#I am a good bean
also yes yes I will be RE4MAKE spoiler free until probably a week after release date. It really depends on whenever I’m done consuming it lol
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swampbestie · 3 months
joels newest hermitcraft episode was great for many reasons but. the contrast between "cis straight white man mining content" and scar telling joel and etho to get a room.
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
How I feel about this and next week's dungeon meshi episodes
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I'm already seeing people going at it and it's gonna get SO much worse next week when The Fight™ happens. I am so tired. I just wanna stare at my and marcille's hot dragon chicken wife. Is that too much to ask?
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minionsunclee · 2 months
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triple posti ng ? embarassing but anyway freakt werewolf wip i spent 4 hours trying to get right
this episode was fucking sick but this scene jn particular stuck with me i had to draw it even if my artist abilities are not that advanced yet, i dont think i did a terrible job tho (thanks to some friends for the help)
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eruptedinlight · 10 days
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Besties. 🖖🏽
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Do you ever think about how Cassandra was blessed with the gift of prophecy but was also cursed so nobody would ever believe her? That makes me think about a certain sniper...
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zhongrin · 1 month
if you see this, and you're about to sleep (like me), i hope we both get a good rest and our f/os visits us in our dreams ᰔᩚ
if you're just starting your day, good luck and i hope your day will be good and filled with positive things coming straight to your way ᰔᩚ
and if you're in the middle of your day, i hope you're given strength to tackle the remaining hours before you can kick back and relax ᰔᩚ
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smokszyvverstar · 9 days
Hehehehe Peasley has stolen my brain
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My slaygume
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crow-with-a-pencil · 1 year
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Them ❤️
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coffinbutch · 1 year
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moeblob · 1 month
I vote for Argenti! I hope you feel better soon!
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Thank you ! I do feel much better (though I admit I hurt a little for very much my fault reasons but it's mostly manageable through light pain meds).
Take an Argenti o7 I got lazy and didn't draw the roses I was gonna draw to the left so there is now a wide open blank spot.
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 years
Don't turn around! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨
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comradekatara · 1 year
You've mentioned Zuko's "inability to kill" before, so could I ask you to elaborate on that?
sure. zuko is banished for, essentially, committing treason. he says to ozai that he was banished for "speaking out of turn," but simply speaking out of turn is not actually why ozai banished him. zuko said that people shoudn't have to die for the sake of further empowering the fire nation, and that goes against their nation's entire ethos. zuko lacks, as azula puts it, that "killer instinct that is just so fire nation."
while zuko does set fire to suki's village in his quest to capture aang, and you could argue that he may have committed other such acts offscreen, we never actually see him outright kill anyone. unlike zhao, who kills the moon, and azula, who kills aang in a manner that would have ended the entire avatar line had katara not revived him, zuko threatens and intimidates and harms, but when it comes down to it, he does not actually kill, because he simply cannot.
he threatens to kill zhao, and if he had killed zhao, no one in the audience would fault him for it. zuko does not even burn him upon winning their agni kai, going against custom; zhao calls him a coward for it. zhao tries to kill zuko on multiple occasions, including when he blows up zuko's entire ship. but, when the ocean spirit is dragging zhao under, zuko still extends his hand in a futile attempt to save zhao. contrast this scene with sokka arguing to leave zuko for dead in the same episode. he legitimately does not have a problem with letting zuko die, because, as he says, zuko would do the same thing to them (at least, sokka seems to think so).
sokka kills combustion man, toph kills yu and xin fu, and neither of them have any regrets. conversely, katara cannot kill yon rha, and aang cannot kill ozai. like sokka and toph, they are justified in killing these men, perhaps even more so (since yin and xin fu did not actually attempt to kill toph, "only" kidnap her), but they ultimately choose mercy. like zuko on kyoshi island, aang and katara's actions, such as blowing up the factory in jang hui, may have had indirect casualties (i don't count aang being merged with the ocean spirit because he was not truly in control), but they are never able to kill directly, because when faced with another human being, regardless of how much they may hate them, their pathos prevents them from delivering that killing blow.
zuko, as a foil to aang and katara and the deuteragonist of the narrative, is also someone whose instincts prevent him from being the cold-blooded killer his nation expects of him. it is why, unlike the rest of his family (including iroh), he is unable to produce lightning; he is too sensitive to become the perfect weapon his father wants him to be, which is why azula's reveal is so thrilling and terrifying to the audience, because she is what ozai wants in a protege, unlike zuko, who try as he might, fails at embodying the fire nation values of ruthlessness and power at any cost.
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beantothemax · 1 month
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those stars sure were in time huh
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rockybloo · 6 months
I am a simple creature who sees a chance to draw some Red Beans and snatches it up in my maw
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Just found out that a super secret third “Big Bang Theory” spin-off show could be in the works. If it isn’t a Sheldon and Amy domestic dramady, then I don’t want it! I seriously could watch Sheldon Cooper’s entire life Truman Show style. 😭
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