costedcrowns · 2 months
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" you need not employ such manners with me . we are to be friends , are we not ? " the closeness of the tyrell lady and aysia had been apparent for years to lorcan . her coming to the riverlands , upon the right timing , had been all his viper spoke of when given chance . curiosity of the man who would spend his life with whom he had come to know as a spitfire that feared no one led ambling towards him . " aye , the wine is superb . the redwynes do not have a bad cask upon their isle though i have not indulged in the cider . it looks you may need less cider and more wine if you are to make it through the day . i will not tell malina that you had a goblet or two while she enjoyed the beach . "
WHERE : highgarden, groom's day wine tasting WHO : open, 0/6 replies
               EVEN THOUGH HE'D SPOKEN TO MORE people in a few hours than he had in years of his life, sam tried to keep the smile on his face. he was happy with the turn of events and the woman he would soon marry, but he'd like to return to their chambers and rest as soon as possible. ❛ thank you for coming. lady malina and i are pleased that you could join us, ❜ he repeated for the however many number time at this point but his tired smile was genuine.
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❛ have you tried any of the wine, yet ? the redwynes were nice enough to provide us with a new cider to try in addition to their wines. i've been partial to the apple type myself. ❜ he hoped that no one had seen him drink more than was necessary before figuring out that it didn't have the same affect that ale or wine had.
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costedcrowns · 2 months
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it would come as no surprise for it to be a baratheon to complain . " i doubt there is a lack for anything , as our hosts were gracious enough to spend coin for us all to have accommodations . " what could be said for the king's family ? a menial task , to hardly be considered arduous enough to warrant complaint — bellena dropped fireplums into the given basket with serene smile . " i believe it to be an example of what the reach offers to its occupants . opportunity to pick of the fruits without cost , where surely , one would have to give coin to do the same in the markets . plenty may be content to have snack for later while in the inns . " a prince may know nothing of the sort .
open raven from cassian baratheon — day one; the orchards.
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Unlike the rest of westeros, as far as he could tell, he was not completely drunk in the beauty of the reach. the flowers, the greenery, it was pretty in the way mother nature could be. aside from that, he found it just as pretentious as the lions queen court and the decadence of the rock he had gotten to experience weeks before. he scrunches his nose in disagreement with the many smells of the reach, he passes around the orchids relentlessly, he had picked a peach a while back, eaten it then had cleaned his hands. aside from the freshness of the fruit, "i see no point in this activity, is the reach short of workers to pick the fruit?" he inspects the tree near him, eyes slightly open with the brightness of the sun.
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costedcrowns · 2 months
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she would follow the strict lessons the tyrell matriarch laid out for them all . easy smile on lips , poised to be both graceful and helpful in the midst of the kingdom come to highgarden. malina had not requested much of malaika aside for her to be more hostess than she , to be impediment when she could no longer stand the prying conversation . " i do deeply apologize , however , both the bride and groom have been called away to attend to other things . i would be more than willing to pass along a message , or perhaps , be of assistance to you . " she did not falter , though as her gaze met another , malaika excused herself smoothly with a curtsy . " i have been in search of you , " greeted warmly to be overheard , façade dropping once the other had exited . " my apologies . i did not know of another way to repeat myself for the third time . "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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malina's  playful  teasing  brought  a  smile  to  mal's  face  as  she  took  the  glass  of  wine  from  her  sister's  hand  .  as  often  as  she  stated  the  need  for  malina  to  remain  the  proper  lady  that  she  was  ,  despite  her  penchant  for  trickery  ,  mal  could  not  think  that  lina  was  anything  but  delighted  .  "  i  suppose  you  caught  me  .  do  i  need  to  be  worried  you  will  bring  it  up  for  the  rest  of  our  lives  ?  "  she  chuckled  ,  her  eyes  sparkling  with  happiness  that  now  one  of  her  siblings  had  been  found  .  "  helen  ,  i  am  sure  ,  has  had  too  much  .  she  was  telling  me  of  the  gossip  she  heard  in  the  corner  of  the  -  malina  .  have  you  been  spreading  rumors  again  ?  "  she  hoped  not  yet  it  was  the  perfect  place  for  her  to  .
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" surely that is not my sister tipsy in a grand ball full of people. your mask does not afford you that much privacy, mal. " tickled was the lesser of words for the emotion malina felt in seeing her sister seemingly having fun rather than moving about with the air that she often had. snooty had been how she described her in their chambers while dressing, nearly coming to a disagreement over it due to malina's own tardiness. it had not been through fault of her own that the pages were more interesting than whatever the ball would offer. " this wine was for you, but i believe you and helen have each had more than enough. what story was it this time ? "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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lorcan  did  not  want  to  seem  rude  to  the  unknown  woman  ,  yet  the  thought  dancing  with  anyone  aside  from  who  he  wanted  pained  him  .   "  ah  ,  my  lady  ,  you  flatter  me  ,  "  he  replied  with  a  smile  .  "  i  must  admit,  i  am  not  known  for  my  skills  on  the  dance  floor  .  "  least  one  where  there  was  little  liveliness  to  it  ,  steps  that  brought  couples  closer  to  indugle  in  light  touches  that  would  go  unnoticed  unless  someone  watched  them  closely  .  "  while  it  would  explain  why  i  have  not  gone  to  dance  ,  it  does  not  for  you  .  do  you  not  want  to  dance  as  the  others  are  ?  "  he had observed that there were just as many to not join the swirling couples as there were to dance as his sister's husband requested . she was not out of place either way .
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Had it not been for her mask perhaps olynna would've crumble into under his gaze, however being hidden by the golden mask gave her a new sense of bravery and felt herself being outgoing. "are you not much a slow dancer, my lord? i am certain more than one lady around here would be happy to enjoy your company," it is the first thing that comes to her lips as she shifts her icy eyes from her back to the dancing floor, the couple dancing and twirling almost made the raven girl wish she had someone to dance with. something she had never thought of before. "although a bit of more lively music wouldn't hurt."
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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theomore's  expression  shifted  into  one  of  surprised  gratitude  .  the  velaryon's  statements  reminded  him  that  they  were  aware  of  the  plights  of  the  islands  enough  that  he  should  no  longer  be  surprised  when  she  says  them  .  but  it  does  .  "  i  appreciate  your  offer  ,  dayana  ,  "  theo  replied  ,  his  voice  kind  ,  "  but  i  will  stay  here  for  now  .  if  they  are  to  look  for  me  ,  they  knew  that  i  was  dancing  with  you  .  "  he  took  a  seat  opposite  to  them  ,  but  did  get  the  both  of  them  two  goblets  from  a  try  before  he  did  .  "  in  the  case  that  you  change  your  mind  .  "  theo  offered  it  as  he  sat  it  in  from  of  her  while  he  settled  in  his  chair  .  "  i  must  admit  that  you  are  unlike  what  i  expected  .  though  two  weeks  is  not  long  ,  you  have  exceeded  my  expectations  .  "
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surprise flit across their features for but a brief moment, before dayana shook her head. " no, thank you, theomore. would you like to sit ? " brokering a betrothal for themself without the assistance of their parents as one of the first things she had done as the ruling liege had proven difficult, yet more gratuitous than expecting. those that had spoken of the harlaw's nature had been correct, the caution they once held slowly thawing under his respectful attentions. her conversation with nymeria would remain tucked away, pushed down like the emotions dayana learned to repress by necessity. " if you would like. i am aware this is not an event that is suited for being exciting for you. if you would rather leave to be in the company of the other islanders i understand. "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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" shall we count your children in as many years ? " the first he had seen as a blessing , though by the last , tor could not help but to wonder if talisa and ned spent any time outside of their bed chambers . as quickly as he had thought it , he dashed it from memory . nostalgic smile spread his lips and he nodded . " i do . while i do not wish for father to come after us like that again , i do miss is sometimes . " he had felt talisa's loss in white harbor as acutely as anyone else though he had masked it in sibling aloofness . " having you back for a short time was nice . " yet torrhen would not get comfortable with it was there was no way they could . they both had their duties and letters would have to do . " you saw me just this morning . i would be inclined to say no . "
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“  i'm  not  expecting  ,  tor  ,  though  if  i  had  been  i  don't  see  why  you'd  need  wine  to  help  with  the  news  .  ”  though  of  course  she  did  ,  and  talisa  would've  been  in  a  much  more  dour  mood  if  that  had  come  close  to  what  she  approached  her  brother  with  .  “  we  can  both  get  another  drink  .  it  has  been  some  time  since  i've  bested  you  in  our  drinking  games  .  do  you  remember  when  father  had  to  be  called  from  the  keep  to  get  us  from  the  tavern  ?  ”  tali  chuckled  ,  an  occurrence  that  happened  often  but  the  most  memorable  on  the  eve  of  when  she  was  to  depart  for  winterfell  .  all  of  her  retinue  just  as  hungover  as  she'd  been  on  the  trip  there  .  “  i  couldn't  have  just  come  over  because  i  missed  you  ?  ”
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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her  eyes  flickered  with  amusement  as  she  listened  to  aerion's  response  ,  small  smile  playing  about  her  lips  .  she  appreciated  his  candidness  where  many  chose  to  hide  behind  masks  -  both  literal  and  figurative  ,  yet  ,  also  could  she  understand  the  need  for  caution  .  a  glittering  mask  would  reveal  its  owner  soon  enough  .  "  i  see  your  point  ,  my  lord  ,  "  the  tyrell  replied  ,  voice  lifted  just  enough  to  be  heard  above  the  troupe  .  "  though  there  is  certainly  a  certain  allure  to  concealed  identities  .  i  think  many  ,  with  the  aid  of  wine  ,  may  use  it  and  the  intrigue  of  masks  to  try  to  be  bold  .  though  ,  not  all  will  succeed  .  "  mal  gracefully  indicated  to  the  retreating  noble  with  a  nod  of  her  head  . " just as there are others not in need of such . " the matriarch of their family had taught them to speak proud and boldly . lessons that malaika could employ especially when she was about in the ballroom never too far . " though i would like to know of the rumors you claim to have about you . "
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the  one  who  had  their  eyes  locked  upon  the  sharp  point  lord  scurried  away  at  his  comment,  himself  left  behind  with  a  small  chuckle.  the  ruling  lord  was  rather  tall  and  he  was  used  to  on-lookers  even  when  his  face  wasn't  covered  with  a  mask.  the  people  who  knew  him  would  understand  who  he  was  even  with  a  mask  on  his  face,  those  who  didn't  could  suspect  but  he  still  preferred  it  when  people  approached  and  greeted  him  formally.  sipping  from  his  goblet  he  heard  another  speak  in  his  direction,  curiosity  sparking  the  man  and  turning  to  find  another  pair  of  eyes,  everything  else  hidden  as  the  event  had  intended. 
"you  might  hold  a  valid  point  -  but  I  do  believe  if  you  wish  to  look  but  not  come  forth,  you  should  do  it  in  hiding."  aerion  smiled  behind  his  mask  his  eyes  still  locked  on  his  current  partner.  "I'd  rather  not  feel  the  heat  of  eyes  burrowing  into  my  neck  or  shoulders  more  than  necessary."  he  replied  and  let  his  head  tilt  to  the  side,  curiosity  getting  the  better  of  him.  "take  you  for  an  example,  you  approach  and  make  yourself  known  instead  of  hiding  -  I  would  much  rather  speak  to  you  than  someone  who  cannot  make  themselves  present."
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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he could not say he had expected to see a show of humility from the princess . like most who did not know the royal family personally , torrhen had but rumors to go by of their temperament . those that were acquainted still offered second or third party information . " they did do well , it was nice to see them follow behind . " torrhen raised the goblet to his lips , pause in sip before he answers . " it is , though i did not expect for you to be aware of me . " perhaps by talisa's association of the starks with impending nuptials that had been slated to happen for some time . as most dealings of house manderly remained in the north and vale , by the choice of his father . " i do not consider myself a particularly skilled horseman nor jouster . as it was , i was occupied by other things while sign ups for the joust and boat racing commenced . perhaps when we are all together again , should the gods be willing . "
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it had been an escape for much of her life , argella may have offered had she the inclination of opening up . yet to do so would be to open the flood gates , to acknowledge aspects of her life she would prefer to remain hidden . ❛ thank you , riding has been a favoured pastime of mine for as long as i can remember . ❜ she utters instead , her tone genuine though the pride of her own accomplishment is nonetheless detectable . ❛ though it was a hard won victory and my skill was tested by all , but no more so than by liege mormont and lady blackwood – such formidable competitors . ❜ it had not been the first time , that evening , argella had sang the praises of those who had placed second and third , even if her win had been comfortable . ❛ tell me , when might i see you in competition , lord manderly , is it not ? ❜
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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lips twitched , head angled towards the tully . " you did . " he knew their moods well to know the slight had not been intentional , yet there . nor did he begrudge aysia for not doing as commanded — where they were similar yet differed in their approach . " my love , it is not cerenna that is asking you to . i am . " lorcan would do no more than angle his body towards her , though he longed to reach out to draw them into an embrace . whispered promises into her hair , letters of longing words . he should have done more . but it was not the fault of his niece to bear his own cowardice nor draw irritation . " she did nothing in this , as you did not . have a dance , now , that you are not commanded to do so . after i will find you and make no other requests . please do it for me . "
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his  nickname  could've  relaxed  her  in  any  other  instance  ,  yet  ,  in  the  thick  of  the  ball  that  was  supposed  to  be  suited  towards  the  ruling  lady  ,  attention  had  shifted  to  her  daughter  .  by  default  ,  to  sia  ,  whom  was  grateful  for  the  mask  that  kept  them  closer  to  the  shadows  than  the  spotlight  the  lannisters  so  liked  to  enjoy  .  “  no  .  i  promised  that  i  wouldn't  humilitate  her  and  i  haven't  .  ”  they  could've  ignored  the  announcement  and  not  acknowledged  cerenna  at  all  ,  which  would've  created  a  scene  for  the  king  and  queen  to  deal  with  later  and  for  the  ruling  ladies  to  have  to  make  sure  no  awkwardness  lingered  following  .  “  if  cerenna  asked  for  one  ,  i  would  ,  though  it  wouldn't  go  according  to  its  steps  as  is  the  plan  .  she  may  not  feel  the  need  to  pretend  anymore  than  i  want  to.  ”  yet  aysia  had  promised  ,  and  would  fulfill  it  if  their  "  betrothed  "  was  to  come  around  . 
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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to be silent in his thoughts was not unknown for the youngest lion . his pack roared where he did afforded no warning of his actions . would strike to rip the throat of threats after subtle observation as many fell prey to miscalculation in face of his peaceful crouch . for two weeks had had crouched , a lifetime he had planned extensively for himself . ghost of a smile hits his lips , large hand reached to pat his good sister's arm gently . " was it not you that once said even when i smiled it looked pained ? " lorcan would be passive in his anticipation lest he draw unwanted attentions , interrogation would be the act to snap his thinned patience . " i want nothing but happiness for cerenna . i do not doubt that you would fight to have that for her ; for all of your children . i only wish that it would not cause unrest in our family as i will not back down . "
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"  there  may  not  be  much  of  your  face  that  can  be  seen,  but  what  is  is  not  pleasant,  lorcan.  "  the  quiet  force  that  the  youngest  lannister  presented  appreciated  since  her  marriage  to  his  eldest  sister,  years  of  tentative  peace  between  them  blossomed  friendship.  it  had  afforded  the  insight  into  the  cacophony  of  emotion  he  held  for  his  sisters,  discordant  dynamics  that  began  in  their  childhoods.  a  sole  confidant  in  the  knowledge  of  his  feelings  for  the  tully  heir,   eleyna  knew  his  dissatisfaction  was  more  than  surface  as  her  own  disapproval  of  the  union  was.  "  you  have  saved face for  years.  this  night  will  pass  by  quickly  and  you  will  be  at  rest  that  i  will  never  allow  my  child  to  enter  into  a  union  doomed  from  its  start  because  it  is  the  will  of  her  aunt.  " 
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closed starter : @costedcrowns
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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odd greeting , to be sure . the rose is not surprised to see the other make haste from the masked party goer. had it not been for wine in her system that allowed for nice haze of awareness she would think it rude . " i suspect they did not know how to approach you , my lord . " whatever for , malaika would not be sure . a dance , for another drink just out of his reach , conversation to pass the time . plethora of options . comfort in identities not known could speak to acts not normally pursued , her own indulgence testament . " though unless you happened to memorize their mask we may never know what they wished for . " her smile was laced with sunshine , laughter light . " anonymity can only do so much for confidence , i suppose . "
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starter   for   :   everyone location:   great   hall,   masquerade   celebration
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the  orchestra  playing  for  the  evening  sounded  sour  to  aerion.  the  atmosphere  seemed  heavy  and  for  some  reason  a  smile  seemed  to  cover  his  lips  easier  than  normal.  perhaps  finally  being  amongst  the  vultures  gave  him  a  sick  satisfaction  he  hadn't  known  he  needed  -  perhaps  to  be  in  the  pressence  of  those  who  had  done  his  household  wrong  gave  a  new  spark  to  the  need  to  overthrow.  aerion  drank  from  the  goblet  in  his  hand,  letting  his  eyes  roam  the  viscinity  of  his  surroundings.  a  light  hum  escaped  his  lips,  unknown  to  him  that  he  was  being  watched  -  until  he  could  feel  the  lingering  eyes  upon  him.  "it  is  rude  to  stare  for  too  long-"  he  said  in  a  rather  soothing  tone,  his  eyes  turning  to  his  newfound  companion  for  the  night.  "i  do  not  bite,  no  matter  the  rumours."  he  mused  as  his  lips  turned  upwards.
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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" do you not think that now is a horrid time to want to explore ? " amused and well used to outlandish requests stemming from his own boyhood with talisa , now arsa , that had come into her own . torrhen would not begrudge anyone to become assertive in their wants , desires , feelings but he did wish that @faetels 's path was not as similar to antics done when they were young . " is there nothing in the ballroom that captures your interest ? i have yet to see you dance with anyone nor spend much time with your siblings . does the thought of going through the dark hallways of casterly rock alone appeal to you so much more ? "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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traditions of the mainlands far differed from those in the islands yet he had learned some of the dances to not look the fool he felt while dancing with the liege velaryon . at the behest of another taking their attention for a dance , theo bowed with a swipe of arbor red to find a table occupied by those he knew were of his own sort . " are you having fun yet ? " theo questioned @xfulminare and removed his mask , placed onto the table to take a few sips of the wine he had pilfered . without it he would likely continue to have the unwavering feeling deep in the pit of his stomach that would be soothed only once they were sailed away . safe on the shores of their respective islands .
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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" liege araya . it is wonderful to make your acquaintance again . " time in the riverlands short but their company had been pleasant enough that upon recognition torrhen had not hesitated to seek out , then speak to @crvwncd . " you look beautiful . the colors of your house suit you . " his sister made the reminder that not only was araya beautiful , they could potentially make the type of strong companion that torrhen was in search for . the power of the vale a compliment to that of white harbor , if , someone had not already set their sights on the falcon for the same . " do you find yourself enjoying the ball ? it is a much different environment than the riverlands . "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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it must be a pavlovian response that when theo rested gaze on either asha or their dearest companion , gisele , he would move to protect . in the maw of the lion's the seeming discontent would not be enough to keep them safe . the masks made it harder to make out their identities and with one greyjoy heir to have not participated in events they did not know their features . yet he could not shake the feeling of being watched or that it would take little for them to pounce upon asha upon first chance they got . " do not go too far without someone else , @nob1es . " he would prefer them never remove their mask either but it was not his place to impose his will . " have you had any fun ? "
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costedcrowns · 3 months
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the warmth in his gaze is clear in spite of the mask that covered most of his face and announcement made by the oaf his sister called husband . lorcan steeled himself for the declaration , accompanied his good sister eleyna to the dances later than had been requested , but done all the same . he had taken strides in not searching for aysia as they moved about , yet was not surprised to find @milkhoncys next to him in the outskirts of the grand ballroom upon the next uptick in song . " my viper . your promise was to be sweet to my niece and not allow shame to come to her . surely you could grant once dance . for cerenna only , not for those who crafted this ill fated engagement . "
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