#I also have one in turkish i havent read yet
mushroomjeremy · 1 year
SCP but as Food v1
I was going to make these into warm up sketches to practice drawing food, but feel like sharing. Here are some weird version of a small collection of SCP as food. It's a small mix between anomalies made it to food or just food vaguely based on them.
I'm a sucker for keys so here's the ones useful for this post. If some of these are null squares theres nothing I can do.
How it written:
🤍- Havent written up yet/vague idea
💗- Detailed recipes
👑 - Either the foods is to much food or to many different foods
🔧 - Self Assembly 
🍞- Bakery
🥩 - Grilled
🥣- Soup 
🍨 - Dessert
🍬- Candy
🥗- Salads
🥤- Drink
🥃- Alcohol
🍶- Condiment
🐜- Arthropods/Insects
🥬- Vegetarian 
🍖- Meat
🐟- Fish
🔥- Spicy
🍯- Sweet
🧀 - Cheese
☢ - Blood/raw meat/raw egg/fermentation are an ingredient
🧭 - Exotic aka made of stuff real hard to get or just don't exist (examples being tree syrups not from maples, raw reindeer meat, anomalous item themselves, ect.)
SCP 001 The Scarlet King 🤍 ☢👑
A full table of 3 full seven course meals, one for each law (Blood, Howling, Concrete) Law of Blood food probably has blood, something that make the food offly red like beets, and spicy. Law of Concrete is stuff that just powders or looks like a brick or both. Law of Howling is going to be tricky.
SCP 009 🧭🥤🍯
Red ice cherry slushie
SCP 058 🍖🔥🥩
Spicy grilled beef heart with sauteed onions and red chimichurri sauce
SCP 111 🧭🐜 🔥
Spicy dragon snail escargot
Scp 166 ☢🧭🥗🍖
Reindeer carpaccio salad
SCP 999 💗🍞🍨🍯
Tart layered with jam, whip cream, and orange jello topped with a candied blood orange
SCP 1489 🤍
Mutton fusilli bucati pasta dish with a grey or black coloring to it
SCP 2317 🥤🔧 
Self-brewing cinnamon hazelnut coffee on hot salt (like Turkish coffee)
SCP 2360 🤍🍞🥤
Oil/metal looking doritos, drip, and energy drink (GFuel offbrand)
SCP 3001 💗🍬🥬
Large pomegranate boba pearl encased in a hard candy shell topped with black cherry carmel drizzle
SCP 3301 🍨🔧
Gingerbread house kit that makes a small world map.
SCP 3739  🧀
Mind Milk™ cottage cheese bowl 
SCP Yeah that one ☢🥣🍖🔥🍶
Spicy blood stew with chuck roast topped with white habanero n pineapple hot sauce
A - Spicy veal sausage. A whole big roll of it.
B - Ghost pepper corn chowder
Dr. Bright 🤍
Place holder to show that a food item based off scp 963 isnt the same as a food item based off Jack Bright himself. Thinking something made with whiskey/moonshine or just straight up a whiskey or moonshine… or both honestly.
Dr. Clef 💗🧭🍞
Three colored waffles (one blue, one green, and a barley one) sandwiched between with coconut sugar glaze than topped with thick corn chowder and unnecessary large amount of Corymbia terminalis sap syrup (I have no idea if that sap is even edible/if you can even tap the tree to get enough to make a syrup)
Lady Agora 🤍🍞 🍨
Blood Cornbread Bread Pudding with red colored custard and honey also maybe some herbs/spices/flowers with some magic meanings.
Pangloss 🤍
Little Diy Hotpot
Children of the Scarlet King🥃🍯
Warm red koolaid with alcohol and clumpy jello also candied blood orange and salty foam topping with sour or cinnamon rimming.
Chr*stian Ministries of America🤍 ☢ (I hate censoring stuff but im really not in the mood for the jesus people that dont know this is a fictional group today, be glad I haven't done the vore jesus one yet)
Can Jeremy not place actual blood in a food for once? It’s harder than you’d think. Thinking blood wine… or that weird communion wafer nachos.
Pope Soap Costk Crosstest 🤍 ☢ 🐟
Spicy raw squid with edible foam, also maybe blood sauce dipping and/or apples/whale blubber
I hope someone enjoy reading this cursed cookbook of ideas. I think I got pretty creative and most stuff here is edible with some just needing replacement ingredients for unattainable items... except all the blood recipes that can be made just cook your pasteurized blood correctly for your own sake.
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kedimedi-i · 3 years
damn a bitch about to buy Many comics.....
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zeynepbal · 4 years
Nowadays, I am reading Dispossessed of Ursula K. Le Guin which was one of the presents from one of my Profs from Turkey  whom brought it here when he visited Japan and gave it to me with a note “because you love books I researched a bit and you alumni advised these”. And as a METU graduate I should thank him more and more because he asked METU graduates before choosing me a present since this books smells exactly METU.
I havent finished the book, yet I feel a must inside to mention about it here - I mean this actually is a recommendation for you if you are thinking of what to read. 
Since I am reading the book in Turkish, I am not sure if I am right about the terminology in English (such as continuity vs sequental continuity) since it s been almost 4 or 5 years that I hadnt read some detailed pure “scientific” stuff related with physics after I came to Japan.
However, anyone who have a basic scientific knowledge would understand what I try to mean here.
One of the main subjects and struggles of the book is sequential continiuty and continuity principles. However this cannot be called as a “popular scince” book because it also has a plot. Thus this is one of the books that I find it very joyful to read because it is neither pure science nor pure literature. So I highly advise you to read this book if you both interested in science and literature. 
I sometimes think that it should have been really tiring for the translator to translate this book in Turkish - which is all valid for any language. Because in the beginning of the book in some chapters, there comes this explanation about the difference between the languages of two different worlds which is based on the “serious” differences between the understanding of life of two similar however also highly different cultures. (This is why I also would like to read this book in its own language) (I also feel somehow this book might have affected Murakami while writing 1Q84 altho these two books have nothing in common except the 2 different moons and refering to parallel universes? )
So whatever, what forced me to write this recommendation about this book this early is, finding out that the two different moons or worlds (which depends on from which point you look at) are actually the proof of the two theories as conitiniuty and sequential continiuty should be handles or taken account together instead of seperately.
This book is amazing. I dont want to comment more than this in order not to give a spoiler however if you like physics, calculus, and sometimes biology and chemistry with struggles of ethics, you seriously should read this.
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favatrice · 5 years
2018 year in review 
Rules: answer the questions about 2018 and tag some people!
Tagged by: @pillowprincesslexa & @hedadebnamcarey 💕
Top 5 films you watched in 2018:
oh boi i have the worst memory so i wouldnt even remember what i watched the day before, how do i know what i watched all year. I might even think a 2016 movie was this year djfk
1. Tomb Raider
2. Avengers: Infinity War
3. Müslüm (Turkish movie)
4. Hichki (Indian movie)
5. A Simple Favor
Top 5 TV shows in 2018:
1. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
2. The Haunting of Hill House
3. Supergirl
4. She-Ra
5. Legacies
Top 5 songs of 2018:
im sorry im so bad with music and also i listen to a lot of music in different languages so i'll try to pick only the english ones;
1. Girls Like You - Maroon 5 & Cardi B
2. thank u, next - Ariana Grande
3. God is a woman - Ariana Grande
4. Wanna Be Missed - Hayley Kiyoko
5. Stronger Than Ever - Raleigh Ritchie
Top 5 Books you Read in 2018:
i havent read any books this year.. i think. Well i tried. I read the first few pages of 2 seperate Turkish books, so I'll leave m out fhjsl
Five Good/Positive things that happened to you in 2018
1. i managed to get over a heartbreak and actually learned to put myself first, which helps me not to take shit from people again
2. last month i finally finished all projects i didnt get to finish last year because of a bad time period, already passed 3 out of 4, still awaiting that last assessment
3. i flew to turkey by myself for 2 weeks without telling anyone and surprised my fam over there and it was a beautiful time
4. i managed to keep a job longer than a month for the first time 👀
5. still waiting for the 5th good thing this year.. theres still a few days left
(now before i start tagging, i agree with Kim and want a top 5 games part so im adding it under here. Feel free to delete this part or continue using it:)
Top 5 video games of 2018:
1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2. Detroit: Become Human
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
4. Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
5. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
(theres a few games i dont have yet that would definitely be on the list if i had them)
Tagging: @dixiechicksserious @hedaalicia @that00show @bisexquality @asslan-19 @wahad-itnayn-tisah @clarkegriffintitties @kendrickhier @whenyouplayme @wlw-mess @aurorscully @breathingharmonies @bibecamitchell @eleanor-chidi @goluckydanny and whomever else wants to do this
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luxken · 3 years
unofficially tagged by @gunsatthaphan​ bc im in the mood to overshare so :D!! 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? pink im pretty sure
2. Name a food you never eat. uhh lamb? ig which is annoying bc its everywhere
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm D: the sadness I feel
 4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? damn idk WAIt I was writing a one shot for a tomarry ask meme prompt
 5. What’s your favourite candy bar? either old gold, turkish delight or flake
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yea I used to be mad abt cricket way back when I was pretending to be straight
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? muttering to myself abt how to copy+paste this thing effectively
8. What is your favourite ice cream? vanilla bc im a basic bitch :(
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water bc im a bad bitch :)
10. Do you like your wallet? its cool, its worth more than what I have in there currently lmao
11. What is the last thing you ate? some bacon for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope im broker than the american government
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? probably afl
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? uh,,butter?
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? a friend on snap
16. Ever been camping? DEATH not like real camping ig i mean i went on “camp” for school but it was shite and we slept in cabins so
17. Do you take vitamins? nah i dont have that level of commitment
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? pffft i am godless
19. Do you have a tan? on my arms and legs- the rest? snow white sis
 20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? pizza all the way
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? im too skinny to drink soft drink
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually black bc i need to wear them for school but i have these rlly cool puzzle socks i got from aldi love them
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? im also driver license-less
24. What terrifies you? being str*ight
25. Look to your left, what do you see? a blank wall bitch
26. What chore do you hate most? like all of them
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? fuckin idk man uh nothing
 28. What’s your favourite soda? not even gonna answer
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? cant drive so i walk inside tho the drive thru is preferable if im w mum
30. What’s your favourite number? 6 its so. r o u n d
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my sister telling me to shut up
32. Favorite meat? chicken its so good
33. Last song you listened to? im listening to my honest face by inhaler rn
34. Last book you read? like physical? um, hang on need to check goodreads. fully, the princes’s boy, partially hpatcoc (LMAO IT SAYS PHAT COCK). if u mean fanfic then legit couldnt tell u probs smth abt elu
35. Favorite day of the week?  wednesday its grouse
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? yuh
37. How do you like your coffee? like flat whites myself
38. Favorite pair of shoes? some ratty white converse
39. Time you normally get up? for school around 7-7:30, though regularly around 9
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets bc I dont need to get up early
41. How many blankets on your bed?  one not including my doona
42. Describe your kitchen plates. tf. um multicultural
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. smells like fish
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? legally I cannot say, but illegally I can attest to vodka cruisers even tho they're full of sugar
45. Do you play cards? yuh uno is the SHIT
 46. What color is your car? mum’s car- which’ll be mine when I get my l’s- is red
47. Can you change a tire? pfft no
48. Your favorite state or province? tassie bc they're funky and the air is rlly clean even tho they're incestuous as hell
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i havent had a real job yet :/ gonna apply for coles doe so wish me luck 
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infnthoya · 7 years
got tagged by @chickenyeol​ thank youuu i really enjoy tag games (and i got nothing better to do anyways otl)
Rules: Tag the people, which you want to get to know better. You can mention up to five people
nickname: dont have one (no close friends to call me nicknames) age: thirtytwo  nationality: Turkish  favourite books: i love reading books but i rarely read. my favorite series is The Girl With Dragon Tattoo favourite movies: Stay - Love, Lies - 10 Things I Hate About You i cant remember more tho im sure there are favourite actors/actresses: Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton, Al Pacino, Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hatheway ... favourite animes/cartoons: none favourite disney movies: Tangled, Moana favourite kpop-groups: Infinite, B.A.P, Monsta X, Winner, EXID, BTS, Big Bang, Day6 favourite bands: Linkin Park, Coldplay, Hoobastank... idk its been years since i havent listened to anything other than kpop not becuz they are bad but because im too lazy favourite music genres: 90′s pop, r&b, hip hop, kpop favourite artists/singers: like soloists? Pink, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Drake, Bruno Mars favourite songs: I’m literally too lazy to do that otl top biases: Howon, Hoya, dance machine of Infinite fav photo(s) of your bias(es): everything i tagged as /fave on my blog :D hobbies: reading webtoon, listening to music, walking (tho i barely do it for the past year) favourite drink: Pepsi Max/Coca Cola Zero, Ice tea peach flavor, water, lemonade favourite colors: dark blue but i love almost all colors favourite dishes: Fettucini Pesto, waffles (not really a dish but...), Sweet-sour chicken, anything with potatos  favourite school subject: ive been taking open school classes and im actually surprised how fun Economics is and i also liked Cyber Law (i’d like to get a master’s degree in that but no public school offers that yet) things of your bucket list: There are a few countries that i really wanna see (Singapore, Scandinavian countries, Canada and more), give birth to/adopt a child, get fluent in Korean and learn at least one more language, BECOME RICH! your smartphone model:i Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Are you a smartphone, tablet, or laptop person: I use them all for different purposes so i dont have a specific choice most used social media: Tumblr, Instagram  favourite apps: Vlive lol favourite games : Sims and Roller Coaster Tycoon are my all time fave games. I’m currently playing a game called Design Home on my phone and its too addictive!
@blackpinks @its-merp-universe @autumnlilypetra @vefh @infinitepurity
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All linguasks.
I’m not convinced anyone ever reads these but thank you so much for all the asks whoever you are?!?
1: What is your native language?
English (bloody glad I havent had to learn it as an adult)2: Have you learnt any other languages? If yes, what are they?
I’m pretty fluent in Spanish and I used to know quite a bit of Danish, but I forgot it so now I’m relearning.3: Have you ever read a book in a foreign language?
Yeah I’ve read a couple in spanish including the first Harry Potter4: Did you learn any languages at school? If yes, what were they? 
Yup, just Span5: What is the prettiest language? 
Oh my gosh I don’t know too much about that many languages! Not gonna lie, I quite like french and the french accent. I also really love all the scandinavian ones.6: What is the ugliest language? 
No language is ugly! I struggle a bit with the aggression of German, but at least it makes it quite unique.7: Have you ever made up your own language? 
Not a spoken language, but when I was 10 I made up a quite intricate sign language with my friends so we could communicate across the classroom. I can only remember the sign for toilet at this point.8: What languages do your parents speak? 
Lmao, english and some broken french from school. 9: If you were granted a wish that allowed you to instantly be able to speak any language, which would it be? 
I’d really like to be able to speak Arabic but I’ve never learnt anything that doesn’t use the latin alphabet so it would be nice to just instantly know it!10: Have you ever tried to learn sign language?
I learnt the alphabet in BSL and I know the basics of ASL since I’m hard of hearing and it can help in crowded areas.11: Have you ever watched a movie with subtitles in a different language, or vice versa?
Oh my god I’ve watched so many movies in Spanish!12: Choose a Scandinavian language you’d like to learn. 
I mean, Danish lmao! But besides that Swedish would be nice to learn since then I would understand Ikea better.13. Choose a Slavic (eastern European) language you’d like to learn. 
Polish since I think it would come in the most useful14. Choose an Asian language you’d like to learn. 
Arabic, or if not that then Chinese since I once started it15. French, Spanish, Greek - which is the best? 
How on earth can you compare them?! I’ve got to say Spanish though16. German, Dutch, Italian - which is the best? 
Oh my gosh Dutch I love it!17. Have you ever been embarrassed by a native speaker of the language you are trying to learn? 
Lmao no not yet (I still get embarrassed talking to natives though).18. Name a dead language that you wish to make a come back. 
Okay so I had a long thought about this and despite the fact I once tried to write a whole book using the Old Norse alphabet as a child (yh really, I was that sad.) I’d say Ancient Egyptian. Everyone should use that. Imagine trying to write a resume and just doodling birds and snakes all over the page. Life would be more fun!19. What is your native language / homeland famous for? 
Being stupidly difficult to learn (understandable its a stupid language)/ The Queen; tea and bad teeth.20. What language is overrated? 
I don’t want to get hate?? I mean for me I’ve never understood the hype of learning Japanese when it’s only spoken by a handful of people really and it has so many alphabets?!21. What language do you think is too intimidating to learn? 
For me? Anything language from outside of western europe. I don’t feel like I’d do very well at all!22. What language should more people speak? 
Welsh since their word for microwave is popty ping. I mean, who could have a bad day if they had to use that word?23. What language uses the prettiest alphabet?
I love Arabic and Hindi in particular but honestly all of them?24. What language uses the weirdest alphabet? 
They all look weird if you can’t understand them lmao! Burmese is kind of bizzare though.25. Try to find some foreign currency in your house. Where is it from?
I have a lot of American Dollars I haven’t changed back! Also I know I have a stack of coins from Europe and some Turkish Lira (dont ask)
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