#I have too many thoughts
alicenotalice · 1 month
Smiling and giggling and pacing the floor because Joel’s gone and gotten himself engaged in an old school, honest-to-god classic prank war with motherfuckin’ Etho of Etho’s Lab—this guy doesn’t just build something silly in your base and call it a day, no no no—he’s got to have layers of propaganda and misdirection and gaslighting on top of it! Anything less would be an insult to his opponent, after all!
Please rise to the challenge Joel SmallishBeans I know you have what it takes please escalate you know you wanna it would be amazing
It took Doc ten years to land an anvil kill on Etho, I bet Joel could do better
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agentem · 1 year
I'd really love a version of "The Menu" from Judith Light's character's perspective.
She's just going about her business, going to dinner with her shitty husband again. There's a girl there that kind of looks like her daughter and she is like, "Doesn't she look like Claire?" and the husband shuts her down, so it's back to eating in silence.
Then the toritllas delicioso (should it be 'a?) come. And she realizes that very girl she thought looked like her daughter? Is an escort. And her husband cheated on her with this escort.
Who looks like their daughter.
We see Erin/Margot tell Chef about how the Husband (I refuse to learn his name) rattled her, by making her pretend to be the daughter.
But we never see the realization really, in the Wife about how gross he is. How much does she guess?
And there's that great moment where they cut off his finger and then give her his ring back, like this is totally normal. What does she do with the ring? Does she wear it? Put it in her purse?
The moment when all the women get to sit around the table togetehr to wait for the men? She tries to make the sous chef feel better when she cries and is like "I don't usually like... foam." I don't know if that is genuine sympathy or her trying to ingratiate herself, but it's not as obviously about trying to save herself as the food writer's ploy.
We know by the end that she has given up fighting it. She says "thank you" when Chef lights the fire to "make them clean."
But I want to know when she bought into it. Was like, "Well, this is happening."
I also, and I've said this before, really like that she gives Margot a "shoo" motion with her hand. She doesn't hold the cheating against the service worker, and that's the opposite of how a lot of women respond. Maybe she knows her husband is gross. Maybe she does see her daughter in Margot ("that same faraway face") and is happy that she played the game well enough that she can escape.
Or maybe she just knows that they were all invited there for a reason except Margot, who is just a victim of Tyler, and sees how unfair that is to punish her for the sins of a man who hired her.
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jacks347 · 3 months
Porter and Gavin are two sides of the same character.
The difference?
Porter succumbed to his power and what he felt he was supposed to be, Gavin rose above it.
If Porter had found Treasure sooner, he could've had a story closer to Gavin and Freelancer. But because he was alone for far longer, he lacked the support needed to stay vigilant and fell victim to his thoughts and insecurities.
Porter lives as a hired gun because he feels he has to be, Gavin doesn't live as a sex-reliant incubus because he feels he's worth more than that.
Interesting to see what both sides could be if things didn't go the way the story told.
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
I need someone to be the Holloway to my Wilbur and fight me in every universe and whoever wins dictates if the world turns to chaos or stays in order
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greybugg1864 · 2 years
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Thinkin about how Ingo is the only warden who used pokeballs.
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keroppihao · 6 months
the tributes in tbosas make me so SAD and the movie made everything 10 times worse,,,, like reaper protecting dill, lamina's mercy kill for marcus AND her getting betrayed by treech, wovey going TOWARDS the snakes, reaper trying to stop her, coral's speech at the end, how YOUNG they all looked,,,, every single detail was heartbreaking and i feel like they did such a good job with casting because it really highlights the fact that they were all just kids, and they all just wanted to go home
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
More thoughts on TLG episodes
The Savannah Summit:
First things first, major kudos to Makuu for actually being responsible and caring about what’s best for his float
You really can’t blame Kion and everyone else to be super skeptical about Makuu. I know he changed for the better, but he’s done…a lot since he beat Pua
“but to invite him to the Savannah Summit? With all these other peaceful animals?”—I hate to break it to you, Kion, but just bc an animal is an herbivore doesn’t mean they’re peaceful and friendly. If anything, it means survivor
Crocs at the Summit worked with Pua cuz everybody loves him 😎
“Makuu has more enemies than friends!”—So does Bunga lmao
The song is great. I love how everyone seems annoyed at first but near the end, it’s all 🎶Kumbaya, my lord! 🎶. Except Makuu…dude looks like he’s lowkey regretting his life choices he did NOT ask for a bs song
I’m totally on Makuu’s side. He was genuinely trying to be civil here, especially when it comes to Bupu
At least Beshte was trying to be the mediator cuz he looks at Makuu AND Bupu, Kion was just being kinda speciesist
Shut up, Bupu, you started the whole thing
Vuruga Vuruga saying “buffalo eat whatever we want” is actually pretty accurate. They, like other animals, don’t care. I read that buffalo will occasionally eat insects if it were an option. Even Twiga could sucking on a bone if she wanted to. Seriously, look it up
If Zazu had a nickel for every time a rhino used him as a chair, he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice (great nod to the OG movie)
Rafiki is such a mood “not the official painting” you old ass gremlin/aff
I remember Athena P criticizing Simba for blaming Kion about ruining the Summit after Makuu understandably leaves and I agree. Wtf Simba he’s 10. Go easy on him, come on 😭
The part that irks me the most is that when Mufasa asks “What has Makuu done to make you think this way?”, Kion says “Nothing, really”. BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘NOTHING REALLY’?! I understand Mufasa meant what Makuu has done today but there are a LOT of things Makuu’s done in the past that Kion should have told his grandpa. In fact, here’s a whole list:
-Taking over Big Springs when he became leader, resulting in all the animals to scatter
-Challenging kids to fight
-Taking over the flood plains
-Trying to eat Basi which would have been just him being a crocodile if not for the fact that the reason is so he wouldn’t have to follow any rules (says so on the wiki)
-TAKING NALA HOSTAGE (seriously did Simba even KNOW about that? Did Nala or Kion bother to tell him?)
-Generally being a dick to animals
Makuu I know you did nothing wrong in this episode, but you can’t blame Kion for acting this way
I’m not placing any blame on Mtoto. He’s a good boy and all he did was tell the guard what he heard and that’s it
Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga coming up with the trap doesn’t surprise me. Cape buffalo are actually really vengeful irl so it makes sense how she wanted to teach Makuu a lesson. They ain’t called “Black Death” or “Widow Maker” for nothing
It’s cool how Makuu took the prank well. Respect.
Wonder how Makuu felt about animals fighting over him lmao?
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
Once again this episode would be VERY different if my oc Piga was still alive
Kiburi has a right to be mad. I’m not excusing what he does later in the episode but I’d be pissed too if someone woke me up
Okay but Nduli sleeping next to Kiburi is adorable. Adds to my hc how close they are
Serious question: Why exactly can’t the crocs go back to sleep after they’ve been woken up? The obvious answer is bc it drives the plot forward, but is it true in actual crocodiles? I kinda wanna know the scientific reason
Good on Makuu for going the pacifism route. He’d really do anything for his float
Love how Kiburi was like “Yeah yeah, whatever you say” but the second Makuu left, he was like “ANARCHY!”
Idk if any of you caught this, but when Ushari’s like “we reptiles will rule the pridelands under your leadership, right?” Scar actually hesitated before going “sure bud”. That makes me think he was going to betray Ushari the moment he and his army get rid of Simba and the Lion Guard
Crocs really DO need a lot of water, otherwise their lives are on the line. Makuu was really more concerned than upset
“KIBURI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”—Fighting a child, what’s it look like
Side hc: I like to think something similar happened with Pua, Piga, and Kujivunia. Pua saw Piga antagonizing some poor young animal and he was all “Piga! What in the Pridelands do you think you’re doing?” and Kujivunia (who happened to be there), with her typical sarcasm was like “Performing a dance number, Pua 🙄”
There go the skinks again. Njano with his cuteness and Shupavu…doing her best Grinch face
“At least you’ll be close to all your friends!”Awww Beshte trying to be positive 🥺
Kiburi saying “we crocs deserve better!” brings me back to my hc that Kiburi had good intentions (again, until further in the episode), he just went about it the wrong way. He’s almost like an activist in a way. He’s not trying to be selfish, he just wanted a better watering hole. Now going as far as to rule the Pridelands…..yeah too far
The background crocodiles who were like 😦 when Kiburi called for the mashindano are so me. I’m the one going “Ooooooh shit!”
Still not getting over that super gay conversation between Kiburi and Ushari
Nduli looks so derpy I love him
Lmao Nduli just gave up like “Fuck it you win”
Love the parallels of Makuu pinning down Kiburi like he did to Pua
Kiburi, I love you but what the hell did you expect? You literally confessed to like 500 animals about your plan and then you get surprised when Simba and Makuu banish you? What did you think was gonna happen? You got way too cocky, I swear
Saying this again, Tamka and Nduli looked worried/traumatized when they were exiled
“Now you’re calling me a reptile?”—My love, you ARE a reptile. I thought crocodiles were supposed to be smart omg
Kiburi’s actually showing emotion for the first time
Full disclosure: “I have a plan” is mediocre at best. It has nothing on Be Prepared. That being said, I love Kiburi’s “Aiight I’m in” smile
That’s pretty much it. Maybe I’ll do more in the future
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it is so personal to me that in cooperative polygraphy Pierce gives everyone something aside from the "obligatory sperm" except for Abed and I'll never not be mad about it,,,
because Abed always views himself as an outsider looking in, as a fly on the wall (even tho he's too awesome for it) and just,,, that moment sort of cements it you know??
and then Pierce even dead has the motherfucking audacity to technically separate him from Troy, who's one of the few people who understands him so fundamentally and can actually keep up with him (he's still on the top of the fucking list i don't care)
(and i get that it was never about Abed when Pierce left his shares for Troy but that's the lens I'm seeing it from and I'll never not blame him for troy no longer being an active part of the series moving forward and i hate him.)
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soupandsorcery · 9 months
Okay listen, I KNOW Gale isn't down for a poly thing and gets snippy that you even bring it up, but like. You can't tell me that Gale/Tav/Astarion wouldn't be really, really good. This master wizard would be such an asset for helping Astarion figure out how to walk in the light again, and it's something for him to put his formidable brain power towards that isn't being power hungry and intense. And Astarion deserves to see how hard people are willing to work for him because they genuinely care and want him to be happy. Plus Astarion curled up in a chair with Tara, both of them being prissy and adorable just sounds like something both Gale and Tav need to see. I JUST THINK--
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alicenotalice · 15 days
Absolutely engrossed by the most mundane, minor subplot of season ten—the wholesale stone deal between Joe Hills and Etho
Etho choosing to get himself into a comical amount of debt to Joe Hills, repeatedly. Because he’s the one who controls how many shulkers he gives for Joe to fill with stone—every empty box dropped off is a 2-diamond debt he’s signing up for
The existence of that debt leading Joe to adjust his build plans somewhat significantly—the roads of his massive community area build are now being outlined in froglights. Because Etho sells froglights. And Etho owed him hundreds of diamonds—so Joe can pay for the absurd amount of froglights he requires by cancelling Etho’s debt and leaving “you owed me” tokens in the payment box.
Joe could just build a froglight farm—but it’s funnier to get it from Etho. And Etho can get froglights a lot easier than he can get diamonds so I imagine he’s happy as well. They could just renegotiate the deal to a straight trade instead of the somewhat convoluted current arrangement—but I bet they won’t. Because it’s goofy, and fun, and most importantly it’s a Bit
I’m pretty sure this is the first real bit the two of them have had together
And I am. Enraptured. I’m cheering as other hermits start to patronize Etho’s stone shop. I’m trying to catch every Joe stream I can for debt updates. At some point over the course of this saga I was forced to admit that I am an actual Joe Hills fan, he’s one of my favs now, heaven help me lol
(And! It’s just really cool that this massive community area of Joe’s is being shaped by the resource needs of the other hermits! It’s like, thematic!)
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thewriters-world · 12 days
It just hit me that Valentino admired, respected (loved!) Marc, but to hurt him, he had to leave everyone with the worst parts of him (those parts are also arguably the worst parts of Valentino). And in the end, the way people talk about Marc (bez, uccio, literal journalists) is tinged with Valentino (or we can argue that the way Valentino talks about Marc is tinged with Uccio - hot but true take). And yh it did end up hurting Marc bcs wht do you mean only 2 people came to visit him when he had a potentially career threatening surgery and what do you mean people to this day hate Marc bcs of what Valentino put in their head. BUT the final blow, the kicker, Marc wanted to share this sport with Valentino, wanted motogp to be synonymous with rossi/marquez and then Valentino goes and says Marc ruined the very Institute he built. The one thing that Marc thought was theirs, the thing Marc oh-so meticulously upheld because yh it was valentinos sport but its also his and he has a responsibility, was allegedly destroyed by him. And fans, journalists, fellow riders agree with this take, do you know how much it must hurt Marc, that people genuinely believe he ruined the sport because the messiah said it.
Edit: Marc literally upheld the sport to the detriment of his own body, yet his body still supports him by allowing him to partake in a sport that he wasn't too sure he could ever be able to continue pursuing a few years ago. If you spend even a minute looking at Marc riding, you can see what he feels for this sport, but the only people who could ever come close to understanding how he feels (fellow riders, ex-riders and motogp journalists to some extent) are the people who have questioned Marc's place in the sports only because of what one man said.
Edit 2: maybe I'm just reaching but it kinda breaks my heart a little 😭.
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xiao-brothers · 5 months
I need to write an episode 13 AU where Di Feisheng tells Fang Duobing to come with him to rescue Li Lianhua or something. And then we basically have canon divergence in which Fang Duobing is technically a hostage at the Jinyuan Alliance, but he does not know that he's a hostage at the Jinyuan Alliance.
"You should have told me you were only hiding your identity because you didn't want people to know you're rich!" FDB probably as he sips on fine wine.
Bonus: DFS sniffs everything to check for poison and FDB is like, "If you're so worried about bad cooking maybe you should hire a better cook."
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ivy-d00dles · 9 months
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I've been big and small, and big and small, and big and small again.
And still nobody wants me, still nobody wants me
Nobody, nobody, nobody
Aka: y'all ever think about how isolated ants lonely Taka must've been, being hated by his peers for doing what he needs to do?
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kiwibirdlafayette · 9 months
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more self indulgent nonsense because why not (aka good omens has taken over my brain and is co-existing with mianite by forcing me to think way too much about this AU /silly)
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Should I post smut fanfics???🤔
It can be on ANY kind of character! It's not that I'm against smut I just have to be in the mood for it...I can write smut REALLY well...I be reading other people's smut fics as well...but again, I have to be in the mood for it...
Here are some characters I'm willing to write smut for:
Cal Kestis
Dagan Gera
Feyd Rautha
Just give me the signal! I'll be ready! 😆
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Jojo excellently brings up the fact that most of Twilights strength is all natural and I desperately want to talk about that.
Link is 17 in twilight princess and can yeet a full-grown goat without problem. And ordon goats are not tiny like ours tend to be they are almost cow sized.
Now to top that. He can also yeet a full sized Goron. Yes he needs the boots to keep him from get knocked on his ass. But the boots do not add to his upper body and grip strength. He has the grip strength to stop their rolling, and the upper body strength to drag and throw them without falling over. AT THE AGE OF 17!!
So him at whatever age he currently is, is bound to be a little terrifying when it comes to strength.
Not only has he kept up with the heroing but he's also kept the fee items he has and each of them have a lot of uses.
Now we get to the whole reason for this rant. The boots.
In the game he struggles to move around very well in the Iron boots. But with years of practice? Aside from understandably heavy and noisy foot steps still I be he could walk normally in them by now.
Meaning given the chance he could absolutely crush someone with his legs without help if he needs too.
Because even if he doesn't use them all the time he would probably keep up with specific training to keep it so he can use them easily, it only makes sense.
So yeah...absolutely terrifying
A skilled fighter with natural hunting instincts that could crush you in more ways than one.
Yet he hits you with that adorable golden retriever boy smile and and all you see is fluffy little ranch hand just being a dork.
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