quick embrace.
- Hi, Lin! It’s great to be here. - you made sure to call him by his first name, since he corrected you on the phone a few days ago (“Oh please, Mr. Miranda is my dad. Call me Lin”).
- Everyone’s at the stage to warm up so we can stop by to introduce you and then I’ll give you a tour of the theater. - he pointed to the right direction, waiting for your response.
- Sounds awesome. - you smiled at him and the two of you made your way through various flights of stairs.
As soon as you reached the stage, you had to take a moment to admire how grand the venue is. In fact, you were so fascinated by the scenario that you didn’t even notice how some people turned their attention towards you, not even the talkative curly haired guy who suddenly lost his train of thought.
- Guys, I’m happy to introduce you to (y/n), the newest member of our cast! - Lin announced with a smile to the group of artists in front of him.
- Hi! - you smiled, waving your hand for a moment and regretting it immediately.
They shared a small laugh, your nervousness probably reminding them of their early days in the production. A dark haired woman with rosy cheeks suggested that they went around the room, introducing themselves by name and their character on the show. With an unanimous nod, she began.
- I’m Phillipa, but everyone calls me Pippa. - she said with a kind smile - And I play Eliza.
One by one, they put names to the faces and you were thankful for their enthusiasm. It was only a couple of introductions later when you noticed a certain pair of green eyes that haven’t left your direction since you walked in. “Of course he’s looking at you, you’re the new kid, that’s all” you thought to yourself.
- Hi, I’m Anthony and I play John Laurens and Philip. - he simply smiled at you and you could feel your face getting warmer. Oh god, breathe.
Once everyone had spoken, Lin walked you around the theater as he promised, showing you everything from the dressing room area to the orchestra pit. And while everything was so foreign and there was a lot to memorize, you were as excited as ever. However, you still had two weeks of rehearsals before your Broadway debut, so while everyone was performing, you were enjoying the show from the wings. Your eyes lingered on the man passionately rapping about the end of slavery, an involuntary smile gracing the corners of your mouth.
- Do you ever have food here? - you take a look at the fridge, finding only a couple of beers and a large bottle of ketchup.
- Only when my parents visit. - Anthony replies from the couch - I’m surprised you haven’t gotten used to it yet.
- Oh well, a girl can dream. - you close the fridge door and turn around to look at him. - So, pizza?
- Always. - he grins, making you roll your eyes with a small smile.
It’s your day off, you have good company and, soon, pizza. What’s there to complain about? Sure, you initially had a crush on Anthony, but he quickly became your closest friend in the cast and that’s great. You’re happy to be friends with him, which is what you remind yourself when he decides to rest his arm on the back of the couch over your head, sitting a bit closer than usual.
- How I Met Your Mother? - he asks, scrolling though Netflix.
- It would take forever to choose an episode. I feel like watching a movie.
- True. Remember Me?
- Too heavy. Amélie?
- We saw that last time.
The debate continues for a moment, until you come across the animation section and a particular movie catches your eye.
- Mulan! - you shout excitedly at the same time. Mulan it is.
You start the movie, laughing at the jokes you’ve heard countless times. When the first song begins, you look at each other with bright eyes, silently agreeing to sing along to every word. He even gets up from his seat, trying an interpretative dance that makes your stomach hurt from laughing too hard. He then takes your hand and starts jumping and dancing around the room with you, both of you singing and laughing. It’s only by the end of the song that you realize how close you are. His hands firmly on your waist, yours on his shoulders. You’re still smiling, looking straight into his beautiful green eyes. You’d gladly get lost in them. His gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips for a second and you lean forward. He does the same. Eyes closed, his lips ghosting over yours, when the bell suddenly rings. You jump away from each other, breathless.
- That’s the pizza. - he points to the door, walking towards it with a shy smile. Maybe you’re not over your crush after all.
Now with the pizza in hand, you continue watching the movie, though not as close as you were before. You sing the next song without leaving your seat. Everything feels a bit awkward for a moment, until I’ll Make a Man Out of You comes up and you have no choice but to belt the lyrics, laughing with the same intensity you had at the beginning.
Almost a week later, you’re making your way towards the bright yellow lights of the theater, just as you did two months ago on your first day at Hamilton. You’re no expert of the theater community, but you’re certainly more comfortable with your settings than you were before. You even managed to make friends all the while, especially Anthony, becoming inseparable after a few days of being on the show. You’d hang out together at work, sharing funny videos and even occasional naps on two show days, and on your free time, going to the movies or playing video games at his place. You never seemed to get tired of each other. In fact, you had just placed your bag on the ensemble dressing room when you hear a familiar voice:
- Yo, (y/n)! - you turn around to find Anthony with his phone in hand and a smile on his face.
- Ant! What’s up?
- There’s this new Netflix series coming up and it sounds awesome. Check this out. - he hands you his phone, a YouTube video on the screen.
- Wow. It seems really cool. - you hand back the phone after watching the short video.
- Right?! We should totally binge watch it when it comes out.
- So you’re basically planning to Netflix and chill? - Morgan teases with a raised eyebrow on the other side of the room.
- What?! How.. why.. what? We’re just gonna watch the show - he stumbles with his words, blushing furiously.
- Besides, you’re supposed to “Netflix and chill” while watching something boring and The Get Down sounds awesome. - you try your best to sound cool, despite the heat on your cheeks. Morgan raises her hands in surrender, clearly holding a laugh.
- Of course it’s gonna be awesome, I’m in it! - Daveed suddenly shows up at the door with a conceited look on his face.
- See? Another reason why you can’t Netflix and chill to it: Daveed is in it. - you turn to Morgan’s direction, earning a laugh from her and Anthony while Daveed dramatically gasps with a hand on his heart, though he ends up joining the rest of you with a grin.
Soon it’s time to warm up and rehearse before the matinee, the whole cast ready to enjoy their day off tomorrow. While the ensemble practices a specific choreography, the lead actors have a few extra minutes to prepare for the show on their own.
- So, Ant.. what’s your deal with (y/n)? - Daveed asks him out of the blue while they’re hanging out in his dressing room.
- What? There’s no deal with (y/n). She’s my friend. - Anthony replies with as much confidence as possible, though he wishes his answer could be something else entirely.
- C'mon, dude! We’re your best friends. You can tell us. - Oak reassures him.
- I just.. like to be with her, okay?
- Then why aren’t you with her already? - Daveed asks with curiosity.
- Cause.. we’re friends. And I don’t wanna mess that up. - Anthony looks down, his friends sharing a knowing look.
- So, did y'all watch the game last night? - Daveed asks the group.  
After the show, feeling sweaty and tired, you head straight to the ensemble dressing room, ready to leave. As you’re about to close the door, Jasmine appears.
- (Y/n)! What are you up to, girl?
- Today? I’m just gonna go home, binge watch something, take a bath, that kind of thing. Why?
- Weeeell, now that you asked, a bunch of us are going out tonight and I was hoping you’d come along. - she tilts her head, a slight pout on her lips.
- I’m so tired, Jas..
- Pleeeeeease? - she uses her puppy eyes as a last resort. Damn you, puppy eyes!
- Okay. But you’re gonna have to help me get ready cause I have no idea what to wear.
- Done and done! Meet me in my place at 8! - she grins before going on her way, leaving you to wonder how you got yourself into this.
A couple of hours later, you find yourself at Jasmine’s place with Pippa. Renee was also supposed to be there, but one of her kids wasn’t feeling too well and she decided to skip this one.
- So, what are our options here? - Jasmine asks with the intensity of a general in battle.
- I’m settled for this matching top and skirt, but I’m gonna need your help with hair and makeup. - Pippa responded promptly, both of you laying on Jasmine’s bed.
- And I brought this crop top, these two skirts and this dress. I’m lost, I never go to these things. - you sigh.
- These are not bad.. oh, this dress is cute. So flowery! - Pippa sits up straight to look at your options.
- That’s the problem, Pip. It’s not a picnic. We’re not going for cute. - Jasmine rules out the outfit.
- Wait, what are we going for? We’re just meeting people from the cast. - you sit beside Phillipa, a bit confused.
- But Anthony is part of the cast and I know for a fact that he’s going tonight. - she raises an eyebrow with a mischievous look on her face.
-  So? I see him everyday, it’s not a big deal. - you furrow your eyebrows with your arms crossed in front of you.
- True, which is why tonight requires something special. Come on, I see the way you look at each other. We both do. - she looks at Pippa, who nods in agreement.
- It feels like you should be together, don’t you think? - Pippa asks softly.
- I don’t know.. I really like him. But we almost kissed once and everything felt so awkward afterwards. I don’t want to risk everything. - you confess.
- The problem is not the kiss. It’s the almost. Trust me. - Jasmine reassures you while holding your hand - It’s time for this struggle to end and tonight is the night.
- So.. what do you have in mind? - you ask quietly, which is all they need to start working on you.
Two hours later, you’re on your way to the club. Pippa wearing her matching top and skirt, Jasmine in a bodysuit and jeans, and you with a tight lace dress that showed off your curves, courtesy of Jas. Bold, yet elegant. Definitely something that you wouldn’t wear on a regular basis, but with the heels and the red lipstick, you felt oddly confident. Soon enough, you’re at the club, making your way towards the group of loud performers you know and love. Anthony’s mouth drops slightly open when he sees you, which you take as a good sign. Maybe your feelings could be reciprocated after all.
- Girls! Good to see you! - Lin shouts over the music, which is loud, but thankfully not to the point where you can’t hear each other. - Wow, (y/n)! Looking good tonight, are we?
- It’s only thanks to these two. - you indicate to Jasmine and Phillipa with a smile.
- Let’s get something to drink. - Jasmine points to the bar, where the three of you head to.
Each of you drink a shot of tequila to loosen up a little and you decide that’s enough for you, as you don’t want to get really drunk. You go back to the group, talking for a couple of minutes with Carleigh and Thayne. Just as they head to the bar, Anthony shows up.
- Hey! You look.. amazing. Just amazing. - he exclaims over the music and there’s a hint of alcohol in his breath but he’s clearly not drunk.
- Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself. - you smile with confidence, aware of how different you look from your usual self.
He’s about to say something else when a remix of Hotline Bling comes up and Jasmine pulls you to the dance floor. The majority of the group had already been dancing, so you feel at ease joining them. At first you’re dancing with Jasmine, then Thayne, and lastly Groff. As you switch between having different dance partners and dancing by yourself, Anthony and Daveed have their sights on you from the bar.
- Honestly, if you don’t make a move, I will. - Daveed says firmly.
Anthony takes a shot and walks straight to the dance floor.
He offers you his hand just as that popular song from The Weeknd comes up and you gladly take it. You dance together for hours, varying from really dancing, as the Broadway performers that both you are, and just goofing around. A remix of another overplayed song begins and this time, dancing with him, the lyrics hit you a bit harder.
I thought that I’d been hurt before. But no one’s ever left me quite this sore.
Your rhythm gradually slows down, until it’s just the two of you practically slow dancing while everyone else is jumping around.
And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches.
You’re as close as you were that day at his apartment. His hands on your waist, yours on his shoulders. He leans over, eyes closed, and you do the same, meeting him halfway. Like a wave hitting the shore, his lips crash onto yours, gentle and desperate at the same time. Your hands move to his hair and he tightens his grip on your waist, pulling you even closer. He tastes like alcohol and you’re sure you taste the same. You melt on his embrace and the feeling of his lips against yours. There’s just you and him. Everything else fades away. When you finally reach for air, his forehead touches yours, eyes still closed while a smile appears on both of your faces. You slowly open your eyes, afraid that it might be a dream. He smiles even wider looking at you. You suddenly hear applause and cheers and you turn around to find your fellow castmates high-fiving each other, some even with their phones out. You rest your head on his shoulder and laugh at how insane this moment is.
- Alright, TMZ, that’s enough for you. - Anthony raises his arm to the group, who laughs and puts their phones away.
You keep dancing through a few more songs, but when it becomes more making out than dancing, you know it’s time to go.
- Bye, guys! - you wave to the group quickly, a giant smile on your face.
- Bye, lovebirds! - they reply in a chorus, leaving you to wonder if they rehearsed it before.
Hand in hand with Anthony, you wait for your Uber, breathing into the chilly air of the city. You end up kissing again in the backseat of the car, his hands rest on your thighs, sending shivers down your spine. The poor driver has to clear his throat to get your attention once you arrive. You walk to his apartment hand in hand and when he closes the front door, he pulls you closer and presses you against it, kissing you again, this time rougher and needier. Your hands are on his hair again, pulling it lightly. He places his hands on your thighs and, letting your body move on its own, you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you to the couch, carefully dropping you off. He sits down, pulling you with him so you’re sitting on his lap. He kisses you intensely, as if he’s out of breath and you’re the only source of oxygen in the room. Soon you’re lightly grinding against him, making him moan against your lips. When both of you reach for air, he starts kissing your neck.
- Bedroom? - you suggest, breathing heavily.
- Bedroom. - he looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust.
You stand up and he follows you, his fingers intertwined with yours as you make your way towards his bed. When you do, you turn around to kiss him, feeling your heartbeat echo through your whole body. His hand moves to the clasp on your dress and stops there, stepping away from your embrace to look at you first. Consenting with a nod, his lips are on yours again, the taste of alcohol slowly fading. He then leads you to the bed, laying on top of you. His hands travel around your body while you unbutton his shirt. Anthony breaks the kiss to toss it on the floor, giving you a moment to catch your breath. He pauses for a moment, his chest rising and falling quickly, to take a look at you. He lets out a small laugh at how surreal this moment is.
- I can’t believe we’re gonna do it. - he laughs against your neck in between kisses.
- I know, right? - you smile with him. A week before you barely kissed and now there you are.
- I’ve always had a crush on you, you know? - his eyes sparkle with happiness, fingers gently caressing your cheek.
- What?! Shut up! I had a crush on you! - you exclaim a bit too loud.
- Well, I know for a fact that I had a crush on you since the minute you walked into that stage with Lin.
- Wait, really?
- Really. - he smiles, leaning over to kiss you once more. - The problem was that I’m apparently awful at keeping secrets. I’m telling you, I almost told people so many times.
- Really? How? - you ask, curious to know more.
- I think it was mostly small details, you know? Like commenting on how beautiful you look or how good you smell or whatever you said that made me laugh and, I mean, these are fine on their own, days apart. But all the time? Suspicious. - he’s now resting his head on his arm, laying on his stomach.
-That’s so sweet, Ant. But you should have said something to me, who knows what could have happened if I knew sooner.. - you play with his hair, all your affection reflected in your eyes.
- We figured it out. That’s all that matters. - he smiles brightly - Wait, does that mean we could have been doing this for months?!
- Yep. - you laugh and he joins you, the sound making you feel at home.
The night is spent sharing stories of how you’ve felt about him and vice versa, times you almost revealed your feelings to someone else in the cast (though, let’s face it, everyone knew), weird dreams involving each other that you felt too embarrassed to share before, and just retelling good stories of your adventures. You move around in bed, sometimes facing each other side by side, or sitting, or him resting his head on your lap. You share secrets and childhood stories that neither of you had the chance to bring up before. Bad habits and hopes for the future. You don’t even notice falling asleep, only waking up to the sunlight slipping through the curtains and his arms wrapped around you.
- Good morning, sleepyhead. - you smile when his eyes open, so close to him you could count his freckles.
- Good morning, babe. - he smiles back, his voice still raspy. - I can’t believe we didn’t have sex. The guys would crucify me.
- We have plenty of time ahead of us. - you laugh with him - In fact, we have a whole day to do whatever we want.
- Hmm so what are we thinking? Pancakes? - he pulls you closer, your legs still intertwined, and you hum in response.
- We’ll figure it out as we go. - you look into his eyes, your words possibly meaning a lot more than just your schedule for the day. He kisses you softly.
- Hey, (y/n).. wanna watch something boring?
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kenzieinfirenze · 7 years
Interlaken, Switzerland
I have never been to a place as beautiful as Interlaken, Switzerland. Thursday night, Sophie, Alyssa, Autumn, and I got on an 8 hour bus ride to the Swiss Alps. We arrived around 5am Friday morning, and decided to sleep until 8:30 before we began to explore the area. The first day was a little cloudy, but still so beautiful. At 3pm, just when the clouds were clearing up, it was time for us to go paragliding. After taking a van up to a mountain and getting all strapped in, you have to run down a hill while the parachute catches the wind and picks you up. I was really not scared at all, and actually wanted to sky dive instead, but paragliding was less expensive. Little did I know, I am VERY afraid of heights. I was not panicking or anything, but I was much more uncomfortable than I wished/expected while floating above Interlaken-which, apparently, is named because it is a town between two lakes. Nevertheless, I floated for 15 minutes above one of the most beautiful places in the world (it was later confirmed as THE most beautiful place on Saturday). I am still happy I had the experience and got some cool photos, but I don’t see myself paragliding again in the near future. Later that night, we had plans to go night sledding, which we were lucky enough to have a full moon lighting the way for us during. Night sledding was SO fun. It was like a real life video game, and there weren’t really any rules. I think it was actually pretty dangerous, but hey it was fun! Basically there is a long, windy, 45 minute long course down a mountain in the Swiss Alps that 35 kids are sledding on all at once. People were wiping out, and honestly I was a little scared to go over a cliff but it was still SO fun. Looking out over the course with the full moon and the lights from the town below was such a pretty view. After night sledding, we just grabbed food at a small pizza place because Switzerland is ridiculously expensive and we decided to only go out for a real dinner on Saturday night. We slept really good Friday night, and got up bright and early for winter kayaking!!! We had to put on these ridiculous, yellow dry suits to stay warm on the water, but they worked! Kayaking was the most amazing and breathtaking thing I have ever done. The water of Lake Brienz is so blue and so clear it looks tropical, but at the same time you are in the middle of mountains. In the middle of the tour, our guide (Dave, the sweetest man ever) took us up to a castle on the side of the lake, where we had tea and cookies. The view from the top of the castle was so incredible. I was happy the kayaking tour was not very strenuous and it was more about enjoying the scenery than trying to get a workout. To top it off, after the tour, we saw the cutest little Bernese Mountain puppy, and the owner let us play with her. After kayaking, we explored around a bit and bought some Swiss chocolate, got some lunch, and rested before our dinner reservation at 7. We went to Husi BeirHaus and got some craft beers and traditional Swiss food, including mac n cheese with applesauce? Apparently that’s how they like it. After dinner, we went to Barracuda, which is where we had sandwiches for lunch during the day, but it turns into a bar at night. This was probably one of the most fun nights I’ve had since I’ve been abroad. It was really small with live music and the whole vibe of the place was just so cool and fun. We all got raspberry Moscow mules and they were delicious. We saw a group of guys sitting together, and we decided to introduce ourselves, assuming they were other Americans on the trip. We found out they were from Interlaken and they invited us to sit with them. They were all super nice, and of course we felt cultured talking to people from Switzerland. We were surprised when they told us that Americans usually like to keep to themselves and never try to talk to them. gain, we were proud of ourselves for doing something different. We ended up leaving Baracuda with those guys and going to a club with them (don’t worry, we were totally safe about it, didn’t take drinks from them, and didn’t go anywhere with them that wasn’t public). We had a great time, and then headed back to our hostels. In the morning, we had to get up and move our stuff out of the rooms by 10, but the bus didn’t leave until 3. We went back to Lake Brienz to take in its beauty one last time and take some more photos. After that, we just explored and got lunch before grabbing some snacks for the bus ride. The bus ride felt a little longer than the way there because it was not through the night, but it was nice to be able to see what was around us (you can’t really complain driving through the Swiss Alps). Overall, I can confidently say my weekend in Interlaken was one of the best, if not the best weekend of my life. It was so astoundingly beautiful there, and the photos will never do it justice. I felt like I was walking around in a fairytale while I was there. Interlaken was definitely a weekend for the books, and will always be one of my best memories.
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ggdbcheapsale-blog · 5 years
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Worn out as well as sick of the usual boring routine on your rebounder? Mario has appeared in over 200 main titles since first jumping onto the scene in 1981 in a plot called Donkey Kong, and a substantial number of gamers are already anticipating his next piece, Super Mario Galaxy 2, due out on the Wii at some time this holiday season. At Pay Day Auction you could find people bidding and approving offers nonetheless they are not known as vendors" or buyers" and also you'll locate no electronic devices to buy on this internet site. please click the following webpage reason for this preference is that they can conserve these games on the on-line gaming servers and also keep their computer hard drive totally free for various other things. The King and Queen of Clubs could take a trick before players lack Clubs. Attempt to locate matches by passing on only 2 cards at a time from a deck set out randomly encounter down. When they go shopping, a lot of people do not understand the potential vouchers provides them to save loan. Sales of your service excel, so how do you get them ahead back for a repeat acquisition? Ooh, ooh, we enjoy games! The multiplayer video game has a lot to supply for every lover player. Mario Forever Flash: Among one of the most visually spectacular Mario giveaways available, with exceptionally refined gameplay as well as an extensive adventure. The game likewise supplies lots of intriguing personalities to connect with, consisting of hired goons, loan sharks as well as freelance employees (all with a fairytale style behind them). This article is a step-by-step overview on how you can make your personal pc gaming boards. Video game having fun by an ex-spouse is a regular examination to determine whether you respect yourself. When a person is hypnotized, his/ her power of suggestion comes to be excellent. 9. Adventure/simulation games consist of computer animated and also active adventuring finding out games that tend to be longer, interactive as well as mimic real life obstacles or adventures.
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However, with time, floor tiles do have the tendency to catch dirt between their areas. You aren't able to do it with your day-to-day burning program if you desire to replicate a Wii video game. These workers are courteous, care for their lorry, and take travelers to their location as swiftly as they safely can. When a teacher provides a blank world map or simply a component of the world with the nations revealing but no information, the youngsters promptly determine that as a video game. Allow's take a look today and also see which method is far better (and quicker!) for obtaining your toon to the max degree. Although cookies can enable us to associate a visitor's use our Sites and also the Net to personal details that the visitor has actually supplied, such as an e-mail address, we do not make use of cookies in connection with individual details with one exemption: for some activities, we make use of session cookies to guarantee that site visitors under the age of 14 provide an adult e-mail address. Currently, there are thousands, also numerous guys out there that are seriously searching for a sweetheart in order to finish their lives. The casual games company reaches practically all market industries, with women in their forties consisting of the regular laid-back game gamer.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/extremely-good-saturday-on-faucet-for-toronto-sports-activities-enthusiasts/
Extremely good Saturday on faucet for Toronto sports activities enthusiasts
The Leafs and Raptors each have a playoff game (starting within hours of each different) even as the Jays and TFC additionally have ordinary season games on the move. And, to feature the photo, there’s an OHL playoff among Mississauga and Oshawa, and the Marlies are completing out their normal season in St. John’s.
Essentially, in case you love looking neighborhood sports activities, Saturday is an afternoon made for you.
“It’s absolutely a Toronto sports fan’s dream come actual,” says Dave Haggith, communications director for MLSE, that is juggling Saturday viewing events for the Leafs and Raptors in Maple Leafs Rectangular.
The playoff video games alone are something of an oddity; Toronto has no longer seen both the Leafs and Raptors within the playoffs on the equal time considering that 2002.
On Saturday, the Raptors open their first-round series with the Milwaukee Greenbacks at five:30 p.M. at the Air Canada Centre, and the Leafs face off with the Capitals in D.C. rapidly after 7 pm.
The Blue Jays and Orioles cross at 1 p.M., at the same time as TFC kicks off a road sport in Columbus at eight p.M. That’s about 12 straight hours of nearby groups in movement, which is a rarity.
The weatherman won’t cooperate — rain is inside the forecast — however Maple Leafs Rectangular and neighborhood sports activities bars are gearing up to address the crowds.
“On Saturday, the (Maple Leafs Square) can be dedicated to the Raptors, but as quickly because the Raptors sport is carried out, we’ll switch the viewing screen over to the Leafs recreation,” Haggith stated, adding that the remainder of the Leafs game might be piped onto the scoreboard screens at the Air Canada Centre at the belief of the Raptors game, so enthusiasts can continue to be of their seats and capture the wrap up of the Leafs-Capitals tilt.
Jays lovers will probably be milling around the Rogers Centre-Air Canada Centre hall by the time the Raptors sport begins. The danger for overflow and blend and mingle crowds are high, and it’s something that handiest sets the tone for the relaxation of the week.
Both the Leafs or Raptors have a playoff recreation every day next week.
The metropolis has seen appropriate events with the Leafs in the playoffs in 2013 (the primary put up season revel in in the Square) and the Raptors in 2014 (which gave upward thrust to the Square’s nickname, “Jurassic Park.”)
However, the town has by no means seen playoff games within the same day, accompanied by using every week’s worth of Leafs-Raptors within the playoffs.
“It’s new territory, however, it’s territory we want and expects to happen for our groups,” Haggith said.
“It’s splendid for the fanatics, great for the town … Toronto has set up itself inside the last few years as one of the fantastic sports bases within the world.”
sports Fan Tools For the Actual Fan in You
In latest years sports activities fans have been remodeled from what they had been many years ago. It’s not just a question about their ingesting extra modern-day fast foods, but it has more to do with the manner in which they flaunt themselves. Their way of expressing themselves are to dress up for the particular recreation event.
The ones had been the times when just portray your faces with the colors of the respective groups become in rage, However the fanatical sports activities and games fans of nowadays specific themselves with sophisticated sports-fan-Gear replete with armor and helmet.
A number of the more constrained techniques that you could see are carrying group tests which have the crew emblem or team photo on them. That is deemed one of the maximum green approaches to expose your allegiance to a selected crew. You may locate that there are team logo exams for nearly any sports league or team.
Into this fray has entered the girl’s sports activities enthusiasts who like to pick out from the myriads of colors of girl fan Equipment. Their fan-Equipment is fast gaining significance. You will discover figure hugging jerseys, T-shirts, shirts, hats, backpacks and pocketbooks in all styles of pastel colors synthetic with simply the girl in thoughts. A few of the sports stores stock up their cabinets with those Gear for women sports fans.
You will locate a variety of sports activities gears like jerseys, T-shirts, shirts, hats, caps and different accessories in recreation stores, your nearby shops and for that count even in online sports activities stores. The cause for this surprising increase in sports-fan-Equipment is that the hobby in sports activities in itself is developing in leaps and boundaries and manufacturers are finding that creating fan gifts is a very lucrative commercial enterprise.
Any other set of sports activities fan Equipment is for the youngsters. You’ll be surprised to discover stores sporting child cheer chief clothes or jerseys with proud parents vainly displaying them off.
You already know, fan Gear is likewise gaining lots of reputation as Christmas presents. in case you are in a predicament about what to shop for your man for Christmas; if he’s a sports activities lover, then you can guess your high horses that he will be pleased to receive fan-Equipment as a Christmas present. those presents can be something ranging from group jerseys, hats, caps, blankets, credit playing cards, crew sun shades; pretty much something in order to make him experience that he belongs.
No matter where you’re, you are sure to find sports fan Tools of local as well as countrywide and global sports activities. And the beauty of it all is that the Gear is starting to get genuinely interesting and original with producers questioning up novel ways to attract sports fans. Irrespective of your taste, You may pretty honestly discover sports activities gears within the market.
Are You A sports activities Fan Or sports activities Fanatic? I am right here to invite a superb query are you a sports activities fan or a sports activities Fanatic? I seemed up each definition and the dictionary states for a fan the that means is “an enthusiastic devotee or follower of sports or sports team” the meaning of a Fanatic is “someone with an intense enthusiasm or zeal for sports or sports group”. The difference between a sports fan and a sports activities Fanatic is a very exceptional line. I take into account myself an Enthusiast, and I’m able to give you my opinion of the first-rate line that separates a fan and a Fanatic.
A sports activities fan will have a favorite group that they follow after they have the time. The fan will realize some records or records approximately their favorite crew. The fan will try and move and notice their preferred team when they have a few unfastened time, and it fits on their time table.
A sports Enthusiast eats sleep and breathe the entirety about sports activities. A sports activities Enthusiast will recognize every unmarried fact or records detail approximately each sport. They know each rule, every player of a team, and every detail that has to do with that crew or sport. A Fanatic will strive their hardest to visit each recreation in their favorite group, and if they cannot go to the game they may have a hand device or clever phone that may get entry to the trendy information or updates of the game.
The principal necessity for a sports Fanatic that does not visit the game is a huge obnoxious film cinema length flat display screen Tv that takes up half of their dwelling room. It ought to have to surround sound stereo speakers, so it sounds exactly like sitting within the sports activities stadium. The furnishings within the dwelling room must encompass a huge at ease sofa, with more than one reclining chairs and foot rests. There should be plenty of sitting room for the Fanatic to invite all his or her friends over for the “large” game.
The very last necessity for a sports activities Fanatic is the food. There wish to be masses of meals so it feels like they’re tailgating in their very own kitchen. There have to be plenty of potato chips, dips, tortilla chips, pizza, hamburgers, and hot puppies, and plenty more available for the game. The most important are the liquids which consist of a case of beer that could in shape in the refrigerator or they have their personal private little refrigerator in order to keep the beers and different beverages.
sports activities fans may also have a lot more sports activities group Equipment and memorabilia than a sports fan. A sports Fanatic desires each little sports activities memorabilia of their preferred sports activities teams from the sports activities crew jersey to a little sports crew spoon. The lovers also are maximum likely those that get dressed up in hideous sports activities group Equipment and feature face paint throughout them inside the stadiums.
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