bartonbones · 1 year
unfollow me if you need to but genuinely guys when i say i have bad taste and not to trust me PLEASE know that i mean that. when ppl deride something because it’s “for the masses” please know that I AM THE MASSES. im simple and easily impressed. if im entertained by something then it’s good and if im bored then it’s bad and that’s the only metric on my personal review algorithm. if you hold a gun to my head i can usually identify if something is technically good or bad but pls know that i will not have tried to calculate that before hand !!!
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akabaka-dev · 26 days
Akabaka does not have a favorite character from SFL Date to Die For. He loves his children equally.
I, however, DO.
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Look at my boy~ Amazing.
The VA, Justice Washington, was so compelling. I feel like I should do a supercut of streamers reacting to Buck's voice for the first time
(I am a pathological villain supporter)
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lonepower · 1 year
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“Don’t point at it.”
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gaycatastrophe · 10 months
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my first romance choices in games. i might be a little predictable
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bookofjudith · 8 months
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cloistergardens · 1 year
someone: musical theatre is bad
me: listen to “opening ceremony” from chess: the musical and then try telling me it’s bad, smh
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cryoverkiltmilk · 1 year
Why isn't anyone talking about the other 8/9ths of Gideon?
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kittyandco · 1 year
You ship with billy loomis and I ship with a guy named willie loomis and I genuinely got so confused 😭😭 I was like “wait omg another willie shipper that’s so weird but why are they spelling it wrong??” And it genuinely took me a full minute to realize lmao
S;KDD;SKLDFLKDF that is so funny i'm sorry for having abysmal taste anon 💖
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holodeckprotocols · 2 years
i love consuming media incorrectly, focusing on the wrong things, and above all else, being a grimy little Freak,
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madseance · 2 years
the thing about "Rappacini's Daughter" is that it's a fucking badass premise (girl is raised by her mad botanist father in a garden of poisonous plants and becomes immune to them but poisonous herself), but Nathaniel Hawthorne fell victim to one of literature's most alluring yet deadly traps: choosing to tell the story from the perspective of Some Boring Fucking Guy
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jockpoetry · 2 years
do hope one day my brain latches onto something i KNOW is good so i don’t have to hedge all my fucking batshit ramblings with ‘it’s not great but-’
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animentality · 1 month
in re your post about therapy speak and ship wars, i THINK i agree from what I do understand, but i also dont know what therapy speak means? I looked it up and got this definition "Therapy speak is a colloquial term that refers to the use of psychological, therapeutic, or mental health language in everyday conversation. It can include terms like "boundaries," "abuse," "psychopath," and "trauma"."
So would an example of such be, "X ship is better than Y ship because X ship respects each others boundaries, but in Y ship they're a psychopath"? And then you know probably some added death/doxxing threats cuz ship wars.
Either way, yeah, ship wars dumb af, I just am dumb af too so I don't know what the post means. I also, fortunately, don't encounter much of therapy speak in my fandom spaces or online in general (proven by the fact that I had to look it up) as I just talk to people that I know and avoid the For You pages (which, plot note, are very often not For Me) so I'm lucky to avoid stupid opinions.
Thanks for answering if you do choose to, I know that at least several of the replies/responses to that post are likely stupid af, so I hope that my stupid af question is at least stupid af in a different way :) If I somehow have the wrong definition feel free to just link me to something that explains it better, because regardless it seems like a useful term to know!
not a stupid question at all.
so in the context of that post, abusing therapy speak refers to people who misuse terms like "narcissist" and "bipolar disorder" and "gaslighting" to suit their own personal tastes.
say for example, a character is arrogant and kind of haughty. if you don't like that character because people ship him with the character you like to ship with someone else, you insist he's a "narcissist" when he's you know. just arrogant.
and you say he can't be with her, because he's a narcissist and he has problems. that's problematic.
or say there's a female character you hate for having genuine human reactions to traumatic things. you'd say well I don't like her because she lets her obvious bpd hurt people instead of trying to fix her issues, she's so messy :(
and then if someone lies to another character, say their enemy, because they're fucking enemies, then you'd say oh he GASLIGHTS him, how could you guys ship this??? toxic ship???
so that's what that post refers to.
therapy speak as a whole, by definition, is fine because PTSD and depression and trauma do exist.
but in certain spaces, especially Twitter and TikTok and Tumblr of course, it's been weaponized as a tool to harass people who are fans of characters or ships that they themselves do not like.
which is ridiculous.
like you can say you don't like a ship without feeling the need to diagnose the two characters with whatever fun term your gen z therapist tossed at you that week.
you can say oh I simply do not like this character instead of oh he has an obvious mental illness and that's why I don't like him.
or you know.
he's a terrible representative of (insert illness) and that's why I don't like him-
bitch, we used to just not like things.
now it's like... oh this character is a psychopath.
let me read you a Wikipedia page on dsm-5 and explain that my personal preference is morally correct while yours is amoral.
that's why that post meant.
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power-chords · 9 months
Adam is not back until the 10th but for when he returns I'm pitching a fall watchlist theme: Does This Mid-2000s Movie Hold Up. I'm accepting submissions. So far I've got: The Jacket, King Arthur, and The Illusionist.
I know it holds up and I'm going to watch it again anyway because I love it: Inside Man, Collateral, Children of Men, From Hell.
Does not hold up but a fascinating case study: Sin City.
Objectively terrible but I love it because I am a dumb bitch with terrible taste, I will never change, I will never improve, that is a promise: Van Helsing.
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missterious-figure · 2 months
*mimes adjusting glasses that I do not have*
Mmmmm well actually no :)
I do not believe you are good. Not in the slightest. Admittedly I do not believe in evil either, but I know you are a terrible terrrible bug boy that definitely deserves to be locked away.
I just want to pick at your brain, I want to know about a deeply seeded motivation that you yourself don’t understand. I want to be able to metaphorically walk in your shoes and understand why you act how you do.
But mainly. . . I think I just want to annoy you with profound questions.
But if you would like, I could simplify my physiological questions down to a simple “what’s your favorite color. Have you tried Jellybeans? What flower shines the brightest in the morning sun? Do you like the rain? What’s the tallest tree you’ve climbed? Do you remember your parents? Were they mean? Did you eat your mother after hatching? Do you discard the bones after a meal or suck out the marrow? Can you read? Do you talk to the Fairy often? Did you ever fall in love? Did you know that humans have bred and cultivated entires species of animals to produce excess muscle mass specifically for the slaughter and consumption of their overpopulated masses? Do you eat the wings off of a butterfly? What have you eaten that you thought tasted absolutely disgusting? If I tasted nasty would you still devour me? Or just leave my body to decompose after the torture? Have you tried fish? Have I asked what your favorite flower was? If you could get out of that hole what would be the first thing you do? If you were not venomous would you be disappointed? If you were a caterpillar do you think you would still be a cannibal? Have you eaten a snake before? Have you met a snake? And blah blah blah blah
So on and so forth for as long as I see fit because you are trapped in a cave with a spirit that refuses on anyone letting you free.
(A lot of these are questions I actually am curious of but I choose to be annoying rather than prioritize being answered)
"Ugh... I thought you were never gonna stop talking. Like a cricket going on and on though out the night."
"I do like that you're persistent to keep bug me, little cricket."
"You've got some fire in you."
"Red. Never heard of a jellybean, let alone tried one. Don't know, I don't care for flowers. The rain is fine. The gem tree. Yes, they were delicious. No, they weren't mean. No I ate her when I was much older. I eat my prey bone and all. Alittle bit, kinda of. Maybe. Yes... once. No, but that sounds almost, vaguely, similar to the way some ants farm aphids. Oh, yes the wings are very flaky. Sick worms taste atrocious. No, I'd leave you to rot. Yes, there are plenty of little minnows in the swamp. No, and I don't have a favorite flower. Kill the dumb bitch guarding me. Yes, I'd be disappointed. I think so yes. I have actually. It was only a tiny hatching."
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Lizzie Saltzman Quote Rp Meme
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I’ve got a lot of secs...I mean time.”
“I’m trying to rise above it so let me freaking rise.”
“Did she who must not be named just fat shame me?”
“Are we poor?”
“That is why I have decided to permantly release my inner bitch.”
“If you hurry, you can catch up with blair bitch and tongue chum her again.”
“Distracted during a monoluge, classic villain mistake.”
“For the record, this selfless act of heroicism fully cancels out my previous dodgy behavior.”
“I just have this feeling that everything is going to work out just fine.”
“Only a threat to those dumb enough not to fall in line.”
“Great luck sending jimminy cricket after me.”
“”Aparently not long enough to think of something clever to say.”
“Fifty shades me.”
“This sentient jar of artisinal maynoaise.”
“Don’t worry. I will just ask him about star wars and he will talk the whole time.”
“This is a nergasm, not a plan.”
“If I am destined to die in my prime, at least let it be in a blaze of heroes glory.”
“I know that I am great, but everyone else- terrible.”
“I spent a lot of time bettering myself over the summer and I am gonna need you all to rise to my level.”
“This is terrible news. It’s freaking fall not winter. What am I gonna wear?”
“I’ve always wanted to be apart of a power couple.”
“I’m mad at the world and you just happen to be in it.”
“Thanks a lot. Way to ruin life for the rest of us.”
“One word. one word and I could burn her perky little boobs to ash.”
“We aren’t in the prison yard, ass hat.”
“Would you like to be the robin to my batwoman?”
“You’re fine. Just a little- Slutty.”
“We are gonna suck?”
“Anything to keep me from picturing my sister’s tragic visit to the shire.”
“Sometimes, she was just tired or having a bad day or whatever.”
“I just want to soak in this gold moment when we thought that your plan would work.”
“You are pagent pretty, reasonable well spoken and the added benefit of being an orphan.”
“It’s effective, but her methods- quaint.”
“Screw this world.”
“Well, in that case, screw personal growth.”
“I’m sorry. We can’t all be born with resting pouty face.”
“We get it you came back. Now, disapear again.”
I fancy sex with you. The jury’s out on all the rest.”
“For the love of frodo, go rescue your hobbit. We will muddle through.”
“I’m a taste maker. An influencer. people don’t know what they want til I tell them they want it.”
“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that on a poster at the dentist’s.” 
“New plan. The gloves are off. Let’s burn these bitches to the ground. We’re going to give these townies a taste of what we’re really made of.”
“No one has been better off without you.”
“And we don’t exist for just one boy.”
“This is an honor. It’s so nice to know that you all love me as much as I love myself.”
“Epic former frenemy reunion is going to have to wait.”
“A mission for a hero and her league of- whatever.”
“In order to conquer, we had to divide.”
“i thought you would have wanted to spend the day canoodling with your hipster boyfriend.”
Ew. Wait, that leaves me with High-and-Mighty Granger. Like Hermione Granger, but just more stuck-up?”
“You only get one chance to make a good first impression, and you don’t want to be the girl that wears a uniform to a school that doesn’t have uniforms.”
“That wreath can’t go there. That is where the doves are being released which is after the video, remember?”
“Oh god, he has got you speaking nerd.”
“I’m getting back to me. I am who I am.” 
“If you would be happy to be my date to my birthday on Friday.” 
“Do I look pretty when I play quarterback?” 
“You are not friends. Your just a montage.”
“I’m not worried about losing the election. I’m worried about what I’m going to wear to my victory rally. The outfit makes the speech.” 
“No, I am not a virgin.”
“Oh god, that was my inside voice.”
“For once, your weird relationship with my dad is paying off.”
“You cannot leave me alone with just her for company.”
“I was making an entrance mop head.”
“If she still wants to kill me, the safest place I can be is right next to you.”
“No, I am right on time to kick your ass.”
“On a scale from horrific to apocalyptic, a 12.”
“That is such a move.”
“I am nosey, in like a charming way.”
“Do I look like a nerd?”
“nothing that you and I will be proud of.”
“It’s hero time.”
“Nu-uh, we are all good.”
“Are you seriously telling me that I am going to die because I become a better person?”
“on the bright side, we are all happy that you are single.”
“I don’t do trash.”
“I should have said this earlier but black isn’t your color.”
“No wonder you had a thing for me.”
“Is it because I am prettier than you?”
“It’s so much less impressive when you give the hero speeches.”
“Oh god, I am having an episode again.”
“I did. I do. Also- I am incredibly turned on by him.”
“I prefer to die with dignity.”
“Unchain me, and maybe I will tell you. You thrift store hobbit.”
“Trust me, no one thinks that.”
“We are about to die. Figure something out.”
“I’m unique and special and for some reason I am angry at the world because of it.”
“Good morning... more like despair.”
“I care that instead of being welcomed at the airport, we were stuck taking a shuttle that smelled like a sewer for three hours.”
“See the new you is so snarky.”
“Be surprised quitely.”
“So buckle up. We are in this tell the bitter end.”
“It’s okay. Just let it out the real way. Like you have needed too all this time.”
“All good things, I hope.”
“What is with the performance anxiety?”
“Why? I am wearing polyester.”
“Who is this trollop?”
“When I said that I wanted to hang out, this is not what I had in mind.”
“This is the definition of girl power. I am proud of us.”
“If you tell anyone else this, I will deny it, but I am glad you are back.”
“WIth global warming, I might never see the florida keys because of you.”
“who better to put a touching memorial to me than me?”
“That hair, that shirt... oh, I see you have a point there.”
“We are airy clouds flying high above a tuburlant sea of teenage drama.”
“He is hot and crazy and the language barrier would make it hard to communicate. Just how I like it.”
“Why are you carrying a sword?”
“Sorry, I think.”
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sevenyeargap · 6 months
tagged by the most iconic duo @volaile and @sealnami thank you!!!!!!!
last song you listened to: black sheep - brie larson version (spto reawakened my love for this song... envy adams you will always be famous 🫶)
last movie you watched: last night in soho! i have mixed feelings about the ending, but it was a very enjoyable movie nonetheless!
currently watching: im rewatching atla... currently on s2... zuko my beloved. i was really sick two weeks ago and needed something fun and i never finished watching the third season.....
other things you’ve watched this year: BREAKING BAD.... wwdits (the series), spto, one piece live action, ive also rewatched p&p 2005 my beloved. i think thats all? to be honest im not a huge series/movies guy dkksgksg
currently reading: i am finally (finally finally!) digging my way through the way of kings by brandon sanderson! ive been wanting to read the stormlight archives for years but was always intimidated by the sheer size of the books... wish me luck!!
currently listening to: hawaii part ii album of all time
currently working on: my big 7yg fic aka my white whale.... yes ive been working on it for more than a year. no i do not know when it'll be ready to be published. also... two vk siblings wips AND The Proposal Casefic
current obsession: i am a dumb bitch with terrible taste (ive been so obsessed with octopath traveler 2. is it a good game? arguably. is it fun? oh YEAH. also lesbians???!?!?!??!??)
tagging @bitterqueenbean @caecilian-king @eliounora @frogs-in3-hills @mushroombo @zukkas @juliehoop and @mutxnts ! and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
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