#most of it you have to pay or have a subscription
lunawho47 · 2 days
Ok, I've refrained from making an official post on anything related to the Watcher Entertainment situation (I've reblogged but kept silent on my general thoughts), mostly because after that first weekend I had hoped most of the hate posting from so-called "fans" would blow over and we could resume our regular lives.
But it hasn't stopped. Every time something new from Watcher drops, people use it as an opportunity to post hatred about Steven Lim (which is disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves) or show a grievous misunderstanding of how the company makes money.
A few days ago, the company apparently sent out a mass email to the subscribers of WatcherTV (and I say "apparently" because I am subscriber to WatcherTV and got no such email, and I've checked my deleted emails and junk mail) about a forthcoming sponsor made episode of one of their shows. Based on the screenshot I read of the email, they said it was originally going to be a YouTube exclusive, but after having gotten some inquiries from WatcherTV subscribers requesting they put it on the website, they were taking a poll to see if the people wanted it to be YouTube exclusive or to have the sponsored episode on the website.
People were acting like WatcherTV had run off with their money because after setting up a subscriber based streaming service, they were still going to be doing sponsored content. Y'know, the thing they wanted to leave YouTube originally. And people are acting like Watcher is saying that their money isn't enough and the subscribers are being ripped off.
And yeah, your money isn't enough. And that's the fandom's fault.
Originally, the idea was that if you didn't pay for the subscription service, you were going to miss out on a good chunk of their content going forward. The fandom gave a huge, riotous outcry about it and they backtracked to make it so that everything would eventually be on YouTube. WatcherTV subscribers just get it earlier (a month only.) That means that they aren't making a large amount of money from their subscription service because only the die-hards who have the money to spend are bothering to pay money to see content a month early. Most people don't mind waiting a month. (Hell, for years I had to wait longer than that to see DW in the US after it premiered in the UK over six months before. Needless to say, spoilers never bother me because it was how I engaged with the more British based DW audience for four whole years.)
So, yeah, they're going to have to do sponsorships, even with people investing in WatcherTV. And I am fucking sick and tired of seeing people complain about it. If you want them to keep making content and most of the fandom complains about the boys DARING to ask for them to pay to see it, then you're going to have deal with whole episodes of shows that are based around promoting games and films.
They have not stolen your money from you or lied to you about the situation. You're just either very naive about what the fallout of the fandom's tantrum would be or you're being willfully ignorant so that you can feel yourself righteously angry (but, sorry. You're wrong there. You're not righteously angry, just stupidly so.)
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popcorn-plots · 1 month
Benedict Cumberbatch Movies
based on this post by @elennemigo
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021, Romance/Comedy, PG-13 – Prime Video)
The Courier (2020, Thriller/Action, PG-13 – Amazon Prime, YouTube, Apple TV)
Doctor Strange (2016, Action/Fantasy, PG-13 – Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, YouTube)
The Child in Time (2007, Drama/Romance, unrated – YouTube, Apple TV)
The Whistleblower (2010, Thriller/Crime, R for violence – Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, Sling TV, Amazon Prime)
Sherlock (2010, Mystery, 4 seasons, PG-13 – Hulu, Amazon Prime, BritBox, Roku, Apple TV)
1917 (2019, War/Action, R for violence, language, disturbing images – YouTube, Amazon Prime, Apple TV)
Broken News (2005, News, 1 season)
The Imitation Game (2014, Thriller/War, PG-13 – Tubi, Netflix, Apple TV, YouTube)
The Power of the Dog (2021, Western film/Romance, R for brief sexual content/full nudity, violence – Netflix)
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Look at me. Look at me.
Get out your phone or laptop or whatever, go to dropout.tv or the dropout app
And use your three-day free trial to watch Dimension 20 season 20: Burrow’s End
Go do it you will not regret it
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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felizusnavidad · 5 months
why is nothing ever available in this shitty country?
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novantinuum · 1 year
ahhhh lmafo i see it’s once again the season of stupid ass crit posts about AO3 being run purely by donations, and also stupid ass posts that assume that people donating to AO3 because of their love and appreciation for it is somehow taking away support from other charities and donation drives
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it's so dumb how you can't play PS3 games on the PS4/PS5 if you already have the disc BUT if you subscribe to PS Plus Premium, you can "stream them" 🙄
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mummer · 11 months
Tumblr media
uh oh lol
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autisticlee · 4 months
how to make business plans: spend 2 weeks looking for a website to make a visual plan guide that you can collaborate with business partners, but you end up nowhere because all of them require paid subscriptions to do more than a few basic things. except you don't want to pay for these because you don't have a business yet and therefore no money!!!! but you need more than basic features (basically you can only put 50-100 items on your board with free account and i will definitely need more)
#WHY DOES EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET HAVE TO BE SUBSCRIPTION NOW#i miss the days where you could use a website and all the features for FREE.#or at best only have one-time fee or subs for advanced stuff only profitable big businesses need and can also afford#the average person is starting to get locked out of the internet. we already pay for the internet itself. everything is too expensive#i need to make my own business so i can afford to live but everything to mae a business costs too much!!!!!!!#im too autistic for this shit. “this shit” being “a profitable member of society”#i cant get a big cool job to make a ton of money and then afford to easily become a millionaire#i bet most millionaires and all billionairs didnt work a day in their life to afford to start their businesses#and if they say they did they lie#lee rambles#i found a free unlimited one but you have to download the program and save everything locally#so it doesn't look like you cam collab with other people which defeats the purpose of what im trying to do 😭#i wanted to use milanote or whatever its called because i liked how you can link separate pages to keep things clear/uncluttered#but i dont want to pay $12 a month i think it was? to put more than 100 items on the boards. that goes so fast#but i might have to use it and just cram things together in a messy fashion to not hit that limit......#you can double the amount by referring people to make an account but still. i hate bekng limited#and being forced to pay to not have limits!!!! let me be free and only pay for advanced stuff i can live without for fuck sake#i dont know what im doing. but im making an attempt to business or something
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nicnevans · 5 months
realising netflix just billed me fucking £17.99. absolutely not. goodbye.
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moonsidesong · 7 months
maxed out my element count but so far ive got everything from puyo '91 to yo~n, including spinoffs! idc how many carrd pages i fill up im not paying them nine smackaroos just to have unlimited element counts
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animentality · 1 year
is there a place besides kindle that I could read your book?
unfortunately if you want to get it while it's free, no, but you can always buy the physical copy from Amazon.
At the moment, though, Amazon has a policy which doesn't allow the book to be free at all if it's available on any other site, so I don't have the option to share it via other sites.
Now sometime in the future, I would like to unenroll it from Amazon, and just publish it for free in other places, even say, somewhere like AO3, but it's not feasible any time soon.
Sorry, but thank you for your interest!
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
newspapers and academic journals will be like "no one reads our work anymore, people don't read past the title, they get all their news and information from thirty second videos on tiktok :((" my brother in Christ, you are the one putting paywalls in front of your articles and making it next to impossible to browse through anything you have created
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bottom-of-the-well · 2 years
I love Destiny 2's story. I'm so glad I've gotten to experience as much of Eris Morn's arc as I have. The seasonal content in this game truly is great.
"So you'd agree that making it temporarily available helps to heighten the story by making it transient and epheme--"
Absolutely not; it's one of the dumbest fucking business models I know of, and the fact that no new player will be able to see this content in a year, let alone anything that's gone before it, makes me want to write an angry Tumblr post or something.
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
naurrr you can't be serious. all the language learning apps i used to swear by maybe 5-6 years ago are now completely different or you have to pay for a subscription
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ongreenergrasses · 2 years
🔥(topic: tumblr)
i think that ad-free tumblr for a fee is a great idea. getting some sort of financial contribution from users is the only way to keep this site from going under, and the way that tumblr uses ads is vastly preferable over other social media sites to me. also, congrats to them because now that a fascist got ahold of Twitter and the whole Meta ship is sinking (as it should), the continued investment in keeping the site alive is about to pay off.
🔥 asks
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