#I hope op's not mad about it
popcorn-plots · 1 month
Benedict Cumberbatch Movies
based on this post by @elennemigo
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021, Romance/Comedy, PG-13 – Prime Video)
The Courier (2020, Thriller/Action, PG-13 – Amazon Prime, YouTube, Apple TV)
Doctor Strange (2016, Action/Fantasy, PG-13 – Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, YouTube)
The Child in Time (2007, Drama/Romance, unrated – YouTube, Apple TV)
The Whistleblower (2010, Thriller/Crime, R for violence – Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, Sling TV, Amazon Prime)
Sherlock (2010, Mystery, 4 seasons, PG-13 – Hulu, Amazon Prime, BritBox, Roku, Apple TV)
1917 (2019, War/Action, R for violence, language, disturbing images – YouTube, Amazon Prime, Apple TV)
Broken News (2005, News, 1 season)
The Imitation Game (2014, Thriller/War, PG-13 – Tubi, Netflix, Apple TV, YouTube)
The Power of the Dog (2021, Western film/Romance, R for brief sexual content/full nudity, violence – Netflix)
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apple-spider-vinegar · 2 months
Something I feel often goes unrecognized in discussion of Harry Osborn is the fact that he is the Only Child of a Single Parent.
In my experience/observation (both real and fictional) the only child/single parent bond is so inexorable it's hard to fully comprehend. Few other things will bind two people together in such a way.
Like many familial relationships, it's full of a thousand little hurts that will probably never get brought up again. Sometimes you let the relationship go by the wayside in pursuit of your own life goals because you take it for granted that family will always be around. But there's a unique flavor to it.
Deep down inside you there's an awareness that it's Just The Two Of You. For the child, it may have been just the two of you from your very earliest memories. Sure, you know other people. There are extended family and friends and maybe the parent has a romantic partner or two. But at the end of the day, in your home, in your hearts (something you carry with you no matter where you go) the two of you are all you have and all you feel you can really depend on.
A world in which the two of you aren't together is almost impossible to picture and you don't want to try, even in the moments you wish you could just get away from each other. Being an only child separated from a single parent for the first time ‐ even on normal and amicable terms like when you move out on your own - makes you realize, again and again, how many ways your parent has influenced you. The things you say that you heard from them first, the habits, the opinions. You love them, but sometimes it feels like they still... OWN you, even though you are your own person. Sometimes that frightens you, but the alternative is even more frightening.
Like all love, it'll make you behave selfishly and irrationally at times.
And it'll really make you DEFENSIVE.
If you're Harry Osborn and complain a bit about your dad being a dickhead while deep down wondering if he really even cares about you, that's one thing. But if anyone says a word against him in your presence you have to backtrack. You have to argue in his defense because he's all you have and you're all he has. Loss would unbearable.
Look, guys. It has been years since Harry and Norman Osborn have gotten along or been able to really enjoy each other's company, if they ever could. But if anything happened to the other they would kill everyone in this room and then themselves, do you understand what I'm saying?
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
Everyone has big theories and hopes and I’m just here with simple need of shanks and buggy becoming close again. Idc about other stuff, I complete trust Oda but I need them to be friends for at least a minute (assuming bb bb will kill shanks)
yeah, a reconciliation is pretty high up on my wishlist too!
i would like it to last a little longer than a minute, though; Death Means Redemption/Death Means Forgiveness is a trope i’ve lost my fondness for over the years. put in an effort! actually try to figure out what went wrong!
i don’t want them to skip over the hard work because they’ve run out of time to do it, you know?
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"If the world wants you gone, then we will fight the world. All of us will fight it."
Phil is so cool
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Hebiichigo didn’t need to die to further develop Metal Lee’s character. I still stand by this.
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Kagura also didn’t need to die to further the story!
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lockyle-and-skull · 2 years
Posted on Jonathan Stroud’s Instagram
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text transcribed below (x)
How threatening can ghosts actually be? That's the question that always frustrated Joe Cornish, a lover of spooky stories and horror films. "[A ghost] can make you jump or it can scare," the Attack the Block director tells Empire, "but in terms of actual physical threat, movies sometimes struggle." He mentions the possessed Reagan in The Exorcist, for example. "She can't actually do that much to you, other than terrify you."
In Lockwood and Co., however - a young adult supernatural thriller series of books by Jonathon Stroud - Cornish found a gamechanger. If you're touched by a ghost, you die. He was hooked. "Suddenly, you're in a new kind of ghost story," he enthuses, "where you can arm yourself against a ghost and use skill and intelligence and tactics to outsmart it."
Cornish's eight-part adaptation of the series begins with Lucy (Ruby Stokes), a gifted but unconfident teen who, after suffering ghost-inflicted trauma, joins independent start up Lockwood and Co., run by teenagers Anthony Lockwood (Cameron Chapman) and George Karim (Ali Hadji-Heshmati). The worldbuilding was another draw for Cornish, with the story set in the present, several decades after a ghost epidemic upended society. "The digital revolution never happened," he explains. "There are no mobile phones. There are still newspapers and magazines. Everything's stuck around the mid-'80s, and everything's still physical."
Then there's the ghosts' taxonomy. There are three types in the show: the weakest being type one, the strongest and most dangerous being type three. Each can be fought with different metals and elements. It was all too irresistible to Cornish, whose affinity with the supernatural charts way back to hearing scary stories from his family as a kid. "My uncle saw a UFO, my aunt saw a ghost," he recalls. If that wasn't enough, he remembers walking down to his local cinema in south London's Streatham to buy a magazine full of posters for Poltergeist. "It said on the back, 'One in five people will experience a poltergeist in their life,'" he says. "That scared the shit out of me. One in five? I thought if I escaped the poltergeist I'd get abducted by a UFO."
For Cornish, Lockwood & Co.'s retro setting was a way to channel his love of horror movies from way back when. "I saw all those great supernatural movies - The Exorcist, The Entity - when I was about nine. I just thought they were documentaries." Where the show differs is in its scarcity of jump-scares, instead finding new ways to amplify the thrill of the ghosts as they square off against Lucy and her partners. But don't expect the kind of comic creatures you'd find in Ghostbusters. These are some truly scary spectres, inspired by Victorian street photography and made to look like they belong to the natural world. In Lockwood and Co., you should be afraid of these ghosts.
By Beth Webb
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megahykler · 1 month
for the record, i think u can have a stance of "hes a nice person and probably didnt mean it" And "hes a public figure and needs to be aware of the implications of his actions when in a public setting, especially when said public setting is known to be highly political"
and you can recognize the strict guidelines of all the parties involed, And recognize that if one truely wanted, anyone of the artists have the power to disrupt the whole show in protest. it would have severe consequences for them yes, but no one forced them to go to eur*vision. them being there and having an opportunity of a lifetime, is at the cost of taking attention away from Rafah, which isr*el is using right now as im typing, to invade further in.
Now, we're all adults here, and we can all recognize that u can be disappointed and angry and not take that anger out on other people, both him and fandom people. You also are free to feel satisfied with his statement on IG and feel like "no war" was enough (genuinly, no sarcasm intended), but i still feel like he could do more to "counterbalance" the impact of him being there and the video. this doesent mean im against the fandom or im irrationally angry or acting out in emotion.
rant over but idk. ill stick around and see if he makes another statement and go from there
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soupbrothel · 5 months
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blurring out the name because I’m not trying to start shit but like I am just SO ANGRY that someone made a comment like this on a post about how stranger things treats character diversity
please say sike
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I've never felt more conflicted about a movie than Rise of the Beasts
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#you ever just watch something that changes your brain chemistry#anyway the relationship between creators and their audience huh#any media that talks about the relationship creators have with their audience Gets Me#like g/eneration loss and n/ope that point out the almost uncaring nature of thr audience and how many people will tend to just#essentially chew stuff up and spit them out once they're done#no thought no care to the creation or the creators#or how people tend to just reduce creators and creations to simple one note traits for easier consumption#not thinking about how it might effect the creators at all#just Man#the g/t community tended to do this too#reducing characters to their size and maybe One trait if they were lucky#and i know its not really their fault cuz its the funni size community but Still#writing is thown aside in favour of art cuz it simply takes less time to consume#and even then art os barely given the respect it deserves#people come to the community expecting Content and then getting mad when creators are real people who won't listen to their every whim#to some people jax will never be anything more than Mega Giant and mia nothing but The One Who Makes Him Big By Standing Next To Him#and it sucks but at the same time theres nothing i can do but hope someone sees my characters as Characters#i know a lot of people who felt pressured to make what people wanted rather than what they actually wanted to make#even though i don't think i ever did that for various reasons i still felt guilty for making stuff that wasn't as dark as people wanted#even though stuff filled with hope and caring and jokes is very very important to me#whenever the gt community had a stupid fluff vs fearplay debate i felt like i was contributing to the problem#even though when you think about it#having a fluff vs fearplay debate At All is pretty messed up in a community that's supposed to encourage Creation#reduce peoples work to either one or the other#no inbetween#you don't hate the people who look at your stuff#you appreciate it even but Man#i wish people didn't treat creators as just a form of entertainment and then dispose of them the moment they weren't entertaining anymore#tldr GL messed me up and I'm going to think about it for A While
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deservedgrace · 16 days
Wow sometimes well meaning homophobia hits the hardest huh !
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petphantoms · 5 months
cat tournament deactivated. ... damn, that's crazy
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aromanticannibal · 6 months
I tried to read some shitty random thoughts book on wattpad and immediately remembered why I left wattpad
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anarkhebringer · 1 year
it's really not that serious dude just move on
Not that fucking serious, huh? You someone that doesn't experince this shit? The last thing I wanna fucking do is talk over someone that's had it worse than me, and when I do and had a genuine moment of ignorance now people start going to OP to get Native Pity Points for talking about a serious issue. Piss off, dude. I fully plan on owning up to this, but the real question is if that anon that had that audacity will too.
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
Saying “You want to kiss me so bad right now” During an Argument • OP Men HC • (SFW)
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Ace
CW: Humor, Fluff
Cee’s Note: I forgot where I heard this from (twitter maybe??) but thought it would be funny to write hcs about it. Hope y’all enjoy 💛
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You just confused the poor boy sgdjdj
As much as he’s confused he isn’t the type to be upset for too long so he will actually kiss you
“I thought you were mad at me now you want me to kiss you?”
“Hehe ok”
End result: Luffy thinks you’re weird for switching moods but kisses you anyways
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His brain just short circuited shdjdjjd he actually thinks you have lost your mind
Gets flustered as hell because you genuinely caught him off guard
“I…n-no….why w-would you…”
“Aw you’re blushing”
End result: no kiss but you get a flustered Zoro so still a win
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Completely forgets what you two were arguing about the moment you say this to him
Immediately all heart eyes and blabbering nonsense
“Soooo you’re not mad?”
End result: You get more than just a kiss if you know what I mean and all is forgiven from Sanji
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The gif above is deadass how he looks at you when you say that
Like why would you even attempt this on him shdjdjjd
“…..soooo is that a yes or-“
End result: no kiss and he is even more annoyed with you, nice try tho
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This man ain’t going down without a fight
His stubborn ass finds a way to make this a competition
“You want to kiss me so bad right now, don’t you”
“Bet you want to kiss me more! You know you can’t resist me”
End result: No kiss and now you two are arguing over who wants to kiss who more sgdjdk
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medusas-graveyard · 3 months
Can I have like,, an au where Danny & Damian knew each other while they were tiny kids (whether or not they're brothers or if Danny was like. A kid from one of Raa's servants) where, while Damian is now a better version of himself, Danny has fallen from grace.
Picture; Danny that isn't as op but concerningly smart????? Mad scientist Danny? Mad scientist Danny. Who've been betrayed for too long so now he just... Snaps.
Gone was the scared teenager that went through loss after loss, after loss. The teenager that was betrayed by the people he served and the 'parents' that took him in, the boy who lost everything. Now, as he stood beside his creation— the one who will end the world itself, Danny is eerily calm, as he looked at Damian that stood across him with a gentle, soft smile. There's acceptance in that smile of his; and he couldn't help but reel on how they both can still change.
But Danny—the sweet, sweet boy that he once knew, simply chuckled and shook his head.
"And this world is merely a dot in the vast universe. Then, our souls will wonder about the vast stars, isn't it beautiful?"
"Bshoufak, Dami." He smiles, "when Time will inevitably reconstruct this universe to a new one, and taking us with it—"
"—I hope, fate will be kinder to the both of us."
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