#I feel kinda bad for Alya
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I call this one "Double Kill"
[ID. First panel, Nino sits at his and Adrien's table in school, he's angled to face Adrien, his right arm resting on the back of their bench and his left hand on the table. He's saying "I still can't believe I got Rose with "Ligma"..." with his eyes closed. There's a small amount of text next to his head that reads: "It was funny, but I still feel bad..." indicating he's saying it under his breath. Him saying this gets Adrien's attention.
Second panel, Adrien is facing forward at Nino. His face is set in a worried smile as he asks, "What's "Ligma"? Is it serious?".
Third panel, Wide shot of them at their desk, showing Marinette and Alya at their table as well, looking down at them. Adrien keeps an expression of now confused worry as Nino looks at him with an open mouth. Marinette is looking down at Adrien with both hands over her mouth as her shoulders shake with contained laughter. Alya is also covering her mouth, but her joy is less contained as she smiles. The word "SPEECHLESS" is written above them to help get the surprise the three of them feel across.
Fourth panel, a shot of Adrien alone, facing forward and covering his face in embarrassment as the statement, "Just found out what Ligma is" is pointed to him in a looping arrow.
Fifth panel, a wide shot of Ladybug and Chat Noir sitting on the edge of a building together. Chat Noir is sitting criss cross with his hands resting on his thighs, sitting forward a bit to show that he's listening to Ladybug. Ladybug is much more relaxed, leaning back on her right hand and holding her left hand up casually. She's smiling as she recalls: "And then he fell for Ligma! I feel bad, but I kinda wanna see if he'll also fall for "Candace"..."
Sixth panel, Chat Noir is now crossing his arms, raising an eyebrow, squinting his eyes, and tilting his head. His right cat ear tilts as well, while his left one stays straight. The words: "Skeptical but curious" are pointed at him with a straight arrow. He's saying, "And who's "Candace"?"
Seventh panel, Ladybug is looking at Chat Noir with a shocked expression, her eyebrows raised and her jaw dropped. She's sitting straighter, her hand is still resting on the ledge, but it's no longer supporting her. The same "SPEECHLESS" is floating above her as it was seen in the third panel, to show just how shocked she truly is.
Eighth panel, Chat Noir is sitting with his knees up to his chest as he covers his face with his hands in embarrassment. His ears are flattened and his tail is curled around his ankles. The words "Just found out who Candace is" is pointed at him with a straight arrow. End ID]
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zoe-oneesama · 24 days
Since SL is ending, do u have a favorite outfit you wished you could have draw more of it? Can be any character.
You unlocked something in me cuz I went digging for these:
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I drew this super cute coat-dress for Rose and then only got to show the back of it?! And I looooved this fall look on Alya so much I tried to use it again in "Puppeteer" but barely got use out of it there either. And I deliberately referenced my favorite Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2 look with Mylene...and then only showed her tiny 😭😭
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This blink-and-you'll-miss-it look for Alix was so layered and so what I think I'd put Alix in as her permanent outfit if I was designing her for the show. Same for this adorable oversized fit for Ondine, she needs an "out of the water" look. As for Chloe and Sabrina, I felt like these both really reflected them well so it's too bad I only got two pages out of them.
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I actually DID get a lot of real-estate out of this Alya look, I just liked it so much I want to see it more. And this Nino doesn't blow my mind but I drew him so cute in my sketchbook quick sketch that I want to bring the look back just to recapture the magic. And this long skirt on Nadja made her look kinda hot, I waited to late to start messing with the adults.
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I just really liked the few times I got to draw Juleka in this look, I wonder if it's actually the hair that I liked most. And poor Marc, I drew them in this "is it a shirt? is it a dress?" look but you never see below their waist! And I killed it with these three, you can tell that I just really like the outfits I made for Alya, Kagami doesn't get to wear casual clothes enough, and Nino isn't super fashionable, but when I nail it for him I NAIL it!
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I like making the rich kids casual. (Also I fully admit that there's just something about showing off guys collarbones for me, idk what it is). I especially like this Chloe look because it's inspired by fellow creator @mikoriin's artwork of her! Ivan is hard to get excited about because I feel like part of his visual design is that he's NOT fashionable (I mean he's wearing two different shades of black, the nightmare) so when I can trick him into looking good, I like it 💖And I like most of the looks I give Lila, wanting to see her outfit more is just me wanting to write her more.
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Last but not least, the Hero fits from the kids. If you add in Alya dressed as Fox Trot, the Cesaires cover the Main 4 of SL (pre Ladybug) lol. It's a shame that they couldn't show off their hero worship more.
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theerurishipper · 3 months
Season 4 and 5 made it just so difficult to truly believe that Marinette really loves her Kitty. The Fandom and show can scream about vague soft eyes and "she loves her kitty so muuuuuuch! <3" however they want, but it says alot about Marinette's character that this vague "I love my kitty" never really gets any more specific.
Saying "I like you / I want you around" doesn't mean anything whne the actions themselves paint the picture of her basically taking Cat Noir for granted and not thinking a single second about his actual well being or his perspective in any of this.
It's like in Glaciator 2 where a good part of the episode Marinette spends either screaming at Cat, manhandling him however she pleases and even invalidating any of his emotions by screaming in his face that HIS emotions don't matter in any of this, this is about HER and her only when she used him not knowing Marinette is Ladybug against him by secretly forcing him to practice with her her confession for Adrien.
She's literally screaming at him that his emotions are irrelevant to her. She just wants him to do whatever she wants and however she wants it bc apparently thats the only way she can stand being around him. And that she got in season 5, how Lovely.
And then later when Cat voices that he thinks Ladybug can't stand him anymore because she screams at him and gets seriously physical Marinette is like "No, no, that doesn't mean she hates you <3"
When, like, yes Marinette. Under anything resembling to normal morality you constantly reducing him to a rag doll, screaming, insulting, replacing him, leaving him behind on the battle field for your own and your friends' benefit and brushing him off would be a perfectly reasonable thing for another person to view as a bad thing. Only YOU would demand of someone to view that as unparalleled depictions of fondness, and that hasn't changed much by Elation.
Her ignoring his discomfort in the kissing scene (closing her eyes again) and then almost turning into Cat's enemy for daring to tell her "no" one time is one unnerving sight to behold. She basically immediately went back to season 4 mode the moment she didn't get what she wanted. I don't even want to imagine what she would have done to him by impulse if that moment had happened in Ladynoir (I hate how CONSISTENT this is...)
and even by the end of the episode she's still only asking him to validate her when he brings her back.
And well, then she leaves.
It's difficult to actually believe that Marinette really values Cat Noir alot. It feels much more like she values and likes how little genuine efforts she has to make in their dynamics to reach a normal standard, and that he's just the most convenient person for her regarding any kind of ugly dirty work or her worst tendencies not coming with regular circumstances. So of course she would like that.
If I had an anger problem, I would probably like the person too who had to learn from me that that's "perfectly reasonable behavior" they should view as GOOD in a dynamic bc i like using them as rag doll, punching bag and tool.
But just because I personally would find comfort in a person accepting that I can do that to them as my way of "showing affection" doesn't it mean that that's a good thing to make soft eyes about.
But the show is not GIVING us much more to work with. Marinette only on rare occasions voices anything she even likes about him. It goes mostly unsaid so you can claim whatever you want about her feelings for him.
She likes that he's funny, only that the show isn't showing that alot. If at all. Marinette telling Alya in Hack-San to laugh at his jokes because he likes taht is kinda out of left field because Marinette herself honestly doesn't do it alot. The normal reaction is her being annoyed, shutting him up and even insulting him, down to any kind of "slapstick".
And the most I can remember her having SAID about being in love with him in season 5 was being thirsty about how hot he is. I don't wanna be mean but no wonder Alya basically disregarded Marinette's crush. It's not like she ever named anything serious, and tahts....honestly awful.
With Adrien as Cat Noir there was NEVER a question if he values her for more than her being pretty. He loves her brilliant mind, her determination, her drive to help people. Him complimenting her for being pretty was just the cherry on top.
But only towards Joan of Arc did she mention that she likes his loyalty, but that got ruined by her straight up AGREEING with her whne she insulted Cat and the "loyal" part was only to save her own face. She literally agreed with someone insulting Cat right in front of him and only said "yeah, but he's LOYAL" which of course made him insecure. He couldn't see Joan of Arc, how many people are there and what the insult was Ladybug just agreed with. He can't defend himself and saw that Ladybug literally WON'T.
So which one is it, Marinette? Is he hot or a runt who's lucky he's loyal? Why was Joan's opinion of you the whole episode the only thing you actually cared about to the point where you were fine with throwing the person you love oh so much to the dogs again? And Cat looking bad and humiliated again was barely an afterthought to you, as long as it wasn't YOU?
If she actually loves and value him then why is she still treating him as if he merely spawns into existence for akumas or her entertainment and benefit as her care taker? Why isn't Marinette trying to make up for how she used her civilian side to make him do whatever she wants several times by now, as if she never even conciders how this will look like once they reveal (I would loose sleep if I did that to a person!)?
Why was she still perfectly fine with him being completely isolated and having no one in a case of emergency, meaning she always continued letting him run the risk of ending up the way he did in the season 5 finale? Cat being found as a civilian by Hawkmoth was from day 1 one of the most obvious things that could happen and even after 2 what if episodes this fate of his was never actually avoided, because Marinette always just prioritized getting HERSELF out of the equation more than him truly being safe.
That's a risk she was apparently from start til the end perfectly willing to take.
5 entire seasons and the only safety thing she cared about in their dynamic is that if he gets caught and is at the villain's mercy, he does so as quietly as possible so she isn't bothered by it and can close her eyes, cover her ears and go "Lalala".
If Marinette in any of these 5 seasons thought Cat deserved help too than she sure never acted like it, and in fact demanded the complete opposite for her own comfort.
How am I supposed to believe that Marinette loves and values Cat Noir as a person when non of that or his entire personhood goes beyond what little she wants for her own comfort? If you love a person you would actually want them save and not remain in harms way but accept that you shouldn't be asked to care about that? Or remain completely isolated in the dangerous lives you lead without being allowed to ask muvb of anything from you support wise?
Or constantly ditched on the battle field, being done who knows what to so YOU and your friends are fine while you execute the actual plan with the others.
You would ask questions if they're okay and if they need help too, and not just take any half an indicator your being given to write off any concern because you apparently don't actually wanna think about any of that.
You would actually think about them in any decision you make because this is not just about you and their well being should mean something to you. You would tell them things so you don't risk them getting hurt by having to find out themselves the worst way (and here leading to akumatizations).
You would let them made their own choices, have agency and not just when you're forced to. You wouldn't casually execute a plan to trick them into revealing their important secret identitiy to two people without their consent or knowledge, and ESPECIALLY not when the god damn angry authority figure, who already doesn't lie your partner, would fucking use it to get rid of them behind YOUR BACK TOO.
You wouldn't want physical harm being done to them instead of even being a main source of it, and never taking accountability for that while demanding to never get touched and spoken to in a single wrong way. You wouldn't want that they accept that you don't owe them anything as their LEADER but they owe you EVERYTHING because you said so and can't handle anything else in a "partnership".
(Only to feel sorry about it for 2 minutes when you loose everyone else but, well, not really I guess? Or else she would have tried making up for it in season 5 more than just surface level stuff that was once again mostly for HER benefit anyway. But more than that never happened)
You wouldn't want to think they're stupid for not thinking like you and draw the line at any "back talking" you're being given bc you apparently concider anything else but absolut obedience and blind faith as your little puppet as you being "disrespected". So they must walk around you like on eggshells and only talk in soft compliments and supportive words cause who knows how you would react otherwise?
Dude, no wonder Ladynoir is fucking dead. Good for Adrien, and I hate that we've come THIS far. Such a thing is one of the last things I ever wanted to say when I started watching the show. Now I can't be angry taht Ladynoir is fucking dead and Cat Noir didn't made it out of the partnership for the finale, because wtf else was this supposed to result in??
I just cannot fathom the type of "Love" and fondness Marinette supposedly has for Cat Noir. Whatever fondness she feels for him gets drowned out by other 20 red flags about her not actual treating him like a real person.
And man, I HATE that...
Yeah, literally. This is probably harsher than what I think, but it's more or less my thoughts on the matter.
Thank you for your ask!
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I don't think there will be an apology coming from Félix for whatever bad deed he had done and that's always make me baffled in this show : the lack of apology on screen. This is more apparent in s4 onward. Even Ladybug didn't actually apologized to Chat Noir despite her rant in Strike Back and not to mention the lack of changed behavior after that. It's the same with Félix, he's good now the show said, it's as if we should assume there's an apology happened somewhere off screen. I know this show is like "Show, don't tell" but for a show for a little kid, I think they should shown an on screen apology because that would be a good example for them.
On the other topic,
How believable Félix's play is? Like, his whole character seems to be all about facade, charade, deception and lie and it make me skeptical to everything he said or do. How much he said is truth and how much is a lie, I couldn't tell. The retcon doesn't help either and at this point I feel want to dissect his brain to get to know just what's inside his mind lmao.
Canon is super weird about letting people apologize. We almost never see it happen even when we really should. For example, it will always low-key bother me that Marinette never apologized to Adrien for yelling at him over the gum incident. I do get why, it would have ruined the flow of the scene, but still...
A few other random apologies that I long to see:
Nino apologizing to Adrien for almost getting him pulled from school
Alya apologizing to Marinette for all the Lila BS
Alya acknowledging that trying to out Ladybug's secret identity was a bit of a dick move (not really salty about this one, I just think it would have been good character growth and that it kinda needed to happen before Alya was given a miraculous of her own)
Felix apologizing for everything he did to Ladybug
Nino apologizing to Alya for outing her secret identity and acknowledging that he'll never do that again since he now understands how important secret identities are
Before we get to your other question, I wanted to mention that show don't tell doesn't mean that characters should never say things! There are lots of things that can only be conveyed through words. The show don't tell rule primarily applies to exposition. Aka those scenes where a character or the narrator monologues about some event or bit of lore that the audience needs to know about.
Generally speaking, you want to avoid those moments whenever you can. However, exposition is sometimes the only way to get information across. It's not a major failing if your story has a bit of exposition somewhere along the way, you just want to use it sparingly! A lot of writers struggle with that, which is why there are so many writing guides that act like exposition is a bad thing. A stance that I will always fight against as I think it makes younger writers afraid to use a necessary and powerful tool.
How believable is Félix's play?
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing ends up getting retconned, but I also I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing ends up being canon straight to the end. It could really go either way.
A play is a good way to give exposition as it's far more interesting that a monologue, so this may just be a case of the writers giving good exposition. On the other hand, having a known liar deliver information allows you to say something without fully committing to it, so this may be the writers giving us lore in a way that they can backtrack on without a true retcon. It's impossible to say. Only time will tell.
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Rewrite Ideas for Lila Rossi
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I know there’s been a lot of criticism about Lila’s lies and how Marinette’s friends and other people trust Lila’s word over hers, especially Alya her best friend and journalist. What if Lila wasn’t just more careful with her lies(telling more believable lies with fake proof or atleast have benefit of the doubt, more cautious about threats and frame ups), but instead of telling negative lies about someone people should know better about, she instead uses already known truths against them. Does still manipulate certain things but also make those are unto her or see as a threat, dig their own graves, expose their own issues.  Ex, Like how Lila made Aya think the issue was just Marinette having a crush on Adrien and being jealous.
I think it would’ve worked more if Lila actually played into this more. Not just using Marinette’s crush on Adrien but her and the other’s biggest flaws(overthinking things, insecurity, digging herself deeper into her problems, etc) Using their issues and past mistakes to manipulate things in her benefit or atleast make people consider past issues that would make people have to also consider.
Marinette if she decided to just come out and say why she doesn’t trust Lila when she comes back as a new classmate, similar to when she talked to Alya and Nino.
Lila-I really dont get where all this skepticism’s coming from. I was only here one day and I don’t think we even got to meet, let alone talk, so how could you know anything I did-
Lila-I’m sorry, what?😈
Marinette-I said I…oh boy. Realizes how bad that sounds and can’t really tell them the stuff she’d have to known as Ladybug.
Adrien-Wait I don’t get it, why follow us?
Class knowing Marinette’s huge crush on Adrien and the crazy things she has done involving him-…nervous coughs.
Ayla who also knows this and who Marinette told she was gonna follow them-Oh boy.
Ayla-Listen Lila I’m really sorry, I should’ve stopped her. Are you gonna bring this up with the teachers?
Lila- Hey, don’t worry about it. I mean you’re her friend, not her mom, it’s not your responsibility to watch what she’s up to. I’m just happy this was simply because she likes Adrien and not because she really thinks I’m some “evil manipulative mastermind”, this doesn’t feel like anything I need to involve a teacher with, not like anyone got really hurt. I’ll be honest I have a problem sometimes being fully honest, I may exaggerate or tell a few white lies just simply to fit in, I’m not trying to hurt anyone. But seriously, we've only hung out like only a few times, he really is just a friend to me at this point. I’m sorry for all the trouble.
Alya- Don’t worry about it, honestly this isn’t really ur fault.
Lila-Well thanks and seriously, this isn’t really your fault either. Alya- Thank you. Still, maybe I should’ve been more concerned.
Lila- I mean these things happen, We’re teens, sometimes we might let our hormones get the better of us but I doubt this stuff happen all the time, she seems like a good person. Besides if she did do something that really crossed the line, as her best friend, I’m sure you def would call her out or atleast make it clear u don’t support it, right?
Lila-Do you think I should talk to Marinette?
Alya- No, no don’t worry about that. Maybe I should though.
Lila-Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. she’d probably listen better to a friend anyway 😈
and doesn’t just do this kinda stuff with Marinette but can pit the whole class against eachother If she plays the cards right, full on Mean Girls Watch The World Burn🔥🔥🔥. All while, looking completely inconspicuous and whatever she could’ve done would be seen as simply indirect or unintentional and certainly no way she could’ve known it would lead to such an outcome…right?
Lila-As such a great designer Marinette, I’d figure you’d understand that rather try to make something completely new, better to make the best out of the materials you already have! And there is just so much to work with, especially with you😈
And rather Marinette not trying to expose her because of Adrien's advice but rather her own self doubt. “What if I really am just jealous and overthinking this whole thing”, “I technically was in the wrong first for following them, granted I had to for the book but I didn’t know that at first”, “what if I make things worse and Alya…won’t be my friend anymore”…”she’s probably right, maybe Lila’s just harmless and it really is all in my head”…”maybe it is just me”.
I just like antagonists who make the protagonists consider their own moral character and actions, if they’re really as good as they think they are. Even if they’re manipulative liars who are trying to be dishonest, there’s always that certain part of what they say that can’t be fully brushed off as entirely wrong, sometimes even being the ones to call out the protagonists’s less moral actions and mistakes.  And I think Lila could’ve really had that sort of potential with Marinette. For better or for worse, her impact could make Marinette reflect on herself.
Lila-You’re the type of person who sees themselves as the hero in their own story and that everything you do is right, but truth is you can just as easily be the villain! You think my lies are bad? Half of what I say is just calling you out on your own mistakes. You just can’t handle the TRUTH!😈
what do u think? How’d u wanna rewrite Lila? I’d love to know💖
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generalluxun · 8 months
That Chloe line... like I get it. Bullying is an explanation for why someone can become like how Shadybug became, and Chloe did bully Marinette, but at the same time it also felt so weird and... took me out of the moment? It felt so out of place? Idk how I feel about it, I kinda felt a little uncomfortable, but I can't really articulate why. Maybe the reason it feels like that is because TA's hateboner for Chloe has been so pronounced and in our face that anything calling out Chloe for her actions instantly feels like TA acting out on his impulse to make her look bad instead of proper character writing, and that's why we don't like it. If it weren't for his history of hating on her character, maybe it wouldn't come off so badly. But it feels like a shoehorned in line now because of that context. Idk.
All of what you say is true but there is also a basic non-TA answer as to why it feels weird:
Chloé isn't mentioned or shown at any other point in the entire special.
For a name drop like this to pay off, there needs to he a setup. It doesn't need to he complex, but it has to be there. Marinette could gripe to Alya about how Chloé will mock Ladybug in school after the events of Strikeback. Emonette could run across a journal entry mentioning Chloé in Marinette's diary, her facial expressions hinting at the pain.
All it has to do is make her exist so that people watching the special can make the connection without outside info. It allows the audience to stay in the moment.
The other solution would simply have been to not have emonette name her bully. Just mention being constantly bullied. Those who know more will connect the dots. Those who don't can just take it at face value without a whole specific person being conjured into the special for one single line at what is supposed to be an emotional bonding point between the two Marinettes.
It also makes the second half of S5 look worse (which is S5's fault not the special) Marinette's calm here flows perfectly with her statement to Scoqueline in Illusion(the next ep) that Chloé is the least of her problems. This is a Marinette who us over it, which makes sense considering how for 4 seasons she has handled Chloé without trouble.
It doesn't gel with the Marinette who is cringing on the floor and needs Zoé to save her, who suddenly can't take Adrien's hand, who is living with PTSD. Who needs to be coaxed into even the most basic displays of expression.
Tl:dr: Name was shoehorned in bc hate or laziness. Could have been done right. Special was still good. S5 after Elation is still an utter trainwreck.
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ladybeug · 2 years
Speech bubbles
I put together some thoughts on how I fit speech bubbles into my comic panels after a conversation with @carpisuns! Sharing it here :)
Section 1: some general rules to consider, and then to break literally whenever, for any reason:
(1) Leave more room for the speech bubbles than you think you need. ANNOYING I know.
like look at how much of these panels are actual drawing, vs text. its like a quarter each:
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(personally I think these have too much dialogue to be good panels. but theyre good examples of how dialogue can take up a lot of room)
(2) Speech bubbles should be positioned in the order you want them to be read, left to right, top to bottom.
(3) Speech bubbles should line up to where the characters are standing, which helps show who is saying what.
I am actually really bad at following #3. its something I try to do, but a lot of the time I end up with confusing stuff like this:
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I end up doing this in an attempt to follow rule 2, so you can easily read right to left up to down, but this is just a mess, i cant believe their speech bubbles cross over like that, its a big mess and its hard to tell who's saying what.
this is kinda what I'm going for. adrien's speech bubbles on the adrien side of the panel, alya's on the alya side:
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(4) Speech bubbles should not obscure any drawings that are doing important communication work. This sounds obvious but we're putting it in the rules anyways.
Faces, usually. Often the focal point of a panel. This can be really effectively broken if you want it to feel like someone is being interrupted or overridden by the words that are spoken.
If someone is nervous and wringing their hands, then their hands are now doing important communication work and shouldn't be blocked by the speech bubble
I have good and bad examples of this one.
look at this mess of a panel where I ran out of space and did a speech bubble over adrien's face. adrien's face could have been telling us how he feels in this moment, but instead he seems squished and unimportant:
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And this panel, where I ran out of space and had to cover chat noir's tall ears, which should have been uncovered because they are communicating a VERY Important thing to the audience, which is: chat noir made his ears long. that's the point of the comic. and its only communicated in this panel. and i covered it with a speech bubble. not my best work:
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This panel where I purposefully made the speech bubble get in marinette's face, to show that the words are pressuring her:
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this works bc you can still see how marinette feels (thats the communication work the drawing is doing).
here's one where a lot of the figures are blocked, but the important communication pieces are visible. you can see chat noir's face to see how he feels, and his hand taking the card from alya. alya doesnt even have to be in this one, you dont need to know anything about her, just that she's giving the card to chat noir:
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(5) Speech bubbles go on the top of the panel or at the bottom. That way they read in longer rows, and stay out of the picture. Also faces are usually in the middle.
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(6) Less is always better to read. This is a hard rule to follow and I rarely follow it, but it's worth saying.
like its so easy to digest a comic panel with a small amount of text:
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and so much more work to do the opposite:
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same example, I know, but its a good one. these are hard to read because theres so much text. a tired reader will just skip this so they can have a better day.
there's like a 75% chance you didn't even read the words in this example image, but I bet you read the one that says 'I was born to be a cat model".
(7) if the speaker is going to change how they feel when they say two separate speech bubbles, put those speech bubbles in two separate panels. having the same picture attached to both speech bubbles can be confusing.
here's a time I messed that up:
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See?? looks like marinette is mad when she says 'oh good', when my intention was actually for her to not get mad until after nino says chat noir was playing video games. confusing.
Something's gotta go. Can you stretch the content out over 2 panels? or can you say it in fewer words? do you need everything you're showing in the picture, is it all doing important communication work?
If m worried, I like to write in all of the words before I draw the speech bubbles around the words, or add pictures. This makes sure the words are all readable and I can overlap bubbles to take up less space in between paragraphs of text. sometimes I'll also end up putting the bubbles behind the pictures in the comic, to make more room.
I was thinking about this as I drew a comic earlier this week and captured some of my process. First thing I did was draw in the text:
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and then once it was written I was like shoot thats the whole panel HOW am I supposed to fit the people in!!!! my original panel idea had been like:
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theres no way both girls were going to fit comfortably in the picture. so I thought about what NEEDED to be in the picture in order for the panel to make sense. and that was marinettes face, marinettes hands holding the card, and alya's hand on marinette's shoulder.
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I gave alya REALLY LONG ARMS so her face wouldn't be cut off by the speech bubble and you still got the idea that she's comforting marinette.
Section 3: That was a lot. What am I supposed to do. Synthesize this into concrete instructions please
(1) Be deliberate with your writing: know what the dialogue will be before you draw the panel. If you're not sure how you'll fit it all in, write it down in a brainstorm. like write down what the drawing will be and where the words will go.
(2) If you're worried you won't have space for the words, draw the words first. it's usually easier to make the drawing smaller than it is to cut down the text.
(3) Ask yourself, can you say this in fewer words? Fewer pictures? What does the reader need to see in the panel, or read in the panel, to get the point. (you can't always say it in fewer words, dont stress yourself out about this one.)
And last step, dont worry about it too much. if it really matters you can find a way to edit it, and otherwise who cares. Have fun!
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
Man, hearing about the season 1 days of miraculous makes remember when we first saw the leaks of the season and first the art for the pearls and stone, Alya with the fox (and how everyone called her Volpina), and Chloe with the bee. Man, those were days. I also remember how everyone was thinking Gabriel had the peacock and Emilie had the butterfly originally. I even remember when we first got that one image of Pixie Girl, and everyone thought she was a teenage Emilie with the butterfly miraculous that was going to appear in a flashback episode 😆. Ah, I miss those days.
Gosh so much is taking me back.
I remember expanded Square chaos. I remember there were theories of Ladybug and "Volpina"/Rena being rivals/antagonists to each other as a reversal of them being best friends + clearly Marinette wouldn't trust the new Fox (which I was never crazy about, especially as you typically didn't see that for Adrien and Nino, felt like turning girls against each other); and QB and LB were going be friendly. And there were speculated shenanigans for QB and RR, I think there was also a small rise of Chloya and the idea that maybe they'd have their own Square going.
Some I didn't see, like the theory that Pixie was teen Emilie, but I did see that she was planned for the NY Special, and there were the plans for the Shanghai Special.
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I really did theorize that Marinette and Adrien were going to get their own exclusive Specials to be focused on, with Marinette in Shanghai and Adrien in NY and he for sure was going to work with Pixie.
Another theory I had was where Fu was going to become Marinette's mentor, Gabriel was going to be Adrien's, cause I did like the idea that he had the Peafowl, not Emilie. And I thought this concept art of Duusu was her being furious with Gabriel literally shutting her away.
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And something was going to go down and this "Paon" was going to steal the Peafowl from Gabriel.
Or she already did and what Gabriel had was a fake.
And potentially that HM was who Gabriel and Emilie feared and that's why Adrien wasn't allowed out.
Those really were the days. The theories were so fun. And much of it I think was more interesting than what we got.
And it was a time of aus. I don't know how many aus are being done for ML these days, I think most are salt fics now, but that was the time to have fun, do different spins. Doing kwami swaps. Life swaps. Cowboy au.
You could get creative with akumas, like, I remember finding old fics that swapped Marientte with Bridgette and trapped her in a different reality/timeline, and I kinda wish the Paris Special did that. Off topic, but I feel the Paris Special should've gone full comedy and full reversal for characters. And that we actually got to see this different Paris.
Like, could you imagine Marinette and Emonette swapping places, either through akuma or Bunnyx, and Marinette's scrambling trying to figure out how to get back and how to keep going in this topsy turvy world where apparently Ladybug is a villain? "Hawk Moth" is a good guy? Wtf is Chat wearing? Wtf happened to Adrien.
And you got Emonette just needing shades cause this world is so bright and sunny and why do these people keep talking to her? Tf happened to Adrien, was he a poser this whole time? HM's a villain? But of course he's a bad villain just like he's a bad hero. And ooooh she's going to have so much fun with Chloe... and who tf is this Lila and what does she think she's doing picking a fight with Emonette. Oh, she's adding her to her list...
And you could add to it if kwamis were also kinda reversed.
Emonette stuck with canon Tikki trying to get her Marinette back, but also trying to rein in Emonette, try to be that voice of reason and her consciousness, and oh, she's dumping all of Chloe's things down the toilet... she's got her work cut out for her.
Meanwhile Special Tikki is more "pure luck" and is more chaotic and sporadic, she's not outright malicious, but she's just rolling with that neutralness of luck, it having good and bad and it comes down to karma and your own actions. She's just here to sit and watch the consequences play out. Emonette was kinda funny though she was predictable in her karma as her negative actions fed negative consequences. But man, this Marinette is freaking hilarious. Tikki is constantly eating popcorn, enjoying the show cause she never knows what she's going to get with this well meaning if all over the place Marinette.
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miraculous-pyxie · 11 months
Idea where Adrien and Marinette knew each other from years of the Dupain-Cheng’s catering for the Agreste’s so they become The Best Of Friends Ever ™️ and have Ladynoir dynamics since they were kids.
What is included in this idea package:
Years of play dates that are always super fun for the both of them and when their parents at at events they get to go off and play together
their influence on each other starts in their early development so Marinette brings an independent nature out of Adrien and Adrien brings out more collaboration in Marinette
They get to have Big Talks™️ when facing harder questions in life
Marinette was there when Adrien’s mom left so they grew even closer
When they get their miraculous they tell each other immediately and become impossibly closer
they felt bad about breaking the rules at first but they realized that it works so much better this way because they were already so close that they didn’t need to build teamwork with someone new
It’s Marinette that actually convinced Gabriel to let Adrien into public school
Adrien met Chloe before but didn’t like her as much bc of Marinette’s influence (he also got to hear first hand how she was bullying her)
They play a massive prank on their whole class when Adrien comes in the first day because of all people that know each other it’s them. people are shocked, Chloe is mad, Nino is like “bro i thought i was your childhood bestie” so Marinette is like “you are but trust me there is no need to be jealous, just spend like 5 minutes with him you’ll fall in love with him” and she was right
we get lots of post-reveal pre-relationship silly dynamics 
Alya and Nino eventually clock on the two of them like each other, but it looks like they’re both oblivious to it / don’t want to admit it
eventually, Alya and Nino confront Marinette and Adrien separately about confessing their feelings, but they both give back an eerily similar answer of “it’s too complicated to be together” that makes them think there is more to their relationship then they originally thought (Alya thinks they are LB and CN and Nino thinks they are already dating) (they are both kinda right).
Alya and Nino slowly put the pieces together, they’re making jokes assuming they are both dating and superheroes that they kind of just forgot that these are head cannons of their friends so when they eventually find out they’re like “yeah lmao”
all very fluffy and silly and only a ting of angst
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace shenanigans eventually 
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Can we get a full rant about the Paris special?
You're probably going to get more out of me once it fully airs but for now just.
The evil characters motivations just kinda suck for comparing them to the originals. Which again: I don't want to do because I hate the 'oh this other person had the same trauma and handled it better' thing, but when it's the same character going through the same trauma it's bullshit.
Shadybug's reason for being evil sucks because it's literally just 'she didn't meet Alya' which is supposed to be part of the Derision Retcon of how awful Chloé was even though it doesn't match with anything we saw in Season 1-3 but I can ignore that because it commits a worse crime: Letting us know that if Marinette didn't meet Alya that exact day, she would've gone full murderous villain before the day was over. Like literally Alya is the only thing different, which means even Canon!Mari is just one bad day from snapping and killing everyone.
Claw Noir makes no goddamn sense because Canon!Adrien was able to healthily handle his mother's 'death' even having Canon!Gabriel as his abusive neglectful bastard of a father. How is it that a version of Adrien that had a genuinely good father end up handling his mother's 'death' so poorly that he's down to kill whoever gets in the way as a coping mechanism?
All of this might be rendered unnecessary anyway with the fact that they're working for whatever 'Supreme' that's actually the Big Bad and might be forcing them into this? I need more info on that before I give a verdict.
I thought Hesperia being 'Good' would be the hardest sell considering Season 4 and 5's insistence that his evil plans have been 15-ish years in the making(despite the finale's insistence that he's only 'evil' because he misses Emilie) especially since clearly said plans are still in place as Alt!Adrien exists and Emilie 'died' meaning they got the Peacock. But other than the above plothole of somehow Good!Gabriel let Adrien end up as Claw Noire, he seems fine.
There's a lot of missed opportunities where they're trying to show alternate universes but only focusing on a single one. Like again: give us an Into the Ladyverse. We appearently see them for a few seconds during a Scooby-Doo Chase Scene™ which is the biggest slap in the face.
Other than the fact that this entire special on a base premise shouldn't be possible due to all other episodes insisting that there is only One True Timeline and that if anything somehow diverges, Bunnyx will come and make sure everything goes exactly as she remembers it.
We have yet another round of mass murdering terrorist supervillains who are validated because 'oh they were sad' so it's okay that they committed horrific crimes that they don't feel any remorse for outside of a 'let me just say, from the bottom of my heart: my bad.' but they're now redeemed with no consequences. And I wouldn't even care /that/ much because like a little hypocritical coming from an MLP fan if it weren't for the fact that 1.) they feel no remorse whatsoever and 2.) we have the narrative constantly beating us over the head about how none of this applies to the one abused teenage girl who's acting out because of trauma despite not going full supervillain on her own terms just being a jerk to her classmates.
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kasienda · 8 months
trick or treat!
Okay, so when I finished Would Trust You With Everything and I got DJWifi and Ladynoir back to a place of understanding, I was like I feel in this universe these four would never stop loving each other and was toying with the idea of writing a sequel that was OT4!! But I didn’t really come up with any plot or arc. But I did write this scene!! Which I loved!! Don’t know if I will ever do anything with it.
“Gah! I want to kiss you right now!” Alya
Nino frowned. “Don’t think either of our partners would be down for that.”
“Nah. Marinette would totally be okay with it.”
“W-what? Really?!”
“Yeah, she kinda thinks that you and I never should have broken up, and has stated to me more than once that she’s totally willing to share.”
Nino pressed his lips together. Adrien would probably be super insecure about sharing and Nino would respect that boundary if it killed him. “Does Marinette know about your alter-ego?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Nino, I know you’re not fishing past my boundaries.”
He held his hands up. “Marinette is Ladybug, isn’t she?” Nino
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Alya
Nino snorted. “Sure you don’t.”
“Damnit Nino. Now we have to tell her you know.”
“I don’t mind telling her. Figure she could use another vent person. What are the chances we could convince her to tell Adrien as well?”
If Adrien got Ladybug out of it, maybe he would be willing to share.
“Probably zero.”
He sighed. “What about getting her to tell Chat Noir?”
“Negative fifty.”
“What?! What is her deal with him?” Nino felt indignant on his boyfriend’s behalf and less interested in sharing.
“Nothing!” Alya said defensively. “She loves him so much!”
“Loves?” Nino echoed.
“She’d deny it for sure. I think that’s why she won’t tell him. She’s afraid she’ll care about him even more than she already does.”
“Would that be so bad? He deserves all the love.”
Alya turned to him. “Adrien is Chat Noir, isn’t he?”
“No comment.”
“Fuck, Nino. We’re all so stupid.”
“Pretty much. Guess we have to tell Adrien that you figured him out.”
“What are the chances he would be willing to share his identity with Marinette?”
“One hundred percent. Two hundred if we sold him on Ladybug instead.”
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mielkexnn-miraculous · 10 months
A. Agreste (aka Chat Noir) Headcanons <3
Kind of a lot tbh—just headcanons that I like to apply in my AUs when they don’t clash with their particular premises. It’s just a hot mess under the cut yeah? Cool.
He was actually in ballet classes as a kid—the same ones as Chloé.
What’s funny is that Marinette was there too. However, boys and girls were kept separate and so he only really knew Chloé.
He only found out when he was going through his closet and found a shoe box with his old shoes and a bunch of class photos; he noticed Marinette in the corner of one.
He’s still really flexible though.
He actually used to go to see a live rendition of The Nutcracker each Christmas.
He wanted to play the Rat King rlly badly.
He’s got a killer steady hand that makes for rlly good cursive.
He has the neatest handwriting in the class, and takes rlly good notes too—particularly in physics.
He’s also got terrible sense in fashion. He knows good stuff when he sees it, but doesn’t know bad stuff is bad at all.
He really likes milk; in some horrible twist of fate, he’s also lactose intolerant.
He’s totally touch starved and rlly touchy feely w/ certain people.
He refuses to kill bugs. He once screamed and lifted Alya up off her feet for trying to squash a spider in the middle of science class.
He put it in a cup before disappearing for a good five minutes so he could walk all the way over to the park to release it where it would be safe.
He’s English and French.
He really likes gelato—specifically passionfruit; peach is a close second tho.
He knows how to run in heels; has a subtly burning hatred for them.
He really likes light up sneakers though and always wanted a pair.
He knows Morse code.
Rlly ticklish.
Sneezes super loudly.
Really crappy immune system thanks to never being allowed outside his castle walls; he got sick like three times within the first two months of school.
He really likes Piano Man by Billy Joel and can sing and play the whole thing.
Honestly his music taste consists of five types of music: Heavy/classic rock, classical/classical-style music (In The Hall of The Mountain King slaps ok), Billy Joel, chill-somber-sad-theatric-feels-y, and whatever the heck that migraine-inducing bs he’s got stashed in the back is.
His Spotify is a hot mess tbch; lots of spontaneous playlists depending on how he felt at the moment. The titles are usually smth along the lines of “ifykyk”, “vibe”, or “yeah”; either that or just the playlist #.
He has like five that are nice enough to send ppl, and those are the only ones he’s listened to more than twice. They’re called “Classical Vibes”, “Cheese Demon”, “Billy Joel Aesthetic”, “sad”, and “Spontaneous 2am Dance Party OST”.
He’ll literally save recommended playlists and never listen to them.
He never bothers to clean it up though, and has 600+ playlists sitting around.
Also he used to drink a ton of pediasures as a kid and his father doesn’t let him drink them anymore bc he’s not a little kid anymore obviously but he would kill for a muscle milk.
He’ll throw up if he ever tries to eat kale again; it’s a trauma response ok.
Emotion smart but social dumb.
Honestly kinda yandere ngl.
I mean have you seen this man?? Cheez-its man, chill.
He resists when in civilian form but once he’s transformed it’s Full Gremlin Mode activated.
He’s not good at drawing but he does try; he does a lot of blob style digital and is slowly getting better.
He overcomes his feelings of being stuck and not knowing what to do in life as seen in wish maker when he spends time with the Dupain-Chengs and realizes that that is what he wants. He then dreams of working in the bakery one day.
Cannot for the life of him resist eating the batter, ok. He needs it. He’s gonna get heckin’ salmonella one of these days and it’s going to have been worth it.
He gets really good at frosting “flower” cupcakes. He switches to succulents pretty easily after learning how to airbrush. They’re adorable.
Also really good at modeling lil fondant animals and things.
He’s developed separation anxiety surrounding both ladybug and Marinette—he rlly just wants to have both of them in one place at once and he’s rlly sad that it somehow never seems to happen; he’s rlly happy post-reveal.
He rlly loves babysitting; like honestly he loves kids, so so so much; if he weren’t thinking of taking over the bakery (and/or tied down as Chat Noir), he’d probably become a pediatric nurse or a daycare attendant or smth bc 💞💞💞
He’ll leave the press to Ladybug so he can talk w/ the akuma victims and make sure they’re okay.
He’ll escape out his window and climb to high places when stressed to pace.
Once lost a Chat Noir look alike contest.
Has referred to his civilian self as, and I quote, a “dipshit boytoy” whilst en costume.
He became a total night owl thanks to his miraculous but he’s just rlly good at pretending to not be tired.
He’s more cat than he’d like to admit:
He’ll react to catnip when transformed;
He’ll also chase laser pointers;
He subconsciously stares at birds;
Once a bird got stuck in the classroom and everyone was freaking out trying to catch it in a wire trash bin and stuff but it kept evading them so Adrien looked up and pulled out his music, watched it for a second, and then caught it by the feet mid-flight;
He brought it closer to himself and calmed it down as best he could, petting it as he walked over to the window to let it out;
Everyone was flabbergasted but no one said anything as he went back to working and by the time anyone could speak it was kinda late for questions;
He gets the zoomies at the most inconvenient times;
He’s made incredibly uneasy by dogs despite actually being more of a dog person.
Also more destruction powers seeping in alongside the cat attributes:
When he’s is in a funk, there’s crappy cell service, lights flicker, machines go haywire and burn out;
If he’s REALLY upset, drinking glasses and crystal can spontaneously combust;
His powers trickle over into when he’s a civilian;
He just keeps getting more and more frustrated with his computer as it begins to function less and less and keeps giving increasingly worse error codes;
He’s in a funk for the first half the day at school and for some reason the wifi is down;
His mood is lifted after a good lunch break and all of a sudden the computers are working super fast;
Though it frustrates him at first, Adrien learns to hone his powers and either repress or, if needed, direct them.
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to adopt/modify any of these as you please :)
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theerurishipper · 3 months
What's ur opinion on the whole "Blame the writing not the character" thing for writing, cause I think miraculous and its Fandom is a weird case.
Normally I prefer approaching everything from the "Blame the character" angle because at the end of the day all a character is IS their writing (this also applies to good things oc, not just bad). Especially regarding their emotions I don't see much purpose in distancing everything one doesn like about a character from them by saying "Oh, it's just the writing. Disregard it, tahts not who the character truly is" cause at some point that just reads as.. kinda refusing to acknowledge who the character on screen actually is bc one doesn like it.
Miraculous is just a weird case. You can smell the meta decisions 10 miles against the wind - like Marinette and Alya for some reason being able to beat Adrien in battle and Cat Noir pre-s5 being "incompetent". You know exactly that this is not character based writing, Cat has to be weaker than Ladybug and Scarabella because they're girls and they have to look good. It's hard saying Adrien is a weaker fighter in all those cases, or when the temp heros need to be brought in, because you at some level know exactly that there is a meta reason behind it. And that makes it hard to discredit him for that just as much as it's harder to actually give the girls credit for their abilities. They shouldn't be able to beat him so easily, but they do because of their gender and this shows "rules". Just like there is no actual reason in-universe for why he's suddenly on Ladybug's level in season 5. It just is.
(kinda weird how the show also never gave Kagami credit for being a trained fighter either. I guess they thought they can't acknowledge her training either or else they couldn't get away with making Adrien weaker as Cat Noir. So they probably dead ass denied Kagami her special spotlight too for shallow reasons (but at least their consistent)
But on the other hand, I personally don't think Marinette and Adrien leaving in Kwamis choice without saying goodbye to each other is out of character the way most people say it and then just disregard it by saying "it's the writing, not the characters". Rewatching that two parter, it set up alot from the finale, and I don't think them leaving each other like that is out of character just a harsh reality check where we are at after s4.
They never came out of that season actually "better" partnership wise just because Adrien decided to stay by her side these two times and remained kind and supportive. That was decided to be the Cat's definitive job towards the Ladybug so that's what he's continuing to do but that doesn't really concern anything beyond that. In my opinion it is very much questionable how much Ladybug and Cat Noir are actually REAL FRIENDS and not just kind collegues the way Marinette wanted in s4 (with potential for real friendship under better circumstances).
That's also why Adrien gave himself up in the finale, no? If they were real friends he would have been able to ask for her help as she was the only one who could have kept him save because of her yo-yo. But they're just kind collegues, so he didn't.
And just because he stayed her teammate doesn't it mean he's still in love with Ladybug or that he still WANTS to be in love with her after all that pain it caused him. So he made a harsh decision thanks to Plagg and prioritized finally being happy and getting some stability, especially because Gabriel was being fake loving.
And Marinette's romantic feelings for Cat Noir and her acknowledgment of him all together have always been of shakey and chaotic nature. Her feelings for him really started whne she was at her lowest an thinking herself all alone while also being afraid of her feelings for Adrien.
This was from the get go an already dark orange sign for how genuine her feelings are (desperation is always an iffy foundation) and as others already said, she's never seeing more in him than the mask. How can you say you really love a person when you only acknowledge half of their personhood? Marinette only started taking interest in who Cat is when she started getting frustrated by him not reacting the way she wanted him to. If he had I don't think Marinette would have thought about wanting to know who he really is, it really came across like a frustration thing which explained why she was so reckless about it in Elation, and why she then left afterwards.
I don't wanna say she saw no purpose in him anymore after being rejected by him (that's too strong) but we already saw in season 4 that Marinette's treatment or acknowledge of Cat Noir very much reflects what use and purpose she sees in him, hence why he was basically reduced to an irrelevant footnote by the end of season 4. Yes, she wanted him there as teammate but thats it. It's still questionable in my opinion if she even noticed him not showing up anymore at the beginning of Kuro Neko since she reacts surprised when the reporter points out his absence and then claims towards Plagg Cat should be happy that he gets to have time off, as if she just convinced herself that she generously allowed him a week off instead of her having been so deep in team leader mode that she didn't even notice him not showing up anymore.
Marinette not noticing him having stopped showing up is a harsh characterization, but I wouldn't call it out of character in the broader sense.
So her leaving when he rejects her, because she doesn't want to be his friend and teammate but his girlfriend and he said no? Can't say thats out of character either because the show is also really consistent in her characterization that she doesn't see much value in being friends with Adrien either because she loves him, so being friends is the worst thing possible for her.
À décision being harsh and not what one likes doesn mean it's out of character and one should distance the event from the character in one's head.
I think Kwamis choice makes alot of sense, as does the focus on Adrinette instead of Ladynoir, and how the finale played out.
Which goes back to my original question. It's very obvious that there are 20. 000 meta reason controlling the narrative, but in my opinion only in a specific way. Everything still makes sense in my opinion, it just feels so CONTROLLED.
Marinette is a mouthpiece for the writers messages but even if I think the messages are fucked up and hypocritical, I can't say any of it was ever out of character for her?
You get what I mean?
Yeah, I get that. I myself approach it from the "blame the writers" way, but like you said, it's a blurry line. What tips me over ultimately is the fact that Marinette should have grown but clearly didn't. What she does isn't out of character for her for sure, but as far as the writers are concerned, she has grown and she is better, and all the stuff she's doing isn't really a bad thing. So, I can't in good conscience blame the character for being bad when the people who are bringing her to life are the ones who really believe all the stuff that's being said through her. She's supposed to have developed as per the writers' vision, but clearly, she hasn't. It's bad writing, and that really isn't the character's fault. That's how I see it.
Thank you for your ask!
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artzychic27 · 6 months
Idea: Actor AU commentary, but it’s for Monstrous Youths, where they talk about different aspects of the show like plots, character stuff, and of course, costumes and makeup! (Marc talking about how much he loves his moth wings, him and Reshma talk about maneuvering the extra limbs, Mylene, Mireille, and Lacey talk about how you simulate someone having vines, tar or flames for hair, the Buff Squad™️ talking about the fur on their arms is hot as hell and gets rank as fuck😅)
Chloé: *Rises from her sarcophagus* WHO DARES TO AWAKEN THE QUEEN- Ugh! Ew! There’s sand on my tongue!
Cast: *Laughing*
Director: *Laughs* Cut!
Juleka: *Adjusting her fangs* I think what I like best about playing a vampire is that my wardrobe is the same as what I usually wear. That, and they don’t need to cake my face with a ton of makeup to give me that “undead” look.
Luka: I, on the other hand, require tons of makeup to truly make myself look like the living dead.
Juleka: And because you wanna feel pretty.
Luka: Jules… I am pretty.
Marc: Reshma and I love being insect monsters.
Reshma: He’s an insect, I’m an arachnid. But, he’s right. It’s fun controlling the extra limbs, but also challenging.
Marc: For the longest time, we’ve been slapping the other cast members.
Reshma: I swear, we did not mean to do that!
Kim: See, in order to play the role of the fearsome werewolf of DuPont School For Monstrous Youths, I spent the longest time observing the masters…
Max: And by that, he means he spent hours at a dog shelter playing with the puppies.
Kim: It’s called getting into character!
Adrien: Why don’t you just ask your dad?
Nino: Whenever I do, he always goes, “GRRRR! GRANDPA BAD!” *Coughs* God, that fucked my throat.
Adrien: *Burries his face in his hands and laughs* Drink some water, man!
Ismael: Ugh! I wanna go home!
Lila: The boy wants to go home! Enough with the bloopers! End the madness!
Lila: Nath, Marc, and I cannot tell you how long it took us to master having wings. Mine are made of real feathers, and they’re pretty thick, so I had to work on my balance quite a bit.
Marc: Then, there are the harnesses that make it look we’re flying. Nathaniel screamed the first time.
Nathaniel: Because that harness broke and I was falling!
Lila: No, that was just… Flying downwards.
Nathaniel: Well, screw you.
Simon: *Getting his makeup done* The crew did excellent work on my eye. It blinks whenever I do, and I can see through it. The only thing is that it gets kinda sweaty under there, and it gets all in my eyes, so my fake eye is just blinking non-stop.
Alya: *Putting on a green bodysuit* My outfit’s a little… Complex. See, there’s this combination of the suit I’m wearing and transparent clothing to make it look like I’m a ghost with translucent skin
Mireille: The same is with me, only my clothes are not transparent.
Ondine: *Emerges from the pool, gasping for air*
Lacey: Ondine! What happened?
Ondine: I couldn’t breathe under there!
Rose: Why didn’t you just use the breathing tube?
Ondine: I couldn’t find the tube!
Staff member: My bad!
Ondine: Things don’t always go according to plan on set. Some tails may come off, wings may not flap accordingly, and people trip on vines. What’s important is that we stay levelheaded, share a few laughs, and things go smoothly in the end.
Rose: And then we laugh at the bloopers.
Ondine: That, too.
Lacey: Okay, okay! So, my fire hair?! It’s actual fire! There’s this non-burning fire that doesn’t even hurt, and it’s awesome!
Jean: Also terrifying.
Lacey: But also AWESOME!
Alix: Yeah, and speaking of hair… Those are real trained snakes. Because pops didn’t raise some coward who goes with the CGI option!
*The camera pans to Nathaniel*
Nathaniel: Hi. Yeah, uh… That actually is CGI. Alix tried the snake option for a minute, screamed, and then fainted. She just wants to sound badass.
Zoé: I’d say the most difficult part about our characters are the bandages and vines.
Myléne: I’m always tripping on them during the days my characters forgets to trim them, and Chloé and Zoé often get tangled in their bandages.
Chloé: They’re like a fucking straitjacket!
Kagami: You will do well to listen, Félix. Stay away from my school. Stay away from Adrien. And stay away from me. *One of her horns falls off* … My horn fell off, didn’t it?
Félix: *Snickering* Yep. Wanna try that again?
Kagami: No, I want to wallow in shame. *Leaves*
Félix: Kagami! Come back! You were good! I was really intimidated!
Cosette: Kagami, come on! It happens to all of us. You’re not the first one, really. Remember when I charged at Lucien and both of my horns just slipped off?
Aurore: Or when one of mine fell into the pool?
Kagami: I know, it’s just embarrassing. Right after I have the monologue of a lifetime.
Cosette: Yeah, that does kinda suck.
Aurore: Cosette!
Coaette: What? It’s true.
Félix: Working with Lucien as the antagonists is great, just wonderful.
Lucien: Yes, I can’t get enough of playing the villain. There’s just something about it that draws me toward the role.
Félix: Same! And, you know, if there just so happens to be a villain musical number, then you can bet I’m going to give it my all. Hint. Hint.
Lucien: The writers looked at your notes; they said they’d think about it.
Marinette: Having these buttons put on my eyes gave me flashbacks to when I watched Coraline!
Alya: She screamed.
Marinette: I did!
Denise: That fur… Is hot as fuck! I- no joke! My arms are soaked when I take those off!
Ivan: They have to be washed constantly, and no one wants that job.
Denise: Sometimes the others make jokes about burning them, and we are beginning to consider it, ‘cause those things are getting rank.
Jean: Hey, guys- Ghouls! I meant ghouls! Fuck!
Cast: *Laughing*
Jean: Fuck all these fucking monster words! I need coffee! *Dramatically tosses one end of his scarf over his shoulder and leaves*
Ismael: Say what you want. He was destined to be The Phantom.
Sabrina: The groaning my character does is actually just me saying real sentences from the back of my throat. When I say, “Hello, my name is Sabrina,” people have to listen closely to hear it. I was originally going to groan, but then I thought, ‘Nah! Lemme have some fun with this!’
Rose: Real quick, I can’t find my femur.
Kim: What?
Rose: It was supposed to come off for one scene, and now I can’t find it.
Ismael: *Points to her thigh* Found it. Case solved!
Adrien: You’re a little shit, you know that?
Ismael: *Smirks* All a part of my charm.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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seeyabythemarina · 9 months
Lila's Pet of Horrors
Count Ds shop is now in France and is gaining popularity of pets how are so helpful people are feeling less stressed. Lila decided to buy one to keep her followers. She heard of their are exotic pets so she want to use her Gabriel status to get one. Meeting D she says she want one of his most rare, expensive, and exotic pets. D say he doesn't think she could care for it, but Lila threaten that she's th face of Gabriel and could shut this place down if she wanted to. D frowns but agrees and takes her to the back.
I made prompts for 2 pets.
Truth spider:
D bring out a container holding a spider. After jumping back Lila say she wanted a cute pet not some freak spider. D says it a very special spider and few are left in the world. Lila looks close at it. It was kinda cute and furry and the coloring was unique. What the heck, Lila will flaut it for a while and if the doesn't go when she'll squash it and claim it was Marinette. Taking the spider and signing the contract she goes home.
At school her sheep were surpa8sed she got a spider, but Lila claim she doesn't like how misunderstood the creature were and people talked about how generous she was. They also could she it wasn't that creepy and how pretty it was. Juleka was especially interested and focus on Lila for days as she talked about how she was a friend of the petshop owner and gave her this spider.
When she got home she threw the spider haphazardly and watched TV. She remembers that petshop said she had to feed to spider bugs, but no wayward Lila doing that. She'll just give it some crumbs latter. This goes on for a few days and the spider isn't eating but Lila doesn't care. One night the spider gets out of the cage and hunger for blood goes to Lila bitting her she sucks out some blood. In the morning Lila is tired but ignored it for the attendion of her class. When she comes to school she was about to start lying but suddenly start telling the truth about her truancy, bullies, and lies. She tries to back track but can't. Everyone is shocked and teacher that her to the principle wjo call her mother. Lila tries to explain but all she can say is how she hated ladybug and is working for hawkmoth. Then she goes to jail, but what of the spider.
When tikki saw the spider she immediatl5 recognized it and told Marinette how truth spider are spider whose venom can mess with the brain ability to lie. Marinette asked if that meant the spider bite could make Lila admit to truth to everyone and tikki agrees. Mari likes this because tikki also explain they'll bite people for food of their not feed enough or if threaten.
Lila trial is fast as she keeps admitting everything even past victims. Marinette not wanting the spider to possibly be thrown out offer to take it back to the shop. When she arrived she talks to the owner about it and after eating some sweet leaves. When she looks down she see tikki with tears. Tikki say she looked around the shop and saw so many of her creations that are now gone. Mari asks if the shop was magic and if she should investigate. Tikki says no as hawkmoth is a bigger problem and the shop isn't a threat. Happy that the shop is the reason Lila is gone Mari decide to leave it alone. Back at the shop D was smiling. He had felt the energy of the creator tikki on mari and is even more happy he gave the truth spider to get rid of that girl.
2. Kitsune
Seeing d bring out a fox with 9 tails Lila smirked. This is what she wanted. A fox for a sly beaty like her. Paying for the fox she leaves. It wouldn't be obvious to Lila but the fox was so not happy to be with her. Her classmate were in awe especially alya with the fox. They ask if it's a real kitsune Lila make of show of calling it a fox with a mutation, but suddenly implies it was magic properies(which is weirdly true). Lila enjoys her day and can't wait for tomorrow. To bad she didn't notice the smirk growing on the foxed face. She didn't appreciate this false vixen and would enjoy showing her true deception. In the morning Lila couldn't fine her phone and after looking found it not charged. Lila was confused as she rememebr charging it. Shrugging she goes on with her day, but that was the start of it. Lila found her things missing or broken but when she looked again that were fine. She also saw someone stalking her but looking around they were gone. Lila tried to ignore it but the weirdest thing happen later. Lila was in the bathroom applying make up when Marinette came in. Lila starts making fu. Of her on how she taking her friends, but Mari just stares. Lila is then shocked when Mari right hooks her and leaves. Lila is stunned as she feel her eye swelling up. Looking in the mirror she sees a huge black. It hurt so much Lila was acully tearing up for real. She never expected someone goody goody as maribrat to hurt her for real. She swears Mari will pay and for once Lila doesn't need to lie. Going to the room crying she states that Mari assaulted her when she was in the bathroom. She expected comforts and yelling at Mari but the surprised when the class look at her weirdly. They say .ari has been hear the whole time, but Lila swear she saw her. And even gave her a black eye. The class then ask what black eye. Looking in the reflection like seeing she didn't have a black eye. Llla back tracks and trues to salvage things. The class are wary of her the rest of the day. Lila is getting paranoid and when she starts rambling her mother tries to ask her what's wrong and lial reveals herself. Afterward lila is carted of to a mental asylum and the fox goes back to the shop
With the tricks being played on Lila adrien immediately assumes it plagg. While laughing plagg states while he wishes it's not him itsthe acually kitsune. Adrien Consider trying to stop it but plagg says that he shouldn't try and beside everything is just in Lila head and she wont get hurt. Adrien believes it and leaves it alone.
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Heres some character info-sheets for my mlb rewrite. The main five obv, but I'll get to other characters maybe later if and when I feel like it... also this was an excuse to draw them n o t dying or something so uh- yar.
Some additional info about each:
Marinette- Marinette's mom tried to teach Marinette chinese but started out a little too late in Mari's child-language development and never really succeeded. At most, Marinette can introduce herself. She does not yet have any crushes in my fic at the moment, but the first one (sorta already is) will be Luka for a while once he gets more "screen time". She's less "UwU quirky i'm so clumsy" like she is in the show. In fact, she doesn't go and do stupid things without repercussions at all. She is less focused on boys and more on her superhero life, but it starts getting overwhelming. She feels like if she tried to focus on herself for a change, something bad would happen as a result, and it doesn't help that Tikki is so strict on her about it.
Adrien- Adrien is pomosexual which basically means he doesn't know what the heck he is or what to label his feelings with so he went with that. He knows he is attracted to femininity, but is also ok with more masculine or "tom-boyish" attributes in anyone of any gender. This does lead into his crush on Kagami later on since they are nonbinary and not exactly "the most feminine" person you could meet, yet also not entirely masculine in their personality and presentation. Basically, he doesn't know what the heck his sexuality is. He knows chinese and english because of how strict his homeschooling is, and has a natural talent for picking up new languages. He doesn't really understand himself and often feels like he's broken, or a robot. Perhaps some senti-monster behavior...??????!!!!! (I'm deciding on that now shut up)
Nino- Nino is a glorious bilingual child whose parents are unknown. They probably left the face of the planet. No one has ever seen them... at least in the show... so I didn't bother giving him a family. But he's bilingual somehow!! But wait... I did give him parents?! That's right, I invented Mara Lahiffe for no reason, and we're gonna say his dad is no longer in the picture. He's very protective of his friends and would never abandon them, hence why he became so fitting for the turtle miraculous. He has a secret crush on Rena Rouge but sadly, not Alya. He likes his mysterious women I guess.
Alya- Alya is creole which is a race of people from America that spawned from the mixing of native american, Spaniard, black, and europeans. It's a lot... I know... they're best known for existing in Louisiana, and does she have family there? No! She has relatives from Cuba which is why she can speak spanish. Alya has a big family with three other sisters, and she's caught being the middle child. This has given her a lot of insecurities due to her older sister being a literal muscle boxing beast and her two little twin sister getting all the attention from the family.
Chloe- I think it's really funny that I didn't give Marinette, the main character, family trauma, but the other four.... Chloe's parents are divorced and her mother has a very judgmental attitude over Chloe. Chloe wants nothing more than to please and impress her mother who sometimes doesn't even remember her daughters name. Chloe feels like she's battling her half sister, Zoe, for their mothers attention, which is made extra hard for her by the fact that her sister and mother live all the way in New York. Chloe was as straight as a pencil, she swears. but then... she started developing feelings for a girl and everything became a mess. She's kinda in the same boat as Adrien right now, except she's more comfortable calling herself bicurious. She developed anorexia after Gabriel Agreste's company refused to accept her as a model, denying her the chance to work with Adrien and pursue her dream career.
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