#I can go into great detail AND I WILL ☝️
cinnibelle · 3 months
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(tw for mentions of suicide/suicide attempts and abuse (nothing detailed))
so i can find it ☝️
tldr at the bottom
AITA for telling my dad that my brother wanted to kill himself and then getting into an argument with said brother?
I (24 genderfluid) have a stepbrother (26) who has had a very difficult life. We haven't known each other for very long, only about five years, but for about three of those years, we were pretty much inseparable. We had similar interests, and I care about him very much. I knew he was struggling mentally and physically, especially since pretty much every time we talked he would bring up every way his mother had hurt him.
He lives in a different city with his mother and my biological father (I was adopted), and by his account, they don't treat him well. I believe him. I know about bad parents, and I know they can be one way at home and another way in public, so I didn't really doubt any of what he said about them, especially since I barely knew them.
My relationship with him was great at first. I always wanted an older brother, and suddenly I had one! But after some time, I started feeling more like the older sibling. I had to protect him. I had to make sure he was okay.
After even more time, I started feeling like the therapist friend who couldn't actually help with his problems. There was always something happening with him. He would say upsetting things without seeming to care if I was okay with it. He would accuse people of things baselessly then get upset if I questioned it. He would drop friendships over minor disagreements, usually over fandoms and ships, then say that he was so lonely and that no one seemed to actually want to be his friend.
This is all a preamble to the part about the argument, sorry. I don't hate him. I'm a little frustrated, sure, but I could never hate him. I know it sounds bad, and again, I'm sorry. I wanted to be his friend. I still do, because I know he needs people who will be there for him.
I wasn't open with how I felt until it was too much, and that part is definitely my fault.
Around the beginning of our third year knowing each other, he texted me saying that he wanted me to find someone to look after his cats. I was confused and scared, so I asked him what he meant. He said that it was all too much and he just wanted out. I started to try to calm him down, but I was at a point in my own mental health treatment where I knew I couldn't handle this without having an episode of my own, so I texted my dad.
He had told me that my dad was part of why he was having an episode, but, again, they live in another city and there was no way for me to physically get there to help him.
So I told my dad that my brother was not okay.
The next text I got from my brother was accusational.
He told me he was getting help from his other friends as well as me before that point, and that he wasn't actually going to end it all.
I broke. I was madder than I'd ever been in my entire life. I didn't know he wasn't actually going to kill himself, all I had were his words on a screen telling me that he was. I told him that I only told dad because I thought I was going to lose my brother, and I really didn't want to. I finally told him that I was unhappy with the way he was treating me, and he took that to mean that I was comparing him to his mother. I told him we both needed a break from the conversation because I was only getting more upset and I didn't want to go off on him anymore.
When I tried to text him the next day to apologize, I found out he blocked me on everything. I asked his friends about it, and they said it was because he was afraid that I was actually always out to hurt him. He was afraid that everything I did was always meant to hurt him. He was afraid that if I lived with him and his mother and my father (which was a plan my father had to get me out of my own abusive household), I would actively try to hurt him or his cats.
I can understand why he would be afraid that I would be lying to him about my intentions and feelings, because I had before. It didn't matter that I was trying to protect his own feelings, I still lied to him about mine. But he did, too. He told me he was going to kill himself, and he didn't actually have the intention to.
It's been about a year since that happened. I don't know if I dodged a bullet or if I'm the one who messed up worse.
tldr: aita for blowing up at my brother over unaired grievances after I told my dad that he told me he was going to kill himself even though he wasn't actually going to?
What are these acronyms?
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merakiui · 3 months
oh my god… i just read ‘the most dangerous game’ on ao3 and while i was at the part of where jade pretends to be floyd while they… ya know 🥴
i was listening to phantom of the opera’s ‘medley : down once more / and track down this murderer’. and i just wanna you to know the heavenly experience i had cause OH MY LAWD
(~5:35 in the song, which is the duet/ trio between the phantom, raoul [love interest] and christine [main girl] )
and i LOVE how beautifully it connects. with reader’s confusion about their sudden flooding thoughts of jade. why they keep thinking about him even though they’re WITH floyd
while jade is going to the ‘point of no return,’ he literally cant go back. hes pretending to be his brother to 1. plant more jade shaped seeds in their head & 2. HES LITERALLY FUCKING THEM AS HIS BROTHER WHO HE KNOWS THEY HAVE A CRUSH ON. so yeah: he’s literally crossing the ‘point of no return,’ and he knows that. that this will either work out, or horrifically blow up in his face. but that’s only if you found out ☝️😲
my favorite part is that when christine sings about the ‘angel of music.’ the man [phantom] who was there in the shadows supporting her, yearning for her, loving her obsessively to the point it scared her (jade was much more discreet but that’s not the point)
a bit later in the song she sings ‘angel of music you have deceived me’ and i LOVE how it timed up when i read it. and she goes about how ‘she gave her mind blindly’
cause that’s EXACTLY what happened. jade played and deceived reader like she was a piece on a chess board. she literally let him into her mind because she wanted floyd so badly. he literally took over her mind as her thoughts slowly started contain less floyd and more of jade.
also, in the way he deceived her; jade never was going to help them with floyd, and made that ‘contract’ under false pretenses cause this was him making his attack. (ambush hunter, and you know that man was cooking shit up for months too, maybe it got sped up when reader wanted a job at monstro)
(this song also came again when reader and jade were in the ocean 🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 and ARGGHHH. i’m gonna lose my sanity im in love)
but also. the song before this is literally ‘the point of no return’ and reader the floyd part while listening to it was just spine chilling. but the icing on the cake for me was the medley 🤤
sorry for the long ask, but i just- i’m literally in love with your writing, the planning that goes into is just awe-inspiring. i love how you give us readers things at face value before revealing smthn HUGE but if you go back and reread you’re like ‘how the FUCK did i miss that’, or when everything gets packaged in a nice little bow (so coquette 🤭🎀)
any ways, just wanted to share this with you! keep up the great work‼️ (i’m foaming at the mouth for more jade)
:O :O :O :O !!!!!!!! AAAAAA THAT SONG AND THOSE MOMENTS FROM IT CONNECT SO PERFECTLY..... "plant more Jade-shaped seeds" omg that's so true. >_< he really did surpass the point of no return in that scene just to ensure you slowly but surely thought less of Floyd and more of him throughout the time you spend together. It was so high-stakes, too. Either it works wonderfully or, as you noted, it completely blows up in his face.
And you're right!!! Jade was never going to help you get closer with Floyd. He was willing to entertain and enable your obsession, but that's as much as he'll do. He's just in it for his own benefits and to hopefully twist your perception so that you might fall for him instead. He really was cooking that plan up months in advance. T^T what an evil eel... I love the Phantom of the Opera and its soundtrack,, <3 your ask reminded me of just how brilliant it is!!!! I need to listen to all of the songs again. >w<
Thank you for reading and enjoying tmdg!!!!! I'm happy you like the way I write. One of my favorite things to do is write scenes in which you can glean new information after a reread. >:D there are so many tiny details sewn into tmdg and topped off with a pretty bow!! Very coquette indeed!!!! (˘ ˘ ˘)💖
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identitheoret · 1 year
My Thoughts on the Story/Lore of “Ashes of Memory: Part 1”
(I might make this into a video if I have time btw)
Hey guys, IdentiTheoret here! :)
I’m not really sure what else I need to say here before I just jump right into my thoughts on Ashes of Memory. I think this Tumblr thing will actually work super well with what I’m aiming for here, but I’m still kinda new to it, so if you guys have any tips for me there I’d love to hear them. And my DM’s are also completely open, so you guys can ask me directly about literally anything you like or need help figuring out, lore related or whatever else you wanna talk about or say to me.
Anyways I guess I’ll just get right on into my thoughts now.
First of all, I had like no idea they were going this hog wild with changing up everything in terms of how the system works. I wasn’t keeping up a whole lot with the update prior outside of the one major teaser, so when I hopped on after maintenance and saw everything they changed I was kinda stunned.
I won’t be going with any particular order of events, rather I’ll try to go through each particular topic with all the details in mind from the beginning to end of Chapter 1.
Alice DeRoss (Reporter)
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When I first saw her in the teaser I was like “Eh, not sure how to feel about her, it’s a little jarring seeing her like this.” And I didn’t even look back over it again to analyze because of the stuff I mentioned in my update video that was draining my energy. Although even then, I thought the idea of following adult Alice was absolutely dope.
But then I played the new story and got an actual good look and feel for this version of Alice and—OH MY GOD SHE IS SO FREAKING PRETTY LIKE AAAAAAH I CAN’T 😳🫠
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Seriously they did such a good job with these new designs. And they kinda had to because they were gonna have far more normal designs outside of just Orpheus. I’m not going to go into any detail about my opinions there though, I’ll save that for a separate post soon after this one. I’m just looking at the story and lore right now.
So when it comes to everything leading up to her visiting the manor, they don’t really show off anything too odd. After her separation from Orpheus when they were kids, Alice suffered great social trauma/isolation, which we knew a bit about already with certain letters. But what we didn’t get to see was what happened after she left the orphanage. I was assuming maybe her trauma was going to mess her up in the long term, and if it didn’t I assumed she was going to lose her memories entirely or something because it seemed like things were just that intense during her time in the orphanage. But no, she has a fairly decent memory of her past by the looks of it. However, just like Orpheus in Time of Reunion, we are told she has little memory of the actual events of the manor tragedy, and in general some of her memories are a bit hazy. Not to mention the fact that she doesn’t find anything to be odd about Orpheus when she meets him in the manor.
Yeah, she hadn’t seen him since they were super young, but as we’ve seen before, the nickname of “Orpheus,” was a major detail of the two’s past friendship, because it represented their bonding experiences of making up stories and playing characters. The Orpheus nickname catching on and eventually being the name young Alice used for him exclusively was meant to show how close they were. But by the looks of it, she doesn’t remember the nickname at all.
And sure, it doesn’t mean she should immediately be like “ 😱 Oh mah gah that’s the same name it must be him ☝️🤓 .” However, this detail doesn’t even strike her as odd in any way. This could just be nothing, and she just decided to pay no mind to it, but when it comes to Identity V writing, these things are usually pointed out afterwards at the very least with a little “Huh, [Insert Minor Detail] is pretty odd” sorta thing. It happens a lot.
Outside of that, there’s not a whole lot she’s gotten involved in yet. I mean, it is only Chapter 1, so it makes sense. BUT, I do still have one thing to mention about her.
After you complete Chapter 1, you’re given the S-Tier Costume “Moment of Leisure.” And well, I mean, just look at it.
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(Yes I am aware of the fact that one is a dress and the other is sleepwear but like, c’mon)
It’s possible that both the adult and child characters we always see together are probably BOTH meant to be Alice. There was really no reason for them to include this costume otherwise. Although, we do see in both the cinematics and in summaries by Orpheus that the older woman was a mother to the girl, and that she died a “horrific death.” Of course, the mother thing would make sense to conclude from Orpheus’s perspective so we can pretty much ignore that, but what about the death and it’s importance to the “Little Girl” after that? How would that fit into any of this?
Well, I have somewhat of an idea to propose for that, and for quick context I need to bring up two simple details: First, the character lineup was likely intentionally different from what we were expecting with Melly/Norton to draw attention to how the timeline’s gonna work out, since we know the Melly/Norton/Orpheus game was the last one Orpheus participated in before the amnesia and all that. And second, most of Alice’s personality and character in general is centered around her persistence and vigilance, literally stating word by word that in the face of her past traumas and mysteries, she needed to “Face it, and it’ll all be over.” This wording about it being “over” also specifically draws attention to the idea of moving on after facing the issue instead of just facing it persistently and learning to live with it or something like that.
So, with that all in mind, this is my early theory for how I think this is all gonna go. Either:
Alice will find the answers she needs to understand the missing bits of her past so she can come to terms with it, and she moves on while Orpheus stays in his ways. And maybe after Alice finds out who Orpheus really is, and she realizes he is actively choosing not to face his own traumas and is beyond persuasion, she escapes the manor and leaves him behind because she simply has to move on. The depictions, both written and seen, of her “horrible death” would be based in Orpheus’s (subjective, rather than objective) view of her facing her issues head on and suffering through the worst of it before she finally is able to overcome her sorrow. To her, she would be getting through the worst of it to finally rid herself of the prolonged pain she’s felt for so long. But to Orpheus, that short phase of pain needed to overcome his trauma seemed far too horrible of a thing to be worth suffering through. Thematically speaking, this would definitely make sense (and because the depictions of the “mother” and girl are clearly not literal or direct about their meaning at face value). All the depictions of young Alice trying to guide Orpheus are things he put into his own head from a deep regret for not listening to her and a desire to have her take the lead for him once more because he doesn’t feel like he can rely on himself to change. But these feelings are still hidden under his repetitive denial, and that’s why it’s something he doesn’t know he’s aware of yet.
Alice dies during the game, either because she wants to try and save Orpheus from himself and fails, and/or because Orpheus starts to believe he can do it but hesitates and gets her killed in the process. This would make sense because most of the themes in Orpheus’s story center around his inability to stay firm in what he needs to do with his trauma, and to not look back with doubt based on what he’s done before. And this would also tie perfectly to the Orpheus myth of him turning to Eurydice with doubt and dooming her to the Underworld, leading him to a life of sorrow and regret in the land of the living. Since this is, well, Identity V, I am pretty certain that this aspect of the myth is intentionally tied into Orpheus’s theme of traumatic repetition and him constantly choosing not to look forwards. This persists in most of the elements of his story, especially with the major details such as the “Don’t Look Back” line that comes up a whole lot when you think about it. So assuming that to be the case, and also assuming that Alice dies, we can conclude that she becomes a spirit in the form of her past younger self as she embodies that wholly innocent part of her life, and maybe just to make herself easier to recognize to Orpheus I guess…? The reason why she’d stay in the form of a child is harder to explain here than it is in the other point. It’d make sense why the child version would be there when accompanied by the older version because it was so long after Orpheus saw Alice that he separates his view of her into his memories of what he thought she was like and what she is now in front of him. That also explains why he tries to see her in the exact same dress as the younger version of her, because at the core the two versions are still the same person.
Those are just my initial thoughts at the moment. I may build onto these conclusions more later on after giving it more thought or when we see more of the next chapter. I guess I’ll leave my thoughts there for now though and move on.
“Orpheus” DeRoss (Novelist)
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Well, there’s not much to say for him really. Same’s gonna go for the other two as well for the most part because of how early we are into this, but I do want to point out the way he interacts with everyone. It sometimes may give off a vibe like he knows way more than he lets on, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think the depiction here is still accurate/still will be accurate going forward with the explanation given in Time of Reunion about him having his memory wiped over and over. I don’t think he is actually aware of anything behind the manor in this state. The way he pushes certain details and questions towards others, like the point about betrayal directed at Melly about her insects, and the other point about Mary’s French heritage with Fredrick, seem to just be derived from his intrigue for drama stemming from his interest in writing. He likes a good mystery and finding little things out. We even see him do this with Alice herself in the cutscene after Chapter 1, where he asks her to play the piano for him in exchange for some information on his new book. Besides that, not much needs to be said here.
Fredrick Kreiburg (Composer)
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Okay, imma just be real here, I am COMPLETELY lost when it comes to this guy. I was really confused when it was revealed that he was going to be one of the four main characters of this thing, because the guys literally just came out not that long before and we didn’t even get like any buildup for him in the lore before his release. And when it comes to his connections to the racecourse with Mary, like yeah I’m completely clueless. But that actually has nothing to do with the Mary thing though, because I was well aware from the start that there was the theory that Mary wasn’t the actual Mary Antoinette but rather a noblewoman of some sort (based on bday letters if you’re confused). And I knew it was probably true, and was most likely gonna be important later on, but I still was just like “Nah I don’t care right now I’ll just wait on that one.” And now it’s already introduced but I’m still confused about like, why?
I will say one thing though, all the details surrounding that weird Mary subplot, such as the “was it a suicide or a murder?” mystery that’s almost treated like a legend, and the way the death is presented generally, and how the backlash against the racecourse afterwards is completely directed towards one man in particular, and how everyone just kinda goes like “🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ Uh idek why she did that 🤷🤷‍♂️,” it all gives off MAJOR Atropos Ropes vibes and it’s definitely intentional. Not sure how to feel about that just yet, but that’s mostly because of my big lack of understanding about anything Mary/Kreiburg related.
Not only that, but look at the way they describe the legend of the past owners of the manor and the mysterious death of the male owner’s female lover before the closure of the course and selling of their manor before some seemingly random dude who is clearly a descendant (Fredrick) suddenly shows up upon invitation from the new owners, and he is is heavily associated with a certain art expression and deals with social pressures.
Like, dude. That’s literally the plot of Lone Moon from T&I. The husband is the Knight, Mary is the princess, and Fredrick is Narcissus.
(+ We have already gotten thematic connections between Lone Moon and Atropos Ropes in terms of the themes of repetition and supposed fate, but we also have literal connections through the Amethyst Duchess, linking Narcissus to Bella (aka, you know, Mary)).
And also, I think the way they use the racecourse specifically of all things leads me to believe that there must be a connection to COA 4. And no, it has nothing to do with the horse imagery in that story, because that was directly linked to Cavalier and his Don Quixote inspirations (but if you wanna get refreshed on that go watch my COA Lore vid). The reason why they did horses here and not cars is simply because, well, rich people shit.
The thing that really makes me certain about this, outside of the obvious specificity, is once again that reoccurring theme of repetition and mistakes from those who came before. It’s present in Atropos Ropes, it’s present in Lone Moon, and it’s definitely present in COA 4, because that story is entirely based around that concept. And all of these have strong connections to either the manor’s history or the DeRoss family, which I highly doubt is a coincidence based on the theories about the DeRosses I’ve been making for the past while.
Melly Plinius (Entomologist)
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Not much to say about her either. She’s got that same weird personality that we’d expect from her, and talks about the betrayal thing in a very weird way with connecting it to bugs. But the most important thing I can really point out so far about her is how she has little to no importance of any kind to the events going on regarding the manor and the Kreiburg racetrack. I think this has something to do with what the devs want us to notice about how this timeline works, since Norton hasn’t appeared yet. So I’m guessing Fredrick either dies or just leaves and is replaced by Norton sometime in the story. Knowing how weird some of the other diary stories were written, I’m sure Fredrick just gets like a little bit deep into how he may be involved with the racetrack and the Baron as a result of that, gets uncomfortable and goes like “Nah no thanks” and just kinda bails. I’m not even kidding, I could see that happening tbh.
Well, anyways, that’s all I have to say for now. Like I said before, I’m already planning another post sometime soon, and I’m also thinking about making this post into an actual video as well, but I’m not sure which will come first. Thanks for reading, I’ll see you guys again soon💖💖💖
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idkfitememate · 5 months
I would like to ask about your ocs and genshin au 🥺☝️
*Ahem* Anyway ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა-
You’re my first ask! So happy to make your acquaintance! Ive needed to get this out for a while so:
This all stemmed from me realizing that Mondstadt has such a small amount of story compared to the rest of the nations. It has minimal would building and little lore. I understand this is probably because it’s basically the tutorial nation but still-
I have a hardcore love for my baby🥹.
I only actually played Genshin for a little bit (and it was around the time Liyue was coming out) so all I had was Mond and it enraptured me.
It started also with me realizing the people of Mond (and Liyue as well) were stupid because the statues of their gods are RIGHT THERE but they can’t put two and two together with Zhongli and Venti starting next to them.
Mond is more cultish in this AU, worshiping Barbatos with a bit more vigor, as well as the fact that they do know Venti is Barbatos. I mean, who else would pay his tab? They give him the freedom of walking around without having to deal with his godly duties, because he graced them with the most freedom out of all seven nations!
Let’s start with the main OC!~
“Mein Herr Majesstät der Heilige Vater Ludwig Fritz Köhler von Leichenberg!”
Otherwise known as:
“My Lord the Holy Father Ludwig Fritz Köhler von Leichenberg”
(His name is Ludwig Fritz Köhler von Leichenberg if you couldn’t tell!)
Mrs. Ludwig is the High Priest for Mondstadt, the person all who aren’t affiliated with the knights respond to, and even then he’s technically above the knights in terms of power!
The High Priest is technically the highest rank in Mondstadt, all orders coming and going through him, as I believe Mond to be more of a Theocracy if anything, being run by an unnamed book about Barbatos that only the High Priest has access to.
The thing about this role is it makes the holder immortal. Every time an old Priest dies, a new one is hand picked from the church by Barbatos (Note: Only three of these Priests have existed, Ludwig being the current and longest holder of the title).
If I had to describe him, I’d say he’s a man who’d do anything in order to get on Barbatos’s graces, no matter the cost. He’s stricken on the rules of Mond, but enforces the fact that everyone should have their freedoms.
Due to his… less than idea childhood he’s a very sexually charged man. I’d call him hypersexual. He finds comfort in sex, though not in a healthy way, so please help him figure out other romantic ways to express himself! He is gay, and I personally believe he’d be with Varka if anyone. But he’s also Poly and has two hands!~
I won’t go into detail so I can get to the others, but have a few fun facts!
He calls close friends “Vögelchen” which means little bird, people in the clergy/city are called “Spatz” which means sparrow, and the children of Mond are “Spatzi” which is little sparrow!
He HATES Morax but can stand Zhongli. He just dislikes any other nation in general but Liyue gets the brunt of it.
He likes to say he got his Vision from kissing Barbatos. (He really fucked him but no one has to know-)
He can’t handle alcohol at all. A simple whiff of GRAPE JUICE is enough to get this man as though he drank 5 bottles of vodka with no breaks in between
Now onto:
Tempest Fae Gardian: Detleif!
He is…. A centaur! Big ole beefy centaur as well! And a sweetheart!
Detleif guards the divide between Mond and the Fae Wilds! (Which I will explain if request!) He more or less represents the Demi-human population in Mond, and his story quest would reveal the hidden nation of Demi-Humans!
Being a horse, he cannot glide nor climb, but he has a boost in running and in swimming!
He’s overall just a very jolly man who’s happy to be here, and is based off of German show horses! Specifically in the spring! He can hold a good solid…. Hundred pints of beer and is great friends with Ludwig!
(If you couldn’t tell, I worked a bit more on Ludwig compared to everyone else lol)
Some fun facts before we move on:
He didn’t gain his anemo vision with dead friend trauma :) (He got it from dead daughter trauma :3 )
He allows the children of Mond to ride on his back and braid flowers into his hair Repunzel style.
He often takes Venti home on his back when he gets too drunk to walk.
And finally (because I have at least 2 for each nation and I don’t want this to be to long):
A winged Hilichurl! Who can speak! Wow!
In my AU, Ludwig decided to basically crusade the hilichurls into believing in Barbatos, and he met what was thought to be an extinct variant of churl, feathered!
You can actually find winged hilichurls in the manga, what panel? I can’t remember-
He’s a little bastard but he’s my little bastard :).
He has three bodyguards (two Mita and one Samachurl), because… you know… people kill churls of all kinds without hesitation (and I wouldn’t be shocked if people mounted their heads on walls honestly)
Some quick fun facts:
He’s taller and lankier than most, and actually looks down on most smaller characters (I’m looking at you Xiao)
Just like Ludwig, he fucking HATES Liyue; last time he went there, he was nearly killed
He has a bat like tail, it ends with a wisp, and all his fluff is slightly fluffier.
I’m going to stop here because I could go on and on but I don’t want to boar-d (hehe, get it?-) you. But if you have any questions feel free to ask! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
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demonsfate · 1 month
canon questionare meme: #5, 6, 7, 8
canon questionnaire // accepting . . .
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5. What’s the best thing about the fandom?
Uhhhh... hard one to answer 'cos I don't really engage in the fandom often lol. I think on my main blog, I follow only one (1) other Tekken blog. I guess I really like the fan content - especially the cosmetic mods for Tek8, and the fanart. Good stuff! Though, I guess I will say that the fandom peeps that follow me are also very awesome. I used to argue with a lotta ppl on the sub reddit, but the ppl here are understanding and epic. The Jin Support Club ✊
6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom?
A lot lol. I guess the worst thing is just ... the way a lotta fans criticize Jin. I swear, a lotta my arguments on Reddit was just concerning Jin's character because people either don't understand him (SO MANY were saying he "cared for nobody" prior Tek8's release) or they just bring up Tekken 6. What is so frustrating about the latter is that say, let's look at another fandom - as bad as ppl wanna say the Star Wars fandom is, they understand when a character's actions are uncharacteristic and when to reject this. Like almost the ENTIRE FANDOM can agree that Luke was written terribly out of character in The Last Jedi, and they can agree that the dude trying to redeem his father wouldn't try to kill his nephew because of "bad dreams". Hardly anybody argues about that or tries to insist on Luke being a Bad Jedi because of his actions in Last Jedi. In fact, most people still fondly look at Luke because they think of the first three movies he was in. YET, with the Tekken fandom... the fandom is just INCAPABLE of doing this and it's really weird. It's almost as if they see these characters as real lol. Like whereas the majority of Star Wars fans won't bring up Last Jedi when discussing Luke's character, the majority of the Tekken fandom WILL bring up Tekken 6 when discussing Jin's. Like you can't even fondly talk about Jin without sb saying "BUT THE WAR! ☝️🤓" Like even when you DO point out it's bad writing, they'll say "well he still did it! we can't ignore it! 😊" Maybe not entirely but... you can still acknowledge the writing goes against Jin's character, and it's something his character wouldn't have done if he remained in character with competent writers / no director meddling.
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
Hmm... is this pertaining to Jin only, or the lore as a whole? Idk really how to answer this because I've already discussed how much I love Jin and why I love him. I'd say I found the devil gene concept extremely interesting, more interesting than the other "evil" curses fighting games do. Buuuut... the devil genes been totally whacked up by retcons, I'm not sure if I can say that either. The prob is, Tekken canon is so frickin LOOSE, it's hard to even pick a favorite thing about it haha. Like I say somethin and it's like "ooh... that's no longer canon..." Even when I talk about Jin's portrayal, it's like "ooh... yeah... but that was ruined momentarily..." Other than what I said when talking about why I started writing Jin, I dunno how to answer this one!! Maybe I'll go back to this when I come up with somethin'... I feel kinda awkward now. xD But LIKE, I love the Tekken story. But I already stated how I like the cast, why I love Jin, the game's fun. And... yeah!
8. What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
The inconsistencies. Like I understand some retcons, especially if they're really needed. But like... Tekken does retcons EVERY game it seems, and then they're just... stuff that didn't need to be retconned in the first place. I've already went into great detail about how sloppy and confusing the devil gene lore is. But like here's another example - this is a minor and UNNECESSARY retcon. It was Lee who fixed up Alisa and gave her her freedom or whatever. But in her TK8 bio, it says it was Dr. B / her father...? What? Like I get that they maybe wanted Alisa to bond more with her father / creator. But like... couldn't they do that in another way? People say this is minor, but the problem is when the game is filled with many retcons - then when ppl are trying to learn about the lore, ppl are gonna get several different answers. "Lee fixed Alisa" "No it was Dr. B." See? That's just frustrating. Same with how the Tek Wiki still calls Devil Kazuya Devil Jin's "other half", even though I strongly feel that's been retconned long ago. The lore is confusing as hell with all these constant changes.
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ducktracy · 2 years
Different anon here but can you go into more detail about how the original shorts are uncirculated and misinterpreted in certain fandom circles? I was under the impression that they were the most iconic and well-known versions of the characters and the other LT stuff wasn’t as popular.
I don’t want to go too in-depth about this because I don’t want to come off as hateful towards TLTS however I will say (with no disrespect towards people that like it and esp not the people that worked on it) that I feel the reason for its sudden resurgence has less to do about the show *in particular* but more how it presents the Looney Tunes cast in a consistent domestic setting with consistent characters—which is much more easily consumable for fandom than shorts with VERY little continuity and characterizations that could depend on director, year, or even just that short.
☝️this previous anon i just got completely hit the nail on the head and shares my sentiments exactly. The Looney Tunes Show hit a HUGE resurgence of popularity in the past few years (which is great, anything to get people interested in the characters) but i sometimes get the impression people wholly base their impressions on the characters off the show, and the show is VEEEERY far removed from the attitudes and personalities of the originals
i ALWAYS go on about him and have used this comparison countless times so i apologize for going on about it again, but a great example of this is Porky—i have a lot of issues as to how he’s portrayed in TLTS because he’s often portrayed as a helpless dweeb who everyone picks on and beats up and he’s just supposed to take it. this portrayal has sort of been adopted in a lot of modern LT media as a whole, but there’s a tendency to generalize characters, take one trait and run with it. Porky totally could be passive and a little dweebish in the originals (but often from a standpoint that paints it as endearing rather than mean spirited and sympathetic by proxy), but i have a hard time believing the same character who has spelled “START PRAYING DUCK” with a spray of bullets in the white flag Daffy was waving as a means of surrendering would totally be fine with having Daffy throw… was it butter? bread? i forget but there’s an ep of TLTS where Daffy lives with Porky and then just turns him into his personal assistant and throws stuff at him and Porky’s just fine with it. this is the same guy who nearly drove a domesticated dog to jump off a bridge and successfully shot a cat dead because it was keeping him awake
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what little OF the originals is circulated again from a very fandom centric point of view… this isn’t an issue exclusive to the LT fandom, but viewing everything from a lens of “i MUST ship these two characters together everything has to be shippable” (i did this when i was first getting into things too—it’s a hard habit to break but i promise you do not have to ship anything and everything to get fulfillment) is so restrictive and makes people concoct their own personalities for the characters WHICH IS FINE, but trying to pass those interpretations off as cold hard fact is not so great. a lot of misrepresentation gets circulated that way and it all just kinda turns into one big loop
i realize how pompous i sound right now so i just want to say: don’t take any of this too seriously. my main point of this is to say curate your OWN experience and make opinions for yourself by watching the originals, and that INCLUDES me. if you watch the originals and don’t like them and want to keep doing things your way, DO IT! feel free to disregard all of this. i promise i’m speaking from a place of passion and love rather than scorn and gatekeeping. we all come from different places and have different points of view and different ways to experience things that we find the most fulfilling. if you enjoy shipping the characters and searching for a continuity and deeper meaning, that ROCKS and more power to you. i just wish more people would check out the originals or at least base those headcanons with an acknowledgement of the original mindset in mind, because i feel much of the popular consensus on the characters ranges from generalized/surface level to wholly misrepresented.
to say people have to enjoy and experience LT a particular way is totally wrong, and HAVING FUN should be a priority first and foremost. but i really do think you should familiarize yourself with the source material so you can have an understanding of what’s actually there versus so you can build off of that or at least acknowledge it. the LT characters are not one big happy family, they’re not ALWAYS actors unless explicitly stated otherwise, there are trends and continuous character traits or formulas for certain characters, yes, but the shorts themselves have no continuity. these characters change constantly in the originals. there are at times 3 separate conflicting interpretations of the same character at the same TIME from different characters. some people have a tendency to view that as a sign of weakness, and that’s WHY i encourage people to check out the originals because that variety and humanization and FEELING THE HANDS AND MINDS AND BACKGROUNDS THAT MADE THE CARTOONS is such a fulfilling and UNIQUE experience. revel in the variety and confusion and dissonance of the originals. there doesn’t always have to be an explanation or an end justifying the means. it’s 7 minutes of characters beating each other up, saying funny lines, and making outdated radio or celebrity references. enjoy it for what it is
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joker2019cosplayer · 1 year
The most beautiful day of my life
August 31st, 2021.
Meeting Joaquin Phoenix
I still cannot believe it, to this day, when i write it. But yes, this is... This is the day that i met Joaquin Phoenix. A day that was filled so many emotions that i still have to this day. Connecting to Joaquin and the amazing human being he is, but surely, for Joker, the obsessive therapeutic method of mine, that reflects in way too many details my past experiences. To.the point of almost fainting at the cinema.
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This is what i wrote just after meeting him. There is also the picture of both of us 😭🥺❤️ and the link of the video i explain the whole life process, meeting him, roleplay, psychology etc.
I am shaking; I am the happiest person on Earth. Meeting Joaquin.
So Marjo, how was your friday evening?
-How about i had worst days?.
I am flowing those tears of joy and happiness, which is quite different than those sorrow and heavy thoughts i have always had. I keep this moment in a warm place of my heart and mind forever and use this to go forward. I am still in quite a shock, shaking and crying.. Never felt that before, as i am not a huge celebrity groupie, but meeting Joaquin felt so close to home to what i went through, close to JOKER. Sharing this to him is beyond anything i could ever experience doing the therapy with cosplay; sharing this to him really really put a balm on my scars, this materialized what i can experience metaphorically with the cosplay. This is intense yet surreal.
I feel extremely grateful and privileged as i never thought this moment would have been possible first, second i never thought he would be so impacted. Let's just say he saw a broken woman in tears and in shock talking about her past experiences that are a copy paste of the movie, and he was extremely moved but also shocked of what i had to go through. It's almost to the point that my negative past helped me being closer to him.
A character that doesnt exist (but in my mind, metaphorically, he kind of exists as an entity of a sort, but i also, how can i explain, metaphorically again i feel like i always been a bit of Arthur, and metaphorically with JOKER's vibe it is who i aspire to be. And he understood completely what i meant. (Scene in slow motion when he exits the subway)
☝️Great Marjo, but.. How did that happened?❓
DIsappointment Blvd (Beau is Afraid) movie shooting started in Montreal, but i didnt have the time to go. In the last 3 days i went, knowing i couldnt meet him but being close to him was enough to me, and experiencing the movie making. So i sat in a corner, alone, watching, many times being emotional, looking down trying not to cry going through some emotions related to JOKER/my life.
I speak to a security guy there. I try to keep it, but i cannot stop crying. We talk, i share the connexion i have with this film. I am too moved by the experience, talking to myself inside that i should try not to lose it and look so crazy. I received nothing else than empathy and love, though. He said that i couldnt meet him, but writing a letter would be a great idea and that he could give it to him after. So i sat down, wrote the letter, shaking, crying, this being the most awesome thing ever.
I see him going outside, he is with a woman. *I am shaking typing these words*. She is his assistant. They both look at me, she comes at me asking if i need something. First thing i tell myself, is fck i bother them. (I have many mental illnesses, hypervigileance, BPD, complex PTSD, social phobia etc so i am easily scared of bothering etc) I am still crying, trying to vaguely explain what i explained to the security guy.
She is like "Oh...! Okay... Let me see something i will be back".
Trying to not have so much shame i look up and she is coming back, he is looking at me.
I look at the security guy in panic and on disbelief.
Her: Ok come!
Me: Hum, okay heh? Where..
Her: Come! Get up!
We go inside and i get tested for my temperature.(Covid)
Her to the team: Ok guys, her name is Marjolaine, she will meet Joaquin (..)
Me: I'm gonna wha.......
At this very specific moment., i did not dissociated. I think i just died. I felt SO emotional and at the same moment i shutted down completely and i felt i could faint. It was unbelievable to me.
I go outside, security guys are giggling watching Joaquin coming near me, while i was wondering if it was actually him or a robot because it felt so unreal to hear him talking to me and seeing his eyes.
▫️J: Hey how are you?
▫️Me: I had worst days!! You?
*Voice shaking with a lot of emotions
▫️J: Yeah! What's up? What's your name? I saw you earlier and i was wondering if you were okay, i saw you since a couple of days sitting alone, but i was like.. I wont go see her, she will be like.. who the fuck is he.?!?
*Me wondering if he just really said that*
▫️Me talking in a sarcastic way: YEAH OF COURSE WHO ARE YOU i have no idea!!
*we both laugh*
▫️Me: My name is Marjolaine... Hum. *Gets really emotional, taking my time to make sure of what i will say but the tears are flowing."
*He sits next to me, concerned look on his face, wrapping his around me the whole 30 minutes we talked, what made me even more emotional. I felt intense shame at that moment, and i realized how se actually just deeply connected on the energy level. I felt how he knew, understood."
Me:I j..i just... i just really wanted to.,, i really wanted to tell you.... thank you,,? Thank you because.... Without even knowing, you made a movie that literally saved me,,,, Kept me alive. I could thank of course Todd, Scott, Lawrence, the whole team, but the way you,.. *ny voice is choking in tears* the way you showed those emotions, the first film bringing to the fore both the multitude of traumas that life can have inflicted to me... I have so many similarities with the character that I'm almost afraid of it; I know that part of my capsizing emotions come directly from all of this.*Talks about the same abuse and trauma in details i had, the same thing about therapy, thing about being beat up (not as a clown but as a mascott (fireman dog), being bullied and beaten up in high school, the way people judged me, society treated me, how i got treated when i snapped and punched my abusers..* Here in Montreal, I am in poor health and very poor. For therapy there is too long a waiting list in the free services and they cut the services, like Arthur. Here is why, therefore, to cosplay and create so much in connection with this film, frees me. It's therapeutic. It is a safe filter to free me from my emotions. I use the characters as the therapy i do not have. You saved me. *I explain my whole roleplay process etc since the beginning*
▫️Him: *Started crying and speaks with a low voice*
Awwww, this... is is just so so sweet... This is the kindest thing you could tell me, and... what you went through, poooooor baby... *stand up and ask me to stand up* *Hugs me super thigh, for a long hug, while talking low*
Him: This will be okay, i promise.. Thank you so much for sharing this with me... I am very touched, really... I am so sorry you had to go through this, but so amazed by your strenght.. thank you for coming today... I have to.. i have to go back shooting but are you hungry? Did you eat today?
*He asks his assistant 'can i come back? go to restaurant or, no heh no time.. you know where the salad his, avocado.. No ah ok anyways*
He comes back to me 'Hey i hum, yeah i have to go back shooting, but hey hum let's hang out later maybe okay hey hug... take care' he runs. I go back sitting and the security guys are looking at me jawdropping super excited, but i cant talk, trying to process it all.
He comes back after a few minutes, he prepared an avocado sandwich for me, brough a salad, water bottle, Coke can. I'm super shy, i thank him. A guy tell him i have a letter for him, i give it to him and explain that i wasnt expecting to see him so i left my blog adress, and all i explained before. He hugged me thigh and cries, je came back a few times and i tell him in a very respectful way i know how he doesnt like to take pictures, he hates medias etc, that i wanted to get a picture with him but that if he refuses i entirely respects his privacy, he looks at me and says "ah come on, come" i follow him back at the bench, he is still emotional, we can see it on the picture.
He hugs me, tells me he gotta go back to shooting, and thanks me for everything. I give him my letter with the link of my website on it. I go back where i was, everything is too surreal. I talk to the security guys who are way beyond happy for me, and i go home. I go home, listening to JOKER soundtrack, walking at the St-Denis exit that reminds me one of my favorite scenes of the movie, the scene i talked about with him. When he exits the subway.
I think about this day everyday and cry.
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isadoraabby · 1 month
---General Information---</u>
Name: Melitta tea
Rank: Which Division, seat number? Espada, Fraccion or Numero? What class at Karakura High School?: it's unknown and she doesn't go to school^^
Age: 14
Gender: Male? Female? Intersex? Transgender?: female
Race: Shinigami, Arrancar, human or what? (So species would possibly be more accurate…): she doesn't know her species and I don't know her species also- so she can be any species🤷‍♀️
Theme song: 'Cause we all love putting music to our babies. ^^: Summertime Sadness:)
Appearance: What do they look like? The more detailed, the better- hair colour, eye colour, skin colour and body type tend to be the bare basics, and anything else just makes the picture clearer.
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Personality: You can put anything related to their mind in here- how they act, skills, fears, likes, friends and relationships with canon characters. The more detailed, the better- personality makes a realistic OC more than anything else.: when in human form she's sweet and shy and she will protect if she needs to. but in hollow form she isn't afraid to get messy and by messy I mean violent:)
Quotes: More for fun than anything else, though a good unique quote can help you get a handle on the face your OC presents to the world at large.: quotes? idk 😭
---Battle Information (for shinigami)--- </u>
Strengths: What are they good at…: when in "human form" she has this weapon that's a pole and when she hits someone that's literally bad it sends them into a one hour coma and when they wake up somehow they're blind:)
Weaknesses: …and what aren't they so great at?: well they're definitely ain't great at cooking- and working in groups-
Fighting Style: How do they fight? Long range, close quarters, relying on speed or strength- which is it? Are they good at it, or what?: her fighting style is strange- or whatever- she fights how she wants-
Zanpaku-to: Name, plus translation and type if you want. Your shinigami's main weapon!: I think it's non existent for know.
Sealed form: What does it look like when it's not in use? Most zanpaku-to look like variants on the good ol' katana, but you get some that are just plain weird, like Urahara's and the Captain-General's. If yours is one of the few that are constantly in shikai, just skip this.: non existent ☝️
Spirit: What does the zanpaku-to's spirit look like? You can put in a little about their inner world if you want to. .. non existent lol.
Release Phrase: What does your character say to release his/her shikai?: 🤷‍♀️
Shikai: Anything about your OC's shikai- form, powers, special attacks etc.🤷‍♀️
Bankai: -that is, if they've achieved it. If not, just skip this. Bankai is the preserve of captains and freaks like Ichigo. ^^ (You can, however, note it down if you really feel like it, even if your OC isn't due to achieve it for several hundred years.)🤷‍♀️
info/facts: she might be a hollow but she doesn't have a hole in her chest..
she does not eat in hollow form , she eats with her eyes.. (help that didn't make sense lol?)
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hard-core-super-star · 7 months
I'll still be able to get this out of you... I think... at some point-! omgksjsjskskdhwjk you casually picking up your phone and then just falling asleep again. uh- I don't know what I can do with this information other than find it funny, so I'll find it funny until something funnier comes along, which won't be a problem between these conversations.
nahh, nope, definitely not, maybe someone put something in your glass of water today. very bold of you to assume that I will give you one more later 🤨 god, I would really hate it if you did that, like, damn, so much hate, I would exude hate for that. okay, I'm not going to pay even more attention to your writing and see how you base this type of narrative. well, it doesn't even make sense for you to add anything since we weren't even talking about anything, right? I'm glad you didn't admit that since I wouldn't think it was cool and probably wouldn't remember the way you wrote alpha!kate with apparently this feelings formula.
I'm sorry but saying that just makes it even funnier, I can't help it. time stopping for a few seconds along with your little heart aww 🥺 seriously, I can't help but let out at least a little laugh, it's impossible for me to hold back.
don't be sad, I'm terrible at getting references so this can happen very often hwiskjshsjwk
yeah, you have a point there, characters like that are so superficial that it's difficult to even get attached or sympathize. Well, I agreed with you, but now I have to completely disagree because Shrek is much funnier in portuguese (brazilian portuguese) soooo you argue with the wall ☝️ouch, that one hurt but yes, in the fics I read she's also super popular and I particularly like it because it warms my heart, but it's clear that it's a little different from her “reality”. I like that you pointed out her loyalty and devotion to the people around her and that can kind of complete the sense of justice part of her, I mean, her loneliness plays a role in her quest to do the right thing for those people who think they're alone and have no one to help them. I actually don't know if I completed it or messed it up even more.
– 🌟
you're more than welcome to try but idk if you'll be successful. i'm glad you find it funny because it will most definitely happen again. i should probably stop oversharing at some point but idk, you make it easy to just say the first thing that comes to mind...even when it's a little embarrassing
i don't know, your words of denial don't really match your actions so it's just more evidence that you are in fact soft. well considering i already gave you two after saying i wouldn't...i think it's only fair. it's a good thing i definitely won't be doing that then. i'm glad you're not going to pay more attention to my writing because it's not like i adore all the details you manage to pick up on or anything like that. i'm so glad you didn't bring up alpha!kate at all because it's not like i've been thinking about that fic every day since i wrote it.
😑 i'm so very glad you find my pain funny. how are you going to say aww and then laugh at me in the same paragraph? i demand financial compensation for this, don't make me use the sad eye emoji on you again.
you've been doing a great job so far so i have faith in you. [something something, faith is a fine invention]
i actually might have to argue with the wall on this one because i have no way of checking if you're right. this is the part where i shamefully admit that despite how many languages i've studied, i've always stayed away from portuguese because it scares me 😶 i know it's sort of similar to spanish in some ways [kind of like italian] but idk, i haven't tried to learn it yet. it's a goal for sure, though. i'm so glad you brought that up because i thought of that point when we were talking about her sense of justice. i think she still carries that pain/loneliness of her dad's death which is why she's so stubborn when it comes to being a hero sometimes. it's in part because clint inspired her but it's also because she doesn't want anyone else to go through what she did. it might also be why she sort of puts up this goofball act because she's secretly really lonely but she doesn't want to bring anyone down with her. i don't think it's exactly complete because there's so much to say but i loved your additions so no, you didn't mess it up at all.
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jayflrt · 2 years
omggomog hi i literally dissappeared for like two weeks yk how i said being done with midterms meant i would have some free time andndjfajjsj THAT WAS A LIE i just had more assessments and evaluations come up 😭 now's it calmed a little but i still have a test this week so let's hope that goes well
BUT YES i miss interactions between idols sm i feel like that was such a 2nd and 3rd gen thing bc i rmb all kinds of interactions with groups then but then yea covid did probably impact that too but i feel like a bigger part is just to make knetz happy 😁😐
anyways i finally got my dress 😭👍 i actually picked it up yesterday and its like a silver blue gown this time with some minimalist detailing on it so i love it 🤧 i will honestly probably do rly simple makeup on my own bc i was never too big on makeup anyways but i'll def get nails and hair done! im not sure if;; im allowed to go to after parties bc it'll be late alr by the time it ends but many of my friends are going so i hope we can manage to have a good time at prom as well!
ALSO I READ THE SPIDER-JAKE FIC i was out one time waiting for someone and i was like "why not start reading smth" which was honestly a mistake bc i smiling at my phone like an idiot IT WAS SO CUTE I LOVED IT SO MUCH i was so absorbed by it that i was making facial expressions subconciously and my friend was like "are you ok" and in my head i was like ONLY IF YOU KNEW 😭 but yea the fic was so good i loved how you captured each moment so well AND THE KISS SCENES OMG i think my heart did flips thinking abt jake doing that. i also had the chance to finish reparations and honeslty hadnt laughed like that in a hot minute everything made no sense but perfect sense at the same time i rly want to know how you do that ☝️
anyways i'll be sure to come back often again i missed talking to you it honestly rly makes my day so i hope you're doing well alice 💓💓
- 🌻
HIHI 🌻 ANON !!! how have you been love ?? 💕 it’s been so long 🤧 HAHAH pls i’m glad you can take it easy now :’)) sometimes it’s like the assignments and workload never ends 😞 good luck on your test tho !! you got this <33
YEAHHH i feel like it’s partly to keep the dating rumors under wraps bc they always make the most random accusations (cough cough hyuck and ryujin 😭) and ofc social distancing for covid :’)) it must be awkward for idols who debuted during the pandemic bc it’s just very different with the social aspect
oh my gosh that’s so exciting !! 🤩🤩 silver blue sounds sooooo pretty omg you’re gonna look so elegant ☹️💗 and that sounds so fun !! you gotta doll yourself up once a year 💆‍♀️ i also got my hair and nails done for prom (and makeup too HAHAH) also tbh the only reason i went to after parties was because we all stayed in a hotel after the dance and most of the students were in that same hotel, so we could literally just walk a few doors down and see one LOLL
oh my gosh thank you for reading i’ll save you (again) 🥺🫶 omg and reading it in front of your friend HAHHA UR BRAVERY 😵‍💫 but it makes me so happy that you enjoyed it !!! and i’m glad you liked the kiss scene too bc i was trying to do justice for the classic upside down kiss scene 🤧💖 AHAHA REPARATIONS NOOOO at one point i was like wow this kinda has a plot somehow and it just ,, ran its course
omg i’m glad to see you drop by more !! and i missed you as well omg i’m so touched that it makes your day 🥺💕 im doing pretty well tho !! just swamped in work for today sobsob but i hope you have a great day/night love !! ♡
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