#I feel like I'm going insane
heavenlyyshecomes · 7 months
all the updates from al shifa right now are just "we're waiting to die" I feel so sick
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who 8.08 || 8.11
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bucksdaffy · 1 month
how to stop kicking my feet and giggling about bucktommy when i'm in public because i'm struggling hard ngl
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baby-fever-anon · 20 days
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malewifemurdock · 1 month
*opens Tumblr* *sees ANOTHER piece of fanart comparing Damian to an animal and putting him in a dog cage* *it has thousands of notes and zero criticism*
Alright. Okay
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thefirstflowers · 24 days
okay so either I'm connecting the dots or I've fully given into the delusions at this point, we'll see I guess
but I think they're having eddie do something as irrational as cheating (smth he'd never do if he was in his right mind) to make him realize just how fixated he's been on trying to recreate what he had with shannon
because up until this point ana and marisol were his best shot, but now that his dead wife's lookalike??? showed up he just moved on to her
and when he's on the other side of this hopefully he'll realize what he's been doing and stop trying to force relationships because he's convinced he needs to find a new wife and a mother for chris
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theslowesthnery · 11 months
seeing people celebrate being able to suicide bait here and i
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clxwnska · 6 months
I can't explain it, but Conrad Veidt looks more like Will Wood than Will Wood looks like himself.
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kiraridertime03 · 18 hours
My Adventures With... Supermen?
Alright, so, I just got done watching the third episode of My Adventures with Superman's second season, Fullmetal Scientist. Great episode, fun episode, as per usual. However, certain inclusions have me scratching my head, leading me to only one big question...
Which would be a spoiler, so beware below, but...
Are they gonna kill Superman?
Now, I am not confident in this conclusion at all, it is purely because of two primary character inclusions in the past few episodes that seem to be pointing in this direction. It could mean nothing, but I am crazy.
To see what I mean, we need to jump back to the 90's. One of DC's major events within that period was titled Reign of the Supermen. It was a story that was spread across the 4 main Superman comics of the time, Superman, Action Comics, Superman: The Man of Steel, and Adventures of Superman (ha). This brief storyline, in short, followed 4 Superman Related characters as they vie for the role of his successor. This is because, right before this, Superman famously died.
Yeah, this event is the sequel to the Death of Superman, and builds up to his revival at its end. It wasn't very long, less than a year, but it is there. However, what is important for now is who our four Supermen are.
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The first, who we'll skim over because he is least important right now, is The Eradicator, some freak alien who steals Clark's body and takes his identity. The details currently don't matter, though keep a lookout for their stupid glasses!
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The second is Conner Kent's Superboy. This is the clone one made up of Clark and Lex's DNA. You may recognize him from the series Young Justice, however, at this point, he was in his Leather Jacket Era, not his black T-Shirt era.
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However the final two are more interesting to see. The first we'll talk about is Cyborg Superman. He was once astronaut Hank Henshaw, but he got all fucked up in space, blaming Superman for it for plot reasons. When he eventually died because of space, he was able to upload his mind into a almost clone body of Superman with Robot bits. He then claims to just be Superman revived. Eradicator does this too, but it's funnier for him.
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Finally, there is who is one of the more popular characters we see in this event, probably only rivaled by Conner, that being John Henry Irons, aka Steel. He is the only one without Super in the name, having designed to design a suit that helps him be like Superman, though he also gives himself a rad as hell hammer because John Henry. He was later played by Shaq.
So, now we jump back to present day, with MAWS's second season. The first episode draws the gang to S.T.A.R. Labs in Coast City (A place important to the Reign of the Supermen arc for reasons we don't have time to get into and probably won't get into because it probably won't happen exactly like the comic if it does happen in the show) and we meet Hank Henshaw. Neat, me and many others think. It makes sense, he is a space science guy, so might as well draw on a character from the lore. Plus, it gives the creators the opportunity to do a Cyborg Superman later down the line, as this show does love its robots. However, I didn't think much more of it. That was until Episode 3, an episode primarily dedicated to introducing John Irons and making him Steel, if briefly. Now, on its own, this is still innocuous, he is a fairly popular Superman character, and they do a great job with him, I love his larger bodied design.
However, things become suspicious when these two are introduced in such rapid succession. The writers want these Supermen in play for... something. It, of course, hasn't introduced all of them. There has really been no trace of Eradicator, and it seems weird to have Lex cloning Superman this early in the show. So, while we have half of the Supermen here, we aren't quite there yet. Although... We do have another Super nearing us very soon.
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Much of this season's arc seems to be prepping for the introduction of Supergirl, Kara Zor-El. You know her, she got her own TV show, she's probably more popular than most of the characters we've seen in this post. However, we don't know too much about her role in the season past that. From what we've seen from annoyingly spoilery Toonami bumbers, she's probably being controlled by the remnants of the Kryptonian empire, whether it be ruled by Zod or Braniac, and whether it being of her own volition or not, and her current arc seems nebulous. However, Superman has built up quite the positive reputation even just in the single season we've seen him in. Imagine the kind of pressure, whether she has taken an antagonistic role in the past of the series or not, that it may place on her if Superman "dies" (or get sent across the galaxy or captured by the government and made to be presumed dead by the public or something). Especially if she has to take down an evil Cyborg claiming to be her cousin.
Do I think this will happen this season. It's probably too early to say, but I find it to be... doubtful. I have my doubts to them ever "killing" Superman, fakeout or not. If they did, it would probably be a season finale cliffhanger before having a 2 episode premier the next season with a Reign/Return of Superman arc the next season. However, they definitely want to do something Reign related at some point. Whether that means "killing off" Supes is yet to be seen. Though, given how close the two arcs are to each other and how much the government (Amanda Waller) wants to kill Superman, I wouldn't be surprised.
Long story short... Uh... Good episode, fun episode. I like this show a lot and I hope it keeps being good.
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May all your dreams be Kim and Chay and their first few weeks after moving in together.
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well now they most certainly will be. thank you <3
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septimus-heap · 3 months
Can someone tell me if there was ever a fic/smth fic adjacent abt marcia singing when things r Good and Not Awful and septimus gets so used to it that it's like. Incredibly calming to hear her singing from the other room. Or did I just entirely imagine that
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insomniacmelancholy · 4 months
I feel completely out of my depth when wanting/having to explain to people that they should care for others. I'm taken aback by how much indifference I see around me, by the people living their lives completely uncaring to the excruciating agony inflicted on Palestinians. This is a people that has been subjected to 75 years of forced displacement, disposession, torture, massacres, oppression, looting alongside apartheid, downright denial of their existence, history, struggle & actively punished for seeking any modicum of self-determination. And yet, what's happening recently is somehow even worse than all of it, much more than the fateful 1948 Nakba.
The genocide is broadcasted to us live, we're seeing mutiliated corpses of children, women losing their babies that they can't even feed, girls using tent scraps as menstrual products, all of the population starved & homeless in the winter cold, the eradication of entire bloodlines from the registry, men giving the literal shirts off their backs while trying to dig people out from underneath the rubble of what was once their beloved city that most of them were forced into and imprisoned in. If Gaza was an open-air prison or concentration camp before, it's now beyond hell on earth. I cannot fathom how someone can hear of this, nevermind seeing the images, and still turn the other way or even worse, justify it. My mind cannot comprehend how a human being can witness others suffer such unimaginable pain & injustice yet remain detached or disgustingly gleeful. How can you live with yourself? How many more need to die for your conscious to serve its purpose? Is there even a number that would make you care for something beyond yourself?
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gothiclit · 4 months
you should be at the club - my therapist, verbatim
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icedmetaltea · 3 months
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Whay is there cake hede?
(Whay are mya thumbs si bis?)
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probablylilly · 6 months
fallout 4 npc: I feel bad
sole survivor: [persuasion check: success] don't feel bad
fallout 4 npc: you're right, thank you
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glitterdustcyclops · 8 months
i know im gonna need to rewatch everything at least six more times because oh my goddddd
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