#I hope you guys don't hate me for being a fucking crazy weirdo.
a-mess-of-a-crow · 8 months
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Yall, just so you know this is anonymous, so I can't see who would vote no.
Hi! I'm Craven!
I'm a wanna be artist with absolute crushed self esteem that desperately needs validation to get self worth and on the other hand doesn't believe that people's compliments are valid!
So basically= A self made self esteem issue!
I jump from hobby to hobby like a whore, making music, crotchet, animation, drawing, learning japanese (and failing miserably 😊), gave up on learning danish, learning guitar and keyboard, I used to make iron pellet art (hard to make with shaky ass hands)
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Das me btw! In all my glory! (Wet socks in the sand, God fears me)
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(me in school and my new jacket, old pic, Mochi laughed a lot :> )
Boring facts=
I'm 20 and a mess cuz since 2015 I've been simping over undertale like a Maniac (it's been better these days, but tumblr temporarily pushed me back into the obsession)
I'm a cat/ dog fanatic, but always crows before hoes
My favorite colors are purple, red, blue and black
I'm definitely demisexual polyamourous, but pan or polyromantic? I dunno lol.
Also genderfluid (altho i personally never really know what gender I feel like in the moment)
I have an absolute hopeless love for my aro/ace best friend who is called Mochi and she is the best and literally only real (real life) friend I ever had
Totally not my dumb brain starved for human connection and then immediately clinging to whoever is being a decent person to me
Luckily she is also a bomb person and kind so she doesn't use me like my other friendships XD
How did Red Mass start?
To get an idea of what my AU is, you gotta know how my dumb brain thought of it.
2015. I was absolutely sucked into Undertale after watching a german YouTuber play it, and then I started watching a certain Irish fella play it as well.
I started watching comic dubs of all the Au's that people made, faning out and just binged watched everything relating to it.
Then my family and I had vacation.
A trip to Rome (it was hot and awful, never again. Fucking 40°C celsius are you kidding me?)
It was a 15 hour trip (with bathroom/ smoker breaks)
And i layed in the back of the car, daydreaming about all those Au's.
It was awesome and cool and I slowly started to MAYBE get pandora syndrome of where I desperately wanted to be a part of those stories (I know. Cringe)
It got so bad that I maaaaybe cried in bed every night hoping I'd just wake up in the stories (but my life sucks so that also played a role)
So on that car ride, Luna lovania (god the cringe hurts me badly) was born.
A skeleton oc at first, later being an oc that is a fusion of Frisk and sans (which still is a part of Red Mass)
I daydreamed 15 hours + 15 hours back about Red Mass, it was such bliss (and even while we were in Rome)
And since that point, I have kept daydreaming every day for 8 years, and it became a big part of my life (as ridiculous as this sounds)
I just realized I might be insane.
Oh well
I will make a specific Red Mass post, explaining the story a bit and character introduction ((but not revealing too many spoilers since I kinda wanna make it into a thing))
I hope you guys mean it if you say you're interested :)
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squ1dd · 7 months
Hi guys! Since it won the poll here's my REAL first ever Pizza tower au! It's more of a fan project since they don't really look like their Pizza Tower counterparts but :3c
Let me introduce you to.........
Drum roll.....
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I've waited so long to show this AU to you guys I'm so excited!!!!!
Puree Pillar goes along with the usual pizza tower lore, owner of a business gets threatened by a giant sentient piece of food that wants to blow up their building yada yada yada....
The main character ain't no ordinary peppino no siree
Instead, they're basically entirely different!! They look... Nothing alike probably.
Let me introduce you to the characters!!
Susie! (Peppino) : Susie is a not-so-young (he's old as shit) woman running a small beverage shop called Susie's Smoothies! (You will never guess what she sells. /j) Yeah, he has a smoking addiction she can't get rid of, but that doesn't stop her from kicking ass!!!!! (He is very depressed) AND on top of that!! She's a war veteran!! Crazy right!! She had a group of 3 other friends that had passed away during the war. Poor Susie can't catch a break... But on a lighter note, she rides a motorcycle! Woah!!
Next up we have..
Mia!! (Gustavo) : Mia is Susie's best friend and has been since they were wee little children! How adorable!! They've been with Susie through thick and thin, always helping each other out! (But Mia is not in fact, a war veteran like Susie.) She works with Susie and helps her run the shop. They care a lot about each other!! And her giant pet hedgehog Pebble!! :3c
(God this is getting long)
Berry! (The Noise) : Berry is a circus performer along with his girlfriend Drupe! Him and Susie are rivals, always getting into fights those two.. Berry is his stage name! What's his real name you say? I have no fucking clue
Drupe! (Noisette) : As stated before, Drupe is Berry's girlfriend! She runs her own little bakery somewhere in the pillar! (Or well, tower)
The Assailant. (The Vigilante) : He's a sentient glop of smoothie that anyone who dares to break the law must answer to! He's quite a fancy fella, but if you break a law.. Pray! Cause your ass MIGHT die!!! And he thinks he's a real human being! What a weirdo (/j)!!
DJ Apple! (Pepperman): DJ here is quite a cool guy! He makes sick beats that everyone enjoys! So much so they might break a hip from dancing too hard! Where did he get that chunk bit out of him? Why is his hand missing? ..... Who knows! But he still manages to make some good music!
Fake Susie! (Fake Peppino) : Whatever this thing is, it's creepy! How did it get in here! Why does she look so much like Susie? It's weird!! It's entirely made of smoothie, kinda like The Assilent! But why is she not as intelligent as him? Sometimes she can be found in vents! How the fuck did he get in there get him out
(I'm pretty sure you know what the purpose of the ingredients ((toppins)) are so I won't write about them)
Mr Trick! (Mr Stick) : Mr Trick here is a scammer!! Watch out!! He's very greedy, and would choose money over anything!
Nate! (Snick) : It's him!!
Orange Head... (Pizza Head) : He's the big bad of the pillar! The one who started it all! Boy I hate this guy! He knows... Strangely a lot about Susie... I wonder why!
Orange Face... (Pizza face) : He's a giant floating hunk of junk made by Orange Head! It's only that big so he can fit his fat ass inside!! Orange face chases Susie out of the levels once the timer reaches 0 so she can't get out! But Susie is usually too fast for him.
And last but not least...
Jerald! (Gerome) : He's the janitor/plumber of the pillar, the only one that has the key to special rooms!
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anywaysss I hope you guys will enjoy this au as much as I do! Which is a lot!! This is basically my main au since I've been focusing on it a lot lately
But yeah!!! Holy shit!!! I can finally share this!!
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sharkneto · 11 months
I’m convinced you’re the only person with a correct view on tua season 3. Even though it wasn’t as good as s1 some people have no reading comprehension and it drive s me crazy
Ah, Season 3. Like, I get it, I think, where people who don't like it are coming from. It's got some wack choices (...just like s2. And s1 but we didn't have anything to compare it to so it's my Beloved Golden Season). I'm not going to force anyone to change their minds on it - if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. People like what they like.
But, because you're asking me so my opinion is most important in this instance - it's not bad! I do like it! It's got fantastic character moments (Five and Lila, Five and Klaus, Luther and Viktor, Diego and Lila, Allison and Viktor, Klaus and Sparrow Ben...). It's got Reggie being a lil weirdo. It's got Sparrow Ben. I love the wedding at the end of the world with my whole heart - it's such a human thing to do it makes me ache. I love that Five's song choice when facing the actual end of the world is to sing "I've Had the Time of My Life" because he's with his family! I actually really like Allison's spiral, I think it makes perfect sense for her as a character and where she was at and my only regret for it is the backlash Allison and Emmy got from it. The characters are what I'm here for, and I can be very forgiving as long as I get to hang out with my guys more. And I don't even think I need to be that forgiving to S3!
There are like... four specific things I don't like in S3 (Founder Five plot, Sloane, Lila pregnant, Oblivion Guardians). Aidan is so fucking good in the Founder plot that I'm happy to logic my way into an interpretation of it that I like better. Sloane is... there. She's rather two-dimensional so that makes it also easy to not be that bothered by her. She's there! Luther likes her! I don't need more! Which is good, because they don't really give more! The last two are just things I wish they hadn't done, or had done differently, but they did and so that's just how it is. I can focus on that and be mad or I can look at the stuff I liked and have fun.
I think my biggest strength coming into S3 was I didn't have too much for expectations, good or bad, which is a thing I'm trying to repeat for S4 by avoiding spoilers. I think the maddest I got about S3 coming in was finding out Diego was a dad - I hated that Stan was his kid. It didn't make any fucking sense. And! Look what good being mad about that did for me! Stan wasn't even his kid! I got mad over nothing! Like, still mad Lila is pregnant so Diego will be dad, but that at least will make sense - I don't dislike Dad!Diego, I dislike SuddenDad!Diego with a teen. But, what I'm trying to get at with that example, is I did that to myself. I made myself mad based on info promos gave me and I extrapolated to a conclusion rather than actually waiting to see what the show was going to do, and it did color my enjoyment watching until the Stan Reveal.
You cannot extrapolate what the fuck TUA is going to do. It's too bonkers, the writing isn't consistent enough. It's gonna do its own thing. I think trying to dig into the promos and BTS content for S4 to predict what it will be is setting yourself up for failure. If that's your jam, do not stop! You do you! I, however, am combating this by actively just Not Thinking About It. I love this show and its characters and I want to give myself the fairest chance to enjoy and love what its finale will be.
Like S3, S4 is going to be what it's going to be. I might love it, I might hate it. I'm probably going to love some of it and hate some of it. All I can hope is I love more than I hate and me coming in with concrete ideas of what it's going to be only gives me more things to hate when what actually happens inevitably doesn't align. Why do that to myself?
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Friendly Advice or Consultation is Welcome/Needed
I find myself preoccupied tonight with a conundrum of conscious that I'm conflicted on.
See, my old man is on the final level of hospice - fading fast - in fact, a few days ago it looked like he wasn't gonna make it ... which, funny enough, was also the same day that a bunch of psychopaths were going at me here, including that creepy weirdo who literally sends me hate in my inbox like once a month cause they claim "You're lying about the lore ... and I hope they expose you!"
God, fuck off loser, don't you have anything better to do today?
Either way, I love going to bed across the house from my dying dad, thinking I'm gonna be without a father for the rest of my life when I wake up, and my phone is blowing up, cause, some Blackcel galaxy brain can't google properly, and is stalking my blog cause I think the Velaryon's are overrated corporate trash.
Which, you know, it's the internet ...
Luckily I kept my old man breathing his final breaths to myself or I'm sure I was gonna get some fucking loser sending me messages about how they hope my old man dies ... Cause, it's the internet, and they think some mediocre, milk-toast, actress with made up pronouns who hates them are more important than common fucking decency.
But whatever ... Like I said, internet.
So for about six months the hospice care that Medicare is paying for - mostly - has assigned volunteers that come over once a week and spend time with the patients. I guess I can see their point, and I'm not against it in principle. However, I'm conflicted about this ... which is why I'm writing this rare personal post.
So the guy that has been coming over for months now is a really - REALLY - weird dude.
Let me preface.
I'm a trained Detective, I broke the curve for deductive reasoning at University aptitude test that had FBI and other Government Agencies trying to recruit me. The Austin Police Department offered to pay my college tuition if I committed to joining their police force after University, including requesting me to join specialized courses at the Central Headquarter downtown.
I've solved two - TWO - century old crimes - one of which was from using water irrigation records from 1898 - 1908 to exonerate an innocent man and his reputation nearly a century after he died a broken shell who everyone thought was crazy.
I'm not bragging, I'm prefacing this by saying that I'm a very good judge of people and situations.
And there was something incredibly wrong with the man that the Hospice care people sent over. When you meet him, when you talked to him, there is nothing - NOTHING - behind his eyes. He is nice, he is amiable, maybe a bit awkward, but he seemed an empty. And both my mom and I did not like him. I found him incredibly off putting and my mom found him so creepy that she didn't want him anywhere near her.
But it was part of the Hospice program, so we couldn't really say no.
Anyway, so this guy, he strikes up a friendship with my dad - who can barely see and needs a walker to get around. After only a few weeks, he starts staying way past the time allotted. The volunteers are only supposed to stay for two hours - at maximum. This guy started staying for five, six, and even seven hours once.
Now, I work at night straight through the morning ... it's what I've done for nearly a decade. So most of this stuff happens in the late-morning to mid-afternoon, while I'm asleep. So I can't police it all that much. Plus, I just don't like talking to that guy. But I've complained to my mom about it, cause, I don't like the idea of being asleep with that guy in my house alone with my crippled old man.
So, my mother has complained for months to the Hospice Care People about this guy overstaying his welcome. Even my dad was getting annoyed about his long overstaying. But nothing was ever done.
Well, it turns out that the reason that nothing was ever done was, because, his girlfriend is in charge of the volunteers. And, not only that, but he's not actually a part of the system. He's a 'off the books' volunteer that the Hospice Care approves of because his girlfriend is in charge.
So, I went to my mother and I put my foot down, saying "absolutely not" and that the guy has got to go. My mother agreed strongly and she tried to get him taken off my dad's schedule. Then, we've come to find out that he's not even really a volunteer. That he's a retired Postman that his tired girlfriend is basically pawning off on my dad (and me) to give him something to do. And last week, when he was here, we found out that he is moving out of girlfriend's house and that they're having relationship issues and he is in a bad place mentally and emotionally.
My mom, finally put her foot down and said no to the hospice care people. Under no circumstances is he allowed back in the house. Then, today, the guy called my dad, crying and upset, after being told that he wasn't allowed to come back. Apparently, his time with my old man is the only thing he's looking forward too anymore. And my dad reneged on my mom's orders to Hospice as long as he adhere's to the rules (my rules) about no more than two hour and not after 6 PM.
When my mom found out, she completely lost her shit - like full four-alarm freak out.
Now my old man is crying, cause he wants attention, cause, he feels he can't talk to anyone - which is his own fault for fucking up his relationship with me - and I got a potential nutjob that sets off so many red flags calling my dad crying cause his life is over. And my dad is blaming me, cause he says that I won't allow him to have friends, because, I'm strict about people visiting - that aren't family - getting two hours and then fucking off.
So, I don't know.
On one hand, I feel bad, cause the dude, despite looking and feeling very unhinged, has never done anything to warrant banning - other than staying way past the time that it is socially or personally acceptable. He's having a bad go of it in life right now, and he wants somewhere to go once a week. But I feel that it's not the place or position that a dying man with only months left should be put in. Also, I got a really, really, bad vibe from the guy the last time he was here.
I don't want to judge him, cause, I often deal with and judge people the way I would want to be judged, especially nerdy guys ... cause I'm a nerd myself - despite playing American Football for years - and I know what its like to be socially awkward and anxious.
But there is just something off about this guy ... and with his girlfriend trying to get rid of him so hard, and him being visibly disturbed, I just don't want him in my house anymore.
If you've made it this far down the post, I thank you for reading and would love any feedback or advice.
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elliebear666 · 9 days
Social Suicide 8.0
I'm truly sorry that my disordered shit is causing problems. I am.
I can't help how I feel. I can't. I didn't choose to develop this connection. I don't even want it.
But I am constantly looking in my environment for anything from my favorite person.
I'm sorry. I don't want to be like this, and I am so fucking sorry to this dude for all of my shit. I am.
I hate being like this...
Please don't hate me.
I'm trying.
Please don't torment me.
I'm genuinely grieving. I've been grieving for months and will continue to grieve and hope and long and wish and pine... knowing I have no chance.
I'm sorry I'm like this. I really care about you, so... I'm gonna keep staying away for now so I don't make you uncomfortable.
I truly hope you're happy. I'm just... I'm hurting. I'm heartbroken. I'm grieving. I miss you, and I know you don't care about me really.
I'm just the weird crazy traumatized autistic trans girl that's in love with you and you're... never going to be mine.
You won't be my first or my last, no matter how much I want you to be.
Please don't hate me or torment me. Please. Please don't...
I'm so fucking sorry. I feel like it's all my fault. I wanted to hangout with you because you're really cool and cute and you make my heart skip every other beat...
I know I'm just a teenager pretty much, so... idk.
I thought... maybe you'd think I was pretty and silly and fun... maybe we could spend time together, but your partner wouldn't like that and I understand...
So... I really hope she makes you happy. I really do. I want that for you. I'm just... I'm damaged.
I honestly believe I will be grieving for at least another half a year, maybe longer.
Unfortunately, due to who I am... I will literally never forget you.
Even when you don't think about me at all.
I really like you and I'm just... I feel so stupid...
You're so handsome it drives me crazy lmao
I think about these connections like a golden retriever that's imprinted on people.
I keep fantasizing about what I want to do to you, and what I want you to do to me...
I keep fantasizing about you taking my virginity...
I'm ashamed of my desire, knowing it isn't reciprocated. I dream about you... that's weird, isn't it? Idk what's normal.
You're probably laughing about me...
I'm basically a puppy in love that wants to follow you around and make silly faces when you pat my head lmao that's so embarrassing Jesus christ.
I'm like the teenage girl in love with the cool guy in class, and he never really notices her...
So... be good to your partner and don't make the mistakes I've made: Not communicating properly is one.
Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Be clear. Be honest. Be upfront. Ya know? It will help you so much.
Don't be afraid of talking to your partner about your fears and insecurities in your relationship. I worried and fretted over abandonment like a weirdo, instead of bringing up my shit...
I really, really, really like you, and I do think I kinda fell in love with you which is embarrassing, but...
You have eyes for someone else... and I have to respect it.
Just... know that... if we had ever gone out, um... I think I would have made a really good partner. I think we would have had a lot of fun, and you would have enjoyed how deeply and passionately I loved you.
People with bpd are really compassionate and empathetic, and they love so very deeply... they're also good at sex a lot of the time 👀
I'm not quite ready to let go of the fantasy of you and I... I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable...
I still think about you every day 😅🥹
Like, you're the first thought in my head when I wake up, and the last thought when I go to bed.
Literally, look at me like a teenager in love with you because that's what's happening lol
Sorry I'm weird...
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starw1sh · 3 months
finished if we were v*llains and damn it, I really enjoyed the last 30 pages. Which is so unfortunate, because I hate read most of that book and only finished it because I bought a physical copy and there's no way I'm wasting money like that. More thoughts (with major spoilers) under the cut because jesus christ
Oh man, I am not immune to whatever the FUCK was happening between Oliver and James. There's a comparison to be made with their dynamic and Hannibal and Will in NBC's Hannibal that I can't quite put words to it yet. Like they made each other so much worse but would do anything for each other. Oliver finding out James literally MURDERED Richard and then deciding he would take the fall for the crime like 2 hours later was crazy. AND THEIR ONLY KISS BEING ON STAGE???? PERFORMING THE SAME SCENE WHERE IN REHEARSAL JAMES BROKE OLIVER'S NOSE???? Insane. Insane. How am I supposed to be normal about this. Yes he loved him. But the truth was, he still did. I need to run laps over this.
And God I LOVE an ambiguous ending. Like I do think James is dead at the end, but that one quote from earlier in the novel (and I'm paraphrasing) where it was like 'a tragedy always has you hoping everything will work out until the very end'. Like I do think ultimately Oliver's life IS a tragedy and it's that hope that will keep him going even if it's doomed. That’s why we don't get any confirmation that James is 100% dead or if he's 100% alive. There has to be hope. It's kind of like Richard not dying immediately in the water but being left to die, like he COULD have survived but he didn't. James COULD have survived but I don't think he did. That being said, Richard could have survived if he has been helped and Alexander ended up surviving his OD because he was helped. So maybe since it's implied that Oliver is going to go searching for James (and since he's already helped him by taking the fall for the crime), he will be able to "save" James and find him alive.
But what then? James is still overcome with guilt about Richard's death and Oliver is still Oliver. How do they move on from that?
Other than the ending, this book pissed me off. The way characters found out information felt contrived (ESPECIALLY Oliver having to do "work study" by cleaning his own house?? Which leads to him overhearing a bunch and finding a bunch of spooky clues. That was so stupid), the pacing felt unintentionally slow, and I think the whole book was bloated with characters that didn't really matter. Like I enjoyed Alexander and Wren, but besides occasionally pushing the plot along they didn't really do much. They just weren't fleshed out besides "queer guy who does a lot of drugs" and "weirdo rich blond girl who I imagine walks around with the scariest blue eye stare". And don't even get me started on the handful of side characters who get even less attention.
Also I UNDERSTAND the author has a masters in Shakespearen literature but god damn did a lot of that fly over my head. Honestly I didn't dislike the book more or less because of it but it was a little frustrating. The characters kept getting casting lists and I was like "wow :) idk what that means but congratulations or I'm so sorry"
Ughhhh I also feel like because of how HEAVILY this text relies on theatre and Shakespeare, it would be better in a different medium - like theatre or tv. I have not read a book in a while that I think could benefit so obviously from a good adaptation. Especially since Oliver is so oblivious, his internal narration could translate to just staring at people intensively without loosing much narrative weight.
Final rating is probably 2 and half stars out of 5. The ending did save it for me and there were some really compelling scenes but most of the time it was just. Annoying.
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acewoman · 1 year
I want to be on anon. You can laugh at me, judge me etc. The answer is simple: tell him to stop touching you, yet I can't say this. There is a guy at work, an older guy, he will retire in January 2024. He's 65 years old. Everybody loves him, he touches all women (he touches their shoulders, pats someone back, he touches someone's waist (or he tickles someone) etc. He's like this with all women, all seem to love him a lot because he's a "jokester". I'm new here, I have been working here a couple of months now and I don't want to be a weird one who complains and someone who's a drama queen. I hate it that yesterday he started touching me (my waist, and today - he touched me again twice) I try to just ignore like nothing happened and I try to avoid him. While he's talking I just try not having long conversation. Women sit on his lap when they joke with him, everyone LOVES this guy and yes I should have said something yet I have no courage. I was always a black sheep and if I'd complain everyone would think I'm crazy because this guy is "funny" and "such a jokester" he's like this with everyone from the oldest woman who works here to the youngest. I'm ashamed because I'd be seen as a crazy drama queen. I hate when people are touching me and when he touches me I feel DIRTY. He also talks about sex and fucking all the time during lunch break and everyone think he's so funny. I have no idea how to react anymore because he's so loved, and I would look like the crazy one. I hate this, I hate myself. You can also think I'm stupid and I am stupid, if this happened outside of work I'd say something, I truly would, I had no problem telling weirdos to go fuck themselves... but because I would look crazy now I act completely different. I was never good at defending myself. Yes I did say I had no problem to tell someone to go fuck themselves, but only to strangers. It's different when it comes to people I know and it's different when people who are so loved by others because I was always afraid being seen as a drama queen or the sensitive one... because I am sensitive, I get upset quickly, I cry easily... I was always an outsider, always "the weird one" people talked about.
I'm sorry about this rant.
I just feel DIRTY and I'f like to hear from radfems. Do you think I'm crazy? Is anyone else crazy to love this man? Or do anyone else just go along with it like me and hope he'll start annoying another woman soon? I seriously feel crazy. Kinda powerless as well. Thank you for reading this I have no idea what's the point of this rant... maybe I'd like for you to reply and tell me if you ever went along with something because people loved someone so much and you were afraid you were seen as a drama queen? Or maybe if any of your followers were weak minded like me in the past?
I'm so, so sorry you're going through this. It sounds like everybody else in the office is enabling it, but I really wouldn't be surprised if there are other women in your office that feel the same way about you but haven't spoken up.
First of all, you are NOT stupid, or crazy, or a drama queen. It is perfectly normal to have boundaries, especially with people that you barely know, but with everybody. You are not weakminded for having boundaries or for being uncomfortable around somebody.
Secondly, I hear where you're coming from...it's much, much harder to tell people to fuck off if you actually know them, right? I'm the same way. But women like us have to remember that we deserve to have boundaries and that we deserve to enforce them, no matter who it is. I don't know if you've seen my few posts in the past, but I'm going through something with a friend of mine. I've also been having some issues with a regular customer messaging me over facebook even though ive already rejected him. So I understand what you mean about it being harder with people you know.
It sounds like you haven't known this man long, and it sounds like he's only just started this behavior with you? I know it's intimidating, but its important to nip this in the bud early. Personally, i would recommend starting with telling him that you aren't a touchy feely person (regardless of whether that's true or not). If he tries to double down, keep repeating that you don't enjoy being touched. If he keeps insisting, then keep repeating that with a sound and level voice. This will make him look like the boundary trampling creep that he is, and the others will also get the message that HE is the one in the wrong.
Thirdly, and I know this is really difficult, but DO NOT APOLOGIZE TO HIM WHILE ENFORCING BOUNDARIES. I literally can not stress that part enough. You have nothing to apologize for. HE does.
The unfortunate thing about this option is that it takes the blame away from him, but its most likely the best way to go about it without escalating it. But if he keeps pushing, then you might have to escalate.
I'm sorry, I wish I had better advice. Again, I really do understand what you mean and how just telling him to fuck off isn't the answer, even though we desperately wish it was.
Please feel free to message me directly if you want to talk.
Does anybody else have any other advice?
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itsmadamehydra · 3 years
My Savior || Wayne McCullough
A/N: Just some teenage girl trying to write the story inside her head, hope u like it.
Pairing: Wayne McCullough x oc
Warnings: rape, intention of rape, harassment, blood mention, bullying, language (a little strong)
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I've always like to watch him by far, he just seems different from the rest (and oh boy, he is).
The first time I saw him I was in 7th grade. I was just one more girl of the many others that her tities just had started to show and my period started to visit me. I remember that day clearly, I was sitting at the hallway with my bestfriend at the time, eating infront of our lockers when I saw him.
"Am telling ya girl, the answer of number 5 was c." I said trying to reason with her about the science test answers "I told you that if u needed help to study, I could help ya." I smile at her and move my arm upward to touch her shoulder
"Yeah, yeah, I know...are you sure it was not D?" she said frowning her eyebrows once more. We stayed in silence for a sec before bursting into laughter and tears
Little by little our laughs started to fade, allowing ears to hear the background and aswell some loud voices, it sounded like an argument but by the hears of it a fight was going to start soon. "What you think is happening over there?" Cassie murmured, I stared at the end of the hallway where apparently was were the voices were coming from.
"I don't know..." my lips formed a thin line while I was thinking about what could have been happening in there, "You wanna, you know, go and see?" I looked back at my friend
"Freak yeah" she laughed grabbing my hand and running down the hallway to see the soon to be fight.
Once we got there, there was a mass of students surrounding what appeared to be the ones who where arguing. "Ugh, I can't see, I hate been so small." I said, "Hey, that smallness is beautiful and you know you can use that in your own benefit" Cassia said and winked at me.
"I mean, yeah but I can't-" my word stopped at the moment I heard a want sounded and I believe to be a punch in the face. "You saw that!?" Cassie said, "That was freaking awesome, please tell me you saw it!" "Um, nah Cassie, I cant see a crap" i said while trying to find a whole where to see through.
It was only a matter of seconds until more punches were heard. I started pushing people more frantically, I wanted to see what was happening. When I get pass a few amount of studens I almost slipped, looked sown to see what was it and it was stains of blood, only a few but still.
"Oh gosh, disgusting." When I look up only a few students are still in the cafeteria and a guy wearing a grey hoddie was just there, staring at the bloodie face of another guy. I stared back at the hoddie guy and noticed a little hammer in his hand, and the words just came out of my mouth without even noticing, "Why the hammer? Want to be a constructed or something?" He just stared at me and pass by me without saying a word and keeping a neutral face.
"Who the hell was that crazy ass weirdo?" I hear Cassie's voice behind me. "I don't know" I responded, "But I will know...one day."
"Ok,ok, am not going to get in between your little search thingi but am sure he is not good news." Cassie said, "You saw what he did, and he has a FREAKING hammer, y/n! Covered in blood y/n!" She grabbed my shoulders from behind, "I think we all understood the message, stay the fuck away from him, honey."
And I just smiled.
Months later I learned his name. Wayne, Wayne McCullough. Fits the ring if you ask me. Everyone was speaking about how violent, crazy and wierdo he was, about how he was going to show up at your house to beat the hell put of you.
I just observed him by far, well, I like to think that I noticed him. I noticed how he usually beats up those who are some assholes jerks that have only one brain cell as much. Noticed that he is not much of a talker and a shy boy. Noticed how he makes his lips thin when he gets lost in thoughts. How he closes his fist when he is about to do something. His strangely high pain tolerance. His pale skin and dark hair appeared to me to be very llamative and aswell his strength. He was and is skinny but somehow has a great strength, maybe do to the unincredible amounts of fights he gets in. Experience makes the master is what the say...right?
Years went by, we entered to highschool and the nervousness along with the fast beating, sweating and butterflies were still there every time i either tought about him or saw him walking around.
Cassie stayed with me for a while until she decided to join the group of nasty ass bitches with no brain cells who believed no one was better than them. While I...well, I stayed small for a big part I guess, always with good grades, teachers love me and try to be nice with every one I guess.
Everything was going great until Cassie along with some guys recorded me somehow while being drunk and them trying to overpass the boundaries, and let me tell ya.. that was just the start.
The had videos of me at the school bathroom, pictures of my underwear under my skirts and dresses, them trying to touch me. I had to learn to defend myself, stopped using skirts, dresses, shorts even do I loved wearing the. Replace my shoes with tennis and always had hair ties.
"Y/n, wake up! You're going to be late for school, don't think ama wait for you!" I mom yelled.
"Yes, mom! Dont worry, am up!" I run down the stairs with my backpack, went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went straight to the car.
"Oh for God sake, y/n" she said went she looked at me and noticed my new hair style.
"What? You don't like it? I just cut it a little." I satered at her innocently
"Your father is not gonna like it and you know it." She said and the stress lines appeared in her forehead, "You know this is his weekend and-"
She couldn't finish her sentence because I started taking, "Am not going to that dickheads house, mother." I said strainly, "Don't want to see his and face of that bitch he cheated you with..." i lowly said but loud enough to hear.
"I know, honey but you have to and besides you get to see your brother!" She patted my thigh, "Haven't seen him in a while right?" She said with a sad tone
"You should be the one seeing him...not me." I stared outside the window, there were just some trees and houses and garbage.
Mom and dad divorced a while back, he cheated on her. The house was a mess that day, screams and broken glass everywhere. Sammy was lucky, he was at grandma's but I was home...listening to every single word. That was also the first time a sneaked out and the first time I sort-of spoke to Wayne.
"What are you doing here?" I heard someone said behind me, I looked and it was fucking Wayne
"Just trying to have some quietness i guess..." I stared at my fingers and started playing with them because of my nervousness, "...What are you doing here?" I asked softly
And he stayed silent...the whole time after that. Either way, his company was nice and the side profile, ufff, amazing.
"Ok, we are here." I stared at the building for a sec before giving my mother a kiss in her cheek and entered to the building.
"Hey y/n! Nice ass!" That was the jerk of all jerks, Jonathan.
I turned around and stared at him, "Oh yeah?" He nodded, "Want to see me shop of your dick?" Changed my tone while saying that into a lower and more serious tone. He just stared at me with sealed lips and left.
I continued walking to my locker and I come to see tgat my freaking lock is broken, I search in all the spaces but nothing is missing.
"Come on! They had just changed me of locker!" I silently yelled. Started grabbing my books for the next few classes when I felt a hand in my shoulder, by instinct I grabbed the wrist, pushed the person against the locker and added pressure in the throat with my other arm.
"Hey y/n" Orlando smiled, "New move?" I chuckled and removed my arm, now, standing face to face I respond
"You know you shouldn't do that Orlando bunny." I laugh st the nickname I gave him a few time ago. Orlando was one of the few FEW people who talked to me, well, he talked to everyone but still.
"I know... I just forgot I guess man." He looked down, "Y/n...have your tities grown bigger?" His face looked confused.
I slapped his head and punched his shoulder, "Could you please stop looking and thinking 'bout tities when am around you?"
"I mean, yeah sure...and sorry about your lock." He points the locker, "Wayne thought it was still his but since-" I cut him off before he could continue
"Wayne?" I asked confused
"Yeah, Is tha-" i cut him off again
"Why did he tho?" I murmured staring at my lock in hand.
"It used to be his locker but oh well...he missed school for 3 weeks and yeah." He grabs his backpacks laces after explaining.
"Oh...ok, is he still here tho?" I looked at Orlando
"I guess..." he was about to say pther thing when the bell ring and we started to go toour classes, "See you later gorgeous!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
I stayed there...just staring at my lock for a while, then order my things fast and left to class. What I didn't know was that someone was watching at me.
Three days later, i was walking back home and i heard s car going at full speed and nasty comments were started to be listend. I kept walking trying tk pretend they didn't exist when the car is suddenly over the sideway and infront of me.
"But...you are bot dead right, bitch?" Jonathan said getting out of the car. There were five, 2 guys and 3 girls. "Don't prefer to suck my dick and be my slut, promise I'll pay a good amount." He said infront of me,
"She is already a slut baby." Veronica said
"I bet she has sleeped with half school, wouldn't surprise me if you haven been org*e or something." You know, comments are comments, you are the one who decide what hurt you and whats does not, but being Cassie the one who said that...broke my freaking heart.
I couldn't stand it anymore, wanted to leave the place so i came up with a plan very fast. I walked closer to Jonathan trying to be the most seductive I could, touched his chest, abs and got closer to his ear and said, "You are going to regret everything" Punched him with all my strenght in this genitiles, stomp on his feet, punched his nose and ran the faster I could out of there.
"You bitch!" I heard from far but i continued running, I couldn't stop, i was scared, didn't know what could happen if the get me. I could hear the car engines behind me, but i didn't stop.
I was close a bridge, ran underneath it, passed some houses but i could still hear the voices and car. My legs hurt, i needed to catch my breath, i could hear my heart beat, my body felt on fire. When I less expected am suddenly trapped, there were some abandoned buildings and warehouses but no way to get put of there. This was it, my end.
"Couldn't escape from me you nasty little bitch!?" I heard his voice, i was never one to pray but believe when i say i begged to God to save me. "You ain't going anywhere...bitch" he was behind me, I could sense it.
My hair was pulled, he pulls me by my hair to his car and i notice that it's just him and another guy. Am not getting out of here.
"We are going to have so much fun!" He licks my cheek and i try to kick him wherever.
"HELP!" I yelled, "SOMEBODY PLEASE, HELP!" my voice sounded horrific, like if i hadn't drank a single drop of water in ages, "please" y murmure my last pledge before he finally puts me over the capo of his car.
"No one's gonna help you, you slut." He says, the other guy was just watching and standing still, doing nothing.
I gave up, didn't even notice I was crying until I tasted the salt in my lips. I felt him over me, unbucking my pants and then...i didnt felt his weight anymore, instead, i heard a cry of pain, and then another cry, and another and another.
I lifted my head and there he was, grey hoddie and little hammer in hand...my savior. I smiled.
My smile just grew bigger and bigger every second I saw that boy swing that motherfucker hammer, every second that Jonathan's blood was spilled. I lool around in search pf the pther guy scared that he might try to grab but I get calm when i see him unconscious on the floor.
A few minuts later th cries stop and i look up, Jonathan was missing 3 teeths and face covered with blood, i think he could even have a brocken rib or something.
Am sitting on top of the car's capo when a feel a slight, fragile touch.
"You ok?" Wayne askes pulling a string of my hair behind my ear.
"...now I am." I smile to him and he returns a little small tiny one with a grin. I was about to say something else when he suddenly speaks
"Want to be my girlfriend or whatever?" He says looking exhausted, I chuckle
"Try a little harder and I might be." I say soflty with a small thin smile and he avoids my eyes but I still get to notice a small blush.
Hey! So, yeah. This is my first ever published thing. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want a part two or to keep writing, am open to any suggestion! Am not very good with the warnings section so if you could help me with it, i would totally apreciate that!
Thank you for reading,
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
You and I on top of it all
This one is quite the brutal piece of work so proceed with caution and be mindful of the warnings. Do tell me if I missed something possibly triggering.
Pairing - Oneus Hyung line (only one makes it) x fem reader
Genre - Angst, Suspense, Suggestive, Horror, Gore
Warnings - murder, violence, blood, weapons, language, death, injuries, guns, shooting, graphic descriptions of murder and violence, romanticizing these themes for the plot
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe @runaway-fics @bearseokie @kingleedo @malzenn
Word count - 3k
It was 11pm and you were hurrying down the street to get back home. You weren't planning on being outside when it started. Last year still left you shaking in your boots, but this year you will turn the table and stop being afraid. 
What exactly is it? 
It is the purge. The day every crime is made legal and services like police, firefighters or paramedics aren't available. 
Originally you were planning on just hiding out somewhere safe until the 12 hours were over but not this year. This time you wanted to let loose, go absolutely crazy and see where the night will take you. Maybe you'll find a companion or more? Maybe you'll die, who knows? 
Back on topic.. Why were you even out this late? Simple. You bought some nice weapons for tonight. What were those weapons? An array of knives, a bat with spikes and even a damn katana. This time you wouldn't hold back. 
A guy came your way and immediately changed course after seeing your array of weapons. This was exactly what you wanted people to do. Fear you, be scared for their life and just run as far away as they could from you. 
Eyeing the clock above your TV in the living room while taking off your shoes, you realize that it's barely 11:20pm. The fun would have to wait. 
With a shrug you move into your bedroom to put on tonight's outfit. You were going crazy tonight and no one would hold you back, not even your damn clothes. 
You have carefully picked out your clothes a few days ago just for tonight. All black to blend into the night, your casual tight fitting jeans and shirt and your newly bought jacket. There you would store all the knives since it had a lot of pockets. 
The sound of a notification from your phone made you stop examining yourself in your mirror and with an eye roll you go to check. 
Hwanwoong: Hey Y/N, I know that you will be partaking in tonight's purge… I hope you won't die so I can see you again soon.. 
Your best friend has always been worried about you and everything that could happen. 
You: I will be just fine, Woong, don't worry. You better be safe tho or I will kill you. 
After you sent your reply, you didn't bother to check if he answered. You wouldn't be taking your phone with you tonight. Everything else besides your weapons will be staying in your apartment tonight… besides your keys, you decided to give them to your friendly neighbor since he would be waiting out the event tonight. 
Once again your eyes find the clock and a small smile slowly crawls onto your lips. 11:30pm. Soon the fun would begin and you just couldn't wait to finally get your sweet, sweet revenge. 
You secure your sword around your back with the holster and then take your baseball bat. These spikes were so sharp and you couldn't wait to see the damage they would cause. 
The weight of your jacket slowly increased the more knives you put into the pockets and you were so full of adrenalin, to find the person who took everything from you. 
11:45pm, the crazed smile slowly made its way back onto your lips. Just a little while. 
You got up and put your also black leather boots on, tired of waiting for the chaos to unfold. 
With the baseball bat in one hand and your keys in the other you exit your apartment. You lock the door and go to knock on your neighbor's door. 
The man opens the door and you give him a less crazy smile upon seeing the fear in his eyes. "Hey Keonhee, don't worry i just came here to drop off my keys!" You say and hold up said object. 
The taller guy visibly relaxes and smiles back at you. "You scared me there, Y/N" 
"Sorry~" you chuckle and put your keys into his outstretched palm. "Please be safe, yeah?" 
Keonhee chuckles nervously and nods. "You too" 
"Oh I will" you reply, "I'm going to go now. I'll see you tomorrow at 12" 
He closes the door and you hear several locks clicking shut behind it, one after another. 
You swing the bat up and rest it on your shoulder, mindful of the spikes, and walk down the street. It was awfully quiet now and your gaze meets the giant digital clock on a huge building. 
"Hey!" Someone calls after you and you halt in your steps. "Where are you heading to?" 
You turn around and look at the guy. Tall, black hair and also full black attire. "Why would you wanna know? But I suppose you already know the answer judging from your choice of clothing" 
He walks closer and you now fully see his features. He looks too good to be true. The black turtleneck sweater isn't helping your thoughts either. "You're right" he replies with a sinister smirk. "I'm also going to fuck up someone's life" 
You immediately felt drawn to him, he looked just as crazed as you right now. 
But that didn't mean you'd stay here any longer to chat away, no. It was almost time and you wanted to get your hands dirty. 
So you give the guy an almost too nice looking smile and turn back around. 
"Hey, where are you going?" He asks and you hear his fast paced footsteps approach you. "Don't just leave a conversation like that" 
You chuckle and start swinging your bat around. "I don't really care about conversations right now, pretty boy" 
The Guy scoffs, but you see his smirk in your peripheral vision. "So… are you out for someone special tonight? Or do you just want to blow off some steam?" 
"Does it really matter?" You question in return and meet his eyes for a second. "Also, who even are you?" 
"I'm Youngjo" He replies and shoots you a grin, this time less sinister. "And I guess it does? I could help you out" 
He did have a point, maybe he would actually be of help. "Fine" you nod. "Someone-" 
A loud alarm shakes the silence of the city, the purge has started. 
The two of you immediately look at each other with an excited expression. "Fuck it, let's spill some blood" he says and grabs you by the wrist, dragging you right into the chaos of people running around left and right. 
You manage to escape his grip and fasten your pace to match his. 
"Out of my way!" Someone yells and you see a guy running straight at you. 
No way you're having that shit tonight. "Fuck off!" You spit back and swing your baseball bat right at the guy's head. 
Pretty much to his horror because he can't stop and runs straight into your death trap. His skull smashes against your spiky weapon and you feel his blood splattering onto your face. 
Youngjo has stopped running the moment he heard you spitting back at that guy and witnessed the gory scene. He felt his heart skip a beat and met your eyes, both of you dazed.
"That felt so fucking good" You murmur and Youngjo nods eagerly. For that moment the two of you completely blended out the chaos around you. 
Until there were gunshots, that's when you reacted and pulled him into an alleyway, hiding behind the wall to not get shot. 
Youngjo cornered you against the wall, one hand beside your head for balance. He had his gaze fixated on your side profile while you were checking where the gunshots were coming from. 
"Hey" The tall guy mumbles and your attention belongs to him this instant. "I never thought I'd think that watching a girl smashing a guy's head in would be this hot" 
You click your tongue and roll your eyes, but can't help the smirk that appears slowly. "You're crazy" 
Youngjo's head falls down and he breathes out a chuckle before looking you dead in the eye. "It would be boring if I wasn't, wouldn't it, sweetheart?" 
You can't deny the tingling feeling you felt in your stomach at that and your free hand went up to the back of his neck. "Shut up" 
"Make me" 
"What the fuck are you doing?" A new voice interrupts the two of you. "Wait- Hyung?" 
You turn to look at the guy, annoyance written all over your face for having interrupted the moment. "I fucking hate you for this" 
The guy chuckles nervously and Youngjo leans away to stand at a normal distance. "Why are you here, Seoho? And where is Geonhak?" 
"You didn't just ask me that" he retorts and holds up a bloody machete. "Obviously I'm out for blood tonight" 
A shiver runs down your spine, the vibes that guy gives off are insane. Quite literally. 
"Oh" Youngjo's mouth forms an o-shape. "I see. But now where is Geonhak?" 
"Ah! Right" Seoho piques up and nods his head in the left direction. "He started chasing some weirdo who was about to get a bit too comfy with this girl" 
"Still the nice guy even during a time like this, huh?" Youngjo laughs. "Anyway, we should continue our little fun game now, shouldn't we?" 
You grin and pick up your bat. "We should just go as a group, covering more people n shit" 
"What's your name?" Seoho asks you out of the blue, nodding at your suggestion. 
"Oh, I'm Y/N" You reply before making your way out of the alley and onto the street. "And I see a group of people right up front" 
"Let's spill some blood then, shall we?" Youngjo smirks. 
The two guys follow you and you hear one of them clinking blades together. 
"Hey you!" You shout and the group of four, three guys and a girl, look at you. "Wanna die?!" 
"What are you gonna do, little girl?" One of the guys shouts back and you halt in your steps. 
With a dark chuckle, you open your jacket and pull out a knife. "I'll fucking kill you" is your only response as you throw the knife at him. It connects with his thigh, making him scream in pain and fall to the ground. 
"You have good aim, doll" Youngjo mumbles while passing by you. "Now I'll finish him" 
"Leave some fun for me too!" Seoho whines and just runs at the group of people, slicing the girls throat with his machete with ease. 
Her blood pours out of the massive gash and you hear her gurgling on the liquid. 
One of the two unharmed guys squares up against Youngjo, but he's at a disadvantage in height. 
Youngjo makes quick work of the guy, pulling out a knife from a pocket on his pants and stabbing him in the chest. He pushes the guy away from him and he collapses on the corpse of the girl. 
The fourth guy must've ran away so it's only the injured man on the ground and your little group. 
"Finish him! Finish him c'mon!" Seoho jumps around and you look at Youngjo, but he just nods towards the guy. Your sign to kill him. 
"Too bad that you will die now, huh?" You say and lunge the bat right into his face, killing him right on the spot. "Bastard" You spit and pull out your knife from his thigh and put it back where you took it from. 
"Jesus christ" Seoho murmurs and you look at him. "That was fucking hot" 
You shake off the remains of the guy's brain from your bat. "Shut up" you hiss, slightly flustered. "We should find your friend instead" 
"Right" Youngjo agrees. "Let's go" 
He leads the way with Seoho and you following behind. 
"So… are you out for someone special tonight?" Seoho asks and looks at you through his sharp eyes. "You look tense, darling" 
"I probably won't find him anyways, I'm tense because I don't know if I will die tonight" You give him your answer and hold your bat just a little bit tighter. "So I'm going to use that as my fuel to create as much chaos as I can" 
"I see~" He chirps and focuses back on Youngjo who's still leading the way. 
After a bit more walking, the two guys spot their friend sitting next to a wall, gun in hand and blood on his hands and face. 
"Geonhak, what the fuck happened" Youngjo asks him straight away and kneels in front of him. 
"I killed that asshole, but I also accidently shot the girl. They're both dead" he mumbles, but a satisfied grin forms on his lips. "Now she won't suffer anymore" 
"Hey get up, we gotta create more chaos!" Seoho urges and you exhale a breathy laugh. 
"I think there are a lot of people in the inner city. It's getting louder the closer we get" You say and nod in the vague direction. "Let's go guys" 
"Ooohh sure~" Seoho immediately agrees and Youngjo also looks pleased with your suggestion. 
"Oh you guys brought a companion?" Geonhak asks and stands up. "What's your name pretty girl?" 
You shake the hair out of your face and scoff at the compliment. "I'm Y/N. Now let's go!" 
"I know a shortcut" Seoho exclaims. "It's just-" 
"No! Your shortcuts are dangerous as fuck!" Youngjo rejects his suggestion. 
"C'mon let's just go this way" you tell Seoho. "We can take your shortcut on our way back, alright?" 
"Fine" He grumbles in response. 
Your group quickly gets to the big commotion in the inner city and you just decide to let hell break loose. 
Geonhak starts shooting whoever comes into focus, Youngjo aimlessly stabs people in his way and Seoho attacks everything in his way. 
"Let's dance little lady" some weirdo says and faces you, pipe in his hand. "Got ya!" He yells and strikes at you. 
You dodge in the last moment, swinging your spiky bat at the dude's face, making him stumble back in surprise. "You got a mean one there, hun. Would be a shame if it went out of your hands, right?" 
"Shut up asshole" you hiss and and take another swing at him, this time grazing his arm with a spike and making it bleed. 
"That hurt you stupid bitch" he spits with venom. "I'll end you" 
"Good luck" you huff and take a step back. 
"What-" before he can finish his sentence, you hear a gunshot and blood splattering everywhere. 
"Nice shot Geonhak!" You shout and give the man a thumb up. "Saved my ass" 
After that little exchange you quickly go on and just smash in people heads left and right. 
One was a tough nut though. 
"You've got some nerves, little girl" a tall man smirks after he smacked the bat out of your hands and a good distance away from you. "Attacking others from behind. Tch" 
"Stop talking, bastard" you growl and pull out your katana, glad you took it with you. "I'll kill you" 
"Try to~" he laughs and throws a punch, but you step aside at the last second. 
"Go to hell!" You yell and swing your blade at him, slicing his cheek and leaving him in shock. 
"You'll pay for that you damn bitch" 
After that, a painful shout came from behind you and you heard Geonhak calling out Youngjo's name. 
"Shit-" you go to turn around and leave this fucker behind, but he kicks away your legs and you fall to the ground. 
"Fuck you" you huff in pain, the katana luckily still in your hand. That's when you see your three companions. 
Geonhak has Youngjo's head in his lap and repeatedly smacks his cheeks to get him to wake up. 
But he won't. 
He's dead. 
"Oh noo~ Did your friend die? What a shame" the man mocks and laughs. 
You clench your hand around the handle of the katana and roll onto your back and thrust the blade right into his torso. 
"What-" He coughs in shock before falling to the floor backwards. 
You just stand up and run towards the guys now, falling to your knees next to Youngjo's lifeless body in Geonhak's lap. 
"Who did this?" You ask, emotionless, eyes void of anything but rage. 
"I did" Geonhak mumbles, hanging his head. "I wanted to shoot the fucker you were fighting, but Hyung caught the bullet" 
You remain silent, but you see Seoho behind Geonhak going rigid. "You… killed Youngjo Hyung…?" 
"It was an accide-" 
Geonhak couldn't finish his sentence. Seoho slit his throat right there and the green haired man's blood splattered your already dirty face even more. 
But you weren't fazed. You couldn't help him anymore anyways. 
That's when you noticed just how quiet everything suddenly was, so you looked around and saw corpses upon corpses. 
"When did this happen?" You ask and look at Seoho, his blank stare not bothering you at all as you stand up. 
"I killed the last person before I saw you guys here" He answers and you step away from the two men on the ground, dead and bleeding out. 
You heard Seoho walking up next to you. "So this is it? We go home after this and try to get our lives back together?" 
"Not necessarily" he says, "we can stay together" 
"What do you mean?" 
"People who kill together, stay together" he explains and smiles. He actually looks cute and for a second you forgot that he's a serial killer. 
But so are you. 
"That sounds nice" you smile back. 
"So now it's you and I on top of it all" He whispers and pulls you in close by the waist. "You're mine" 
Your hands wander up to his shoulders and you move closer. "Only yours" you mumble against his lips and he closes the gap, greedily moving his mouth against yours. His grip on your waist tightens and pulls you impossibly closer. 
You'll never forget this day. 
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imbackmrstark · 3 years
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• l e m o n b o y •
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It was the kid from next door. Brown, curly hair and those sweet, thin lips. His eyes, God, his eyes, Tony could stare into them for hours. He was barely 15 years old, the boy, maybe 16, Tony had never asked and never intended to. Talking, that was the problem. Tony never had a word with the boy, not even at the welcome party; the boy's family, the Parkers – he knew that from the door sign – only moved here a few months ago, Tony had fallen in love immediately. He couldn't take his eyes off the smaller one all day long, staring at him like a hungry lion at its prey, but instead of attacking the teenager, he just smiled insecurely every now and then. He looked like an angry hamster – a sweet, angry hamster. You couldn't take him seriously, he was far too cute. Tony was head over heels in love with the boy next door. And so it began that Anthony E. Stark watched the younger one from his room window every day as he built and hammered on something outside, curious what it would be.
One day – Tony just came out of his bathroom, hair freshly washed and with a towel around his waist – he saw a small booth with a sign on it saying "lemonade $2". A smile played around his lips and he completely forgot to put something on and comb his hair, far too distracted by the sunshine down on the street, which at that moment took some lemons and pressed them into a lemonade. That's when Tony started calling him 'lemon boy', whether in his head or when he talked to his parents about the Parkers boy.
He supported his elbow on the windowsill and leaned his chin on the palm of his hand while watching the neighbor. To live across from such a beauty is a curse and a blessing in equal measure. Tony thought that even a blind man would see how much he was in love and that scared him. He couldn't–.. to be honest, he didn't even try to talk his way out of it, he had no chance, he knew he had lost to this disgusting love. Pah, who needs love! The teenager pulled a face, he needed love. Oh dammit.
He let his gaze wander back to the street and only noticed too late that Little Parker had looked up at him. A sweet smile adorned his face and he raised his hand briefly to wave sweetly. Tony's eyes widened in shock before he threw back a quick smile and jumped away from the window, getting tangled up in the blanket and falling to the floor. A soft laugh was heard from the street and the older one puffed offended.
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Tony wondered why the boy had just opened his shop at the beginning of his school days. Every day from 8am to 3pm at school and then up to two hours of homework and studying. How is he supposed to find time for his lemonade? Talking about school: The teenager was sitting right now in the school bus on his way to personal hell, while Parker was once again being brought fine by Auntie. Aunt... Tony had heard that the boy's parents had died and that he was now living with his aunt and uncle. Even though he loved them, he felt bad for him. The brown-haired teen got up and grabbed his bag when the bus came to a halt, then left it to find his friends with a quick glance. That was the less difficult task, but getting there first... almost impossible.
"Tonyy!" A girl with brown hair waved at him before she ran to him with her bouncing boobs to give him a cheerful hug. "How was the holiday, big boy? You're fine?"
"Sorry, but who were you again?" Faces and names, not Tony's domain at all, especially when he sees so many of them a day. Most popular boy in school problem.
The girl made an offended expression on her face and was about to start complaining when she was harshly interrupted.
"Stark. Why don't you stop flirting and join us? We've been waiting here forever." That voice... That fucking voice. It could only come from one lady, and you better not fuck with her. A request was a request and she never took no for an answer, never ever.
"Natasha, darling... Of course, I'm on my way," he replied instantly, looking forward to having his peace and quiet from all the annoying students, because one thing was made clear on the first day of school: James Barnes hates people and will beat up anyone who didn't get official permission to stay near him. Even Steve, an old best friend, now just a friend, to get him into the group took days and now... now the two of them can't be separated anymore. They are one of the favorite couples at this school.
"Hey man," Steve grinned at him slightly, his typical greeting after the holidays, just to get warm again. They parted quarrelling back then - Tony had caught him sleeping with his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, Pepper, and instead of an apology he only got to hear that she was a slut and he just wanted to show him that she was wrong. It took years to stand so close to him again without Tony wanting to punch him in the face.
"What's up?" He wasn't a real speaker, he hated this job most in everyday life anyway. He listened to his friends most of the time and answered everyone only the most necessary questions. Only with some of them he could come out a bit more. For example his best friend Rhodey and maybe even a little bit with Natasha.
The happy expression on his face when the bell rang couldn't go unnoticed by his friends, which is why a little grin crept across Rhodey's face before he put his hand on Tony's shoulder and went to class with him. The hours stretched like chewing gum and the teenager became so bored that he voluntarily started talking to the people around him. Sometimes a little word with the girl next to him and sometimes a few sentences with a buddy of his named Thor. They got along well, even if Thor wasn't the brightest candle on the chandelier. It was always funny to listen to the boy, how he put up crazy theories. Weirdo. After the English lesson they walked together through the corridors to their lockers, which happened to be close together. On the way there, the paths of Tony and the Lemon Boy crossed, who smiled softly, then immediately looked down at the floor again. At school Tony wore the pants, here he was braver and here he could stand his looks and smiles. At home then rather less, the boy made him weak.
"Earth to Stark," Thor curiously waved his hand in front of his face to regain the attention he was currently giving the sugar sweet boy. And by "giving" he meant staring at the boy like a stalker, so that even he noticed it and speeded up his walking with red cheeks. Maybe Tony was creepy, yes, maybe, but it was all due to stupid love. If it didn't exist, none of this would've happened. He puffed, glanced back up at Thor, who raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why don't you ask him out?"
"Just shut up, you have no idea." He grumbled discontentedly and turned back around to see Bucky leaning against Tony's locker, smiling knowingly. Of course he knew what was going on in Tony's head. He'd been through the whole thing himself. With Steve, in fact. He shook his head, his hair falling unintentionally into his face, so Steve's hand slid towards him instantly and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. Of course the blond guy was not far away from his lover, always at his side, that asshole. Tony rolled his eyes, stood right in front of them and showed with a quick movement of his head that he wanted to get to his locker.
"What do you want, idiot? Ohh, your locker. Ah sorry, but I am standing here right now, find yourself another place, will you?" Bucky replied with wagging eyebrows and a smirk on his lips.
"Fuck off or I'll punch you in the face, idiot." Tony's nerves were shot to shit. First the beautiful boy who gave him a smile and now a fucking bastard who interrupted his daydreams. "Come on, just say what you're getting at. Come on, one word and I'll show you some respect, you little pain in the ass."
"I haven't heard so many words from you in a long time, you little bitch." He laughed happily, like this was all some sort of game to him. Being a bit annoying to his friends, his favorite hobby, it seems. Not to Steve, apparently, because his body showed something quite different. He was tense and his hands were clenched in fists as if he was about to intervene any second to protect his lover, even if he could do it well himself.
"Okay big boys, that's enough." The redhead who almost always got Tony out of difficult situations, intervened again. "There's a real tense atmosphere here, don't you think?"
"Completely agree with you," confirmed Thor, who was a little tense himself. It wouldn't be the first time that Bucky and Tony would fight, it happened almost every month, but it hasn't been as bad as today for a long time.
"The motherfucker's in love, totally, and he knows that I know and he knows that I know who it is and that... that scares him." That grin on his face and those eyes that radiated such joy, like he thought he'd won. Tony couldn't help himself. He swung and punched the asshole right in the face.
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"Gee, I've already apologized. He's just a little drama queen, we all know that." Tony paced the hallway outside the hospital room trying desperately to talk his way out. Meanwhile, Thor sat in the far too small chair and watched him pacing as if it was even remotely exciting.
"Holy shit, you broke his fucking nose!" Clint, another friend of Tony's, or rather Natasha's, interfered and threw the facts back on the table. Tony shrugged his shoulders.
"He provoked me. He always provokes me. I hope this has taught him a lesson."
"Absolutely, motherfucker," Bucky muttered sarcastically as he came out of the hospital room with Steve holding his hand and his face in pain. He had a white bandage on his nose and some blood on his upper lip. Tony leaned against the opposite wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest, raised one eyebrow while trying not to look as if he was actually worried. "Don't pretend, you son of a bitch, I know you love me and you're really, really sorry. And you know what? I forgive you, okay? Because I love you too, pal."
"Dude, what? I don't love you, man. That's totally gay, stop fucking around. Damn, now I've wasted my time with all this shit too. I'll see you guys tomorrow, you little pesky kids." He shook his head with a sigh before he pushed himself off the wall and walked down the corridor to the exit. It was already 4pm, he had wasted a whole hour.
When he opened the glass door and went outside, he saw an all-too-familiar brunette sitting there on a small wall with his arms wrapped around his backpack and fear in his eyes. Tony curled his eyebrows. What was Parker still doing here? He didn't want to, but he had to. He gathered up all his courage and walked towards the boy, who noticed his neighbour much too late and quickly looked up with big eyes.
"Hey, lemon boy," murmured Tony softly, avoiding eye contact most of the time, but when the boy didn't answer, he raised his head. "What are you still doing here?"
"You're Tony S-Stark, right? The boy next door.. right?" The smaller one wiggled his legs unsteadily around and bit his lower lip.
"Yes, I am, but that wasn't my question." He shifted his weight to one leg, tried to look a little cooler and also tried not to stare at the kid the whole time.
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry. I... um... Ben, my uncle... he was gonna pick me up, but he doesn't answer, and, yeah, so..-"
Tony took a deep breath before he just let his question shoot out of him. "Will you walk home with me? Then we won't be alone and I don't have to feel bad about leaving you here. I'll have to walk anyway."
"I, um... Sure, why not. I'm Peter, by the way, I'm not sure if you knew that yet. So, um, yeah..." He bounced off the wall and shouldered his bag before he walked down the street beside Tony. He was glad he was asked, he would never have dared to walk alone along the main road and then across country roads while it was already getting dark.
"To be honest, I didn't know, sorry." The older one gripped the straps of his backpack tighter so his ankles turned white. He looked down, barely daring to look at the smaller one, but he was so incredibly beautiful, how could he not?
Tony had to admit that his idea to ask Peter to come along was really good, considering the long way in darkness. Living in a village two hours away from the nearest school and then having to walk across country isn't the yellow of the egg, but Tony was used to it. He grew up in this house and even his parents always had to go this way back then, so he couldn't complain. As long as you caught the bus that ran twice before and after school, everything was fine. If you got detention or missed it, you were just unlucky and had to walk or to ask someone to pick you up. When Tony looked at the boy, he shivered under the cold of the night and he couldn't help but take off his jacket and put it over his shoulder, even if he was freezing to death himself. Peter looked up in surprise, then smiled thankfully and squeezed himself a little more by Tony's side.
"Are you afraid? I mean, in the dark?", asked the taller one quietly after a short time, while he was about to protect the boy with his arm.
"When I'm alone, sometimes." muttered Peter uncertainly, then looked up with his round eyes. Tony just wanted to bend down and kiss him, but he didn't. He'd talked to the boy for the first time today, so he couldn't ambush him with a kiss.
"And now? Are you afraid?", the older one asked after a long time of silence, just looking straight and avoiding trembling. This cold was killing him and the sweet boy with the far too big jacket next to him as well. Tony's jacket was like a blanket for Peter, his fingertips could barely be seen and then there was this magical smile on his lips.
The next moment the little one shook his head to answer the question that was asked a few minutes ago. "Somehow, no. This jacket makes me feel safe, I don't know... Thanks again.", mumbled Peter and crawled a little more into the fabric.
"Just the jacket?" He squinted his eyes over to Peter, suppressed his grin when he noticed the red cheeks.
"No, because of you too, my hero." Peter raised his arm and pointed to the first houses they saw after two hours walking. "Almost there!"
"Finally. My feet are killing me and I'm hungry, too. It's all Bucky's fault."
"Who's Bucky? Ah, wait, is that the boy with the long hair? The one you punched in the face?" They turned into a street and walked a few more blocks until they were in front of their homes and they were still standing outside to continued their talk. "Why did you hit him, anyway?"
"Not so important. He was an asshole again, and he was begging for it." Tony shrugged and walked towards Peter's house like it was normal, leaving him stunned. "You coming? I'll take you home like a gentleman."
"Oh, yeah, yeah... thanks, um, sorry, I'm coming." Peter hurried to get to Tony and smiled thankfully at him, while he was already knocking at the door. It was opened by a young woman with long brown hair who looked surprised and then tore Peter into her arms with relief.
"Oh God Peter! I was so worried! Ben feels so bad, he had to work late and his phone... and... and..."
"May, breathe! It's all fine, Tony brought me home, nothing happened." Peter slowly separated from his aunt and looked over his shoulder, smiling, at Tony, who only raised his hand briefly.
"Thank you, Tony... How can we ever repay you? You know what... You come over for dinner tomorrow and Ben takes you back after school, no buts."
A smile was on Tony's face and he quickly thanked her. "See you tomorrow, lemon boy."
It was until late in the evening - Tony was sitting up in his room, on his bed, thinking about what happened today - when he noticed that Peter still had his jacket. He sighed and looked over his shoulder out of the window to look into the boy's room. Apparently he was already asleep; the light was off and the curtains drawn. He just hoped that the younger one would give him his jacket back tomorrow.
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Being back at school the next day and standing next to Bucky was more than uncomfortable for him. The teachers had all put a few more eyes on him and he felt like he was being watched almost the whole time. While he listened to the others talking, he kept an eye out for the boy he saw after a few minutes with another boy and a girl. And what took his breath away was that Peter was wearing his much too big jacket and looked outrageously cute. Without thinking about it, Tony walked up to the boy, ignoring that his friends were silent and watched him. After a short time Peter looked up and smiled softly, raised his hand and waved briefly before Tony stood right in front of him.
First he just stared at the little one, then opened his mouth and closed it again until he remembered why he came here. "My jacket."
"O-oh, yeah, right, sorry about that." Peter was about to take them off when Tony took the hem of the jacket in his hands and tightened it more.
"No, don't. It looks really good on you, makes you even sweeter," murmured Tony softly, just looking at his chest.
"Um... Thanks? I can give them back to you after dinner tonight, though. I mean-" When Tony looked up, he saw Peter biting his lower lip uncomfortably.
"You can keep them." The teenager smiled slightly, then nodded again, let his hands slide off the jacket, turned around and went back to his idiot friends, who all grinned at him knowingly. "One word and the next nose's broken."
"Since when?" Steve asked quietly, nodding towards Peter, who was giggling around with his friends.
"Since when what? Since when am I in love? Since when do I want to turn my whole life upside down for this one person? Since when would I do anything for that one person? Holy shit!" Tony angrily ran his fingers into his hair and ripped it. "I've been so fucking in love and I have been ever since I first saw him..." Unintentionally a tear of desperation rolled down his cheek as he squeezed his eyes to avoid the glances of his friends.
"Actually, I was going to ask you, since when are you into guys too, but it's probably not important. Come here." Steve then opened his arms and pulled his old friend into them, then held him tight. Tony put his head on Steve's shoulder and sighed deeply.
"It's okay, Stark," mumbled Bucky after a short while, before carefully putting his hand on Tony's back.
Tony then tore himself away from them, straightened his clothes, wiped away his tears and put on a smile. "Whatever, boys. Class is about to start, we should go inside, don't you think?" He didn't even wait for an answer, he immediately went into the school and to his locker to get his new books. As he turned around and walked on, a small figure suddenly stood in front of him, looking worried.
"Are you okay, Tony? I just.. saw you.. with the blond guy. You looked sad. Is it because of the jacket? Does it mean anything to you? Do you want it back?" Peter's eyes radiated such warmth and such concern for nothing. Tony felt bad that Peter thought it was his fault. Even if it was, but he didn't want him to think it was. He shook his head.
"No. It makes me happy that you're wearing mine. It's just... nothing." The taller one leaned his side against the lockers, looking down with a would-be cool look at the boy, who pressed his lips together, shook his head and flinched slightly when the bell rang. "Don't you want to go to class?"
"I'd rather talk to you. You're not well, something makes you sad...", Peter said, crossing his arms in front of his chest and panting discontentedly.
In the corner of his eye, Tony noticed Bucky and Steve walking past him, smiling softly and winking at him. They really could never stop. Deep inside, Tony wanted to prove something to them, just kiss the boy, but when he looked into the dark brown round eyes, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Shall we go to the library? Talk?", asked the younger one quietly, pulled gently on his sleeve and then went with his neighbour into the room of books. Once there, Peter sat down with Tony at a table that was a bit more private and then looked at him gently. "I haven't known you long. In fact, yesterday was the first time we spoke. But... I feel like I've known you for years, it's weird. And I just want you to be happy... that you know that you can talk to me when something's wrong.. And you can even come over to me anytime.. We could sit in my room and do something. Play games or talk or just lie on my bed and... It sounds crazy, sorry."
"It doesn't sound crazy at all, it's rather nice. I'd love to come to your house sometimes and do stuff like that. Or invite you over to my place. You know, Peter, I like you. I really like you a lot and that scares me a bit," confessed Tony with an insecure smile on his lips. Peter struggled with himself for a few seconds, but then smiled and nodded in agreement at him.
"If you're coming for dinner tonight, we can go to my room afterwards.. if you want?"
Tony nodded quickly, maybe even a bit too quickly.
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Tony smiled slightly at the unfamiliar man as he took off his backpack and put it on his lap as he sat in the Parkers' car. His friends, who were waiting for the bus as usual, looked at him in confusion and then grinned a little. He couldn't even remember when the last time was when he was picked up from school in a car and apparently you could see it in his face because Peter, who was sitting next to him, was smiling happily at him and if Tony was honest, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
"So, Tony, I heard you're coming over for dinner later?", asked Mr. Parker him after a short time in which Tony and the boy were just looking at each other smiling.
The teenager looked up quickly and nodded at the man. "Yes sir, that's right. Um... thanks again for picking me up and, of course, for the dinner later."
"Wow, easy, boy. No problem. I'd really do anything to thank you for bringing my boy home. I still can't forgive myself." With clenched lips, the man kept driving, only looking back through the rearview mirror once in a while.
"Ben it wasn't your fault, okay? Your boss was giving you trouble again, you couldn't help it. I was safe with Tony, he even gave me his jacket." Peter talked about Tony as if he was head over heels in love with him, as if he wasn't even there right now and Tony only noticed much too late that he was grinning up to his ears.
"You're welcome, little lemon," muttered he with a smile, placing his hand delicately on Peter's knee, who widened his eyes a little, but then wrapped both his hands around Tony's wrist and smiled sweetly at him.
"'Little lemon,' sweet... Look, Pete, he even has a nickname for you already. I think you're gonna be great friends," said Ben as he rounded the last corner and pulled into the Parkers' parking lot. "All right, guys, get out and get in. May should have dinner ready by now."
"Oh eat already? I was counting on tonight... um, yeah, okay, well, then now." Tony scratched the back of his head slightly, then got out of the car with Peter and Ben and went into the house behind them, where it already smelled wonderfully of food.
"We're more like those people who eat lunch instead of dinner, so don't be surprised. I hope you don't mind," Peter asked the taller one quietly, looked up at him and seemed a bit anxious. He was apparently panicking that Tony maybe leave because he might not be hungry.
"And we talk about dinner all the time." Tony laughed briefly, then put his arm around Peter's shoulder and walked into the dining room with him. "No, that's okay, I'm hungry anyway."
The room wasn't really large, but therefore totally cosy and the brown, long table that was standing there seemed to have already gone through some moves. The chairs seemed to be comfortable, Peter also immediately dropped on one and knocked on the chair next to him, indicating to Tony to sit down as well, which he did directly. After a short time the woman from last night entered the room with a pot in her hands, which she placed on the table in front of Peter and Tony. May smiled happily at Tony, greeted him very briefly and then sat down on the chairs opposite of them with Ben.
"So Tony, how you doing, my boy? Why don't you get something to eat, come on. Have as much as you want." May took the big spoon and filled Tony's plate so that he thanked her overburdened and looked at Peter, who also put something on his own and started eating.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Tony smiled broadly, kept peeking over at Peter, eating carefully and full of manners.
Suddenly it became quiet in the room and the two boys looked up in wonder. May had a satisfied smile on her lips, exchanged a few glances with her husband, who nodded knowingly and shoved another spoonful of food into his mouth.
"Peter, my boy... Tony look at you like you're his entire world..", recognized she warmly, as warmly as Tony's cheeks after he had noticed how he had been staring at the boy the whole time.
"T-That's not true at all!" Tony tried to talk his way out, his cheeks should be as red as strawberries.
Peter's eyes fell on Tony's plate and he hesitated briefly before opening his mouth and quietly asked if he was finished and if they wanted to go to his room. He nodded quickly, apologized to the adults and then went upstairs behind Peter.
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Tony tensed as he sat unsteadily on the edge of Peter's bed. The boy himself, meanwhile, grabbed all his dirty laundry off the floor and tossed it into some corner before scratching the back of his head in shame.
"I'm sorry.. about.. you know. I forgot to clean up..." Peter shyly clasped his hands in front of him and rocked back and forth unsteadily while he smiled slightly.
"That's okay. At least your room can still be considered as a room." A soft laugh escaped his throat and a moment later two brown eyes looked at him, squinted a bit because he had to grin too.
"Yours that bad?" The boy asked, tilting his head and grinning broadly.
"Oh darling, you have no idea. My room resembles a jungle and to be honest, I don't really feel like changing anything about it." Tony shrugged his shoulders indifferently, before he slid a little to the side to make room for the other, who now wanted to sit down on the bed as well. Unlike Tony, however, he crawled back to the wall, against he leaned with a smile.
"You don't have to sit there like that... Come here." Peter lightly tapped the mattress beside him with the flat of his hand, and after a moment's hesitation, the older one took a seat beside him.
He made himself a little more comfortable before looking down at the boy with a smile. Just a little, they were almost at eye level as they sat there like that. Peter bit his lower lip briefly and batted his eyelashes quickly as he tried to tear his gaze away from the other. Silence fell between them and when Tony realized that Peter would not be looking at him anytime soon, he gently took his chin with two fingers and delicately turned his head in his direction. His smile fell easily, so captivated was he by the eyes in front of him.
"So.. You gonna kiss me.. or?" Peter murmured softly as he got closer and closer to the teenager. Along the way, he tried to read the other's body language so as not to have misinterpreted anything.
"So you want me to kiss you?" Tony asked in a somber voice before carefully sliding his hand up Peter's leg to his hip to pull him even closer. "I mean.. we're both boys and..–"
"I don't care. Doesn't matter. I want it, kiss me." He took it in his own hands now and pulled Tony close so he could feel the other's breath on his lip. "Kiss me..."
Tony opened his mouth in surprise, clawing deeper with his fingers into flesh beneath him before making a tortured sound and placing his lips on Peter's. He wasn't sure if that had been the boy's first kiss, but instead of asking, he just pressed his lips to the ones in front of him again. Peter ran his delicate fingers into Tony's hair and tugged lightly on them, so he was separated from the younger one with parted lips.
"Um. Can we just... lie here a bit now? And do nothing? While Holding hands?"
"Yes.. Yes we can."
• T H E E N D •
Thank u for reading c:
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Lavender Antics.
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung X Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn.
→ Warnings: Very hurtful words. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Swearing, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Word Count:
→ Chapters: 1, 2, 3
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You tucked your phone in your pocket as you entered the dance studio to be greeted by your group members stretching and warming up. "Hey y/n!" they greeted in unison, making you smile at how their cheerful aura greeted your exhausted figure. "Hi," you replied shortly, dropping your dufflebag near theirs on the floor.
"How was filming?" Jaehwa asked, letting out a groan when Haneul pushed her back down as she did a split. "The usuals: Jeongin being a crackhead, the director shoving it into our faces that we're going to Tokyo, that donkey being insufferable. Same as always," you chuckle, joining them as you stretched your arms.
"Oh yeah! I forgot you're leaving for Tokyo soon. When are you going again?" Cheonsa exclaimed, massaging her ankles. "Honestly, first Cheonsa was on hiatus. Now you're on hiatus just for some drama film?" Jaehwa chuckled. You rolled your eyes at Kiyeon before answering Cheonsa's question, "Im leaving in two days. I'll be out of your hair for a whole month so enjoy it while you can," you joked.
"Believe me, I know I will." Kiyeon responded, taking a sip of her caffeine. "Oh hush, you'll miss me when I leave." you snickered as you hit her shoulder playfully. "Since you're leaving your dearest best friends behind for some dick, you better treat us to something tomorrow." Cheonsa exclaimed.
"I want steak!" she added with a bright smile. You lifted your fist as if you were gonna punch her, sucking your lip into your mouth as you growled out. "Why you lil-" Jaehwa sat up from her split and patted your thigh, "don't kill anyone just yet, y/n. You still have alot to live for. Plus I don't wanna be the one getting you out of prison," she sighed.
"Cheonsa's not wrong though. You should treat us to something before you leave," Haneul nodded in agreement, making Cheonsa let out a victory cheer at her statement. "I agree. Last time, y'all completely ditched me in that restaurant leaving me to pay that tremendous bill when you all said we were gonna split it!" Kiyeon grumbled.
"It was all planned, by the way." you smirked with a chuckle. "It was Cheonsa's idea for a prank, too." Jaehwa smiled with a nod. Kiyeon glared at our leader who was giving her an innocent peace sign. "Man, I'm really gonna miss you guys when I'm in Tokyo." you sighed, laying your cheek on your palm as your elbow stood on your thighs.
"Of course you will, you can't live without us." Kiyeon chuckled, giving a soft punch to your shoulder. "And Im leaving," you pretended to stand up as the girls chuckled at your reaction. You giggled as you retreated to your former position. "Man, who am I going to talk to in Tokyo when you idiots aren't there?" you whined.
"Yang Jeongin? Or that makeup artist, she looks really nice when I came to visit you on set." Haneul suggested. "Stop acting as if it's the end of the world, you fucking drama queens. Video chatting and texting exists, too, you know." Jaehwa patted your back. You smiled softly at your friends.
"Wait, you're saying that y/n isn't going to die? Damn, I made a whole song and funeral and everything." Cheonsa said in a sardonic tone, causing the whole group to laugh. "You wish. You're stuck with me, get used to it." you wrapped your arm around her shoulder and pulled her to a side hug.
"I really hope our contract ends soon." Cheonsa uttered jokingly. "Very funny," you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. "By the way, have you heard that Chen-sunbaenim is getting married?" Haneul gossiped in a dramatically posh-popular girl tone. "Oh my god, what? Ugh, I can't believe some girl took away my sunbae," you mocked her tone.
"Isn't Sehun your bias, though?" Kiyeon laughed. You nodded with a laugh, dropping the whole fancy act, "though, it wasn't a surprise, really. I mean, whenever I walk by there's always this girl he keeps hanging out with, I'm guessing that's her." you informed.
"Can't believe we're gossiping bout our seniors." Jaehwa shook her head with a chuckle. "What? It's already made public, it's basically the trending topic of the hour. I hope I get invited though, I wanna see my childhood idol get married. God, we're becoming old, girls!" Cheonsa whined, flapping her hands aimlessly.
"You're becoming old, that is. I'm still younger than you," you teased. "Oh hush, just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm getting old for fucks sake. You're probably gonna date that Jisung guy in the future, just wait and see." she tutted with a point of her finger. You pretended to gag, laying a palm on your chest as you stuck your tongue out in disgust. "No thank you," you croaked dramatically.
"I rather date, Shrek, himself than that stubborn cheesecake stealing donkey." you clenched your jaw angrily. "You know, he's not that bad. From what I see in interviews, he looks like a really nice guy to hang out with," Kiyeon shrugged, taking her coffee cup to her lips.
"That is, if he doesn't hate you for no absolute reason!" you exclaimed, flailing your hands up dramatically. "Well, it seems like you hate him too so you're both in the wrong." she smirked. "I do hate him, if that wasn't clear. But he started it first! If he wasn't such a dick then maybe I would've considered him a friend!" you huffed.
"You're being over dramatic. What did he do that was so bad to make you hate him anyways?" Jaehwa rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. You paused, recalling the unpleasant memory, "I don't wanna talk about that." you mumbled, looking at your hands.
"Jesus Fucking Christ," Kiyeon grumbled. "Shouldn't we practice?" she asked. "We should, but we really need a break so let's just slack off for a while and get back to practise in a couple of minutes." Haneul suggested. Cheonsa was about to retort when her phone rang, her face lit up at the sight.
"The bf is calling, do what you want. But when I get back, be prepared to be trained hard vocally and physically." she chuckled, walking out of the room with her phone vibrating like crazy in hand. As the door swung shut, there was a peaceful yet awkward moment of silence. "So what now?" you asked.
"Have you packed yet?" Haneul asked, ignoring your question. You scratched your head at the thought, "kinda, but most of my clothes that I already packed are just sweaters and shorts." you shrugged. "I'll help you pack once we get back to the dorm, you always under pack and borrow my clothes or shop for really tacky ones in supermarket stores." Jaehwa laughed.
"Oh hush, I just like wearing comfy clothes!" you chuckled. "Unfortunately for you, comfy clothes isn't an option for this comeback." she grinned with a snap, causing you to roll your eyes at her statement. "Shut up," you groaned.
The door opened slightly, attracting your attention as Cheonsa's head poked through. "Hey girls, I'm about to go to the other dance studios real quick, alright?" she informed with an excited smile before exiting the room once again, grabbing her waterbottle in the process without letting any of us respond to her.
"Appointing her as our leader was the number one worst mistakes of our careers," you announced aloud, causing the girls to laugh and nod in agreement. "Couldn't agree more, y/n. Couldnt agree more," Jaehwa laughed.
A few seconds later, the door opened once again and Cheonsa's head poked into the room. "By the way, you're really gonna treat us to food right?" she grinned with a hopeful and teasing glint in her expression. You chuckled, waving your hand to dismiss her as she laughed and exit the door.
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"Guys, is that really necessary?" you chuckled, looking at your members after you checked if your passport and ticket was there. Your members had thoughtfully decided to drop you off at the airport, while wearing unessecary disguises such as a Mona Lisa costume, a moustached detective, Dwayne Johnson's face duct taped to a clown mask and Oli London's face carved from cardboard.
"Yes it is. It's important for us to not be recognized by the public and drop our little y/n off to school." Kiyeon responded, shamelessly fidgeting with her detective hat. "If you guys are gonna walk out looking like that, not only y'all are gonna get recognized by the people, you'll also embarrass me and cause more drama online!" you laughed, crossing your arms as you entered the airport gate.
"Hush, I'm parking the car. You don't want me to make this long and miss your flight do you?" Cheonsa gave you the stink eye through the rearview mirror, gazing at your through her long wig. "Honestly, y'all are gonna be accused as weirdos and get escorted out." you pursed your lips as the car stopped.
"What's so wrong bout wanting to drop off our member?" Jaehwa asked, nudging your shoulder as she shifted her Oli London mask back on to cover her face. "Thank you for the ride," you rolled your eyes and stepped out of the vehicle, quickly grabbing your suitcases and running off before your members could spot you.
As you ran, you lifted your phone to call your manager, informing him where you are. "I'm in the station already, where are you?" you asked, looking around as it was almost 10 minutes til boarding time. "You what?" you gaped at your managers response.
"Hey ugly!" a familiar voice yelled through the crowded room. You winced at the sound of the voice and chuckled nervously at your manager, "you couldn't just come here yourself?" you exclaimed nervously. "Right, you have to check on the other staff." you nodded before rubbing the space inbetween your eyes, ignoring the voice yelling your name behind you that was getting louder and louder.
"Hey ugly!" Jisung exclaimed, showing his pearly white teeth as he layed a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him, giving him the stink eye at the nickname which caused him to chuckle. He has been calling you thathighly insultive nickname since that scene you had to do with you being pushed to a puddle of mud, smearing your face in it.
Playing the role of the bullied popular girl has never been so tough when Jisung became your real life bully. "Hello donkey," you spat as your manager spoke his last words bout checking the VIP tickets and hanging up without giving you a second to reason with him.
"Im here to pick you up!" he chuckled, his heart shaped lips forming a bright smile that never left his face. You shuddered before gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly, "I am very much aware, thank you very much." you answered with a shaky breath.
"Let me help you with your suitcase," his hand reached to grab one or your suitcase which you slapped away due to your suspicion. "I don't trust you enough with my suitcase, who knows you might leave it here when we board." You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
He frowned at your words, his lips forming a scowl before he rolled his eyes. "I was just trying to be nice, sheesh, don't need to be a bitch about it." he shot back, pulling the straps of his backpack to his shoulder before leading you forward to where the rest of the cast were sitting.
You felt his hand hit your back gently, you flinched at the contact looking back at him as you cursed in response. "What the fuck was that for?" you exclaimed, looking back at Jisung. Jisung just looked at you with an unbothered expression, "Chill out, Ms.Y/n. I'm being nice here, there was a bug on your back and I took care of it for you," he rolled his eyes.
"You're welcome." He smirked, crossing his arms as you glared at him suspiciously before sitting down with a nod. You continued to speak with your co-worker, Yeoreum, who was playing the role of your bully. Despite her role, she's an absolute sweetheart.
"I see you and Jisung are bickering, once again." Yeoreum smirked, offering you a lollipop which you happily accepted. "Im not surprised anymore, it's become a daily routine now." you sighed, sipping your lemon tea. "Your members didn't come to say goodbye?" she asked, "I wanted to see them before we leave."
"Trust me, they did. They dropped me off and dressed up as if tonight's Halloween or something. But to be honest, if I didn't leave them alone I would've been bombarded with more paparazzis than I was three minutes ago," you chuckled, showing her a picture of them with their ridiculous costumes on your phone.
She burst out laughing, grabbing your phone in her hands. "When we arrived at the hotel, we're definitely video chatting them to see if they still have those ridiculous outfits on, right?" she smirked. "I don't know... Im probably gonna feel to tired to even open my eyes," you joked, earning a strong push from her.
"Y/n!" she whined, shaking your figure vigorously. Jeongin groaned, feeling interrupted from his game. "Director-nim! Yeoreum is bullying me!" you laughed, whining playfully. "Would you guys shut up, you're distracting us from our game!" Jisung complained as he tried to focus what's happening on the screen of the Nintendo Switch before him.
"Shut up, donkey." you chuckled as you lined up for the VIP section of the plane. You heard Jisung snickering behind you, only to be smacked by a disappointed Jeongin who was shaking his head in disapproval. "Honestly, why are you like this?" he mumbled.
"Shut up," Jisung laughed, nudging his friend as you continued to walk towards your seat, subtly giving him a look filled with suspicion. "What's wrong with him?" you muttered to yourself, sucking your lollipop as you sat down next to one of the staff who was already fast asleep.
You plucked in your earphones and fidget in your seat to get into a comfortable position, you turned on your favorite playlist and relaxed in your seat, drifting off to sleep in a matter of minutes.
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You stretched as you exited the plane and entered the airport, reuniting with the rest of the cast. Jisung was giggling behind you despite his tired eyes boring into yours. You raised your brow, "what are you laughing bout?" you asked with a croaky voice.
"It's 2 in the morning, what could you possibly be laughing bout?" you repeated in a cranky tone. He giggled before shaking his head at you, continuing to grab his suitcases. You huffed at the peculiar boy giggling away infront of you, rubbing your eyes to try and wake yourself up a lil bit more til you arrive at the hotel.
"Hey y/n. Is that sign on your back always there?" Yeoreum asked, dragging her suitcase behind her, pointing at your back. Your eyes widened as your arms quickly reach to venture your back, feeling a piece of paper taped to the fabric of your hoodie.
You gripped it and pulled it away from your hoodie, taking a closer look at the slightly crumpled paper. "What the fuck?" you whispered under your breathe almost inaudibly. Written in bold letters was a big 'KICK ME' in an oh-too familiar handwriting.
You growled, crumpling the piece of paper and tossing it into a garbage bin. "Han Jisung, I am going to slaughter you!" you exclaimed, running up to him who surprisingly ran for his life. Due to your lack of sleep, you were a little slower than him so you gave up.
You spotted him hiding behind his manager, his head poking out. He looked at you with eyes wide awake, grinning like the cheeky bastard he is, you raised a fist at him. He stuck his tongue out playfully at your small threat. You raised a middle finger at him in response.
"Alright then, once the bus to the hotel arrives, sleep as much as you can. We're going to start filming late this noon til midnight, so get all the rest you can." the director announce with a yawn, going through the files and looking at his wrist watch.
The whole staff groaned including you who was checking your phone, notifying your parents and members bout your safety. "I take it back, I'm gonna be sleeping like a pig for the next ten hours" you groaned at your costar. "Geez, weak." Jisung chuckled before yawning into his mouth.
"Im sorry, Mr donkey. I didn't order a glass of your opinion," you rolled your eyes at him. As the bus came to a stop infront of you, you yawned taking the first step with Jisung half asleep beside you. You chuckled to yourself at the sight of the older boy yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes.
This was going to be a long month.
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askfreddiemercury · 5 years
Me, Myself, and I: hello world
I wake up to the annoying noise of that crystal ball again, I better go shut it up before it does anything stupid again. I just came back from an adventure I don’t want to go somewhere else already.
I stumble downstairs and crouch beside the couch to lift up a piece of floor, yes I’ve hidden it under the floor, no I don’t know why.
Freddie: Will you shut it...? I’m getting tired of you…
It glows brightly as I touch it and at that moment I knew I fucked up…
Freddie: Great…
I panic.
Freddie: Oh god no! No please! I’m sorry! Don’t do this! AAAHHH!!
A bright light overtakes me.
???: Mister? Are you ok?
I feel someone shaking me, I also feel like shit now but I’ll worry about that later, I open my eyes and see a child.
Freddie: I’m fine, this is- Uh- Comfortable…
Kid: Oh ok…
She looks down at me like I’m a complete weirdo and to be honest I don’t blame her, I really am one, so I stand up and shake my head.
Freddie: What year is this?
She stares at me like I’m on drugs, ha, not anymore.
Kid: 1975.
Freddie: Oh thank god, no wonder you dress like a decade ago. Wait…
I look up and think for a second.
Freddie: Never mind we’re good.
By the time I look back at her, she’s already gone, rude.
How long do I want to stay here? I suppose the 70s weren’t that bad, but I sure do regret my look. I mean everyone looked like that so I can’t blame myself. It’s just what’s in these days.
Why won’t people stop looking at me?! I don’t look that much like my 70s self, do I? Maybe I need some replacement clothes, yeah that’s (probably) it! I rush into a store and take a look around, I then start to question myself. Would I be able to pull these clothes off? Do they look good? Maybe I’ll just keep my own clothes.
I decide to leave the store but some lady stops in front of me, oh come on!
Freddie: Excuse me...
Lady: You look very familiar...
That’s a way to start a conversation.
Freddie: Do I now?
Please go away.
Lady: Yeah, you look an awful lot like Freddie Mercury.
Go away.
Freddie: Oh, I get that a lot. Haha.
I ‘laugh’ with the lady. Go away.
Lady: Do you need help looking for something?
Freddie: No no, I’m good, I was just leaving. Thank you. Bye.
I quickly make my way out of the store. I need to find myself quickly. Wait, what would I even say? I could go with the whole ‘I’m you from the future blah blah.’ I don’t know. I hope I don't mind if I break into my own flat.
I make it to my flat and look around from the outside, making sure no one thinks this is weird because totally is or isn’t I’m still not sure.
Freddie: How am I going to get in? There are too many people around here and I don’t want to wait until night, I wonder how long I’m going to be out.
Suddenly there’s a long stretch of no one, this is perfect! The odds are really in my favour today! I make my way up to the door and try to open it, it opens.
Freddie: What? You have to be joking, there’s no way I’d leave the door open for anyone to just walk in. Maybe that’s just me. Oh well.
I simply shrug it off and walk inside, oh how nostalgic I feel right now. It feels amazing. It also doesn’t feel right. Should I have just waited? Well, that doesn’t matter now I’m just going to wait for me to return, however long that’s gonna be. Best get comfortable.
???: WAKE UP!
I wake up to someone kicking me! Sounds like Roger. Oh.
Freddie: Hey! Cut that out!
I kick back and Roger just barely jumps out the way.
Roger: Think you’re so tough?
Freddie: Shut up, Roger, you’re one to talk.
Roger: How do you know me? Who are you?
Brian: It doesn’t surprise me that he knows us.
Freddie: How’d you get in here?
Wow, look at me, so young and naive. I’m not back looking either, but I’ll save those comments for later.
Freddie: Ok, how can I say this without making myself seem like a weirdo?
Brian: You already are one.
Freddie: True.
I take a deep breath.
Freddie: I’m him from the future.
Roger: Haha! As if, what are you going to say? The future’s in danger? Haha!
Brian: I wouldn’t laugh yet, Roger, look at him. He is Freddie, just with short hair and a moustache. Why?
Freddie: I’m from the 80s.
They all go ‘Oh’ in a surprised way.
Freddie: How did you get in here?
Freddie: You left the door open.
Freddie: No I didn’t, I swear I closed it.
John: I’m a freaking out so much right now, there’s just two Fred’s talking to each other.
We look at each other.
Freddie: Why did I decide to look like this in the past?
Brian: Because everyone looks like this now?
Freddie: Why do I decide to look like that in future?
Brian: Because everyone looks like that in future?
Freddie: Not everyone but a majority nonetheless. Plus, I think I look good.
Freddie: Well, I think I’m good looking too. I think you’ve raised your standards.
Freddie: I have.
I lay my left hand on my chest as to flaunt my appearance, I imagine there being sparkles surrounding me right now. Maybe not, they make me look self-centered.
Brian: Is that a ring? Are you married? Congratulations, you actually did it.
Freddie: Are you saying I can’t or couldn’t? In this sense.
Brian: You don’t what you want, Freddie, your lover especially.
The other me turns to look at me.
Freddie: Alright, you, me, who do I marry?
Freddie: He’s only the greatest person I’ve ever met! Although it did take him a long time to actually say yes in dating me. I was so happy when he finally agreed to give me a chance and some years later we got married.
Roger: It’s a guy? I knew it, I told you guys so.
Brian: Roger, it’s pretty obvious already, I knew it too.
Oh, Christ! How am I now just realizing that Jim could’ve come with me?! The ball always (usually) does bring him along! I hope I didn’t leave him back where I spawned.
John: Have we forgotten Freddie’s weird idea? About how we’re characters stuck in a time loop and that there’s a greater force out there.
I gasp.
Freddie: I knew I already said that theory! But right now, I have to go out and look for someone, if he came with me.
Roger: What? Someone usually comes with you when you time travel?
Brian: How do you time travel?
Bri focuses on me.
Freddie: With a crystal ball.
Roger: You still have that thing in future?
Freddie: Yes. I still do. But I swear I’m going to get rid of it. Does it do anything bad to you guys?
The shake their head, why only me? I need to get behind all this I don’t know how or when, but I’ll do it. Later, I have to look for Jim.
We all look towards the door as it opens up and in comes Marry Krismas. That, good friend, but bitch for giving me that ball and screw me for being so nice and accepting it.
Brian: Hey, Marry, look who’s here.
Marry: Oh I know, I sent him here.
Freddie: Why?! Did Jim come with at least?
Marry: No, I’m sorry, but I sent you here because I knew how much you wanted to know about the world you live in.
Freddie: But this isn’t the real world?
Marry: Not yet, but soon you will experience it. I just thought I’d be nice and let you experience a little of the past. I don’t miss dressing like this.
She flaunts a not bad looking dress but I can see why she hates it.
Marry: I suppose I’ll leave you all to your own devices. Have fun, Freddie!
Freddie: I’ll try.
And she leaves, great.
Freddie: So, let’s talk about our theory.
Roger: Is it really one though? Are you sure you’re not just crazy?
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Freddie: You guys are stuck in a time loop too? I’m stuck in one from 82’ to 86’.
Freddie: We’re stuck in one from 70’ to 79’ and for some reason every time at the end of the loop I always decide to cut my hair short, I don’t know why because it just grows back at the start again.
Freddie: Really? In our loop everything just stays the same, I guess my hair does grow out a little bit.
I hug myself.
Freddie: This is going to be a great adventure, I’m sure of it.
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Freddie: Uh, sure.
Brian: This is gonna be a disaster.
John: Are we going to ignore that 80’ and 81’ don’t exist for some reason?
Brian: I’m sure it’s fine.
John: No it’s not.
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