#Hypnosis community
misscammiedawn · 1 month
Legitimacy vs Selection Bias in Hypnosis
This has been on our mind a lot recently. It's mostly been sparked by the recent Mindless Banter podcast run by @theleeallure @enscenic and @hypno-sandwich where the three hosts spoke about how they dislike academic models of hypnosis and a recent post by @h-sleepingirl discussing why they herald hypnotic education.
One thing that is always going to be true about the advocates of our kink who have been involved with the community for a long time is that we are going to be experienced and capable hypnotists and/or hypnotees.
Likewise those who join and find themselves brought in to the fold tend to self-select; if a person is not able to find any success or joy in hypnosis because it's not working or they do not gel with the styles taught and practiced then they will not hang around.
This means that we have a functioning ecosystem of people who know the lingo, who are primed to react as they should and tend to have things work for them.
Which is great! It makes it so much easier to work out when everyone is on the same page.
But it also creates an insular community.
I've written before on why the insular nature of our community worries me.
One of the lines I wrote in that post was this
One of the big differences between the online erotic hypnosis community and the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) who rue our existence is that we do not require legitimacy to function when they themselves exist in a half-truth state where when receiving both of my certifications it was impressed that we needed to perform an uneasy dance of providing services without practicing medicine because hypnotherapy is not licensed psychology in the same was that chiropractors are not performing medicine.
Legitimacy is the idea of taking what we do, what we are, what we believe and what we practice and trying to make it valid to those outside of the community. It's performing studies, it's building a framework of hard rules, it's about pretending that we understand how the brain works beyond the anecdotal evidence that we witness it every day within our corners and communities.
Fact is, hypnosis is a malleable and belief-based practice that rests right in the middle between faith and science. As mentioned in the above linked post, trance can be detected on an EEG:
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Our last post on this topic just spoke about accepting that we exist in a soft science where what we believe, how we approach our beliefs and what ideas we allow to take root in our minds will have a firm impact on how the minds of the hypnotists and hypnotees we interact with.
Today I want to talk about why keeping the education and the science involved in the conversation is important.
Because, like the Mindless Banter crew, I have reached the point of my career in hypnoplay where should Dawn wish to induce a trance she need only find a partner, lay out what will happen and perform. The rest of it just happens.
Once you reach a level of confidence and community, it pretty much takes care of itself. The interaction between a hypnotist and a person who has never experienced trance before and the interaction between a hypnotist and an enthusiast will play out differently.
What I mean by this is if Dawn is approached in DM by someone who wants a session she will be able to pick up a number of tells without even noticing it on their confidence and experience. Someone shy, unsure and untrained will not dive straight in. Which makes the encounter less likely and even if it does happen it comes from the power dynamic of a teacher and student rather than two enthusiasts going to town.
This is normal and it's not a bad thing. It just means that the typical educator in the hypnokink community is typically aware of the "weight class" of their hypnotees which paints their expectations of how things will go and allows for a line between the way hypnosis is taught in 101 and how it is practiced in enthusiast circles.
It's why Progressive Muscle Relaxation is something which gets scoffed at a lot in our circles. The typical enthusiast does not need to spend 20 minutes on an induction when their typical partner is someone they can hold the shoulders of, stare at with intent and give permission for the hypnotee to drop.
That isn't to say that experienced hypnotists only play with experienced hypnotees. It just means that the majority of the play from those who educate does not match the material that we teach to beginners. Not a bad thing.
But it does breed this divide I mentioned. Between the experience of those who do this all the time and what is "academic".
So, besides helping new people into the community or playing in pure theoretical space, why must we keep the academic approach involved?
Well, first... the science does inform what we do. Yes, a lot of this is based on belief but there is a large amount of the science which is just fact no matter what we do. The neuroplasticity of traumatized brains is a topic we type about a lot given our dissociative disorder. I mentioned in my Dissociative Disorders and Hypnosis post that there are multiple studies that there's a higher hypnotic suggestibility in those with conditions that include dissociation as a symptom. The fact that this was being taught in a 101 class was why I made that post to begin with.
From my Mind Makes It Real post I mentioned that we need to be aware of the truths to keep ourselves in check. We should always be wondering "am I wrong?" about everything and the moment one lets go of the academic framework and commits to the loose ethos of "it just works" you lose a little bit of that footing and external perspective. We're an insular community and there's an element of "the popular ideas win out", not to stress a point too much but the whole hatred of the progressive muscle relaxation induction is a good example of this. I know a few community leaders who reflexively rant any time they hear it. These people have the ability to control the con schedule. They teach classes and part of their lesson is their personal disdain for that approach. This goes into the minds of those who were taught by that person and becomes part of the internal dogma. Suddenly you have a situation where a minority of people in the community need to defend the PMR.
I do not actually care too much about PMR but it really is one of the most accessible entry level trances and the disdain for it is a little gatekeepy, if I am being honest. I don't think any individual means for it to be something they keep out of the community but enough individuals following a trend creates a community concept, a widely held belief.
And hypnosis is entirely about widely held beliefs. Thus it is now a fact that PMR is boring and ineffective and there's more fun ways to do trance. That is an example, hopefully one that is understandable to an audience who are also into hypnokink (apologies to my non-hypnosis Tumblr followers, I hope if you're reading this you enjoy this peak into a little internet sub-culture).
Which brings me to legitimacy.
Do we really need it?
Hypnosis is both science and fantasy. A person attending a hypnokink convention could treat hypnosis with the technical skill and care that one would approach as ropeplay, learning all of the different terms and all of the safety procedures and treating it as a psychological version of what can be physically observed.
But you may also have someone who treats hypnosis as roleplay and improv with a framework not too dissimilar from a tabletop sourcebook for D/s shenanigans that they can learn and play within much the same as a D&D player can switch to World of Darkness. I guarantee there are a large number of people in the hypnosis community who do this and they're not wrong for doing it.
But as I mentioned above. Hypnosis is a scientifically observable phenomenon and it is dangerous if abused. Heaven knows I know that more than most. One must not believe in the dangers for them to be real. An immature hypnotist is a danger to a hypnotee regardless of if they think they are roleplaying or performing edgeplay. And the same is true for a hypnotee, too. If one believes it's all roleplay then their limits and safety will be at a different level than someone who is aware of the risks.
One need only look to the dark corners of our community where covert hypnosis is practiced eagerly, recruitment is a game and personality erasure is an aesthetic to know that there are uncomfortably large swaths who are practicing hypnosis from the perspective of fantasy. I do not want to pull out the news articles about how Disney Deer brainwashing ruined people's lives again.
The good news is that within the educator/convention going portion of the community we do teach this stuff. We do make everything clear. We're not currently in a community where academic approaches are shrugged off.
But it makes me uncomfortable when experienced educators in the community forget how far their words reach and dismiss the academic for the sake of "what works".
We do not need to seek legitimacy for the eyes of those outside of the community. We do not Demand To Be Taken Seriously. We have a community where people are welcome to join or not join. We do not need external legitimacy.
But we need internal legitimacy.
We need the people who practice within our care to know that they're practicing with dangerous tools that can and will mess a person up if treated without proper care.
Safety and education require we keep room for the academic and seek to legitimize what we do or those who look at hypnosis as pure fantasy will not be able to recognize the risk.
At least, that's my opinion.
For more of our ramblings on hypnosis and the hypnosis community, please check out our Hypnokink Writing tag for other bits of education and commentary like this <3
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spiraling-eyes · 3 months
Ah, I see you've been looking at our VR helmets. Might I say you have excellent taste?
These are our newest models. The helmet is equipped with a fantastic LCD display - with high resolution of course - and has built-in speakers, which is fairly uncommon. They fully encase your head, eliminating outside distractions. That way, dear customer, you can fully focus on what's happening on the inside. The straps allow for a very comfortable fit, making sure that the helmet fits just right without it feeling confining - the perfect fit if you will.
Of course we allow our costumers to try them on for a bit! People take new cars out for a test drive, so why wouldn't we allow the same for wonderful products like these. I know it must sound like I'm talking a big game here, but I assure you'll agree with me soon enough. Allow me to help you get settled in just right, making sure the helmet covers your face entirely.
Don't worry about the graphics and beats for now, the system is just calibrating to fit your personal needs and desires. It's easy to just let it happen, and take it all in. All of this was made to provide you with the utmost pleasurable gaming experience. Just relax, dear customer, immerse yourself into the spiral, let the beats take hold. The pressure is just right, yes? The softly pulsing colours soothe your mind in such a pleasant way, correct? The beats make you feel as if your muscles are just melting, right?
Ah yes, some customers do experience feeling a bit weak in the body while calibrating their headset. Not a problem, we offer a lot of products designed to enhance the relaxing experience. Let me guide you to one of our most comfortable chairs. That's right, just sink into it. Let the calibrating do its job. Fully embrace the tranquillity we offer here. It's so easy to just give in.
Now, I do think - judging from the little trail of drool escaping from the bottom of the helmet - that I've been able to put your mind at rest, dear customer. Oh, the controllers? My, of course, how foolish of me! Here, I'll let you play with mine. Be careful with it though, it's sensitive.
I take it we have a deal? You have such excellent taste, after all.
This story was inspired by a neat chat I had with @blissful23. Give them a follow, would you?
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A Drunk Texan Stole My Identity.
I've had this blog since 2017. In those 6 years, I have been consistently active, sometimes more than others, depending on IRL factors, but in December I lost my Dad. To say that this was devastating would be an understatement. I made posts on my social media channels that I would not be active for awhile, because there was no way I could juggle things in my online life with the needs of my offline life.
The majority of people in the hypnokink community have been wonderful during this time. I received a handful of kind messages that really meant a lot. I would be remiss if I didn’t also highlight the kindness of a lot of the fetish models, I’ve worked with who reached out. They got hired for a job and could have left it at that, but many of them took time out of their busy lives to reach out. They’re great people.
And that brings me to the drunk Texan who I’ll just refer to as “James”. Although part of me wants to blast his full name all over the internet, I’m not. James decided to use my bereavement leave as an opportunity to impersonate me on Tumblr. He used the “Hedge Hypnotist” name, posted my content and claimed it was his own, and messaged people pretending to be me in attempts to hypnotize them. James has also stolen content from @qu1etdroprop (who is awesome and makes fantastic content). I’ve also been contacted by another producer who informed me that James has been pirating their content, which is not only illegal but a deplorable thing to do considering the amount of effort goes into making Hypnokink content, especially at a time when Hypnokink content is under attack.
James is a moron. While you might be thinking that he just does not know any better, let me tell you that James is in his 30s and has a kid. James knows better than to do this. His smug smile during his over a decades worth of mugshots and excuses when confronted about all of this (as seen below) lead me to think that he’s a narcissist who uses mental gymnastics to relieve himself from any shame or accountability for his actions.
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Originally, I confronted James and was just going to leave it at that. There is a steep learning curve when entering the online hypnosis community and no definitive structures to educate or prepare people. Almost everyone makes mistakes in this community and, in most cases, I think they should be used as lessons to move forward in the future. This is not one of those cases. Identity theft is far outside from the typical learning curves within the Hypnosis Community and, as I’ve heard from more and more people about the interactions with James while he has been pretending to be me, letting him off with a warning is beneath the threshold of what his actions warrant.
If you interacted with James while he was pretending to be me, please let me know. The more I hear the more I’m considering legal action (something I’m becoming more and more well versed in due to insane people on the internet). If you've been wronged by him and want more information, I will be happy to give you more information.
I would advise against interacting with him. There is something wrong with him. He does not have any concept of how to operate on the internet, let alone within the hypnokink community, or even behind the wheel of a car for that matter. If his conduct online and his decade worth of mugshots are any indication, I feel incredibly bad for (as he referred to her) his “crazy latina ex”.
Here are some of his current accounts. I have no doubt that there are more and that he’ll change screen names in the near future. Please keep an eye open.
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Usernames: DreamyDominant91#7395 SleepDoctor91 MasterKaa91 James Kay (Not his real last name) [email protected] Hypno Dream Master hypno-dreammaster
Also a huge THANK YOU to @pruning-the-minds-garden for helping to get the word out about this.
Apologies to all the awesome Texans in the world. Sorry you share a geographic region with this guy.
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kittyplanchett3 · 17 days
it's wild how well abusers learn from red flags as they become more established, recognized, and used as screeners by people looking for play partners.
has anyone else noticed how abusers and apologists have replaced "they're crazy" with:
- they're looking for a payday
- they're an attention whore
- they're a clout chaser
- they're delusional
been following the comment sections of different stories relating to abuse allegations to see what the abuser/their apologists are saying in response to allegations.
after seeing those phrases repeatedly come up in cases where abuse was disclosed i consider any of the above just as much a red flag as "crazy" when people are chatting about any exes, coworkers, or friends who have made allegations of abuse or mistreatment against them.
posting cuz it might help someone screen potential play partners or for screening related to content collabs <3
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arihi · 2 years
I do genuinely miss the hypnosis community being largely on Tumblr, or at least one location. The tendency to have a discord for everything means that it’s just a lot of smaller groups in servers that might not always be advertised/accessible all the time, with the larger one requiring verification that isn’t always comfortable to give for people wanting any privacy. Not to mention they won’t even allow you to verify through your OF platform if you’re a sex worker, and OF requires much stringent actual verification. It’s just a ‘trust us, we’ll delete immediately after, I’m a Discord Mod’. Which means nothing.
Anyway! I miss a general community hub, instead of several rooms that may or may not overlap, with questionable ‘security measures’.
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bloofbloofbloof · 7 months
One good thing that came out of not interacting with the hypnosis community was people trying to dm me about relationship advice, cause to them hypnosis is something you do with your partner and not , you know, a tool.
Like I’ve been single for who knows how long and all i draw is a dumb science man and bunnies? Why you asking me.
My love guru advice is dump them and buy some rats.
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dommesissy · 2 months
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Come and worship your goodesss
Seeking for a submissive male or hypnosis
Inbox me on to serve your mistresss and collaborate and wear my collar
Telegram: domdelilah
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secret-subject · 9 months
How does it feel like to be hypnotized?
I find this question to be a hard one to answer. Loaded with subjection and people get very hung up on the details sometimes. It's funny because everyone experiences it differently, we know this. Everyone is different and responds to different things and ways to play with hypnosis. But what I also find interesting is how trance can feel different:
With different people
On different days
At different times
Let me explain.
So lately I've gotten back into listening to files, (recs later if you ask nicely) because after getting on medication for depression back in 2019 it felt weird to be hypnotized myself and I didn't really need it as much as I had previously. Now I've been off those meds for a long time and am now on stuff for my adhd instead so I thought I would give it another try and, it feels very different. Pre-2019 trance for me felt like a mixture of "blacking out" and "being really drunk", everything got really hazy and I would just sort of fade into the void. I've had experiences which felt more like an out of body situation. I dissociated so hard I just wasn't in there anymore for a little while, I had others that were just light and I could easily come up at anytime and chose not to. Because of my general training I was very easy, super suggestible and with the right people a lot of fun apparently. It has never been super consistent and it took years of dedicated practice to be like this. I think a lot of the time when people would see me hypnotized before people would assume that's just how I am, but I've been doing this stuff for years to get any result. Especially in skills like amnesia, body catelepsy, and even getting thoughts out of my brain and basic in and out of trance, getting "deeper" each time. But coming back with a proper diagnosis on my neurodivergence and the right meds changed the feelings I used to have ans has evolved them.
So right now, I've noticed a few things. The trance is less consistent and this is good? It's good because it tells me that well the conditioning is now less "overall brain is getting more sticky" like it would before and now "brain is very much more sticky but only for the ones who put work in or who I listen to a lot". I have a bit of a voice thing and I'm very picky so this works out when now adays I tend to also listen to my hypnosis creators friends work, it's easier and it could also be a rapport thing. I know them so I know that I can trust them to be safe and also I know I can back out when I need to. I've also worked a TON on subject agency since when I was younger I was very much a pushover when it came to hypnosis. Being a dominant full time now for the last three years after my switch era helped with this. I've gotten very good at saying no and highly recommend this is a skill we all learn, even though it can be a hard one to get started with. So yes, I know I can wake up any time (with most people) but I just don't want to. So when I'm listening to files I now notice the different people feel different. Some I find more relaxing, others I find more of that focus depending on what they say and how targeted the audio seems to be at me and my brains working mechanisms. If you tell me to "focus" and "listen" it's like a switch goes off in my brain and I'm there, versus a more permissive, relaxing vibe which tends to take more time to really get to me. This also changes on a day to day basis, but I think it's like compounding conditioning that clearly is building over time with practicing and training to certain voices.
The feeling started as what is very similar to my hyperfocus mode I go into on the daily with my adhd. It's intensely focused to the point where nothing else matters, and sometimes my eyes don't close on their own and almost wait to be told to "drop" or to close them on instinct. I'm very bad at relaxing into trance. I now notice my body flopping (being so relaxed I just flop over somewhere) a bit like it used to but not all the time. Sometimes this feeling is more like I'm frozen in place. I've even dropped into trance holding my phone lately and when I woke up i was still holding it in perfect place or practiced sitting up in trance, it's like a freeze trigger no one had to impliment. I've learned I can be just as "deep" of not "deeper" with my eyes open and in a sort of mid/waking trance state. I also noticed sometimes my eyes do still roll, so that's kind of cute.
Yesterday, I had a really intense trance experience, probably the most intense I've ever had in 12 years of doing this. It was literally seconds of it, the words happened and they hit me, my eyes were open the whole time but super blurred and I couldn't see anything clearly. I just sat there but it literally felt like a giant wave of pressure hit me and I was just in it. This insanely incredible force washed through me and I just went down so fast I didn't have time to think about it and it was just a couple words. It was like being just frozen in time with the pressure encapsulating you and it wouldn't let go. Normally I would have forgotten this (because my memory play is very well trained and I have a brain like a sieve because adhd) but I could remember it clearly, the feeling I mean, the stuff outside of how I felt is very blurry. I don't know or am able to remember what was said to do it, it just was and that was very interesting to know that in my years of doing hypnosis from both sides, that these feelings are still evolving for me.
Anyway, what does trance feel like for you? Does it change for you? And what kind of practice are you doing to get those feelings? I'd love to hear from people!
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arihi · 2 years
Return of the Recaps (Beguiled 2022)
Oh man, I forgot con recaps were even a thing until Spider was like ‘I’m thinking of writing a con recap’ and that memory was unlocked for me. It’s been a while, okay!! I’m not even sure if I properly did one for the last Charmed 2020 that I attended, either.
This isn’t going to be a very structured post - imagine I’m saying all of this super fast gasping for air in between, like a train of thought. My internal monologue is apparently just gibberish with occasional circus music, so it makes it hard to write things in a non-train of thought manner. And, it wasn’t a very structured con for me. Back when I attended classes more often and went to specific events on days, it was easier, but this con I just went with the vibes, which I’m more and more certain is the best way to do it. (I even wrote a post about it that’s only a little outdated! Spider is now found at @it-me-spider.) My point is the same there - flexibility is your most vital skill at cons. Spider and I had three scenes planned, and only one of them actually went through - and it involved a lot navigating/an impromptu craft project. I almost love that they didn’t go according to plan? Not that they didn’t happen, but I treasure that we were able to be flexible and sort things out. Something I tell Spider often when she gets a work call while we’re together, is that it’s an adventure.
The vibes of the people at the con were good. I was able to catch up with so many old friends, get to chat in more depth with those I’d only met in passing in the past, and meet at least a few new people! It was a very social con for me, and that’s what I needed after so long without one. It was a perfect amount of social and low-key, in that there weren’t as many crowded dinners or room parties or con areas, so that I felt socialized but rarely overwhelmed. I think I may put a hard cap on people for future meals at future cons.
Which wasn’t to say I was never overwhelmed. Spider and I had daily, sometimes twice a day debrief/decompression times in our room alone, which I’m just going to have a rule for going forward because it was SO helpful. Sometimes I wouldn’t realize that I needed a breather until we were already in the room. There were a few snags and negative spirals, as emotions run high at cons and there are high highs and low lows, but we navigated them together and are all the more stronger for it.
I got to show Spider off to everyone I could. There was a list of people I wanted her to meet and we got to meet most everyone who was attending. She’s amazing, and so good at socializing I’m low-key worried she’ll get along with my friends better than I do! But that makes me so so so happy. All this time I’ve told her about the side of cons that I’ve experienced, and how great they were for me, and this past weekend I was able to show her a few snapshots of that, I hope. She was very happy to socialize and would make plans for doing so, and pushed me to be a better version of myself, and I saw her shine so brightly at this con. I love her.
Most of why I attend cons nowadays is for the people, but I do still have to shout out that most of the concom was amazing, and I saw how hard they worked during the con. I attended the concom feedback hour on Sunday, and most of them were very receptive to feedback. If I could add more feedback here, it’d be for someone not to play a weird trick question about consent and then joke that we probably didn’t understand what it was, since that was fucking weird and inappropriate. I acknowledge it must’ve been a huge struggle to organize the con during these hectic times, and with fewer actual capable hands on board.
Most of how I’ve changed in the past 2.5 years is lower reserves of energy, and lower tolerance for bullshit. I’m more selective with my time because I can be, and because I deserve that for myself. I went to the Beguiled literally the week that I moved out of home, so emotions were complicated - and this Beguiled carried a much different energy for me, a more confident and comfortable me. I let myself enjoy things and people I wanted to enjoy, and I made my voice known when things didn’t feel right. @tennfan2 snuck in one of the kindest things I’ve ever been told, right at the end of Sunday night - that after everything I’ve been through, it was refreshing to see me become a more awesome version of myself. And I feel like I have - in no small part due to particular friends and followers who have followed and supported my journey.
As a last bit of con magic, 15 minutes before we were supposed to board, @daja-the-hypnokitten and @spiralturquoise happened to be near our gate, and we were able to say our last goodbyes. A great close out to our trip.
Until next time, my friends.
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Hey, so... this is not usually what I come here for, but I'm asking because I'm curious.
I just got a student loan bill in, and it's insane. Life is getting harder to live, and bills are starting to pile on my back, both medical, student, and otherwise.
Would there be anyone willing to pay me to write for them? Whether that be hypnosis scripts, detailing my experiences with self-brainwashing, hypnotic fiction, etc. I have examples here and unposted ones that might pique interests. But honestly, I do just need the money. Obviously there are things I will and won't write but those are all mostly in my pinned.
If not, that is completely understandable, but for all my efforts, things just aren't adding up number wise, and I don't want to drop out of college. If anyone at ALL is interested, please let me know via DMs and I can get back to you ASAP!
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dommesissy · 2 months
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Come and worship your goddess
This mistress is seeking for a submissive male or hypnosis
Inbox me on
Telegram: domdelilah
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peacchyyyy · 5 months
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Hoe hoe hoe... Be a good Boy and reblog this pic, I have a christmas gift for you 🤪
Santa told me I wont get any gifts, because Im on the naughty list, so I guess my reward will be making your cocks hard 🥺
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sillydumbdoll · 2 months
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All barbie dolls should come with multiple bimbo outfits to dress them up in! 🩷
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lavlizzy · 2 months
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bubbles 🫧
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beckyts · 3 months
Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.
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