#I have so many questions 😂
highdio · 1 month
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catb-fics · 6 months
Every now and then I remember that there’s a paparazzi photo of Van’s erection imprint in my camera roll 🤭 I don’t feel right sharing it cause he kept trying to hide it
My male friends have said his dick is about 6” 😉
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juniperarts · 10 months
PS: Sorry if I came as too much, I just ADORE your art so much and I really need more of it😭😭😭❤️💗💖💖❤️
I already adore that boy and want to draw him all the time and this is just FUELING ME TO DO SO DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING??
I've been trying to be ... chill ... with my appreciation towards him but now you're giving me the enablement I need to do the opposite.
You better take responsibility 🤣
Nah but fr I'm glad you enjoy my stuff with him! It feels like there aren't as many artists fixated on Pav as they are with, say, Hobie or Miguel so I will do my best to provide more art/comics of him!
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mrsfitzgerald · 24 days
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??? 😆
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
was Buck going through his bills in 7x04 in preparation for the huge bill he's about to foot for trashing a hotel room????
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an-abyss-of-stars · 11 months
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Idk how, idk where, but I'll create a whole new fic if it means I can put Rhaena in a shimmering water-like sheer dress!!!
Like there's certainly modern au potential, and maybe I'll squeeze it in somehow 🤔🤔
BUT ALSO, I have the vaguest idea for a dark au where Aemond has won the Dance, everyone else is dead, but he's specifically spared Rhaena to be his Valyrian Queen (like a real Henry VI situation where he needs to marry Elizabeth of York because he needs legitimatize his own claim as well as sure up his line with the blood/relations to the last dynasty blah blah). BUT OF COURSE, this is less of a chore for him, because he absolutely WANTS to marry her, but he's still the guy who helped kill her entire family, so she absolutely hates him with the hot intensity of a thousand suns 😂😂
I imagine for his faction of fucked up Lords and Knights who rallied for him, he keeps Rhaena safely locked away in a tower or special chambers 🤔🤔
This wedding is being forced upon her, it's her safest option, but she's still marrying a mad man who lusts for her, AND THIS SHEER VELVETY IRIDESCENT DRESS IS THE WEDDING DRESS 😳😳
Please that's all I have for this 🤣🤣
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 month
What in the Grey’s Anatomy is that elevator scene? (Not that I’m complaining lol)
I'm going to assume you're talking about the elevator scene with Tim and Lucy in the next episode and not the one with Blair, right? *joking* 🫠 I am so intrigued by that scene… Especially the way it is cut in the promo… Like what is happening in-between… And after! I mean, they can't have spoiled us the whole scene, right? And then, there's that shot of Lucy stopping/blocking the elevator (or at least, I think that's what she does when she pushes that button)… My girl said she wasn't going to be interrupted this time… and you know what, I get it!
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thenon-fictiondays · 1 year
why do i open up twitter to see a bdsm scale identifying kagiura as a bigger sadist than sasaki, why is harusono sensei coming in with the steel chair
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I’m curious about how you found Heartstopper! Like what’s your Heartstopper origin story?
I first read Heartstopper in Jan 2021. The third volume had just won the Goodreads reader’s choice award for best graphic novel, and I was wanting to read more queer stories and more graphic novels so I thought perfect! Two birds with one stone!
I ended up LOVING it way more than I thought I would, and my timing was perfect because right around the time I got caught up with the most recent updates online, THE SHOW GOT GREEN LIT!!! I remember literally screaming and throwing my phone across the room and dancing with joy.
Flash forward to now and I’ve got brainrot from reading it 20ish times and watching it 5 times, but I have no plans of stopping anytime soon.
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theflyingfeeling · 7 months
hellooooo 💖💕💘💕 would you mind sharing the ideas for the twitch chat bingo? mine are way too bitchy lmao 😅
mine's probably gonna be even more bitchy than yours because unfortunately I also understand the FInnish kids being annoying 🥲😂
for a 3x3 bingo grid, my 'squares' would be
"where's Rilla"
"please speak Swedish"
"please play the ER/piss break song" (he's GONNA you don't have to ask him 😑)
just spamming in general, usually about something literally no one else cares about (sorry but it's true)
"are you coming to *random city*"
something about Karl the studio ghost (yes yes that was a funny inside joke at the time but it wasn't THAT funny)
questions that have already been answered many times in the stream
FREE SPACE (okay I couldn't think of one more 😂)
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Decided to watch bdubs’s s5 bc reasons and the first 15 minutes is. So much 😂
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icouldntfindquiet · 2 months
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twoshakesmusik EGGS UP!
Everybody’s gonna get a blister sometimes… Link in bio 🍳
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liyazaki · 1 year
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now THAT wasn’t on my heritage bingo card-
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
☮ Rhaemond 70s Era Fic ☮
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The year is 1978, 22yr old Rhaena Targaryen, is a singer/songwriter on tour in the States with her band Black Star. A folksy/bluesy rock band with music that rushes waves of ecstasy and ethereal beauty over whatever size crowd they play for. Rhaena graces the stage with all the grace and majesty of a fairy Princess or a glorious Goddess-like enchantress. Silver tresses and colourful flowing cape-like gowns that twirl and spiral with her every move, her sleeves hang like wings and flow as such as she spins and glides across the stage. She's known for losing herself in her music, as if she leaves her body on the stage and ascends to a higher place, her voice hypnotizing and mesmerizing her audience.
She's a marvel.
She's unreal.
A must see live.
With songs that spoke of mythical tales, dragons and burning lands, magic and royalty. And yet the song that was topping the charts recently was about a tortured lover, a dark figure who could not be shaken no matter how hard she tried. It was a song that left her screaming soaring notes out into the air, with so much anguish and internal rot, her rasping notes playing on par with the ripping final guitar solo.
And yet, the effervescent Rhaena Targaryen was not romantically tied to anyone, as far as the public knew.
They couldn't place the man she spoke of, but her emotional tale still ripped at the audience just right, connecting the feeling and the emotion...an unrequited love gone wrong.
An aggressively beautiful voice paired with the perfect music backing her. With a band that consisted with her as their lead vocalist, her twin sister Baela as both vocals and their lead guitarist, their half-sister Aemma as the keyboardist as well providing backing vocals with her other half-sister Aerea their bassist. Rounding out the band were Rhaena's two cousins, Aegon as their drummer and Daeron as their 2nd guitarist.
Black Star as a band and their music, was a growing sensation. So much so that Rolling Stones magazine had sent their very best writer to cover them, someone who reluctantly knew the genre well...knew the band even better...and after analyzing the lyrics, was quite certain he knew who that popular song was really about...
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In 1978, 24yr old Aemond Targaryen, had worked his way up the writers ranks at Rolling Stones magazine. He'd always been an avid lover of music and culture, and while he could hold his own decently enough on guitar, it was more of a private activity as opposed to a career path. No, his talents lay on the written page, with his added photography skills. In his time at Rolling Stones he'd had the opportunity to interview some of the best the 70s had to offer. From Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac, Ozzy Osbourne and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath, Dio, Buck Dharma of Blue Öyster Cult and even Donna Summer.
He'd worked his way from covering lower up and coming musicians and bands to meeting some of the greats. So it was to his surprise and slight disappointment when his chief editor slapped down a newspaper on his desk that read in bold letters "Black Star Shooting All The Way To The Top" and asked him to immediately jump on the task.
Maybe it was because he hadn't heard that band name in years...ignored it purposely for 4 years to be exact. Maybe it was because the moment his brothers had told him they were moving to Germany to "solidify their sound-" he stopped listening all together. Burning at the fact that his pretty little cousin...the one woman he wanted to stay within his orbit...was moving across the world to a whole nother continent, let alone country, just to get away from him.
Possibly it was because Aemond had been the one who fucked all it up to begin with. He'd been an idiot then, told her he loved in a letter...only for her to drive up just to see him making up with his on again off again girlfriend, Alys Rivers.
Rhaena had never let him explain, she wouldn't hear a word of the truth, the fact that Alys had practically lunged onto him, kissed like it would be forever. Only to turn around and dump him the week afterwards, Alys had said it was because "his heart wasn't in it", and truthfully it never was...
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Only, Rhaena was back. And now there was a song playing on the radio, one that seared through him as it practically detailed the whole of their backforth relationship. There were technically three songs about him to be exact, although the other two seemed far more covert in their delivery. And now he was being forced to follow her...and the band…on their tour for their final 3 shows. Rolling Stones wanted it all, close and personal candid shots, interviews with the whole band, but most importantly he was meant to shine a light on their mysterious enchanting lead singer. To have her decode the songs and lyrics on their latest record.
If Aemond could look past the bitter sting of regret and the annoyance of how fate seemed to be weaving his life around. Then maybe he could see this for what it was, an opportunity to win her back...just maybe…
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undeletable · 3 months
The antisocial/narcissist urge to victimize oneself and cry ableism after learning, via search engine autofill, that some people want to know if people like us are vulnerable to communal yawning.
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mattodore · 1 year
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#making my two favorite ocs like oh i’m gonna give you both sooo many character flaws you’ll be helplessly drawn to each other bc of it#river dipping#theodore doe#echthroi#cw drugs mention#questionnaire lb#hello all........ i come bearing good news: theo's doc is already at 9.2k words <3#not so great news: i actually still have 29 questions left so.......... um. i'm still not done...#😂🔫💥#i'll definitely be making some cuts for length once i'm done answering all of the questions#like i simply can't have this go over 11k at any point... bc that would be....... just too much. like just way too much.#editing is gonna be rough when i get to it like i can just tell but whatever kill your darlings etc. etc.#also :) i've been so good at not opening tumblr or letting anything else distract me which is how theo's doc is already this long#in such a short amount of time like!!! i'm really proud of myself actually!!#i'm trying to finish it quickly bc i miss being on here but dfjkhh when i took that three hour break the other day to catch up i lost all#of my motivation to write and ended up stopping for the day bc i felt like everything i was writing was awful and ooc 😭#so i'm holding off....... i do see my activity feed and i'll get to it i promise i'm not ignoring anyone on purpose!!#or. well i guess i kind of am but jsdkchddkj i'm just trying to get this done first!!#honestly i'm moving pretty fast tho so i feel like i'll have this done soon :) theo favoritism etc. etc.#okay... i need to go now........ i've rambled here for much too long#just felt compelled to drop another little update since my blog is inactive otherwise#logging out...... wish me luck friends and lovers
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