#I just miss James a LOT
locketfemme · 3 months
I woke up feeling sick this morning.
I've been fighting a cold for a few days, so I knew the second I had a day off it'd hit me like a truck, but it still sucks.
I wish my butch were here, to let me lie down with my head in her lap while she does something on her laptop, to laugh when I refuse to let her kiss me because I don't want her getting sick, to oblige a few hours later when I whine about wanting a kiss.
When I apologize about being needy and needing to be taken care of, she always plays with my hair the way I like and tells me she's just returning the favor. That I take care of her all the time, and I think that's what I miss most right now.
I just want my butch to take care of me.
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httpiastri · 7 months
cant believe clem just revealed our wedding plans on stream :/
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 3 months
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potential future tattoo??? (but without words just bc a lot of my planned future tattoos have words and apparently it’s Not Cool to have a bunch of words on your body instead of images)
House MD enjoyers, what are ur thoughts?
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less than 4 minutes into Pom Poko and, i don't get Isao Takahata, he refuses to draw nipples on characters or characters without mouth muscles but he'll draw balls on raccoons, i don't get it. i don't get it, what the fuck are this man's priorities.
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stubble is hard to draw
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jimmyspades · 3 months
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I've known this day was coming for some time, I even prayed for it, knowing it would be a blessing, but, no matter, I don't think anyone's ever prepared for a parent to die. No matter what you think. [Yes.] Alan, thank you. With all your nonsense, I fully expect to have to fire you one day. I just want you to know when that day comes it'll be harder for me. [Yep.] BOSTON LEGAL 4.16 "The Mighty Rogues"
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raisedbythetv89 · 26 days
So I started watching btvs in 2020 and spuffy especially really got me through a lot during that time. I maybe watched the show 40-50 times in a 3 year span but this week three separate details from season 6 ABOUT SPIKE have been brought to my attention and I fear every rewatch I have just been entirely too horny and distracted just staring at James to properly pay attention to his performance and process everything he’s got going on 💀😭💀😭💀
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roughroadhaley · 11 months
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every time i want more Ted Lasso I think ab this post and i am happy that we won’t have these writers writing more of the Jamie & James relationship
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 5 months
Welcome to the Elliot Carver as Elektra King's weird uncle figure agenda by yours truly, Rouge/Elliot!
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The concept for these two has been in my head for quite some time now and I've just gathered the motivation to write this. I would not consider this to be a proper analysis, but rather a long ramble written in one night. (Roughly 900 words?) Now, let's get right to it!
The Brosnan era of films introduced a notable set of villains to act as adversaries for James Bond. Particularly, Elliot Carver from Tomorrow Never Dies and Elektra King from The World is not Enough hold a myriad of similarities that would make them ideal for a relatively affable relationship. Moreover, these similarities also emphasize narrative aspects within Brosnan era such as the malignancy behind given positions of power that are left hidden from the eyes of others.
Charming the Media
They are masters of the masquerade, feigning innocence for the world with their charisma. With deception, they draw attention to themselves but as a strategic tactic to mask their thorns. Elektra knows her ability to charm others well as a femme fatale character, using it to manipulate others in order to have the world at her hands. Likewise, Elliot appeals to the media by acting like a benevolent figure that seeks to unravel the truths of the world as a facade for the underlying malignancy of his networks. 
Though Elektra's charm is more oriented towards seduction and Elliot's charm more oriented towards the usage of a media personality, they both use charm to achieve power over others. It is a subtle yet effective means of control that nobody else notices. Before people know it, they will already have the upper-hand.
Mirroring Blofeld
In some ways, the both of them mirror Bond's nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld. The similarities are more intentional with Elektra. A notable phrase from Barbara Broccoli herself is that she notes: "With Elektra, Bond thinks he has found Tracy, but he's really found Blofeld." She is a person that manipulates others under the guise of someone contrary to who she really is. Here is an article from License to Queer by Sam Rogers that details the connections between On Her Majesty's Secret Service and The World is not Enough far better than I could: (Click here!)
Regarding Elliot Carver, there are prominent similarities with Blofeld such as his intolerance for failure and desire for control with his influence. Aesthetically, he adorns the similar attire to Blofeld as well to allude to a similar position of power. Moreover, the connection with Blofeld demonstrates how he serves to be a formidable foe in terms of his influence with his media empire.
By acting as foils to Blofeld, both characters showcase a special form of cruelty the espionage world holds for Bond. They epitomize a malevolent longing for control and the influence they hold beneath exterior appearances.
Familial Distance and Disdain
With both of their father figures, these two have a certain degree of disdain towards them. Though a trait exclusive to the novelization of Elliot's film, he was abandoned by his biological father and sought to confront his father to create the legacy he thought he deserved. Made more explicit with Elektra, she holds a disdain for her father due to how he handled her kidnapping. The both of them resorted to violent means that resulted in both of their fathers death.
However, there presents the additional layer of how her culture is being impacted by her father's operations. Though Elektra is a character who should not be taken at face-value, the lines "The new pipeline will guarantee our future, but it would be a crime to destroy what little is left of our past" and "His kingdom he stole from my mother, the kingdom I will rightly take back" cue into the importance of her mother's heritage and preserving it. Thus, this introduces the potential that Elektra would hold some distance from her father on this factor even without the kidnapping.
In a way, they are both people that will take back that should have been theirs. They will maintain their legacies for the world regardless of what it takes.
Application of Similarities
Considering these similarities, they are able to understand each other better than anybody else would. The two of them understand the power they hold over others, but also understand why they want said power in the first place. They would know the truth lurking beneath the lies they tell. They would be able to create a form of family to take the place of where there is none in a way. In terms of a business relationship, they could mutually benefit from it. With the power of the media on Elliot's end, he would be able to spread Elektra's influence along with his own. 
(Breaking the formalities to say that I believe in Elliot Carver being the "cool uncle" archetype for Elektra King in which the latter has outrageous stories to tell and maybe end up roping Elektra into. They essentially get to "live a little" in a way, especially in Elektra's case. What's the point of living if you don't feel alive?)
Though not a necessity for constructing potential interactions, the fact that they share a Bond era allows events to be placed chronologically in a tidy fashion. As King Industries and the King family hold some recognition in the media, it would be highly likely that the Carver Media Group Network has personally reported on the firm. Prior to the events of Tomorrow Never Dies, it is plausible that the two were at least familiar with each other even if they didn't actually interact.
Thank you for attending a ramble of mine and I would very much appreciate further discussion! I wish that this was longer, but it is past 3 AM here as I type this and I barely have enough energy to continue any further. (Apologies if anything sounded off due to being sleep-deprived) Additionally, I cannot think of much else to say so I will end things here.
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lycheelovescomics · 2 years
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quick doodle (might color it someday?) but I miss them marvel, give them back to each other
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touchlikethesun · 23 days
since james and i were able to meet up today (!!!!!!!) that means there’s only one person in this country left that i wanted to see that i couldn’t, but i think all of the people i met up with by chance or by surprise more than makes up for one scheduling conflict omg i’m so so so happy with this week i have missed everyone so much, and yk what it does honestly seem like i might have been missed just a little bit too… okay this is my last post about being in the uk i’ll be back to (probably being miserable in) the us tomorrow lol
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yuukicyan · 1 month
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Just finished watching Buffy (I used to catch it after school but didn't pay full attention) and I loved it. It's faulty but I love it. Here I am missing it already, and with the need to talk about a couple of thoughts I want out of my head.
I love Spike. The character, the aesthethic, the movements, the music taste, what drives him, his empathy and emotional intelligence.
I hate convenience writing. I hate the infamous bathroom scene. Because it's violent of course, pretty sure unnecessary, and completely out of characters (yes, multiple characters). No spoilers or details ahead, but if you know you know.
Xander was written to make something like that but it was the nineties so the Nice Guy was still considered a sympathethic character. The antagonists are written and do that and somehow portrayed in a less graphic way. Soulless Angel probably did it and they kind of show in some flashbacks behaviours. Buffy could have done it considering the whole season emotional progression. Spike just doesn't make sense.
A scene written to go from point A to point B without a road in the middle. This is not the only instance when it happens (another one in season 7 is pretty blatantly obvious) but I wanted to focus on this one and since I'm not a stickler for canon I'm just rewriting the story in my head in a way that actually makes sense.
End of blurt, let's go print a Spike poster and focus on my next fixation.
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ereborne · 2 months
Song of the Day: April 15
"Something in the Way She Moves" by James Taylor
#song of the day#it's been two weeks + two days since the last song of the day#the issue is you see that I started the songs up again in December because my insomnia was fucking up my perception of time#and I wanted some kind of regular marker to help me keep track#and then what happened two weeks + two days ago is that I lost all track of time and subsequently the songs of the day failed#I'm gonna see if I can keep up again for a bit now that I've re-restarted without an alarm on my phone#but if I miss any this week I'll just give in and turn the alarm back on#updates from the last two weeks are going to sound so chaotic let's see#I got a new project at work /and/ I got demoted /and/ I got added to a higher access level /and/ I'm in charge of a new database#yes all of those things together. I'm to be an accountant now! not instead but in addition to my other stuff. should be interesting#I didn't get April Fools off like I was scheduled to because all my scheduled vacation got unapproved#(I was here for about twenty nonsequential minutes to boop people and I'm glad I made time for it. extremely fun to boop)#I lied shamelessly to get eclipse day off and we went on a full-day roadtrip and it was wonderful. everything I dreamed and more#I killed one of my baby succulents through clumsiness and rabbits ate my pea plants but my sage and cabbages look promising#got a massive pot of mint flourishing on my porch and the horseradish is gorgeous#got Duncan lights and plants and a filter system for his frog tank but we haven't set up the substrate yet#so there's just potted plants sitting inside a terrarium. very amusing honestly#I've been playing a little Stardew and eating a /lot/ of hot sauce and tofu#drinking tons of klass aguas frescas--especially the soursop one. holy shit is it good. the mango and hibiscus also#and these past few days I've been sleeping better#for most of those two weeks I was getting a handful of twenty-minute naps each workday and then crashing unwillingly on the weekend#I haven't read any comic books since February :'( this weekend we're going to costco and then I'm reading comics until Monday#what have y'all been up to? I've missed being around#edit: oh shit the actual song part. anyway this is James Taylor! makes me happy and helps me settle. good vibes songs#I'm half-panicked about work all the time recently and then also today was tax day (Nick's taxes. blegh)#James Taylor doing some heavy lifting round here
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sometimes the way you people talk about Riverdale really makes me feel like you guys are anti-art lmao
#the day society thought there was 'bad art' and that inherently meant it had no value and was better off not existing was the day we lost.#'oh we're so glad it's over' you don't even watch the show.#'how did they ruin such a good show?' i don't believe you have actually seen S01 bc it was actually garbage. easily the worst season.#like S01 legitimately is some of the most boring TV.#and if you like it that's fine but to say it was a good show in S01 is so wjfsjfnsbdhd#raise your standards please#anyway uh some of you just are assholes and very much anti-art with the way you talk about some stuff#art is like meant to communicate something and express a feeling and evoke an emotion. my god.#the way some of you conceptualize it as just mindless entertainment is so embarrassing and sad.#like truly i mean i'm sad for you. you're missing out on so many unparalleled art experiences if all you're looking for is 'good art'#won't get into it under here but that FriendlySpaceNinja Riverdale video is so dogshit specifically BECAUSE it embodies this exact idea#'good writing always wins' you don't get art. you flat out don't.#to conceptualize art as only being 'good' (having value) if it has 'good writing' is such a stupid and capitalist way of thinking about art#anyway that societal critique would eat away at my tag limit so i won't get into it.#james talks#riverdale#not exclusive to Riverdale by the way. also very much applies to something like twilight.#like we've already done such a cultural reevaluation of twilight but i still see so many takes on it that are like 'this shouldn't exist'#and it's very inherently anti-art. also fundamentally the idea of 'good art' is just such dogshit but like go watch the CJ the X video—#on subjectivity in art for a much more comprehensive take on that. they break it down a lot better than i can in tags.#disliking something and understanding it isn't for you isn't the same thing as saying it shouldn't exist btw.#'twilight was not my taste' and 'twilight ruined vampires' or 'twilight is toxic and should've never been written' aren't the same.#like disliking something as an artistic piece bc it doesn't do anything for you is fine! good even. that's like the whole point of art!#but the whole 'burn it down' and 'this is ruining culture and TV' takes are so insufferable and anti-art lol
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exyglass · 5 months
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heffrondriving · 2 years
brb getting sent straight to heaven by big time rush's immaculate harmonies?????
#THEIR VOICES AGED SO DAMN AMAZINGLY LIKE GAWD OUR MANBAND NEVER MISSES; THEYRE SO TIGHT HERE I COULD LISTEN TO THIS ON A LOOP FOREVER FR <3#ISTG EVERYTIME IT PLAYS A PIECE OF MY SOUL BREAKS OFF AND ASCENDS TO PARADISE; I'M GONNA BE A RAPTURED PILE OF CLOTHES IF I KEEP THIS UP#ESPECIALLY!!!! WHEN THAT VERSE HITS AND KENDALL TAKES THE FLOOR AND!!!! GIVES US LITRALLY EVERYTHING!!!! GRAMPAPI I AM SO WIPED FOR YOU UGH#AND LOGAN'S PLAYFUL SINGING AND HEAD SHIMMY AT THE END LIKE THEY JUST DIDN'T LEAVE ALL THE GIRLIES (NEUTRAL) DEAD AND INJURED OKAY MISS SIR#I'LL NEVER STOP BEING JEALOUS OF THOSE LUCKY ENOUGH TO EXPERIENCE THIS LIVE. DO Y'ALL BINTCHES KNOW HOW TRULY BLESSED YOU ARE. PRAY FOR ME#ALSO THE DADS LOOKING GORJEOUS IN THEIR LIL REHEARSAL SHORTS!! <3 CRYING SHAKING FISTFIGHTING ANGELS IN A WHITE CASTLE CARPARK ETC. ETC. <3#IT'S SO GOOD I'LL EVEN FORGIVE THE RETURN OF MR. MASLOW'S RATTY MOUSTACHE LIKE WE DIDN'T NEED THIS THROWBACK BUT WE LOVE U LOTS ANYWAY HEHE#btr#big time rush#logan henderson#kendall schmidt#james maslow#carlos penavega#fall#song#video#rusher#big time boys#stop it forever#sorry if anyone's witnessing my nonstop blog crimes for the first time ever but i was unfortunately like these for the last two song drops#and there's really no getting better from the rusher tunglr terminal braimrot metnal illinois. also smth like that one b99 meme abt how#i've only had this song for a couple hours but if anything happened to it i would kill everyone and then myself. that's the energy here#n e way no one else in this dangt household seems to wanna do it and hype btr up to the rest of this hellsite so. i gotchu fam#when their new album finally drops u can catch me collapsing myself like a lawnchair before anyone else gets affected by my bullshit#but also!!! if anyone wants to scream abt this song or our Boys in the notes or inbox or wherever pls do!!! i love to see that always (^w^)
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