#I have a theory both of them went through an emo phase in high school and I have no proof to back it up
If you don’t think Grant Wilson and Terry Stampler listened to Fall Out Boy you’re wrong
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
I’m happy I’m sad I’m motivated I’m unmotivated I’m sick I’m taken I have a crush I’m in love I’m single I’m brokenhearted
I want to sleep I want to study I want to go out I want to stay home I have school today I have work today
I’m afraid of spiders I’m afraid of being alone I’m afraid of snakes I’m afraid of flying I’m afraid of failure I’m afraid of clowns
I took chemistry classes in high school I took math classes in high school I took English classes in high school I took geography classes in high school I took biology classes in high school I had gym in high school I took art classes in high school I took science classes in high school I took history classes in high school I took physics classes in high school I was in the theatre after school program in high school I had some sort of music classes in high school I had some sort of dance classes in high school
Bold the things you’ve never done.
I’ve never gone to Disney World. I’ve never been out of my home country. I’ve never kissed a stranger on the lips. I’ve never read a book over eight hundred pages. I’ve never painted a picture on a canvas. I’ve never sang in front of a large crowd by myself.
I’ve never had braces. I’ve never learned French. I’ve never had a fight with my dad. I’ve never updated my status through my phone. I’ve never used Nair. I’ve never cut my wrists. I’ve never wanted plastic surgery. I’ve never drank organic regular milk. I’ve never learned Chinese. I’ve never blew up a balloon. I’ve never changed a baby’s diaper. I’ve never lost my phone for good. I’ve never lost a friend through death. I’ve never met one of my grandparents. I’ve never met someone with my exact name. I’ve never dated someone with red hair. I’ve never put on eyeliner for myself. I’ve never took a dance class. I’ve never tried weed. I’ve never tried drugs. I’ve never cooked dinner for my family. I’ve never had anything besides my ears pierced. I’ve never had a tattoo. I’ve never went to the beach to tan. I’ve never kissed anyone on the lips that was younger than me. I’ve never dumped someone. I’ve never stepped in something nasty barefooted. I’ve never cheated on someone. I’ve never waxed anything on my body. I’ve never dyed my whole head a different color. I’ve never kissed anyone who was above the age of seventeen. I’ve never kissed in the rain. I’ve never gone a day without laughing. I’ve never got held back a grade. I’ve never stolen anything over twenty dollars.
Waiting until the last minute TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) Angry crying 4 am seamless Big flirt Hot yoga “Why are you so upset? I’m over it now” No filter Cutting in line at the store Skipping to the “good part” Ignoring the speed limit Tinder Shoplifting Exclamation points!!! Bad tattoos Caffeine addiction Toned AF Muay Thai “Don’t touch me” Breaking a bone Spelling errors Picking fights for no reason Lowkey really sensitive Skipping breakfast 7/24
Taurus Falling asleep on the subway Going barefoot Using hands as utensils Calling in sick Materialism Tree climbing Cuddling Controlling the aux Great British baking show “I deserve to treat myself” Aesthetics Spending the whole day in bed Anything that says “natural” on it Long-term relationships Expensive sheets Picnics in the park Essential oils Sex as exercise Tender Wearing the same outfit 3 days in a row Says a controversial opinion and then “I’m not going to argue” Calm, cool, and collected Silk everything 5 meals a day 7/24
Gemini Giving unqualified advice 50 different tangents “Prove it” Playing Devil’s advocate Can’t keep a secret Scamming Carrying a book around Arguing for fun Always knowing the latest gossip Adderall Spilling guts to the Uber driver Rationalizing emotions Lying to be more interesting Most active in the group chat Anxiety Telling the same story 10 times to perfect it Philosophy 1000 ideas per minute Sardonic sense of humor Full of interesting facts 23 best friends Internet memes Forgot how to cry Living a double life 4/24
Cancer Screenshots Same friends since high school Sleeps with a stuffed animal Vintage clothes Cries when yelled at Going home early Nesting Holding grudges Mood swings Drinking tea Supporting others’ chaos Social anxiety HGTV Super protective of loved ones Accidental emotional manipulation Cooking for friends Likes animals more than humans Meeting someone and immediately planning their whole lives together Empathizing with film protagonists Vivid childhood memories “Mi casa es tu casa” Serial monogamist Good emotional memory Big hugs 8/24
Leo Mid-day outfit changes Giving out compliments Taking an hour to get ready Accidentally flirting Making friends in the Uber pool Using a window as a mirror Passionate emotional outbursts Lowkey insecure Creating drama to avoid boredom Opening up after just meeting someone Going to the spa Needing to make opinions known Large but fragile ego Wanting recognition for your generosity Making a scene Pretending life is reality TV Giving really subjective advice Overdressed for the function Creative genius Social media as therapy Trying something and being instantly good at it Can’t take a joke Self-care Urge to stand out 7/24
Virgo Over-analyzing friendships Fact check Knowing a little about everything Helping people get their shit together Very specific tastes Fixing it or making it 10x worse Personal projects Health routines Pretending to have your shit together Repeating a task over and over until it’s perfect On good terms with your trash exes Stretching self too thin Stuck in negative thought cycles Noticing little things no one else notices Needs to quit like 3 things Nitpicking Self-sacrificing Hyperfocus Reading 3 books at once “Sorry for the late reply” Functioning on 3 hours of sleep Can’t turn brain off Neurotic Putting yourself last 17/24
Libra Fomo (fear of missing out) Saying yes to every opportunity A little bit of suck up Fear of being alone Flirting with everyone but your crush Tossing a coin to make big decisions Easily influenced Art films Strong sense of right and wrong Torn between being social and having much needed alone time New crush every day Going to museums Overthinking romantic relationships Truly admiring all your friends Adopting others’ hobbies and mannerisms Overdraft fees Showing up late or not showing up at all Avoiding conflicts at all costs Talking about past romances on the first date Gossipy but with good intentions Panicking when someone raises their voice Trying to see both sides Unable to end a bad relationship Pretending to hate drama 9/24
Scorpio Resting bitch face Keeping the right amount of secrets Has a “hit” list (either meaning) Needing to have control in relationships Knowing what you want and exactly how to get it Disappearing at parties Morbid thoughts Believes in “energy” Attractive Staring from across the room Stalking crush’s social media Fascination with cults Still in an emo phase Breaking hearts but sad about it Trust issues All black Existential angst Silently walking away from uninteresting conversations Chaotic emotions behind a calm mask Craving emotional intensity “What am I gonna gain from it?” Seeming intimidating, actually really sensitive Friendships of utility Loves crime 12/24
Sagittarius Losing interest and quitting anything that doesn’t come easily Giving opinions without being asked No inside voice Arguing as foreplay Backpacking trips Talking over people Stating opinions as facts Corny jokes Took one philosophy class and is basically Nietzsche now Always having the last word Using big words to sound smart Speaking more than one language Fueled by laughter Calling friends on their BS Asking for advice and then not taking it Needing to change activities every 30 minutes Telling it like it is Correcting people Unwaveringly optimistic Laugh can be heard from across the room Talking about a book after only reading the Wikipedia synopsis Learning a lot from travel Periodically getting rid of all your belongings Pulling out a party trick 9/24
Capricorn Fear of not living up to potential Overcommitting Anything ‘rustic’ Favorite song is the NPR jingle Has real, tangible goals Repressing trauma Always on time Slow and steady Minding your own business Prefers on one hangs to group hangs Work/life balance Putting more money into savings than you take out Acting 20 years older than you actually are Is prepared for the worst-case scenario Never asking for help Reading for fun Is actually normcore Taking care of business Taking things seriously Motivated by stress Minimalism Hanging out with the same 3 people Bashful around crush Holding friends to high standards 9/24
Aquarius Lowkey superstitious Obscure music David Lynch Weird makeup Self-given haircuts Bad at flirting Feeling like an alien Reding conspiracy theories on the internet Estranged from emotions Experimental poetry Martyr complex Being called a free spirit Abstract concepts Making plans and canceling them Intellectual superiority A little arrogant Loves an underdog Using a thesaurus Activism Fuck the rules Intentionally provocative Highly ethical Queer theory Niche knowledge base 1/24
Pisces Head in the clouds Misplacing keys Unofficially moving in with friends Easily overwhelmed Empathizing with plants Existential crisis #3 Really long showers Leaving clothes in a pile on the ground Using fantasies as an escape Romantic drama Need for constant validation Acts either 7 or 70 Incredibly active imagination Cripplingly self-aware Over-apologizing In love with 10 people at once Binge drinking Giving good advice but can’t apply it to yourself Secretly writes poetry Crying in the bathroom at work Can’t take criticism Mind reading #NoBoundaries Saying something deep out of nowhere 12/24
I am most like a Virgo (my actual sign)
You have an ex You don’t wear glasses You have blue/gray/green eyes
You’re pretty tall
You can drive a manual transmission car
You know how to change the oil
You know all about cars
You have a serious passion for photography
You’ve known your best friend since middle school You’re close friends with someone since elementary school You prefer Quiznos over Subway
You’re in a relationship You’ve had a rebound before You’ve been in a relationship for five years
You’ve cheated before
You’ve dated someone who was Asian You’ve dated someone who was Hispanic
You’ve dated someone of your own ethnicity You like to sleep a lot You were born in winter Your birthday is in February
You’re the oldest in your family
You have a younger sister You have a cat You don’t have step-parents You often work the night shifts at your job
You can play the drums
You know a lot about flowers
You’re allergic to shellfish
You like garlic You like a lot of cheese
You get real Christmas trees
You’ve been in a car accident before You’ve snuck people over to your house You’re part Hawaiian
You’re a Pisces
You have no tattoos You have no piercings You have brown hair You have a Steam account You don’t have a Twitter
You’re hardly on any networking sites
You have an XBox360 You don’t like Playstation products very much
You have relatives in Alaska and/or Hawaii
You have a Toshiba laptop
You love German Shepherds You love Welsh Corgis You are Republican
You are Methodist
Your room is rarely ever clean
You’ve drunk dialed someone
A nasty rumor has been spread about you You’re in college One of your parents was at one point enlisted in the military
You are close with your family You like paintballing
You don’t smoke You don’t do drugs
You have a habit of keeping things you borrowed longer than expected
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stilydinski · 4 years
Haikyuu Family Headcanons
Okay so my friend @panbitchx and i spent the whole day thinking about the family lives of some of our haikyuu boys since the anime gives us little to nothing about it for most of them,,,,,,so enjoy what we came up with!
This is only part 1 with all the karasuno first years. More parts will follow!
So we know about him growing up with his mom and his little sister Natsu
Since their household is female dominated Hinata never had a problem with doing “girly stuff” like playing tea parties or smth with his sister because he knows it doesn’t make him less of a man or anything and it’s just normal to him !
Hinata always uses a fruity shampoo which is because when they were little shoyo and natsu took baths together and used the same shampoo. He grew up just using the shampoo that his mom and sister use as well because why bother buying a different one when it smells so good??
He’s naturally a cheerful and happy person but it was for sure greatly influenced by his sister. When she was a baby he always tried to make her laugh
All in all a sweet older brother, his mom raised him well, 10/10 would recommend as son
We had a bit of a conflict with this one because it could go exactly two ways with him
Possibility #1 is the obvious choice of him being an only child
If he grew up without siblings he for sure fell into the classic role of a selfish only child who was spoiled by his parents
He didn’t really adapt to the concept of teamwork which is what ultimately resulted in his King-phase in middle school
As a child he was used to things going his way and compromising was just not something he had to deal with a lot so he became very demanding, especially since there was a gap in talent between him and his fellow players
Possibility #2 for his family is him having an older brother!
His brother is about the same age as Tsukishima’s brother and they probably are friends too, maybe they were even on the same volleyball team in high school
Kageyama’s brother is actually quite similar with Akiteru,,,a very sweet guy who loves his brother and plays volleyball, he brought the sport to his sibling and taught Kageyama the basics, he also realized that the younger boy learns rather quick
He left the house rather early for college so Kageyama did end up spending a lot of his childhood on his own
The only problem with their dynamic was that their parents kind of favored their oldest son. They were really proud of him because he is very smart and succeeds well academically. It’s not Kageyama’s fault tho, since he was still rather young while his brother was busy at high school and impressing their parents
However because of this Kageyama felt kind of neglected and had this need to be successful as well. He put everything he had into volleyball since school stuff was pretty boring to him. He wanted to make his parents proud too but he slowly turned from ambitious to demanding which again resulted in his emo middle school King reputation
The relationship between Kageyama and his brother is not that bad tho, of course there is jealousy on Kageyama’s behalf and this subconscious need to be better or just like him,,but he also just really looks up to his brother and wants to make his parents proud like he did
His brother is also the reason why he admired Oikawa in middle school since he reminded Kageyama of his brother!
Our first choice for canon would be possibility #1 but we both enjoyed the second theory
So we already know much about this household but we’ll go through it anyways
Akiteru and their father are very similar personality-wise but he looks more like their mom i think this is canon but i’m not sure while Tsukki looks more like their dad
Their father is really tall, probably also used to be an athlete,,,,also tsukki got his bad eyesight from him
Their mom however is short and really beautiful, also looks rather young. It happened more than once before that she and Tsukishima went shopping and people mistook her for his older sister!
I love that Tsukki is canonly a dinosaurs kid. He probably still has some figures standing in his room to this day but the only ones who see it are just his family or Yamaguchi anyways so why bother storing them away?
But all in all we know most of his family stuff canonly
So for this cutie we settled on him having like 2 older sisters
Both of them are really confident and cool and beautiful
Yams is pretty shy because he kinda grew up as the baby of the family, his sisters both being a few years older so he had everyone in the family cherishing him since he’s just adorable
He looks up to his sisters a lot because they are outgoing, confident, strong and independent women. They are kind of his rolemodels in that aspect!
Both of them would literally fight anyone who tries to hurt their baby brother, wouldn’t want to mess with these ladies,,they adore him but who wouldn’t
Yamaguchi is also a great son to have, he’s a caring person because he grew up in a very loving household with his parents and sisters!
Let me know if u got any additions or interjections for these since these are just our theories!!
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Worlds Collide
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I mean it was never specified who was pastel and who was punk soooo
Description: Dan and Phil live on two different worlds. Dan’s is one of toxic people and substances while Phil’s is one of sunshine and optimism. It’s a wonder that they’re even friends, but even a bigger wonder that Phil is head over heels in love with Dan. Genre: smut, fluff, angst, I got all three ayyyyyyyyyyy Warnings: strong language, sexual content, abusive relationship, Tags: friendstolovers, high school phan, rimming, anal sex, riding, pastelxpunk, daddy kink, praise kink, fluff Word count: 3.7
There’s a theory that there are multiple universes all existing at the same time. Dan and Phil lived in two different ones. Daniel lived in a world where people smoked to feel and screamed to be heard. He existed in a realm of toxic people and substances; one where he marked battle scars onto his body in ink, a new tattoo for every war won or lost. Phil lived in a world of constant optimism. The sun was constantly shining, and when it went down, her sister, the moon, sang; not as loud, but every bit as beautiful. His universe was one of dancing in puddles and chasing puppies. With these universes existing so differently and far apart, it’s rare that they would touch, some would even say impossible. Yet, they did because at the very start, it was one universe that split in two. As different as they were now, the two used to be very similar. They lived on the same earth, liked the same things, called the same people their friends, and shared the same feelings of friendship. Freshman year they both went through a little emo phase together. Phil quickly grew out of it, but Dan left in a different direction. This eighteen year old started going out with him and Dan transitioned from being an Internet emo to the boyfriend of a literal gang member. While Phil switched out his black beanies for flower crowns, Dan traded his fake snakebites for real piercings and his hot topic bracelets for illegal firearms. As their interests changed and they got new social circles, their friendship remained. The two were sitting side by side at the back of the school. No one went there, so it was their special spot. “We have that test in calculus Friday.” Phil reminded Dan, flipping through his baby blue planner. “And don’t forget to do the homework for Miss Donald’s class.” “Yeah, yeah, where the hell is Mason?” Dan groaned, taking a drag from his blunt. “He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago.” “I could give you a ride home.” Phil whispered, barely audible. “He’s coming,” Dan snapped defensively. “You don’t need to wait here until he does.” Phil looked down at his pastel pink shoes. “That’s not what I’m doing.” “Yes it is. I noticed that you stay here after school with me every day and go home the moment Mason shows up.” The mood immediately changed. Phil hated Dan’s boyfriend. He was 23, but was dating a high school student. Sure, Dan was 18, but it was still weird. Age wasn’t the problem, though. Mason was a crap boyfriend. He just was. Dan acted like it was completely irrational of Phil to wait around for his boyfriend, but he had forgotten Dan on multiple occasions. They were constantly fighting, but it was always Dan apologizing to Mason at the end. His best friend changed everything about himself for Mason. He even started straightening his hair because his boyfriend had made fun of his naturally curly hair. “I don’t need you to rescue me.” Dan huffed. “Do you have the stuff?” Phil rolled his eyes and nodded. He always packed filling foods for Dan’s munchies. He took out a plastic-wrapped triple meat sandwich and gave it to Dan. “Mmm,” the slightly high boy moaned into the sub. “You are amazing.” Before Phil could respond, there was a honk. He immediately recognized the sound as the annoying horn of Mason’s bike. Dan looked in his direction and continued talking to Phil. Ah yes, the silent treatment: one of the few ways Dan ever rebelled against his boyfriend. Unfortunately, Phil knew how this would go. Mason got off his bike, marched over and grabbed Dan roughly by the forearm. “Don’t ignore me.”
And of course, Dan went willingly. Phil quietly told him not to grab Dan like that, but this time Mason heard him. “What’d you say to me?” “He didn’t mean it like-” “No, let’s let him talk.” The biker challenged. “It seems flower boy here has a problem with me. What’s the matter, flower boy?” “He doesn’t have a problem with you, can’t you just let it go?” Dan asked quietly. “Shut up Dan, we’ll talk about this later.” At his boyfriend’s remark, Daniel shut his mouth and withdrew a little, looking down. This angered Phil further. “Don’t tell him to shut up! He’s the only person here trying to be rational.” Mason marched forwards and grabbed Phil by the collar of his button up, poking out of his pastel jumper. “I don’t normally hit girls, but I’ll make an exception for you.” “Mason, stop it!” Dan screamed, grabbing his raised fist. Too consumed by his anger to care, Mason jerked his fist to the right harshly, shaking Dan off and throwing him to the ground. He hit it with a groan. “What the fuck, he’s your boy-” Phil never got to finish his sentence because he was punched across the face. He felt pain shoot through his cheek as Mason began yelling at him. “This is your fault, you know. You were all over my boyfriend and it’s your fault he got hurt.” Dan ran up to him and tried to calm him down. “It’s not Phil’s fault, it’s mine. I’m sorry, babe, please don’t get angry.” “You know what, Dan, I can’t deal with you and your high school drama right now.” Mason huffed. “Call me when you decide to grow up.” He stormed off and Dan ran to Phil’s aid who was clutching his face in pain. He could feel it throbbing and knew it was going to bruise. “Phil, oh my god, are you okay?” Dan asked frantically. “Take a wild guess.” Phil immediately regretted his sarcastic remark when Dan recoiled in guilt. “Hey, I’m fine. Let’s get you home, okay?” Dan nodded, helping Phil up. He felt awful. Phil got punched in the face over him and he was still taking care of him. The two walked to Phil’s car in the same silence that surrounded them on the drive to Phil’s house. “Go wait in your room, I’ll get you an ice pack.” Dan whispered. Phil was about to protest when he looked at Dan and realized it was more for his own benefit. He nodded and waited for Dan in his bedroom. While doing so, his eyes drifted to his vanity. A bruise was already starting to form. Dan came in holding an ice pack, looking at the floor. “I got your ice pack,” he muttered. He always stuck out like a sore thumb in Phil’s pastel room. Everything matched his aesthetic including his baby blue rug, his bright white bed set, and his bubblegum pink beanbag chairs. Dan’s leather jacket and tattooed sleeve contrasted against this all greatly. Still refusing to look Phil in the eye, he kneeled in front of the bed where he was sitting. Phil winced when the it made contact with his sensitive cheek, making Dan immediately apologize. “He was wrong, you know,” Dan finally said, putting the ice pack down. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know. But that doesn’t mean it’s your fault either.” The brunet didn’t seem to believe him so Phil went on. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” “I shouldn’t have been so childish to ignore Mason like that,” Dan sighed. “He’s nice enough to pick me up from school and I had to go be petty because he was a little late. All this could have been avoided if-” “Dan,” the bruised boy cut him off. “It’s not my fault, and it’s not your fault. This is Mason’s fault. He’s violent and aggressive and-” “No, he’s not!” Dan said defensively. “He was just having a bad day and I provoked him. He’s a good guy, really!” “How can you still be defending him?!” Phil asked in disbelief. “Why have you put up with him for all these years?” Dan finally looked him in the eye and Phil saw that he had begun to tear up. “It’s just, it’s been four years Phil. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first time. I can’t leave him. He’s all I’ve ever known.” “Dan, that’s not an excuse!” Dan flinched when Phil raised his voice, so he leveled it again. “That just means you’ve been tolerating him for far too long.” “He loves me though. And he cares for me. I’ll never find someone else who does, I’m lucky just to have him!” “That’s what he’s brainwashed you to think.” Phil tried his hardest to get through to Dan “He’s been undermining you for years and now you actually think that stuff. You are incredible and beautiful and funny and brilliant, far too brilliant to be with someone like him.” Dan looked up at him with broken, teary eyes. “But he loves me.” Phil pulled Dan onto the bed to sit next to him who went willingly. It felt weird to have this conversation with the leather clad boy on his knees. When on the bed, Dan noticed Phil’s snapped flower crown on the floor. “He broke your flower crown.” He said at the same that Phil said, “he’s not the only one.” “What?” They said together. Dan wasn’t sure if he heard that right. After all, he did kinda speak over him. “Wait, did you just say you love me?” He finally met Phil’s eyes. This felt like a dream and for all he knew, it was one. He’d had it many times before so it may as well have been, but when Phil put his hand on Dan’s, he knew it was real. “I love you, Daniel Howell. I have for years and it killed me that you were in that relationship, but every time I tried to talk to you about it you got made at me. I finally realized that if I kept pressing it, you’d be gone from my life forever.” Dan couldn’t believe his ears. There were a million things flying through his mind. 1. Phil loved him 2. It was his fault they weren’t together for the last four years 3. No, Phil is right. It’s Mason’s fault 4. He loved Phil 5. Phil loved him 6. They loved each other 7. They were in love 8. With each other 9. Phil’s a really good kisser. 10. Wow he tasted amazing. 11. Like bubblegum and strawberry milkshakes 12. He always imagined Phil would taste like that.
In the middle of his surprised haze, he found himself leaning over and kissing Phil who immediately kissed him back. He couldn’t believe it. Phil was far too good for him. He was smart and nice and everyone loved him. Meanwhile Dan’s self image was based on undermining comments from his boyfriend and berating from all the adults in his life. Little did he know that Phil thought of himself as the lucky one. He’d been in love with Dan for as long as he could remember and now he had him. He softly bit Dan’s bottom lip, making him moan quietly. It immediately became Phil’s favorite sound and he would do whatever it takes to keep hearing it. He repeated the action and Dan’s hands flew up and grabbed the back of Phil’s neck, pulling him closer. When he felt the brunet try to take off his jumper, he went through his own cyclone of thoughts. Dan liked him back. Or maybe he was just a rebound. Was Dan in the right state of mind to be doing this? Was he taking advantage of Dan? Or maybe Dan was using him. Wasn’t Dan technically still with Mason? Is this helping him cheat? Did Phil care if Mason got his feelings hurt or not? All these questions flying around his head disappeared when his shirt did. There was no stopping Dan now, not that Phil wanted to. Dan was peppering’s Phil’s chest with little kisses like he was trying to get every single inch of it. “You’re so pretty Dan.” Phil pushed his leather jacket off. “You’re the pretty one, flower boy.” Dan giggled. He slowly pulled Phil’s trousers along with his briefs while kissing down his happy trail. Phil threw his head back and stroked Dan’s hair encouragingly. Soon, he felt lips return to his own. Dan, who was fully clothed, was straddling a naked Phil. It was an odd situation that Phil had never been in. He certainly wasn’t complaining tough. Suddenly, Dan began to stifle laughter. “What is it?” Phil asked. “Your dick is poking me.” He giggled. His laughter was killed when he was flipped onto his back and suddenly Phil was on him, nibbling on his ear. He hummed in content. This was soft and loving and nothing like he ever had with Mason. Phil’s fingers ghosted over the exposed skin of Dan’s stomach, like he was asking for permission. Dan nodded, lids heavy from the light sensations he was receiving. Receiving the consent, Phil peeled off his black shirt. Dan helped him a little when it got up to his head. Then he noticed something. A rough bruise on Dan’s arm in the shape of a hand, like someone had grabbed him so harshly and tightly that it bruised. Right away, his stomach knotted up. Dan followed Phil’s gaze to the bruise and he immediately tried to cover it. “Oh, that’s just from when I fell and-” He was cut off by Phil kissing him. “I’m gonna make you forget all about that asshole.” Phil’s lips came to Dan’s jaw right away, trailing down to his neck. “You’re so good at that Phil,” he said breathily. He tugged Dan’s trousers off, taking his boxers down with them. He couldn’t believe this was really happening. Never in a million years did he ever think he’d be this intimate with Dan. He climbed off the bed and pulled Dan to the edge by his thighs. Dan moaned quietly when he felt the skin of his inner thigh being sucked. “I love you.” Phil’s whispered against his skin. The moment those words left his mouth, Dan’s hips jerked forward, and he let out a shaky “daddy!” The moment he said it, he sat up and scrambled away from Phil, face flushed. “Oh my god, Phil, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out.” Dan rambled. Phil wasn’t listening though, he was too busy focusing on his new favorite nickname and how to slip into the role. He crawled back into the bed and kissed Dan once more. “Hush now, baby boy.” He grabbed hold of Dan’s cock, making the punk choke back a moan. “Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
He gave him a few pumps and noted just how responsive Dan was. That wasn’t the only mental note he had going. He was trying to remember everything about this. Partly so that if it happened again he knew what to do, partly because he was worried Dan was using him as a distraction so he wanted to remember everything. Just a handjob was not enough for Dan and Phil knew it. He just wanted to hear what came out of Dan’s mouth next. “Phillllll please, need you.” “How do you need me?” Phil asked cockily. Too embarrassed to speak, he simply spread his legs and lifted his hips. His face was flushed red and he was looking away. Phil’s jaw went slack looking at the delicious sight in front of him. “That’ll do for now,” Phil brought his face down and dragged his lips against Dan’s inner thigh, making him whimper. “but next time, be a good boy and use your words.” Dan expect a finger or two. That’s how sex normally went for him: quick and to the point. The only foreplay he knew was getting his face fucked roughly, even getting stretched before hand was a luxury. He normally just did it himself before seeing his boyfriend. So to say he was shocked when a hot, flat tongue pressed against his entrance would be an understatement. He grabbed at Phil’s hair with one hand and his sheets with another. His moans grew in volume and pitch as Phil’s tongue pushed through his entrance and begins to prod around. Realizing he’s never been rimmed before, Dan felt a bit of happiness, like he could still have some more firsts that weren’t Mason. These thoughts were interrupted by a slick finger pushing into his entrance alongside the existing tongue. “Fuck, Phil,” he whimpered. “Your tongue is so good.” He felt the muscle slowly start to fuck him, massaging his walls, and it made him scream. Dan had never felt this good before. His legs shook and tears were welling up in his eyes. Both fingers and tongue worked his ass with incredible skill and speed. It sorta made Dan wonder who the pastel boy had been with in the past to make him so skilled, but he immediately pushed that thought aside. Phil was loving every second of this: the way Dan’s thighs clamped his head and shook, the slight burn from his hair being pulled, and especially the sounds Dan were making, even if they were slightly muffled by the legs around his head. When he pulled out, Dan whined loudly and pushed his hips in the air. “Now, now, baby boy, have patience,” he scolded. “Daddy’s gonna fuck you now, okay?” He took the same lube he had earlier used to slick his fingers and coated it lightly onto his cock. When Dan made needy grabby hands at him, he felt his heart flip. How precious. He aligned himself with Dan’s entrance and slowly pushed in. Surprisingly, Dan wasn’t in any pain. He had trained himself to be able to take a cock without stretching from being with Mason for so long.
“Daddyyyy, hurry up!” Dan whined. “Fuck me already!” Phil looked at him and couldn’t help but to stifle a laugh. Dan was spread and naked on his bed, but that wasn’t the funny part. It was seeing the punk with eyeliner, a sleeve of tattoos, and piercings, lying amongst his pastel flower and heart shaped pillows. Not to mention, his obsessively always-straightened hair was starting to curl. “It’s okay, honey. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.” He thrusted slowly, letting himself really savor the feeling of finally being in Dan, but the other wasn’t having it. Dan wrapped his legs around Phil’s hips and pulled him in deeper. Phil moaned quietly when he did that started fucking Dan hard. With every thrust, Dan bounced back so perfectly. It was like they were made for each other. Phil was certain they were. “Daddy, I want-” Dan was finding it difficult to voice his needs with the constant assault of pleasure. “I want-” Phil slowed his thrusts to let Dan catch his breath. “What is it, my good boy? What do you want? Anything for you.” When he said that, Dan’s hips jerked and it certainly didn’t go unnoticed. Phil added that to his mental notes. “Phil, please,” Dan whimpered. “Hold my hand.” He blushed and looked at the wall, like he was afraid Phil would say no. After years of a loveless relationship, he craved affection of any sort. Phil leaned down and gave him a long kiss to Dan’s lips, noticing how after pulling away, the brunet followed his lips for a moment. “As you wish, baby boy,” he whispered. He intertwined their fingers on both hands and placed them on either side of Dan’s head so he could keep his balance as he continued to fuck him. Not to mention, it pinned Dan down which he seemed to really like. “Fuck, princess.” Phil panted, angling himself so he hit Dan’s prostate every time. “I love you so much.” Dan gasped when he said that and his whole body shook for a moment. “Phil, wanna ride you,” he begged. “Please, let me ride your big cock, daddy.” “Whatever you want, love.” Phil pulled out of Dan and laid down. Now sporting smeared eyeliner, Dan clambered onto Phil in his exhausted state and carefully slid onto Phil’s cock. When the black-hair boy groaned, Dan felt a bit of pride. He wanted to make him feel good too, so he began to bounce up and down on Phil’s cock. Each time he bottomed out, waves of pleasure washed over his body. He’d never experienced anything like this. Sure, he had been fucked, but this, this was making love. “So in love with you, Danny. Always have been, always will be,” Phil began to ramble. “You’re so perfect, love. Love you so much. Only you, always you.” Each time the L-word left Phil’s mouth, Dan moaned out and fucked himself on Phil’s cock as hard as he could. He wasn’t going to last long if they kept up like this. He didn’t have to say anything though. Phil had been his best friend for as long as they’d known, and he knew everything Dan wanted to say without him even saying it. He took his long fingers and wrapped them around Dan’s cock. It only took a couple strokes paired with an “I love you, Dan,” for the younger boy to spill all over the both of them. Phil pulled out and jerked himself to his own orgasm, which didn’t take long to achieve with Dan lying there, fucked out and covered in his own cum. He grabbed some wet wipes to clean the cum off of the both of them and scooped Dan up to lay him down on the bed properly. “Mmm…” Dan hummed in content. Phil giggled at the tattooed and pierced boy curling up on his pastel pillow collection and making grabby hands once more. “Philly, cuddles!” As if he could deny a request like that. Phil crawled in next to him and let Dan lie down on him. “Did I forget to tell you?” Dan asked softly. Phil brushed a curl from Dan’s face and kissed his forehead. “Tell me what?” “I love you, too.” They kissed one more time. “I know.”
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grumpygayming · 7 years
Do the odd questions for Aim and the evens for his twin whose name I forgot
Ok, for Aimilios & Amias
1. Do they prefer to wear headphones or earbuds when listening to music?
As a byproduct of being a dad…ear buds, that way he can share with Theo if need be or easily take them off when Theo needs him.
  3. Do they usually eat mild, medium, or spicy salsa?
Spicy, always spicy unless he’s sharing with Theo in which case it’s mild because the last time he tried to give him spicy food Theo cried for an hour afterwards & Aim felt like the worst dad ever.          
5. How do they react to finding out someone has a crush on them?
 It doesn’t faze him all that much unless the feelings are mutual, in which case he becomes a nervous mess trying not to ruin things between him and the other person, However, they would never find out about it because over the years he’s gotten pretty good at putting his feelings aside and acting as casual & charming as possible around them. He calls it a byproduct of being a performer.           
7. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Aimilios would kick ass in a Zombie apocalypse. He would be the leader of his own group (probably his dance students, boyfriend, & son) and he would most definitely survive and as long as everyone listened to him they would too.            
9. How much ice do they put in their drinks?
The normal amount?         
11. What’s their desktop background?
He & Theo dancing in his studio on his last birthday, where a few of his co-workers threw a party for him.               
13. Did they have any phases? (e.g. emo, punk, scene…)
Is straight a phase? Cause, if so, yeah he went through attempting to be your average straight guy up until recently, he even joined baseball in high school to try & fit the mold.              
15. Are they the big spoon or the little spoon?
Big spoon most of the time, but he does enjoy being held and being the little spoon at times. But it’s not the norm.            
17. How do they like their toast?
19. What are they like as a neighbor?
Not gonna lie, Aim keeps some weird ass hours and if it’s near time for a performance he can be a pain in the as as a neighbor (if you live below him that is) because he’ll get up at three am to go over footwork, he stays quiet thought because he doesn’t want to wake Theo…so that’s a plus. But other than that he’s a great neighbor, he always has a stocked kitchen for Theo’s sake (trying to provide normalcy for his kid in a single parent household, blah, blah) so you can always ask him for a cup of sugar, or eggs, or whatever else. And he’s really friendly despite keeping to himself on account of being dead tired when he gets home after work.              
 21. What’s the weirdest thing you’re likely to find in their room?
His ballet barre
23. Do they like raisins in their pastries? If no, will it stop them from eating it?      
He hates raisins baked into most things and generally he won’t eat it but there are exceptions to the rule. Very few but they exist.
25. Does your muse listen to vinyl records? Do they use iTunes? Do they legally or  illegally download music?            
iTunes or streaming services, he does own a few vinyl records of his father’s but other than that he doesn’t listen to them.
27. Is your muse a dreamer or a realist?            
A little bit of both? When it comes to his personal happiness he’s definitely a dreamer but as far as how he can achieve things on the day to day he’s a realist.
29. What’s their Subway order?              
He will get whatever sounds good at the time since he doesn’t go to Subway all that often and when he does he usually goes for Theo and doesn’t get much of anything for himself.
31. What about themselves do they usually not tell people? What are they embarrassed of?          
His sexuality, even when it comes up, he’s still very used to being closeted  (I mean after a 13 year relationship with a woman and being closeted for 30 years…you’d be iffy about talking to people about it too lol) and he doesn’t quite know how to approach the subject. Even now that he’s in a serious relationship he doesn’t announce to the world that he has a boyfriend because of the personal awkwardness surrounding his sexuality, he does however want to show off his boyfriend all the time so it’s difficult for him.
He’s embarrassed of….nothing really.
33. White, red, or rose wine?           
Boxed? Not for the taste but he’s fond of the memories boxed wine brings, doesn’t matter the kind, just cheap, boxed wine. When he and his brother turned 21 they would drive out to their grandparent’s farm and drink boxed wine in the back of their pick up truck. As they got older and their cousins all turned 21 it became tradition to go to the farm every summer and drink their asses off together.
35. What’s their Starbucks order?             
Venti caramel macchiato, double shot of espresso & a chocolate croissant for Theo.
37. Do they believe in any conspiracy theories? Fear a zombie apocalypse/AI overtake? How do they think the world will end?              
He has no time for any of these, with how busy he is teaching, performing himself, & freelancing choreography on top of raising his son & making time for his boyfriend.
39. What would you see if you looked through their trashcan?            
Sketches, notes from his ex aka the mother of his son, old pens, and wrappers for protein bars.
41. Are they an exhibitionist? Do they ever change in front of windows? Have sex when they know people can see/hear?               
Hahhhh, he would never admit to it but he does like the thrill of other people being able to hear and see him, however, he’s a bit too shy to ever actively pursue having an audience (his brother however…..oh boy).
43. Why do people usually call them on the telephone? To complain? To ask for advice? To ask them to do something for them?               
For work, generally for his professional expertise or to help solve problems. Other than that he usually gets calls from family just to catch up & check in on him.
45. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?            
47. How do they go about asking someone out or confessing their feelings about someone to them?              
He’s pretty upfront, if he likes someone or wants to go out with them he’ll simply tell them or ask as long as he knows it won’t affect them negatively.
49. In the “sleep vs. grades vs. social life, pick two” situation, which two do they pick?               
Social Life & Grades, he lived that life in high school & college and has gotten quite accustomed to running on minimal sleep.
2. What do they do when they’re feeling tired and need to stay awake? 
Drink coffee….or he’ll just sleep and hope that he wakes up in time to finish whatever he needs to get done.            
4. Pizza, McDonalds, or Chinese take-out?  
6. How do they feel about unrequited love?     
That it’s shitty but a part of life. There’s no point in harping over it because if you move on you’ll have another chance with someone whose actually meant for you later on.                
8. Gold, silver, or copper jewelry? 
10. Do they use Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr? If so, how much/often?             Facebook almost daily, he’s the annoying guy that post pictures of his kids and leaves comments on all of his family members content.
12. How are they at taking care of plants? 
Pretty decent, he and his brother used to garden with their mother all through out his life. He keeps a small window garden in is kitchen.           
14. How did they do academically in high school?  
Well enough to pass and graduate a semester early so he could tour with his band before they all went to college.                      
16. How do they like their eggs?     
18. Queso or guacamole? 
20. How do they behave when confronted with deadlines?    
He finishes things before the deadline in order to have time to review before having to hand in/present the final product.          
22. What fictional character do they relate to the most?  
24. When forced to do a group project with other people, what role do they usually play?            
Leader, he hates relying on other people.                 
26. How would your muse do at taking care of a goldfish?    
If it’s easier than taking care of twin toddlers and a newborn baby then he’d be amazing.                 
28. Android, iPhone, or other?
30. Trendsetter, trend follower, or trend ignorer?
Trend ignorer.                      
32. What’s their ideal vacation?  
Before kids it was anywhere he and Bronte could spend days together where they barely left the bed. But now that they’ve got Charlie, Eli, and Jonah it would be anywhere that he can see the three of them bond and get the most of their time together…but of course with activities that keep them away for just long enough for he and Bronte to get up to their own fun.                    
34. Are they outdoorsy? Do they enjoy hiking, camping, etc.?        
Very much so, he and his brother spent plenty of summers camping with their grandpa and on the family farm.                     
36. What colors make up most of their wardrobe?
Black, black, and more black.                           
38. Do they play video games? If so, which ones?  
Anything he can get his hands on but he’s particularly fond of legend of zelda.                       
40. What kind of videos do they get recommended on YouTube?
Music videos, speed art, and art tutorials.                           
42. How do they feel about astrology?
Not too into it but he does read up on it out of boredom sometimes.                     
44. Have they ever had any pregnancy scares?   
He’s a hoe, so yeah…a few with girls he was with but luckily they were only scares.         
46. Do they meme? Enjoy memes? Create memes? Find them horribly annoying? How about shitposts?
Dank memes, shit posting, he’s into it. He might even be a meme economist.     
48. When do they usually go to bed?
He’s the father of twins and a newborn….what is sleep to him?              
50. What do they think is the meaning of life?
To experience as much as you can before death comes for you.              
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buriedalive-blog · 6 years
Type beat interview
BA. Introduce us to “type beat”
Matt: type beat at the moment is the two of us, Matt Magnell and Alec Doyle. We're a rock group from a southeastern town in Massachusetts. Currently we're writing songs that combine punk and progressive genres with a more of a sing along pop twist.
Alec: We used to write songs with a more heavy style but as we got older started appreciating melody and songwriting more and more, which brought us to the style you hear in "Great". the name "type beat" came from our love of hip hop and luckily no one had thought to use it as a band name yet!
BA. How old are you guys? How did you two meet?
Matt: We're both going to be 24 this year, Alec in April, and July for me. We met about 10 years ago now in middle school when a mutual friend of ours wanted to start a band to play the talent show. We were both primarily guitarists when we met, but I was starting to learn drums due to not knowing anyone else who played and I had stopped playing with the only drummer I knew right at that time. Two of my friends from class, Jorge and Luc played bass and guitar respectively, Luc said he had a friend who also played guitar, that was Alec. I didn't own a set at the time, but Luc did, so we went and stayed over his house that weekend and practiced.
Alec: Then on a very rainy march afternoon, i burst into our friend Luc's house & matt's knocked out asleep. I just say something stupid like "it's fuckin' nice out lets go skate" then he wakes up, starts shredding guitar and I'm like "woah this guy is serious. let's jam!" ten years later we've recorded over 50 songs together. But now I play the drums after discovering that it's my true passion alongside singing, and matt handles the strings. we both write for all of the instruments though!
BA. That’s very awesome! What do you guys normally do in a day? Do you live together?
Matt: We do not live together at the moment. I've lived up in the Worcester for the last few years. But from when we were 13 til just a few years ago, Alec was at my house every weekend and every day of every vacation.
At the moment, even though I live a bit far we are doing what we can to make it work and do something with music. Generally I'll go down to Wareham sometime durning the week to practice with drums, and on his days off, he'll come up to me and we'll work acoustically.
Durning the time we're not together I am on the computer working on demos, covers, or just generally practicing. I've been really focusing on trying to be a better overall singer and become more knowledgeable with music theory and songwriting.
Alec: As matt said we don't live together but the distance hasnt been an issue since we both have cars, and the ten year relationship makes songwriting as easy as sitting around doing nothing. Personally on days where we dont meet up, I practice drums/vocals for an average of 4 hours a day when im not resting, recently started skateboarding again to stay active and have a break from music. Taking drum lessons within the past year has been a massive help in growing into new ideas of playing too. I can't say it enough how much it helps.
BA. Finding your videos I love the simplicity of them. It’s a diy style that Very much shows your friendship, do you guys specifically film for “music videos” or are they more compilations of your life?
Alec: I can handle this answer! Well with "Great" we went out filming with the intention of making it into a music video. I personally really wanted to show off what our lives are like around our hometown, the places we go every day, and we went in with the vision of the song being the soundtrack to our roots, to always hold it down for home. I think we'll make more videos like that one, but we also wanna work with directors and make more serious high-budget visuals as well.
BA. I really enjoyed watching that.
Who do you guys listen to? And what did you used to listen to that maybe inspired what you guys are now?
Matt: As far as past influences go, I'd say The Fall of Troy has always stuck with us and embedded the progressive style. There are tons of bands that we grew up listening to, blink-182 and Avenged Sevenfold were the big ones when we met. Avenged really influenced our guitar style at the time.
My older brother's friends introduced us to a lot of different bands that had influenced our past projects. The Mars Volta, At the Drive-In, Man Man, Number 12 Looks Like You, and Dillinger among others.
Before I started playing music I listened to mostly contemporary mainstream hip hop and only bands I listened to were Green Day and System of a Down. I was really into metal when I started playing and wasn't open to much else, started getting into pop punk after I met Alec.
Now I try to keep an open mind to music now and listen to whatever I can. At the moment we're delving back and drawing inspiration from some older bands. The Beatles and the Beach Boys I'd say are influencing how we sing and write melodies. I'd also cite Weezer, Fall Out Boy, and The Wonder Years as influences on us right now as well.
Alec: Digging into the oldies has been huge for us. from Sam Cooke to Thin Lizzy to Billy Joel, there's a lot to take from the people who built entire careers without the internet to help or hinder them. Contemporary emo/punk has definitely become a favorite for me, PUP, The Menzingers, Jeff Rosenstock, Joyce Manor, The Hotelier etc. We still listen to other heavier bands like Every Time I Die, Vein, The Blood Brothers & La Dispute are two huge favorites, i could go forever! And we still listen to the radio for whatever it can give to us, the biggest lesson we've learned is to respect everyone's hustle and find the good in any kind of music. We're all doing the same thing!
BA. Do you guys have something you are trying to reach with music?
Matt: Our goal has always been to take music as far as we can. It's our passion and we want to make and play music everyday for the rest of our lives, we want it to be the thing that pays the bills. In ten years, I want us to be selling out stadiums, but we have a lot of work before then. We're just gonna keep working hard and knocking off our goals to work our way up the ladder and see how far we go.
Alec: We're definitely at the point of no return, i don't think there's a single friend of ours who wouldn't smack us silly if we ever gave up the dream of making a living through music with all the years we've already put in. we just have to stay focused, not look too far ahead, stay true to ourselves and be empathetic to everyone around us, and then hopefully we can give something for the world to take away from in a constructive way!
BA. I’m so happy to hear you guys are determined. In December you guys performed a show! Have you done any others? And how was it?
Matt: We've played a handful of shows over the last year as type beat. Now that we have transportation we're planning on touring as soon as we release our upcoming album. In our prior project we played locally and around other parts of MA and RI a good amount. The December show was with our friends from The Morgana Phase at the Fete in Prov, they put together a great show and we had a really awesome time there.
Alec: as type beat, so far we've played MA, RI, NH & NJ, hoping to multiply that a few times in the months following our album release. finally getting a van this past autumn was a huge step, and a load off our minds to focus on practicing. The shows we've played so far have been amazing, we've made some great friends over the years in our old bands and they all seem to appreciate the direction we're going in now, excited to get back on the road for sure!
BA. As “type beat” or even before who have been some people that you have befriended?
Alec: Aw dang well I'm gonna have to give a big shout out to Basement Beers, Heavenward, and Groomers all from New Jersey, definitely the closest friendships we've made with bands outside New England. & the bands huo & Destination Dimension from Connecticut. I also played one of my first solo sets with type beat songs alongside Remo Drive from Minnesota on their first MA show, and they slept in my basement. very nice boys! Not to mention everyone from home, Newfield, Deficiency, Barren, Brain Habits, Full Body Shot, Keep Well., Funeral Attire, Dreamwell, Anyone Anyway, Rainsound, Rocket Ship, Royal Street, The Morgana Phase, Sock Lops, Professor Caffeine & The Insecurities, THE WORKOUT, Degrader, Regime, In Good Nature, Robinwood, Frantic Endeavor, Sunsinger, Defret, Treatment, When All We Love Is Lost, the list doesnt end! it's humbling being part of a scene with a ridiculous amount of talent, definitely keeps us inspired. Our producer John Dello Iacono has become a dear friend of ours, has engineered/mixed/mastered most of our old bands' music and hes very comfortable to work with. We're lucky to have him!
BA. Sounds like you guys are liked! Well it was great having you on and getting to know “type beat” more. Anything you want to say before we finish?
Matt: We're gonna be heading into the studio soon to record our album entitled "Pipe Dream" and the plan is just to head out and get that to as many people as we can. In the mean time we've been thinking about posting more content of us, whether it be originals or covers. Definitely keep a look out for us!
Alec: Big shout out to our best friends we spend every day with, we luv u
Thank you for having us, we very much appreciate you taking the time to do this with us!
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