#I fully intend to continue updating my major things
scottishcommune · 8 months
On Saturday the 14th of October 2023, at a rally for Palestine in Dundee, Scotland, 3rd year student Tánaiste had a speech read out in his absence. In his speech he called out the University of Dundee for refusing to release a statement condemning ethnic cleansing and war crimes against Palestinians, contrasting this with his university's speedy condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In this speech he declared that, if the university has not released an appropriate statement by Friday the 20th of October, then beginning on Monday 23rd Tánaiste fully intends to start a hunger strike. His stated aim is to organise the students and staff at the uni into a campaign that will cause the faculty leadership to reconsider whether silence in the face of genocide is truly in the best interests of the institution. Updates are likely to be shared on Tánaiste's instagram, which can be found here, and on the Dundee University Socialist Society's facebook page, which can be found here.
The full text of his speech is as follows:
I am in England and am unable to be here. Thank you to my comrades for reading this out for me.
My name is TAW-nish-ta (Tánaiste) I'm a 3rd year Community Education student at the University of Dundee. I remember when Russia invaded Ukraine on Saturday 20th February 2022, by Thursday my university and student union had put out a statement: "It is our sincere hope that, even at this stage, a more peaceful solution can be found to the current conflict that avoids bloodshed and tragedy."
A fortnight later, they put out a further statement outlining: "the University’s unequivocal condemnation of the invasion... We must continue to hope that international pressure on Russia will have a positive effect, however bleak the situation may look today."
No public statement has come this time, as we face the real prospect of a genocide, aided and abetted by our own government and so called Leader of the Opposition. I directly asked the Principal why we have put out no statement. This was the University’s response: "The current situation is tragic with a shocking level of unjustifiable violence against innocent people. But it is also very complex and there will be many different perspectives on it. For that reason the University will not be taking a public stance on the matter."
I have no words for this act of moral cowardice. No words. What is complex about ethnic cleansing? What is complex about collective punishment? Which syllable of genocide do they need repeating? I saw a tweet which summed it up so well: "Universities be like 'We support genocide and apartheid. Please seek mental health support.'"
The leadership of my university are making the judgment that it is not in their institutional interest to even condemn genocide. Perhaps they are right. Perhaps the balance of power and PR is that actually to remain silent is in Dundee University’s best interest.
Our task as students is to change their calculation by all means available to us. There are many methods available. We have a student council and student union. They can be used. We can organise mass letters. And other tactics exist.
Our cause is moral, is just, and is seen to be so by the majority of students and staff at my university. They are waiting to be stirred at action, to be mobilised, to be quickened. I would like to announce my contribution to this campaign.
If the university has not issued an appropriate statement by Friday 20th October, I shall not eat food until the University publicly denounces the war and calls for an immediate ceasefire. I do not pretend this will end the war, but as my Principal said, "We must continue to hope that international pressure" will work.
One thing we have learnt so brutally in the comparison of how Ukraine and Palestine have been treated is that Black Lives Don't Matter. The imminent extermination of 2 million Gazans does not provoke our governments let alone our universities, to offer even token support for universal human rights. In the circumstances, a hunger strike for an achievable victory is the least I can do.
I know the University cares about its public image. I gently suggest to them that "Dundee student dies on hunger strike because University won't denounce genocide" will be bad PR. Their open day on 28th October will be marred by day 6 of a hunger strike for all prospective students to see.
I hope that my University looks at the prospect of a white British student starving to death and extends its compassion to the millions in Palestine who, for only the crime of existing, are being hourly killed.
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gir-posting · 2 months
im probably never gonna shut up about it but i cant stop thinking about how stardew valley was pretty much a perfect game when it came out. like what we already had when it released was an endlessly playable and REplayable farming game with lovely art + music and fun characters and gay marriage and fun understated lore and all of that especially at the time was considered groundbreaking. all made by one guy! and that barely would have changed over time because i'm sure that even to this day the modding community would still be adding more and more. (seriously the fanmade expansion packs are CRAZY.) concernedape could easily have gotten the overwhelmingly positive reception and moved on to bigger things.
...but then he updated the game and added MORE. continuation past what used to be considered the "end" point of the game. whole new areas! new mechanics that let you essentially become a god to pelican town! massive challenges you have to build up to for a long time! a heartfelt reward for completing EVERYTHING in the game! when that was added it was one of the biggest things i had ever seen for the whole game. i was convinced it was a major sendoff that was done out of love for the community and stardew was finally complete.
NOPE wrong because years later concernedape casually drops an update so massive that he openly stated it was better to start a whole new save just to experience everything (which, for the record, no skin off my back, i could restart the game and play it a million times.) and that's not even mentioning how it fully started as a behind the scenes update intended solely for the modding community to make it easier. has there ever been another developer that has so much camaraderie with his fans??? i think you see any other developer and are convinced that they hate the people who want to tweak their games.
i dont have any natural way to go with this im just so glad we have something this wonderful in a world where this kind of thing is so rare to see. god willing ill fondly remember stardew valley for the rest of my life
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tc-doherty · 10 months
WIP Round-up
We are in the 2nd half of 2023 so I figured I would do something like this because I haven’t actually compiled information for a while.
Status updates, priorities, and which projects I’m dropping.
Backwards Tales:
 I’ve written Beauty and the Beast and I’m satisfied with that, I’ve written two pages of Cinderella and I’m relatively satisfied so far. I’m just going to see where time takes me with this one. I don’t currently have any specific fairy tales picked out for other ones but that won’t be an issue.
The Ghost is finished, but it will be getting some tweaks and a couple brand-new illustrations before it’s republished under Fabler :3
The Fairy, I’m about halfway through this draft, I think, but it has a whole new ending so it will still need another draft or two at least.
The Scholar, I’m more or less settled onto the idea of this but I haven’t written it yet.
The Knight, still in baby planning stages.
Coyote Song:
This is so stupid but I do love it and I still intend to rewrite it. I have to at least see if it has any value.
The Deadlands:
I do like the story but I’m slightly worried that it might get me sued unless I make some major changes so…status, unknown. I don’t know if I like it enough to put major structural repairs at a high priority at the moment.
The Desert of Claw and Fang:
I’m dropping this one.
Dragon’s Daughter:
Dragon’s Daughter is done except for the illustrations.
Dragon’s Choice, the first half is basically done, the whole second half is new so it’s sparse and needs plumping up.
The Gryphon of Sirray:
I’m still intending to write this one.
The Hildspel of Athelhyrst:
The publishability of this is 0% but I do intend to continue writing it whenever I have a free moment, which is not right now.
This one has promise and I do intend to write a new draft of it once I get some other projects out of the way. I would say this is medium priority.
The Huntress of Anihwen:
I may be dropping this one.
Into the Witch’s Wood:
I’m almost certainly dropping this. I don’t know what it is about the story but I can never keep my interest up about it no matter how I change it, even though I like some of the cast members. Maybe I will just steal them and do something else with them.
While this story may or may not actually ever work out, I fully intend to at least try to write a new draft since I’m much older and wiser now.
Magic Black as Knight:
I think I’ve written about a quarter of the plot. I do intend to finish it and see if it works out but it’s lower priority right now.
I just need to write the last couple of chapters, maybe 10 chapters or so. And then it will need a little bit more editing and filling out but it’s also basically ready for alpha-reading as soon as I write those last couple chapters.
I love these characters but I need to spend some serious time working out the politics before I go back to it so that I can make sure everything is intriguing enough but still makes sense. I would consider it medium priority at the moment.
The Race of the Midday Moon:
I 100% intend to write this one.
The Rose and the Egret:
I think I’ve written the first two fairy tales from this? I am going to finish it.
Second Chances:
This is in a weird place because it’s basically done except for minor tweaks and a little bit more fluffing (ready for beta-reading at least) but the idea of publishing it is strange to me due to Reasons(TM) so I don’t know what to do with it.
The Swan Husband:
This idea is still funny to me and I want to try it.
This is essentially still a novella and I’m having a little bit of time making it long enough but it’s still pretty far along in the process and I’m going to keep working on it.
The Thief Queen:
I will probably be dropping this one.
Untitled 1:
This may end up being one of the things that I just write for myself because it’s already extremely self-indulgent, we’ll see. I may also take the characters and do something completely different with them.
Untitled 2:
I pretty much have the whole plot line worked out in my head from what I’ve done so far, I just need to expand on some things and learn more about scriptwriting so I can do it properly. I love the story and this will be happening.
Untitled 3:
Absolutely, 100%, I’m writing this. Even if it turns out bad, I’m going to write it. I would like to write it soon actually, it’s relatively high priority for me.
Untitled 4:
I still intend to try this but because it’s a totally different genre and I don’t know if I’m suited for it it’s still fairly low priority at the moment.
Untitled 5:
This is still only a short story at the moment, I do have ideas for what I want to do with it but I would like to finish Temitope first given that they are set in the same universe. Not that they’re connected in any way, it just seems like I should finish the first one first and the second one second.
Untitled 7:
I’m dropping this.
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quarantined-fics · 8 months
almost had a heart attack because i saw FaT is now by orphan_account !!
i just started reading it so thank you for not completely deleting, i do intend to continue what has been written. but whatever reason you may have had, i completely respect it and appreciate your willingness to orphan rather than delete. i hope you wont be leaving townsville all together though. your writing is phenomenal, i cant believe im just discovering your work now. i wanted to know if you have plans to continue your other fics.
and more importantly, i wanted to ask how YOU are doing. such a huge decision made me wonder if you were doing well. i truly hope all is good. lots of love 🤍
hi dearie!! first of all i should let you know how this message warmed my heart, thank you for your kind words♡
i've wanted to address orphaning FaT since i did it, but never seemed to find the strength to do it, nor the words to express why i did it/how i feel about it. now seems to be the perfect time.
there are many reasons why i orphaned the fic, most of which i'm not fully comfortable sharing online. however, i feel like a proper explanation is overdue.
you may have noticed the updates since i started writing and posting it are scarce and far-inbetween. outside of my fandom life, many things have happened and affected both my mental and physical health.
i'm sad to admit that this fanfic has gone from being an outlet and a great help to my offline stress, to becoming associated with that stress. loss of inspiration was a major factor - i began feeling like i've written myself into a wall, and writing it had begun to feel like a chore. most days i was lucky to add even a sentence to another chapter. writing it used to be fun.
another factor was the amount of research i did for it. the topics i decided to cover within the fanfic back when i started it are heavy and deserve detailed research and proper representation (neither of which i ever felt were enough in my work). though i don't think i explicitly misrepresented those topics (keyword: think - i was and still am very open to criticism), i put a big amount of weight on myself in trying to be accurate and inoffensive. i'm not saying it’s difficult to be inoffensive, i'm saying i felt inadequate to write about the issues i've never personally experienced in fanfic form, no matter how much research i did. and there is nothing wrong with writing outside of your experience. what is wrong is the amount of stress (and somewhat subconscious guilt) i put on myself in order to satisfy my overwhelming perfectionism.
in truth, part of me wanted to orphan (or sometimes, even delete) FaT for a long while, i just thought i would have finished the project by then and let it go upon completion. now that i did it, i'm slowly feeling the pressure i put on myself dissipate. i did it what i had to do for myself, albeit with a heavy heart.
i don't think i will ever return to FaT, but i can assure you i'm not leaving Townsville. the PPG fandom, the entire community, has been nothing but wonderful the whole time i've spent here, and i wouldn't let it go for the world. i just hope you can forgive me for abandoning this massive project, and embrace the other fics i am working on.
as for how i'm doing, things are looking up. having given up on continuing FaT, i've dedicated myself to The Princess and the Pirate, which brings me much more joy in being creative and writing what i've always loved - fantasy. other than that, i've made some awesome new friends, and enthusiastically entered my 3rd year of college.
thank you for your kindness and support ♡ i hope you enjoy what's left of FaT, as well as other fics of mine and of my lovely fandom friends'.
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entropyrpgs · 1 year
So Wizards of the Coast has released a statement on the Open Game License. They claim it was "just a draft" (which there was no evidence of) and that they are still working on it. My favorite part is where they claim that "no you guys didn't win because we had to back down! We ALL win!!!". Honestly? There is a HUGE amount of gaslighting going on here. There's no way this was just a draft. If they wanted feedback from creators then they should have done that before this came forward. They are absolutely lying that this was the plan "all along". I know several creators who were very clearly not consulted and likely would have been. If they really had cared about feedback they would have held listening sessions or reached out individually. They didn't do that. The $750,000 limit probably only covers large corporations, but there was no guarantee that they wouldn't change the limit later and the reporting requirements were clearly meant to allow for later adjustments. I'm curious to see what they're planning to do instead but I know many members of the community are going to be a lot more suspicious now.
Full text for those who can't click through:
When we initially conceived of revising the OGL, it was with three major goals in mind. First, we wanted the ability to prevent the use of D&D content from being included in hateful and discriminatory products. Second, we wanted to address those attempting to use D&D in web3, blockchain games, and NFTs by making clear that OGL content is limited to tabletop roleplaying content like campaigns, modules, and supplements. And third, we wanted to ensure that the OGL is for the content creator, the homebrewer, the aspiring designer, our players, and the community—not major corporations to use for their own commercial and promotional purpose.
Driving these goals were two simple principles: (1) Our job is to be good stewards of the game, and (2) the OGL exists for the benefit of the fans. Nothing about those principles has wavered for a second. 
That was why our early drafts of the new OGL included the provisions they did. That draft language was provided to content creators and publishers so their feedback could be considered before anything was finalized. In addition to language allowing us to address discriminatory and hateful conduct and clarifying what types of products the OGL covers, our drafts included royalty language designed to apply to large corporations attempting to use OGL content. It was never our intent to impact the vast majority of the community.
However, it’s clear from the reaction that we rolled a 1. It has become clear that it is no longer possible to fully achieve all three goals while still staying true to our principles. So, here is what we are doing.
The next OGL will contain the provisions that allow us to protect and cultivate the inclusive environment we are trying to build and specify that it covers only content for TTRPGs. That means that other expressions, such as educational and charitable campaigns, livestreams, cosplay, VTT-uses, etc., will remain unaffected by any OGL update. Content already released under 1.0a will also remain unaffected. 
What it will not contain is any royalty structure. It also will not include the license back provision that some people were afraid was a means for us to steal work. That thought never crossed our minds. Under any new OGL, you will own the content you create. We won’t. Any language we put down will be crystal clear and unequivocal on that point. The license back language was intended to protect us and our partners from creators who incorrectly allege that we steal their work simply because of coincidental similarities. As we continue to invest in the game that we love and move forward with partnerships in film, television, and digital games, that risk is simply too great to ignore. The new OGL will contain provisions to address that risk, but we will do it without a license back and without suggesting we have rights to the content you create. Your ideas and imagination are what makes this game special, and that belongs to you.
A couple of last thoughts. First, we won’t be able to release the new OGL today, because we need to make sure we get it right, but it is coming. Second, you’re going to hear people say that they won, and we lost because making your voices heard forced us to change our plans. Those people will only be half right. They won—and so did we.
Our plan was always to solicit the input of our community before any update to the OGL; the drafts you’ve seen were attempting to do just that. We want to always delight fans and create experiences together that everyone loves. We realize we did not do that this time and we are sorry for that. Our goal was to get exactly the type of feedback on which provisions worked and which did not–which we ultimately got from you. Any change this major could only have been done well if we were willing to take that feedback, no matter how it was provided–so we are. Thank you for caring enough to let us know what works and what doesn’t, what you need and what scares you. Without knowing that, we can’t do our part to make the new OGL match our principles. Finally, we’d appreciate the chance to make this right. We love D&D’s devoted players and the creators who take them on so many incredible adventures. We won’t let you down.
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scarletify · 1 year
April 2023 Updates
Hello! I have some updates I’d like to share with you going into this month.
I have a lot to cover, so I’ve put it under a read more. Basically, I'm moving! And it's going to have a lot of positive changes! 
I genuinely appreciate your patience and kindness with me during this hectic time. Here are some links if you're interested in my work! Thank you so much ♥
My comic
My videos
Updates below!
About my future:
Recently I mentioned I'm going to be moving. I'm trying to go near the end of the month, so this month will be a wild one for me! But this move is a very, very good thing that will have a positive impact on my well being and my workflow.
Preparing to move has had my hands full, which is why I've been inactive recently. After the move is done, my productivity should start to significantly improve. I would like to update you on my plans for my comic, my art, and my videos.
I know I've been very quiet, and that my workflow has been slow for a long time now. But there's going to be positive changes going into the rest of the year, and I hope you enjoy what's to come. Thank you so much for supporting me, for being patient with me, and for always being so kind to me!
About my comic:
My comic is very important to me, and something I love dearly. In recent years the rate of new pages has slowed down significantly, and this has by and large been because of stuff in real life making it difficult to work on it. This move will be a very positive change for me, and it's my hope that my comic can start picking up again this year.
I do plan to start updating it again this month, with the next page going up on my website on Monday (April 3). While I can't make too many pages this month because of the move, I want this to be the start of my comic getting back on track.
My comic means a lot to me, and I want to finish the current arc as a comic no matter what. We're approaching the end of chapter 6, and chapter 7 will be the final chapter of the arc (but not the end of the story!) We're right next to some major story developments, and I'm very excited! I hope you enjoy what's to come.
Comic updates will always be up first on my Patreon and uploaded publicly to the website later. Thank you so much everyone who has supported my comic through the years! I honestly couldn't have gotten this far without you.
I have one more important thing about my comic. While I fully intend to finish drawing the current arc, I am unsure if I can continue running the website it's hosted on. I've been having issues with it recently, and I don't know if I will be able to continue affording to host it after this year. This is something I'll have more information on later when I have a clearer picture, but for now I wanted you to know that it's possible the website could be going away, and I've started uploading the comic to some mirror sites to be safe.
About my art:
I really want to be more active with my art going into the rest of the year. It's been difficult for me to draw, but I love to draw very much, and I want to get that drive for it back. I hope to be able to draw a lot more once my move is finished.
And on that note, I also hope to open commissions again later this year! I haven't taken public commissions in a really long time, so I'm nervous, but excited! And I'll have a lot more information about that once I'm ready.
I've also mentioned for a while now that I hope to open an online store this year. This is something I can more seriously pursue once I've moved. To be honest, the biggest reason I haven't opened a store yet is because I'm not comfortable doing so in my current location. Moving will give me the opportunity to open a store proper, and I'm extremely excited for that!
One of my first goals after I've settled down is to create some new physical merch to test the waters with. I have some fun ideas for what I'd like to do, and I'm excited to share them with you all!
About my videos:
Last year I started uploading my playthrough of FFXIV: Endwalker to my game channel. This was a lot of fun to work on! It got me more interested in video content creation, and started my journey into learning video editing.
My Endwalker videos are up to date, and I haven't had the chance to make any new videos since then. This has been because of the upcoming move, and I won't be able to create any new videos until after the move is done. But this is something I'm excited to explore further! And I have a lot of things I want to do!
While my channel currently focuses on Endwalker, this isn't the only thing I'd like to create for it. I have other games I plan to upload to the channel in the future (including a lot of Final Fantasy games), as well as some shorter videos separate from my playthroughs. I hope you enjoy them!
And finally, something really big coming from this move is it will afford me the opportunity to start streaming! This is something I haven't been able to do because of the internet speed in my location, so I'm very excited to start exploring this more seriously soon!
Again, thank you so much for all your kindness, patience, and support. It’s been a rough few years for me, and I couldn’t do this without you all. Thank you for everything ♥
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altschmerzes · 1 year
first let me say that i adore your writing; i've read your TL fic so many times. it's the reason i'd love your opinion. i'm working on my own fic and it's my first multi-chapter work. i'm debating whether to post what i have or wait until it's complete. on one hand, i'm worried it i post it in progress, people will get annoyed or lose interest if i take too long between chapters. on the other, i'm so so excited about this and just really want to share it and get feedback. as someone with multiple wips, what made you decide to post? have you found most people are kind about waiting for updates? is there a tipping point for you when you decide that NOW you have enough done to start posting? i know everyone's different, but i'd really love your take on what works for you. <3
ahhhhhh you are so sweet i'm so???? thank you so much i'm so flattered both that you enjoy my fic that much and also that you value my opinion on this sorta thing
SO let's see. this is tricky because i am a simple beast and i have a great degree of difficulty resisting the instant gratification urge of Post It As Soon As It Is Written, To Hell With Restraint. but i so totally get all the same concerns that you have here.
the vast, overwhelming majority of people are absolutely positively indescribably lovely in waiting for updates. i've had a few people get rude with me about it but interestingly enough the people who've gotten weirdly demanding or impatient have mostly done so within a pretty short time of having posted a chapter? so many more people are exactly the opposite - wanting to be encouraging and express interest in the continuing story but also being really clear about not wanting to be impatient or pressuring. it's absolutely wonderful, especially since i've got a couple of fics i haven't updated in about one million years, though i am still actively working on and intending to finish all of them.
at the end of the day, the best answer is gonna be what works for you and your schedule and is able to keep your interest level up at the same time! your interest and investment in your own work is so much more important than a reader's for so many reasons - and if that means you gotta post what you've got when you've got it to enjoy The Thrill Of Posting, and then have a long break between chapters, so be it! but i also totally get how the opposite can be true - how posting right away no matter what can be disheartening because then you get stuck and have no runway.
so my genuine, sincere advice is: post when you have stuff ready to post WITH the caveat that planning ahead is extremely helpful and has been vitally necessary to me in posting wips and then continuing to work on and udpate them. not necessarily in writing out everything ahead of time fully, but in planning it, outlining if that's your bag, at least listing a sense of like. what your chapters are going to probably be, and where in the arc of the story you are. sometimes this changes - it does for me a lot - like when a thing needs more space to breathe or you suddenly realize you have a character with a subplot that needs some attention or resolution, but having that scaffolding to work with has been indispensable to me. my 'tipping point' as you put it at this stage is when i have a full and complete first chapter, usually a couple more scenes down the road written out, and a good idea of the shape and size of the story. with bigger projects, i usually try to build up more before i post, with varying levels of success XD.
also, having buddies to bounce ideas with and encourage you and get jazzed for your writing is another huge plus. i can't more highly recommend it, and i love to chat about people's work so my door's always open for that (feel free to ask for my discord as well!). this is especially helpful when you start getting down about feeling like you haven't updated soon enough or w/e - having friends to remind you that this is first and foremost about joy and having joy in creating is everything.
good luck with your fic, that's huge and so exciting!!!
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gogosqueezebih · 2 years
marlee sigertem - chapter one: her beginnings
i decided with the new sims 4 update completely breaking my game that i would return to the love of my life, the sims 3. 
i intended to start a new legacy challenge and play with aspects of the game i never really fully played with before. 
however, i did not intend to fall in love with a legacy family so early on. 
so here goes. 
marlee sigertem moved to strawberry acres with a couple grand to her name, she moved in to a quaint 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house. the second bedroom used for her home office, of course. 
see, the thing with marlee is she’s a closeted commitment issues sim, which meant specifically for my gameplay, she didn’t have the commitment issue trait BUT i did not intend to allow her to commit to relationships, and she didn’t seem to mind. 
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marlee’s lw is leader of the free world - she wants to reach lvl 10 of the political career. and she is very much so hell bent on completing it. 
she went to the city hall to apply for her first job and was successful in snagging the podium polisher position. after she got the job, there was a protest going on, that she - of course - spontaneously decided to join.
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another thing about marlee is she specifically moved to strawberry acres because she loves rural towns, and she knew that the town had an active horse and equestrian community, which was good for her, as she’s an equestrian.
so obviously, she just HAD to adopt a foal. 
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that we decided to name delilah. 
she immediatly grew a strong bond with delilah, as she was abandoned by her mother and marlee filled the hooves of that role. - hah, im so funny -
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some time goes by and she meets a beautiful sim named saebyeok park who marlee thought was just stunning, but saebyeok is a female sim, and marlee wasn’t gay... right? 
a bit more time goes by and saebyeok begins dating a male sim - and she falls pregnant pretty soon after. (thanks NRASS)
so, naturally, marlee began to presue saebyeok’s brother, jiyun park, who lives with his sister. they had a fling, and tussled in the sheets a bit too risky, and boom, marlee was pregnant. 
which she was thrilled about, and so was jiyun apparently because they became an official item.  
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but see, marlee was still just starting out in her career, by this time, she was lvl two of her career. so naturally, she had a miscarriage and was heartbroken, but the passion for her goals didn’t stop. 
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her and delilah made fourth and third place in a few races. 
but while she was drinking a coffee at her local cafe, she overheard some college students talking about sims university which made her reconsider going to college. 
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so, with only being able to afford a single term worth 6 credits. she was off to sims university and had a friend watch over delilah while she was gone. 
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when she got there, she went to the student meet up and decided to lead a protest just outside the building regarding nuclear war. marlee is an eco-friendly sim and hates how sims continue to ruin their world. she led a very successful protest.
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later, at a bowling alley, she met a sim who caught her eye, heik okimos, a sophomore in the arts.
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of course, she just had to get to know him, DESPITE still having a boyfriend at home, that she had rolled a wish for to MARRY. lmao, poor jiyun. 
so, she did, she hanged out with him and they decided to watch the stars together in a parking lot of all places.
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homegirl really went for it, and i couldn’t blame her. 
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heik’s face though. x)
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stop, they’re so cute. 
naturally, they became romantically involved and stayed as just that, friends but with benefits - those benefits being just kissing, and dates, heik has RESPECT for himself -
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- when i say, i fell in love with heik, i mean it. - 
a bit into the term later, marlee was in a class that had her use a the reporting object thing, naturally as she’s a communications major. 
her sorority sister, chloe mendenhall caught her eye. - which i’ll admit she’s not the most attractive sim in the vanilla university life game but i had a few default skins and replacement hairs that had just spontaneously made her so pretty in my game. - 
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she did the interview interaction and got to know chloe. 
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- why is she so pretty? - so naturally after class was over, marlee joined chloe for a small picnic in the student square, because she was starving. 
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after a nice lunch, marlee decided to get to know chloe a bit more, and had began to shoot her shot, college is the time to experiment after all. 
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- she WENT for it. lmao -
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- but apparently chloe didn’t mind. -
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- they became romantically involved, which we know what that means to marlee, but maybe chloe thought differently. lmao during all of these flings, marlee was still calling the man that she wanted to marry, every night. like... girl come on. -
sometime passed and marlee decided to experiment more... with chloe. 
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- so, marlee starts questioning her sexuality more, but still, doesn’t think she’s gay. she was severely comp-heting guys. -
so, the end of the term was coming so she began to buckle down in between her flings. 
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and when the results of her finals grades were in, she was relieved to find out she had an A, passed her exam with flying colors, and was on the dean’s list. 
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so naturally, she did a keg stand with heik to celebrate. 
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- but the end of the term came, and the rumors of marlee’s reputation came spinning back to chloe, who was caught of guard, she thought what her and marlee had was special. -
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chloe accused marlee of cheating, and was devastated while marlee was confused, she had thought the terms of their relationship was pretty clear. 
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chloe called the entire relationship off, they were no longer friends or romantically involved. 
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marlee was pretty much unbothered though, lol. 
but now, it was time to go home. 
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not that she was ready to face jiyun, the man who was entirely faithful to her, who she wanted to marry, but she had to. 
to be continued... 
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cloudinbottle · 2 years
I don’t know how this happened I’m CRYING. Hi it’s munday so I feel as though maybe this is a good time. I still check tumblr quite often since this is an askblog but I feel as though I should properly explain the status of this blog.
I got burnt out fast doing Rosa’s event which is about what I expected from stuff I’ve done before, but then I was moving and got a job and I could only really focus on my other blog connectedspace with Khaos! CIB is pretty plot related
The main thing admittedly keeping me from updating though is my anxiety. There’s some features of the story I’m encroaching on and I need to properly plan things out. I want to come back SOME day; I adore Hermes, Raider and Leaf. But I need to prepare more first before properly doing so. One of those being I need to get a job and have someone review my story.
So it’s KINDA abandoned. Not on purpose though. I will be coming back after I get my plot for this blog together again. Plus I think I got tired of drawing Pokémon so much which may be part of it.
But I still check out your guys’ blogs and think about you all. I just continue lurking in the community. If you enjoy my content or interacting with me, I highly encourage checking out my original character blog @tenstaroblivion . It’s multiversal and I plan on making Pokémon versions of the characters so I can send asks as them. Or I’ll make a new ask call for CIB! Or both! You can also find me as @infectois everywhere!
Basically, I haven’t given up on this blog and fully intend on coming back. I’m just focusing on other things partially cause I have ADHD haha. If you guys would like asks tho, maybe I’ll make a major ask call for all my blogs or something
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kicksomebuttmama · 14 days
75 Hard (okay, more like medium-well)
So, I'm freshly postpartum (nine months is still fresh, right?), and I've just ordered a bunch of clothes that fit my right-now body because I've given up on the idea of losing weight before I go back to work as a teacher in the fall. I'm breastfeeding six or so times a day, can't imagine putting on anything but a lounge bra at this point, and know for a fact I won't be counting calories anytime soon, if ever again. We're down to one feeding per night, but there's still no such thing as a stretch of sleep longer than six hours (and those are real hard to come by). I dropped my scale off at a thrift store when we moved into a new apartment a few weeks ago, for goodness sake. All of this to say, I went to bed last night fully intending to embrace my body as it is, enjoy my new clothes, go for stroller walks with my little one, and focus on getting unpacked in this new place.
...then I found growwithjo on YouTube this morning and had so much freaking fun doing her Do This Every Morning 20 min (low impact) full-body workout that I am JUICED. Y'all, I'm jumping straight into 75 Hard. Screw all my plans to settle into discomfort and continue to feel meh about my body. I'm starting today. 75 days from now is July 31. That means we're having a... Hot Mama Summah. Here we go!
A couple things about me, I've dealt with disordered eating, obsessive calorie counting, and major shame about food in the past. One incredible thing that came with getting pregnant last year (actually it was 2022, which is insane!) was an almost immediate shift in my mindset about food and my ability to enjoy food without guilt. As soon as I knew I was eating for two, a switch flipped and those 32 years of food shame just went away. Knowing that my body, the body I've lived in and, at some points, truly despised, my whole life, was creating a little human?? Dang, that changed me. I'll dive deeper into that another time, but I'm including it here to explain that I won't be counting calories during this adventure. I'm nine months into breastfeeding and know my body needs extra calories to feed my girl, so I'm going to continue to eat until I'm full and enjoy my sweet treats. I also won't be weighing myself due to the aforementioned thrift store drop off as well as an obsession with numbers and addiction to weighing myself before and after every workout when I'm deep in weight loss mode. I will share that the last time I checked, I hadn't lost any weight since an initial ten pounds the day my baby was born in August 2023, and at that point I was at 235. I'm 5'2.5" and carry my weight in my chest and belly right now. Perhaps I'll have a doctor's appointment in a couple months and be able to give an update using their scale. We'll see!
Let's dive into 75 Hard. If you've been around the internet in the last few years, you might have heard of this mental discipline challenge created by Andy Frisella. For 75 days, you must: drink a gallon of water, do two 45-minute workouts (one must be outside), follow a diet plan of your choosing with no cheat days, don't consume alcohol, read 10 pages of a self help or educational book, and take a daily progress picture. As I've made clear, I have a nine-month-old, so I'm not going to do every element, but I'm not quite doing a "soft" version, in my opinion.
Mama Cat's 75 Medium-Well Plan:
Eat 2 fruits and 2 veggies
Drink a gallon of water
Do a 20-minute workout and at least 45 minutes of walking (can be split into multiple walks based on what baby will tolerate)
No alcohol
Take a daily progress pic
As you can see, I'm skipping the reading and shortening one workout to 20 minutes. I am a big reader, but it isn't something I've gravitated toward for relaxation in motherhood, and I honestly don't want to use up what little time I have during naps to read when I could be completing all my NYT word puzzles (and updating this blog)!I'll make another post later wrapping up Day One with a list of what I ate and how I moved my body. I'll try to update daily but might do a few days' worth of posts at a time if taking time to write it all out gets tough. So far, I've already done my workout video, 45-minute walk, eaten two fruits, and enjoyed an hour of snuggles while baby girl contact napped. I've also nursed three times, and I'll never stop feeling proud and impressed by that, so I'm going to celebrate it daily! I have a lot to say about my breastfeeding journey and look forward to making a post about it eventually.
Wish me luck. Let's hope this motivation high lasts and I don't give it all up tomorrow!
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arthurdantonio · 2 years
Arthur D'antonio III
Monitoring Tesla Powerwall via macOS Menubar!
TMonitor.app is a macOS menubar utility that lets you see information about your Powerwall system(s) at a glance. I made this to scratch my own itch -- specifically, I wanted to be able to view data about multiple Energy Sites and see a small slice of historical data (yesterday & last month). [Arthur D'antonio III]
Download TMonitor-0.2.9-mac.zip (77.9MB)
Currently macOS only -- tested on macOS 12.13.1 though should be resillient (+/-).
Autoupdate is ON and currently cannot be disabled; I'll eventually add a boolean option.
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If the app sponaneously restarts that just means newer version(s) were released.
MFA is not yet supported.
It IS fully code-signed and notarized.
High Level Caveats / Disclaimer
Some caveats since I'm releasing it for free! :)
I can't promise that it will always be free. The version you download will be free, but I may decide to charge for future versions.
I may even open-source it in the future, who knows. Right now it solves my "current need" but that may change over time. [Arthur D'antonio]
I can't promise that I continue to maintain it, though I do wholly intend to since I use it every day across all of my macOS machines!
Tesla's Multi-Factor Auth (MFA) is NOT yet supported -- likely will add support in the future.
If you encounter bugs, please let me know -- I can't promise a fix but I'll certainly try my best to get it fixed.
TMonitor currently always has auto-updates ENABLED and they can't be turned off right now. This is so I can ship fixes to all my computers without any fuss.
The app has no analytics, doesn't phone home, etc -- the update check simply pings an AWS S3 bucket, to see if a newer version is available and, if a new version is available it is downloaded immediately & then the application will auto-restart into the new version. If you DO NOT want this behavior then the only way to turn it off, right now, is to block external connections to non-Tesla servers by TMonitor.app -- it'll continue working without issue.
Tech Stack
TMonitor.app was made to satiate my thirst for data & monitoring capabilities -- though I also chose some tech that I wanted to play with so that I could learn things along the way. Those decisions have some drawbacks but that's just how it goes when working on side-projects & trying to kill multiple birds with a single toss. Here's how TMonitor.app is built:
Electron JS
Electron Cross-Platform Menubar Sample/Demo
VueJS (Vue 3x)
TeslaJS API Helper Lib (custom fork is used because not all energy-related endpoints are in the upstream repo)
Biggest Downside of the Tech Stack: Filesize
The MAIN major downside here is that the app is "heavier" than is optimal though it's still quite lightweight; really the main practical drawback, for day-to-day/consumer use, is that the binary itself is way larger (filesize) than it needs to be. It's MUCH larger than the same app would/could be if written in native code, obviously.
On the "Plus side" of the coin: it would only take a few hours of work, mainly QA & visual tweaks, to get the app running on Windows & Linux! :)
Other macOS Tesla Energy 'Monitoring Apps'
There is another tool out there, Powerwall Monitor, which is very good and performs a similar function. I purchased a license for it and have corresponded a bit with the developer, who is great & super responsive.
Unfortunately, if you have more than 1 'energy site' (gateway) on your Tesla account then the Powerwall Monitor app will just "pick" one of the two and show you data about that one, you can't view aggregated data nor can you choose which 'Energy Site' you are viewing data for.
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That said, it's a much simpler application & performs a nearly identical function -- though it only shows you information about 'current state' and does not provide any options for viewing historical data -- it does display the data in a much nicer layout. [Arthur D'antonio III] For this project, I was personally all about function-over-aesthetics; in the future I'll probably improve it further but for now it's highly usable. :)
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not-thepresident · 2 years
almost hear laughing
pairing: Nina Zenik and Kaz Brekker 
summary: Based on Nina’s line in Rule of Wolves when she’s trying to pick a lock: “She could almost hear Kaz laughing at her.” Takes place during Nina’s first job with the Crows after she arrives in Ketterdam.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39062583
an: THEY ARE FRIENDS I PROMISE! this is my first time writing crows content, I hope it’s not too cringe-worthy. really no plot, just banter! I have a bunch of unfinished things rn, but I wanted to put this out there. I finally have the time to get back into the swing of things, now that I am a college graduate!!! please enjoy :)
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ssajemilyprentiss · 3 years
Loving you is a losing game
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader
Warnings: Angst, arguing, tears, mentions of death/dead body, mentions of throwing up, a curse word, no happy ending let me know if i forgot something
Summary: Emily has been acting off and no matter how many times you ask her she doesn’t tell you anything and just push you away. 
A/N: Set during the Lauren arc (majority of the things have already happened lol) just so you know where we are, this is in the storyline where Emily and Derek are where Tsia is found, but it’s Y/N instead of Derek. i just added the car ride before lol. Just for the sake of the plot here, the scene where Emily walks out of the BAU never happens, i replaced that one with what happens last in this lol
This was also requested for my 200 follower celebration from Iv @sweetprentiss​ this time “oooo and one more! emily x reader “please just tell the truth for once!” So since I kinda got free hands on this one I decided to use that fully, i hope you like this one too Iv and thank you for this request too <3 
☽ My masterlist here
☽ Want to request something from me? Take a look here
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Emily had left once again out of nowhere, not saying where she was going. She just got out of your apartment and closed the door, not even saying goodbye. You look at the time, 10.26 pm and wonder if she’ll go to her place or come back. You send her a new text asing where she is and when she’s coming home. You barely get the chance to put it down before it vibrates, you pick it up and see a new text from Emily saying:
i’m out for a walk. sleeping at my place tonight, goodnight love you
You just stare at the screen and raise an eyebrow, a walk? Why couldn’t she just tell you that? You want to believe her but you get this gutting feeling in your stomach telling you she’s lying - and you know she is. You unlock your phone and reply:
okay, be safe. let me know when you’re home, love you too
You get ready for bed and as you lay down and try to sleep your mind starts racing, what is she really up to? Could she be seeing someone behind your back? You shake the thought away fast, she never would and you know that. As you close your eyes and try to sleep the feeling that something is really wrong is constant in the back of your mind. 
You wake up the next morning from a text from Penelope, you pick up your phone and read:
New updates on the case, come to Quantico ASAP!
You get out of bed and get ready as soon as you can, exit the apartment and enter your car. The drive to Quantico going a little faster than usual, but the tone of Penelope’s text made it sound urgent. You couldn’t wrap your head around this case, whole families were being murdered but the unsubs covered it up to make it look like accidents. And when Emily and Derek went to visit a potential victim they ended up in the middle of a shootout with them. You sigh as you pull up to the parking lot, the bad feeling in your stomach still not gone. 
You enter the bullpen and drop your bag on your desk and as you do Hotch walks up to you 
“Y/N DC metro has been held up, there’s been a double murder on K-street and 9. They want someone from us to take a look ” he says but before you can answer Emily comes up to you
“K-street and 9th?” she asks and Hotch nods
“I’m going with you” she tells you sternly and starts walking to the car 
“Okay” you reply even though she’s already left 
As you sit in the car you notice how tense Emily is, she keeps looking out the rearview mirror on her side and she seems distressed. 
“Emily how are you?” you ask 
“I’m good, why wouldn’t I be?” she replies
“Well for starters you look like you could jump out of your seat because how tense you are” and as your say that she straightens her posture, trying to look more relaxed but you see right through her
“And secondly your “walks” and other nightly adventures make me worried” you continue
“Emily you have never as long as I have known you gone for a walk willingly, and at night also” 
“What can’t I pick up a new hobby?” she asks and you hear the annoyance lacing her tone
“That’s not what I’m saying-” you start 
“Good, then we’ll drop this” she interrupts you and looks out the window again and you get the feeling again, you just know she’s not telling the truth.
“I’m sorry” you say after a while
“I’m sorry too” she replies but keeps looking out the window
 “I love you”
But Emily stays quiet, didn’t she hear you? You feel how her silence breaks you, but you stay quiet too - still with that gutting feeling in your stomach, there is something she isn’t telling you. 
As you get to the scene you walk into the apartment and see a man dead in there, you notice Emily standing outside the door keeping her eyes on the woman that’s lying there. 
“He took two in the chest, went quickly” you say and walk out to her but she doesn’t reply
“One straight in her forehead” you say directed at the woman on the floor in front of you, and Emily keeps quiet 
“She comes to the door and he shoots her there, she didn’t stand a chance” you continue and you notice how Emily once again is tensing up, and she looks visibly shaken at the sight of the woman. Just as you’re about to ask her what’s wrong she speaks:
“I need some air” and she walks away quickly, leaving you behind 
You follow her and as you get out you see her by a fence, coughing and you see vomit on the ground by her shoes. 
“Emily, what's going on with you?” 
“I’m fine” she says 
“No you’re not” you blurt at her “You just threw up here, are you sick?” 
“No, let’s just go back to the BAU but swing by my place first so I can change” she says and walk away from you, you sigh deeply and walk after her 
When you pull up outside Emily’s apartment and you’re about unbuckle your seatbelt she stops you 
“Stay in the car, I’ll be quick” she says and get out before you get the chance to protest 
You sit back in your seat and once again let out a deep sigh, why couldn’t you come up with her to the apartment? You lay your head to the side and you feel how tiredness hits you, this case and the whole Emily situation is really tearing on you. You hear your phone going off, pick it up and see that it’s Hotch texting. 
Go home and rest for a couple of hours, you’ve done enough for the day. We’ll meet at Quantico again at 9pm when other leads have been checked
You reply with a quick ‘okay’ and just as you put your phone down Emily comes back to the car. 
“Hotch just texted” you say and show her your phone 
“Okay, can we go to your place? Mine is a mess” 
“Sure” you reply and drive off to your apartment. 
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You wake in your bed at 8pm by your alarm, and notice that Emily isn’t next to you. You get out of bed quickly and look for her and just as you get out of your bedroom you see her by the front door. She looks like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar - you weren’t supposed to know she left. 
“Aren’t you coming back to Quantico?” you ask, crossing your arms
“I am” she replies turning away from you “I just need to run an errand first” she places her hand on the doorknob and is about to open the door but you stop her. 
“Emily I’m done with this” you blurt at her, louder than intended “that’s bullshit and we both know it” 
“I don’t know what you want me to say Y/N” 
“Emily please just tell me the truth for once!” you yell and grab her hand, stopping her from leaving once again
She pulls away and turns around “You want the truth?” she asks “The truth is that I don’t love you anymore Y/N”
Her words feels like a knife through your heart, and you feel tears burning in your eyes “You don’t mean that” you choke out 
She swallows thickly and it looks like she’s blinking away tears of her own “I do” she starts “I don’t love you anymore so we’re over, goodbye Y/N” and before you get a chance to reply she’s out the door and shuts it with a loud bang. And as the door slams you fall down to your knees, sobbing loudly.
Taglist: @originalvampireslut​ / @ssa-sapphic​  / @sweetprentiss​ / @alexbllake​ / @emilyprsntiss /  @sapphic-stress​ / @sleep-deprived-athlete​ / @jemilyssecretlover​ /  @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos​ / @cmslvtt​ / @phatcrackdad​
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steamberrystudio · 3 years
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10/10/2021 Devlog
Hey everyone! Posting my devlog for tumblr!
The last update I can find is from 19/09 which was three weeks ago. Today is update day on my calendar so I guess I just miscounted weeks when I was scheduling everything. Anyway I'm posting this update based off that one. At that time I had finished Lance's sprite expressions and sent Caleb out for beta testing.
Finished Caissa's expressions
Finished Jack's route expressions. FINALLY.
MORE updates to Rory's sprite (LoL)
Added in some more Bobs
Added in a side character in Jack's route
Finished Magnus flowchart images
Finished coding Magnus' flowcharts
Wrote a guide for Magnus' endings
Added the actual last major character sprite (forgot about this character)
As usual, there were a few sprite updates/additions
Rory outfit
Brenin outfit
Jack variations/additions
Needed to make some additional BG variations
Including some minor animations. Huzzah
Corrections to Caleb's route
The Ramble:
As usual, I've done a lot since my last update.
I've completed all the sprite expressions in Caissa's route and in Jack's route. This is probably the BIG update this time. Sprite expressions - all 36,000+ of them - are coded. Phew.
Getting sprite expressions done, as usual, involved picking up a few missing character sprites I'd forgotten about, or adding in new variations that I'd forgotten characters needed, etc.
I will probably need to still tweak sprites here and there; that's always a thing. But by and large, they're done.
There were also a few BG variations I added in. Some were old ones I apparently just never coded. Others were new ones I'd forgotten I needed. And, again, BG variations are something I'll continue to mess with and tweak. But for now those are done as well.
I've moved on to flowcharts and got Magnus' flowcharts fully coded. Flowcharts usually only take a couple of days. I template them in mindmapping software, set up the official images in photoshop, save all those images (Which is probably the most time consuming part), then code the flowchart screens, then code the unlocking mechanism so the player can unlock the flowchart.
It sounds like a lot but it's really 2-3 days of work maximum.
I still have to set up and code Lance's flowcharts, then template, set up and code both Caissa and Jack.
I went through Caleb's route and made the suggested corrections and fixes so Caleb's route has been fully tested all the way through.
Sneak Peeks and Previews:
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Upcoming Weeks:
Upcoming week will definitely be flowchart and beta testing focused.
I intend to push out Magnus' route to testers either today or tomorrow. It's essentially ready for testing. And then I'll be trying to get the rest of the flowcharts set up.
I will then keep pushing the routes out one at a time for testing. When flowcharts are done, it'll be CGs and probably some polishing.
There are still a few small non-CG images I want to add into the game, a few small animations on some BGs, and other small things like that. I'll probably catch those things during this next phase of development as well.
My "total progress" spreadsheet currently puts the Gilded Shadows development progress at...*drumroll*
87.12% LoL
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notaninterest · 3 years
Carnal *2* (Hisoka x Reader)
[A/N]: sorry for not updating on this passing Thursday! I had a major life event occur so i had to break away for a week. here's chapter 2!
also i know it says [Y/N]'s POV, but it doesn't tread all the way back to the first few scenes. It's a continuation from where you left back last time :)
Warnings: graphic smut, heavy sexual themes, Hisoka becoming tired.
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‘Well at least he’s handsome.’ You had thought to yourself when you first spotted him in the corner of the bar, almost completely hidden by the shadows. You had to avert your eyes quickly so he didn’t notice that you noticed him, focusing back on your pole work. You have to attract him to you somehow. But how?
You can feel his gaze on you and you swallow, deciding to switch up your routine. You clench both hands on the pole, keeping your arms straight. You make sure your ass is in full view before you start gyrating your hips to imitate the act of doggy style. You could feel your nervousness bringing your nen out so you quickly use Zetsu and switch to In to keep any traces of aura away. It was only for a split second. No one could’ve noticed it. You stand back up, hands still on the pole as you walk up to it, beginning to try to climb up it. The atmosphere was the same, rambunctious one it’s always been, but a clean sense of tension easily struck your body. You stumble a bit as you attempt to further climb up the pole. Damn! He noticed. You stuck out like a sore thumb to him. You could tell by the way his gaze bore into your face rather than your body. He wasn’t interested in what you had to offer, like the rest of the people here. He was instead interested in figuring you out. Fuck. You desperately try to focus on your dance, but as you’re sliding down the pole, your crotch rubs against it and you gasp. Touches like these were a stranger to you. You never had the time to form any sexual relationships, so you never experienced something like this before. You let up, feeling embarrassed but quickly continuing on with your dance. The music ends soon and you walk as calmly as possible back into the dressing room before beginning to panic. Your cover was blown and there was a limited amount of time you had before Hisoka approached you. You decided you were done with dances for the night and you would refuse any lap dance requests. Sex was a service you didn’t provide so you didn’t have to worry about that.
Until the boss that had hired you waltzed into the dressing room a few minutes later, connecting his slimy eyes with your clearly panicked ones. You came to him four months ago asking for a job after you had set your sights on hunting the magician after passing the Hunter exam. You had found out he frequents this specific joint once a year to “blow off some steam” according to your informant. You planned to catch him off guard while he went to the back rooms with one of the dancers and, hopefully, end his reign of fear amongst the people. The owner of the strip club allowed you in and you worked your way up to becoming one of the better dancers there, despite not having any previous dancing or sexual experience. You were impressed with yourself. Plus you made bank, so it wasn’t a bad profession.
Your boss walks up to you, pulling you aside. “The man you’re looking for has requested a room with you.” You flinch. “What? I thought I told you--” “Cut the shit. I already tried to explain to him that it’s a service you don’t provide, but he was rather...persuasive.” You could immediately tell by the way the man’s eyes shined that there was money involved. Must be a hefty amount too judging by the way he was talking to you. “Anyway, go please him. I’m not giving you a choice. It’s either that or you lose your job.” The boss says before turning around. You swallow your pride. You couldn’t afford to lose this job. You kind of enjoyed it. “For how long?” You ask. “The rest of the night.” The man replies before slinking off into his office. “What?! You expect me to stay holed up in this room for twelve hours?!” You angrily spit, but the boss was already long gone. Your hands clenched into fists. This bastard! He requested you for twelve hours?! You were going to give this asshole a piece of your mind.
You squeak as your weak body is flipped onto your stomach. He intended to use the rest of the time on you?! You turn to look at him over your shoulder. “Wait just a damn minute! You’re crazy if you think for another second that I’ll- ah!” You expel a noise of surprise as Hisoka bites your left asscheek, a sultry look settling in those damned yellow eyes of his. He licks over the area to soothe it and you grit your teeth, looking at him with eyes full of anger. You flip back over to face him in all of his...naked glory. You blush at the sight before you. He’s certainly what those others call well-built. He’s bulky, but the perfect amount for his frame. The magician sits up on his knees, watching your dilemma. Your eyes trail down his body, following his ripped chest, the eight-pack that lays on his abdomen and then to his still hard cock, which makes your eyes bug out of your head. How did that thing fit inside of you?! Your face is a scarlet red as you stare at it, seeing it covered in your juices. “Do you like what you see, [Y/N]?~” Hisoka husks, smirking at your reaction. He knows he’s well-endowed, the cocky bastard. You clench your teeth, shooting a glare his way. “Listen here you son of a-” “Ah ah.” He silences you quickly, flipping you back onto your stomach. “While that little exchange was certainly entertaining, I’m not finished with you yet.” His voice grows more serious and you find yourself swallowing in nervousness. “Now, how long have you been here, scouting me out?” He asks, a claw trailing up your sensitive back. You can’t help but react, arching your back as the sharp finger rolls up your spine. “L-Like I’ll tell you anything more.” You huff, glaring at him over your shoulder. Hisoka stares back at you before smirking that trademark smug smirk, returning his hand back to his side. “Very well…” He seductively drawls, grabbing your ankle and dragging you towards him. You squeak at the sudden movement, feeling his heat behind you instantly. You let out yet another noise of surprise as your lower half is lifted into the air, stopping at a certain height. You look over your shoulder to see that your pussy is once again level with his mouth. You blush even more. “N-No. Not again.” You whimper, looking helplessly into his dominant yellow gaze. Hisoka chuckles. “Then tell me what I want to hear.” He deadpans, an unamused look on his face. You can’t reveal the statistics of your mission, so you lower your head in defeat. “I cannot tell you…” You whisper. “Then I will continue until you do.” He remarks lowly. You feel his talented tongue descend on your lower lips once again, and you can’t help the moan that spills from your mouth.
Damn. He’s really got the upper hand on you. There’s no escaping him as he has an iron grip on your hips. You cry out when he sucks on your sensitive clit, wiggling a little in his grasp. He chuckles, simply tightening his grip. You squirm fruitlessly, letting out obscene noises as he relentlessly snacks on your leaking pussy, leaving you no room to escape. You eventually hit your peak again and spill all over Hisoka’s mouth. He greedily laps up all you have to offer, moan slightly while doing so. After he’s finished, he drops you on your stomach, allowing you to recover from your orgasm. You flip into a sitting position, sighing and angling your head downwards a little. Hisoka suddenly shifts behind you, whispering, “Did you enjoy yourself?”
Your expression hardens into one of anger. “You...You asshole!” You snap, swinging your fist into his smug face, which materializes into a cloud of dust that dissipates as soon as your punch is thrown. “Oh [Y/N].~ Your continued attempts to hurt me only serve to turn me on further.” He purrs into your left ear. In your anger, you’ve failed to notice that he’s broken a sweat. You sneer, throwing back your left elbow in another attempt to hit him. You’re met again with thin air. All of a sudden, you’re picked up by your shoulders and thrown face first into the bed. Before you can even lift yourself back up, a powerful hand pushes you down by the shoulder blades, pushing your front down and leaving your backside up. One of your flushed cheeks presses into the mattress and you get a peripheral view of Hisoka admiring the position he’s put you in, his yellow eyes dark with desire. “This one is my favorite.~” He rasps, placing his cock at your entrance. Your eyes widen. You squirm a bit, trying to maneuver away from him but he holds you there by your scratched up hips, not letting you escape. “Anything you have to tell me before I start again, [Y/N]?~” He murmurs. He runs his dick up your wet slit. You mull over your options, finding that there’s only one you can make. With your silence as his answer, he slowly enters you again with a shaky breath. You open your mouth in a silent scream as he splits you open yet again. “O-Oh fuuuck.” You wail into the bed sheets as he fully seats himself in, clenching within your fists tightly. Hisoka chuckles and begins thrusting, the pace hard and punishing. His hips smack against your ass, the sound of skin smacking into skin filling up the gaps between your moans and his. He digs his claws into your hips, cutting deeply into them. You yelp in pain, but it’s soon overshadowed by the pleasure of him thrusting into you. You faintly notice the blood running down your legs, but you pay no mind to it. “Ah!” You scream in a higher octave as he hits into you rather harshly, brushing a rather sensitive spot within your pussy. Hisoka pauses, stopping all motion. “Oh?” He murmurs to himself. You can feel the devilish smile radiating off of him. Your eyes are closed so you don’t start crying from how unbelievably good it feels. Your body is shaking from the immense pleasure and you can’t stop the desperate whimper that leaves your throat from the lack of friction. “Hmm…” Hisoka hums, a delighted chuckle leaving his mouth at an apparent discovery he’s made. Just what was this clown up to?
You let out an obscene cry as he resumes his thrusting, aiming for that sensitive spot deep within you...and he hits it every single time. “H-Holy- AAAA- !!!” You scream as loud as you possibly can as this man hits this point every single time with each well-timed stroke. Tears prick your eyes as the pleasure is immense. You can feel your orgasm coming, but it feels different from the others. “Wai- S-Stop! I don’t-” Your cries fall on deaf ears as he lifts you up by the hair, pressing your back against his chiseled chest as he fucks you upright against him. You can hear him panting heavily in your ear, an occasional sound coming up. He wraps his pale, brawny arms tightly around your midsection, fucking you as hard as he can. He continuously hits that point deep with you, making you scream an ungodly amount. “His-Hisoka! S-Stop! I won’t-” You shake your head from left to right, reduced to an incoherent, blubbering mess. Hisoka, however, seems to be riled up by the fact that you said his name, thrusting into you with more fervor. With one last thrust up into that sensitive spot, you cum. But as you cum this time, you squirt. Hisoka holds you upright as you make a mess of him, the pillows, front-end of the sheets and fluffy throw-over. You convulse around him as you spray the bed, your body jolting each time you squirt. Your mouth is agape the entire time in an airless wail, drool dripping down your chin. He lets go of you when you finish your spectacle and you fall limply onto your cum, unable to move. You listen as he takes a deep breath, shakily exhaling. “Oh wonderful.~” He moans, moving into your recovering vision. The black spots eventually fade from view and your face to face with the smiling, sweaty magician. He holds an expression of happiness, one that contrasts drastically to your defeated one. “What could you possibly be smiling about now?” You grumble, your extremities feeling numb. “I haven’t had one that can squirt in so long. You’re going to be so much more fun.~” He lustifully drawls, backing out of your view soon after. So that’s what that was? It sure is intense. You feel him petting your head, laying on the other side of you. He’s waiting for you to recover. How...nice? The silence that overtakes you two is comfortable. It prods a stem of information out of you. “Four…” You say, breaking the silence. “Four what?” “Four months. I’ve been stationed here to scout you out for four months now.” You whisper, shakily raising yourself up to a sitting position. Hisoka looks pleased. “That’s all I’m going to tell you.” You firmly say, refusing to spill anymore vital information.
“Mm...I don’t think it is.” The transmuter frowns, grabbing you by the neck. He gives your throat a light, warning squeeze. “Eh?! But you used me already! You’re done!” You exclaim, your two nimble hands wrapping around his wrist in an attempt to retch his hand off of your neck. Hisoka simply smiles, pointing downwards. “I haven’t even cum yet.” His point is emphasized by his still hard cock, which is absolutely drenched in your juices at this point. “And we’ve still got nine hours left.” He smiles, letting go of your throat. You swallow. Just what have you gotten yourself into? You lean into your hands, using the support to keep you upright. You look down at him as he rests against the semi-soaked pillows with his hands tucked beneath his shoulders, his eyes closed and that same signature, lazy smug smirk written all over his face. You decide to run your gaze over his bare body, taking it all in. This is the first and most likely last time you’ll ever be able to see it, so you take advantage of it.
So...this is what the body of a trained mass murderer looks like. There’s only muscle, not a single ounce of excess skin being apparent on him. You look up at his angular face. All points of his face were sharp. Not a plane untouched. It’s then you notice his hair sticking to his sweaty pale forehead. His makeup appears smudged as well, making it apparent that he’s wiped his face from the amount he sweat. He still holds a formidable amount of stamina, but he can sweat. At least he’s not invincible to normal human woes, unlike many others claim. He’s not nearly as sweaty as you though. You look over the muscled plane of his chest. His two pectorals jut out intimidatingly. He’s certainly ripped, judging by his eight-pack that follows suit. You wonder what intense training he had to undergo to obtain abdominals of that capacity. You shiver. Nothing good. You know that’s for sure. Then comes his erection, which is resting against his stomach, hard as ever. It twitches, surely unhappy that it hasn’t released yet. You swallow. You have no idea how you’re going to get him to achieve his peak after you’ve reached your own around a total of four times now, each more intense than the last. You shift your gaze, moving to his toned legs. He had some killer thighs. You can only dream that your plushy thighs will reach that amount of muscle and definition. His calves were just as strong. His feet were clawed just like his hands. You realize that the more you stare at him, the more you lust for him. Damn your carnal desires. Yet...you have him for another nine hours. You can take your fill...and surely you wouldn’t want to be near him again, right? Yeah. That has to be right. You decide that it’s your turn to become the predator, smoothing a hand over his abs. The hard muscle contracts at your touch and you see him open one yellow eye in the corner of your left eye. Perfect. Let him watch you enjoy his body. You trace the dips in between each muscle, watching intently as the abdominal muscle contracts under each of your touches. It’s kind of beautiful in its own sinister way. You continue this until you reach your face down, running your tongue over each one instead. You hear him grunt under his breath, a smile forming on your lips as you proceed, licking all the way down to his member. As soon as you reach it, you stare down at it as if you’re starving, craving the taste of it. And at the current moment, you were. You stand his dick up with your hand, gazing at the length and thickness of it. This monstrosity has been inside you twice and you didn’t have much time to explore it with your mouth earlier. You peek over at his face. Both of Hisoka’s yellow eyes are open, watching you closely. He remains in his restful position, seeming to encourage you to discover on your own. You smile to yourself.
You move your hand up and down his dick softly, watching and feeling as it twitches in your hand, excited to have some attention. You smirk, moving so you’re in between Hisoka’s legs this time. He moves to accommodate you and you get yourself comfortable between them, staring up into his dark gaze as you hold his hard cock. He’s not smiling. You keep eye contact with him as you kiss the tip of his dick, kitten licking it. His upper lip twitches, but he remains impassive otherwise. You smile, accepting the unspoken challenge. Keeping your eyes trained on his, you suck his tip into your mouth, running your tongue around it. It appears to be sensitive, telling by the way he hisses and the way his body shivers. His eyes narrow a bit and yours remain open, wanting to see his raw reaction. He doesn’t break eye contact with you. You suck him further into your mouth, slowly of course. He grits his teeth, sucking in a breath. You run your tongue on his sensitive underside, drawing a shaky exhale from him. You keep going down, relaxing your throat when he reaches that point. His yellow eyes alight in surprise as you keep slurping him down all the way to the bottom. As he cock fills up your narrow throat, he throws his head back, strain apparent in the muscles of his neck. A choked moan leaves his lips and you cheer victoriously in your head. Your lips eventually touch the base of his dick. You’ve successfully swallowed him whole. You pause for a moment. Then, you swallow around the mass in your throat, listening as a laboured breath exhales into a deep, breathy moan. With your newfound skill, you lurch back all the way, sucking yourself back to the bottom quicker now. A heated hiss reaches your ears and you watch as his head raises back up, his eyes reconnecting with yours, alight with a fiery desire. You smile in your head, looking at him with an innocence that drives him utterly crazy. You continue your ministrations, drinking in all the noises the magician makes. “S-Such a - uhhn! - ggggood girl!” He pants, a strained smirk reaching his face. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the sound of his praise. This must’ve turned him on more than anything because you hear a loud, “Ohhh fuuuck!” You smile to yourself, continuing to suck him off before he eventually spills into your mouth, which you swallow. You pull back and look down at Hisoka, who’s panting heavily. Sweat adheres to his whole body. His usual slicked back hair is now all over the place and his usual calm demeanor is replaced with that of a mess. You look down at him in shock. You caused...this? You smile. You’re proud of yourself. It must be one of the rarest things to see Hisoka Morrow looking like this. And damn if you didn’t deserve it!
“Tch.” Hisoka tuts, looking away in...shame?! “Eh?! What?!” You exclaim in confusion. One of the most feared people in the world? Shame?
“Not very many people get to see me like this…much less a sex worker like you…” He sighs, an aura of utter shame surrounding him. Your left eye twitches. “Excuse me! I’ll have you know I’m more than just a sex worker!” You yell at him, smacking his shoulder for added effect. You grit your teeth, crossing your arms before you get too rough with it. “It’s just…,” He continues, piquing your interest. “None of them have made me do this before.” And he scoots up, tucking his legs into his body and sitting up in them, turning so his back is facing you. You gasp as you see deep scratch marks lining up both of his shoulder blades. They lined up perfectly with Hisoka’s own hands. “You...did this to yourself?” You ask softly, reaching out to prod around the wound. He covers it with his hand though, turning around to face you once more. Your hand then lands on his pale cheek instead. Hisoka pauses for just a brief moment, stunned. He enraptures your right hand in his left one, moving your hand closer to his mouth. You yelp in surprise when he bites your palm, throwing your hand away from his face. He smirks. You shake your hand in an attempt to will away the pain, glaring at him. You shove him with a Nen-powered blow. It clearly doesn’t do anything and he slowly falls backwards, dramatically plopping on his back. You roll your eyes. A lazy smile makes way to his face. “Say [Y/N]...Would you be willing to do more work this time? I’m feeling a bit tired.~'' It's only then you notice he’s erect again.
You bristle. “What?! Hisoka, you horndog!”
Hisoka chuckles deeply. “Sorry, I can’t help it staring at you.”
You blush heavily from that comment, crossing your arms again and turning away. You hear him move too late before you can evade and he grabs you, pulling you atop of him. You have to place your hands on his chest to stop yourself from falling forward. You first look down at him in some sort of surprise, then one of anger. “I’m not just a sex worker, Hisoka.” You snidely comment, sitting up straight and crossing your arms. He frowns. “I know you’re not, [Y/N].” He replies honestly, nothing giving way to any form of deception whatsoever. You look at him again and sigh. “I can’t.” You mumble. Hisoka pauses. “Come again?” “I can’t.” You say louder, looking away bashfully. Hisoka tilts his head. “Why not?” “Because I’m not turned on.” You say flatly, looking him dead in the eye. His yellow eyes grow dark with lust. “I can change that.” He rasps. “Yeah but you don’t want to do any-“
“Come sit on my face.”
You blink.
“Come sit on my face.” He repeats in that same seductive voice of his, the same mischievous grin on his face, the same sultry look in his yellow eyes.
Your face shines a brilliant shade of red. “What’s wrong, [Y/N]? You’re looking a bit...flustered.” Hisoka chuckles. You swallow your pride. Hisoka knows what he’s doing. “Okay. I will.” He smiles deviously at your consent, watching your crawl up and over his face. He places his hands at the tops on your thighs, willing you to sit on his face. As soon as his mouth connects with your pussy, he sets straight to work, claiming every inch with his mouth. Your body convulses in surprise and you let out a choked moan. His eyes haven’t disconnected from yours, watching you intently. His tongue manages to slip inside you and you gasp, letting out a wail of pleasure. His grips tightens on your thighs and his hips raise slightly. He quickly settles back down, continuing to feast on you. You grab the top of the headboard for balance, subconsciously beginning to grind against his face. Hisoka’s breathing changes instantly and he’s quick to move out from beneath you. You pant, sitting on his navel. He wipes his mouth, licking his lips. He still wears his signature smirk, albeit lazily. “You can’t do that, [Y/N].~ You almost made me skip the main course.” Hisoka murmurs huskily, getting comfortable. You position yourself over his dick, looking down at him nervously. He smiles up at you, easing your anxiety. You slowly begin to sit down on his hard cock, gasping as he fills you up yet again. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to the feeling. You struggle to get the rest of him inside of you, but you manage at your own pace, fully sitting down on him now. You whine at the feeling of being so full. Hisoka shakily exhales, gripping the sheets below him. “Don’t be afraid to move, [Y/N].” He growls and you get the point, pushing yourself up and back down. You whimper as Hisoka grunts. You place your hands on his toned chest for leverage, pressing down as you push yourself up again, pulling yourself up to his tip before sinking back down. You set a steady rhythm, moaning up a storm. Hisoka lets his own pleasure be known through deep groans and shudders. It felt different in this position. His cock seems to be going deeper within you. Your moans end on a higher octave because of this. Hisoka seems to be enjoying this just as much, thrusting up to meet you in the middle. His hand creeps up your body, starting by rubbing your clit a few times, making you squeal. He then rubs his hand over your stomach, enjoying the beauty of it. You grow flustered at his actions, feeling shy. He eventually slides up your body to reach his goal: your boob. You squeak at his light squeeze on your right breast, slightly messing up the rhythm of your bouncing. Hisoka smirks with gritted teeth and flips you on your back, effectively taking over. He speeds up the pace, causing you to raise your voice. “Ahn- fuck! Hi-Hisoka!” You moan loudly, your toes curling as your orgasm approaches fast. “Are you -pant- gonna cum again, [Y/N]?” Hisoka groans, fucking you as fast as he can. You nod your head vigorously, too caught up in the feeling of your body almost breaking with the pressure building up. Hisoka smiles at your response, moving his hand down your beautiful stomach and reaching your clit. With just a few more circular motions on it, you snap, arching your back with a cry. Just like that, he sends you flying into the realm of ecstasy once again. You’re blinded by a white light before you finally come crashing down, back landing flat on the bed.
You were breathing hard, your arm laying over your eyes as you calm down. You hear Hisoka lay beside you, panting as well. When you feel calm enough, you lower your arm from your face, looking over at Hisoka, who’s resting peacefully beside you. His hair was disheveled from his usual slicked back style. It now rests over his sweaty forehead and the pieces that aren’t resting on his forehead are slicked back behind his ears and the back of his neck. He looks like quite the specimen right about now. He glances over to you as well, feeling you examining his face. It boosts his ego. He smiles lazily, running his eyes over your face. He really appreciates your features. They were so gorgeous to him, especially those [e/c] eyes. He’s too worn out to do anything more, so he rests his eyes, falling asleep.
You decide to take a nap as well, tired from all the activity.
You soon pass out for an undetermined amount of time.
Word count: 4700+
Next chapter should be expected next Saturday, May 15th. I will hold to it this time!
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ot3 · 3 years
i do think people are overreacting with the '3 years of updates' thing because that is not what was said, it was one line in an interview where someone said "i hope that fans will continue to play for the next 2-3 years and find new things in the game" which is completely feasible for someone who is not time travelling and not playing multiple hours every day. not that those are bad things of course, i do both of those things! but there is already a lot of content in animal crossing, it was all given for free except for a dlc that was originally a different game, and honestly as someone who has played 600 hours, a lot of mileage to get out of a game and more time than i've been able to put into any other games, i can say with confidence that i feel animal crossing was a complete game on release, and while the updates have added a lot of great content, i was enjoying myself just fine with the base game.
with something like pokemon, another which is clearly putting devs under pressure and releasing games like sword and shield which i finished in 30 hours including post game, even after spending plenty of time in the wild areas and not like. rushing through it. when previous pokemon games have typically taken me about 50-60 hours and felt very easy to spend more time in afterwards. i feel like the complaints are easy to make especially after 2 paid dlcs were added. but idk animal crossing definitely didnt feel like that to me personally.
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you're completely misunderstanding what my problem with animal crossing was. i want the EXACT OPPOSITE of continuing major updates. i think updating it for 2-3 years after it launches is a bad thing. i think if you pay $60 for a product you should get the product fully realized as intended. the only reason that's not what we're getting is because big companies have realized they can use the goodwill of a dedicated consumer base to construct predatory development models that churn out games before they're finished and patch in the content, and fans will act like they're being done a favor.
as someone who literally never time traveled at all and played the game 100% as intended, i did not feel like it was a complete game at all personally. the furniture selection was so limited that decorating was barely any fun and there wasn't much else to do but that. like, it's great that you were enjoying yourself with the base game but that doesn't change the fact that I definitely wasn't. the fact that there has been this much free DLC, dlc which i might add contains stuff that (i believe based on what ive heard, i haven't played them) other games had at launch, i think proves the point that nintendo believes they were obligated to deliver beyond the initial experience in order to match the price point. multibillion dollar corporations do not give things away for free for no reason.
i'm not even opposed to the concept of paid dlc on principle if it really adds some; for example i bought botw and had a dope time with the base game which really felt like a complete and worthwhile game, but i also bought the dlc because i think it genuinely added worthwhile stuff and fun new ways to play that were not necessary for the base game to be good.
I can't compare it to the pokemon games because i also haven't played any pokemon games either, but I don't think saying "this game is fine because other games are worse" is a great argument. general consensus around people who love the older gen pokemon games is that these new ones suck ass so I think it's an unfairly low bar to use as comparison. nintendo is once again one fo the largest video game companies on the planet and a multibillion dollar entity. i don't feel bad holding them to high standards for their games.
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