#I can talk about Jhin
I would like to hear the two hour rant about Jhin 👉👈
O h B o y, I will happily talk about him for AGES.
Are you familiar with music theory? 4/4 time is also referred to as Common Time in the western music lexicon, and I wonder if Jhin is familiar with said concept and/or frustrated by it. Perhaps he is instead satisfied with it being so recognisable.
There are no X/3 bar times, because the 4 revers to Half Notes/Quavers, Eighth Notes/Semi-Quavers, or Sixteenth Notes/Demi-Semi-Quavers. So if Hwei was to have a beat, it would most likely be 3/4 instead, which is a common waltz beat.
The combination between the two would be 12/4, right? 3×4, and then the 4. But no - thats 12 quarter beats that is uncomfortably long. Realistically it would be a 12/8 beat - maintaining those 4 main beats, but each one internally containing a "ONE-and-a TWO-and-a" to maintain that waltz feeling and that same energy throughout.
That combo manages to find the middle ground between both musical ideas, mixing them evenly, whilst also keeping the flow and the energy of either piece.
Why do I mention this? Well, in Jhin's theme, that Violin solo that moves up and down those scales is using triplets to replicate a 12/8 beat in the 4/4 time signature. Jhin's most iconic and recognisable instrument is already within that compromise.
Ray Chen has attempted to play Jhin's Theme (within 30 minutes of seeing it) with the official RIOT score, and in doing so managed to talk about how it is a consistent movement up and down scales, not a hard thing theoretically, but that it is done so fast, and so precise between the constantly changing scales that it is actually difficult.
Which is the same rules applied to the moral/skill of The Devil Went Down to Georgia: Whilst the Devil plays things with inhuman difficulty and can make unique sounds, that means nothing if no one knows what you are playing. By playing something recognisable, and easily identifiable, but by doing it so well and so consistently as to not make a mistake in timing or fingering or ANYTHING - that takes TRUE skill.
There is also a sound effect found in Jhin's theme that I cannot fully identify. It is also found in the Jhin Teaser Trailer "The Mind Of the Virtuoso", much louder and when the blue tendrils of light from his gun are on screen, but still present in the theme on it's own. I have tried for AGES to find what exactly the sound is. It is akin to the sound of a silent whistle, or maybe a chain metal slowly being moved or lowered into china? I cannot find an exact replica of the noise no matter I how to find it.
What is the sound they use for his magic? How is it? How does it relate to Jhin's character and what does it mean that it is there? Is it sharp metal or something against silk? I do not have access to such things so I cannot know - and it drives me insane. What does it mean for his characterisation????
The gun as percussion within his song is much more obvious: Both in what it is and what it represents. Percussion is the hearbeat of the music. That and the base instruments are what drive music forward, what provides the momentum and a pace for the piece as it goes.
The gun is Jhin's own drive, his forward momentum. He lives for his "art" and the new (better than his old knives) medium he has been given to express it. He manages to keep it, and get more resources, by using it - by using it in specific places on specific people. His desire is to push forward, to build up, to lead to his final performance he has mentioned quite a few times. And that is done through the gun - the gun is his drive and his drive is the gun.
If I wanted to rewatch and actually analyse more of these thematics and pick through each part of his music and theme, I very much could - but it is getting late and also my arm is hurting from typing all this out.
So analysis of Key, Chorus, Echoes, Piano as instrumentation, and also how all of this ties into musical stereotype and how music is used to explain characterisation will have to wait until tomorrow or later. I will reblog with it once I get around to it.
Also this is only accounting for two of the several pieces of media he is in, and not even considering HOW said characterisation affects his interactions or place within the story.
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soulemissary · 2 years
i randomly started hyperfixating on tft again and there appears to be no way to get free tacticians on mobile which is really annoying bc some of them r so cute...i saw a chibi yasuo the other day and i think i killed him but what a guy while he lived....
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gyuvision · 5 months
riize as ur fav songs i think this would be so cute
+how are you i hope all is well🫂
you are so right this is so cute and i love it sm like now i have the urge to start a miniseries ab this (and im doing good, i hope you are too!) i love these songs sm
[cw ; none but its a bit angsty] wc: 0.6k
shotaro : as better for you (by siopaolo) - as a dancer and perfectionist you never feel like its good enough no matter how perfect. feeling this way can leak into how you feel generally about relationships so i feel like shotaro is most like this song because even though hes perfect, he doesnt always realize it.
eunseok : as japanese denim (by daniel caesar) - this song references to love that lasts a long time because japanese denim is meant to be durable and strong. eunseok is most like this because hes the type to cherish love and make sure it lasts as long as it can.
sungchan : as pink (by wave to earth) - sungchan is such a wave to earth boy idc what anyone says!! this song is refreshing and calming like beach waves, just like him! pink is about being free and looking back at a past relationship. i see sungchan as a nostalgic person, but also someone who makes you feel free, someone you could run away with.
wonbin : as winter (by se so neon) - this song is a little.. sad, but its good. its about longing for someone who you arent/cant be with, leaving you trapped with the thoughts in your head. wonbin is like this song because hes gives kinda rock band leader vibes, he would totally write something like this song to express his feelings when he cant say it to you himself.
seunghan : as strawberry soju (by jesse barrera) - a little similar to sungchans, but seunghan is like this song because it references how strawberry soju is intoxicating and sweet, just like love. it talks about not wanting to let go of someone left behind in the past. i see seunghan as this song because hes the type to fall hard when hes really in love.
sohee : as blue butterflies (by jhin) - its like a fresh breath of air, its cute and relaxing, very calm and lofi vibes (just like sohee<3). this song talks about falling in love and wanting to show deep affection to that special someone, and i feel sohees very expressive so this is just for him.
anton : as about time (by sarah kang) - this song is incredibly nostalgic and reminiscent. it means even though time continues to pass by, the memories are still there and will always hold its meaning. i think its like anton because it feels like a classic ldr relationship that didnt work out. like he meets you in the states, but after school is done he has to go back to korea. even though hes thousands of miles away and he may have forgotten about you, the memories are always going to stay with him.
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 10 months
Hi! hope you are having a nice day :D
Can you please do Jhin x gn! reader headcanons! SFW and NSFW if you want. Please i´m lacking Jhin content :,)
Thank you! Take care <3
✦–Random Jhin headcanons.✦ SFW & NSFW
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✦I will definitely not let the League fandom suffer from the lack of Jhin content!
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✧ prompt: ✧ totally random headcanons that just appeared to be in my head, because I tend to think about League of Legends hot champions TOO MUCH.
✧ champions: ✧ Jhin, the Virtuoso.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ As I stated, I will definitely NOT let the League fandom suffer from the lack of Jhin content, even if this means I have to actually WRITE something AND share this. I’m a 300k+ Maestry Jhin main by the way, from the times I actually used to main adc. A very painful backstory, as you see. (As always, please ignore any mistakes. Let’s say I’m tired.)
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First of all, you are Jhin’s muse. You are his everything. His inspiration, his devotion, his deepest desire.
That’s the first reason why must you be protected at all costs, kept safely in his mansion. The word ’jealous’ is not worthy of his exquisite person, therefore he prefers being claimed as protective - he is obsessed with you.
It is somewhat between the thrill of keeping his precious muse close to himself (always skulking, always taking care of them) and the repugnant fear of losing them.
You are aware of his perfectionism, but it does not mean that you always have to be on the alert, be the best of yourself, always present your virtues - for Jhin, you are the definition of perfection, you embody the word of ideal creation. He claims you as the noblest person in the world, despite your free opinion on yourself that can sometimes let you down.
Jhin would never let you think of yourself as unworthy of his love, unworthy of life, unworthy of your body (if you ever even caught a glimpse of that feelings).
He cherishes it, your body, and wants you to see yourself in the same light as he does.
Because Jhin is well aware of the fact, that he is the only one who can gaze at you admiringly and see the whole concept of your person, most true and undisputed. He would never be mistaken if it comest to you, to your goregous person, the one he worships and adores.
So Jhin is a romantic lover. He sees no world beside you, no colors and no inspiration. It wasn’t a long time after he realized that his surrounding becomes dull and monochromatic whenever he finds himself missing you.
Body worshipping is not like a thing he enjoys, as an artist, a virtuoso, a connoisseur - he thinks it is crutial, obvious. He treats your bodies like an artwork, a composition of two perfectly fitting sculptures.
I would call him a soft dom, though sex itself is a way to express himself for Jhin. In the end, trivial human desires are nothing in the face of performance.
The moment with him is always intimate; I think he would be against any kind of public sex, taking the risk of being caught as aggravating.
But he enjoys gun play. Whisper is a fundamental part of his life, though it is only a weapon- no, not even a weapon. A tool destined to paint his canvas. It has to touch you and you must shiver from the cold feeling of metal against your skin.
I don’t think Jhin is a rough type either. Eventually, he is a sensual lover, placing a great impact in foreplay and the scene around you, so it can be perfect and remain undisturbed.
He appreciates you being needy, though. Jhin finds it amusing to see you squirming for him, maybe even begging. You can always take advantage of his soft spot for you and those little sounds you make.
He is very talkative during sex. Moreover, it is not only teasing, but also reassuring words and sweet promises.
And he is a man of word. You can await him fulffiling every of these dark whispers, sooner or later.
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Can I send yandere zed headcanons.
Yandere! Zed headcanons.
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Author's Notes: Do you know I was just thinking about doing headcanons for this champion?!
Just when I returned from my studies (And from uploading the previous post), I came up with a character to make Yandere. I guess the universe sent me a sign juju.
Chances of your loved ones being killed.
Well, this type of Yandere is simpler. Like Raiden, he will not kill unless it threatens his life or the life of his loved one.
We are told a phrase in the comic that, for me, greatly influences understanding the character (I clarify that they are not the exact words but rather the ones I remember) “Master Kusho sat me in front of a tree with cobwebs. The beetles that remained there could escape, due to their structure, unlike the moths, which suffered from the web until the spider came and devoured them. (...), then the teacher asked me 'How many moths did you save during the time you saw the web?' 'None' I answered, because I had killed the spider from the first day."
This phrase makes it clear to us that he will not attack or harm unless necessary.
(I know that the phrase from the comic has nothing to do with here, but I wanted to add it because I really liked what they wanted to capture with that phrase)
First impressions
You met Zed when he was a small farmer; You were a student of Kusho, your parents sending you there because they had been friends with the man for a long time. And, due to the constant trips you made with others, you were always intrigued by the fact that he was white-haired, since you were not used to seeing people with that hair color.
Sometimes you watched him from afar when you traveled with Shen, he used to joke about you going up to him one day and asking him to marry you, child jokes, you know?
It's not until Shen fights him that you notice something in his gaze, something in his eyes that makes you feel a connection with him; determination. Even when he fell again and again, whenever you noticed that glow you felt like he was different, like you had found a jewel in the desert.
When he was accepted by Kusho, you were the first to welcome him as a friend; You talked to him when he was resting due to the injuries he sustained after the confrontation with Shen, and although he barely responded to you, you assumed that you were getting along well.
He barely managed to recover, you accompanied him in his initial training; Kusho always assigned you to guide the beginners, since you were quite friendly and patient with other people, and your age made them gain more trust in you.
Together with Shen, they quickly became best friends, the three of them always together. Even though you were not particularly good at both physical and theoretical training, you always tried to stay average.
Falling in love
When they traveled in search of Jhin, Kusho decided to take you along with the two of them; It was not because of your talent or your incredible intelligence (Which was not exceptional in you), but because you were going to be a great emotional support for the two boys you accompanied.
Your parents, even though they flatly refused, ended up giving in to you going, this was thanks to the manipulation that Kusho exercised over them, since you would be indispensable in this mission.
The name of the “golden dragon” always sounded strange to you, especially when he saw firsthand the death and blood that had been spilled on the ground because of him.
You felt nauseous at the sight of dead bodies, or people suffering due to the traumas Jhin had left them with. Both the anger and hatred that was born in your soul at just hearing the golden dragon's nickname grew like a tree spreading its branches during spring.
You saw how Zed suffered for damaged people, how his mind was subjected to incessant agony as he struggled between the life and death of people other than him. You were the first to go and console him and give him the word that he was doing things right, that he was doing his best to save the lives of innocent people.
You tried to support Shen as well, but he was a little less susceptible to your words, since he rarely showed as much emotion as Zed did with you.
(Yes, I know that Zed has another name instead of this one, but I forgot it when I wrote it, I'll write it better later)
Your unconditional support for him along with your important help in catching Jhin ended up causing a certain crush on you.
Even when he claimed to love a woman, you always crossed his mind, as if he had clung to you in some way.
Beginning of Yanderism
The moment you noticed that the great demon misnamed golden dragon was nothing more than a man, you uselessly thought that you could face him alone. Your stubbornness ended up putting you in such danger that it put you between life and death. And neither of your two best friends could handle the fact that you were in danger.
They barely managed when you recovered, you had to be taken to the emergency room, the idea that you were going to die because of a man crazy enough to harm you and make you suffer for his pure amusement caused Zed's contempt for Jhin to increase drastically.
When Jhin was caught, Zed wished to kill him, but when he was denied that fact, he erupted in a rage worse than what appears in canon.
At that time, a blade passed close to Jhin's face, visibly damaging his mask, at the same time that your best friend longed to damage him and kill him once and for all.
No one would hurt his best friend, not now knowing that he was in love with (name).
First murder or Yandere act
Zed stayed by your side throughout your stay at the medic, since his fear of your death was something that remained in his mind for days on end.
When you managed to recover, the worst happened; the Noxian invasion. You were too weak to fight, so you could only watch from afar as Zed and Shen fought for their nation.
They both visited you regularly, but Zed more regularly than Shen. Him being particularly protective of you, but now with tiny things.
He insisted that you not go out, that you not trust certain people, saying that he could take care of you, etc..., basically without letting you do things on your own.
Even when you tried to stop these insistences, you eventually gave in because you thought he was just doing it as an innocent act of affection between friends.
You thought that when the war was over, these attitudes would stop.
Relationship or kidnapping
He ends up abandoning the Kinkou, mostly because of the war. You stop seeing him for a while, and when you see him again, it was when they had already told you what he had done.
At first you refused to believe that he would be capable of doing something like that, since he was someone with a good heart, someone incapable of seeking evil. It's a shame they put a contrary idea in your head.
You ended up hating him, the knowledge that he had killed someone as important as Kusho had damaged your psyche.
It wasn't until he saw you again that he noticed that he was late, too late to be able to talk to you.
You yelled at him, you said a lot of things that you had suppressed deep in your heart since you found out about his actions, and although he tried to explain the truth to you, you refused to listen to him.
Even since he abandoned the Kinkou, he never stopped thinking about you. Never on those days when he wasn't with you did he stop thinking about you, who you were and what you meant to him.
He left after the argument, waiting for you to calm down so he could talk to you peacefully.
But Jhin was following him, he was precisely looking to reach that person.
And he took you away from him, he took you to be part of a play against your will.
And that finally ended up unleashing that more twisted side in the white-haired man's mind. Even though he himself was desperate to stop Jhin, he was even more desperate at the thought of him bringing you to the brink of death once again.
As soon as they managed to catch Jhin, Zed went to look for you, finding you alive. Let's say you were a little hurt, but you were alive.
And he decided... to take drastic measures, if you understand correctly.
In case of kidnapping, where would he take you?
To the temple, obviously.
He exclusively takes you to a part far away from his students, mostly because he doesn't completely trust them.
Very strict, unlike others he does implement the punishment system; More than anything soft hits or threats, he usually denies privileges such as going out or socializing with other members of your environment due to your disobedience or lack of respect towards him.
Marriage and family
He is not very comfortable with marriage, however, if you agree, there can be at least engagement rings between the two of you.
If it can, children?
I assume he'll agree, but that's a half-assumption.
At most 1 child or 2.
Bad ending
You managed to escape, for some reason, you had managed to escape from where he was holding you prisoner. And when he finds out, he loses his mind.
He searches for you in the heavens and lands of all of Ionia if necessary, and when he does, he doesn't react well at all.
He drags you back to the temple, he doesn't care if Shen or all of Ionia tries to stop him, he will have you back in his arms.
When he arrives at the temple, he ends up making an extremely drastic decision; he breaks the bones in your legs, specifically, your knees.
No matter if you cry or beg, he won't let you escape again.
From now on, your only remaining option is to accept your destiny and... love him.
Reasons to be a Yandere
-The comic tell us that he is quite emotionally unstable, especially after the Noxian invasion.
-The shadows, his voices try to tell him that he has to keep safe the only thing that he considers precious, the only thing that he feels gives stability to his life.
-I have the idea that after the first time they caught Jhin, he is left with consequences, some especially strong ones that damage his mind as the days go by.
Additional data.
-Actually, it was Kusho who told Jhin your whereabouts, who to be sure followed Zed to where you were.
-Kayn has deep respect for you; You are the most important person for his teacher, so we can say that he contributes a lot to not letting you go out.
-After your kidnapping, Shen constantly thinks about your condition, knowing that you could be in danger.
-Zed sometimes thinks about the “mistake” he made by not being able to save you from Jhin the first time he took you, since he constantly blames himself for the damage you suffered that day.
(I didn't like the end of the comic btw)
Also, im working in others headcanons, maybe tomorrow is gonna be ready to upload it ;)
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
✖School AU! Khada Jhin✖
✖Jhin Khada as a Student✖
✖ Word Count: 635
✖ Tags: One Sided Pining > Dating
- A model student. Has 4 afterschool clubs. He's a painter in Art Club on Mondays. At Archery club on Tuesdays. In Drama Club on Wednesdays. A Pianist and Violinist at the school's string orchestra on Thursdays.
- A quiet and cool guy, people are amazed and afraid of him. (Who handles 4 clubs and still has time to study?) He's an Art Major, enjoying the fine arts in all forms, but anything with the human form draw him in the most (sculptures, portraits).
- A loner that enjoys having his lunch alone and club activities alone. He doesn't have any friends or is part of any clique. Devoted to his clubs and his studies.
- Classy and neat. His uniform is always crisp. His stationary packed away neatly. (He uses a 4b pencil). His skin also surprisingly smooth, he has a four step skincare routine.
- Not really the kind to care much about others and their opinions, he is aloof in the sense of he is here for himself. To enjoy his art to his lofty goals and finish what is needed of him of school.
- If you were to confess first, it would have to be in a romantic letter in his locker or four roses on his table with a note. Something artistic and beautiful to catch his attention or he wouldn't even consider.
- As you confess your affections to him after school and after his club activities, he would smile coldly, neither smug nor affectionate. " I will consider this." He exchanges his contact details with you.
- He would put in a little effort, replying as you talk to him. However, privately on his end he would do his own research about you, what clubs were you in, who were your friends, how were your grades, what were you like online. Only if they pique his interest or satisfy his expectations will he finally start putting in effort.
- If he confesses to you first, it is because he noticed you in the audience, you were beautiful and always watching his best work, who were you? An interest into an obsession, he would confess with chocolates and a poem on your desk, inviting you to meet him after school at 4pm on the roof where he waits playing the violin to serenade you with.
- When he does fall for you though he falls HARD. Waiting for you after class. Watching over you around school. Buying you gifts, leaving post-it sketches of you in your textbooks. Bringing you out on fancy dates. An interest now Obsession. You were as important to him as his art now.
- If you were to watch him do his club activities after school, his cold heart would melt, if you can appreciate his various forms of art and understand him you would be perfect. All he wants is someone to support his endeavors.
- After a while he would affectionally call you his muse, paintings inspired by your beauty, his music and acting more passionate when you're in the audience. You inspire him. Even more so if you were an artist yourself, critique each others work, doing duets or collabs. He loves just how much you spark his creativity.
- He may be obsessive but he is undeniably romantic and loving. A loving touch as his adjusts your hair, making sure you are always perfect. A soft kiss in the empty halls late after club as he sends you home to make sure you're safe. Anniversaries and special dates all celebrated with romantic dates and personal gifts. A reassuring hug to comfort any of your troubles. " I love you y/n" sweet whispers between class.
- When the time comes to graduate he would have already told you his school or work goals, hoping you'd either follow him or support him if you can't.
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duckchu · 6 months
may i please request jhin (maestro; or just a modern au if you don't wanna do his music skin) x gn!pentakill member reader? "they were punk, he did ballet" type dynamic
thank you if you decide to do it! i live for your writing tbh
Sure can do 🩷 Though I'm not sure if I can do justice to Jhin
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You two met when you heard him talking shit about Pentakill's and a lot of another groups music
You almost beat him up on the spot
Only stopped by being pulled away
But that didn't stop you from insulting his stupid violin and 16th century hair do
He was flabbergasted
He had to show you the greatness of his work
So he waited until you were alone
And serenaded you on a violin
You stil thought it was stupid
But maybe...
You invited him on a date
Why not
And it turned out, even though your music was different, maybe it didn't clash as much as you thought
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years
Hey ... Khalii ...
Could I be evil and ask for a day 2, day 5, and day 29 combo (one story with 3 elements) with Khada Jhin, reader receiving? I miss my gay murder husband-
[A/N: Hello darling. Of course you can get one story with 3 elements. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy this one as well. I unfortunately can't physically send gifts to you, so think of this story (and the other one) as so. I think this will be a two parter or a...two rounder ;) XD  anyway...Thank you for making a request. You may ask again for more.]
{NSFW} Kinktober Scenario Prompt #2 [Collaring], #5 [Breeding], and #29 [Shibari/Kinbaku]
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Jhin can confidently say that no one in his life has ever meant more than you do and he was willing to prove it with every fiber in his body. You mean more to him than art, he would gladly give it all up if it meant he could spend the rest of his life with you; live quietly with you and your children. 
     He had thought long and hard about what to give you on your birthday, after all, everyone should have a present on their birthday, it would simply be wrong not to receive one. Then it came to him. What could be better than professing his everlasting and undying love to you on your special day in the most intimate way?
      He knew you from the inside and out. Your favorites-ranging from movies to books to art pieces and more. He knows you like the back of his hand, memorized you even. He could draw you from his memory if he wanted to and it would be an obra maestra. You could even be a maze, challenge him to go into it blindfolded and he would know all the twists and turns and get out. He knows every single crevice; every thing that makes you tick; every single detail about you. That's how much he's paid attention. That's how much he loves you and he plans to show it all tonight.
     First, he took you out on a romantic dinner to the restaurant where you had your first date. Then, he brought you to an art gallery showing the lastest pieces from young and upcoming artists, talking for hours on end and having different analysis about each piece.
     It was when he realized that no one else can ever resonate with him than you do. He doesn't believe in gods, no, but he believes in fate and that all things happen for a reason. Whoever it was, whichever god wrote his fate and changed the course of things, he thanks them endlessly for letting him have the chance to meet you-his soulmate; his one and only. A match made in heaven, as they say.
     After the gallery, you both enjoyed a quiet walk home, strolling through the streets of Ionia hand in hand with your steps synchronized with each other, feeling all giddy happy once he noticed. 
     Maybe "excited" was an understatement. Once you both reached your shared home, he took off your coat before his, hanging it both on the hanger by the door. 
     This is it. The finale to his performance.
     You make your way to the kitchen to grab yourself a glass of water, gulping down the cold liquid, feeling refreshed once it hit the back of your throat. You yelped and almost choked when two arms suddenly snaked around your torso, "Jhin!" You manage to exclaim after a small coughing fit. He's unfazed, humming a little tune as he tightens his grip around you, lowering himself so he meets your exposed nape. It starts with small kiss, feeling you shiver in his hold from the sensation of his hot breath blowing on your neck. He kisses his way forward nudging your chin with the tip of his nose as a way of asking more access which you gladly grant, feeling you relax in his hold as he starts to suck and bite the skin of your neck, leaving a light trail of saliva and hickies. His hands start to travel downwards, inching their way down your thighs and finding rest in between your legs where he starts to toy with you through your clothes. You mumble out his name breathlessly as if all the air in your lungs has gone and left you. "Yes, dear?" He looks at you  and your face contorted in pleasure through lidded eyes, his ever changing colored irises glowing dark with want and lust. His hand speeds up as he feels something wet, the corners of his lips turn up as he watches you squirm in his hold, rubbing your thighs together, practically riding his hand.
     Needless to say, it strokes his ego that he can elicit this type of reaction from you. Breathlessness, on the brink of release, begging him to move his faster so you could cum. It only fuels him. He would make this a night you would never forget. Goodluck to the next man trying to size up against the literal Golden Demon, that is, if you ever leave him.
      He raises his head, his lips in level to your ear, his breath fanning over your earlobe, sending a shiver through your spine yet again. He smiles to himself before suddenly biting down on your ear, sending you over the edge and garnering the most sinful moan he's ever heard come out of your pretty mouth. "Say, darling, how about we move to the bedroom?" You could only meekly nod.
     How many times have you come really? Your memory became hazy after you came for the second time. Honestly, your body was too sensitive and overstimulated to the point that a simple tap from Jhin's finger has you shivering. Your thighs are still twitching, you're sore after the abuse you took from Jhin's length. He can be really merciless. You're tired and you're sure that you won't be walking for the next week but you don't want him to stop, you want him to keep going until he's milked himself and plugged your hole with his cum, until he's pumped a baby into you, just as you always wanted. 
      Well that's one thing to cross off his list: fuck you stupid till you can't even form a coherent sentence.
     You're absolutely drenched in sweat that your hair sticks to your skin, the bed is a huge mess but it doesn't do justice to how much of a mess you are right now. Jhin's cum is dripping down on your thighs, it feels hot and sticky, your knuckles are white from gripping the sheets and the pillows so tight. The rope is starting to burn and leave red marks on your skin, oh how will you attend work at this point? His work with the red ropes tied around your body was beautifully done, you looked like an intricate nude art piece, the ropes were tight in the right places, especially in places where you were plump, and it seemed that the placements of knots were somehow planned despite him telling you that it all random. Of course, art is nothing with a subject; the center of attention-that being your pussy, competing against the ropes of who was more redder. The collar round your neck wasn't helping either.
     You're lying on your stomach, ass directly facing him. He pulls your hips upwards, making you go on all fours, he feels you wobble in his hands and he can't help but feel satisfied. 
     His tip teases your swollen entrance before pushing his whole length inside you until you can feel his balls right on your ass, your back arches, still struggling to take him whole. He steadies your hips and starts to thrust again, slowly gaining speed until he was hammering into you once again.
     Were you in heaven? It all felt so perfect. His rather thick and long cock stretching your walls, hitting that spot everytime he slammed back into you, your and his' mixed juices spilling out your pussy as he continues to drill into you, the sound of squelching and slapping resonating in the dark room. His hand travels to your stomach, already imaging how pretty you'd look with a round stomach, knowing full well that his babies are in there. He was more than ready to fuck you until morning, just to make sure you'd be pregnant the next month.
      You moan into your pillow as another knot twists at the bottom of your stomach. "Daddy- I'm close-" The sheets are bundled up in your fists as you feel yourself threathening to spill, he feels you coming close as your walls tighten on him and hold his cock buried deep inside you in a vice like grip. Jhin reaches for the chain dangling from your collar and pulls on it, choking you while simultaneously making you cum on his dick again, rewarding him with the most loudest, most sinful, most vulgar moan he's ever heard come out of your pretty little mouth tonight, more than happy to fuck you a little more through your high. He doesn't pull his length out of your very red and swollen pussy, reasoning that he doesn't any of his seed to spill out, nevertheless, you collapse on the bed from exhaustion. He'll let you off and rest for tonight. I repeat: For. Tonight.
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walls-actual-ly · 5 months
rereading parts of "take your pretty smile, tell them everything's fine." (the jhinhwei scene) and god damn it i m baffled at my own writing??
aka if nobody writes long ass analysis of my fanfic i ll do it myself xD (tw for very much sexual grooming, underage relationship, pseudoincest, i mean its Jhin lol)
i forgot the details and now i m rereading it and i lose my sanity one bit at a time. its so obvious how unhealthy their relationship is, i think its also one of the chapters that really brings out just how young hwei is and in a lot of ways their conversation feels like a talk between a parent and a child, both struggling to let go of each other.
and this is a turning point to an extent, if jhin was a better man he would ve rejected hwei, encouraged the boy to pursue kayn and start developing some sense of independence. but he doesn't do it, instead, he dives right in and makes his dependency worse. Instead of reassuring Hwei that he is alright, that Jhin loves him but that he doesn't care about the kind of sex he is having with his boyfriend Jhin makes clear that he cares, indulges Hwei's desire for him to do so, draws an obvious parallel between the bite kayn left and the scar he cut into him a few months ago.
And what makes this whole thing "worse" imo in that in a scene that is very much smut we also get their first actual conversation about what they are,
Hwei: “You are more of a father, or brother, or friend than I ever had.” Jhin: “You are the only son I will ever have.”
and then in the middle of making out, hwei calls jhin "dad" for the first time, and i think its then that Jhin actually realises the power he holds over this child of his.
like, jhin never planned to be a father for hwei, he never planned to raise a child, he was totally unprepared for the traumatised special needs kid he took in. he had no idea what was going on, just thought that this immensely talented baby artist will never have a chance to bloom if he doesn't get him out of the soul-crushing environment. so he does, their relationship grows, he realises that he begins to love this child, that he wants to give him the world, wants him to be happy.
but now, in the middle of making out with Hwei, he suddenly realises that this isn't right, that if he loves Hwei then he needs to at least give him the space to think this through, show him that he can love him without needing his body for it.
“Let me show you how much I adore you.”  Jhin moved up, took his hands and gently placed them to his side, smiling almost shyly. “Will you let me?”
and when Hwei agrees, fully expecting to just have emotional sex, Jhin stops. and i m so not okay with this, i didn't even expect this to happen, i thought it would just be a chapter focused on them having hot sex.
like jhin totally crossed the line, but he allows Hwei to step back and reassures his baby boy that he ll love him no matter what he chooses :(((
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odekoyma · 6 months
i thought on that anons heartthrob prompt too long so have scattered Hwei crush thoughts that got LONG
Professor Jhin : Attracted to his confidence when speaking and artistic abilities, especially when pushing Hwei to express himself. But it's hamstrung a bit by how mean Jhin is to the other kids in his class which Hwei isn't a fan of.
Heartache Zed : Met Hwei when he caused a fight in Jhin's classroom, landing them both in detention. Zed started the fight cus another kid was annoying him with how much they were picking on Hwei and they spent detention passing notes and doodles about it until zed passed a doodle of a ninja holding his number.
Heartthrob Shen : Similar story to zed but different outcomes, Hwei met shen when he stepped between him and two bullies trying to push hwei into his locker like a knight in blue jacket. Shen got them to leave then helped hwei pick up everything that fell out during which Hwei gave him one of his landscape drawings Shen showed a large fondness for and shen gave him his number.
Heartthrob Karma : Childhood friend and Fellow art student who took initiative when they were young and sat with Hwei at lunch one day when she saw him drawing and bonded with him over unorthodox art styles and expressionism. They meet up after school to paint together!
Heartache Yone : A mutual friend of Zed's who intimidated Hwei at first but then he learned that all those spikes and belts hide a genuinely kind and gentle soul and since then they became book buddies, prompting Yone to give him his number so they can text about new releases.
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Ladies, this exists now, take it and use it for your fanfics as you please.
Also I will leave a Hwei x Aphelios ship here as well because my friend talks to me about it for days now and she is going to murder me
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divamazing · 1 year
since you wanted league of legends requests; may i please request some jhin with a male reader? maybe just some fluffy cutesy stuff of your choice? thank you if you decide to do it! i checked out some of your other writing and even though i don't know the characters/fandoms it was still very enjoyable; loved it! hope you have a nice day ♡♡♡
Omg that was sweet! I really appreciate those words. Hope you have a nice day too 💓💓💓
Jhin x Male Reader
You are his greatest inspiration
Your smile can brighten up his darkest days
The way you move, talk, laugh, breathe - is all that Jhin needs
With you, he can be himself without hiding behind a mask
Please do the same for him. Don’t hide, be yourself and live life to the fullest
Daily dose of compliments:
"I love your personality"
"Every moment spent with you is creating new memories"
Of course, sometimes he won't tell you all this directly, because emotions are theater, they change with every scene
If you are sad, Jhin will play the role of your comforter
If you are happy, he will be your other happy half
„I guess that's what it's all about, right? If life is a movie, let's play it together, no matter what roles we get, let's find ourselves in them the best we can, let's not pay attention to the audience - let them say what they want. It's important that we are satisfied with life before the credits roll...”
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majimaismyhusbando · 1 year
Bangchan part in the trailer it's inspired by League of Legends?
Hello everyone, I wanna say right away sorry for my english 🙏🙏
I just wanted to share something I noticed about the new trailer for the comeback, anyone had flashback when Bangchan part came up?
Well, I was talking with my best friend and she mentioned that Channie part looks like It came out of League of Legends and that's where my mind had one sudden flashback, the mv for "Awaken" from Lol!
I know that Stray Kids members plays League of Legends, so maybe It could be that Chan has taken ispiration from Jhin in the mv?
Here I will compare the two of them and share what I think, let me know what you think about It🖤
In the trailer Bangchang plays passionately the piano in an empty theatre
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As you can see, Jhin part in the mv of Awaken, start in the same way
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Now the close up, the gaze Bangchan give us reminds me of the same cold gaze of Jhin
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Jhin as a mask on, so we can see barely his eyes, not the same thing that we can say to the Bangchan one but you can still feel his gaze
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Then the firing gun motion, which I think It's a reference for when Jhin in the mv shoots at Diana
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Let's take a look:
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Here Jhin takes out his pistol and then proceed to shoot the enemies coming so maybe It's a reference to these scenes.
And next, we have the explosion and the ending pose; Bangchan here set the piano's on fire in both sides of the bottom line while doing his final pose
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Now let's look at the Jhin one:
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As you can see the final pose It's really similar, and If you look at the explosion, they happen at the bottom line in both sides like in the trailer for Chan, another reference?
Here I will drop the link for the mv of Awaken, If you wanna take a look: Awaken | Season 2019 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. Valerie Broussard) - YouTube
So what do you guys think about It? I'm the only one crazy that see the resemble or It's just a coincidence?
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metalfairygirl · 5 months
I present to your attention a sketch of my League of Legends OC.
Meet Alex, the Shadow Child.
She is a teenager of sixteen years old, and is also a member of the Shadow Order. Her main weapon is the Shadow Technique, which she got thanks to the Shadow Tears she drank when Master Zed started teaching her. Unlike other Yanlei, she never killed people, because she couldn't bear the thought of taking someone's life. Zed tried to convey to her that sooner or later she would have to resort to violence, and each time he failed. Alex was the very epitome of compassion and mercy. Because of her pacifistic views, some members of the Order treated her negatively and considered her weak, but it was not for long. Alex's main feature was that she could solve any problem with words, not brute force. She had no equal in this, and that's why Zed made her his negotiator.
When it's not about politics or any other problem that needs to be solved verbally, she's not very talkative. At most, she can say two or three phrases. The most frequent way of her communication is body language, which is understandable to everyone. For example, a nod of the head, a shake of the head, her facial expressions, a raised or lowered thumb, as well as sounds that almost everyone can pronounce. This applies to those with whom she does not communicate very often. But when she is with those with whom she is on very good terms, she can talk, but she watches her words and carefully selects them.
By nature, she is very calm and there is almost no way to make her lose her temper. She keeps a neutral expression on her face most of the time. But behind this impenetrability are incredible intelligence, determination, the ability to find the right solution, as well as kindness, compassion, pacifism, bravery and courage.
How did she get into the Shadow Order?
In fact, Alex did not always live in the Temple of Thanjuul. She was born on Koyehn Island, Hwei's hometown. Her father was a fisherman and her mother was a seamstress. Little Alex grew up surrounded by love and care from both parents. Every morning she went fishing with her father, and in the evening she sat on her bed and listened to her mother's fairy tales while she braided her braids. Every year she went to fairs and festivals with her parents. She also admired the artists who lived on her island, but she did not have a craving for art.
One rainy night, when Alex was nine years old, her family was attacked by a hungry and angry demon, who woke up the whole family with its piercing scream. That night, Alex's parents died from the fangs and claws of the monster, but the girl managed to escape. She managed to hide in the forest, and it was there that she fell asleep, not knowing where to run next. The next morning, the frozen, soaked, and chilled baby was found by Zed, who arrived at Koyehn on political business. Waking Alex up, he asked what she was doing alone in the forest, and the black-haired girl just burst into tears and rushed into his arms, saying that the demon had killed her parents. Showing pity and compassion, the Master of Shadows took Alex away and made her a new member of the Shadow Order.
Alex's relationship with other characters.
Akali, the Rogue Assassin.
One day, while walking, Alex met Akali. A former member of the Kinkou Order attacked the Shadow Child, but Alex said she didn't want to fight her. At first, Akali did not understand what was going on, and then she was surprised that this Yanlei turned out to be a pacifist. Akali hasn't attacked Alex since that day, but she's still wary of her.
Hwei, the Visionary.
Alex met Hwei when she returned to Koyehn one day to remember her childhood. When Alex's parents were alive, the Temple of Koyehn was still intact. But when a sixteen-year-old girl found herself among the ruins, she asked out loud what had happened here. A male voice answered her that this temple had been destroyed by Jhin. She discovered that she wasn't alone here. Not far from her stood a tall and thin man with long dark hair with a large brush in his hand. At first, Hwei was wary of Alex because of her membership in the Shadow Order (he recognized this from the tattoos on her face and arms). But then he calmed down after learning that she was a pacifist and she was from Koyehn. Soon they started talking a lot and so they formed a very good friendly relationship. Soon Alex began to visit Koyehn very often and communicate with Hwei. So a real friendship was formed between them, and Hwei got a best friend.
Kayn, the Shadow Reaper.
Alex treats Kayn like her older brother. He is her protector as well as her friend. Despite Alex's pacifist views, Kayn still treats her like his younger sister and loves her very much. Yes, for many, Kayn seems rude and proud, but next to Alex he is very sensitive and caring. It can be said that the Shadow Child is the main weakness of the Shadow Reaper. Kayn taught the young girl a lot. He trains with her very often. He loves to ride her on his back and also tickle her because he loves her laughter. If Alex is offended by someone, he will immediately fly into a rage and go looking for his sister's abuser in order to scare or even kill them. He also wants to make Alex his right-hand when he becomes the new Master of Shadows.
Shen, the Eye of Twilight.
Shen met Alex during political conversations and noted that she had a competent speech, and she also showed him great politeness. He also noted that she exuded a rather friendly energy. He treats her with respect. Perhaps even with some warmth. Alex treats him with respect.
Yone, the Unforgotten.
Alex met Yone when she was attacked by azakana. After that, they crossed paths with each other several times, but there was a neutral relationship between them.
Zed, the Master of the Shadows.
Alex is sincerely grateful to Zed for not leaving her alone when she was small and helpless. She shows him just a lot of respect, dedication and loyalty. Also, unbeknownst to him, she calls him her father, whom he replaced for her. Maybe someday she would tell him about it, but not now.
Some information about Alex.
Name: Alex
Age: 16
Gender: ♀️
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Species: Human (Magically Altered)
Pronoun(s): She/Her
Weapon(s): Shadow Technique
Status: Alive
Place of Origin: Koyehn, Ionia
Current Residence: Temple of Thanjuul, Ionia
Occupation: Shadow Order Negotiator
Family: Unnamed Father ✝️, Unnamed Mother ✝️, Zed (Adopted Father), Kayn (Adopted Brother)
Region: Ionia
Faction: Shadow Order
Nicknames: Kid, Sis (Kayn); Little friend (Hwei); Child, Little one, Kitten (Zed); Kiddo (Akali)
Aliases: The Shadow Child, The Shadow Seer (Future), Hyperdeath Priestess (Future)
Characters inspirations for Alex: Frisk (Undertale), Kris (Deltarune)
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ioniansunsets · 26 days
hello feeling a little stressed with work and a small fuckup with my heartsteel cosplay (luckily thats solved) and then my heartsteel merch got stolen (thats not solved at all rip) and then theres a defect with the jhin doll i ordered (idk how to fix this yet) does league of legends not love me im so sad rn > Please talk to me about your league ocs and how you ship them with your biases! I like listening to stuff like that we can talk about our children together (ask or dm is ok or even just replying to this post) i just wanna listen to fluffy happy things..........(or show me art!!! i like.....selfships......this is why im a x reader writer fr)
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 11 months
✦–Hello there! Call me Demosthenes.✦
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✦Be my guest on this side blog, where I write about League of Legends and Valorant. // Masterlist
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You can send me anything, anonymous or not, I will gladly check it out as soon as possible. I respond only to those I find interesting though, and write when inspired, therefore watch out for slow responses. Every interaction is appreciated! Don’t be shy and talk to me about lore or your game. I would love to make some League of Legends/Valorant mutuals.
I write both SFW and NSFW for champions and agents listed below this paragraph. I do not write for any other characters, just because I don’t enjoy their lore (or I simply don’t know it) or despise their whole being. It might be uptaded in the future. You can request headcanons, Alphabets (NSFW, SFW, Angst) or prompts about the character from the original lore, or one from the alternative universes, which are also listed below. Please specify your pronouns when requesting anything, otherwise I will use whichever will suit the story (which are usually female). In addiction, please let me know if the reader should be dom or sub. Because if not, I will probably write something with a top female character and a submissive man with a mommy kink. (All top reader requests are humbly appreciated, haha.)
Remember that all of this is written for fun, so do not take it seriously and have a nice day.
✦demosthenes organises ; for better accessibility.
✦demosthenes writes ; for my work.
✦demosthenes replies ; usually for expressing how thankful I am for your kind comments.
✦demosthenes talks ; for shitpost and asks from my humble person towards my audience.
✦demosthenes reblogs ; for every of my reblog in case you would want to dive in some League/Valorant content, since I repost only it.
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✧Champions I write for:
Male: Aatrox, Azir, Draven, Graves, Hecarim, Jhin, Kayn, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Pantheon, Pyke, Rakan, Rhaast, Sett, Shen, Swain, Sylas, Talon, Thresh, Varus, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
Female: Ahri, Akali, Bel’veth, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Gwen, Kai’sa, Kalista, Kayle, Lillia, Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nami, Neeko, Qiyana, Rell, Renata Glasc, Sejuani, Senna, Shyvana, Sona, Soraka, Taliyah, Vayne, Vex, Xayah.
✧Alternative Universes/Skinlines:
Battle Queens
Crime City Nightmare (with Debonair)
Event Horizon (Dark Stars, Cosmics)
Fallen World
Guardian of the Sands
High Noon Gothic
Moons Of Ionia (Blood Moon & Snow Moon)
Riot Records (Heartsteel, K/DA, Pentakill, True Damage)
Sentinels of Light
Soul Fighter
Spirit Blossom
Star Guardian
✧Agents I write for:
Male: Breach, Chamber, Cypher, Gekko, Kay/o, Omen, Phoenix, Sova, Yoru.
Female: Fade, Killjoy, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper.
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league-of-starlight · 6 months
TOURNAMENT OF SOULS moveset: Draven.
Thought I'd give you a taste of the new series, so you know what you're voting for.
Playstyle: An aggressive rush down fighter, Draven specialises in getting in close with his axes and cutting them to ribbons. While he has projectiles that can bounce back, he’ll need to pick them up if they miss, leaving him open.
Special attacks:
DRAVEN LEAP!: Draven leap forward and slams his axes down. If it hits the opponent, it causes bleeding for brief damage over time.
Playing to the crowd: Draven looks to the camera and does the “Get a load of this guy” pose. The opponent takes increased damage if it finishes the taunt.
Axe toss: Draven throws one of his axes at the opponent in an arc. If it connects, it will bounce back and can be caught from a brief burst of movement speed.
Grinder: Draven tosses both axes along the ground, which return to him for an extra two hits if they connect.
Draven has a unique mechanic called crowd pleaser. The more axes he catches without dropping, a bar just above his super meter fills up. When it gets all the way, he can activate a powered up mode where he moves faster and hits harder. If you don’t catch an axe during this period, the buff immediately goes away and Draven briefly takes higher damage.
SOUL HEAT: Laughing Hyena: Draven does a series of spinning slashes with his axes before kicking the opponent away he twirls his axes for the crowd before throwing them at the opponent as they try to get up.
Victory pose:
Draven shows off for the crowd, juggling his axes before pulling the camera and giving a wide grin.
Draven: “There’s only room for one handsome mug, got it? But damn, I look good!”
Evelynn: “I love your look, but you’ve got wild eyes.”
Gwen: “Didn’t your mama tell you not to run with scissors?”
Irelia: “Would it kill you to relax a bit? You’re bumming the crowd out.”
Jhin: “I’d call that a Draven style performance.”
Lux: “All that sunshine won’t help you out, girlie!”
Naafiri: “Play dead, doggy. Good girl.”
Nidalee: “Better run away, kitty cat, I need a new fur coat.”
Nilah: “Quit smiling already! Creeping me out.”
Pyke: “Maybe your buddy can stitch you together again?”
Samira: “You know, with all your talk, I expected more flair.”
Sett: “Back off, momma’s boy, this is my arena!”
Shaco: “Ugh. You creep me out, man.”
Viego: “Could you shut up about your wife already?! Giving me a headache.”
Defeat Viego (Final boss form): “That eye of yours just got plucked out. Ha!”
Xin Zhao: “This ain’t your arena, old man. Back off.”
Yasuo: Crimson tempest? Pfft, more like red breeze.
After Viego embarrassed him and gained the role of tournament host, Draven seethed with vengeance. That debt has been repaid.
With the power of the Eye at his disposal, Draven will now make his face unforgettable. But there is one person Draven still needs to impress.
His older brother, Darius.
Time for a family reunion.
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