qbebou · 9 months
tubbo is SO cute and sweet with the eggs they all loved him immediately and ramon thinks he’s SO cool and he calls them little squirts and sweetie and kiddos and his little poultry princes princesses kings and queens and he talks to them like they’re kids but not like they’re KIDS idk if that makes any sense??? he’s building a giant speed smelting thing just to make a metric fuck ton of baked potatoes for chayanne and he tried to fix the stuff he had to take from ramon after cucuruchos quest and he’s done chayannes quests even though he says he’s not so good at this whole babysitting thing and it’s so nice seeing chayanne and tallulah playing TOGETHER!!! chay doesn’t get out much but the last few days he’s been hanging with tubbo pretty late at night and he’s so comfortable with him idk i think i wasn’t rlly sure of how tubbo would be with the eggs when he first joined but they all welcomed him into their family with open arms and i think it’s incredibly precious
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snailpool · 2 years
FTM Raph is a headcanon i will hold in my heart forever cause him coming out to his brothers would just be so sweet, like he just sits them all down one day and explains how hes feeling and mikey just 'I have THREE big brothers now?!' Meanwhile leo already has a trans rights shirt on and donnie is already hacking into a doctors office to find out how to get T for his big brother
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I just I really like the thought of Cole picking up Lloyd at the most random of times because He Just Can ™️
Like if they even mention getting a little tired of grocery runs or stuff he picks them up and they ride on his shoulder or something for the rest of the trip.
Backstory is that this translates over from Cole often carrying little Lloyd before the Tomorrow's Tea, but his height and weight didn't change all that much and Cole is the actual Master Of Earth so he just does it whenever. Besides the green ninja is an Actual Bean compares to him so
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holli-flower · 1 year
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something about their newest posts matching up :,)
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mimnghs · 1 year
maddy has a tattoo for every person they ever loved. they're usually of something they associate the person with, like a candle they made for a ex or the person's favorite flower.
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puppyeared · 6 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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petricorah · 2 months
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scenes i loved from Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka <333 [ids in alt]
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toytulini · 1 month
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maskofnova · 2 months
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Hi chat, breaking the sonic chain to post a singular homestuck post because ive been thinking about moirail dynamics a lot. Don't follow me for homestuck though probably because this is the only one thats likely to break containment aside from maybe one other WIP in the future. Or do! I'm not your dad :]
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the-meme-monarch · 9 months
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had a smidgen of a dream about chapter three and needed to illustrate it
if you ship scc please don’t interact w me 👍
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seefasterdraws · 7 months
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captain and the girlssss
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teethkid67 · 4 months
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i always feel bad when i see how the point of a lot of saiki's personality traits flew right over the heads of a lot of fans due to him being an unreliable narrator and a tsundere lol.. so a lot of things he says are immediately proved to be untrue and often just him putting up a front, but some people dont pick up on it..
like i see a lot of "haha saiki would never want to watch a romance movie" guys there is an entire chapter (170) dedicated to him being like "i much prefer mysteries to romance stories.." and then immediately becoming absolutely enamored with a romance story.. he was lying, guys, LMAO
less specific ones include:
"i hate children, they annoy me" *goes out of his way to help kids, comfort them, be kind to them, etc.*
"i only use my powers for self gain/my own convenience." "anyway my mama told me to never use my powers selfishly so i always use them to help people and i try my best not to use them for personal gain<3"
"those guys are so annoying, i would never hang out with them willingly." "yeah it took them about two sentences to convince me to go with them. their thoughts seemed like they really wanted me to go, so i did. i didnt want them to be upset. not that i care about them or anything."
(sorry i post about this kind of thing a lot, i just giggle a lot at how the entire manga is so easily misinterpreted and thousands of people have watched the show but didnt pick up on the main characters most defining character traits and frequent bits.. i think there needs to be a masterlist or something disproving all the extremely common misconceptions about saiki k lol)
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minionsunclee · 3 months
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What an episode, huh
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ohitslen · 5 months
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Twitter doodles!
(close ups for the first one below and a small extra as well :D)
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lucksea · 3 months
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havent decided how i want the introduction to go yet but i imagine it would roughly be one of these two
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