#I dunno if people already knew about all this but I found out today like a few mintues ago.
goldshykitsune · 25 days
So apparently they are starting to let parents monitor your phones stuff.
This is of course google, however I know plenty of people who use google docs and are underage so I must warn everyone!
Your parents can monitor what you write!
They can read it!
It's not safe! Not anymore!
Please use something other than google docs!
I know most phones have notes use that instead!
Or even notes on the computer! But stay away from google!
Especially if you want your privacy! Otherwise your family can see it.
I didn't even know my mother's email was connected to my account so don't think your safe. I dunno if it is google, I just know that it's google products!
Only reason I even know this is because my mother saw something I wrote yesterday which was... (something for my eyes only)
I felt scared, I was scared that she saw something I searched but since I'm 18 today it makes it impossible for her to see what I search or do now without permission but that's not for definite.
I do not want anyone having to be exposed by google about anything so please use something else!
Or use a secret account that you made so your family cannot see what you are doing!
I dunno if she can see it still. I don't know how to make it so she can't.
I might have to just delete most my google docs or at least export them elsewhere.
I just want everyone to be safe. So please stay safe, stay away from google as much as possible!
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maximoffcarter · 13 days
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader.
Summary: Emily Prentiss was known to be a sweet, kind, funny and playful person, while also being dedicated, determined and serious, etc. But when y/n joined, everyone noticed the bundle of nerves she was around her, and the teasing was very present too.
A/n: This is for @storiesofsvu 's birthday bingo with the prompt 'Heatwave'. This is my first time participating and I hope this was good hehe, excited to do this and to show you this cute one shot🫢 I dunno why I decided that in Emily's fics, reader will have the last name of 'Carter', I just love it. But anywayyyy, I wanted to do this for my birthday, post today cause I just felt like it and so here it is. I hope you guys enjoy this, if you got any requests for Emily, send them my way. Leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
When Hotch announced that there would be a new agent joining the team, it was no surprise that they were curious of who it could be. Maybe an old agent that worked with Hotch before, or maybe someone who knew Rossi, maybe a new ‘baby’ agent as they liked to call them, maybe someone who had been recommended. For the rest of the day, they all had been talking about it and trying to figure out who it could be; Penelope got her skills working, trying to see if there was anything about this new agent on the system already, but so far, nothing. So, on Monday, when a beautiful, young girl walked to Hotch’s office, all eyes were on her. To say the least, they were all surprised that the chosen one had been a ‘baby’ agent; soon enough, Penelope had her file shown to everyone before Hotch could walk in and introduce her.
It was no surprise that everyone found the new girl beautiful, interesting by the way she looked so serious and quiet, but there was something that changed in Emily that day. Since the moment she laid her eyes on the new recruit, she had gone completely silent, her eyes locked in the girl. Everyone around her kept talking about her, making assumptions, or just commenting on how beautiful she was, but Emily? She didn’t say a thing. She just kept her eyes on her, which…was creepy, if Emily thought about it. She didn’t mean to do that, she didn’t mean to keep staring, but it was impossible not to. Soon enough, y/n got along with the whole team, she has started to join them for drinks, she went out to lunch with them, Penelope had even dragged her to their girl's night and had announced that y/n was now the new member. Y/n couldn’t have been happier with the fact that they all were making her feel like she really belonged with them.
It wasn’t too long after Emily started noticing her behavior around y/n, the way she acted, the way her voice changed, the way she smiled even more than usual, there were so many little things that she started to notice and that she hoped that no one else would. And that’s when it clicked; she had a crush. She has not had a crush in years. Years. She had focused on her job, she had said that she didn’t have time to date or even go around meeting people, and the thought of one-night stands…they were a big no. But y/n had completely changed that, she liked her, she liked being around her, she loved to see her smiling, she loved to hear her laugh, she loved to see how well she got along with everyone, she loved the way she dressed, the way she talked, the way she walked…yeah. It was definitely a crush.
Emily sat on her desk and was focused on the file she had right in front of her, but the moment she heard y/n’s laugh, she couldn’t help but look her way and smile at how cute she looked. She didn’t know what stupid thing Spencer and Morgan were saying, but the fact that she was laughing and smiling, made Emily feel warm inside. She didn’t notice that JJ and Penelope were right behind her, quietly laughing as they stared at Emily for a while. JJ leaned down to whisper in Emily’s ear, trying to hold back her laugh.
“Like what you see, Prentiss?” JJ whispered softly, making Emily almost jump from her seat.
“Jesus, JJ!” Emily looked back at Penelope and JJ laughing hysterically at her reaction, making Emily groan. “Why would you scare me like that?”
“Oh, you were just very distracted and well…we didn’t want to interrupt.” JJ teased as Penelope kept laughing beside her.
Emily shook her head and then shrugged. “You were not interrupting anything.”
“Oh, so you were not just staring at Carter over there? Cause I wear glasses, m’lady, and I am pretty sure you were just smiling and admiring her from afar.” Penelope teased as she leaned over Emily’s desk, mocking the position Emily had been in while staring at y/n.
Emily rolled her eyes as she scoffed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“C’mon, Em! We know you have it bad for our girl over there. We don’t blame you.” JJ grinned softly as she crossed her arms.
Emily turned her chair and tried to go back to her file. “Don’t know what y’all are talking about.”
Penelope looked at JJ with a smirk on her face. “Denial is the first step.”
JJ chuckled softly as she nodded. “Oh, yes. Let’s see how long she stays in there.”
Emily could feel her cheeks getting warm as she heard her friends, unable to deny it because they were entirely right, and they knew it. This couldn’t be good, because now that they had figured it out, there was no way in hell that they would stop teasing Emily, so now she had to prepare mentally for the torture into which she had just walked.
“Earth to Emily!”
Emily snapped out of her trance and looked up to find y/n leaning over her desk. “Oh, hi! I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
Y/n chuckled softly as she nodded. “I was saying thank you for the coffee this morning, and for the muffin. It so happened to be my favorite actually.” She grinned softly as she stared at Emily.
Emily smiled widely as she nodded. “It so happens to be my favorite too, so I’m glad I got the right one.”
“You have good taste, Prentiss.” Y/n grinned as she stood up. “Next coffee is on me.” She squeezed Emily’s shoulder before she walked away.
Penelope scoffed as she looked at Emily. “You’ve never brought me muffins!”
“That’s because she has a crush, of course she’d buy her a muffin too.” JJ smirked as she walked away.
Emily chuckled softly as she nodded. “Can’t deny it.”
“Knew it!” Penelope whispered/yelled, making Emily blush more. “You’re so soft around her. It’s cute.”
“I am not soft.” Emily raised her brow as she looked at Penelope.
“Oh, you definitely are, Em. Soft Emily! Adorable.” Penelope pinched Emily’s cheek and then walked away.
If there was once place that most of them hated to go to, was Florida. There were many reasons why they didn’t actually like to be there, of course their main focus was to help people and solve the case, but the fact that there was an actual heatwave and there were some psycho out there murdering people in the middle of it, was annoying and frustrating. The moment they landed, they all literally almost stripped out of their clothes as soon as they walked out of the jet. The sun was their biggest enemy at the moment, if they were pissed about the case, now with the heatwave, they were done. Luckily, the precinct they had to go to had air conditioning, and it was nice to stay there, but the fact that Hotch had to send them to different locations got the whole team in a mood. Reid and Rossi were sent to the morgue, while Morgan, Emily and y/n were sent to the last crime scene.
“I swear, I’m about to strip down and give two shits about who sees me.” Morgan says as she got out of the car, slamming the door.
“Yeah, I don’t think it’d be a good picture to keep in my mind, so thank you but no.” Emily shook her head as she followed Morgan, almost rolling her eyes.
“C’mon, Prentiss. You’re gonna tell me you don’t wanna see some of this?” Morgan smirked as he raised his shirt to show his abs.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she pulled his shirt down. “The heat is annoying as it is, please don’t add to the annoyance. We’ve got enough.” She said in a playful tone as she kept walking.
“Carter, baby, you’d love to see what’s underneath all this.” Morgan raised his brows as he wrapped his arm around y/n’s shoulders as they walked.
“In your wildest dreams, my man. But I don’t play for that team.” Y/n grinned as she pushed him away. “And please, do not get near me again, I like you, but right now I do not need sweat from someone else.” She raised her brows playfully and got her gloves out of her back pocket, walking to the crime scene.
“This girl is something else, isn’t she?” Morgan smirked as he stood beside Emily, turning to look at her for a moment.
Emily cleared her throat as she nodded. “Definitely.” She then looked at Morgan who was already staring at her with a smirk on his face. “What?”  
Morgan raised his brows. “You like her, don’t you?”
“Oh, my…” Emily sighed loudly as she covered her face. She then looked back at Morgan and raised her hands. “Is it that obvious or what?”
“Nah. The thought just slipped my mind just now, but you just confirmed it.” Morgan winked as he followed y/n.
Emily groaned and shook her head as she followed them. Not only was it embarrassing that JJ and Penelope teased her about it every possible chance they had, but now Morgan wouldn’t drop it either and she was sure that her soon join the girls. But could he actually blame her? Y/n had talked on the jet how she had prepared herself for the weather and soon enough she’d get rid of her blazer, but Emily hadn’t expected anything more than y/n having a comfortable shirt or blouse underneath, but when she did take the blazer off, not only was a sleeveless shirt but the shirt hugged her figure perfectly, and that’s when Emily stared at her arms, fascinated by how strong she looked, and suddenly she felt like a perv, imagining things that she could only talk with herself.
It was no better once they headed back to the precinct. In their way back, Emily looked at the backseat to tell y/n something about the case and that’s when she noticed y/n had put her hair back in a ponytail which gave Emily a better look on her beautiful face. Emily turned back so fast to try to hide the redness on her face. Morgan of course noticed this but didn’t say a thing as he kept driving. Once in the precinct, Emily tried her best to focus on the case, directly staring at Hotch and at the board, but she couldn’t help but stare at y/n every now and then, and at times, she caught y/n looking back at her, which caught her off guard.
The next day was no different, having to go to different places to find evidence or witness made it hard to stay sane. The weather seemed to be getting worse or maybe it was just them that couldn’t deal with the heat. All day, Emily and y/n had been working apart, so Emily had a chance to focus more on the case and keep y/n away from her mind. Once Rossi and Emily were back in the precinct, Emily was going through some files when she felt a hand on her back, sending a shiver down her spine.
Y/n smiled softly as she sat beside Emily. “Hey you.”
“Oh, you’re back.” Emily smiled as she turned her chair to get a better look of y/n.
“Yep, and I come bearing gifts.” Y/n placed an iced coffee in front of her, along with a muffin. “Found our favorite in a local coffee shop.”
Emily smiled softly as she grabbed the muffin. “How did you know I was hungry?” She raised a playful brow as she looked at y/n, grabbing a piece and then offering the muffin to y/n.
“With this heat, everyone is either thirsty, hungry or both. I know I am.” Y/n chuckled as she grabbed a piece of the muffin. “How’s the reading?”
Emily took a sip of her coffee and sighed. “I feel like I’m crossing words now. The AC here is great but I’m going crazy with this heat.”
“Tell me about it. I’m used to the heat, but this is something else.” Y/n leaned back in her chair.
“Yeah, me too.” Emily nodded as she kept eating and drinking her coffee.
Y/n smiled softly as she stared at Emily. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this long with a ponytail. I like it.”
Emily turned back to look at y/n, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Well…it’s my Florida style for the next few days.”
“Hope I get to see it more back home and not only in the field.” Y/n grinned softly as she grabbed her own coffee.
“And what about you? Will I get to see you in a ponytail more often?” Emily grinned back, biting the straw of her coffee.
For the first time, Emily caught a blush on y/n’a cheeks, making her grin grow wider. Y/n cleared her throat as she looked away. “Well…I uh…my hair has been growing so maybe you will.”
“Good, hope so.” Emily grinned as she returned to read the file.
Y/n cleared her throat softly as she grabbed a file and started reading it, completely missing the way Emily looked back at her with a grin on her face. Y/n was not sure if she was sweating because of the heat, or she was sweating because of Emily’s comment and stare. She had been trying to act bold and flirty this whole time, but Emily had finally made her go back to feeling all giddy and shy. She had tried her best to be the one getting Emily to smile and her cheeks to go all red, she was still not sure if Emily just liked the compliments and the way y/n acted or it was for another reason…but in her case, Emily was driving her insane. More now with that beautiful red top that she was wearing today, the way she could see her cleavage…stop right there before you go somewhere you can’t go back from. Y/n shook her head and tried to focus back on the file. Emily would be the death of her.
Y/n groaned softly as she walked into the precinct, throwing her head back as she JJ laughed. She looked back at her and raised her brow. “What you laughing at?”
“You seriously hate heat this much?” JJ laughed.
“Are you kidding me, JJ? I’m seriously considering taking Morgan’s idea and strip down. But thank God for AC.” Y/n smiled softly but then stopped in her tracks as she stood by the door of the conference room, her cheeks suddenly growing even more red.
JJ raised her brow at the reaction and then looked back into the conference, noticing that Emily was standing up and putting some things away. She returned her stare to y/n and grinned. “All good, Carter?”
Y/n swallowed as her eyes widened slightly. “I…uh…”
If the top yesterday had driven her crazy, todays had definitely taken her to heaven and back to earth. Emily was wearing a sleeveless, red shirt that hugged her figure just perfectly, and with the pants that she was wearing plus her hair in a ponytail? Yeah, she was definitely going to lose it right here and right now. She then noticed she had stared for longer than expected and JJ was still by her side.
Y/n looked at JJ and chuckled softly. “I uh…I forgot something at the car.”
“I thought you didn’t want to go back to that hell. And we’re about to leave.” JJ grinned playfully.
“Forgot my phone. Be right back!” Y/n said before she was walking as fast as she could.
Emily looked up to find JJ laughing, making her furrow her brows. “What’s up?”
JJ shook her head as she still laughed. “Nothing, nothing. Need help?”
Emily decided to leave it and they all finished gathering their stuff. They had already prepared everything to go back home, but the jet ended up having some issues which made them have to book another hotel, which ended up being a disaster because they had to share rooms since the hotel was almost completely booked. JJ was quick to ask for a room alone, while Morgan had picked Spencer and Rossi said he’d only share with Hotch, which ended up leaving Emily and y/n on their own. Y/n stared at JJ for a moment, a playful smile on JJ’s face and while y/n was confused, Emily couldn’t help but give JJ a deadly stare, knowing perfectly what she had just done.
Both women headed to their room, not saying a word. Y/n had tried her best not to stare at Emily, trying her best to keep her mind clear of thoughts and to stay as sane as possible, while Emily couldn’t keep her eyes away from y/n, wondering if she had said or done something that made y/n go completely quiet. They walked into the room and y/n went straight to the AC remote, trying to turn it on only to find that it was not working.
“No, you gotta be kidding me!” Y/n groaned as she threw the remote to the bed.
“Oh…no. Is it not working?” Emily sighed as she threw her bag to the floor. “This is great, and I’m sure they don’t have any more rooms available.”
“Guess we’ll have to die in here.” Y/n chuckled as she turned back to look at Emily who was getting rid of her pants, making y/n’s heart stop. “What…w-what are you doing?”
Emily looked up at y/n and shrugged. “I am not about to keep sweating on this pants. Do you mind?”
Y/n swallowed as her eyes darted down to Emily’s legs, noticing the red underwear that she was wearing. Shit. “Uh…n-no. I mean…you’re right. I’ll…I’ll try to call the reception.” She dropped her bag and went to sit on the bed, grabbing the phone from the nightstand.
Emily raised her brow as she walked to the bed where y/n was now sitting, placing her folded pants on the bed, and walking to stand right in front of y/n. “Y/n?” She placed her finger under y/n’s chin to make her look up, grinning softly. “Are you okay?”
Y/n swore her heart stopped right in that moment as Emily stood right in front of her; half naked. “I…you just…I…” she sighed. “I’m a mess.” She chuckled softly.
“The heatwave effect I guess.” Emily chuckled back.
“More like the Emily in red effect.” Y/n mumbled as she looked back at the phone, putting it back.
Emily furrowed her brows as she stared at y/n. “What did you say?”
Y/n knew it was now or never, so might as well be right in this moment. She looked up at Emily. “Did you know that red is definitely your color?”
Emily blushed as a small smile appeared on her face. “You…you think so?”
“Em, have you seen yourself in the mirror You’re…fuck…you’re gorgeous. I mean you’re gorgeous in everything but like…in red? Wow.” Y/n exhaled as she stood up, trying to get more courage to speak.
“You really think that way about me?” Emily grinned softly.
“Have I not been obvious? Because honestly…I feel like I’ve made a fool of myself whenever I’m around you.” Y/n chuckled softly as she tilted her head.
Emily laughed softly as she shook her head. “Are you serious? They’ve been mocking me and making fun of me saying that I get all flustered and soft around you, and only you. Have I not been obvious?”
Y/n smiled widely as she stared into beautiful brown eyes. “I…guess I had an idea, but I was not sure.”
Emily tilted her head as she smiled. “Well, your idea is very right. I…I like you.” She shrugged. “And these last few days…you’ve been driving me insane.”
“I have been driving you insane?” Y/n huffed a chuckle. “I couldn’t think whenever I stared at you.”
Emily laughed again. “So, I guess we drive each other insane.”
Y/n nodded as she laughed slightly. “Seems so.”
Emily bit her lip softly as she stepped closer to y/n, placing her hands on y/n’s neck, one of her hands playing with her ponytail. “And…should we do something about it?”
Y/n grinned as she placed her hands on Emily’s waist, pulling her against her own body. “How does a date sound? When we’re back. I’d like to take you out.”
Emily smiled, feeling the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. “I’d love that.”
Y/n smiled softly as she leaned in, but before their lips could meet, the power suddenly went out, leaving both women in the darkness, the only light came from the moon outside of the window.
“Fucking hell!” Rossi yelled, making both women laugh.
“Guess we’ll have to camp outside.” Y/n chuckled softly as she looked at Emily.
Emily shrugged. “We can meet them in a bit, we were about to do something.”
Both women smiled before they closed the gap between them, their lips pressing against each other’s in a soft, tender kiss. The heat, the sweat and the darkness completely forgotten as their lips moved in perfect sync.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
@sparklingnight02 : Okay but how would the ladies react to the reader taking them on some romantic outing only to get down on one knee and pull out a ring box and ask them to marry them?
Fuck yeah! Love this request. Let’s see what happens… (Also, sorry if you asked me something and I haven’t gotten to it yet. Rest assured it’s coming!)
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(Haha, get it? ‘Cause she’s a wine mom?) Y/N, for once, had a big brain moment. They remembered how much Alcina treasured her time as a jazz singer, so they scoured through eBay, Amazon, and creepy old peoples’ yard sales to find recordings of Alcina singing. They got lucky and scored a bootleg live recording of her singing “I’m Beginning to See the Light” by Ella Fitzgerald from a… let’s say interesting acquaintance of Duke’s (This man high key collected ketchup packets. Like, sir. Who hurt you??). Y/N set up a beautiful picnic on the roof of the castle and had the record of Alcina playing for when she walked out. Y/N was already down on one knee and held out a ring that was custom-made just for her (And her giant sausage fingies). Alcina had to immediately bite down the ugly sobs just to tell Y/N how much she loves them and that yes, she would marry them… Then she ugly sobbed. (And damn near caused a tsunami off the side of the castle).
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Donna loves nature and plants of all kinds. So, Y/N figured the easiest way for them to pop the question would be to take her on a nice stroll through the bountiful trees surrounding Beneviento Manor. Donna also doesn’t like to go out much so this would be a low-stress date for her. Y/N can actually be a clever fuck when they want to be because they banked on the idea that Donna would not need to have Angie to communicate through since it would just be her and Y/N. (Not today, demon doll!) During their walk, the two lovers passed by a particularly beautiful tree. Y/N stopped in front of the tree which confused Donna, before she noticed them getting down on one knee. She brought her hands to her mouth in shock as Y/N asked her to marry them. She couldn’t believe it at first, but she soon found herself saying “Yes” repeatedly to Y/N’s question before they shared a moonlit kiss. (I love that for them. Precious. Much cute. Wow).
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Y/N knew that the only way they were going to get Miranda to leave her lab was if they told her that they had made a big scientific breakthrough… However, Miranda knows that Y/N is a complete idiot and fuck-up so she’s immediately suspicious. Y/N led Miranda to a secluded spot where they had set up a nice little picnic with all of Miranda’s favorite foods (Like that yucky-looking soup we saw Miranda, disguised as Mia, making at the beginning of the game). No lie, Miranda was touched when she saw all the effort Y/N went to… but she acted like it was a big waste of her time. Y/N could see the happy glint in her eyes though. After they ate, Y/N stood and took Miranda’s hand before kneeling down on one knee. They slipped a beautiful ring on her finger and asked if she would be their wife. (It was a nice, sensible ring so she could still wear it while she worked… Good job, Y/N!) Miranda almost (ALMOST!) teared-up at Y/N’s heartfelt proposal… but she cleared her throat, rolled her eyes and said “Fine”… She cried about it in the bathroom later while Y/N was asleep tho XD
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Haha, she gay… Anyway. Y/N called Bela into the library where they laid out a trail of rose petals for her to follow. She eventually found Y/N in their favorite place to read by the window. Y/N was sitting and holding Bela’s favorite book (I dunno, Wuthering Heights or some romantic shit like that). They gently patted the spot next to them with a shit-eating grin and Bela laughed softly while she sat down to join them. Bela read a few pages out loud to Y/N, but when she turned one particular page over, a ring fell out onto her lap. She was very confused, but Y/N grabbed it before getting down on one knee and asking her to marry them… Alarming amounts of makeup (Eyeliner? Mascara, I guess? I don’t really know anything about makeup lol) started rolling down her cheeks as she sobbed out “Yes”. Y/N was so happy that they immediately kissed her and nuzzled her face… effectively coating themself in Bela’s soggy makeup… eww.
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This proposal scenario is decidedly less romantic than all of the others (Also, Y/N didn’t take her on a date first…) Y/N has actually asked Cass to marry them no less than 10 times since they began dating (She always says no XD). They just love her so much and she gives the best hugs when Y/N’s upset (Kinda like a murderous, sadistic teddy bear). They want to be around her constantly… And honestly, that’s probably for the best. Y/N tends to get into a lot of chaos when Cass isn’t supervising them… Maybe she should put 'em on a leash 😏 One day, Y/N decides that they simply cannot live another day without Cass being married (or at least engaged) to them. From the moment they wake up they keep asking Cass over and over to marry them. Nonstop. At hyper speed. Cass finally has enough and just gives in out of frustration… Like I said. Not very romantic, but it got the job done.
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Y/N could tell Dani was dropping mad hints that she wanted to get married. Like this one: “Baby! Look at this! Duke has engagement rings on sale! Which one do you think would look good on me?”… Subtlety isn’t her specialty, folks. Y/N also knew that Dani wasn’t going to let them off easy with just some basic proposal either. I am convinced she is the type to want a grand romantic gesture. Y/N decided to propose by serenading her one night outside of her window. (In full aristocratic clothing that Dani loves in those stupid romance novels. smh). Armed only with a guitar, Y/N sang her a love song (Whatever song you hc personally). Yes, their singing sucked and they forgot a bunch of the words, but Dani was too busy trying to do her hair and put on makeup while Y/N was singing to listen much anyway… This was her night and she was going to look fucking fabulous, okay?! She came out to listen to the end of the song on her balcony before swarming down to join Y/N on the ground. She was pretty much already sobbing when she saw Y/N get down on one knee and hold out a ring (It was the one that she said she liked best when she tried it on at Duke’s)… A lot of, ahem, appreciation was expressed that night.
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kitasgloves · 3 months
"Follow You"
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event masterlist
— ♬ "So you can drag me through hell. If it meant I could hold your hand"
— ♬ Tendou x Reader, timeskip, SFW, gen reader, established relationship, brief mentions of stalking, no beta
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The afternoon was cloudy with the pavement still freshly soaked from rainfall. Tendou Satori knew he shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be walking down this path, he shouldn't be wasting his time like this, and most of all he shouldn't be following you. Well, he was technically stalking you but he doesn't want to be honest with himself. In his defense, this only happened today and he doesn't intend any harm. He could explain that he's only keeping an eye on you, making sure you're safe. He could argue that he has the right to do this because you were his. But his eyes linger on you for more than that reason alone.
His head was haunting him and his heart felt like a ghost. He needs to feel something 'cause he's still so far from home. Tendou hopes you'll cross your heart and hope to die, promise him you'll never leave his side. When you meet each other for lunch the following day, Tendou doesn't mention how he followed you home yesterday. He didn't intend on repeating it so he thinks it's unnecessary to bring it up.
"And then she said..."
You were talking miles per minute and Tendou just listened to you with a loving look in his eye. He could listen to you blabber about the most absurdest things and he'll be beyond contented. Tendou adored everything you did beyond what a normal person would consider. You could consider him obsessed and he won't shy away from that fact. Tendou knows the things that made you smile down to all of the things that make you tick. He knows what makes you laugh and what makes you crinkle your nose in disgust. He knows the flavors you hate and the food you love. He even knows the toothpaste you use. He knows everything that you're willing to put out there.
Tendou found it wild to imagine that he managed to find someone who loves him for how he is, it would be foolish to let you slip away. Evers since he asked you to go to prom with him back in high school, you stuck with him. You stayed with him even after college. You stayed with him despite his flaws. You took him into your arms with no room for hesitation, even if people told you how weird he was, and even if the world showed you how he's not good for you. Show him what he can't see when the spark in your eyes is gone. You got him on his knees he's your one-man cult. Tendou crosses his heart and hopes to die, promise you that he'll never leave your side. 
The redhead has always made it his mission to express his love for you in various ways. Making you chocolates, lending you his hoodie, dancing with you in the kitchen, and singing you to sleep. Tendou made sure to reassure you that there was nobody else that made his heart beat so hard that it would break out of his ribcage. He looks at you with a tender stare and a gleam in his eye, 'cause he's telling you you're all he needs. He promises you you're all he sees. He'll never leave.
"Are you sniffing my shirt?"
You enter the room with an amused smirk. Tendou pauses brings your shirt down from his nose and cracks a smile at you through the doorway.
"And what if I am? What are you gonna do?"
"I dunno, punish you?"
"Don't you think I'm already punished enough with you snoring like an elephant?"
"Hey! I don't snore!"
You pout as you throw a pillow at him that you grabbed from the bed. Tendou cackles and discards your shirt on the floor to sprint at you at full speed, you squealed as he scooped you in his arms and attacked you with pecks and kisses. You burst into a fit of giggles even if he went in to bite your right cheek. The two of you decided to spend the afternoon in bed watching a movie and cuddling under the sheets. The film was one of those typical zombie apocalypse ones.
"Satori, would you love me even if I get turned into a zombie?"
"Yeah, I'll even let you bite me"
"Well, that's stupid"
"Huh? Do you want me to keep you around my house and feed you dead humans until I die?"
"Babe, what the hell?"
You laugh at him and he joins. Tendou thinks back at the conversation at the end of the movie, everything he said was serious but he had a feeling you knew that already. He wasn't even trying to hide how he adores you uncontrollably. And he likes it when you say nothing about it and just let him do his thing. Come and sink to him and let him breathe you in. He'll be your gravity, you'll be his oxygen. So dig two graves 'cause when you die, he swears he'll be leaving by your side.
"Happy anniversary, Satori!"
Tendou gasps when you hand him homemade chocolates that you managed to hide from him. He grins from ear to ear and goes to kiss you on the lips before pulling you into a bone-crushing embrace. He opens the box and sniffs the saccharine scent of the chocolates, he pops one in his mouth and all the flavors melt on his palate.
"Baby, this is delicious! Dare I say better than mine"
"Oh my god, really?"
"Uh-huh. Dang, I better watch out or my business is gonna die because of these chocolates"
He jests and you slap his arm with a chuckle. Tendou fetches his anniversary gift for you and hands it to you wrapped in red like his hair with a white bow. You tear off the wrapper to see an expensive black jewelry box and your breath hitches. Tendou bites his lip, a smile already erupting on his face as he watches you eagerly open the box.
"Satori, you didn't..."
"Oh yes I did, my darling"
"This...oh my god, thank you!"
You pounce at him and he laughs. You gave him a few aggressive kisses on his face before staring back at the gift he gave you. It was the necklace you've always wanted since you graduated from college, you remember how you would sigh and complain to Tendou about how your life would be better if you got that necklace. You were beyond astonished that your boyfriend went out of his way to give it to you. Tears well up in your eyes.
"Now now, no need to cry, my dear! Let me help you put the necklace on!"
Tendou carefully takes the necklace and drapes it around your neck, he secures it and then kisses your left temple. You rushed to the mirror to see the necklace glimmer around your neck and swoon at your boyfriend giving you one of his loving looks. You trudge over to him and wrap your arms around his neck as he grabs your waist.
"Thank you, darling"
"Anything for you, [Name]"
You lean towards him to pull him into a quick but passionate kiss. Tendou couldn't possibly be happier. You remain to hold onto him as he sighs softly under your gaze.
"I can't believe I managed to bag someone like you, Satori"
"I should be saying that"
"You'll do anything for me, huh?"
"You can drag me through hell if it meant I can hold your hand"
Tendou says. He will follow you 'cause he's under your spell, and you can throw him to the flames. He will follow you follow you. And from that familiar knowing look in your eye, Tendou knows that you know he will definitely, inevitably follow you.
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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age-of-greta · 1 year
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The Moon
The Moon represents illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.
Author’s note: hi!! Welcome back to the moon! I’m sorry this chapter is a little, short but the next one will be meaty, I promise. Speaking of, we have ONE more chapter left, then an epilogue. Ah!! I’m leaving the country for vacation today(6/12), so please be patient for the next two parts :) As always, all parts will be posted on Wednesday at midnight est. I proofread, but typos happen. Thank you all SO much for following along. Enjoy!!
Paring: Sam x reader & Jake x reader
Warnings: angst af, cursing
Word count: 2.3k
PART 12:
127 hours.
No not the shitty movie with James Franco, that’s how long it’s been since you had seen Sam.
You’ve called him countless times, but he hasn’t picked up. You hadn’t texted him. What would you say? You hadn’t reached out to Danny. You didn’t want him to know. Of course you hadn’t texted Jake either. You didn’t want Sam to think any worse than he already does. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place. Okay so kind of like 127 hours.
You had barely left your place. It hurt, fuck it hurt. You knew you cared about Sam… a lot. But now it was evident that you loved him. You couldn’t even tell him. You think back to that day often. Part of you wishes you would have deleted the text messages. Part of you wishes you would have just told Sam from the beginning. You remember the giddiness you felt when you saw that text from Jake. That spark of excitement now felt like disgust sitting in your stomach. It wasn’t until Sam was gone, that you realized you didn’t want Jake anymore. You wanted Sam. That was a hard pill to swallow. It shouldn’t have taken this to happen to appreciate what you had, but often that’s how it works. You were completely at odds on how to handle this situation. If you showed up on his doorstep, they would all be aware of the situation. Even worse, what if Sam kicked you out? That scenario made you want to claw your eyes out. But the other option wasn’t working. You’ve called and called, he won’t answer. The last option was the worst. Give up? That didn’t seem possible to you. You had to talk to Sam. But before, you needed advice. You had rotted in your bed for long enough. You needed Margo. You shakily pulled out your phone and dialed her number.
“Hello?” She answered after a few rings.
“Hi.” You start. “Can you come over please.”
Margo laughs. “About time I heard from you. Are you and Sam trying to have a threesome? If so, I'm sorry to say I’m not into it.”
You flinch at hearing his name.
“You there?” She asks.
You swallow thickly. “Yes. Sorry, can you just please come over?” Your voice breaks.
“Honey what’s wrong? Are you okay? You know what fuck it. Yes. Yes. I’m coming. I’ll be there in twenty.”
You hang up and wipe tears from your eyes. You should probably clean up a little. You threw your bedding in the wash and took a quick shower. By the time you got out and dressed Margo was pounding on your front door.
“Hey, fuck, are you okay?” She says, taking your face in her hands.
You nod, but tears begin to well. You hated crying in front of people. It was so embarrassing.
“What happened?” Margo asked, sitting you on the couch with her.
“It’s all so fucked.” You say, wiping tears from your eyes. “I had sex with Jake.”
Margo looks at you almost bewildered. “What?”
“It was before Sam and I. It happened once. I didn’t tell Sam and he found out because Jake sent me a stupid fucking text.”
Margo puffs out. “Fuck.”
She remains quiet and then pushes her faded pink hair behind her ears. “How long was it before you and Sam?”
“I dunno. Maybe a couple of weeks?” You say.
Margo takes a deep breath. “Okay you know I love you. But I’m about to hit you with a hard truth. First, I know you care deeply about Sam. But also, I can see that you feel the same way about Jake. I’ve known that since the first time I was around you two.” She pauses for a moment. “I guess it might be hard to perceive that you’re all in on Sam. I mean you guys fucked and you didn’t tell anyone. If that were just a casual thing you would have spilled. It feels like there needs to be some self-reflection or closure there.”
You swallow hard at her words.
“But Margo I-.” You pause and collect yourself. “Yes. I had been in love with Jake since I can remember. Yes. We had sex. Yes. Jake hurt me. But that has nothing to do with my feelings for Sam. I didn’t anticipate Sam and I to be anything. It just happened. Now I wouldn’t trade it for the world, not even Jake.”
She looks at you blankly. “Have you told him that?”
You shake your head. “I haven’t had the chance. He won’t return my calls.”
She pinches the bridge of her nose. “You haven’t gone to his house.”
“No, absolutely not. I can’t face the rest of them.”
She sighs. “Babe, you’re going to have to. If you want Sam to know how you feel, you have to tell him. It doesn’t matter what the rest of them think.”
You take a breath. She was right. Fuck.
“You know I’m right.” She chimes in.
You nod.
“Well let’s go then.” Margo says, getting up.
You furrow your brows at her. “What?”
“Go clean yourself up and go see Sam.” She says calmly.
You make a face. “But Margo I-“
“Shhh!” She holds up her finger. “No more excuses. If you want him you have to go get him.”
You swallow thickly and nod your head.
It was time to go and get your man.
You sat in your car for twelve minutes. Staring at the front door. It was hot outside, but your blood ran cold. Your stomach was in knots going over every scenario in your head. You had never felt more anxious in your life. Margo had made you throw on shorts, a t-shirt, concealer and bronzer to make you look somewhat normal. Your hair was a mess but at least it was clean. You took a sip of water and shut your car off. You padded to the front door and prayed to god Sam would be the one to open it. You knocked and waited. Waited for what felt like 100 years. Finally the doorknob began to twitch and a sharp pain ran through your whole body. But it dissipated when you saw who was behind the door. Jake.
“Uh hey Birdie. What’s up?” He asked.
“Is Sam here?” You managed to speak out.
Jake gave you a strange look. “What?”
Fuck. Did he tell everyone already? Did he tell them that you two are over? Your mind begins to run a million miles per second, but it comes to a halt when Jake speaks again.
“What do you mean? We figured he’s been with you?” Jake asks, brows knitted together.
“He hasn’t been home?” You ask, with slight panic.
Jake shakes his head. “Not since he came and got mason jars and cucumbers.”
You feel like you're going to pass out. Was he okay?
“Hey.” Jake says, taking your arm. “Come inside.”
Your body mindless follows Jake as he takes you to the kitchen and sits you down at the island, grabbing a bottle of water for you.
“He’s okay, you know. He’s been calling into meetings. Josh has been quite hard on him because he hasn’t been there in person. We thought he was just shacked up with you.” Jake says lightly.
He’s okay. Thank god. You nod at Jake.
Jake chews on his lip. “Are you okay?”
You let out a deep breath. “No.”
Jake cautiously moves closer to you. “What happened?”
You stare up at him before responding.
“He found out we fucked Jake.” You say flatly. “He saw those stupid fucking text messages.”
Jake freezes and makes a face. “Shit.”
“Yeah.” You say, sniffling back a few tears.
“I’m sorry.” Jake says quietly. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“I know.” You reply.
Jake looks over at you conflicted. “Did he end things? If he did he would be fucking stupid.”
You shook your head. “I dunno. He said he needed time. That was almost a week ago. I haven’t heard from him.”
Jake places a hand gently on your back and you flinch.
“Jake.” You start feeling a slight panic at his touch.
“What?” He asks, removing his hand.
“We have to hash this shit out. This is what has and is hindering Sam and I.” You start. “It’s fucked. Sam is absolutely in the right to feel the way he does.”
Jake furrows his brows at you. “No he isn’t. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t tell him. I started our relationship without trust and-“ You pause and run your fingers through your hair. “I entertained it. I thought about the what-ifs with you even though I was happy with Sam.”
Jake looks down at the floor. “That’s my fault. I should have let you go.”
You take a breath. “A lot happened and we never got closure.”
Jake looked back up at you with tender eyes. “Let me give you closure then. Birdie, I love you. I’ve loved you since we were kids.” He pauses and thinks before speaking. “I’m fucking selfish. You were right, I wanted you and the world. I didn’t treat you like my priority- Sam did. I can see that you love Sam and I want you to be happy. If Sam is who you want, I will not get in the way anymore. I promise.”
You feel tears welling in your eyes. “I do. I love him. I want him for the rest of my life Jake. But I’m not sure he wants me anymore.” You say starting to choke up.
Jake takes in the sting of your words but keeps his poker face. “That’s not true. Sam is crazy about you. Just give it some time, he will come around.”
You wipe a tear from your face. “Yeah. Hopefully.”
Jake stares at you for a moment. “Do you think we can still be in each other’s lives? I don’t want to live in a world without Birdie.”
You stiffen a laugh. “One thing at a time. But I don’t think I want to live in a world without Jake Kiszka either.”
He smiles at you. “Okay.”
You stayed there for a few moments longer producing minimal small talk before leaving. You felt slightly better hashing things out with Jake. You knew no matter what happened with Sam, you would never venture down that road with Jake. It was Sam or nothing now. That clarity and closure felt good. The only problem was, you still hadn’t heard from Sam.
It was now Sunday. Still no word from Sam. In a way you had come to some sort of devastating peace. It was hard to navigate your emotions. Margo didn’t want to leave your side, but you wanted to be alone. It gave you a lot of time to think, even though your head felt like a jumbled madhouse. You took things day by day. Sometimes you would think or see a reminder of Sam, cry, then continue on with your day. Others you didn’t want to get out of bed. Grief isn’t linear. That’s what was occurring, grief. Today had been somewhat positive. You made breakfast, cleaned your house, did laundry, and even made it to the gym. That productivity bug had died now, but it was Sunday. So you drew yourself a warm bath and made a warm cup of tea to drink. You stripped down and poured in bubble bath. Then lit a candle and turned off the lights. You stepped into the bath and sunk down as the warm water engulfed you. It was hard to feel anything other than contentment at the moment. When the water began to cool off, you drained some and refilled it with hot water. You then did that about two more times. Unable to fathom leaving the bath. You were unsure of how much time had passed but you guessed it was night by now. The thought of staying in your bathtub all night had crossed your mind, but you decided against it. Ten more minutes, you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes. Then you heard a strange sound, almost like someone was in your kitchen. You stayed still and listened, then nothing. Your mind was playing tricks on you. At times your imagination could run wild. Just as you had convinced yourself it was nothing you heard another sound, this one closer.
Could it be Margo? No. She would have announced herself.
Your heartbeat began to pick up as countless thoughts swam through your mind. Before you could formulate somewhat of a plan, your door knob twisted. Unable to think, you sank down deeper in your tub, hoping that whoever or whatever was on the other side of the door wouldn’t see you. The door opened and fear spread through your body, but it quickly subsided when you saw a familiar shape.
Were you dreaming? Did you accidentally drown in the tub and this is your brain's way of processing?
The figure stood there looking directly at you. You didn’t dare move.
“Sam?” You said in a near whisper.
“Hi.” He said quietly. “I let myself in.”
You were completely flabbergasted as to what to say to him. So you just said: “That’s okay.”
“Would you mind meeting me in the living room when you’re finished?” He asked.
You nodded. He began to close the door. “Wait- Sam.”
He popped his head back in.
You bit your lip before speaking. “Why are you here? I’m glad to see you, but after days of no contact I didn’t think we would speak again.”
Sam sighed a little. “Yeah.” He says running fingers through his long hair. “I talked to Jake.”
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TOS Replay Stray Thoughts #3 (Palmacosta Pt. 1)
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(dang that GIF is a mood, ANYWAY...)
-The Church of Martel was founded by Spiritua...how long ago was that, again? Clearly I'm behind on my TOS lore, 'cause I think I assumed it just popped up thousands of years ago or w/e
-lol I never read the chalkboard signs at the Palmacosta Academy. "Today's Recommendation: Today is just no good"
-what kind of a name is mighty
-or dorr
-or chocolat
-or marble
-you see my point about palmacosta now??? place is weird.
-It's interesting Genis's theme only ever plays in sidequests...and like two times at that. You could say "Secret from the blue sky" is his serious theme.
-Dean: Come back to join our academy when the journey is over
*Party leaves, then reenters room*
-I think Lloyd's "If one sword has a power of 100, then using two will make it 200, right?" logic could've been really funny if it was voiced. Imagine Kratos's exasperation.
-There's a wide imbalance of unvoiced scenes, isn't there? You'd tihnk this wouldn't be a big deal, but at the same time...
A) Even with the use of cel-shading, Tales of Symphonia already looked dated by 2003/2004 standards and the limited animations/pantomiming can't carry themselves without the ranged emotions of voiced dialogue doing the heavy lifting.
B) Whether it's the localization or the original script (maybe both), there's a distinct discrepancy in writing quality between both -- not that the ENG voiced scenes don't have their issues with wordiness/delivery, but the silent scenes slip into basic/juvenile dialogue more often than not. Perhaps because the scriptwriters knew the actors wouldn't be saying unnatural dialogue out loud?
-Again, I'm not the biggest fan of Colette's ditziness even if makes sense thematically (she's lived a very sheltered life raised on nothing but religious propaganda, so it's hardly surprising common knowledge flies over her head), but I find her approach to Sheena very endearing -- she knows her heart isn't into it and wants to know what makes her tick. Lloyd's exasperated, sure, but it's clear he senses the same and I like to think that scene at the House of Salvation is him following Colette's example.
(Going back to femslash, it's very fun to imagine Sheena being disarmed by Colette's sunshine disposition -- to her assassin, of all people! -- to the extent she grows a crush. I'm so attached to Colloyd that pairing them with anyone else feels like cheating, but that may be one I'd like to give a shot.)
-While we're on the topic of the House of Salvation, love the dude who freaks out over Lloyd having the same hairstyle LOL. Little details like this make TOS the best.
-"Are the things lying here things that people don't want anymore?"
...is Koton that bad at preserving his collection? Or do people just toss shit onto his lawn outta spite?
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-...you know, while the "Raine smacking Genis" scenes are still funny, I dunno if they'd fly today. I often envision what a Tales of Symphonia remake would be like and while that'd be an acceptable omission, in considering everything from the bloated, protracted trials and tribulations of modern game development to each successive TOS remaster being worse than the last, I only foresee a monkey's paw just waiting to curl its cruel fingers.
-"This is going to be an arduous battle."
Raine, they're ladybugs.
yeah whatever let me sleep at the inn kthx -Everything about that Magnius scene is just silly. The dude just strutting onto the scene with his mega-cartoonish dreads, the guy standing there spouting exposition while Magnius marches towards him, his crushed neck emitting the tinniest "crushed can" sound effect possible, the rock-throwing kid fleeing by just casually walking away, the first appearance of the out-of-place cutscene Demon Fang...it's a lot.
-"You! You're wanted criminal #0074...Lloyd Irving!"
Hmm, just 73? You'd think more people would run afoul of the Desians' totalitarian rule. Sure, Palmacosta has that Dorr conspiracy going on, and most other towns seem to know to keep their heads down, but how callous they are I'd imagine they're not above "framing" innocent civilians for made-up crimes. At any rate, I wanna know what their story is. (Psst, fanfic peeps -- that's your time to shine!)
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darling-egg · 2 years
Pretty Girl ~ Steve Harrington x reader
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Summary: Your best friend Steve, notices that something is off and tries to figure out what’s wrong
Warnings: body checking, insecurities, ED themes
Word Count: 4k
~ ~ ~
It was only 10am and it had already been a terrible day. It had been a terrible week actually. Nothing really bad had happened, you just felt…ugly. Although you hated the feeling you couldn’t help it and you couldn’t fix it no matter what you did, you just had to wait for it to leave. It brought down your entire mood but you tried your best to hide how you felt, and you did a pretty good job, but there were a certain few people who could see right through you. One of those people was Steve Harrington. You had known Steve since you could remember, he was your #1 best friend and favorite person. He also knew basically everything about you, he could instantly tell when something was wrong with you. This made it hard to hide how you were feeling, you hated keeping secrets from Steve but you were embarrassed.
Today had really been the worst for you. It was Friday and you were supposed to hang out with Steve, just like every other Friday. You really wanted to cancel but you couldn't do that to your best friend, you just had to put on a happy face and get through tonight.
You had tried everything you could to feel better for tonight, you barely ate anything all day, you put on your favorite outfit, and you did your makeup; all to no avail. You still felt disgusting, ugly, and fat. You tried to think of something else, anything else, but you couldn't keep those intrusive thoughts away.
'you look hideous'
'this outfit makes you look fat'
'your makeup looks horrible'
'nobody likes you'
~ ~ ~
Steve was meant to show up around 5:00 and it was now 4:30. You began to feel more and more insecure the closer it got to five. While you were waiting you stood in the mirror and just looked at yourself from every angle. You lifted your shirt and turned to the side, practicing sucking in, pulling your skin to see how you would look if you lost a few pounds, changing your posture to see which way looked the best.
Suddenly your door opened and Steve walked in causing you to instantly drop your shirt and turn around to look at him. It was only 4:45, why was he here? More importantly did he see what you were doing?
"Hey," you gave him your best smile, "you're early."
"Yeah, your mom let me in," he smiled and walked over to you.
"Hmm, well maybe you could try knocking next time," you quirked up your eyebrow. You were trying to be sarcastic but you really did mean it.
"Um, nooo, I don't think I will." He said while playfully nudging your shoulder causing you to glare up at him.
"I could've been butt naked and you just walked in here!" Yes the two of you had taken many baths together when you were little but now it was different. Both of you had developed in different ways and neither of you were interested in seeing the other naked (at least that's what you thought). You had seen Steve shirtless and he had seen you in a swimsuit but it was never a big deal because the two of you were just friends.
"Okay, okay!" He threw his hands up in surrender, "I'll knock next time!"
"And every time after that?"
"Mmm I dunno abou-" you cut him off with a shove "Yes! Every time after that! Okay? Now please, spare me!" He leaned back dramatically, putting a hand over his heart.
"Okay, Mr. Drama, maybe you should’ve taken theater." You say and he rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, Stinkbug, are you ready?" Stinkbug was the nickname Steve had coined for you when you were 8 years old. You had found a bunch of Stinkbugs and put them in a box and then told Steve that you were the Stinkbug Queen. You had also told him that if he ever made you mad you would release your stinkbugs on to him and make him stink for the rest of you life. Later that day he began calling you Stinkbug and as an 8 year old girl you did not like that very much so you tried to get him back by releasing your stinkbugs onto him but half of them were dead and the other half crawled away. The name had stuck, and you hated it at first but now you loved it when he called you that.
"Ready as can be," you answered and grabbed your bag.
"Alright, let's go."
~ ~ ~
"So what d'you wanna do?" Steve asks once the two of you get into his car.
"Can we go to your house and have a movie and pizza night?" It was your turn to choose what you guys got to do and although the two of you had made a rule that you had to do what the other wanted it didn't mean that either of you couldn't protest.
"What?!" Steve's voice went up an octave, "you're telling me that your wearing makeup and your favorite outfit just to have a movie might?"
"Yep, that's exactly what I'm telling you." His face instantly morphed from shocked into a smirk.
"So what I'm hearing is that you got all prettied up just for me? Hmm?"
"Well, Harrington, that is where you would be wrong." Well now he was just confused.
"Okay then enlighten me, why did you get all dressed up if you just wanted to have a movie night.
"I just felt like it, okay?" You almost snapped at him but you caught yourself. He realized this and decided to back off for now, but that didn't mean he wouldn't bring it up later.
"Okay, movie night it is, let's go."
~ ~ ~
"Kay, pretty girl, what do you want to watch?" Steve asks after the two of you make yourselves comfortable on the couch.
"Don't call me that," you say and nudge him slightly. Steve had hundreds of nicknames for you but this one was new.
"Why not, it's the truth," he throws hims arm around you but you promptly push it off.
"Stop flirting with me!" You laugh and he gasps dramatically.
"Me? Flirting with you? Never!" He says sarcastically while a genuine smile displayed across his face. He turns his face so that he is looking directly into your eyes.
"You, Miss Y/N M/N L/N, are the prettiest girl I have set my eyes on." You felt yourself start to blush and you turned your face to the side.
"I think we should watch Grease," you change the subject and make your way over to the vast collection of DVDs.
"We've watched Grease like 100 times!" He whines and you roll your eyes while searching for the movie.
"It's my favorite movie!" You knew he didn't really care what movie you picked, he just liked to argue with you.
"Okay, Stinkbug, anything for you I guess." Steve did have quite the soft spot for you, even now he had a content smile on his face while watching you search for the movie. "You put it on and I'll go order the pizza."
~ ~ ~
By the time he came back you had the movie in and ready to play. "What'd you order?" You ask as he sits down next to you.
"Your favorite of course," he says and you glance over at him with a small smile.
"You know me so well," You say while grabbing the remote.
"Oh, hold on, I'll be right back," Steve gets back up and walks a few feet away to switch the lights off. "Are you gonna start the movie or what?" he asks while walking back and plopping himself next to you.
"I was waiting for you," you say and he shakes his head with a smile.
"I was right over there, stupid." You start the movie and the two of you get settled in.
~ ~ ~
It had been a few minutes in to the movie but Steve was only paying attention to you. Every few seconds he would glance at you but you pretended not to see it. You kept shuffling around partly because your clothes were uncomfortable and partly because Steve's glances were making you nervous.
"Are you sure you're comfortable?" Steve asks and you finally look back at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you give him a small smile, trying to be convincing.
"It doesn't seem like it, you keep moving around."
"I'm as comfy as can be, Mr. Steve."
"Nuh uh, I don't believe you. Come on." He says and pauses the movie before standing up and holding his hand out for you.
"What're we doing?" You ask suspiciously.
"Just come on before I pick you up and carry you," Steve was stubborn and you knew that, you also knew that you definitely did not want him to pick you up right now so you begrudgingly took his hand and followed him.
"Steve," you paused for a second, "why are we in your bedroom?"
"Because you obviously aren't comfortable in those clothes so I'm getting you something more comfy," he raises his eyebrows and shrugs before turning around and opening one of his drawers. He pulled out a pair of pajama pants that he grew out of a few years ago and then one of his favorite t-shirts.
"I'm not changing, Steve," you say, crossing your arms and shaking your head.
"Oh yes you are, you are obviously super uncomfortable in those clothes and i can't focus on our beloved Grease with you fidgeting every 2 seconds. And after that we're going to take your makeup off because I can tell it's bothering your eyes." So that's why he kept looking at you.
"Fine, I'll change, but I'm not taking off my makeup." He was right, crumbs of mascara were getting into your eyes and it was really bothering you, but you did not want to take your makeup off.
"Yeah, we'll see about that," he says and walks out the room leaving you to change.
You put on the clothes and looked in the mirror, they made you look like a shapeless blob. You walked out of his and room and start heading towards the stairs only to see Steve standing right in front of you. "Let's go watch the movie," you try to walk around him but he puts his arm out in front of you and stops you.
"Uh uh, come on Stinkbug, we're going this way," he turns you around and puts his hand on the small of your back, leading you to his parents bedroom.
The two of you walk into the bathroom and he starts looking through some drawers before pulling out his mom's makeup wipes.
"I told you I'm not taking off my makeup Steve," you cross your arms and begin walking the other way but he grabs you and plops you onto the counter.
"I don't care," he opens up the container and pulls out a wipe, "Its obviously bothering you and I want you to be comfortable."
"Fine," you gave in, "but at least let me do it."
"Not today, pretty girl, I wanna do it," he pulls you a little closer to him and you start to fall causing you to wrap your legs around Steve as he grabs your waist.
"Sorry." The two of you say at the same time, you let go of each other and you steady yourself on the counter.
You start to blush again and look away from Steve but he grabs your chin and turns you face towards his. He takes the make up wipe and begins to wipe your make up off ever so gently. He starts at your cheeks, making his way around your face, to you eyes and then finally ending with your lips. He tilts your chin up and wipes your lipstick off, lingering a little longer than he should've. He throws the wipe away and brings his thumb up to your lips, gently swiping over them a few times. It seems like he's getting closer and you don't know what to do until you're suddenly interrupted by the doorbell. He moves aways from you and you hop off the counter.
"Pizza's here," he says quietly, "just in time."
~ ~ ~
The two of you sat and began to eat and although there was a movie playing the air filled with an awkward silence. After you finished eating you leaned into the couch, secretly thankful that he had gotten you to change and take off your makeup because you were much more comfortable. Steve sat his plate down before leaning back and tentatively putting his arm around you again, this time time you let him, scooting the smallest bit closer to him.
A few minutes pass by and you notice that he began to sneak glances at you again, you tried to ignore it but it really started to bother you.
You leaned over and paused the movie causing him to fully look your way. "What?" he asked.
"Why do you keep looking at me?"
"I dunno," he scratched the back of his head, "you just seem kind of off today, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He knows, of course he knows, you knew he would know.
"Are you sure?" He said turning his body toward you.
"I don't want to talk about it, Steve," you crossed your arms, contemplating whether or not you should move to the other end of the couch.
"You can tell me anything, Y/N, you know that." You look away from him and he sighs.
"I really don't want to," you can feel his gaze burning into the side of your face but you refused to look at him.
"Please, Y/N," he begs, "I want to help."
"I can't tell you because I'm embarrassed! Okay?" You raised your voice and threw your arms into the air, "now can you please just drop it, I promise I'll be fine."
"Okay, I'll stop asking about it," he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "but i just want you to know that you never have to be embarrassed about anything in front of me. never." and with that the conversation was over.
"I need some fresh air," you say as your hands shake slightly, "I'll be back in a few minutes."
You stood up and walked into the backyard, usually Steve would insist on following you but this time was different. He knew that you wanted to be alone and he respected that.
Once you made it outside you began to pace back and forth, taking deep breaths, rubbing your hands across you face, running your hands through your hair, doing anything you could not to cry. You hated crying in front of people and Steve was not an exception. He always tried his best to be comforting and he was quite good at it but you didn't want him to see you in one of your most vulnerable states.
~ ~ ~
After about 10 minutes your were finally able to calm yourself down enough to back inside. After you found your way back to the living room you were met by Steve standing in the middle of the room with Frank Sinatra playing from the record player.
"What're you doing, Steve?" You ask exasperatedly.
"Let's dance," he held his hand out towards and you let first genuine smile of the night cross your face. Neither of you really knew how to dance but you could figure it out.
You made you way over to him taking his hand and putting them around your waist before placing yours behind his neck. Since neither of you knew any actual moves you just swayed clumsily around the floor, and although it was silly it was the happiest you had felt all night.
After a few minutes of swaying and laughing a sudden wave of emotion flooded your body and you could feel the tears begin to well up in your eyes. You placed your forehead onto Steve's chest and continued to sway with him in hopes that it would pass but you couldn't hold it in anymore. You stopped swaying and hugged Steve tightly.
"Y/N? What's wrong, are you okay?" You began to sob into his chest and he pulled you impossibly closer.
"Oh no, Baby, It gonna be okay, come on," his tone was worried as he hugged you tight and rubbed your back. He walked you over to the couch and sat down pulling you onto his lap so that you were straddling him. He had never done this before but this time it just felt right, you needed to be held and he needed to hold you. And thats what he did, he just held you, running his hands over your hair and back, letting you cry into his shirt as he told you it would be alright over and over again.
You began to speak and even though your words came out as half gibberish Steve still understood you. "I- I just feel so ugly, and fat, and disgusting, and stupid," you sobbed and Steve paused.
"Are you kidding me Y/N? That's what all this is about?" He asks and pulls away slightly to look at you but you just buried you face back into his chest.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he says and tilts your chin up so he can see your tear filled face, "you are none of those things, okay? I meant it earlier when I said you were the prettiest girl I've ever see."
"Yeah, sure," you scoffed and rolled you eyes, turning away from him. He gently grabbed both sides of your face turning you back towards him before wiping your tears with his thumbs.
"I really did mean it," he says and you roll your eyes once again.
"Oh yeah? What about Nancy Wheeler?" You ask.
"Nancy Wheeler?" He replies incredulously, "pfft! she's got nothing on you, babe."
"Whatever," you sniffle, "you're just saying that to make me feel better." You go to climb off of him but he quickly moves his hand from your face to your waist to stop you.
"I am not, Y/N, I wouldn't lie to you." You wanted to believe him, you really did but you just couldn’t.
"Look, okay? Ever since I can remember I have thought you were the most beautiful, funny, and kind girl and I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend. I don't know what made you think the opposite but I can tell you with all my heart that those things are not true and I really wish you could see yourself as I see you. Even right now, with your face all puffed up with tears and snot every where, I can not think of someone who could compete with you. You are and will always be my pretty girl." He did not take his eyes off of yours as he said this and you could feel your tears begin to slow down.
"You really think so?" You ask with a sniffle.
"I mean it's not like I've been trying to tell you all night," he says sarcastically and you nudge his shoulder.
"Let's go get you cleaned up," he stands up while still holding onto you.
"I can walk you know," you say but make no type of effort to get down.
"Mmm, I'm not so sure about that, I think you need to be carried tonight."
~ ~ ~
You were sat on to the exact same spot as earlier patiently waiting while Steve dampened a face towel with warm water. He walked back to you and this time you didn't protest as he began to clean your face. Once he finished he handed you a tissue to blow your nose and once you were done he took the tissue and threw it away before pulling you into a much needed hug.
"Now, let's go finish the movie, kay?"
~ ~ ~
The credits began to roll onto the screen and you looked at Steve only to see that he was already looking at you.
"Steve?" You asked timidly while tucking your hair behind your ears.
"Yes, Stinkbug?" He replied.
"Can I maybe stay here tonight?" Blush creeped onto your cheeks as you turned away from him slightly.
"Of course," he smiled softly. How could he say no to you?
"Let's go lay down, yeah?" you nodded and began to follow him to his room.
You made it into his room and laid down on his bed while he made his way over to his dresser. "I have to change so close your eyes," he said as he began looking through his drawers.
"Okayy," you closed your eyes and put a hand over them.
"And no peeking."
"No peeking, got it." You heard a shuffling of clothes and sat for a few seconds but you couldn't help yourself. You opened your eyes and looked at him through a small crack in your fingers only to see him making direct eye contact with you, causing you the quickly close your eyes again.
"I saw that, little lady, I thought I said no peeking," you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you said trying to act clueless with your hand still over your eyes.
"Mhm, I'm sure you don't," he said in a low voice, "you can uncover your eyes now."
You moved your hand and opened your eyes to see him looking for something in the top of his closet. "What're you looking for?" You asked.
"My old sleeping bag," he glanced back at you and your heart jumped.
"Actually, um, I was wandering if you could maybe sleep up here...with me?"
"Oh, um," he coughed before continuing, "yeah sure, thats fine with me." You could tell he was a little flustered but you acted like you didn't notice. He closed his closest and walked over to his bed, carefully sliding under the covers next to you. The two of you just sat quietly each thinking of something to say. This went on for a few minutes before you decided to speak up.
"Hey, Steve," You rolled onto your side and and sat up on ur elbow so you were facing him.
"What's up, Stinkbug?" He asked, mimicking your body position.
"Thank you for helping me feel better," you say and he smiles.
"Anytime, love, that's what I'm here for," he reached over and tucked you hair behind you ear, his fingers gently sliding down the side of your face before pulling away.
"I think you should know that you're the prettiest boy I've ever seen," you smiled softly, gazing at him intently.
"Pretty, huh? Not handsome or anything like that?" He said playfully and you let a small laugh.
"Yes, I think you are very handsome as well."
~ ~ ~
After about an hour of the two of you talking about anything and everything you decided that you should go to sleep. He rolled onto his other side and you were facing his back. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep to no avail. After about 20 minutes of just laying there with your eyes close you felt Steve turn around, he scooted closer and ever so gently lifted your arm and draped it over his waist before putting both of his arms around you. You could feel him looking at you but you didn't dare let him know you were awake. After a few seconds you felt him plant a kiss onto your forehead. "Goodnight, pretty girl, I love you," he whispered.
Part 2
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robynbaldurlogs · 3 months
baldur log day 3
TODAY WAS THE WORST DAY OF MY FUCKING LIFE!!!!! OHHH MY GOD. IM SO MAD. ok. im exaggerating but. ill get to that. so lets just go through the first couple things that happened. heres the squad. say hi intrepid heroes
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so i talked to zevlor and agreed to find the goblin leader. on my way to the goblin camp i meet these people who talk about the absolute and call me a true soul after their brother dies lol.
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then they say theyre looking for a survivor from the ship crash, i say i am one and..
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they... wanna kill me...??? i really didnt want to but i was already in the fight so im like. whatever. sure man. so i cooked the shit out of them, duh. im curious about what their deal was though... also i had the option to ask if they knew about halsin the healer and i didnt ask which sucks cus i should have done that first also im... starting to catch on to what astarion is. if im assuming correctly. cus earlier he talked about how much he looooves rare ass meat thats "dripping" with blood and that was weird as a random comment but...
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Ok. I Know What You Are.
anyways. then i meet this dog by his dead owner. befriend him. all good.
but then. i use speak to animals (with wyll) and talk to the dog. and wanting to help i yell at the corpse. because im like. I DUNNO MAN. maybe the dog will realize hes dead. but then HE GETS MAD AT ME AND TURN COMBAT MODE COMES ON. and i tried to go back and reload. i didnt want to but i also did not want to kill him. but the save was so far back. then i tried to run away with astarion but i guess running away works per character. so i thought oh maybe if i return the fight will be over.... and it wasnt....
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i have never regretted something more. ohhhh i am going to show you so much love and compassion when i run this game a second time. this is the worst thing to happen to me. ever. fuck everything. i still love you scratch.
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...anyways. got to the goblin camp. used a wisdom roll to convince the goblins we're good thanks to the brain tadpole. astarion commented on how we could convince anyone to do anything with the tadpoles and he was like mweheheeheh.
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but of course i agree with shadowheart. cus shes goated. also id agree with that if it wasnt her either way. (ignore her looking like a swedish twink. i used disguise self and forgot to change her back) oh also we leveled up right before this hell yes
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but ya then my friend speves reminded me to go back to that gate in the beginning of the game that was locked. so i went there and unlocked it with astarion. fucked up like twice but hey man its a dc 20 okay. im lucky i had vampirical fuck with me or ida never unlocked it
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but yeah i went into the crypt, looted some stuff and killed a couple people. nothing bad happened in the first room and i did not have to reload.
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embarrassing as fuck but yeah then i intimidated the guys outside to leave
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and shadowheart said i was more cunning than i looked.... wow. thank u. im flattered. but yeah relatively short session i havent even found halsin or met karlach yet but hopefully i get that done next time. ive got a test tomorrow so im gonna fuck off and study hell yeah bitches
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rocknrollsalad · 6 months
STWG Daily Prompt (Nov 30) - Running Out of Gas
if you squint it's also the prompt for today (Dec 1) - road trip
⛽ pairing(s): jargyle
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🚙 Jonathan is having a tougher time than he lets on and it ends up all coming out anyway
😿 content/trigger warnings: i don't think there is anything
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 word count: 1273
🌲author's note: this is mostly an experiment in jargyle. trying it out a little bit and playing in this new sandbox but since I'm barely 24 hours late on it, I'm still posting it. for me lol. it's a cute and great idea I should expand on but time and so many challenges and stuff.
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A lot was going on with the whole world ending stuff, Argyle knew he was supposed to care but what was he going to do about giant cracks in the ground? He couldn’t fight some slimy vine monster who haunts dreams or whatever. If anyone was ever just some guy, Argyle knew it was him. Maybe this Vecna thing really liked pizza.
Or maybe he didn’t have enough. Good food would make anyone less angry. Argyle ate all the time and he never felt like snapping people’s bones. But he left the monster hunting to all the people who knew what they were dealing with.
Instead, he took on cleaning, cooking, and talking with everyone. It was amazing what talking about anything other than the tragedy they were looking at did for them. Argyle learned a lot about dragons and some things about very boring, uninteresting dungeons. He also learned that even though the cop acted like he didn’t like to be bothered, he really, really liked being bothered. The more people the better, even.
So yeah, Argyle should have gone home by now but he was playing a real part in a very scary situation. He couldn’t leave now. Jonathan needed him because somehow in all this, he and Nancy found time to break up.
Jonathan finally had the tough conversation he’d been avoiding and they did exactly what he was afraid would happen. Only it was hard to be sad about it. Everyone knew it was coming, even his mom barely found any comfort for the guy.
Yet Jonathan moped. For weeks. It was hard to watch but harder to be around and none of Argyle’s tricks worked. As much as he tried to come up with a plan, nothing helped. It was worse than the lead up to spring break and if Argyle wasn’t making friends with everyone else, he might have gone back to California. Sure, he’d probably never see Jonathan again but he wasn’t seeing him now.
Joyce came in like the angel she was and asked Jonathan if he’d run into town and get some things and before she could finish her request, Argyle was offering to drive. Anything to get out of the woods and maybe having Jonathan away from everyone else (all to himself) would help too.
Reluctantly, Jonathan agreed but he didn’t know how to agree any other way. He took the keys since he knew the way, got into the pizza van, and headed into Hawkins proper to get some more lumber, a pipe, and more milk. An easy list, they’d be done in no time so Argyle had to hatch some sort of plan quick.
Had he not been thinking so hard, he might have caught the turn Jonathan didn’t make. The building they were calling the hardware store was now behind them. The “Now leaving Hawkins” sign was behind them by the time Argyle realized.
“Hate to tell ya, man, but you overshot the hardware store.”
“We’re not going,” Jonathan answered, so flat and empty. His mind was already miles away, busy only with keeping the car in the lane.
“Wh-ere are we going?”
“Right on.” was all Argyle could think to say.
It’d be a kidnapping if he weren’t willing to follow Jonathan into those cracks in the city or outer space. There wasn’t a crime, just a new adventure. One Argyle rode along quietly until the van started to shimmy and sputter. Jonathan eased it over into a pull-out among the trees and a cough from the exhaust killed the engine for him.
Not that it brought any more conversation to the van. Jonathan continued to stare straight ahead, hands at ten and two like the upright citizen he was. As Argyle went to say something, Jonathan’s forehead fell to the steering wheel, brought down by an unseen force. From there, he let it all out.
This was a new place to be, not the destination Argyle expected but he couldn’t help but think it was one Jonathan needed to visit. Perhaps desperately. It was hard to watch, Argyle likely wasn’t meant to see this but he’d crashed the party, and forced his way into this. As much as he wanted to say he wouldn’t have come had he known, it would have made him want to come more.
Rubbing Jonathan’s back just like that night those gas station sandwiches gave them food poisoning, Argyle inched to the edge of his seat and did his best to stay quiet. He knew a lot of things about Jonathan and one of the hardest ones to put into action was keeping quiet. There was something to be said for how opposite they were but Argyle liked that part best, really.
Jonathan may have been granted the quiet but Argyle couldn’t stop everything and the inching to the edge of his own seat wasn’t enough. Argyle moved over to crowd into the driver's seat to invade Jonathan’s space. Room was immediately made for him. It didn’t take long for Jonathan to turn and curl up against Argyle to get that comfort and affection he so rarely asked for.
By that point, Jonathan was cried out but not ready for much else. Leaving Argyle to watch the cars go by and let his friend share some of the weight he held.
As selfish as it was, it all made Argyle feel better too. Being a help was at the top of that list. Even if it wasn’t asked of him and he probably wasn’t anyone’s first pick for this, he was here and willing. But it forced him to slow down to think about everything. Not just what Jonathan was going through but what he’d be dragged into.
He hadn’t been paying attention to know how much time had passed, somehow a lifetime and not enough, but Jonathan broke the silence with an obvious announcement, “We’re out of gas.”
“There should be a can in the back and I don’t mind taking a little walk.”
“I’ll go with you. You won’t know where to go.”
“Thought I’d just walk straight, something would show up.”
The silence said that was the right answer but they both let it pass by.
“I’ll come with you, we don’t know what’s out there,” Jonathan tried again.
It was a little difficult untangling from the shared seat and made standing out on the road feel empty and expansive. Argyle wanted to climb back in and stay there until the guys at home sent out a search party. They’d be mad but it’d be worth it.
Instead, they walked around to the back of the van and Argyle rooted around until he came up with a small gas can. Holding it above his head like a grand treasure, waiting for that familiar look of annoyance. Of course, it came before Argyle had his arms fully extended. Jonathan was still himself at least.
Without a word shared between them, they both walked in the same direction. Jonathan slid his hand into Argyle’s free hand and drifted closer as they wandered down the shoulder. For as weird as everything had been, this felt incredibly normal. Like they’d been doing this their whole lives.
Whether it was for comfort or something more, Argyle didn’t care. Friends could hold hands without it being something. At the same time, them doing this at eighty played in Argyle’s mind. A life spent side by side. Decades of annoying Jonathan seemed like a great use of his time.
“We’re gonna have to call your mom when we get there. She’s probably already worried.”
“I know.”
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 41: Discussions
In Stiles' free period, he still dreaded the thought of Scott ever finding out about his fight with Donovan.
It helped that he had Sam on his side, but he wanted both of his best friends to believe that he was in the right.
Suddenly, the lighting in the hallways got darker and the hallway lights began to glow brighter, causing immediate and unanimous confusion among the student body.
It was night already? But it was only 12:47pm. Noon.
Stiles' eyes widened as he realized what the hell was happening. Before he could make any moves, his phone rang.
He pulled out his phone to reveal his father's caller id and answered. "Dad."
"You're seeing what I'm seeing, right?", the sheriff asked his son in disbelief. Stiles nodded. "Yeah. I think I know what's going on.", he replied.
"Okay, just making sure.", his dad said. Stiles hesitated to hang up. "Is that all you called me for? You don't usually call me unless something's really wrong."
Noah sighed. "He's gone, Stiles."
Stiles frowned in confusion. "He? He who, dad? There's a lot of he's that I know."
"Carl Smith."
The name made Stiles freeze. "He broke out. Dunno how but I got a call earlier saying that he broke out of his cell. Like a monster busted through the cells.", the sheriff said. "Could he be a Kanima?"
Stiles didn't say anything. Hell, he had questions of his own. How could he, of all people, be a Kanima? When? Where was he?? Who turned him??
If he was out, could he be going after Sam…?
"Stiles.", the sheriff called. Stiles rubbed his forehead. "Yeah—yeah, I got it.", the younger Stilinski responded. "We'll keep an eye out.", his dad said.
"Yeah, I gotta go get Sam.", Stiles rushed and hung up, quickly finding one of his supernatural friends after texting Sam.
Worried, since he hadn't gotten a quick text back from her, he found Lydia amongst the confused students who crowded the hallways.
"Hey, you know where Sam is?", he asked, confusing her. The girl shook her head. "I only saw her in math today, so she is here. Do you have any idea where she could be?"
Stiles thought for a moment before nodding. Lydia nodded. "Lead the way."
Back in the library, Sam's heart picked up in pace as she saw a familiar face she hoped to never see again.
His creepy grin, towering height and drowning smell made her feel like she had shrunk. De-aged, even.
She felt small, weak, and pitiful. As he stepped closer, Sam took a step back. She wanted so badly for Derek to snap her out of it, to save her, to tell her it was all a dream and that it wasn't real.
She knew it couldn't have been. The house was proof of that, but he… he felt real.
Practically cornering her on the wall of the Hale porch, Sam shut her eyes, trying to take in deep breaths and calm her racing heart as he closed in on her face like he had done before.
It didn't do her any good if she felt like she was gonna pass out.
Her eyes popped open and she was now back in the library once more. In front of her, she saw Stiles and Lydia crouched next to her, looking at her worriedly.
"You saw something, didn't you?", Stiles asked. Sam's eyes bubbled with tears as she nodded and Stiles instantly pulled her into a hug.
Moments after Sam had calmed down, she realized the confusion of what was happening and sighed as they left the school altogether.
She didn't feel like inverting the atmospheric setting. She was already drained from the hallucination she had gotten.
Stiles didn't question her any longer. He didn't leave her side either. He couldn't. Not after the news he had gotten. He wasn't even sure if he should tell her.
Was the hallucination a trap…? Was she almost taken from them so soon?
The teens all met at the hospital. All, but Kira and Liam. Sam frowned worriedly. “Where’s Liam?”, she asked. “Waiting with Hayden…she was a chimera.”, Scott responded. “And Kira?”, Sam asked.
Scott frowned. “She’s leaving Beacon Hills.”, he replied, shocking Sam. She couldn’t blame Kira. Hell, if she had a chance — if she didn’t care about her friends so much, she’d take her mom and leave.
“You’re not gonna see her off?”, Sam asked. Scott looked down. “The pack comes first.”, Scott responded. “Scott, Kira is a part of the pack. Go see her off.”, Sam scolded, making him smile. Scott nodded and ran out of the hospital.
In the same night, Stiles had his own hallucination, imagining his mother and her hatred for him. For killing her. For scaring her.
It killed him to see her so distraught and broken, but he snapped out of it enough to see that it wasn't his mom that attacked him, but a chimera.
Before the chimera could land any fatal blows, Theo came and pulled him away from Stiles.
Theo charged, swinging his hand but the boy ducked, gripping onto him, throwing him into the electric generator's gate that surrounded the now spark throwing machine.
He got up, going to swing again but the Chimera knocked out Theo's leg, having his crash to the floor, and he stepped on his hand, crushing it, having Theo let out a roar mixed with a grunt.
The Chimera grinned and Theo roared louder, hitting him, knocking him off of his hand and spun up onto his feet. The boy ran for him but was pushed back by Stiles.
Theo then jumped down as the boy went to punch his face but he caught it, cranking it back with a crack, punching his stomach repeatedly, while gripping his throat.
The boy hissed and Theo's eyes brightened into a golden yellow, his fangs snarling. Sparks lit and scattered by Theo as he snarled and yanked back his arm, ripping out the boy's throat, his blood pouring onto the floor. The boy fell back, coughing, choking on his own blood.
"Stiles," Theo spoke up as the boy looked up at him. "You can't say anything. Please, don't say anything.", Theo begged, shaking his head.
"Why not?", Stiles asked. 
"Because I never said anything about Donovan.", Theo said, making Stiles' expression falter into panic.
At the Wilson residence, Sam sat on her carpet floor, testing herself on making links to her friends in case something happened.
She had a bad feeling about the dread doctors and who else they were gonna go after. Of course her first thought was to make links for Scott and Stiles.
It would let her know what was going on with them, whether they were hurt, stressed or sick. 
Using Scott's jacket she had gotten after almost drowning in the school's pool and one of Stiles' he had left over, she made links to them, her forehead immediately beaming from the crescent moon that brightened in the middle of her eyebrows.
"I know what happened to Donovan.", Theo told Stiles as he changed back to normal, sparks still bursting and pelting out of the electric generator.
Stiles looked at him with a distant look in his eyes.
"I know everything.", Theo said. Stiles charged at Theo, grabbing him by the collar, pushing him back into the chained fencing of the generator.
Theo let out a grunt, looking at him. "You don't know anything.", Stiles growled out. Stiles paused, glancing down at the boy next to them, then back up at Theo. "Let's take him. Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right? Here's our chance to find out who.", Stiles said.
Theo grabs Stiles, spinning him around, and thrushes Stiles up against the fence, causing him to groan.
"I was there, I was at the library.", Theo said. "Malia found the book. She was texting us to see where you were. She said she left you at the library. I told her I was close. When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down."
"You saw him?", Stiles asked.
"Just the body.", Theo replied.
Stiles didn't like that answer. It made him sound so horrible. The boys let go of each other. "I watched you come out. I was gonna say something but then I saw the cop car.", Theo said, fixing his shirt. "And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. Only saw what you saw and I didn't say anything because you didn't."
Stiles frowned. Out of all people, Theo knows. Theo turned and listened, looking back at Stiles. "That's not an ambulance, is it?"
Stiles shook his head. "We should get out of here."
He glanced back down at the boy. "You killed him," Stiles whispered.
"In self-defense."
Stiles tilted his head at him. "He was going to kill you and me. Who knows who else he could've gone after?", Theo defended.
Stiles gaped at him. "If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story. It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad.", Theo says.
Their attention focused on Stiles' wrist that illuminated a white small crescent moon on the corner of Stiles' wrist.
Theo frowned in confusion. He thought Stiles was human. And if he was, then what the hell was that?
Stiles sighed, instantly feeling a familiar sort of relief. "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice."
Stiles took Theo back to the animal clinic after calling Scott.
At the Animal Clinic, Scott showed up and Stiles and Theo stood on the side as Scott was looking down at the dead Chimera while Stiles gave a fake explanation.
Theo sighed, looking at Scott. "Do you know him?"
Scott gave a slight nod. "His name's Josh. He was a junior." He looked at the boys before pacing back and forth. Stiles looked down at Josh's body, covering his face with the black cover. "Which one did it? The one with the cane?", Scott asks.
Theo glanced at Stiles before looking back at Scott. "Yeah."
"What are we going to do with him? We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared.", Stiles said. Scott just stared at him. "All night, someone's got to stay here with him.
"I'll do it." Theo lets out a sigh. "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned."
Scott's phone cut him off as he picked up to answer it.
"What is it?", Stiles asks.
"Another one." Scott looked up. "Another Chimera."
"Then Stiles, you go." Theo said. "I'll stay here and watch over Josh's body."
Stiles left with Scott, closing the doors.
The next day was the same. In the morning. Theo missed school, staying at the Animal Clinic after nothing happened.
Theo frowned at the sound of a glitchy noise. He turned, heading out of the room and saw the one of the Dread Doctors, the Surgeon. He stared at him for a second, "Checking up on me?"
The surgeon stayed quiet and Theo's eyes fell on Josh who laid on the table. "You can't tell me you don't want to know who's taking the bodies.", he said.
Surgeon spoke. "Inconsequential."
"Why?", Theo asked. "You don't care that someone's running off with your little failed science experiments?", he sneered.
The Surgeon started breathing heavily, looking at him. "You already know who's taking them.", Theo said.
He nodded, getting angry. "Did you forget that you were supposed to be keeping me in the loop on everything?", Theo asked.
"Not to me!", Theo shouted.
The Surgeon glared at Theo.
Theo nodded. "I know I'm trying here, but you have to let me know things that I need to know!"
Theo paused as he heard a car parking in the back. He glanced back to see that the Surgeon was gone.
He huffed walking back as he heard the door rattling. Theo headed back into the room to see Stiles walking in. "What's going on?"
Stiles frowned. He could've sworn Theo was talking to someone. "Is something wrong?", Theo asked.
"Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we are standing guard over one of them.", Stiles stated. 
"So you've got a better idea?", Theo asked. Stiles eyed the shelf and took out his phone, putting it on camera and sat it up to watch Josh's body.
They then headed out locking the doors, getting into the Jeep, shutting the doors. Stiles got out his watch, putting his camera feed from his phone on the watch's casting screen, looping it up on the rear view mirror watching "What happens now?", Theo asked.
"We wait.", Stiles replied.
"You want to take shifts watching?", Theo questioned.
"No, no." Stiles shook his head. "I want to spend some quality time with you.", Stiles replied sarcastically.
Theo nodded at him as he went back to watching the camera on the watch. "Sounds good to me."
Minutes had passed with Theo and Stiles in the Jeep, waiting for something to happen and yet, nothing did. 
Theo let out a light sigh. "You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?"
"Maybe." Stiles took a glance at him then back at the watch.
Theo huffed a bit. "You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive."
Stiles nodded. "More than likely, Theo."
"Would you believe me if I said all I want," Theo shifted his eyes over at him. "All I ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?"
"Nope.", Stiles said.
"So you're here because you're never going to trust me."
"Yep. Glad we had this talk.", Stiles immediately shuts him down.
"You know who you remind me of?"
"Theo, I really don't care." Stiles shook his head.
"My sister.", Theo mumbled and Stiles stayed quiet, biting back a sigh. "She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you. But she always looked out for me. The same way you look out for Scott and Sam."
Stiles looked at Theo. "When you helped her out of the library, I knew something was up. Couldn't tell what. Still can't. Is she still the same as before? Like in elementary?", Theo asked. 
Stiles frowned. "But the same, I'm assuming you mean she still nice, then yes, she's the same. But she's also different now. We all are." Stiles didn't want Theo to get his hopes up.
"I envied you two, you know. You guys have someone like Sam to take care of you two… and I haven't had anyone in… forever. You're lucky."
Stiles shook his head, shrugging. "Why are you telling me this?", he asked, confused.
"I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you."
Theo stared at Stiles and Stiles stared back at him. Silence filled the Jeep once again. Stiles looked at the watch, still watching Josh's body on the table.
"You know, I saw his teeth." Stiles nodded at Theo. "Donovan." He clarified. "He was a Wendigo, wasn't he?", Theo asked.
Stiles sighed, nodding, "Yeah."
"That's the cannibal one, right?"
"Native American.", Stiles stated. "The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it."
Theo folded his arms, sitting back in his seat. "That's a pretty judgmental myth."
"Well, I didn't make it up.", Stiles said, becoming irritated.
"What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever heard of the Donner Party?", Theo said "I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos."
"Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills.", Stiles countered, looking at him.
"Good point." He nodded, "So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?"
"You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken."
Theo chuckled a bit, a light smile peppered his face as Stiles kept a frown, staying quiet, gripping the wheel.
"Now, I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend." He paused for a few seconds as his eyes got glossy. "I'm gonna lose Scott."
Theo looked at him. "If you had to choose, would you rather lose Scott or Sam?" Stiles frowned at the boy. The absurdity of the question – it made no sense.
Theo smiled, realizing the difficulty of the question. "If you really had to choose in the heat of the moment, which one would you rather save than lose?"
"Sam.", Stiles whispered almost instantly. "Scott… Scott would never forgive me if he knew what I did.", Stiles looked down. "Sam… Even though, she hasn't been having an easy time with her issues as far as changes go, she still finds a way to forgive me for my mistakes. She holds me accountable, but doesn't make me feel like shit. Scott would."
"I also heard something about Donovan threatening Lydia but it was too mumbled, I couldn't quite catch the words, but I know that if Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?", Theo asked.
"Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder.", Stiles stated. 
"It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide.", Theo said.
Stiles' eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Theo is disbelief. "Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?"
"A werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life." Theo's eyes brightened but they were still golden yellow. "Do these look blue to you?
Stiles frowned as he stared into them. "It was self-defense. For me, and for you.", Theo said. 
"Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it.", Stiles said. "You can't say one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue cause you feel guilty?"
"So it's up to interpretation?"
"Yeah, maybe."
"Okay." Theo nodded. "Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty." He paused, sighing. "Did you feel bad about it?"
Stiles turned to him, with furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes as Theo shook his head. "Not now. I mean right then. Right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him? That there was no way that he could hurt your dad, no way of hurting Lydia–"
"One word. Good.", Stiles replied, looking straight ahead. Theo smugly smirked before leaning back into his seat.
Before either of them could say anything, Theo sniffed around, frowning in confusion. "What?", Stiles asked, watching him.
"A scent." He sniffed again. "Like smoke. Like something burning."
A sound caught their attention as a fiery, orange fist came through his open window, punching Theo in the face, causing him to whip his head in Stiles' direction and sprayed a mist of blood onto Stiles's face.
The person then tugged Theo out of the Jeep as Stiles watched in shock, backing up against his door.
Theo's door closed and the person moved towards the back, lifting up the Jeep as Stiles panicked, bracing himself as the person flipped the Jeep upside down. The windows cracked and peppered glass as Stiles fell down, passed out cold. 
The flame engulfed figure slowly started walking by with smoke rising from his body, and this entire time, he was the one taking the bodies.
The figure went into the clinic, took Josh's body, and started walking away with him, leaving a bruised Theo and an unconscious Stiles in his Jeep and disappeared into the night.
A car drove up to the animal clinic and out came Sam who rushed over to the burning jeep. "Stiles!"
She blocked her face from the smoke as she looked for her best friend. "Stiles!" 
Before she could make any moves, a person ran out of the clinic with a fire extinguisher, running over to the jeep, and extinguishing the flames.
Sam could see Theo's burnt face and frowned. "Theo?" He didn't say anything as he grabbed Stiles, pulling him out of the Jeep, laying him down. Sam kneeled down by him, cradling him in her arms.
"Stiles! Stiles, wake up!", Sam called, shaking him. She didn't get a response but bent down to hear his heart beating.
He was alive, but… "Stiles, wake up!!", she yelled. 
Stiles' eyes widened as he took in a giant gulp of air and coughed. When he caught his breath, he looked at Sam. "You're here…"
Sam smiled in relief. "I'm here. You're okay.", she reassured. He gave her a half smile. "You were supposed to be on bed rest."
Sam chuckled. "C'mon, you.", she helped him up and looked at Theo with a smile. "Thank you, Theo."
He smiled and nodded. "What happened?", she asked.
"The body… The body's gone."
Sam helped Stiles up while Theo got the Jeep back up on its wheels, and sighed, looking over at Stiles. "We should get you to the hospital. You took in a lot of smoke."
He shook his head. "I'm fine."
"Stiles, you were out cold. The moment I felt something was wrong, I rushed over as fast as I could. We gotta get you help.", Sam said.
"Sam, I'm fine.", Stiles reassures. "Promise."
The Dispatch radio went off, and Deputy Clark was talking. "Suspect in 1-8-7 is in custody and en route to the station. Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira."
"Kira!?", Sam's eyes widened.
"What's a 1-8-7?", Theo asks, looking at Stiles.
"Homicide.", Stiles answered with a frown.
In the morning, Stiles, Theo, and Sam ended up finding Mason and Corey who told them a few things and they arrived back at Scott's house, calling Lydia and Malia to come over to discuss what happened to Liam and Hayden, who were taken by the Dread Doctors which made Sam's stomach sink in fear.
Malia, Stiles, Theo, and Sam discussed in the living room, talking since Lydia, Mason, and Corey were upstairs in Scott's room having a discussion about reading The Dread Doctors book.
Stiles and Sam jumped as Scott just busted into the door, walking past them. Stiles eyed him. "Hey, is Kira okay?"
Scott ignored Stiles and rushed up the stairs. "Scott?", Theo called. 
Sam's eyebrows furrowed before she went to follow Scott. 
"Sorry, I didn't get to read all of it.", Corey apologized.
"Oh, that's okay, Corey." Mason nodded.
Scott walked up to him. "He's right. We don't have time for that anyway."
"No, Scott, don't!", Lydia yelled as he flicked out his claws, and stuck them into the back of Corey's neck, making him gasp. Scott's eyes turned red, immediately, his body twitched as he looked into Corey's memories.
"Don't get too close.", Lydia said, stopping Malia and Stiles.
Theo looks at them confused. "What is he doing?"
"Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only Alphas do.", Sam said.
Theo walks closer to Sam, inspecting Scott's work. "Is it as dangerous as it looks?"
"They could die if interrupted.", Sam says, making Stiles gape at her.
"Does anyone know if it's working?", Mason asked, glancing at Corey. 
"Oh, its working.", Sam said, looking at Corey and his twitching face. "I watched Peter do this to Isaac. And considering Peter was an alpha, he had more experience so it worked."
Sam's eyes scanned over Scott. Usually the process didn't take this long. What the hell was happening…?
"Scott." She watched the boy's body twitch. "Scott… Scott!", Sam yelled, snapping him out.
His eyes flew open as he let Corey go, tumbling backwards, but Stiles and Theo catch him and Lydia and Sam go for Corey, helping him up with standing and stabilizing him. "Is he okay?" Scott questions as he gasps. 
"What the hell did you do to me?", Corey asks, touching the back of his neck.
"You'll be alright.", Scott dismissed.
Corey placed his hand in front of him, looking at the bodily fluid with wide eyes. "There's blood."
"You'll heal.", Scott said.
"Scott…", Stiles starts.
"He'll be fine!", Scott shouts, making the rest of his friends' eyes widen at his outburst. Scott grabbed a notepad, flipping it open and grabbed a pencil and began to draw. "Listen. I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels. Pipes along the walls. There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides…"
Stiles stepped behind him and looked at the drawing. "Wait a second, I know this."  Lydia walked up, joining their side. "I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?", Stiles asked. 
Lydia nodded. "It's the water treatment plant." She looked up at him.
Scott huffed. "That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden."
Everyone followed after Scott. Stiles stopped him, "Scott. Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay? Mason shouldn't be going–"
Mason walked up to him. "Liam's my best friend. I'm going."
"Oh, did you suddenly get super wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development.", Stiles said.
Sam looked at Mason. "If you're going, you're not running off by yourself when you think it's okay to get Liam." Mason nodded.
"Well, if you're not going, I could use the help.", Scott told Stiles.
"No, I'm coming just as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body and he wants to make sure that this time no one steals it.", Stiles said.
"How's he gonna do that?", Mason shrugged.
"I don't know.", Stiles shook his head. "But whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep."
"We can bring Theo!", Malia pointed at him.
Everyone looked at him as he tensed up. "Maybe I better stay here. You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey."
Corey frowned and Lydia shook her head. "Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think."
"I am thinking… about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead.", Scott determined.
"You could've hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him.", Lydia countered, nodding.
Sam shook her head. "Scott, you gotta slow down. You're rushing without a plan."
"I have to find Liam.", he combatted, turning and walking away from them, making Sam frown. 
She sighed once Scott left and looked at Stiles. "Something's really wrong with him."
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madefordvarka · 2 years
“You’ve got something on your cheek.”
Frank x Zaen
The resort was always freezing.
No matter what time of day it was, right down to the season they were in, the resort remained frigid.
Zaen had to wonder if it was because of how damp the area was, but he didn’t really know enough about climate, or weather for that matter, to be able to tell. 
Frankly, he didn't really care enough to find out, either. He had so many other things to worry about that whether or not he needed a sweater inside Ormond wasn’t exactly at the top of his priorities.
Today he’d chosen to nestle himself into one of the disgusting couches he’d helped carry up to the lodge, and covered himself with a blanket he’d brought in his backpack. 
A repeating mix of grunge carried softly though the foyer, and Zaen found that despite everything, the resort felt relaxing.
It was strange, he thought, to find an abandoned resort to feel more comforting than his own home, but he supposed it was the only place he could get some peace and quiet. 
Or at least it was quiet until Frank showed up.
By the time he’d realized Frank was even here, he was already throwing himself onto the couch Zaen was sitting at with a loud whump.
Frank’s jacket smacked the back of the couch as dust flew up in every direction. Zaen gasped in surprise, turning into a coughing mess as the dust entered his nostrils. 
Frank probably should have known that Zaen didn’t like loud noises to begin with, but hearing the disturbance in the darkness of the lodge only sent Zaen into a bout of panic.
Zaen sucked a shaky breath into his lungs, forcing himself to regain his composure after all the excitement.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.
Zaen could feel the wetness on his cheeks, bringing a hand up to stubbornly scrub away any evidence of himself having feelings.
“F-fuck, sorry,” Zaen sputtered out, burying his face into the sleeve of his jacket, “I dunno why-”
Frank immediately cut him off. 
“Y’don’t have to explain anything to me,” He said, in a voice so soft that Zaen could hardly believe it was coming from the guy sitting next to him, “I thought you knew I was here, sorry I scared you.”
Zaen stared at Frank, gaze softening.
It was always so hard to stay mad at him, but it didn’t feel like how he knew Frank made other people feel. For Zaen, it felt genuine- like maybe, just maybe, they understood one another and Frank really did feel bad.
But those were just stupid assumptions- ones that Zaen knew were just him wanting to be special.
He wasn’t special.
Zaen felt another tear rolling down his cheek, words still caught in his throat.
He felt the hand on his face before he’d even registered what was happening.
And a smirk quickly tugged at the lips of the culprit.
“You had something on your cheek, but I got it~”
Zaen stuck out his tongue, kicking his legs onto Frank’s lap.
“Gee,” He finally spoke, allowing a soft laugh to escape him, “Thank you so much!”
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Ended up taking all the spare pills I had in my bag. I took 200 before I left for the uh "looseness" effect of it. Which worked pretty well. Talking and joking around wasn't too too hard. But the extra 450 I took throughout the event was purely for the high. Not even gonna front
I got to drink a bit with my uh god grandma. Originally I was popping more to heighten the diluted ass liquor but after a while I just gave up on drinking snd just popped em as I thought about it. I don't get why I don't ever get that much of an effect from alcohol actually. Maybe I do but with me being used to being fucked off dph I don't notice the effects as much. Or cause the adults seem to like light light buzzes over being drunk so it wasn't that strong anyway. Tho.. I don't really drink so I'd figure I'd be an ultra lightweight. I dunno lol
It was nice to see everyone after all this time. It's kinda odd to see some of em for the first time in like.. 10 years? Something like that. I don't see my mom's side of the family often at all so my mental image of them versus what they actually look like now was a little off. Twas good to get an updated look you know?
Tho since I'm not really close with them they were bringing up my old uni not knowing I dropped out like half a year ago now. It made me feel like shit ngl. If I didn't come there with someone I would've either dipped early to cry or just run away in general. I just like.. I dunno. I know if they knew me and everything going on they'd see me as a fucking loser and I can't even blame them. I feel so gross just thinking about all that.
Stressing my god grandma out was the only reason I didn't. She was my ride so me not coming back would make her go nuts tryna find me/feel like shit for not keeping an eye on me. I didn't want to put that on her. So I ended up just taking dose after dose tryna make it harder to think.
Only semi worked as for one, I was only taking 100/150 extra at a time and while I did the majority of that before like 3-4ish it was still semi spaced out + around other people mode kicked in kicked in which made me subconsciously hide and brush off the high anyway. Actually the only one that semi fucked me up was the final 100 I had left that I took around 7. I was already teary-eyed thinking about what R said and I just had multiple family members chatting about my college shit. I would've just cried and taken extra care to wipe my eyes frequently buut I didn't trust myself to do it without getting too caught up and sobbing so I took the 100 as a distraction. It worked out pretty alr I was able to not cry at all and we dipped soon after
As for now I just woke back up from a nap. I wasn't really that tired but the high from all the pills was still there so I just went to sleep instead of building onto it. I think I was sleep for a good 4 hours so it was lowkey a full night's rest. Probably won't be going back to bed for a while..
Plus, lowkey feel like I'm gonna puke. My stomach started to burn again and I'm sure it's from the alcohol-benadryl concoction it had to put up with today. I figure I might as well let that settle first as to not puke it up and waste more pills
I don't know what I want to do anymore. On one hand I know I'm going to have to cry and beg my mom to let me borrow money from her. I don't want to but I know if I let that uni debt shit fester they'd be pissed once they found out. It's gonna be hard to cry in front of her. I know if I asked in my normal/casual tone she'd look at me worse though. I'll have to figure that out. Past that, I don't know what'll be my next move. All I want to do is od on this shit and finally be free. Tho, ig that's a bit dire. I think everyone would be mad at me throwing in the towel this early on. But it's all I want atp. I'm tired of feeling like this and I don't care enough to make some miraculous comeback. I'm over it atp
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truckreincarnation · 4 months
Hold a Goddamn Moment | Shinjuku | Trial 5.3 | RE: Germain, Manami | ATTN: Germain
Paranoia is a blessing and a curse sometimes. You think of things that others wouldn’t really process, breaking down every little point that you should fear or be wary of that may be looming in the distance. However, it practically controls you, making you afraid of everything. The sins crawling along your back, the feeling like someone is always watching you, the truth that someone is always out to get you.
Most of the time, paranoia is just nonsense.
But today it’s justified.
As Germain confirms how the king would have controlled them all at the drop of a hat, along with the fact that Manami saying what the common folk feared with true, Shin was absolutely pale. All of his fears… were right. All of his paranoia… was right. The fact he thought everything would be different, no one watching him anymore, no one out to get him. That was wrong.
Leave it to his fears, his paranoia, always being justified.
He swallows, trying to mask the fact his anxiety was going haywire. The guilt after talking to Luz mixing in doesn’t exactly help either. Everything was feeling like static again, time was quickly ticking.
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“....I knew it.”
“I fucking knew that there was merit to those fears. To that threat. Look, voiding Last Haven is a fucking way to wipe out all the shitty people, but what about all the innocent goddamn people who are also going to be wiped out as collateral damage??? I-”
There was some fear peeking in his voice, trying to keep calm.
“I… I can’t let that happen. Look, fuck every shitty person who has fueled this conflict, but there’s so many people out there that I can’t stand idle and let their lives be cashed as necessary sacrifices to end the war. I can’t fucking STAND here on my own moral ground and allow that.”
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Shin takes in a deep breath. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Tune out all the static. Shake off all the eyes. “...I hated hearing about what people like me are suffering from on both sides of the war. Exploited or slaughtered, for some greater good on either side. I can’t fucking take that. But now that I know, for sure, that everything will be wiped out-”
Heavy sigh. “There has to be some other way, there has to be.”
Trying to regain his grounding, not to spiral in the middle of such a heavy discussion, the mercenary closes his eyes. Focus. Focus on something. Focus on nothing. Just calm down and keep speaking. Keep thinking. Try to do something. Try to be useful.
The man has always lived with the guilt of being the cause of a handful of lives lossed.
There’s no way he could live with himself if he was connected to a finale of losses.
“......this isn’t peace. It’s just senseless slaughter of innocents. Both sides are guilty of it. I can’t fucking take it.”
“Look- Manami is probably screwed, right? I mean, outting all this, especially in front of other people connected to politics, right??” Alvarie and, in turn, the Khan may prompt a response to that, right? Fuck, he doesn’t know jack and shit about politics. “I dunno, just… either Germain is branded a traitor for murdering the king, or Manami takes the fall as another sign of hatred against the Demon King’s army. Both answers are chaos, but fuck, there’s already so much chaos outside of here. It’s all fucking hell.”
With that, Shin sighs a bit quieter this time, before running a hand through his hair. The stress was quickly rising, especially with the debates about what to do and where to go with this. Though, something does stick out in his mind, causing him to pause for a moment.
“....could it…?”
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A small mumble, before he shakes his head. With a clear of his throat, he speaks up.
“Hey, uh, maybe there’s something we can do. There’s a book, uh- Raven’s book, I found out about it a bit ago. Vee has it, they showed me after we investigated the hidden room under the fountain once more. After reading the notes about what to do with the Demon King in order to end the conflict. However-”
He fidgets slightly, adjusting his glasses. “Anyway, uh, Raven’s book. Back on track. It pretty much talks about the spell to bind someone’s soul to their weapon, sealing them away. Much like their powers and everything, it just prolly takes someone strong with spells to use. Just, fuck- could that work on the Demon King?”
“I mean, fuck, uh- there would be a lot to do. As I’ve said before, I don’t fucking like either side and I can’t really stand either as I want to protect all the common people affected, but could this be another step to solving this conflict? There’s targeting all the shitty nobles and every harmful person like that, and then with the Demon King, sealing him away. We- we just need someone who could cast the spell, right?? I dunno who’s that great at magic to do so, b-besides like Vee who’s still holding onto the book.” Glance.
“But, shit, I dunno, this has to be something, right??”
There, he looks over at Germain, staring at them with such an intense look. Deathly curious, yet wrapped with such deeply rooted fear.
“Germain, could something like this work? Is that something possible to do?”
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alittlefirebirdtoldme · 7 months
The Spring Festival still raged on the lawn of Brightstar Manor. Little game stalls cropped up for the kiddies and the adults busied themselves with other pursuits. Some danced. Some sang. Some, like Percy, wove flower crowns. He'd made one for Daphne, of course, and there was a heaping stack of 'em that admirers and friends and the like had made him. He wore one that had been carved by Andrew, which made him look somewhat like a stag with its woody protrusions and chains of little flowers dangling off what could have been the points of antlers on a buck. Percy had spent a rather long time on the flower crown he was making now and he heard the gossip. Clearly, their leader had his eye on someone.
He did and he didn't. It was... complicated.
When he got a chance to slip away, he snuck back into the house with the flower crown in tow. He had picked on the best blossoms. Large, bright petals adorned a braided vine headdress. Smaller buds filled in the spaces between. When he found Keres, he was suddenly very self-conscious of the gift he carried for her. Was it enough? You only ever made flower crowns at the spring festival for people you loved. He did love her. It was complicated. Everything was complicated. But this? This was... correct. His fingers cramped a little from the delicate work, but he smiled at Keres nevertheless.
"I know you probably want nothin' to do with the festivities outside," he said. "But I made you this flower crown because..."
His throat constricted.
"Someone told me it's a human holiday today. Mother's Day. Have you... heard of it? I dunno, it sounds nice. And, anyways, you're the only mum Daphne's ever known and at the Spring Equinox, we celebrate mothers, too, and you're a special part of our family. 'M grateful for you. More'n I know how to say. I don't know what the proper greetin' for Mother's Day is, but... May the Seladrine bless and keep you for all that you've done for our family."
He extended the crown to her.
"I'd put it on ya, but you don't have to wear it if it's... too much."
I know I'm too much, Keres, but I had to let you know I love you somehow.
(Shhhhhh pretend this is on time)
Keres had already been out to the festival.
She wouldn't admit it to Percy, and it had all been a bit... overwhelming... but there were parts of it she had enjoyed. The world was beautiful. Everyone was so happy. The community of it all. She'd snuck around at Daphne's request to join her for a few rounds of some game, but she couldn't help feeling like an outsider, and couldn't stop noticing the sounds from nearby caravans or the woods and gardens of the estate that made her blush. It was easier to go back inside and listen to it all from her window, suppressing deep disappointment with lesson planning and retirement sums that she kept quietly to herself. Once, Keres would have been awkward, but she'd have gone. Tried and failed and laughed at herself quietly while dancing with ribbons or listening to old tales. But that Keres was one that no one remembered now, not even her mistress.
"Oh, yes, Mother's Day." Keres nodded, not sure where he was going with the question. Keres had celebrated mother's day growing up, like most children, but it had always seemed a bit performative. How did one celebrate the relationship between oneself and a woman who took them in as a charity? The answer had been correctly, stiffly, politely- things that seemed to shock no one about the Keres they knew, but that she'd never quite gotten used to. to realize, suddenly, that she was being considered a mother figure... it felt more than a little odd. Of course, things were very different between her and Daphne- she loved the girl like she'd been the one to hang the stars in the sky- but to think on it...
She'd never let Percy know how handsome he looked in that headdress. She understood the old stories when he stood like that in the sunlight, of women chasing wild men into the forest never to be seen again. There were always whispers of what happened after- of bathing naked in moonpools, being ravaged by men (beasts? gods?) in the soft spring fields, of singing in the hollows of glades, and that general magical existence of the enchanted. She'd always fancied herself smarter than that, but she understood when she looked at him, flushing at the thought of following him into an endless wild garden to live forever as some half-blessed, half-cursed feyling of the wilds.
She tried to pass the blush off as a surprise for his kindness, reaching out delicately to hold the flower crown that he offered. For a moment, she wanted to feel magical. Feel like he thought she could be magical. Hesitating, she set the crown on top of her hair, feeling immediately silly and boring and human in a way that made her ashamed of how small she was. Of all the broken things hiding under the surface she so carefully maintained.
"I'm honored to be included. And honored to be a stand-in for Daphne's mother, however a poor substitute." She flushed deeper, and then removed the crown again, holding it close to her body. "I don't think the festivities are for me. However, I will keep this. It's quite beautiful."
She set it to dry on a hook in her bedroom, set high above her bed like it belonged there. The colors faded with time to more muted hues, delicate as tissue paper and perfectly suited to their surroundings.
Sometimes Percy might have seen it there in its place of honor among her small collection of personal items if he walked past the room at the right moment.
She only didn't know if she hoped or feared the day he would notice.
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aeipathcy · 11 months
send me  ( inspiration  )   for my muse to talk about someone they knew as a child who inspired them to be who they are, currently for Reanne?
MEME ┊selectively accepting.
Here she was dining at her favorite place with a stranger, and yet she didn't mind blabbing to them about her problems. Well, that was how she had always operated, but considering how she had been spending most of her time alone as of late, it was weird to have someone to share a meal with at all. Somehow, they had gotten to talking about family and how they looked up to certain members—and of course that meant the question would be returned to her.
Did anyone from your childhood inspire you to be who you are today?
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❝ Childhood? I hardly remember stuff from back then! ❞ she automatically retorted, clutching a bunch of her hair as she threaded her fingers through the pulled back strands. The habit of saying the first thought that ran through her head seemed to not have died off yet. So many times she had been told and guided through the process of stopping these yet the girl found herself failing to hold the words back anyway. Maybe she was beyond repair; that would seem to be the case with how long she had been going to therapy with such minimal changes in her day-to-day conduct.
Taking a sip of her drink through the straw, Reanne tried to recall the faces of people she did interact with in the past, ❝ I didn't even have friends back then either. The only people I knew were my shitty dad and she-who-shall-not-be-named. Oh, and my non-existent, cheating trash heap of a mother and the man she ran off with. ❞
And she couldn't say any of them were sources of inspiration in the conventional sense of the meaning. If anything, they were more like... what was it... err, reverse sources of inspiration? Whatever the concept was—her family was everything she didn't want to be. Except the problem was she seemingly took too much after her drunk-ass father, ranging from emulating his temper, the drinking problem, the biases, the extreme stances... the list could go on.
Leaning back into the booth, she thought back to all those fairy tales and shoujo manga she used to read... Nah. Those didn't count. All those did were make her hate that girl more than she already did and severely ruin her perception of self.
After what seemed like far too long of a silent moment, Reanne averted her gaze as she sat forward and straightened out her posture, ❝ I guess you could say my family became representative of everything I despise? I dunno if that counts as inspiration when I want to be the complete opposite of them. ❞
Picking at her food (for once!), she continued, ❝ Like, I don't wanna be someone who ends up in a loveless marriage, chained to the bottle as a desperate means to escape the hell of reality—I don't want to be that girl who cheats on her partner because she can't say things aren't working out. Things like that. ❞
Hopefully that was an acceptable answer?
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justauthoring · 2 years
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*oddball: a strange or eccentric person.
word count: 1,149
a/n: when i tell you i tried so hard to get his character right... also just pretend you’re an anime character and you have some wild coloured hair yall. like pink, purple, red, i dunno. figure it out.
People often thought Juuzou strange.
He’d never tried to deny it either, because well... truthfully, he was. He knew he was. He’d just never really let it bother him.
People or their words. He was who he was, Juuzou had never been ashamed of it before. He enjoyed his job and what he did, took pride when he did well or when his team did. And that was really all he needed.
Then you’d been assigned to his squad.
You with your wild hair, that was a strange colour that caught anyone’s attention the second you walked into a room. You with your wide eyes, that shined brightly with a sort of mischievous twinkle no matter where you were or what you were doing. You had an odd disposition, you skipped everywhere you went and you seemed to never be lost on energy.
You said strange things, bluntly and without fear and quite often what you said left people speechless.
No one quite knew how to react to you.
Juuzou, however, always did. In fact, he had never felt like he related with someone so much.
You were exactly like him. What Juuzou thought, you often said, and vice versa. You were strange like him, people looked at you weirdly like him, people talked about you behind your back, said such cruel, unwarranted words, just like him.
It’s what made the both of you instantly click.
Juuzou had never realized how alone he’d really felt.
It was a lonely world when you felt like you fit in with no one. When everyone judged you for the way you acted, the way you did things. No one ever bothered to see past the walls, past the first impression; no one ever wanted to know why you were the way you were, what had happened to you to make you twisted, different, somewhat... unhinged. 
Juuzou did. Juuzou say past, understood why -- you did the same for him.
“It doesn’t bother me.”
Your voice is light, airy as you tilt your head, pulling at strands of your hair, braiding them absentmindedly. It’s just you and Juuzou in the office then, the rest of your team having left already; this was often how it went. Juuzou stayed behind because he was squad leader and had things he needed to get done, and you stayed behind because he did.
“What doesn’t bother you?” Juuzou hums, eyes flickering lightly to glance over at you.
Your eyes fall on his, and you smile brightly. “What people say.”
His brows twitch, confusion flooding his gaze. 
You lean forward on your chair, knees propped up like they always are, and you hug them close, eyes twinkling as you lean towards him. “A few people have been commenting on us,” you explain, that never withering smile still present on your lips. “Seems people think we’re freaks and it only makes sense we found each other.”
“Oh,” Juuzou’s lips part, the papers in his hands slipping past his fingers as he pauses in thought. “I don’t care either.”
You laugh, “I know. I just wanted you to know I don’t either.”
Juuzou pauses, though, and the words slip past his lips before he can stop them; “what sort of things?”
You’d grabbed his hand somewhere along the way and busied yourself with fingering the stitches along his skin, having sidetracked yourself quite easily. It wasn’t odd. You often did this when you stayed behind with Juuzou, knowing he was busy with work and not wanting to distract him, you simply kept yourself occupied. Juuzou, however, was still your favourite person to be around, and getting to touch him always soothed you.
Calmed your otherwise racing mind.
“Hmm?” You quirk a brow.
“What have they been saying?”
You shrug, “just that we’re both freaks,” you laugh. “Stuff like that. I heard one woman today say, while she was glaring at me, that no one but someone as crazy as you could ever love me.” You then hesitate, hands leaving his own to press a finger to your lips in thought. “Then again, the woman beside her seemed to think that rather no one was capable of loving me, not even you.”
The words and insults people had thrown at Juuzou’s back before had never bothered him. It still didn’t know. Not when it concerned him; truly, people could think what they want. He felt satisfied with himself and how he was, and no matter how much they may dislike him, he felt he was doing pretty well for himself.
You, however?
Juuzou didn’t like people speaking badly of you.
Juuzou frowns heavily, an odd sight of it’s own. 
“That’s rude.”
You just wave him off.
Juuzou shakes his head; “you’re not unlovable.”
Blinking at his words, you meet his gaze. You don’t say anything at first, eyeing him, taking in the oddly serious expression on his face. He looks upset, but also uncomfortable with the fact that he is, as if he can’t understand why he is.
Smiling brightly, you reach for his cheek, cupping it softly; “I know,” you whisper, “because you love me.”
“But not just me, lots--”
“You’re the only one I want to love me.”
Juuzou’s lips part at your confession. 
“After all,” you laugh, eyes crinkling shut as the brightest smile Juuzou’s sure he’s ever seen on your lips appears. “Who else would understand me better than you?”
And that’s just it, Juuzou realizes, like a light bulb going off in his head. There was no one else who could understand you better than him. No one would understand your past like he did, what had been done to you, why it’d been done, and why it made you somewhat... distant from the norms of the society you both lived in. No one else could understand why while you may smile brightly every day, as if you haven’t a care in the world, but still woke up from nightmares occasionally.
No one else could understand why your eyes twinkled with mischief like a child because you never got to be one like he could.
No one could understand you like him, just like no one could understand you like he did.
“You’re right,” Juuzou smiles, that familiar bright, shining grin of his that has you instantly feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. “Who cares?”
You laugh, letting his words be final as you pull your chair closer to his, your head falling on his shoulder as you reach for his hand once more. Juuzou allows you to grab it with his, his hand putty in your own fingers as you hum softly to yourself, getting lost in your own head.
All whilst Juuzou watches with a fond smile.
He’d thought he had been lonely, but now that you were here; Juuzou couldn’t imagine living a world where you weren’t with him, right by his side.
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