#I have a thing for cannibals do I...
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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POV: you've met a super cute girl in the woods, and later on - her night version that chases you though that same forest because she's hungry for your flesh.
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willgrahambf · 1 year
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shortcakelils · 3 months
Rosie Redesign !!
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
wei wuxian really put his whole pussy into the donghua yiling patriarch reveal huh
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vaguely-concerned · 25 days
waiting until the second season opener to reveal that stolas terminally love-at-first-sighted that little motherfucker (I wish I was exaggerating or joking but no that shit was literally ON SIGHT), thus recontextualizing in one stroke everything about season 1, was an act of stunning emotional violence in storytelling that I may never recover from it's perfect
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theofreakingbell · 6 months
honestly if asgard 'discovered' jotunheim back in the day and took it over I feel like there would be some doomed arctic expedition level screw ups before they learned how to be competent in the environment. like loosing entire expeditions to arrogance, improper preparations, refusing to ask the locals anything and then accusing them of eating their teams when they loose them. just. utter disaster made by colonial arrogance. racism. general calamity. asgard has mountains but even if they get snow in the winters it seems a big difference between that and a planet made entirely of rock and ice. it is going to take some trial and error
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limonjarritos · 5 months
LITERALLY LIKE- MY MAN FELL HARD AND INSANELY. LIKE WHO DOES THAT? I wouldn't have it any other way. Just the way that as soon as Rody came into his life he was like 'I need this man to be so whole-y mine.'
When I was playing the game my pet theory was that he fell for Rody's brand of love, for how he loved Manon (he did say that he spoke of Manon when they first met) and Rody's personality.
(read more because I am so annoying about this game vv)
Something something, how Rody loves so intensely to the detriment of himself (Manon told him to stop giving, to for once in his life realise that he needed to take care of him self and be stable. He can't just account for the other person's needs <- barely know her but I get why Rody was head over heels). How Rody's love is similar to his cooking, burning, burning himself, burning and oh so overwhelming. And I do think Vince wanted the feel of that burn for himself, wanted to feel the warmth and devotion of which he had been so devoid of. To understand what it was he was lacking. How love and cooking go hand in hand in the story, how Vince's dishes were devoid of love, how he can't taste. How Rody's love surely would be strong enough, would be the missing ingredient to allow him to finally taste something. (Also lack of taste going hand in hand with what looks like depression of some sort, or perhaps just apathy for life. How bland his own life may be. How such a love, such a person could perhaps bring some taste to his life.) Vince seems to have killed Manon as a form of trying to show Rody a similar type of love. Giving him something, giving him a meal made out of Rody's own love. A gift since he couldn't give his own brand of love in a way that matters, couldn't give it without showing his own brand of devotion. I do think he 100% had an underlying jealousy and hatred of Manon, how Rody was still stuck up on her. How she never once mentioned Rody when her and Vince dated (though outside of Vince's pov I'm pretty sure Manon was just doing the healthy normal thing by not mentioning an ex?? but Vince is soooo gone) which is obviously a sin (he doesn't seem to take kindly to people who are mean to Rody. Such as the article and Rody's old college classmate) and proof she wasn't deserving enough of Rody's love. But alas she was still a gift and show of love to Rody.
On the personality topic (thought I forgot about that did you?), Rody is such a brash and kind person. A perfect foil for Vincent's more stoic nature. Rody willing to try and befriend Vincent, running into the kitchen to talk to him. He showed a bit of said love to Vince by trying to befriend him and how could Vince not want more? (why wouldn't Vince try to reciprocate in his own way. Make him happy) I mean he seems pretty feared by his cooks, and the people at the party have mentioned that Vince is pretty ruthless, not at all a person many wish to get to know. But Rody is willing to, yet Vince wants his undivided attention...
Okay wow this has gone on way too long uhh I'm 100% open to further discussion especially if I forgot something! And I haven't really looked too much into the game past playing it, so any reveals the creator may have given I'm mostly unaware of and would love to be informed of more!
Anyways tiny Vincent attack!
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sezja · 1 month
Can we please bring the VIth Legion, trapped in Azys Lla, home to Garlemald or at the very least away from Azys Lla
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Their dynamic in two sentences.
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I'm so normal about them, they're my favorites.
Do not tag as ship.
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thenixkat · 19 days
Not a fan of the super out-of-character cannibalism whump stuff I'm seeing pop up for Laios.
Like, yeah, I fully believe that Laios would do some cannibalism (which in and of itself is morally neutral, it's the whys and wherefores where shit gets snarly) but that is not a man who's going to commit murder to eat someone. *Especially* not any of his coworkers/friends/allies. Given, like, his whole thing with responsibility and how much he cares about the people he actually likes.
And like? If you want fucked up shit involving mutilation and cannibalism with ol dude... like the manga actually provides shit for that and in character even.
Like, don't slander my guy just cause yer uncreative and just lazily taping the names/looks of characters into shit that clearly ain't them.
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pushing500 · 5 months
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What's this? A piece of a mysterious ship has crashed near Parish-by-the-Expanse? Hmm, it's making a terrible mess of the landscape. That rotstink might warn raiders away, and we can't have that! Best go and investigate...
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Well, I suppose we should have expected something like this. No matter, I'm sure we can easily deal with it... right?
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"Infector mouth" does not fill me with confidence...
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catilinas · 8 months
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homer has something much more interesting going on with cannibalism metaphors. and not metaphors also. like he can and did do better
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thinking about writing a jmart fic inspired by my original story. would y'all read it or nah
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revawake · 1 year
Lottie pre-crash eating her breakfast alone save for the maid who works for the Matthews, who is both Lottie's subject in a way (serving her) and her superior in a way (acting as an extension of her father's will, serving her medications she's not allowed to decline).
Lottie as an adult crafting herself a home where she can permanently banish the isolation and powerlessness of her childhood without losing its comforts. She's fixing it. She'll be what her father wasn't. Loving, not cruel. Liberating, not tyrannical.
She's a healer. She's a leader! She acts graciously when one of her servants followers serves her maca root instead of ashwaghanda. She makes it a rule that they can leave whenever they want!
Lottie in the wilderness hallucinating all her friends eating together, and look, even though she's died her disciple best friend Laura Lee is there and she already served got her some takeout! And Jackie isn't there there's one free seat just for Lottie!
Lottie's the good queen. Someone has to be! They can't all be unborn queens, she tells herself, or else she everyone would starve!
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sequesteredbhaalspawn · 3 months
Just thinking about a Dark Urge feeling the need to be gentle with Gortash (pre-tadpole), and guilty and disgusted the feel about it leads them to committing a spree of murders to try cleans themselves of it- but it doesn't ago away. Durge just covered in gore and viscera, blooding caking over their skin- arms sore, and shoulders almost dislocated from how viciously they had stabbed their last victim- so many time, crying, because they where made to kill, only kill- committing divine murder! Why are they cursed with this unnatural feeling?
Of course it's only for Gortash, and they are kill a monster to everyone else. Still evil, and cunning. Still a cannibal, still a n*cr*phile, still horrid and depraved... but for this one person there is this need for gentleness.
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lost-technology · 3 months
I woke up this morning from the weirdest this-fandom related dream ever. So, in my dream, Vash and Wolfwood were sitting by a campfire and griddle talking about weird meats. They had some weird meats with them, as in meats from different animals that they were planning on cooking and eating. Vash drew out a plastic wrapped package (vacuum pack, looked like my local store brand) that looked like a pork chop, but declared that it was, in fact, human meat. He'd gotten it from a little post-apocalyptic Noman's Land shop that specialised in such things. He said that, as a Plant, he wanted to try it to see if he was compatible for eating human. Dream!Vash? What the actual FUCK?!!! And so unwrapped it and put it on the griddle and creeped out Wolfwood, but Wolfwood understood. Something like that. And then I flashed back into my body. This entire scenario was one that I was writing as a fanfic on a public counter in some kind of cafeteria at an anime convention. Above it, appearing almost immediately, was a fancomic someone else did on the upright part of the counter that recounted the events of my fanfiction (a fancomic of my fanfiction) except that whoever did it made it more Vashwood than I had intended my story, ending it with Vash and Wolfwood kissing. At the same time, I was thinking "My fanfic doesn't deserve this, it's not that good. It's not like Sin Eaters by dragonofeternal, which has a similar theme done much better." Yes, I was literally thinking of a real fic I'd read in my dream! I commented aloud on the comic that "This is more Vashwood than I'd intended, but I'll take it." As in, it's not really my ship, no one that I see as canon, but I like people in fandom shipping whatever they like and I enjoy Vashwood when it's done well and makes sense, which it kinda did in this fancomic even though it was inspired by my fanfic, which hadn't gone in that direction. Cue some snotty twenty-something with blueish purple dyed long pigtails and a Goth look sitting around nearby looking at all of this informing me "Vashwood is canon." and I said "No it's not." And she argued that she'd read some very obscure comic where it was - and it turns out we had both, by then, shifted into Batman fandom and she was referencing some obscure storyline in which Batman and Robin had fucked like animals. I further argued that I was going by a very specific canon (ala, "Batman the Animated Series" - which was somehow Trigun now), but concededed that while I wasn't as much into the deep lore of the comics, that I wouldn't be surprised if Batman/Robn (Vash and Batman now? Huh?) was canon in some form. Brain.... what are you doing?
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