#I always assumed he was like 5’9
Hey why did no one tell me Jani Lane was 6’ 1”?
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bwaldorf · 1 month
my life really has genuinely changed since i found out kendrick lamar’s 5’5” or whatever 😭😭😭 like bro what are you doing down there
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lovingrosewho · 10 months
So here we go again: many many years ago (around 2017), I wrote this Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader! fanfiction, I never published it ‘cause I was always making corrections and re-reading it, I tried to publish it around 2019 I think, but then I lost that tumblr account… anyways. After all these years, I bring it to you again, with no new corrections, just myself from 2017 speaking/writing. Hope you like it!
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader!
Rating: T
Word count: 4128
Summary: the BAU is investigating a series of murders in your hometown, and you’re right in the middle of it, but Dr. Spencer Reid takes a particular liking in you.
Warnings: usual tv series stuff (absent father, missing relative, murder and crime scene descriptions)
(set after season 8)
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It was just another day at the BAU, Penelope had just called everyone into the conference room to explain the next case.
“Delaware. Three victims. First victim was killed two weeks ago, his name was Adrien Sanders, he was 57 years old, 5’7 feet tall; second victim was killed almost a week ago, Philip Moore, 56 years old, 5’9 feet tall; and third victim, Dennis Barnes, was killed yesterday, he was 59 years old, also 5’9 feet tall. All three were males, and as you can see, with similar physical features” she explains pointing with a laser to the pictures “Although, they were shot in different places; Sanders was shot in the stomach, Moore on the neck and the right leg, and Barnes was shot several times in… pretty much everywhere” García says, getting goosebumps from the images shown.
“He’s escalating, acting out of rage. Are there any connections besides the physical similarity between the victims?” Morgan asks.
“None, apparently. Sanders was a salesman, he was murdered in Pike Creek, getting out of a bar at night, Moore was a lawyer, killed in plain daylight, near his house in Glasgow, and Barnes was shot at his job, a car factory in Wilmington. No witnesses”.
“I believe we’ve got ourselves an unsub who uses his victims as surrogates for someone else due to the extreme resemblance they present. We’ll keep discussing it on the plane. Wheels up in 30” Hotch declares.
“There’s no evident pattern on the map, it just seems like the unsub picked… random locations” Reid says frowning while looking at the map, tracing lines on it.
“If he’s using his victims as surrogates, wouldn’t it be possible that these men are just victims of opportunity? Maybe the man who killed them is in some kind of delusion that they are who he really wants to kill, they cross paths with him, looking almost, or exactly like his target, and then… that’s it. They’re gone”. JJ says.
“Why are we assuming he’s a man?” Rossi questions.
“That’s a good point…” Spencer speaks “Nothing makes it look like it… this unsub… it doesn’t look like he had a special or knowing management of a gun given the places where he shot his victims, he didn’t use his hands, so there are no traces on the bodies, there’s no signature, no murder weapon, no sign that it was personal, there are no witnesses… there’s no way we can know if it’s a man or a woman”.
“Then we’re back at square one” Morgan concludes “We can’t move forward if we don’t even know if the killer is a male or a female ‘cause we’ve got nothing else, no signature, no nothing”.
“Of course we have something: victimology” Hotch points out “Try to stop looking for the unsub directly, start looking for the next victim, who fits the description and how could he be connected to the unsub. When we land, Reid and I will speak to Delaware authorities to find out what else they can tell us about the case, Rossi and Morgan, go to the last crime scene and let us know what you can tell about this last murder, JJ, go talk to the families of the victims, see what they can tell you about them, if they have any suspicions of someone who could’ve killed their relatives, and if they know of any connection at all with the other victims”.
“You got it” JJ assures.
“We’ll meet you again at Wilmington’s offices”.
While the BAU is busy trying to catch the killer in your town, you’re busy going to work riding your bicycle at the same time you brush your teeth.
You get to the flower shop almost half hour late and start giving Irene, the old lady you work for, explanations as to why you are late, she just looks at you all messed up and laughs, telling you it’s fine since it’s the first time you’re late and that it is no big deal.
You sigh, trying to calm your nerves. You stayed up pretty late last night, waiting for Connor’s text, letting you know he was okay. He’s been doing that for the past couple of weeks he’s been missing. At first you wondered if it was really him, he must’ve guessed that, because he sent you a voicenote, telling you not to worry, saying he needed to clear his mind, apologizing for his behavior… since then, he had been texting you everyday at the same hour every night, but last night, he didn’t text you until 4 a.m.
You figured it was normal, after meeting with your father again, who you hadn’t seen in your 25 years, until then.
You think about all of that while arranging all of the flowers on the counter and changing the signboard from “CLOSED” to “OPEN”, when you do that, you sigh again, sitting behind the counter, pulling a book out of your bag, waiting for the doorbell to ring, indicating you have a customer.
It takes less than 5 minutes for it to ring, which is weird. You frown without taking your eyes off of your book until you’re done reading that sentence. You look up with your best smile and ready to work, when you see your dad standing on the doorway. You roll your eyes and pinch your nose bridge on that precise instant, sensing an oncoming migraine.
“What do you want?” you ask, not raising your voice so Irene doesn’t get startled.
“I told you. I want to make peace with you. And your brother” he says, smiling. What a hypocrite.
“Sir. I’m gonna need to ask you to get out” you say, still not raising the volume.
“I told you that day at the coffee shop… neither me, or Connor, are going to make peace with you… you weren’t here… ever… the few things I know about you, are that you used to beat Connor and my mom up, and that you left the second I was born, how am I supposed to forgive you uh? Tell me” you rant.
“I told you, I am truly sorry”.
“No you’re not… and even if you are… it is not enough. Look, sir, I’m going to ask you to leave again, if you don’t, or if I see you again, I’m gonna call the police and accuse you of harassment, understood?” you state, voice firm and impassive. He looks at you, surprise in his eyes, but nods and turns around, opening the door.
“If you ever change your mind… I’m renting a small apartment here in Wilmington, in front of Stapler Park” he says before getting out and start walking.
“Screw you” you whisper, getting back to your book, when Irene comes to stand behind you.
“Your old man?” she inquires with her Alabamian accent.
“Nah” you say, not removing your eyes from the page you’re in “He’s not my anything”.
A couple of days went by, the team was at Wilmington's offices, discussing the case all over again after each of them had researched enough but came up clean.
"JJ what did you come up with?" Hotch interrogates her, frustrated about not getting anywhere near catching the unsub.
"Not much, I mean... I’m trying to make connections but... the three victims were pretty much... average Joe's... Adrien Sanders was out drinking with a couple of friends, nothing unusual according to his ex wife, Philip Moore was supposed to come home to his son and wife, he was only a couple of blocks away from his house, and Dennis Barnes was working on fixing some car engine, according to his coworkers. Nothing out of the ordinary, no leads..."
"Okay then, let's start thinking, if they're surrogates, who are they surrogates for?" Hotch follows up.
"Could be an ex husband?" Rossi suggests.
"Or perhaps it would be more likely to be an abusive relative?" Morgan thinks.
"Statistically yeah, 3.3 million American children are exposed to domestic violence in their homes each year, 45 to 70% of the same number of children who are exposed to domestic violence are also victims of physical abuse, because of the trauma, they have higher risks of alcohol/drug abuse and juvenile delinquency" Reid states, almost like quoting it from a book.
"The victims were 56, 57 and 59 years old, which means we're looking for someone between the ages of 25-30" Rossi says until Reid comes in again.
"Actually, I think we should consider 25-35 or more, statistics show that it is more likely to suffer from domestic violence when they come from an unwanted pregnancy, which means..."
"Teenage parents" JJ guesses.
"Exactly... we shouldn't even dismiss someone who is 40 years old" Reid assures.
"Okay then what are we looking for? Males or females who suffered from domestic violence, delusional, probably with a criminal record..." Hotch starts.
"Kids who suffer this, don't usually have social skills nor education" Rossi interrupts.
"I think it's time we give the profile" Hotch declares getting out of the conference room.
"We're looking for males or females between the ages of 25-40 years old, who suffered from domestic violence, they're more likely to have a criminal record, no social skills, and barely any or no education at all" Hotch says to the authorities who are present in the room.
"This unsub doesn't know how to manage his anger, he uses his victims as surrogates to what we think might be an abusive relative" Morgan informs.
"He or she might as well be delusional, he kills his victims because he thinks he saw his real target. The victims he's looking for are males from 55-60 years old, with a fair complexion, dark hair, and about 5"9 feet tall. When you relieve this information to the press, let them know the characteristics of the victimology, in case someone knows anyone who has this specific features. Thank you" Hotch concludes before getting back to the office with the rest of the team to call Garcia.
"Ready to act, sir" she answers.
"Garcia we need you to check reports from children who suffered from domestic violence in the estate of Delaware, more specifically in the cities of Pike Creek, Glasgow and Wilmington in the last 40 years" Hotch demands.
"Your wish is my command sir, and... oh... I've got 17,334 results..."
The team keeps trying to crosscheck results for a while, but none fit the profile.
"Maybe they weren't even born here" Rossi says, frankly exhausted.
The phone rings and JJ answers.
"Yeah... could you give me his name? Barry (Y/L/N)... okay, thank you, what about an address? That's okay, thank you ma'am" JJ hangs up and looks at the team "Someone fits the description of the victims".
"Garcia, could you look for a man named Barry (Y/L/N) please?" Hotch asks.
"Right... he is 57 years old, got married in Washington D.C... and... oh my god..."
"What is it babygirl?" Morgan questions, worry in his voice.
"It's just... there are... several anonymous reports of domestic violence... and... he has a daughter. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)".
"What can you tell us about her?" Hotch interrogates.
"She is 25 years old, lives here, on the city of Wilmington, she has no social media handles, but... something's not right".
"What do you mean?" JJ says.
"She doesn't fit the profile even though her father does fit the victimology. She went to kindergarten and the first year of elementary school at Washington D.C, then she continued studying but here in Delaware, graduated from college with honors from the University of Delaware, with a degree in fine arts."
"What about a criminal record?" Morgan inquires.
"None, she's... perfect..." Garcia says, giving up.
"Okay, thanks Garcia" Hotch says and hangs up, frustrated again "It doesn't matter that she doesn't fit the profile, we should still check her out, see what she can tell us about her father. Reid, I need you to take care of that, while the rest of us try to figure out if something went wrong with the profile".
"Why just me?" Spencer frowns.
"Because you're closer to her age, and given the facts Garcia gave us about her, she sounds pretty similar to you, maybe you can get her to tell you something relevant" Aaron tells him. Spencer doesn't look so comfortable going on his own but agrees at the end, when he's about to leave the conference room Morgan yells at him.
"Hey kid! Just wrap it up!" he says mocking him and starts laughing, the whole team starts giggling, except for Hotch who only looks at him and shrugs. Spencer's cheeks turn red and he rushes to get out of Wilmington's offices.
Meanwhile, you get home from the flower shop, still no sign from Connor.
You go to your room, dodging the canvas and cans of paint so you can change into something more comfortable when there's a knock at the door. You close your eyes and frown, waiting to hear Connor's voice.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" a man says through the door "I’m... Dr. Spencer Reid, I'm with the FBI, could you please open your door?".
Panic starts flooding you when the thought of Connor being in trouble pops up.
You walk slowly to the door and open it, revealing the most beautiful man you've seen in your entire life. Spencer is taken aback by your beauty as well, he looks at you in shock, as if he was expecting someone else.
"Are you...?" he starts.
"Yes" you interrupt “Uh... come in please".
When he enters the small house, the first thing he notices is a huge amount of books spread all over the place, you start picking them up and trying to pile them somewhere where they don't get in the way.
"I'm so sorry" you apologize "I wasn't planning on having any visits".
He giggles softly "It's okay" he says, helping you pick up the ones on the couch, leaving them on a table near it.
"Would you um...? Like some coffee? Or tea or water or... something?" you ramble.
"Coffee is fine, thank you".
You bring two mugs of coffee to the table in front of the couch, along with sugar and milk in case he’d like to pour some. You sit next to him, holding your cup between your both hands.
"So... how can I help you?" you finally ask.
"I'm with the BAU... the uh... the Behavioral Analysis Unit, we... profile the unsub... unsub stands for unknown subject... we-uh-we are investigating the recent murders that take place here in Delaware" he explains.
"Oh... okay" you say, still not understanding how can you help them.
"Do you... do you know this man?" he asks, showing you a picture of your father, you look at it, not even taking it to get a closer look.
"Yes, he's the son of a bitch who abandoned my family the day I was born" you whisper, holding your cup more forcefully than necessary.
He looks at you with a look you can't decipher.
"There are... several anonymous reports of domestic violence... I was wondering if... I could ask you a few questions about it, about your life in general" when he says this, it hits you.
"Are you considering me a suspect?" he scratches the back of his head, bowing it down.
"Your father... matches the victimology, and even though you don't fit the entire profile, we shouldn't dismiss any possibilities... I just... I want to know a bit more about you and your family, that's all, I'm not assuming anything".
"What do you want to know?" you murmur.
"What do you remember about your father?"
"Nothing. I told you. He left the day I was born, my mother died 6 years after that".
"What...? What do you mean? Who raised you then?" he looks surprised. You thought he would know that part of your life if he already knew who your father was.
"My brother of course".
He stays quiet for a couple of minutes, staring at you.
"I didn't know you had a brother" he confesses "What's his name?"
"Connor" you look down at your, now cold, cup of coffee, and take a sip.
"Can you tell me more about him?" he asks politely.
"Well... we were both born in Washington D.C... my mother had him when she was 18 and my father was 20, it was an unwanted pregnancy... for all I know, he used to beat my mother up, and Connor as well, when he tried to defend her. 12 years later, my mother got pregnant again… the day I was born, my father left, so my brother started working as a carpenter's assistant... after dating several guys, abusive, just like my dad, my mom got into a severe depression and died when I was 6 years old... by then my brother was already 18, and he had saved up enough for us to move here to Delaware... we've been living here ever since" you explain, the images of your mother, lying dead on her bed tormenting you again.
"So your brother... he worked and studied at the same time?" he questions.
"No... he... he couldn't afford to keep us both in school, he wasn't even able to finish elementary school but... he made sure I went to and finish college. He raised me... as if I was his own daughter" you say, feeling kind of guilty.
“What about his social life?” he asks, worry starting to show up on his face.
“Neither of us has what you would consider a social life… I’m always buried either on my books or my paintings, if not, I’m working on the flower shop, and he’s always buried on his work… we have each other, and that’s quite enough, when we come home we have dinner together, talk about our day, watch a movie or something… it’s… pretty much just the two of us against the world. It’s always been like that” you acknowledge, a single tear streaming down your cheek.
Spencer looks at you almost with pity and cleans the tear with his thumb mindlessly, even though he’s not too keen of physical contact, it just seems appropriate. The gesture sends butterflies to your stomach.
“(Y/N)… listen to me carefully… I need you to tell me where your brother is”.
“What?” you exclaim, fear coming out of your voice “You think he did this? No. Spencer… no, I’m sorry but that’s not possible. You don’t know him. He wouldn’t… no… the fact that the victims are similar to my father is just a coincidence, Connor is just… not capable of this… I mean…” you ramble with your voice cracking at the end.
“(Y/N)” he stares at you, looking directly into your eyes, it is as if he can see right through you “Where is he?”
“I don’t know!” you shout bursting into tears “He disappeared two weeks ago”.
“Why didn’t you report him missing?”
“’Cause he’s been sending me texts every night, letting me know he’s okay! I figured… we saw our father again… after 25 years without seeing him, he found us… I thought… I thought it was normal that he wanted some time alone…”
“What’s his phone number?” he asks, pulling out his own cellphone, dialing a number “Garcia, I need you to run a name for me and track a number”.
“Okie dokie” a woman says at the other end of the line “Shoot”.
“Connor (Y/L/N). He’s (Y/N)’s brother. I just sent you the number”.
“Alright, let me do my magic… mmmh… oh. Wow. This is weird. I’ve got nothing”.
“What do you mean you’ve got nothing?” Spencer says, raising his voice.
“He’s not registered. At all. Not even a birth certificate. And the cellphone’s off”.
“He was never registered” you inform “Our parents never considered it important, so...”
“Where does he work?” Spencer cuts you off in a desperate way, you give him the address of the truck company “(Y/N), I need to go with the team. Will you be okay on your own?”
You nod slightly “Just… call me when you find him… please” you plead, still sobbing.
“Yes. I promise. I will. Thank you” he says reaching for the doorknob “(Y/N)… please be careful. Connor is delusional… please, lock the doors and windows... and stay safe” after telling you this, he leaves in a hurry, leaving his cup of coffee intact on top of the table.
You sit on the couch, laying down slowly, you close your eyes. You fall asleep crying, wishing that when you wake up, everything going on around you is just a nightmare.
Spencer joins the team when they’re about to leave Wilmington’s offices to go to your brother’s workplace, the moment he hops onto the van, the whole team starts bombing him with questions.
“Reid, what did (Y/N) tell you?” Hotch inquires while driving.
“Her father left when she was born, her brother is 12 years older than her which means he’s 37, their father used to abuse Connor and her mother… the anonymous reports of domestic violence must’ve been done by him, but no one ever did anything. They saw their father two weeks ago”.
“That must’ve been the stressor” Rossi affirms.
When the team gets to Connor’s workplace, they don’t find him, but they do find his boss.
“Michael Turner?” Hotch asks a bald man approaching them, showing him his badge “I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is my team, we’re with the FBI investigating the murders that take place here in Delaware”.
“How can I help you?” Mr. Turner asks unsurely.
“We’re looking for Connor (Y/L/N), I believe he works for you”, Michael laughs ironically.
“Not anymore” he says “That kid hasn’t come to work for days, the last time I saw him, he had to drop some packages in Pike Creek and Glasgow, when you find him, tell him he’s fired”.
“Mr. Turner, why did you hire Connor in the first place if he had no identifications?” Spencer interrogates.
“’Cause he was just a boy… just 18, having to take care of his 6 year old sister… I took him under my wing, how could I not? But for what I see, this is the payment I get” he exclaims angrily while turning around “Excuse me gentlemen, but I have work to do”.
“Thank for your time” Aaron says, turning back to the team “Where else could Connor be?”
“If he’s been looking for a specific target, that could be his endgame” JJ suggests.
“We need to know where his father lives currently, if he’s delusional about people who look like him, his father is his endgame” says Hotch.
“We need to be fast, he hasn’t killed anyone in days, that could mean he already knows where his father lives, I’ll call Garcia” Morgan decides and dials the number “Hey, talk to me babygirl”.
“My chocolate thunder, what can I do for you?” she answers.
“I need you to tell me where Barry (Y/L/N) currently lives”.
“Okay let me check, he… oh no. He just rented an apartment in front of Staple Park, here in Wilmington, I’m sending you the complete address right now”.
“Thanks Garcia, we’re on our way ” Hotch indicates, turning the siren on and starting the engine of the SUV.
When they arrive to Barry (Y/L/N)’s apartment, they discover he is just fine, watching TV on the livingroom.
“Can I help you?” he asks standing up, clearly mad about some stranger breaking into his house, his voice is hoarse from drinking.
“Mr. (Y/L/N), we’re with the FBI, have you seen your son Connor (Y/L/N)?” Hotch asks annoyed by the man in front of him.
“My son?” he chuckles “I don’t think my son will want to see me ever again”.
“He hasn’t talked to you? Threatened you?” Morgan inquires.
“No, but who did threat me, actually, was his sister” the team notices right away that he said ‘his sister’ instead of ‘my daughter’. Barry rolls his eyes “She said she’d accuse me of harassment if I came near her ever again”.
“She’s not our unsub” Reid claims abruptly.
“We know that, Reid” Hotch tells him, dismayed by his sudden behavior “Mr. (Y/L/N), please don’t hesitate on calling if something strange happens”.
“Stranger than a bunch of FBI agents breaking into my apartment?” he huffs “Yeah, okay, I will”.
The team gets out of the house, confused by the pattern Connor has been following.
“He hasn’t killed anyone else, that can just mean that he’s looking for his endgame, the one who made it imposible for him to live the life he wanted or deserved” Rossi intervenes.
“Unless…” JJ starts “Unless his father isn’t his endgame”.
“Who else could it be?” Morgan exclaims, raising his eyebrows.
“(Y/N)” Reid says, running towards the SUV, followed by the rest of the team.
Chapter 2
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mrhyde-mrseek · 1 month
Been rewatching Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. and hyperfixating on small town gothic mystery aesthetics, so here’s my version of the gang if I were to write my own adaptation:
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19, engineering major
His special interest is traps
Asexual and biromantic, he/him
In a pre-established relationship with Daphne, they’re a ride-or-die couple and can sometimes be sappy to the point that they gross the others out
The heart of the group, brought everyone together, is usually the one to cool down arguments
Decent at cooking but REALLY good at baking
Gets ascots from Daphne every year for his birthday
Knew Velma a little in high school, mainly from physics and math but never got to actually know her until college
Got the Mystery Machine from a sketchy car dealer when he turned 16 and loves the old rust bucket to death
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18, forensics science major, minor in history
Also autistic, self-diagnosed because it’s really hard to get a diagnosis
Lesbian and genderqueer, she/they
Had a crush on Daphne a few years ago, but when Daphne and Fred got together she forced herself to ignore it until it eventually went away
LOVES true crime podcasts, kinda wants to start their own one day
Super blunt and sarcastic, can sometimes come off as rude to the people who don’t know them that well
Struggled with an eating disorder for a while, Shaggy helped her recover and now they’re best friends
Tech wiz
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19, fashion design major
Pan, she/her
Grew up in a wealthy family with four older sisters, was always pressured by her parents to fit their image of perfection, so she eventually started deliberately doing things to piss them off
Starting a relationship with Fred was the breaking point and now she doesn’t talk to them (she still keeps in touch with her sisters, though)
Natural blonde, dyes her hair
The most athletic out of all of them, used to do gymnastics and dance throughout middle school and high school
Quit when she realized how much it was negatively affecting her body image
Hates when people assume she’s ditzy just because she’s hyperfeminine
Looks mean at first, is actually super sweet
Fascinated with ghosts and cryptids
Loves ‘80s and ‘90s Heathers-inspired fashion
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20, culinary arts major but was undecided for a while
Aroace, he/him
Mix of hippie and grunge aesthetic
Definitely smokes weed
Loves ‘70s and ‘80s music
Has a panic disorder, ADHD, and dyslexia
Has seen every classic horror movie to ever exist despite being terrified of them
Everyone assumes the Mystery Machine belongs to him until someone in the Mystery Gang corrects them
Will eat basically any type of food you put in front of him
Shitty relationship with his parents since they have unreachable expectations for him and constantly compare him to his classmates and cousins
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Shaggy’s psychiatric service “dog”
Not actually a dog—in reality he’s an alien who crash-landed near Shaggy’s house and took the form of a Great Dane, the Rogers got him trained as a service dog for Shaggy’s panic disorder, and the rest is history
Shaggy still has no idea (although he and the gang do think it’s weird that Scoob can talk)
Despite being a bit of a coward he’d do anything to protect the gang, especially Shaggy
Likes horror movies just as much as Shaggy
Will eat literal garbage if hungry enough (which is all the time)
Started developing doglike traits over the years (barks at people walking by, hates the vacuum, developed a taste for dog treats, etc.)
Also here’s the full body photos i drew:
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k8epot8e · 3 months
Train in Vain: Chapter 3 Have a Sunny Day!
You, Kid, and Kil arrive at Luffy's party.
Sorry for another shorter chapter this week! I went to a wedding and it threw me off my school and work schedules. I promise next week's will be longer and have more dialogue. It was fun to think about how I thought the Sunny rowhouse would look. Also, I promise I didn't forget Franky or Chopper they're coming. As always, much love and thanks for reading <3
[I'm attempting to get better at how I cross post these on tumblr. I feel so old but I am learning. I will put the link to the chapter on ao3 at the end. I'm sorry I forgot TWs last time but nothing really happened last chapter anyway lol. ]
TWs: Cursing. Drinking and mentions of alcohol.
Kil’s fist hesitated just in front of the door.
The three of you had gotten there in no time. The apartment you’d been looking for turned out to be a three-story brick rowhouse tucked away on a side street. It had a small front porch with a staircase underneath, presumably leading down to a basement apartment. The stairs were lined with potted plants of various sizes and on the porch was a mat, adorned with the face of a smiling cartoon lion surrounded by sunflowers. “Have a sunny day!” was written in cursive at the bottom. You heard an unapproving tsk from Kid which made you giggle.
“I think this is an outside door” Kil stated. He uncurled his fist and reached for the doorknob, opening it inwards. He was right, as you assumed he often was. Behind the door was a hallway with another door on the right and a stairway leading upwards on the left. The minute you all squeezed through the outer door and into the hallway, you knew the party was in the apartment on this floor. You heard someone playing an acoustic guitar and other voices yelling over one another on the other side of the wall. This door was festooned with paper streamers twisted into jaunty spirals.
The three of you resumed your earlier door-knocking configuration with Kil in front and Kid to your left. The blonde man reached out his large fist and rapped it against the wood three times. The din from the other side of the wall continued but you heard a woman shout, “Luffy! Get the door!” Kid growled lightly and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
A moment later, the door swung violently open. The party streamers fluttered through the air and you jumped at the sudden motion. A short man that you assumed was Luffy appeared in the doorway.
He was probably around 5’9 so both Kil and Kid towered over him. Despite his short stature, he had the presence of someone much larger. A warmth radiated off him, drawing you towards him; an emotional tug that you could feel in your chest. He was handsome in an almost adorable way. His black hair fell in loose curls down over his forehead. He had a long scar under his left eye from an injury probably decades old. His skin was a beautifully warm shade of brown that matched his light brown eyes flecked with gold. His gaze was genuine in an intense way that made you feel exposed. His body was muscular but lean, like the build of a swimmer or gymnast. Around his neck was a thin leather strap from which an old straw hat dangled, resting on his back down between his shoulder blades. He wore a red Hawaiian shirt that he didn’t bother buttoning at all, ripped jean shorts, and flip-flops. An insane outfit for New York, you thought to yourself, quickly getting distracted by his washboard abs. Your face flushed and you hastily averted your gaze.
“Jeez, pull it together ol’ girl,” you thought to yourself.
Luffy thrust his arms in the air and beamed.
He lept out and embraced Kil, wrapping both of his long arms around the blonde’s muscular chest. Kil recoiled slightly but settled into the hug, placing his right hand tentatively on the short man’s back.
“For fuck’s sake” Kid scoffed.
You thought Kid’s verbal hostility would ruffle Luffy, but he seemed completely unfazed.
“I don’t know you,” Luffy released Kil as his eyes met yours. You could feel the blood rush to your cheeks as you became the subject of his intense stare.
“Luffy, this is (Y/N). She’s a new friend of ours.” Kil explained, motioning to you with his right hand.
“Hey. Nice to meet you,” you said sheepishly meeting Luffy’s gaze and offering a small wave of your right hand.
“Nice to meet ya!”
The toothy smile he gave you in return was so bright it made you squint. You felt your heart flutter in your chest; you were completely overcome by his charisma.
“Hey, Jaggy!” Luffy slapped Kid on the arm with his long hand.
“Yeah. Hey.” Kid grumbled and looked away.
You furrowed your brow at the redhead. What was his problem?
“Come on in!” Luffy beckoned to the three of you and led you into the apartment.
The apartment’s common space was one long room divided into different sections by furniture. On the opposite wall to where you entered was a large, brick fireplace. The mantel was decorated with more party streamers along with candles, plants, and photographs. In front of the fireplace was a long wooden coffee table, seemingly the nexus of the gathering as most people were sitting on couches or chairs pulled up around it. To the right was a large bay window with built-in bookshelves on either side and a bench lined with throw pillows that faced the coffee table. Facing the bench was a large couch with an aggressively 1970s sepia-toned floral pattern. It had definitely seen better days, but its injuries had been patched up tenderly in places.
To your left was a media table with video game consoles and a TV. The far left side of the room was a dining area with a long, scuffed wooden table that was currently covered in reusable plastic cups and an unfinished game of Settlers of Catan. Behind it was what seemed to be an impeccably stocked bar cart. There were doorways on this side of the room, one leading to a linoleum-tiled kitchen, one to a bathroom, and one to a hallway that extended down to the left.
When Luffy said “party” on the phone, you had assumed it was going to be a body-to-body type of affair like the apartment parties you sometimes attended reluctantly with friends. This was the opposite of that. There were eight people not including you, Kid and Kil.
On the bench sat a 20-something busty redhead whose cheeks were already flushed from alcohol. She was arguing with the intimidatingly handsome, presumably similarly aged, green-haired Asian man to her right who was actively pouring both of them more sake despite neither of their glasses being close to empty.
Sitting in a dining chair pulled in front of the fireplace and as close to the redheaded girl as physically possible was a lanky man with blonde hair that hung loosely over his face. He was smoking a cigarette and drinking what appeared to be a dirty martini. He was smiling lovingly at the redhead, but she wasn’t paying him any mind.
On the floral couch sat a beautiful older woman with long dark hair and bronze skin, probably in her late 30s, holding a book in her lap. The book looked like it had been sitting open for a while and she was talking happily with the man to her left, a handsome, 20-something Black man with long curly hair he kept styled in a low ponytail. He was enthusiastically telling her about something, his excited hand motions emphasizing what he was explaining. On the man’s left side sat a large-framed older Asian man who was looking between the two conversations and smiling contentedly. Lastly, another older man sat behind the floral couch in a dining chair he had scooted closer to the group. He was a very tall, skinny Black man who was playing the acoustic guitar and lightly singing a happy little tune.
It was loud and somewhat chaotic for a small gathering, but the scene made you smile. Luffy paused once the three of you had shuffled in the door.
“Hey guys! Look who made it!” Luffy laughed as he addressed the apartment of people. The acoustic guitar and conversations briefly paused as all eyes turned towards you.
“Wow, Eustass. Never thought you’d actually take him up on it.” The redheaded girl teased, a sly grin spreading across her flushed face.
“If you wanted to see me that bad, babe, all you had to do was ask.” Kid cocked his brow at her suggestively. She rolled her eyes.
“Kid, I swear to god I will kick your ass” The blonde man stood up and pointed his cigarette at Kid in challenge.
Before you or Kil could say anything Luffy let out a loud belly laugh
“Come on guys! It’s a party! Let’s just have a good time!” He slapped Kid on the back playfully. Kid’s entire face got red and he stormed off to the bar cart at the end of the room. The man started playing the guitar again and everyone resumed their earlier conversations.
Luffy flopped down happily on the bench next to the green-haired man. You and Kil migrated to the bar cart where Kid had just poured himself a shot of whiskey. He threw it back and exhaled, slamming the “What Happens in Sabaody Archipelago, Stays in Sabaody Archipelago!” shot glass back onto the cart.
“Can we just ask him for a ride and get the fuck out of here?” Kid huffed at Kil. The sticky sweet scent of whiskey wafting from his large mouth.
“I don’t know if they’ll just up and take us without some convincing. Let’s all get a drink and see if we can talk one of them into it.” Kil said calmly.
“He’s probably right. It would be rude to just demand something from them the minute we got in the door.” You added.
Kid rolled his eyes.
“1. I don’t care about manners, 2. Kil, you just want a drink, 3. (Y/N), you only want to stay ‘cause you’ve got a hard-on for that lunatic.” Kid jabbed.
“What? I do not!” You huffed. “Also, if anyone is a lunatic it’s you, Kid. He seems perfectly nice.”
Kid opened his mouth to argue back at you but Kil placed his hand on Kid’s chest, stopping him.
“Let’s focus on the task at hand, shall we?” Kil said dryly. “Even if I do just want a drink, we’ll be outta here faster if we do some schmoozing.”
Kil turned to you.
“So, what do you want?” He asked cocking his head at you, a smile peeking out from behind his surgical mask.
“Hmph. Probably a Shirley Temple.” Kid laughed.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having.” You said to Kil. His blond eyebrows shot up in amused questioning.
“Don’t let Kid bully you into anything. I usually drink whiskey neat, and not the good shit either.” Kil laughed.
“That’s just fine.” You smiled back at him, meeting his gaze. He was a hard man to read anyway, as composed as he was, so trying to interpret him with limited facial cues made everything more difficult. You thought you sensed a hint of flirtation in his tone, but you couldn’t be sure. And even so, god knows you didn’t have enough evidence to do anything about it.
“Make it three.” Kid grunted. He grabbed a dining chair and dragged it closer, but not too close, to the circle of friends.
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keiraboberia · 1 year
In celebration of the new episode tomorrow (that will probably make us all collectively loose our shits) I offer a List of half-assed head-cannons that I made while fighting of a single melatonin tablet:
Link is obviously the tallest, around 6’3 I believe. Scary is pretty average height, about 5’9 but she always rounds up. Hermie is 5’5 but frequently wears heeled shoes when he needs too. Normal is 5’3 and had to re-sew the legs of the teeny costume because they were too long and he kept eating shit while cheerleading. And Taylor is of course short with no remorse at a whole 5’1 and we love him for that.
Scary Listens to Creep By RadioHead and says something along the lines of “Modern music just doesn’t hit the same anymore…”
Taylor’s favorite Studio Ghibli movie isn’t Totoro, It’s spirited away. I have no reasoning for this it just works in my mind.
All the teens are definitely neurodivergent coded, therefore I’m taking that and running with it. Link is autistic and probably has some form of anxiety. (Just like me fr)
Mae Hales cuts her own hair and it looks fucking amazing.
When Normal was younger the only kids TV show he was allowed to watch was Bluey.
Taylor has a Tamagotchi and is terrible at keeping it alive
Linc (Link? Linck?) gets frequent growing pains, especially in his legs. Whenever this happens his dads treat it like how men treat women in their periods and Link is always confused by it. “Do you want a hot water bottle and some Aspirin, honey?”
Scary tried to pierce her own septum one time and it healed over with so much scar tissue that when her mom finally let her get a nose piercing she chose a nostril instead because she was embarrassed to tell anyone.
Hermie, at multiple different theater companies, has played the cowardly Lion, scarecrow, and Tin-man in the wizard of Oz
Assuming everything goes fine and dandy and the world doesn’t completely explode, following the events of this season the Kids still play TTRPGS weekly.
Scary loves Scott Pilgrim VS the World
Normal Cries at animal shelter commercials
Taylor loves strawberries
Link is really good at making spaghetti
Hermie is naturally a Ginger but since he’s dyed his hair so much it’s hard to tell
Scary Mains DryBones in Mario Kart because she likes the design, Hermie Plays Bowser or Peach depending on his mood, Normal Plays Princess Peach, Taylor Either Plays Mario or Wario and Lincoln plays Yoshi
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The Law of Sin & Death
A stranger enters Devil's Peak
Thanks to @madbadash and @bluecoolr-main for beta reading, love you queens &lt;3
CW: none I can think of, will add if any are brought to my attention
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Texan roads often felt like they stretched for miles.
Like you could drive in a direction and you’ll always run into a story. For John Carson, the road led him to a little town called Devil’s Peak in search of a missing young man. Tapping the wheel as The Reaper played over the stereo, he stared at the vast wasteland as it slowly melted into a forest around him. 
His current lead being that his target was last seen on a Greyhound bus for Austin, though according to the family and bus staff he never made it. Instead, the kid must have gotten off at some point sooner which led to where John was now.
Passing a beat-up and vandalized sign that read Devil’s Prick, he thought it was surely a mild schoolboy prank, but something John figured shouldn’t be left here as long as it clearly had. He entered the small rural town that was almost missable on maps.
The perfect place to go if you wanted to disappear, John thought as he pulled through the beat-up dirty town. It was rare he got cases from out of state, much less a liberal state like California, but sometimes a case is too good to pass up. Especially when the pay is something short of a lottery win.
John pulled up to a police station, raising a brow at the state of the spot. To him, the place looked like it could get knocked down from just a bad windstorm. He gave the dump a break only because of the hurricane that’d passed by months before. Getting his sunglasses from the console John exited his truck, and walked into the station. 
Admittedly it was nicer inside.
“How can I help you, Sir?” A young man asked, looking up at John from his desk. John smiled politely and extended a hand, which the other took in a firm handshake.
“Detective John Carson. What’s your name, son?” John asked, not one for small talk.
“Officer Conners, sir. What brings a detective around these parts?” Conners responded with a raised eyebrow. John couldn’t help a chuckle escaping him before crossing his arms.
“I’m looking for a young man who went missing around here. He was meant to be in a family home in Austin but apparently never made it. Got his parents right worried about him.” John explained, taking note of how Conners seemed to shift a bit when he’d mentioned the word missing. Maybe if questioned more he’d get something useful, though it’d probably be better if-
“What information do you have on who you’re looking for so far?” Conners cut through the old man’s thoughts, standing up from his desk.
“From what my clients have told me, he should be roughly age 29 and 5’9. He’s from out of state, California to be exact. Looking at his pictures, it’s hard to miss him.” John spoke in a short matter-of-fact tone, searching his pocket and revealing a set of folded up photos. Handing them to Officer Conners who opened and looked through the batch with mild interest. John couldn’t tell if there was any spark of recognition in the young man’s eyes, resulting in worry in the back of his mind. Could this town be yet another an empty thread?
“If he is here it’s in both out our best interest he is brought home, Officer. I believe my job would go much smoother if I could had a brief word with the Sheriff.” Jonathan finished with a little shrug, the polite smile never leaving his lips as he watched the other man closely. On the surface, Conners seemed like the type to want to rely on intimidation or possibly brute strength. It was something John would always admired in his years in the military, even if breaking the spirit was too easy at times. Mental fortitude of a heated spoon, John thought to himself as he took back his photos and watched Conners walk to another room, assumably to chat with his boss.
Taking the brief moment alone to glance around the station, his eyes were drawn to a board near the entrance. Just hidden enough that you wouldn’t notice it well on the way in, but it was unmistakable when John saw the posters and pictures. 
A missing persons board. 
Walking up to the old panel presented John with a few questions but also a few answers. He’d already been here a mere twenty minutes at most and now he knew exactly what type of situation he was finding himself in.
John was soon about to surround himself with a pair of moronic bafoons.
Posters on posters left John staring, to the point he hadn’t noticed when a door opened and Conners returned with the Sheriff. 
“Mr. Carson?” The new man’s voice brought John back to reality and a little bit of relief swept through him when he saw the man was closer to his own age. Nodding a little in acknowledgment, they exchanged a brief handshake.
“Conners says you’re on a missing persons case?”
“Exactly right. I just want your permission before combing through your little town here. After all, I don’t mean to cause an issue and overstay my welcome.” John assured, his friendly tone never wavering. Stealing a glance at this man’s nametag so he knew who he had to put up with. 
Sheriff Burke.
“Well, sir, I don’t think you’ll find him here. Devil’s Peak barely has a population so if he had shown up, we would have noticed.” The gruff man spoke, his voice tired from what John could recognize the underlying hurt, possibly even grief. 
A sad man by default that anyone with half a braincell could easily take advantage of.
“With all due respect, you don’t seem to have the best track record to notice either a rise or drop in population.” John mused, glancing back at the missing person board. Conners shifted a bit but kept his mouth shut which John appreciated. He wasn’t excited to hear whatever dimwitted response the officer would’ve come up with.
“Either way, it’s important I find this man as fast as I can.” John continued, resting his sunglasses on his head before looking back at the two dolts. “I’ve been warned that he’s a dangerous man. One of those unwell types with violent outbursts and I have a sneaking suspicion he’s been off his crazy pills for longer than anyone should.” Burke nodded in understanding, John sighing in soft relief that maybe things can go smoothly in this dirt town.
“So I have permission to poke around?” Burke sighed and gave a small nod before exchanging a look with Conners who went back to his desk.
“Step into my office, Detective. We can discuss further in there.”
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tagging some moots: @rottent33th @the-pinstriped-hood @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @ajarofpickledtears
if you would like to be added/removed from the tag list, lemme know
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aidansplaguewind · 9 months
Why do people always say that Aidan is short, Google says he’s 5’9 so he’s average height isn’t he?
Yeah 5'9" is a very average height for a white male. I don't call him short. I just call him average. But I know what you mean, I've seen several people call him short. (I've also seen people call his dick small and they are so damn wrong.)
Part of me thinks it's because Petyr in the books is short so they assume Aidan is too. And I think another part of it is how he looks standing next to Sophie Turner, who is actually the exact same height as Aidan. But since she's always in heels she looks taller. Her man, the Jonas Brother, is actually shorter than Aidan.
I'm 5'4", a perfectly average female height, so he's a perfect height to me because I don't like it when a guy is WAY taller than me. It makes hugs and kisses a pain. I'm just never super attracted to really, really tall guys. I want them a few inches taller than me though. When a guy is my exact height or shorter it makes me feel giant and too masculine and I don't like the feeling. I feel masculine enough without that too.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
the version i imagine the traveler twins in genshin, if they were of poc instead :) or i guess south east asian version travelers AHAHA
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so like, listen, i have this personal conflict where i see the twins as characters rather than player as traveler, but at the same time i also want to imagine a self insert/genshinsona interactions within the game too... it's just that it's very difficult with the designs of the twins being well... yeah :") so i thought up of my own version
at this point tho, this is a whole different version of the twins, from names, lore, everything, because the writer in me got carried away as always oof XD anyways, here's my version of the genshin twins!
Xyrena and Xyrean
Real Name: Aeryn and Rayne
Dec 31 (Rayne) and Jan 1 (Aeryn)
175cm / 5’9” (Rayne) and 164cm / 5’5” (Aeryn) or 157cm/5'2" if you prefer her shorter
Rayne's nicknames: Ray, Xy
Aeryn's nicknames: Ryn, Ren, Rena, Xy
Weapon: Versatile, but mainly bladed weapons
Colors: Blue, brown, white
Ryn is known to be the friendly outgoing adventurous twin while Ray is known to be the more cautious guarded calculating twin.
Lore notes:
Rayne and Aeryn, the oldest of their family of siblings, lost their parents after a devastation in their homeworld. Their parents were brave and selfless souls, always going their way to help those in need and face dangers to protect everyone. They were well regarded as loyal and close to the rulers of their homeland. Unfortunately, the devastation was far too great and wiped out almost everyone, with the children being lucky. 
Needing to flee, Rayne and Aeryn take their siblings to safety from world to world. But they weren’t always welcomed with open arms as outsiders to other worlds. Since then they’ve all vowed that their home is wherever they are all together.
Rayne and Aeryn are twins (18), with Ray being older by a few hours than Ryn. The second oldest son is Rayen (16), the second oldest daughter Reyna (13), the youngest son Aryen (9), the youngest daughter Eryna (4)
Each sibling owns a piece of jewellery marked with a 𝝌 with a similar purpose as friendship bracelets. (because of my Kingdom Hearts fixation, if the names with the X weren't obvious ADBA)
But one day in the midst of their travels a god descends upon them, angry that they are disturbing the balance of their worlds and separates them all despite the elder ones begging for mercy.
And thus begins my version of Genshin :)
(Written in Ryn's POV because I play Lumine) Ryn gets amnesia, but remembers one thing, to find the last person she ever saw, her older brother. She doesn’t even remember her own name, or the rest of her siblings. But then she finds her barely intact necklace hold letters: X. Y. R. E. N. A. Paimon assumes that her name is Xyrena and Ryn goes along with it (in Ray's case it would've been Xyrean). She can’t put the necklace back together, but luckily the X remains.
As she goes through her journey, she will slowly be reminded of her goals and her family and her past. Particularly when meeting Childe and his younger brother and even more beyond that.
Character design notes:
Ryn as the Lumine twin keeps the white/blue color motif, but she is not wearing a dress because that's one of the reasons I couldn't get myself to put myself in Lumine's place, as someone that doesn't prefer to wear dresses 💀
I didn't originally think the flowers were an important part to the design until I played the Chasm chapter today, so in Ryn's case, the flowers are in the back where her side braids meet. Speaking of her hair, from Lumine's design I kept the short hair with longer sidehairs.
For Ray, I originally wanted his hair to be more reminiscent to Noctis from Final Fantasy's hair: messier with long side hair, but the picrew I used just couldn't replicate that, so I just compromised. Like Aether, he has long hair that he ties into a low ponytail. As for attire, the black/brown color motif and with Noctis being my main inspiration again, I'd imagine his outfit is a mix between the two (or to be more specific, Noctis' jacket over top Aether's outfit lol XD)
The twins, however, were VERY CLOSE to becoming yet even more Xehanort reincarnations having white hair and gold eyes... 💀
Like as if the names weren't enough of a painfully obvious reference to Kingdom Hearts smh. About the names, the idea came from how in the game the traveler is always referred to by the player's username until they unexpectedly reunite during Dain's chapter and the twins refer to each other by their real names. (Ask me about the name pronunciations if unsure! I know how confusing they are my bad haha XD)
It's not visible, but the twins have moles under their eyes! Under Ryn's left eye and Ray's right
None of the images below are mine and are from Pinterest, but I do plan on drawing up my own versions inspired by them once I get the means to do so digitally :)
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rookiesbookies · 2 years
I had an idea a long time ago I want to finalize.
I want like Lex Luthor to get into a PR nightmare and his PR team be like “do what Bruce does in PR nightmares and adopt a kid”.
So Lex adopts a girl, probably 15-16 ish because he didn’t want a kid that was too small or too old, he also wanted a kid that would be able to self govern.
So the girl is 16, probably never knew her parents, has a job, shit like that.
Im thinking when Lex adopts her he’s like “I just need you to appear in public with me a couple times a week. Do some charity work maybe, idk but you get to live in my mansion”
She’s like “ok, I want to major in business anyway”.
At first Lex is like “cool, sweet, awesome” but then he has the “oh shit” moment of
What if Superman tries to kill my kid.
Which makes him feel like an asshole because he may have just subjected his kid to an awful fate.
She’s probably like a chocolate/caramel brunette and about 5’4” ish. She’s pretty but in a dorky-cute way. She’s not super skinny but definitely has weight to her so probably about 140 pounds. Most of it being in her thighs because I have a pretty clear idea of what she looks like. I’d like to believe that she’s from like Georgia or Florida, because the idea of Lex flying down to a state to grab a kid, keeping it a secret for like a month, then randomly showing up with her is awesome to me. Also her accent would stick out in the New Jersey crowds so you’d always know when she was around because of her naturally loud voice.
I’d like to believe Lex gets invited to a Wayne Gala and that’s when she is really introduced.
She’s in some long purple or green dress with like a sweet heart neckline, it’s higher in the front than the back and she’s in some large chunky pumps that makes her stand at about 5’9” or 5’10”.
Now in my cannon, Dick is 5’8” around 24 at this point, Tim is like 5’6” at 15, and Damian is like 12 and 5’2”. Jason is 6’ easy, 6’2” in his boots. (This will all be important later)
So she’s taller than Dick, Tim, and Damian, but has to look up at Bruce (6’) and Jason, but Jason is still ‘dead’.
Jason gets to play guard in the Batman suit at the galas to basically he sits by a window looking in on the whole thing in case something or someone attacks so Bruce can’t be assumed as Batman.
So imagine with me that Clark is at a Wayne Gala, he sees Lex walking in with this younger looking girl on his side. She’s got makeup on she Clark can’t really tell how old she is and Lex walks up to Bruce to be greeted.
Bruce goes “who’s your girlfriend?” Then Lex’s new kid puts her hand on her chest.
“Pardon me, Mr. Wayne, but I am not Mr. Luthor’s ‘girlfriend’. Mr. Luthor adopted me out of the goodness of his heart a month ago and I was interested in attending this Gala because I wholeheartedly support what these charities are about.” She looks distraught, she’s kinda upset, she’s clutching her small purse with white knuckles. “It is very inappropriate for you to make an assumption like that Mr. Wayne.”
Lex is like “Bruce, that’s my daughter, (name to be decided), I adopted her and wanted to keep it on the down low, but she heard about this event and asked to go and I said of course,” after the girl stomps off to the desert table.
Imagine her angrily eating sweets and the whole time Jason is in the comms with Barbara (Dick, Tim, Bruce, Damian, and Cass who are all at the Gala have comms in) just LAUGHING. “Jesus, old man, you really messed up this one! Can’t wait for that public apology!”
So Tim is like “I’m going to go say hi.” Then kinda makes his way over.
“Hello, Im Timothy Drake-Wayne,” he holds out his hand for her to shake but she’s holding a slice of cake on a plate. She kinda shuffles it in her hands and sets it down on a table near her.
“(Name I choose) Luthor. Nice to meet you Mr. Drake-Wayne. I am very pleased to be able to attend a gathering that is striving for the better for animals. I’m very passionate about the topic myself.”
Tim’s like “May I ask your relationship with Lex?” She tells him about how he adopted her and shit. So she probably does this with each of the kids attending but Cass.
Imagine she’s like in the middle of talking to Damian, who is apprehensive toward her in every way, doesn’t even shake her hand, he stands at a distance, stuff like that. She’s talking and goes “I have cats at home, would you like to see a picture?”
Damian nods his head so fast, and she pulls out her phone and holds up a photo of this American Short hair- Siamese mix that is all white with crystal blue eyes. “He’s about 8, I named him Dashing Through the Snow as a kid, but everyone calls him Dash.”
She IMMEDIATELY becomes one of Damian’s favorite people. She also shows him a photo of a little black cat, maybe a year old, which green eyes “his name is Kryptonite, I got him when I moved in with Mr. Luthor.”
Now Clark isn’t listening and he just years “kryptonite” and freaks the fuck out. So he runs to the bathroom and Bruce is like “what happened.” Meanwhile Lex had found a microphone and is like “I have a big announcement to make, everyone!”
Jason is HOWLING with laughter, like “oh this is gonna be good.”
This girl is called to the stage, “every I’d like to introduce you to my daughter, (name), who I adopted last month. I took influence from Bruce’s wonderful job with his kids and couldn’t help myself when I met her.”
Lois Lane turns to where Bruce just was, sees he’s gone. Then she’s already typing the headline, “Bruce Wayne disappears while Lex Luthor introduces newly adopted daughter.”
Im going to make another part to this later, maybe add references and shit.
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Hi I’m gonna be an insufferable prick and explain a bunch of my comic series because uhm. I really like it.
General content warnings: self harm, suicide, drugs, eating disorder, addiction, death, sexual assault, murder, and probably other stuff but those are the specific things I want you to know of.
First off, characters!
Toby: he’s 20, has adhd, homeless, and like. 5’7”? He’s got roughly shoulder length hair and was dating Jesse first and yeah (I’ll get into the polycule stuff later). He does not like going to bars with Jesse because people always treat Jesse like a little kid (and Jesse always pays for him, he feels bad about both things) but he agreed to go to stonewall inn because he’d been hired at a new job that day and Mikey and Jesse wanted to take him out to celebrate. He killed Mikey on accident because he got scared when the fights started breaking out and had a piece of broken glass in his hand as a precaution and Mikey tried to drag him to a back alley so they’d be safe and Toby got scared and shanked him without realizing that it was him. He realized and immediately ran away. (No he didn’t call 911 because fun fact: EMS wasn’t created in the US until 1973 and stonewall happened in 69.)
Jesse: he’s the mc in the comic, he’s 19, has anorexia (if you saw the original drawings yeah I changed it), and had fungal meningitis as a child that resulted in the loss of his right leg, and because any prosthetics that were available at the time were incredibly expensive and he has the balance of a drunken newborn, he’s wheelchair bound (he does always fold his left pant leg because he thinks it’s funny and also it keeps it out of the way). He started dating Mikey first out of him and Toby. He made it to the back alley where Mikey tried to take Toby and ran into Mikey’s body. He was, understandably horrified. While he was still in shock he made his way home (which took roughly an hour and a half) and realized he needed someone to be with him so he went to his friend James’s house and they. Okay so they end up fucking. And it is a pattern that continues. It’s important to the comic plot I promise. But it’s a whole thing and then James eventually goes okay dude this is really bad for you like I think you should actually talk it out yknow and then Jesse just sorta goes oh yeah you’re right and promptly goes home and develops a self harm addiction and he was. Sorta using random bits of metal he found on the ground outside and a guy sees him picking one up and assumes he’s gonna use it to do cocaine and is like yo if you wanna do drugs with other people I’m about to shoot up some heroin if you want some and he just goes yeah sure and yeah anyway he gets aids. And then he finds out and he kills himself via overdose.
Mikey: he’s trans and 18 and he had leukemia and he wanted to be a doctor and yeah I love him he’s my favorite if he lived long enough he would’ve been an EMT but he didn’t because Toby killed him and he doesn’t know it was an accident so he assumed it was a hate crime and he’s understandably pissed about it because he sees it as like fucking hell I was already gonna die young from leukemia but then my fucking boyfriend fucking shanked me and cut me off sooner than I should’ve been. He also narrates the entire comic so any boxes of text are just him talking. He’s like 5’9” and he doesn’t like sex jokes because they embarrass the shit out of him. He’s only actually seen in the last issue of the comic where he’s in the afterlife which is just the back rooms with Jesse and the fight each other and then just end up collapsing in a corner and Mikey starts sobbing because fuck Jesse killed himself and he feels bad that he felt like that and just starts compulsively apologizing and saying he loves him and idk I think that would be the end of the comic. He’s also got a little heterochromia spice because why not
Benji: he’s 23, Italian American, like 5’5”, has hyperosmia, and is a heroin addict (he’s the one that offered to share with Jesse). He’s also married* to Jane and he loves them very much. He started off with smoking cigarettes and it escalated in the order of weed, cocaine, heroin. He started smoking and drinking as a teenager to try to keep his ptsd at bay (he was sexually assaulted by a friend walking home one night), and it’s a combination of the distraction and high that got him addicted (once he started doing coke he stopped drinking because they were both expensive and he didn’t want to spend that much). He has a decent amount of trust issues for obvious reasons, but he would, and on many occasions has, trusted Jane with his life. He was at stonewall celebrating his and Jane’s second wedding anniversary.
Jane: they’re 25, Native American, queer, an alcoholic, and will fuck you up if you hurt someone they’re close to. They’re also 6’1” and have 4 foot long hair. They’re a cashier at the corner store and they know a lot of people because of it. They have a soft spot in their heart for rats because there were so many where they grew up and they kept them as pets. No one knows what sex they were assigned at birth but everyone they’re friends with accepts that this is unimportant. They’re alcoholism didn’t really have a reason to happen, they were just drinking frequently and one day realized it had been almost three months since they were last sober. It took them a while but at the time of the comic they’re two months sober. They are the one that found Jesse’s body.
Lauren: she’s 22, demiromantic, lesbian, Latina, has adhd and auditory processing disorder, and is a smoker. She works at the library with Jesse and they’re besties. Her favorite genre of book is horror because her dad got her into it. Her mother died in childbirth but her father made sure she had everything she needed and as much as he could provide. She’s incredibly close with her father and she makes dinner for them at his house once a week. She dated Cali for a bit before the comic but they broke up roughly two years prior to the start. She is in fact named after her mother because why not. She was not at stonewall initially but she joined in the riots the second day.
Caliope (Cali): she’s 23, asexual, transgender, is dating Alex, and has bipolar disorder. She’s a bartender at the Stonewall Inn and she stayed through all the rioting. She’s decently polite but if you don’t respect her don’t expect her to give you the time of day. She loves her job and her favorite drink to make is an old fashioned but she hates the taste of liquor. She has been known to mix wine and soda occasionally, but mostly drinks the orange juice when she’s working. She’s absolutely the subject of the song Lola by the kinks.
Alexander (Alex): he’s 21, bisexual, transgender and has ocd. He’s in a t4t relationship with Cali. He works at a gas station and actually adores pumping gas for people because he likes the smell. One of his main compulsions is clenching his hands which he developed because of his job. He has motor tics as a comorbidity with his ocd and his neck is in constant pain because of it. The tics piss him off just as much as his compulsions do. He was bringing Cali dinner and got caught up in the riots on the 28. He ended up with a broken arm.
George: 64, autistic, Italian and Irish, has bipolar disorder and chronic pain disorder, owns and runs the corner store. He’s also Adam’s uncle and was his primary caregiver for about 13 years because his wife’s family died in a house fire on Christmas Eve. He was home sick that year so he couldn’t go. He’s a cheery old chap despite the loss, and tried his best to raise Adam right and well. He struggled with alcoholism for a bit before his wife died, but the circumstances of her death made him get his shit together. He feels terrible for the things he did before he got it together and he wishes the people he hurt could understand how sorry he is.
Adam: he’s 47, Hispanic and Italian, gay, has ocd, and helps run the corner store. His mother was George’s sister in law, more specifically his wife’s sister. He has vague memories of his family, but he was 6 when the fire happened. He figured out a cocktail of over the counter drugs that helped to reduce symptoms of his ocd, but the compulsions still come out occasionally, though they’re mostly in the form of obsessing over intrusive thoughts. He’s constantly very worried about hurting people, and the intrusive thoughts do not help at all. He had a pretty good childhood all things considered, but he was mostly isolated by other kids. His favorite part of working at the corner store is restocking because he enjoys the mind numbing quality of the repetitive movements.
James: he’s 20, autistic, aromatic, African American, and Jesse’s best friend ^. He’s decidedly an artist, in a sense that he spends every available waking moment writing, drawing, or baking. He loves poetry and realistic fiction novels, as well as street art and photography. He once spent an entire day working on an amazing drawing just to be horrendously disappointed when he woke up to discover that not only was it a dream, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what he was drawing. He’s a local handyman and enjoys fixing things. He’s a very loving person and he’s been friends with Jesse since they were kids, as they lived next door to each other and were both bullied in school.
And now for the polycule because I feel like it needs it’s own explanation:)
Polycule in general: okay alright so Toby and Jesse started dating in high school then they graduated a bit after and then a couple months later Mikey graduated and he met Jesse at a library and Jesse worked there so they would see each other a lot. So Jesse asks Toby hey would you be cool if I started going out with this guy in addition to going out with you and y’all would be metamors and Toby is like yeah babe that’s chill and so Jesse asks Mikey out and he says yes and they did all the polyamory rigmarole and then dating stuff and then one day Mikey’s like hey I’d really like to meet your boyfriend and Jesse’s like oh alright so they all meet up and Mikey and Toby get along great and they keep hanging out and eventually Mikey and Toby start dating as well so then they’re all three dating and they do cute little three part dates where they draw names for who gets to pick the food who gets to pick a movie and who gets to pick a board game and they love each other so much.
General setting of the comic: Hoboken, NJ, and New York City in late June of 1969, specifically starting on June 28 at around 3:15 am.
*not legally for obvious reasons, but they absolutely consider themselves to be spouses.
^yes yes I did name them after Jesse James
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badomensteablog · 7 months
What about B.B. ?
A lot of people have been requesting me to talk about this person. I will be referring to her as B.B.
A lot of people speculate that B.B. and Noah are together, have been together, or at least have hooked up.
Anonymous said
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In "Mirror Girls" tumblr thread she mentioned B.B. a few times as well.
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On B.B.'s Instagram there are a lot of backstage videos of Bad Omens playing on stage. Older videos from when Noah had longer hair. Videos from Tour of the Concrete Jungle, and even videos from this current tour (Concrete Forever).
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B.B. posted a video on November 8th, 2022 that gained a lot of traction from Bad Omen fans. B.B. was on the tour bus (along with others not seen but can faintly hear) and Noah was sitting across from her. In the video he was showing her his tattoo and he asks him to show her his tooth gem saying "Do your little tooth thingy".
A lot of "fans" attacked B.B. after this video (I'd assume out of jealously) and she turned her account private.
In an Instagram post from November 18th 2022, B.B. is wearing lingerie under a black trench coat (which looks like what Noah wears onstage) and captioned the post "If they knew all of the things we do, they'd hate me more".
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Fans speculate that the trench coat is Noah's. Some saying he was the one taking the photos. Leading more to believe that Noah and B.B. are a thing.
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My personal opinion...
I don't believe they are actually a thing and never have been. Maybe. Maybe not.
I don't think she's just a random fan, definitely not. I believe she knows the band, maybe knows Noah more than the rest, or maybe likes Noah. But I think the reason she gets side stage/backstage and on the tour bus is because someone she knows, knows the band.
I also wanna point out that she's been on sides stage backstage multiple times for other bands as well. A lot of the videos I see she is standing at the sound and lighting booth. Maybe someone shes knows works in sound and lighting.
I believe during the Tour of the Concrete Jungle she was dating someone. I assume the person she was dating is the person who actually knew the band or people that work along with the band.
The photos with her in a trench coat, if it was Noah's, who is 6'3, I feel the coat would be huge on her. I don't know her height but comparing her height with others, she looks like an average female height maybe between 5'7-5’9. Assuming that, I don't believe the trench coat is his. The coat fits her arm length perfectly to the palm.
Unless Noah's trench coat isn't fitted to him and is smaller on him, then I don't believe it's his coat.
He also 100% was not there taking those photos that she posted. Looking at the glass window behind her, it shows only one figure (hers) and the light stand and flash. From the angle she was looking, we would see another figure.
Multiple Anonymous Users have also mentioned that B.B. has a boyfriend and has had the same boyfriend since 2018. So that gives me more of an indication that B.B. and Noah are not dating or messing around. There may have been something long before but we also do not know. I think people just wanna find something in it when there isn't anything.
Obviously this is all just my own person opinion of the situation.
EVERYTHING is just speculation. We have no confirmation from Noah or B.B. or anyone on the Bad Omens team. WE HAVE NO PROOF!
DO NOT go and attack anyone mentioned.
There's your tea ☕️
As always, stay lovely Kings 👑
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justhavetowriteitdown · 7 months
Grad student trained me on a particular test today. So we spent a great deal of bullshit time together as he did the test and showed me the steps because the SOP is crap and I’m looking to ensure that we are no longer a lab of passed down knowledge but actual science. He said something that is sticking in my brain and I’m not okay with it. In what I assume is an attempt to actually become the comic book version of Bucky Barnes (he is 5’9” has the hair, its fucking glorious, the blue eyes,and most of the build) is attempting to loose some weight. Now personally I think the squishy belly is the best part but I’m sure some part of him wants abs. So we chatted about food and such and meal prep and how he’s super strict about his meal prep and recording his calories when he’s trying to loose weight. I mentioned it was always my downfall that I get bored of what I’m eating and he said his girlfriend has the same problem. He then said something that hit me… basically he said without fully finishing the statement that when he’s cooking for them and meal planning for THEM, she’s going to eat what he cooks. Like he’s going to police her food, and assume because he wants her to continue to be a certain size. I will end him if keeps up with that bullshit. Also I hope she knows well enough to dump him.
0 notes
x3rrorx · 7 months
What about B.B. ?
A lot of people have been requesting me to talk about this person. I will be referring to her as B.B.
A lot of people speculate that B.B. and Noah are together, have been together, or at least have hooked up.
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In “Mirror Girls” tumblr thread she mentioned B.B. a few times as well.
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On B.B.‘s Instagram there are a lot of backstage videos of Bad Omens playing on stage. Older videos from when Noah had longer hair. Videos from Tour of the Concrete Jungle, and even videos from this current tour (Concrete Forever).
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B.B. posted a video on November 8th, 2022 that gained a lot of traction from Bad Omen fans. B.B. was in the tour bus (along with others not seen but can faintly hear) and Noah was sitting across from her. In the video he was showing her his tattoo and he asks him to show her his tooth gem saying “Do your little tooth thingy”.
A lot of “fans” attacked B.B. after this video (I’d assume out of jealously) and she turned her account private.
In an Instagram post from November 18th 2022, B.B. is wearing lingerie under a black trench coat (which looks like what Noah wears onstage) and captioned the post “If they knew all of the things we do, they’d hate me more”.
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Fans speculate that the trench coat is Noah’s. Some saying he was the one taking the photos. Leading more to believe that Noah and B.B. are a thing.
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My personal opinion…
I don’t believe they are actually a thing. Maybe. Maybe not. I think there is a possibility that he’s hooked up with her. Maybe. Maybe not.
I don’t think she’s just a random fan, definitely not. I believe she knows the band, maybe knows Noah more than the rest, or maybe likes Noah. But I think the reason she gets side stage/backstage and on the tour bus is because someone she knows, knows the band.
I also wanna point out that she’s been on sides stage/backstage multiple times for other bands as well. A lot of the videos I see she is standing at the sound and lighting booth. Maybe someone shes knows works in sound and lighting.
I believe during the Tour of the Concrete Jungle she was dating someone. I assume the person she was dating is the person who actually knew the band or people that work along with the band.
The photos with her in a trench coat, if it was Noah’s, who is 6’3, I feel the coat would be huge on her. I don’t know her height but comparing her height with others, she looks like an average female height maybe between 5’7-5’9. Assuming that, I don’t believe the trench coat is his. The coat fits her arm length perfectly to the palm. Unless Noah’s trench coat isn’t fitted to him and is smaller on him, then I don’t believe it’s his coat.
He also 100% was not there taking those photos that she posted. Looking at the glass window behind her, it shows only one figure (hers) and the light stand and flash. From the angle she was looking, we would see another figure.
Multiple Anonymous Users have also mentioned that B.B. has a boyfriend and has had the same boyfriend since 2018. So that gives me more of an indication that B.B. and Noah are not dating or messing around. There may have been something long before but we also do not know. I think people just wanna find something in it when there isn’t anything.
Obviously this is all just my own person opinion of the situation.
EVERYTHING is just speculation. We have no confirmation from Noah or B.B. or anyone on the Bad Omens team. WE HAVE NO PROOF!
DO NOT go and attack anyone mentioned.
There’s your tea ☕️
As always, stay lovely Kings 👑
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slowly-writing · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff!Reader
Word count: 745
Request: i saw your one-shot about being short so how about being tall and nat’s daughter and maybe dating wanda??
“OW!” you shout, rubbing your forehead from where you just slammed it into the cupboard.
“You good there Romanoff?” Tony asks, seemingly sweet, but you can hear the laughter in his voice.
“I’m fine, this compound just wasn’t built for people over 5’9. Not all of us can be as short as you, uncle Tony.” “OOOO burn!” Peter yells and Tony rolls his eyes.
“Kid, first off, I’m taller than you. Second, it is too early for you to be that loud,” Tony grumbles into his coffee and Peter shrugs.
“I’m 17. I’m still growing, you’re done. You’ll always be that short old man,” he says before running away, probably a smart move as Tony glares after him, grumbling something about ungrateful children.
“What’s Peter running from?” Wanda asks through a yawn, stumbling into the kitchen and immediately heading to the coffee pot.
“He called Tony old because Tony called him short,” You fill her in and she rolls her eyes.
“It’s too early for this nonsense.”
“Try slamming your head into the cabinet. It’ll wake you up real quick,” you say, drawing Wanda’s attention to the red mark on your forehead. She lets out an exasperated sigh and you smile down at her.
“You’re too tall for your own good, my love. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. And it’s useful for missions and stuff! I can be a lookout!” you try to argue as another voice joins the conversation.
“You mean get us all spotted because you don’t fit in any of our hiding places?” your mom asks and you groan.
“That happened one time and I’ve apologized like 12 times! Plus, I got to punch a bunch of hydra agents and you still got the information. So I’d call it a win win,” you grin triumphantly.
“You better get going, stretch. You’re gonna be late for school,” your mom says and you roll your eyes.
“You’re just saying that cause you know I’m right!” you call over your shoulder as you leave the kitchen.
“Hey string bean!” you hear MJ’s voice and you groan and turn from where you’re leaning against Wanda’s locker.
“I assume you’re talking to me?”
“Hey you responded, so obviously you know it’s an accurate nickname. Not my fault you’re built like a beanstalk,” she retorts and you glare, quickly snatching her phone and holding it over your head.
“Could a beanstalk do this?” you ask and she tries jumping for it, still several inches away.
“Y/n, that’s kinda mean don’t you think?” Wanda asks and you shrug. “Giver her her phone back.” “All she has to do is apologize,” you offer and MJ glares up at you.
"I will not accept defeat. You either win, or you die." Everyone freezes for a moment and you slowly hand her the phone
"All right, calm down, dude. It’s not that deep."
“I won didn’t I?”
“Only because I was afraid you were going to attempt to kill me over a cell phone. Why are short people so angry? Wanda you’re short, is it because y’all can’t reach the top shelf of your lockers?” you ask and your girlfriend rolls her eyes.
“I can reach it just fine,” she says and a red mist surrounds a textbook, gracefully floating it into her hands.
“Alright bad example, Peter!” you call to the boy who’s walking over, “I have a theory that short people are angry because they can’t reach the top shelf of their lockers. Is that true?”
“I’m not angry,” he says, webbing another book and pulling it into his hands, “and no. Not true.”
“Huh, are you just angry because you don’t have any powers?” you ask.
“You don’t have powers either,” she points out, glaring, and you shrug.
“Yeah, but I’m still an avenger. And I’m not short. Maybe it’s a combination of both? You have to be a boring normal person AND short, then you’re automatically angry.”
“Is she always this impossible?” She asks Wanda.
“You have no idea,” the witch responds with a roll of her eyes and you pout.
“I can still hear you ya know!”
“Really? I thought you were too tall. Aren’t you on a different level than us mere mortals?” MJ asks.
“First off, I don’t think Wanda or Peter can be considered ‘mere mortals’ second, stop being mean to me,” you whine, crossing your arms. The three simply laugh, Wanda grabbing your hand and leading you to your next class.
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnightdaily-blog @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
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recklessmark · 3 years
he was the one i wasn't looking for —Nikki Rowe
—2:07am, 3rd december
you’ve just gotten out of work, exhausted. people always said choose the job that makes you happy, and you chose your job for the money. not to sound greedy but you would rather die in a mansion. so it’s not weird when you are waiting at the bus stop at 2am in the morning, a well-paid career requires more than you expected.
“do you have a lighter?”
you looked up from the ground to see a 5’9 man standing in front of you. you observed the stranger’s figures, you’re used to be outside this late so dealing with creeps is not a problem. but to be honest, this man looked handsome, he had something that radiates a childish energy. generally you would say that he’s fine as hell. he had a cigarette between his teeth, which made you assume that he was wanting to light up the cigarette.
you snapped out when he cocked an eyebrow at you, your hand dived in your bag to find the lighter. you do smoke, not regularly but sometimes it helps you relieve stress.
“here you are.”
the corner of his mouth curled up, the light of the small fire made his face brighten up, your heart unintentionally beated faster.
“thank you.”, he gave you back the lighter and then shifted to stand next to you.
“you smoke?”
you heard he asked, blowing the white smoke into the cold air of the snowy season and then it slowly vanished.
“yes, occasionally.”
he nods, “i know when people smoke.”
as if he could read your mind, many people around you do not know the fact that you smoke but a stranger you met 2 minutes ago can know it without you saying anything.
“i think it’s your bus.”
the transport slowly approached you, there’s only one bus active from 12am until the next morning.
“hey, we will meet again.”
the stanger gave you the last sentence before he walked away making you smile slightly. oh, you forgot to ask what his name was.
—5:20pm, 18th december
you almost tripped over while rushing to catch the last bus. you had a survey to do in the downtown, if you missed this bus you couldn’t go back to the city until the next day. fortunately, you were still quick enough to be the last passenger on the bus. while you were finding a seat for yourself, you saw a familiar man, you must have met him before but you’re clearly not a person who has a good memory. however this man is special enough to make that scene quickly flashed back in your mind, he was the stranger you met that day.
“hello, do you mind-?”
“oh hi, it’s you! alright you can sit here.”
the man moved to sit next to the window, left you a seat next to him.
“thank you.” you sit down and continued talking to him.
“did you cut your hair? i didn’t recognize you.”
he chuckles, “even my mom can barely recognize me.”
you don’t know if it’s considered a coincidence when you met him again, you didn’t complain though.
“oh, i forgot to ask you that day, what’s your name, i’m y/n.”
“i’m mark, mark lee.”
when you two had already arrived in the city, mark invited you to have dinner with him and who are you to refuse it? every second being with mark was pure joy, he told you funny stories which gave you a lot of serotonin. he’s definitely the finest man you have ever met in your life, well, you didn’t just fall for a man you only met two times throughout your whole entire lifetime, you didn’t.
“y/n, i think i should tell you this.”
“i’m moving to another town, for working.”
you could’t tell if you were sad, shocked or bitter but it’s complicated what you felt. it’s like somebody stole something from you, a precious thing.
that meant this was probably the last time you could see him. mark was a stranger after all but why did you care about him so much. before you two splitted in your directions, mark suggested to exchange numbers and you did, you genuinely wanted to keep in touch with this guy.
“hey, text me when you get home!”, mark hollered with a wide smile.
—7:54pm, 20th december
you‘d just gotten out of the shower, water running on the strands of your hair and dropping down to the floor. you quickly stepped towards the nightstand to find your phone when you heard the message ringtone.
|7:54pm| mark lee: hi, how are you doing? you didn’t text me :(
you bit your lips as the message popped up on your lockscreen, you almost forgot about mark.
|7:55pm| you: hi, i’ve been being busy lately, i’m so sorry
|7:55pm| mark lee: don’t be, you look prettier when you smile :) and take some rest tho, no need to tuck in those paperwork.
|7:56pm| mark lee: oh but i have something to tell you, i’ll come back to your town, for christmas break. can i take you out for a date on christmas?
you blinked at the text message, feeling butterflies in your stomach. he’s literally asking you out for a date, a date on christmas specifically. you do know some guys have a crush on you but you weren’t ready for commitment but mark, there’s something about this man that makes you want to go for him. you want mark in your life.
you didn’t notice that you were smiling until the screen of your phone went black, reflecting the obvious curl on your lips. you realized you had left mark on read for ages.
|7:59pm| you: sure! text me when you’re back!
|8:00pm| mark lee: okay, goodnight ❤️ *have a nice dream about me :)*
you flopped yourself on your bed, the moonlight dancing on your face. december, always be the best time of the year.
—11:16pm, 24th december
you’re walking along the pathway, it feels like the first time you enjoy your christmas night outside since you spent your time inside the apartment every year. mark is stepping slowly beside you, he gave you his scarf when you two got out of the restaurant, in case you’re getting cold. you inhale a deep breath, the fresh air mixes with the charming cologne of mark lights you up.
“i have something to show you.”
mark stops at his track, turns around to face you. you two are not alone, there are plenty of people walking pass you, some of them are delighted family. you look at him, your hand comes to catch his arm, pulling him to a bench beside the street.
“what is it?”, you ask softly.
you see his hand shoves inside the pocket of his jacket, taking out a small velvet box. you curiously wonder what’s inside when mark hands you the box.
it’s a platinum manacle. it’s curved with a word said ‘serendipity’ on the surface. mark takes the bracelet out of the box, his hand find yours, spreading some warm into your cold hand. and then he put the bracelet on your wrist, the metal sparkles in the darkness.
“gladly it fits you, i made it myself. the curving part was challenging, hopefully it doesn’t look to bad.”, he muses while tracing his thumb along the cuff.
“i love it.”
you words made mark raises his head up as his eyes meet your gaze. you give him a nonchalant smile.
“do you know what ‘serendipity’ means?”
mark asks quietly, his hand plays with your fingers.
“an unexpected luck, i don’t know but there’s one thing i know for certain-“, you intertwine your hand with his, “my serendipity is you, mark lee.”
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